Motorola Mobility, Inc. v. Microsoft Corporation

Filing 125

NOTICE by Microsoft Corporation re #124 Defendant's MOTION Claim Construction of Filing Exhibits (Attachments: #1 Appendix (Index to Exhibits), #2 Exhibit 101, #3 Exhibit 102, #4 Exhibit 201, #5 Exhibit 301, #6 Exhibit 302, #7 Exhibit 304, #8 Exhibit 305, #9 Exhibit 501, #10 Exhibit 502, #11 Exhibit 504, #12 Exhibit 601, #13 Exhibit 801 (Part 1), #14 Exhibit 801 (Part 2), #15 Exhibit 901, #16 Exhibit 902, #17 Exhibit 903, #18 Exhibit 904, #19 Exhibit 905, #20 Exhibit 1101, #21 Exhibit 1102, #22 Exhibit 1105, #23 Exhibit 1110, #24 Exhibit 1114, #25 Exhibit 1115, #26 Exhibit 1116, #27 Exhibit 1201, #28 Exhibit 1301, #29 Exhibit 1302, #30 Exhibit 1303, #31 Exhibit 1304, #32 Exhibit 1305, #33 Exhibit 1401, #34 Exhibit 1402, #35 Exhibit 1403, #36 Exhibit 1404, #37 Exhibit 1405, #38 Exhibit 1406, #39 Exhibit 1407, #40 Exhibit 1408, #41 Exhibit 1409)(Miner, Curtis)

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Exhibit 1403 , SEP-20-2005 22 FROM:MOTORDLA pes IPO TO:USPTO 18475232350 P.2"24 2D TIIE to the of the current otJ'lec,tic,ns as 2 on this 28 · SEP-20-2005 15:22 FROM:MOTOROLA PeS IPD TO:LJSPTD Docket No, Pf03730U-Eaton No. 09/995,,338 iJlJ.", .. U.UVl St>rlh>TI'Irn-r 18475232350 20, 2005 2 of 2.2 in 1-4. 5. A method a at to the and one user 6. 7. a A client within a a user a user to the user the ftrst 29 15:22 FROM:MOTOROLA pes IPD 1847523235121 TO:l.ISPTO Docket No. PT03730U-Eaton a "h.?"!:h(',. iT'<>ft<!'tP1" ""'ll""~"'Jl" the second mE:ss;aglng .v",n..o:' a user of the ....... to IAO,. . ..)' of the "''',.v'''''' ""''''''''''0 9, RU'l...U·... "~1J A method het:Wf':en a wherein the sec;onlQ n1P'l:li:nl:lIna in the tT:.I1n.:iiP,1T'ino the transfer of the data is in device, response to a movement 10. ' a A mc:thc,a for in claim response to an 11. l'1ccond ....... LAv., •• second Ul<;.... "");!,'""':!!, and further wherein in the traus:[errmg is in response to an of the data transfer '.i","""'''''''''''' A for between a "'''''''''''''1'1 the ftrst mc:ssiaging client ......,....",t<"'" mc:ss:agllng clients as the tIrst messa,gtn further wherein in the tmJnstcrr:ing an transfer the data is in respOl!1Se to of the data ....,>n<'i~;, .. "'lJ'v........,.. v'u. 30 SEP-20-2005 15:23 FRDM:MOTORDLA pes IPO 18475232350 TO:LJSPTD Docket No. PT03730U-Eaton A method for 13. ml,;';:ssa,glllig between a in clients as data is in response to the ,,,..' ... r,n communica.tion rn,rnn"M,,"'" A method for n ..'''',.,.,' ....... 14. betwcen a Y ...AU""J of wherein the second 1TI1::~:>at>':IIt> nn'P:1"l'IIt~!:i within a the tran.:sfer ofthe the of A method for as recited in claim COlrltUlUIt:y n ..T\Ju ....'11I a I further p"",lnn,r.",, communication "'''''''''1;; the to the 16. amendled) A method me:ssa,glI1Lg clients as of in claim the first COJrnIlrlUIlICil[l()D connection the 17. ml;::::lS<l:gnllg A mcthold for clients as recited in claim .£1, wherein the ..."....,.."' .. at least one tTlPIln~ti!'!Tn nst,elTllll! the at least one client data ......,>'1", ...., _.u.,,_~"'. for 17 further ~nT1rnnnl<lj second UI:i:'lI<:1:~JJJI).!, data ...".,.,..,..... is .rI"j,,,....... ,y, .. .rI .......,u. ..........J between a to the rrR'n«:tPrrln messag1111g client a client data the client 31 · SEP-20-21305 15:23 FROM:MOTOROLA PCS IPD TO:USPTO 1847523235121 P.6"24 DOcKet No. PT03730U-Eaton """""',5"''5 communication """tp,,,,,, ... "'4UU":UU.IK for a fIrst ''''''''''''8' 11ll!!'\sngc scrvcr~ and first "'~''''''''''iS''''iS the 20. to the second a alIllen<1ecj,) ,"'H''''''''' a ..... ""........ n .. ,nJIJ'~"'n for the account U"''''''''''5''UlS the first ""t,....,,,," the sec:on,Q n ..,,,,;,I"1;11"" the second account the client to the mt~ss,agllng client to a second includes a second account the second mc,ss:ag],ng to and a second COI[llJllU:J;LlClltlcm c'omlec:t1Cm .:.:~~:::.:. second account ......"'....."'.. SEP-20-2005 15:23 FROM:MOTOROLA pes IPD 18475232350 TO:USPTO Docket No. a ",.~<:",,,,(Jllno comrnllnic:atilon "",.of.,.'TI n~n"'n .... a message server .u.~".yOfInc:ss:aglllg a the message server; a transierrinll: the from first nU;SSli:l.lUllIli. client to a and of client data and the message server. between the """.UA1'U 22. cn11thmiltv between a as Itl~lentlcalun,g an account user an to the second and the account user A 23. second lUI;::':>41.:' """, .. u, ...... . , the between a ... n.'h..~1- and data n",,,,,,,,,.. i., ..,,, at lULU"""']' of contact one account ''''',,,,i-',f',,... 24. a<; 1I'''I~l\l'U in a contact for the at least one account 33 SEP-20-2005 15:23 FROM:MOTOROLA pes IPD TO:USPTO 184752323510 P.S"24 Docket No. PT03730U-Eaton A """ ... r""..... for bel:we:ena 21 at .... n·ntlnultv OCllWt:cn 21 ''''~''''''''.n One user a the message server server and connection is the sec;on(J server lQ(:m.ny received within the ., .........,...1 of client communication 'U~'''''''''151U15 a clients cO'mrnUlmc:atllon connection for a .,,,,,,",,,uU",,'UUJ,-,,, at least one session COJr'lIlt~Ctllon session identifier to a second lIlt:S::il:lglUg of session data for the l ) " •• .., ...... trICS!.ag.lllg and in the at least one •.,"''''..i;; ....5 SI~SS:lon in the second "'......................,.,..'tVlI the session identifier, connection <:"":",(,,n data transfer to at In one other mC;:S:><i1g1Ing at least one messa.gin session. 34 SEP-2e-2005 15:23 FROM:MOTOROLA pes IPD TO:USPTO 18475232350 No. 20.2005 Docket No. PT03730U·Eaton A method for 29. as H.,......... in claim 28 "1"nh,nln,h between a jJ ........., . .:y the cOJltirlUity ",...h.",,," a flC'ltlc,n is sent from the flrst messa,J:UIILg client. 31. second m"'<;!"",On'l client. as a server, and further \lI.Jt'lAr",·,n 33. \U'I~U"") me:sSI;tglng server. between a A method for as recited in claim 28 ;ni'nrrn;n, .. client in _~ an account user .... _••.__ to <:p'<:~JO:j(1,n data transfer the at lea:."t one the ... Vl' ........... , between a at session nnlrtir.n A ....."'........ '" for nr,,,,,,rl ..., between a lJ'IJllaJ,UY the me~~nj)'1nj)' "''''~'''''''u client to the client a session data ,.prnp.,t nIh,.· .."'." the ...,"' ......,,'" is determined 35 , SEP-20-2005 15:24 FROM:MOTOROLA pes lPO TO:LJSPTO 18475232350 Docket No. PT03730U·Eaton nrr,vl,rhn,a c.ontinulity clients as bejtwf~en SCSIRlcm wherein the session 37. nM,nr,t" data a Tn1'''I'I'lI'''r includes a session indicator detennines a between a method of session data clients as recited in claim 27 wherein T1U"Tn,-r ................ ;:, a session wherein the SCSSlo,n second client. A method 27 wherein the as a for wherein the notification the second of content to the second 'U~;i);:l""'I!;'.ul"!i elient A clients as recited and mt:/:il;i:<lgl a 40. one user for claim 39 vvt1Ip,r,f'\,n tbe nnlht'II:'::i'lt1 the client OJ' ...u ..... ""I...v~·"'" a the client of content is sent from at least one other me:sslaglll1g client. 36 · SEP-20-2005 15:24 FROM:MOTOROLA pes IPD TO:USPTO 18475232350 Docket No. P.11/24 IYT\M":"l!n', a ",,,,..,,...,U"JU.II"'5 a co,rru:numc:atJlon connection least one session for at le'dSt one first at client to a second a SC(~Ofltd communication connection the the "''''<.'''