Securities and Exchange Commission v. Nadel et al

Filing 745

RESPONSE re #733 Order filed by Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., as successor by merger to Wachovia Bank, N.A.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit, #2 Exhibit, #3 Exhibit, #4 Exhibit, #5 Exhibit)(Barnett, Ana)

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EXHIBIT A l J\pproved: M.B E. DOüVAS Assistant Uníted Stsates Attorneys MARÏA Sefore: B. PTTMAN Chief United States MagÍstrate Soutkrern Ðistriet of New york HONOR.ABLE I{ENRY -----x : TJNÏTED STATES OF A}4ERTCA : * v. : .ARTHTTR G. ,Judge 3" ffi# Víolation of r-s u.s.c. ss 78j (b) , 78ff., L7 C,F.R. S 240.LOb.:sì L8 U.S.C. L343 | 2. NAÐEIJ, ss Defendant. COUNTY OF OFFENSE: NEW YORK ---x SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF NEW YORK, ss.: KEVIN RTORDAN, befng duly Éworn, deposes and says that he is a special Agent with the Federal Bureau of rnvestigätion ("FBI') and charges as follows: courcr oNE (Securíties Fraud) 1- From at least Ín or about 2OO4 through at l-east on or about 'January 14, 2oog, in the southern Distríct of New york a.nd elsewhere, ARTHI'R G. NÀDEL, the defendant, unl_awfu3-1y, wilfully and knowíngly, by the use of Èhe means and instrumentalities of LnterstaLe. commerce and of the mails, direcÈly and indírectIy, would. and. did use and employ manipulative and deceptiwe devices and contrivances ín viol-ation of títte tZ, Code of Federal Regulations, Sect,ion 24O.]-Ob-5, by (a) employing devícés, sckremes, and artifices to defraud; (b) mát<ing untrue statements of materíal facts and omittíng to state materÍa1 facts necessary in order to make the statements made, in the 1ight of the circumstances under which they were made, not; and (c) engaging ín acts, practíces, and eourses of business which operated and would operate as a fraud and deceít upon persons in connection with the purchase and sale of securítíes, to wÍt, NADEL false representations to invgstors regardíng his investments made of their money. (Title 15, Uníted states Code, Sections Zej (U) & TBff; Tít1e L7, Code of Federal Regulatíons, Sectiorr 240.L0b-5; and Tit1e l-8 , United States Code, Section 2 . ) COUNT TWO (f.ifre Frar+d) '2. From at least ín or about August 2OOg up through and including in or about December 2008, in the Southern Dist,rict of New York, ARTHUR G: NADEL, the defendant, having devised and intendíng to d.evise a scheme and artifice to defraud, and for obtaining money and property by means of false and fraudulent pretenses, representations, and promÍses,' un1awfully, willfuIIy and knowingly woul-d and díd transmÍt and cause to. be transmitted by means of wÍre, radío, and televisíon communicatíon ín interstate and foreign commerce, writÍngs, signs, signals, pictures and sounds, to wít, NÃÐBIr caused over one míllion dollars to be wire t,ransferred from a brokerage fÍrm in New york, New York, to certain bank accounts that NADEL controlled without, autholization. (fitle 18, United States.Code, Sect,ions 1343 and 2.) The bases for my and tlre foregoing charges are, in part, ãs foLlows: 2. . f have been a Special Agent with Èhe Federal Bureau of Invedtigatíon f'or approxímately six years. I am curïentt_y assigned to a- sguad responsible for investígating violations of the federaL securities laws and related of fer¡ses - I trave partícipated ín numerous investigations of these offenses, and. I tra-ve made and particípated j-n makLng arrests of numerous indivídua1s for particípatíng in such offenses 3. The ínformation contained ín 'trhís aff id.avit is based upon my personal- knowledge, as well as information obtained drrring Lhis investígatíon, directly or indirecLly, from other sources and agents, j-ncluding: (a) information províded to me by ttre United States Securities and Exchange Commíssion (tne '.SEC,,)i (b) bank records; (c) trading records; (d) documents obtained from certain índividuals; and (e) publicly avaíIable informatÍon. Because this affídavit is prepared for lÍmited purposes, r have not set forth each and every fact I have learned in connection with thís investigation. where conversations and events are referred to herein, they are rerated in substance and in part. !