Cambridge University Press et al v. Patton et al

Filing 352

NOTICE by Cambridge University Press, Oxford University Press, Inc., Sage Publications, Inc. Evidentiary Proffer in Support of the Trial Testimony of Jodi Kaufmann (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit Trial Exhibit 806, # 2 Exhibit Trial Exhibit 804, # 3 Exhibit Trial Exhibit 723, # 4 Exhibit Trial Exhibit 803, # 5 Exhibit Trial Exhibit 995, # 6 Exhibit Trial Exhibit 996, # 7 Exhibit Trial Exhibit 997, # 8 Exhibit Trial Exhibit 998, # 9 Exhibit Trial Exhibit 999, # 10 Exhibit Trial Exhibit 710A)(Krugman, Edward)

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EXHIBIT 804 P1 QU4LITATIVE INQUIRY PROG1tM EPRS Qualitative/Interpretive 8500 Research in EducatLon CRN 53240 Summer 2007 Dr Kaufmann Jodi B-mail Office 410 College of Education Office Hours By appointment Required Texts and Bogdan and methods to theories Recommended writing for CA ONE 1998 Walnut Lather and Boulder Malinowski McKinney Tomaselli 1ooks Walnut listed Meaning and perspective in the Choice Wray 2007 Critical reading and Publishing Book Reviews house Opportunity stories Ethnographic of menial Bad boys Public schools in the making Ann of black masculinity of Michigan Press Arbor University Africans introduction Creek Altamira Press 2001 Ferguson H.IVIAJDS An of the following Angrosino retardation and SAGE Thousand Oaks Own Choose for education Sage not required Wallace postgraduates research of social The foundations Thousand Oaks research process Research Qualitative Boston Pearson 1998 Crotty 2007 Bikien 1997 Smithies CO Westview 1922 2004 2006 the of the western Women Angels Pacific Troubling Living with Press Argonauts Being while Stories Writing in the s/and New York of race and racism Autoethnography Dutton London among Routledge indigenous South Creek AltaMira Press above are available online at PLAJNFp EXHrnff PLAINTIFFS TRIAL EXH BIT 108-cv-1425-ODE GaState0003766 Additional All readings and is located available on from are available the the library PDF as electronically The homepage Readings format Each Library in electronic To access file article documents go to the has been Course scanned Reserves is password Course Description This and course reviews foundations nature of qualitative current and the issues research It the in As the field design different covers research in qualitative empirical literature of qualitative review is and the within the theoretical situated covered also is history philosophy research methodologies qualitative research qualitative literature the investigating Course Objectives As in this learner dealing with qualitative will investigate course you procedural philosophical research projects What is How articulate Clearly educational Specify the your own its are explanations examined What generated What goals Formulate appropriate qualitative research strategies data sources and and to by different undertaking research qualitative it ways is conceptualized origins and presuppositions of analysis units research examine in subjectivities regard to the traditions identify and the critically issues such and related problems the assess relevant select results pertinent of such from varying efforts approaches of these different presuppositions of designs for their accomplishment the of qualitative research process to the research derived goals and assess problems design examining the nature phenomena does achieve attempt to methods of qualitative exemplars exemplars for dilemmas and it research qualitative research and in qualitative kinds of human does data collection ethical Recognize addressed are the What relate research processes the Examine issues ways of following of problems What research define problems it the various and possibilities ethical do will you explain the range qualitative does and analytical Specifically and Identify methodological research goals specified Develop research process through of the relationship an understanding of educational of an examination variety theorizing to the of theoretical orientations Describe and define constructionism the literature of these varying developments assumptions and Describe define social and 10 their strengths Describe critical You will of these and define feminist empirical your and relativism limitations epistemological stance subjectivism research within literature your the -- and You the will objectivism stance of empirical episteniological be able to identify the origins and underlying values and epistemologies limitations and stance ontological realism ontological be able to identify the nave realism and/or of empirical research in the stance assumptions strengths and ontologies your theoretical postmodern and research in the literature framework-others You -- and will be positivist post-positivist the theoretical able to identify framework of the origins and GaState0003767 underlying