Securities and Exchange Commission v. Nadel et al

Filing 745

RESPONSE re #733 Order filed by Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., as successor by merger to Wachovia Bank, N.A.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit, #2 Exhibit, #3 Exhibit, #4 Exhibit, #5 Exhibit)(Barnett, Ana)

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EXHIBIT E JUDGE KOELTL 0HAIIBERS Fax:212-80b-?912 Feb 10 2012 09:10pm p00d/011 UI{TTED STAÍES ÐTSTRTC:Í qOT¡RT ïYY:Ty_i:'-Y_"or - r< UNTIEÐ STATES OE' åHERTCA TTFTTTJASI,ON .R}ID ORDER oe . ct. 433 (.tGK) .ãRTÉIIR }TÄDEL, Def,ec¡da¡t. x rclEBEAg, oE or about aprll 28, 2Qo9, ã¡tTEruR ìtÈDEtL, (ttre sdefenda¡rtolr üas clra=ged 1n e fif,teen-eount rÐ.df.ct$ell¿ 09 cr. 4?.3 (.TcK) (the orndåcÈmentr), w.J,Èh,, Eecurítíes fi:aud, ín violatlan of, Tlt1e 15, Unfted. sEateE Code, SectLons ?gJ (b) & 78Ê.f., Titre L7, Gode of Federal Reg¡rJ.atl,oÌlg, sec.Ë,io¡r z40,1ob-s. a¡¡d EítIe 18. Urrited geates Cod.e, Sectl,or.r 2 (coqûtÉ One through, slx)¡ ua-l-I Ësar¡d. i¡r wioratlon of Title a8, rrnited staÈes Gode. $ectíoas 1341 ãï{d. 2 (Count Sevën} i and wire f,raud ín wío1aÈ{on of, Tit]-e L8, gnl.ted States Code, SecÈisns 1343 and, Z (Counes EíghË tbro.ugh Fifbeen); Ì BIHEREAS, the rndictruent L:¿cludes forfeltsr¡¡e aIIegaËíons, notíce that tl¡e Govermíient. ås sårekJrrg. pursuarit Èg TíÈ1e L8, llnited stateË eode, sectíon 9g1(a) (1) (c) JUDGE K0ELTL CHâilBERS Fax:212-B0S-?912 Feb 10 2012 09:10pm P005/011 and T¿Ule 28, Ur¡¿Ëed StaLes Code, gection 24,61. aI]. Broperty, rear and, personal. tihat censt¿Èutes or is dertwed. from proceeds ü::aceable to tl¡e eo¡umission of thç f-aufl offerreeF,, buË not lj.raited, Èo, tbe fol' ër. AÈ least 'approxf.mately S¡eo mi].].ios Lü, Unibed States cflirrè¡acyn is that such €uIII ir¿ aggregate ås. properÈy represeaËísg the a$ount of pæoceeds obÈa.ined e.Ë a reEu1t oÉ. tb,e Ehasged securit'íes fraud, mail fraud, a¡rd rrLre fran¡d offenses, _ b, Arry and, c, îhe reaf,. prr4lerty and. appurÈenancesr ¡sroa,rn and dessri-bed as 3965 Cor.urtel Vlew Driwe, ÉatrAsota, Florida; d. The real, properËy .anð appu¡¡e¡ã¡1cès torolun aíd descríbed es xEE?'6 Etr:iÈrril1e Road, Sarai¡oÈa. F'Iþrida,, al.l fi:¡rds on de.posit in Aecorurt Sto, 2s40j_093X.6 held í:1. ÈIae ñ:rme of, ¡dä,rguerite iL lïadel Rer¡ocable T¡nrst aÈ ñorthêrn IrLrsü, N,Ar , 'Itre real. properEy a:rd a¡æurËer¡aÞceÉ knoltm ar¡d descråbed f.31 Ganen Creek Road, Fa:irríewr. rilorth (" i ãuo1iEê r- I property arrd ?FlF,rrteua,nqes known +n{ des<rr¿bed ,aB aBpr:oximaËe].y acreÉ a¡d. forty-fiwe 1ots irr tslæ äâ¡ue of scroop CaBfta-a, r.r.Cr i.¿ Thomasville, The real @o:rgiá; cf- ÍL¡e rea3. . p=opertsy a¡d ap¡nrrteuances Jsrov¡n and descrÍ.bed eg a¡lproxíu,ate1y thLrtsy-sevea acreÉ ln tbe naEe of, Scoop CapiÈa1, LIjC, ín Gfacly County, @orgLa.