.'''.... in the second communication 42. as seIldlIl~ data transfer to at least One of the a 43. A .."•• UA.., ... for as recited in claim 42 wherein the notification is scnt 44. 42 clients as 45. clients as A method for r~ited A ....."'thnJi in claim 42 between a ..u u .." .... "' •• "'.. is sent from the Q"'(~n'Mln betwc;ena T1otlt.1tcatlon ..."' ....... ~. '" a 37 SEP-20-2005 15:24 FROM:MOTOROLA pes IPD 18475232350 TO:USPTO Docket No. PT03730U-E.'lton A a between a a client IULU"i" second mcssagillig a 47. COlltelllt to Ametbod clients as recited in claim 41 .. "' ....a,.~ one session ...........,.......,. the A .... 'U...JI ... as recited in claim 47 the session 49. COJnt1l1Ull1i between a ........ ""•••.} as recited in claim 41 wherein the session session within so. ......" ' .. ~'u5 A clients as rec:ltt!d in claim 4.l the ofclienf includes at least one user 38 pes IPD SEP-20-2005 15:24 FROM: TO:USPTO 18475232350 Docket No. PT03730U-Earon Within a "'~'''''''"I:;IHe communication .....'Thr' .... for ",.-,,,,,,,-1,,,.. 51. a first at a between the and at least One a first the first a the to a second communication and the to ''''''''~''i:;''J'l!5 at least one communication the "v.~fP.1m a message server for user mc:ssagmg a me:tnc,a L"",..",..u.'15 a first ........u ...", ..... "',.. connection a IlfSt U"""""W'.u~ a message server; user mc:ss,agiing data for the first COJnIT.IUnlcatlof connection from a client to a second a data transfer me:ssaagc to the message server wherein a session ....c,"'.,.,""'J-;nn m~~s~agtng user U";"'~::IJ;;I "",.,I;)lo.J'll of the ....~''' ........... server the client within data. 39 , SEP-20-2005 15:25 FRDM:MOTORDLA pes IPD TD:USPTO 18475232350 Docket No. PT03730U·Eaton A nelWf~en ",,,,tl'lt'l,rl Ul~'''''''''I'\JL.uJ;l, .....,.",,,...0',1&1:> and the 54. \ ......0 ...... ) a client identttier client has a session has a SeS,Slon ... ""." ...."". sec~imd A method for between a wherein the . ____ ....... _ as one within a ..... "'JUJ,.. ~ a first VU"lJU . . uJ....... aulu ... connection .................... 1':. a data client and for of client -"-.":.L.'-'.'. the ... u.• ,uuconnection lJU ... UJu ....'a . . u ..;;;,..::itL~U the the mc~s.l.lg.!>:; l:i~rY~I. A op1erates wi thin a a second nu; 40 · SEP-20..,2005 15:25 FROM:MOTOROLA pes IPD 18475232350 TO:L1SPTO P.15/24 Docket No. PT03730U-Eaton A 57. ""'''''''''I!:>''UI!:> clients as recited in claim 56 wherein the first a memory I,;UUIJ,III::U to the first of client memory, wherein the first me:ssa,giflg trarlsters the data to the second ._.. __ ,.,•..'''' device. A 58. in device includes: a memory to the first m~~<;saglmg a data m€~ssaging client accesses the client for the t' •••• ~•••.J of client data from the ........,..... .]' and UaJL1')I,Jo;;, data to the Se(:O[LO Lll,\;;"... i:II1;;m,J; as a memory to the second in second the second receives client data in the memory. 60. S6 wberein the second device includes: a transfer i:l.UI,Hn'ilI to the second ....... ,,"'••""•• client the ......"'..'50u.o client processes the received 1-', ••u.l>J"".]' of client and a memory 61. to the ""'r·. . . 1'llt'l u."""''''..~~...~ client for A .... ,.ua,,,,y is a fixed of client data. 56 wherein the and is a 41 'SEP-20-2005 15:25 FROM:MOTOROLA pes IPD 1847523235121 TO:USPTO P.16"24 Docket No. PIU3730U-Eaton as A in to a interconnect the the memory as A ill and the for A a a a " ..,','\7'\1"1 n.1es:sa:gl1:lg at least one other and ."