Schoolcraft v. The City Of New York et al

Filing 308

DECLARATION of NATHANIEL B. SMITH in Support re: 305 MOTION for Summary Judgment .. Document filed by Adrian Schoolcraft. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit, # 2 Exhibit, # 3 Exhibit REDACTED, # 4 Exhibit, # 5 Exhibit, # 6 Exhibit REDACTED, # 7 Exhibit REDACTED, # 8 Exhibit, # 9 Exhibit, # 10 Exhibit REDACTED, # 11 Exhibit, # 12 Exhibit, # 13 Exhibit, # 14 Exhibit, # 15 Exhibit, # 16 Exhibit REDACTED, # 17 Exhibit, # 18 Exhibit, # 19 Exhibit REDACTED, # 20 Exhibit)(Smith, Nathaniel)

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PLAINTIFF'S MOTION EXHIBIT 12 ! i !' i l I Page 105 ! C. 1 A. 2 3 form, 5 A. M.D. completed this 2009. How do you know that you completed this 6 7 The day that I which was April 15, Q. 4 LAMSTEIN-REISS, form April 'Cause that's 15, 2009. the date I wrote on i t . 8 Q. Where are you referring to? 9 A. The bottom left part of the 10 page. Q. 11 12 To the left of my name and signature. wrote Is that the date that you also the diagnosis, 13 MS. 14 Objection. 15 A. Yes. 16 Q. And is stress anxiety? 17 under the words A. 18 Yes. PUBLICKER METTHAM: that your handwriting treatment recommended? Everything below -- 19 everything below where i t says 20 a 21 consultant's 4/13/09 assigned to psych AK. report is my handwriting except for Q. 22 the Could you please read slowly 23 into the record what your handwriting is 24 under 25 the entry treatment recommended? A. 212-267-6868 Yes. That's actually clear VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY 516-608-2400 I Page 106 I C. 1 I LAMSTEIN-REISS, M.D. i 2 handwriting this 3 to. 4 stands for 5 improve coping skills and reduce physical 6 symptoms of stress. 7 8 time. Okay, but I'm happy Psychotherapy recommended CBT, cognitive behavioral Q. What's which therapy to the entry below that under the prognosis? 9 A. Good with treatment. 10 Q. What was 11 12 13 the treatment that you were recommending? A. As stated above that, recommended cognitive behavioral 14 Q. 15 Is I therapy. that talk therapy essentially? 16 MS. 17 Objection. 18 A. PUBLICKER METTHAM: It is more specific than that. 19 It works on your thoughts, your behaviors, 20 your physical reactions and how those things 21 all affect each other, 22 was recommending stress management training 23 to learn the ways of reducing physical 24 manifestations of stress, 25 psychological manifestations of stress. and in this case, as well as I the _______ j 212-267-6868 VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY 516-608-2400 I I Page 107 C. 1 LAMSTEIN-REISS, M.D. 2 I t ' s actually teaching specific skills 3 that's not as 4 just go talk about what's bothering you. Q. 5 simple as just, i t ' s not like When you wrote this entry, how 6 much treatment did you anticipate would be 7 required? 8 MS. 9 Objection. A. 10 PUBLICKER METTHAM: That would be between him and 11 the treatment provider. 12 treatment. 13 We don't mandate it. Q. 14 We never mandate. Okay, well, 15 treatment, how long a 16 We recommend when you recommended were you recommending? 17 MS. 18 Objection. 19 A. course of treatment I PUBLICKER METTHAM: was recommending providers who thought do a 21 that would be most helpful 22 would be between him and the provider. 23 Typically, 24 of treatment compared to other things. 25 certain type of therapy. I 20 Q. 212-267-6868 CBT tends to him and that to be a How long is shorter course the CBT course of VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY 516-608-2400 ! i I 1 C. LAMSTEIN-REISS, M.D. 2 necessarily fitness for duty issues. That 3 for his own sake would be good to discuss 4 with a therapist should he want too. 5 I also recommended he see a 6 psychiatrist for an evaluation 'cause two 7 different doctors had prescribed psychiatric 8 medication to him. 9 and one he hadn't started and i t wasn't One he finished taking 10 clear to me why one of those was prescribed 11 and, 12 think i t ' s better if someone sees a 13 psychiatrist for psychiatric medication 14 instead of their primary doctor. 15 16 I just, Q. as a matter of course always Did you tell Schoolcraft that he didn't need medication? 17 MS. 18 Objection. 19 A. 20 I PUBLICKER METTHAM: told him that after he told me not at the first appointment. I told him 21 that at the second and third appointment 22 when he told me he no longer had no 23 symptoms. 24 25 Q. So you did tell him that he didn't medication, right? --- 212-267-6868 ----~~---------- VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY 516-608-2400 Page 114 1 C. LAMSTEIN-REISS, 2 MS. 3 Objection. 4 A. M.D. 5 where he 6 resolved. 