Vargas et al v. Pfizer Inc. et al

Filing 87

DECLARATION of Christopher Keegan in Support re: 85 SECOND MOTION for Summary Judgment.. Document filed by Brian Transeau. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit Ex B# 2 Exhibit Ex C# 3 Exhibit Ex D# 4 Exhibit Ex E# 5 Exhibit Ex F# 6 Exhibit Ex G# 7 Exhibit Ex H# 8 Exhibit Ex I# 9 Exhibit Ex J part 1# 10 Exhibit Ex J part 2# 11 Exhibit Ex K# 12 Exhibit Ex L# 13 Exhibit Ex M# 14 Exhibit Ex N part 1# 15 Exhibit Ex N part 2# 16 Exhibit Ex O# 17 Exhibit Ex P# 18 Exhibit Ex Q# 19 Exhibit Ex R# 20 Exhibit Ex S# 21 Exhibit Ex T# 22 Exhibit Ex U# 23 Exhibit Ex V)(Ahrens, Julie)

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Vargas et al v. Pfizer Inc. et al Doc. 87 Att. 18 EXHIBIT Q ! (" JUL-27-2006 17:26 From:RAYMOND L. COLON E50 2129642575 To: Ki rk land ). ElliS LLP P. YI4 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE SOUTHERN DISTRlCT OF NEW YORK RALPH V ARGAS and BLAND- RlCKY ROBERTS CASE NO. : 04 CV 9772 (WHP) ECF CASE Plaintiffs vs. PFIZER INC. , PUBLICIS, INC" Fr . UID MUSIC EAST WEST COMMUNICATIONS , INC. and BRlAN TRANSEAU p/k/a " BT" Dc1'cndants PLAINTIFFS' SUPPLEMENTAL RESPONSES AND OBJECTIONS TO INTERROGATORIES Pursuant to Rule 33 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure , Ralph Vargas and Bland- Ricky Roberts (eoJlectively " Plaintiffs ), by and through their attorneys , Paul A. Chin , Esq. , hereby provide their supplemental response~ and objections to , EAST DEFENDANTS PFIZER, INC. , ALANDA MUSIC , LTD . d/b/a FLUID MUSIC WEST COMMUNICATIONS and BRIAN "I'RANSEAU (collectively " Defendants First Set of Interrogatories Interrogatories ) as folJows: GENERAL OB.ffiCTIONS Plaintiff" o~jeet to the Intcrrogatories to the extent they 5eek information that is not reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible evidencePlainti1I;; object to the Interrogatories to the extent they are vague , lmduly hurdensome , duplicative , cumulative , redWldant , ambiguous , overly broad and seek information related to a period of time which is not relevant to the matters alleged in 1 Plaintiff." rc~ponded to Defendant Fluid Music document requests on or about July 24 , 2005 ("previou5 responses incorporate herein , the responses and objections contained in PlaintjjT~ s first set of interrogatories and Plaintiffs ' previous respon~e~. JUL-27-2006 17:26 From:RAYMOND L. COLON E50 2129642575 To: Ki rk land ElliS LLP P. 4/14 Plaintiffs ' Amended Complaint or Second Amended Complaint (the " Second Amended Complaint") or in Defendants ' Answer to the Amended Complaint or the Second Amended Complaint. Plaintiffs object to the Interrogatories to the extent they seek information protected from disclosure hy the attorney- client privilege , work- product doctrine or other applicable privileges. The responses given herein are based upon the best current knowledge and recollection of Plaintiffs and are given subject to the later refreshing of Plaintiffs recollectionsPlaintiffs reserve the right to supplement or amend, in any way, any of of the Interrogatories, their specific or general objections or responses to any or a11 These re~ponses arc made without waiving; (a) all objections competency, relevancy, materiality, privilege and admi~~ibility as evidence for any purpose in the triol of this or any other action or subsequent proceeding; (h) the right to object to the use of any information that may be produced in the trial of this or any or other action or any subsequent proceeding on any grounds; or (c) the right to object on any ground at anytime to any demand fbr further information or other discovery involving or relating to the ~ubject matter of these interrogatories. DEFINITIONS The term the "Composition" shall refer to the original musical work created by Ralph Vargas and the sound recording owned by Bland- Ricky Robel1s entitled Bust Dat Groove w/out Ride , embodied on the album Funky Drummer Volume II identified in , and which is the suQject matter 01; Plaintiffs ' Amended Complaint and JUL-27-2006 17:26 From:RAYMOND L. COLON E50 2129642575 To: Ki rk land ElliS LLP P. 5/14 Sl'cond Amended Complaint. The tenn "lnl'nnging Works " entitled shall refer to thl' musical composition Aparthenonia and/or the Cell!brex Commercial. SUPPLEMENT AL OBJECTIONS AND RESPONSF.S liV TERROGATORYNo. 