values and developments limitations Define 11 of these describe and of each following identified rely what Write clear cohesfve 13 Write strong and are review the its and strengths are the does it most rely does strengths review literature problem the epistemological and research proposal the ground discuss to on what type of data and integrated qualitative to able perspective limitations critically cohesive literature design to answer and theoretical allow you to answer it goal what is its 12 problem which on what type of questions does it Be methodologies methodology what identified assumptions ontological the approaches varying the and assumptions and introduction to the research qualitative problem Course Structure This of course will consist and activities group Attendance course small discussions demonstrations experiences participatory attendance into course activities please see of mini-lectures and Participation expect regular credit combination me is and account in If essential absences Your you have with conflict as not to use our limited so privately take excessive will the final course grade missing more than due session time with class in class participation to prior individual hours of 3- and discussion commitments scheduling concerns expect people to come all completing You will Make or failure to Submission Electronic turn in each sure and course activities lack of preparation of assignment contribute to class be taken will assigned reading and all discussions into me to and activities in the account final email prior class on the date the using document with your name and Mylasiname_subjectivity order that may use accepted to contribute Turn in having read prepared Frequent course grade Assignments label the you class to in assignments track for changes assignment for Word documents as assignment is due example no PDF will files be comments Assignments All assignments are may Exceptions Accommodations It is due before be made with complete your Non-Native Non-native review class If of Georgia you course requirements Speakers English their written emergencies individuals University disabilities on the assigned due documented for Qualified the policy of The individuals for are with to No date late work will be Disabilities make reasonable accommodations person with please notify accepted only me disability as soon as and desire for qualified accommodations possible to discuss to your request of English speakers are strongly encouraged to recruit an editor outside of class to work GaState000376B Free and research on human Qualitative information agree Although what differences in As the believe Hannah the in and Arendt scholarly other sometimes in 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together Community University suspected designed academic ensure understanding entire will of the academic process and an academic to honesty integrity court of integrity in not process law All students are responsible for maintaining every phase of their academic careers ignorance not an acceptable The the highest for standards of honesty academic are severe and defense is penalties dishonesty and Requirements and Grading All Students based the on are required distribution to the following complete written assignments with the final grade below indicated Points Human Certificate Subjects Subjectivities Due Date 10 points Project May May 21 24 10 points Statement 22 Research Problem 10 points Literature Review 20 points May May 20 points May31 Epistemology and Theoretical 29 Perspective Book Review 10 points Final Research Proposal June points 100 Total CITI Course According can June 20 Presentation access to the this course free the Protection of in Office of points Human Human researcher from following of charge the When ps//www.citiprogram.orgJdefault.asp you may successful print out certificate completion Subjects Subjects Bring this certflcate must pass the 10 online points CITI course You website you have certificate to successfully class passed as evidence the course of your of the course GaState000377O StatementWho Subjectivities experiences your positionality and/or self What identify as ernie position yourself stable When/where references are and sets you wish the Statement of What Literature and address to the How What work your do these are Describe project do you construct yourself Do your subjectivities When/where roles Ilinction gap 10 Problem Statement PmblemW is How your research training are in you these categories your work Include pages research problem out the problem etic to do they slide Approximately will construct to your positionality is or in relation disciplinary Research You you 10 Statement ivities Subject in your study is hat the This will be should contain It How problem Why literature in the points statement purpose is has the been it 3-5 the problem page that essay sections following addressed in