Securities and Exchange Commission v. Nadel et al

Filing 265

DECLARATION of Kieran Roe re #264 Response to order to show cause by Carolina Mountain Land Conservancy. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1, #2 Exhibit 2, #3 Exhibit 3, #4 Exhibit 4, #5 Exhibit Composite Exhibit 5, Part I, #6 Exhibit Composite Exhibit 5, Part II, #7 Exhibit Composite Exhibit 5, Part III, #8 Exhibit 6, #9 Exhibit 7, #10 Exhibit 8, #11 Exhibit 9, #12 Exhibit 10, #13 Exhibit 11, #14 Exhibit 12, #15 Exhibit 13, #16 Exhibit 14, #17 Exhibit 15, #18 Exhibit Composite Exhibit 16, #19 Exhibit 17, #20 Exhibit 18, #21 Exhibit Composite Exhibit 19)(Solomon, Marty)

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41 TIBIHXE pihsrevieceR )S002( 0401 mroF 44720OrekcuZ ledaN enoUc·ntanI 73 83 · roF ACB .998,966,71 emocnI ·org 63 43 ,e ,rUoH tcA noitcudeR krowrepaP dne ,tcA ycavirP ,erusolcsiD det·uJds ruoy sI sih] .22 anI morf 63 enif darlbuS 73 53 hguorht 23 dna a13 hgumhI 32 senil ddA 63 l|lrmvlnU 6002 .flno MglrypoC ernwtfoi 33 23 e13 03 92 B2 3098 mroF hcattA .noitcuded seitivitca noitcudorp citsemoD 53 )sno·cJnlsnI ees( noitcuded seef dne nollluT 43 )snol·curts ,I ee·( no·cuded !serotnI naol lnedutS 3,3 )snoEcurMnI ees( notlcudod ARI 23 · nas©lR b diap ynomilA a13 sgnivas fo lawardhtiw ydae no ytlaneP 03 ).rtsni ees{ ·oltcuded eonaresnI htlaeh deyolpn·.floS 72 62 92 82 72 52 42 62 52 42 32 22 ZE-6012 snalp de·ilauq dna ,ELPMIS ,PES deyolpme-fleS ES eludehcS ·dattA .xal ·ra.mynlpme-fies fo flah-enO 3093 mroF hcattA .sesnepxe gnivoM 9888 nn0F hcetlA .noitcuded tnuocca sgnivas htlaeH 6012 mroF hcattA .slaiciffo .yag sis·b-eef dna ro emocnI 8BarG ,Slslda glrlmlodep ,sts·neser fo sesnepxe ssenisub niatreC )snoitcurtsni ees( sesnepxe rotacudE .12 detsujdA .V-0401 mroF esu .998,966,71 .180,7 .972,844,7 22 · amocl· latot ruot)- 32 sihF hl·umhl 7 senIl rof nmuloo thgid raf eht ni stnuoma ehl ddA t2 b02 91 ).rtsni ees( 12 a02 91 esaelp ).mnlees( tnuonree·baxaTb .133,8 ,anoltoro·qoo S ·0·I 81 F eludehcS hcattA tnuoma dna epyt tsiL .emocni rehHC etlfsneb ytirocesladoS nellaslfopmoc !nemyolpmenU .)ssol( emocni mraF 81 ,osIAYna'hcat·taat°nn.otndemnyaEp od tub 7t b61 )LsnI ees( E eludehcS hc,·ttA .cis ,atnu'b tnuoma etbaxeT b b ,spihmendap IMiI·' laeli ZE-C b·.51 41 ).tsni ees( lnuoma elbaxaT ,seitlayor ,etatse laer latneR 71 salliunna dna s noisneP e61 ,noi,ubiVsldAR, .61 41 .snoltcurlsni .050,866,9 .490·013 .593,11 .000,522 evoba senil srebmun ddA 31 ·-I · arehkcehc ,deriuqer fon fI 21 11 01 ,,9 b8 sB sniag rehtO 7974 mroF hcattA .)sessol( .derluqerfiDelodehcShcallA -)ssoI(·niaglatlpaC ro C eludehcS hcattA .)ssol( ro emocnI ssenisuB deviecer ynomilA ,s·ide·c ,sdnufer elbaxaT b 31 21 11 ton did uoy fI ,2-W leg )anoltcJhtsni ees( sexat emocnI lacol