Securities and Exchange Commission v. Nadel et al

Filing 265

DECLARATION of Kieran Roe re #264 Response to order to show cause by Carolina Mountain Land Conservancy. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1, #2 Exhibit 2, #3 Exhibit 3, #4 Exhibit 4, #5 Exhibit Composite Exhibit 5, Part I, #6 Exhibit Composite Exhibit 5, Part II, #7 Exhibit Composite Exhibit 5, Part III, #8 Exhibit 6, #9 Exhibit 7, #10 Exhibit 8, #11 Exhibit 9, #12 Exhibit 10, #13 Exhibit 11, #14 Exhibit 12, #15 Exhibit 13, #16 Exhibit 14, #17 Exhibit 15, #18 Exhibit Composite Exhibit 16, #19 Exhibit 17, #20 Exhibit 18, #21 Exhibit Composite Exhibit 19)(Solomon, Marty)

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tserof kaO ciseM fo kaO ciseM fo 041 gnikool weiV -d71# .epolsnwod ,tserof :hpargotohP epolspu 092 gnikool weiV -c71# :hpargotohP evreserP morf 002 gnikool .dnal tnemesae-non otni weiV -b71# :hpargotohP ta aera tnemesae otni 04 gnikool weiV -a71# ,yradnuob :hpargotohP tseroF yrokciH kaO enatnoM/daoR triD :revoC dnaL yradnuob nretsewhtuos morf yrtne niaM :noitacoL 94184332.28-,80848945.53 .gnoL/.taL :71 tniopyaW .snoitidnoc daor nairapir tcatni ta 0 gnikool .liart gnola tserof weiV -d61# :hpargotohP lacipyt ta 051 gnikool weiV -c61# :hpargotohP .ledaN xelA yb dnuof eltrut xob elinevuJ :hpargotohP hpargotohP lanoitiddA tserof kaO cisem-buS fo 092 weiV -a91# :hpargotohP )ytnuoC llewoDcM ni( tseroF kaO cisem-buS :revoC dnaL evreserP nretsewhtroN :noitacoL 01909432.28- ,16442755.53 .gnoL/.taL :91 tniopyaW .tserof evoC hciR ni kaO deR nrehtroN -retemaid .tf 2V 3 fo 072 gnikool weiV b81 # :hpargotohP .tseroF kaO ciseM ni )tsiL eraR CN(sisoperoC fael-daorB fo weiV -81 # :hpargotohP aera tseroF kaO ciseM :revoC dnaL evreserP nretseW :noitacoL 37330332.28- ,09397255.53 .gnoL/.taL :81 tniopyaW snoitadnemmoceR ro/dna seussI tnemeganaM .1 tnemeganaM ecruoseR E noitceS .smaerts otni ffonur tnemides diova ot emit revo deniatniam ylreporp gnieb sliart dna sdaor ot noitidda ni slecrap tnecajda fo noitcurtsnoc gnirud desu era secitcarp tnemeganam tseb taht dednemmocer si tI .smsinagro citauqa fo sllig eht golc dna tatibah citauqa ni llif ot laitnetop eht sah taht noitullop fo ecruos a si tnemideS .syawretaw eseht gniretne saw tnempoleved tnecajda eht ni noitcurtsnoc daor morf tnemides taht ,revewoh ,devresbo saw .ytilauq retaw tnellecxe stibihxe evreserP niatnuoM leruaL eht ,lareneg nI tI smaertS fo noitatnemideS .sgnidloh-ni eht dna tnemesae noitavresnoc eht fo yradnuob eht gnola rucco snoitaloiv laitnetop yna esac ni emitrevo derotinom eb dluohs ytreporP eht ot tnecajda yltcerid saera eht ,yllaedI .tnempoleved laitnediser fo snoitces otni secnartne rojam ta detacol eb dluoc sngis esehT .tnemesae noitavresnoc eht fo sesoprup dna noitacol eht etacinummoc ot desu eb dluoc sngis eviterpretni detacol yllacigetarts ,llew sA .tnemesae noitavresnoc a ni si ytreporp eht gnitacidni yradnuob eht gnola saera yek ni sngis gnicalp redisnoc ot tnaw thgim renwodnal ehT .deifitnedi dna dekram ylraelc eb aera tnemesae noitavresnoc eht taht dednemmocer si ti ,ytreporp eht no decalp