Motorola Mobility, Inc. v. Microsoft Corporation

Filing 125

NOTICE by Microsoft Corporation re #124 Defendant's MOTION Claim Construction of Filing Exhibits (Attachments: #1 Appendix (Index to Exhibits), #2 Exhibit 101, #3 Exhibit 102, #4 Exhibit 201, #5 Exhibit 301, #6 Exhibit 302, #7 Exhibit 304, #8 Exhibit 305, #9 Exhibit 501, #10 Exhibit 502, #11 Exhibit 504, #12 Exhibit 601, #13 Exhibit 801 (Part 1), #14 Exhibit 801 (Part 2), #15 Exhibit 901, #16 Exhibit 902, #17 Exhibit 903, #18 Exhibit 904, #19 Exhibit 905, #20 Exhibit 1101, #21 Exhibit 1102, #22 Exhibit 1105, #23 Exhibit 1110, #24 Exhibit 1114, #25 Exhibit 1115, #26 Exhibit 1116, #27 Exhibit 1201, #28 Exhibit 1301, #29 Exhibit 1302, #30 Exhibit 1303, #31 Exhibit 1304, #32 Exhibit 1305, #33 Exhibit 1401, #34 Exhibit 1402, #35 Exhibit 1403, #36 Exhibit 1404, #37 Exhibit 1405, #38 Exhibit 1406, #39 Exhibit 1407, #40 Exhibit 1408, #41 Exhibit 1409)(Miner, Curtis)

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Exhibit 503 IA-PC HPET (High Precision Event Timers) Specification Revision: Date: 1.0a October 2004 ______________________________________________________________________________________ IA-PC HPET Specification Rev 1.0a 1 LEGAL DISCLAIMER THIS SPECIFICATION IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITH NO WARRANTIES WHATSOEVER, INCLUDING ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, NONINFRINGEMENT, FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR ANY WARRANTY OTHERWISE ARISING OUT OF ANY PROPOSAL, SPECIFICATION OR SAMPLE. Intel disclaims all liability, including liability for infringement of any proprietary rights, relating to use of information in this specification. No license, express or implied, by estoppels or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights is granted herein. This specification is a preliminary draft provided for comment and informational purposes only, and is subject to change without any notice, obligation or liability. Readers should not rely on this specification in any way for product design purposes. It is Intel's intent to provide a Version 1.0 of this specification, that will be made available subject to an appropriate license agreement. However, Intel is under no obligation or liability to do so. The contents of the areas marked as "reserved" in this specification will not be licensed under the Intel license for this specification. IA-PC HPET Specification Copyright © 1999-2004 Intel Corporation All rights reserved. *THIRD-PARTY BRANDS AND NAMES MAY BE CLAIMED AS THE PROPERTY OF OTHERS. ______________________________________________________________________________________ IA-PC HPET Specification Rev 1.0a 2 Table of Contents 1. IA-PC HPET........................................................................................................................................... 4 1.1 Revision History:............................................................................................................................ 4 1.2 Scope .............................................................................................................................................. 5 1.3 Terminology ................................................................................................................................... 6 2. Hardware Overview................................................................................................................................ 7 2.1 Register Model Overview............................................................................................................... 8 2.1.1 Memory Map .......................................................................................................................... 8 2.2 Minimum Recommended Hardware Implementation .................................................................... 9 2.3 Register Definitions...................................................................................................................... 10 2.3.1 Register Overview ................................................................................................................ 10 2.3.2 Programming Requirements ................................................................................................. 10 2.3.3 Power Management Considerations ..................................................................................... 10 2.3.4 General Capabilities and ID Register ................................................................................... 11 General Capability and ID Register Addressing................................................................................... 11 2.3.5 General Configuration Register ............................................................................................ 12 2.3.6 General Interrupt Status Register.......................................................................................... 14 2.3.7 Main Counter Register.......................................................................................................... 15 2.3.8 Timer N Configuration and Capabilities Register ................................................................ 16 2.3.9 Timer N Comparator Register .............................................................................................. 19 Register Definition and Usage Model .............................................................................. 20 Periodic vs. Non-Periodic Modes ..................................................................................... 21 Non-Periodic Mode.................................................................................................... 21 Periodic Mode............................................................................................................ 21 Read/Write Paths for Periodic Mode Vs One-Shot Mode ......................................... 22 2.3.10 Timer N FSB Interrupt Route Register................................................................................. 23 2.4 Theory Of Operation .................................................................................................................... 23 2.4.1 Timer Accuracy Rules .......................................................................................................... 23 2.4.2 Interrupt Mapping................................................................................................................. 24 Mapping Option #1: LegacyReplacement Option ........................................................... 24 Mapping Option #2: Standard Option ............................................................................. 24 Mapping Option #3: FSB Option..................................................................................... 24 2.4.3 Periodic vs. Non-Periodic Modes ......................................................................................... 24 Non-Periodic Mode .......................................................................................................... 24 Periodic Mode................................................................................................................... 25 2.4.4 Enabling the Timers.............................................................................................................. 25 2.4.5 Interrupt Levels..................................................................................................................... 25 2.4.6 Handling Interrupts............................................................................................................... 26 2.4.7 Issues related to 64-bit Timers with 32-bit CPUs ................................................................. 26 3. Enumeration & Configuration of HPET............................................................................................... 27 3.1 Initial State of Event Timer Hardware.......................................................................................... 27 3.2 BIOS Initialization........................................................................................................................ 27 3.2.1 Assign memory to Timer Block(s) ....................................................................................... 27 3.2.2 HPET Block Interrupt Routing ............................................................................................. 