Viacom International, Inc. et al v. Youtube, Inc. et al
DECLARATION of William M. Hohengarten/ Additional Unsealed Exhibits to the Declaration of William M. Hohengarten in Support of Viacom's Motion for Partial Summary Judgment in Support re: 176 MOTION for Partial Summary Judgment /Viacom's Notice of Motion for Partial Summary Judgment on Liability and Inapplicability of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act Safe Harbor Defense.. Document filed by Country Music Television, Inc., Paramount Pictures Corporation, Viacom International, Inc., Black Entertainment Television, LLC, Comedy Partners. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit 38, # 2 Exhibit 76, # 3 Exhibit 78, # 4 Exhibit 79, # 5 Exhibit 80, # 6 Exhibit 83, # 7 Exhibit 86, # 8 Exhibit 110, # 9 Exhibit 113, # 10 Exhibit 137, # 11 Exhibit 182, # 12 Exhibit 192, # 13 Exhibit 193, # 14 Exhibit 194, # 15 Exhibit 195, # 16 Exhibit 197, # 17 Exhibit 198, # 18 Exhibit 201, # 19 Exhibit 202, # 20 Exhibit 292, # 21 Exhibit 301)(Hohengarten, William)
BEGDOC: GOOOO 1-00829702 ENDDOC: G00001..0829718 BEGA TT ACH: GooOO 1-00829702 ENDATT ACH: GOOOO 1-00829718 RECORDTYPE: E-File CUSTODIAN: Dunton_(Maryose)-GOONDCEOOOOO 1612 DATASETID: GOONDCE000001612 MASTER_DATE: 03/1 i 12006 SENTON_DATE_TIME: CREATE_DATE_TIME: 03111/2006:07:47:25 LASTMOD_DATE-'lIME: 03/1112006:07:47:25 RECEIVED_DATE-'I'IME:
P ARNTFOLDER: HAL-SB-0207\1 Customer\Macintosh HD\Users\inrose\Library\Application Support\Adium 2.0\Users\Default\Logs\AIM.maryosedunton\mattadoor-GOONDCEOOO001612 AUTHOR:
TO: CC: BCC: SUBJECT-'lITLE: mattadoor (2006-03-10).htinl OR1GINALSOURCE: NAT1VEPATH: FILEEXT: htrn FILENAME: mattadoor (2006-03-1 O).html-GOONDCEOOOOOI61 2
MD5HASH: b906 i 9442d7f76ff6d844 7cada6a9c2a
DATE: i . i1.. 6&
DEPONENT:~ , ,.-
CAS!,.: Viacom, eta!., v. YouTubc, et aI., The Football Association Premier League, et at, v. YouTubc et al
" . l¡(~\ M~~
Ca,c Nos. 07.CV.2203 and 07-CV-3582 "
A Ignacio Howard, CLR, RPR, CSR No. 9830
00000 1-00829702~GOOOO 1.00829718
i i :39:48 AM mattadoor:
u want me to make a complaint for each on of these?
i I :40:53 AM maryosedunton:
each one of what?
i i: 41 : 13 AM mattadoor:
t.he ones that will be in the email
i 1 :42:02 AM mattadoor:
or is that overkill
11:42:16 AM maryosedunton:
sorry, what do you mean by a complaint?
11 :42:53 AM mattadoor:
when you complain about inappropriate/copyright stuff on the
11:43:02 AM rnattadoor:
and you see it in admin_flagged
i i :43 :06 AM mattadoor:
what is that called?
i 1 :43:07 AM maryosedunton:
oh duh, right. so, I don't think
we need that
1 i :43:20 AM maryrosedunton:
because heather and brent will work directly from the email
11 :43:25 AM maryosedunton:
that gets sent to them
11 :43:29 AM mattadoor: ok 11 :43:37 AM mattadoor:
it is called a complaint?
11:43:51 AM maryrosedunton:
but, we will want to have some history
GOOOO 1-00829702.GOOOO i -00829718
of the flagging in case we ever need to go back to it for users that abused the system
i I :44:03 AM maryosedunton:
ya, a complaint
11 :44:28 AM mattadoor:
yeah we will have the time they flagged
11 :44:31 AM mattadoor:
and w/e
1 I :44:38 AM maryosedunton:
12:04:05 PM marosedunton:
hey question, so could we also do something for these guys where they can get email alerts sent to them (either like daily ox' weekly) whenever a video is uploaded with their designated
keyword? 12:04:40 PM mattadoor:
yeah, but
12:04:43 PM mattadoor:
12:05:07 PM mattadoor:
you need to make an interface for them to choose keywords
12:05:25 PM marTosedunton:
right, and for them to select how often they want to receive alerts
12:05:25 PM mattadoor:
and then have some tool that runs and does that for them
12:05:39 PM mattadoor:
101 u know
12:05:46 PM maryosedunton:
hrm. i hate this feature. I hate making it easier for these a-holes
12:06: i 0 PM rnattadoor:
this seems like an aweful lot of work for people who are following the
12:06:14 PM mattadoor:
I suppose they are more 1 ike "guidelines"
12:06:50 PM maryosedunton:
ya. ok, forget about the email alerts stuff. I'll tell chad that's for 'phase 2' or
12:06:24 PM mattdoor:
12:07:17 PM mattadoor:
it iBn' t hard
l2:07:27 PM mattadoor:
but prolly take another day or w/e
12:07:48 PM mattadoor:,
but I still don't see why we have
to eater to these guys
12:07:55 PM mattadoor:
next meeting wi th the lawyers
12:07:58 PM mattadoor:
i am not coming
12:08:29 PM marosedunton:
ya, we're just trying to cover our asses so we don't get sued. but I would rather build really cool features for the premium guys to make them want to put their stuff on our site
12:08:59 PM mattadoor:
we went through this stuff with the
12:09:07 PM mattadoor:
visa sued us 12:09: l 2 PM mattadoor:
me sued us
12:09:17 PM mattadoor:
12:09:26 PM mattadoor:
i didn' t mind those problems
ya, we i re going to get sued, it's inevi table.
l 2:09:46 PM mattadoor:
it is just can we win!