tnemesae noitavresnoc eht no gnignirfni diova oT .keerC driB ot lellarap liart eht gnola yradnuob ytreporp nrehtron eht edistuo tsuj devresbo saw etispmac a ,noitidda nI .serca ol yletamixorppa fo gnitsisnoc rehto eht dna stol etarapes 5 gniniatnoc meht fo eno ,ytreporp eht fo noitrop nrehtuos eht ni seitreporp gnidloh-ni owt stsixe ereht ,evreserP niatnuoM leruaL eht nihtiW seitreporP tnecajdA dna gnidloh-nI eb dluohs noitacidare dna daerps sti tneverp ot nekat eb serusaem taht dednemmocer si tI .dnuoforp eb ot ylekil era metsysoce tserof dedahs detaicossa eht no stceffe gnitluser eht dna suodnemert si stserof eht fo tnenopmoc kcolmeH nretsaE eht yortsed & retla ot yticapac stI .ytreporp eht no dnuof saw )eagust segledA( digledA yllooW kcolmeH eht fo ecneserp eht fo ecnedivE .stnalp citoxe evisavni rof sisab ylraey a no derotinom eb ytreporp eht dna melborp laitnetop siht sserdda ot detaerc eb nalP tnemeganaM citoxE evisavnI na taht dednemmocer osla si tI .ytreporp eht no dehsilbatse llew emoceb yeht erofeb deusrup eb stnalp citoxe evisavni fo noitacidare taht dednemmocer si tI .esoR arolfitluM dna ,eerT ssecnirP ,ssargrevliS esenihC ,ssargtlitS esenapaJ ,elkcusyenoH esenapaJ ,nevaeH fo eerT :edulcni ytreporp eht no dnuof stnalp citoxe evisavnI .stnalp citoxe evisavni yb dezinoloc eb dluoc hcihw setis era sdaor gniggol eht gnola dnuof saera esoht fo emos sa hcus saera desopxe dna stuc raelC .noitcetorp egatireh larutan mret gnol ot staerht tnacifingis tsom eht fo eno era snoitatsefni tnalp evisavni taht thguoht si tI .ytreporp eht fo seulav noitavresnoc eht fo ynam gnizidrapoej suht ,seitinummoc tnalp eritne retla dna stnalp evitan ecalpsid dna etepmoc-tuo nac yeht esuaceb sdnal detcetorp s'aniloraC htroN fo ynam nihtiw ytisrevid tatibah ot taerht rojam a era stnalp citoxe evisavnI slaminA & stnalP citoxE evisavnI snoitadnemmoceR .derolpxe ro/dna seussI tnemeganaM .1 tnemesaE noitavresnoC F noitceS slavorppA dna ,ecitoN ,stropeR gnirotinoM G noitceS .6 .5 .4 .3 .2 .1 nalP retsaM tpecnoC ytreporP eht no gnirruccO yllaitnetoP slaminA eraR ytreporP eht no gnirruccO yllaitnetoP stnalP eraR ytreporP eht no dnuoF efildliW fo tsiL ytreporP eht no dnuoF stnalP fo tsiL sknaR & sutatS tnalP stnemhcattA H noitceS noxat a sa denifed ylremroF .)"ksiR ta seicepS" dellac osla( "nrecnoC fo seicepS" laredeF CSF .deregnadne sa detsil snoitalupop naht snoitcirtser rewef htiw deganam era ,seieeps eht fo lav4·rus eht ot laitnessenon deredisnoc ,snoitalupop hcuS .snoitalupop "latnemirepxe laitnessenon" sa slamina deregnadne fo noiteudortnier eht stimrep tcA seicepS deregnadnE ehT .noitalupop latnemirepxe laitnessenon ,deregnadnE .seiceps )1C( etadidnaC a sa NXEL detangised ylremrof saw yrogetac sihT .gnitsil troppus tuohguorht ot noitamrofni tneiciffus si ereht hcihw rof noitaredisnoc rednu noxat A ).level laredeF eht ta detsiL( ".egnar sti fo noitrop tnacifingis a ro lla erutuf elbaeeserof eht nihtiw seiceps deregnadne na emoceb ot ylekil" noxat A sti fo TL ".egnar noitrop tnacifingis a ro lla tuohguorht ).level laredeF eht ta detsiL( noitcnitxe fo regnad ni" noxat A