27 Routing Interrupts for HPET Blocks that do not support 8254/RTC IRQ Routing .......... 27 Routing Interrupts for HPET Blocks that support 8254/RTC IRQs ................................. 28 3.2.3 Considerations for Platforms without Legacy Timers .......................................................... 29 3.2.4 Create ACPI 2.0 HPET Description Table (HPET).............................................................. 30 3.2.5 Describe Event Timer(s) in ACPI Name space .................................................................... 32 ACPI Name Space Example ............................................................................................. 32 3.2.6 Recommendations for OS Initialization code ....................................................................... 32 ______________________________________________________________________________________ IA-PC HPET Specification Rev 1.0a 3 1. IA-PC HPET 1.1 Revision History: Version Comments 0.97 Last Updated: 03/07/2000 0.97a Last Updated: 05/18/2000 0.98 01/20/2002 • • Incorporated technical editing changes, released for external feedback. Incorporated various non-technical and legal feedbacks. • Technologic term changed: from Legacy Mode to LegacyReplacement Mode for clarity purpose • ETDT ACPI table changed: ETDT (Event Timer Descriptor Table) is changed to HPET table and its content of the table has been updated. • 0.98a Product name changed: from Multimedia Timer to HPET (High Precision Event Timer) • IA64 platform support: Use GAS(Generic Address Structure) format in HPET table and up to 64KB timer block. 08/31/2001 • 1.0 Modified the accuracy of clock frequency drift to 0.05% • Add “write lock” note to the programming requirement 6/8/2004 • Removed color-code for read-only fields • 1.0a Added programming notes for 64-bit register access in a 64-bit platform • Explicitly mark “Reserved” in reserved fields of FSB Registers 6/8/2004 • Clarifications to 64 bit accesses. • General cleanup ______________________________________________________________________________________ IA-PC HPET Specification Rev 1.0a 4 1.2 Scope This specification provides register model and programming interface definitions for new event timer hardware for use on Intel Architecture-based Personal Computers. In this specification, the terms ‘IA-PC HPET and ‘Event Timers’ refer to the same timer hardware. The IA-PC HPET Specification defines timer hardware that is intended to initially supplement and eventually replace the legacy 8254 Programmable Interval Timer and the Real Time Clock Periodic Interrupt generation functions that are currently used as the ‘de-facto’ timer hardware for IA-PCs. This new timer hardware can be used by system software for: • Synchronizing o Real-Time Digital Audio & Video Streams 64-bit free running up-counter • Scheduling o Threads, Tasks, Processes, etc. Fixed Rate (Periodic) Interrupt Generation • System Heart Beat • Non-Real Time Thread Scheduler Variable Rate (One-Shot) Interrupt Generation • Scheduling real time tasks associated with host-based signal processing applications Time Stamping o On Multiprocessor platforms 64-Bit free running up-counter can be utilized as DIG64 “platform timer” for Time Stamping Applications. This provides a time-base that is insensitive to clock frequency drifts on individual CPU’s on a N-Way MP systems. • Note: The name of the timer block has been changed from Multimedia Timer to HPET (High Precision Event Timer). However, before the new name was adopted, many related documents continue to use or reference the term of “Multimedia Timer”. Therefore, for the purposes of designing products to this specification, the terms HPET, Multimedia Timer, MMT and MM Timer should be treated as the same timer hardware. ______________________________________________________________________________________ IA-PC HPET Specification Rev 1.0a 5 1.3 Terminology Term IA PC IA-PC PIT RTC SCI FSB MM • Timer • Event Timer • HPET • MM Timer • MMT Timer Block 32-Bit Timer 64-Bit Timer Definition for this document Intel Architecture Personal Computer Intel Architecture-based PC 8254 Programmable Interval Timer Real Time Clock System Configuration Interrupt Front Side Bus Multimedia The terms Timer, Event Timer, HPET, MMT and MM Timer refer to the combination of a Counter, Comparator, and Match Register. The Comparator compares the contents of the Match Register against the value of a free running up-counter. When the output of the up-counter equals the value in the match register an interrupt is generated. The IA-PC HPET Architecture allows up to 32 compare/match registers per counter. Each of the 32 comparators can output an interrupt. Each Timer Block consists of a single counter that feeds up to 32 comparators. Each Timer Block in the system can have different clocking attributes. Comparator Register is 32 bits wide. Main Counter can be 32 or 64 bits wide for a ’32 bit Timer’. Comparator Register is 64 bits wide. Main Counter must be 64 bits wide for a ’64 bit Timer’. Note: For better legibility, the fields of HPET internal registers are color-coded as following: R Purple background indicates reserved fields <b1:b2>: Represents bit filed from bit b1 to bit b2 <b1>: Represents a single bit field ______________________________________________________________________________________ IA-PC HPET Specification Rev 1.0a 6 2. Hardware Overview The IA-PC HPET Architecture defines a set of timers that can be used by the operating system. The timers are defined such that in the future, the OS may be able to assign specific timers to be used directly by specific applications. Each timer can be configured to generate a separate interrupt. This specification allows for a block of 32 timers, with support for up to 8 blocks, for a total of 256 timers. However, specific implementations can include only a subset of these timers. The timers are implemented as a single up-counter with a set of comparators. The counter increases monotonically. When software does two consecutive reads of the counter, the second read will never return a value that is less than the first read unless the counter has actually rolled over. Each timer includes a match register and a comparator. Each individual timer can generate an interrupt when the value in its match register equals the value of the free-running counter. Some of the timers can be enabled to generate a periodic interrupt. The registers associated with these timers are mapped to memory space (much like the I/O APIC). However, it is not implemented as a standard PCI function. The BIOS reports to the operating system the location of the memory-mapped register space consumed by the timers. The hardware can support relocatable address decode space, however the BIOS will set this space prior to handing it over to the OS. It is not expected that the OS will move the location of these timers once it is set by the BIOS. Clock Gen 64/32 Bit Up Counter Current_Count 64/32 Bit Compare C0 32 Bit Compare = C1 32 Bit Compare = C2 = Data Bus 32 Bit Adder IRQ En & Status Reg 8254 RTC FSB INTI[X:Y] Interrupt Routing Logic INTI_8 INTI_2 Sticky Bits I O A P I C IOAPIC C P U Enable Bits IRQ8 Config/Enable/Status Regs Counter Register > All registers are memory-mapped > Multimedia Timer Subsystem is exposed to OS using ACPI Tables IRQ0 8 2 5 9 Legacy Compare Registers Period Register Figure 1 Hardware Block Diagram ______________________________________________________________________________________ IA-PC HPET Specification Rev 1.0a 7 2.1 Register Model Overview 2.1.1 Memory Map The Event Timer registers are memory mapped in a non-indexed scheme. This allows the CPU to directly access each register without having to use an index register. The timer register space is 1024 bytes. The registers are generally aligned on 64-bit boundaries to simplify implementation with IA64 processors. For IA64 platform, the timer register space can be up to 64K bytes with page protection capability. The register model allows each timer block to contain up to 32 timers, where each ‘timer’ consists of a comparator plus a match register. Register Model & Programming Interface 63 0 General Capabilities ID General Configuration General IRQ Status Memory Mapped IO Interface ‘Main’ Counter ( 32 or 64bit) T0_Config_&_ Caps > BIOS selects 1 of N location in system memory BIOS BAR Timer Registers (1K) T0_Comparator T0_FSB_IRQ_Routing > BIOS reports Base Address of Timer Reg Block via ACPI