Apple Inc. v. Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. et al
Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Samsung's Opposition to Apple's Motion for Partial Summary Judgment filed by Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd.. (Attachments: #1 Trac Declaration in Support of Motion to File Under Seal, #2 Samsung's Opposition to Apple's Motion for Partial Summary Judgment, #3 Hecht Declaration in Support of Opposition to Motion for Partial Summary Judgment, #4 Ex A, #5 Ex B1, #6 Ex B2, #7 Ex C1, #8 Ex C2, #9 Ex D, #10 Ex E, #11 Ex F1, #12 Ex F2, #13 Ex F3, #14 Ex F4, #15 Ex G, #16 Ex H, #17 Ex I, #18 Ex J1, #19 Ex J2, #20 Ex J3, #21 Ex J4, #22 Ex J5, #23 Ex J6, #24 Ex J7, #25 Ex J8, #26 Ex J9, #27 Ex J10, #28 Ex J11, #29 Ex K1, #30 Ex K2, #31 Ex K3, #32 Ex L, #33 Ex M, #34 Ex N, #35 Ex O1, #36 Ex O2, #37 Ex P1, #38 Ex P2, #39 Ex Q1, #40 Ex Q2, #41 Ex Q3, #42 Ex Q4, #43 Ex Q5, #44 Ex Q6, #45 Ex Q7, #46 Ex R, #47 Ex S1, #48 Ex S2, #49 Rosenbrock Declaration in Support of Opposition to Motion for Partial Summary Judgment, #50 Ex 1, #51 Ex 2, #52 Ex 3, #53 Ex 4, #54 Ex 5, #55 Ex 6, #56 Ex 7, #57 Ex 8, #58 Ex 9, #59 Ex 10, #60 Ex 11, #61 Ex 12, #62 Ex 13, #63 Ex 14, #64 Ex 15, #65 Ex 16, #66 Ex 17, #67 Ex 18, #68 Proposed Order Denying Apple's Motion for Summary Judgment, #69 Proposed Order Granting Samsung's Administrative Motion to File Under Seal)(Maroulis, Victoria) (Filed on 4/2/2012) Modified on 4/3/2012 Attachment #1 Trac Declaration placed under seal. Posting of attachments #16, 18, 19, 20 through 33, 37, 38, 47 and 48 are NOT in compliance with General Order 62 (dhm, COURT STAFF).
European Telecommunications Standards Institute
9th General Assembly
Nice, 20-21 November 1990
ETSI/GA 9 (90) 9
16 November 1990
IPRC Chairman
Intellectual Property Policy and Prodecures
Document for:
Information and Discussion
Note from the ETSI Secretariat:
The attached document, which is a contribution from Mr. R. Nicholson, IPRC Chairman, is an
amended version of the document submitted to the 7th Technical Assembly under the reference
TA 7 (90) 31.
Confidential Business Information,
Subject to Protective Order
¢~23 5N2
TO: Prof Sagliardi
15 November 1990
Please find enclosed a copy of the subi~ect document for submission to GA9 as
my contribution÷
It is my opinion that apart from the following matters, this paper would be
generally acceptable to the majority of the IPRC:~
It is considered that the arbitration provisions should be deleted
because disputes between members are a matter for the members. It
was concluded that essentiality is a matter for ETSI and not an
arbitrator. Thus any disputes concerning essentiality should be
settled by ETSi and the members concerned. Since decisions are
only binding on the parties to the arbitration, different decisions
may therefore arise concerning the essentiality of the same IPR.
The manufacturers are concerned that operators will use their
purchasing power to obtain licences in respect of non-essentia! IPR
and have suggested the inclusion of a clause to prevent this (ie
clause 5.!0 of the IPR Undertaking). The operators on the other
hand feel that ETSI should only concern itself with essential
statutory iPRs because the principle provisions o£ the agreement
only relate to such IPRs and are of the opinion that clause 6.10
should be limited to essential statutory IPRs.
The extent to which the licence~.~anbe extended to allow the
operator to use outside the territory equipment manufactured under
licence in the territory, is still a contentious issue. The
operators have stated that a viable off-set for this would be the
freedom for manufacturers to manufacture components, sub-systems or
the like outsi@e the territory.
The territorial extent of, a~d the consideration for, the licences
are still areas o£ dispute.
