Schoolcraft v. The City Of New York et al

Filing 600

DECLARATION of Alan H Scheiner in Opposition re: 566 FINAL MOTION for Attorney Fees for Levine & Gilbert and Peter J. Gleason, Esq.., 559 MOTION for Attorney Fees , Costs and Disbursements.. Document filed by The City Of New York. (Attachments: # 1 Affidavit Declaration of Alan H Scheiner Previously Filed April 8, 2016, # 2 Exhibit Exhibit A, # 3 Exhibit Ex A-1, # 4 Exhibit Ex A-2, # 5 Exhibit Ex B, # 6 Exhibit Ex C, # 7 Exhibit Ec D, # 8 Exhibit Ex E, # 9 Exhibit Ex F, # 10 Exhibit Ex G, # 11 Supplement Ex H, # 12 Exhibit Ex I, # 13 Exhibit Ex J, # 14 Exhibit Ex K, # 15 Exhibit Ex L, # 16 Exhibit Ex M, # 17 Exhibit Ex N, # 18 Exhibit Ex O, # 19 Exhibit Ex P, # 20 Exhibit Ex Q, # 21 Exhibit Ex R, # 22 Exhibit Ex S, # 23 Exhibit Ex T, # 24 Exhibit Ex U, # 25 Exhibit Ex V, # 26 Exhibit Ex X, # 27 Exhibit Ex Y, # 28 Exhibit Ex Z, # 29 Exhibit Ex AA, # 30 Exhibit Ex BB, # 31 Exhibit Ex CC, # 32 Exhibit Ex DD)(Scheiner, Alan)

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EXHIBIT A-2 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A . 1 No. 1.0 B Date 11/26/12 2 2.0 12/02/12 3 3.0 12/07/12 4 4.0 12/09/12 5 5.0 12/12/12 6 6.0 12/14/12 7 7.0 12/15/12 8 8.0 12/16/12 9 9.0 12/21/12 10 10.0 12/27/12 11 11.0 01/12/13 12 12.0 01/13/13 13 13.0 01/15/13 14 14.0 01/17/13 15 15.0 01/22/13 16 16.0 01/23/13 17 17.0 01/23/13 18 18.0 01/30/13 19 19.0 02/04/13 D C Timekeepe Description Meeting with RG regarding obtaining and Peter J. scheduling picking up Schoolcraft file from prior Gleason counsel. Phone cony. with AS regarding status of Peter J. investigations. Gleason Phone cony. with AS re: NYPD employment issues Peter J. Gleason Phone cony. with FS, re: his overview of the matter Peter J. and scheduling a time to meet to discuss same in Gleason person Meeting with FS's attorney to discuss FS Peter J. Gleason involvement in the Schoolcraft matter. E-mail to NYPD Asst. Comm. Kearns, re: Peter J. Schoolcraft NYPD employment issues. Gleason Legal research, re: prosecutorial misconduct as a Peter J. bar to overcome immunity. Gleason E-mail from FS's atty. Peter J. Gleason Organize and review case files. Peter J. Gleason Review of part of Schoolcraft file: Partial review of Peter J. "Attorney's eyes only" File. Gleason Phone cony. with NS re: updating him on veracity Peter J. Gleason of matter. Multiple e -mails from AS and follow up phone Peter J. Gleason cony. with AS. Re: PBA, NYPD, employment status and investigation. Phone cony, with AS re: Queens DA. Peter J. Gleason Meeting with VP, re: "Home Invasion," Peter J. participants. Gleason Phone cony. with AS, re, NYPD issues, sheduling Peter J. Gleason his travel to meet with counsel in NYC, update on progress of investigation. Phone cony. with RG, Re: NYPD letter Peter J. Gleason E-mail to NYPD Asst. Comm. Kearns, re: Peter J. Schoolcraft position on employment matter. Gleason Phone conc. with AS, update. Peter J. Gleason Phone cony. with AS, re: travel to NYC on 2/7/13, Peter J. e-mail AS, round trip Amtrak tickeets for AS & LS. Gleason Hours 0.250 0.500 0.750 0.250 4.000 0.125 2.250 0.125 2.500 3.500 0.750 3.250 0.500 0.750 2.250 0.125 0.125 0.250 0.500 20 20.0 21 E 02/07/13 Peter J. Gleason Meeting with AS, NS, & JL, re: adding lawyers to the legal team. Page 1 2.500 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A B 21.0 Date 02/09/13 22.0 02/10/13 23.0 02/18/13 24.0 02/20/13 25.0 02/21/13 26.0 02/22/13 27.0 02/24/13 28.0 02/26/13 29.0 02/27/13 30.0 02/28/13 31.0 03/04/13 32.0 03/05/13 33.0 03/07/13 34.0 03/13/13 35.0 03/14/13 36.0 03/16/13 37.0 03/18/13 38.0 03/19/13 39.0 03/20/13 40.0 03/21/13 41.0 1 03/23/13 No. 22 23 24 25 26 C D E Timekeepe Description --Peter J. E-mail and phone cony. with AS re: upcoming Gleason deposition on 2/12/13, purchase train ticket Peter J. E-mail to NS, re: deposition Gleason Peter J. E-mail from JL, re: internet posting pertaining to Gleason AS, review of same. Peter J. Meeting with NS, JL. Re: Queens DA subpoena Gleason Peter J. E-mail from RG, re: evidence preservation. Gleason Peter J. Review of e -mails from JL & NS, re: DOJ. E-mail Gleason to NS & JL re: Agenda for Sunday's meeting. 27 1.000 0.125 0.500 0.750 0.250 0.750 28 29 Peter J. Gleason Peter J. Gleason Peter J. Gleason 30 31 32 33 34 35 Peter J. Gleason Peter J. Gleason Peter J. Gleason Peter J. Gleason Peter J. Gleason Peter J. Gleason meeting in Saugerties NY with NS, JL, AS, LS. Travel to and from Saugerties E-mail from Magdalena Bauza (MB), re: resume and her interest in working on matter. Phone cony. with NS, re: service upon 5 defendants. Travel to 1PP to serve summonses after law dept. refuses to accept. Queens DA's office to serve subpoena. (travel) 3.500 0.125 2.250 2.000 E-mail from Brian Lee, Esq., re: scheduling order. 0.250 E -mails to and from AS re: trip to city, purchase train ticket. Meeting with AS & NS 0.500 3.500 ECF notice and review of same. (letter to judge from City.) (3) ECF notices and review of same. (Defendant's motion to Quash) and follow up discussion with NS 36 0.500 1.250 37 38 39 40 41 42 Hours - Peter J. Gleason Peter J. Gleason Peter J. Gleason Peter J. Gleason Peter J. Gleason Peter J. Gleason E-mail from JL, re: Letter to DOJ and strategy. 0.500 E-mail from JL, re: Schoolcraft media report. 0.250 E-mail from NS, re: Home invasion recording. 0.125 ECF notice, re: amended answer. 0.500 E-mail from JL, re: Schoolcraft tapes in WSJ. 0.125 E-mail from AS, re: recording of Lt. Mascol. 0.500 Page 2 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A 1 No. 42.0 B Date 03/26/13 43 43.0 03/27/13 44 44.0 03/27/13 45 45.0 03/28/13 46 46.0 03/28/13 47 47.0 04/01/13 48 48.0 04/02/13 49 49.0 04/02/13 50 50.0 04/04/13 51 51.0 04/05/13 52 52.0 04/13/13 53 53.0 04/08/13 54 54.0 11/20/12 C D 1 Timekeepe Description Phone cony. with NS, re: motion. Peter J. Gleason ECF notice, re: Schoolcraft declaration Peter J. Gleason Meeting with NS, MB, re: demonstrative evidence Peter J. to be used at trial. Gleason E-mail from JL, re: next meeting upstate. Peter J. Gleason E-mail from JL, re: confirming meeting with AS Peter J. Gleason E-mail from sound engineer containing filtered Peter J. Gleason home invasion tape, review of same. ECF notice, re: Hospital letter to judge. Peter J. Gleason Monitor Floyd trial, re: Mauriello testimony. Peter J. Gleason (2) ECF notices, re: City's motion to quash Peter J. Gleason ECF notice, re: motion to quash. Peter J. Gleason Phone cony. with NS, re: status. Peter J. Gleason Meeting with AS & NS, re: trial prep. Peter J. Gleason Meeting with investigator Vincent Parco (VP) Peter J. regarding working on this matter. Gave VP an Gleason over -view of the matter and the scope of work of which he would perform at a rate of $150 per hr. Hours 0.500 0.125 3.500 0.125 0.125 0.750 0.125 3.500 0.250 0.125 0.500 1.500 2.000 55 55.0 11/23/12 56 56.0 11/27/12 Peter J. Gleason Peter J. Gleason Travel 8.000 E-mail from RG and follow up phone conversation with RG regarding the Schoolcraft file. 0.250 57 57.0 11/28/12 Peter J. Gleason Phone cony. with AS regarding Nov. 12, 2012 news report and possible sources of media leaks. 1.500 58 58.0 12/03/12 59 59.0 12/09/12 60 60.0 61 E 12/22/12 Peter J. Gleason Peter J. Gleason Peter J. Gleason Phone cony. with RG regarding e-mail from AS's previous counsel. Phone cony. with VP, re: update on investigation of named defendants. E-mail to RG, re, amended complaint 0.250 0.125 0.125 Page 3 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) i No. A B C D Date Timekeepe Description 61.0 12/24/12 Peter J. Gleason 12/31/12 Peter J. Gleason 63.0 01/02/13 64.0 01/20/13 65.0 01/29/13 66.0 02/05/13 67.0 02/14/13 Peter J. Gleason Peter J. Gleason Peter J. Gleason Peter J. Gleason Peter J. Gleason E-mail from and follow up conversation with JL, Re: his potential involvement in the Schoolcraft matter, Queens DA's investigation, scheduling a time we can meet. Phone cony. with LS, re: Update on matter. 68.0 02/15/13 69.0 02/21/13 70.0 02/28/13 71.0 03/01/13 72.0 03/01/13 73.0 03/04/13 74.0 03/04/13 75.0 03/05/13 76.0 03/06/13 77.0 03/09/13 78.0 03/18/13 79.0 03/18/13 62 Hours 2.000 63 64 65 66 67 1.500 0.250 Continued review of Schoolcraft recordings, notes to file. Meeting with RG, FS atty. 4.500 1.500 E-mail to NYPD Asst. Comm. Kearns. 0.125 Transport file from Levin & Gilbert to Law office of Nat Smith. Meeting with NS to discuss how file is formatted. Meeting with AS and legal team. 68 3.500 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 E Draft and hand deliver a notice of appearance that NYPD Asst. Comm. Kearns demanded before she would communicate with my office regarding AS. 62.0 1 Peter J. Gleason Peter J. Gleason Peter J. Gleason Peter J. Gleason Peter J. Gleason Peter J. Gleason Peter J. Gleason Peter J. Gleason Peter J. Gleason Peter J. Gleason Peter J. Gleason Peter J. Gleason Phone cony. with NS, re: NYS CPL & file 0.250 E-mail from AS, re: Sunday's meeting. 0.125 Review ECF notice. 0.125 ECF notices. 0.125 E-mail from and to Brian Lee, Esq. 0.250 E -mails back and forth with MB, to set up meeting later that day. E-mail with enclosed letter from Suzanna Publicker, Esq., review of same. Review e-mail from Suzanna Publicker, Esq. 0.250 0.250 0.125 E-mail from JL, re: DOJ 0.125 Meeting with NS at his office, re; strategy/status. 3.000 ECF notice, re: Order setting date for hearing. 