Schoolcraft v. The City Of New York et al

Filing 308

DECLARATION of NATHANIEL B. SMITH in Support re: 305 MOTION for Summary Judgment .. Document filed by Adrian Schoolcraft. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit, # 2 Exhibit, # 3 Exhibit REDACTED, # 4 Exhibit, # 5 Exhibit, # 6 Exhibit REDACTED, # 7 Exhibit REDACTED, # 8 Exhibit, # 9 Exhibit, # 10 Exhibit REDACTED, # 11 Exhibit, # 12 Exhibit, # 13 Exhibit, # 14 Exhibit, # 15 Exhibit, # 16 Exhibit REDACTED, # 17 Exhibit, # 18 Exhibit, # 19 Exhibit REDACTED, # 20 Exhibit)(Smith, Nathaniel)

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PLAINTIFF'S MOTION EXHIBIT 9 Command Ser. No. 2009-081-0017 Schedui~T~JA-- SUPERVISOR'S COMPLAINT REPORT/ COMMAND DISCIPLINE ELECTION REPORT PO 468-123 (R~:w. o·s--·-··----- 04-06) From: Integrity Control OHicer. 081 Precinct To: Commanding Officer. 081 Precinct Subject: REPORT OF VIOLATION OF THE RULES AND PROCEDURES Member Rank Full Name Commnnu Complained o_t_:_ _ _ _. . . . . ._.P_o_ _ ._....L._S_c____ h o?lcraft~..~~~ian_________ _ 81 Location where violation occurred BNAAB ---·- Complainant -----.--------1-------·-· ---··------·-·· ··-- Time Date 02/03/09 1517 D<1y of Week Tuesda -·~-··------· -----~·-··-------------~------+------'------- Name and /\tJ<.Jp;ss TdHpllone Number ---··---- . ··-- (If any): ---------·----------'-----------------···---· Details of Violation: Subject Officer arrived at BN MB at 1517 hours, 4 7 minutes after proper arrival time. Officer was dressed improperly, arriving in court wearing jeans and sneakers. The Member was was I I was not Owarned and admonished, and D was not Oinstructed in tho proper performance of duty and/or procedure. --------.--~---.--··---------··--·-----.....--- Signature -----....---------.---------- D D Unsubstantiated Charge and Specifications Precinct Ser. No. _ __ 0 0 Cornmand Date 81 Tax Number 02/05/09 Command Discipline Accepted Command Discipline Review Panel Final Disposition; Rank Signature of Commanding Officer Tax Number Command Date Instructions: Commanding Officers must investigate and report disposition under FOLLOW-UP. If a schedule "B" violation is substantiated, send a completed copy of this report (Front and Rear), to the Department Advocate's Office. 0000083 COMMAND DISCIPLINE REPORT/ELECTION Command Ser. No. -- r-n~O -- _____ Member's Name Schoolcraft, Adrian 2008-081-001 7 ------------------ ----'-Com"2'~1d_/_A_ss•g~n•: ------ _._l_T_a_x_ _ _ _ u_m_b_e_r_--_-·_· Investigation has been completed concerning the violation charged herein. The finding and tile disciplinary action recommended are indie<Jted below. You may accept the finding and the proposed disciplinary action: or accept the finding but appeal the proposed disciplinary action to the Command Discipline Review Panel for finCJI.jeterrninntion; or decline to accept the ilnding and the proposed disciplinary action in lieu of a statutory hearing on wntten charges before a Tr<.Jil Commissioner. You must complete and return this forrn to the undersigned within three working days. Summary of Investigation and