Tables and ASL Code > Base Address can be 4K aligned Memory-Mapped 64-bit Aligned Extensible Allows up to 32 Timers to be supported Capabilities Registers are Read Only Configuration Registers are R/W T31_Config_&_ Caps T31_Comparator T31_FSB_IRQ_Routing Figure 2 Register Model Overview ______________________________________________________________________________________ IA-PC HPET Specification Rev 1.0a 8 2.2 Minimum Recommended Hardware Implementation Item Recommendation Main Counter Required to be an upcounter Main Counter Width 64-bits Clock Frequency Fmin = 10 MHz Clock Frequency Drift +- .05 % (500 ppm ) +- .2 % (2000 ppm) Number of Comparators 3 Width of Comparators 32 bits (Minimum) Number of Periodic Capable Timers 1 of 3 Width of Adder on Periodic Capable Timers 32 bits (Minimum) Number of One-shot Capable Timers All 3 Interrupt Delivery via 8259 Optional Interrupt Delivery via IOxAPIC Required Interrupt Delivery via CPU FSB Comments Optional Over any interval >= 1 Millisecond Over any interval <= 100 Microseconds If 64 Bits, must have 32-bit mode for IA32 platforms LegacyReplacement IRQ Routing required for systems that intend to replace/supplement 8254/RTC legacy timers with this new timer architecture. LegacyReplacement IRQ Routing required for systems that intend to replace/supplement 8254/RTC legacy timers with this new timer architecture. Table 1 Minimum Recommended Hardware Implementation ______________________________________________________________________________________ IA-PC HPET Specification Rev 1.0a 9 2.3 Register Definitions 2.3.1 Register Overview Offset 000-007h 008-00Fh 010-017h 018-01Fh 020-027h 028-0EFh 0F0-0F7h 0F8-0FFh 100-107h 108-10Fh 110-117h 118-11Fh 120-127h 128-12Fh 130-137h 138-13Fh 140-147h 148-14Fh 150-157h 158-15Fh 160-3FFh Register General Capabilities and ID Register Reserved General Configuration Register Reserved General Interrupt Status Register Reserved Main Counter Value Register Reserved Timer 0 Configuration and Capability Register Timer 0 Comparator Value Register Timer 0 FSB Interrupt Route Register Reserved Timer 1 Configuration and Capability Register Timer 1 Comparator Value Register Timer 1 FSB Interrupt Route Register Reserved Timer 2 Configuration and Capability Register Timer 2 Comparator Value Register Timer 2 FSB Interrupt Route Register Reserved Reserved for Timers 3-31 Type Read Only Read-Write Read/Write Clear Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Table 2 Memory-Mapped Registers 2.3.2 Programming Requirements 1. 2. 3. 4. Software must not attempt to read or write across register boundaries. For example, a 32-bit access must be to offset 00h, 04h, 08h, or 0Ch. 32-bit accesses must not be to 01h, 02h, 03h, 05h, 06h, 07h, 09h, 0Ah, 0Bh, 0Dh, 0Eh, or 0Fh. 64-bit accesses can only be to 00h or 08h and must not cross 64-bit boundaries. Software should not write to read-only registers. Software should not expect any particular or consistent value when reading reserved registers or bits. Software should perform read-modify-write operations on reserved bits. Note: Host controllers are not required to support exclusive-access mechanisms (such as PCI LOCK) for accesses to the memory-mapped register space. Therefore, if software attempts exclusive-access mechanisms to the host controller memory-mapped register space, the results are undefined. 2.3.3 Power Management Considerations It is the Operating System’s responsibility to save and restore Event Timer hardware context if this needs to be preserved through ACPI System Sleep State transitions. General behavioral rules for Event Timer hardware regarding sleep state transitions: 1. The Event Timer registers (including the main counter) are not expected to be preserved through an S3, S4, or S5 state. ______________________________________________________________________________________ IA-PC HPET Specification Rev 1.0a 10 2. 3. The features and functions associated with these registers are not expected to be used in an S1 state. Prior to going to an S1 state, all interrupts associated with this function should be disabled. The main counter is permitted, but not required, to run during S1 or S2 states. This allows mobile systems to stop clock generators feeding the main counter during S1 or S2 states. 2.3.4 General Capabilities and ID Register 63:32 31:16 15 14 13 12:8 7:0 R REV_ID NUM_TIM_CAP COUNT_SIZE_CAP Reserved LEG_ROUTE_CAP VENDOR_ID COUNTER_CLK_PERIOD Offset: 00h Reserved R Figure 3 General Capability and ID Register General Capability and ID Register Addressing Offset Attribute Size General Behavioral Rules 0x00 Read-Only 64-bits 1. Writes to this register should not be attempted by software. 2. Software can read the various bytes in this register using 32-bit or 64-bit accesses. 32-bit accesses can be done to offset 00h or 04h, but not to offsets 01h, 02h, 03h, 05h, 06h, or 07h. 64bit accesses can only be done to 00h. General Capabilities and ID Register Bit Definitions Bit 63:32 COUNTER_CLK_PERIOD 31:16 VENDOR_ID 15 LEG_RT_CAP 14 Reserved: 13 COUNT_SIZE_CAP Description Main Counter Tick Period: This read-only field indicates the period at which the counter increments in femptoseconds (10^-15 seconds). A value of 0 in this field is not permitted. The value in this field must be less than or equal to 05F5E100h (10^8 femptoseconds = 100 nanoseconds). The resolution must be in femptoseconds (rather than picoseconds) in order to achieve a resolution of 50 ppm. This read-only field will be the same as what would be assigned if this logic was a PCI function. LegacyReplacement Route Capable: If this bit is a 1, it indicates that the hardware supports the LegacyReplacement Interrupt Route option. In order to preserve usage of these bits in the future, software should always write a 0 to these bits until they are defined. Counter Size: • This bit is a 0 to indicate that the main counter is 32 bits wide (and cannot operate in 64-bit mode). • This bit is a 1 to indicate that the main counter is 64 bits wide (although ______________________________________________________________________________________ IA-PC HPET Specification Rev 1.0a 11 12:8 7:0 this does not preclude it from being operated in a 32-bit mode). Number of Timers: This indicates the number of timers in this block. The number in this field indicates the last timer (i.e. if there are three timers, the value will be 02h, four timers will be 03h, five timers will be 04h, etc.). This indicates which revision of the function is implemented. The value must NOT be 00h. NUM_TIM_CAP REV_ID 2.3.5 General Configuration Register 63:16 15:8 R R 7:2 1 0 R ENABLE_CNF LEG_RT_CNF Reserved Reserved for Manufacturer Reserved Offset: 00h R Reserved Figure 4 General Configuration Register General Configuration Register Addressing Offset Attribute Size General Behavioral Rules 0x10 Read-Write 64-bits 1. Software can access the various bytes in this register using 32-bit or 64-bit accesses. 32-bit accesses can be done to offset 010h or 014h, but not to offsets 011h, 012h, 013h, 015h, 016h, or 017h. 64-bit accesses can only be done to 010h. General Configuration Register Bit Definitions Bit 63:16 Reserved 15:8 Reserved for NonOS 7:2 Reserved: 1 LEG_RT_CNF Description In order to preserve usage of these bits in the future, software should not modify the value in these bits until they are defined. This is done by doing a “read-modify-write” to this register. These bits are reserved for the manufacturer. Future revisions of this spec will not use these bits. OS-based drivers must not modify the value in these bits. This is done by doing a “read-modify-write” to this register. In order to preserve usage of these bits in the future, software should not modify the value in these bits until they are defined. This is done by doing a “read-modify-write” to this register. LegacyReplacement Route: • 0 – Doesn’t support LegacyReplacement Route • 1 – Supports LegacyReplacement Route If the ENABLE_CNF bit and the LEG_RT_CNF bit are both set, then the interrupts will be routed as follows: ______________________________________________________________________________________ IA-PC HPET Specification Rev 1.0a 12 Timer 0 will be routed to IRQ0 in Non-APIC or IRQ2 in the I/O APIC Timer 1 will be routed to IRQ8 in Non-APIC or IRQ8 in the I/O APIC Timer 2-n will be routed as per the routing in the timer n config registers. If the LegacyReplacement Route bit is set, the individual routing bits for timers 0 and 1 (APIC or FSB) will have no impact. 