Schoolcraft v. The City Of New York et al

Filing 298

DECLARATION of Suzanna P. Mettham in Support re: 297 MOTION for Summary Judgment .. Document filed by Christopher Broschart(Tax Id. 915354 in his official capacity), Christopher Broschart(Tax Id. 915354 Individually), Timothy Caughey(Tax Id. 885374 Individually), Timothy Caughey(Tax Id. 885374 in his official capacity), Kurt Duncan(Shield No. 2483, Individually), Kurt Duncan(Shield No. 2483 in his official capacity), William Gough(Tax Id. 919124, Individually), William Gough(Tax Id. 919124, in his Official Capacity), Thomas Hanley(Tax Id. 879761, in his Official Capacity), Thomas Hanley(Tax Id. 879761, Individually), Elise Hanlon(in her official capacity as a lieutenant with the New York City Fire Department), Elise Hanlon(individually), Shantel James(Shield No. 3004 in his official capacity), Shantel James(Shield No. 3004 Individually), Theodore Lauterborn(Tax Id. 897840 in his official capacity), Theodore Lauterborn(Tax Id. 897840, Individually), Michael Marino, Michael Marino, Gerald Nelson(Assistant Chief Patrol Borough Brooklyn North, Tax Id. 912370 in his official capacity), Gerald Nelson(Assistant Chief Patrol Borough Brooklyn North, Tax Id. 912370, Individually), Robert W. O'Hare(Tax Id. 916960, Individually), Robert W. O'Hare(Tax Id. 916960, in his Official Capacity), Frederick Sawyer(Shield No. 2576 in his official capacity), Frederick Sawyer(Shield No. 2576, Individually), The City Of New York, Timothy Trainer(Tax Id. 899922, in his Official Capacity), Timothy Trainer(Tax Id. 899922, Individually), Richard Wall, Sondra Wilson(Shield No. 5172, in her Official Capacity), Sondra Wilson(Shield No. 5172, Individually). (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A, # 2 Exhibit B, # 3 Exhibit C, # 4 Exhibit D, # 5 Exhibit E, # 6 Exhibit F, # 7 Exhibit G, # 8 Exhibit H, # 9 Exhibit I, # 10 Exhibit J, # 11 Exhibit K, # 12 Exhibit L, # 13 Exhibit M, # 14 Exhibit N, # 15 Exhibit O, # 16 Exhibit P, # 17 Exhibit Q, # 18 Exhibit R, # 19 Exhibit S, # 20 Exhibit T, # 21 Exhibit U, # 22 Exhibit V, # 23 Exhibit W, # 24 Exhibit X, # 25 Exhibit Y, # 26 Exhibit Z, # 27 Exhibit AA, # 28 Exhibit BB, # 29 Exhibit CC, # 30 Exhibit DD, # 31 Exhibit EE, # 32 Exhibit FF, # 33 Exhibit GG, # 34 Exhibit HH, # 35 Exhibit II, # 36 Exhibit JJ, # 37 Exhibit KK, # 38 Exhibit LL, # 39 Exhibit MM, # 40 Exhibit NN, # 41 Exhibit OO, # 42 Exhibit PP, # 43 Exhibit QQ, # 44 Exhibit RR)(Shaffer, Ryan)

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ÂO 4,1û (Rev. l?i09) Summons in ¿ Civil Âction Uxmpn Sr¿rps Dlsrrucr CoURT for the Southem Þisfrict of New York ADRIAN SCHOOLCRAFT ) ) Pleintif CITY OF NEW YORK, ) ÉÏ AL, Civil Action No, '10CV06005 ) Ðeþndant A¡V¡ENDBD ) ) ) SUMMONS IN A CIWLá,CTICIN 'To: (Þeþndant's name and a.ddres) PLEASE gEE ATTACHED LIST FOR SERVICE NAMES AND ADDRESSES ,4 lawsuit has been filed against you, Wilhin ?l days nfter serviçe of tlris summons on you (not counfing the day ycu reccived it) * nr 60 tlays if yriu are the tirrited States ur a Unitecl States agency, or an officer or e rnployee af the tjnhcd States described in Fed. R. Civ. F" l2(a)(zJ or (3'l -- you musf ssrve on the plainliff äfl änswer to the attached complaint or a motion under Rule l3 sf thc þ'erlsral R.ules of Civil Prcce dure" I'hc answer or motion muil be served an the plainf ifl" nr plairttifls ätforncy, whose narne arrcl addÍes$ ãrü: JON L. NoRlNsgERG, oCIHEN & FITCH LLP 233 BROADWAY, SUITE 1BOO 225 BROADWAY, SUITE NEW YORK, NEWYORK 1027S NEWYORK, NEWYORK PLLC 27OO 1OÛ07 If you fail to respond, judgment by defäult will be entered against you for the.relicf demanded in the complaint. Yr¡u also rnust file your answêr or motion with the court. CLERK OF COURT' Dater Signalure of Clerk or Depury Qlsfla T}IE CITY ¡3F NEW YCIRK 100 Church Street New York, NY 10007 J. DEPUI'Y CHIEF MICHAEL MARINO, Tax Id, 873220 ASSISTANT CHTËF PÂTROL BOROUGH BROOKLYN NORTH GER,A-I,D 4, NEI.,SON, Tsx Id. 912370 SüRGEÁN'I KLJIII' DLINCÅ.N, Shield No. ?483, 2, 5. 6 1 f.lHUïß¡.¡Á,NT WILI-IAM COUCH, Tax Id, 9ï9124, CjÂPTAIN TlM0"llJY "|RAINOI{, Tax, Id. 899922 r-iliI IT.ËNÁ"NT'nioM^ s !|.4NI-EY. l?9 Wilson Avenue 87 97 6I Brooklyn, NY 11237 8. DEPUTY INSPBCTOR STEVEN MAURIELLO, Tax Id. 89s1i7 Transit Elorough Bronx Moris Fark Avenue Bronx. NY 10460 460 9 CAPTAIN îHË,ODOR"E LAUTERBORN, Tax Id, 897840, Narcotic Borough Brooklyn South Narc,otic Division I Police Plaza, I{m, I 100 New York, NY 10007 t0. SCT, FREDEzuCK SÄWYER, Shield No, 257ó, $pecial Unit 3 l5 Hudson Street, 3r rr Floor, Rm. 3 New York, NY i0013 1t, LIEUTËNANT CHRISTOPHER BROSCHART,'l'ax Id. 9t s3 s4 1 1 5"' Precinct 92-15 Northern Blvd,, Jackson l"lgts., NY, 1i372 12. lJ, LIEUTENANT TIN4OTI-IY CAUGHEY, Tax Id, 885374 SERGEANT'SHANTËL JAMES, Shield No" 30004 81 P¡:ecinct 30 Ralph Avenue Brooklyn, NY, I 1221 14, SERCEANT ROBERI'O'IIARE, Tax Id, 916960 PSA 2 560 Sutter Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11207 t5, SERGEANT ruCH.ARD WALL Technical Assistance Response Unit 610 Little Bay Road Queens, NY I 1359 16. SERGEANT SONDRA VI/ILSON One Police Plaza Room 1406 LegalBureau New York, 17. Ì.ry 10038 LTBUTENANT ELISE HANLON, NEW YORK CITY FIRE DEPARTMENT FDNY, Burea.u of LegalAffairs 9 Metro Tech Center,4lh Floor Brooklyn NY 1i201 18. JAMAICA I{OSPITAL MEDICAL CBN bR 89 Van V/yck Bxpressway'West Jamaica, ¡ry 11411 19 DR, ISAK ISAKOV 89 Van Wyck Expressway Jamaica, 20 NY TVest 11411 DR. LTLIAN ALDANA.BERMER 89 Van Wyck Expressway West Jamaica, NY 11411 LINITED STA'IES DISTRICT COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF NEW YORK --------------x ADzuAN SCHOOI,CRAFT, Plaintiff, -against- ssÇor\8 THE CITY OF NEW YORK, DEPUTY CI.IIEF M]CHAHL AMEJYpEp- MAzuNO, Tax Id, 873220,lndividually and in his Official Capacity, ASSISTANT CHIEF PATROL BOROUOH BROOKLYN NORTH üERALD NELSON, Tax Id, 912370, individually and in his Ofñcial Capacity, DEPLITY iNSPECTOR STEVEN MAURIELLO, Tax Id, 895117, Individualiy and in his Official Capacity, CAPTAIN THEODORE LAUTER"BORN, Tax id. 897840, Individually and in his offrcial capacity, LiEIJTENANT WILLIAM GOUGH, Tax Id, COMPLAINT 919124, Individually and in hís Ot'ficial Capacity, SGT. FREDERICK SAWYER, Shield No, 257ó, Individually and in lrjs official capacity, SERÛEANT KUR',r DLINCAN, Shield No. 2483, Individually and ín his CIfficial Capacity, LIEUTENANT CHzuSTOPIÍËR BROSCÍ{.ART, Tax Id, 915354, Individualiy and in his OfTicial Capacìty, LIEUTENANT TIMOTHY CAUGHEY, Tax id. 885374, Individually and in his Official Capaoity, SEROEANT SI-IANTEL JAMES, Shield No. 3004, Individually and in he¡ Official Capacity, LIEUTENANT THOMÂS HANLEY, Tax Id. 879761, individually and in his Ofñcial Capacity, CAPTAIN TIMOTI{Y TRAINER, Tax Id. 899972,lndividua1ly and in his Official Capacity, SERCEANT SONDRA WILSON, Shield No. 5172, Individually and in her official capaciry, SERGEANT ROBERT 'W. O'HARE, Tax Id, 916960, Individually and in his Of{icial Capacity, SBRGEANT RICHARD WALL, Shield No. 3099 and P,O,'s "JOHN I)OE" #1-50, Individually and in their Ofücial Capacity (the name John Doe being fictitious, as the true names are presently unknown), (collectively referred'to as .NYPD defendants"), FDNY LIEUTENANT ELISE I{A.NLON, individually ¿¡nd in her offïcial capaoity as a lieutenant with the New York City Fire Department, JAMAICA HOSPITAL MEDICAL CENTER, DR, ISAK ISAKCIV, Individually and in his official Capacity, DR, LILIAN ALDANA-BERNIER, Individually and in hcr Official Capacitl, and JAMAICA HOSPITAL MEDICAL CENTER EMPLOYEE'S "JOHN DOE" # 1-5û, Individually and in their ûfficial Capacity (the name John Doe being frctitious, as the true names are presently unknown), Defendanrs. rp Ç*v_.g6gqã JURY TRIAL DEMANDED ECF CASE Plaintiff ADzuAN SCHOOI,CRé.Ì'T by his ârtorneys, Jon Norinsberg ancl Cohen & Fitch LLP, complainìng of the defendants, respeÇtfully allcge as follorvs; PR4L-IMINARY STATPMENT l. Piaintiff brings this actio¡r for conrpensatory damages, punitive damages and attorney's fees pursuant to 42 U,S.C, $ 1983 and 42 U.S,C. $ 1988 for violatjons of iris cjvil rights, as saìd rights are se,cured by said slätutes and the Constitutions of the Stare of New York and tire United States, 2, This action seeks redress fcrr a coordinated and concentrated efTort by ìrigh ranking officials witirin the New York City Police Deparfment (hereinafter "N\aPI)") to silence, intimidate, tlueaten and retaliate against plaintiff ADRIAN SCI{OOLCRAFT. for his documentation and disclosure of conuption with the NYPD. Specifìcally, that the NYPD had established an illegal quota policy for the issuance of summonses and arrests and th¿t defendants were falsifying and instructing police officars to suborn perjury on police reports in order lo distort COMPSTAT statistics. In order to prevent disclosure of these illegal and unconstitutional acts, which would have revealed rarnpant NYPD comrption, defendants unlauúrlly enterecl plaintiffs home, had him forcibly removed in handcufïs, seized his personal effects, inciuding evidence he had gathered documenting NYPD coruption and had I-{ospital Center against his o'emotionally will, under false and him admitted to Jamaica perjurious information that plaintiff was disturbed", Tbereafler delendant officers conspired with Jamaica Hospitai Center personnel to have plaintiff involuntarily committed in its psychiatric ward for six (6) days, all in an effort to rarnish plaintiffs reputation and discredit his allegations should he succeed disclosing evidence of widespread comrption within the NYPD, irr JUBISDICTION 3. This action is brought pursuant to 42 U"S.C. $ 1983 and 42 U,S.C, $ 1988, and the Fourth, Fifth, a¡rd Fourteenth Amenchnents to the United States Constitution. ,Jurisdiction is founded upon ?8 U.S.C, $$ 1331 and 1343, VENUE 4, 1391(c), Venue is properiy laid in the Southem District of New York under U,S,C, $ in that the defenclant Cify of New York is a municipal corporatirrn that resides in the Southern Di.strict of New York, Further, this matter is inext¡icably interwoven to a related proceeding cwrently pending in the Southern District of New York, Stinsou-et. al v, CitJ of New Y.crlk et. .ai, (RIVS) 10 CV 4228, JURY DEMÁ,ND 5, Plaintiff respectfully den:ands a trial by jury of all issues in thi,ç matteÍ pursuant tÕ Fed R, Civ. P.38&). PARTIES 6. Plaintiff ADRIAN SCI{OOLCRAFT is a Caucasian maie, a citizen of the Unitecl States, and at all reievant times a resident of the 7, Defendant Cþ and State of New York, CIIY OF NEW YORK was and is a municipal organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State 8. ' corporation duiy ofNew York. Defendant CITY OF NEW YORK maintains the New Yçrk City Police Department, a duly authorized public authority andlor police department, authorjzed to psrfonx all funetions of a police department as pff the applioable sections of the New York Stare Crirninal Procedure Law, acting under the direction and supervision of the aforementioned municipal corporation, City of New York. 9. That ar all lin¡es bereinaf'ter mentioned, the individually named defendzurts DüPUI'Y CHiËF MICHAEL MARINO, ASST. CHJHF GERJ.LD NELSON, DEPUTY INSPËCTOR STPVEN MAURIËJLLO, CAPTAIN THEODORE LAUTERBORN, LIEUTËNANI' TIMOTHY CAUOHEY, SERGEANT SHANTEL JAMES, LIEUTENANTANT WILLIAM GOUGIJ, SERGEAN FRþDLRTCK SAWYER, SERGEANT KURT DT,INCAN, I,ilîUTENANT CHRISTOPHER BROSCHART, SERGEANT zuCI.TARD WALL, SERCEI'NT ROBERT W. O'T{ARE, LIEUTENANT THOMAS HANLEY, CAPTÂIN T'IMO]'HY TR,AINER, SERCEANT SONDRA WILSON and P.O.'s ".IOHN DOE" #1-50 were duly swom police officers of said deparfment and were acting under the supervision of said deparlment and according to their official duties, 10, That at all times hereinafier mentioned the NYPD defendants, either personally or through their employe,es, were acting under coior c¡f state law and/or in compliance with the official rules, regulations, laws, stah.rtes, customs, usages and/or practices of the State or City of New York, 11, defe¡rdants Each a¡d all of the acts of the NYPD defendants alieged herein were done by said while acting within the scope cf their ernployment by defendant TF{E CITY OF NEW YORK, 12. Each and all of the acts of the NYPD defendants alleged herein were done by said defendants wirile acting in furtherance of their empioyment by defendant THE CITY OF NEW YORK, .l3, Thaf at all times hereinafler mentioned, the individually namecl def'sndant LIETITHNAN'Î ELISE I{ANLON was a duly sworn iieutenant with the New l'ork City Fire Department ("FDNY") and was acting under the supervision of said department and according to her off¡cial duties. 14, Tlnt at all times hcreinafter mentioned the FDNY defendant, was acting under color of state law .and/or in compliance with the ofücial ruies, regulatíons, laws, statutes, cusloms, usages and/or practices of the State or City of New Yol'k, 15. Each and all of the acts of the FDNY defendant allegecl hçrein were dr¡ne by said defendant while acting within the scope of her employment by defbnclant THE CITY OF NEW YORK. 16. Each and all of the acts of the FDNY defenda¡rt alleged herein were done by said clefendant while acting in fu*herance of her employment by defendant 'lHE CIITY OF NEW YORK, 17, Defendant the JAM,4,ICA HOSPITAL MEDICAL CENI'ER (liereinaller 'oJlIMC") is a privately owned hospital iocaied at 8900 Van Wyck Expressway, Jamaica, New York, i I 41 8 and 18. performs all functions of a hospital, Thal at all times hereinafter.mentioned tbc rjefendant,JHMC, was a clomestic corporation duly organi:¿.ed and existing unde¡ and by virnre of the laws of the State of New York. 19, That at all times hereinafter mentioned, defendant JHMC owned, operated, managed and controlled a certain hospital for the treatment of the sick and ailing in the County of Queens, Søte of New York, and as such heid itself out as duly qualified to render proper and adequate hospital service for the treament of ihe sick and ailing in the County of New York, and as such held itself out as duly qualified to of Queens, State ren<Jer proper and adequate hospital, medical and surgical senices to members of the general public. including plaintiff. 2A, Ttat at all times hereinafter mentioned, defendant DR, ISAK ISAKOV, was a physician duly licensed to practice medicine in the State of New York, and as such held himself out as duly qualified to render proper and adequate medical serviccs to members of the general public" including plaintif f, 21. That at all tirnes hereinafter mentioned, defendant DR. attending physician of the Psychiatic Departrnerrt servant and/or independent conhactor retained ISAK ISAKOV rvæ the r:f JHMC, and was an employee, ageot, by JHMC to render medical sen"ices, care and trpatment palionts seeking medical care at JHMC. 22, That at all times hereinafter mentioned, defendant DR, LILIAN .ALDANA- BERNIER, was a physician duly licensed to practice medicine in the State of'New York. and as such, held herself out as duly quaiified to render propcr and aclequate medioal senices to members of the general public, including plaintiff, 23, That at all times mentioned, defenclant DR. LILIAN ALDANA' BERI.