12:09:34 PM maryosedunton:
12:09:51 PM marosedunton:
12:10:00 PM mattadoor:
or right-o as you would say
12: 1 0:05 PM maryrosedunton:
12: 10: 11 PM maryosedunton:
12: 10:27 PM marosedunton:
I've been spending to much time sitting by pan
GooOO 1-00829702-GOOOO 1-00829718
12:46:16 PM mattadoor:
i am so getting my javascript on
12:46:34 PM marosedunton:
12:47:03 PM mattadoor:
these fucking assholes better appreciate
12:47:24 PM mattadoor:
how dare they make me use javascript
12:47:55 PM maryrosedunton:
hah. no joke. I guess we're going to do a press release about this to show we' re good corporate citizens who respect copyright laws
12:48:21 PM mattadoor:
u know the whole time I worked at the pal
12:48:31 PM mattadoor:
nobody ever saw my features
12:48:39 PM mattadoor:
(unless they were broken)
12:48:44 PM mattadoor:
then everyone knew
12:48:47 PM maryrosedunton:
hah. now 25 million people see them
u know when kph was running f insys product
12:49:22 PM mattadoor:
she used to say these retarded things
12:49:12 PM mattadoor:
N I want to make our features have
12:49:47 PM mattadoor:
more visibility in the company."
12:50:17 PM mattadoor:
i was always like, look the people who know what we do, know when we do a
GOOOO 1 ~00829702-GOOOO 1-00829718
good job...
12:50: i 7 PM maryosedunton:
hahhh 12:50:24 PM mattadoor:
if you push the website
12:50:30 PM mattadoor:
and you don' t see any changes
12:50:37 PM mattadoor:
means we are kicking ass
i 2:50:54 PM rnarosedunton:
hah. right. well, kp was all about
. visibility'
12:51 :21 PM rnattadoor:
me and her ""
yeah I wanted invisibility for both
I 2:54:31 PM maryosedunton:
oh, are you coming in for company lunch day?
12:54:46 PM mattadoor:
oh shit thats right
12:54:51 PM mattadoor:
what is for lunch?
12:55:01 PM mattadoor:
and is there something important going on?
12:55 :50 PM maryosedunton:
hrm. I don't know. nah, nothing important. I think el-chad-o is going to just talk
more about . the importance of us protecting ourselves against
copyright infringement. or something
12:56: 16 PM mattadoor:
it is like now right?
12:56:31 PM mattadoor:
so i guess not hal
12:56:39 PM maryosedunton:
hah. i /2 an hour I think
12:58:10 PM rnattadoor:
should I come in my karate pants?
12:58: 19 PM rnattadoor:
(the ones I am wearing now)
12:58:36 PM rnaryosedunton:
hah. and a karate robe thing? what do you call those?
12:58:42 PM mattadoor:
12:58:48 PM mattadoor:
i am not wearing the top
it doesn' t have any pockets ;,..
12:59:29 PM mattadoor:
but I am gonna come in it because I think it will be fun
12:59:06 PM rnattadoor:
GOooO 1-00829702-G00001 ~00829718
12:59:35 PM maryosedunton:
ah. that would be funny if you came
ok brt
in t~o the office in your full karate
1 :04: 10 PM mattadoor:
hey I' m going to have carol work
on writing some stuff about the mass flagging stuff. when do you think this stuff will be ready?
1 :04:30 PM marosedunton: k 3:06:59 PM maryosedunton:
3:15:53 PM mattadoor: maybe an hour 3:16:03 PM mattadoor:
did you like the alias i set up for
3: 16:33 PM marosedunton:
3: 16:45 PM marosedunton:
ya, that's awesome 3: i 7 :03 PM mattadoor: mrblack: mike
mryellow: steve
yupan mrblûnde: dwipal
mrwhite: erik
mrblue: cdo mrorange: mrizzo
mrcornf lower:
mrburntsienna: brad
mrsperiwinkle; maryrose hebrewhammer: mike
3:17:23 PM mattadoor:
i should be mrblue today
3: 17:28 PM mattdoor:
3:17:32 PM mattadoor:
i should put the .
3: 18:39 PM mattadoor:
mr.yellow: steve
ror .pink: yupan
mr . black: mike
mr. blue: cdo
mr.white: erik
mr.blonde: dwipal mrizzo
mt". cornflower:
00000 1.00829702~GOOOO 1 ~008297 I 8
4:37:11 PM mattadoor:
ht ~/ /",ri!:":L;..Y.5!.'!ti¿È~~y(~m/wat;ch ?vccZU4TA08rJ7Ss-:
4:38:10 PM maryosedunton:
hah. you made yoursel f a premi ur px'ovider. 4:38:15 PM mattadoor:
thansk for the
4:38: 18 PM mattadoor:
4:38: I 9 PM maryosedunton:
4:38:30 PM mattadoor:
yeah and I undid my admin flag
4:38:46 PM mattadoor:
i will set it on demnd
4:45:05 PM maryosedunton: aW'lW. . . I tried to send an email to
those alias and it bounced
4:46:41 PM mattadoor:
which ones?