With kind personal regards
rs sincerely
Postal add~e.s$ t ETa! ’B. P. 152.- F-055’61 "i&lbot~,ne C_..,e(J#× FRANCE
O~[ce :~,","J~ress t Route des LuCi0!e~ SophiaoA,qt~po’~, V~;b0nne ,FRAt4C~
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7e]. : + 3392 94 42. OC,
’Teief~ : 4. 3.3 93 55 47 !.~
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T61eX ; ~.70 [.)40 F
S~RET ~ 348 653 5~2 0001.
Amended Version 2
Amended 15.11.90
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Tae General Esse~bly has recognined that the generation of European
Telecomaunications 8taadards (ETSs) may give rise to intellectual
property problems and has, ~erefore, esta~llshed an Intellectual
Property Rights Oommittee (IPRC) to advise ETSI and its members.
The IPRC has formulated an Zntsll~ual Property Policy (IPP) for
the benefit of ETSI members and ImgBo-mlbillty for the operation of
this policy is vested i~ the IF%~C.
The IPRC shall be responsible for r~zcamendlng changes to the
policy pursuant to in the legal and commercial environment
for ratification by the General ~Sambly.
In pursuance of Article 2 a/ld 3 of the E2SZ S%atutes, the main policy
objectives Of ETSI in relation to IPRs are to ensure that.
ETSs shall be based on sol~tions ~ich meet the stated technical
objectives but a draft BTS s~Kll not be adopted if it is subject to
any IPRs for which licenc~ are considered by ETSI to be needed but
are not available, on fair,~ reasonable, and non-discriminatory
te~s told which’lIE~n~es" ~’%~e~x’~otality are non-prohibitive;
the investment made ~ ETS~ ~a~ers anti their affiliates in
research and development, u~ilised in the establistment of ETSs,
shall be adequate!y and £alr~y rewarded.
intellectual property righ%s(ZPRs) eo not ~nreasonably hinder the
manufacture, sale, supply o ruse o~sys%e~s, equipmemt or services
in compliance with ETSs;
all ETSI me~ers have real access to telecommunications markets,
equivalent to that of j!tdigenmls commercial enterprises, in all
countries adopting and implementing ETS~.
As a condition of being, or~ontln~ing to be, a member of ETSI, all
members must ~rovide an IFR %tudertaking in the form shown in
Appendix "A" zncluding its Annexes whicll is an integral part of
this Policy. This IPR ~nderemking is intendea to ensure that IPRs
are not employed unreasonably to prevent the adoption of an ETS by
ETSX, an~ that ETSI members can cooperate freely an~ without risk
in achieving ETSI’s stated objectives and in the develo~ent of
co~mon ETSs.
The I~R undertaking referre~ to in paragraph 3.1 above shall, on
signature, apply to all ETSZ standards and supersede any previous
undertaking given to ETSI relating to standards for which ETSI is
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Members of ETS~ shall sign the ~ndertaking referred to in paragraph
3.1 above wi~hln 6 months of a request in writing from ETSI so to
The proceedings of a Technical Committee (TC) Qr Sub-Commlttee (STC) or
any part thereof shall be regarded as non-confldential except as
expressly provided below and all information st~zitted to a (TC) or (STC)
shall be treated as if in the public domain and shall De available for
p%blic inspection unless it i8 identified i~ writing by the originator as
confidential at the Sate of submisslon. Proceedings of a TC or STC which
relate to confidential informatioll disclosed to the STC or TC shall if
minuted to t3at efEect be regarded as confidential themselves.
Subject to paragraph 5.2 below, BTSI shail not seek to own IP~s
other than those generated by its employees or by secondees to ETSI
from non-commerclal or~anisations, such as universities.
The o, nership of t~e copyright subsisting in standards
documentation and reports created by TCS or STCs shall vest in ETS!
but due acknowledgement shall be given to copyrights owned by third
parties that are ideatifSable in ETSI ¢opyrighte~ works.
Subject to para91-aph 5.4 below, enforcement of IPRe owned by ETSI
shall be at the discretion of the IPRC and subject to the approval
of the General Assembly.
Except as provldaa ~u para~aph 5.2 above IFRs owned by ETSI shall
De made available, as of riSht and free of charge, to ETSI members
bY way of a licence.
ETSI shall, subject to any o~ligation of confidentiality, permit
its M~BER$ and their affiliates to reproduce its technical reports
and standards specificatlons whether in draft or final form for
their own internal ~e.
