Viacom International, Inc. et al v. Youtube, Inc. et al

Filing 323

DECLARATION of William M. Hohengarten/ Additional Unsealed Exhibits to the Declaration of William M. Hohengarten in Support of Viacom's Motion for Partial Summary Judgment in Support re: 176 MOTION for Partial Summary Judgment /Viacom's Notice of Motion for Partial Summary Judgment on Liability and Inapplicability of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act Safe Harbor Defense.. Document filed by Country Music Television, Inc., Paramount Pictures Corporation, Viacom International, Inc., Black Entertainment Television, LLC, Comedy Partners. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit 38, # 2 Exhibit 76, # 3 Exhibit 78, # 4 Exhibit 79, # 5 Exhibit 80, # 6 Exhibit 83, # 7 Exhibit 86, # 8 Exhibit 110, # 9 Exhibit 113, # 10 Exhibit 137, # 11 Exhibit 182, # 12 Exhibit 192, # 13 Exhibit 193, # 14 Exhibit 194, # 15 Exhibit 195, # 16 Exhibit 197, # 17 Exhibit 198, # 18 Exhibit 201, # 19 Exhibit 202, # 20 Exhibit 292, # 21 Exhibit 301)(Hohengarten, William)

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CODED FIELDS: END BEGDOC: GOOOOi-u0829681 DOC: GOOOO 1-00829694 BEGA 1'1' A CH: GOOOO 1-00829681 ENDAITACH: GOOOOI-00829694 RECORDTYPE: E-File CUSTODIAN: DuntoTL(Mal)TOse)-GOONDCEOOOOO 1 612 DATASETID: GOONUCEOOüOO 1612 MASTER_DATE: 03/15/2006 SENTON~DATILnME: CREA TE_DATE_TlME: 03/15/2006:07:59:57 LASTMOD_DATE_TIME: 03!l5/2006:07:59:57 RECEIVED_DATE_TIME: PARENTFOLDER: HAI,-SB-0207\1 Customer\Macintosh HD\Users\maryrose\Líbrai\Applicatíon Support\Adium 2.0\Uscrs\Default\Logs\AIM.maiosedunton\mattadoor-GOONDCEOO0001612 AUTHOR: TO: CC: Bec: SUBJECT-"riTLE: mattadoor (2006-03-14).htlt ORIGINALSOURCE: NATIVEPATH: FILEEXT: html FILENAME: mattadoor (2006-03-14 ).html-GOONDCEOOOOO 16 1 2 FILESIZE: 61540 MD5HASH: dc222 I 05be16056a201t222017434019 D~'~.1' i:i.. 0 i~ EXHlBlT#.z 0 DE. UNENT 1)lAN I lA (L CASE: Viacorn, ct aI., v. YOUTUbe~, The FootbaI! et al., Case Nos. 07-CV-2203 and 07-eV-3582 A. Ignacio Boward. CLR, RPR, CSR Ni!, 9830 Association PremiCt League, ct al. 'I. You Tube, HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL 00000 l-00829681-GOOOO 1-00829694 cc is live... ohright!:) carol just 12:25:59 AM mattadoor: i 2:26:36 AM maryrosedunton: has todo her clean up and check in her content changes. 12:27:04 AM marosedunton: so pi:obably 'officially' tomorrow it will launch I guess, but I'LL test it out tonight too HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL 2 GOOOO 1-00829681-00000 I -00829694 12: i 4:53 PM maryrosedunton: oh so can we do a saved search wi alerts for the copyright cop stuff? I'm thinking we can be pretty ghetto about it and basically use the same stuff we use for subscxiptions and repackage it. the only difference they can sign up for email alerts u wear guy jeans? 12:14:54 PM mattadoor: 12:15:04 PM maryrosedunton: hah. both actually 12: 15:08 PM maryosedunton: i have guys and girls 12:15:36 PM mattadoor: shame the Cut isn't universal 12: 15:56 PM marosedunton: i like some guys jeans because they're cut straight you can have whatever you want, but it is just how much time do you guys want to give to these fucking assholes 12:16:20 PM mattadoor: 12:16:30 PM mattadoor: hah. not any time really. 