¡ Il. All right, ëltle, a¡d lnterest l.¡r the entity lørpvra and dege=íbed, as the venlce iret celrËer rocaüedlin venJ.ce, FJ.orldä¡ ,i I I i I I ! I JUDGE K0ELTL CHâ!|BERS Fax¡212-805-?312 Feb l0 2012 09;10pn P006/011 1. .ê11 rigtrË, tit].e. and iateðesÈ Ín tlæ errËiÈiesu loofin ar¡d desc.rí¡ed as I.aüret Mounùaf,a Preserve, 'LI¿Cr l€u¡el PfeEetrfê¿ f.rf,-rC¡ a¡rCt L¡an¡re1 l¡q¡nlaÍ-r.r IlGû,eowfleEs .Asspcl.aË,forr, ÍÌ18., lncluding, þut ¡¡oË Iì.uråted Ëo, 42O acI3es åa Br¡Ecombe CounËy al1ét ¡tcuowell CorrEey¡ Nsrch Carolírra¡ l. rígþÞ, ÈitrI'er a¡d. interest i-E trhÊ entiËy Isoi'rn and d.eecribed aõ Tradewtadr ÉI¡Cr 1¡rcludlngr buÉ not Linuiùeã to, Ël,ve ¡irTr1aflês, one lre].icopËer¡ arrd. thJ.rty-one airpo=Þ ba:lgers, locaËed lu Ne¡¡¡,an-CoueËa Counüy al,:rgnrC, @orgÍa; a.nd å,11 right.r 'Ëits!.e, a¡d. j¡rterqsÈ in tÌ¡e entity known and èescríbed, as tlre Gay-Nade1 goundaüíon, Inc.; A1-1. lr. glIIERxiAg. orr or aþout Febnrarlz 24, 2O1o. Che def,èndant pIed, grrffty to Cor¡nts oo,e Èh¡rousfts to a¡r agseemenÈ r,l'íCf¡ tl¡e !$I¡EREAS, FlfËeê7l. og th€ Indl,ctmeEt' Gow.e:lmeue (+ube Àgreemencol pursua.EÈ i in tt¡e Ag=eement, Ehe defepde¡rL agfëed Èo forfeít a Éuftt of moaey equ¡I to SJ.62rÇOO'OOO ¿n IlaÍùed, SËateE Currelrc4f (the $ûtoney rfrrdgwent'), and al,I oË ni" lfgAt, Èo the Èitle Gowernment acrd å. åatereet i$, the fol..lowlnE properüies: .ãny ard, a].]' fu:rds on depos¿e Tflret, B. C. fn Acco'r.¡:rt No- ZB401O93L5 nan¡re of, !{argrrerlte ir, NedeJ. aevocable F,Ë Èitorthe1to a,flrst, N.A. t hel.d í:¡ t}re The feaJ- property End a¡rprrrËena'r:ces lc¡ror¡ne anCt ëeee=ibeè as L5576 lYuítvíIae Roäd,, Sa.rasota, F].orída;. The rea"I EroFerEy efid aplxrr.Èenarces lsrow¡, a¡¡d descri¡ced ã,s 131 ca:re¡r Q5:ee!c ltoad, Fa.irslew, Nortb Carol,lna; JUDGE K0ELTL CHAIIBERS Fax:2'12-805-?912 Feb 10 2012 09:10pm P007/011 D, Tbe rga]" prcBerË]r al¡d, epprrrltenancesl.¡<Êotù_¡¡ a¡d descríbed. as apprord.mately fourËee¡s, aores and fortyflve Iots ln the naße of Scöop Capltal, IJrc, fû ThomasVllle, GeougLa¡ E. rr¡e F, Â,11 filghË,r. eeL pt:opertl¡ and a.pllutrtefl.arrcêF lco'¡sn aüé descri-I¡ed, es aB¡lroxfurately thirty-eevèrr acres in ttre name of Scoop Capitax., I¡I¡É, J-a Grady GorrrrÈy, Geo:ryÍa,f. tl,tJ'e, and. íntereÉÈ f¡ tlre errËl,ty tcocorn ana deecri-bed,.