0 ENABLE_CNF If the LegacyReplacement Route bit is not set, the individual routing bits for each of the timers are used. Overall Enable: This bit must be set to enable any of the timers to generate interrupts. If this bit is 0, then the main counter will halt (will not increment) and no interrupts will be caused by any of these timers. • 0 – Halt main count and disable all timer interrupts • 1 – allow main counter to run, and allow timer interrupts if enabled ______________________________________________________________________________________ IA-PC HPET Specification Rev 1.0a 13 2.3.6 General Interrupt Status Register 63:32 31:3 R 2 1 0 R T0_INT_STS T1_INT_STS T2_INT_STS Reserved Reserved Offset: 20h R Reserved Figure 5 General Interrupt Status Register General Interrupt Status Register Addressing Offset Attribute Size General Behavioral Rules 020h Read-Write Clear 64-bits 1. Software can access the various bytes in this register using 32-bit or 64-bit accesses. 32-bit accesses can be done to offset 20h or 24h, but not to offsets 21h, 22h, 23h, 25h, 26h, or 27h. 64bit accesses can only be done to offset 20h. General Interrupt Status Register Field Definitions Bit 63:32 Field Name Reserved 31:3 2 1 0 Tn_INT_STS T2_INT_STS T1_INT_STS T0_INT_STS Description In order to preserve usage of these bits in the future, software should always write a 0 to these bits until they are defined. Timer n Interrupt Active (where xx is 31:3): Same functionality as for Timer 0 Timer 2 Interrupt Active: Same functionality as Timer 0. Timer 1 Interrupt Active: Same functionality as Timer 0. Timer 0 Interrupt Active: The functionality of this bit depends on whether the edge or level-triggered mode is used for this timer: If set to level-triggered mode: This bit defaults to 0. This bit will be set by hardware if the corresponding timer interrupt is active. Once the bit is set, it can be cleared by software writing a 1 to the same bit position. Writes of 0 to this bit will have no effect. For example, if the bit is already set a write of 0 will not clear the bit. If set to edge-triggered mode: This bit should be ignored by software. Software should always write 0 to this bit. Note: Software uses Tn_INT_TYPE_CNF bit (bit <1> of Timer N Configuration and Capability Register) to select Level vs Edge operation. ______________________________________________________________________________________ IA-PC HPET Specification Rev 1.0a 14 2.3.7 Main Counter Register 63 0 Counter value Offset: 0F0h Figure 6 Main Counter Register Main Counter Register Addressing Offset Attribute Size General Behavioral Rules 0F0h Read/Write 64-bits 1. Software can access the various bytes in this register using 32-bit or 64-bit accesses. 32-bit accesses can be done to offset 0F0h or 0F4h. 64-bit accesses can be done to 0F0h. 32-bit accesses must not be done starting at: 0F1h, 0F2h, 0F3h, 0F5h, 0F6h, or 0F7h. 2. Writes to this register should only be done while the counter is halted. 3. Reads to this register return the current value of the main counter. 4. 32-bit counters will always return 0 for the upper 32-bits of this register. 5. If 32-bit software attempts to read a 64-bit counter, it must be aware of timer rollover. See section 2.4.7 for details on safely accessing 64-bit counters using software or hardware which only supports 32-bit accesses. It is strongly recommended that 32-bit software only operate the timer in 32-bit mode. 6. Reads to this register are monotonic. No two consecutive reads will return the same value, except when the reads happen at less than the resolution of the counter or if the counter has rolled over. (See section 2.4.1) Main Counter Register Field Definitions Bit 63:0 Field Name MAIN_COUNTER_VAL Description Bits 63:0 of the counter. ______________________________________________________________________________________ IA-PC HPET Specification Rev 1.0a 15 2.3.8 Timer N Configuration and Capabilities Register 63:32 31:16 15 14 13:9 R 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 R 1 0 R Reserved TN_INT_TYPE_CNF TN_INT_ENB_CNF TN_TYPE_CNF TN_PER_INT_CAP TN_SIZE_CAP TN_VAL_SET_CNF Reserved TN_32MODE_CNF TN_INT_ROUTE_CNF TN_FSB_EN_CNF TN_FSB_INT_DEL_CAP Reserved TN_INT_ROUTE_CAP Offset: 0100h (20h*N) + 100h R Reserved Figure 7 Timer N Configuration and Capability Register T0_FSB_EN LEG_RT_EN Main Counter FSB IRQ Router FSB APIC IRQ Router Compare Overall Enable ENABLE_CNF IOAPIC = Timer 0 Comparator Register T0_INT_ENB M U X C P U INTI#2 IOAPIC 8254 PIC IRQ0 Example of Timer 0 Configuration and Capacities Diagram ______________________________________________________________________________________ IA-PC HPET Specification Rev 1.0a 16 Timer N Configuration and Capability Register Addressing Offset Attribute Size General Behavioral Rules Timer 0: 100h – 107h, Timer 1: 120h – 127h, Timer 2: 140h – 147h Timer n: (20h * n) + 100h through (20h * n) + 107h Read-Write 64-bits 1. Software can access the various bytes in this register using 32-bit or 64-bit accesses. 32-bit accesses can be done to offset 1x0h or 1x4h. 64-bit accesses can be done to offset 1x0h. 32-bit accesses must not be done to offsets 1x1h, 1x2h, 1x3h, 1x5h, 1x6h, or 1x7h. 2. Reads or writes to unimplemented timers should not be attempted. Timer N Configuration and Capability Register Field Definitions Bit 64:32 31:16 Field Name Tn_INT_ROUTE_CAP Reserved 15 Tn_FSB_INT_ DEL_CAP 14 Tn_FSB_EN_CNF 13:9 Tn_INT_ROUTE_CNF Description Timer n Interrupt Routing Capability: (where n is the timer number: 00 to 31) This 32-bit read-only field indicates to which interrupts in the I/O (x) APIC this timer’s interrupt can be routed. This is used in conjunction with the Tn_INT_ROUTE_CNF field. Each bit in this field corresponds to a particular interrupt. For example, if this timer’s interrupt can be mapped to interrupts 16, 18, 20, 22, or 24, then bits 16, 18, 20, 22, and 24 in this field will be set to 1. All other bits will be 0. In order to preserve usage of these bits in the future, software should always write a 0 to these bits until they are defined. Timer n FSB Interrupt Delivery: (where n is the timer number: 00 to 31). If this read-only bit is 1, then the hardware supports a direct front-side bus delivery of this timer’s interrupt. Timer n FSB Interrupt Enable: (where n is the timer number: 00 to 31). If the Tn_FSB_INT_DEL_CAP bit is set for this timer, then the software can set the Tn_FSB_EN_CNF bit to force the interrupts to be delivered directly as FSB messages, rather than using the I/O (x) APIC. In this case, the Tn_INT_ROUTE_CNF field in this register will be ignored. The Tn_FSB_ROUTE register will be used instead. Timer n Interrupt Route: (where n is the timer number: 00 to 31). This 5-bit read/write field indicates the routing for the interrupt to the I/O APIC. A maximum value of 32 interrupts are supported. Default is 00h Software writes to this field to select which interrupt in the I/O (x) will be used for this timer’s interrupt. If the value is not supported by this prarticular timer, then the value read back will not match what is written. The software must only write valid values. Note: If the LegacyReplacement Route bit is set, then Timers 0 and 1 will have a different routing, and this bit field has no effect for those two timers. 8 Tn_32MODE_CNF 7 Reserved 6 Tn_VAL_SET_CNF Note: If the Tn_FSB_INT_DEL_CNF bit is set, then the interrupt will be delivered directly to the FSB, and this bit field has no effect. Timer n 32-bit Mode: (where n is the timer number: 00 to 31). Software can set this read/write bit to force a 64-bit timer to behave as a 32-bit timer. This is typically needed if the software is not willing to halt the main counter to read or write a particular timer, and the software is not capable of doing an atomic 64bit read to the timer. If the timer is not 64 bits wide, then this bit will always be read as 0 and writes will have no effect. In order to preserve usage of these bits in the future, software should always write a 0 to these bits until they are defined. Timer n Value Set: (where n is the timer number: 00 to 31). Software uses this read/write bit only for timers that have been set to periodic mode. By writing this bit to a 1, the software is then allowed to directly set a periodic timer’s accumulator. Software does NOT have to write this bit back to 0 (it automatically clears). ______________________________________________________________________________________ IA-PC HPET Specification Rev 1.0a 17 5 Tn_SIZE_CAP 4 Tn_PER_INT_CAP 3 Tn_TYPE_CNF Software should not write a 1 to this bit position if the timer is set to nonperiodic mode. Timer n Size: (where n is the timer number: 00 to 31). This read-only field indicates the size of the timer. 