the your work and significant Pwpose of the about This good clear StucWhat should be is the clearly You situate What 3-4 page construct What are essay describes the key and succinctly rationale to review literature thematically reviews guidelines Specific for the for this students review of the books read one will who is to by 2-3 20 Perspective own your What theoretical theoretical How You perspectives perspective/s does it What do in your research project have be will inform you inform your work questions will it literature that review will Theoretical above presented and 20 This will be grounds Presentation under the well-organized study review and distributed which builds in your class 10 choices review It 10 page your be discussed and read the same text you will present clearly Research listed Review your study Book Review You learn to pursue construct will do you want statement followed purpose within this framework concepts Literature You sentence and Theoretical that framework allow you will this enable you to stated What of your study in the context of your reading discussion this research one research questions Epistemology will purpose In book circle small group of your book to the class should address the following of Your elements Purpose/Questions Conceptual Framework Methodology Data Collection Methods Data Analysis Methods Fin clings/Conclusions Personal Reactions/Critique GaState000377l Final You will design qualitative research project research courses dissertation etc This Research that for study Introduction to the do we in the the is know already following dissertation problem your What is what the so to propose work What problem this contribute study you informs this What are the What gaps What to this literature makes your study unique Problem andResearch oft/ic study What are What Questions the is purpose of research questions your specific Review Literature Theoretical Framework substantive theories What conversation are macro-level are the What and mid-level work inform your that Conversation Empirical Research about research will learn to important and from the is literature that scholarly How literature do you hope your the study for your pilot sections of the ProblemWhat What Statement article process additional pro bleni Background examine your graduate in publishable proposal will include 2O Proposal be used can work empirical grounds your study What you entering Design MethodologyWhat your of Research and/or structures process Site informs your work methodology site and What are ParticipantsWho these selecting your for selecting Ethical How will What study How in this address these your rationale criteria this site for What is not others methods will you use to in your and you work political build issues strategies may emerge into your as design 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Website and perspective Meaning to in the The march of science Positivism An research for education Qualitative introduction to 48-52 Wanda researching Eds Pillow education Subjects the of Fragments myself Working New York 96-113 Feminist ruins Routledge https// Enjoining positionality forces modulating Mahwah NJ Epistemologies Being vulnerable research process and Eds Foundations Mahwah NJ The foundations Oaks CA of Sage research being ethical withlin and research Methods Frameworks and Theoretical Thousand Lapan work in narrative and sciences the social Eribaum Associates Lawrence 1998 Crotty power Lawrence 123-138 Publishers Eds Foundationsfor Lapan and de Marrais In of inquiry in education 2004 Tisdale sciences research my people Human 2004 and Methods Eribaum Associates and introduction http// contentious Balancing An research for education Chapter pp and in Oxford May 17 Researching and methods Johnson-Bailey for research Sage 2007 the Protection of in CA Elizabeth St Pierre New York 21-3 of social Boston Pearson 2000 Chaudhry of of qualitative Chapter Subjectivities Biklen practice evidence methods Theorie.s Qualitative The Jbundations and and 1-32 and 16 2007 Thousand Oaks Ethics Positioning pp research project Biklen 1998 Eds Sage Handbook of inquiry Boston Pearson methods and Crotty discipline The Publications Sage May craft Designing Bogdan theories The The Introduction Lincoln Oaks and Design Topics Alford University Denzin and Thousand edition 3rd research 2005 Lincoln In in of inquiry Publishers deMarrais In education and the social pp 13-30 May 21 social research Meaning Chapter and perspective The making Constructionism in the of meaning 2000 Schwantdt Interpretivism Handbook epistemological stances for qualitative Three and hermenutics In Denzin constructionism social inquiry Eds. Lincoln ed pp1 89-214 SUBJTECTS CERTIFICATE DUE of Human Subjects CITI Course in the Protection research of qualitative Thousand Oaks Sage 2td HUMAN https//www Ethnography Bogdan theories and and methods research process