Apple Inc. v. Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. et al

Filing 561

Declaration in Support of #559 Declaration in Support, filed byApple Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 3.02, #2 Exhibit 3.03, #3 Exhibit 3.04, #4 Exhibit 3.05, #5 Exhibit 3.06, #6 Exhibit 3.07, #7 Exhibit 3.08, #8 Exhibit 3.09, #9 Exhibit 3.10, #10 Exhibit 3.11, #11 Exhibit 3.12, #12 Exhibit 3.13, #13 Exhibit 3.14, #14 Exhibit 3.15, #15 Exhibit 3.16, #16 Exhibit 3,17, #17 Exhibit 3.18, #18 Exhibit 3.19, #19 Exhibit 3.20, #20 Exhibit 3.21, #21 Exhibit 3.22, #22 Exhibit 3.23, #23 Exhibit 3.24)(Related document(s) #559 ) (Jacobs, Michael) (Filed on 12/29/2011)

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EXHIBIT 3.15 . initiated by a touch on the surface. oetween the arrival ož the echo and transmission of the the The time intervals beginning of the source signal, measured in two direc- tions as shown Fig. 2.3 give the information on the position of the object. The touch sensor shown Fig. 2.3, developed by T.S.D Limited (ref 2.4], actually provides outputs of x+y and 2y enabling the derivation of x and y where x and y are the distance horizontally from .a vertical edge and verti- cally from a horizontal edge respectively. Video Technique: The video approach to the touch input device uses a T.V camera to is placed. scan a translucent plate on which the finger tip The signal from the TV camera is then processed to obtain one bit of information per pixel. Using a pro- grammable threshold voltage, one bit per pixel is to determine the plate. obtained the shape of a 2-D projection of an object on The data resulting from this process are stored in a memory to which access by a dedicated processor is allowed. This processor implements further processes such as determining non-zero locations in the memory (that is, the position of the object) and identifying shapes (groupíng the pixels for an object). Nimish Metha presented such a system [ref 2.5) whose basic configuration is shown in Fig. 2.4. Capacitive: 2-5 APLNDC00026340 CURVED GLASS SCREEN ACTivE AREA PIEZOELECTRIC TRANSDucERS RECEtVER -- - -3 CONTROL LINES PARALLEL OUTPUT X-Y POSITIONS PARALLEL OUTPUT) TIMING OtGITAL CONTROLLER ECHO OUTI SERIAL OUTPUT I \· \ \ POWER L..-OP1tONAL TIMING PtEZOELECTRIC TRANSDUCERS TRANSMITTER Fig. 2.) Block Diagram of Touch Screen Digitizer APLNDC00026341 att Eitt AT t(i Y sirit 11 . 'KL YtinAhll' AkiA I \. \ \ \ \ / I / / / / TV CAMENA un iPUT lit.V itt il Ni i COMPUTER Fig. 2,4 Video System for Touch Tablet APLNDC00026342 Capacitive sensors are such as used in various single touch switches and touch tablets. Two kinds of touch tablet using capacitive sensors here. applications The be examined one developed by TASA (ref 2.6) shown in Fig 2.5 measures the capacitance between covered will by the plate and the area the touch. This measured datum is then compared with a previous reading stored in a shift register. In order to reduce the size of the shift register, a tablet is divided into many sub-regions in which the position touch is uniquely located. the . One· such sub-region is much larger than the maximum size of a avoid of single touch so as to an overflow. TASA utilizes the sensor to detect rela- tive movements of a.finger rather than its absolute posi- tion. Another capacitance tablet developed by Sasaki, kow and others at the University of Toronto (ref 2.8] uses sensors for the rows and columns which shown in Fedor- Fig 2.6. are interleaved as It uses analog multiplexors to select a row or a column sensor. In order to find the capacitance of a row or a column, it counts the time to charge up the capa- citive sensor. the Because the capacitance of the sensors on tablet without a touch is not constant, and the capaci- tance change produced by a touch is pared to the capacitance relatively small com- of the surroundings, the system uses a neasure of the initial capacitances of the sensors without touch ) ( whose values are stored in the memory.for 2-6 APLNDC00026343 The couch point is determined by finding ereancemaximum difference a sec values (current value less the reference value) for the rows and columns. 2.3 SHORTCOMINGS OF EKISTING DEVICES The scanning properties of the devices described in the previous section can be distinguished depending on their position, pressure and multiple touch sensing All the devices or capabilities. transducers referenced are capable of locating the position of a touch, with a resolution which is characteristic of each device. Only capacitive sensors and the MIT resistive sensor provide pressure of touch whereas the video system and the MIT tesistive sensor give a multiple touch capability. Projective sensors, that is, all of the sensors duced intro- in the previous section except the video system and the HIT high resolution resistive sensor, cannot detect multiple touches without ambiguity since the detection of touchby two horizontal and two vertical sensors can be inter- preted in seven possible ways as shown in Fig, 2.7. In general, the missing data may be retrieved by intro- ducing more axes, as is done in a tomographic imaging system. Using this scheme, if the upper limit of the number of touch points is tWor the introduction of one more axis 2-7 APLNDC00026344 .L herial In Shift 2egister (Previous) Pattern Comparison Motion Detection Parallel Load Shift Register (Present) Etc Etc Touch Surface Sensor Touch Jensitive Circuitry Down Count Up Count Finger not Moving Finger Moving U Finger Loving Down Fig. 2.5 Block and Time Diagram of TASA Touch Tablet APLNDC00026345 I SENSORS COLUMN SEliSORS Fig. 2.6 Capacitive Sensor Configuration of the U of T Touch Tablet 5 APLNDC00026346 ciearly òistinguishes at least two points as shown in to the number to an of touches is not assumed. which the number of touches is more than two (c) anò Fig 2,7. .At least two additional axes are required istinguish two points without ambiguity if limit (a) (g) in Fig. 2,7, are upper Cases in shown in But as soon as the number of axes is increased, the attraction of any scheme of 2-d projection diminishes .because the cost of implementation rises greatly. For example the.capacitive tablet may mentable an unimple- number of wire layers whereas introduction.of sen- sors and sources extremely require for diffidult. IR and Moreover Ultrasound schemes may be as the number of the touch points increase, additional axes do not help in resolving . basic shortcoming a of the sensor from which only on and off information is available. This is the existence..of a region for which identification of points inside is not possible as shown Fig. 2.8. The video technique seems to solve all the problems embedded in all of the "projective sensor" systems.including. pressure if corresponds "area of -touch" by a to the pressure. compressible finger But a video system is quite bulky due to the optical enclosure and it is slow because it has to access the data stored in memory by the camera pro- cessing unit. The maximum speed is limited by the scan rate of the camera(30 per second) even though this maximum can be achieved only by pipelining all the processes required. 2-8 APLNDC00026347 (¿.) Éetection of touch by row sensors (c), (b) :.nd colue:n sensors (c), (d) can be .interpreted in 7 possible a ye (b) r.s shown below. I (c) (d) A e C D I E F ig. 2.7 i ossible sets of points whose e::istenev :.: y 40 implied by two sensors on both row r na coluran. APLNDC00026348 Fig. 2.8 Concave touch points that block the points inside. Any point or g,roup of points within the shaded region cannot be identified by any number of projections. APLNDC00026349 AGES TO THE PROBLENS Dae concludes from the previous discussion that ing systens and devices òo not provide an appropriate means to reach our goal. sor exist- is The major problem of the projective sen- generally the ambiguity on multiple points, As a solution to this problemt multiple axes are required. however, This increases the cost as well .as the number of points to be scanned. guity within Furthermore it cannot regions of reasonable number of axis. eliminate the ambi- "concave touch points" using any On this basis, all projective methods must be discarded. One idea of some significance that can be introduced is to avoid scanning all the pixels in the tablet which contain no information. For example, scanning all 2048 points of a tablet having a resolution 64 by 32 for fewer than 10 points is really quite a ridiculous number of approach. In fact, if the the points to be searched is comparably small, then an improved algorithm, here called binary scanning, can be used. .It is described as follows. Consider a plane of a tablet with resolution 8 by 8 be searched for a to touch point as shown in the Fig. 2.9. First, check the tablet for touch as a whole region as shown by the area ABCD in the figure. If touch is detected, divide the tablet into two equal regions shown by the line EF and check each of the two regions ABEF anã EFCD žor toucheòness. 2-9 APLNDC00026350 region, region EFCD c:t © in this case, and coucha two equal regions as shown by the divisi.on enis into Continue this PEO~ aavido the touched regio • Isac Ug, select arther division is Possible, that is, until a cess until designated as the region PKNO in gig. 2.9, 16 "gg sensorThe figure also shows the sequence of suodivisi reached• eration. Rote details Of.this algo in the binary scanning CP githm are given in chapter 4. Using this algor tablet e aon 6a4 bhy- 3 r gneires tntentyn a having scanning times: 2*1092(64*32)=22 el dn p e1 s a 9 Une o Bethe time that it would take to detect one touch if all pixels are scanned one by one linearly is 64*32 N=-----=186. 22 This shows immediately that the binar he nanm eDr Ofmethond is much a Pacior to linear scanning be scanned is fewer than 186. 