Disposition of Complaint: = -- Finding _R_a_n~-k_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_r,__S~-i-g-n~a-lt_Jr_e_o_f_C_o_n_l_n_1a-r-1d_i_n_g_O~-f-f-ic_e_r Disci(.Jiinary Action Recornrnended ~ :_'~urnb-~~Cornmand Date ~-------· . _______ ____,- TO BE COMPLETED BY MEMBER CHARGED: I understand !hall do not have to accept the f1nding and thv disciplin<lly action recommended by rny commanding officer or unit heCJd. My right to have thi!; matter reviewed as to the proposed di:;,ciplin<uy <.~ction only, by the Command Discipline Review PLJnol. and my right to a statutory hearing before a Tr;1il Comrnist;ioncr !Hive lleen explair~cd to rne and I Hereby volunt;:nily: /\cceplllle fir1ding and l11P. prDposed disci(.Jii:1ary <~ctiun. Accept the finding but elect to h<:~ve the disciplina1y action reviewed by the Command Discipline Review Panel. Decline to accept an~· cJi~cipiinary ar.tion without a statutory hearing. Any decision arrived at relative to this case is apart frorn and does not preclude further exercise of management prerogative such as reduction in grade, transfer.reassiqnrnC!nt,etr.. OH;cer's s;gnatu•c -----------------u----~]Datc ~------. --VV1tnessed By: (Name, Rnnk. Shield) If~ schedule "8" violation is substantiated, send a completed copy of this report (Front and Rear) to the Department Advocate's Office. 0000084 .. Command Ser. No. 2009-081-028 Schedule: .A 8 ------ SUPERVISOR'S COMPLAINT REPORT/ rEJ COMMAND DISCIPLINE ELECTION REPORT 0 PO 468-123 (Rev. 04-06) From: Assistant Integrity Control OfficE-r, H1st Precinct To: Commanding Officer, 81 st Precinct Subject: REPORT OF VIOLATION OF THE RULES AND PROCEDURES --------:r-----.---------------------,--------------------.,-------------··-Rank Member Full Narne Command Tax No. Cornpiained PO Of: 081 Schoolcraft, Adrian Location where violation occurred 120 Chau Street, Brookl Cornpiainant Day ofWook te 1, NY 11233 1900 to 1930 hrs 03/15/09 Sunday Telephone Number N<Jme and Address (If any): Details of Violation: Violation of: PG 203·05 (2), PG 203-05 (2)(a), 212-08 (1 )(c)(3), PG 206-03 (11) On March 15, 2009 between the hours of 1900 and 1930 Police Officer Schoolcraft was obseNed off his assigned post inside of a building located at 120 Chauncey Street, Brooklyn. Officer Schoolcraft was not relived from his post, nor was there a condition that required police attention at the time of the incident that required him to leave his post. He was observed engaging in unnecessary conversation with Police Officer Jackson Cllan during that time period. At the time of occurrence the post of Police Orficer Schoolcraft was Reid Avenue, Between Bainbridge Street and Chauncey Street. The address '20 Chauncey Street is not included on that post. .lhermore, an inspection of the Activity Log of Officer Schoolcraft reveals thst no entry was made in regards to him leaving his post. The Member was (RJ was not Owarned and admonished, and was[D Signature 'Tax Number Rank Command ..924615 081 of Supervisor Prepnring Hepor1 SGT 03/15/2009 --------'------------- Ounsubstantiated Ocommand Discipline