äs the Ve¡riêe ¡tet' Ger¡eer l.ocaÈed in VenÍce, Florida.; c. J\11 =igfrË, titJ.e, and åntçrest J.rr Þhe ent{èl,es Isown a¡¡d, descríbed as Lau¡el Mor¡ntaLn'Preäe¡¡re¡ Ir:[¡C, Ëaure1 Iteser\¡e. T'I¡C, ar¡d I,aure1 lrtountaj.n Pireserrë llcnteoçmers .Assoc.l+t,Lo¿, Inc., fncluåi-ug, Þn¡t roü ].irqíted, tor 42o 'acreE ,Íra' Br¡ncoube Co;aty qnd M@owell qount1rr. ñottb. : Ca¡rollna; . H- ' .AII rTght, tLtIe, a¡d, írrÈéresÈ ln ùhe e¡.fit1r liúoiltr and êescrf.bed ã.s EIradEt+¡Ludl, Ltc, lncf'uding, but noè IùmLted tso, fíve alrylanee, ô,r1ê lrelicopter. and. tbirüy-ctle airpOrt ¡angara, loCated is tçewr¡sn-Coweta CôUnÈff .LÍùporË¡ Georjifal and. L À11 rlght, t¿t].e, and dnterest ån Èhe entlty known a¡rd. deEsrl.bed 4s the eby-Nad.e1 Foundatíon,' Itrc, (herei¡raf,Èer Èhe *StrleõLfJ-c ProperËies-l i orr or abouË ouËober L4, 2010, ebë def,Ê¡rda&È was se¡rtenced 'an'd ord,ered, to forËett, his. i¡rteres.t fu¡ tLe s¡recifíc I,t¡gElRË,iAs, PropercLes a¡rd ùo ttre Money iIudgr.Be:at; ¿ú ari ordér dateð gctober 2a, .2gl,o. ttre. côurÈ enËered a Frelimínary Order of ¡'OrfeiËurelE j_nal OËqÊr of ¡qHIiREAS, Forf,eitr:re aË Èo Defe¡rdarrt's Tate:test in speeJ,fLc ?roBertry, lahich ente=ed ghÊ Money ifud.grmenË agalÆsË tb.e defenda¡r.t and t I ) I JUDGE K0ELTL CHAI'IBERS Fax:212-805-?912 f,orf,eítsed a,Il, of tbe defendanÈ's r{ght. the SE Feb 10 2012 09:10pm P008/011 tl,t3'e âFd inteùesË iu. ecitÍc Propertiee; ott Decewber 3, 201t}, the Cou:rt Ee4cerrced the a:ad., pu¡rsuaËË Ëo RuIe 32.2(b) (4) of ffre Feõera]. &rlee ISEEREA,S, d.ef,endant of CrLt¿tlnal Procedurg, åe pre.llurtnãry order o¡ forfelÈure/ffura'I Order of ForfeÈture a,s Ëo DeÉe¡rdas,t's faÈeresü fu s¡recifíc Property becam.e fLnal'ae to tlre deEendarrt; orr úì:rle 24, zf,l:-. Wells Fargo BaïrJË, lç.å,. t*W"lt" Ifargoo or sPetit,lonÉËr) Èirtrety fl,I,ed íts VerffS-e¿ Fet:lt{osr oeeking a hearårrgi to adJud,f.eaèe ite ltrÈerest Ín tbe Lau:re1 t4ountai¡¡ Þreeefl¡e FroBerty, wbÍch petitiorr was amerrded oii ,luly 2, ZA3.L¡ t{el'!.s Fazgg represents tlÞt ít, ís e. bæa .fide purc*¡ãser f,or value öf a rlgfrt, tÍt1e, of int'erest i.¡1 tb,e Larrrel W{EREJRS, Mountain PrÍeserve ProperÈy, a!'!d tras at Lhe tåme Cf¡¿t .Lt obta,lned íts interest ia tbe ¡rcoperty reaeonabLy rrlthout, caüËe to believe t}ra0 the psoBerty rrc,s sr¡bject to forfeåture,- and TÌEIEREAS, Ebe t¡ll¿eet gËãtea ar¡d petltl_pner eEter i¡rto ttris stlpula|,5.on sô3-e1.y Eo= the purpose of, resolvi:eg ftre qendj,ng veiífied petl.ëion i¡r ËhiE proceedÍ-ng¡ JUDGE K0ELTL Cfiâl,lBERS Fax:212-B0E-TS12 NOW, THEREFORts¡ :tT XS IIEREBY STTPULãSEÞ .èSlD Feb 1f] 2012 09;10pn P00g/011 AGREÐ, bV and 'betweeo Èhe Ïtrited. SüaËes ÂÈüorc-ey's Of,flce fqr Distrríet of, New Tork, PreeÈ We].ls Fargo, Bharå:r.a, tTre Soutå,e:ra Itnited SÈatee .