Schoolcraft v. The City Of New York et al

Filing 298

DECLARATION of Suzanna P. Mettham in Support re: 297 MOTION for Summary Judgment .. Document filed by Christopher Broschart(Tax Id. 915354 in his official capacity), Christopher Broschart(Tax Id. 915354 Individually), Timothy Caughey(Tax Id. 885374 Individually), Timothy Caughey(Tax Id. 885374 in his official capacity), Kurt Duncan(Shield No. 2483, Individually), Kurt Duncan(Shield No. 2483 in his official capacity), William Gough(Tax Id. 919124, Individually), William Gough(Tax Id. 919124, in his Official Capacity), Thomas Hanley(Tax Id. 879761, in his Official Capacity), Thomas Hanley(Tax Id. 879761, Individually), Elise Hanlon(in her official capacity as a lieutenant with the New York City Fire Department), Elise Hanlon(individually), Shantel James(Shield No. 3004 in his official capacity), Shantel James(Shield No. 3004 Individually), Theodore Lauterborn(Tax Id. 897840 in his official capacity), Theodore Lauterborn(Tax Id. 897840, Individually), Michael Marino, Michael Marino, Gerald Nelson(Assistant Chief Patrol Borough Brooklyn North, Tax Id. 912370 in his official capacity), Gerald Nelson(Assistant Chief Patrol Borough Brooklyn North, Tax Id. 912370, Individually), Robert W. O'Hare(Tax Id. 916960, Individually), Robert W. O'Hare(Tax Id. 916960, in his Official Capacity), Frederick Sawyer(Shield No. 2576 in his official capacity), Frederick Sawyer(Shield No. 2576, Individually), The City Of New York, Timothy Trainer(Tax Id. 899922, in his Official Capacity), Timothy Trainer(Tax Id. 899922, Individually), Richard Wall, Sondra Wilson(Shield No. 5172, in her Official Capacity), Sondra Wilson(Shield No. 5172, Individually). (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A, # 2 Exhibit B, # 3 Exhibit C, # 4 Exhibit D, # 5 Exhibit E, # 6 Exhibit F, # 7 Exhibit G, # 8 Exhibit H, # 9 Exhibit I, # 10 Exhibit J, # 11 Exhibit K, # 12 Exhibit L, # 13 Exhibit M, # 14 Exhibit N, # 15 Exhibit O, # 16 Exhibit P, # 17 Exhibit Q, # 18 Exhibit R, # 19 Exhibit S, # 20 Exhibit T, # 21 Exhibit U, # 22 Exhibit V, # 23 Exhibit W, # 24 Exhibit X, # 25 Exhibit Y, # 26 Exhibit Z, # 27 Exhibit AA, # 28 Exhibit BB, # 29 Exhibit CC, # 30 Exhibit DD, # 31 Exhibit EE, # 32 Exhibit FF, # 33 Exhibit GG, # 34 Exhibit HH, # 35 Exhibit II, # 36 Exhibit JJ, # 37 Exhibit KK, # 38 Exhibit LL, # 39 Exhibit MM, # 40 Exhibit NN, # 41 Exhibit OO, # 42 Exhibit PP, # 43 Exhibit QQ, # 44 Exhibit RR)(Shaffer, Ryan)

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CHARGES A¡\ID SPECIFI PD 468. t 21 (Re'¿ 1 '02)'Penl. 'lllNt ffifiHtrffiffi bd ä.9 # &,, ruffiffitÈ -. Date TO l.A.B. Log No, Serial No, iommand le's Office Advo Departmenl Serial Number l.A.B. Mernber Notifieci 10 02 eb "'+.'