{IER was the admitting physician of the Psychiatric f)epartment of ,THMC, and was an employee, agenL, servant and/or independent contractor retaíned by JFIMC to render medical seryices, care and treâtmenl patients seeking medical care ât JHMC. 24, That at all timcs irereinafter mentioned, the defenciants JHMC EMPLOYEH'S "JOHN DOE* # 1-50 were working for and were acting under the supervision of JHMC according to their official duties, F.AúITUAL ÞLCIíGROUNÐ Pl¡intiff s Exemplary Career In the U.S. Navy 25. and NYPD Plaintiff ADRTAN SCHOOLCRAFI' is a New York City Police Officer and been employed by the New York City Police Deparlment 26, has ("NYPD") since .Iuly, 2002. Prior to the events set forth below, plaintiff ADRIAN SCHOOLCIìAF'I was a decorated New York Ci¿v police officer and United States Navy veteran. 27 , From I 993 to 1997, plaintifi ADRIAN SCHOOLCRAI|T served honorably in the United States Navy, 28, During this time, plaintiff ADRLAN SCHOOLCRAFT receivecl several commendations, including the o'National Defense Service Medal" and the'o}ìirst Good Conduct Medal." 2t). Aftsr tour ycars of distinguished service r:n the I"JSS BIue Ridge, plaintiff ADRIAN SCHCIOLCR,{FI" reoeived an honorable discharge from the Llnited States Navy on luly 22,1997, 30. Thereafter, plaintiff ADRIAN SCHOOLCRAFT, whose father was a police officer, decided to join the New York City Police Departn:ent in Juiy 2002, 3 L Fourteen n:onths after joining the NYPD, piaintifl'began working at the 8l Precinct, where he remained until Octol¡er 31,20A9 32, st , In total, plaíntiff ADRIAN SCHOOLCR A,FT worked f'or six years at the 81st Precinct. 33, Dwing this time, plaintiff ADRIAN SCHOOLCRAF'| became the senior patrol office¡ on the 4:00 p.m. to l2:00 p,m, at the 81'r Precinct, 34, in this capacity, plaintiff ADRIAN SCHOOLCRAF'| was often sought out by other police officers fo¡ his knowledge, experience and sound judgment in handling difficult work siruations, 35. In his seven year carêer with the N\?D, plaintiffADzuAN SCHOOLCRAFT had an exemplary record and in fact ¡eceived multiple commendations f'or his work as a poiice offrcer. 36. For example, On Oclober 28,2006, plaintiff received a "Meritorious Police Duty Medal" fbr his '*outstanding performance" as a police officer, 37, Simiiarly, on June 4, 2008, plaintiff recsived an award from the NYID for his o'dedication to the New York Ciry Police Department and to the City of New York." PlaintiffWitnesses Enforcement of an lllegnl Quota Policy for Summonses and Arrests 38. During his timc at the 8l't precinct, plaintiff began to observe a paftern and practice of supenisors enforoing a de.fãcto qJota policy requiring police officers to issue a certain number sunmons and arrests per month, 39. Additionaliy, plaintifT observed that personal pcrfbrmance evaluations were almost entirely based on adherence to this quota and officers failing to meet the required amount were ,subject to work related consequences, such as loss of overtime, tour changes ald denial of vacation days, 4A, Fuñher, in October 2A06, directly coinciding with defendant DEPUTY INSPECTOR STEVËN MATIRIELLO's assignment to the 81*tprecinct, plaintifi and his fellow police officers stalted to receive explicìt threats of tour transfers, undesirable assignmonts, poor performance evaluations and other adverse conseguences for failure to meet their monthly anest and summons quotas, 41. Thesc admonishments to adhere to monthly quotas wsre repeatediy emphasized by the defendant officers at the daily roll calls in the 81't precinct throughout plaintiffs employment. 42, For example, on December 8, 2008, Defendant MATIRIELLO be¡alEcl his officers for not writing enough surnmonses per month: "l SEE ETGHT FUCKiNG SUMMONSËS FOR A 20 DAY PERIOD OR A MONTT'L IF YOll MESS UP, HOW THE I{ELL DO YOU ï'¡ANT ME TO DO ]'HE RIGHT'THING BY YöU?'' 43, Defendant MALIRIELLO repeatedly drove home this message, explicitly threatening to move ofñcers out of their piatoons if they did not make their numbers, For example, on October 28,2008, MAUzuELLO shouted out to his offìcers: \VORK, AND I "IF YOIJ DON'I' CET THE SAME NAMES BACK AGAIN, I'M MOVING YOIJ, YOU'RE GOING TA G0'I:O ANOT'Hþ:R PLAT'OONT' 44, Defendants' illegal quota policy was enfbrced not just by Maurielio. but by other high-ranking members of the 8l*' Preci,rct, For example, on January 28,2AA9, Raymond Stukcs stated: "l TOLD YOIJ G{JYS LAST MONTH: TH"EY Sergeant ARI I,OOKING AT TIIESE NUMBERS, AND PEOPI-E ARE GOINO T'O CTïT MOVL,D .., ]'HËY CAN MAKË YOUR JOB RBAI, TINCCIMFORTABLE, AND V/E AI-I, KNOW V/H"AT THAT MEANS.'' 45, On December 8, 2008, another Sergeant made similar th¡eats: "ly'HËN I I'HLL YOU TO GET YOUR ACTTVITY UP, IT'S FOR A REASON, BECAUSE THEY ARE LOOKING ]'O MOVþ] PEOPI,E, AND HE'S SËzuOUS ..,. THER.I]'S PËOPLË IN IIERE THAI" MAY NOl'BE }IERE NEXT MON'I'H,'' 46, Additionally, on October 18,2009 another Sergeant made it explicitly clear to the subordinate officcrs that "AGAIN, IT'S ALL ABOUT ïHE NUMBERS," Oflìcers Were Being Instructed to Make Arrests and Issue Summonses Without Probable Cause 47. In fact, defendants were so obsessed with making their "numbers" that they literally instructed officers to make arrests when tlrere was no evidence of any criminal activity whatsoever. 48. For example, on October 31,2008, Mauriello ordered his officers io arest virtually everyhady they came in oontact with at 120 Chauncey Street in Bror:klyn, with or w,ithout probabie cause; "EVERYBODY GOES. I DON'T CARE, YOU'R-E ON 12û CHALTNCEY AbtrD THEY'R.E POPPING CHAMPAGNE? YOKE T}M.OUGH THH E'M. PUl' ]'HËM SYSTEM. THEY GOT BANDANNAS ON, ARREST THHM. EVERYBODY GOES TONIGIIT. TIIEY'RE UNDERAGE? FUCK IT.'' 49. Similar orders were given by a Sergeant on November 23,20A8. "IF TIIEY'RE ON A CORNER, MAKE 'EM MOVE. IF TI-IEY DON'T IVANT TO MOVE, LOCK 'EM UP. DONE DEAL, YOU CAN ALWAYS ARTICULATE [A C]IARCEI LATER." 50, surnrnons Thus, police officers at the 81st Preoinct were being instructed to arrest and fully innocent people for crimes that never occurrsd for nothing more than standing on a street corner j.n their neighborhoods and then "a¡ticulate" or create a charge later, NYPD Policy Making Officials Were the Driving Force Behind This Quota and Policy 51, Defendants' myopic obsession with quotas came straight from the highest ranking officials in the New York City Police Department, 52. For example, Chief of 'fransportation MICHAEL SCAGNELLI, a three star Chiet was quoted as saying: "HOW M.A.NY SUPERSTARS AND I-IOW MANY LOSERS DO WE HAVE, HOW MANY SUMMONSES DOES THE SQUAD V/RITE, WE NEED MORE ACTIVITY, IF YOUR PRODUCTIVTTY FALLS BELOTV PAR ËITHER YOU OI{ THE TS C,O. GOING1"O HAVE TO ANSWER,'' 53, Another high-ranking official at the 81*t Precinct, Lieutenant Delafuente, actually gave specific numbers that must be met by each ofücer; "ICAPTAIN STARKY] ïVANTS A'I LEAST 3 SHATBELTS (SUMMONSES), 1 CELL PHONE (SLIMMONS) AND 11 OTHHRS (suMMoNSËS)." Plaintiff Refuses to Comply with the NYPD's Unlawful Quota Policy, Leading to Increased P¡essure and Scrutiny from His Supenisors 54, Unlike many of his colleagues, plaintiff ADRIAN SCHOOLCRAFT refused to issue or to be cosrced tcl issue unwar¡anted and illegal summonsss and affest innocent people in rhe absence of probable cause simply to meet a quota. 55, As a direot result of this "¡r<¡n-comp1iance," in January 2009, plaintiff ADRIAN SCHOOLCRÂFT began to be sc.rulinized and increasingly pressured by his supervisors and oommanding officer's to increase his "ACTIVITY" (i,e, not writing enough summons and making arrests), cr face possible low performanoe evaluations and tour/command reassignmcnr. 56. Specificaliy, on .ìanuary 13, 2009, plaintif.f wa$ summoned to a meeting with L'l'. RAFAEI, MASCOL, who corunanded him to increase his "OVERALL ACTIVITY," or he would be placed on "PERFORMANCE MONITORING" and be subject to "LOW QUÁRTERLY EVALUATIONS, " 57, Puñher, when plaintiff reqriested an explanation of the lieutenant's definition of "ACTMTY," MASCOL expJicitly referenced the need to increase his issuauce of srurunorises and anests, ('Activity" Illaintiff Receives a Poor Evaluation Based On l{is Low Summons 58. On January 29,2009, plaintiff did, in fact, receivË a poor perfcrmance evaluation æ a result of his :failure to issue the mandated number of summons and arrests required by iris supervisors and .ilorough chi ef, 59, Specifically, plaintiff rcceived an overall rating af 2.5 out of 5.0, despite the fact that the average of his scores based on the number of categories contained in the evaluation should have been markedly higher than 2.5. é0, For example, plaintiff s average for "performance areas" was actually 3,75, and contained no rating whicir was less than 3,0, Similarly, plaintiffs average dimensions" was 3.25. still well above the 2.5 rating that he received, for "behavio¡ 61. In addition, the balarice of the evaiu¿tion contained the following praise f'or plaintiff: P.û. Schoolcraff shows good community interaction by eliciting infr:nnation from witnesses and victims, He also mediates probiems between disputing individuals and plovides counseling when famjlies have oonflicts. P,O, Schooicraft is abie to complete a¡rest forms accurately and completely fand] is able tn fingerprint, photograph and process ali arrest related paperwork. 67. it is clear that plaintiff's failure to Thus, which plaintiff s supervisors termed meet the NYPD summonslarrests c¡nta o'poor activity" and attributed "unwillingfness] to change his approach to meeting performance standards" reason why - to plaintifls was the rcal plaintiff received such a poor performance evaluation, Plaintiff Challenges His Low V/ork EvaluatÍon, Resulting in Intense Scrutiny By His Supervisors 63, Thereafter, plaintiff immediateiy informed his supervisors of his intention to appeal his evaluation based on the fact that they had either miscalculated thçil overali raling or he had been evaluated on an illegat and unconstitutional basis (i.e, not meeting arrest/su¡rmons quotÐ, 64, On February I, 2009, following plaintiff s disclosure of his intention to appeal, poster that read a "lF'YOU DON'T LIKE YOTIR JOB THEN MAYBE YOIJ SHOUI,D OET ANOTI-IER JOR" was posted to plaintiff s lc¡clcer, 65, pressured On February 3, 2009, Sgt, Meyer, the Squad Sergeant ai the 8l5tPrecinct, directly plaintiff to increase his summons activity: "WHY DON'T YOLI JUST CONFO.IL\4? THEY WANT A BOOK (20 SLTN4MONSES), SO EVERYONE WRITES 1s (SUMMONSES). YOTJ COULD GET , 66. AIVAY WITTT 10 OR 12 (SLIh,{MONSES) Foliowing that incident, AND A COLLAR (ARREST)." on February 20, 2009 plaintiff ADRIAN SCHOOLCRAFT was approached by defendant MASCOL who informed plaintiff that the only way plainliff improve future performance evaluations, was if plaintiff raised his "ACTIVITY," by writing "MORH SUMMONSES" and being "MORE PROACTIVE." 67. In response to this ultimatum, plaintiff ADRIAN SCHOOI",CR.AFT informed defendant MASCOL that he would try to improve his activity but that he would not write illegal sunrmonses or arrest people in the absence of probable cause to beiieve that a sunrmonsable or arrestable offense been committecl, Defendants Á.ttempt To 'rStrong-Arm" Plaintiff Into Dropping His Appeal 68. Thereafter, on Februaxy 25, 2A09, plaintiff ADRIAN SCHOOLCRAFT was commanded to a meeting with all of the supervisors at the Slst Precinct to discuss the appeal of his evaluation. 69, The meeting was aftended by, amongst ofhers DEPUTY INSPECTOR STEVEN MAURIELLO, StsRGËANT' WEIS S, LIEUTENANT DELAFUENTE, CAPTAIN THEODORE LAUTER-BORN, LIEUTENANT RAFAEL MASCOL. LIEUTENANT TIMOTHY CAUGHEY, ANd SERGEANT RAYMOND STUKES. 7A. During this meeting, the aforementioned supervisors repeatedly attempted to discourage plaintiff fiom appealing his performanoe evaluation and implicitiy th¡eatened plaintiff' with retaliation if he pursued the issue. TL Specifically, in an aggressive, threatening tone, the supervising officers expressed their "concern" that the appeal would be reviewed by DEPUTY CHIEF.MICHAEL MARINO and "HE'S GOING TO L,OOK AT YOUR EVAI-UATION, I-lE MAY PULL UP ALL YOUR ACTIVITY AhID THEN HE'S GOINCì TO SAY YOt} WANT TO KNOW WHAT YOUR EVALUATION IS? LOOK AT THB ACTIVITY, Iù/HAT ARE YOU FI.JCKINC KIDDING ME?! KNOT/TNG HIM, HË'S GOING TO TALK A LOT OF SHIT,'' 72. ln fact, tbe sole purpose of the meeting was that pìaintiff had an insufficient number of summonses and arrests a¡d as such his evaluation was waranted. 73, The commancling officers at this meeting repeatedly informed plaintiff that he could get a higher evaluation if he would raise his activiry, but when plaintiff repeatedly requested an explanation as to the definition of '*activity" he wâ.s repeatediy informed he needed to wrìte more sumuronses and arrests. 74, Specifrcally, plaintiff was informed in sum and substance "HOW ARE WE GOING TO JLTDGH SOMhBODY THATHÂS T'EN COLLARS THROUGH THb YEAR ANI) M,A.YtsË 25 SUMMONSES I'HROUGH TiIE YtsAR, COMTARED TO SOMEONE V/HO'S OO'I4 COLLARS WITH 14 SUMMONSES TI]ROUGI.I THE YEAR? THËRE'S GCI'f ]]O BF] soME VARIATION, THE SQUAD SERGAAN'I MAKES A DETËRMINAI]ON WIIO TCIP GIJYS ARI]; COMPARED TO HlS LOV/E,R GÏ"]YS. THAT'S HOW 75. Then. in a blatantly TTS IS DONÐ.'' ûansparent act of intimidation, supervisors then referenced police officers who had previously been terminated or transflened as a resulf of vocalizing objections to their evaluations. 76, This meefing wâs an overt. attempt to silence plaintiff's appeal because of the supervisor's prior knowledge of the illegality of issuing substandard performance cvaluatio¡ts -based on an offrcer's failure to meet a sumnlons quota, which had been firmly establisheci by the l,abor Arbitration Tribunal more than three years earlier, The NYPD's Quota Policy¡ Struck f)own As Illegal in January 2006 77, In facr, tire NYPD had previously been found to be in violation of New York State Labor Law fiectir¡n 21S-a,which makes it iliegal to issue poor evaiuations for an otfcer's failure tomeettherequirerrrentofforanestablishedsufnm0nsquota'Sæ@ Ciry of l.lew Yo.rk Case # A- I 0699-04. 78. Tire aforemôntiûned decision was based on Police Offioer David Velez's appeal of his 2005 performance evaluation from the 75th precinct, whích was based entirely on his failure to meet the minimum summons quota. (IdJ 79. In that matter, P,O, Velez presented evidence that tlie then Commanding Oflicer of the 75th precinct, CHIEF MIC}IAEL MARINO, a named issued a direr;tive that officers must meet "a qnota of l0 defendant in the instant matter, (ten) sunmons per month" ancl "that the poiice ofñcers in scluad A-1 received lower marks on their evaluations if the officers did not meet 'this minimum requirement."'