12:16:56 PM mattadoor: i would rather build stuff for people that make our site better 12:16:55 PM marosedunton: 12: 17: 1 i PM mattadoor: i still have to build some stuff for solo agreed. hrm. well, let. me talk to brent and these guys and see how big they think this crap is 12:17:25 PM mattadoor: to help wi th the indexing 12: 17:22 PM maryosedunton: a deal right 12: 17:27 PM maryosedunton: 12:18:40 PM mattadoor: also there is only going to be a handful of people using this feature 12: 18:47 PM rnaryosedunton: HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL 10 GOOOO 1-00829681-GOOOOI -00829694 I hope so i 2: i 8:47 PM mattadoor: so why build it well 12:19:10 PM marosedunton: basically this is all a cya for us. kinda sucks really 12:20:10 PM mattadoor: yeah I know but since we have it, Wdyeanu" (in heeb venacular) 12:20:47 PM maryosedunton: wait, what's dyeanu? i 2:21 : 17 PM mattadoor: it is what you say at passover when you read the passage of the plaques errr 12:21: 19 PM mattadoor: 12:21 :26 PM mattadoor: plagues u ever do that stuf f? 12:22:06 PM mattadoor: you know saved search wouldn't be a bad idea for anyone ah 12:21:41 PMmattadoor: 12:21 :3 i PM marosedunton: err 12:22:09 PM mattadoor: 12:22: i 0 PM mattadoor: everyone 12:22:18 PM marosedunton: no i we never did any of that stuff 12:22:24 PM marosedunton: yai true 12:23 :25 PM maryosedunton: ohi users have asked for the saved search stuff. the subscriptions is kinda that idea I guess 12:24:03 PM marosedunton: but i would rather be able to see all the search results for my saved searchs HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL ii 00000 i -00829681 ~GOOOO 1-00829694 cool. . . . the paging stuff works I :30:34 PM mattadoor: of course it works 1 :21 :03 PM maryosedunton: hah 1:30:37 PM marosedunton: 1:30:38 PM mattadoor: i did it! 1 :30:44 PM maryosedunton: oh right, of course 1 :30:51 PM mattadoor: looks like shit 1 :30:53 PM mattadoor: but it works 1 :31 :43 PM marosedunton: hah. ya. hopefully carol will pretty it up a bit and add some content. 1:34:41 PM mattadoor: the beauty is in its functionallity 2: 1 8: 12 PM maryosedunton: oh, one more request. can you add check all I clear all links for both the search results and copyright_cop page? 2:39:03 PM mattadoor: gonna be a slight delay HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL 14 GOOOOI-00829681-GOOOOI-00829694 5:07:31 PM mattadoor: so what effect do you want select_all and clear_aii 5:08:02 PM maryosedunton: checkmarks all check boxes, clears all checkboxes yeah but how about the paging bullshì t 5:08:25 PM mattadoor: it is gonna have bugs 5:08: 12 PM mattadoor: 5:08:30 PM mattadoor: i hope that is ok 5:08:40 PM maryosedunton: what? isn't it your code? how can :i t have bugs? 5:08:43 PM mattadoor: because if you check the boxes 5:08:51 PM mattadoor: HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL 15 GOOOO 1-00829681-GOOOO 1-00829694 and come back click uncheck all or check aJ J 5:08:55 PM mattadoor: 5:09:02 PM