Apple Inc. v. Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. et al

Filing 57

Declaration of Todd M. Briggs in Support of #56 MOTION to Compel Apple to Produce Reciprocal Expedited Discovery filed bySamsung Electronics America, Inc., Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd., Samsung Telecommunications America, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1, #2 Exhibit 2, #3 Exhibit 3, #4 Exhibit 4, #5 Exhibit 5, #6 Exhibit 6, #7 Exhibit 7, #8 Exhibit 8, #9 Exhibit 9, #10 Exhibit 10, #11 Exhibit 11, #12 Exhibit 12, #13 Exhibit 13, #14 Exhibit 14, #15 Exhibit 15, #16 Exhibit 16, #17 Exhibit 17, #18 Exhibit 18, #19 Exhibit 19, #20 Exhibit 20, #21 Exhibit 21, #22 Exhibit 22, #23 Exhibit 23, #24 Exhibit 24, #25 Exhibit 25, #26 Exhibit 26, #27 Exhibit 27, #28 Exhibit 28)(Related document(s) #56 ) (Maroulis, Victoria) (Filed on 5/27/2011)

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Exhibit 15 5/25/2011 iPhone is 'unavailable' in UK and US A… Skip to Content AOL Tech AOL MAIL You might also like: Engadget, HuffPost Tech and More TUAW Search for Software, Revie Main Mac iPhone iPad Video Photos App Reviews Macworld 2011 About Us Send Tips & Feedback Filed under: Analysis / Opinion, Retail, iPhone iPhone is 'unavailable' in UK and US Apple stores; 3G release imminent? by Christina Warren (RSS feed) on May 10th 2008 at 2:00PM As many of our intrepid readers have pointed out, iPhones are unavailable at the online Apple Store in both the US and the UK. As we mentioned earlier in the week, cell carrier and Apple retail stores on both continents are reportedly facing shortages as well. With all the buzz surrounding the 3G model, the international rollout and the SDK, this is just one more sign that the…/iphone-is-unavailable-in-… 1/16 5/25/2011 iPhone is 'unavailable' in UK and US A… release of a new device is right around the corner. While I'm obviously not privy to any official dates (or even unofficial speculation), my past experiences in the cell phone retail world lead me to believe that an early June release seems very, very probable. Thanks to everyone who sent this in! Like Sign Up to see what your friends like. Tags: 3g iphone, 3g rumors, 3gIphone, 3gRumors, iphone, tweet-this Source Comments (34) | Email From TUAW From Around The Web Apple offering free repairs for iPod touches, iPhones, and Macs damaged in the Japan quake and tsunami ExxonMobil’s earnings: The real story you won’t hear in Washington ExxonMobil's Perspectives Golden MacBook Pro What's Your Virtual Weight Index? - The Digital Diet No Comment: Friskies makes iPad web games for cats Rumor: Apple no longer allows Best Buy to sell the iPad 2 [Updated] PadRacer lets you draw your own track, join two iPads together and steer with iPhones iPad 3 rumors now compete with iPad 2 rumors - ITworld The Era of the Apple iPod May Have Passed - TheStreet Gut Check: 10 Best and Worst Foods for Your Tummy - [what's this] Sponsored Links Download Jailbreak Jailbreak and Unlock 4.2.1Safe. Secure. Support Guaranteed. Unlock Your l-Phone Now Lifetime Membership -Instant AccessUnlock Your l-Phone In A Few Clicks Reader Comments (Page 1 of 2)…/iphone-is-unavailable-in-… 2/16 5/25/2011 iPhone is 'unavailable' in UK and US A… 1 Mat McCoy said 2:07PM on 5-10-2008 I've heard from a couple of people that work in Apple Stores that they haven't replenished stock in iPhones for a couple of weeks.... Glad I got my tax rebate check this week! Reply ↓↑report 2 Adrian Rollett said 2:37PM on 5-10-2008 I guess this tuesday would be too much to hope for :-D Reply ↓↑report 3 Evan Lugh said 2:38PM on 5-10-2008 again! submitted and used my title >_ Reply ↓↑report 4 DJCarbon43 said 7:08PM on 5-10-2008 surprise...thats how they roll. And just throw a "thanks to everyone who sent this in" at the end to avoid having to give real sad. ↓↑report…/iphone-is-unavailable-in-… 3/16 5/25/2011 iPhone is 'unavailable' in UK and US A… 5 shaun said 3:38AM on 5-12-2008 They credited me the other day when I tipped ↓↑report 6 PSM said 2:43PM on 5-10-2008 My personal guess (though I'd love to see it right now!): 1) special press event on Apple Campus before WWDC to announce 3G iPhone. 