Accepte~ Ocharge and Specifications Precinct Ser. No. _ _ Ocommand Discipline Review Panel Final Disposition: Signature of Commanding OtfJcer Rank Tax Number COIIllll<llld Date lstructions: Commanding Officers must investigate and report disposition under FOLLOW-UP. If a schedule "B" violation is substantiated, send<~ completed copy of this report (Front and Rear), to the DepartmenbOOOOSJ Advo::;;te's Office. s~~: "$_r:::~~-q~~ COMMAN 0 01 S C IPLI N E REPORT/ELECTION . \-~, Command Ser. No. ----------------------- ~_A_e_r -lb_c_·r·_s_N_i_J/-Il_H S_'c_h_o_o_l_c_~_u~._A_d_rl_~_r_l ____ _________ 2009-081-028 - - - - - - - - - - - -· ------------ ~'-~--3f-lk~P_o~l~ic~e~=- -]~~~~ :JGm=~~~·-e-·r-ri-- lnvesligJtion has been completed concerning the violation ch<JrgcrJ herein. The finding and the disciplinary nction recommended are indicated below. You m<Jy .1ccept the finding and the proposed disc:plinary action; l)r acr:cpt the findin~j but appoal the proposed ciisciplinary ildion to the Command Discipline Revrew Panel for fJn<JI determination: or dcc!inc to accept the finding and the proposed discrplinary action in lreu of a statutory h.o:arinq on written ch<:~rnes before a Trail Commis·;ioner. You rnusl complete nnd return thrs form to tho ur1uersignt~d wilhin threA working days. Summary of Investigation and Disposition of Complaint: Finding Disciplinary Action Recornmr.ndcd --------.-----·---.. ·-· Rank Signaturo of Comrn<:~nding Officer T<:~x Nurnber Command !Date -=---------":---=-:---------------------· ---·-- -------- ----.... - ___..____________._________ TO BE COMPLETED BY MEMBER CHARGED: I under:;tand that I do not have to accept the finding and the disciplinary action recommended by my comm<"lndlng officer or unit head. My right to havo this matter reviewed as to the proposed disciplinary action only, by lhe Command Discipiine In fl Review Panel, and my right sta:utory t:earing before a Trail Commissioner have been explained to rue and I Hereby voluntarily: Accept tha finding and the plOJ.>OSed disciplin<.Jry action. Accept lim finding but elect to hOJve the disciplinary action reviewed by the Cornrnand Discipline Review Panel. Decline to accept any discip inary adion wiU10ut a statutory hearing. Any decision arrived at relative to this case is apart from and does not preclude further exercise of management prerogative --------------·=r=._____ such as roduction in grade, transfer,reassignmcnt,etc. Officer'3 Signature R_a_n_k._S_h_i~e-ld_) '-W-il-n-es_s_e_d_B_y_:(_N_a_r_n_e_. _ _ _ __ If a schedule "8" violation is substantiated, send a completed copy of this report (Front and Rear) to the Department Advocate's Office. 0000082 l~·:~:: ;)1/:)/::P!r: 1 ·. ---.. ',. .':P"'~ ::,~ SUPFRVI~>OR'S COMPLAlflll R.LPORI/ 1 . . ·.'.. · , P'-'1 Corr~and ::;cr. t~o. 2010-081 -O~"i... s.:~;-d~ie{;Ji: COMMANUOISCIPLIN[ElECfiONRF.f'ORT F'CJ 4(.5-1 2l (Re~ 0.1-0f,) . . Frorn l.t. Rafael Mascol To: Co:-r• m anding Officer. 