4:46:59 PM maryosedunton:
mryellow, mrpink etc
4:47:10 PM mattadoor:
4:47:13 PM mattadoor:
yeah I changed it to be
4:47:18 PM mattadoor:
look at the second im
4:47:47 PM maryosedunton:
oh, so it's
4:48:01 PM mattadoor: yup 4:49:01 PM mattadoor:
4:49:03 PM rnattadoor:
t. video. encrypted~_id
4:50:50 PM marosedunton:
ok, I tried that. did you get it?
4:51:33 PM mattadoor:
5:36:34 PM mattadoor: ok 5:36:46 PM mattadoor:
which account do you want to do this shit with?
5:39:35 PM marosedunton:
oh for testing?
5:39:56 PM rnattadoor:
5:40:04 PM mattadoor:
00000 I ~00829702-GOOOO I -00829718
solomon doesn' t want me to coiruit
this yet
5:40:20 PM rnaryrosedunton:
ok, use steve's account. that's the one I use to test all this crap wi th
5:40:31 PM maiyrosedunton:
username is just steve
5:4 i :05 PM mattadoor:
5:4 i : i 2 PM rnaiyrosedunton:
5:42:34 PM rnaryosedunton:
does it send an email yet?
5:42:37 PM rnaryosedunton:
this looks awesome
5:42:55 PM rnattadoor:
5:42:56 PM mattadoor:
to me
5:57:47 PM rnattadoor:
u have a nmne for this mailing list?
5:58:04 PM marosedunton:
it's the just the copyright@;L0utube.:oni
5:58:11 PM mattadoor:
5 :58: 16 PM rnaryosedunton:
5:58:20 PM mattadoor:
is that created already?
5:58:26 PM maryosedunton:
GOOOO 1-008297()2~GOOOO 1-00829718
'rhe folhrwing is a true and correct copy of this
instant message conversation as produced by Defendants.
-:div claSS"receive';.-:span claSStimestamp".;.11 :39:48 AM-:span;. -:span claSSsender";imattadoor: -:/span;:-:pre claSS'messge'::u want me to make a complaint for each on of these?-dpre::-d(jv:: -:dlv claSS"send';i-:span class"timestamp";i11 :40:53 AM-:/span;i ..span claSSseer';.maryrosedunton:
..ìspan::-:pre class'messge";ieach on of what?-dpre;..:div;.
..div claSS"recive';;..span class"timestamp";;11 :41 : 13 AM-:/span;; ..span class"sander".;.maUadoor:
4span::..pre ctaSS'messge'::the ones that wil be in the emaik/pre;i-ddiv;:
..div class"receive";:..span class'timestamp";i11 :42:02 AM.:span;i ..span claSS"sander"::maltadoor
",/span;;..pre class"messge";;or is that overkill.:pre::-ddiv;; -:div claSS"send";:.".:span class"timestamp";i11 :42: 16 AM-dspan;i ..span class"sender";:maryrosdunton: qspan;:..pre dass"messge";isorry, what do you mean by a complaint?../pre;:.,/div;.
-:div class"receive";:.,span class'timestamp";i11 :42:53 AM-dspan;: -:span class"sender"::mattadoor:
-:ìspan;.",pre class'messge";iwhen you complain about inappropriateìcopyright stuf on the
.:div class"receive";:..span class'timestamp";:11 :43:02 AM-dspan:: ocspan class"sendr";:mattadoor:
.:span;:..pre class'messge";:and you see it in admin_f1aggd-dpre;:-ddiv::
-:div class'receìve"::ocspan class"timestamp":;11 :43:06 AM.:span:: .:span class"sender":;mattadoor: qspan;;-:pre claSS"messge'::what is that catled?-dpre::-ddiv;;
..div clas"send"i...span class"timestamp";:11 :43:07 AM../span; ocspan class"sender';:maryrosedunton:
4span:;..pre class'messge";:oh duh, right so, I don't think we need thal.:pre;:.:div;: .,div class"send";:-:span class"tìmestamp';:11 :43:20 AM-:/span;: ocspan claSS"seder":;maiyrosedunton: .:/span;:..pre cfass"messge"::because heather and brent will work directly from the email-dpre;:.:div;i -:div claSS'send':;-:span claSS"timestamp":;11 :43:25 AM-dspan:: .,span claSS"sender":;maiyrosadunton: ../span::..pre claSS"messge"::that gets sent to them.,ìpre;i-ddiv;:
..div class"receive";:.:span class"timestamp";:11 :43:29 AM-dspan;i ..span c1ass"sender":;matladoor: .,/span::",pre CI8SS"messge"::ok-dpre;:-ddlv;:
.:div class"receive";iotspan c1as'tìmestamp";:11 :43:37 AM-:span;: ocspan class"sendr";;mattadoor: dspan::..pre claSS'messge"::it is called a complaint?-dpre;;-ddiv::
..div class"send"::-:span class"timestamp";:11 :43:51 AM.:spa .:span claSS"sender";:maryrosedunton:
.,/span:;.,pre class'messge";,but, we wil want to have some history of the flagging in case we ever ned to go back to it for users that abuse the system.:pre:;4d~
ocdiv class"send";:.:span class"timestamp";:11 :44:03 AM-dspan;; ..span clas"sander":;maryrosedunton: ,,:lspan;,..pre claSS"messge"::ya, a complaint-dpre::-ddiv;: ..dlv claSS''receive'';:.:span class"tímestamp";:11 :44:28 AM-dspan:: ..span class"sender"::mattadoor: -:/span;;.,pre class"messge";iyeah we wil have the time they flagge it-dpre;:-ddiv;.