7 first I told him that at the point told me the symptoms had already That's not what I told him the time Q. 8 9 PUBLICKER METTHAM: No, I wasn't asking you particular time. 10 you did tell 11 medication him I MS. 13 A. opinion; is that right? Objection. 14 saying ultimately that he didn't need in your 12 was about a 15 told him both at different times. 16 17 I PUBLICKER METTHAM: Q. On one occasion you didn't need medication; 18 A. That's 19 Q. What was 20 21 22 23 is told him he that right? correct. the date of that occasion? A. At some point in July '09 and late October of 2010. So, Q. 24 occasions 25 medication, 212-267-6868 you told him on two that you didn't think he needed right? VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY 516-608-2400 Page 115 1 C. 2 3 LAMSTEIN-REISS, M.D. A. Yes, Q. And after we broke for based on his self-report to me. 4 5 just clarified that you made three 6 recommendations 7 just did; lunch you is to him and that's what you that right? 8 A. Correct. 9 Q. Did I ask you before the break 10 to tell me what recommendations you gave 11 him? 12 A. I 13 Q. And you 14 clarifying a 15 and you had answered? A. 16 thought you did. thought that this was question that I Yes. had asked you Because you had -- what I 17 recall is you asking me how long I 18 this 19 answering that 20 treatment specifically for 21 symptoms of stress, 22 my recommendation that he, 23 to, 24 in his 25 ideally would be longer term. thought treatment would last and in my I was referring to the physical which is different from should he want continue longer to discuss 212-267-6868 life. the other things That would be something that So VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY that's why 516-608-2400 Page 153 C. 1 LAMSTEIN-REISS, M.D. 2 medication. 3 other reasons, 4 Sometimes 5 antidepressants, 6 uses. 7 prescribed unless 8 medications have tried and failed or given 9 for psychosis or bipolar disorder. such as bipolar disorder. i t ' s given in addition to could be other off label Typically, Q. 10 I t ' s sometimes prescribed for not the only medication that's As April 15, -- other 2009, did 11 Schoolcraft present to you as 12 was suffering from some sort of psychosis? 13 MS. 14 Objection. 15 A. somebody who I PUBLICKER METTHAM: did not observe any psychotic 16 symptoms. 17 he was psychotic. Q. 18 19 So i t did not appear Did i t appear to me that to you at any time that he was psychotic? A. 20 Later on in the case I 21 wonder i f that was 22 sure. 23 looking back on i t . 24 25 the case and I began to That's one of the theories Q. was not I have When did you start wondering about whether or not he was psychotic? 212-267-6868 VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY 516-608-2400 Page 172 C. 1 LAMSTEIN-REISS, 2 Q. Is 3 A. That is correct. that correct? 4 knows what he told me. 5 believes 6 and a that, M.D. Because he So if he really that would be a l i t t l e odd reason to question i t . Q. 7 Right. But he did tell you that 8 he believed that the supervisors at the 81 9 were putting improper to pressure on him to 10 keep the numbers up? 11 MS. 12 Objection. 13 MR. A. 14 15 KRETZ: Objection. He told me that's what he believed, yes. Q. 16 PUBLICKER METTHAM: He told you that's what he 17 believed. 18 suffering from a physical manifestation of 19 stress, 20 A. Yes. 21 Q. And your opinion was In fact, in your opinion, he was right? those 22 physical manifestations of stress were 23 derived from stress he was 24 job, receiving on the right? 25 MS. 212-267-6868 PUBLICKER METTHAM: VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY 516-608-2400 Page 173 C. 1 LAMSTEIN-REISS, 2 Objection. 3 MR. M.D. KRETZ: Objection. 4 A. On and off the 5 Q. But nevertheless, one of the 6 stress factors 7 having the fact 8 reporting misconduct by his supervisors; 9 isn't that right? 10 MS. 11 MR. in your opinion, he was that he was in his mind Objection. 12 that, job. PUBLICKER METTHAM: KRETZ: Objection. 13 A. No. 14 Q. Let me ask you a question did 15 Schoolcraft tell you that he was getting 16 pressure to issue summonses improperly at 17 the 81? Objection. 18 MR. KRETZ: 19 MS. PUBLICKER METTHAM: 20 Objection. 21 A. He told me he was getting 22 pressure to increase his activity in ways 23 that he thought was not proper. 24 tell me that he had made any kind of 25 complaints about that. 212-267-6868 He did not He told me he only VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY 516-608-2400 ~---- ----~-------·------ - - - - - - - - - · - - ---------- ------ ---·-- --- ------ ---- ------~----~-------------- ------ ------~ -------~--- -------------- ~ Page 174 C. 1 LAMSTEIN-REISS, 2 made a 3 performance evaluation and a 4 M.D. complaint contesting his annual them taking his memo book. Q. 5 complaint about He did not complain to you about 6 what he perceived as retaliation by his 7 supervisors at the 81 Precinct? 