Íhere figures and.calcurations are set forth herein, they are approximate, Belevant Entít,íes and. fndÍviduaLs 4. Based on my conversations with two individuals (hereínafter "Partner-lrr and "ParEner-2tt) wtro worked. wiÈh ARTHUR G. NADEL, the defendant, during the past several years, I have learned the fo1J.owíng: a. NÃÐEL told Partner-L that he graduated from York universíty schoor of l,aw but was later disbarred.. .New b. Ðuring the períod between ín or about May J.999 througtr in or about ,Tanuary 2009, Partner-L created two general partnerships caLled Valhalla Managernent and Viking Management, LLC''. T.hese general partnershíps formed Lhe following funds that recej-ved and invested, money from ínvestors: VíkJ-ng IRÄ. Fund I-ILC; Víking Fund LL,C; and Valhall-a InvestmenÈ partners Lp (hereinafter "Group I Funds,') . c. Duríng the period between in or abouË 2OOL through in or about ,Tanuary 2009, NADEL created two general partnershíps called Scoop Management and Scoop Capítat LLC. NADET¡ was the general partner and owner of these partnershi-ps. These partnerships forrned ttre fol-Lowing funds that received and ínvested money from investors: victory ine zuna ttd..; víct,ory Fund Ltd.; and Scoop ReaI Estate LP ( .'Group II Funds,, ) . invesrmenr adví3å, r3Ï'l;3 'Further, NADEL,s office wasåÏil"ï';iiå,niiä"iå".ä3in'î; ;ffi"" . located Ín Sarasota, tr'lorida. In additíon, with respect to Lhe funds in which NADEL was the investment adviser, NADEL wâs the only individ.ual who had authority to trad.e the money investêC irr ttre Group I Funds and t,he GrouP rr Funds. 5. From ín or about 2OOZ t,hrough in or about ,-Tanuary 2009, .A,RTHUR G. NADEL, the defendant, traded in thë Group r Funds and the Group If Funds through a brokerage fírm with an office ín 'New York, New York (hereinafter '*Brokerage Firm,, ) , At various tj-mes durÍng the relevant period, a "I¡üire RequesÈ Form,, with the signature of "ArÈ Nadelr, was faxed to the New york, New york, offíce of the Brokerage Firm for purposes of directing the Brokerage Firm to transfer money from one accolllt to another. 6. Based on my conversatíons with another FBI agent with a'represenLative of a hedge fund l-ocated Ín New York, New York ("Vict,ím-1"), which invested in the Group I Funds and the Group II Funds that ARTHUR e. ÌìIÃDEL, the defendant, rnanaged as an investment advíser, I have learned ttre following: a. Frorn Ín or about 2007 through in or about 2009, Victím-1 Ínvested at, least approximately $i.3,6'00,000 'January in the Group I Funds and the Group II Funds. Victím-t received account.statements to íts investment by mail at Íts New York, New York office until- Ín or about November 2008. b. In or about October 2A08, Vict,im-1. reguested. a redemption or return of all its money from Lhe Group r Funds and tl.e Group II funds. Victim-l was told ttrat tlre money would be returned ín or about Marct¡ 2OOg c. NADEL indicated to the representaÈíve that NADEL was making aL1 of Ltre ínvestment and trading decisíbns rel-atíng to Victim-I-'s fund.s, Moreover, Victím-L was told Ehat the retùrns on its investments were approxímaÈeIy between eight and nine percent for the cälendar year 20OB and that earlier .returns on the investment were much higher. d. Victím-L rüas ínformed. through documents sent from NADEIJ's office that, as of September 2008, Ehere was approxímately $70,500,00O in total assets in Valhalla fnvestment Partners T,P., approximately ç75,2O0,0A0 in total assets in Victory Fund Ltd., and approximately $65,300,000 in total assets in Víking zurrd LLC. As refleite¿ ín paragraph 19 below, the representations regarding the returns on Èhe investments and the value of the total assets ín these funds were false 7. Based orÌ my review of documents províded by the SEC, I have 1earned tshat duríng the relevant period another invest.or ("Víctim-z"¡ had Ínvêstme¡rts in the Group I Funds whích ARTHUR G. NADEL, the defendant, managed ínvestment.advLser. Durlng the relevant period, the documenLs further show that Vict.