81 st Pr<:Jcinct Subject --[JB REPORT OF VIOLA T!ON OF n-tE RULES AND PROCEDURES ~:::,::~,~--l-;'"~;'""N;;;,Ad. -~, -~- -~- --f~-- ----~T,:u N~ or . . nan vC 100 era , ~"~'~""'~~~~~:~:;~:;'~t~~on CompiJ'n<lnl 081 Ho: (~-S ;--- -~~, 0:-j"::,o:~- ''"' w~-:-e-_d_n_e-:d~ _ ITAioph<>I1C Nt-Jm_IN''"/~ Ne011e ar>d Addr .. r.r. : (lf.:Jny): --------.c~~,~~;~~d--- - - - i I N/A De-taBs--of\iiolatioP:-· On the above date and time mernernbers of the Quality Assurance Oivision assigned to the CPR Testing and Monitoring Unit telephoned the 081 Precinct's T. S. 1} Inadequate preformance on T. S 2) Officer not list the assignment on the Telephone Dispatch Log, 3) A call for service was not addressed did The MeMber was LX: j was not [Jw.arned <Jnd admon!shed, and was [XJ wac; not []Instructed ifl the proper p<>rformance of duty nnd/or procedure. l__j Unsubstantiated [Jcornrnand Disclplil'le Accepted ... [']ct;~;g~-;~ICl.Specifications [~]Command Discipline Rovlew Panf!l Precinct Ser. No. Fin ill 0\sro~tuon: ·~~------e;,~;,.~~~;~,~:~· __ - ---]~~~"~~-- _t~~-- -1. --~~ ,., ..'ls: Comm•ndino Orlio:a" rnust lnvc>!ig;,ta ;. ~ ~ ·• · •'n'• "n- violat:on Is ~nc su!l~l"nl;~l~d. rrport disposition unc!Qr FOLLQW .. UP. •uod <> complet"ll copy of rh;r. '"port (Front ond Ae~r), to U1Q Dop.'f1menl .... ·1vot:.~tlt ·' ~,.Jtiic" 000169~ COMMAND DISCIPLINE RlPOfHIELfCfiON Command • ~embor'; Sf~r 2010- 091- OOJ No. N:;roo Ad nan ~>chocb r o. aft \IJOJ::ti9s:ic., h.,~ b-ee." c.o·:J~lo\cd c:oncar·)ing tnc. ";oloti~:r. ch"''''eo ;1ereuL l'~c 411 :-'ld\"0 arc.! ~'0 d!:.c•o~inJry =I chon recommended Jre ldlC:<ttld below. Vet. m11y ~C' cp! l.,C ftnrl "'J and !he pr0pG.,ad <Jisc:'plin~')' ~CIIOII. 01 IIC~C:p! !he nrdln!J bul appa:ll rhe oropo~ed i:.ciplinary ;;~cl•on :"~he Co.,.r·•al'l:! Dl~·~iplina RB\,Iow t'ar>~llnr final d~:ormil'l-.~0~. ~·' cJcct,~e to accept the flndtng and the propoatld iscipiin 8 r 1 acbon in Ire~ of 11 s:a:utorv hcarinr, on "''l~r.n charges tlobr& a T•a11 C()rnmiss•oner Yo•• mu'l cornplde an~ r~turn !hi.- form )_~e_ur>derl'igned wolh111 li11eC WO!iclr.g d~yS . . ank IC<>mm'"d -·· __L ______ - -··----· .. i -· 0 BE COMPL.FfElJ BY MEMBER CHARGED: mdor:;tdnd that' do not havy y r1gntto --·-,--- --- h~vG !his m~:lll' <> ~ta•utory hl!fjring t" occopt tile finding And !h(' di~coplinory ~c~n~ rec;;urnrnrn::led Ly my C..'>mn•anding oificor or unit lla<Jd. roviB'-"eC ~JS to the P'•1Pose-d d;sciplinJry before I' Tr.JJ Comrnls~;.JnCJr h.wc t:or,:n 8Cii•ln o11ly. ~y tim Cnmm;~nc Ol~clplino Review P;,"~l. and my rlghl orpliJinod :o l"'e and I rlerc~y voluntarily: ~--·:~.J [=~ y decision l!rrivecl Accept the (onding llul elcctl'l ilav~ lhn di$cip/i11ory Bc:ion rr.v:ew"<J Ly 1~1~ Comm~r.d Drscipllnc Review Panot "t rel~tlvo to thl' ca.~ i~ apa11 lrc.<TJ ~nd rloP~ not prcclud11 furlhor o ... orclsl' of rnanagcmunl prllronatlve :_h a& reduction in_~~-o. !ran~f~?_e_:>_&Sr<Jnmc~t~~!..C~.