(ld at 9), 80. Additionally, CHIEF MICHAEL MARINO reduced this directive to witing and distributed it to all of the supervisors in the 75th Precinct. (ld.) 81. The aforementioned $'ritten directive ordered thar supenising officern were required to evaiuate officers based ori their adherence to the minimum quota of summonses and anests, I¡i. 82. officers As a result of CHIEF MARNO's directive, Sgt, Lurch issued a memo to all in the 75th preoinct "remindlingl fofficers] thaf a FAILTJRE TO REQUIRËD AMOTINT OF SLIMMONSES WRITE TI-IE ANI] FAILURE TO MAKE TITE REQUIRF,N NUMBER OF ARRËST FOR EAC}T RATINç PERIOD $/IL,T, RESULT IN SUBSTANDARI) PERFORMANCE RATINGS," (Içt at l0), 83, The aforementioned memo wås entitled '*Squad Activity Bxpectations," and the word "activity" in that memo was speoificaliy referring to the requisite number of summonses needed to meet the quot¿, which is unequivocal evidence of the facl that P,û, SCHOOLCRAF'I's own low evaluatÍon in the present matter based on his "poor activig" directly correlates to a faihue to meet 84, zur illegal surnmons/anest quota, While defendants denied the existence of any quota, the arbit¡ator emphatically rejectcd defendants' claims : The Arbitrator finds that C,O. Marino's writing and Sergeant Lurcir's rnemo could nat have been clearer: "failure to write the required amount of' sun:.monses .., will result in substandard perforrnance ratings ,.." Furthet. the æterisk in the goal column make.s ìt cleæ that [fJ:ese] "goals" are monthiy, quarterly and yearly. The A¡bitratar is completely p¿rrraded that the "goals" column on this memo meets the definition in Labor Law Sestion ?15-a for '*quota" ... lThusl, the New York Police Department violated New York State l-,abor [¿w SectionZlS-a by establishing and mainfaining a sullmons quota ... ( 11,27) (emphasis added). 85, Notwithstanding this finding, the chief perpetrator of this unlawful policy, MICHAËL MARINO, was subsequenily promoted by the NYPD and is uow the Depufy Chief of in charge of supervising the entire Borough, which is also Given the existence of the aforementioned related appeal and subsequent Patrol Borough Brooklyn North, where the 81'( precínct is losated. 86. decision, it is clear that Febnrary 25,2009 "mceting" was an obvious eff'ort to plevent plaintiff appeal, to avoid the repercussions s to defendants which could follow if they were fbund to have violated the previous order, and engaged in this illegalquota practire once again. 87. Furthermore, this "nreeting" rvas an attempt to prevent plaintiff from exposing the NYPD's pattern and practice of falsifying training logs during roll calls, in which commanding offioers would require patrol officers to sign a log indicating that they had received haining that day on various police subjects, when in fact, they had received no such training flom their supervlsors. Plaintiff Refuses to Drop His Appeal and Insfead Directly Challenges the NYPDts Unlrr+{ul Quota Policy 88. It is ciear that February 25,2009 plaintiff "meeting" wås an obvious effort to prevsnt s appeal to avoid the repercussions to defendants 89, which cauld foilow. Nohvithstanding their implicit threats and veiled tactics of intimidation, plaintiff informed the group that he would pursue the appeal. 90, Thereafter, on March 11,2009, plaintiffs counsel, Brown & Gropper, wrote a letter to defendant MALIRIELLO which directly challonged the NYPD's unlavvful quota policy and the use of this policy as a basis for plaintifPs performance evaluation, Specifically, in this letter, plaintiff s counsel vwote as f:rllows: We are concerned that ou¡ client's negative evaluation is ba-sed r¡o¡ on the factors söt f'orth in Palrol Guide 205-48, but rather on his alleged lack af "aclivity" relaled lo his number af arrests and summons issued, Yet, Patrol Guide 205-48 n:akes no reference to "activity" levels. Furthermorer lve are ì"maïvare of any Patrol Guide provision which defines how much "activify" is required to achieve a sati sfactory evaluation, Plaintiffs Refusal to Drop His Appeal Results in Increased Harassment and Intimid¡tisn by His SuperÍor O{ficers 91, the 8l't As a result of plaintiffs intention to pursue his appeal, plaintiffs supervisors at Precinct began to crcâte an increasingly hostile work environment for him, 92, Specificaliy, on March 16, 2009, defendant CAUGHEY issued plaintiff a written reprimand for not documenting in his memo book that he had used the bathroonr faciiitl' on his assigned post, 93. Defendant CAUGHEY also confiscated plaintiffs memo book and made a photocopy of plaintiff s official note.s, which documented defendants' previous misconduct. and more specifrcaiiy, that of SGlf , WEISS. 94. That salne day plaintiff reported the inoident to the dury Capøin, defendart LAUTERBORN, 95. Plaintil'f requested that defendânt LAUTER-BORN dooument this act of retaliation against him in a report. 96, Ðefendant LAUTERBORN responded to this request in sum and substancel ..WHAT DO YOU WANÏ'TO REPORT? DIDN"T WE, TEI-L YOU WIIEN YOU LET.T'T{F]RË THAT THERE'S üONNA BE A LÛ]] MORE SUPERVISION? THAT'S WHAT HAPPENS.. . YOU THINK TH"AT I'HIS IS,., YOU KNOW... RETAI,IATION,., THIS IS A MATTER OF SLJPERVISION.'' 97, transfer, "THE Defendant LAUTERRORN ftrther wamed plaintiff that. affer the th¡eat of DEVIL YOU KNOW IS MUCH BETTER'ÎHAN THË DEVIL YOU DON'T," and that from this point onward, plaintiff better "CROSS YOUR I(S) 98, a AND DOT YOUR T(S)." During this convcrsation, defendant LAUTERBORN inf'ormed plaintiff that he was being carefully monitored because of his "POOR PERFORMANCB" antl suggesteqi that ir si:ould not be a surprise now had not previously resulted gg, if even minor infractions result in disciplinary action, even if they in such action, Defendant LAUTERBORN firther informed piaintiff that he was being placed on "PERFORMANCE MONITORING" because his "MIMBERS" werÊ not sufficient and that defendant MAURIELLO was a "FANATIC" ¿bout ensuring officers have high "AC'I'IVIT'Y,' impiicitiy threatening to transfer piaintiff should he not increase his "ACTIVITY," 100, As he had previously informed defendant MASCOL, plaintiff reiterated to to improve his "ACTIViT'Y" but refused to issue illegal swffnonses or make false ar¡ests absent probable pause of a crirne or violation. 1o defendant LAUTËRBORN that he would work which defendant LAUTERBORN respondecl by openly mocking plaintiff: .'YOU WANT TO BE'MR. COMMLINJTY" ß THAT \I,'HAT YOUR DOINO?!" 101, Defendant LAUTERBORI.{ proceeded to provide plaintiff with examples of sifuations where plaintiff could make anests or issue surnmonses to increase his activity clespite, the fact that there had been "NO VIOLATÍON OF LAW." 1A2, Speoifìcally, defendant LAU'|ERBORN detain young adults merely for sitting in ûont instructed piaintifi of a high crime building, to approach and regardless of probable cåuse or reasonable suspicion, 103. Further defendant LAIJTERBORN then suggested that were he to hear one of those individuals curse during this interaction, it would then be appropriate to arrest them despite having committed "NO ViOLATION OF LAW," because the police can not ap-pear'.SOFT" in these neighborhoods. Defendants Attempt to Isolate and Separrle Plaintiff from IIis Fellow Ofñeers 104. In a f,uther effort to intirnidate plaintiff, in March of 2009 clefendants also began to isolate piaintiff ADRTAN SCHOOLCRAIT from his fellow offrcers by actualiy disciplining Police Offrcer Chan, for simply talking to 105. As a result fellow police o.fücers at the 81 tt thrreatening and plaintifl precinct consistentJy avoided plaintiff out of fear that supervisors would retaliate against them, Defendants Esc¡late Their Intimidation Tactics by Taking Awsy Plaintiff s Gun ¡nd Shield i06. Thereafrer, plaintiff leamed from P.O. ZUCKER of the 81'r P¡ecinct that defendants were åttempting to execute a scenario portraying plaintiff as being psychologically rnfit to work, in which plaintiff would be involuntarily committed to a hospital. 107. Specifically, on March 16,2009, defendant WEISS was overheard stating, in reference to plaintiff: "l'M COING'I'0 HAVE HIM PSYCI{ED." 108, In April of 2009, defendants saw an opportunity to pursue plaintiffhad this scheme when a legitimate health issue. 109, In furlheranoe of this plan, plaintiff was required to consult NYP.D psychologist D¡. Catherine Lamslein for a psychological evaluation followíng an unrel¿rted examination by NYPD poiice surgeon, Joseph Cuffio, M.D,, fbr chest pains he experienced on April 3, ?009. 110. During his examinatir:n with Dr. Larnstein, plaintiff disclosed the existence of illegal NYPD policies and practices and other corruption he had observed over the past year. 111. At the conclusion of Dr, Lamstein's cxamination, and immediately following piaintiffs disclosure of rampant comrption within the 81or Precinct, Dr. Lamstein abruptly excused herself from the room for several minutes and suddenly returned only to inform plaintiff that he was required to immediately surrende¡ his gun and shield. Plaintiffls Appeal Is Suddcnly Closed lVithout His Knowledge or Consent 1i2, On April 14,2009,the following day, piaìntiffls performance evaluation appeai was "coincidentali/' anct inexplicably closed, without a hearing or notice of any kjnd æ to the basis ofthe closure. 113, h should be noted that whiie the appeal was closed in fact on April 14,20Ag, piaintiff was not made aware of tiris fact until a much laler date, 114. Ðespite being denied any infonnation regarding his appeal. piaintiff continued to reientlessly inquire about the appeal process, when and if a hearing would ever be scheduled or held, to whjch NYPD officials repeatediy refused to disclose any information, and feigned ignorance, 115. .4"dditionally, plaintiff repeatedly sent letters to the Patrolman's Benevolent Association (hereinafter "PI}A") and their lawyers, in furtherance of pressing his appeal, to which they repeatedly informed him that they oorild not help, Defendants Attempt To Further Isolrte and Degrade Plaintiff by Aesigning Telephone Switchboard 1 16. Thereaffer, througirout IIim to the the summer of 2009, plaintiff oontinued to systematically isolated from tire remainder be of lire precinct in the form of reassignment tcr telephone switchboard duty. 117, While there plaintiff was subjeoted to overt attempts of harassment ,'Z,ERO" 1 intimidation and in the fo¡m of fellow police officers and supervising officers referring to him as a and/or the "HOUSH MOUSE," 18. Additionaily, throughout his reassignment, plaintiff wítnessed further evidence of continued corruption and subornation of perjury on numerous occasions in the form of oflicers, commanding and subordinate, falsifying information contained in complainant crimc reports (UF-61's) and/or faíling to issue them altogether in the face of reported crime, 119. During the same period, despite having his gun and shield removed due to his alleged psychological instability and/or ooncerns for his and his fellow offioers' safety. plaintiff was assignecl to voucher loaded weapons and was assigned to handle arïests. Plaintiff Reports the Corruption He Has lVitnessed To Intern¿l Affairs 120, On August 18, 2û09, in response to this campaign of retaliation and intimidation, plaintiff s father, Larry, contaeted David Durk, a former NYPD Detective who had assisted Frank Serpico in the 1970s in r¡ncovering comrption within the NYPD to seek his counsel regarding the proper actíons to be taken. 121, Following that conversation, David Durk contacted Brandon l)el Pozo at the Internai Affai¡s Bu¡eau ("IAB") to apprise him of the com:ption within the 8l't precinct. 122, 'fhereafter, on August 20, 2009 plaintiff contacted IAB dirsctiy, by filing an Unusual Incident Reporl (UF-49). alleging that defendant CAUGHEY -- ironically the Integrity C|ctntrol Officer tbr the 8i't precinct -- had unlalvfuÌly entered a iocked offlce at the precinct and of renroved potentially ciarnaging cli:ounents lrom SGT. WEISS' personnel file, all at the behest SGT.V/EISS. 123. Specifically, in this repoÉ, enritled "CORRUPTION IÌ\IVOLVING THE INTEGRITY CONTROL PROGRAM OF TIIE 81s1'PRË,cnr¡CT", plaintiffalleged as follo¡¡,s: Sergeant Steven Weiss (Assistant Integrity Control Ûfficer, 8l*t Preoinct), assisted by his supervisor, a Lieutenant Timothy Caughey (hf egrity Control Officer. 81st Precinct"). did intentionally enter, withoul permission or authority, a locked offìce. containing sensitive department liles, and rernoved clocuments pertainíng to Civjlian Complaints t¡at werc inside Sgt. Weiss's Depar"tment Personnel Foider lThese] docurnents werc å potential obstacie with regards to Sgt. 'Weiss' future Evaluation and Promation to New York City Police Lieutenant. Sgt, Weiss has , sinoe been promoted to New York City Police Lieutenanl. and is no longer a-ssigned to the 81't Precinct, would appeff ftiratl Sgt, Weiss has benefitted greatly from his action(s). 124. This complaint was sent directly to Chie,l Charles V, Campisi, Chief of the lnten:al Affairs Bureau, via certified mail on August 24,2009. Plaintiffls Superiors Become Aware of Plaintiffls Complaints to Internal Äffairs 1?5, Almost irnmedialely afler inlbnaing IAB of these illegalpractices and rviclespreacl corruption at the 8l't Precinct, IAB detectives iepeatedìy left messages for plaintiff at the Slst Precinct, despite the explicit dut¡r x¡ IAB to keep such complaints confrdential, efieciively and implicitly alerting plaintiffs superiors that .he was now actively working rvith IAB on investigations, crininal in nature, concerning the 81tt Precinct. 126, On September 2, ?009, piaintiff sent a writfen request fo defendant STEVE;\ MAUzuELLO requesting in writing that the appeal of his evaluation be sent directly to the Patrol Borough Brooklyn North immediately. 127. Not only did clefenclant STEVEN MALJzu.EI,LO läil to issue any response reques1 but he had never even previously sent the appeal '- as he was mandated 1o this to -- nor did he ever inform plaintiff that his appeal had been closed in April, despite plaintiff"s repeared inquiries. Plaintiff Reve¡ls Rampant Illegal Conduct At the 81't PrecÍnct to the Quality Assuranee DivÍsion of the N'YfD 128. 'I'hereafler, on October 7 ,2009, during the course of a three hour meeting with the Quality Assurance Division ("QAD'.), plaintiff described in detail repeated instances of police rnisconduct he had witnessed in the 81't Precinct, including but not limited to, oommanding and supenrising officers' manipulation of crime statistics anclenforcement of illegai quota policies, 129, In that meeting plaintiff discussed, inter ali4, the illegal quota policy and the underreporting, manipulation and/or falsificaiion of civilian complaints made to NYPD officials in the I l't Precinct. 130. Specifically, plaintiff hsd witnessed at least thirteen instances where crimes were being undeneported in o¡der to avoid i¡rdex c¡ime ciassification - i,e, Felony Grand Larceny and Robbery undeneporled to reflecl Misderneäror Lost Property, etc, 131. Further, in order to accomplish these ends, the allegations of civilian complaints had actually been falsifled by supewising ofñcers and in some cases u/ere never documented at all by the NYPD, 132. On October 14,20A9, one week following the aforesaid meeting with QAD, plaintifl was officially piaced on perfonnance monitoring by the employee management division of the NYPD. 133, On October 19. 