mattadoor: it might add some 5:09:05 PM mattadoor: it might remove some 5 :09: i 4 PM maryosedunton: i see 5:09:30 PM marosedunton: well that's ok. that i s why they have to verify before they submiy 5:09:33 PM marosedunton: submit 5:09:34 PM mattadoor: the way it maintains it. 5:09:44 PM mattadoor: it bui Ids a string of eveything they select hm 5: 10:02 PM mattadoor: 5:10: 13 PM mattadoor: idea! 5:12:38 PM maryosedunton: idea? yeah more javascript 5:12:59 PMmarosedunton: weeee 5: 13:02 PM mattadoor: so annoying 5: 12:55 PM mattadoor: 5: 13: 13 PM mattadoor: browsers I bet this isn' t going to work for all 5:13:33 PM mattadoor: fuck if I care designer should be doing the U1 5:14:14 PM maryosedul1ton: hah. well, ya there i s that too. I asked cab and she said she didn't know how to make the check all clear all stuff work 5:14:33 PM mattadoor: someone made a funet ion to do it 5:14:39 PM mattadoor: but the paging stuff doesn' t work 5: 14: 51 PM mattadoor: so it doesn i t help much 5: 15:01 PM mattadoor: don't take this as bi tching but 5: 15:03 PM mattadoor: 5:15:23 PM mattadoor: HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL 16 00000 1-00829681-GOOOO 1-00829694 most of this UI javascript BS takes so long to do 5:15:24 PM maryosedunton: oh pan did the check all clear all for sharing 5:15:27 PM mattadoor: and helps so little ya. : ( 5:15:32 PM marosedunton: 5:15:47 PM mattadoor: what is the point. of select all ? 5:16:04 PM mattadoor: are they ever going to want all the videos they searched for? 5: 16:08 PM mattadoor: probably not 5:16:40 PM marosedunton: hrm. it depends. if it's the bulk of the search results they probably want to check all and then uneheck the ones that don't pertain 5:16:59 PM marosedunton: for some of these guys it is the bulk of the resul ts (like SNL, american idol, whatever) 5: 1 8: i 8 PM mat1adoor: ok I guess 5:18:30 PM maryosedunton: : -\ 5:18:54 PM mattadoor: but all this stuff is like tons and tons of javascript, it doesn't work the same way :in al i browsers.. . 5: 19: 13 PM mattadoor: anyway HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL 17 GOOOO 1 ~00829681-GOOOO 1-00829694 The following is a true and correct copy of this instant message conversation as produced by Defendants. '¡" ¿ .odiv claSS"receive"::.:span CI8SS"timestamp";.12:25:59 AM../span:: ..span class"sender";,mattadoor: -e/span",-epre cl~'messge"Ò'cc is live... -dpre;i.-div", ",div claSS"send::..span claSS"tlm6stamp"::12:26:36 AM../span:: .:span class "sender";;maryrosedunton: 4span;,..pre cJaSS'messge";;oh right! :) carol just has to do her clean up and che In her content chnges. -dpre;:.e/div;, ",div clais"send";i",span class"timestamp";:12:27:04 AM.-span;; .:span class"sender";.maryrosedunton: .:/span;,..pre class"messge";:so probably 'offciaJly' tomorrow it will too.- re;;../div:o launc I guess, but I'LL test it out tonight DATE: ~ .1- . 0 EXHIBIT# I ~ DEPONENI:1)v.Of, M~LOSIf CASE: Víacorn, ct a!., v YouTube, et aL, The Football Association Premier League, et a!., v. YouTubc, et a!., Case Nos. 07-CV-2203 and 07-CV-3582 A Ignacio Howard, CLR, RPR, CSR No. 9830 Highly confidential GOOOQ1-009296a1 -:div clas."sencl";;-:spn clas."timestamp";;12: 14:53 PM,dspan;; -:span class"sender";;maiyrosedunton: -e/span::c:pre class"mesge.