Securities and Exchange Commission v. Nadel et al

Filing 745

RESPONSE re #733 Order filed by Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., as successor by merger to Wachovia Bank, N.A.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit, #2 Exhibit, #3 Exhibit, #4 Exhibit, #5 Exhibit)(Barnett, Ana)

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EXHIBIT B Case 1:09-cr-00433-JGK Document 1g '"":;Jö'üdr,jettt UNTTED STATES DISTRTCT COURT SOUTHERN DISTRTCT OF NEW YORK tgüzuffi 4Sg TJNITED STATES OF A}ÍERICå, -v. ARTHUR G. fNDfeT:¡,fENT NADEL, oE'eî. Defendant. r:OCl.iMgNT eiÈonoNIcALLY (Securitles The Grand .Tury charges: Fraud) FILED DâTE Relevant, Ent,ities and Ind,ivÍduals r-- At certain times rerevant to this rndicÈment, scoop Management, rnc., was a generar partnershÍp with its principal place of business in sarasota, Florida. 2. AÈ certain times relevant to thi-s rndictment, scoop capital LLC was a g'enerar pa.rtnership with it,s principal place of business ín Sarasota, Florida. 3At certain Eimes relevant, to thÍs rndicÈment, scoop capitar LLC was the general partner of victory rRå, Fund Ltd., scoop Real Estate Lp, and victory Fund rJtd,. victory rRÃ, Fund Ltd. was a limited partnership with its principal pJ.ace of business in sarasota, Florida- scoop Rear Estate r,p was a limited partnership with íts principaÌ place of busíness in sarasota, Florida. ( it ' . Document host€d JDSUPRA- "r€r.aspx?fd=685505d4-b041-4bbd-ba90+a32a8d1 Form No. USA-33s-274 20d (¡a. 9-25-sg)' T'ðTTTED STATES DTSTRTCT COURT SOUT¡¡ERN DISTRICTi OF ![BW YORK ttlIrTED srÀrEg oF At[ERrCå, -v. .ARTI¡UR G. NADEIJ, . Defendaat. x¡IDrCTI{EÀIT 09 Cr. (Títle 15, United -States Code, SectLons ZBj (b) and ZBff ì Title 17, Code of Federal- Regulatlons, SectíonE 240.10b-5; añ¿ TltLe 18, United States Code, Sectíons 2, 37L, l34l, and j-343 ; ) L. DASSTN TRI'E BTÍJIJ IJEV Acting United States Attorney. .â, a/,ØL/-,/ ( -6*¿# # F /z(qVffi/r- /7 /q 2tto / z fø/zzta '4 r. . r \,- . Doc{¡ment hostBd at JDSUPRA http://wwwjdsupra,com/post/docum€ntvlewer.aspx?f¡d=6€5505d4-b041 4bbd-bag0-ea32a8d1 20d .IJNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT SOI THERN DXSTRTCT OF NEW YORK --.:--x ' ïINITED .gTATES OF' ÃIVÍERICA : ' -v.ARTHI'R ' G- TIÙDTCTTqE¡IT NÀDEL; 09 Cr. Ðefendant COU¡TTS ONE THROUGE STX (SecurÍties fhe Grand ilury ( , Fraud). charges: . 1. At cerÈain t,imes relevant. to thís rndfctment,, scoop ¡'lanagemerxt, rnc., .was a generar partnershÍp with its príncipal pJ.ace of busíness Ín Sarasota, Florid.a. 2, At certaln tlmes rerevanÈ to this rndictment, scoop capital Lr¡c was a general partnershíp wÍth ít.s prÍncipal. place of business in Sarasota, r,toiÍ¿a. 3. AE certaín tímes releva¡rt to this rndíctment, scoop capital LLC was the generar partner of. víctory rRA Fund "au., teal Estate Lp., VicEory frUa. VÍct .t""op Real Eslate LPr and vicEory zuna r,ua. vÍctory rRA Fund IJtd. 'waE a limft,ed partnership w$Èh its principal place of busíness in ' sarasota, Florída. scoop ReaI EsËate rJp vras a limited partnership wiËh (_ íts príncipal- place of businese Ln sarasota, Florida.. ¡ I Door;n€nr hosted at JDSUPRA hþ:Ílm,¡t-b&14bþd-bago-ea3f2a8d120d \ . '' Vietory Fund Ltd. was a limited, paqtnership its princípal pla:e of business ín Sarasota, FLorÍda. 