0.125 E-mail form NS, re: edits to letter to DOJ. 0.250 Page 4 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) B A D C No. Date Timekeep Description 80.0 1 03/20/13 Peter J. Gleason Peter J. Gleason Peter J. Gleason Peter J. Gleason Peter J. Gleason Peter J. Gleason Peter J. Gleason Peter J. Gleason 81 81.0 03/20/13 82 82.0 03/21/13 83 83.0 03/24/13 84 84.0 03/27/13 85 85.0 04/03/13 86 86.0 04/04/13 87 87.0 04/07/13 Hours E-mail from NS, re: final draft of DOJ letter. 0.125 Phone cony. with NS, re: correspondence. 0.250 E-mail form JL, re: status update. 0.125 E-mail from NS, re: recording of Lt. Masco! 0.125 ECF notice, re: Plaintiffs Memo of Law. 0.125 E-mail from AS, re: NYPD employment issues. 0.125 E-mail to and from Rae Koshetz, Esq., re: NYPD employment issues. Meeting in Saugerties with AS, LS and legal team. (Travel at 1/2 hr. rate) 0.250 6.000 88 88.0 04/09/13 89 89.0 04/09/13 90 90.0 11/19/12 91 91.0 11/30/12 92.0 12/01/12 92 93 93.0 12/02/12 Peter J. Gleason Peter J. Gleason Peter J. Gleason Peter J. Gleason Peter J. Gleason Peter J. Gleason Review Google alert, Re: AS 0.125 E-mail with invoice form sound engineer. 0.250 Meeting with RG to discuss news articles and our strategy to follow up with AS and LS. Meeting with D2, to discuss Schoolcraft matter and backgrounds of named defendants. Phone cony. with AS regarding update of the investigations. Phone cony. with RG regarding correspondence to and conversation with AS's previous counsel. 1.500 2.500 0.750 0.500 94 94.0 12/03/12 Peter J. Gleason 95 95.0 12/04/12 96 96.0 12/10/12 97.0 12/13/12 97 98 97.5 12/13/12 99 98.0 12/14/12 100 99.0 101 E 12/17/12 Peter J. Gleason Peter J. Gleason Peter J. Gleason Peter J. Gleason Peter J. Gleason Peter J. Gleason Phone cony. with AS regarding e-mail from his previous counsel, investigation and setting up another meeting. Phone cony. with AS regarding all aspects of his representation. E-mail and follow up phone cony. with RG, re: follow up with AS's prior counsel. Follow up e-mail to FS's attorney 0.500 0.750 0.500 0.125 Meeting with VP, RE; Investigation 1.500 E-mail to NYPD Asst. Comm. Kearns, re: Schoolcraft NYPD employment issues. E-mail to NYPD Asst. Comm. Kearns, re: Schoolcraft NYPD employment issues. Page 5 0.125 0.125 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A B , C D No. Date Timekeepe Description 100.0 12/22/12 101.0 12/26/12 102.0 01/03/13 Peter J. Gleason Peter J. Gleason Peter J. Gleason 103.0 05/05/13 104.0 01/11/13 105.0 01/14/13 106.0 01/18/13 107.0 01/25/13 108.0 01/25/13 109.0 01/28/13 110.0 02/03/13 111.0 02/08/13 112.0 02/11/13 113.0 02/17/13 114.0 03/05/13 115.0 03/11/13 116.0 03/15/13 117.0 03/20/13 118.0 03/22/13 119.0 03/25/13 120.0 03/28/13 1 102 103 Phone cony. with FS, re: complaint 0.250 E-mail to and from NYPD Asst. Comm. Kearns. 0.250 Meeting with JL, Re: Queens DA, the amended complaint, and aspects of the Schoolcraft file. 104 2.500 105 106 107 108 Peter J. Gleason Peter J. Gleason Peter J. Gleason Peter J. Gleason Peter J. Gleason E-mail to and from Rae Koshetz, Esq. re: scheduling meeting. Meeting with VP, re: individuals preset at, "Hone invasion." Meeting with RG, re: Queens DA. 0.125 0.750 0.750 E-mail to PBA, re: their assistance in the matter. 0.125 E-mail from NYPD Asst. Comm. Kearns, outlining her position/demand that she will not accept e-mail correspondence regarding this matter. 109 0.125 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 E _ Hours .._ Peter J. Gleason Peter J. Gleason Peter J. Gleason Peter J. Gleason Peter J. Gleason Peter J. Gleason Peter J. Gleason Peter J. Gleason Peter J. Gleason Peter J. Gleason Peter J. Gleason Peter J. Gleason Peter J. Gleason Meeting with RG to discuss NYPD's refusal to acknowledge e-mail communications. Edit and hand deliver letter to NYPD Asst. Comm. Kearns. Phone cony. with NS, re: decision. 0.500 2.000 0.750 E-mail from, Elisha B. Barron Law Clerk to the Hon. Shira A. Scheindlin, re: Deposition. E-mail from RG, re: deposition/conf. 0.125 0.125 E-mail correspondence between NS & JL, re: Queens DA. E-mail from AS, with attachment outlining examples of NYPD retaliation. E-mail from AS, review attachment (transcription) forward same to NS. ECF notice, re: Plaintiff letter to judge. 0.250 0.250 0.750 0.125 Phone cony. with NS, 0.250 Monitor Floyd trial, re: named defendant's testimony. E-mail from JL, re: Schoolscraft Google alert, review of links. ECF notice. re: Memo of Law. 4.000 0.750 0.125 Page 6 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A B I I D C No. Date Timekeepe Description 121.0 1 03/28/13 Peter J. Gleason Peter J. Gleason Peter J. Gleason E-mail from NS, re: Photos of Plaintiffs residence, print and review of same. Phone cony. with NS, re: gag order. Peter J. Gleason Multiple phone conversation with RG, AS, and LS regarding setting up a meeting the following day. 123 122.0 03/29/13 124 123.0 03/30/13 0.500 0.500 Meeting with legal team at NS office, re: update investigation, Deft. Ans. To amended complaint. 1.250 125 124.0 11/22/12 0.750 126 125.0 11/29/12 Peter J. Gleason 127 126.0 12/01/12 128 127.0 12/03/12 129 128.0 12/05/12 Peter J. Gleason Peter J. Gleason Peter J. Gleason Phone cony. with AS regarding status of obtatining his file from previous counsel and strategy moving forward. Phone cony. with VP regarding meeting of previous night. Phone cony. with VP regarding investigation. 0.750 0.500 0.125 E-mail and phone conversation with AS regarding Frank Serpico (FS) and his assistance through support and institutional knowledge of the NYPD. 0.750 130 129.0 12/05/12 131 130.0 12/06/12 132 131.0 12/14/12 133 132.0 01/09/13 134 133.0 12/19/12 Peter J. Gleason Peter J. Gleason Peter J. Gleason Peter J. Gleason Peter J. Gleason E-mail from AS regarding previous counsel, phone cony. with RG and AS Legal research, re: Civil Service Law, NYPD employment rights. 9 Metro Tech re: FDNY EMS report for AS and (Travel at 'A hr. rate) Meeting with RG Re: inveistgation strategy. 1.250 2.250 0.750 0.750 Albany meeting with D2 and AS. Updated AS as to status of his claims. Discussed with AS means for providing AS and LS the ability to communicate with his attorneys. (Travel at 1/2 hr. rate) 7.00 8.00 135 134.0 12/20/12 Peter J. Gleason Phone cony. with John Lenoir, Esq. (JL) discussing his potention involvement in the Schoolcraft matter 0.750 136 135.0 12/23/12 137 136.0 01/02/13 Peter J. Gleason Peter J. Gleason Phone cony. with AS, re update on Queens DA 0.500 Meeting at law office of Levine & Gilbert and continued review of "Attorney's eyes Only," file. 3.250 138 137.0 139 E Hours 01/07/13 Peter J. Gleason Meeting with VP, Re: update on investigation. 1.500 Page 7 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A 1 B Date 01/09/13 No. 138.0 140 139.0 01/10/13 140.0 01/11/13 141.0 01/12/13 142.0 01/14/13 141 142 143 144 143.0 01/16/13 144.0 01/21/13 145.0 01/21/13 146.0 02/01/13 147.0 02/01/13 148.0 02/02/13 149.0 02/20/13 150.0 02/22/13 151.0 03/10/13 152.0 03/25/13 153.0 04/01/13 154.0 04/05/13 155.0 11/29/12 156.0 12/07/12 157.0 02/08/13 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 . 158.0 12/05/12 159.0 12/06/12 160 161 C D Timekeepe Description Peter J. Phone cony. with LS, Re: status of case. Gleason Peter J. Multiple phone cony. and e -mails back and forth Gleason with AS, re: PBA and AS's recordings. Peter J. Meeting with RG, re: PBA matter. Gleason Peter J. Phone cony. with JL, re: viability of DOJ Gleason involvement. Peter J. E-mail from JL, Re: Schoolcraft matter. Gleason Peter J. Phone cony. with VP re: update, meeting to follow. Gleason Peter J. E-mail to and from RG, re: NYPD letter. Gleason Peter J. Phone cony. with FS, re: the status of Schoolcraft Gleason matter. Peter J. E-mail from RG, re: e-mail from CCR. scheduling a Gleason phone cony. this date. Peter J. Phone cony. with CCR, re: Schoolcraft affidavit. Gleason Peter J. E-mail from AS and review of documents attached, Gleason re: NYPD mediation. Peter J. E-mail to legal team, re: Sunday's meeting. Gleason Peter J. E-mail to Pub. Advocate, re: follow up meeting. Gleason Peter J. E-mail to Council Member Williams Gleason Peter J. E-mail from NS, re: Letter from Dept. Advocates Gleason Office dated April 5, 2011. Peter J. E -mails between City, Hosp. & Plaintiff, re: Gleason discovery issues. Peter J. E-mail from/to City/Hospital re: scheduled Gleason conference 4/10/13. Peter J. Phone cony. with RG for update on obtaining file. Gleason Peter J. Meeting with RG, re: strategy NYPD employment Gleason issue, disciplinary charges. Peter J. Phone cony. with NS, re: joining legal team. Gleason _ Peter J. Phone cony. with VP with an update on one of the Gleason targets of the investigation. Peter J. Phone cony. with RG with update regarding VP Gleason investigation, memo to file. Page 8 I E Hours 0.500 2.500 0.750 0.500 0.125 0.125 0.250 0.750 0.125 0.750 0.750 0.125 0.125 0.250 0.250 0.500 0.125 0.250 1.000 0.500 0.500 1.250 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A I 1 j. No. 160.0 B Date 12/10/12 162 161.0 12/17/12 163 162.0 12/20/12 164 163.0 01/08/13 TimekeepPeter J. Gleason Peter J. Gleason Peter J. Gleason Peter J. Gleason 165 164.0 01/21/13 166 165.0 01/29/13 167 166.0 02/27/13 168 167.0 03/14/13 169 168.0 03/29/13 170 169.0 11/19/12 D C Peter J. Gleason Peter J. Gleason Peter J. Gleason Peter J. Gleason Peter J. Gleason Peter J. Gleason I_ E Description Hours Phone cony. with FS to set up the following days meeting with FS, AS, LS. Phone cony. with FS, follow up on cony. 12/15/12 0.125 0.500 E-mail and phone cony. with Professor from John Jay College. Meeting with RG to review and discuss the review of the parts of the file reviewed by Levine & Gilbert and by PG. Phone cony. with NS, re: NYPD's handling of Schoolcraft matter. E-mail from Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR) review of enclosed affidavit. E-mail form MB, re: scheduling a meeting 1.250 3.500 0.750 0.500 0.125 E-mail from NS, re: Queens DA 0.125 Meeting with VP, re: photos and update. 