2009, in an increasingly desperate attempt to suppress-plaintiffs disclosure of the corruption and deceptive praotices plaguing the 81*t Precinct, CAUGHEY issued a precinct wide personnel memo to all personnel of tire any and all calls from IAB be first directed to his office, defendant 81st Precinct ordering regardiess of the specific officer IAB was atlempting to contact. 134. "Group I" On October 21, 2009, plaintiff was interviewed by telephone by members of the Internal Affairs Bureau regarding his aliegations of missonduct against defendants CAUGHEY And WDISS 135, On October ?1,2009, with deliberate indifference to plaintiff"s safety and welfare, IAB atternpted to contact plaintiff to discuss the substance of the LIF-49 he irad filed against defendant CAUGI{EY on August 20,2009, a call which was routed first to defendant CAUGHEY who was also the subject of the oomplaint. Plaintiff Continues to Pursue His Appeal But To No Avail t36. 'fhereafter on October 2.8,2Xlg,still unaware that hìs appeal irad been closed, plaintiff contasted SGT DEVINO to anange a meeting regarding the status of his appeal, 137. At this meeting SOT DEVINO informed plaintiff that she was ignorant to the status of plaintiffls appeal and feigned senijments of surprise and disbelief that the process was still ongoing. t38. Thereafter, plaintiffs father, Larry Schoolcraft, contâcted Mayor Bloomberg's office to report the repeate.d and continrúng instances of comrption within the 8l't Precinct, to which plaintiff had bore witness, and to inquire as to the reason plaintiff was being depr:ived the right to appeal his performance evaluation, On October 31, 2009 Plaintiff is Menaced Previously Reported to Internal Affairs 139, ¡t lVork by Lt, Caughey, lühom Pl¡intiff Had Thereafler, on October 31, 2009, upon commencement of his tour of duty, defendant CAUGI{DY confronted plaintiff and irnmediately ordered plaintiff to surrende¡ his memo book, 140, Upon confiscation of his memobook, defendant hirnself in a room for three hours in order to make copies of CAUGHEY prooeeded to lock plainiifis notes contained therein, which at this point now includcd specific instances of the comrption and illegal activity plaintiff had documented in preparation for his report to Conrmissioner Kelly, l4l. Following defendant CAUGI{EY's confiscation of plaintiffs memobook, defendant CAUGHEY began to exhibit menacing and threatening behavior towards plaintiff, 142. Speoifically, defendant CAUGHEY with one hand near his gun, made continuous menacing gesfffss directed at plaintiff contained within plaintiff in an apparent: response to the evidence of corruption. s memabook irnplicating defendants. Pl¡intiff Leaves lVork One Hour Early After Receiving Permission To Do So From Sgt, Huffman 143, Thereafler, at approximately 2:30 p.m, on October 31, 2008, Plaintiff was advised by civilian employee P.Ä,4. Boston, who had become aware of defendant CAUGHåY's increasingly threatening behavior, that piaintiff s safety may be in jeopardy. 144. As a resuit of this admonishment and plaintiffs independent observations, plaintiffs fear consequently manifested itself in feelings af sickness, at whjch time plaintiff eiectecl to go home rather than subject himself to potential physical harm from defcndant CAUGHEY, 145. A1 approximately 2:45 p.*, :n October 31, 2û09, less than one hour befbre his tow was scheduled to end, plaintifi sought permission to take sick leave, which he submitted to SERTEA]VT RASHENNA HUFFMAN. 146, ln response to plaintiff's request, SERGEAN'I' HUFÏ,.MAN approved plaintiff s release, but following plaintiffs departure, HUFþ"MAN subsequently and rvithout rescindpd her approval via voicemail to reason plaintiffs celi phone, ordering him back to the precinct immediately. 147. hnmediateiy upon plaintiff s arival at his horne, plaintiff contacted IAts to reporf defendånt CAUGHEY' s threatening behavior, 148, Thereafter, plaintiff, fea¡f'ul of the impending retaliatory acts to follow, contacted his father, Larry Schooloraff,, to rÊport and document what had just transpíred, after which plaintiff attempted to sleep in an efÏort to alleviate his feelings of illness, 149, While asleep, plaintiff received a voícemail message on his phone fiom Dr. Lamstein -- who had last seen plaintiff on October 27,2009, and who knew first-hand that plaintiff had no psychiatric disorders whatsoever defendants required -- who was ciearly bewildered as to why piaintiff to return to command, despite her repeated plaintiffs supervisors that in her medical and professional opinion, plaintiff advisements to posed no threai to himself or qthers, Dr. Lamstein nevertheless admonished plaintiff, presumably at defendants' direction, that if he dicl not retu¡n immediateiy, this would "[BLOW] UP TO A MUCH BIGGER MESS TLIAN IPLAINTIFF] WOULD WANT." The NYPD Threatens a *rCity.Wide Search" 150. F or Plaintiff If He Docs Not Refurn To Work Additionally, on about or in between the aforesaid oorrespondence, defendant LAUTERBORN oontacted Larry Schoolcraft inquiríng 151, as to plaintiff s whercabouts, In response, at approximately 7:40 p.m. on October 31,2009, Lany Schoolcraft retumed the câll and expìained to defendant LAUTERBORN that he had communicated with his son who had informed him that he was at irome, feeling sick and wanled to rest, to which deßndant LALITERBORN responded in sum and substance "ISFIOULD PLAINTIFF NOT RETTIRN TO COMMAND], THIS IS GOING TO GET TO BE A LARÜE SCAI,H EVENT.,.WHEN.'IHE BELLS AND WHIS'I'LES çO OFF ITS GOTNG TO BE A CITY 'ñiIDE SEARCH FOR ADzuAN SCI{OOLCRAFT,'' 152. Following that statement, Larry Schoolcraft inquired as to the urgency of Adriar's return to the command that same day, to which defendant LAUTERBORN gave no legitimate explanation and inste¿d, in an inmeeusingly threatening manner, advised plaintiffs father that things were going to escalate should plaintiff not return immediately. Defend¡nts Unlawfully Enter Plaintiffln Home and lllegally Seize Him in Order to Prevent Him From Disclosing tr¡ the Puhlic His Findings of Corruption 153. Tirereaftcr, on Ootober 31,2009 at approximateìy 9:38 p.m., plaintiff, who was lawfuliy present inside of his home located at 8260 88tl'Place, Apt,2L, Glendale, NY 11385, was confronted with approximately ten (10) armed high ranking police officers, including but not limited to, CHIEF MICHAEL MAzuNO, PAUL BROWN, and STEVEN MAUIìIELI,O, who unlawfully enieïed his home without a wana¡rt. permission, or other legatly permissible reason to do so, 154, In addition, at leest two members of the Emergency Services Unit fulI riot gear with helmets and tasers .. also illegaliy entered plaintiff 155, s apartn:ent, Upon defendants' unlarvful entry into plaintiffls home, the defendants ordered plaintiff to get dressed and commanded - dressed in af'orementioned him to return to the SlstPrecinct without any legitimate or iaçful explanation. 156, In a remarkable dispiay of caimness under the circumstances, plaintiff repeatedly and composedly requested the reâsons why defendants wore unlawfully in his horne commanding him back to work against his will, to which defendants pretextually responded that they were "worrisd" and "concerned" for plaintifPs safety and wellbeing despite plaintiffs repeâted assurances tirat he was merely feeling sick and not othors and despite the fact that in any way a danger to himself or plaintiffs own NYPD appointed psychologist had previously informed defendants that same clay that any such fears were medically unfounded. 157. Immediately thereafter, plaintiff was inJ'ormed that he was under suspension for leaving work early that day, 158, F-urther, plaintiff expressly acknowìedged that were there work consequences for his departure, defendants should relateci simply follow the normal protocol and file the proper papcrwollc to which plaintiff would respond accordingly, Defcnd¿nts Threaten To Treat Plaínúiff as an "Enotionally Disturbed Person" Not Leave His Apartment rrVoluntarily" 159. Despite plaintiffs overwhelmingly If He Does reasonable response, which was in total and utter compliance with NYPD protocol and practice, defendants responded with a continued refusal to leave plaintiffs home, subsequentiy ordering irim while armed, to the hospital illegally and againsi his will, to which plaintiff responded by repeatedly a.sserting his rights unde¡ Ncw York lar.i'to refuse uffüanted ¡¡edical treatment, 160, In retalíation to plaintìff s assertion of his rights, and with the knowledge that plaintiff potentially possessed evidence of defendants' criminal activity and conuption, defendant MICHAEL MARINO responded with the following ultimatum; "YOU HAVE A CHOÍCE. YOU GET UP LIKE A MAN Aì{D PUT YOUR SHOES ON AND WALK INTO THAT BUS fambulance], OR THEY'RE GOINC'fO TREAT YOU ÂS AN g,D,P. lemotionally disturbeci personl AND i61. THAT MEANS HANDCUFFS." Immediately thereafter, a series of verbal exchanges occurred between plaintifT and defendant CHIEF M.ARINO, in which piaintiff calmly and repeatedly expressed defendants that he was refusing nn¡, more medical atlenfion and refused to to be involuntarily removed flom his home. 162. Aware that his attempts to threaten and coerce plaintiff into complicity with defendants' unlawful scheme to otherwise silence plaintiff were fi¡tile, defendant CHIËF MICHAEL MARINO irnpatiently stated in sum and substance: "ALL RIGHT, ruST TA.KE, HIM, I CAN'T FUCKINT STAND HIM ANYMORE" and commanded that the police ofñcers present at the locatio¡r to forcibly take plaintiff into custocly. 163. Al allrelevant times on Ocrober 31, 2009, defendant CHIEF GERALD NLLS0Ì.; was âv/axe of defendant MARINO's actions and in fact, expressly MARiNO to unlawlully enter plaintiffs residence, remo\.Ìe involuntarily conf,ne plaintiff in a plaintiff autirorized clefendant against his will, and psychiatric ward. . 164, Upon information and belief defendant LIEUTENANT ELISE I{ANLON also intentionally and/or at the behest of the NYPD defendanls faisely ciassified plaintiff as an "Emotionally Disturbed Persono' in order to e.ffectuâte plairitiffs involuntary removal from his home. 1,65, Upon information and belief defþndant LIEUTEIIANT ELISE HANLON also intentionally and/or at the behest of the NYPD defendants ordered and/or authorized plaintiff be taken into EMS custody as an "Emotionally Disturbed Person," 166. Upon information and belief defendânt LIEU'IENANT ELISË HANLON also intentionally and/or at the behest of the NYPD defendants provided.ïAMAICA HOSPITAL $,ith false information regarding piaintifPs classification as an 'lEmotionaliy Disturbecl Person," in orde¡ to effectuate piainliffls involuntary confinement, Pl¡intiff Is Violently Attacked and Foreibly Removed From IIis ûwn Home against HÍs \ryiü 167. immediately thereafter, several defendant police officers, inciuding defendants L'f, WILIAM GOUGI-I, SG'f. KURT DLI{CAN, and LT. CHRISTOPHËR BROSCHART, pulled plaintiff out of his bed, physically assaulted him, tore his clothes as they th¡ew hím to the floor, illegaily strip-searched him and violently handcuffed him with his arms behind hjs back, causing excruciating pain to his wrists, shoulders, arms, neck and back. 168, With plaintiff bound onthe floor, alluding to the option plaintiff had been given of ignoring corruption and illegality, defsndant CI'IIEþ' MARINO walked over to him and with his boot on plaintifPs face, stated: 169, "lT DJDN'T HAVE fO BE L,IK.ä THÏS,' Defendant CHIEF MARINO then sat on plaintiff s bed as his offtcers, following his commands, illegally searched plaintiffs body and recovered a digital reco¡der that plaintiff was holding, Afraid of what piaintiff might have recorded during this incidenl, defendant CHIEI¡ MARINO illegâUy seized the recorder himself, stating contemptuously that plaintiffwas "BEING CUTE" by trying to record the incident. . 170, Additionally, NYPD spokesperson Paul Brown wâs present outside of plaintiff s apartment during fhe aforementioneci illegal home invasion on October 31,2û09, for the sole purposc of proviciing to any potential members of the media who might be present during this abduction a false and misleading account of the facts and circumstances srirrounding plaintifls involuntary oonfinement, Defend¡nts Conduct an lllegal Search Misconduct b¡'the NYPD ' l7l, of PlaintifPs Apartment, Seizing Evidence of The¡eafter, defendants illegally searched plaintiffs home and illegally seized substantial evidence of com.rption within.the 81'1 Precinct which plaintiff had gathered detailing the enforcement of iliegal quotas and the perjurious manipulation of police repofis, as well plaintiff s notes 172. as regarding his complaints against the 81't precinct. Specifically, defendants illegaiiy seized a draft of his Report to the Police Commissioner, Raymond Kelly, entitled "A Patrolman's Repofi to tl¡e Commissioner," and details of his collaboration with retired New York City Polìce Detective/Lieutenant David Durk. as well as the aforementioned digital tape recorder. 173. In fact, plaintiffs landlord specifically observed defendants leave plaintíffs apârtment carrying multiple manila folders in their hands. 174, Foilowing defendants' illegal entry, search and seizure of plaintiff s home, per$on and effects, plaintifT was then placed in restraints and carried from his home against his full view of friends and neighbors by multiple armed will in members of the New York City Police Deparfment. Defendants Make Blatantly False and Misleading St¡tements to the Hospital, Resulting in Plaintíff s Confinement in the Psychiatric Ward 175, Thereafter, defendants involuntarily transporled psychiatric ward, Hospital in an'intentional and premcditated fashion and convinced doctors fo have plainliff involuntarily admitted 176. plair*ifïto the .lamaica as an emotionally disturbed person, Specifically defendants falseiy claimed that plaintiff "LEFT IVORI{ EARLY AF'|ER GETTING AGITATED AND CURSINû HIS SUPERVISOR" and tirat the police .,FOLLOWED HIM HOME AND HE HAD BARzuCADED HIMSELF, AND THE DOOR HAD TO BE I]ROKEN TO GET TO HIM," 177, It should be noted that the aforementioned false and perjured statements were emphatically ploven false by piaintifls landlord, who provided infbrmation that plaintiffs door was never forcibiy entered, but in fact the landlord had provided keys to defbndânt MARINO in response to the false pretense provided by defendants that plaintiff was "suicidal." 178, Further, defendants also falsely slaimed that plaintiff "INITIAI,LY AGRËED TO GO T/ITH THEM FOR EVÂI,UATION, BUT ONCË OUTSIDE, HE RI¡/ AND HAD TO BE C:HASED,'' 179, These st¿tements were also proven to be demonsffably false by RMT records, o'had to be which clearly and flatly refute defendants' claims that plaintiff "ran'o away and chaserj", 18û. At no point on October 31, ?009 did plaintiff behavior that defendants' falsely alleged in order to secure exhibit or engage in any of the piaintifl's involuntary confinement, Plaintiff Is Handcuffed and Resrrained in the Emergency Room, Where Hc is Denied Fundamental Rights and Treated as a Criminal 181, After his anival to Jam¿ica Hospital, plaintiff more th¿m nine hours, during which time he was denied use was handcuffed to a grrrncy for cf phone, water, food or bathroom facilities. 