- . c:er's SigMtuto ---- y:;:·,,--- ·---·· ~-j t . --·-·]vm~~-~~Ma~:(No~;_R"a~k":-s;;i~tdl. - ·-··~--_j_ schoduie "fl'' violation is sui.Jstanlialcd, ~end a completv.d copy of this report (front and Rear) to the partm~?r~! Advocatt>'s Offlr:e. [)001603 Received 01/14/201B 13:29 Jar. ~4 /010 01 :27r>m 81 ICO OFFICE ·•JPD 718574/'"':lf,<J Command Ser. No. __ SUPERVISOR'S COMPLAINT REPOHTI COMMAND DISCIPLINE ELECTION REPORT ; Schedule:~ A _9_{J__________ . rJ B PD 468-123 {REV. 04-06) Frorn: To: S:;t fYlE.yEfZ- (.O ~\fc ~ --------- Subject: REPORT Of VIOLATION OF THE RULES AND PROCEDURES ~-[& rs:~=~t~:-AI» _3(21: --------~--~------- Lae8tion wnera Violation OoxurrGd Nomo and Addrtl! Complainant (if any)· --- --- ------ - -------·---- - .-~·-·- ----· Details of Violation: -?o ~r!DJ\<:~=\ \~s. ~"154-n...&~ 0.:\- tW\o -t"v r1P\<_ 1\ llir t->v-\-,-hl_CK~iL_ --fi -the_ C"·;~ f-l~. ~l.l.«O s-, (u~ "1"b A Qia.. ~ ~fu• ~-<:\ Ut- f,\kJ, "Fb ~(_~-\ F~~h..-o -tP '(Y~~ --ne, 1\Jo\-.-f;l.P'r>t- \k-t£~. G,c:,;~ f_tiT. 13-w\'t\-,_,. The Member was was 0 was nol llll WRmed .Da' wa~ ~ol 0 and admoni&hed, and - -------· instrucled in the proper pcrformnnce of duty and/or procodure. ~~s:~~:.~~]"''~,~--- o.-.\-. w-~-----···--· Till< Nurnbl'.>r --T Comm;l;;d·---F ----_- Preparin~~~~: ~I- _ J~-~l_ __\__~~-----·---- .]Jt.·ZZJ ___ _L~f..t _j~-~~£?5. EQU.QW:J.Jr U Unsubstantiated Ll Command Discipline Acc"epto-d 0 Chorge and Spec:lflcations [] Gommaod Dlst.lplioa Review Panel Precinct Ser. No. R~;;- -- -!.""""';;;' c;;~~"''"'"' o-;· ·------ . ------~--~-~-----------~------------ -·. ~------------ T-. ;. . ;,~-.- -- -I Commo<>d --~--~--- • r;,, ------- --· Instructions: Comm01nding Officers mus·t lnva!>tigate ;md report disposition undar FOLLOW-UP If a schedule "I:!." violation is sub~3ntiated, send a complatad copy of this report (front and re;:~r), to the Department Advocate's Oftlcu. NYC00002853 Rtce i ved. Bl/14/2010 ~ 13:29 71857<1- .:ar, """lf)q 81 ICU COUMANO DISCIPLINE REPORT/ ELECTION 'd 2GF 01 2SJJw 'PP OFFIC~ PAGt tl4/1 <l Command Ser. No.·-·-·----·· . ·--- -·-·-· .. M~:c:~ 8D~A~- _lfo 1''9~~7;b -~· ]~:;,j';:"·=-~ Investigation has been completed concerning ln<ltcated below. You may accept the finding disciplinary action lo the Command Discipline disciplinary action in lieu of a statutory hearing to the •mdersigned within three wor1<ing da·ts. thO!: violation ch3.tged herein. The finding ;;~nd the dlsctptinary ac!ton recommended are and the proposed discipliMry action; or ;3CCepl the findlno but appeal tl1e propo~ed Revi~w Panel for final determination; or decltnc to accept tl1e finding and the proposed on written ch:Jrges before a Trial Commi~sionf.r You rnusl complste and return !his form Summary of Investigation and Disposition of Complaint: - Finding -------~ciolrnary-A~,;~R;;;~~- - - - .. ------------ SOo•::~mo"d;~ o•=~-~~~-. --~-~=~~=- r:,_-=-·rm= _r·~. To BE COMPLETED BY MEMBER CHARGf:O I underst:and that I do not h;;JVe to accept tha finding and the disciplinary action HKomrnendcd l)y my commanding officer or unit hc£\d. ~nd my right to a before"·a"i"fiaTC6mmissioner h<JVe been Ollplalned to me ::Jnd I herE:by voluntarily My right to havs this matter reviewed as to the proposed disciplin(lry action only, by the Command Disclpliru: Review Ponel, statutory -hearing ll Accept the nnding <!l"ld the proposed cliscipllnary action. 