2-10 APLNDC00026351 s s (1) N t ‡x L c (2) Fig. 2.9 Binary scanning operation. (n)-Sequence of subdivision in binary operation. APLNDC00026352 -ror example the speed gain.over cae nu linear scanning when i of points is ten is 64*32 -----=9.3 22*10 That is, for 10 points binary scanning is - about 9,3 times faster than linear scanning. Now compare such a 64*32 binary scanning tablet with a 2-d projective touch tablet such as used in the HP Personal Computer Input Screen, or with the capacitive single touch tablet with 64 by 32 resolution. In each case the speed gain for detection of a single touch is - 64+32 22 -4.36 or a'oout 4.3. That is, the binary scanning tablet is tially 4.3 poten- times žaster than one žor which only sequential scan is possible. Even if the binary scanning algorithm is applied to the projective tablet, the speed for the projective tablet will not exceed the speed of the 2-d image tablet. The scanning time for a projective tablet having the same resolution is found as follows; Since there are 64 + 32 sensors only, and the binary scanning algorithm is.applied to the row and the colu¤n sensors separately, the scanning time is 2-11 APLNDC00026353 - ;•1oß2(64)+2*lo92(32)=22 Thus the binary scanning algorithm seems to be attractive one tot application to the FHTSID. a very However it necessitates two special hardware features: -- 1. Unlike the projective sensor system which allows to address only a group of positions in a column or a row, all individual positions of m by n tablet should be addressable. -- 2. It should be able to group a numbet of adjacent The first requirement is to permit sensing of multiple sensors as one larger sensor region. touches, cithm. of the the second allows for the binary scanning algo- In addition to these necessary features, intensity a measure of touch should be considered as a third requirement to increase the capability of the FMTSID. The sensors that can possibly accommodate , these requirements are many. However the degree of dižficulty in implementation varies one to various sensor types another. In the following, are examined in view of the require- ments identified above. A resistive image sensor can modification of the be used with a slight multiplexor as shown in the Fig. 2.1, 2-12 APLNDC00026354 . . novever far too much time-is required to evaluate the resistance using two port parameter calculations. Besides, the basic approach requires that all the row resistances have to be evaluated once using linear scanning; that is, binary scanning is not applicable to rowwise scanning. . For the video system, the row and the registers column scanning are not accessible and with the video data stored in memory, it is not possible to satisfy the second requirement, Bowever the third requirement may be met by the addi- tion of a little more hardware. In general, therefore, it is not a good choice. None of the other devices presented section satisfy in the previous . the requirements.. Thus it is necessary to identify further sensor types. A resistive polymer (J.S,R) was examined (ref 2.7]. The polymer changes resistivity with applied pressure. One of the applications shown by J.S.R has two closely-placed, separated, metal coated plates on the PC board on which the rubber sheet lies such .that if the rubber is the but two plates are connected. pressed down, This unit may 'oe used with a lot of multiplexors to select one of all sensors on the board. However a problem with this sensor is that it takes a very long time žor the material to recover the original electrically to state after the žinger is released (about 100 maec). 2-13 APLNDC00026355 Piezoelectric material was also examined. One approach is to apply the same hardware technique used in keyboard applications. inate the possible However this approach does not elim- multiplexing problem. Unfortunately during the time required for multiplexing, the charge developed by the impact of the touch can be lost. Finally, it seemed that the capacitive the greatest sensor offered potential of all available approaches for the following reasons: -- 1. Capacitive sensors ment, that is, the do not need additional equip- basic insulating sheet and touch plate are sufficient. -- 2. Multiplexors for individual sensors can be or .are degenerately simple using row and avoided column addressing methods described in chapter 3 -- 3, Capacitive sensors features identified above. can accommodate all three In particular, a measure of intensity is available since the area ož finger contact and corresponding capacitance increases with finger pressure. -- 4. Capacitive sensors are very durable since no additional elements are needed and there is no recovery 2-14 APLNDC00026356 time phenomenon involved as exists with resistive rubber. However there are some drawbacks to capacitive sensors. First they require time to charge and.discharge. However these times can be reasonably well controlled. drawback is that The second a capacitive sensor generates radio fre- quency noise when the tablet is touched. The third drawback is low resolution. However the low resolution can be compensated by software technique as discussed in chapter 4. Noise in the radio problem in frequency spectrum, some .environments, operation of the tablet. does which is potentially a not deteriorate the Since level of the.noise could not be known at the time of design, it was not considered as a factor in the choice of sensor. 2.5 CONCLUSION In this chapter, severai kinds of touch sensitive input device have been examined as a part of the process of developing a flexible multi-purpose input device. Many devices and sensor types have been analyzed from different points of view in order to achieve the desired goals. With respect to the initial .goals of developing a flex- ible multi-purpose input device, it seems that the touch tablet as does. not žulfill the conventionally defined, 2-15 APLNDC00026357 requiremenes of flexibility and aòaptability, out räther that a fast multiple touch sensitive input device (E'MTSID) must be pursued to meet the real requirements. In oròer to reach this goal, hardware with a binary capacitive sensor based scanning algorithm was chosen for development. 2-16 APLNDC00026358 • cuan ER 3 HARDWARE DESIGN AND IMPLDIENTATION 3.1 INTRODUCTION This chapter implementation of describes a the details of the hardware fast multiple-touch-sensitive input device ( FMTSID ). The design of the hardware is based on the hardware requirements identified in the previous chapter and on hardware and tradeoffs between software and basically consists of a sensor hardware. The matrix board, cow column selection registers, A/D converting circuits and a dedicated CPU. The design of the sensor matrix is based on nique of capacitance measurement between a and a metal plate. Row selection more registers the tech- finger select one tip or rows by setting the corresponding bits to a high state in order to charge up the sensors while the column selection registers select corresponding one analog through timing selected cows selected sensors or switches resistors. and the as more a columns to by discharge turning the on sensors The intersecting region of the selected unit. columns A/D represents converting the circuits 3-1 APLNDC00026359 ce ene discharging time interval of the selected sen- A University of Toronto 6809 board was used as dediced CPU. The details of the sensor matrix design section 3.2, section 3.3. used in with the are given in rest of the hardware described in Section 3.4 describes the scanning sequence conjunction with the hardware development process while.section 3.5 concludes with a description of the hardware implementation. 3.2 THE SENSOR HATRIX The design and construction of the sensor matrix board is straightforward. The touch surface of the sensor board consists of number of small metal-coated rectangular-shaped areas serving as sensor plate capacitors. The design of the metal plate area of a unit sensor depends on the capacitance measurable change that results when the area is covered by a finger .tip, and on the resolution thaè.can be implemented. A 12" by 16" sensor matrix area with a resolution of 32 by 64 sensor. and a was chosen, resulting in 7 mm by 4 mm area for each. The estimated capacitance between the sensor touching plate finger separated by 3 mil (0.075 mm) Mylar insulating coversheet is 3-2 APLNDC00026360 A -12 7mm*4mm Cs=e-=3*.8.85*10 [F/m] =10pF d 0.075mu· where e is coversheet, the A dielectric is the area constant of of the insulating the unit sensor and d the . thickness ož the insulating sheet. The charge associated with the touch capacitance -is stored between the sensor plate and the touching finger act- ing as ground. sidered to be For this purpose human beings a large charge can be con- reservoir. For the static charge case, a suitable model of a human being is an approximate 100 pF capacitor with one plate connected to ground. [tef 3.1] Therefore, it is safe to assume a touch as ground reference for measurement of relatively small capacitances. The 10 pF of sensor capacitance small but measurable. change is relatively For a timing resistor of 100 k, the time change due to the sensor capacitance change is about micro-second. The tradeoff between the time taken for the measurement of the capacitance and the ease seems to bé obvious. If "easy" to measure but it scanning procedure. The 1 the takes clock of measurement capacitance is high, it is longer, cycle slowing used down the to count the discharging time is also limited by noise in the analog circuits as well as by timing limitations ož the TTL circuits used. With these limitations in mind, the period of the counter clock was chosen to be 100 nano-seconds. 