2) WWDC: doesn't have to be devoted to iPhone announcement, but it allows Apple to use the conference to give developers more news on the new iPhone prior to release 3) Release in the 2nd half of June, to coincide with the AT&T employee vacation memo Reply ↓↑report 7 Kevin Miller said 2:49PM on 5-10-2008 Seems like June is a long time away, and the AT&T vacation memo appears to clearly outline late June as a release date. So I'm guessing this could be an unrelated supply issue. Not good for helping towards that 10M goal! Reply ↓↑report 8 iPhoneinator said 3:07PM on 5-10-2008 YES!! finally! but heres my input: i i dont think apple would wait a whole 'nother month before selling even ONE iphone. i mean i could see them putting…/iphone-is-unavailable-in-… 4/16 5/25/2011 iPhone is 'unavailable' in UK and US A… this memo (saying theyre currently unavailable) up maybe.. a week at the earliest before the thing comes out. were are talking almost a month and a half before the no vacation allowed slot time. do you really think theyd go that long without selling an iphone? even tho the 2nd gen one is comming out people are still buying the 1st gen ones. they would lose a whole lotta money waiting another month and a half without selling them. the only reason i see that we would still have to wait another month is becasue this is an accident. by that i mean jobs probably said a month ago "were only going to (x number of iphones) and then stop cause this will last us till late june" then they were selling them more than they thought and ran out erly. i would think (or hope) they would also give a price reduction before the new iphone. for if i am rite (and i REALLY hope i am) and they start selling 2nd gen iphones next week the 3g (hopefully 32gb) iphone could soar into the 6-700's range! you could buy a laptop with that! does anyone agree? Reply ↓↑report 9 PSM said 4:40PM on 5-10-2008 I'm inclined to think the supply thing was a miscalculation, too. It's a shame for Apple because this is a good time of year with Mother's Day, graduation, and maybe even Father's Day in between now and the release date. I don't know how possible it would be for them to speed up the release if that was the case. Here's a question to devs: is the beta 2.0 software and SDK in any condition to be released? I kind of think they'll have to do both at once. ↓↑report 10 Bob said 3:28PM on 5-10-2008 I think that its more believable that aliens abducted all the iphones or all the iphones got jacked like a few months ago. Im not anticipating the release until at least WWDC. But I think its more like an '09 release. Reply ↓↑report 11 sam said 3:39PM on 5-10-2008…/iphone-is-unavailable-in-… 5/16 5/25/2011 iPhone is 'unavailable' in UK and US A… We still haven't seen it go through the FCC. AFAIK there is no way around that, and once it hits the FCC it's still a month or two off. Reply ↓↑report 12 Christina Warren said 3:50PM on 5-10-2008 They can actually "cloak" some of their FCC filings so that they don't show up in public records until after or on launch day. I think we'll see them in June -- early or late, who knows -- but just because we don't have access to the FCC filings doesn't mean they haven't already been filed. ↓↑report 13 sam said 4:54PM on 5-10-2008 Really? I didn't know they could do that... How does it work? ↓↑report 14 Athtart said 4:00PM on 5-10-2008 Prediction: No 3G phone in June, but maybe an announcement of when it will be out. The shortage is just that, a shortage. With the new apps finally being released with iPhone firmware 2.0 there will be more than enough new "toys" to play with and talk about while we wait for the final arrival of the 3G phone. Cramming in all in at WWDC would be a waste of good hype potential and there is "no rush" for a 3G phone when iPhone 1.0 is still seeling like hot cakes. Just one opinion. YMMV. ;-) Reply ↓↑report 15 Jay said 4:11PM on 5-10-2008…/iphone-is-unavailable-in-… 6/16 5/25/2011 iPhone is 'unavailable' in UK and US A… For what it's worth, I confirmed with a guy last night at the AT&T store that they are going to release the 3G in mid-tolate June. No word on the pricing yet, but he did say the rumor has it at 200$. Reply ↓↑report 16 basscadet said 4:41PM on 5-10-2008 iphone at 200$ is so far from reality (unless they're talking about v.1 stock) that it hurts. After v.2 is announced no one will buy a v.1 waiting either to