NOITINIFED EL EDOC .sknar ediwetats ot "etatS" dna sknar ediwdlrow ot srefer "labolG" .sutats taerht dna ytirar gnirusaem fo metsys s'ycnavresnoC erutaN ehT yb denimreted era sknar esehT SUTATS LAREDEF SUTATS ETATS DNA LABOLG .sesutats eseht fo noitanalpxe rehtruf rof aniloraC htroN fo seicepS laminA eraR eht fo tsiL margorP egatireH larutaN eht eeS .noitca noitavresnoc dna gnirotinom noitalupop rof deen eht dna ytirar setacidni RS .snoitangised margorP egatireH larutaN era sesutats XE dna RS .)secruoseR larutaN dna tnemnorivnE fo tnemtrapeD CN( margorP efildliW deregnadnE dna emagnoN ,2991 ,61 hcraM ,aniloraC htroN fo efilMiW deregnadnE ni dehsilbup si )CS dna ,T ,E( noitcetorp etats setacidni taht sutats laminA .sesutats eseht fo noitanalpxe rehtruf rof aniloraC htroN fo seicepS tnalP eraR eht fo tsiL margorP egatireH larutaN eht eeS .)noitaluger rednu dlos ro detcelloc si ti ,deregnadne si tnalp eht elihw taht setacidni ,CS-E ,.g.e( sutats elbuod a evah yam seicepS .noitca noitavresnoc dna gnirotinom noitalupop rof deen eht dna ytirar etacidni snoitangised RS dna C .)9791 ,tcA noitavresnoC dna noitcetorP tnalP( wal etats yb detcetorp era seiceps CS dna ,T ,E .)secruoseR larutaN dna tnemnorivnE fo tnemtrapeD CN( margorP egatireH larutaN eht dna )erutlucirgA fo tnemtrapeD CN( margorP noitavresnoC tnalP eht yb denimreted si sutats tnalP lmth.sedoc/phn/tenskrapscn.www//:ptth egap bew s'margorP egatireH larutaN yltcerid nekat neeb evah dna woleb denialpxe era sedoc gniwollof ehT CN eht morf sknaR & sutatS tnalP .seiceps yrotargim ,yrotisnart ot seilppa ;nrecnoc noitavresnoc tnacifingis fo ton si noitalupoP fo knaR fo knaR ZS NS .ylno seiceps yrotargim rof desU .etats eht ni noitalupop gnideerb-non noitalupop gnideerb .niatrecnu knar ro .ylno seiceps yrotargim rof desU .etats eht ni BS ?S US XS ,deknarnU ni .dedeen si noitamrofni erom ;niatrecnu sutats tub ,aniloraC htroN ni lirep ylbissoP .aniloraC htroN morf detapritxe eb ot deveileB .troper eht gnitcejer ro gnitpecca rehtie rof noitatnemucod evisausrep ton tuohtiw tub ,aniloraC htroN morf .etats detropeR RS dna ,sraey 52 tsap eht ni deifirev neeb gnivah spahrep ,aniloraC eht ni tnatxe llits eb ot detcepsus htroN ni ecnerrucco lacirotsih fO HS .seiceps lamron eht edistuo si etats eht tub ,aniloraC htroN rof sdrocer lareves ot eno ;lausac eruces ro eht fo egnar latnediccA AS 5$ 4$ 3$ 2$ .snoitidnoc tneserp rednu elbacidareni yllaitnesse dna aniloraC htroN ni ylbartsnomeD yltnerappA eraR .secnerrucco ynam htiw ,aniloraC htroN ni .aniloraC htroN ni eruces nommocnu ro .etats eht ni noitapritxe ot elbarenluv esiwrehto ro ytirar fo esuaceb aniloraC htroN ni delirepmI ot elbarenluv yrev esiwrehto ro ytirar .etats eht ni emertxe fo esuaceb aniloraC htroN ni noitapritxe delirepmi yllacitirC SNOITINIFED IS KNAR ETATS .gnitsil-ed rof rof desoporp desoporp neeb sah neeb sah seicepS LDP EP .deregnadne sa gnitsil seicepS .noitalupop nrehtron denetaerht eht ni seltruT goB ot ecnaraeppa fo ytiralimis ot eud noitangised siht sah )noitalupop nrehtuos( eltruT goB ehT .snailidocorc erar rehto ot ecnaraeppa fo ytiralimis