Securities and Exchange Commission v. Nadel et al

Filing 745

RESPONSE re #733 Order filed by Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., as successor by merger to Wachovia Bank, N.A.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit, #2 Exhibit, #3 Exhibit, #4 Exhibit, #5 Exhibit)(Barnett, Ana)

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EXHIBIT D U.S. D-gpartme_nt of Justice United States Attorney Southern Dístríct of New York United States Districl Courthouse 300 Qunopas Street lí¡hite Plains, New York 10601 May 23,2011 Via Federal Express Ana T. Barnett Steams Weaver Miller Weissler Alhadeff & Sitterson, P.A. 150 V/est Flagler Street, Ste. 2200 Miami, FL 33130 Re: United States v. Ärthur G. Nadel 09 Cr. 433 (JGK) Dear Ms. Barnett: Enclosed is a copy of the Preliminary Order of ForfeiturelFinal Order of Forfeiture as to Defendant's Interest in Specific Property, entered by the Court on December 2,2010 in the above-referenced case. Shsuld you wish. to asserf a'legal interest in the proper(y whi'ch has been ordered forfeited to the United States, a petition for a hearing to adjudicate the validity of your alleged interest in the propertf must be filed within thirty-five days of the date of this Ietter. Pursuantto 21 U.S.C. $ 853(n)(3.)"sueh a-pet-ition shall be signed by the petitioner under penalty of perjury and shall set forth the nature and extent of the petitioner's right, title, or interest in the property, the time and circumst¿nces of the petitioner's acquisition of the right, title, or interest in the properly, any additional facts supporting the claim, and the relief sought. Respectfully, PREETBII.ARATìA United States Attorney Southern District of New York Assistant United States Attorney Tel. (9la) 993-196s Enclosure Case 1 :09-cr-00433-JGK 1of 7 DOCUIvIL^r ¡ TINITED STATES DTSTRICT COUR SOTTTHERN DTSTRICT OF ELECTRONICALLY FILED NEV{ UNITED STATES OF AI"ÍERICA, PRELIMINARY ORDER OF FORFEITURE/FINÃ], OF FORFEITURE AS TO -v- - DEFENÐÀI\IT'S TNTEREST IN SPECTFIC PROPERTY ÀRTHUR NAÐEIJ, Defendant. WHEREAS, ORDER 09 Cr. 433 (JcK) on or about April 28, 2OO9, ARTHUR NADEL, (ttre "defendanÈ"), was charged in a fifteen-count fndictment 09 Cr. 433 (.lGK) (the "Indictrnent"), with, securities fraud, in violation of Titlê. 1-5, UniEed Code, Sections 7gj (b) & 7ïff , TitIe J-7. Code of Federal Regulat,ions, Section 24O.LOb-S, and Titre 18, united states code. sectíon 2 (counts one through Sir); maiL fraud in viol-ation of Title tB, United StaÈes Cod.e, sections 1341 and 2 (count seven); and wire fraud ir-r violation of Tit]e 18, United- States Code, Sections 1343 and 2 (Counts Eight through Fifteen) ; the Indictment íncludes forfeiture aÌlegations, providing notÍce that the covernment is seeking, pursuant to Title l-8, UniLed St-ãEes Code, Section 9Bl_(a) (1) (C) and Title 28, United States Code, SecÈion 246L, aII property, rear and personar, thaL constitutes or is derived from proceeds eraceab].e to e}.e commission of Erre fraud offenses, including, but noL J.imited to, the following: WHEREAS, Case 1:09-cr-00433-JGK Document a. 78 Filed 121O2110 page 2 of T A sum of money equal to $162,000,000 in United States currer¡cy, representing Lhe amounL of proceeds obtained as a resurt of the fraud offenses arleged in coirnE,s one through Fifteen of the fndictment; b. all funds on deposít in Accounts No. 2940109315 held in t,he name of Marguerite ,J. Nadel_ Revocable Trust Any and aE Northern Trust., N.A. i c. d. real property and appurtenances known and described as 15576 Fruitville Road, Sarasot.a, Florida; The real property and appurtenar¡ces known and. d.escribed. The 1 Garren Creek Road, Fairview, North Carolina,. The real property and appurtenances known and described l-3 as approximately acres and forty-five lots in the of name Capital, LLC, in Thomasville, Georgía; The real property and appurE.enances known a¡rd.