8 MR. KRETZ: 9 MS. PUBLICKER METTHAM: 10 Objection. 11 A. Objection. He did not tell me that he made 12 any kind of formal 13 That he made any kind of complaint 14 15 Q. complaint about that. Did he tell you that he was getting retaliated against by supervisors? 16 MS. PUBLICKER METTHAM: 17 Objection. 18 A. Yes. 19 Q. When did he tell you that? 20 A. The first time I 21 Q. April 13, 2009? 22 A. Right. saw him. That he thought they 23 were mad at him for contesting his 24 evaluation. 25 Q. 212-267-6868 All right, can you turn to the VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY 516-608-2400 I Page 285 1 2 3 C. LAMSTEIN-REISS, -l M.D. just know what our procedures are. Q. So, Schoolcraft's gun was not 4 removed because he had indicated to you or 5 anybody else in your department any 6 dangerous propensities, right? 7 MS. PUBLICKER METTHAM: 8 Objection. 9 A. Correct. 10 Q. He didn't articulate to you any 11 ideation of hurting himself or others, 12 right? 13 A. Right. 14 Q. And he didn't present to you any 15 ideas of hurting others, right? 16 A. Right. 17 Q. And the restrictions 18 that were placed on him were what? 19 MS. 20 Objection. 21 A. PUBLICKER METTHAM: No firearms, no outside duties, 22 no patrol duties or any kind of outside 23 enforcement duties. 24 25 Q. How long was that status imposed on Schoolcraft? 212-267-6868 VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY 516-608-2400 Page 319 C. 1 2 LAMSTEIN-REISS, - M.D. you had evaluated and met with Schoolcraft? 3 A. Yes. 4 Q. And told him that during the 5 conversation that you had with him on 6 October 31st? 7 A. Yes. 8 Q. What else did you tell Captain 9 Lauterborn? 10 A. He was asking me i f there was 11 any reason to be concerned about the fact 12 that he went AWOL and that he seemed to be 13 upset and said he had stomach pains and 14 should they be concerned, 15 look for him, 16 Typically, 17 said he wasn't sure they wanted to suspend 18 him, 19 psychological problem as opposed to a 20 disciplinary one and so he wanted to consult 21 with me. make sure he's okay. in that situation they do. because 22 do they need to go they thought this was more of a I told him that as of the last 23 time I saw him, 24 earlier, 25 danger to himself or others. I He which was a few days had no reason to think he was a Never l-----~----···---·-··-------------~--------------------------------- ----~--------------------------------i 212-267-6868 VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY 516-608-2400 Page 327 C. 1 2 LAMSTEIN-REISS, M.D. desk? 3 A. Correct. 4 Q. All 5 A. It will be more clear as right, please continue. I'm 6 reading through the notes, 7 that the part about possibly not suspending 8 him because they thought i t might be more of 9 a psych problem, but i t ' s possible that may have come 10 secondhand through Sergeant Kloos. 11 came directly, 12 notes. 13 If i t i t would be the rest the Telephone contact with Captain 14 Lauterborn. 15 today at TS all day, 16 switchboard all day. 17 typically keeps 18 much with other officer and did same 19 Nothing seemed out of ordinary. 20 he went down to locker room, 21 then put a 22 and said going sick. 23 stomach pain. 24 but he 25 has made allegations against others. 212-267-6868 MOS doing a to 7 to 3 day tour meaning telephone All was fine. He self and doesn't converse today. 2:00 p.m. changed and sick report on sergeant's desk He wrote that he had Sergeant tried to stop him, left anyway. Underlying issues. VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY MOS 516-608-2400 Page 328 C. 1 LAMSTEIN-REISS, M.D. 2 Department's investigation of these 3 allegations picked up this week and i t 4 snowballed from there. 5 P.O.'s and two civilian people were called 6 down for questioning. 7 and asked about i t . 8 telephone message log, 9 going. This week about four MOS goes up to them Notifications are in so he knows who is When they return, he tries to 10 intercept them and get information from 11 about what he was asked -- about -- 12 should have been what they were asked. 13 that thought the person was a 14 that's what i t says what he was asked. 15 Today was first 16 sure what happened today that triggered him 17 to leave like that. it peers, Or Anyway, he. tour back after RDOs. Delegates, 18 them Not sergeants and 19 Captain Lauterborn all left him messages and 20 asked him to go back to command. 21 lieutenant is at him home. 22 there. 23 there earlier. 24 footsteps 212-267-6868 car is Landlord said MOS may have been Can usually hear MOS's when home. MOS Next entry, 25 His A I not home. left a VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY message on 516-608-2400

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