182. When plaintiff was finaliy allowed to nrake a phone call at approximately 6:Û0 a,m.!'one of the NYPD members watching over him, SGT, FREDEzuCK SAWYER, said out loud: "HEY, I'fHCIUGHT'PERPS WEREN'T Ai¿OWED TO USE THä PHONE." Thereafter, SGT. SAWYER forcibly disconnected the phone and hung it up, thereby instantly terminating plaintiff's phone call, 183. assisted SGT, SATVYER then said "OKAY, NOVy'!", at which point SGT. SAtrVYER, by fìve other mernbers of the New Ynrk City Police departmenl * inciuding SGT, SI-IANTEL JAMES. P.O, RAYMOND MILLIìR and P,O. ARTUR SADOWSKJ, antl lrvo armed police officers - forcibly grabrbed plaintiff-s hair, head and body, and threw him back on top of the gurney which he had been standing next to when making the phone call, SGT, SAWYER then placed a second handcuff on plaintiff s left ha¡d so tightly that and caused his hand to turn blue, it caused exoruciating pain, 'Ward Plaintiff Spends Three Full Days In The Emergency Room of the Psychiatric 184. F¡om October 3i, 2009 thrc'ugh November 2,2009^ plaintiff was involuntarily confined in tJre ernergerrcy room of the psyclriatic ward of Jamaica Hospital, 185, While there plaintiff was kept involuntarily confined with otlier psychiatric patients in a room that had no windows and was secured by double locked sequential doors, with a security guard present at ali times standing oulsicie, t 86. During this time, plaintiff was forced to reiinquish all of his clothing and personal possessions, The only clothing plaintiff was given v/as â hospital gown, He was not eve.n allowed to wear underwear, 187, bed to sleep Further, during the first three days in the hospital, plaintiff was not even given a in, Rather, he was forced to sleep every night on ä gumey located in the hallway the ernergency room of the psychiatric ward, As a result, there were aiways lights on of and plaintiff had no privacy whatsoever. 188. Most importantly, during this time. plaintiff was denied access to thc outside world" Plaintiff repeatedly requested an opportunity to speal with internal affairs, ancl to have photographs talcen of his multiple bmises, but these requests were steadfastly ignored by doclors and hospital staff. i89, Afler th¡oe days, piaintiff was fr:m:a1ly admitted into the psychiatric wzu'd ar JI-IMC, where he spent the remainder of his confinement. 190, I)uríng this timi, plaintiff was forced to cohabit with índividuals who had severe psychiatric disorders ard engaged in bizarre and unsettling behavior. l9l, For example, onc patient routinely combed his haìr wit}r feces, whiie another pàtienf continuously u'alked around the unit wearing bloody bandages on hi.q wrists and neck. 192. Additionally. another patient trìed repeatedly and persistently to induce herself to vomit, which she succeeded in doing dght near plaintiff. Still other patients i¡: the unit woultl routinely sorearr and yell until they were foroibly sedated. 193. There were no clclcks in the unit, nor rù/ere there any SCHOOLCRAFT wa.q mirrors. PiaintiffADzuAN completely cut off from the outside world, a¡d there was nothing he could dc it about it. Plaintiff s Involuntary Confinement Continues for Six Full I)ays, in Clear Yiolation of New York Law t94. For six frrll days, plaintiff ADRLAN SCHOOLCRAFT was confined against his will in the psychiatric ward of .lsmaica I'lospital, 195. Tlhis confinement was unlawfi¡l, illegal and in clear violatiou of both New York law and the Constitution of tire United States. 196, There was no nedical basis whatsoever for dctaining. plaintiff ADRTAN SCHOOLCRAFT in a psyohiatric ward, much less for six days. 197, To the contrår)/, hospital records make clear that plaintiff SCIJOOLCRAITT r,vas at ADRIAN all times, lucid, rational and frllly coherent and exhibited no signs whatsoever of presenting a danger to himself or to others, ln fact as defþndant ISAKOI; himself noted: During the observation in the unit without taking any medications" patient was appropriate in interaotion, calrn and not agitated. I.le denjed suicidal or homicìdal ideations, He was not expèriencing any paranoid ideations, but was concemed about issues in the precinct. After observation f<¡r a t'cw clays on the uni.t, there weye no significant psychiätric symptoms to treät with medications, 198, In fact, from the ver), ot¿tsel, when plaintiff was first exsminecl af JHMC, it was manifestly clear that piaintiff was not in need of any psychiatric treatment, much less involuntary conflnement in a psychiahic wa¡d. As the hospital itself noted about plaintiff: He is coherent, relevanT \¡/ith goal directed speech and gcrod eye contact, He is initahie with appropriate affect, FIe denies hallucination .,, He denies suicidal ideation, homicidal ideation at the present time, l{is memory and concentration is intact, He is alert and oriented ,,,. 199. Plaintiffls clea¡ rnental state was so obvious that one of the dootors who initially examined plaintiff stated out loud that it was 'oridiculous" that he was even brought to the hospiøI, and assured plaintiff that he would be going home shortly. 200, Notwithstanding this fact, and despite the objective medical evidence documenling that plaintifi did not meet the psyohologicai crite¡ia patient requiring conlinement, plaintiff ren:ained any uniawfilly of ar: emotionaìly distu¡bed and invoirurtarily detained without juslification for six (6) clays, 201, Additionally, plaintiff was denied tire right to vote on Novembe¡ 3, 2009, despite repeateclrequests to do so, a fact that is even documented in the medical records of JI{MC, 702, On November 5,2009, plaintiff was suddenly deemed safe, despite no change in plaintiff s prior behavior, md released from Jamaica Hospital. 2A3. in detaining plaintiff ADR1AN SCHOOLCRAFT'far six full days against his will, defendant JHMC violated the express provisions of Mental I{ygiene Law $ 9.39(a). This statute provides, i_Etg¡ giia, that a patient may not be detained against his will unless there is either 1) a "substantial risk of physical harm to himself as manifested by threats or attempts at suicide or other conduct demonstrating that he is dangerous to himself' or 2) "a substantial risk of phyçical harm to other perscrns as manifesred by homicidal or other violent behavior by which others are placecl in reasonable fear 204, of serious physical hann," A.dditionaliy, defendant ALDANA-BAK\IIER violated the express provisions of Mental Hygiene Law $ 9,39(a) she failed to perform the necessary tests ancl examinations in order to determine that piaintiff was either l) a "substantial risk of physical harm to himself as rnanifested by threats or attempts at suicide or other conduct demonstrating that he is dangerous to himself' or 2)"a substantiai risk of physical harrn to other persons as manifested by homicidal or other violent behavior by wltich others are placed in reasonable fea¡ of serious physical hårm," 205. Furlher, defendant ALDANA-BERNIER falsifred hospital reports secure plaintiffs continued confinement in the psychiatric ward when she noted in order to "PATiENT IS A DANGER l'O HIMSELF," without any medical test to subslantiate this. 206. As defendant JI{MC's own records make clear, neither of these criteria wås even remotely satisfied, Accordingly, defendant's continued detention of plaintiff ADRIAN SCHOOLCRAI'T was â gross violation of legal, medical and ethical standards, and as such, was a clear deparhre from good and accepted medical praetices. 2A7, Fina.lly, as a final insult, foliowìng his release f¡om JHMC, plainliff rcceived a actualiy bill in the amount of'$7,185,00 for h\s in,voluntary confrnement, for which JHMC actually collecled money. Tbe NY?D's Crucial Role In Ensuring PlaintÍffs Contiuued Detention At J¡maica Hospital 208. tlpon information and belief, all of the aforementioned acts up to and including plaintifls involurtary confinem.ent were part effoÍ to silence plaintiff of a deliberate, concentrated and premeditated and intimidate any other members of the NYPD who sought to disclose tbe plague of comrption and iliegalities within the departmenl. 209, In frrtherance of this objective, the NYPD defendants entered plaintiff s home on October 31,2009 and illegally seized plaintiff and evidence of NYPD comrption and misconduct plaintiff had prevíousiy gathered, 210, In fl.¡therance of this objective, the NYID defendants conspired to, and did intentionally falsify evidence and submitted it to JHMC plaintiff committed to its psychiatric ward in an effort to sÌlence, intimidate, otherwise deem staft' for the sole puryose of having threaten or plaintiff incredible should the evidence of com:ption ¿nd misconduct within plaintiff's possession ever surface. zil, L: furtherance of this objective, the NYPD defendants maintained contact with JHMC for the six (6) days to enslre that plaintiff ADzuAN SCHOOLCRAFT remained at the hospital, and did so for the sole purpose of ensuring that JHMC continued to detain plaintiff, 212. In fact. when questioned by pl.aintiff about his release date, defencianf ISAKOV responded that he "WANTED TO HEAR FROM 'IHe pç¡¡lCEl DEPAR'IMENT FIRST" before he could &nswer that qucstion and tell plainti.ff when he would be released. 71.3, In allowing tlie NYPD to dictate the medical poiicy at JHMC, and in disregarding the legal requirements of Mental Hygiene law $ 9,39(a) by utterly igr:roring objective medical evidense that plaintifl w'às nol a danger ro himself or others, defendant JHMC departed from good and accepted medical practice by unlawfully and involuntarily confining plaintiff for six days. 2t4. Additionally, defendant JHMC, in furtherance of its agreement and conspiracy with NYPD officials, explicitly and/or tacitiy formed an agreement to involuntarily plaintiff despite objective medical evidence mandating his release, as a "favor" to confine clefendant officers in furtherance of their scheme to ultimately,silence piaintiff and/or otherwise impeach his credibility, Defendants' Egregious Conduct Forces Plai¡tiff To Move Upstate, Yet Defendants' Campaign of Harassment And IntimÍdation Continues - ?15. As a result of the fcrrgoing, the NYPD defendants, through a campaign of ha¡assment and intirnidation, forced plaintiff to move to upstate New York, approximately three hundred fifty (350) miles away from New York City. 216, Not'¡¿ithstanding this move, between Desember 2009 and continuing on tluough the present, armed I'IYPD officials including SERGIiANT zuCHARD WAIL, SERGEANT ROBERT W" O'HARE, LIEL]THNAN]' THOMAS HANLEY, CA}TAIN TIMOTHY TRAINER, SiIRGÐANT SONDRA WILSON and several other NYPD defenclants continued their relentless efforts to silence, harass andlor otJrerwise harm plaintiff anci his f¿ther in the form of making over a dozen appearances at his home in upstate New York, 217. During these "visits", the NYPD has dispatched teams of amed detecÍives and olåer armed members of the New Yo¡k City Police Depafment, including SERCEANT SONDRA WILSON. CAPTAIN TIMOTHY TRAINER, LIEUTENANT THOMAS HANLEY, SERCEANT ROBERT W. O'HARË snd SERCBANT RICHARD T/ALL to harass and intimidate plaintiff by pounding anci kieking on his door and shouting "NYPD. WE KNOW YOU'RE IN']'HERT, OPEN 1JPI!I'' 218. three hundred In one instance. on f)eeember 9, 2û09, one the aforer¡enlioned defenda¡rts drove fifty (350) miles outside of NYPD julisdiction on taxpayer's money - mereiy to "spy" on plaintiff ttrough his bedroom window. 219. ln response to this biatant and endless attempt to cr¡ntinuonsly harass and intimidate piaintiff, piaintiff moved his bed out of said becfuoom in ordsr to prevent imminent physical and emotional harm upon his person. 220. Notwíthstanding this action, armed NYPD officials inciuding SERGEANT RICHARD WALL, SËRGEANT ROB}ìRT'W, O'HÁRE, LIEUTENANT THOMAS HANLEY, CAPTAIN TIMOTHY TRAINER, SERGEANT SONDRA V/ILSON aud sone of the other NYPD defendants continue, up and tb,rough the present, to come to his home, repeatedly pound on his door, photograph him, and engage in efforts designed to purposefully intimidate harass and plaintiff in a tireless effort to silence him once and for all. Plaintiff s Allegations of Corruption and Fraud Within the NYPD Are Substantiated , ZZL On Jrme 23, 201CI, the Quality Assurance Dìr,ision within the NYPD issued a report of its findings regarding the allegations of comrption made by .Adrian Schoolcraft prior to his u:lawful imprisonment and detention on October 31,2009. 222, The frndings of the investigation substantiated the allegations that complaint repofls for index crimes were not being entered into the Omni System conrplaint clatabase and that crimes were being improperly reportecì in order to avoid index c¡ime classìfrcation. 223. allegations Specifically. the general findings of the investigation stemming from the of corruption made by Officer Schoolcrafr concluded the a substantial amount of civilian complaints that should have been classified as index crimes were either being downgraded or not entered into the database at all" 224. Further, the investigaiion fbund that this fraudulent crime rec,ording was the result of a widespread pattern and practice, whìch created inceniives to downgrade index crimes ancl/or refuse to record index crimes âs rÊported by civilians, Defendants' Pattsrn of Miscouduct and Unlawful Behavior, ¡nd the NYPD's Deliber¡te Indifference to Discip linin g Supervising Officers. 225, The incidents set forth above wÞre not isolatçd ovents, but rather, rvere part of an ongoing pattern of illegal and unlawiul oonduct on the part of the defendants herein, 226, of In fact, man)/ of the NYPD defendants named ín this action have been the subject intemal affairs investigations and/or departrnental' hearings concerning allegations of misconduct, as set forth below Defendant Marino's Prior Misconduct 227. F'or example, in prior to the incidents allegcd CIctober 2A07, more than a year herein, defer:¡dant CHIHF MICHAEI, MARINO wa.s the subject of n high-profile investigation involving the illegal clistribution of anabolic steroids and hun:an growth hormone at a Brooklyn pharmacy, 228. Specifically, defendant CFIIEF MICHAEL MARINO was implicated scandal when investigators raided Lowen's pharmacy in Bay Ridge, I3rooklyn, in this seizing an estimated $7 million worih of steroids and human growth irormone. 229. As a result of this raid, investigators found sferoid prescriptions for Marino, as well as six other members of the NYPD, nA, Despite his dsnial of the use and/or distribution of illegal and illicit contraband, defendant CI{IË.F MICI-IAEL MARINO had previously acknowledged publicly of having miraculously "bulhed up fiom 152 pounds to 190", resulting in "eighteen inch arms" and an ability to "bench press 350 pounds". 231. herein - steroids, Further, on September ?5. ?009 * just one month prior to the cvents described defendant MARINO faced an internal NYPD trial arising from his illegal use of in which it was aileged that defendant CFIIEF MARINO violated the NYPD's drug policy by using testosterone for bodybuilding purposes. 