1 = 64-bits, 0 = 32-bits. Timer n Periodic Interrupt Capable: (where n is the timer number: 00 to 31). If this read-only bit is 1, then the hardware supports a periodic mode for this timer’s interrupt. Timer n Type: (where n is the timer number: 00 to 31). If the corresponding Tn_PER_INT_CAP bit is 0, then this bit will always return 0 when read and writes will have no impact. 2 Tn_INT_ENB_CNF 1 Tn_INT_TYPE_CNF 0 Reserved If the corresponding Tn_PER_INT_CAP bit is 1, then this bit is read/write, and can be used to enable the timer to generate a periodic interrupt. • Writing a 1 to this bit enables the timer to generate a periodic interrupt. • Writing a 0 to this bit enables the timer to generate a non-periodic interrupt. Timer n Interrupt Enable: (where n is the timer number: 00 to 31). This read/write bit must be set to enable timer n to cause an interrupt when the timer event fires. Note: If this bit is 0, the timer will still operate and generate appropriate status bits, but will not cause an interrupt. Timer n Interrupt Type: (where n is the timer number: 00 to 31) • 0 = The timer interrupt is edge triggered. This means that an edgetype interrupt is generated. If another interrupt occurs, another edge will be generated. • 1 = The timer interrupt is level triggered. This means that a leveltriggered interrupt is generated. The interrupt will be held active until it is cleared by writing to the bit in the General Interrupt Status Register. If another interrupt occurs before the interrupt is cleared, the interrupt will remain active. In order to preserve usage of these bits in the future, software should always write a 0 to these bits until they are defined. ______________________________________________________________________________________ IA-PC HPET Specification Rev 1.0a 18 2.3.9 Timer N Comparator Register 63:32 31:0 TN Comparator Value Offset: (20h * N) + 108h Figure 8 Timer N Comparator Register Non-Periodic Mode Operation: TN_Comparator Register Value Counter Compare = IRQ Compare Register Periodic Mode Operation: Main Counter TN_Comparator Register Value Compare = + IRQ Adder Comparator Register Update retgister at match ______________________________________________________________________________________ IA-PC HPET Specification Rev 1.0a 19 Register Definition and Usage Model Timer N Comparator Register Addressing Offset Attribute Size General Behavioral Rules Timer 0: 108h – 10Fh Timer 1: 128h – 12Fh Timer 2: 148h – 14Fh Timer n: (20h * n) + 108h - (20h * n) + 10Fh Read-Write 64-bits 1. Software can access the various bytes in this register using 32-bit or 64-bit accesses. 32-bit accesses can be done to offset 1x8h or 1xCh. 64-bit accesses can be done to 1x8h. 32-bit accesses must not be done to offsets 1x9h, 1xAh, 1xBh, 1xDh, 1xEh, or 1xFh. 2. Reads to this register return the current value of the comparator. 3. If the timer is configured to non-periodic mode: • • When the main counter equals the value last written to this register, the corresponding interrupt can be generated (if so enabled). • 4. Writes to this register load the value against which the main counter should be compared for this timer. The value in this register does not change based on the interrupt being generated. If the timer is configured to periodic mode: • When the main counter equals the value last written to this register, the corresponding interrupt can be generated (if so enabled). • After the main counter equals the value in this register, the value in this register is increased by the value last written to the register. For example, if the value written to the register is 00000123h, then 1. 2. 3. 4. • 5. An interrupt will be generated when the main counter reaches 00000123h. The value in this register will then be adjusted by the hardware to 00000246h. Another interrupt will be generated when the main counter reaches 00000246h The value in this register will then be adjusted by the hardware to 00000369h As each periodic interrupt occurs, the value in this register will increment. When the incremented value is greater than the maximum value possible for this register (FFFFFFFFh for a 32-bit timer or FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFh for a 64-bit timer), the value will wrap around through 0. For example, if the current value in a 32-bit timer is FFFF0000h and the last value written to this register is 20000, then after the next interrupt the value will change to 00010000h Default value for each timer is all 1’s for the bits that are implemented. For example, a 32-bit timer will have a default value of 00000000FFFFFFFFh. A 64-bit timer will have a default value of FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFh. ______________________________________________________________________________________ IA-PC HPET Specification Rev 1.0a 20 Periodic vs. Non-Periodic Modes Non-Periodic Mode This mode change can be thought of as creating a one-shot timer. When a timer is set up for non-periodic mode, it will generate a value in the main counter that matches the value in the timer’s comparator register. If the timer is set up for 32-bit mode, then it will generate another interrupt when the main counter wraps around. During run-time, the value in the timer’s comparator value register will not be changed by the hardware. Software can of course change the value. WARNING: Software developers must be careful when programming the comparator registers. If the value written to the register is not sufficiently set far enough ahead of the current register value, then the counter may pass the value before it reaches the register and the interrupt will be missed. Every timer is required to support the non-periodic mode of operation. Periodic Mode When a timer is set up for periodic mode, the software writes a value in the timer’s comparator value register. When the main counter value matches the value in the timer’s comparator value register, an interrupt can be generated. The hardware will then automatically increase the value in the comparator value register by the last value written to that register. To make the periodic mode work properly, the main counter is typically written with a value of 0 so that the first interrupt occurs at the right point for the comparator. If the main counter is not set to 0, interrupts may not occur as expected. During run-time, the value in the timer’s comparator value register can be read by software to find out when the next periodic interrupt will be generated (not the rate at which it generates interrupts). Software is expected to retain the last value written to the comparator’s value register (the rate at which interrupts are generated). If software wants to change the periodic rate, it should write a new value to the comparator value register. At the point when the timer’s comparator indicates a match, this new value will be added to derive the next matching point. So as to avoid race conditions where the new value is written just as a match occurs, either the main counter should be halted or the comparator disabled when the new periodic rate is written. If the software resets the main counter, the value in the comparator’s value register needs to reset as well. This can be done by setting the Tn_VAL_SET_CNF bit. Again, to avoid race conditions, this should be done with the main counter halted. The following usage model is expected: 1) Software clears the GLOBAL_ENABLE_CNF bit to prevent any interrupts 2) Software Clears the main counter by writing a value of 00000000h to it. 3) Software sets the TIMER0_VAL_SET_CNF bit. 4) Software writes the new value in the TIMER0_COMPARATOR_VAL register 5) Software sets the GLOBAL_ENABLE_CNF bit to enable interrupts. ______________________________________________________________________________________ IA-PC HPET Specification Rev 1.0a 21 Read/Write Paths for Periodic Mode Vs One-Shot Mode One-Shot Mode of Operation Clock Gen N-bit Bit Up Counter = N- Bit Compare Read/ Write = IRQ T0_C N- Bit Compare Read/ Write Data Bus T1_C IRQ Read/ Write