0 Accept the finding but elect to have the disciprtnery action reviowed by the Cnmrn<md Oisclpline Revtow Panel. 0 Decline to accept any disciplinary action w•thoul o statutory hearing. Any decision ;~rrived at relative to this case is apart from ilnd doe5 not precludl! fu11hcr exerci9.e of management pn>rogatlve such as reduction In grade, transfer. reassignment, etc. ~~gnalt;re ---~~---·-~·~ ---~ j"'' =-~r·,-oo~;~,.;::N;,,,~.,,:~=-==·· If a Schedule "B" violation is substantiated, son !.I a completed copy nf this report (frnnt and rear), to the Department Advocate's Ortice. NYr.nnnn?At:;A Re..:e i 'ed · 01114/i'Ol'-3 • .. . :·._.. ' . ·... __ ./ . · . 13:2'3 718574~ Jar. 14 201G 01 27Prn "'154 El ICO UFFICt SUPERVISOR'S COMPLAINT f<EPORT/ Pt~GE T'D Command St~r. No. 2009-081-0104 Sch~dt~:OA- COMMAND DISCIPLINE ELECTION REPORT PD 466·'23 (Rev 04-GGI from: Commanding Officer, 081 Precinct Subject os··----- lntegrJly Control Officer, 081 Precinct To: P.:'/14 REPORT OF VIOLATION OF THE RULES AND PROCEDURt.:S ___ ____ l Tax Nc Commend 931186 81 Time PBBN BOROUGH Compla,n-;;;-T--·~nd Address---- - - - - - Dale 144_~----- 1~281?009 WED Day of Week T elcphone Number (11 any): DetaiiSofViolatio;;:- -- - · · · · ·· · ·--- · ------..------ .... · ----- · · ---- .. -------------· At tfp/o subject officer was observed off po~t. flo PBBN. Subject Olf1cer had a scheduled meeting at PBBN at 1100 hours, and was dismissed at 1130 hours. Officer was observed at PBBN at 1445 hours Officer failed to return to the 081 Precinct in a timely manner. Officer failed to rnake proper Activity Log entries, in that he failed to document the time· he left PBAN to return to the 081 Precinct. The Member was was [_-::J was not []warned and admonished, 0 wa:~ not [:-}instructed in the proper performance of duty and/or proce<lure. and [~Unsubstantiated []command Discipline Accepted Ocharge and SpGciflcations [_]command DiscipllnCJ Review Panel Proclnct Ser. No.____ Flnol Diepusi~on; "'' ·-]"''"'"~IC:,~_~,~~~~----- ----_-_rN.•mbo;-=-tmood ,,fTU~;II003. Comm~ndlng If~ Otficqn; must lnvutigata 01nd report dl:spostlion undur fOLLOW-UP. I~ sub~t;ontialod. sand 11 curnplQiod copy of thi3 roporl (Front and to ttaa Doparlmant sctaedula "'9" vlnl;Jtlon .Advocala"IO OHicu. NYC0000285' Eli/14/iOHl bro 14 ZC'\0 C1 :28om 13:29 ·;:oo Bi ICC (J'F I Ct PAGE COMMAND DISCIPLINE REPORT/ELECTION i lnve~~g~lion has been completed concBrnlng lhe "iolallon charged herein. Thullntling 11nd lha dlsciplln;~ry action recommended ;~re . . lndi~led below. You r11ily accepllhc finding ;aM lh~ pro~o•<~d dir;clplinJry ac!lon; or accept the finding but appeallhe propo:sed dlscipUnary aclion to the Comm~nd Di~<dPiinc Review Panol for final dalcrmiilaUon; or'doclinclo acc.eprtlre-flndlng ilnd the proposed--· disciplln&ry action in llou of a sla\Uiory hearing on writlcn ch;Jrge' betore a Trail Cornmls!