.T ü TIIE POLICE COÍVIMISSIONER: hereby Name lnitial Tax Reg, No. Shield No, Dale Entered Command 931186 12943 SCHOOLCRAFT ADRIAN OHARGE PO ìquad or Chart No. Firsl Surname Rank'T¡lle 81 PRECIT{CT 0?0il02 IiIh VIOLATION OF DEPARTMENT REGULATIONS SPECIFICATIONS ì lhal: 81st Precinct, while on'duty, on or about Sait{police oflicer Adrian Schoolcraft, assigned to the Kings County, having been directed by New October 31, 2009, inside of the glst precinct Stationhouru, in neglect to yorl< city police sergeant Rasheena Iruffman to standby during an investigation, did fail and comply with said order' l. coDE)1 CONIPLIANCE WITH ORDERS PG.203-03 Pg. #1Para. #2 Precinct, while on-duty, ono¡ about said police officer Adrian schoolcraft, âssigned to the Slst County,Ìravingbeen directecl byNew October 31,2009, rvithin the confines of the 104th PrecÍr,.t, in Queens an yo¡k city police captain Theodore Lauterborn to return uoik to the 81'st Precinct staiionhouse for investigation, did fail and neglect to comply rvith said order' 2, PG 203,03 Pg. #1 para.#z COMPLIANCE WITH OR-DERS coDE 21 Precinct, rvhile on-dufy, on or about Said police offïcer Adrian schoolcraft, assigned to the Slst wÍthout leave' October 31, 2009, scheduled to perform his regular iout of dufy was absent 3, PG203-05 Pg.1 para. PG 20s-18 Ps.7 &2 4, l Said políce & 2 PERFOR]VIANCE ON DUTY. GENERAL ABSENT WITHOUT LEAYE-PERSONNEL IVIATTERS coDE 01 on'duty, on or about offìcer Adrian schoolcraft, assigned to the 81st Precinct, while or discipline of the Department october 31, 2009, engaged in conduct pr.i"¿i.irr to the g"ood order, efficiency in that said Oflìcer taifã¿ to properly safeguard Department property' PG 203-10 Pe. #1 para. #5 DIPARTMTNT ÃDVOCATH'S CODE 26 GENERAL REGULATIONS 0rFtcE P DÀT Steven l\Iaurie Deputy Inspector i\PPRTVED stri/¿I¡åMicatien+.are'entered,listwitnessesforthedepar1ment. _'L__^_J rr-..L---, CONFIDENTIAL '- (lf witness is civilian, enter name and address on Olficial ------! ^l^â i-¡i^^.^ ^^L^¡,'l^¡,,ô^õli^^ /il ¡nt¡\ ¡had NYC00003933 1ST ENDORSEMENT ;ommânding Of f ícer, rookl n Patrol Borog¡gh Nor Lh ,, the POLICE COMMISSIONER 'I issuance of charges and specificati ons. ,t ,'s. 6i.' ,-FgbruarJ¡ .9,---.-*20.10 . lconcurwiihthe 2¿- ? Gerald Nelson Assistant Chief INSTRUCTIONS FOH SERVICË OF CHARGES AND SPECIFICATIONS 1. Respondent will sign and complete where appropriate: a. b. c, d, 2. original charges and specifications vacat¡on and military leave form two (2) copies of instructions and rece¡pt of charges and specifications agreement to accept service of notice form (when requested in suspension cases only) Respondent will receive: a. b. one (1) copy of charges and specifications one (1)copy of instructions and receiptof charges and specifications form ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF SERVICE I acknowledge due personal service on rne of the within Charges and Specifications and notice of Hearing, this 20 day of -* -at-=-AM/PM BESPONDENT /VITNESS (Signaturc) (Rênk Titl¿) (S¡gn¡lurr) (Rsnk.T¡tlc) DATE STAMP CMD PREFER C&S D.A.O (ln) (Oul) ,rl CONFIDENTIAL t. '/ '¡ i.'