3-3 APLNDC00026361 n order to select a sensor by row and òiodes It is referred to in Fig. 3.2. ing back access, were used for.each sensor. One diode, connected : the row line, is used to charge uP row. column to The CD the dropped to zero. The the sensors in as the Charging Diode (CD) as shown also serves to block the charge row the line other when diode flow- the row line voltage is called the Discharging Diode(DD), connected to the column.line, enables discharging of the selected row sensors to a virtual ground. Also the DD blocks charge flow from the sensors in the selected row to the sensors in the unselected row during the discharging period· The selection of roWS, by the row selection pro- cedure, causes the sensors to be charged. The sensors in the column are then discharged through associated timing resis- tors connected to the column selection switches. Fig 3.1 (a) shows the components associated with a selected sensor. There are two related time periods: One for the selection of rows ( that i and the other ' s, tne charging period ) for the selection of columns ( that is, the discharging period.).. The capacitance is.measured while the sensor discharges. The signal output during discharging is shown in Fig. 3.1 (b). Analytic equations can be derived for the model ing .that the assum- reverse diode resistance is much higher than the discharge resistor R and the forward resistance is muca 3-4 APLNDC00026362 Charging diode Discharging diode (C) a row line SENSOR a column line a column selection switch Fig. 3.1 a. A model of a selected sensor in the sensor agtrix (A) (8) i i ' Vt i (O hreshold Voltage Pl P2 y- instÅntaneous discharging voltage ... , ·¯¯¯" - - ---· ' 75 P3 hg. 3.1 b. The timing diagram for discharging time measurement of a selected sensor as shown above. APLNDC00026363 column lines row lines To row selection register sensor plates harging diode discharging diode To column switch selection r · -- 4-timing resistor -- ... ... column. selection switches . To adder Fig. 3.2 A small sectio¤ of sensor matrix. APLNDC00026364 n the discharge resistor R. The derivation is as a discaarging voltage ( V ) is given by -t V=Vi*exP(--1 T where Vi is the .instantaneous initial voltage of the discharging period and T is the time constant. T is given by T=R(Cs+Cr) where Cs is the sensor capacitance and Cr is the reverse bias capacitance of the diode. The voltage Vi can be found from Cs Vi=( Os-Of )( Cs+Cr )(Vcc-Vd) Os where Os and Of are respectively the charges stored sensor and the forward biased diode discharging period begins, and Vcc and Vd the just are in the before the respectively high state voltage for CHOS and the diode voltage drop. In the equation for Vi, the first factor is associated with charging up a reverse biased diode while the second factor results from the charge in the forward biased diode stored 3-5 APLNDC00026365 the charging period. The.discharge time is measured by the comparison with a chgeshold voltage ( Vt ) and it is given by Vt Ts=-T1n(---) Vi From these analytic equations, sions the following conclu- relating to the selection of appropriate voltage lev- els and .the diode type can be made. -- 1. The higher the Vec, the less sensitive is the measurement to the threshold voltage at V = Vt where the Vt = aVcc and the sensitivity,that is the derivative of with respect to t, V is -avec/T. -- 2. The smaller the reverse bias diode capacitance, the higher the resulting Vi and the less time it takes to measure the same sensor capacitance. -- 3. The smaller Of can be made,-the higher Vi will be. The first implication is the choice of interface the sensor to To use CMOS logic directly connected board which is prone to high static voltage from touch, the circuitry must be protected. High voltage to bypass logic sensor matrix using high logic voltages with Vec equal to 15 volts. to the CMOS diodes are connected negative each row 3-6 APLNDC00026366 f line(charging source) for this reason. The second implication is the use of diodes with reverse capacitance. small The diode IN 4148 was chosen for low . capacitance, low cost, and availability. The reverse clas capacitance of this dioòe is specified as 4 pF. The third implication relates directly to the forward current of the diode since Of = Cf.* Vd = k * Id * Vd, where Cf is the forward capacitance, Vd is the diode voltage drop, Id is the diode forward current and k is some constant. Furthermore, since Id = (Vcc - 2*Vd)/R, the Id selected is then interrelated with the timing resistor chosen. Further analysis of the sensor matrix is there are board. 2048 such Accordingly the unit of interest: sensors implemented on the P.C analysis is rather complicated oecause the rows and columns are electrically not completely separated. A small section of the sensor tion is shown in matrix Fig. 3.2 for illustration. bias capacitance couples the sensors in a configuraThe reverse column. Moreover there exist capacitances between columns due to the physical configuration of the sensor plates and wires and due to parasitic the capacitances in the circuit, and these couple the sensors in a row. The first of these coupling is seen to be unavoidable while effort was taken to reduce the second. A simple column sensor array has been analyzed. as APLNDC00026367 shown in here. The analysis is based on an effort to obtain Vi, instant appendix initial A. Only the results will be discussed voltage in the discharge period, r, the the ratio of the sensor capacitance over the surrounding capacitance, and m, the separation parameter in the rows. The instantaneous discharging voltage Vi for a case when a selected touched, is given by st*a÷0.5*(n-1)-f*b Vi- (Vcc-2*Vd) st+0.S*(n+3) where a = (Vcc-Vd)/(Vcc-2*Vd), b=Vd/(Vcc-2*Vd), f=Cf/Cr, and st=Cal\Ct/Cr. The ratio of the sensor capacitance to the intrinsic capaci- tance of the surroundings, r, is st n+1 .st 2 The separation parameter m sensors is the number which must be touched, to cause selecteä, sensor to report as "touched". equations for of non-selected a non-touched, but Appendix A shows derivation of this parameter and its evalua- tion by computer iteration in terms of variables such as t'ne ratio of Cs/Cr and Cf/Cr. When Cs/Cr = 2.5 and Cf/Cr = 12.5, the separation parameter m is about 8, and when Cs/Cr 3-8 APLNDC00026368 5.ô and Ci/Cr = 12.5 the m is about,25. The firse result oplies that if more than 8 sensors are touched in a column, caen the result will be a wrong report that all the sensors in the column have been touched. that if more The second result implies than 25 sensors are touched in a column, the result will be a report that all the sensors in have been touched. the column Nevertheless, all of the analysis for . the single selected sensor model is still valid with some complication. The analysis becomes more complicated when the ters for rows and column are incluòed in the equations. Since the operational amplifier adds currents from columns and oy selecteä consequently the discharging time increases by l+1n(2)/a, where a = ln(Vi/Vt), when the number increases parame- factor of two, the of columns režerence values of expected to be increased by the factor In(10/3) = 1.2 correspondingly. However, an increase in-the number of rows in a group is not expected reference values because selected reverse bias diodes charge stored the charge becomes 1.57 to stored smaller žor a are increase = the in ene nonwhereas the in the selected forward bias diodes remain constant during charging period and consequently Vi becomes smaller. Efforts have been made to separate the columns as much as possible. However there still will be some coupling capa- 3-9 APLNDC00026369 ces between columns due to physical adjacency; but effects are considered to be minimal. 3.3 INTERFACE CIRCUIT DESIGN AND INPLEMENTATION Interfacing between the sensor matrix and the dedicated CPU requires three main circuit blocks: row selection registers, column switch selection registers and A/D converting circuits. The CPU selects the row or rows of a sensor group, initiating charging of all the associated sensors. After a charging interval, the CPU discharges the selected column or columns corresponding to a group of sensor group by connecting a discharge resistors whose current is summed via a high slew rate operational amplifier. There is tradeožf between the scheme using a.single bit for each row and one using decoding circuits to implement binary addressing suited to the.binary The .bit per scanning row scheme requires 32 bits of register while binary coding needs 6 bits of register since only . patterns of algorithm. sensor scanning algorithm. grouping 32 * 2 -1 exit according to the binary However, the first scheme was chosen because it is ultimately flexible, that is, it allows one to i¤plement "all" scanning ¤odes by means enanges can be implementation of L of software. Thus easily made in the case of difficulty with a particular software algorithm. The 3-10 APLNDC00026370 oced prototype uses fout 8 bit registers with a com- reset signal for row selection. For the same reasons sufficient column switch selection agisters are provided pattern through software. so that one can generate any group However, to reduce the number of chips on the board, four switches are controlled by each bit resulting in žour simultaneous analog signals tating four counters. However and as a result latches are needed to control 64 swicches. necessi- only 2 8-bit The four sets of data are provided to the CPU after each scan. These data are manipulated by software in.correspondence with the resolution mode. selected This implies the hardware itself acts as an array of 32 by 16 bits while the software emulates 32 64 bits of by scanning resolution. The scanning algorithm is explained in chapter 4. The charges stored in the through the selected cow(a) ilow down selected switches to the virtual ground of the fast operational amplifier. All the discharging currents are correspondingly added to produce a signal from which the discharging time of all the selected sensors can be found by comparison with a threshold voltage. The output of the nega- tive voltage comparator is fed to the enable signal counter of the and to the data bus as a status bit for the counter readiness. All the counters are reset when the row selection registers are deselected in order to initiate tae counting APLNDC00026371 process. The clock rate (10 correspond But, of MHz) allows about 10 counts to to the sensor capacitance change due to a touch. course, the capacitance of all the circuitry attached to the column line during the discharging period is much larger than the sensor capacitance. Before scanning the tablet for a touch, the dedicated CPU scans it completely in all possible resolution modes so obtained when not touched. The are stored as references. values Touches are identi- fied by the differences between the reference values and the values measured during use. The capacitance change corresponding to the touch by more than one finger when the resolution is very small, that is, when the area of the sensors selected is large, is very large.. Thus the number of bits in the counter should be enough