}ioner. You mus\ complale and relurn lhi& form l! to the under:;igned wllhin three worl<ino days. Summa,Y of investigation and Dispositf~t;;;f Complaint~------------------- - - I undcr~t.1nd \hall do not have to <H.:cepltha finding of\d lho disciplinary ;Jction recomu10nded uy my :o,nr<'~nding offic<lr My r11Jh\ ro have this ma\tor reviowed 111; to c11 unll h"~'l the propo!'IJJ.l di!iClplinury ac~on only, by the Command Di>cipliro~: Reviow Punel, anti my rl\jhl toil stsiUtory hc1uing bofore" Trail Commi~slon_,r hove bo4::1\ e>Cpl<llnod to me ;,nd I Horcby ~olun~Jrlly. L__ .J c----"J Accr.pllhe findir.g but elet:t b halllllhe disciplinary ~ction reviawe•j [---------, Oocllno IO <1CCC~t ~ny dlscrplin1:1ry :\clion without 11 St<ltu\Ory ho<JriWj Ar.ccpllhe flndtr.g Jnd the ~ropoGcd tli~clplina1y ocllon. ty the CAliPHI<Jnd Ol~;ciplinc-: Rovlew P~nel Any di!Cision Mrlvii>d .1! rtl;~llvelo thi' ce~e h o~part from :lnd does not pr<~chtd~ furthH oxer~:-.u of m~n•gomtnt prerogative suc~oductio~~-~~: ~~~\~l~r!r_e~~3!~'-"f!~~!:.':!~.: .. Otncer'F Sign aiL•"' f.Niin~~~~e~-A~-~-~Ji'l;n~. Rank Shield) I .l If a schedul!! "B" violation Is substantiated. sencJ a completed copy of Department Advocate's Office. thi~ report (honl and Rear} to the Re~~ i v~rl lS: '3": Cotnmttnd Ser. No. SUPERVISOR'S COMPLAINT REPORT/ COMMAND OISC\PLINE ELECTION REPORT ® , PD 46A-1~3 Schedule: (Rev 04·Clt3] ru A 2010-081-02 CJB Integrity Control Officer, 0')() Prt!c.iact. fro on. " Conu::tanding Off leer, 08l Precinct To: --------- Subject: REPORT OF VIOLATION OF THE RULES ANO PROCEDURES Momber Rank Full N~mo ----:_r-~------------·- Compfa.ned PO 01 ---- Where Loc-ation 34~0 -Violallan Schoolcrait, Adrian - - ----0C(•Irred ---r---·--·--------,.--Tax Number Ofll 931186 Kingsbrldge Avenue Compt;;;-.~~~1 N;~;;;-nd Ad.J.;c.~ (II :ony) ------ - - ---·------••r• - - Details or Violation: On Honday December 14, Wednesday January 6, 2010, PO Schoolcraft as directed by LT. Rudne.ll, Brooklyn North visit. lA'B notiC led . IAB log fl 2010-00885 16, 18, 21, 23, n, 28, 30 of 2009 until did failP.d lo report to c.he 50th Precinct Inve9t1g~t1rms \Jni c. for a sur,penJed member' r; lla6 ns6ignecl. - - - - · -------The Member was 0 was not kJ ______ ____ _ .. warned and U Unaub!>tantlated fJ 0 Charge and SpecificatlonK U Command Discipline Roviow Panel Command Oi:.dpllne Acc:eplad Preclnd Sor. No. -----------·· •~• - y~;C~oi~omm;~~ o~- ~ ~~~~=--=]T" ''"m'" 1:"'"' -1"" ~ Instructions: Commanding Officers mus1 hwe~tiQala and report dlspoGition undBr FOLLOW-UP. If II Gchadule "D" violation Is sub!>taniiOI!ed, -send a completed copy of ltd~; roped (front ant1 ,.,~n. to thr. 0&p3rlfl'lllnl Advoc;;&tcr's Offico. TUff:IL f-'. ~12 -v~ I () Rec~i,ed •Tf~t·J-06-2010 . 1[,:37 su•· f'rrdnc\ aoth ~tteeErt~.:;.':_: ~ 3450 Kingsb<idg• 1\ve. Bn><UC. N.Y. 10463 Phone II 716-5-IJ>S? J h~ 111 ,o.s-~:~-L·:t-: lnteg~rc~v !CoD'b~~Gu 8 5771 Wrii'1cer Fax Frorn: Conlrol Ollicer _______________ ____ ~{lU· Preturr;llnlegr•ly ____ ____. -- , ------ ---~:•!le~_=_ ;2. . --~alo: ()1 I Q(QL[l}____ _________ · ---·------·---··--- ---Fax: Pho11c: 710-543-STJU nc: --·~ ~----- -~----- cv -- ··----------..------- ··-···· ---. ------------- -----:--0 Phrase Recydo ~... \) .•. ~~--y }- JC,(vbs; l-~~5\- ~~ ()<;~[_£ K NYCOOClO?R1?

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