4. At cerËain È,imes releva¡¡t to thís rndictment, .valhalla ManagemenÈ, rnc., was a general partnérshÍp with its princípaJ. pJ-ace of 'business in Saragota, Florida. Valhal1a, was the general partner of Valha]-la Investment ParLnèrs, whÍch rÀtas a IÍmited. parËnership, wÍth its pri.ncipal place of business j-n Sarasota, FlorÍda. Management, 5, , Àt certain .limes releva¡¡t to thÍs fndÍctment, víking Management I¡LC was a límited líabÍl-ity company with Íts pttrcípaI place of busineSs Ín Sarasota, FJ-orÍda. .VÍkíng Manegement LLC was the general partner of vikÍng Funq, LLc, and. íkÍng rRA Fund, IJLC, which were l-imited.'partnerships formed on or about, March 15, 2ooL, wÍth thefr princÍpal pJ-aces of business .in t Sarasota, FLorÍd.a. 6 ' At aLl times relevanË to this rnd.ictment, ARTIIUR c. NÀDEI¡; the defendant, t"" t""ponsÍble for the purchases and. sales of securities in the following lirvestmenË funds, (a) Victory IRA Fund Ltd-; (b) scoop Rear Estate Lpr (ç) victory Fund Ltd.; (d) Va1halla fnvestment,'Fartners; (e) VÍking Fund, FLC; and, (f) Viking fRA.Fr:nd, LLC (collectÍvely the ozunds"). NADEI¡ atso controlled, operated, and managed scoop Management, rnc., Scoop Capital- LLe. and ' - , 7 - From htp/ ! Documenr hosrd at least in oi about 1999 through in or cranuary 2oog, .ARTHUR G. atJDSUpRA- vu/¡¡y'posudocumentv¡ewer.aspxfüd=6ê5505d4-b041-4bbd-ba90+a32a8d120d about the d,efendant, purclrased and sord. selurities in the F.unds throúgh the New york, New york, office of NAÐEIJ, a. brokerage f Írm ( \Brokerage Fium,, ) . At aIl tirnes relevant te this Jnd-icÈment, NADEL executed tradês based. on an exchange traded fund Iísted on t'he Natíona1 ÀssociatÍon of securiÈies DeaLers å.utomaled Qnof"tj.ons ("NÀSDAO,) Ehat was intended to track the ÌTASDAQ índ.ex. to Defraud 8. From at Least in or about 1999 through Ín or about rJanuary 2009, ÀRTHUR G. NADEt, the d.efendant, perpetrated a scheme tro d'efraud the investors of the F\rnd,s by solicíÈíng hundréds of míI1íons, of dolrars .of funds uird,er false pretenses, faÍJ_Íng to i-nveet trhe money as promised, fal-sely craimÍng that his purchases anp sales of securities resurted in hígh rates of returns, and misappropríat'1ng and convertfng investor funds for his own benetj-t and the beneflt' of others without the knowledge and authorfzatíon of ínvestors 9. To execute the scheme, ARTHUR G. NADEL, the defend,ant, ,solicÍted and cauged others to sorícit, prospective cr.Íents to' invest theÍr money in. the Fund.s based upon, among other things, hís. fa.lse rt-r"*.r.ts that: (a) the investor tunds would be used Èo purchase and, sell; (b) Ehe performance of each of Ehe Fr¡nds wa's consísUently posj-tive; and (c) the net asset The Scheme. ( it i _ htþy¡' ^_. ^ ?*."nil,o"tø"tJD$UpRA20d varue'of each of the Funds was tens of mirríons of dollars ira parù, on these misrepresentations trom in or abogt .'Based, through in. or about r.Tanrrary r.999 '2oog, clients invested aÈ least approxiqnetely g360 m{I1ion into the Funds. 10. fn tsruth and i¡r facE, as ARTHUR G. NADEL, the defendant, well knew, these representations v¡ere. false. Notwíthstanding NAÐErr, s statement,s bo Lhe contra.ry. and notwiLhsÞnding false representations that NADET made. and, caused to be made on invesËor'account statemer:ts and other d,ocuments sent thfough the llnited States Postal Ser:r,¡ice (ttre ..postal. ServÍce,,) .'to investors Ín ttre Funds throughout the operatíon of this scheme. mísappropriated. í¡rvestor fund.s and converted them for personal use for irïAÐEr,, NADET.