{ I :,.{.: '. -i.l (oul) HIGHER COMMAND (ln) {Oul) D,A,O. (lo) 1 r ..ll 1 NYC00003934 cr{ABcES R¡¡o sPÉctrlcATloNs r{ @ po ¿oo-iàineu. t mk.trffihlHiluffiË#ffi 14,ts. Log No Serial No, Command 81 PRECIN Date -oz¡'eênt December 17,7009 Deparlment Ser¡al Number l.A.B. Member Notified 0 t TO TI-IE POI-ICE COMMISSIONER: lhereby lnitial SCHOOLCRAFT ADRTAN OHARGE PO Command Squad or Charl No, Firsl Name Surname Rank-Tille 81 12943 Dare Entered PRECI}{CT Tax Reg, No' Shleld No, WPI 931186 l0tl02 wilh VIOLATION OF DEPA RTMENT REGULATIONS SPECIFICATIONS in lhat: Precinct, while on suspension, on or said police officer Adrian schoolcraft, assigned to the 81st said Officer was to report to the Department about Dccember 3, 2009, after being previously ooiin.¿1n^t did fail to appear at the bepartment Advocate's Aclvocate's office to be restored to Modified Assignment, Office and was absent without leave' 1, PG 203-05 Pg. #1 Para.#l &#2 PG20s-18 Ps.#L&#2 PERFORMA}ICE ON DUTY - GENERAL ABSENT \ryITIIOUT LEAYE - PERSONNEL CODE 01 81st Precinct, while on suspension' on or Said police offiCer Adrian schoolcraft, assigned to the to the good order,-efficiency or discipline of the about December 3,20ag,did engagein conductprejudiciar comñranding officer, Depai'tment Advocaters Department in that said'officerlult., ioto.mäo u,y-the said offiõer's temporary residence, did fail office, that a Department surgeon wourd eiamine said dfficer at to mahe himself ãvailable for examination by said Department Surgeon' 2, pG 203-10 Pg. #1 para. #5 GENERAL REGULATIONS coDE 15 Precinct, while on suspensionr on or said police officer Adrian schoolcraft, assigned to the 81st to said offìcer's resident precinct' about December 14, z00g and December 16, 2009, díd faifto report 3. PG 206-08 Pg. #1 para. #3 coDt], SUsPENsIoN FROM DUTY' UNIFoRMEDJ'ÍEMBER MATTERS OF THE SERVICE - DISCIPLINARY 15 DEPA RTM F-NT ADVOCATE'S 0rFl RtcO fv1 c[ OVAL Þfrrh.l,?lt**tt Steven Mauriello DATi Deputy Inspector APPROVID DA'[E _ .- ,, . .,.- ,-., and address on Of ficial are entered, list witnesses for lhe department' (lf witness is civilian, enler name (if give rank, name, shìeld number and command. Also indicate scheduled vacation any), chart, Letterhead PD 158'151) lf member of the force, (il member of the deparlment) squad no., or working schedu le of complainant, respondent and witnesses lnstructíons: After all CONFIDENTIAL sP ecificatlons NYC00003935 . \'" :-i( " \i SPECIFICATIONS )) 1¡ l¡ c HARçES3ô,ID TffJffiffiffiffii ffiffiffi PD 468-'121 (Rev. 1.02)-Pent rO l.A.B. Log No. Serial No. )onl¡narrd Date 2009 ovenrber Department Advocate's Office l.A.B, Member Notilied Serial Number THE POLICE COMMISSIONER: hereby CHARGE PO SCHOOLCRAFT ADRIAN Command iquad or Chart No. lnitial First Nams Surname Hank-Title t2943 oate Entored 81 PRECINCT Tax Reg. Shield No. No. 931186 wtolt}z rlth VIoLATION