buy v.2 or v.1 with a substancial price cut (many used ones will also flood the market). All this is forcing Apple into a very tight time space between announcement and release, so we'll hear about it maybe 12 weeks before it's released, if not on the same day... Reply ↓↑report 17 tomb said 5:42PM on 5-10-2008 Maybe I'm just dreaming out loud. But Apple has had supply shortages before. They never listed a product as "unavailable". Also it would be economically completely irresponsible to have a product unavailable for over a month. I'm thinking tuesday might be it. Reply ↓↑report 18 jikespingleton said 7:04PM on 5-10-2008 Just put my iPhone on craigslist... if that offers any inclination as to what this situation is making me think. ;) When the 3G iphone is released, 2.5G iphones will not be worth much. I'm jumping ship to maximize my ability to buy a 3G phone without dipping into my pockets at all. I'm shooting for selling mine for some even trade money. Reply…/iphone-is-unavailable-in-… 7/16 5/25/2011 iPhone is 'unavailable' in UK and US A… ↓↑report 19 blinkcowz182 said 7:56PM on 5-10-2008 Except it will likely take month(s) for the hackers to unlock the 3G iPhone. In the meantime, there will still be demand for those wanting an iPhone and not on an "approved" carrier and also not willing to wait for the 3G unlock. ↓↑report 20 SuperPac said 7:54PM on 5-10-2008 The timing on this really doesn't make much sense. 1) People are getting their stimulus checks right around now and have the $$$ to spend. 2) With graduation and Father's Day upon us they have two potential holidays they will have lost for iPhone sales. 3) They've never before let products go "unavailable" like this, even more expensive laptops or other hardware. I just don't see how they could go a whole month without selling another single iPhone. Seems like a lot of potentially lost ground there. The argument that they're doing it to prevent people from returning "outdated" iPhones doesn't make sense either...they've never stopped selling outdated, about-to-be-obsolete iPods just because the next day they're gonna introduce a new one--IMO there will definitely be a market even for the used 2.5G iPhones after the 3G phone comes out 'cuz let's face it sometimes people don't need the absolute top of the line in speed or storage space. If a 2.5G phone were cheaper I'm sure there'd be plenty of people who would buy, just like there are plenty of people that buy Shuffles and Nanos when there are larger iPods out there. Reply ↓↑report | 1 | 2 | Most Recent | Next 20 Comments…/iphone-is-unavailable-in-… 8/16 5/25/2011 iPhone is 'unavailable' in UK and US A… Get App News in your email! 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Jon on TomTom GPS app offers good maps, terrible interface Peter on twelvesouth introduces BookBook for Macbook Air…/iphone-is-unavailable-in-… 14/16 5/25/2011 iPhone is 'unavailable' in UK and US A… AndreyCo on iPhone: What is DFU mode, and what's the difference from recovery mode? tim on How Apple iBooks could compete with Amazon's Kindle in the ebook space [updated] nxiv on iPhone: What is DFU mode, and what's the difference from recovery mode? phlavor on Alarm Dock gives your iPhone retro cred TUAW Tags google iPad Developer ios att mac Ipad2 lawsuit Iphone5 apple Ios4.3 features SteveSande AuntieTuaw AppStore patent SteveJobs software iPhone retail app rumor update games applestore apps iMac WhiteIphone Iphone4 lion MacAppStore legal sales itunes hardware TuawsDailyApp Microsoft video AuntTuaw ipod music DearAuntTuaw gaming accessories twitter tuaws-daily-app SoftwareUpdate OsX review IpodTouch More Apple Analysis AAPL on BloggingStocks The Apple category feed from AAPL Quote, News & Summary The AAPL financials page from AOL Money and Finance Macintosh news and reviews on Download Squad The Macintosh category feed from Download Squad Also on AOL Autos Technology Lifestyle Gaming Finance Entertainment on AOL Lifestyle on AOL Sports on AOL Travel on AOL More on AOL Engadget Joystiq TechCrunch Pioneer unveils its AppRadio, integrates iOS into your automobile Sony announces 160GB PlayStation 3 bundle with Call of Duty: Black Ops Spotify and Facebook partner up, send Europe a friend request? 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