1.500 Meeting with RG, and follow phone conversation with AS to discuss strategy of case, drafting of the retainer and setting up next meeting with AS. 1.500 171 170.0 11/19/12 172 171.0 11/27/12 173 172.0 11/27/12 174 173.0 12/11/12 Peter J. Gleason Peter J. Gleason Peter J. Gleason Peter J. Gleason Phone cony. with Nathaniel Smith, Esq. (NS) to discuss potentially working on this matter. E-mail from AS regarding the preferred method of communications. Meeting with VP regarding update on his investigation Meeting in Albany with AS, LS, FS. Re: Status of investigations, NYPD employment issues, concerns regarding Queens DA, concerns regarding Jamaica Hospital and concerns regarding FDNY EMS Follow up cony. with RG upon return to NYC office, memo to file. (Travel at 1/2 hr. rate) 0.500 0.125 1.500 6.000 175 174.0 12/13/12 Peter J. Gleason E-mail from AS containing review/discussion of 12/4/12 Press Release from QCDA with the conclusion that there was no criminality in the manner that Plaintiff was taken from his home and placed in a psychiatric facility. Extensive Follow up phone cony. with AS and RG. 4.500 176 Page 9 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A B C 175.0 Date 12/14/12 176.0 12/21/12 177.0 12/23/12 Peter J. Gleason 178.0 12/28/12 179.0 01/06/13 180.0 01/29/13 181.0 02/28/13 182.0 03/29/13 Peter J. Gleason Peter J. Gleason Peter J. Gleason Peter J. Gleason Peter J. Gleason 183.0 04/08/13 184.0 12/17/12 185.0 11/20/12 186.0 12/17/12 187.0 12/23/12 188.0 01/26/13 189.0 02/11/13 190.0 02/28/13 191.0 12/06/12 192.0 12/15/12 193.0 1 01/22/13 No. 177 D E Timekeepe Description ..__ Peter J. Phone cony. With RG, re: 1PP's position on AS. Gleason Peter J. Phone cony. with AS regarding status, strategy, Gleason contents of file and investigation status. _ 178 0.500 0.750 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 Peter J. Gleason Peter J. Gleason Peter J. Gleason Peter J. Gleason Peter J. Gleason Peter J. Gleason Peter J. Gleason Peter J. Gleason Peter J. Gleason Peter J. Gleason E-mail correspondence and phone cony. with JL Re: Queens DA's investigation of the Schoolcraft matter. Phone call from D2, re: Information on Schoolcraft matter. Completion of review of file from prevous counsel, Memo to file. Meeting with VP, re: update on investigation. 0.750 0.125 6.500 1.250 Prepared and file notice of appearance. 0.250 E-mail from NS, re: enclosed letter from Hosp. Defendant to Judge concerning press, review of same ECF notice, re: Hospital filing re motion to quash and letter motion re media. Meeting with VP re: investigation update. 0.500 0.250 1.250 Phone cony. with D2, regarding his insight into one of the named defendants. Legal research, re: NYS PL kidnapping. 0.250 1.750 Review of amended complaint, memo to file. 1.500 Phone cony. with LS, re: status update. 0.500 Phone cony. with NS, re: Floyd case. 0.500 Review Deposition. 1.500 Phone cony. with AS regarding investigation 0.750 Phone cony. With FS, re, his conversation with first hand witnesses to the manner in which the NY PD maintains crime stats and subsequent memo to file. 194 195 Hours 1.500 Peter J. Gleason Meeting with RG, Re: NYPD letter. 1.250 Page 10 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A B No. Date 194.0 1 02/27/13 Timekeepe Description Review of e-mail from Corp. Counsel containing Peter J. Gleason 196 195.0 11/30/12 D C Peter J. Gleason additional "Attorney's eyes only" documents and discussion with RG & NS. Phone cony. with RG discussing strategy and focus on the investigation of the named defendants E Hours 1.250 1.000 197 196.0 12/21/12 198 197.0 01/03/13 199 198.0 01/10/13 200 199.0 02/05/13 201 200.0 03/08/13 202 201.0 01/02/13 203 202.0 01/13/13 204 203.0 12/26/12 205 204.0 01/08/13 Peter J. Gleason Peter J. Gleason Peter J. Gleason Peter J. Gleason Peter J. Gleason Peter J. Gleason Peter J. Gleason Peter J. Gleason Peter J. Gleason Meeting with VP regarding investigation on one of the named defendants. Several phone calls with LS, Re: update 1.500 0.750 E-mail, fax and phone cony. with PBA legal counsel. E-mail from AS re: Authorization, print out and distribute same. ECF notice, re: Court order. 1.250 0.250 0.125 E -mails back and forth to JL re: meeting. 0.250 E-mail to Pat Lynch, PBA President. 0.125 E-mail and follow up phone conversation with Prof. from John Jay College. Phone cony. with AS, Re; update as to complete review of file (excluding review of recordings) and discussion on need for investigator to verify identity of certain individuals who were present at the, "home invation." 0.500 0.750 206 205.0 02/13/13 207 206.0 02/23/13 208 207.0 03/06/13 209 208.0 03/27/13 209.0 04/02/13 210 211 210.0 04/10/13 212 211.0 11/23/12 Peter J. Gleason Peter J. Gleason Peter J. Gleason Peter J. Gleason Peter J. Gleason Peter J. Gleason Peter J. Gleason Meetings with AS, meeting with RG and NS. Meeting with VP, review of file with AS. E -mails to JL & NS, re: update from JL. 7.500 0.125 Reivew fax from Suzanna Publicker, Esq. 0.250 E-mail from NS, re: final draft of reply. 0.250 Press inquiry, re: AS 0.125 Letter from NYPD Department Advocates Office, review of same. Meeting with AS, LS, RG in Albany to discuss strategy scope of work, investigations needed. Travel to and from NYC. (Travel at 1/2 hr. rate) 0.250 4.000 213 Page 11 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) , A B No. Date 212.0 12/12/12 213.0 03/22/13 214.0 01/04/13 215.0 12/13/12 216.0 01/04/13 217.0 01/19/13 218.0 01/19/13 219.0 11/18/12 220.0 11/16/12 221.0 12/10/12 222.0 12/17/12 223.0 01/05/13 224.0 02/12/13 225.0 12/14/12 226.0 11/16/12 227.0 04/10/13 1 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 C Peter J. Gleason Peter J. Gleason Peter J. Gleason Peter J. Gleason Peter J. Gleason Peter J. Gleason Peter J. Gleason Peter J. Gleason Peter J. Gleason 222 223 Peter J. Gleason Peter J. Gleason 224 225 D Timekeepe Description Peter J. Gleason Peter J. Gleason 1 Police Plaza, to discuss Schoolcraft matter with NYPD Department Advocate's Office. E-mail from NS & JL, re: Notice to Produce. E Hours 1.500 0.250 E-mail and phone cony. with PBA counsel, Re: Union's position on Schoolcraft matter. Phone cony. with FS re: Queens DA press release. 0.500 0.500 Meeting with RG and continued review of File. 4.250 Review of Schoolcraft audio regardings, notes to file. 4.750 Several e -mails back and forth with RG, re: draft letter to NYPD. Internet review of news articles relating to AS. 0.500 5.500 Meeting with my colleague Richard Gilbert, Esq. (RG), Retired NYPD 2" grade Detective (D2) and Larry Schoolcraft (LS) to discuss Adrian Schoolcraft's (AS) claim against the City of New York. Meeting with VP, re: update on named defendant's investigation. Meeting with RG, Re: procuring file from previous counsel, NYPD employment issues, status of investigation. Continued review of the file 6.000 1.250 2.000 4.500 Meetings throughout day with AS in NYC, brought him up to speed regarding aspects of his claims. Defended his deposition in the Floyd matter before MJ Freeman. Attended public meeting, to discuss matter with Public Advocate DeBlasio. Follow up meeting with AS. Review amended discovery plan. 226 12.000 227 Peter J. Gleason Peter J. Gleason Travel 0.750 Travel to and from NYC Office to Catskill, NY. Upon Return to NYC Office review of documents provided by LS. (Travel at 1/2 hr. rate) 228 229 I 8.000 Peter J. Gleason Court Apearance, and subsq. Meeting with legal team. Page 12 3.500 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A B I- I D C No. Date Timekeepe Description 228.0 1 12/11/12 Peter J. Gleason Peter J. Gleason 230 229.0 02/11/13 231 230.0 2/24/2013 232 231.0 02/11/13 Peter J. Gleason Peter J. Gleason 233 232.0 04/05/13 234 233.0 12/18/12 Peter J. Gleason Peter J. Gleason E Hours Travel to Albany 8.000 Meeting with AS, review of case, discussion of strategy and updated AS in investigation, Purchase of business attire for AS. meeting in Saugerties NY with NS, JL, AS, LS. Travel to and from Saugerties Conf. call with Elisha B. Barron Law Clerk to the Hon. Shira A. Scheindlin re: ground -rules for tomorrow's deposition and follow up call with NS, & RG Review Plaintiffs Opposition to City's motion to Quash, e -mails between NS. JL re, edits. Meeting with RG to facilitate picking up file from previous counsel, picked up file (6+ banker boxes) from previous counsel with RG and initial cursory review of once secured in office. 4.500 8.500 2.000 0.750 6.000 235 234.0 04/11/13 Peter J. Gleason Consultation with AS, Meeting with legal team and Rae Kosheck, Esq., Follow up e-mail to Rae Kosheck, Esq., re: issues discussed at meeting. Draft response letter to NYPD re: letter received on 4/10/13. Discussed strategy with AS. 8.000 236 235.0 04/12/13 Peter J. Gleason Consultation with AS discussing matter purchased return ticket to Albany, meeting with VP. 4.500 237 Peter J. Gleason 237.0 Expenses: Provided AS with Apple laptop, printer/scanner and two iPhones. Set up Verizon cell phone service for two iphones for 12 month contract at $144.97 per line per month. Vincent Parco, PI Meeting with Peter Gleason (Atty.) regarding being hired as investigator on the Schoolcraft case. Discussed scope of investigation which included Investigating named defendants and determining Identity of individuals at the Schoolcraft home the night he was removed to Jamaica Hospital. 