~oh so can we do a saved search wi alerts for the copyright co stuf? I'm thinking we can be pretty ghetto about It and baslcaiiy us the same stuff we us for SUscriptions and repackage it. the only difference they can sign up for email alerts../pre;;-ddìv;; -:div clas"receive";;c:span class"timeslamp";;1 2: 14: 54 PM4span;; -:span class "sender";;mattadoor: ../span;;-:pre clas."messge";;u wear guy jeans?-:fpre;;.QdiY:: -:diY clas."send"::-:span cl8s."timestamp"::12:15:04 PM-:fspan;; -:span clas."seer"::maiyrosedunton: ",/span:...pre class"messge":.hah. both actually../pre:.4dlv:; -:dív Clas."send";;-:spn class"timestamp"::12:15:08 PM-dspan:- -:span class"seer";;maryrosedunton: .:/span::-:pre class"mesge";;1 have guys and girl&dpre;;4div:. ..div clas." receive"::-:span clas.'timestamp";,12: 15: 36 PM4span;, ..span class"sender";:maltadoor: ../span;;-:pre class"messge"::shame the cut isn't universal-dpre::-ddiv;; -:div claSS"send";:-:span class "timestamp';;12: 15:56 PM-dspan:; -:span claSS'sender":;maryrosedunton: -:/span;:..pre claSS"messge";;lllke some guys jeans because they're cut straighk/pre::4div:; -:div claSS"receive";:-:span claSS''timestamp'':;12: 16:20 PM4span:: -:span clas."sender"::mattadoor: -:/span:;..pre claSS"messge"::you can have whatever you want, but it is just how much time do you guys want to give to these fucking assholes~pre:;-:div;; -:diV clas."receive";:-:span claSS"timestamp";:12: 16: 30 PM-dspan:: ..span class"serder";;maitador: 4span:;.:pre class'messge":.~pre:--ddiv:; ..div class" send" ;:~span claS$"timestamp"::12: 16: 55 PM-dspan;. ..span clas"seder";;maryrosedunton: -dspan::-:pre claSS'messge":.hah. not any time really, -dpré:;-ddiv:: -:div clas."receíve"::-:span clas.'timestamp";;12: 16:56 PM~/spn;: ..span claSS"sender"::mattadoor: -dspan:...pre class'messge";;1 would rather build stuff for people that make our site belter4pre;:../div;; -:div class"receive";:,,span claSS 'timestarnp":;12:1 7: 11 PM-dspan:: -:span claSS"sender";:mattadoor: -:/span::.:pre c1aS$"messge":.1 stil have to build soe stuff for solo4pre;:-ddiv;: -:div clas."send":--:span clas."timestamp";.12: 17:22 PM-dspn;; -:span class 'sender";;maryrosedunton: 4span:;-:pre claSS"messge";:agreed. hrm. well, let me talk to brent and thes guys and see how big a deal they think this crap is4pre;,4dív;, -:div class" receive";;-:span class"timestamp";.12: 17:25 PM.çspan~ ..span class"sender";:mattadoor: c:span~-:pre claSS'messge" help with the indexing.,pre;.-ddiv;, -:div clas."send~.:span clas."timestamp";:12: 17:27 PM../span;: ~span class"sender":.maryrosedunton: .:/span;;..pre claS$ 'messge";;iight .(fpre::-ddÎv;: ,,div clas."recive";:~span class"límestamp";,12: 18: 40 PM4span;: -:span eJass"sendr" ::mattadoor: 4span;:..pre claS$'messge";:also there is only going to be a handful of people using this feature4pre;...Jdiv;; Hiqhly Confidential 000001-00829681 ..div Class;'send"~..span class="timestamp";i12:18:47 PM../span~ ..spn class"sender";:maryrosdunton: -cfspan;.