¡,s famiry, and. NADEL,s businesses. NADET Moreover; notwíthst,anding NADEI,,s statements to investors and others thaË' eactr of the 'Funds had. consistentJ-y positive rates of 'return of between approxímately 19 percent and 4g percent each vear,. tl¡e performalce of the Funds was not consj.stently positÍve and the rates of return were substantiarty and materÍaIly Iess. 11. From at Ieast,'Ín or about .Lggg through in or about January 2OO'9, ARTI{I]R G.. NADEL,.. the d.êfenda:nt, also falsely fepresented to investors that, his purchases and sales of securÍties ín the Fund,s'þad generated cumuLatívery more than million ln gains. rn truth during this peri-od'of time, ( Êezt in fact, as NADEL werl knew, NADETT's trading resulted j.n an overall a¡rd -' i htlp/ Ä'¡ewer.aspx?rid=r"rrrt#:ffiîï;;:ïåtJ"?l"Yirm: net Loss'in tlre Funds. For example, in or about september 2008, NADEL cauged- documents 'to be sent to cIÍent,s that stàt,ed that tfrere was. approximatery $zo,50o,ooo in totar assets in the Valhalla fnvestment, Partners LrP, approxímately ç.75,200.000 in i . i total. asseEs in victory -Fund Ëtd., and, approximately g65¿300,00'0 in totaL ¿issets in víking Fund Lt¡C. In truth and. in fact, in or ' about September 20o8, Valhalla rnvestnênt partners.Lp, Victory Fund Ltd'., Viking Fund LLC heLd only â smal'I fractÍon of that "tt¿ money on behalf of its cfients. f2. ARTHIIR G. NADEL, the defendant, aceepted. hundreds of mil-líons of d.ollars of ínvesÈor money, cumul-atir:ry, from indivíduãI ínvestors, charitable organízations, trust,s, an¿ hedge funds that invested.fn the *rU". F'rom at ]-east in or about 1999 through Ín or about, ilanuary 2oog, the Funds had over 350 ínvestors. F'rom tlre outset of the scheme, and contÍnuíng throughout, Íts operation, NADETJ obtained, fnvestor funds through ' int'erstate wÍre transfers from financial- institutions located Ín the Southern Ðistrj.ct of New York and elsev¡here and through . maíIíngs delíverea fV Ëhê postal Service. ' 13. .In eonnection wíth this scheme, .ARTHUR G. NAÐEL, the defendant, creaEed and caused to be created fal-se and fraudulent documentE Ínclud.íng, but not, Iimited to, client account statements that reflecte¿ .tíctitious posítive reÈurns cons.istent with the reti¡rns that, had been prornlsed Ëo investors in ühe Funds. hnp://wwwjdsupra.convposudocumenrv¡ewer.aspx?ñd=r"rr."#îÏii*îá:JrJ-3l"Yi.H, L4. To execrite the ! ùefendant, represented a¡rd siheme,. ARTHUR G. NåDEIJ, the caused, others to represent to lnvestors þhat each of the Funds was operated and managed rn .utruth a¡rd in fact, as NJtDEt well knew, NADETT managed, purchased å.nd sold securities wíthin, and. treaÈed. Èhe Fr¡nd.s as, a singre. a-ccount regardress ' L5. of the Ft¡nd .in. which cfienÈs had invested. .ARTHUR G. NAÐETJ,' the defend4nt, received a fee of one percent of the net asset value of each of Ëhe Fund.s and 'a performance íncentive fee of l-2.5, percent of. arl managiement of the profits, after subtractj.on gf fees and, e:çenses, earned from Ëhe investment,s in the Fund.s. From at, least, fn or abouL 1999 up through and incruding at least .ín'or about 2oog, as a resurt of IGDEIT's false fepre.sentsations regarding the perfottr¡ance of each of the Funds and tstre net asset value in each of the Fr¿nd.s, NÀDEL fraudulently received tens of millions of dollars ín rnalagement fees and. performance incentive fees thaÈ did. not refrect the aetual performancê, or ttre net, asset, val.ues of , the Funds. In.addÍtíon Èo receivíng a management fee and a performa¡ce incentive fee, .ARTIIUR. G. NADEL, the defend.ait, transferrêd. and caused to ¡e transterred. míllions of doLlars of inwestor money in the Fr:rlds to accounts and enttties owned anil/or controlLed by NADEIJ.. Ttre investors Ín the Funds díd not authorize xaDEr, to make these' pransfers, and NADEr., failed'to discLose the I ! I Document hosred at JDSU PRA" hþ:/rfuwwJdsupra'com/post/documentMewer.sspx?