Huon v. Breaking Media et al

Filing 194

RESPONSE by Meanith Huonin Opposition to MOTION by Defendants John Lerner, Breaking Media, Breaking Media, LLC, David Lat, Breaking Media, Inc., David Minkin, Elie Mystal to dismiss Plaintiff's Fourth Amended Complaint 178 WITH EXHIBITS A TO J (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A1, # 2 Exhibit A2, # 3 Exhibit A3, # 4 Exhibit A4, # 5 Exhibit A5, # 6 Exhibit A6, # 7 Exhibit B, # 8 Exhibit C, # 9 Exhibit D, # 10 Exhibit E1, # 11 Exhibit E2, # 12 Exhibit E3, # 13 Exhibit F, # 14 Exhibit G, # 15 Exhibit H, # 16 Exhibit I, # 17 Exhibit J)(Huon, Meanith) (Attachment 15 Exhibit H replaced on 3/19/2013 pursuant to Judge's order of 3/18/2013) (tg, ).

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i S"*"' Home' LocalNews Jobs yids, ptroios, * "rr"t*rqntursmiss, Aulos Real Eshte Story Si* I Print I EDhareThis story E-Mait | Font tr E El ld ;hlcagolawyer aceusedof hararsing rcman fhrrlrrcrengcon omments \78 ]{ Clas6ifieds ---EE.---l r r I t FeaturedClassified Buy Stuff Sell Stuff Announ€ments Adg Browse luly 23, 20@ 10:06 PM ADVERTISEMEN ly SANFORDJ. SCHMIDT fhe Tel€graph :DWARDSVILIE -A Chicago laryoranrdcd and chargod est yearwr'thsiminal Gxud ereault, sorual abuso and Inl8trful t€draint nor iacs3 cfierg.e d hararsing his dlegod ,iclim and cybcr dalking. 6nlarge Moanifi Huon [.anith Htlon, 39, wrr cfiargFd lhis wE k in Mdiron County )ircuit Couil with harilsnent d a witr€ls and qb€r stalking. .|. i! ac.ilscd of contacdnghi. all.g€d vidlm of lalt vie he Intamct end dfirrunicdlng indtldly with hrr in st,tfi e eay a! lo causc h6r cmotond di!tr!8!. {e dso it el3rd of maintainingen Intrmct \ reb paga or ,irebsitc to harele tha vlcfim or an imrnodiatgfamily m6mb€r. {tff baing amrstod last y6ar for all€gcdly forcing thc viclim to tcdfrm sdud aci. whiftr driving on lrbrdate 55 in Madbon :ounty, he p6trd 810,000 c.3h bord and vu€ntb€ck to )hicago. \uthorftios lay Huon bcgan podine cornment! dil€ctod at tt|r dlcged vidim, tellilu h6r hc lov6 hcr and daimlng thst God yintrlhcm to bc togcilhaf. lhc pcfngs indu& a wide \raddy cf pl!firllCong of lo\,s, {ong with rolhious r*nn€r. As l€csl{ly es July 17, h. |odrd: "l hawnt l&s€d anlonr sinca you ki$cd mc. I mirs rou.Thcre'e ncffiing I can do about it. I folls, God's ]omme'ldmcnts. I wdk th. lin€ bccausc I lorr. you.' {c aloo poated'10 Eesons wfiy l'd mako a good husbandlbr rou."Thc No. 1 nrasonwac lieted a! "God brouglt ns ogcthrf." The su3@ &o dts$dly pogtsd lh3words: "l,lb'd |al,e gr€t ki&. My bainr. Your lool€." {uon was etrrstrd in erly July 2008 dar he ailegedlyfotrd l rvomanto hevEonil 3a( with him, iondlcd hcr vaginal ar€e lnd hrf b€ads and Efurod to l.t h€r out d the car nfiil6 ldving on 1.55into Madison County" l'h€rltormn alltgedly !v.3 lur6d ot/6rth6lnlil|rt rocsiUlityof a job. by lhs ih€ told aulhorities she talked to Huon by tdophone and got he impr€sdon that th6 Fb wB prorFtiru alcohol salas in alca avcms. She met Huon in downlonn St. Louis, and he o{tr'.d o dri\€ hclto a local E€loon!o chcck oul howthe bt.l3incss vc Sdng. {ouravBr, thcy did nd go to the ta\rcm, and }luon iffitead 8e the first of)|our fiiends to recommerd thia Rtrommend 00 2 AITUNEDMffiU{TIT federalCndif Unisr twee6 Share wift flr Endd-Srffi StrpA"rykgrf,a tweet .'''