ot eud noitangised siht sah rotagillA naciremA ehT .tcA eht fo ycilop eht rehtruf dna tnemecrofne eht etatilicaf yllaitnatsbus lliw seiceps detsilnu na fo tnemtaert hcus )c( dna ;seiceps denetaerht a ot taerht lanoitidda na si ytluciffid laitnatsbus siht fo tceffe eht )b( ;seiceps detsilnu dna detsil eht neewteb gnitaitnereffid ni ytluciffid laitnatsbus evah dluow lennosrep tnemecrofne taht seiceps denetaerht a ecnaraeppa ni selbmeser ylesolc os seiceps ehT )a( :fi denetaerht sa detsil esiwrehto ton si ti hguoht neve denetaerht sa )tnemges noitalupop ro seicepsbus( seiceps a fo tnemtaert eht sezirohtua tcA seicepS deregnadnE ehT .ecnaraeppA fo ytiralimiS ot eud denetaerhT .noitangised laiciffo na sa siht ezingocer ton seod ecivreS efildliW dna hsiF SU eht ,yltnerruC .seiceps )aC( 2 etadidnaC a sa detangised ylremrof ;gnitsil troppus ot noitamrofni tneiciffusni si ereht hcihw rof noitaredisnoc rednu )A/S(T musobmyroc muiniccaV airotcnit socolpmyS sisnedanac sucubmaS mumixam nordnedodohR muecaludnelac nordnedodohR yrrebeulB hsubhgiH htoomS raguS esroH nordnedohr yrrebredlE yabesoR burhS burhS burhS burhS arebup airaluryP aelazA emalF tuN olaffuB hsubecipS elbbohgoD leruaL niatnuoM dliW lezaH hctiW niozneb aredniL )S( anaisnatnof eohtocueL ailofital aimlaK snecserobra aegnardyH nainigr4x silemammaH ataccab aicassulyaG mumoma aegnardyH sunroC yrrebelkcuH doowgoD ykliS hsubreppeP teewS burhsteewS redlA gaT )S( atanimuca arhtelC sudirolf suhtnacylaC atalurres sunlA burhS burhS burhS burhS burhS burhS burhS burhS burhS burhS burhS burhS 3G/3$/-/AsW hctaW )S( anainilorae agusT sisnedanac agusT allyhporeteh ailiT mudibla sarfassaS aicacaodeusp ainiboR anitulev sucreuQ arbur sucreuQ anatnom sucreuQ kcolmeH aniloraC kcolmeH adanaC doowssaB etihW sarfassaS tsucoL kcalB kaO kcalB kaO deR nrehtroN kaO tuntsehC kaO telracS kaO etihW eniP hctiP eerT ssecnirP asotnemot aeniccoc sucreuQ abla sucreuQ adigir suniP ainwoluaP muerobra doowruoS muG kcalB nordnedyxO acitavlys assyN )S( iresarf ailongaM arefipilut nordnedoiriL acapo xelI )S( alocitnom rav aretpartet aiselaH anacirema sunixarF ailongaM resarF ralpoP piluT ailofidnarg sugaF adirolf suuroC atatned aenatsaC asotnemot ylloH naciremA llebrevliS hsA etihW hceeB naciremA doow ,goD tuntsehC naciremA yrokciH tuurekcoM yrokciH tungiP yrokciH tunrettiB hcriB kcalB ayraC arbalg ayraC yrrebecivreS nevaeH-fo-eerT rbur simrofidroc ayraC atnel aluteB aerobra reihcnalemA amissitla suhtnaliA )S( avalf sulucseA tav murbur recA mucinavlysnep KNAR recA eyekcuB wolleY elpaM deR elpaM depirtS EMAN eerT eerT eerT eerT eerT eerT eerT eerT eerT eerT eerT eerT eerT eerT eerT eerT eerT eerT eerT eerT eerT eerT eerT eerT eerT eerT eerT eerT eerT eerT eerT / SUTATS GNITSIL PHNCN EMAN CIFITNEICS NOMMOC *** MROF seiceps cimednE naihcalappA nrehtuoS no S seiceps tnalp citoxe setacidni ytreporP eht dnuoF stnalP fo tsiL maY dliW delrohW lioferT rewolf-dekaN trowenoH atanretauq aerocsoiD murolfidun muidomseD nedanac aineatotpyrC rojam 3G/3$/-/RS eraR rav rojam sispoeroC sispoeroC retaerG sispoeroC faeldaorB tooR recnaC ailofifal sispoeroC