-cpre Class"messge";.! hOpe so4pre;.-:/div;. .çdiv ct8ss"receive";:..span c1ass'timestamp":;12: 18: 47 PMqspan;: -:span claSS"sender" ::mattadoor: -:/span;;..pre claSS"messge";:so why build it wellqpre;:qdiv;: ~div class"send";:o(span c1aSS"timestamp";;12: 19: 1 0 PM4span;; ~span class"sender";.maryrosedunton: -c/span::~pre class'messge";,basically lhis is all a eya for us. kind sucks really",:lpre::4div.- -:dív c1ass"receive"~.:span class"timestamp"::12:20: 1 0 PM..Jspan;: -(span c1ass"sender";:mattadoor: .(/span;:.-pre claSS"messge';:yeah I kno but since we have it, "dyeanu" (in heeb vercular)o(/pre;:qdiv;; -:div claSS"send";...span class"limestamp";:12:20: 47 PM-:/span;; -:span class'sender";;maryrosedunton: -:/span;;-:pre class"messge';:wait, what's dyeanu?-dpre;i-:/div;: -odiv class "receive"::-ospn class 'timestamp" ;,12: 21 : 1 7 PM4span: -:span class"sender";:mattadoor: -:/span;:o(pre claSS'messge"::it is wriat you say at passver wlî6n you read the passge of the plaques4pre::-:/div:: ",dív class"receive";:-:span class'tjmestamp";, 12:21: 1 9 PM-dspan;; ..span class"sender";:mattadoor: -dspan;,..pre claSS"rnessge"::errr 4pre,.~/div;: o:div claSS"receive";:o:span class"timestamp';:12:21 :26 PM-dspn;, -:span class"sender";.matladoor: -:/span::-:pre class "messge";:plagues 4pre::..div;: -:div claSS"send";:-:span class"tímestamp"::12:21 :31 PM-dspan:: -(spn claSS"sender":-maryrosedurnon: ~/span;:~pre claSS"messge";:ahqpre::o:/div;: ",dív class "receive" ;:.:spn class "timesamp"::12:21 : 41 PM-dspan:: -:span class'sender" ;:mattadoor: -:/$pan;~pre class"messge";.u ever do that stuf?4pre:--ddív;. -:div claSS"receive"::-:span class"timestamp';:12:22:06 PM4span;: .:spn claSS"sendêr"::mattador: 4span:--:pre clas"messge"::you know saved search wouldn't be a bad idea for anyone~pre;:4div:: -:div clas'receive";.-:span class"timestamp";.12:22:09 PM-:/spn;: o:span class"sender";:rnatladoor: qspan::-:pre class="messge";.errdpre;:qdiv;i -odiv clas"receive";:..span class"timestamp"::12:22: 1 0 PM../span:- ..span class"sender";;mattadoor: -:/span;:-:pre class" messge";:everyoneo:/pre::-:/div:~djv class::,"send":-.;span class"tìmestamp"::12:22: 18 PM-dspan:- -:span clas "sender";:maryrosedunon: ../span;,..pre c1ass"messge";:no, we never did any of thaI slufk/pre;:-cdiv:i .:div class"send";:.;span class"límeSlamp":-12:22:24 PM.:/span;: -:span claSS"sender';;maryrosunor: o:/span;:-:pre class'messge":-ya, truedpre;,-ddìv;: ~div claSS"send":--:span class"timestamp";:12:23:25 PM../span;: -ospan claSS"sender":.maryrosedunon: ~/span;:-:pre ciass"messge";:oh, usrs have asked for the saved search stuf. th subscriptions is kinda that idea I gues.c;4pre:-.;/div:..div claSS"send;:.;span Cla8S"limestamp";,12:24:03 PM4span:: .:span claSS'sender":-maryrosedunton: .;/span;:..pre class"mesge';:but I would rather be able to se all the serch resuts for my saved searchs. re;.qdiv:: Hìghly Confìdentíal G00001"OO8296S8 ..div class"send~.:span class"timestamp":;1 :21:03 PM-dspan:- .:span claSS'sender":;maryroseunton: 4span?..pre da~'messge":;cooL...the paging stuf works--pre:;4div;: ..div claSS"receive";:-:span class'timestamp"~ 1 :30:34 PM.qspan;. .:span class"sender":;mattadoor: ~/span;:~pre clas,"messge").of course it works..Jpre;:qdiv;: ~div class' send" :;~span class "timestamp":;1 :30:37 PM4spn;: .:span class" sender";:maryrosedunton: -:/span:;.:pre class" rnessge":;hahodpre;:4div;; ..div cfaSS"receive";:..span class"timestamp":. 