1: Idl!ntifj; all persons with knuwledge or iriformation cuncl!rning plaintiffs' allegation that dl!fmdants irifi-inged their copyright in Bust Grouve, as alll!gl!d in the Complaint. Dat RESPONSE: (a) Ralph Vargas; (b) Bland- Ricky Roberts; (c) Matthew Ritter; (d) Ivan A. Rodriguez; and (e) Dr. Steven Smith, Plaintiffs will identify additionul per~ons with knowledge, if any, us discovery progresses. INTERROGATORY NUJ Idl!ntifj; all persons with knowledgl! or information concerning the damages that each plaintiff alleged~v sustained as 0 result of deftndants alleged infringement o(their copyright in Bust Dot Groove. RESPONSE: Plaintiffs state that Defendants , their agents , employees, and/or representatives , have information concerning the respeetivl' b'rOSS income and/or profits earned by each Dclendant that are attributable to each Defendant's inlnngement of the Composition; therefore, Del'endllnts have intonnation and/or knowledge concerning Plaintitls' damages in this action. In addition, Plaintiffs may elect to be awarded c. !j504(e). Notwithstanding the statutory damages in this action, pursuant to 17 D. foregoing, Plaintiffs Ralph Vargas and Bland Ricky Roberts have personal information rl'garding the total num bl'r of copies of the Composition and the album Funky Drummer Volume II that were di~tributcd and sold in the United States. Plaintiffs are prl'sentJy unaware of any other persons with knowJedge or information concerning the damages JUL-27-2006 17:26 From:RAYMOND L. COLON E50 2129642575 To: Ki rk land ElliS LLP P. 6/14 that each Plaintiff ~uslained as a result of Defendants ' inliingement of their copyright in Bust Dat Groove. iN.1'ERROGA TOR Y No. TdentifY all persons with knowledge or information concerning plaintiff Vargas ' creation of Bust Dat (iroove. RESPONSE: (a) Ralph Vargas; (b) BJand- Rieky Roberts; (c) Matthew Ritter; (d) Ivan A. Rodriguez. Plaintiffs are presently unaware of any other persons with knowledge or information concerning plaintiff Vargas ' creation of Bust Oat Groove. iNTERROGATORY No. State the name of all wmpo.l"itions, recordings, tapes , CDs Albums and other media that contain Bust Dat Groove or any portion thereof. RES,PONSE: Plaintiffs object to Interrogatory number 4 on the grounds that it is vague and ambiguous. Without waiving this o~ieetion , Plaintiffs state that; (a) Funky Drummer Vol. II; (h) Breakz From the Nu Skool; and (to) the Infringing Works , all contain the Composition or some portion thereof. Plaintiffs are presently unaware of any other compositions, Composition. TNTERROGATORY No. recordings , tapes , CDs , Albums and other media that contain the For each recording, tape, CD and Album identified in re,\pon.l"e to Interrogatory No, reproduced, (ii) state how many copies of each have been: (i) sold, (m) distributed and/or dis'seminated, broken down by year. RESPONSE: Plaintiffs object to thi~ interrogatory number 5 On the grounds that Defendants East We~t Communications and Brian Transeau possess inl'ormation regarding the number of copies of Breakz From the Nu Skool and/or the Infringing Works that have been sold , reproduced, distributed and/or disseminated by Defendants, Plaintiff Bland Ricky Roberts ~tates that approximately 4 000 copies of the Funky JUL-27-2006 17:27 From:RAYMOND L. COLON E50 2129642575 To: Ki rk land ElliS LLP P. 7/14 Drummer Vol. II album , which contained the Composition , was distributed and sold in the United States. INTERRo.GATORY No.. State the sales of any sheet music containing Bust Dat Groove, or any portion thereof RESPONSE: Plaintiffs object to Interrogatory number 6 on the grounds that it seeks confidential and/or proprietary information the disclosure or which is beyond the scope pennitted hy Local Civil Role 33.3. Without waiving this objection , Plaintiffs state that they have not sold any sheet music containing the Composition, or any portion thereof. INTERRo.GATOR,Y No. IdentifY all persons with knowledge Or il1(ormation cconcerning the distribution. di.