Ím-2 was J"ocated in New York, New York. Based on my conversat,íons wíth Part¡fer-2, I understand. t}-aÈ Victim-2 had at l-east approxímat,e1y $L5,000,000 invested in príncipat and interest in the Group I F"unds. 8. I have also spoken directtry to representatíves of the SEC, who spoke to a number of other víctims. Based on the information provided by the SEC, I have learned the following: who spoke a, Victim-3 is an ind.ivid,ual irrvestor who líves in the State of Virginia. b. From in or about December 2000 ttrrough in or about April 2Ao4, Víctim-3 invested money in Va1halla Investment Partners LP, Víctory IRA Fund Ltd,, and Scoop Real Estate Lp. c, VicLÍm-3 received monÈhly account statenients that stated that, âs of Novernber 2oo8, (i) victim-3ts ínvestment in Va1.ha1la Tnwestment Partners LP had a val-ue of approximaLely $l-,176,848; (íi) VicÈim-3's investment in Victory IRÀ Fund Ltd. had a value of over approxírnately ä775,OOO; and (iii) VictÍm-3rs invesEment in scoop Real Estate LP had a value of approxímately S590,32L. As reflected in paragraph L9 below, the representatíons Ín these monthly account st,atements regarding the vah¡e of VÍctim3¡s investments in these funds $¡ere fa1se. ' d. Víctim-4 is anoÈher indívidual investor who lives in the State of Virginia. e. In or about March 2004, Victim-4 invested. money in Vi-ctory IRA Fund Ltd. and. Victory Fund Ltd.. f. Victim-4 recelved monthly account statements that stated that, âs of November 2008, (i) vÍctim-4's ínvestment in Victory IRA Fund Ltd. had a value of over approxímately $470,00O,. and (íi) Victirn-4's investment in Victory Fund Ltd. had a value of approximate1y #4L9,824. As refJ-ected in paragraph 19 beJ,ow, the representatlons Ín these monthly account' statements regardíng the value of Victím-4rs lnvestment.s in ttrese funds were false - g. Victim-S ís an indÍvídual ínvestor who lives ín the State of CalifornÍa. nil1?Î" 6,.,,:. ;-* - u "i:i" : i"3'J3::: ti:; :#" i r3'r:'^'; i "f IRÄ, Fund LCd. and approximately $ZSor000 in Scoop ReaI Estate Lp. abou r 2oo 3'i' i. Victim-S received monthly account statements that stated that, âs of November 2008, (i) Victim-S,s investment in Victory IRA Fund Ltd. trad a value of approximately ç325,400; and (ií) Víctím-S's investment in Scoop Real Estate LP had a value of approximately $367,286. As reflected in paragraph 19 below, the representations in t,hese monthly account statements regarding the value of Lhe values of Víctim-Sts investraents in these funds were faLse. 9. Based on my revi-ew of documents provided by the SEC, I know that tlrere were over one hundred investors in the Group I Funds and the Group II Funds and that the investors were located throughout the United States. Nadel's Manêgement.of Certain Fr¿nds 10. Based on my conversatíoa with partner-2, I have learned that ARTHUR G. ¡Vn¡Éf.,, the defendant, was cÕmpensat.ed each year for being the investment adviser of the Group.I Funds and, the Group rr Funds. specÍficalJ.y, Partner-2 toLd me that, since in or .about 2003 or 2004, NADEL received a management fee of one percent of the totar amount of the asset,s ín the Group r Funds and. the Group Tr Funds and twelve and one-half perc'ent of alr profíts earned from the investments in the Group I Funds and the Group If Funds. Partner-z further ínformed me Ëhat Partner-L and partner-2 received the same management fee and percent of the profits earned on the investments, 1L. Based on my conversatíons with parÈner-2, I have learned that ARTHUR G. NADEL, the defendant, Ínformed invesbors and ottrers ttrat hls returns on thê Ínvestment,s in the Group r Funds and the Group If Funds r{ere orl averaçte over twenty percent each year from in or about 7-999 through in or about 2oo7, that returns in 2008 Ì^/ere positive, and that NADEL,s only lost morley during four months between ín or about lggg ttrrough in or about 2008, Based on my conversations with the SEC, r understand b.hat NAÐEI, represent,ed to prospective