1 :30:38 PM4span:. ..span class"seer":omattadoor: oespan;...pre claSS'messge";:1 did iHodpre;;4div;; .:div class"send':;..span class"timestamp"::1 :30:44 PM4span:: ..span class"sender"::maryrosedunton: .:/span::-:pre class"messge',~oh right, of course4pre:oddiv: -:div c1ass"receive"::..span class"timestamp";;1 :30:51 PModspan;: ..span class"sender";;mattadoor: .:/span::..pre class"messge";:IOOks like shík/pre;:oddiv;: -:div class"receive";:--span class"!ìmeslamp";; 1 :30:53 PM4span;; -(span claS$"sender";;mattadoor: oespan::-cpre claSS'messge";:but it works.:/pre::-ddìv;. .;div claSS"send;:-(span class"tìmestamp";:1 :31 :43 PMc:span:. .:span c¡ass"seder"~matyrosedunton: .:/span::.:pre cJass'messge";:hah, ya. hopefully carol will pretty it up a bit and add .:div cfass"receive";:..span class"tJmestamp";;1 :34:41 PM.;/span;; .:span class"sender";;mattadoor: odspan;,..pre claSS'messge';:the beauty is in its funclionalltyqpre;:-ddiv:; soe content.-dpre::-ddiv:: -:div claSS"sed";:..n dass"tìmeslamp";;2: 18: 12 PM-dspan;; -:span class"sender":;maryrosedunton: Righly Confidential G00001..00829690 -c/span;,..pre class"messge'~oh. one more request. can yOu add check ail I clear all links for both the search results and copyright_cop page?4pre::~/dív;. -cdív class"receive";;~span class"timestamp';:2:39:03 PM../span;, ~spn cla~"seer";;mattadoor: ../span;,.:pre cfass'messge'~gonna be a slight delay..!pre;.-ddiv;, oediv c1ass"receive";:oespan class'timesamp';;S:07:31 PMoe!span:: -espan class"sender';:mattadoor: -:/span;.oepre claSS'messge"::so what effect do you want select_all and cleacall-dpre;..:div;. ..div c1ass"sed;...span class"timestamp";;S:08:02 PM4span;: ..span dass'sender";;maryrosdunton: .;/span::oepre cla~"messge"::checkmarks all check boxes, clears all checkboxes-pre::4div:: ..div claSS"receíve";;.;span class'timestamp";,5:08: 12 PM4span;; .:span cJass"sender";;mattadoor: 4span;:..pre c1aSS'messge";:yeah but how about the paging buflsht-dpre;;-ddiv;. oediv class="receíve"::o:span claS$"timestamp";:5:08:25 PM4span;: -:span c1aS$"sender"::mattadoor: oe!span::..pre class'messge";;lt Is gonna have bugs,,pre;;.:dlv:: -:div clas."receíve";,-:span clas."timestamp";:5:08:30 PM4span~ oespan cla~"sender";"mattadoor: ~spn;;-:pre clas."messge";:! hope that is ok~pre;:4dìv;. -:dív c1ass"send";,..span c1ass"timeslamp":;5:08:40 PM4span;; -:span claSSsender";;maryrosunton: .Qspan;:.,pre class."messge";,whai? isn't it your code? how can it have bugs?,,pre~,,dív~ Highly Confidential 00001-00829691 .:div class"receive";:.:span claSS'timestamp";,S:08:43 PM-dspan;, ~span ciass"sender'~mattadoor: .:/span::.:pre class'messge""because if you check the boxes-dpre:o-ddiv:: -:div cla~"receive ":;-cspan clas. 'Hmesamp':;5:08:51 PM4span::.:span class" sender' ::mattdoor: .:/spn;:-cpre claSS"messge",.and come back click uncheck aH-dpre,.