to measure the maximum capacitance. unnecessary also However it is either to have enough number of oita to measure the entire capacitance including tances, the corresponding "complete" counter or to store values as references. bit the the capaci- It is necessary to have only one more than the number of bits required change in surrounding capacitance rather to count the value of than complete counter values in order to measure difference of the capacitance due to touch. space Thus only an 8 bit counter was allowed for an extra implemented with 4 bit counter in case that a 3-12 APLNDC00026372 eater number of bits is found to be necessary. counter ( eaa'oles the measurement of a The 8 7 bit capacitance caange regardless of the degree of overflow in tae This means 127, the difference can be obtained without For exampler a counter value 4 is larger than £8 if the difference is less than 7f in hexadecimal; words, an ate. counter. that if the difference, touched to non-touched, does not exceed ambiguity. bit in other unsigned 8 bit comparison would not be appropri- Therefore the counter does not need to accommodace the entire discharging time including the time due to the aur- rounding capacitance, which may require more Some manipulation above. than 8 bits. is done in software to utilize the žacts A complete analysis is given in appendix B. The remaining circuits are for-shifting CMOS levels TTL level and for òecoding addresses. Eight addresses are decoded with a R/W signal. One write address is used single to register for a whose output controls the discharge of all the senbor matrix at once, the grounding of the ground strip on the board for template recognition applications as described below, and as well as controls three LED outputs. A metal strip is located on one side of the touch face of the board. This strip is a programmable ground strip which can be grounded to allow a metal-coated on .the scanned. back side sur- of the template shown in Fig.3.3 pattern to be It can be angrounded for normal binary scanning so 3-13 APLNDC00026373 •.et 1 co. til °2dot pattern Template touch Frees pr ogre mmt ble ground strip ----· sensor vret Touch sensitive tablet "ig. 3.5 Template and touch sensitive tablet. The template pattern lies on the sensor cre:. Its metal coating touches the ground strip which is grounded .to initie te recognition of the template. APLNDC00026374 esat the "touch" by tae pattera can be ignored. Otherwise it increases the time to scan all the poir.ts.on the touch sur- face including the unneeded points from che template because the binary scanning time is directly proporcional to tÂe numoer of points on the tablet. 3.4 THE HARDWARE SCANNING SEQUENCE This section describes the reading sequence for data from the sensor matrix board. A block diagram of the hardware circuit is shown in Fig. 3.4 to aSSist the reaâer. The sequence is as follows. -- 1. Reset the row selection registers. That is, ground the the sensor matrix. ¯- 2. Discharge all the sensors directly to ground (out noc through R) for aoout 2 microseconds. -- 3. Select the row selection registers with an appropriate bit pattern, -- 4. Select column switches by turning on the appropriate bit pattern in the column switch selection registers about 4 micro-seconds to stabilize the sensor charge. -- 5. Roset the row selection registers and the une output counters together to initiate counting of the discha g- 3-14 APLNDC00026375 SENSOR ROW SELEC'JIGE f REGISSERS MATRIX COMMON RESET & RE0ISTER SELECT SI COLUMN SWITCHES · ¿L... LS OUNTE S COLUW SETCH SELECHON RJGISTERS COUNTER SELECT S I:GHAM 2 SENSOR DISCHARGE SIGNAL ADDRESS DECODER DDRESS BUS ' DATA BUS CPU ADDRESS ggg Fig. 3.4 Block diagram of the hardware. APLNDC00026376 ing time. -- 6. Wait until the counters are ready oy reading the status bits. -- 7. Read the counters. The bit patterns in the row selection register the column in switch selection register represent the row and column addresses respectively. These, however, converted and to a convenient routine. to be form corresponäing to physical placement which is understandable to interfacing have the user or to the This process is described in the next chapter, 3.5 CONCLUSIONS In this chapter, tradeoffs between software and hardware have been discussed while introducing the design of the sensor board and its interfacing circuits. A prototype tablet has been implemented .and tested. There were difficalties but all have been sufmounted. The detailed results ož performance testing are described in the chapter 5. 3-15 APLNDC00026377 for(i=0; i<3; i÷÷) switen(i) ( case 0: bs(coladr+1,cowadt,1eveltelevelc); break; case.1: bs(coladt,cowadr+1,levelr,1evelc)i break; case 2: bs(coladr+1,cowadr+1,1evelt,levelc); break; default: break; The oinary scanning algorithm is in assembler actually im'plemented in a non-recursive way; however the structure and the algoritna have not been cha¤ged from the representaclon aoove. This algorithm and the modified linear scanning algorithm are very sensitive to the values of the thresholds for each level. Thus detecting very small contact areas over a large sensor group area is rather difficult. if the threshöld for the top level is high then a small intensity of touch may not be detected; low, then the search whereas iž it is may not be successful. Consequently this would slow down.the scanning procedure number Accordingly sinco a large of unsuccessful trys at the bottom level ( caused by low threshold in the higher levels ) delays the scan of the actual touch points. 4.6 COMPENSATION FOR LOW RESOLUTION HARDWARE It may seem that the resolution of the hardware is .too low for use in graphics applications. However touch 4-10 APLNDC00026378 incensity and multi-touch sensitivity òan be used to enhance resolution. .This is possible because the conter 0ž a touch can be most accurately estimated by an interpolation utilizing the values of the adjacent sensor intensities. For a simple example, consider the estimation of'the center of the touch by an interpolation method as follows: SupPose the touched point is (i,j) and its is z(irj). Let intensity the dx and dy be the relative position of the interpolation to the integer position (irj). dx, and value Then the dy can be ottained from the values of the adjacent intensities as follows. I(-1,+1) (z(i+k,j+1) -z(i+krj-1) (-1,+1)I(-1,+1)(=(i+k,j+1)) dy- (-1,÷l)(z(i+1,j+k)-z(i-1,j+k)) T.(-1,+1) Ji(-1,+l)(z(i+k,j+1)) Thus the estimated center of touch is (i+dx, j+dy). A simple case is shown in Fig 4.5 where possible inter- polation points are shown when 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 bits of intensity are provided from two adjacent sensors. ture shows that The pic- incerpolation points are not evenly popu- lated and that tne scheme does not give good resolution even if a fairly high number Therefore it may be good point of intensity bits are provided. idea to map each interpolation to another domain which gives eve ly populated points 4-11 APLNDC00026379 . 0.0 liid .o 1 bit intensity 2 bits intensity 3 bits intensity 4 bits intensity 5 bito intensity Fig. 4.5 Centers of pressure interpolated from two sensors with the number of available bits for pressure being 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 from left to right. Each line represents a possible interpoletion point. APLNDC00026380 for possible combinations of the intensities from two cent sensors. adja- However such an interpolacion mapping scheme has not been implemented due to complications involved for more than two sensors. However the interpolation should be performed in of terms the physical center of the touch shape. Since the .inten- sity given by the capacitance measurement is dependent of tae area of touch on the cover of sensor plate, the accurate center of a touch is more dependent of the size of the touch relative to the size of the sensor area as well as the shape of sensor plate. For the implementation, however, it uses direct polation scheme for a few.cases. One of interest is inter- polating 3 by 3 sensors with a touched point in and inter- the center the other is interpolation of all points on the tablet. The later one obviously gives highest resolution but it simply emulates a single touch tablet with a high resolution. The .software in the.dedicated CPU utilizes the communication with the host computer to accommodate the interpolation scheme in the host computer. 4.7 SEQUENCE OF OPERATIONS The programs in the .dedicated processor are sequenced 4-12 APLNDC00026381 . REFERENCES Touch Sensitive Tablet as E·acensible Devicû" di W.Buxton, G.Fedorkow, L.Sasaki, and X.C.Smith, Computer Systems Research Group, 1983 .:1.2 "A Touc'n-Sensitive InPut Device"., of Proceedings the Fifth International Conference on Com- Puter Music, North Texas State University, Denton, Texas, November, 1981, of2.0] "Why Touch Sensing" by Louise C.Shaw, Datama- tion, August 1980, p138-p141 222.1] United State Patent 3,798,370 Electrographic .Sensor for March 19,1974, Determini¤9 Planar Coordinates and 3,911,215 October, 7, 1975, Discriminating Contact Sensor by George S. Hurstr Elographics, Incorporated, 22.3) "New Touch Screen Computer" by George Mitchell, ComPuters and Electronics, December,1983, p57 p66 R-1 APLNDC00026382 yef2.4] Touch Screen 19iti2er Data Sheet· from TSD Display Product Inc•, 1982 (ref2.5] . A Flexible Thesis, Human Machi e Interfacer M.A.Sc. University of Toronto, 1982 by Nimish Hetha (ref2.6J TASA Model: x-y 3600 and X-y controller, Model: FR-105 Data Sheet 1980 (ref2.7J Pressure-Sensitive Conductive Rubber Data Sheet by JSR PCR 1981 ref2.8J A circuit diagram drawn by FedockoW in March, 1981, University ©2 Toronto ref3.1] :ef5.l] Curing Static Electricity" by Elliott S.Kanter, Raðio Electronics, Sept•· 1984 Manipulating Simulated Objects With Gestures Real-world Si¤9 a Force and Position Sensitive Screen by Margaret R.Mi SkY, ComPuter Volume 18, Number 3 JulY 1984 ef6.l] Graphics Solders and Soldering by Howard H. McGraW-Hill, 1979, p252 - p257 Hanko, R-2 APLNDC00026383 This Page is Inserted by Ir vv Indexing and Scanning Operations and is not part of the Official Record BEST AVAIL ABLE IMAGES Defective images within this document are accurate representations