232. defendant Despite these allegations and NYPD's ongoing investigation, absoluteiy none of M¡\RINO's authority or cluty was mociified in any way. Defendant Nelson's Prior Misconduct ?33. Defendant CHJ.EF TERALD NELSON has aiso been the suþect of at least two NYPD internai investigations for grossly improper and unprofessional couciuct, 234. The first incident took place on February ?5, 2005, when defendant Nelson, then chief of the School Safety Dii,ision, add¡essecl 850 School Safety Agents from Queens. 235, During this address, defendant CI{IEF GER.AI"D NELSON refened to studsnts' mothe¡s ñs'obitches" who should be k¡ooked down. handcuffed ancl arrestecl when tliey interfere with an agent's work" 236, ..THESE Specifrcally, CHIEF GËR"Á,LD NELSON instructed the agents as follows: MOTHARS. WHO ARE REAL BITÇHES, NEE,D TO BE BODY SLAMMED DOWI\_ 'fO TI"IE GROLIND. C]UFFED AND ARRES'I'ED.'' 237. As a result, defendant CHIEF GfiRALD NELSON was allegedly reprimanded by NYPD Commissioner Raymond Kelly for these grossly improper remarks, however, defend¿nt CHIEF GERALD NELSCIN was never actually given any meaningful punishment by the NYPD, ?38, incident * To the contrary, on Deccmb er 23, 2006 * less than two years after the subjecî defendant CHIEF GÊRALD NELSON was asTonishingly promoted to Borough Comma¡rder of Brooklyn North, notwithstanding the incident which took place on Febnrary 25, 2005. 239. engaged Additionally, in June 2008, defendant CHIEF GERALD NELSON, once again in grossly improper conduct resulting in another internal affairs investigation.. 240. Speeificaliy, on June 10, 2008, P.O, Shelron Smikle matle a report to the Intemal Affairs Bureau that a SergeanÍ at the 83rd precinct had called him a "NIGGIiR," 241. NELSON Precinct Thereafter, * just as it iAts 'oloâkçd" this complaint to defendant CI.IIEF had "ieaked" plaintiffs IAB complaint to his s'upervisors GERALD il the 81't - leading defendânt Neison to orde¡ P.û, Smikle and his partner, P,O. Blanch O'Neal, to apperx at his office. 242. The aforesaicl rneeting ocóu¡red on June 12, 2008 wherein defendant CHIEF GERA.LD NELSON berated both officers for having filed the complaint, stating: "WË HAVE FRIENDS ON'I}TE IAB AND YOU'RE FLJLL OF SHITI'' 243, Dcfenclant Nelson then continuecl his tirade, søeaming: "SO V/I-IAT IF HE CALLED YOU A NIGÛER'7 IF YOU CAN''I'HANDLE IT, RESTGNI" 244. Therealler. defendant CHIEF GARAi,D NET",SON refer¡ed to P,O, Smikle as a "DOLLAR VAN DRIVER", and told him to "GO BACK '1'O YOI]R COLINTRY," ancl .'OET THE FUCK OUT OF MY OFFICEI" instructed him to 245, Subsequently, in retaliation to any offrcers who made their complaints defendant CHIEF GËIRALD NELSON threatened: DTSCIPLINE THEM ?46. "lF I SEE, public, THIS IN 'I'HE PAPER, I T/ILL ÂOAIN, I DO}'¡'T'NËIJD T]H]S IN MY CAREER,'' Despite these allegations and NYPD's ongoing invesligation, absoiutely none of defbndant NELSON's authority or duty was modifi.ecl in any way, Defendsnt Mauriello's Misconducú 247, Defendmt MAIIRIBLLO has also been the subjeot of an inte¡:nal affairs investigation. 248, As a direct result of plaintiff ADRIAN SCHOOI,CIìAFT'S allegations, IAB is investigating defondant MATIRIELLO' s manipulation of crime statisti cs. 249. Specificallv, defendant M.A.URIELLO routinely fabricated crime reports resulting in violent felonies being downgraded to pettT misclemeanors, creating the appearance thal the 81st Precinct's crime rate was much lower statistically than in reality. 25A. Further, dcfendant MAURIEL,I,O also commanded ofiìcers to increase their "activity" and meet their quotas, instructing them on how to take people into custody illegally and without probable cause, 251, Additionally, as evidence of these directives, Sgt. Raymond Stukes and Offrcer l|ector Tirado of the 81tt Precinct were recently indicted for their perjurious testimony regarding an incident where they had falsely alleged that they had bore witness to an individual (an undercover IAB agent) attempt to seli bootleg cigarettes to two people, when in fact it had never occurred, 252. defendant Notwithstanding the fact that plaintiffs aforementioned allegations against MAIJRIIiLLO were conJirmed by the internal affairs investigation, absolutely none of dcfendant MAUzuELLO's authorit¡'or duty was modified in any way, 253. As a result of tire foregoing, plaintiff ADRIAN SCHOOLCRAFT sustained, lnrer a/ia, bodiiy injuries, mental anguish, shock, fright, apprehension, entbartassmenl, humiliation, and deprivation of his coristitutional rights. 254. As a result of the foregoing, plaintiff ADzuAN SCHOOLCI|AFT was deprived his liberty, was cienied fr¡ndamental constitutional rights, was publícly of embanassed and humiliatcd, was caused to suffer severe emotional distress, was caused to suffer physical iqiuries to his head, neck, back and arms, was ïnvoluntarily confined to hospital treatment and was forced to incur substantial expenses, rrRsT cLArM FOR RELTpF DITPRMTION OF FnDERAL RLçHTS UNDER 255. Piaintiff paragraphs numbered 42 U.S.ç. I 1983 r€peats, reiterates and realleges eäch ancl every allegation cont¿ined in "1" through "254u with the same force and effect as if fully'set forth herein, ?56, Alt of the aforemenfioned I For all oiaims asseñed under 42 USC $ acts of defendants,l their agents, servants and 1983, including conspiracy to violate 42 USC $ 1983, the lenn "defendants" employees, were sarried out under the color of state law. 257, All of the aforementioned acts deprived plaintiff ADRIÀN SCHOOLCRAFT of the rights, privileges a¡d immunitíes guæanteed to citizens of the United States by the First, Fou¡th, Fifth, and Foufieenth Arnendments to the Constitution of the Urrited States of Amerisa, and in violation of 42 U.S.C, $ 1983. 258. defendants The acts complained of were can'ied out by the aforementioned individual in their capacities as police or FDNY officers, with all the actual and/or apparcnt authority attendant thereto, 259. defendants The acts complained in their of were carried out by the aforementioned capacities as police or practices, procedures, and the rules Department and the FDNY officers, pursuanf to the individual oustomso usages, of the City of New York, the New York City Police New York City }rire Department, all uncler the supervision of'ranking officers of said department. 26A, engaged in Defendants, collectively and indivicl.ually, while acting under color of state iaw, conduct which constituted â custom, usage, practice, procedure or rule of the respective municipaìity/authority, which is fbrbidden by the Constitution of the United States. sEcoNp cI{ArM FoR F,ELrEr yrol,,{TroN or FrRsT AMENDMEXLBìTG}ITS UNDER 26l, Plaintiff repeats, reiterates anci realleges each and every allegation contained in paragraphs '01" through "26iQ" with the same fbrce and effect as 262, 42 U,S.C. S 1983 if fully set forth herein. l'iYPD defèndants infiingemenl upon and violation of plaintiff s rights protected under the First Amendment to the United States Constitution was intended tcl harm plaintiff, and shall not inch¡de defendant IHMC, as no federal clairns are boing asserted against JHlvfC to place a chiiiing effect upon the exercise of such rights by plaintiff and other percons as is their right, as provided by the U.S, Constitution and exercise of such rights, 263, Further, following plairitiffs suspension on October 31, 2009 the NYPD defendants unconstitutionally imposed this prior restraint on defendants to silence, intimidate, th¡eaten and prevent plaintiff s speech in an eflbrt by piaintiff from disclosing the evidence of com:ption and misconduct plaintiff had been collecting ærd documenting to the media a¡d the public at large. 764. Additionally, NYPD defendants also seized plaintiffls personal notes and othe¡ effects regarding his complaints against the Slstprecinct in an effort to prevent said material from being disclosed to anyone and especially members of the news media and victims of the aforem entioned corruption. 265, Fu¡ther, defendants involuntarily cc.rmmitted pJaintiff 1o the psychiatrìc lvard of Jamaica Hospital as an cmotionaliy dislurbed person and following lris release made repeated trips hundreds of miles outside of their jurisdictinn to his home in upstâle New York in a continued elïort to harass ând intimidate him in ordcr to prcvent his speech lrom bcing uttered. 766. The aforementioned conduct resulted in a shilling eff'ect on plaintiffls speech thereby physicaliy preventing his speech from.being uttered to the media and pubiic at large; or alternativel,v, to ulfimateiy discredit his speech when and if it were to be uttered by making him appeff 'iemotionally distwbed." 267, Moreover, the allegations and evidence of co:ruption, misconduct and a fraud upon the public at large, which plaintiff was gathering and preparing to disclose, was eventually inveslìgated by the Quality Assurance Division, 268. Additionally, on June 23, 201.A the allegations of corruption. misconduct and ûard upon the public in misclassi$ing, not classifying and falsifying civilian complaints order to avoid index uime classification were substantiated by the I.{YPD Quality in Assurancc Division, ?69, Further NYPD defendants' actions violatsd plaintiff's First Amendment right to speak out as citizen regarcling a matter of extreme pubiic concern, r.vhich constituted and û'aud on the public and a breach of the public trust - namely widcspread corruption! iliegal practices and the manipulation of civilian complaints by the very samô individuals sworn to protect the public at large. 27A. Moreover, following the home invasion of October 31, 2009 at approximately 9:40 p.rn. plaintiff was suspencted by the NYPD, thus rendering disclosure of the evidence of com;ption and misconduct within the police department not pursuant to any function as a police officer but purely as a citizen regarding matters of public concern. 27I. All of the actions taken by defendants following plaintiffs suspension were directly in vioiation of his rights as secured by the First Amendment of the Consritution. 272. Moreover the actions taken by NYPD defendants following plaintiff s suspension on October 31,2009 in oontin$ing to involuntary confine him at IHMC nnd relentlessly harassing, threatening and intimidating him at his new home plaintiff's First Amenclment right as he was oontinuing in upstate New York violated to aftempt to disclose information to the public at large tirat the largest Foüce Department in the tJnited States had committed serious and continuous breaches of the public trust, 273. speech NYPD defenda¡rts continued to attempt to impose this prior restraint on plaintiff in an effort to silence, intimidate, tlireaten and prevent plaintifi from s d"isclosing the evidence of corruption and misconduct plaintiff had been collecting anci documenting to the nledia and the pubiic a1 274, NYPD large . defendant's aforemenlioned conduct was not autl'rorized by law and instead constituted a continued aftempt to restrain plaintiff's speech f¡om ever being uttered, which i s presrir:rptively 275, unconstitutional" Further, NYPD defendmts' acticrns continued to deprive plaintiff's First Amendment right to speak out as citizen regarding a rnatter of extreme puiriic concem, namely widespread comrption and illegal pracl,ices by the very sãne individu¿ls swom to protect the pubiic at large. 276, As such, NYPD defendants conduct was in direct vioiation of plaintiffls right to f¡eedom of speech as secured by ttre First ¿nd Fourteenth Amendments, 277,. As a result of the foregoing, piaintìffs liberty was restricted for an extended period of time, he was put in fear for his safety, was humiliated, subjected to halrclcuffing, md other physical reshaints in an attempt to resrain hjm from exercising his rights protocted under the Fìrst Amendmcnt to the lJnited States Constitutio¡r and with the intenr to harm piaintiff, and ro place a chiliing effect upon the exsrcise of such rights by plaintiff and other petsons. THIRD CL.A.IKFOR- RELI4 r FALSE .4RREST {rNppR 42 L].S.C, S 1e83 278, Plaintiff repeats, reiterates and realleges each and every allegation contained in paragraphs numbered "1" through "277" with the same force and effect as if fully set forth herein. 279, As a result of the aforesaid concluct by defendzurLs, plaintiff was subjected to illegai, improper and falsç arresl by the defendants a¡rd taken into custody and cau,sed to falsely imprisoned, detained, and confined, without any probable cause, privilege or consent. be 280. As a result of the foregoing, plaintiffs period of time, he was put liberty was restricted for an extended in fear for his safety, and he was h.umiliated and subjected to handcuffing and other physical restraints, without probable cause. FOURTH CLAIM FOR RELIET MALTflO_US ABUSE OF BROCESS UNDER 43, U.S.C. 2S1, Plaintiff repçåts, reiterates and realleges each and every allegation contained in paragraphs o'1" through "280" with the same force and effect as 282. I le8l Defbndanu issued legal process to if fully set forth herein. place plairrtitr ADRIAN SCHOOLCRAFI' under arrest, 283. Deferidants arrested plaintiff in order to obtain collateral objectives outside the legitimate onds of the iegal process, ?84. Defendants arrested plaintiff in order to obtain the collateral ob.iective of preventing plaintiff from appealing his performance evaluation. 285, f)efendants arrested plaintiff in order to obtain the collateral objective of preventing plaintiff from disciosing the aforementioned evidence of NYPD misconduct and comrption plaintiffhad been collecting ând docunenting. 286, Defendânts acted with intent to do harm to plaintifi ADRIAN SCIIOCILCRAFT, without excuse or justification. 287, As a result of the foregoing, plaintiff s liberty was restricted for an extenderl period of time, he was put in fear for hís safety, and he was humiliated and subjected to handcuffing and other physical ¡estraints, without probable cause. FIFTH CLåN,I'FO8 REI¿IEF EXçESSrj¡E FORC-q UNpJBg.U.S,p. igg. S l?83 Piaintiff lepeats, reiterates and realleges each and every allegation contained in paragraphs numbered "1'o through "287" with the samc force and effect as if fully set forth herein. 289. The level of force employed by defendanls was objectively unreasonable a¡rd in violation of the constituti<¡nal rights of the plaintiff. 290. ¡Ls a resuit of the fbregr:ing, pLaintiff ADRIAN SCHOOL.CRAFT sustained, lnlar alia, bocìily injuries, mental anguish, shock, fright, apprehension, embanassment, and humiliation, and depivation of his constitutional rigltts. såxTH cç"A{M FoR RITLIEF 291. Plaintiff repcats, reiterates and realleges each and every allegation contained in paragraphs numbered o'l'o through o29A" with the same force and effect as if fully set forlh herein, 292, 'ilhe defendants had an affirmative duty to intercede when plaintifls constitutional rigÏru were being violated in defendants' presence by the use olexcessive foroe. 