anacirema silihponoC acinigriv anilemmoC sisnedanac ainosnilloC )S( atallebmu ainotnilC edahsthgiN rewolfyaD citaisA toor-enotS yliL nroC sretnahcnE sretrauQ s'bmaL atalucsirdauq aeacriC mubla muidoponehC 5G/4$/-/B5W rewolfdliW rewolfdliW rewolfdliW rewolfdliW rewolfdliW rewolfdliW rewolfdliW rewolfdliW rewolfdliW rewolfdliW rewolfdliW "detiolpxE" hctaW tiB sliveD hsohoC eulB trowhtooT egraL trowhtooT faeltuC kciT s'reggeB eblitsA evitaN retsA muetul muiraleamahC sediortcilaht mullyhpoluaC allyhpid enimadraC tanetacnoc enimadraC atannipib snediB )S( mutanretib eblitsA sutaludnu retsA yvaW susolip retsA sutaciravid retsA suilofidroc retsA atanracni saipelcsA aigrebnelhum mussolgonrA retsA htaeH retsA dooW etihW retsA faeltraeH deewkliM dnaldooW niatnalP naidnI tnaiG rewolfdliW rewolfdliW rewolfdliW rewolfdliW rewolfdliW rewolfdliW rewolfdliW rewolfdliW rewolfdliW rewolfdliW rewolfdliW rewolfdliW rewolfdliW acualg pps mullyhpirt ameasirA tipluP tipluP eht ni kcaJ, llamS eht ni kcaJ nommoC mullyhpirt ameasirA asomecar ailarA sisnedanac sibarA .ps suhtnaramA 5G/5$/-/B5W dranekipS dopedlciS adanaC htnaramA tooR ciloC ynomirgA dnaldooW toorekanS etihW rewolfdliW rewolfdliW rewolfdliW rewolfdlfW rewolfdliW rewolfdliW rewolfdliW rewolfdliW "detiolpxE" hctaW asoniraf sirtelA atalletsor ainomirgA amissitla anitaregA ailofinaretla siremonitcA asomecar metsgniW hsohoC kcalB dooH s'knoM 4G/4S/-/B5W "detiolpxE" hctaW acatcA )S( mutanicnu mutinocA rewolfdliW rewolfdliW eparG xoF ?4G/3$/-/lW hctaW TxI nosioP reirbneerG nommoC reirbneerG reirbneerG etihW rewolfnoirraC eromtliB yrrebeniW yrrebkcalB htoomS esoR arolfitluM acsurbal sitiV aeidar nordnedocixoT ailofidnutor xalimS adipsih xalimS acualg xalimS )S( anacromtib xalimS suisalocineohp subuR )A( sisnedanac subuR arolfitlum asoR qniuq sussiconehtraP sneper allehctiM sitamelC anainigriv repeerc ainigriV yrrebegdirtraP rewoB s'nigriV munrubiV faelelpaM yrrebreeD naihcalappA yrrebeulB edislliH eniV eniV eniV eniV eniV eniV eniV eniV eniV eniV eniV eniV burhS burhS burhS muilofreca munrubiV muinimats muiniccaV mudillap muiniccaV xelpmis allitnetoP sisnedanac allitnetoP sregniF eviF egraL sregniF eviF deewtonK nommoC laeS snomoloS htoomS elppayaM niatnalP hsilgnE deew'raelC deewekoP anacirema musotipsec munogyloP murolfib mutanogyloP mutatlep mullyhpodoP rojam ogatnalP alimup aeliP accalotyhP ayhcatsotpel amyrhP 4G/4$/-/CS/B5W hctaW deespoL gnesniG naciremA enabwoC lerroS dooW taerG yleciC teewS rewolfdliW rewolfdliW rewolfdliW rewolfdliW rewolfdliW rewolfdliW rewolfdliW rewolfdliW rewolfdliW suilofeuqniuq xanaP riodigir silopixO sidnarg silaxO ilytslgnol azihromsO iinotyalc azihromsO sinneib arehtoneO arolfinu aportonoM )A( arolfivrap muihtnaleM eraenil murypmaleM anainigriv aloedeM musomecar mumehtnaiaM ailofirdauq aihcamisyL surolfinu supocyL yleciC teewS esormirP gninevE sepiP naidnI rewolfhcnuB taehw-woC tooR rebmucuC naidnI emulP s'nomoloS efirtsooL delrohW deewelguB esnedanac ataenuc atacilihpis aileboL mubrepus muiliL mucitsugiL azedepseL sisnedanac aetropaL atatsirc sirI sisnepac sneitapmI atusrih sixopyH