of the original documents submitted by the applicant. Defects in the images include but are not limited to the items checked: ACK BORDERS O IMAGE CUT OFF AT TOP, BOTTOM OR SIDES ED TEXT OR DRAWING O BLou w wD OR ILLEGIBLE TEXT OR DRAWING SKEWED/SI ANTED IMAGES OR OR BLACK AND wm1E PHOTOGRAPHS GRAY SCALE DOCUMENTS INES OR MARKS ON ORIGINAL DOCUMENT O REFERENCE(S) OR EXHIBIT($) SUBm- a « D ARE POOR QUALITY OO · -R: TifA GES sus BEST AVA TI.ABLE COPY. As rescanning these documents will not correct the image problems checked, please do not report these problems to the if w Image Problem Mailbox. APLNDC00026384 Application Serial No. 11/278,080 filed on 03/30/2006 DOCKET NO: P3764US1 (119-0077US) APPLICATION FOR UNITED STATES Lt- TITLE: ERS PATENT Force Imaging Input Device and System INVENTORS: Steve Hotelling and Brian Q. Huppi Date: March 30, 2006 Preoared bv WONG, CABELLO, LUTSCH, RUTHERFORD & BRucCULERI, L.L.P. Houston, Texas (VOICE) 832 i ll 2400 (FACSIMILE)832-446-2424 Austin, Texas (VolcE) 512-473-2550 (FACSIMILE) 512-473-2555 BEST AVAILABLE COPY APLNDC00026385 Application Serial No. 11/278,080 filed on 03/30/2006 DOCKET NO: P3764US1 (119-0077US) FORCE IMAGING INPUT DEVICE AND SYSTEM Backgroppd [0001] The invention relates generally to electronic system input devices and, more particularly, to force imaging and location-and-force imaging mutual capacitance systems. [0002] Numerous touch sensing devices are available for use in computer systems, personal digital assistants, mobile phones, game systems, music systems and the like (Le., electronic systems). Perhaps the best known are resistive-membrane position sensors which have been used as keyboards and position indicators for a number of years. Other types of touch sensing devices include resistive tablets, surface acoustic wave devices, touch sensors based on resistance, capacitance, strain gages, electromagnetic sensors or pressure sensors, and optical sensors. Pressure sensitive position sensors have historically offered little benefit for use as a pointing device (as opposed to a data entry or writing device) because the pressure needed to make them operate inherently creates stiction between the finger and the sensor surface. Such stiction has, in large measure, prevented such devices from becoming popular. [0003] Owing to the growing popularity of portable .devices and the attendant need to integrate all input functions into a single form factor, the touch pad is now one of the most popular and widely used types of input device. Operationally, touch pads may be categorized as either "resistive" or "capacitive." In resistive touch pads, the pad is coated with a thin metallic electrically conductive layer and resistive layer. When the -1- APLNDC00026386 Application Serial No. 11/278,080 filed on 03/30/2006 DOCKET NO: P3764US1 (119-0077US) pad is touched, the conductive layers come into contact through the resistive layer causing a change in resistance (typically measured as a change in current) that is used to identify where on the pad the touch event occurred. In capacitive touch pads, a first set of conductive traces run in a first direction and are insulated by a dielectric insulator from a second set of conductive traces running in a second direction (generally orthogonal to the first direction). The grid formed by the overlapping conductive traces create an array of capacitors that can store electrical charge. When an object is brought into proximity or contact with the touch pad, the capacitance of the capacitors at that location change. This change can be used to identify the location of the touch event. [0004] One drawback to using touch pads as input devices is that they do not generally provide pressure or force information. Force information may be used to obtain a more robust indication of how a user is manipulating a device. That is, force information may be used as another input dimension for purposes of providing command and control signals to an associated electronic device. Thus, it would be beneficial to provide a force measurement system as part of a touch pad input device. Summarv [0005] In one embodiment the invention provides a force sensitive touch pad that includes first and second sets of conductive traces separated by a spring membrane. When a force is applied, the spring membrane deforms moving the two sets of traces closer together. The resulting change in mutual capacitance is used to generate an image indicative of the location (relative to the surface of the touch pad) -2- APLNDC00026387 Application Serial No. 11/278,080 filed on 03/30/2006 DOCKEY NO: P3764US1 (119-007705) and strength or intensity of an applied force. In another embodiment, the invention provides a combined location and force sensitive touch pad that includes two sets of drive traces, one set of sense traces and a spring membrane. In operation, one of the drive traces is used in combination with the set of sense traces to generate an image of where one or more objects touch the touch pad. The second set of drive traces is used in combination with the sense traces and spring membrane to generate an image of the applied force's strength or intensity and its location relative to the touch pad's surface. Force touch pads and location and force touch pads in accordance with the invention may be incorporated in a variety of electronic devices to facilitate recognition of an increased array of user manipulation. [0006] In yet another embodiment, the described force sensing architectures may be used to implement a display capable of detecting the amount of force a user applies to a display (e.g., a liquid crystal display unit). Display units in accordance with this embodiment of the invention may be used to facilitate recognition of an increased array of user input. Brief pewr!Rtion of the Drawings [0007] . Figure 1 shows, in exploded perspective view, a force detector in accordance with one embodiment of the invention. [0008] Figures 2A and 28 show, in cross-section, an unloaded (A) and loaded (B) force detector in accordance with FIG. 1. -3- APLNDC00026388 Application Serial No. 11/278,080 filed on 03/30/2006 DOCKET NO: P3764US1 (119-007705) [0009] Figure 3 shows, in block diagram form, a force detection system in accordance with one embodiment of the invention. [0010] Figure 4 shows, in block diagram form, a more detailed view of the force detection system in accordance with FIG. 3. [0011] Figure 5 shows, in cross-section, a location and force detection device in accordance with one embodiment of the invention. [0012] Figure 6 shows, in cross section, a location and force detection device in accordance with another embodiment of the invention. [0013] Figure 7 shows an exploded view of drive and sense traces in accordance with FIG. 6. [0014] Figures 8A-8C show various views of a location and force detection device in accordance with still another embodiment of the invention. [0015] Figures 9A-9C show various views of a location and force detection device in accordance with yet another embodiment of the invention. [0016] Figures 10A and 10B show, in cross section, a location and force detection device in accordance with another embodiment of the invention. [0017] Figures 11A-11C show various views of a spring membrane in accordance with another embodiment of the invention. [0018] Figures 12A and 128 show, in block diagram form, a force detection display system in accordance with one embodiment of the invention. .4. APLNDC00026389 Application Serial No. 11/278,080 filed on 03/30/2006 DOCKET NO: P3764US1 (119-0077US) Detailed Descriotion [0019] The following description is presented to enable any person skilled in the art to make and use the invention as claimed and is provided in the context of the particular examples discussed below (touch pad input devices for personal computer systems), variations of which will be readily apparent to those skilled in the art. Accordingly, the claims appended hereto are not intended to be limited by the disclosed embodiments, but are to be accorded their widest scope consistent with the principles and features disclosed herein. By way of example only, force imaging systems in accordance with the invention are equally applicable to electronic devices other than personal computer systems such as computer workstations, mobile phones, hand-held digital assistants and digital control panels for various machinery and systems (mechanical, electrical and electronic). [0020] Referring to FIG. 1, the general concept of a force detector in accordance with the invention is illustrated as it may be embodied in touch pad device 100. As illustrated, force detector 100 comprises cosmetic layer 105, sense layer 110 (including conductive paths 115 and electrical connector 120), dielectric spring layer 125 (including spatially offset raised structures 130), drive layer 135 (including conductive paths 140 and electrical connector 145) and base or support 150. (It will be understood by those of ordinary skill in the art that connectors 120 and 145 provide unique connections for each conductive trace on layers 110 and 135 respectively.) -5- APLNDC00026390 Application Serial No. 11/278,080 filed on 03/30/2006 DOCKET NO: P3764US1 (119-0077US) [0021] Cosmetic layer 105 acts to protect other elements of the system from ambient conditions (e.g., dust and moisture) and, further, provides a surface through which users interact with detector 100. Conductive paths 115 on sense layer 110 are arranged so that they overlap conductive paths 140 on drive layer 135, thereby forming capacitors whose plates (conductive paths 115 and 140) are separated by sense layer substrate 110, dielectric spring layer 125 and raised structures 130. Dielectric spring layer 125 and raised structures 130 together create a mechanism by which sense layer 110's conductive paths 115 are brought into closer proximity to drive layer 135's conductive paths 140 when a force is applied to cosmetic layer 105. It will be recognized that this change in separation causes the mutual capacitance between sense layer and drive layer conductive paths (115 and 140) to change (increase) - a change indicative of the amount, intensity or strength of the force applied to cosmetic layer 