-d.escribed Scoop as approximately-trhirty-seven acres in Ehe name of , LLc, in Grady County, Georgia,All right, -title, and j¡rterest in Èhe entity known and. described as the VenÍce ,Jet Center located in Venice, Florida; All right., tit1e, and int.erest in Èhe entities known Scoop Capital E' h. and described as LaureL Mountain preserve/ LLC, Laurel Preserve, LLc, and Laurel Mountain preserve Homeownerg Assocíat,ion, fnc-, including, but. not lirniE,ed to, 42o Case 1:09-cr-00433-JGK Document 78 Filed 1Z02l1O page 3 of 7 È acres in Buncombe County and McDowe1l County, North Carolina; i. Al1 right, title, and inÈerest in the entity known and described as Tradewind, LLc, including, but not l-imited to, five airplanes, one helicopter, and thirty-one airporÈ hangars, locat.ed in Newnan-Coweta County Airport, Georgia; and All right, tit1e, and interest in the entity known and j. described as the Guy-Nade1 Foundation, Inc.; I{HEREAS, on or about February 24, 2OLO, the defendant pled guilty to counts one through Fifteen of the rndictment pursuant to a plea agrreement with Èhe Government (.'the Agreement" ) ; WHEREAS, forfeiL to in the Agireement, the defendant agreed, to a sum of money equal to -$162,000,000 ín United States Currency (the ..Money Judgnnent,,), and atI of his right, title and interest in the following properties: (a) Any and arr funds on deposit in Accour¡t No. 2g40109316 held i-n the name of Marguerite .T. Nadel Revocabl-e Trust at Northern TrusÈ, N.A.; (b) The real property and appurtenances known and. d.escribed. as 15576 Fruitville Road, Sarasota, Florida; (c) The real property and appurtenances known and descríbed as 131- Garren Creek Road, Fairview, North Carolina,. (d) Trre real properËy and appurtenances known and described as approximately fourteen acres and forty-five rots in the na¡ne of Scoop Capital, LLC, in ThomaãvíLle, t.he-Government Georgia,. Case 1:09-cr-00433-JGK Document 78 Filed 1ZlO2l1O page 4 of T (e) The real property and appurtenances known and d,escribed as approximat.ely thirty-seven acres in the name of Scoop Capital, LLC, in Grady County, Georgia; (f) Ar1 rÍght, titre, and interest in the entity known and. described as the venice Jet center located ín venice, Florida; (g) AIl righÈ, titrle, and int.erest in Ehe ent,iÈies known and descrÍbed as Laurel_ Mountain preserve, LLC, Laurel Preserve, LLe, ar¡d rJaurel Mountain preserve Homeowners .A.ssociation, Inc., including, buÈ not Iímited to, 42O acres in Buncombe County and McDowell County, North Carolina:, (h) All right, titre, and interest in the entity known and. described as Tradewind, Lf,C, including, but noÈ limited to, fíve airplanes, one helicopt,er, and thirty-one airport hangars, located in Newnan-Coweta CounÈy Airport, Georgia; and (i) AIl rightr, title, and. interesL in Ehe entity known and described as the Guy-Nadel Foundation, Inc_ (hereinafLer the "specific Properties,, ) ; on or al-'out October 14, , the def endanÈ was sentenced and ordered Eo forfeit his interest in the speci fic Properties a¡rd to the Morrey .fudgment; IIIHEREAS, pursuar¡t to 21 U.S.C. S 853 (g), the United states is now entitled, pendi-ng any aEsertion--of third-party claims, to reduce the specific properties to it.s possession and WHEREAS, ZOLO to'not.ify any and all poÈential purctrasers and transferees tshereof of it,s interest, Eherein; Case 1:09-cr-00433-JGK Document NOW,. THEREFORE, 1. IT IS 78 Filed 12t02110 page S of 7 ORDERED, AD,JUDGEÐ A}ID DECREED THAT: As a result of the offenses charged in Counts One through fifEeen of the rndictment, to which the d.efendant entered a gruilty p1ea, a Money .Tudgment Ín the amount of shaIl bé entered againsE the defendant, as such sum represenfs property, real and personar, derived from Ehe offense sJ-62,000,000 charged in CounËs One through Fifteen of the Indictment.. 2. All of Ehe defendant,s right, title and interest in the specific Properties is forfeited to the united. staÈes for disposition in accordance with Ehe law, subject to the provisions of 2L u.s.C. S 853(n). 3. Upon entry of this preliminary Order of Forfeiture, the United SEates Marshals Service (or its designee) is authorized to seize the specifíc properLies and-hold the Specific Propertj-es in Íts secure, cus.tody and. control . 