.:div clas"receive";:",span class"timestamp':;11 :44:31 AM-dspan;i .:span class"sender";,mattadoor: 4span:;-:pre class'messge";:and w/e.:pre::-:div;:
-:div ClaSS"send";:.espan CIBSS"timestamp";:11 :44:38 AM~/span;: .:span claSS"sender";:maryrosdunton:
.:/span::..pre claSS"messge":;cool-dpre::-ddiv:: ",div class"send";:.:span class"timestamp"::12:04:05 PM-dspan:; -:span clsss"sender";:maryrosedunton: -:/span::..pre CI8ss"messge";.hey question, so could we aiso do something for these guys where they can get
emaìl alerts sent to them (either like dally or weekly) whenever a video is uploaded with their designated keyword? qpre::-ddív;:
.:div ciaSS"receive";:.:span class'timestamp";:12:04:40 PM-dspan:: ..span claSS"sender";:matladoor:
4span;:.epre class'messge"::yeah, buk/pre:o-ddiv;: -:dív claSS"receíve";:-(span class"timestamp";:12:04: 43 PM-:spn;: -:span class"sender'::maìtadoor:
.:ìspan;i..pre claSS'messge";:M-dpre;:4div;:
"Cdiv claSS"receive";:..span class 'Umestamp";:12:05:07 PM-dspan;i ..span ciass","sender";imatladoor: ../span::-:pre cfaSS"messge";;you need 10 make an interface for them to choose keywords-:/pre::-ddiv;; ",div claSS"send:.",span class"timestamp";.12:05:25 PM..span:: ocspan class"seder";:maryrosedunton: .,/span;"..pre c1ass'messge";"right, and for them to select how often they want 10 receive alerts-pre;:.,/div;: .,div claSS"receive";:-:span claSS"timesamp"::12:0525 PM.:span;i -:span class"sender";imattadoor: ../span::..pre class'messgs";:and then have some too! that runs and does that for them-dpre;:.:/div:: -:div claSS"recelvs";:.espan class'timestamp";"12:05:39 PM.:spani. .:span class"sender";;matladoor:
Highly Confidential
000001 00829703
4span;.-:pre e1ass"messgs";,IOI u know-:prs;,.:div;:
.:div claSS"send";:-:span elaSS"timestamp";:12:05:46 PMoc/span ..span claSS"sendr";:maryrosedurton:
-:/span;,.:pre claSS"messge";,hrm. i hate this feature. I hate making it easier for these a.holes-:pre;:..div;: .:div claSS"receive";:.:span class'timestamp";,12:06: 1 0 PM-:span;. .:span daS"sender";,mattadoor: -:span;..,pre claSS"messge";:this seems like an aweful lot of work for peple who are following the
-:div class"receìve";:..span class'timestamp";,12:06: 14 PM.:/span;: .:span class"sender";:mattadoor:
4span;...pre cla8S "messge";:well-:pre;:4div;:
..div claSS"receive"::.:span class'timestamp";:12:06:24 PM4span;: .:spn class"sender";:mattadoor: .,/span;:.:pre claSS"messge";,l suppose they are more like "guidelines"-:pre;:..div:
.:div class"$S';:..span c1ass"timestamp" ;:12:06:50 PM4sparp ..span claSS"sender";:maryrosedunton:
.;/span;:.:pre claSS'messge";:ya. ok, forget about the email alerts stuff. I'll tell chad that's for 'phase 2' or
.,div claSS"receive";,..span claSS'timestamp";:12:07: 17 PM..span;. .,span class"sender";:matladoor:
4span;:.,pre claSS'messge";:it isn't hard4pre;...dlv;: .:div class "receivs";:-ospan claSS'timestamp";:12:07:27 PM-:spn;: .:span class"sender";.mattadoor: 4span;:-:pre class"messge";:but prolly take another day or wfe.:pre;:..dlv;:
.:dlv class"recive";:~span claSS'timestamp":-12:07:48 PM.:span:- ..span class"sender";:matladOr:
.:span;:-opre c1ass'messge";:but I stil don't see why we have to cater to these guys..pre::..dlv;, -:dìv c1ass"receive";:.-span class'limesamp";:12:07: 55 PM~fspan;: .-span class"sender"::mattadoor:
.-/span;:.,pre claSS'messge";:next meeting with tr18 lawyrs.:pre;:.:dlv;:
.:div clas "receive";:..span class 'timestamp" ;:12:07: 58 PMo;span;: .cspan class "sender";:matladoor:
-:span;:.-pre class'messgo";:1 am not coming.:pre::4div;:
..div class"send";:",spari class"limestarnp";:12:08:29 PM.qsparp ",span c1ass"sender";:maryrosedunton:
.,/span;,..pre claSS'messge"::ya, we're just trying to cover our ass so we don't get sued bu I would rather
build reaHy cool features for the premium guys to make them want to put their stuff on our site
.:div class"receive";:",span class 'timestamp";.12:08: 59 PM .:spn;: .:span class "seer";:mattadoor:
.,/span;:.,pre claSS'messge";:we went through this stuf with the pal-:pre;:4div;: o:div ciass"receive';:.:span class'timestamp";:12:09:Q7 PM..span:i .:span class"sender";:mattadOr: .:/span;:~pre class"messge";:visa sued U$.,/pre,.../div;. ",div class"receive";:~span clsss"Umestamp';:12:09: 12 PM..span;: ..spn clsss"sender";:mattadoor: -:/span~.,pre claSS'messge";;mc sued us.:/pre;...div;;
-:div class"receive";:o:n claSS'timestamp';;12:09: 17 PM..spari;: -:span class"sender";:mattadoor:
4span::-epre class'messge";;ebay 4pre;;.,/div;; -:div cISSS"receive";:-:span claSS"Umesamp';:12:09:26 PM.:span;: ..spn class"sender";:mattadoor: .,/span;:"'pre claSS'messge";;i didn't mInd those problems..pre;:..dìv;; ..div class "send" ;:~span class"tímestamp";:12:09:34 PM":span:- ..span class "sender";;,maryrosedunton: ~/span;,.:pre claSS'messge";:ya, we're going 10 get sued, it's inevitable. ~pre;:-:div;. .:div class"receive"::~span class'tlmestamp":.12:09:46 PM.:/span:i .:spn class"sender";;mattadoor: .:spn;;",pre class'messge":;ft is just can we winL,-:pre;;-:div;; -:div class"send";:ocspan ciaSS"timestamp";:12:09:51 PM.:span; ..span Cla8S"sender";:maryroseunton:
"'fspan;:",pre claSS'messgs";:ríghk/pre;...div;: .