-ddiv:; ..div class=:'receívEl';:~span class=:'tjmestamp";.5:08:55 PM-dspan;. ..span c1ass"sender";:mattadoor: -dspan,.-cpre cla~"messge",.or chck all -dpre;,-ddiv,. .:div daSS"receìve";:-:span c1ass'timestamp';:S:09:02 PM-:/span:: -:span c1ass'sender";"mattadoor: dspan,.-:pre class","messge",.¡t might add some -:/pre,.ddiv:. .:div class"receive";;-espan clas.'timestamp"::5:09:05 PM-:/span,. .:span claSS"sender"::mattadoor: .:/span;;-:pre class'messge"::it might remove some-:/pre,.-ddiv;. .:div class;:"send",..:span class","timestamp";:5:09:14 PM.:/span;: .:span claSS'sender";,maryrosedunton: .:/span;;.:pre class"messge";.1 see-dpre:..:div:: -cdiv d8."send":;.:span CI8s."timestamp":;S:09:30 PMqspan:: ..span class 'sender'::maryrosedunton: ..span:i..pre claSS"messge"::well that's ok. that's why they have to verify before they subm¡yqpre:;~div;: "Cdiv class"send":;-:span claSS"tímestamp";:5:09:33 PM-dspan;: "Cspan c1aSS"sender';;maryrosedunton: .:/span::-cpre class "messge",.sumit-dpre~-ddív;; ..div claSS"recive":;-:span class"tlmestamp";.5:09:34 PMqspam. -:span c1ass"sender";:mattadoor: -c/span;i-:pre c1ass"messge"~the way it maintains it..pre:iqdiv:; ..div c1ass"receive";:-cspan class'timesiamp";:5:09:44 PM~span;, -cspan class"sender";:mattadoor: o(span;;..pre class"messge";;it builds a string of eveything they seec-dpre;:.:div:. .:div class"receive";:.:span class'tlmestamp";;5: 1 0:02 PMqspan;i .:span c1as"sender";:mattadoor: .:/span:;.:pre class"messge":ihmmm.:pre;:-ddîv;: ..div class"receive";:..span class"tímestamp";i5: 1 0: 13 PM../span;i ~span class"seder",.mattadoor: -:/span;,-cpre cless"messge";:idea! .:pre;:.:div;: -cdiv class"send";:.,span class"timestamp":;5: 12:38 PM-dspan;i ..pan clas.~'sendr";:maryroseunton: .:/span;:.:pre class "messge";:ídea? qpre;:.:div:i ~div claSS"receive";i..span class"timesamp";812:55 PMqspan;: .,span cla8S"sender";:mattadoor: -:/span::.:pre class"messge":;yeah more javascripl-dpre;:o(dìv;: .:d¡v claSS"send",..:span cfass"tìmestamp";i5:12:59 PMo(span;, .:span c!as.'$8nder";;maryroseunton: -dspan:;.:pre class"messge",.weeee-dpre;,o(div; ~dìv c1aSS"receive";,..span clas.'timestamp';:5:13:02 PM.,/span:: ~span clas"sender":;mattadoor: ..span;,.:pre clas."mesge";:so annoying-dpre;:o(div;: .:dìv class" receìve";;-cspan cla8S"timestamp":;5:13; 13 PM..span:: .,span class"sender";:mattadoor: -c/span:...pre claSS"messge";,this isn't going to work for all browses I bet..pre;,..dìv;; -:div dSSS"receive";...span claSS'timestamp";.5: 13:33 PM-dspan:; ..span dass"sender":.mattadoor: -c/span;,..pre class"messge":;fuck if ¡ care designer should be doing the Ul-dpre;,..div:; .:div dass"send;:.-span class"timestamp";:5: 14: 14 PM~span;: ..span ciaSS'sender";:maryrosedunton: ";span:;.:pre class'messge";,hah. well, ya there's that too, I asked cab and she said sh didn't know how to make the check all clear all stuff work-dprs;:..div;i .,div claSS"receive.;,..span class"timestamp":.S:14:33 PM.:span;, .-span class"sender";,mattadoor: ..span:;..pre claSS"messge"::soeone made a funtion to do it..pre:.