ñd=6Ê550sd,t-b04l4bbd-ba90-ea3f2aBd120d i transfer of these fund,s to accounts and. entities that, he owned, and/or conLrolled to investors statutori elleqation L7. On or about the daLes set forttr.below, Ín the southern Distrlct óf New York and. elsewhere, ÀRTIÍUR G. NADEL, the . defend.ant,, r:n1¿wful1y, wi]J.fully, ,nd'.knowíng1y, direct,Iy and. ' indirectly, by the use of means and ínstr'umentalities of . interstate commerce, and. of tlie maÍIs, and of facílities of nationar securítíes exchanges, in connect,fon with the purchase and sale of securities, did.use a¡rd'employ manipuJ.aÈive and deceptive devÍces and'contrívances, in vioratÍon oi Title J.7, code of Fede:ial Regrulations, Sect,ion Z40.lOb-5, by,. (a) empJ-oying d.evices, ( art,ífices to d,efraud,; (b) makíng ,,rirrro" sEat,ements of . materíal facts and. omitting to sEate materfal facts necessary in order to make the sta.cêments made, ín light pf the circumst u¡rder whícn tfrey were made, not misleading;'.and (c) engagíng ín transactions, acts, practfces, and. courses of busíness which ' oPeraÈed and wouLd operate as a fraud and. d.eceit upon. petîsons, to wit, NADEIJ made false and mfsleading statements that induced investors to ínvest, their money ín the Funds lísted, below: schemes, and. colt¡frr FUND ONE Fron at leasÈ in or about 2003. through in or about ilanuary ZOO/ VÍctor.y Ltd. TWO { APPROXIMATE DAIES From at least in or a-bout, 2OO4 lhrough in or about rJanuary 2OOg IR.A, Fund Scoop ReaI EstaËe IJp Doiument hosted at JDSU PRA htÞ:/wwwJdsupra,corn/posvdocumentViewer.aspx?lTd=6e55osd4,b041 4bbd-öago€agt¿aod1 zod From at least in or about.2OOL through' in or about ,January 2OOg .From at'least in or about 1999 through in oi qbout ,January 2OOg From at least in or abouÈ 2Oo1 through in or about, ,Januarlr 2OO9 From at least ín or about 2001 through in or a^bout. ,fanuar¡¡ 2OAg Valhalla InvestmenÈ Partners VikÍng Fund, LtC Viking IRA Fund: tr,c (TiËIe l-5, United States Code, Sect,íons Zgj (b) and. TSff; 17, cod.g of Federal RegulatÍons, sect]ion 24o.1ob-5; .TiÈle 18, United SÈ,ates Code, SecËíon 2.) Ti-tJ-e COUTÙT SEIüEN (tttail Fraud) . The Grand ,Jur? further charges: 18- The ãrlegations contained ín paragraphs J. through t6, at'ove, are hereby repeat,ed, reaJ.reged, and incorporätea by reference as if fulIy set, forth herein 19 - From in oi a-bout 2092 through in or about December . 2008, ín the southern District of New york and elsewhere, ARTHUR G. NADEL, the defendant, unlawfully, wå, and knowíngJ-y, having devised. and, lntend.íng to devise a scheme and, artífice to 'defraud, and,.for obtainíng money and pùoperty by means of false and. fraudulent pretensês, representatíons, and promises, for the. of executing such scheme and'arLifÍce a¡rd attempting to do so, dÍd place.ín'poEt offíces and authorized depositoríes for mail purpose matÈer, matters a¡rd. things Èo be sent and, d,elivered by the postal senlice, and dÍd. d.eposit a¡rd cause to be deposíted matters and ( hüt/rl¡l',r vJdsupra.cory'post/documenMewer-aspx?