dna etats fo slesffo 01 .dlehhRw .197,703 tb9 )snoltcurlsnlees(sdned·vlddelfllauQ derluder fi 2-W x,=tflR·9901 dna G2-W smroF hcatta oslA .oreh 2-W )s(mroF deriuqer fi B eludehcS hcetlA .sdnedivid yranidrO a9 edulcnI ton oD tseretnI tpnrexo.xaT b a8 en;I B eludehcS hcatlA .tseretnI elbaxaT a8 )s(mroF hcattA .cle hcattA 7 emocnI ,spit ,seiralas ,ssgeW demialc 7 fo rebmun latoT d anoUpmexe .rtsnI 0 |·neOmapeD ep·C 0 2 uoy htiw l:·hI. ;ohw C6 nerdlihc fo .oN b6 dna e,· .· uoy ot x,·t -l.uq d,·c yll V)4.( .On ·lduces laicos eman tsaL b dniF )1[ fI plhsnollalor s'tnednepeD )3( s'tnednepeD )2( ,tnedneped S sa :·lnednepeD e·'-'098 · uoy mia·c nac anoenros )snoifcur|snI ees( dlihc tnedneped hliw ·e(wodiw · .erab dekcehcsexoB·. a6 xob kcahc ton od ·L U a6 snoitpmexE .xob Z eno ·lnyieuQ s'dlihc siht H iC fi .flemuoY ll·f dna ·.areh retne ,tnedneped ruoy ton tub dlihc a sI nosrep gniyfilauq ehI fI ).sooilcurl·iieoS( .)i'.·,,,,,:llnl·ilauqhtiw(dlohesuohfodeel-I > 1 evoba NSS s'esuops retnE .yletarapes · dennaM )emocnI dah eno ylno fi neve( ·nloI gnilif dedraM elgniS ,uo,fiero,<ic.,o ]· U ylno kcehC sutatS gniliF °n lr .ldI n·W.ifN· rlecb xX·t°b·oS gyneddg raeh& --p y laicos ·I s'esuopS edoC PiZ d·a .etatS 02. "·" '' ·.,U ),no·,=u· ·s( RUHTRA· _.__rebmun ytiruces laicos ,ytiC 4700-5451 .oN BMO g· ,·, etirw ton L,] lebaL .ecapa siht nI eppets oD-/llnO esU 8RI )itg{ ETIREUGR· LEDAN J LEDAN emaN ·J )nruteR t·oJ fi( emaN s'tuopS ssmd· emoH 0nlnnlglb rm·l0 .5002 ,13 .0rD-1 nruteR xaT emocnI laudividnI .s.u 5002 0401· 4 fo 1 egaP 9002/32/11 deliF 4-732 tnemucoD MBT-LAR-78000-vc-90:8 esaC pihsrevieceR )5002( 0401 mroF 547200rekcuZ ledaN 2$0NISU =thgir llA .cnI .lmol|y8 5002 .ylno eraw.,los thgirypoC ACB 3000-973-149 .onenohP 4326-14243 S,,·CVS flkcehC LF ATe%ARAS · ·.o·.,z ro(om,n,'· -NIE NITProNSS sreraperP XA· & elaD GTCCA" R,·'KCUZ' /'· ·'·HCTH J sreraperP | / · PuccoseSuoPSI 5 · ypocepeeK ?mutmtnioJ 90-663-149 reomunenonpemttyaD ·.i ITNATLUSNOC ,,bm·. TNEMTSEVNZ·nn?I· nollepuccoruoY desllb III l·taD |.g,.ts·mhtob..,ure,, .erutsnglas'esu.oR8 qln etaD I| sih reraperp hcihw'le ·o}lsnnofnI )'llylp(;lt reh o( reraperp fo l·rllceD f·erroc D --·:l;i;·;'l·:·-'· i· am=n --·u ·NIPI ·N .gniwollof lltelPnoitll¢lfltneMm°Cle.elreP'·Y J·[ · 3000-973-149 ?)sno·curtsn] ees( 8' ees % .o,.·Pn REKCUZ LEAHCIM· 'o,.·,,o xat n glS eengiseD snoitcurtsnI ,yap oI woh uoy oD SRI eht niaw nruter siht ssucsid ot nosrep rehtona wo·!a ot lnew detemllsE 87 uoy tnuomA 87 )snoitcurteni aes( ytleoep sliated roF .36 enil morf 17 enil tcartbuS · ytraP drihT ewO UO'· tnuomA .d37 dna .c3T ,b37 n· llif dm snoitcurtsni ee· .286z44 sgnivaS 037 27 47 d · · ·-I gnikcehC · xat-too800Zruo·otdellppet..,·uoy27·tro¢^ lXXxX·XIXJXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX·I :·4' :epyT XXXXXXXXXXXXX· I-r c elbuoR b · ?tisoped tcer)9 diaprevo · 17 uot· ot dednufer tnaw uo,) 27 enil fo tnuomA e37 27 uoy lnuoma eht si sihT .17 enil morf 36 enil tcartbus ,36 enil nahI erom si 17 enil fI ainam flep latot ruot) ere esehT .07 hguo·hI 76 dna ,066 ,56 ,46 senil ddA 17 07 dnufe·F aaaa)tmsrIoF3[G"14n'noFBb a042mroF]Ea n )tsel ees( dlehhtiw xat ATRR rail dna :morf stnemyaP 07 ees( e·f ot noisnetxe rof tseuqer htiw diap tnUomA 2188 mroF hcattA .tiderc xat lkihc lanoiliddA 96 88 76 98 88 76 ytiruces laicos emocn ssecxE .CIE ·ludehcS hcatta l·bmoc elbaretne ,dlihc gniyfilauq evah uoy fI )CIE(tldmc denraE .000,009,4 .000,07 88 5$ 48 L stnemya) .813,52914 35 · 36 28 28 16 08 95 16 08 95 sBIxa" roht) 85 85 .813.529,4 88 · 7· ]L ·[ 003,7$ ,dlohesuoh ·5 fo daeH ·[ etbacl·:la B nruter 4002 morf deilppa tma d·s stmyp xat detamilae 5002 56 9901 dne 2-W smroF morf dlehhtiw xal emocni laredeF xat latot ruoy sl sl·] .29 hgumh175 senil ddA H eludehcS hcattA .sexat tnemyolpme dlohesuoH 2-W )s(mroF morf stnemyap tiderc emocni denrae esnavdA deriuqer fi 9235 mroF hcattA .cte ,smkp tnemeriter deifilauq rehto ,eARI xat lan0JliddA xat eracideM dna ytducea la·oS 7314 mroF hcattA .reyolpme ot detroper ton emocnI pit ES eludehcS hcoILA .xat tnemyolpme-fleS -0-retne ,64eoilnahterums165enilfI .64 enll morf 85 enil lcmtbuS esehT .55 hguorht 74 senil ddA stiderc latot ruoy 10sa mroF mroF J· 5.·_6 kcehC .atideJc rehtO :lee(xob 0083 mroF :mo'if stiderC 6938 mroF b 9588 mroF 9388 mroF hcattA .tide'·c noilpodA deriuqer fI 1098 mroF hcattA .).lsnI ees( tiderc xat dlihC 0888 mroF hcattA .tiderc snoilubdlnoc sgn·vas tnemeriteR 28 16 000,01$ ,)ro(wodiw gniyfilauQ 3688 mroF hcattA .sliderc noitacudE 94 9· 94 yltnioj gnilif dennaM 000,5$ gnilif deirraM :srehtO tJA .rtsnI 84 74 84 ylredle eht rof tiderC R eludehcS hcattA ,delbasid eht 1442 mroF hcattA .pxe erac tnadneped dna dlihc rof tiderC deriuqer fi 6111 mroF hcattA .t·dmc xal ngieroF 54 dna 44 senif ddA 74 64 64 ,yletarapes ,elgniS 813,529,4 .8 3_,_·_·__.49 j_423,223,41 84 44 · 1526 nreF hcatlA .)snoitcurtsni ees( sat muminim evitanretlA ,tnedneped dem·c nac ·[ ]· 34 24 b93 ohw 093 1'4 04 .4231223,41 .575,743,3 14 04 xob enil yna dekcohc ohw elpoeP -rO noltcud·D b93 · :morf al xat ynafi kcehC .).ksni ees( xaT 4188)s(mroF b 2794mroF -0- reihs ,14 enil naht nrom si 24 enil fI .14 enil morf 24 enil tcartbuS .emocnI elbaxaT latoI eht yb 002,3$ ylpitlum ,esiwrehtO .snoitcurtsni demlac snoitpmexe fo d6 enIl ,anirtaK enaClnuH yb de·alpaid nemep a ot gnisuoh dedivorp uoy ro ,574,901$ revo si 83 enll fi 83 enll morf 04 enil tcarlbuS )nigram tfel ees( noitcuded dradnats ruoy ro )A eludehcS morf( snoitcuded dezimetI ereh kcehc dne snoitcurtsnI no Se.ZlmetI esuops ruoy fI uoy ro nruter etarapes dradnatS o[ ,exoblatoT·-.dnilB H ·dekcehcJ ,nella sutats-laud .dnlB U ,1491,2 .nsJerofebmobsswesuepS ]X· .