Preissle In 2007 Biklen The foundations Thousand Oaks and and Interpretivism Qualitative asp May 22 An research for education introduction to Boston Pearson Chapter 1998 Crotty observation Fieldwork Studies citiprogram.orgldefault Grant de Marrais CA 2004 and of social Sage Chapter Fieldwork Lapan research tEds Meaning and perspective Interpretivism traditions Foundations For and Etimography .for and research in the culture against participant Methods of GaState0003773 and inquiry in education pp Publishers 2000 and Latina Xicanism Publishers and Martin Ritzer and Eds STATEMENT DUE 2001 Fine Interactionism Symbolic Handbook Eds. Smart of Social the end at of the London SAGE Theory 217-228 2005 Stake Sage Handbook The gaze Pillow May 23 and Interpretivism pp Wanda and Routledge Sandstrom century of the exotic Writings Elizabeth St Pierre In SLJBJECTIVITIES Case Studies my back called This ethnography recuperating 74-96 New York In Eribaum Associates Lawrence 161-180 Villenas othering NJ Mahwah social sciences the case studies Qualitative Research of Qualitative In Norman Denzin Yvonna Lincoln and SAGE Thousand Oaks pp Publications Eds 443- 465 2005 Vanderstaay 44 Contemporary Ethnography and Wallace London SAGE Critical 1998 Crotty education like murder and CA Oaks dead man The Journal of and and writing for post graduates Race Critical social research May 24 and perspective inquiry The Marxist and whats it in the heritage nice doing in 111 7-24 performance Reflection of home Studies in Education of Qualitative as street Eds. Lincoln Meaning race theory is critical ethnography Theory Critical Chapter what Journal Critical reading 12 Sage In Denzin justice and of Just International 2005 Madison race 11 Ethnograpby 1998 Ladson-Bilhings field Critical The foundations Thousand research process 2006 Chapters Critical and dollars 371-409 Wray Publications Inquiry One hundred 3rd ed pp 537-546 Thousand Oaks Sage In Van Maanen 2004 An end to innocence. handbook Sage of qualitative research Patricia Leavy York Oxford Eds. Approaches University Press Nagy Day No research or process moment 16 St Pierre Qualitative and Feminist Research The foundations Thousand Oaks CA qf social Sage research May 29 Meaning and perspective Postmodernism Chapter crisis in the of confidence of truth Johnson Education 1998 DUE May 28 Poststructuralism Postmodernism Crotty class New 427-446 RESEARCH PROBLEM STATEMENT Memorial and Hesse-Biber reader on theory and practice research to qualitative pp Sharlene 2005 pp 13 The problem of bodies and desires in teaching Teaching 1-149 2000 Poststructural Studies in Education 135 feminism in education International Journal of 447-515 GaState0003774 REVIEW DUE LITERATURE 10 Narrative 2005 Eds. Lincoln May 30 and Queer Theory Inquiry Beverley Testimonio handbook Sage and subalternity narrative research of qualitative 3rd Denzin In authority ed pp Thousand 547-55 Oaks Sage 2005 Chase and Narrative inquiry Multiple Lincoln Eds 65 Yvonna lenses voices approaches Research Norman Denzin In Thousand SAGE 1-679 Publications Kaufmann The Sage Handbook of Qualitative Transfiguration of male-to-female in press transsexual Ocr/cs Journal International of Qualitative Studies in Education Plummer Norman Denzin 2005 SAGE Handbook to Publications Research of Qualitative and Ellis Researcher as understand Puerto Ricans May 31 Denzin Yvonna and Eds. Lincoln racialization of color Handbook Using Sociology Qualitative June Bogdan Kaupapa Eds Lincoln Publications 42 Sage Reflexivity research to Autoetimography 27 The 119-138 of qualitative 179-201 STATEMENT EPISTEMOLOGY AND TREORETICAL PERSPECTIVE 12 research in domination Oaks SAGE ed pp 733-768 Thousand Oaks Sage Vitdal-Ortiz 2004 On being white person In Research of Qualitative Autoethnography Personal Narrative In Denzin Subject Norman with the tensions Living Handbook neocolonial Thousand 2000 Bochner from In knowledge creating theory queer Epistemologies ourselves Freeing and Eds The Sage pp 357-375 and Indigenous 11 Autoethnography BishopR 2005 Maori approach Lincoln Yvonna and Thousand Oaks humanism Critical DUE Quality methods and theories CA Sage pp Ed Smith Denzin and Oaks SAGE Boston Pearson Qualitative 544-5 Research and Yvonna research for education An introduction to Chapter and Evaluation Methods edition Thousand 45 method in the of validity postrnodern 2005 Hodkinson Lincoln Qualitative Research 1997/2001.Masks Scheurich Scheurich 2007 Bikien 2002 Patton Oaks and Eds Relativism The Sage Handbook deconstructive criteria and In investigation New York Routledge politics of Qualitative pp In Research 80-93 Norman Thousand 915-932 Publications GROUP BOOK PRSENTATIONS FINAL RESEARCH NOTE The the instructor course syllabus may be is PROPOSAL DUE general plan for the course deviations announced to the class by necessary 10 GaState0003775

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