ã.tÉ,otro,ey¿ âTd ËbaÈ 1. T¡te P:re1ímLnary Order of, Forfej-Ëiure,/Ftnã.l Order of ForfeiÈure eÉ Ëo Ðefendant,rs Iate:resË ín specific proBerty is ve'deÈed as to the f,aure!, Mountafn Preser\¡e grc,pertyì PetlÈl.saer ls hereby bae^red qrcü'aesertiug, ot ass{sÈing otlters ilr assertångn -ny c!1tm ag'a'inst Ëhe ûaited 2. Staües (í but ¡rot 11m{ted to the DeBa.rtürênÈ of .Tustíse (sD0irr¡, Cf¡e United SÈltes ÀttgrneyrE Offíce for the gcruç4erû DistrícË ôf Ì{ery York (Y,SDìIY-IISAO'I, ühe 'Fd.eËa1 g*=.r, of IavesÈigaËicrr (sFtsfø), ËÍtd AÃy egçr,rÈs aûd emB].ol¡èes of ùhe Irnlted staües, ln qonnection \diÈh r>r arlsiag out ôq the restraíBt , zmð/or qongÈrüctlve ¡rosseeeíøn of the speciflc Properbíes, i-uclud,f,ag. but, not Lim{Ë,ed to, arry cla.lur. thå,tì there eras ¡ro proba,bLe dause Ëq reatraln the s¡reeífås Þropertíes, Èlrat PeËåÈioner l-e a prçval]-fng parEy, to aËeorlèy's fees or any anaar{ or ¿ha.q Fetåùioner íg of l-nË,erest i:r enClÈled. Ë}r:ís proceed,ång, - PeèlÈ,ioner, .¡¡.lthout ruaívång aray c1aíxrs or vights at la,w or eguity tbåË {ts uay have !a a:ø¡r othÊr procee,ti+g 1ylth 3 reÊpecL Ëo :Le.s í-aterests ín the r,¡au¡el Mormtaj¡r pregert¡e JUDGE KOELTL CHâi|BERS Fax:212-805-7312 Feb 10 2012 09:1Opm P010/011 FreSrert¡r. sBecJ-El-ca1ly but noÈ limite.d to cãse Nö, e¡og-ògez-t25TBM, pe¡¡ôircrg ¡{lddre Distrl.ct frt tt¡e ltnited gtq.tes ÐåserLct cq:rt of Florída, herebv wiÈhdr¿rys åre for tlre peEiEíoD aseertÍ.ug ãlc. iaËerest la tbe Ï¡aurel lîou¡üafn Preserve property ån tbis prroeeeding. @on the ëourtr, s e¡rdorsemrjrÈ oÈ this SË.ípuX-atíon a¡¡d, 9rds, saÍd. petÍLion iË he:cebEr d.eemed, dåsuuissed, withclrt cosËË a¡rë,/or. attoçÍ.ey, E fees to eÈtlre¡ partyt}¡:ìs StlpulatJ,on nay þe e¡cecrrËed j:a ccjunterparts, eactr of wbíc}¡ Êltaf"l be deeraed alr origína,l, aned aII of ur*hleh.. 4. v¡hen Ë,aker togrgþber, Fãa1J, be the conrplete Stípulacl.on a¡ld ofêer. Fã:c aË PDE' cop.íÞs sbã.lI be t.reated, as oriEínars. 5. Tfre Lnêírriduar(s) s.igraíug tbis stiputa,tíon a¡¡d order orr beharf of, pe¡Ltioner represent and crarrant Ëhat they deemed. aÌe auLïrorized. try Petitiører to e)ceeÌ¡t'e clrts SÈl¡rulagÍon and ordêf. . 6 - if,tre Cor¡rt sba.ll have exclusive Jrrrlsalction. ove!. the ínterpreËaÈl-ou a¡nd enfofcement of Ë gtípu]-ation Order- and JUDGE KOELTL CHâI|BERS 7 - lbie StípuJ.ation and der comprete agreemelßt beturêe€. amênded er<cppt Feb 10 2012 09;10pm P011/011 constitutes tlre parties hereLo }ry wrJ.ttetr coneent .Ag::eeè and. eenaented. Fax:212-805-?912 Ërrrd. Itray Fot Èher:eof,. to: PREEE BËÀRãRã, SËaees ÀË,toney Ëqr tåe By: DAEE 30o ftre:îro¡¡as Uilrite Plaåns, New York (e34) s93-196s 106.01 TrE[,Lg FåRGO Bå¡[K, S[.À. Pet¿tLol1er Ðy: I ã¡8, r. 2^ ra FAXS¡trrT, ESQ. D.;ATE WEIS9LER AITüADEFF & gIftERSON, Museum ToweË - suite azoû lzotz P.å. 150 [fpst F].ag].er SÈfset Míamj-. EL 33L3O TeL. (30s) 789-3200 'Fax (305) ?49-3395 .êËÈ9,ri.neJ¿s Ëot PÐElLioE.gtr. SO ORDERED: ZUI/n* e,y'o,/, JOtÀÏ G, grATEg ÐISTR.ICT rII]DcE DASE #Í523993vt I - Èhe - b€

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