238 238.0 11/20/12 2.000 239 Page 13 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A B I C D No. Date Timekeepe Description 239.0 11/21/12 Vincent Parco, PI Reviewed Civil Complaint, Reviewed NY Magazine article, "Captain Midnight," and numerous other media reports on subject of NY Magazine article as well media reports on Schoolcraft. Contact with ret. NYPD Lieutenant who has knowledge of individuals present at the Schoolcraft home. 240.0 1/23/12 Vincent Parco, PI 11/27/12 242.0 12/1/12 243.0 12/2/12 Vincent Parco, PI Vincent Parco, PI Vincent Parco, PI 244.0 12/3/12 Vincent Parco, PI 245.0 12/5/12 246.0 12/5/12 247.0 12/9/12 248.0 12/10/12 Vincent Parco, PI Vincent Parco, PI Vincent Parco, PI Vincent Parco, PI 249.0 12/13/12 Vincent Parco, PI 250.0 12/16/12 Vincent Parco, PI 240 241 Hours 2.500 1.500 242 243 244 Meeting with Atty., provided update as to information obtained from a contact. Phone call with Atty., update and strategy. 1.500 0.500 Conversation with contact, discussed NYPD, Emergency Service Unit involvement in Schoolcraft incident. Phone call with Atty., informed him I was awaiting a call back from individual with knowledge. 245 0.500 0.125 246 247 248 249 250 251 E Called a number of contacts that might have direct, secondary or tertiary knowledge of the subject matter of this investigation. I find this method conserves resources by "throwing out a net," to my various contacts and wait to set what it yields. This passive method of investigation is reactionary waiting for my, "contacts," to reach out to me should they encounter anything that might be relevant. Given the publicity of this matter there should be no problem initiating this type of investigation. 241.0 1 Spoke to contact with useful knowledge. 0.500 Phone call with Atty., update as to intel obtained. 0.500 Phone call with Atty., update. 0.125 Meeting with Atty., update on individuals present at Schoolcraft incident. Atty. Satisfied of mulitiple sources confirming identity of individual(s) at scene. Meeting with Atty., provided Press Release from Queens DA's office, discussed same and follow up On other aspects of investigation. Spoke to contact discussed new information. 1.250 1.500 0.500 Page 14 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A 1 No. 251.0 B Date 12/17/12 D C Timekeepe Description Meeting with atty., updated as to new information Vincent Parco, PI on both Queens DA and steroid issue. I 1 E Hours 1.250 252 252.0 12/21/12 253 253.0 12/28/12 254 254.0 1/7/13 255 255.0 1/11/13 256 256.0 1/14/13 257 257.0 1/16/13 258 258.0 1/17/13 259 259.0 1/29/13 Vincent Parco, PI Vincent Parco, PI Vincent Parco, PI Vincent Parco, PI Vincent Parco, PI Vincent Parco, PI Vincent Parco, PI Vincent Parco, PI Meeting with atty. Given instructions on issues to follow up on. Conversation with contact with source confirming outstanding issue. Meeting with atty. discussed investigation strategy moving forward. Meeting with atty. discussed credibility of potential witnesses. Interview of potential witness. 1.500 0.500 1.500 0.750 0.750 Phone call with atty. update set up meeting 0.125 Meeting with atty. Regarding Schoolcraft residence. Meeting with att., discussed entire investigation, home invasion, named defendants, Queens DA. 0.750 1.250 260 260.0 2/13/13 261 261.0 3/29/13 Vincent Parco, PI Vincent Parco, PI 262 261.5 4/12/13 263 262.0 06/06/10 Vincent Parco, PI JLN 264 263.0 265 266 264.0 265.0 267 266.0 268 267.0 269 268.0 270 269.0 271 272 270.0 273 271.0 06/18/10 06/20/10 06/21/10 06/22/10 06/23/10 06/24/10 06/24/10 06/24/10 06/24/10 JLN JLN JLN JLN JLN JLN JLN JLN JLN Meeting with atty. Update on new development. 0.500 Meeting with atty. Reviewed photographs from Schoolcraft apartment. Discussed possible use of a rebuttal witness, strategy. Meeting with atty. and Plaintiff, discussed overall investigation. Discussions with Joshua Fitch ("JF") re Schoolcraft case Meeting w/ Gerald Cohen ("GC") and JF re: Schoolcraft coming to our office for interview Read Voice articles on Schoolcraft Read articles sent by Schoolcraft on Gerald Nelson Discussion with GC and JF re Schoolcraft case & causes of action Meeting w/ GC and JF re: GC's upcoming meeting w/ Schoolcraft Initial client meeting & interview with AS in Johnstown Traveled to Johnstown to meet prospective Client Adrian Schoolcraft (3.6) Travel back to NYC (3.2) TC with GC re: meeting w/Schoolcraft Page 15 1.500 0.500 0.800 0.800 2.100 0.800 0.800 0.750 7.400 1.800 1.600 0.400 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A B C D 272.0 Date 06/25/10 Timekeepe Description JLN Meeting w/ GC and JF re: scope of Schoolcraft materials that need to be reviewed for complaint, overall strategy & next steps for moving forward 273.0 06/25/10 JLN 274.0 06/25/10 JLN 275.0 06/25/10 JLN 276.0 1 06/25/10 JLN No. 274 Hours 3.250 275 276 277 278 Read Schoolcraft's PBA contract; took notes re: same Meeting with GC & JF re: possible discovery demands after suit is filed and general strategy Reviewed transcript of Polanco tapes; took notes re: same Sent GC information for retainer; forwarded retainer to AS; forwarded signed retainer back to GC 277.0 06/26/10 JLN 278.0 06/28/10 JLN 279.0 06/28/10 JLN 280.0 06/28/10 JLN 06/28/10 06/28/10 JLN JLN 279 280 281 282 283 281.0 282.0 284 06/29/10 JLN 284.0 06/29/10 JLN 06/29/10 06/29/10 JLN JLN 06/29/10 06/29/10 JLN JLN 06/29/10 JLN 06/29/10 06/29/10 JLN JLN 06/29/10 06/29/10 06/30/10 JLN JLN JLN 285 286 287 285.0 286.0 288 289 287.0 288.0 290 289.0 291 292 290.0 291.0 293 294 292.0 295 293.0 294.0 2.500 1.400 0.400 0.100 Reviewed Schoolcraft's records from Jamaica Hospital Medical Center; took notes re: same Discussion with JF and GC re retainer & meeting with Schoolcrafts Discussion with JF re meeting with P.O. Velasquez re policy of quotas Discussion with JF & Adrian Schoolcraft (AS) re prior counsel Jonathan Moore Memo re: Eddie Velasquez Review of correspondence w/Jonathan Moore re: AS 283.0 296 E 3.250 1.250 0.900 0.300 0.300 0.100 Listened to "home invasion" recording from Oct. 31 multiple times; took notes re: same Meeting w/ GC and JF re: PBA materials for use in Schoolcraft Review of 75th Pct arbitration decision Discussion with JF & GC re decision on PBA arbitration case Drafted correspondence to Jonathan Moore Correspondence w/ GC re: Jonathan Moore substitution Discussion with JF & GC re substitution of counsel Moore E-mail exchange GC re: Schoolcraft matter E-mail exchange with AS re: 911 calls and getting copies of same E-mail from GC re: Stop and Frisk case E-mail to GC re: Stop and Frisk case Listened multiple times to call from LS to Capt. Lauterborne re: "City wide" search for AS; took down best quotes from same for possible inclusion in complaint. Page 16 2.600 1.250 0.900 0.400 0.300 0.200 0.200 0.200 0.100 0.100 0.100 1.400 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A 1 No. 295.0 B Date 06/30/10 297 296.0 06/30/10 298 297.0 06/30/10 299 298.0 300 301 299.0 300.0 302 301.0 303 302.0 06/30/10 06/30/10 07/01/10 07/01/10 07/01/10 304 303.0 07/01/10 305 304.0 07/01/10 306 305.0 07/02/10 307 306.0 07/02/10 308 307.0 07/02/10 309 308.0 07/04/10 310 309.0 07/05/10 C D ' Timekeepe Description Listened to call from AS to IAB on Oct. 31; took JLN notes re: same Reviewed composite file of materials on Cmr. Julie JLN Schwartz complied by AS Discussion with JF & GC re FOIL requests for 911 JLN calls & how to proceed Reviewed FOIL requests for 911 calls made by AS JLN to NYPD and discussed with JF Reviewed PBA quota affidavit JLN Started listening to day tour recording by AS made JLN on Oct. 31, 09; took notes on same. T/c w/AS re: specific details of events alleged in JLN Aug. 20, 2009 UF 49 re: Caughey/Weiss Listened to recording of cony. w/ PAA Monique JLN Carter from Aug. 16, 09, (re: removal of personnel) files from office by Caughey/Weiss); took notes re: same Reviewed UF 49 dated Aug. 20, 2009 from AS to JLN C. Campisi (Chief IAB) Reviewed UF 49 from AS to Campisi dated Jan. JLN 12, 2009 re: allegation of sexual misconduct by prisoner Finished listening to day tour recording made by JLN AS of Oct. 31, 2009; made notes re: same Reviewed media stories & news articles provided JLN by AS; notes re: same Discussion with JF re AS' ability to pursue claim JLN under Labor Law 215-a Read e -mails from A. Schoolcraft re: articles on JLN Mauriello and Palestro Reviewed composite file on Paul Browne, incl. JLN prior testimony in another action, as put together by AS; took notes re: same Hours 0.700 0.600 0.500 0.300 0.100 3.400 1.300 0.700 0.200 0.200 4.200 4.200 0.600 0.250 2.400 311 310.0 07/05/10 JLN 312 311.0 07/05/10 JLN 313 312.0 07/05/10 JLN Reviewed composite file on Ray Kelly prepared by AS; took notes re:same T/c AS re: Palesto, Daily News Contact, trip to NYC and news interviews ' Reviewed memo showing contact between Lt. Caughey & Lt. R. Lee at Early Intervention Unit 1.600 1.200 ("HU") 314 313.0 315 E 07/06/10 JLN 0.100 Meeting with JF/GC re: progress/developments on the case, meeting in NYC on