ETSI shall, subject to any obligation o£ confidentiality,
distribute unofficial ETSI dDculents only to MEKBERS and their
affillates, observers, an~ countellors.
ETSI my conclude agreements with governmental ~dies, public
telecommunications operators, industrial associations,
teleco~municatlons users associations, and ~ational or regional
standards bodies pursuant to which ETSs, draft ETSs, I-ETSs, and
ETS~ technical reports may be supplie~ to such bo4ies under
conditions of confidence or otherwise.
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Subject to Protective Order
In accordance with paragraph 2.1 of the PolicT, llcances granted pursuant
to the IPR Undertakin~ shall be an fair, reasonable and
non-discrlmlnatory terms.
It is recommended that llcances 9zanted pursuant to the IPR Undertakings
should De in the form annexe~ to,he ~ndertaking set out in Appendix "A"
attached hereto.
Licensors of essential intellectual propertl rights, who are signatories
of the ~ndertaking referred to lnlparagrapI~ 3.1, shall in setting royalty
rates take into account that the~xlm~cumulative royalty due in
respect of essential IPRs for a particular product or method shall not
exceed a predetermined level set by BTSI in accordance with its Rules of
Pr~edure, above which level the cumulative royalty is deemed to be
prohibitive, that is to say to have the effeut of preventing licensees
from conercimlising such produ~or aet~od. 3TSI shall determine the
level of the maximum cumulative royalty applicable to such ETS, taking
into account normally accepted maximum royalty rates for the type of
equipment an~/or me~hods in the f~el8 of the ETS a~d consisteat with
pr~iding a fair reward for II~ based on R and D necessary for creating
the technology underlying the ETS.
Zn order to facilitate the pSovisi~U of advice on IFR matters to
the TCs and/or the STCs, the IPRC will have a Sub-Committee for
each of the TCs and each of~hese $ub-Commlttees will:
will be responsible
Ca)Totchaired by a eeaber.of the IPRC who to wh~Chhis
iiaising with the Chairman Of ~he TC
Sub-~mmittee has bean assigned.
have a modus operandi deteFaine4 by the IPRC which will
ratify and have final responsibility for any actions taken
and/or advlcs glvenl~f~he Sub~mmlttees.
(C) ¯ make a llst of essential IFRs .hich might obstruct ETSs, and
will pass copies of su~ list on a confidential basis to all
~TS~ ~em~ers ....
ETSI members who disclose information to TCs or STCs shall bear the
sole responsibility for taking appropriate measures ~or securing
the IPRs they desire in relation to such information prior to
Any document su~nitte4 to a TC or STC containing information which
the originator regards as confidential shall be clearly marked as
such and any oral statement made to a TC or STC which is regarded
as confidential must be identified before disclosure in
non-confidential ter~s aad re~ord@~ in the miautes in such terms.
ETS7 members who are procurers an~ vendors of equipment specified
by reference to an ETS shall equitably share their risks associate~
with infringement of essentia! IFRs which are unidentifie~ prior to
the ~ate on which a procurement contract price is binding on the
Confidential Business Information,
Subject to Protective Order
ETS[ shall, to the extel%t t~at it ~ able, ensure its m~J~ers ca~
obtain licences on fair, reasonable and non-discriminatory terms
pursuant to essential IPRs, Im particular third party essential
IPRS. If a me~ber of ETS2 is ~%able to obtain a licence on fair,
reasonable a!%d non-discria!natory ter~s pursuant to an ZPR which is
essential to a standard, ETSI shall take i~mediate steps to ~>dify
the standard so that such IPR is no longer essential or shall
withdraw the standard.
In the event of a dinlmte or difference between t/~e SIGHATORY, and
a signatory of an eq~ivaleat tmeertaking mutatis mut~Idis arising
o~t of or in connection with the UNDERT~/~NG, its interpretation,
or application, the parties to the dispute shall first use their
best endeavours to settle thQ displte or dif~ere£ce amicably within
a period of 3 months after one party has announced in writing to
the other that there exists a~ dispute or difference.
all disputes or differences whlch carmot he settled as provided for
in clause 8.1 above shaZl be finally settled by ad hoc arbitration
by three arbitrators. One arbitrator shall be appointed by each
party to the dispute, and the third arbitrator, who shall act as
Chaira~n, shall be appointed by the two first appointed
arbitrators. If the firgt ppoi~ted a~bitrators fail to agree
two a
upon the third arbitrator wi~
6 W~J~s of the appointment of the
second o~ the first two arbitrators, the thir6 arbitrator shall be
appointed by the Director of ~T$1. The Chairman of the arbltratio~
panel shall have proven axperiQace in the issues in dispute.