Periodic Mode of Operation Clock Gen Data Bus N-bit Bit Up Counter N Bit Adder Read/ Write Writes T0_C = IRQ Reads Figure 9 Read/Write paths for One-shot Vs Periodic modes of operation For Event Timers that provide hardware support (i.e. the adder logic) for periodic mode of operation, the Timer N Comparator Register is overloaded as shown in Figure 9. In the periodic mode of operation, writes to this register will program the periodic interval value to be added to the contents of the match register at the next interrupt. Reads from this register will return the current contents of the match register at which the next interrupt will occur. If it is necessary to save/restore the context of a periodic timer through ACPI Sleep state transitions, system software is expected to ‘remember’ the last value written to this register. ______________________________________________________________________________________ IA-PC HPET Specification Rev 1.0a 22 2.3.10 Timer N FSB Interrupt Route Register 63:32 31:0 TN_FSB_INT_VAL TN_FSB_INT_ADDR Offset: (20h * N) + 110h Figure 10 Timer N FSB Interrupt Route Register Offset Attribute Size General Behavioral Rules Timer 0: 110h – 117h, Timer 1: 130h – 137h, Timer 2: 150h – 157h Timer n: (20h * n) + 110h - (20h * n) + 117h Read-Write 64-bits 1. Software can access the various bytes in this register using 32-bit or 64-bit accesses. 32-bit accesses can be done to offset 1x0h or 1x4h. 64-bit accesses can be done to 1x0h. 32-bit accesses must not be done to offsets 1x1h, 1x2h, 1x3h, 1x5h, 1x6h, or 1x7h. 2. Reads or writes to unimplemented timers should not be attempted. Bit 64:32 Field Name Tn_FSB_INT_ADDR 31:0 Tn_FSB_INT_VAL Description Software sets this 32-bit field to indicate the location that the FSB interrupt message should be written to. Software sets this 32-bit field to indicate that value that is written during the FSB interrupt message 2.4 Theory Of Operation 2.4.1 Timer Accuracy Rules 1. The timers are expected to be accurate over any 1 ms period to within 0.05% (500 ppm)of the time specified in the timer resolution fields. 2. Within any 100-microsecond period, the timer is permitted to report a time that is up to 2 ticks too early or too late. Each tick must be less than or equal to 100 ns, so this represents an error of less than 0.2% (2000 ppm). 3. The main counter must be an up-counter. Two consecutive reads to the main counter may return the same value if the access latency to the timer is less than the clock period that feeds it. For back-back reads, the 2nd read must never return a value that is less than the 1st read, unless the counter has rolled over and actually reached the same value. ______________________________________________________________________________________ IA-PC HPET Specification Rev 1.0a 23 2.4.2 Interrupt Mapping The interrupts associated with the various timers have several interrupt mapping options. Mapping Option #1: LegacyReplacement Option If the Legacy Replacement Route bit (LEG_RT_CNF) is set (‘1’), the following mapping is forced: Timer 8259 Mapping APIC Mapping Comment 0 IRQ0 IRQ2 In this case, the 8254 timer will not cause any interrupts 1 IRQ8 IRQ8 In this case, the RTC will not cause any interrupts. 2 As per IRQ Routing Field As per IRQ Routing Field Mapping Option #2: Standard Option If the LegacyReplacement Route bit (LEG_RT_CNF) is clear (‘0’), each timer has its own routing control. The interrupts can be routed to various interrupts in the I/O APIC. A capability field indicates which interrupts are valid options for the routing. If a timer is set for edge-triggered mode, the timers should not be shared with any PCI interrupts. Mapping Option #3: FSB Option In this case, the interrupts are mapped directly to the FSB interrupts without going to the 8259 or I/O (x) APIC. To use this mode, the interrupt must be configured to edge-triggered mode. A separate configure bit must be set to enable this mode. When the interrupt is delivered to the FSB, the message is delivered to the address indicated in the Tn_FSB_INT_ADDR field. The data value for the write cycle is specified in the Tn_FSB_INT_VAL field. Notes: • The FSB interrupt deliver option has HIGHER priority and is mutually exclusive to the standard interrupt delivery option. Thus, if the Tn_FSB_EN_CNF bit is set, the interrupts will be delivered via the FSB, rather than via the APIC or 8259. • The FSB interrupt delivery can be used even when the LegacyReplacement mapping is used. 2.4.3 Periodic vs. Non-Periodic Modes Non-Periodic Mode This mode of operation provides a one-shot timer. When a timer is set for non-periodic mode, it will generate an interrupt when the value in the main counter matches the value in the timer’s comparator register. If the timer is set up for 32-bit mode, then it will generate another interrupt when the main counter wraps around. During run-time, the value in the timer’s comparator value register will not be changed by the hardware. Software can of course change the value. WARNING: ______________________________________________________________________________________ IA-PC HPET Specification Rev 1.0a 24 Software developers must be careful when programming the comparator registers. If the value written to the register is not sufficiently set far enough ahead of the current register value, then the counter may pass the value before it reaches the register and the interrupt will be missed. Every timer is required to support the non-periodic mode of operation. Periodic Mode When a timer is set for periodic mode, the software writes a value in the timer’s comparator register. When the main counter value matches the value in the timer’s comparator register, an interrupt can be generated. The hardware will then automatically increase the value in the compare register by the last value written to that register. To make the periodic mode work properly, the main counter is typically written with a value of 0 so that the first interrupt occurs at the right point for the comparator. If the main counter is not set to 0, interrupts may not occur as expected. During run-time, the value in the timer’s comparator value register can be read by software to find out when the next periodic interrupt will be generated. Software can also write to the comparator’s match register to select a different period. A write to the register will not immediately be loaded into the comparator. It will only be added at the time the comparator triggers. There is no mechanism to immediately change the periodic rate. Each timer is NOT required to support this mode of operation. A capabilities bit indicates if the particular timer supports periodic mode. The reason for this is that supporting the periodic mode adds a significant amount of gates. 2.4.4 Enabling the Timers The BIOS or OS PnP code should: 1. Assign Base Address to each Timer Block in the System. 2. Route the interrupts. This includes the LegacyReplacement Route bit, Interrupt Route bit (for each timer), interrupt type (to select the edge or level type for each timer). 3. If system BIOS is used to enable the timers, then report memory and interrupt resources consumed by each Timer Block to OS Configuration Manager using HPET. The Device Driver code should do the following for an available timer: 1. Set the timer type field (selects one-shot or periodic). 2. Set the interrupt enable 3. Set the comparator match 4. Set the Overall Enable bit (Offset 04h, bit 0). This starts the main counter and enables comparators to deliver interrupts. 2.4.5 Interrupt Levels The interrupts are all active high. If the interrupts are mapped to the I/O APIC and set for level-triggered mode, they can be shared with PCI interrupts. ______________________________________________________________________________________ IA-PC HPET Specification Rev 1.0a 25 2.4.6 Handling Interrupts If each timer has a unique interrupt and the timer has been configured for edge-triggered mode, then there are no specific steps required. No read is required to process the interrupt. If a timer has been configured to level-triggered mode, then its interrupt must be cleared by the software. This is done by reading the interrupt status register and writing a 1 back to the bit position for the interrupt to be cleared. Independent of the mode, software can read the value in the main counter to see how much time has passed from when the interrupt was generated and when it was first serviced. If a timer is set up to generate a periodic interrupt, the software can check to see how much time remains until the next interrupt by reading the main counter. 