Wednesday and filing of lawsuit; 1.750 Page 17 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A B 314.0 Date 07/06/10 315.0 07/06/10 317 318 316.0 317.0 07/06/10 07/07/10 No. C D 318.0 07/07/10 319.0 07/07/10 320.0 07/07/10 Timekeepe Description JLN Meeting w/ GC and JF re: new whistleblower who contacted GC re: Schoolcraft JLN T/c Len Levit re: his knowledge of NYPD & thoughts about case JLN T/c R.P. (Daily News reporter) re: AS case; JLN Listened multiple times to recording between AS & Capt. Lauterborne re: "devil you know", "Mr. Community" etc.; took notes re: same JLN Reviewed Schoolcraft documents, evals, memos, letters to PBA, letters to Mauriello JLN Meeting w/ AS, LS re: Rae Koshetz (Attorney for charges and specifications) and options for fighting NYPD JLN Meeting w/ AS prior to group meeting later today 07/07/10 07/07/10 07/07/10 JLN JLN JLN 07/07/10 JLN 07/08/10 JLN 07/08/10 JLN 327.0 07/08/10 JLN 328.0 07/08/10 JLN 329.0 07/08/10 JLN 330.0 1 07/09/10 JLN 07/09/10 07/09/10 JLN JLN 07/09/10 JLN 07/09/10 JLN 316 319 320 321 322 323 321.0 324 322.0 323.0 325 324.0 326 325.0 327 326.0 328 Discussion with JF re Labor Law research Meeting with AS, LS, JF & GC Meeting with JF and GC re Schoolcraft Meeting and tapes; T/c AS/LS and Hampton Inn re: authorization for cc; fax letter re same Started review of CD Recordings (2008 roll calls) provided by AS; took notes re: same Listened to Oct. 28, 2009 recording of cony. b/w AS and Sgt. Devino at PBBN regarding status of plaintiffs appeal; notes re: same T/c with LS regarding status of move and discussions with landlord Stretmoyers (witnesses) 329 Hours 1.300 0.500 0.500 3.400 2.700 2.000 1.500 0.800 0.750 0.500 0.250 3.700 1.200 0.250 330 331 332 333 331.0 332.0 334 333.0 Read tribute to Mauriello praising effectiveness in crime reduction Reviewed OF 49 from AS to DI Brower (former CO 81) re: forced overtime Continued listening to 2008 Roll Call recordings; notes re: same. 0.100 0.100 6.400 Discussion with JF re timeline Drafted bullet pt time line summarizing criT/cal events in Schoolcraft case T/c AS re status of move, discussions with landlord (eyewitness) and additional does located at apt. 335 1.100 1.000 0.750 334.0 336 E Reviewed PG Guide 314-11- re: appeals of evaluation; took notes re: same Page 18 0.400 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A 1 No. 335.0 I Date 07/12/10 Timekeepe Description Listened to recording of appeal meeting on Feb. 25, JLN 2009; replayed and took notes re: same - Hours 3.400 337 JLN 336.0 07/12/10 337.0 07/12/10 338.0 07/13/10 JLN 339.0 07/13/10 JLN 338 JLN 339 340 T/c AS re QAD interviews and PBA letter re: illegal quotas Reviewed memo from Lt. Mascol re: TS operators not to speak with complainants Review of additional Schoolcraft recordings; took notes re: same Reviewed recording of cony. blw AS & Lt. Mascol on Feb. 20, 20September ; took notes re: same 0.750 0.100 4.200 0.600 341 340.0 07/13/10 341.0 07/13/10 342.0 07/13/10 JLN Reviewed FDNY PCR for AS; took notes re: same 342 JLN 343 344 345 343.0 344.0 07/13/10 07/14/10 JLN JLN JLN 346 345.0 07/14/10 346.0 07/14/10 JLN 347 JLN 348 347.0 07/14/10 JLN 349 348.0 07/15/10 JLN 350 351 349.0 350.0 07/15/10 07/15/10 JLN JLN 352 351.0 07/15/10 JLN 353 352.0 354 E D C B 07/15/10 JLN T/c Rae Koshets re: status of Schoolcraft matter & pending charges & speed Listened to recording b/w AS & Det. Peterson on Sept. 13, 2009 T/c RP re: Frank Palestro Reviewed multiple NYPD performance evalaution guides provided by pltf, including guides for Detectives & P.O.'s, for P.O. Det. Specialists; took notes re: same Meeting w/ GC and JF re: Schoolcraft complaint & next steps for moving forward T/c Eric Sanders, Esq., re: Frank Palestro & PO Minaya & possible joint participation in each others cases Reviewed document re: conversation b/w Lt. Masco! & Schoolcraft on Jan. 14, 2009 re: need for more "activity" Review of Schoolcraft recordings (2008 roll calls) Discussion with GC and JF re tapes Reviewed AS's evaluation for Sept. 2009 (by Sgt. Stukes & Mauriello) re: Pltfs' "poor activity" & how he was "counseled" re improvement; took notes re: same Reviewed AS evaluation for April 2009 noting "poor activity" & AS's unwillingness to meet "performance standards" of NYPD Reviewed Brown & Gropper letter to Mauriello re: appealing evaluation & numerical calculations of performance vs. actual rating, etc; took notes re: same Page 19 0.500 0.500 0.400 0.250 3.800 1.250 0.250 0.200 3.100 1.100 0.500 0.400 0.400 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A 1 No. 353.0 B Date 07/15/10 C D Timekeepe Description JLN Reviewed PG 205-56 and PG 205-57 re: P.O.s' monthly/quaraterly perfmmance reviews; took notes re: same JLN Reviewed AS Meritorious Police Duty Medal JLN Reviewed Itr from AS to Senator Hugh Farley requesting assistance JLN Reviewed UF 49 from AS to Mauriello dated 9/2/09 re: appeal of his evaluation JLN Continued listening to recordings (appeal meeting; Mascot conversation; Lauterborn Duty Captain incident); took notes re same. JLN Continued review of Schoolcraft recordings (2008 roll calls) JLN Meeting with GC re: Schoolcraft issues and status of complaint & overall strategy JLN Reviewed composite file on Brandon Del Pozzo (former CO of 50 Pct); JLN T/c AS re: Eric Sanders conversation and status of hard drive retrieval JLN Rev'd Admin. Guide procedure 303-20 re: steps to be followed for an appeal; notes on same. 355 356 354.0 355.0 357 07/15/10 07/15/10 356.0 07/15/10 357.0 07/16/10 358.0 07/16/10 359.0 07/16/10 360.0 07/16/10 361.0 07/16/10 362.0 07/16/10 363.0 07/16/10 JLN 364.0 07/16/10 JLN 365.0 07/17/10 JLN 07/17/10 JLN Reviewed 81st Pct Chart regarding monthly selfinspections for 20September ; notes re: same 367.0 07/17/10 JLN Reviewed photos of 81st precinct as provided by AS; flagged photos most relevant for case & created list of same. 07/17/10 07/19/10 JLN JLN 07/19/10 JLN E-mail exchange with AS re: UF 250's Review of Schoolcraft roll calls (2009 roll calls); notes re: same Listened to recording b/w LS & FBI Special agent on Nov. 9, 2009 requesting fed. Investigaiton into what happened to AS 07/20/10 JLN Hours Listened to 3 different recordings of interviews by Lamstein (NYPD Psych); took notes re same: 366.0 E 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 0.100 0.100 5.400 3.400 1.250 1.200 0.750 0.200 365 Rev'd pltfs Itr on July 31, 20September to PBA gen. counsel & summarizing events to date & seeking PBA representation Reviewed PBA letter (Aug. 17, 09) in response to AS's request for legal representation from PBA 366 0.200 0.100 367 3.400 368 0.300 369 370 368.0 369.0 371 370.0 372 371.0 373 0.300 0.100 Continued review of Schoolcraft roll calls (2009): took notes on same Page 20 0.300 0.100 4.200 0.300 3.900 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A 1 No. 374 372.0 373.0 C B D 1 Date Timekeepe Description 07/20/10 07/21/10 JLN JLN T/c with AS regarding case status T/c call b/w AS, JN&LS re: GR information and Del Pozzo "offer" & new officer fired b/c if quotas E Hours 0.500 2.100 375 374.0 07/21/10 JLN 376 375.0 07/21/10 376.0 07/22/10 JLN 377 JLN 378 377.0 379 380 378.0 379.0 381 380.0 382 381.0 383 382.0 384 383.0 385 386 384.0 385.0 387 388 386.0 387.0 389 390 388.0 389.0 391 390.0 392 391.0 393 392.0 394 393.0 395 394.0 396 07/22/10 07/22/10 07/22/10 07/26/10 07/26/10 JLN JLN JLN JLN JLN Conference call b/w Graham Raymond ("GR") GR & AS & LS re call by NYPD to GR T/c GR re NYPD contact by Brandon Del Pozzo re Schoolcraft employment issues Continued review of Schoolcraft recordings (2009 roll calls) T/c AS re Del Pozzo, GR & letters to Stuart London T/c JFIGC re updates on Schoolcraft E-mail exchange with AS re: council speaker wants CCRB to try its own cases Meeting with JF & GC re case & updates on Brendan Del Pozo Meeting JF/GC reissues for Schoolcraft complaint 1.200 0.250 3.100 1.100 0.500 0.100 2.100 1.000 07/26/10 07/26/10 07/26/10 07/26/10 07/26/10 07/27/10 07/27/10 07/27/10 07/28/10 07/28/10 07/28/10 07/28/10 07/28/10 JLN JLN JLN JLN JLN JLN JLN JLN JLN JLN JLN JLN JLN Discussion with GC & JF re complaint draft next steps moving forward T/c Larry Schoolcraft re: Del Pozzo e-mail GR & PBA letter to Stuart London Discussion w/ GC re Brandon del Pozo T/c w/ GR re: new rookie (PO Chris Bienz) fired b/c of quota Sent E-mail to GC re: Del Pozo Meeting w/AS, GC, JF to prep for discussion with US attorneys office EDNY Meeting w GC and JF to discuss complaint Mtg GC re draft of complaint and proposed revisions Discussion with JF and GC re: Adhyl Polanco and other whistlblowers Discussion with JF re complaint (proposed areas for improvement) E-mail to JF re meeting with Polanco, Raymond & Rocco Reviewed AS Certificate of Completion of Police Academy Reviewed OF 49 from Sgt. Meyer (81) re: shooting in confines of 81 Sept. 2009 Page 21 0.600 0.600 0.300 0.300 0.100 3.250 1.250 0.750 0.500 0.400 0.100 0.100 0.100 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A B C D E No. Date Timekeepe Description 395.0 07/29/10 JLN Reviewed NY AG's investigation into NYPD's Stop & Frisk Practices & Statistical Review of NYPD's UF 250 data, as provided by AS; took notes re: same 2.800 396.0 07/29/10 JLN Meeting with JF and Rocco P - Daily News re Schoolcraft and evidence of quotas for Monell claim 1.500 397.0 07/30/10 JLN 07/30/10 07/30/10 JLN JLN 07/30/10 JLN 07/30/10 JLN 07/30/10 07/31/10 JLN JLN 07/31/10 07/31/10 08/01/10 JLN JLN JLN Meeting with