[ :fi suidar ]· "-·.kcohC dna X· 093 ,1491.2 .neJerofohmOberewuoY )emocnI ssorg l:·,,·_,jde( 73 enil morf tnuomA 83 & RUHTRA LEDAN J ETIREU·,·M )50,02· 0401 mroF 4 fo 2 egaP 9002/32/11 deliF 4-732 tnemucoD MBT-LAR-78000-vc-90:8 esaC pihsrevieceR 5002 647200rekcuZ ledaN .veR 1$AHCSBU )040t mroF( A eludehcS .snoitcurtsnI 0401 mroF ees ,ecitoN tcA noitcudeR krowrepaP roF .575,743,3 ez · .· .retne ot tnnoma eht rof snoidmlanr eeS .detinklebyamnottcudedruoY .seY lnuoma sibI retne ,oslA .72 hguorht 4 senil rat .04 enil ,0401 mroF .oN ]· ]-[ o· ]-" '72 snoltcu daD dezimetI ?)ylelorape· gnglf nmulocthgdrafehlnlalnoomeehtddA .detlmillonstnoilcudedruoY d·1n·m fI ·79,27$ revo( 0·0,541$ revo ,03 enil ,0401 mroF ·1 latoT snoitcudeD suoenallecsiM rehtO · 62 52 -0-retne ,32 enil naht tnuoma dna epyt tsiL .tsni eht nI tsil morf rehtO si 52 enil fI .32 enil morf 52 enil tcarlbuS erem 72 02 52 32 · 32 22 ·cte )20.( %2 yb 42 enil ylpGluM 830nil ,0401 mroFmorf ,tmaretnE hguorhl 02 senil ddA 22 ).snollcurMnI eeS( ,xob tisoped elas ,tnemtsevnI seef sesnepxe rehtO 22 t2 ti2 noitaraperp xaT · 12 .deriuqer fi Z._F-6012 6012 n·oF hcattA .c·e ,nailacude boj ,seud noinu ,lm,mt boJ sesnepxe eeyolpme desrubmlernU 91 oz ).SnollcurlsnI eeS( 71 .4864 mroF hcaltA .)sa(ecal 71 dna rieht r·( ytlausaC senil ddA 91 8t snoitcudeD suoenallecsiM niatreC dna sesnepxE boJ sessoL tfehT dna ytlausaC .snoitcurtsnI rof tifeneb .997,238,3 01 ·61 ·a51 71 61 ,tI .526 ,008 tI ·t ees ,erom ro .raey roirp me'if revoy'naC 005$revofi3828mloF hcatteteumuoY .anoltcur·sni 052$ fo tfig/ma fI .kcehc hsac yb naht rehtO tog dns ·llg edam uoy fI lbStJ 471 ,·230 ,·2 a61 ,ermn ),n)·lcmtsnI ,,,[ sno·cuVsnlees ytirahC ot stfiG 41 05Z$ fo trig yna edam uoy fI .kcehc ro hsac yb stttg latoT .950,13 41 31 hguorht 01 aeni ddA .8 3 6 .·__1_ aeS( .deriuqer fi 2t ).sno·cu·sni 2594 n·oF hcattA .tseretni tnemtsevnI 3t ,elbitcuded ton rof esoitcmtsnI eeS .8901 ·moF 1'1 · uoy oI delaeper ssim tadeps ton slnloP 21 si tseretnI lanosreP .etoN ·serdda dne ,.on gniyfilnadi ,eman s'nosrep taht wohs dna 11 01 124 003 01. ,emoh eht thguob uoy mohw mart nosrep eht ot diap .tsni fI .8901 mroF no uoy ot detroper lah ts·elni egagdom emoH derepat atnlop & MemtnI .gtlom emoH 8901 mroF uoy ot 8 tnuoma dne ).snoitcurtsni eeS( diaP uoY tseretnI .534f9 9 hguorht 5 senil ddA 7 sexat epyt tsiL .sexat rehtO ylreporp lanosreP sexat sialac laeR .5 5 1 4 5 )snoitcurtsM ees( 7 6 ).snoitcurtsni eeS J·)sno·lcurtsnI aes( s .082,5 % sexat selas taroneG .aexatemac., :)xob erom e·o ylno kcehc( lacol dna etatS ·: 5 4 3 dia) uoY sexaT -0- retne ,t enil nahI 3 sI 3 enil fi .1 enil morf 3 enil tcartbuS %5.7 yb 2 enil ylpitluM )570.