4span;:-:pre claSS'messge";;or righ-o as you would say.:pre;:.:div;,
-:dìv class'receive';;.;spn cla8S'timestamp"::12:1 0:00 PM..span;. .:span class"sender";;mattadoor:
.,div clsSS"send";:-:span c1aSS"timestamp";;12: 1 0:05 PM..span; -:span cla8S"sender";:maryrosedunton:
.qspan;:.:pre claSS'messge";:haha4pre::.:div;;
.:div claSS"send;:.,span c1ass"timestamp";:12:1 0:11 PM-:span;: .:span class"sender";,maryrosedunton:
-=/span;;.,pre class'messge";;righi-o~pre::.c/div;: .:div claSS"send";:.:span class"timeslamp";:12: 10:27 PM~spsn;, .cspan claSS"sender";;maryrosedunton:
.:span:-.:pre claSS'messge";:I've been spending to much time Sitt by pan~pre;:"'/div;;
H~ghly COnfídent~al
-:div c ass recew9";.-:span clas"timestamp";.12A6:16 c:span;; -:span c ass sen r ;.ma a oor:
.:/span::-:pre claSSdmessge";;i am so gelting my javascript onc:pre::c:div::
-:div class'send"::-:span claSS"timestamp"::12:46:34 PM4span;; -:span claSS"sender":imaryrosedunton:
.:/span;;-:pre claSS"messge';.hah4pre;.4div;:
-:div claSS"receive"::-:span class'timesamp';:12:47:03 PM~span;; -:span class"sender";:mattadoor: -:/span;:-:pre class"messg£l;;lhese fucking assles better appreciate this~pre;;4div;;
div class"receive";:-:span clas'timestamp';.12:47:24 PM.qspan:i .:span das"sender";:mettadoor:
-:/spn;:.:pre clsss"messge";:how dare they make me us jevescripk/pre;:4div;;
.:dìv dass"send";:.:span class"timestamp";;12: 47:55 PM4span:i -:span class"sender";;maryrosedunton: -:/span;:-:pre c1aSS"rnessge";.hah. no joke. I guess we're going 10 do a pres release about this to show we're good corporate citizens who respect copyright laws4pre;:.c/div;:
.:diy class'recive';;.:span class'timestamp";;12:48:21 PM4span;: -:span class"sender";;mattadoor:
-:/span;;-:pre class'messge";:u know the whole time I worked at the palc:pre::4dív:: .:div class"receive";;..span class 'timestamp";:12:48:31 PM-dspan;; -:span class"sender";:mattadoor: -dspan;:.cpre cla~"messge";:noboy ever saw my features4pre;:4div;: -:dlv clas."receÎve';:.:span class'limestarnp"::12:48: 39 PM4span:: .:span claas"sender"::mattadoor: -:/span::.:pre class",'messge";;(unless they were broken)-:pre::-ddiv;:
-:div class" receive";:-:span class'timestamp";;12:48:44 PM4span;: .:spn claSS"sendèr";:mattadoor:
4span;;-:pre claSS'messge";;then everyone knew4pre::4div;: -:div class "send' ;:-:span class"timeslamp";:12:4B;4 7 PM-:/span;: .:span claas "sender";:maryroseunton: .cspan;;-.pre claSS'messge";:hah, now 25 milion people see them-:/pre;;4div;:
.:diy claSS"recve";:-:span class'Umestamp";;12:49: 12 PMc:spn;; .:span claSS"sender";:mattadoor:
-:/span;;-:pre claSS'mes.',age";:u know when kph was running finsys product.dpre;:.:!dív:
.:diy class"receive";:-:span class'timestamp";:12:49:22 PM~span;: .:span class"sender";;mattadoor:
4span;:oepre claSS"messge";:sh use to say thes retarded Iikeo:pre;:.,div;:
.:div class"recive";,-:span class "timestamp";: 12:49:47 PM-:fspan;: -:span class"sender";:mattadoor:
.:/span;;oepre claSS'messge";: 'I want to make our features have more visibility in the company. '-:pre;:.:/div;:
-:div class "receive";:..span claSS"timesamp";:12:50: 17 PM.dspan;: -:spn class "sender";:mattadoor: -dspan;.c:pre claS5'messge';:1 was always like, look the people who know what we do, know whe we do a
good job,,,.:pre;:4div;;
-:div class"se";:c:span cla8S"timestamp";:12:50:17 PM-:span;, .:span claSS"sender":.maryrOSunton:
.:/span:i.cpre claSS'messge";,hahhh4pre:.4div;:
oedív claSS"receive";:.;span class'timestamp";:12:50:24 PMo:span;: -:span class"sender";:matladoor:
c:span;:-:pre class"messge";:if you push the website4pre;:o:div; oediv class"receive";:.:span class'tìmestamp";:12:50:30 PM4span;: -:span class"sender";:mattadoor: .;/span;.-:pre claSS'messge";:and you don't se any changes-dpre;,4div:; -:div elass' receíve";:-:span class "tìmestamp";:12:50: 37 PM4span:: -:span class"sender";:maiiadoor: -:/span::-opre claSS"messge"::meal1 we are kicking asso:pre;;c:div;:
.cdiv clas"send":;-:span class"timestamp";:12: 50:54 PM4span; .;span claSS"sender":.maryrosedunton:
4span;:.:pre cla8S'messge";:hah right. well, kp was alf about 'visibìlity'4pre;;.,div;: .cdiv claSS"receive";:-:span cJaSS"timestamp";:12:51 :21 PM4span:; .:span class"sender",.matladoor: .:/span;:"pre class'messge";:yeah I wanted invisibilty for both me and her M.opreo;-ddiv;:
-:div class"send";:-:spn class"timeSlamp";:12:54:31 PM-:/span;: .cspan class"sender";:maryrosedunlon:
.c/span;:.epre claSS'messge";:oh, are you coming in for company lunch day?o:pre~4div;:
.:div class"receive",..;span class'timestamp";;12:54:46 PM-dspno; -:span c1ass"sender':;mattadoor:
.:/span;;..pre claSS'messge":;oh S,i,it thats rigI1t4pre;:4div:; -:(jìv class","receive";;.,span ciaSS'timestamp"::12:64:51 PM4span;: ,,span class"sender";:mattadoor: .ç/span;..:pre claSS"messge';:whal is for iunch?c:pre;:.qdiv;: .:div ClaSS"receive";:-:span claSS'timestamp";:12:55:01 PM..)span;; .,span ciass"sender""mattadoor: -:/span;:.:pre class-="messge";; and is there something important going on?.c/pre;.../div;;
.:div claSS"send";:.:span claSS"timestamp";;12:55:50 PMo:span;: .:span claSS"sender";:maryrosedunton:
oe/span;:.;pre claSS'messge";:hrm. I don't know. nah, nothing important i think el-ehad-o is going to just talk more about 'the importance of us protecting ourselves against copyright infringement' or somethingoe!pre;;-:/div;:
Highly Confidential
-:div claSS"receive";;-:span cI8ss"tìmestamp";;12:56: 16 PM.Js¡an;; .:span claSS"sender";;mattadoor: .:/span;:.:pre claSS"messge";;it is like now right?.Jpre:;-ddlv:; .:dìv class"recive";:-:span claS5'timestamp";:12:56:31 PM.Jspan;: -:spn class"sender";.mattadoor:
-dspan;:.:pre class"messge":;so i guess not hal..pre::..div:; .:div claSS"send";:-:span class"timestamp";:12:56:39 PM-dspan;: .:span class"sender" ;.maryroseunton: .:/span:-.:pre claSS'messge";.hah. 1/2 an hour I think..pre:;-:dlv;. .:dìv claSS"receive";:"span class'timestamp"::12:58: 1 0 PM.Jspan;: .:span class"sender";:mattadoor: -dspan;:.:pre claSS'messge";:shuld I come in my karate pants?-dpre;;..dlv;: ..div class"receive";:..span class.tímestamp";:12:58: 19 PM.Jspn:; -:span class"sender":;mattadoor: 4span;,.:pre class"messge";:(the ones I am weanng no).qpre;:..div;: .:dlv claSS"send";..:span class"timesamp";:12:58:36 PM.c!span;; .cspn clas.,'sendr";:maryrosedunton:
.c!spari;..:pre claSS"messge";:hah. and a karate robe thing? what do you call those?"/pre;..-/div;: o:dlv claSS"receive";:.ospan class"timestamp";:12:5B:42 PM4span", ..spn class"serier":"matiadoor
4span::~pre class"messge"::gi4pre;,-:/dlv;.
-:div claSS"receive";.-:span class"límestamp",,12:58:48 PM..span:: -:span class"sender";.matiadoor: q'span;:-:pre class"messge";.1 am not wearing the top.c/pre;.q'div;:
.-div class"receive";:.-span class"tìmestamp"::12:59:06 PM-:span;: -:span ciBss"sender",.mattadoor:
4span;:-:pre claSS"messge";:it doesn't have any pockets ><, .dpre;:.ddlv;i
..dlv dass"receive";:"span claSS'timestamp";:12:59:29 PM.dspan:. .cspn class"sender";:mattadoor:
4span;..:pre ctaSS'messge":;but I am gonna come in it becaus I think it wil be fun4pre:;.Jdlv;:
.:dlY class"send";,..span class"limestamp";.12:59:35 PM.Jspan; oespan clas"sender";:maryrosdunton:
..span;,"pre cia$$ "messge'l;:ah. that would be funny if you came In to th office in your full karate
..div c1aSS"recsivs";:..span class="timestamp";.1 :04: 1 0 PM..span; -.spn class"sender";:rnattadoor: .:/span;:.:pre claSS"messge";:ok brt..pre::.:/div::
.-div class"send";;.:span class"timestamp":;1 :04:30 PM.dspan;; -=span claSS"sender":;maryrosedunton: .:/span::.:pre claSS"messge"::kq'pre:;.-fdiv:.:div class"send";:..spn claSS"timestamp",.3:06:59 PM4span;, .:span class"seer";:maryroseunton:
4span::-:pre class'lmessge"::hey I'm going to have carol work on writing some stuff abo the mass flagglng stuff. when do you think this stuff wil be ready?.dpre;,.Jdiv;.