JF, GC, Polanco & Raymond re: Schoolcraft & Monell claim Continued edits and revisions to complaint Meeting with JF and GC re: changes & additions to complaint Read Judge Beinstock's decision in PBA Velez arbitration; took notes re: same; extracted language for use in complaint Reviewed docs re: NYC Safety Restraint Enforcement Program, from Sept. 11-14, 2009 for increased summons activity Reviewed Boro Daily Impact OT Form Cont'd review of Schoolcraft tapes and timeline chart Continued edits/revisions of complaint E-mail from JF re edited complaint T/c w/AS & LS re: Fulton Cty decision & current status of public benefits & continued processing of Dec. 9, 2009 application for benefits 407.0 08/01/10 JLN 409 410 408.0 411 409.0 412 410.0 411.0 Reviewed Fulton County Decision after Hearing (69-10) reversing agency's decision that AS voluntarily ended NYPD employment; took notes re: same 08/02/10 08/02/10 08/03/10 08/03/10 JLN JLN JLN JLN 08/03/10 JLN 414.0 08/03/10 08/03/10 JLN JLN Further edits revisions & additions to complaint Reviewed original Notice of Claim filed by AS Edited complaint and sent to JF for review Meeting w/ GC re: Schoolcraft complaint and other whistleblower police officers to possibly include in complaint Compose E-mail to JF with detailed edits for the revised Complaint Discussion with JF re corrections Reviewed memo from Lt. Ragnello (81Cdr. 3rd Platoon) re: creating Crime Reduction Unit at 81 415.0 08/03/10 JLN 1 397 398 399 400 398.0 399.0 401 400.0 402 401.0 403 404 402.0 403.0 405 406 404.0 407 405.0 406.0 408 3.250 3.200 1.200 0.600 0.300 0.100 3.100 2.800 0.100 1.100 413 412.0 414 415 413.0 416 417 Hours 0.800 3.200 0.100 1.600 0.500 0.400 0.300 0.300 Reviewed Schoolcraft OF 49 re: Lt Jones (filed in June 07) Page 22 0.300 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A 1 No. 418 416.0 419 417.0 418.0 420 421 419.0 422 420.0 423 421.0 422.0 Date 08/03/10 08/03/10 08/04/10 08/04/10 08/04/10 08/04/10 08/05/10 424 423.0 08/05/10 425 424.0 08/06/10 426 425.0 08/06/10 427 426.0 428 429 427.0 430 428.0 429.0 431 430.0 432 431.0 433 434 432.0 433.0 435 434.0 436 437 435.0 436.0 438 437.0 439 438.0 440 439.0 441 442 440.0 441.0 443 08/06/10 D C B Timekeep Description Discussion with JF re corrections to complaint JLN E-mail exchange with JF re Revised complaint JLN Review of AS chronology for complaint; JLN incorporated same Further edits and revisions to complaint JLN Read AS memo re: Brandon Del Pozo JLN E-mail exchange JF re complaint edits JLN Review of AS's August and March September JLN recordings transcribed from Legal Language; took notes re: same E-mail exchange with JF re: clarification of some JLN factual issues in the complaint Reviewed June 2009 roll calls, Halloween night JLN and visits to Johnstown recording transcripts and discussed same with JF Review of revised complaint from JF: made edits JLN and revisions to same Continued review transcriptions of August 2009 JLN logs 08/06/10 08/06/10 08/07/10 08/07/10 08/08/10 08/08/10 08/08/10 08/08/10 08/09/10 08/09/10 08/09/10 08/09/10 JLN JLN JLN JLN JLN JLN JLN JLN JLN JLN JLN JLN E-mail exchange with JF re community visits E-mail from JF re: complaint revisions Continued review transcriptions of March 2009 logs E-mail exchange JF re explanation of community visits Reviewed transcription of December 2008 logs of roll calls; notes re: same Discussion with JF re: edits to complaint E-mail to JF with additional allegations for complaint Review of E-mail re: revision of Schoolcraft complaint Meeting with AS to finalize complaint Meeting w/GC and JF re: Schoolcraft website to support Monell theory E-mail from JF re final draft of complaint; reviewed same Review of final draft of AS complaint to be filed E Hours 0.250 0.100 1.400 1.200 0.200 0.100 3.500 0.200 3.800 2.100 1.400 0.200 0.100 1.800 0.250 3.600 0.400 0.100 0.100 2.700 1.500 1.250 0.500 08/09/10 08/09/10 08/09/10 JLN JLN JLN Discussion with GC and JF re Adrian interview E-mail to JF re negligent ret. claim Review of legal issues re: Negligent hiring claim 0.300 0.300 0.300 Page 23 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A C B D 442.0 Date 08/09/10 443.0 08/10/10 444.0 08/10/10 445.0 08/10/10 446.0 08/10/10 Timekeepe Description JLN Reviewed fax from anonymous PO re: Marino's quota system JLN Began review of new CD from Client w/ numerous additional recordings and does JLN Listened to Brian Lehrer show (podcast) re: Schoolcraft allegations JLN Reviewed transcript of exceprts that refer to "Mauriello Specials", as provided by AS JLN Review of Articles about Schoolcraft complaint 447.0 08/10/10 JLN 448.0 08/10/10 JLN 449.0 08/11/10 JLN 08/11/10 JLN 451.0 08/11/10 JLN 452.0 08/12/10 JLN 08/12/10 08/12/10 JLN JLN 08/12/10 JLN 08/13/10 JLN 457.0 08/13/10 JLN 458.0 08/14/10 JLN Discussion with GC re anonymous P.O. re: quota/retaliation Review post of anonymous P.O. who contacted website re recording Mauriello Reviewed transcription of Jan 2009 logs; notes re: same Reviewed PBA by-laws and const. Meeting w/JF and GC re: legal strategies on Monet] and whistleblower cop contacts Meeting w/GC and JF re: legal strategies & next steps for moving forward Read Eterno & Silverman's article on Compstat ("Compare Statistics or Compose Statistics"); took notes re same Discussion with GC & JF re Jonathan Moore Cease & Desist letter Tc w/AS & LS re: Eterno & Silverman as possible expert wtinesses and re: specific issues raised in their Compstat article 459.0 08/15/10 JLN 460.0 08/15/10 JLN 08/16/10 08/16/10 JLN JLN 08/16/10 JLN 08/16/10 JLN E Meeting with PO Kevin Rodriguez 52nd Precinct 450.0 1 No. 444 445 446 447 448 Hours 0.100 3.700 0.500 0.500 0.400 449 Discussion with JF & GC re articles and possible typo in complaint Reviewed GC draft of Schoolcraft website content 450 0.200 0.200 451 2.750 452 453 454 455 453.0 454.0 456 455.0 457 456.0 458 459 460 461 462 463 461.0 462.0 464 463.0 465 466 464.0 Internet research on Eterno/Silverman studies & articles & on Compstat Meeting with JF and GC re NY Times story about quotas & Schoolcraft Continued review of new CD from client Interview of J. Ferrrera (former Lt. at 81st Pct.) 0.300 0.200 2.900 0.900 0.800 0.500 0.700 0.400 1.200 2.200 0.600 4.100 3.400 Read CCRB Report on 75th & 81st Pcts, as provided by AS; took notes re: same Travel back to NYC (1.40) Page 24 1.200 0.700 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A 1 No. 467 465.0 466.0 468 469 467.0 468.0 Date 08/16/10 08/16/10 08/17/10 08/17/10 D C B Timekeepe Description Travel to Long Island to meet Ferrara (1.2) JLN Read articles about NYPD's gun buy-back program JLN provided by AS Meeting with Eterno & Silverman JLN T/c w/AS & LS re: charges & specs, underlying JLN facts relating to each charge, & best way to challenge charges in the NYPD trial room 0.300 2.300 1.400 470 469.0 471 472 470.0 471.0 473 472.0 474 473.0 08/17/10 08/17/10 08/17/10 08/17/10 08/18/10 JLN JLN JLN JLN JLN 475 474.0 08/18/10 JLN Discussion with GC and JF re anonymous e -mails that we got as a result of the website Travel back downtown (.80) Travel uptown to meet Eterno & Silverman in midtown (.80) Reviewed NYPD Charges & Specis against AS; created bullet point summary of same Reviewed Relevant PG Sections for Charges & Specs (PG 203-03,203-10, 203-18, 205-47); took notes re: same Reviewed AS Quarterly Performance report from 08; took notes re: same 0.400 0.400 0.400 0.200 1.750 1.600 476 475.0 08/18/10 JLN 477 476.0 08/18/10 JLN T/c w/AS & LS re: my reivew of PG sections relating to charges & specs, & best args. for challenging same Discussion with JF re Rocco's story in Daily News 0.900 0.250 478 477.0 08/19/10 JLN 479 478.0 08/19/10 JLN 480 479.0 08/19/10 JLN 481 480.0 08/19/10 JLN 482 481.0 08/19/10 JLN 483 482.0 08/20/10 JLN 484 483.0 08/20/10 JLN 485 484.0 486 E Hours 0.600 08/22/10 JLN Finished review of new CD recordings and documents from client; took notes re: same Discussion with JF and GC re: new recordings and documents provided by AS T/c w/AS and LS re: chronology of events & questions relating to specific entries Reviewed AS's chonology of chain of events leading up to Halloween night, starting with discussion w/Lt. Delafuente on Jan. 29, 2009 (AS should "work for ASPCA") E-mail from P.O. Chris Whitehead worked under Marino in 75th Pct. T/c w/Chris Whitehead re: quotas at 75th Pct. & retaliation Interviewed Marc Johnson, Ph.D., re: possible use as expert for psych claims Meeting with JF & GC re whistleblowers reaching out through the website Page 25 2.900 1.250 1.100 0.700 0.100 0.900 0.600 0.800 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A B C D 485.0 Date 08/22/10 486.0 08/22/10 487.0 08/22/10 JLN 488.0 08/23/10 JLN 489.0 08/23/10 JLN 491 492 490.0 491.0 08/24/10 08/24/10 JLN JLN 08/24/10 JLN T/c w/AS & LS re: harassment by NYPD & Johnstown PD, interactions with NYPD during visits, and specific questions relating to what is shown on videos 08/24/10 08/24/10 JLN JLN 08/25/10 JLN 08/25/10 JLN Travel to L.I. to meet Chris Whitehead (1.20) Travel back to NYC from meeting with C. Whitehead (1.40) Meeting w/GC and JF re: ACC assigned, Schoolcraft Initial Disclosures Reviewed Rand Report provided by AS re: "Analysis of Disparities" of NYPD's Stop, Question & Frisk practices; took ntoes re: same 497.0 08/25/10 JLN 498.0 08/25/10 JLN 08/25/10 08/26/10 JLN JLN 08/26/10 08/27/10 JLN JLN 08/27/10 JLN 1 No. 487 Timekeepe Description JLN Reviewed notes from AS activity log from Jan. September to March September JLN Reviewed memorandum "Your Right to Know" provided by AS and released by NY State re: Public Officer Law & FOIL requests. 