\'semination and/or sale of Bust Dat Groove. RESPONSE: Plaintiff Bland Ricky Roberts. Plaintiffs further state that the record companies identified in Plaintil1s' document bates stamped lllunber 000003 ~hould have information concerning the distribution, dissemination and/or sale of Bust Oat Groove. Plaintiffs are presently unaware of any other persons with knowledge Or information concerning the distribution, dissemination and/or sale of BIL~t Dat Groove. INTERROGATORY No. Identify all persons with knowledge or injiJrmation concerning the distribution, dissemination and/or sale of" Funky Drummer, V o/llme II. RESPONSE: Plaintil'T Bland Ricky Roberts. Plainti11S rurther state that the record eompanie~ identified in Plaintiffs ' document bates stamped number 000003 should have information concerning the distribution , dissemination and/or sale of Volume If. Funky Drummer Plaintiffs are presently unaware of any other person~ with knowledge or Funky Drummer information concerning the distribution, dissemination and/or sale of Volume II JUL-27-2006 17:27 From:RAYMOND L. COLON E50 2129642575 To: Ki rk land ElliS LLP P. 8/14 INTERROGATORY No. Identify all persons with knowledge or information , CD concerning Ihe distribution, dissemination and/or sale of any recording, tape Album containing Busl Dat Groove. RESPONSE: See Plaintiffs ' response to interrogatory number 8. INTERRQGATORY No. 10: concerning the revenue , IdentifY all pawns with knowledge or iriformation licensing fees, assignmentfees, royally payments Or any other form of payment received by each plaintifIin connection with Bust Dal Groove RESPONSE: Plaintitl" Bland Ricky Roberts. PJaintiffs never received any licensing fees or a~signment fees in collllection with Bust Dat Groove. Plaintiffs are pre~ently unaware , licensing of any otller persons with knowledge or information concerning tbe revenue fees, assignment fees , royalty payments or any other 1orm of payment received by each plaintiff in connection with Bust Oat Groove. INTERRo.GATORY No. 11 : Idenlify all per~' ons to whom each plaintifl has licensed on an exclusive or non- and/or assigned any right or interest in Bust Dat Groove. exclu.vive basi. RESPONSE: Plaintiffs object to Interrogatory number lIon the grounds that it seeks infbrmation that is neither relevant nor material to the subject matter of this action and/or it seeks information that is not reasonahly calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence. Without waiving tbese objections , Plaintiffs state that the only assignment of any right or interest in Busl Dat Groove is contained in Plaintiffs documents bates stamped numbers 000008. 000012, INTERROGATORY No. Siule the amount of revenue, licensing fees, or a, .ignment .fees, royalty payments af(Y olher form of paymenl received by each plaintiff Or itv JUL-27-2006 17:27 From:RAYMOND L. COLON E50 2129642575 To: Ki rk land ElliS LLP P. 9/14 assignees or licensees in connection with Bust nut Groove, RESPONSE: Plaintiffs o~jeet to Interrogatory number 12 on the grounds that it seeks information which is neither material or relevant to the subject matter of this action, Without waiving t1lis objection , Plaintiff Bland Ricky Roberts states that he received approximately $32 000 from the sale of the Funky Drummer Vol. II album, which contained the Composition , and that the~e proceeds were split hetween Plaintiff Bland Ricky Roberts and Plaintiff Vargas. INTERROGATORY NO. Identify all persons with knowledge or i'!fnrma!ion concerning plaintiffs' claim that any defendant(s) had access to Bust Dal Groove before the musical track in the Celebrex Commercial was created RESPONSE: Plaintiffs object to Interrogatory number 13 on the grounds that it seeks information primarily in the possession of Defendants. Without waiving this objection Plaintiffs state that (a) Ralph Vargas; (11) Bland- Ricky Roberts; (c) Matthew Ritter; (d) Ivan A. Rodriguez; and (c) Dr . Steven Smith may have information or knowledgo: further state that eom;o:rning Defendant(s) access to the Composition. Plaintiffs the rep0l1~ of Plaintiffs ' , based on expert~ , the musical composition known as Aparthenrmia wllieh was used in the Celebrex commercial , was created by digitally sampling Plaintiffs Composition and i~ an electronic copy of the Composition. Plaintiffs