OF DEPARTMENT REGULATIONS SPECIFICATIONS t that: 1. Said Police Officer Adrian Schoolcraft, assigned to the Slst Precinct, while on-duty, on or about October 31., 2009, insidc of the 8lst Precinct Stationhouse, in Kings County, having been directed by New york CÍty Þoüce Sergeant Rasheena Huffman to standby during ân investigation, did fail and neglect to comply with said order' PG 203-03 Pg, #1 para. #2 COMPLIA¡ÍCE ÏYITII ORDERS CODE 21 2, Said Police Officer Adrian Schoolcraft, assigned to the Slst Precinct, while on-duty,0n.0r about October 31, 2009, within the confines of the 104th Precinct, in Queens County, having bçen directed by New york City police Captain Theodore Lauterborn to ieturn back to the St st Precinct Stationhouse for an investigation, did fail and ne.glect to comply with said Ôrder. pc 203-03 Pg, #1 para.#z COMPLIANCE \ryITH ORDERS coDE 21 3. Said Police Officer Adrian Schoolcraft, assigned to the 81st Precinct, while on-duty, on or about October 31, 2009, scheduled to perform his regular tour of dufy was absent without leave. PG 203-05 Pg. I para. pG 20s-18 pá. t *z I&2 PERFORMANCE ON DUTY - GENERAL ABSENT WTTTTOUT LEAVE-PERSONNEL MATTERS CODE 01 4. Said Police Officer Adrian Schoolcraft, assigned to the 81st Precinct, while on-duty, on or about October 31,7009, engaged in couduet prejudicial to the good order, efficiency or discipline of the Department in that said Officer failed to properly safeguard Department property. PG 28tÉÅRïfi4 Ëñfâf\i6¿AïE,s GENERAL REGT]LATIONS OFFICE RECOM D DAT APPROVED CODE 26 ct(j-kþ PR tl l^ Deputy Inspector red, list witnessos for the department. (lf witness is civilian, enter name and address on Official al 158-151), lf member of the force, give rank, name, shield numbor and command. Also indicate scheduled vacation (if any), chart, rtterhead PD structions: Afler CONFIDENTIAL NYC00003936 . Commandine Officer Patro1 Boiodh-BL@Kyn l'brlh ;srr.* "f ch*g". "r,ld 1STENDORSEMENT i tothepoLtcEc-oMMtsstoNER, specifications ry"úo 10 __z0g_ tconcurwirhthe ø ftief INSTRUCTIONS FOR SERVICE OF CHARGES AND SPECIFICATIONS 1. Respondent will sign and complete where appropriate: a. original charges and specifications b. vacation and military leave form c, two (2) copies of instructions and receipt of charges and specifications d. agreement to accept seryice of notice form (when requested in suspension 2. cases only) Respondent will receive; a. one (1) copy of charges and specifications b. one (1) copy of instructions and receipt of charges and specifications form ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF SERVICE I acknowledge due personal service on me of the within Charges and Specifications and notico of Hearing, this dayof %,20 _at_AM/PM, NESS RESPONDENT rnk-Titlc) (Signoturc) (Rank Tirlc) (Signsturr) DATE STAMP D.A.O, (oul) CMD PREFER C&S (lnì , (our) HIGHER COMMAND (ln) (oul) D,A.O, (ln) .