investors through offering documçnts that. his returns j.n 2OOB were between ten and twelve percent. As refrected in paragraph 19 below, these representatlons were false NADEI¡'s NAdei' s Wire,' Transfers L2- Based otr my conversations with partner-2, I have learned that, in or about, August 2008, ARTHUR c. NADEL, the defendant, caused approxímaÈely $900,000 to be Lransferred out of the Val-hal-la InvesEmenÈ Partners I¡P fund into a bank account in the name of Valhalla fnvestment Partners (trereinafter *Va1Ïralla Bank Account"). ParEner-2 further stat,ed that NADEL did not have ttre authority to open the Valhalla Bank Account and that the bank informed Partner-2 that Partner-2 díd. not, have signatory authority over the Valtral-la Bank AccounE. I trave reviewed a "wÍre request form" dated August 22, 2008, provj-ded by the custodian of the Group r Funds and the Group rr Funds. This forrn contains the signaËure of "Art Nadel-" as the customer requestÍn-g a transfer of S900,000 from \VALIÍALLA IN\TESTMENT,, to the Va1halla Bank Accou¡at in ttre Sarasotá, Florída, branch offíce, where NADEIJTs office r,tras located. The form stated that the wire reguest was faxed to the attention of a certrain individual at Ehe Brokerag'e Firm at a number in New York, New york, L3, Based on my conversations wíth pari-ner-2, I have further learned that, in or about mid-December 2oog, ARTHUR G. NADEL, the defendant, caused approximately g3SO,000 to be trànsÊerred out of the Víking fRÀ Fund LLC into a bank account in the name of Víking IRÀ (trereÍnafder "Viking Bank Àccount"). Partner-2 further stated that NADEL did not trave the authority to open the vikÍng: Bank Account and that the bank informed Partner-2 that Partner-2 did not have signatory authoríty over the Viking Bank Account. I have reviewed a "wire request form" dated Décember 2,. 2008, provided by the custodian of the Group f Funds and the Group II Funds. This form conËains the signature of tr45t Nadel" as the customer requesting a transfer oË $350,000 from 'VIKING IRA" to the víking Bank Account in the Sarasota, Florida. branch office, wtrere NADEL' s ofiice was located. The form stated that the wire reguesE was faxed to the attentíon of a certain índivÍdual- at the'Brokerage Firm at a number in New York, New York N-adet's Scheme Unravgl,s and Nadel F1egs L4. Based on my conversatíons with Partner-L, I have learned that ARTI{UR G. NAÐEL, the defendanE, rejected Partner-1ts requests during the last several years to hire an independent, certífied public accountant for the purpose of auditing all of the assets of the Group I Funds and the Group II Funds. Partner-1 further informed me tl¡at, following the arrest of Bernard L. Madsff'by the FBI in the Southern Dístrict of New York and publiclty relatíng to thaÈ arrest, Partner-l aEaín Eold that tlle Group I Funds and the Group II Funds had to, hÍre an independent cerLified pubJ.ic accountanL to conduct an audit of all of the,4ssets in the funds and that, orl or about,January 8, 20A9, NADEL agreed to the independent audit, Partner-1 further stated that, orr or about üanuary J-3, 2009, Partner-2 sent NÀÐEL a 1etÈer relating to the hiring of an independent certifíed public accountant to conductr the audiÈ. 15. Based on my conversations with anotlrer FBI agent wÏro spoke wíthr other Iaw enforcement officers, I fiave learned that, or or about 'January L4, 2009, family'members of ARTHUR G. NADEL; the d.efendanÈ, reported to the police in Sarasota, Florida, that NAÐEL had left a note reflecting that Lre was no longer going to be around, and thaL NADEL's whereabouts were unknown. l-6. Based on my conversations with ParLner-z, I learned that, on or about January 15, 2009, certain employees wlro worked for ARTHUR G. NADEL, the defendant, found several píeces of paper in a shreddíng machine at NAÐEL's offices in Sarasota, Florida. Partner-2 further informed me that ttre employees put together several of the shredded pieces of paper and turned them over to law enforcemenÈ offícers. to Partner-2, Lhe shredded documents appeared to be