105. Base or support layer 150 provides structural integrity for force detector 100. [0022] Referring to FIG. 2A, a cross-sectional view of force detector 100 is shown in its unloaded or "no force" state. In this state, the mutual capacitance between sense layer 110 and drive layer 135 conductive paths (115 and 140) results in a steady-state or quiescent capacitance signal (as measured via connectors 120 and 145 in FIG. 1). Referring to FIG. 2B, when external force 200 is applied to cosmetic layer 105, dielectric spring layer 125 is deformed so that sense layer 110 moves closer to drive layer 135. This, in tum, results in a change (increase) in the mutual capacitance between the sense and drive layers - a change that is approximately monotonically -6- APLNDC00026391 Application Serial No. 11/278,080 filed on 03/30/2006 DOCKET NO: P3764US1 (119-007705) related to the distance between the two and, therefore, to the intensity or strength of applied force 200. More specifically, during operation traces 140 (on drive layer 135) are electrically stimulated one at a time and the mutual capacitance associated with the stimulated trace and each of traces 115 (on sense layer 110) is measured. In this way an image of the strength or intensity of force 200 applied to cosmetic layer 105 is obtained. As previously noted, this change in mutual capacitance may be determined though appropriate circuitry. [0023] Referring to FIG. 3, a block diagram of force imaging system 300 utilizing force detector touch pad 100 is shown. As illustrated, force imaging system 300 comprises force detector 100 coupled to touch pad controller 305 through connectors 120 (for sense signals 310) and 145 (for drive signals 315). Touch pad controller 305, in turn, periodically sends signals to host processor 320 that represent the (spatial) distribution of force applied to detector 100. Host processor 320 may interpret the force information to perform specified command and control actions (e.g., select an object displayed on display unit 325). [0024] Referring to FIG. 4, during operation drive circuit 400 in touch pad controller 305 sends ("drives") a current through drive signals 315 and connector 145 to each of the plurality of drive layer conductive paths 140 (see FIG. 1) in turn. Because of capacitive coupling, some of this current is carried through to each of the plurality of sense layer conductive paths 115 (see FIG. 1). Sensing circuits 405 (e.g., charge amplifiers) detect the analog signal from sense signals 310 (via connector 120) and send them to analysis circuit 410. One function of analysis circuit 410 is to convert -7- APLNDC00026392 Application Serial No. 11/278,080 filed on 03/30/2006 DOCKET NO: P3764US1 (119-0077US) the detected analog capacitance values to digital form (e.g., through A-to-D converters). Another function of analysis circuit is to queue up a plurality of digitized capacitance values for transmission to host processor 320 (see FIG. 3). Yet another function of analysis circuit is to control drive circuit 400 and, perhaps, to dynamically adjust operation of sense circuits 405 (e.g., such as by changing the threshold value at which a "change" in capacitance is detected). One embodiment of controller 305 suitable for use in the present invention is described in US patent application entitled "Multipoint Touch Screen Controller," serial number 10/999,999 by Steve Hotelling, Christoph Krah and Brian Huppi, filed 15 March 2006 and which is hereby incorporated in its entirety. [0025] In another embodiment, a force detector in accordance with the invention is combined with a capacitive location detector to create a touch pad device that provides both location and force detection. Referring to FIG. 5, combined location and force detector 500 comprises cosmetic layer 505, circuit board or substrate 510 (including a first plurality of conductive drive paths 515 on a first surface and a plurality of sense paths 520 on a second surface), dielectric spring layer 525 (including alternating, or spatially offset, raised structures 530), drive layer 535 (including a second plurality of conductive drive paths) and base or support 540. In one embodiment, conductive drive paths 515 and 535 are laid down on substrate 510 and support 540 respectively to form rows and sense conductive paths are laid down on substrate 510 to form columns. Accordingly, during operation first drive paths 515 are driven (one at a time) during a first time period and, during this same time, sense paths -8- APLNDC00026393 Application Serial No. 11/278,080 filed on 03/30/2006 DOCKET NO: P3764US1 (119-0077US) 520 are interrogated to obtain an image representing the location of one or more cosmetic layer touches. Similarly, second drive paths 535 are driven (one at a time) during a second time period and, during this same time, sense paths 520 are again interrogated to obtain an image representing, this time, the strength or intensity of the force applied to cosmetic layer 505. The operation of computer input devices (e.g., touch pads) for touch detection based on the principle of mutual capacitance is described in US patent application entitled "Multipoint Touchscreen" by Steve Hotelling, Joshua A. Strickon and Brian Q. Huppi, serial number 10/840,862 and which is hereby incorporated in its entirety. [0026] Referring to FIG. 6, location and force touch pad 600 in accordance with another embodiment of the invention is shown in cross section. In this embodiment, cosmetic layer 605 comprises a polyester or polycarbonate film. Layer 610 comprises an acrylic-based pressure sensitive or ultraviolet light cured adhesive. Layer 615 functions as a two-sided circuit board that has a first plurality of conductive drive traces 620 oriented in a first direction on a "top" surface (Le., toward cosmetic layer 605) and a plurality of conductive sense traces 625 oriented in a second direction on a "bottom" surface. In one embodiment, circuit substrate layer 615 comprises a low temperature plastic or thermoplastic resin such as polyethylene terephthalate ("PET"). In this embodiment, drive traces 620 and sense traces 625 may comprise printed silver ink. In another embodiment, circuit substrate layer 615 comprises a flexible circuit board, or fiberglass or glass and drive and sense traces (620 and 625) comprise Indium tin oxide ("ITO") or copper. Layer 630, in one embodiment, comprises a APLNDC00026394 Application Serial No. 11/278,080 filed on 03/30/2006 DOCKET NO: P3764US1 (119-OO77US) layered combination consisting of adhesive-PET-adhesive, where the adhesive components are as described above with respect to layer 610. Layers 635, 640 and 645 comprise PET of varying thicknesses. As shown, the "bottom" surface of layer 640 has affixed thereon a second plurality of conductive drive traces 650 oriented in substantially the same orientation as first conductive drive traces 620. Raised and spatially offset support structures 655 and layer 660 also comprise a layered combination consisting of adhesive-PET-adhesive (similar to layer 630, see above). Layers 605-660 are affixed to and supported by base or stiffener plate 665. For example, in a portable or notebook computer system, base 665 could be formed from a rigid material such as a metal stamping that is part of the computer system's frame. Similarly, base 665 could be the internal framing within a personal digital assist and or mobile telephone. Table 1 identifies the thickness for each of layers 600-660 for one embodiment of touch pad 600. Table 1: Dimensions for Illustrative Touch Pad 600 Layer Material Thickness (mm) 605 Polyester, polycarbonate film, glass or ceramic 0.3 610 Pressure sensitive adhesive ("PSA") or ultraviolet ("UV") light cured adhesive 0.05 615 PET 620 Silver ink, copper, Indium tin oxide 0.006 625 Silver ink, copper, Indium tin oxide 0.006 630 Layered PSA-PET-PET 0.075 ± 0.02 0.03 ± 0.01 - 10 - APLNDC00026395 Application Serial No. 11/278,080 filed on 03/30/2006 DOCKET NO: P3764US1 (119-0077US) Table 1: Dimensions for Illustrative Touch Pad 600 Layer Material Thickness (mm) 635 PET 0.075 ± 0.02 640 PET 0.1 ± 0.02 645 PET 0.125 ± 0.02 650 Silver ink, copper, Indium tin oxide Layered: 0.006 0.025 ± 0.01 PET 0.1 ± 0.02 PSA 655 PSA 0.025 ± 0.01 Active touch pad surface: 271 mm × 69 mm No of drive traces (620 and 650): 13 Number of sense traces (625): 54 Pixel separation: 5 mm [0027] In operation touch pad 600 measures the change (e.g., decrease) in capacitance due to cosmetic layer 605 being touched at one or more locations through the mutual capacitance between drive traces 620 and sense traces 625. In a manner as described above, touch pad 600 also measures forces applied to cosmetic layer as sense traces 625 and drive traces 650 are brought into closer proximity through the measured change (e.g., increase) in mutual capacitance between them. In this embodiment, raised structures 655 are used on both sides of the second layer of drive traces (650) to provide additional movement detection capability. [0028] During measurement operations, each of drive traces 620 are stimulated in turn and, simultaneously, the change in mutual capacitance between drive traces - 11 - APLNDC00026396 Application Serial No. 11/278,080 filed on 03/30/2006 DOCKET NO: P3764US1 (119-0077US) 620 and sense traces 625 is measured. Once each of drive traces 620 have been stimulated (and the corresponding change in capacitance measured via sense traces 625), each of drive traces 650 are driven in turn and sense traces 625 are used to determine the change in mutual capacitance related to force (that is, the mutual capacitance change between traces 625 and 650 due to an applied force). In this manner, images of both the "touch" input and "force" input to cosmetic layer 605 can be obtained. [0029] One of ordinary skill in the art will recognize that the above-described "scanning" sequence is not required. For example, drive traces 620 and 650 could be stimulated in overlapping fashion such that a first trace in drive traces 620 is stimulated, followed by a first trace in drive traces 650, followed by a second trace in drive traces 620 and so on. Alternatively, groups of traces in drive traces 620 could be stimulated first, followed by a