4. pursuant, to 2L U. s. c. s 853 (n) (1) , Rule 3 2.2 (b) (6) of the Federal Rules of CrÍminal proced.ure, and. Rules G(4) (a) (iv) (c) and G(5) (a) (ii) of the supplemental Rutes for. certain Admiralty or Maritime craims and Asset. Forfeiture Actions, the united states shall pubrish for at Least thirty (30) consecutive days on the official government internet forfeiture site, www-forfeiture-9ov, nolice of this preliminary order of Forfe:lÈure, Any persor¡, otÏ¡er than the defendant in thís case, claiming an interest ín the speciflc properties must file a Case 1:09-cr-00433-JGK Document 78 Fited 12lOZl1O page 6 of 7 petit.ion wiÈhín sixty (eO¡ days from Lhe first day of publication of the notice on t.his official government internet site, or no later than thirty-five (35) days from the mailing of actual notice, whichever is earlier. 5. This notice shalr state thaL Èhe petition shar] be for a hearing to adjudicatre the validiEy of the pet.itioner, s alleged interest .in one or more of the specific properties, shal_lbe signed by the petitioner penalty of perjury, and sharl forth the nature and extent of the petitioner, s righL, titre and inÈerest in the specific eropert.ies and any additional- facts supporting the petitioner's claim and the rerief sought, pursuant to 21 U.s.C. S 853 (n) seÈ . 6. Pursuant to Rule 32.2(b) (6) of the Federal Rules of críminal Procedure, the Government. shall send noti.ce to any person who reasonabry appears to be a potential cLaimant with standing Èo contest the forfeiture in the ancillary proceedÍng. 7. Upon adjudication of all third-party interests, this court wilr enter a Final order of For.feiture with respect to the Specific ProperÈies pursuant to 21 U.S.C. e53 (n) and Rule 32.2(c) (2) of the Federal RuLes of criminal procedure, in which all- third-party int.erests will be addressed. I _ The Court shal1 retain jurisdicÈion to enforce this order, and Eo amend it as necesisar)¡, pursuant to Fed. R. Crim. P- 32.2(e). Case 1 :09-cr-00433-JGK Document 78 Fited 12102t10 Page T ot 7 Pursuant to RuIe 32.2(b) (3) of the Federal Ru1es of criminar Procedure, upon entry of this preriminary order of Forfeíture, che united states Attorney's office is authorized. to conducE any discovery needed to identify, locate or dispose of forfeitable property, including depositions, interrogatories, requesEs for production of documents and Ehe issuance of subpoenas, pursuant to Rule 45 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. 10. The Clerk of the Court shall forward three certified copies of this order to Assistant U.S. Attorney Sharon Levín, One St. Andrew's P1aza, New York, New york, 10002. Dated: New York, New York october )l , 2ol-o 'JOHN G. KOELTL ÐISTRICT iTUDGE Case 1:09-cr-00433-JGK Document 91 Filed 07102111 Page 1 of 4 TINITED STATES DISTRICT COURT :_:üi:-::i::3-LÌ::.::.Y. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA VERIFIED PETITION FOR A HEARING TO ADruDICATE THE INTEREST OF WELLS FARGO BANK -v.- ARTHURNADEL, No. 09 CR 433 (JGK) Defendant. VERIFIED PETITION FOR A HEARING TO ADJUDICATE THE INTEREST OF \ilELLS F'ARGO BANK Third Parly Petitioner WELLS FARGO BANK, N.4., ("Wells Fargo")I, as successor by merger to Wachovia Bank, N.4., hereby petitions the Court for an ancillary hearing pursuant to 21 U.S.C. $ 853(nX2), and Fed. R. Crim. P. 32.2(c) to adjudicate its interest in real property identified in the Preliminary Order of Forfeiture (DE 78) as Laurel Mountain Preserve, located in Buncombe and McDowell Counties, North Carolina2, and states: FACTS SUPPORTING PETITION L Wells Fargo owns and holds a duly perfected3 priority interest in the Laurel Mountain real property. Its interest arises from a Deed of Trust and Assignment of Rents ("Deed of Trust") given to Preserve, secure a Promissory Note ('Note") evidencing a loan made to Laurel LLC in the amount of One million, nine hundred thousand dollars ($1,900,000.00) on I The bank charters of Vy'achovia Bank, N.A. and Wells Fargo Ban! N.A. were combined u¡rder the Wells Fargo Bank charter. t The Laurel Mountain Preserve real property is only referred to in the Preliminary Order of Forfeiture as "420 acres in Buncombe County and McDowell County, North Carolina. These 420 acres are more precisely desctibed in Exhibit A. 3 'lhe Deed of Trust and Assignment of Rents dated May 2,2008 was recorded on May 6,2008 in Official Records Book 4560 atPage 779, of the Public Records of Buncombe County, N.C. and also recorded on Ma¡ 9 2009 tn Official Records Book 961 at Page 854, of the Public Records of McDowell County, N.C. Case 1:09-cr-00433-JGK Document g1 Filed 07102111 page 2 of 4 May, 2,2008. True copies of the Promissory Note and Deed of Trust are attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibits B and C, respectively. 