several pages of a handwritten letter from NAÐEL to Lris wife. subseqrrent NADEI¡ 17 - ï have ARTHUR G. NAÐEIJ, reviewed one page of the apparent leiter Èhe defendant, to his wife, wbich was found in Ehe shredding machine. This handwrj-tÈen page stated, ín part, aE fo]-lows: frorn ff you want to survive this mess, what follows is for your eyes only. I strongly suggest Èhat, you destroy ít after readÍng. The avenues to money ttï yo,, wilt Iíkely be blocked soon.' you must use the trust (yours) to your benefit as much and as soon as . Bossíble. please 1ook for the lBank] credit card account and you wilJ- see a J-arge credj-t, balarice that can .be üsed in the usual way or to wíthdraw castr. Withdra$¡ as rnuch eash as you can, âs this accounÈ míght also become b]-ocked ' . f have deposited enough j-n ttre Scoop Management acc[ount] for about a month; the same with Tradewínd [and] Home Front Homes as well as Iralrre]. Mtn, The ilet, Center is self sìjrpporting, as you know. ALI the bÍIls will io 3966 and I have ""*ï closed. the pOBx [síc] . Look at a]-1 Èhe recently paíd bitls in tlre .\package,. to see where they staild, AIso in Èhe package are enough document,s that I thínk wíIl do Che tríck Lo give you compLete control and ownershlp of what ís left, and even documentation for divorce. SeII Lhe Subaru if you need money. I wí1l send you a let,ter in a day or so to telI you.... L8, O¡t or abouL ,January J-5, 2OOg, partner-2 1earned. from the custodian of the Group r Funds and the Group rr Funds that there was approxÍmately $350,000 ín total assets left, in the accounts relating to the funds over which ÀRTHUR G. NADEL, the defendant, had trading auttrority. ' Lg . On or aJoout .Tanuary 20, 2OAg, I obtained çnd reviewed documents from tfre custodian of t}.e Group I Funds and the Group rr Funds. These documents show that the net liguidating valug ( rNaV" ) of the assets in ttrese fund.s declined sígnif icantly from in or about December 2OO4 througth in or about December 2OOB, as follows: }itLV ending F.und t2/ 04 NLV endLng L2/Os NLV ending t2/06 VikÍng IRA Fu¡rd LLC ç18 ,767 ,696 çl-9 ,787 , A93 $9, Víkíng ç33 ,37s ,622 S25, 983,502 ,979 Victory 9, 919 NL\/ endl-ng L2/ot NLV ending L2/08 $1,738,703 Sz $10, 054 , 454 ç2,036, 992 $30.929 $14, 249, 335 ç7,Ot7,679 93 , 429. 805 $4, 413 $13 , O7O, 558 çL7,746,44].: 99, 981, 754 $1, 096. 190 $2,938 Víctory Fund Ltd. s23,848r019 ç23 ,324,295 $7, 890, 073 s2 , 586, 116 s7 6 ,9L3 Scoop ReaI Estatse LP çL6 s20, 435, 896 çl'î t597,3L9 ç2,689, O54 $2, 119 Scoop 9300, 782 ç7,274,679 #LL,563 ,27 4 ç4 ,5O2, 449 $L, 344 Fund IJLC VaLhalla InvestmenL çL9 ,448 53 ,923 Partners IRA Fund Lrd. Capital tI,c ,670.254 20. As reflected in paragraph 19, the documents provided by the custodian relating to the vaLue of ttre assets in ttre Group I Funds and the Group If Funds, the representations that "ARTHUR G. NADEL, the d,efendant, made to investors relat,i-ng to positive returns on the investments and ttre total amount of assets ín the Group r Funds and the Group rf Funds were.false. The documents demonstrate that the monthly account statements ttrat investors received, as discussed ín paragraphs 6(d), B(c), 8 (f ), 8 (i) , and. L2 above, were'false 2¡-. OÈtrer law enforcement officers with whom ï have spoken recently have toLd me tfiat; ARTHUR G. NADEI:,.Ltre defendant, has been missÍng sínce on or al¡out iranuary 14, zoog and that, as of today's date, NADETJ's whereabouE.s are unknow¡l, partner-2 and. law enforcement offÍcers fiave ínformed me that NADEL has a residence Ín Sarasota, Florida, a residerrce in Norttr Carolina t fíve-hundred acres of a development in North Carol-ina, a I-,ear 354 plane, and a CiLation Two pI-ane. , WHEREFORE, the deponent prays that an arrest warrant issued for ÀRTHUR G. NAÐEL, the defendant, and that tre be irnprisoned or bailed G. RIORDAN AGENT FEDERAÍJ BUREAU Sworn 21-sE to before me day of ,January this 2OO9 B. PITMAN CHTEF mpg.F1 lvrlierstnate JUDGE SOUTHERN DTSTRICT OF NET¡I YORK 10 OF TNYESTTGATION be

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