-ddiv:; .:div claSS"receive":;..span ciaSS"tìmestamp':.5: 14: 39 PMo(span:: ..span class"sender"::matlador: -:!span;,.:pre clsSS"messge";:bUl the paging stuff doesn't work~pre;,qdiv; .;div c1ass'receJve";...span claSS'limestamp"::5:14:51 PM.:span;; .:span c1as."""sender":;mattadoor: ../span:..:pre Cls8S"messge':;so it doesn't help much.:/pre;;o(div;: .:div c1aSS"recive";,..span das."limestamp"::5: 15: 01 PM-dspan;: .cspan class"sender";:mattadCor: c:/span;.-cpre class'messge";,don't take thi as bitchingo(pre;:qdiv,. -cdív daSS"receive";:.;span class"timestamp";.5: 15:03 PM-dspan;: ~span class"seder";:mattadoor: o:/span;:-:pre c1ass"messge";:bUl ..pre;:..div:o .:div c1ass'receíve";:-cspan claSS"timestamp":.5:15:23 PM.:span,. -:span class"sender":;mattadoor: o(span:;~pre class'messge":.most of this UI javascript as takes so long to do-dpre:;.:dìv; o:div class"send";:..span class"timestamp';:5: 15:24 PMo(span;: .:span class"sender":;maryrosdunton: -dspaf'.:pre claSS'messge";"oh pan did the chek all cleer all for sharlng.,/pre;:.:div;: ~djv cias."receive";,c:span class 'Umestamp";:5: 15:27 PM-dapan;: .;span clas"sender":;matìadoor: dspan;:..pre claSS"messge";:and helps so Iltte.:/pre,..:/div;: ~d¡v cfass"send";:..span class"timestamp";:5: 15:32 PM.:spaf' -cspan clags"sender";:maryroseunton: -:/span:;.:pre c1aSS"messge ';:ya, : ( -dpre;:qdiv,. .-div ciaSS"receive";,.:span claSS"tlmestamp",.5: 15:47 PM-dspan;: -:span claSS"sender";.mattadoor: Híghly Confidential 000001-00929692 ../span~..pre ciaSS'messge'~what is the point of seect all ?..pre~4div~ ..div claSS"receíve';:.:span class.".timestamp";:5: 16:04 PM4span;: .ispan claSS"sender";:matt;:door: .:/span:;.;pre ciass"messge';:are they ever going to want all the video they searched for?-:/pre:;.i/div:; .;div claSS"receive""..span clasS'timestamp",,5: 16;08 PM../span:; ..span class"sender":;mattadocr: .e/span:;-:pre class' messge" ;:probably not ..pre;:4div;: .:div claSS"send""span class"timestamp";:5: 16:40 PM4spn:: .çspan class"sender"::maiyrosedunton: o:span::-:pre claSS'messge""hrm. it depends. if its the bulk of the search reslts they probbly want to check all and then uncheck the ones that don't pertain4pre,,4div,. .çdiv class"send",...span c1ass.timestamp"::5:16:59 PM4span~ .:span class"sender":;maiyroseunton: .:/span:;.:pre class'messge"~for some of these guys it is the bulk of the results (like SNl, american idol, whatever)4pre;:.:/div:: .:div claSS"receive";:.:span claSS"timestamp":;5: 18: 18 PM4span:: -.span class"sender";:mattadoor: 4span::-.pre class"mesge"::ok I guess.:/pre~-ddiv:: .:div class"send'~-.spn class"limestamp";,5; 18:30 PM-:/span:: ~span class'seer"~maryrosedunton: .:/span~-.pre class "messge"~: -\-dpre:;..div; -.div class"receive"~-:span class'timestamp"::5:18:54 PM-./span:: -:spn class'sender";:mattador: -:span;:.,pre claSS"mesge";;bLl all this stuff ís like tons and tons of javascrípt, it. doesn't work the same way in all browsers... 4pre;;4dív;; .:/s an;;., re clasa"mess e"::3 3 -d re:;4div;; -.dìv class" receive' :;-:span class 'tìmestamp";:5: 1 9: 1 3 PM-dspan;, -.span class'sender";:mattadoor: Highly Confidential G00001-00829693

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