further state that aceo:ss may be presumed where the infiinging musical work is almost an ido:ntieal copy of the original composition. JUL-27-2006 17:28 From:RAYMOND L. COLON E50 2129642575 To: Ki rk land ElliS LLP P. 10/14 Dated: New York, New York July 27 2006 Paul A. Chin , Esq. (pC 9656) LA W OFFICES OF PAUL A. CHIN The Woolworth Building 233 Broadway, 51b Floor New York , NY 10279 (212) 964- 8030 Attorneysfor Plaintiffs TO: Julie Ahrens , Esq. Kirkland & Ellis, LLP 555 California Street, Suite 2700 San Francisco , CA 94104 Co- Counsellor Defendant Brian Transeau David S. Olson , Esq. Center for Intemet und Society Stanford Law School 559 Nathan Abbott Way Stanford , CA 94305- 8610 Co- Counsel for Defendant Brian Transeau Eric M. Stahl , Esq. Davis Wright Tremaine LLP 2600 CentUiy Square 1501 Fourth Avenue Seattle , WA981OJ- J688 Counsel jiJr Defendant East West Communication D JUL-27-2006 17:28 From:RAYMOND L. COLON E50 2129642575 To: Ki rk land ElliS LLP P. ll/14 CERTU' ICATE OF SERVICE On the 27th SUPPLEMENTA L day of July, 2006 , II true and correct copy OBJECTIONS of PLAINTIFFS' RESPONSES AND DEFENDANTS' INTERROGATORTRS was served via first- class mail , postage pre-paid , and placed in an official depository under the exdlLqive Service within the State of New York, Defendants: care and custody of the United States Postal to the following the attorneys representing the Julie Ahrens , Esq. Kirkland & Ellis, LLP 555 California Street, Suite 2700 San Francisco , CA 94104 Co- Counsel fur Dejimdant Brian Tmnseau David S. Olson , Esq. Center for Internet and Society Stanford Law School 559 Nathan Abbott Way Stanford , CA 94305- 8610 Co- Counsel for De.fimdant Brian 'J'ranseau Eric M. Stahl , Esq. Davis Wright Tremaine LLP 2600 Century Square 1501 Fourth Avenue Seattle , WA 98101- 1688 Counsel/or Defendant East West C(J 7- ~tf"" ate Paul A. Chin, Esq. (P LAW OFFICES OF PAUL A . CHIN The Woolworth Building 233 Broadway, 5th Floor New York, NY 10279 (212) 964- 8030 Attorneysfor PlaintiffS JUL-27-2006 17:28 From:RAYMOND L. COLON E50 2129642575 To: Ki rk land ElliS LLP P. 12/14 VERIFICATION STATE OF NEW YORK ss: COUNTY OF NEW YORK ) , RALPH VARGAS , plaintiff in the above captioned matter, hereby certifies, verifie~ and affirms , under the penalties of perjury, that I have read Plaintiffs , Inc. , Alanda Supplemental Responses and Objections to Defendants Pfizer , inc., Publieis Music , Ltd. d/b/a Fluid Music, East W",st Communications and Brian Transeau First Set of Interrogatories and know the contents thereof and believe the same to be true and accurate upon my personal knowledge and belief. Date RALPH VARGAS JUL-27-2006 17:28 From:RAYMOND L. COLON E50 2129642575 To: Ki rk land ElliS LLP P. IYI4 VERIFICA TJ ON STATEOFNEWYORK ) ss; COUNTY OF NEW YORK ) . BLAND-RICKY ROBERTS , pJaintil'f in the above captioned matter , hereby certifies , verifies and affinns , under the penalties of perjury, that I have read Plaintiffs Supplemental Responses and Objections to Defendants Pfizer, Inc. , Publieis, Inc. , Aland" Music , Ltd. d/b/a Fluid Music , East West Communications and Brian Transeau First Set of Interrogatories and know the content~ thereof and believe the same to be true and accurate upon my personal knowledge and belief. Date BLAND- RICKY ROBERTS ." JUL-27-2006 17:28 From:RAYMOND L. COLON E50 2129642575 Distribution LIst '- To: Ki rk land ElliS LLP P. 14/14 Funky Drummer I & II Beat Street Records (NYllocal) 219 East Fordham Road Bronx NY 10458 Cannme s Records (NYllocal) City lIall (Wellt cost/national) Concourse Music (NYllocal) Downstairs Records (NYlloeal) 43' Street Bctween 5 '" and 6 11\ Avenues Downtown Records (NYliocal) 164 West 25 Street New York NY 1 0; Bam 9 Street New York NY 10003- 5401 212- 473- 6343 Elgin Ball Records (NYliocal) ludi Distribution (national) Metropolitan Recording Corp (NY lIoeal) Secaucus . NJ \100 Passaic Avenue Pearl One Stop (nation"l) Rock and Soul (NYllocal) East Newark NJ 07029-2833 973-488- 8080 Brooklyn, NY 462 Seventh Avenue Between 35'" & 26'" Streets NewYol"kNY Tiger Distribution (int' Vinyl-mania (NYlloeal) 60 Carmine Street New York NY 212- 924- 7223 000017

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