The arbitrators e~]! follow tAe n~"of conciliiation an--d’
arbitration of the %~ternatio~%l .Chamber of Commerce in its edition
current at the time o~ arbitratlon without involving the
International Chamber of commerce in administrative matters.
If there be more ~21an o~e part~ on one, or on both sides, all
parties being o~ one side shall ac~ ~ointly and unanimously as a
single party for the appointae~t of arbitrators and a~y other
actlv~ties in the course of arbitration.
The arbltr~tors shall use thei~ best efforts to give their final
Judgement ~ot later tha~ s~x ~onths ITom the date on which the
third arbitrator has been appoiuted.
Unless otherwise agreed, arbitrators shall have their meetings and
hearings in Sophia-A~tlpolis, France.
The award of the arbitrators shall be final and binding upon the
disput i~g parties.
Issues of IPR infringement and validity shall not be decided b~ the
arbitrators, however decisions relating to the ESSENTYALITY of an
~PR ~y be made, as between the Iklrtles, by arbitration and shall
be ~ade available by the parties to ~TS~ ~or distribution to all
members together with the reasons for ~he arbitrator’s ~eclsion.
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If and as long as the SISNATORY is not permitted by law to be a
par%y to arbit;ation and a ~ispu~e arises out o£ this Policy which
involves the SIGNATORY, the~ suc, h dlsp~te shall be submitted to the
jurisdiction of a competent court.
8.10 The costs of arDitratlon shall be Dome ~ the parties thereto and
appo~tloned as the arbitrators shall dlr~-t.
This policy shall al~ays be opera%ee in a manner which complies with the
law and r~tion of the countries in which BTSI members are resident,
and where appropriate with the law and requlation of the Buropean
Econoaic Community or the Europea~ Free Trade Association.
Any ~)~’e.ach of this policy by an ETSI member shall be deemed to be a
breach, bythat member, of the ETSI Statutes.
"’6 m
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Subject to Protective Order
This undertaking is given this ....... day of .......... by ...... ...
(hereinafter referred to as the SIGNATORY.) who~e registered office is situate
at .............. , to the EI~0P~ ~ZCNtT~OHS STANDARDS ~NSTITI;TE
whose registered office is situate at Route de8 Lucloles Sophla-Antipolis,
Val~onne, France (herelnaftar referred to as ~TSI).
The SI~ATOR~ is a member of ETSZ, and fully committed to the objectives
of ETSI.
The objectives of ETSI are set out ~n Articles 2 aIl~ 3 of the Statutes o£
The SIGNATC~X is prepared to grant certain licences which are necessary
to furth6r the ob3ectlves of ETSI.
The SIGNATORY therefore under~lkes as follows:I.
The words and phrases set out below shall haw the follc~ing m~anings
ascribed to them for the purposes of the U~I11B~r!~G~1.1
"TBZ 8~D~ING" shall ~ this un~er%aklng including any
amen~en~s" ~d mo~ificatlons tie£eo~."
"ST£TUTORX IFR" shall mean any intellectual property right
crutedby statute law including applications therefor other
~han trademarks. For the avoidance of doubt rights relating
to get-up, confldent~alinforma~ion, ~rade secrets or the
like are excluded from the definition o~ STATUTORY IPR.
RI~I~D~’D (S’~TU~R~) I;~s shall zean STAT~TOR~ l~Rs
recorded in an official register including patents,
registered desig~s and ~il~t~ ~odels and shall include
a~pli~ations therefor.
~STAhr~AP~" shall mean any standard including o~ions
contained therei~ or amended versions anS shall include
~uropean Telecommunications Standards (ETS), £nteri¢ ETSs,
l~ormes Europeenes des Telecommunication (~ETs) and drafts
thereof, the technical specifications of which are available
to all members of ETSI and are agreed and ~romulgated by
ETSI. The date on which a STRh~D is considered to be
a4opted by ~TSI for the parposes of this UND~E"2AI