¡d=6e560sd4-b041-4bbd-bago-€agf2aBdl20d I. things to be sent, and. delÍvered by prÍvate and commercíaL Ínterstate carrÍers, and did Èake and receive therefrom sueh natters and thing.s, and dÍd knbwingly cause to be delivered, by nail and such carrÍersj according to the directÍons thereon, and at the.,praces at. iùhich they vrere dírected to be delivered by the persons to wtrom they wqrç addressed, such matters and, things, to wit, as part of a scheme to.dèfraud. the fnvestors in the Funds, NAÐEL sent and'caused to be sent and d.erlvered. via the postal Servi-ce false and fraudulent aecount statements from the Funds to investors, some of whom were rocated, in New york, New york. (Title 18, united states coae, sectíons 1341 and 2.) '. " é'ou¡¡rs n¡enr rHRoueH rrrrsgÀT (Wire ¡.raud) The Grand, ,Jury further charges: 20- The ar.regaÈions contained in paragraphe 1 through J-6r'above, are hereby repeated, reall-eged, and íncorporated. by referqnce as if fu1.Iy set forth herein. ZL- On or Southern Distríct of about, Èhe dates seÈ New forth þelow, ín york and eLsewherê, ARTHTR G. the NADEIJ, the defendant, r.rrlawful1y, willfuJ.iy, and knolùingly, having devised a.nd intending to devise a scheme and artifite to defraud, and for obtaÍni-ng money and property by means of false and fraudurent pretenses, representations and. promíses, tçansmit arid eause to be transmítted, by means of wire, radio, and terevision (_ i . Document hosr€d atJDSUpRA . hüp//lu,wJdsupm.coEy'post/documentvlewer.aspx?fid=6e5505d+bo4l-4bbd-bag0-€a3f2a8d120d Ín int,erst,ate irnd foreig:r commerce, wrítings, signs, signals, pícÈures, and .sounds for the puepose of executing such scheme and. artifÍce, to wít, NADEL caused mo.Jrey to be transferred by wÍre from New York, New Yorkr.Ëo bank accounts locaüed outside New York for tTre purpode of executing the scheme to d.efraud the .investors ín. the funds, as set forth belpw; communicaËion coüMr ÀPPROXI.}ÍATE DÀTES DESCRIPTION OF TR,A}ISFER EÏGHT 03/25/Oe NINE a4/02/08 !{ùré transfer of, approxÍmately $200,000 from New york, New york, to a bank aècount Ín Florída lùÍre tra¡rsfer of. approximately $1001000 from New york, New york, to a bank account in Florida TEN. 06/24/08 ETJE\IEN 07/02/o8 TWEL\rE ' oe/22/oe THTRTEEN LLl 06 / oe ftlire tra¡rsfer of approxímately $4001000 from New york, New york, to a bank accor¡rrt in FLorida Wire transfer of approxirnately $so,ooo fqom New yoik, New yoik, to,a bank accor¡nt in Florida Wire tra¡rsfer of approximately $900,000 from New Yorlc, New york, to a bank acêount in Florída lrlire tra¡rsfer of approxímately $7.5,000 from New York, New york, to a in FlorLda l{lire transfer of approxÍmately $9s0,000 .from New york, New york, to a bank account ín FLorida YIIíre Èra:rsfer of approxímately $U9,000 from New york, Netv yõrk, to a bank account in Fl-orida bank accou¡rt FOURTEEN L2/ 02/08 FÏHTEgN o!/ 05 / oe (TiEIe 18, Unit,ed Stat,eg Coa", Sections 1343 and 2.) 10 . t ' (, .' Doq¡m€nr hosted atJDSUpRA- htþ://r,vwwJdsupra.cony'posudocumentuewêr.aspx?fld=6e55o5d¡lb041-4bbd-bago€a3f2a8d1 20d r.ORtrEXTf¡n¡ A¡l-¡EcÀTfON ' - As a resur-t of or ,more of the foregoing securiËies fraud offenses, in vio1ation of Title 15¡ 22 commíttsing one United. gÈates Code,. seitions 78j (Þ) a¡rd ?sfÈ, Tit1e 19, united sËates coder'secÈíon 32L, and Title 1?, cod.