2.4.7 Issues related to 64-bit Timers with 32-bit CPUs A 32-bit timer can be read directly using processors that are capable of 32-bit or 64-bit instructions. However, a 32-bit processor may not be able to directly read a 64-bit timer. A race condition comes up if a 32-bit CPU reads the 64-bit register using two separate 32-bit reads. An accuracy problem may be arise if just after reading one half, the other half rolls over and changes the first half. Software has several ways of reading the 64 bit counter using 32 bit reads. The first is that it may halt the counter, read the high and low 32 bits, and then restart the counter. This has the obvious drawback of shifting the counter timebase. If software does not want to halt the timer, it can use the 64-bit timer as a 32-bit timer by setting the TIMERn_32MODE_CNF bit. This will cause the timer to behave as a 32-bit timer. The upper 32-bits will always be 0. Alternatively, software may do a multiple read of the counter while it is running. Software can read the high 32 bits, then the low 32 bits, then the high 32 bits again. If the high 32 bits have not changed between the two reads, then a rollover has not happened and the low 32 bits are valid. If the high 32 bits have changed between reads, then the multiple reads are repeated until a valid read is performed. Note: On a 64-bit platform, if software attempts a 64 bit read of the 64-bit counter, software must be aware that some platforms may break the 64 bit read into two 32 bit reads, and therefore the read may be inaccurate if the low 32 bits roll over between the high and low part reads. ______________________________________________________________________________________ IA-PC HPET Specification Rev 1.0a 26 3. Enumeration & Configuration of HPET Operating System software must discover/configure platform timers early in the OS boot process. Typically, the OS has to establish basic timer services before it can begin loading drivers. This requires enumeration of timer hardware to be handled by system BIOS tables (ie ACPI Tables) versus ACPI name space. System Resources consumed by the Event Timer hardware (memory and interrupts) should be reported by the System BIOS using ACPI Name space. 3.1 Initial State of Event Timer Hardware • • • Main Counter is Halted and Zeroed Comparator Match Registers reset to all 1’s. All interrupts are disabled • General Configuration and Capability Register [Offset 0x010]<1:0> = 00 • Global IRQ Enable bit comes up disabled…no comparators can deliver interrupts • LegacyReplacement IRQ Routing Enable bit comes up disabled…8254 is on IRQ0, RTC is on IRQ8 3.2 BIOS Initialization 3.2.1 Assign memory to Timer Block(s) Map each HPET (MMT) block to CPU memory space using implementation specific Base Address Registers. Each HPET block in the system will consume 1K of system memory. 3.2.2 HPET Block Interrupt Routing Except for the case where HPET are being used to replace 8254/RTC functionality, all HPET interrupts are disabled. The OS is responsible for establishing interrupt routing/delivery metrics prior to utilizing any given comparator within a Timer Block. Routing Interrupts for HPET Blocks that do not support 8254/RTC IRQ Routing In general, system BIOS is not required to assign or report HPET interrupts in system name space. The Power-On-Default state of all compare interrupts should be disabled as shown in the following table. Device 8254 Interrupt Routing IRQ0, INTI2 RTC IRQ8, INTI8 Compare 0 INTI [xx] Compare 1 INTI [xx] Compare 2 INTI [xx] … Compare 31 … INTI [xx] Comments 8254 signals via PIC/APIC using IRQ0/INTI2 LegacyReplacement IRQ Routing Disabled for Comparator_0 RTC signals via PIC/APIC using IRQ8/INTI8 LegacyReplacement IRQ Routing Disabled for Comparator_1 BIOS leaves Disabled OS responsible for establishing irq routing prior to using this comparator BIOS leaves Disabled OS responsible for establishing irq metrics prior to using this comparator BIOS leaves Disabled OS responsible for establishing irq metrics prior to using this comparator BIOS leaves Disabled OS responsible for establishing irq metrics prior to using this comparator ______________________________________________________________________________________ IA-PC HPET Specification Rev 1.0a 27 Routing Interrupts for HPET Blocks that support 8254/RTC IRQs The exception to this rule is for the single HPET block in the system that may optionally support legacy 8254 & LegacyReplacement RTC irq routings for the compare interrupts. Assuming platform does not have 8254/RTC hardware or does not want to support this legacy timer hardware, for this case, System BIOS should set the LegacyReplacement Route bit and report IRQ0 & IRQ8 as being consumed by the HPET block in system name space: Device 8254 Interrupt Routing Not connected RTC Not connected Compare 0 IRQ0, INTI2 Compare 1 IRQ8, INTI8 Compare 2 … Compare 31 Comments BIOS sets LegacyReplacement Route bit (LEG_RT_CNF) > LegacyReplacement IRQ Routing Enabled for Comparator_0 • If present, 8254 will not cause any interrupts • If present, 8254 will still consume legacy i/o range BIOS sets LegacyReplacement Route bit (LEG_RT_CNF) > LegacyReplacement IRQ Routing Enabled for Comparator_1 • If present, RTC Periodic Interrupt Function will not cause any interrupts. • RTC Alarm function (still required) will signal interrupts via SCI • RTC CMOS function (still required) will consume i/o range BIOS sets LegacyReplacement Route bit (LEG_RT_CNF) • Comparator_0 replaces 8254 PIT Function BIOS sets LegacyReplacement Route bit (LEG_RT_CNF) • Comparator_0 replaces 8254 PIT Function INTI [xx] INTI [xx] Note 1: The use of LegacyReplacement IRQ Routing for C0 & C1 does not preclude delivery of IRQ0/IRQ8 via FSB. ______________________________________________________________________________________ IA-PC HPET Specification Rev 1.0a 28 3.2.3 Considerations for Platforms without Legacy Timers If it is necessary to maintain DOS compatibility at INT 19 (or if necessary by OS to have periodic timer ticks running when hand-over occurs from BIOS to OS for IPL), BIOS can use Timer_0 in periodic mode (Vs 8254). IA-PC HPET do not replace RTC Time of Day, RTC Alarm, and RTC CMOS functionality. IA-PC Multimedia Event Timer architecture supplements/replaces only the RTC Periodic Interrupt function. When the event timer is using IRQ8, RTC Alarm function will signal interrupts using SCI. I O A P I C INTI_8 Legacy IRQ Route Enable Bit for Compare_X SCI Counter CX_IRQ Enable Bit IRQ 2:1 Mux 8 2 5 9 PIC CX_IRQ Status Bit IRQ8 SCI PM1_EN Reg = Value to Compare RTC Periodic IRQ8# SCI Router N Bit Compare PM1_STS Reg RTC Alarm Sleep/ Wake SM RTC_EN RTC_STS I/O Based Index/Data Interface RTC TOD CMOS NVS Figure 11 RTC Functionality replaced by IAPC HPET The IA-PC HPET Architecture switches on or off both the 8254 and the RTC Periodic Interrupt Functions together. For the platforms without Legacy Timers, System BIOS needs to mark the 8254 and RTC Periodic functions as ‘missing’ using the ACPI 2.0 proposed ‘legacy free’ flags. ______________________________________________________________________________________ IA-PC HPET Specification Rev 1.0a 29 3.2.4 The ACPI 2.0 HPET Description Table (HPET) The HPET Description Table is a means to report the Base Addresses of each Event Timer Block early in the OS boot process. The table is needed to allow Operating Systems to discover event timers and establish basic timer services for driver load. Table 3 HPET Description Table Field Byte Length decimal Byte Offset decimal Description Header Signature Length 4 4 0 4 Revision 1 8 Checksum OEMID OEM Table ID 1 6 8 9 10 16 OEM Revision 4 24 Creator ID 4 28 Creator Revision 4 32 Event Timer Block ID 4 36 12 40 ‘HPET’. Signature for the HPET Description Table. Length, in bytes, of the entire Event Timer Description Table. The revision of the HPET Description Table definition; currently 01h. Entire table must sum to zero. OEM ID. For the Event Timer Description Table, the table ID is the manufacturer model ID. OEM revision of Event Timer Description Table for supplied OEM Table ID. Vendor ID of utility that created the table. For the DSDT, RSDT, SSDT, and PSDT tables, this is the ID for the ASL Compiler. Revision of utility that created the table. For the DSDT, RSDT, SSDT, and PSDT tables, this is the revision for the ASL Compiler. Hardware ID of Event Timer Block: Contents of General_Cap&ID Reg of Timer Block [31:16] = PCI Vendor ID of 1st Timer Block [15] = LegacyReplacement IRQ Routing Capable [14] = Reserved [13] = COUNT_SIZE_CAP counter size [12:8] = Number of Comparators in 1st Timer Block [7:0] = Hardware Rev ID The lower 32-bit base address of Event Timer Block. Each Event Timer Block consumes 1K of system memory, regardless of how many comparators are actually implemented by the hardware. 