293, Dc.fendants further violated piaintiffs constitutional rights when they failed to intercede and prevent the violatjon o:: fi¡:ther violation of plaintiff s constitutional rights mrd the injuries or further injuries caused 2g4, The ciefendants a.s a result of said failure, had an affirmalive duty to intercede wl:en plainriffls constitutional rights were being violated in defendants' presenÇe by falsifying evidence of probable cause to anest plaintiff, 295. As a result of the clefendants' failure to intercede when plaintif'f s constitutional rights were being violated in defandants' presence, plaintiff sustained, inter alia, physical and emotional injruies. s[:vENTH çLAIM rOR RELIET UNLA\ryT'UL SRARCH AND ENTRY UNDER 42 U.S,C. $ 1983- 296. Plaintiff repeats, reiterates anrì realleges each and every allegation contained in paragraphs numbered "1" through "295" with the same force and effect as if fully set forlh hsrein. 297, As a result of the afi:resaid possessions *,ere concluct by defendants, plaintiffs home illegally and improperly ente¡ed without consent, a valid sdarrant, and probable cause, privilege or consent, in violation of his constitutional rights as set forth in thc Fourth, Fifth and l.-ourteenth Amendments to the Constitution of the United S1¿tes' ?95, As a result of the aforesaid conduct by the defendants, plaintiffs home was entered iliegally at a time not pres*ibed in the'reâffant, in violation of his constitutional rights as set forth i¡r the F'ourth, Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments to the Constitution of the United States, 299. Às a result of the aforesaid conduct by the defendants, plaintiff ADRIAN SCHOOLCRAFT was not providecl a copy of said warrânt upon his request, in violation of his constitutional rights as set forth to the defendants, plaintiffs home ånd in the Fourth, Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments Constitution of the lJnited States. 300. As a result of the possessions were aforesaid conduct by illegally and improperly searched without any warrart, probable cause. privilege ûr c.onsent, in vioiation of his constitutional rights as $et forth in the Fourth, Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments to the Constitution of the United States.,ArM rqR RELTEn rNvçLqNTÁ"Rï CONFINEMENLUNDER 42 U.S,C. 301, S 1983 Plaintiff rspeats, reite¡ates and realleges each and every allegation containecl in pâragraphs numbered '01" through '0300" with the same force and sffect as if fully set forth herein. 302. Defendants ISAKOV and AI,DANA-BERMER, unlawfully and involuntarily conlined plaintiff to JHMC for six (6) days withouf plainti{Îs permission, consent or any basis for doing so, in violation of his constitutional rights as set forth latful in the Foutth, Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments to the Constitution of the United States, 303, Furthcr, defendants ISAKOV and ALDANA-tsERNIER violated plaintitïs rights under the New York State Mental l-lygiene law $ 9.39(a) when they failed to perform the proper and necessary tests to determine that plaintiffwas eit¡er l) a o'substantialrisk ol'physicaiharm to himself as manifssted by threats or atternpts at suicide or other conduct demonstrating that he is dangerous to himself' or 2) "a substantial risk olphysical harm to othsr persons as manifested by homicidal or other violent behavior by which others are placed in reasonable fear of serious physicalhârm," 304, As a result of the afbresaid conduct by defendants, plaintifi wtrs uniawfully detained and involuntarily conflrned to hospital treatment without any justification, in violation of his constitutional rights as set forth in the Fourth, Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments to the Constitution of the lJnited States. 305. As a result of the aforesaid conduct by the defendants, plaintifíwas deprived of his substanlivc and procedurai due process rights, as set forth in the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments to the Constitution of the United States, 306, As a result of the ,foregoing, plaintiff ADRIAN SCHOOLCRAFT was deprived of his liberty, was denied fundamental constitutional rights, wa.s pubiicly embarrassed and humiiiated, was caused to suffcr severe emotional distress, was involuntariiy confincd to hospitaì heatment and was forced to incur substantial expenses. ilINTH CLAIM FOR RELIEF {IQ,NSPIR4CY TO VIü-LÅTA PL¿IINT${:S 307, paragraphs "l 308. CffIL R,IGHTS trNDEß,42 U.S.C. ö I }83 Plaintiff rçpeats, reiterates and realleges eacir and every allegation contained in r(306" as if the sâme ìffere more fully set forJh at length herein " through Defendants conspired and acted in concert to do whatevsr was necessary, lawful or not, t0 cause the arrest, imprisonment, and involuntary confinemsnt of plaintiff ADRIAN SCHOOLCRAFT', 309, Throughout the period ofthe oonspiracy, the defendants pursued their objectives with actual maiice toward piaintiff, with utter and deliberate indifference to and disregard for plaintiffs rights under the Constitution and laws of the Llnited States. without probable or reasonabie oause to beliçve plaintiffcommitted any crime or any other la.wfuibasis fo¡ doing so, 310, Pursuant to the conspiracy, the conspirators, ahd their employees, âgents ancl servants, intentionally, recklessly, negiigently, and,/or with complefe indifference to the rights of plaintiff ADzuAN SCI{OOLCR¡\FT: (a) manufactured faise evidence; (b) unlawfllly plaintiff s home; (c) illegally seized piaintiff s property; (d) verbally and physically entered threalenecl plaintiff in an atternpt to silence him; (e) st¿lked anci menaced plaintiff af his home; and (b) pressured, bribed, coerced and induced individuals to havê plaintiff involuntarily confined Io hospital treatrnent without his consent or any other laivful basis for doing so. 311. As a rêsult of the foregoing, plaintiff ADRiAN SCHOOLCRAÏll was deprived of his liberry, was denied fundamental constitutional rights, was publicly embarrassecl and humíliatsd, was caused to suffer severe emotional distress, was involuntariiy confined to hospital treatment and was forced to incur substantial expçnses. TENTI{ CLåIM FOR RELIE:F' vtol,A'rroN oF S,{/BSTANTM AND PROqEDUR{L,DUE P_ROCASS IJNDER u.s,c. $ 1983 3I2. l? Ptaintiff repeats, rciterates and realleges each and every allegation contained in paragraphs numbered "1" tluough "311" with the same force and effect as if fully set forth herein. 313, Despite the fact that defendants ISACOV and ALDANA-BERNIER had no objective information whatsoever to believe that plaintiff was a danger to himself or anyone else, plaintiff was involuntarily hospitalized and remained there for six (6) days' 314, Defendants ISACOV and.ALDANA-BERNIER never made any determination as is required by the Constitution * * that that plaintiff was a danger to himself or anyone else. 315. Further, any such determination by defendants ISACOV and ALDANA- BERNIER that that plaintiff wâs å danger. to himself or ânyone else was not made with any ohjective criteria or any reasonable degreè ofaccuracy, 316. Defendants IS,A"COV and ALÞAÌ{A-BERNIER, unlawfuliy and invoiuntariiy confined plaíntiff to JHMC: for six (6) days without plaintiff s permission, oonsent or âny iawfi.rl basis for doing so, r¡'ithout notice and an opportunity to be heard, and without any oppcrtunity to confronl adverse witnesses or present evidence on his own behalfl in violation of his constitutional rights as set fcrrth in the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendme¡rts to the Constitution of the United States, 317, As a result of the afore,said conduct by the defendants, piaintiff was deprived of his subst¿ntive and procedural due process rights, as set forth ln the Fifrh and Fourteenth Amendments to the Constitution of the United States. 3 i L As a result of the foregoing, plaintiff ADzuÁN SCHOOLCR.A.FT was deprived of his liberry, was denied fundamental constitutional rights, was publicly embanassed ancl humiliated, was caused to suffer severë emotional distress, was involuntarily confined to hospital treatment and was fbrced to incur substantial expensÇs. 319. As a result of the aforesaid conduct by defendants, pìaintiff was deprived of his liberty and involuntarily confined for six (6) days in the psychiafric ward of JHMC in violation of his substantive and procedural due plucess rights as set forth in the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments to the Constihrtion of the'finited States. rwELFrH C.LAIM FÇ-ß MUNICIPêL ITTA,EILITY UND,ER 320. FüLtEl 42 U.S.ç. S 1e83 Plaintiff repeats, roiteratos and realleges each and every allegation contained in paragraphs numbered "1" through "3l9" with the sarnc force and effect as if fully set forth herein, 321. Defendants, collectively ancl individually, while acting under color of state iaw, engaged in conduct that constituted a custom! usage, practice. procedure or ruie of the respective municipality/authority, which is forbidden by the Constitution of the United States. 322. The aforementioned customs, policies, usâges, practices, procedures a¡d rules of the Cify of New York and the New York City Poiice Department inolucied, but were not limited tû: t, 11 Creating a quotas system for NYPD subordinate ofJicers requiring the officers to issue a oertain number of summonses per montir and year regardless of probable câuse; Creating a policy of a.warding incentives to oflcers wiro meet or exceed the required number of summonses to be issued according to NYPD's quota; lil Creating a policy of punishing ofïicers who fail to meet the required number of sumrnonses established by NYPD's quota; lv Intimidating and threatening police offisers with retaliation when said police officers challenge unlawful NYPD quota policies; v Intimidating and tl¡reatening police officers with relaliation when said police officers attempt to disclose instances of NYPD comlption ancl police misconduct, f}aud ¿nd breaches of the public trust; v1 Retaiiating against police officers with suspensions and disciplinary hearings who disclose or âfiempt to disclose NYPD com:ption and police misconduct; vlt. Displaying a deliberatc indi,fference to disciplining supervisors, clespite allegations of illegal and/or unconstitutional ct¡nduct; and vtll Lntentionally 'oleaking" officers IAB conrplaints - whjch IAB is duty bound to keep confidsntial * for purposes of alerting NYPD personnel and other supervisory offioers, whom are the subject of the complaints, in an ongoing effort to discourage future IAB complaints and/or silence those in existence, 323, The existence of the aforesaid unconstitutional customs and policies may be infened from repeated occunences of simila¡' wrongful conduct as has been recently publicized in the matters Poiice Officer's Adhyl Polanco and lìrank Pallestro. 324, The foregoing customs, policies, usages, practices, procedures ancl rules of the City ol'New York ancl the New Yr:rk City Police Departmenl were the moving force behind the consttutionai violations suffered by plaintiffas alleged herein. 325. Additionaliy, the NYPD's deliberate indifference to proper training, supervising and/or disciplining of policy making officials such as defendants MARINO, NEI,SON and MAURIELLO constituted expiioit and/or tacit approval of their illegal and unsonstitutional conduct, . 326. Further, the NYPD's deliberate indifference to proper raining and supen'ision of the lnternal Affairs Bureau regarding maintaining the confidentiality of compiainants constitutes implicit and/or tacit approval of illegal and unconstitutional conduct thereby discouraging disclosure of illegal ærd unconstitutional acts Amendments to the United States Constitution in violation of the Fourth the and Fourteenth 327, As a result of the foregoing customs, policies, usages, practices, procedwes and rules of the City of New York and tire New York City Policp Deparlment, plaintiff ADRIAI.J SCHOOLCRAFT was subjected to unlaufill and excessive force resulting in permanent and disabling inluries, 328. Defendants, collectively and individually, while acting under color of state law, were directly and actively involved in violating 329" acquiescecl plaintiff s constitutíonal rights, Defsndants, collectively and individually, while acting unrler color of state law, in a pattem of unconstitutional conduct by subordinate police officers, and were direclly responsible lar the vjolotion of plainriff ADRIAN SCHOOTCRAFT's constitulional riglrts, 330, The acts cornplained were a direct and proximate result of the usages, practices, procedures and rules of the City of New York and the New Yorlç City Police Department, which constituted deliberate indifference to the safety, well-being and constitutional rights of plaintiff. 331. The foregoing customs, policies, usages, practices, procedures and rules of the City of New York and ûe New York Cþ Police Department were the direct and proximate cause of the constitutional violations suff'ered by i, ii. iii, plaintiff as alieged herein. Not to be deprived of liberty without due process of iaw; To be fiee from sejzurs and arrest not based upon probable cause; Not to have excessive force imposed upon him; iv. Not to have summary punishment imposed upon him; v. vi, T'o receive equal protection under the law; and Not to be deprived of his right to free speech. PENDANT STATp CL¡.IMS 332, Plaintiff repeâts, reiterates zurd realleges each and every allegation contained in paragraphs nurnbered "1" tluough "331" wíth the same forcc and etïect as if fully set llodh herein. 333" On or about .lanu*ry 27,2010, and within (90) days afler the claim herei¡r aocrued, the plaintiff duly sewed upon, presented to and filed with defendant 'fHE Cj.TY NE W YORK, a Notice OF of Claim setting forth ail faots and infonnation required the General Municipal l.,aw $ 50 (e). 334, I)efendant THE CITY tF NEW YORK has wholly negiecte<J or refused to make an adjustment or payment thereof and more than thirty (30) days have elapsed since the presentation of such ciairn as af'oresaid, 335, Upon information and beliel defendant THË CITY OF NEW YORK has not yet demancled a hearing pursuant to General Municipal Law $ 50-h, 336. This action was commenced within one (1) year and ninety (90) days after the cause of action herein aocrued. 337. Piaintiff has complied with all conditions precedenf to maintaining the instant 338, This action falls within one or more of the exceptions as outlined in C.P.L.R, action, $ r602, FIRST 339, çLAIM FOR RELIET UNDER N.Y. ÇIATE I.,AYY:.ASSAULT Plaintiff repeats, reiterates and realleges each and every allegation contained in paragraphs numbered '*1" through "338" with the same force and effect as herein, if fuliy set forth 340. Defendants' aforementioned aclions placed plaintifi in apprehension of imminent h¿rmful and oflfensive bodily contact, 341. As a result of def'enda.nts' conduct, plaintiff has suffered physical pain and nrental anguish, together with shock, fiight, apprehension, embarrassment. and humÌliation. SECONT, C,LAIM F,QR RELI,-E,F UNDER N.Y"..STATE LAI/I¡: BATTERY 342. Plaintiff repeats, reiTerates and realleges each and every allegation containcd in paragraphs numbered "1" through "341" with the same force and effect as if fully set forth herein. 