Huon v. Breaking Media et al

Filing 194

RESPONSE by Meanith Huonin Opposition to MOTION by Defendants John Lerner, Breaking Media, Breaking Media, LLC, David Lat, Breaking Media, Inc., David Minkin, Elie Mystal to dismiss Plaintiff's Fourth Amended Complaint 178 WITH EXHIBITS A TO J (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A1, # 2 Exhibit A2, # 3 Exhibit A3, # 4 Exhibit A4, # 5 Exhibit A5, # 6 Exhibit A6, # 7 Exhibit B, # 8 Exhibit C, # 9 Exhibit D, # 10 Exhibit E1, # 11 Exhibit E2, # 12 Exhibit E3, # 13 Exhibit F, # 14 Exhibit G, # 15 Exhibit H, # 16 Exhibit I, # 17 Exhibit J)(Huon, Meanith) (Attachment 15 Exhibit H replaced on 3/19/2013 pursuant to Judge's order of 3/18/2013) (tg, ).

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rw)g 1o-@{iTmrF3ffi lTffi -4!e!€qr EXHIBIT A lfl txt'rsrffi tumeC dastardlv. pretbJqurckU llung seF/ers-unrespcnsve to your nrosl pornted dccilmentmanagement s,,,stemseafches Find it fastwith Lcxis Adv.nlage. The rictiln said she responded to a Craigslist ad pqsted bl'Huo! seekjng promotbnal morlels. seuding her resrnr, ir late June. her phore nunber and nrn nirr,rro< af Iorcolf A paur€riu'firm-wrde searci sojut;cn i-exis Search Advantage lels vou harness the Fror€n pcv/ea oi liour ftrm s bes thrnking the Lexisl.lexiscrnteilt yau trusi* The bre agreed to rleet at ihe dor{rtcr\.n St. l.crds bil padd}'(f's. the lirtim testified. sven the open rveb*rlith lrnfialched ease and speed. Inlegrattngees'l! with besl'of-hreed enlerprise search girt the next dal. the rictis ergines---including Wv6,mc{ lras rundlE late and calle<i Huon, He told hef to trleet hirn at anoiher bar. b\it lrhen slE got there. hr' toid lrer the other froiir lr€rosolli:: FAS i6. erlerprse search Autancnv and Reccm rMdo-Lexis Search Advantage helps !cu: prornotional Blodejs lef't. and so ire rrns goxtE to inte-r\iel{ her, the f ictin said. Save tlme and monev b! begrnnrng fesearch v/ith superiorr,'ork product-Mnnrng bnefs motrons and more And thrs peoph. rs whv OoC nvented Gorgle HaC lhe vi(trm Coogled Huon she wolJld have fairod Gel the most from technologies akeadv 1nplace In vour ofganrzailon stofles lke thls fronl lhe l"rad{$r)n CilJtl r Re,:ord lilake sure kev documents are shll based on good Iav/ wilh integraied Shepafd sti Crlations seMce. case law links and other key content ,\ Chicsgo attorn€J'rrho rp plr[x]tiol]s r$s po,<ilrgas o supen'Lsor tbr a]]"that sets Ior alcohol iales itt ni?n birs 1!its ciliirFpd in Jladisolr (:dwrt\' Jull :, trith t!.0 cormts o{trintinal sexlri assault, trr!1 foutts serual abui, nnd onr tduit of [r]lar '|t1lfr-.itrnilxt. sf(rilninal Ensure th€ delrvery ol voutrrm s hrghest qualrlt legal seryrce-quicklv. confidently and cost, eFficrentlv EXHIBIT A AnCU:is p€ople rs \rtr! 3cd Gcogle Had the victifi Googled Huon she r/culd have f.urd 'n!€r.teC stor€s lJkethis from the l,raC€i,n l nuft! F.e,rr-,.J '' sFnsr fisilTr!@ffinffillgff lffi mwvfs ---..-' and more Geithe mostfiom technoloqes aheady placeIn rn !0ur organrzalon l.lake surekev documents strlibased on good are lawprthinlegrated Shepard Crtations se seMce caselawI nksaqdolherkevcontent .\ Chi.a,go nttorlE! \fhD ilar posin8 ds n s[per\-iso! fDr d col]lpan] tllai sets rp pron)otions fbr alcohol sales at aree bafs ',\'!s {rhirged in }ladisor J:rh :. llith ttro.ounts Crrurtl o:.r'inlin3.l :erual issault. tiro c0unts cf crirdlal Ensure dehveru voufrmrs highestqualrtv the oi legalseryrce-qucklr conidenti! and costefficrentlr sestral abuse anC ond coulf of rurlar,lrl re:tiailrt. )learrtlr Huon. i6. of f, 038 S Cinal st. in Clirag.,r. ',ra: 31;g:1qd b1 1hg Chicago Palice Departrr)ext on ,tilh' :. rnd s is tran-rl'erreri tn llldi-roll Frnd hov,'\our cant,esi oul l-m leverage proveitrork rts p.oduct Renrenrber capialrz.nq the{ be;l 0i thrnkrng greater delver val!eiorlhe! r:|enti Coruril the ne\t dar' Tak€ faslt,a(eij a 7-t\n,[. I ir teri or Or she mqht have come across thrs Ink. at Laryer Gosstp Re.lwsl more rnfcrmalion aDd a i.e$sllexts EXHIBIT A hrrver. lteilith Huon 39. rtho iras oriSirullt charged rith representalve \9n cootaci vo! crinriml serual assault. sexual abue and unlarr{ul restraint is norv facing cbarges of harmment and c1'ber stalkingl TheAsiaChronicles: SYDNFf.

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