-'.''-'.' ADVERTISEMEN , E1lt:ll R€comm€ndatlons g Family reports Je6ewille man missing 454 psple recommend this, woman charged with hamsment thrcugh Facebook rtrommendthis, 55 Deoole H Cottage Hills man wanted in stabbing rtrommendthis. 53 oeoole rCrc crct rrnrlrrr| rrrr- rrwm thetelE;raplr. com,ca,rs @l sftial E Facebook ptusin Most Viewed Stories , Barn fire in Edwardsvillekills four horses New search Saturdayfor missing man ; Olin Buildinggets dropboxfor mail r Ricky George ! PHOTOS: Trailgrazers Most Gommented Stories # tn",l.""n."'n 5,084 @ple like lh€ T.l€erapft. -r4 r f}-rl*-G F il sm#m tlne Ma(fson County Shcdfifs Dcpaftment said hd ye6r. Th€ rcman cv€ntudly jumpcd out of the carand @ftacied polic. Unemploymentrises to 9.2 percentas hiring stalls )dica found evidanca on the rnost r€oont cesa by oHdning a rc8frfi wanEnttof iho cornpanylhd opelatestho lrlrBbsite l3od by lluon. Oncs tho e\rldonc. was obtainod, Huon ag€in 16 ar€€ted Jdy 19, thF lim. at hb bornc ln chicagp, wh3r€ rc was b6ing held Thursday in lhu of $75,000 bdl. The Telegraph Newsroom Feed Olin Buildinggets dropboxfor mail Nsw search Saturdayfor missing man Good performan@means no monsy for middle school altont6legraphRT @Fred_Pollard Today is ofticially"Beatle Day'! - Freditorials- The Telegraph http:/ .m/4AiwDeb : 38 minules ago I r6fu6€t - hvodt€ altontelegraph Anon takss No- 1 seed into District22 North Divisionplayoffs http:l/ubin.ccy'qGwuvM LettersTo Ths EditorJuly 10, 2011 {uon stil ir arrd$ng tdal on thc odgind Matlison County :hsgcs, aulhorilier 3dd. reply abut t hour {o . reply rctu€et fahdlo altontelegraph #Alton probationaryofficer gets lllinois State Police award httoJ/t.confHkFbW ) e6 archived'Loel News' stories ebod t hour4o. l9"P_g*e!: altontelegraph0igitalized dacades:Old ShurtleffCollege yearbooksare online t hour ago . reply abut \:,, r / t \ ! !.4 I i t* li{.1 r ., ! ffi retu66t bvoite rek@t lavodte altontelegraph Ar€€ nurse helps dontal patientsi-niHaiti about t hour ago develoS€rs atVU d lr$fy *l| d@a.. reply eply . rewe€t EvoflF cynthiamellisBeen a long day, but I got a lot done:) lt's back to work 2moro, bul I'm lookingfoMard to the work week Join the conversation ! | t : , ' r ' , .{ . / , ,.,'i,, t/ri,,'r,r,',1 , , ; , , ' i,' LocalBusiness Directory l{&a: Clty: nLb*dii All F6atured catlgories Sponsored Links AutoRental HotelI Alrllne TicketI Vacation Dlscount Travel I I ReaderCommentt rfir tfi..dbi: Xrtry of you h.ya .'Q|raaad cooc.m. rbout roilta dlh. hrth rndtyrno||||fnorn fiLra. Totrt||cdltthat, s! aru lotroddng naw!.rhn6.You catr cllaityo||riln Uog, F|blhh ydrfitF t|d b.t yo|fiphoao.wllhth.cofinunlty,o||ccyoufrllout.Crnpl.fonnmd1..v.rycrillol...malladdna+yotl h!.ar?yowprofibpro.,n$ildLtlry.llottosrconulbudon ]rddlowtoubtr*r(L.u..lrd.r||y rnn.of wffio0rra. Lmnto|rrdtc io ba. pl*.$rh.n p.o9l. dbcu.r{| ldail hdlba{.?atlong.rcotruilnlug. wchrllt ilalbryoo.PL|..t ||cmolltTolfrrt brc.dlrlnklng,butt |(a.odon.gJfitot c.noah.t fulnn dC, d(.lt. c'tdl!