( sesnepxE 83eni1,04Oln'noFmorf .tmerelnE 2 )snoitcurtsnI ees( sesnepxe latned dna lacideM .mehlo 'I 2 yb diap demubmlm sesnepxe edulcnI ton oD .noituaC LEDAN J 70 .oN ETIREUGRAM & 0401 mroF )99( no nwohs latneD dna lacideM RUHTRA )s(emaN lnemdapeD ecneuqeS tnemhcattA .)0401 mroF( B & A seludehcS rof enoitcu·tsnI eeS · .040t mroF Ot hcattA · ·l·rT )2 egap nO sI B eludahc8( 5002 4700-545t .oN BMO snoitcudeD dezimetI A eludehcS )0401 mroF( B&A SELUDEHCS 4 fo 3 egaP 9002/32/11 deliF 4-732 tnemucoD MBT-LAR-78000-vc-90:8 esaC pihsrevieceR .997,238,3 747200rekcuZ ledaN rao') %02 ot detimil siht dewolla snoitubirtnoc latoT snoitazinagro IGA %02 oI detimil revoyrrac niag latipac %03 %03 oI snoitubirtnoc niag lalipac s'raey sihT °089 ,335 ,3 emocniesorg datsuJdafo %02 %03 sihT .000,008 ,I %05 %05 sihT %03 ot detimil snoitazinagro 0 7 9 ,0 0 3 revoyrrac ylreporp rehto dne hsac enelra'cinagro dewolla snoitubirtnoc ytreporp rehto dna hsac noitazinagro %03 s'raey %03 ot dellmil re·oy=rac )td·g lallpac dewolla revoyTlec hsac %05 ot snoitubirtnoc niag latipac sdsey emocni ssarg delsujde fO dewolla snoitubirtnoc hsac %03 .997,230,2 .0 5 9 ,4 3 8 emocnI ssorg noitazinagro %05 s'raey sihT detsujds fo %05 dewolla ·nnld·h!'·noC 5002 rae') alht 4002 3002 2002 1002 O002 %03 %05 rehto dna hsaC %03 · 03 %05 rehto dna hsaC %/·d%porp ag lai·,C·3raey ytreporp xat 6002 oT %·d2eporp latoT ag la(ipeC 4002 ·tr·eporp morF hgumh· 0002 sraey =revoTnaC n0itubl·tnoC 1-K ssiudehcS morF 3828 smr°F m°rF .snotiazina·ro timil %03 ot detanod ytreporp niag lettp.a.C noltazlna@rO 1-K timiL %02 .000,008,1 ·toT 3828 smroF morF ./00O f008 .snoitazinagro 1 seludehcS morF timil %03 ot detanod ·reporp niag latipac latoT loN timiL %03 1-K seludehcS morF .snoltazln·qo .526 .526 ·toT steehskrow lanollldda morf tnoemA 3828 ·nmoF morF timil %05 ot delenod ytreporp nialt latipaC timiL %03 1-K seludehcS morF snoitazinagrO latoT stoehekrow la·ollidda morf tnuomA 1-K seludehcS 41. X :selim elbatirahC timiL %05 ·oltubi·tnoC hsaC nahT rehtO smriz:,tpa·rO latoT timiL %03 ,·71,230,2 .0 0 0,1 steehskrow lanollidda morf tnuomA 1-K seludehcS morF 41. X :·ellm elbatirahC rehtO .441,130,2 92. X ELUDEHCS EES snoitazlna·rO selim anirtaK enacirruH timiL ,'·)· snoitubirtnoC hsaC sto ,chskrow lanoitidda morf druomA sesnepxe lacidem rehM( re·pxaT ecnarusni hllaeh eeyolpme-freS esuopS reyapxeT 51. X stcartnoc mret ·uopS reyapxaT gnol deifilaqQ esuopS r·_·_·T ecnarusnI sleehs·dow morf redniameR teehskrow 0401 mo· eracideM 22. X :NS5 :selim lacideM )xat-orp ton( d·ap :solim leoldeM smuimerp LEDAN J ·gTIREUGRAM & sesnepxE lacideM RUHTRA :emaN <<ehskroW liateD noitcudeD dezin ·{ A eludehcS SU 4 fo 4 egaP 9002/32/11 deliF 4-732 tnemucoD MBT-LAR-78000-vc-90:8 esaC

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