-,.;,, iU -a "; .;,., CONFIDENTIAL NYC00003937 ADr Rece i ved: Ø4/27/2øIØ (Fov 1'02)'Poñl rå$ l.A.B. Membsr Noltlisd l,A.Þ. Log No. TO THE POLICE GOMNi|SSIONEH: Flrst Nðme Sufhamit Rrink-Tlllo I hereby CHAFGE PO lñlllâl . Reg. No' Shi€ld No' 931186 12943 ADRIAN Oale Enlèred Wottoz NT OF .wlth 0 Serlal Number SCHO OLCRAFT 81. PRECINCT Squad or ChBrt No. PAGE ØT/ø2 1.,- :1 ffiffi {"I ü No. Cômmand 2010 09:344n @m J¡t IçiF CHÀRGES ÄND SPECIFICATIONS PD ¡16€'!?1 2l DAO 64661 ø6328 1.Øi37 SPECIFICATIONS in rhol: 1. to-the Stst Prccinct' schoolcraft, assignecl sai{pouce otficer Adrfnn s,rî"''îit'î", ìn xrngs áüt ocrober 31, 200e, i"rid:;;";i york city comPIY cJ;Ï;;"g ri..i^., nbout whÍle on-tlufy' on or becn dircctetl bv New rnil nnd neslect to ;lXil;Hi ;i;ö';'-*;.r'isntl*iòia porice sergerrnt Rasheena Frurrman with s¡rld ordor' COMPLI^NCE WÍTU PG ?03-03 Pg' #1 pnrrr' #2 CODE 2l ORDPRS iå*e becn directed ror nn 2.'Sai.ilPoliceofli'cerAitrinns..lg"]:l"ftnssigne<ltothcslstPrecÍnct,whileon.dufy,'onorlbout *o*nT'llii""', ì''ö"'iit c"*w' bv New it'" ocrober 31, 200e, *o* üi'.å";;;;-;r Lauterbo.rn iJ täåï;i yortr cry poüce cnprai" ril;;;; complv to ;îcirüï;, aio rtu'""á otglect PG 203-03 Pg. 3. #l pnrn' *o tl'u risi'rtetinct st¡tionhousc with snirl order' coIvrPLIANcE WTTH Ë2 coDE ORDERS while ou-drrty' nssigncd to the 81st Precinct, snirt pouce officer Adrinn schoolcrrft, nbsent without lenve' Jiu"tv rvãs octor¡er 31, 200e, 21 on or about ,.r.a.,iJïiïp;;îilhr, ;;;rr*'irrr l,G 203-05 Pg. I pr r¡, 1 &a PG 205-18 Pg. I &2 PDRF'ORM',II.NCE ON DUTY' GENER'AL. Aßs EÑiwtti'lôur lanvn-rnns oNNEL MArrtRs CODD 01 on-tt[Çv' on or ábo[t nssìgneil tolhe 81st.)',recinct' while saict Police offìcer ¡\drian schoolcrnft, order, efficiency or discipline of the Deplrtment octoher 31.,20ùg,engrgëil in contìttct pre.iurlicinl to'ù;gi;J plopcrty' ¡r tltrt r"f J'Ofncer taUõA to properly in'l'eguard Depnrtment 4. PG 203-10 Pe. #1 P{rn' #5 -D GENtrRAL REGI.ILATIONS coD[ 26 EP^ RTM Ê1IT ÃDVOCATI'' S OFFIC D¡\T APPROVED a p Steven I\f Dcpury InsPcctor adrJress on Otliol¿ ontered. lisl siitnesses lor t'ìe deperlrñ ent. (lf wllnoss is chillian, enlor nam€ snd vâcallon lif any), chart ettBrhesd PD 158-151), lf mémber ol lhe force, glve rânk, harne, shleld ntlmÞer and cot¡mand. Also indicsle schoclr-rled (ìl me mtrer of lhe rleparlmenl) ItJåd no., or worklng schodule of complalnanl, respondenl and wltness€s CONFIDENTIAL NYC00003938 CHARGES ÀND SPECIFICATIONS @ PD 460'1 2l (Fw. 1 pôre -02).¡¡cni February 02,2010 lA.B. Log No. s€rial No. Commànd LA.B. Mombor Norif¡od Oôpartment Sêr¡ål Numb€r I 81 TO THE POLICE COMIIIISSIONEH: Surnânâ Rånk-T¡llð I hÞråby Command squad or Chs/t No. wlth First Name Tu shield No. ln¡ti6l SCHOOLCRAFT A.DRTAN GHARGE PO 12943 Dato Ênror€d 8T PP-ECINCT Reg, No. 931186 \Fll0l/02 DEPARTMENT REGULATIONS SPECIFICANONS in rhat: l. Srid Police Offcer Adri¡n Schoolcrrft, ossipod to tbe Slst Precincl whilc on-duty, on