ê of' Fed,era1 Regulations, Sect,ion 24O.L0b-s, as al-J-eged in Counts One through Six of this rndictment,, and the mail fraud offense, Ín violation . . ;.. ' { of Title 18, Uníted StaÈes Code, Section 1341, as a1J-eged Ín Count Seven of this fndictment, a¡rd the wire fraud, offenses, ín violatlon of TLtle 18, Uníted States Cod.e, Section 1343¡ ãs alleged in Counts Eight through FÍfteen of this IndictmenÈ, ARTHUR' G. NADEL, the d.efendanL, shall forfeít to Èhe United, States pursuant t,o Tit,le 18,, uníted, states'code, secLíon 9g1(a) (1) (c) , and Tít,le 28, United'states Code, Sectien 246L, all properÈy, real _ì and personal, that êonstítuteE or Ís derived from proceed,s traceable Èo Èhe commÍssion of the fraúd offenses, includfng, but not lÍmited to, the following: a. At, least approxímat,eJ_y $geO míIlion Ín United. states eurrencli, ín that such sum in aggregate is property representÍng the amount of proceeds obtained as a result of Ehe "charged securít,ies fraud, mail fraud, a¡rd wire fraud offenses; t1 ¡' Document hostod at JDSUPRA" htþrrlflww.,Tsupra.cordposudoc1rmentvìewer.aspx?fid=6e55oft4-b041.4bbd-bago-ea3f2a8d120d b. .Any and all funds on de¡rosit in Account No. 2840109316 held' Ín the name of MargueriEe .1. Nade]. Revocal¡Ie Trust at Northern Trust, N.A.; c'. The rear property and. appurÈenances known and described as 3966 cor:ntry view Ðríve, sarasota, Fròrida; d. The real property and appurtenances known and d.eseribed as L5s76 ¡'ruitvÍlIe Road, sarasoËa, Frorida; e. The real propérty and appurtenances known and :. . described L31 Garren creek Road,. FaLn¡Íew, North Carolina¡ 'f- The real property'and appurtenances known and descríbed' as approxímabely acres and of forty-five lots in the name I LIrC, in Thomasville, Georgía; g. ilhe real property and appurtenances Scoop Capítal . f known and. d'escribed as. approxímately thÍrty-seven the name of Scoop Capíta1, LLC, in Grady.County, Georgia; h. known right, titie, interest in the entity and described as the Venfce ,fet, Cent,er located. in Venice, À11 and. Florida; t. A1l rlghÈ, tÍtIe., and ínt,erest in the entities known and descríbed aa taurel Mountaí:r presen¡e, LLe, r,aurel Preserr¡e , L],lc, and ïraurel Mor¡ntain preee¡¡¡e Homeowners Association, fnc., lncludfng, but not 1ímí.ted to, 420 acres in Buncombe county a¡rd McDowell county, North carolina; .L2 : Document hosred at JDSUPRA' htÞ:/rltrwwJdsupra.cory'posudocumenMêwer.aspx?fld=6s66osd¡t-uxl-4bbd-bâg0-€a3f2agd12od j. righË, tiËle, a¡rd.interest in the entity known and. descrfbed'as Tradewind., LLc, includÍng, but noË rimited. to, five aírpranes, one herí.opt"r,-, and, thirty-onê airport hangars, located in Newnan-coweta county Airport, GeorgÍa; and k.. All ríghL, title, and, ínt,erest Ín the ent,ity known.and descrÍbed as the Guy-Nade1 For¡ndatipn, rnc. A1tr Sr¡ib.Etftute .â.sset,E provísion 23. If any of Uhe above-described forfeitable property, as a resulÈ of any act a. ' .or omission of the d.ef endant: caffiot be Located upon the exercise of due d.i].igetrce; has been transferred or c. fras been placed beyond the jurisdÍction of the d. e. has been substantially dÍmínlshed in value; or has been commíngléd, wÍth other property which so1d. to, or deposited wítrh, a thírd party,. 'court; ca¡1not be t' dívided without dífficulty; 13 Document hosted at JDSUPRA iE is the intent of the united states, pursüant to Title 21, ûnlted. states cod,e, secÈíon 8s3 (p) , to séek forf,eiture of arry .other property of the defenda¡rt up to the value of the forfeitabLe property described above (?ítl-e 1.5, Itnited SÈates Code, Sgctions Z8j.(b) and Zgff ì Title J.7, Codè of Federal Regulatíons, Section 240.10Þ--5; TítIe 18, UnÍted States Code, Sect,ions 9er(a) (1) (C), 1341, and 13aj; Title 21, United States Code., SectÍon 853 (p) ; and Tit,le 28, United States Code,. Sect,Íon 246l-.1 D.A.sSIN Acting Uní.ted Stat,es Attorney f L4

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