2' The Deed of Trust on the Laurel Preserve real property was given to secure the $1.9 million loan to Laurel Preserve, LLC, ata time when Wells Fargo Bank was reasonably without cause to believe that the property was subject to forfeiture. This makes IJVells Fargo Bank a bone fide purchaser for value of the right, title and interest in the Laurel Preserve real property. 3. As of this date, there remains an outstanding principal balance of $1,900,000.00 due and owing to V/ells Fargo under the Promissory Note, exclusive of interest, fees and costs. 4. The payment of principal and interest due on February 2,2009 and thereafter has not been made. Accordingly, under the terms and requirements of, the Note and Deed of Trust, Wells Fargo is entitled to look to its secured interest in the Laurel Mountain Preserve real property for repayment. MEMORANDUM OF LAW To prevail on its claim to the Laurel Mountain Preserve real property, Wells Fargo need only establish by a preponderance of the evidence that is a bona Jide purchaser for value of its interest in the property, and at the time it acquired its interest it was reasonably without cause to believe that the property was subject to forfeiture under the forfeiture law. See, 21 U.S.C. $ 8s3(n)(6). Wells Fargo loaned Laurel Preserve, LLC $1.9 million on May consideration 2, 2008, and in it obtained a Deed of Trust in its favor to ensure repayment. At the time of the loan, in 2008, V/ells Fargo could not have reasonably suspected, much less "believed" that the property migbt be subject to forfeiture. Arthur Nadel's criminal activity did not become known Case 1:09-cr-00433-JGK Document 91 Filed07l02l11 Page 3 of 4 to Wells Fargo (or anyone outside the govemmenQ until January, 2009, when Nadel arrested - was nearly one year after Wells Fargo obtained and perfected its interest in the Laurel Mountain Preserve real propefy. RELIEF SOUGHT . .Pursuant to 2l U.S.C. $ S53(n)(2), and Fed. R. Crim. P.32.2(c),Wells Fargo Bank seeks a determination of the validity and superiority of its securþ interest in the Laurel Mountain Preserve real property, in the amount of the outstanding principal and interest, plus fees, costs and expenses due under the Note and Deed of Trust; and a determination that Well Fargo's security interest in the Laurel Preserve Mountain real property is not subject to forfeiture WHEREFORE, Third Parly Petitioner, Wells Fargo Bank, N..A'., having set forth the nature and extent of its interest in the Laurel Mountain Preserve real property, petitions the Court to find that Wells Fargo is a bone fide purchaser for value without knowledge that the property was subject to forfeiture and accordingly amend its Preliminary Order of Forfeinre; and for such other relief in favor of Wells Fargo as the Court deem just and proper. , Respectfully Submitted, STEARNS WEAVER MILLER WEISSLER ALHADEFF & SITTERSON, P.A. Museum Tower- Suite 2200 150 West Flagler Street Miami, FL 33130 Telephone No.: (305) 789-3200 Facsimile No.: (305) 789-3395 By: /s/ Adam M. Schachter ADAM M. SCHACHTER aschachter@ stea¡nsweaver. com ANA T. BARNETT abarnett@ stearnsweaver. com Case 1:09-cr-00433-JGK Document g1 Filed 07102111 Page 4 of 4 kmelchiondo@ stearnsweaver. com Appearing Pro Hac Vice \¡ERIFICATION In accordance with the requirements of 2l U.S.C. g 853(n)(3): I, Sara E. Ottman, am Assistant Vice President of Petitioner WELLS FARGO BANK, N.4., successor by merger to Wachovia Bank, N.A. I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. *Joo-€. Êtl'^'-* #L01.L722vI {r-1-l I

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