~;;l:)i"',dlo'.'J.Jt; ofa a message server the Hili;;",:;.').!;\;; server is pr()gr,amme~ to: one other mC:SS;flgllng client to the the session se(~on;a "',<"'!:Q",[)'.n,(J a se(:on:d communication "'-.,,, .....,,..,', .... ,, ................... the at least one mc:ssagllng session second the ""';:',,,U.lIU client data to the 'SEP-20-2005 15:25 FROM:MOTOROLA pes IPD TO:USPTO 18475232350 P.17/24 -Docket No. PT03730U·F.aton A ""'>i:"U~UJlt:> ... 'UHllUUW.... "'. . u'u c'vet',"'.... for "",,,.,,,n 1'\""I'uI.~"" a ... ,... "".",,,, a server server memory, memory, the " ... "V!JI. . data c,orrunuIllc8,tiOIfl cOlUlection. 66. a ,...,......r"i-.. " and the second messa,gmlg within a second Ul~;::'l>i").!;lU)i:. device. A m(~ss;agjng ....................J'u........'uu .... ~~~I~.~.l:> ",v,""..,n, client ....... '~.... ,~p within a u ... <,.'a.!">....1!5 Hl';~:S'l1gI.Ug client functions 69. 64 ..... r''''r........ as recited a.s first device. "",",L\_,.U. and the second a 70. as A a wireless a wherein the the second 'SEP-20-2005 15:26 FROM:MOTORDLA pes IPD 18475232350 P.18/24 TO:USPTO Docket No. PIU3730U-Eaton A ",,,,r...rn for nrr,vi,rfin COllltllrlUlty Di::rwccn a U.i".Ii",,,,,!;;,,";!;! clients 1""''''''1'\,''' a "''''I''U'''''JI.UIJ'~ a COlml1i1UfUc;anc:>n connection ......'....,.....,,'1". a a second the IJU.I1 .... a ......~,...,....... communication connection and 'LJ~l' a server memory in second Server memory. and further of client from the server memory the use in the 0plera,no,n of the second COmrnUlnIc:atl.on connection. A mf~QQ:::I01lna server memory is """,.."'.....,.. communication <:'V'lfP.1m as ....,·,+".A claim the a message server 44 , SEP-20-2005 15:26 FROM:MOTOROLA pes IPD 18475232350 TO:USPTO P.19.124 Docket No. PT03730U-Eaton in .........., ""'uv,.. .... are as ....nJlu'..... and 57-61 were § as ~~,..... ,:;u .. and .,."" ... ,.."..,,1'., traverses all the 01.lctst:a.nlding nhi",.-+i Claims 1-4 to remove an extra oe:nOQ sentence. .",,,,.......... _ server. on no new matter. was a error. a mE!ss<uze server is 8 22 lines no new matter 45 · SEP-20-2005 15:26 FROM:MOTORDLA pes IPD 18475232350 TO:LJSPTO Ducket No. PT03730U-Eaton No was to § amended to recite a communication'l..v.l.u"",,- with a '~"_~~'~ ....... '''''''''''''l''.''' server. receives or communication server not to are not :1nHri"",,,t,,.rl are ..."",....... server,'~ 46 · SEP-20-2005 15:26 FROM:MOTOROLA pes IPD TO:USPTO 18475232350 P.21-"24 Docket No. PT03730U·Eaton ,-UULJ..l.''-UU;L",'L&UU cOlmection ...... between and the U"";:''''''''J.;,O; server." As stated to or J:lT'linttl~l" client a or ,n,'1""Pr't-lv a toa user mainta.ins a session with a session. is column 4 not show or J.H'",,,,,,a).;.tJ.ll).:, session with a se:ssion that se,ssl,on ....""........._ .. ...,.............. to sessions each ...... at least one session .......;;. U""'A'''A is 41 is not an1ticipa1teC1 upon 35 §l as is 47 'SEP-20-2005 15:27 FROM:MOTORDLA pes IPD 18475232350 P.22/24 TO:USPTO Docket No. PT03730U-Eaton and were ..",1r.>("1'<>"" as 1()"17 have been au ..::... ".... o::·.... 18 rI":nn<>Ylr1,,, 21 to 10-18 on claim J..:oF,F,U:'" ".,. daims 1()"'18 are not to .... I':.-"'.."":' ..JA NoticE!. as in is ..... Cl.llILU.::. 64-72 are 51-54 and .I.e,"");",:,,, that be if rewritten in ......".....u."" and ''''........ ,.. claims . 48 ·'SEP-20-200S 15:27 FROM: MOTOROLA pes IPD 18475232350 TO:LEPTO Docket No. PT03730U-Eaton Is in at an and a·"'·' .....··'" or is at below. time to 49

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