or ¿bout October 31, 2009, i¡side of the Slst Precinct Staüonhouse, Ín Kingr County, having been directed by Ncw York Cþ Police Sergeant Rssheebt Euffm¡n to standby during an i.uvestigation, did få¡l end ncglect to comply with s¡id order. PG 203-03 Pg. #1 para" #2 OMPLIANCE WITH ORDERS CODE 2r 2. S¡id Policc Officer Adri¡n Schoolcraft, assipod to the Blst Precinct, while on-duty, otr or ¡bout October 31, 2009, witùI¡ the conflnes of tle l04th Precinct, in Quecns County, having been dlrected by Now York City Police Captain Theodore L¡uterborn to retrun brck to thc SIst Preninct St¡tion-ùouse for ¡¡ investigation, did f¡il and neglcct to comply with said order. PG 203-03 Pg. #l para- #2 COMPLIANCE WITH oru)Ens CODE 2l 3, Sald Pollce Officer .{drl¡¡ Schoolcrafl assþued to tùe tlst PrecbcÇ while on-duty, on or about Ocfobor 31, 2009, scheduled to perform his rogular tour of duty w¡s nbsent without le¡ve. PG203-05 Pg. 1 paraPG 20s-r8 Ps. | &2 r &2 FERFORMANCE ONDUTY- GENERAL ABSENT \ryITHOUT LEAVE-PERSONNEL M¡.TTERS coDE 0t 4. Said Police Oflicer Adri¡n Schoolcraft, rssigned to the 81st Precinct, while on-duty, on or ¡bout Octobor 31, 2009, engaged in conduct projudicirl to tlie good ordcr, cf[ciency or discipline ofthc Deparhneut in th¡t ¡¡id Ofûcer failed to properly srfeguard Depertment property, PG 203-10 Pg. #l para. #5 GDNERAL REGIILATIONS Stcveu coDE 26 M¡uriello Deputy Iuspector lnelruclionE: ARer all specilications arô entorgd, 116l wirnesses lor lhe dopartment. (ll witnoss is civllian, entor name ând add¡oss on Ofl¡clal Lelterhead PD 158-151), ll momb€r of tho force, give rank, name,.shield numbet and command. Also indtcate scheduled vacarion (if any), chart gchodule of complâinan! respondent and wnnosses (l squad no., or wofüng member of the depanmênt). f00/t00d urd6t:¿l 0t0¿ 0l qol ue8l:lf CONFIDENTIAL 010¿ 0[ q?J : Pe^ | ?c.u NYC00003939 Apr 2J 2010 0S:34an' Rece I ved: ø4/27/2øIø løi37 H'ir SPECIFíCATIONS CI-.AFGES AND PÞ,1$ñ.121 (R6v' @ iiq December 11, 2009 ffiH '$ffiffiPffiffiffiif;tt l'02)'Porl Advoctle'! SerlEl Numbor Notìlìêd I,A.B. Member LA,B. Log No. Frial N4. lomrnand PAGE Ø2/Ø2 DAO 64551 A6328 81 COMNITSSIONË'R: TO TI'IE POLTCE I hereby SCE OOLCR/IFT PO oHAFGE OF wilh rhar: 1. Ogle {tr'l'/0 1107. SPECIHCÀTIONS snid Porice ofnccr å*ri*i 1, sbscnt witìiout ãffr;;;;J;"s pG203-05 pe PG 205-ls No 931.186 t2943 ADRI.AN 1ryT:':::':lïlhäîi'il'llillïH:I;"îî:{iä**1jîlr*Tffj rl'J#,"îi iiilff#:i'Ï, lää; ; îi r r' u *o opr to b Atlvocrte's Office o¡ o.,t o Tu Reg Slrlsld ltlo. 81 PRECIT'{ CT No, Squad or n Surñsm€ nk'T¡tle Fê lnltlal Firsì Nsme tl4'iä Hl îg'#l e#'l le¡ve' &ilz ,_ _{rmr, ¡nwÍE ^iËÏiliffiil3i'låP^ïJ"';åi3ffi" -'hil. i;îi'#iiîïhîl. for cxnmination bv ¡r'¡;l¡itlc ;"';^í.;ï;;'lr PG203-10 Ps"#l coDE 0l AL nn susncusion' on or s C0DEI: GINERALREGIJLÀTIONS parä'#5 o while.on suspension' on .. precinct' Sclroolcrnft, asaigned ll: ^u1:'Precinct, Saitl Police offict,r Adrinn früii,-n.i. ,o ,oi¿ otti"r.'s fcsirrcur 3' nrrorit Dècamb", r¿, PG206'08 iriõs;;JDu..mb.r 16, coDEl 'åä].