group of traces in drive traces 650, and so on. [0030] In one embodiment drive traces 620 (associated with touch location measurement operations) use a different geometry from drive traces 650 (associated with force measurement operations) and sense traces 625 (used during both location and force measurement operations). Referring to FIG. 7, it can be seen that drive traces 620 utilize conductive traces that employ internal floating plate structures 700 and, in addition, are physically larger than either the conductive traces used in sense 625 and drive traces 650 (both of which, in the illustrated embodiment, have the same physical size/structure). It has been found that this configuration provides increased - 12 - APLNDC00026397 Application Serial No. 11/278,080 filed on 03/30/2006 DOCKET NO: P3764US1 (119-0077US) sensitivity for determining where one or more objects (e.g., a finger of stylus) touch, or come into close proximity to, cosmetic surface 605. [0031] Referring to FIG. 8A, in another embodiment of a combined touch and force sensitive touch pad in accordance.with the invention (touch pad 800), raised structures 655 may be replaced by beads or polymer dots 805 (also referred to as rubber or elastomer dots). In this embodiment, beads 805 operate in a manner similar to that of raised structures 655 (see FIG. 6). As shown, beads 805 rest on a thin adhesive layer 810 and are sized to keep layers 630 and 640 at a specified distance when no applied force is present. One illustrative layout and spacing of beads 805 is shown in FIGS. 8B (lop view) and 8C (cross-section). Table 2 identifies the approximate dimensions for each component of touch pad 800 that is different from prior illustrated touch pad 600. Layer Table 2: Dimensions for Illustrative Touch Pad 800 Material Thickness (mm) 805 Rubber or polymer (e.g., elastomer) 810 Pressure sensitive adhesive ("PSA") or ultraviolet ("UV") light cured adhesive 0.015 a Column bead separation 1.0 b Row bead separation 5.0 c Bead offset 2.5 ± 0.15 d Bead height 0.15 Active touch pad surface: 271 mm × 69 mm - 13 - APLNDC00026398 Application Serial No. 11/278,080 filed on 03/30/2006 DOCKET NO: P3764US1 (119-0077US) Table 2: Dimensions for Illustrative Touch Pad 800 Layer Material Thickness (mm) No of drive traces (620 and 650): 13 Number of sense traces (625): 54 Pixel separation: 5 mm [0032] Referring to FIG. 9A, in yet another embodiment of a combined touch and force sensitive touch pad in accordance with the invention (touch pad 900), a single layer of deformable beads or elastomer dots 905 are used. In touch pad 900, thin adhesive layers 910 are used to mechanically couple the beads to the rest of the touch pad structure and the structure itself to base 665. One illustrative layout and spacing of deformable beads 905 is shown in FIGS. 9B (lop view) and 9C (cross-section). Table 3 identifies the approximate dimensions for each component of touch pad 900 that is different from prior illustrated touch pad 600. Table 3: Dimensions for Illustrative Touch Pad 900 Layer Material 905 Rubber or polymer (e.g., elastomer) 910 Pressure sensitive adhesive ("PSA") or ultraviolet Thickness (mm) 0.015 ("UV") light cured adhesive a Column bead separation 1.0 b Row bead separation 1.0 c Bead offset 0.5 d Bead width 0.5 - 14 - APLNDC00026399 Application Serial No. 11/278,080 filed on 03/30/2006 DOCKET NO: P3764US1 (119-007705) Table 3: Dimensions for Illustrative Touch Pad 900 Layer ¡ e Material ' Bead height Thickness (mm) 0.15 Active touch pad surface: 271 mm × 69 mm No of drive traces (620 and 650): 13 Number of sense traces (625): 54 Pixel separation: 5 mm [0033] Referring to FIG. 10A, in another embodiment of a combined touch and force sensitive touch pad in accordance with the invention (touch pad 1000), spring membrane 1005 is used instead of raised structures (e.g., 530 and 655) or deformable beads (e.g., 805 and 905). In touch pad 1000, thin adhesive layers 1010 are used to mechanically couple PET spring 1005 to layers 635 and 640 as well as to mechanically couple layer 645 to base 665. Referring to FIG. 10B, in one embodiment spring membrane comprises a single rippled sheet of PET whose run-to-rise ratio (i.e., a/b) is typically in the range of approximately 10:1 to 50:1. One of ordinary skill in the art will recognize that the exact value used in any given embodiment may change due to a variety of factors such as, for example, the physical size of the touch pad surface, the amount of weight specified for full deflection (e.g., 200 grams) and the desired sense of "stiffness" presented to the user. Table 4 identifies the approximate dimensions for each component of touch pad 1000 that is different from prior illustrated touch pad 600. - 15 - APLNDC00026400 Application Serial No. 11/278,080 filed on 03/30/2006 DOCKET NO: P3764US1 (119-0077US) Table 4: Dimensions for Illustrative Touch Pad 1000 Layer Material Thickness(mm) 1005 PET 0.75 1010 Pressure sensitive adhesive ("PSA") or ultraviolet ("UV") light cured adhesive 0.025 a/b Spring run-to-rise ratio 10:1 a 50:1 Active touch pad surface: 271 mm × 69 mm No of drive traces (620 and 650): 13 Number of sense traces (625): 54 Pixel separation: 5 mm [0034] Referring to FIG. 11A, in another embodiment rippled spring membrane 1005 may be replaced by dimpled spring membrane 1105. In this implementation, spring membrane 1105 is a single sheet of deformable material (e.g., PET) that has dimples formed in it by, for example, thermal or vacuum forming techniques. Figures 11B and 11C show top views of two possible dimple arrangements. Two illustrative layouts (lop view) for dimpled membrane 1105 are shown in FIGS. 11B and 11C. As used in FIGS. 11A-11C, the "+" symbol represents a raised region and a "-" symbol represents a depressed region. Table 5 identifies the approximate dimensions "a" through "e" specified in FIG. 11A. - 16 - APLNDC00026401 Application Serial No. 11/278,080 filed on 03/30/2006 DOCKET NO: P3764US1 (119-0077US) Table 5: Dimensions for Illustrative Spring Membrane 1100 Layer Material Thickness(mm) 1105 a 0.075 1.0 b Dimple width 1.25 c Dimple separation 2.5 d [0035] PET Dimple top length Dimple rise and fall length 0.075 Various changes in the materials, components and circuit elements are possible without departing from the scope of the following claims. For example, drive traces and sense traces in accordance with FIGS. 1-10 have been described as being orthogonal. The manner in which drive traces and cut across or intersect with sense traces, however, generally depends on the coordinate system used. In a Cartesian coordinate system, for example, sense traces are orthogonal to the driving traces thereby forming nodes with distinct x and y coordinates. Alternatively, in a polar coordinate system, sense traces may be concentric circles while drive traces may be radially extending lines (or vice versa). [0036] In addition, in the embodiments of FIGS. 1 and 2, drive layer 135 and drive traces 140 (and, therefore, connector 145) may be incorporated within and on spring membrane 125. That is, drive traces 140 could be laid down or etched on a surface of flexible membrane 125. Similarly, drive traces 535 could be incorporated into and as part of flexible membrane 525 (see FIG. 5). - 17 - APLNDC00026402 Application Serial No. 11/278,080 filed on 03/30/2006 DOCKET NO: P3764US1 (119-0077US) [0037] One of ordinary skill in the art will also recognize that beads in accordance with FIGS. 8 and 9 (see FIGS. 8 and 9) could also be used in place of raised structures 130, 530 and 655 (see FIGS. 1, 2A, 2B, 5 and 6). Similarly, spring mechanisms 1005 (see FIG. 10) and 1105 (see FIG. 11) could be used in place of beads 805 (see FIG. 8), deformable beads 805 and 905 (see FIGS. 8 and 9) or raised structures 130, 530 and 655 (see FIGS. 1, 5 and 6). [0038] Referring to FIG. 12A, in another embodiment force detection in accordance with the invention may be incorporated within a display unit rather than a touchpad. For example, system 1200 includes processor 1205, standard input-output ("I/O") devices 1210 (e.g., keyboard, mouse, touch pad, joy stick and voice input) and display 1215 incorporating force detection capability in accordance with the invention. Referring to FIG. 12B, in this embodiment, display 1215 includes display element 1220, display element electronics 1225, force element 1230 and force electronics 1235. In this manner, user 1240 views display element 1220 of display 1200 through force element 1230. By way of example, display element 1220 and electronics 125 may comprise a conventional liquid crystal display ("LCD") display. Force element 1230 may comprise a force-only sensor (e.g., similar to the embodiments of FIGS. 1 and 2) or a force and location sensor (e.g., similar to the embodiments of FIGS. 5-11). Force electronics 1235 may compose processing circuitry as described in FIG. 4. That is, force electronics 1235 is capable of driving and sensing mutual capacitance signals as described in connection with a touch pad in accordance with the invention. - 18 - APLNDC00026403 Application Serial No. 11/278,080 filed on 03/30/2006 DOCKET NO: P3764US1 (119-0077US) [0039] It will be recognized by those of ordinary skill in the art that use of the described force detection technology should, when applied to display 1215, utilize transparent or substantially transparent drive and sense traces such as that provided by ITO (Le., rather than copper which is opaque). Similarly, the gap between the first layer of traces (e.g., drive traces) and a second layer of traces (e.g., sense traces) used to detect an applied force (see discussion above) should be transparent or substantially transparent. For example, compressible transparent spacers could be used to embody offset raised structures 130, support structures 655, deformable beads 805, 905 or spring membranes 1005, 1105. -19 - APLNDC00026404 Application Serial No. 11/278,080 filed on 03/30/2006 DOCKET NO: P3764US1 (119-0077US) Claims 1. A force imaging touch pad, comprising: a first layer having a first plurality of conductive traces oriented in a first direction on a first surface thereof; a second layer having a second plurality of conductive traces oriented in a second direction on a first surface thereof; and a deformable dielectric membrane juxtaposed between the first and second layers, wherein the first and second plurality of conductive traces are adapted to create a capacitance image when a force is applied to the first layer, the capacitance image indicative of an intensity of the applied force. 