343. Defendant police ofücers touched plaintiffin a harmful and offensive mannet, 344, Defendant police officers did so without privilege or consenl liom plaintiff, 345, As a result of defendants' conduct, plaintiff has suffered physical pain and mental anguish, togcther with shock, fright, a¡:prehension, embarrassmeut and humiliation, TIII4Þ CL.aIM FOR RELIEF IJNÞER IìÌ.Y'.STATE LA\ry: F,a'LSE.ARBEST 346, Piaintiff repeats, paragraphs numbered reiterates and realleges each and every ailegation contained in "1" through "345" with the sarne force and effect as if fully set fbrlh herein, 347. Defêndants arrested plaintiff ADRIAN SCHOOLCRAFT in the absence of probable cause and without a warrant, 348. As a result of the aforesaid conducl by defendants, plaintifl ADRIAN SCHOOLCRAFT was subjeoted to an illegal, improper arrd faise anest by the defendants and taken into custody and caused to be falsely imprisoned, detained, confined, incaroerated and by tho defendants, The aforesaid actions by the defendants constituted a deprivation of plaintiff s rights. the 349, of As a result of the fbregoing, plaintiff ADRIAN SCHOOLCRAFTI was deprived his liberty, was denied fundamenta.l rights, was publicly embarrassed and humiiiated, was caused to suffe¡ severe emotional disüess, was involuntarily confined to hospital teatment, was forced to incur substantial expenses and had his personal and professional reputation destroyed, FOUF.TH 9LAIM FOR RELIEF UNÐER N.Y, STATE LAÏV: FALS,E IMPR]SONMENT 350. Plaintiff repeats, reiterates and realleges cach and every allegation contained in paragraphs numbered "1" through'0349" with the same f'orce and effect as if fully set forlh herein, 351, As a rcsult of the foregoing, plaintiff ADRIAN SCHOOLCRAFT imprisoned. his liberty was restricted was falsely fo¡ an oxtended period of lime, was put in fear fot his safety, was humiliated and handcufüng, and other physical restrai¡rts, 352, Plaintiff was conscious of said confinement and did not cotrsdnt to same, 353, The confinement of plaintiff was without probable cause and wa.\ not otherwise prívileged, 354. As a result of the aforemenlioned conduct, plaintiff has suffercd physical and mental injury, [ogelher with embaûassment, humiliation, shock, fright and loss of freedom. 355, Âs a result of the, plaintiff ADRIAN SCHOOI,CRAFT was deprived of his liberty, was denjed fundamental rights, wæ publicly ernbarrassed and humiliated, was caused to suffer severe emotional distres's, was involuntarily confined to hospitai treatment, was forced to incur substantial expenses a¡d had his personal and professional reputation desüoyed. FIFTH CLAIM FOR $ELIEF UNDER N.Y. STATE LAI#: INTENTIONAL ullrl,rçrroN or EM9'upNAL DrsTRüss 356, Plaintiff repeats, reiterates and realleges each and every allegation contained in pa¡agraphs uumbered "l" through "355" with the same force and effect as if fully set forth herein, 357. The aforementioned conduct was extreme and outrageous, and exceeded all reasonable bor.urds of decenc.y. 358. The aforementioned conduct was committed by defendants while acting within the scope of their employment by defendant THE CITY OF NE\V YORK, 359. llhe aforementioned conduct was com¡nitted by defendants while acting in filrtherance of their employment by <iefendant THË CITY OF NE\A/ YORK, 360, The aforementioned conduct wæ committed by defendants while acting within the scope of their employmenf by defendant JAMAICA HOSPITAL CENTER. 361, l"he aforementioned conduct was cotnmiCed by defendants whíie acting in furtherance of their employment by defendant JAMAICA HOSPiTAL CENTË:R, 362, Thc aforementioned conduct was intentional and donc lor the sole purpose of' causing severe emotional distress to plaintiff, 363, As a result of the afbrementioned conduct, plaintiff suffered severe emotional distress, pirysical and mental injury, together with embarassmsnt, humiliation, shock, tiight and loss of freedom. 364, As a result of the foregoing, plaintJllf ADRIAN SCHOOLCRAF1'was deprived of his liberty, was denied ftlndament¿l rìghts, was pubiicly embanassed and humiliated, was caused to suffer severe emotional distess, was involuntariiy'confined to hospital treatment, was fbrced to incur substantial expenses Éìnd had his personaland professional reputation destroyed. srxTH ÇLAïM rOR RSI,IEF UNDER N.Y, STATE LAr.V_i NEGLIçENT HIRTNG/TR4TNING/SUIpRVISIO N/RETENT"T,ON (Defendant Cif¡ of New York) 365, Plaintiff repeats, reiterates and realieges each and every allegation contained in paragraphs numbered "1" through 'u364" with the same force and eff'ect as if fuliy set forth herein. Negligent Retention and $upervision of Defendant Marino 366, Defendant CITY OF NEW YORK wâs on notice that defenda¡t Ma¡ino had a volatile, explosive temperament and was wholly unñt for duty as Assistant Chjef of Patrol Borough Brooklyn North charged with the responsibility of overseeing all the precincts in Kings County, 367. Specifically, the CITY OF NEW YORK was on notice of the fact that Marino had violent propensities and an explosive temperament which would and did result in numerous instances ofpxcessive force and physical aitercations, 368, Additional evidence of the CITY's negiigence is apparent fiom even a cllrsory review of defendant MARINO's record since the inception of his career in the NYPD, which is repiete with history o'forcç complaints," 369. Illustralive of defendant MAzuNO's violent tendency was an incident in which he physically assaulted the paton of a restaurant in Bensonhurst for uttering profanities directed at the NYPD, 3?t. Fu¡the¡ evidence óf his unfitness for his NYPD assignment should have been apparenl when he threatened physical violence and removal of sick/vacation days from an officer who refused to discuss his "activíty" with MARINO, 371, Upon information and belie{ MARIÑO's vicious and violent propensity eaÍred hìm the nickname "ELEPI{ANT BALLS." 377. Additionally, defendant \4ARINO also engaged in multiple unrelated acts of misconduct during his career iryith the IVYPD, which resulted in numerous departmental hearings. 373, - in sworn In one such instance, Marino was specifìoally identified by another poiice deposition testimony 314, - as having engaged of ftcer in an illegal and uniau{ul conduct, Mr:reover, as previously stated, CHIEF I{ARINO was also directiy linked to a scandal involvìng his possession and use olianabolic sterojds and humzu: gro*'th hormone. 375, However, CHIitF MARII*O was never disoiplined in any way for hjs involvement ìn that inciclent despite the fact that five other implicaled officers were all placed on modified cluty and forced to hancl ove¡ their guns ancì badges. '376. Finally, as previously state<l, CHIEF MARINO was found to be clirectly responsible for viglating Nerv York State L,abor Law in 2006 by implementing an unlawful quota poiicy in the T5th.Precinct. 377. Following that frnding, the CITY CIF NEW YCIRK not only failed to cliscipline him but in fact promoted him from the commanding offrcer of the 75h Precinct 1o Assistant Chief Patrol Borough Brooklyn North, 378. As a result of the foregoing acts of unlawful conduct and/or grossly irnproper behavior by defendant MARINO. defendant City of New York knew, or shoulcl have lffiown, that dÐllendanl MAIì.INO was wholiy unfit for any of position of command, much less Assistant Borough Chief, 379, Nonvithstanding defendant Marino's history of unlawful and improper conduct, however, defendant CII'Y OF NEW YORK failed to take proper discipiinary action against CHIEF MARINO, and failed to ôtherwise modify or limit defendant Marino's responsibilities or position of command, 380. l'r¡ the contrary, the NYPD actually rewarcled defendant Marino for misconduct by promoting him to Assisfant Borough Chief Brooklyn North Precinct * directly to the events which took place on October 381. 3 - his which includes the 1, 2009. f)efendants' negiigent retention and supewision of defbndalt Ma¡ino was the direct and proximate cause of the injuries sustained by piaintiff on October 31, 2009 and thereafier. 382, As a resuit of the fbregoing negligent acts and omissions by defendant CITY OF NIiW YO.RK, plaintifTADzuAN SCHOOLCIRAFT has suffered physical and mental injury, pain and trauma, together with embanassnent, humiliation shock, fright, and loss of fieodom, 383. supervisecl Defendant CITY OF NEW YORK se)ected, hired, trained, retained, assigned and all members of said its Police Deparfment, including the defendants individually named above, 384, Defendant CITY OF NEW YORK was negiigent and ca¡eless when it selected, hired, hained, retained, assigrred, and supervised all members of its Police Department including the defendants inclividually named above. 385, Dcfendant CITY OF NtìW YORK. was negligent and careless when it repeatcdly failed to act a¡rd/or discipline supervisory personnel in the face of obvious evidence of comlption and misconduct. Negligence in Failing to Keep IAB Compl¡ints Confidential 386, Defendant CITY OF NES/ YORK was further negligent and careless when it repeatedly aJlowed allegedly confidential IAB complaints regarding supervisory personnel to be o'leaked" to thb very same officíais of who were the subjects of the complain.ts, 387. Additionally defendant CITY OF NEW YORK was on nc¡1jce that IAB was failing to keep cornplaints of comrption and illegality confidential due to a similar "leak" in the 42"d Precinct regarding aìlegations of illegality which occuned in September, 2009 involving P,O. Franh Pallestro. 3S8. Further defendant CITY OF NE\¡/ YORK was on notice that IAB was failing to keep complaints of corruption and illegality confidential due to a similar "lsâk" in tire 42nd Precinct regarding allegations of illegality involving P.O, Adhyl Polanco, sqvENTH CLArM rOR RELTAT UNpË&ll,.y. ç:IATELLAW MEDICÀL MALTRACTICE 389. Plaintiff repeats, reiterates and realleges each and every allegation contained in paragraphs numbered "1" tkough "388u with the same force and effcct as if fully set forJh herein, 390, ThatJHMC, its agents, ofticials, doctors, nurses, physician's assistants,.servants, enployees, andlor independent Çontractors, including, but not limited to, DR, ISAK ISAKOV, an<i DR. I.II.,IAN ALDANA-BERNIER, jointly and severally, and individually, clcparted from good and accepted standards of medical careo and were negligent and careless in the seryice rendered for and on behalf of plaintiff ADzuAN SCHOOLCRAFT, in failing to timely diagnose and render propff treatment to plaintif{ in faiiing to recognize that he was not emotionally disturbed and in need of involuntarT confinement; in. improperly and riegligently documenting plaintiff's medical conditlons on his chafi on the basis of unsubstantiated hearsay; !n failing to properly interpret the diagnostic tests that were performed; in failing to call for or necessary additional diagnostic tests and studies; consulls; in failing to hire in failing to properly requ.est and timeiy obtain â competent a¡d efficient staff; in negligently hiring, retaining, supervising and oont¡olling staff, doctors, nurses and other personnel; in forming a diagnosis solely based on non-medical profbssionals and/or staffls non expert and unprofessional lay opinion. 391, That the defendants herein, assístants, servants and employees were their agents, officÍals, doctors, nurses, physician's ftrther negligent and careless and violated medical practices, medical customs and rnedical standards in that defendants, accepted jointiy and/or severally, faiJed to have an adequate, oompetent and/or sufficient nursing staff and/o¡ other personnel to properly ciiagnose plaintifl which would have ensured his prompt and immediate release rmder the foreseeable circumstances; failed employed and/or affiliated physicians; failed to to have proper conform supen ision of hospital- to the Joint Commission of Accreditation of llospitals insofar as the making and/or keeping of hospítal records; in failed to promuigate andior enfo¡ce rules, regulations and guidelines as to proper psychiatric care; and failed to timely ancl/or properly carry out orders, 392, That as a resuit of the negiigence and carclessness of the defendants herein, plaintifL was cansed to and clid nrstain the severe consequence of being involuntariiy confined against his will for six days, when there was no medical or professional basis to do so. El Cl HTH-CL,A.IM FOII RIILI &F U"lYDl)R \[."Y,_$ T¿, TIt l.¿\ TY¡ NEGLIGENT IITRII.'{G/TRAINING/SU pERVISICIN/nE:t'üÌ.{Tt ON (DefendantJHMC) 393. Plaintiff repeats, rsiterates ancl realleges eacir and every aliegation contained in paraggaphs numbered "1" through "392" with the same force and effect as if fully set forth herein. 394. Defendant JHMC seiected, hired, trained, retained, assigned and supenised all members of its staff, inciuding the defendants individualiy named above. 395, . Defendant JHMC was negligent and careless when it selected, hired, trained, retained, assigned, and supervised all nembers of its staff inciuding the defendants individualiy named above, 396. Due to the negligence of tlre defendants physical and menlal iryury, pain and trauma, together as set forth ahove, plaintiff suffþred with embarrassment, humiiiation shock, fright, and ioss of freedom, 397, By reason of the aforesaid conduct by defendants, plaintiff ADRIAN SCI{OOLCRAFT requests the following relief: A. Compensatory damages in the amount of twenty ñve rnillion dollars ($25,000,000); B, Punitive damages in the amount of twen6, five million dollars ($25,000,000,00)l C. An award of reasonable attorney's fees pursuant to 42 IJ,S.C, $ 1988, as well as co.sts and disbursements; and D, Any further relief as the Court may find just and proper. WHEREFORE. plaintiff ADRIAN SCHOOLCR a\FT demands judgment in the sum of twenty five million dollars ($25,000,000,00) in compensatory damages. twent.y five million ($25,000,000,00) in punitive damages, plus attomey's fees, costs, and ctisbursenrents of this action. Dated:Neu, York. New York September 75,2017 BY /S JON L. I'itzuNSBERG (JN21 33) Aftorncy fbr Plaintifï 225 Broadway, Suite 2700 New York, New York 10007 (212) 79t-s396 BY /s- aotipñ& rrfcH-l"r,p Gerald Cohen (GC0414) Joshua Fitch (JF2813) Attorneys for Plaintiff 225 Broadway, Suite 2700 New York, New York 10007 (212) 374-9tIs gcohen@cohenfìtch. com ì fitch@co h eufitch, com INDEX NO. IO YÞAR CV 6005 2OI2 LT.IITED STATES DISTRICT CÛURT SOUTI{ERN DISTRICT OF NEW YORK ADRIAN SCHOOLCRAFT Plaintiff, -against- THE CITY OF NEW YORK, et aI. Ðefendants SECOND AMßNDED COMPLAINT COHEN & FITCH LLP Attorneyþr Plainttff OJfice and Po,rt Office Address, Telephone 233 Broadway - Suite 1800 New York, New York 10279 (212) 31+-9115 JON L. NORTNSBERG, ESQ. Attorneyfor PIaíntiff Office and Post Offtce Address, Telephone 225 Broadway - Suite 2700 New York, New Yotk 10007 (217) 7e1-5396 Sigrrature (Rule 130-1 ,I a) Print Narne Beneath To Attorney(s) for Þefendants Service of a copy of the within is hereby admitted. Dated Attorney(s) for PLEÄSE TAKE NOT]CË Ë NOT1CE9FENTRY thât thö within is a (certified) fiue copy of a .duly entered in tbe office of the clerk of thç within named court on tr NOTICE OF SETTI,EME].IT that an order wili be presented for settlement to thÊ HON within n¿msd Court, at 20 on Dated, 20 of which the within is a tue copy one of tlre.iudges of the at ' Yours, etc,

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