|. and rd. pl.c.rror0r pr[.nln!.ntl Arts & Entertainmilt Autos El€auly& Wallness Fintrcial H€alth Ca€ Hom6lmpDvsmont Hotels& Lodging Legal Roal Esiale Rsiaurant Shopping Viil All , National videos top E You must be loSgedln to leave. comment. Logln I Reglst6r EventCalendar €iign up Et$rta LOg m passward? Forgot Son. t8 comments ffi bt.6l 'l ADVERTISEMENT HeySalesperson, Bumed Out By Refusal? Struggling Clos€ Sales? Discover The Number One lvlistake Salespeople Make That Cause Them To Fail Fg Featured Events s hi3 ffi Brdns..-.e Er-m g.ocro**sry .T:-=rc: Lt*a.*'s u\rErJr6dt:ffi.,. -GiI E^-..**I -. -I - lo|| iv.ilr lddY.rrffi RepodAbuae 11:35Pt on July23,2009 He bngg.d lrbrraa N*TEI G[ctior itzballon Udi|e U.S.newr Entoriainmfft Businas3 Lilbatyle Spoltr Hcallh il Share yourthought3 about thls story To leave a commenl you need to sign up. r r r r r r Find an Event mudr br lhst fanlrsy,f,'nel 8 kmkll lcol Poll Score:0 madsquabble6 fhr T.f.grrpn Fotr 12:15 on July24, 2009 AM Should Amed6 Ww this dude b sryl Thi3 guy 3hould b€ lodcd up(if lhE !firfi b tue). 6inut in it8 rp.6 trcgffi? Y6, there b much to be gsined by continulng to Grplorc ep&e. No, ihc c6t is too gHt, and F simply @tr't afrord lt. l l : -' r. ' &L : r Scofe: 0 notblob{ain I donl k|lw. lntf 1r 1;AMonJutv21.2oo9 Mryb. hc l!rt3 si.l .k$h. I doubl he wr Mobll scoro: o idzbrllon 12:01 PMonJsty24,2OO' lwirlEl FGading fib 8nd nolied hb nmq...wdl h! sm *€podAbuse to hrrc liv.d up b it 'irdnlhll a '-, {!nb& score: o mmt9451 12 12 PM on July 21 2009 H. @ld haw gol tl$ klnd of $x hom a lol of ulomff b. a ul RepodAbuse dumbbc$ withdd ftrcang m !o m md wialiBlhls 12:49PM on July 24. 2009 llrud rlps lhal any nul €n ba m etlomsy Scorel 0 thcoguy Abuse 1rO0PM on Jutv24. 200' l'm $q ilt "epod ifr jud m bl| wilhilt mryb. tha phyticr on lhi! dc. $m.thlnC gc$ng gnphlc I €n'l Howcould a dtiwr ola [hidc in e car whiL ha b ddvine .nd huding dm Couldn'l ,ha hav. din$rd th. c./t ffi b do l-s!t? Dd hr hsr . wpd? rnd lrid 6m tnb th! b.dcael lump.d @l wh.n hc dopp.d ior th6 ftta of m tlguF bm md gol m and the porlm n m pL!$l My blav filhht Scorer 0 Abuse !:15 PM on Jutv24. 200' I aoo! 'CgrI/, $Dld) mn !o lbG happcncd to m, "eooil ha hrd . w.apon, hl| it mr mL'| r mn lwld to haF ord s b.lh. brlmn nd mntlonad. lt td(s . bm. (s ff him. | 6n pmrnisa if it.s lwould go Bobbtl on hcsu|d'lbrca". him. Score.o aandman3l RepodAbuse 1:46PMonJutyz4 2oo9 Th.gguy, I g|rG you haE mG mm. you !c gring io }dl il brut li[ anyfrhe you ray lo p|!$nl til|h fp ldud lhrt nasr or lhEat3? It you bll h3ard of infmifutin I am sG lh.m, .!p.ddly ho w In d.t|ll, lhtrtcning 0|sy will do rnd bcatng hs dmg ttEc ; notbigb€{n 24, ..ra&&, z,;+ pv on.tury 2009 I God. To @ of tha popuhr kldt h hlgh r.t!@. m tlr. S@re:0 Repod Abuse Sh. did, in f.c( got &vry ftoflr hlm, itlcgsy; ottwira it muld pmbrbly havc bs a lol w. Th.E eE vdi(uE bmE of sx asultq $ u$ your imtinalion lo fgun u'|ir'| of lltc vlis aaxactr could ba fomd wilh om hend,And, y6, lha guy i! poblHy rtrdtl, or mry .nough to *t siupirr. €3Pluc4 Readrd#d artcrg of Chicagolawyer accused barauing womanI woman"accusedchicago- Local News - T... Page4 of 4 Adlr.tridnglnlo Plac€a Classifiod Ad Advortise Us with TodaysprintAd's ndnbdslb. 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