2. The force imaging touch pad of claim 1, wherein the first plurality of conductive traces and the second plurality of conductive traces are substantially orthogonal. - 20 - APLNDC00026405 Application Serial No. 11/278,080 filed on 03/30/2006 DOCKET NO: P3764US1 (119-0077US) 3. The force imaging touch pad of claim 1, wherein the deformable dielectric membrane comprises: a substantially flat membrane having a first surface oriented toward the first layer and a second surface oriented toward the second layer; a first plurality of raised structures coupled to the first surface of the substantially flat membrane; and a second plurality of raised structures coupled to the second surface of the substantially flat membrane, wherein the second plurality of raised structures are substantially offset from the first plurality of raised structures. 4. The force imaging touch pad of claim 1, wherein the deformable dielectric membrane comprises: a substantially flat membrane; and a plurality of deformable beads affixed to one surface of the substantially flat membrane, wherein the deformable beads are adapted to compress when a force is applied to the first layer toward the second layer. 5. The force imaging touch pad of claim 1, wherein the deformable dielectric membrane comprises one or more thermoplastic springs. 6. The force imaging touch pad of claim 1, wherein the deformable dielectric membrane comprises a dimpled deformable membrane. - 21 - APLNDC00026406 Application Serial No. 11/278,080 filed on 03/30/2006 Dume i NO: P3764US1 (119-0077US) 7. The force imaging touch pad of claim 5, wherein the thermoplastic springs comprise Polyethylene terephthalate. 8. The force imaging touch pad of claim 1, further comprising a mutual capacitance measurement circuit electrically coupled to the first and second plurality of conductive traces. - 22 - APLNDC00026407 Application Serial No. 11/278,080 filed on 03/30/2006 DOCKET NO: P3764US1 (119-0077US) 9. A force and location imaging touch pad, comprising: a first layer having a first plurality of conductive traces oriented in a first direction on a first surface thereof and a second plurality of conductive traces oriented in a second direction on a second surface thereof; a second layer having a third plurality of conductive traces oriented in substantially the first direction; a base layer; a first deformable membrane juxtaposed between the first and second layers; and a second deformable membrane juxtaposed between the second layer and the base layer, wherein the first and second plurality of conductive traces are adapted to create a first capacitance image when one or more objects come into close proximity to the first surface, the first capacitance image indicative of where the one or more objects are located relative to the first surface, wherein the second and third plurality of conductive traces are adapted to create a second capacitance image when a force is applied to the first layer, the second capacitance image indicative of an intensity of the applied force. 10. The force and location imaging touch pad of claim 9, wherein the first layer comprises a flexible circuit board. - 23 - APLNDC00026408 Application Serial No. 11/278,080 filed on 03/30/2006 DOCKET NO: P3764US1 (119-0077US) 11. The force and location imaging touch pad of claim 9, wherein the first layer comprises one or more layers of thermoplastic resin. 12. The force and location imaging touch pad of claim 9, wherein the first plurality of conductive traces and the second plurality of conductive traces are substantially orthogonal. 13. The force and location imaging touch pad of claim 9, wherein the second layer comprises a flexible circuit board. 14. The force and location imaging touch pad of claim 9, wherein the second layer comprises one or more layers of thermoplastic resin. 15. The force and location imaging touch pad of claim 9, wherein the first deformable membrane comprises a first plurality of raised structures, the second deformable membrane comprises a second plurality of raised structures and the first and second raised structures are substantially spatially offset from one another. 16. The force and location imaging touch pad of claim 15, wherein the first and second plurality of raised structures comprise thermoplastic resin. - 24 - APLNDC00026409 Application Serial No. 11/278,080 filed on 03/30/2006 DOCKET NO: P3764US1 (119-0077US) 17. The force and location imaging touch pad of claim 9, wherein the first deformable membrane comprises a first plurality deformable beads, the second deformable membrane comprises a second plurality of deformable beads and the first and second plurality of deformable beads are substantially spatially offset from one another. 18. The force and location imaging touch pad of claim 17, wherein the deformable beads comprise elastomer beads. 19. The force and location imaging touch pad of claim 9, wherein each of the first and second plurality of raised structures comprise one or more thermoplastic springs. 20. The force and location imaging touch pad of claim 19, wherein the thermoplastic springs comprise Polyethylene terephthalate. 21. The force and location imaging touch pad of claim 9, further comprising a mutual capacitance measurement circuit electrically coupled to the first, second and third plurality of conductive traces. - 25 - APLNDC00026410 Application Serial No. 11/278,080 filed on 03/30/2006 DOCKET NO: P3764US1 (119-0077US) 22. A force and location imaging touch pad, comprising: a first surface having a first plurality of conductive traces oriented in a first direction; a second surface having a second plurality of conductive traces oriented in a second direction, the first and second surfaces juxtaposed to and electrically isolated from one another; a third surface having a third plurality of conductive traces oriented in substantially the first direction; and a deformable membrane between the second and third layers, wherein the first and second plurality of conductive traces are adapted to create a first capacitance image when one or more objects come into close proximity to the first surface, the first capacitance image indicative of where the one or more objects are located relative to the first surface, wherein the second and third plurality of conductive traces are adapted to create a second capacitance image when a force is applied to the first surface, the second capacitance image indicative of an intensity of the applied force. 23. The force and location imaging touch pad of claim 22, wherein the first and second surfaces are surfaces of a common layer. 24. The force and location imaging touch pad of claim 23, wherein the common layer comprises a flexible circuit board. - 26 - APLNDC00026411 Application Serial No. 11/278,080 filed on 03/30/2006 DOCKET NO: P3764US1 (119-0077US) 25. The force and location imaging touch pad of claim 23, wherein the common layer comprises one or more layers of thermoplastic resin. 26. The force and location imaging touch pad of claim 22, wherein the first plurality of conductive traces and the second plurality of conductive traces are substantially orthogonal. 27. The force and location imaging touch pad of claim 22, wherein the third surface comprises thermoplastic resin. 28. The force and location imaging touch pad of claim 22, wherein the deformable membrane comprises: a substantially flat membrane having a first surface oriented toward the first plurality of conductive traces and a second surface oriented toward the third plurality of conductive traces; a first plurality of raised structures coupled to the first surface of the substantially flat membrane; and a second plurality of raised structures coupled to the second surface of the substantially flat membrane, wherein the second plurality of raised structures are substantially spatially offset from the first plurality of raised structures. - 27 - APLNDC00026412 Application Serial No. 11/278,080 filed on 03/30/2006 DOCKET NO: P3764US1 (119-0077US) 29. The force and location imaging touch pad of claim 22, wherein the deformable membrane comprises: a substantially flat membrane; and a plurality of deformable beads affixed to one surface of the substantially flat membrane, wherein the deformable beads are adapted to compress when a force is applied to the first layer toward the second layer. 30. The force and location imaging touch pad of claim 22, wherein the deformable membrane comprises a dimpled deformable membrane. 31. The force and location imaging touch pad of claim 29, wherein the deformable beads comprise polymer. 32. The force and location imaging touch pad of claim 22, wherein the deformable membrane comprises one or more thermoplastic springs. 33. The force and location imaging touch pad of claim 32, wherein the thermoplastic springs comprise Polyethylene terephthalate. 34. The force and location imaging touch pad of claim 22, further comprising a mutual capacitance measurement circuit electrically coupled to the first, second and third plurality of conductive traces. - 28 - APLNDC00026413 Application Serial No. 11/278,080 filed on 03/30/2006 DOCKET NO: P3764US1 (119-0077US) 35. An electronic device, comprising: a pm-sing unit; a display unit operatively coupled to the processing unit; a mutual capacitance measurement circuit operatively coupled to the processing unit; and a force and location imaging touch pad in accordance with one of claims 9 and 22 and operatively coupled to the mutual capacitance measurement circuit. 36. The electronic device of claim 35, wherein the electronic device comprises a computer system. 37. The electronic device of claim 35, wherein the electronic device comprises a mobile telephone. 38. The electronic device of claim 35, wherein the electronic device comprises a personal digital assistant. - 29 - APLNDC00026414

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