488 E Hours 0.700 0.400 E-mail exchange with AS re: Internet search results on Dr. Lamstein and previous Cheroff case 489 0.200 490 Reviewed NYPD "Critical Objectives" & statistics re: index crimes, as Reviewed Investigations Unit comment sheet provided by AS re: Sgt. Defabizio & contacts with Schoolcraft Mtg. w/Chris Whitehead (P.O. 75 Pct.) Reviewed AS videos & audio recordings & photos re: "Harassment &Stalking" by NYPD & Johnstown PD in upstate NY; took notes re: same 493 1.200 0.200 2.400 2.400 492.0 494 495 493.0 494.0 496 495.0 497 496.0 498 1.300 0.600 0.400 1.750 1.200 499 500 501 499.0 500.0 502 503 501.0 502.0 504 503.0 505 Meeting with JF & GC re more whistleblower email & meeting with P.O. Fioranelli Reviewed NYC Bar Ass'n Statement on NYC Stop & Frisk Practices; took notes re: same Meeting with JF & GC re: Whitehead mtg. Meeting with JF and GC re: interview of PO from 81st precinct "PF" re: corruption Correspondence w/GC re: Frank Serpico Read arT/cles by Eterno & Silverman re: Compstat 0.900 0.800 0.750 1.500 0.200 1.500 Discussion with GC & JF re having Eterno & Silverman as experts Page 26 0.600 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A 1 No. 504.0 Date 08/29/10 D C B Timekeepe Description Discussion with GC re: Walter Lipscomb interview JLN E Hours 0.500 506 505.0 08/30/10 JLN 507 506.0 08/30/10 JLN 508 507.0 509 510 508.0 509.0 08/30/10 08/30/10 08/30/10 JLN JLN JLN 511 510.0 08/31/10 JLN Meeting with JF & GC re Garcia (cop from 81 who knows Schoolcraft & has info on quotas) Meeting with JF & GC re Labor & Employment case & 12(b)(6) motion E-mail correspondence w/GC re: MG (PO in 81st precinct) E-mail w/ GC re: ACC Donna Canfield Reviewed Notice of Appearance by Donna Canfield ("DC") on behalf of The City Of New York Conversation with GC and JF re: topics to be discussed/disclosed with Mark Toor in Chief article 1.250 0.500 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.250 512 511.0 09/01/10 JLN 513 512.0 09/03/10 JLN 514 513.0 09/03/10 JLN 515 514.0 516 517 515.0 516.0 518 517.0 519 518.0 520 521 519.0 520.0 522 521.0 09/03/10 09/03/10 09/03/10 JLN JLN JLN 524 525 523.0 524.0 526 1.800 1.400 0.500 0.400 0.200 0.100 09/04/10 09/05/10 09/06/10 09/06/10 09/07/10 JLN JLN JLN JLN JLN 523 522.0 Meeting w/GC and JF re: discuss anonymous POs contacting us and how they can help Schoolcraft w/ Monell claim Meeting with JF and GC to discuss infromation provided by DH, MG, EB (whistleblower cops) in furtherance of the Monell claim Meeting w/ GC re: THEE RANT post to get officers to contact us on to support Monell claim Discussion with JF re AS interview with This American Life E-mail w/GC re: THEE RANT post E-mail w/ GC re: This American Life Radio show 09/07/10 09/07/10 09/07/10 JLN JLN JLN Reviewed PG section 216-05 (EDPS), notes re: same Reviewed indictment of Sgt. Stukes (AS Supervisor) filed in Kings County Discussion with JF re amended complaint E-mail exchanges with Joseph Ferrara (former Lt. 81 pct) Listened to recording of mtg b/w AS and Stuart London PBA Attorney re: appealing evaluation & options available Reviewed Defendant Isakov's answer to complaint E-mail exchange with Joseph Ferrara Reviewed Aff of Service by defendants Jamaica Hospital Medical Center. Page 27 0.400 0.100 0.400 0.200 0.500 0.300 0.100 0.100 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A C B 525.0 Date 09/07/10 526.0 09/07/10 527.0 09/10/10 JLN 528.0 09/12/10 JLN 529.0 09/12/10 JLN 530.0 09/12/10 JLN 531.0 09/13/10 JLN 532.0 09/13/10 JLN 533.0 09/13/10 JLN 534.0 09/15/10 JLN 535.0 09/15/10 JLN 536.0 09/16/10 JLN 537.0 09/17/10 JLN 538.0 09/17/10 JLN 539.0 09/18/10 JLN 540.0 1 09/18/10 JLN No. 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 Reviewed letter addressed to Judge Sweet from DC dated 9/1/2010 Requesting a sixty day extension Reviewed "Crime, Police & the Community" report by Citizens Crime Commision, as provided by AS Reviewed "Poilice & Public Safety in NYC" report from Citizens Crime Reviewed Opinion/Order of Joan Lobis (JSC NY County) re: Ray Kelly under Article 78, as provided by AS T/c w/AS re: salary with NYPD, benefits, and overall lost earnings claim Reviewed NYC pay statements for AS from Nov. 13, 09; Oct. 30, 09; Feb. 5, 2010; June 4, 2010 (for "prior to separation" work) Reviewed Notices of Claim filed by AS for "Property Loss" and "Salary Loss" Reviewed Dep. of Eddie Valasquez (P.O. punished for not meeting quota); took notes re: same Reviewed defendant Bernier's endorsed stipulation extending time to answer Reviewed Floyd deps from Floyd Proceedings, including Mauriello Dep., Donald McHugh Dep.; Angel Herran Dep, and Paul Browne dep.; took notes re same. Meeting with JF and GC regarding information obtained from Floyd litigation and its impact on Schoolcrafts Monell and Retaliation claims Started review of transcript from Velez proceedings; took notes re: same Reviewed NYPD Admin guuide provided by AS; took notes re: same Conversation with GC & JF re new whistleblower cop 541.0 09/18/10 JLN 543 E Hours 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.800 0.700 0.400 0.900 0.300 0.200 1.200 0.100 4.250 1.300 0.600 1.200 0.300 Correspondence w/ GC re: anonymous Schoolcraft post 542.0 544 D I Timekeep Description JLN Reviewed defendant JHMC's corporate disclosure statement JLN Reviewed defendants answer to complaint filed by Jamaica Hospital Medical Center 09/19/10 JLN 0.200 E-mail exchange w/ J. Ferrara re: Browne's reaction to Quota Tapes 0.100 Page 28 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A B L D C No. Date Timekeepe Description 543.0 09/20/10 JLN 544.0 09/20/10 545.0 1 09/21/10 l 545 JLN 546 547 548 546.0 547.0 549 548.0 550 551 549.0 550.0 JLN Discussion with JF re meeting with DOJ on AS case Discussion with GC & JF re media upload to website Meeting with DOJ EDNY regarding potential civil rights enforcement action and setting up meeting w/ AS 09/22/10 09/23/10 09/23/10 09/23/10 09/24/10 JLN JLN JLN JLN JLN Meeting with JF to prepare for EDNY DOJ Meeting with GC, JF and Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR) re Schoolcraft Discussion with JF re new post for THEE Ranrt for more whistleblower Pos to support Monell claim Reviewed insurance coverage for Def. Isakov Discussion with JF and GC re: first meeting with the DOJ and upcoming meeting with the DOJ and 0.400 0.200 3.100 1.100 2.250 0.300 0.100 AS 552 551.0 09/25/10 JLN 553 552.0 09/25/10 553.0 09/27/10 JLN 1.750 Meeting with GC & JF re: upcoming AS interview with feds E-mail from JF re: upcoming fed meeting with AS 0.500 0.100 554 JLN 555 554.0 09/27/10 JLN 556 555.0 557 558 556.0 559 557.0 558.0 560 559.0 561 560.0 562 561.0 563 564 562.0 565 563.0 564.0 09/28/10 09/28/10 09/29/10 09/30/10 09/30/10 09/30/10 JLN JLN JLN JLN JLN JLN 565.0 Meeting with AS and Feds re: potential fed civil rights violations Discussion with JF re: location of witnesses from This American Life interview Continued review of transcript of PBA (Velez) hearing re: quotas E-mail from JF re article in Russian news Finished review of PBA transcript Meeting with GC and JF re: anonymous cop interviews (VM and EF) Reviewed answer to complaint filed by Lillian Aldana-Bernier Reviewed Bernier's corporate disclosure statement 2.300 0.500 1.700 0.100 2.800 1.100 0.500 0.100 10/02/10 10/02/10 10/02/10 10/04/10 JLN JLN JLN JLN 566 567 E Hours 10/06/10 JLN E-mail exchanges w/ GC re: whistleblower cops E-mail from JF re whistleblower cop E-mail re whistleblower cop from JF Meeting w/ GC and JF to discuss information from "JR" retired police officer re: quotas, downgrading, NYPD corruption Reviewed answer to amended complaint filed by Jamaica Hospital Page 29 0.300 0.100 0.100 0.750 0.100 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A B No. Date 566.0 1 10/07/10 568 569 567.0 568.0 570 571 569.0 572 570.0 571.0 10/08/10 10/10/10 10/11/10 10/11/10 10/11/10 573 572.0 10/12/10 573.0 10/12/10 575 576 574.0 575.0 10/12/10 10/12/10 574 C I D Timekeep Description JLN T/c w/ Colleen Long (AP wire) re: doing story on Schoolcraft JLN Review of AP story re: Schoolcraft case JLN Meeting with GC and JF re: infromatoin provided by MV, NB, EB whistleblower cops JLN E-mail from JF re Lewis whistleblower cop JLN E-mail correspondence w/ GC re: Posts JLN E-mail exchange with Chris Whitehead :re Compstat videos and possibly obtaining copies of same JLN Reviewed memo of law in Support of defendants JHMC motion to Dismiss; ; took notes re: same; researched case law cited JLN Meeting w/GC re: calls from Pos JLN Discussion with JF re motion to Dismiss sched. JLN Reviewed Declaration of Gregory J. Radomisli in Supportof defendant JHMC motion to Dismiss 577 E Hours 0.600 0.200 1.400 0.900 0.200 0.100 2.800 1.000 0.300 0.300 576.0 10/13/10 JLN 577.0 10/13/10 JLN 578.0 10/14/10 JLN 579.0 10/15/10 JLN 580.0 10/30/10 JLN 581.0 11/01/10 JLN 582.0 11/01/10 JLN 583.0 11/08/10 JLN 584.0 11/08/10 JLN 585.0 11/08/10 JLN 586.0 11/09/10 JLN 578 579 580 581 Discussion with JF re: arguments to make in response to JHMC motion Discussion with JF re agreement on briefing sched. w/ defendant Jamaica Hosp. Meeting with GC re: information provided by PL and RL (whistleblower cops) to support Monell claim Reviewed order re: defendant JHMC's motion to Dismiss Meeting with GC & JF re: information provided by MR, MG RC (whistleblower cops) and movie and book publicist contacting AS for information 582 1.250 0.100 0.750 0.100 2.250 583 584 Meeting with GC and JF re: updating Schoolcraft website Reviewed letter addressed to Judge Sweet from DC requesting ext. of time to answer Read 1st Set of Rogs for plaintiff sent by Isakov 585 0.300 0.100 0.100 586 587 Reviewed defendant Isakov's dep notice for plaintiff Adrian Schoolcraft Reviewed Defendant Isakov's request for Production of Documents Meeting with GC about interviews with CW and MC whistleblower cops regarding Monell claim 588 0.100 0.100 0.600 Page 30 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A [No. ..