mutarofrep mucirepyH )S( anainigriv mullyhpordyH )S( aeruprup ainotsuoH aelureac ainotsuoH aileboL taerG yliL paC skruT egavoL teewS revolC naeroK eltteN dooW sirI dliW toN 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detpurretnI nreF nomanniC nreF hceeB daorB nreF nreF edalG yrevliS detnecsyaH eligarF nreF sirtpyleht aretponogaxeH sediohcitsorca airapeD alubolitenup aitdeatsnneD siligarf siretpotsyC anainigriv muiheyrtoB sedionelpsa muiryhtA mutadep mutnaidA aludicul aizrepuH atanimuca aluzuL siunet sucnu3 sus·lffe suenu3 lfiunet aigrebnelhuM ***sisnenis suhtnacsiM ***muenimiv muigetsorciM muinitsednalc muilehtnaciD as·erpmoc ainohtnaD atarbacs xeraC nreF ekanselttaR nreF ydaL nrehtuoS nreF riahnediaM ssombulC nommoC ylM nreF nreF nreF nreF nreF nreF nreF nreF nreF nreF nreF nreF nreF nreF hsuR dooW hsuR htaP hsuR eldeeN ssarG ylhuM ***ssargrevliS ***ssargtlitS esenapaJ ssarG eugnotreeD ssarG taO niatnuoM hsuR hsuR hsuR ssarG ssarG ssarG ssarG ssarG egdeS peeS nommoC egdeS sullecram sed·tyruE sucualg oilipaP sisneinigriv assenaV SEILFREFTUB 42 liatwollawS arbeZ liatwollawS regiT nretsaE ydaL naciremA 71 51 .I rekcuspaS oeriV detaorht-wolleY ookcuC dellib-wolleY deilleb-wolleY relbraW gnitae-mroW hsurhT dooW hctahtuN detsaerb-etihW esuomtiT detfuT worrapS gnoS .I 62 52 51 51 61 32 81 snorfivalf oeriV sunacirema suzyccoC suirav sueiparyhpS surovimrev sorehtimleH aniletsum alhcicolyH sisnenilorac attiS rolocib suhpoloeaB aidolem azipsoleM aecavilo agnariP sullebmu asanoB sisneciamaj oetuB 71 41 81 O2 O2 suoecavilo oeriV sunilorac seprenaleM sutaelip supocoyrD sullipacorua suruieS anacirema aluraP sutarua .A.II .B.II 41 11 setpaloC reganaT telracS esuorG deffuR kwaH deliat-deR oeriV deye-deR rekcepdooW deilleb-deR rekcepdooW detaeliP dribnevO aluraP nrehtroN rekcilF nrehtroN lanidraC nrehtroN evoD 01 gninruoM .I .A.III .I 42 81 21 hsurhtretaW anaisiuoL gnitnuB ogidnI nerW esuoH 71 02 silanidrac silanidraC allicatom suruieS aruorcam adianeZ aenayc aniressaP nodea setydolgorT anirtic ainosliW sutinirc suhcraiyM sneriv supotnoC .A.II 02 sumlahthporhtyre olipiP relbraW dedooH rehctacylF detserC taerG eeweP-dooW nretsaE eehwoT nretsaE rekcepdooW ynwoD .A.III 91 81 81 91 snecsebup sediociP sunaicivodul surohtoyrhT sisnenilorac eliceoP suretpytalp oetuB .A.II .A.II 12 12 nerW aniloraC eedakcihC aniloraC kwaH de·niw-daorB oeriV dedaeh-eulB relbraW neerG detaorht-kcalB 51 31 42 reiT / erocS latoT gniknaR ytiroirP FIP suiratilos oeriV sneriv aciordneD airav atlitoinM airav xirtS allicitur agahpoteS sitsirt sileudraC relbraW etihw-dna-kcalB lwO derraB tratsdeR naciremA hcnifdloG naciremA worC naciremA sohcnyhryhcarb suvroC snecseriv xanodipmE rehctacylF naidacA SDRIB ytreporP eht no gnitsixE efildliW .3 xirtrotnoc nodortsikgA anilorac eniparreT SELITPER ).sbo( daehreppoC ).sbo( eltruT xoB nretsaE reficurc alyH suecardnilyc nodohtelP sutarres nodohtelP setsero suhtangomseD sutalucamardauq suhtangomseD repeep gnirpS rednamalas ymils dettops-etihW rednamalas kcabdeR .oS yksud niatnuoM rednamalas yllebkcalB SNAIBIHPMA sunainigriv )kcart ,esworb( reeD deliat-etihW )kcart( nooccaR sueliocodO rotol noycorP sisnenilorac suruicS )thgis( lerriuqS yerG ,esworb( nretsaE )tacs liatnottoC nretsaE sunadirolfsugalivlyS sutairts saimaT sunacirema susrU )llac( knumpihC nretsaE )gniggid ,tacs( raeB kcalB suoliort oilipaP suralc sunerl·grapE apoitna silahpmj·N allebasi )ratsni( liatwollawS hsubecipS reppikS dettops-revliS kaolC gninruoM aitcrahrrjtP )rallipretac( htoM regiT allebasI sevoc hcir :PM :MP :PM elimis muillirT otcirts usnes muillirT etihW teewS rennab -nedloG tnalP ralucsaV sdnaldoow nepo dna segdir yrd segdir yrd sillom ailofinixarf sispomrehT naihcalappA tnalP ralucsaV tnalP ralucsaV tnalP ralucsaV tnalP ralucsaV tnalP ralucsaV tnalP ralucsaV tnalP ralucsaV tnalP ralucsaV tnalP ralucsaV tnalP ralucsaV tnalP ralucsaV tnalP ralucsaV tnalP ralucsaV tnalP ralucsaV tnalP ralucsaV tnalP ralucsaV sispomrehT atavo rennab -nedloG devael-hsA stserof yrokcih-kao enatnom ,stserof evoc ,sepols hcir :M :PM :M eneliS ylfhctaC niatnuoM dihcrO stserof ,sgob sgob yrd aneomarep arehtnatalP rav sselegnirF elpruP dihcrO neerG nrehtroN stserof tsiom dna sffulb dna stserof aloibreh avalf arehtnatalP :MP :PM atarodo sisportonoM sixalaM paseniP -s'reddA teewS htuom stserof dnalpu iidrayab iresarf naihcalappA sedisdaor ,stserof :M sdoow tsiom aihcamisyL efirtsesooL s'resarF ,sgob :M sisnedanac arecinoL sedioloedem airtosI elkcusyenoh -ylF naciremA ainogoP delrohW llamS faelretaW enip etihw htiw yllaicepse ,stserof :SPM dna stserof suoeraclac ykcor yllaicepse ,sdoow sffilc hcir :M :PM :PM mullyhporcam mullyhpordyH sisnedanac faelegraL stserof suoudiced hcir rehto ,stserof stserof evoc sitsardyH silytsaxeH laesnedioG faeltraeH daorB hcnerF faeltraeH niatnuoM simrofibmohr evoc nordnedodohr rednu stserof cidica :M kcor eiram skcor eiram revo revo atcartnoc silytsaxeH yllaicepse ,stserof :M :MP :PM egrupS edalG yllaicepse ,sdnaldoow aeruprup aibrohpuE munayerfdog muirotapuE trowhguorohT s'yerfdoG abarD sporctuo kcor eiram dna suoeraclac amissisomar abarD sisnenaor xeraC gnihcnarB egdeS naoR a tnalP ralucsaV tnalP ralucsaV tnalP ralucsaV tnalP ralucsaV tnalP ralucsaV tnalP ralucsaV stserof :M sepols skcor eiram ro egapees dna stserof revo evoc hcir :M aivrenotpel xeraC egdes doow suoeraclac stserof hsiyrd ot tsiom :M evoc anaikcochctih xeraC esnedieno egdeS s'kcochctiH nreF sgob ,stserof :PM muihcyrtoB eparG debol-tnulB nreF sdoow tsiom :P M sdnaldoow nepo :P sffilc dna sevoc iinamnej muihcyrtoB ataetcarb rav eparG amabalA dliW ataetcarb aisitpaB aimuldA ogidnI ymaerC tnalP ralucsaV tnalP ralucsaV :M ·ognuf yrotimuF gnibmilC .sedoC knaR dna sutatS rof slaunaM gnitsiL seicepS eraR PHNCN eeS ytreporP eht no gnirruccO yllaitnetoP stnalP eraR .4 mullisuprep sdoowdrah fo krab :MP muicehtihcahR alutroT gnidduB munpyh ssoM ssoM ssoM stserof evoc smaerts ni desrembus skcor no :PM dna segrog dimuh ni krab ro skcor no :M iretsolc munpyhorgyH iitnavillus nodotnE munaeator -koorB s'retsolC nodotnE s'tnavilluS ssoM rehtaeF s'atoR stserof evoc ni kcor ro krab no :M muicehtyhcarB ssoM stserof enatnom ni sknab maerts :M sutalutcnup sirtsulap xeroS