"diy daSS"receive";;.:span class'timestamp",.3:15:53 PM.qspan;: ~span class"sender";.mattadoor: .e/span::..pre ciass"messge";:maybe an hour .Jpre;.4div;
-:div class"receive";:oespan claSS"timestamp";:3:16:03 PM4spri:i -:span ciass"sender";:matladoor: .:/span;..:pre class"messge"::dld you like the alias i set up for u?.dpre;:4div,. -:div claSS"send"::..span claSS"tlmestamp";.3: 16:33 PM4span:: ..span claSS'sender";.maryrosedunton: .:/span::~pre class 'messge ";:hahaha..pre;...div::
.-dív class"send";:.:span class"timestamp";:3: 16:45 PM-dspan,. ~span claSS"sender";:maryrosedunton: .dspan::.:pre class"messge"::ya, that's awesome.pre::.ddiv;, ~div class"receive';:~span class'timestamp',.3: 17:03 PM..span;: ~sp class"sender";imattadoor: .e/span::..pre class 'messge':;mrblack: mike~8R;;mryellow: steve-tBR::mlpink: yUp.rkBR;,mrbloo: dwipakBR:;mrwhite: etik"BR:imiblue: cdo-tBR;imrorange: mrìzzo-:8R;,mrcomflower colírkBR:;mrburntslenna: brad~8R,.mrsperiw¡nkle: maryrose.:BR;:hebrewhammer: mike4pre:..Jdiv;i -:div claS"receive";:-:span class"timestamp";.3:17:23 PM4span;: .-span class"ooder";:mattador:
4span:n:pre claSS'messge";i¡ should be mrblue todayn:pre;iq'div:: -:div class "receive";:.ospan class 'timesamp"~: 17: 28 PMq'span,. oespn class"sendr";:mattadoor:
4span;.~pre claSS'messge";:waikJpre;,..div;:
~dív class"receive';..:span ciass'tímestamp";:3: 17:32 PM4span;: .:span class"sender'::mattadoor: .-/span;:.:pre claSS'messge"::1 should put the ..dpre::.-/dìv;: ..div ciass"receive";.~span class"tlmestamp"::3: 18:39 PM..span:: .:span class"sender";:mattador:
.:/span;:.:pre class"messge";, mike..8R::mr.yellow: yupan.:BR::mLblonde:
dwipakBR;:mr.whlte: cdo~BR; mrizzoc:BR;:mr.comflower:
Highly Confidential
.: IV C ass receive :;.:span c ass timestamp :;4: 7: 1 span" .:span C ass se er :;matta oor:
4span::.-pre c1aS8'messge" ::.-8 href= " A08L 755"
title",'httpJ/ww.",ZU4TA08L75S"::htip:/lww.",ZU4T A08L75s4a::-:
/pre;;-e/div;: .-div claSS"send"::.ispan clas."timeslamp";:,A:38: 1 0 PM4span;: -:span clas."sender";,maryroseunton: qspan;:.:pre class"messge";,hah. you made yourself a premium provider.4pre::4div;:
.:div clas"reeive";:.;span class'tìmeslamp":;4:38: 15 PM4span:i ..pan class"sender":;matladoor:
4span;:.cpre claSS'messge";.thansk for the raiding..pre::4dlv:; -:div claSS"receive":;.-span claSS"tìmestamp":;4:38: 18 PM4span;: .-span clas"sender":;mattadoor:
../span".cpre class"messge"::ratìng4pre::4div::
.:div class"ænd"::.:span clas."timeslamp":;4:38: 19 PM4spam- .:span class"seer":;maryroædunton:
-:/span:;.:pre claSS'messge":;: ).:pre:;qdiv:;
..div c1as."receive";;..span cias.'timestamp':;4:38:30 PM4span:: .:span class"seer"::mattadoor: 4span"..pre claSS'messge":;yeah and I unid my admin flag.::pre::4dJv;, .:div class"recive";;.:span claSS'ltimestamp"::4:38:46 PM../span;: class"sender';:mattadoor: ':span:;.:pre class"messge";:ì wil set it on demand4pre"".:div::
~div class"send::.:span class"timestamp"::4:45:05 PM4spam- ..span cfass"sender";:maryrosedunton:
-e/span;;.:pre class"
messge"::8ww. '. I tried to send an email to thos alias and it bounced.:pre;,4div;;
.:div class "receive":;.:span class"timestamp";,4:46:41 PM4span;: .:span class"sender";:mattadoor: qspan:;",pre class'messge":;whch onas?4pre",4div:: ~div claSS"send::.:span class"timestamp",.4:46:59 PM4span:: ~span class"sender":;maryrosedunton:
~/span;:",pre clas"messge'::mryellow, mrpink etc"/pre::.:div::
~div claS'receive";:~span class"timestamp';,4:47:10 PM-./span;; o;span c1ass"sender";:mattadoor:
../span;;-.pre claSS'messge"""yeah I changed it to be4pre;:4dîv;: -:div claSS''receive'';:.:span c!aSStimeslamp";:4:47:13 PM4span;: -.span class,""sender';:mattadoor: .:span;;.:pre class"messge";;mr.yellow.:pre:;..-Jdiv;: .:div claSS"receìve":;"span clas."timeslamp";;4:47: 18 PM.:span:: .:span class"sender";:mattadoor:
.:/span;:.;pre c1ass","messge"::look at the second im.:/pre::-e/dív:o .;dív class"send";:.:span claSS"lìmestamp";:4:47:47 PM.:span;: .:span class"sender";;maryrosedunton: -:/span::.:pre c1aSSmessge";,oh, so it's.:a hreb'" titls","rnailto: mr,"::mr.yellow@youtube,com4a::74pre;:.:d¡v::