ì'i,r Ps'ftlpara'#3'",i;iH:is3H""J,#ffiifr*Ï'1ffix3'" )rr!6,-.,1m**li Staven ,APPROVED Mnuriello Deputy InsPecfor on Of ' clvillsn, enter name ancl adrjress dePôrlmeFt (lf wltness is (lt r¡ny), c âre enlered, llsl wllnessos for the Also lnd¡colo 5chêdulod vBcalion lnst.uctlons: Allef all sPeclflcalìons number and commând' of lhe lorce give fãnk, nsme' shisld department) Letlerhead PD 1 sB"1 51 ) !f rñenlber wilnesses (if membe r ol lhe ol comPlsinant, respôndent and squad no.. or worklng sclredulê D¡\TE CONFIDENTIAL NYC00003940 Rece I vad: Fax: Jan 15 ?010 0f:04pn Jan 15 2010 02;06Pm P002/00d cH^RCds ÀND sPECtFtCAnoNs PD 1¿ð{21 (Rcq !{2) command Serlal No, l.A,B. Log No. lÁ.s. Memba Norfled ollice Scdôl Numbor TO THE POLICE COMMISSIONER: Surnañe Rank-I¡tle I hcrcby CHARGE Fkgt Namo tntltal Shiold No. SCHOOLCRÀFT ADRIAN Squad or Chsn No. ñeg. No. 12943 Commrnd 931186 tïlor¡oz 81 PRECINCT wíth VIOLATION OF DEPARTMENT REGUÍ¡NONS spEcrFtcATtoNs ln rhût l. Said Police Offlccr Adrian Schoolcraft assip.ed to the 81st PrecincÇ while on suspension, on or ¡bout December 3, 2009, after boing prodoudy notiffcd th¡t s¡id Ofücer w¡s to rêport to tho Deparhent Advoc¡ters Ofñce to be restored to Modified Aesignmout, did f¡il to apperr at tho Department Advoc¡te's Oflice ¡nd w¡s absont lv¡t¡out leave. PG 203-05 Pg. #1 pa¡a. #l &, #2 Pc 205-18 Pe.#l e#2 PEBJ'OR]I{A¡ICE ON DUTY - GENERAI, â3SENT \ryTTHOUT LEAVE - PBRSONNEL coDE 01 2. S¡id Pollcc Ofücer Adrlen Schoolcr¡fg ¡s¡lg!.etl to thc tl,et Precinct, while on sulpensiotr, on or ¡bout December 3, 2009, did engage in conduct prejudiciel to tbe good ordcr, efüciency or diecipline ofttre Depertment l¡ tb¡t s¡id Officcr, oftcr bcing l¡formcd by tbe Commrndlug Ofñcer, Dcpartrnenf Advoc¡te's Oñlce, tbat e Depertuent Surgcou ry¡qt{ 6¡¡nine ¡ald Ofñcèr at seld Ofûcorro temponry residence, ilid f¡il to mrke himself ¡vail¡ble fo¡ e¡¡minrtion by seid Deparhent Surgroo. PG 203-10 Pg. #l para. fl5 GENDRALRTGULATIONS coDE 15 3. S¡id Police Ofñcer Adri¡n Schoolcraft, assipcd to the EIst PrecincÇ whilc or¡ suspenslou, on or ¡bout Dccember 14,2009 ¡nd Dccember 16, 2009, did f¡il to rêport to s¡ld Ofñcer'r resident precinct. PG 206'08 Pg. #l pera. #3 SUSPENSION FR0M DUTY, UNIFORII{ED MEMBDR OF TEtr SIRVICE - DISCIPLINARY MATTERS Steven coDE 15 M¡uriello Deputy f.nspector lnsüùctloísì Afl€r all sp€c¡fiÇatlons are entered, list wllnesses tor thB ctepartment. (lt wftness is cjvilian, ontsf name and address on Omcial Lonorhead PD 158-15 1 ). lf member of the force, givê ra¡k, nrme, shletd number and command. Nso indicate scheduled vacaüon (il any), charl, .sguad no,, or wøking sclìodul€ of oomplalnant, rêspondent and Mtnesseô (lt member of CONFIDENTIAL üe depârtmenl). NYC00003941

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