anamenniw werhS retaW nrehtuoS werhS ymgyP nrehtuoS lammaM lammaM nialP latsaoC nretsaehtron ni stserof dna sdleif dlo ;stserof suoudiced enatnom :CM iyoh xeroS )tardooW naihcalappA dna sniatnuom nrehtuos tnomdeiP tnecajda ni ,stserof dexim ro suoudiced ni secalp ykcor :PM )retniw( senim dna sevac ni ,)shtnom remraw( sgnidliub dna seert wolloh ni stsoor :PM aierotameah anadiroif amotoeN nrehtuoS=( tardooW nretsaE lammaM lammaM lammaM silanoirtnetpes sitoyM iibiel derae-gnoL taB nrehtroN taB dna sevac ni ,)shtnom remraw( seert )retniw( senim wolloh ni stsoor :M sitoyM detoof-llamS nretsaE stnalp )aloiV( steloiv tsoh ;tnomdeiP rewol eht morf detapritxe deveileb ;sgninepo dna segde tnecajda dna sdoow hcir :PM anaid muroveayrac aireyepS muirytaS ihtyms ainogyloP yrallitirF kaertsriaH anaiD tcesnI tcesnI seirokcih yliramirp stnalp osla seert rehto tub ,)ayraC( tsoh ;stserof suoudiced :M yrokciH s'htymS yksuD sredla dna ,swolliw ,sehcrib ylniam tub ,deirav stnalp tsoh ;sdoowdrah htiw dexim erehw ,stserof kcolmeh ro ,rif ,ecurps :M sunuaf ammoC neerG tcesnI tcesnI -s'taog hsohoc tnalp )sucioid sucnurA( draeb tsoh ;stserof suoudiced tsiom ,hcir :M argin anirtsaleC anirtsaleC eruzA eruzA )aguficimiC( roi.amatcel·en naihcalappA niflE detsorF tcesnI dliw dna yrd kcalb tnalp tsoh ;stserof suoudiced hcir :M )aisitpaB( sogidni )sunipuL( senipul stnalp tsoh ;snoitautis yllausu ,sredrob dna sdoow nepo :CSPM ni suri pop syrhpollaC tcesnI noitalupoP daorB dna abwataC :P seganiard seert daed derettacs tnomdeiP buhC eetnaS hsiF driB ]ylno nosaes gnideerb[ htiw sdoowdrah nepo ,erutam :M suirav amenaz allenirpyC sisneihcalappa suciparyhpS -wolleY rekcuspaS deilleb naihcalappA ni aelnrec aciordneD sutarta relbraW naelureC erutluV kcalB driB yrtnuoc nepo ]ylno nosaes gnideerb[ nialP latsaoC ni seevel larutan ,sniatnuom sevoc dna sepols peets ;stserof doowdrah erutam :CM ]ylno setis gnitsen dna gnitsoor[ gnigarof rof ro stserof ;gnitsen rof saera detserof :CSPM spygaroC driB driB gnideerb[ 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.gro.niatnuomanilorac@hcaertuo ta ta ycnavresnoC dnaL niatnuoM aniloraC tcatnoc. esaelp ,sliated erom liame yb ro 7775-796 )828( eviecer dna pu ngis oT .evreserp eht hguorht ekih suounerts yletaredom a yojne ll'ew we o rb ,noitpecer eht gniwolloF .ecnacifingis lacigoloce s'evreserP niatnuoM leruaL fo erehiwvrevitpfeecier no a srekih gnivig ni srenwo eht nioj lliw latnemnorivnE xoniuqE dna CLMC htob ot w a e et s'e ekih-erp a htiw nigeb ll'eW .stessa larutan euqinuedivorvpresterPdenhgtisedaisicerepspuoHdnanepeiverutaeNcnahc ehT O o a htiw ytinummoc eht fo srebmem detseretni .derevocsid eb ot ylekil tsom eht gnoma era taht a erar a a noiger eht ot suonegidni seiceps erar 94 gninoitnem ",seiceps relgarnaolitidcdum waefedivyolrlp itynleitop sae h dna ,hsif dna slammam ,snaibihpma yllaicepse ,efildliw fo dleiy .ytreporp eht no ediser taht seiceps dluow seirotnevni efildliw lanoitidda" dedulcnoc xoniuqE efildliw dna tnalp 332 deifitnedi latnemnorivnE xoniuqE yb yrotnevni enilesab A .seiceps 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