Highly Confidential
-:div claSS"receive";:-:span class'tìmestamp":;4:48:01 PM4span", -:span class"sendr";:mattadoor:
.c/span::~pre class "messge" :;yup4pre;:4div:: "div class"receive';.o;span class"timestamp";:4:49:01 PM4span:; .,span claSS"sender""mattadoor:
.Jspan;.-:pre class 'messge":;t. vldeo.encrypte(Ud4pre;;-:div;: .cdiv c1ass"receivEl";:o;span class'timestamp';:4:49:03 PM4span;. o(span cJass"sender";.mattadoor: .Jspan;;-:pre claSS'messge" ;.oops4pre;;-:/div;:
.cdiv claSS"send":;.cspan class"timeslamp";:4:50:50 PM4span;: -(span class",'sender";;maryrosedunton:
-:span::.cpre c1ass'messge"::ok, i tried that. did you get it?-:pre::-ddiv;:
.-div claSS"receive";:..span class"Umesiamp";:4:51 :33 PM-dspan;. o(span class"seer";.mattadoor:
o(/span::-:pre class'messge":;yeah4pre;:-:div:;
o(div claSS"recivs';:..span clas.'timestamp":;5:36:34 PM-dspan;: ..span clas."sender";:mattadoor: -:span::.:pre claSS'messge";.ok -dpre::.:div;:
..div claSS"recelve";i.(span cIBss'timesamp":;5:36:46 PM-dspan:; -(span claSS'$éet";:mattadoor:
-:/span:;pre clas."messga";.whlch account do you want to do thls shit with?-:pre;i-:div: .:dlv class"send";:-tspan class"timestamp";.6:39:35 PM.:span;: ~span clsss'sender";:maryrosedunton; ..span::.:pre clas."messge":;oh for testing?..pre;:-ddiv;:
-:div class"receìve":;.:span clas."timestamp":;5:39:56 PM4spn:; -:span class"sender";;mattadoor: -:span;;.:pre claSS'messge";;yeah-dpre:i-:div;i
-:div clas."receive";:.:span class'timestamp"::5:40:04 PM.:span;i c:span clas."sender';:matladoor: 4span;:.:pre claSS"messge";isoJomon doesn't want me to commit this yek/pre;i-:div;;
-:div c1aSS"send";:.-spn class"timestarnp";i5:40:20 PM..span: .:span claSS'sender";;maryrosedunton:
4span;:.:pre claSS'messge";:ok, us steve's acount that's tr.e one I us to tes all this crap withdpre::-:div;: .:div c1as"sendl';...span claSS"timestarnp":i5:40:31 PM-:span: -:span clas"sender";;maryrosedunton: -:span;;.çpre c:laSS"rnessge";:usrname is jus steve4pre;;-ddiv:: .cdiv c1ass"receive";io(span class'timesamp";,5:41 :05 PM..span;i .:span claS"sender"::mattadoor:
c:span:i.:pre class"messge";:don-dpre;:-ddiv;:
.:div claSS"send";:-:spn claSS"tirnestamp";:5:41: 12 PM-:span: -:span class"sender":;maryroseunton:
c:/span;ic:pre claSS"messge";:sweet c:pre;i-ddiv::
-:div claSS"send";..:span c1ass"timestamp';:5:42:34 PMc:span: .cspan class'sender";.maryrosedunton: 4span;i-:pre claSS"messge";;does it send an email yet?-:pre;:-ddìv:i
-:div ClaSS"send";i..span class"tìmestamp"::842:37 PM-dspan:: ..span claSS'seder"::maiyroseunton:
4span;:..pre claSS'messge";: this looks awesme-dpre::-ddiv::
.:dìv claSS"receive";ic:span class'timeslamp'I::5:42:55 PM-dspan;. -:span class"seer';:mattadoor:
.:/span;:..pre claSS'messge";;yeahc:pre;i-:div;:
.;dìv daSS"reeive";:.cspan class"timestamp';:5:42:56 PM.:/span~ -:span class"sender";imattadoor:
..span;:.:pre clas.'mesge";:to me-:pre:;-:/dív:;
c:div class"recive':;.:span class.timestamp";:5:57:47 PM-dspan;: c:span class"sender'::mattadoor:
4span::.:pre clas."messge";iu have a name for this mailng list?-dpre::-ddiv;.
.cdiv clas."send";:-:span claSS"timestamp";;5:58:04 PM-dspan: o:span class'seer";:maiyrosdunton:
.:/span;:.cpre cias.'messge';:its the just the.:a href","maì"
title",' maHto:';;.-dpre::-ddiv;i
-:dlv class"recelve";i.cspan clas'tímestamp':;5:58:11 PM-dspan;: ..span class",ser"::matladoor:
../span;;o(pre clas.'messge";.CopyrightHotliri4pre;:-ddiv;i
..dìv claSS"send";:.;span claSS"tímestarnp";:5:58: 16 PM-dspan;: .;pan class'seer";:maryroseunton:
-:/span:;-:pre claSS'messge":;hah4pre::.:dìv:: .:div c1ass"receive"::-:span class'timestamp':;5:58:20 PM-dspan;: .:span cJass"sender";:matiadoor:
4span;;.:pre claSS'messge";:Îs that created already?-dpre:i.:/div;:
.,div class"send~.,span class"timestamp';i5:58:26 PM4span: .:span class"sender";;maryrosdunton:
.:/span::..pre claSS'messge';:yar -:pre;;-ddiv;;
Highy Confidential
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