1 52 2 53 *Note #1 BASE_ADDRESS Lower 32-bit *Note #2 HPET Number Main Counter Minimum Clock_tick in Periodic Mode *Note#3 This one byte field indicates the HPET sequence number. 0 = 1st table, 1 = 2nd table and so forth. This field is written by BIOS at boot time and should not be altered by any other software. Unit: Clock tick The minimum clock ticks can be set without lost interrupts while the counter is programmed to operate in periodic mode ______________________________________________________________________________________ IA-PC HPET Specification Rev 1.0a 30 Field Page Protection And OEM Attribute Byte Length decimal 1 Byte Offset decimal Description 55 The lower 4-bit ( bit <0..3> ) of this field describes the timer hardware capability to guarantee the page protection. This information is required for the OSes that want to expose this timer to the user space: 0 = no guarantee for page protection. 1 = 4KB page protected, access to the adjacent 3KB space will not generate machine check or compromise the system security. 2 = 64KB page protected, access to the adjacent 63KB space will not generate machine check or compromise the system security. 3~ 15 = Reserved for future use. The upper 4-bit (bits <4..7> of this field is reserved for OEM attributes: OEM can use this field for its implementation specific attributes. *Note #1: This field provides a quick access for software which needs to know the HPET implementation. *Note #2: This is a 12-byte ACPI address format: GAS (Generic Address Structure) -- ACPI Address Format: Byte #1 – Address_Space_ID : 0 – System Memory 1 – System I/O Byte #2 – Register_Bit_Width Byte #3 – Register_Bit_Offset Byte #4 – Reserved Byte #5 to 12 – 64-bit address * Note #3: This field is written by BIOS and may be chipset and/or platform dependent. This indicates the minimum value that must be used for any counter programmed in periodic mode to avoid lost interrupts. For any counter x that has been configured for periodic mode, the number can be programmed in any Tx_Compare Register must be greater than P, where P = (Minimum Period) / (Main counter period) in order to avoid lost interrupts. * Note 4: The HPET Number field must match the number in the _UID field in the ACPI Namespace table (section for the specific counter being described. For the case where there may be additional Event Timer Blocks implemented in the system, their base addresses would be described in ACPI Name space. Only one Event Timer Block needs to be described in the HPET in order to boot strap the OS. For “legacy free” platforms that do not implement the 8254 Timer/RTC Periodic Interrupt logic, the Event Timer Block described in the HPET would be the one that provides functionality to replace the 8254/RTC Periodic Interrupt Logic. Object Description ______________________________________________________________________________________ IA-PC HPET Specification Rev 1.0a 31 Named object that provides the interface’s Plug and Play identifier. This value is set to PNP0103. _HID is a standard device configuration control method defined in ACPI 2.0 Spec section 6.1.4, "_HID (Hardware ID)." Named object (optional) that evaluates to a Unicode string that may be used by an OS to provide information to an end user describing the device. __STR is a standard device configuration control method defined in ACPI 2.0 Spec section 6.1.5, "_STR (String)." Named object that returns the Event Timer’s current resource settings. Event Timer is considered static resources; hence only return its defined resources. _CRS is a standard device configuration control method defined in ACPI 2.0 Spec section 6.2.1, "_CRS (Current Resource Settings)." Object that specifies the page protection capability, as defined in the HPET Description Table. Object that specifies the timer attributes, as defined in the HPET Description Table _HID _STR _CRS PAGE ATTR 3.2.5 Describing Event Timer(s) in ACPI Name space System BIOS must report memory and interrupt resources consumed by each Event Timer block in ACPI Name space. Event Timer(s) memory assignments are established by the system BIOS on per Timer Block basis. Event Timer(s) memory assignments are reported to the OS by the BIOS using HPET Table and in ACPI Name space. Event Timer IRQ assignments need only be established for the single Timer Block that may optionally provide hardware support to supplement/replace legacy 8254 and legacy RTC hardware with these new HPET. For this case, system bios reports interrupt resources consumed by the Timer Block in ACPI Name space. For the case where the Timer Block does not provide legacy 8254/legacy RTC hardware replacement, system bios is not required to establish or report Event Timer Interrupt assignments. The OS is expected to assign event timer interrupts prior to utilizing any given comparator in the Timer Block. PNP0103 is Microsoft assigned generic PNPID for IA-PC HPET blocks. ACPI Name Space Example Device (HPET) _HID PNP0103 // newly assigned PNPID for IAPC HPET _UID 0 // Optional : used if there are more than 1 timer blocks memory range consumed IRQs consumed ) // Report 1K of memory consumed by this Timer Block // Optional : only used if BIOS allocates Interrupts1 _CRS ( Notes: 1. For case where Timer Block is configured to consume IRQ0/IRQ8 AND Legacy 8254/Legacy RTC hardware still exists, the device objects associated with 8254 & RTC devices should not report IRQ0/IRQ8 as “consumed resources.” 2. If one or more HPET Description tables exist (see section 3.2.4), the _UID in the ACPI name space description for the counter must correspond to the “HPET Number” field for the counter described in the in the HPET Description Table(s). 3.2.6 Recommendations for OS Initialization code From ACPI HPET table, the OS initialization code extracts the base address assigned by the BIOS for each timer block implemented in the system. The OS initialization code can then directly query the timer hardware to discover detailed attributes and configurations supported by the timer hardware implementation. ______________________________________________________________________________________ IA-PC HPET Specification Rev 1.0a 32 IA-PC HPET architecture has configuration and capability reporting mechanisms designed in at the register level. OS initialization code can query these registers to determine, establish, or override (for example: default IRQ assignments established by the BIOS) Event Timer hardware configurations. The following registers provide enumeration info to system software: General Capabilities & ID Register Offset 00h • Clock Frequency • Width of Main Counter • Vendor ID/Hardware ID • LegacyReplacement Timer IRQ Routing Capable (or not) • Number of Comparator’s Implemented To determine / override the default IRQ assignments established by the BIOS: General Configuration Register Offset 04h • Global Interrupt Enable Bit • LegacyReplacement Timer IRQ Routing Enable Bit Timer N Configuration & Capabilities Register 1 for each Comparator implemented: Offsets: • • • 108h – 10Fh 128h – 12Fh 148h – 14Fh (20h * n) + 108h - (20h * n) + 10Fh Width of Comparator • Comparator Configuration bit which allows 64bit comparator to behave like a 32bit comparator. Per Comparator Interrupt Enable • Edge Vs Level selection • IOAPIC IRQ Routing capabilities reporting • IO APIC IRQ Router settings • FSB IRQ Delivery Capable (or not) • FSB IRQ Delivery Enable bit Operating Modes : Periodic Vs One-Shot Timer_N_FSB_Route Register • • Timer 0: Timer 1: Timer 2: Timer n: Offset: 1 for each Comparator Implemented Address to which the FSB interrupt message should be written. Data Value/Vector to be used with FSB interrupt message. ______________________________________________________________________________________ IA-PC HPET Specification Rev 1.0a 33

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