-._ 1_ 587.0 589 590 588.0 589.0 591 590.0 592 591.0 593 592.0 B Date 11/09/10 11/09/10 11/11/10 11/11/10 11/11/10 11/12/10 594 593.0 595 596 594.0 595.0 597 596.0 598 597.0 599 600 598.0 599.0 601 602 600.0 601.0 603 602.0 604 603.0 605 606 604.0 605.0 607 606.0 608 609 607.0 608.0 610 609.0 611 612 610.0 613 611.0 614 612.0 11/14/10 11/15/10 11/16/10 11/16/10 11/16/10 11/29/10 12/01/10 12/02/10 12/02/10 12/04/10 12/05/10 12/06/10 12/08/10 12/09/10 12/10/10 12/11/10 12/14/10 12/16/10 12/17/10 01/01/11 D C Timekeepe Description Drafted letter to Judge Sweet requesting extension JLN JHMC's motion to dismiss Reviewed Dep notice for plaintiff from B. Lee JLN Reviewed defendant Bernier's 1st Set of JLN Interrogatories Reviewed defendant Bernier's answer to Second JLN amended complaint Reviewed defendant Isakov's corporate disclosure JLN statement Meeting with JF and GC re: issues on our JLN opposition and GC's meeting with JW anonymous cop Reviewed AS recordings w/ Kings County DA and JLN Queens County Michelle Cort Review AS application to NYPD JLN Review of affidavit Darius Charney wants JLN Schoolcraft to sign Aff for Floyd E -mailed GC re: changes to Schoolcraft Floyd JLN affidavit Reviewed memo from Lt. Brower (April 10, 2006) JLN re: forced O.T. Reviewed draft CCR Affidavit by AS JLN Discussion with GC & JF re affidavit from JLN Schoolcraft Reviewed AS proposed changes to Affidavit JLN Reviewed Defendant City of New York's answer to JLN amended complaint E-mail exchange w/ AS re: Detective accused of JLN falsifying records and making bogus arrests Reviewed JF's draft Opp to MTD; made edits to JLN same Discussion with GC & JF re final corrections JLN Reviewed NYPD memos regarding anti quota JLN legislation Discussion w/ JF & GC re discovery responses & JLN timing E-mail w/ GC re: HIPAAs for AS meds JLN E-mail exchange re: posting on Thee Rant relating JLN to Mauriello Reviewed Darius Charney correspondence re JLN affidavit for AS Reviewed final AS Affidavit for CCR JLN E-mail from JF re AS benefits JLN E-mail to JF re WSJ article about case JLN Page 31 ! E Hours 0.300 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.300 0.400 0.300 0.400 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.400 0.200 0.100 0.100 0.700 0.800 1.200 0.500 0.100 0.100 0.200 0.100 0.100 0.100 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) [ A B I C 613.0 Date 01/10/11 614.0 01/20/11 615.0 01/20/11 616.0 01/26/11 JLN 617.0 01/31/11 JLN 618.0 1 01/31/11 JLN No. 615 616 D Timekeep Description JLN Meeting with GC & JF re interrogatories and demands & misc. discovery & strategy issues JLN Meeting with GC, JF to discuss JHMC's reply memo of law JLN Reviewed Defendant JHMC's reply memo of law in Supportof their motion to Dismiss; additional research regardng issues raised in same 617 Hours 1.500 0.400 0.300 618 619 620 619.0 01/31/11 JLN 620.0 02/08/11 JLN 621.0 02/11/11 JLN 622.0 02/11/11 JLN 623.0 02/12/11 JLN 625 626 624.0 625.0 02/13/11 02/19/11 JLN JLN 626.0 02/19/11 JLN 627.0 02/23/11 JLN 628.0 02/25/11 JLN 629.0 03/01/11 JLN 630.0 03/01/11 JLN 631.0 03/03/11 .11,N 632.0 04/12/11 JLN 621 622 Discussion with GC & JF re oral arguments on MTP Discussion w/ GC re: requesting Queens DA to investigate Halloween night Meeting with JF & GC re sending documents & authorizations to Queens DA office Review ofmaterials sent to Queens DA to start investigation Discussion w/ JF & GC re letter to court to schedule discovery Researched issue of stay while MTD is pending 623 0.600 0.400 0.400 0.200 0.300 2.400 624 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 E Reviewed JHMC request for stay while MTD is pending Discussion with JF re; motion to stay and arguments in opposition Drafted letter brief opposing stay E-mail exchange the trial in Kings County involving quota allegations and testimony from Captain Perez (81) E-mail correspondence w/ GC re: Seth Harris verdict finding quota in Carolyn Samuels case E-mail exchange with Chris Whitehead :re Anti Quota Bill and his failure to get promoted based on numbers E-mail exchange with C. Whitehead re: Marino, Carolyn Samuels case and Capt. Alex Perez's testimony in that case Meeting with anonymous cops from T34 w/ GC and JF- recordings of Lt. Janice Williams Reviewed recordings of Sgt. Hans, and Lt. Williams provided by PO "Angel" Rosa E-mail exchange with C. Whitehead re: Daily News article on quotas and pressure. Cony w/ JF re AS suspension & our position with NYPD on same Page 32 0.100 0.900 3.200 0.200 0.100 0.100 0.100 1.250 0.300 0.100 0.300 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A 1 No. 633.0 B Date 04/13/11 635 634.0 04/13/11 636 635.0 04/18/11 637 636.0 05/06/11 638 637.0 639 640 638.0 639.0 641 642 640.0 641.0 643 644 642.0 643.0 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 644.0 645.0 646.0 647.0 648.0 649.0 650.0 651.0 652.0 654 655 653.0 654.0 656 655.0 657 658 656.0 659 657.0 658.0 660 659.0 661 05/06/11 05/09/11 05/09/11 05/09/11 05/10/11 05/10/11 05/10/11 05/12/11 05/14/11 05/15/11 05/15/11 05/16/11 05/17/11 05/18/11 05/19/11 05/19/11 05/19/11 05/19/11 05/19/11 05/19/11 05/20/11 05/20/11 D C Timekeepe Description E-mail exchange with C. Whitehead re: Marino JLN steroids findings & punishment E-mail exchange with C.Whiteheaad re: LAPD JLN Officers Quota lawsuit and possible implications for quota claims in this case Discussion w/ JF & GC re prep of letter re NYPD JLN hearing & PBA representation Read Judge Sweet's decision on defendants' MTD; JLN notes re: same E-mail exchange w/ GC and JF re: motion to JLN dismiss decision Drafted 1st Set of Rogs to Isakov JLN Meeting with GC and JF re: neccesary disclosures JLN under Rule 26 for plaintiff Started drafting R.26 Initial Disclosures JLN Started drafting Requests For Admission ("RFA") JLN from City Finished Initial Disclsoures. JLN Meeting with GC and JF re: edits to Intial JLN disclosures and discussion regarding requests to admit Discussion w/ GC & JF re agency agreement JLN Continued drafting RFA for City JLN Finished drafting RFA for City JLN Meeting with GC and JF re: edits to RFA's JLN Started drafting Rogs for City JLN Cont'd drafting Rogs cor City JLN Started drafting 1st Doc Demands City JLN Continued drafting document demands for City JLN Discuss w/ JF & GC edits & topic areas that should JLN be explored on interrogatories Drafted Schoolcraft deposition notices. JLN Review of GC's draft document demands to include JLN in our demands E-mail from GC re: additional dep noT/ces to be JLN served Sent draft document demands to GC JLN Finished drafting Rogs for City JLN Finished drafting 1st Document Demands for City JLN E Hours 0.100 0.100 0.300 0.300 0.200 2.100 1.750 0.400 2.500 1.400 1.400 0.400 2.200 2.400 1.000 1.900 2.400 1.600 2.100 1.250 0.400 0.300 0.100 0.100 2.800 2.700 05/20/11 JLN Discussion w/ GC & JF re request to admit corrections/additions . Page 33 1.500 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A B C D 660.0 Date 05/20/11 Timekeepe Description JLN T/c AS & LS re: discovery demands/admissions & adding many more demands that they feel are important (vs. overbroad/irrelevant concerns) 661.0 05/20/11 JLN No. 1 662 E Hours 1.400 663 Finalize interrogatories & discuss EBTs w/ JF & GC 662.0 05/20/11 JLN 663.0 05/20/11 JLN 05/20/11 05/20/11 JLN JLN 05/21/11 JLN 05/22/11 05/22/11 JLN JLN 05/23/11 JLN 05/23/11 05/23/11 JLN JLN 05/23/11 05/24/11 JLN JLN 05/24/11 JLN 05/25/11 06/01/11 06/03/11 06/10/11 JLN JLN JLN JLN 679.0 06/11/11 JLN 680.0 06/13/11 JLN 681.0 06/16/11 JLN 682.0 06/16/11 JLN 1.300 E-mail exchange AS re: 1st Set of Interrogatories 664 0.200 665 666 664.0 665.0 667 666.0 668 669 667.0 668.0 670 669.0 671 672 670.0 671.0 673 674 672.0 673.0 675 674.0 676 677 675.0 678 676.0 679 677.0 678.0 680 681 682 683 684 I E-mail exchange re: Plaintiffs' First Request for Admissions Sent GC request for admissions for review Sent GC revised draft document demands for review Started drafting 1st Set of Document Demands for JHMC Finished 1st Set of Doc Demands Jamaica Started drafting Schoolcraft document demands for other defendants Continued drafting Schoolcraft discovery demands and interrogatories against medical defendants Drafted 1st Set of Rogs for JHMC E-mail correspondence w/Brian Lee re: dep notices for Caughey & Weiss Reviewed Notice of Deps for Isakov/Bemier Finished drafting discovery demands/rogs for med defendants Review of E-mail and correspondence w/ GC re anonymous P.O. from 81st precinct Drafted NoT/ce of Inspection for JHMC Reviewed initial disclosure from JHMC Reviewed JHMC's Initial Disclosures T/c w/Donna Canfield re: extending City defendants' time to answer from June/20 to July 20; e-mail f/u regarding same. Ltr from B. Lee re: discovery responses and order of priority E-mail exchange w/Jim Leander (Queens DA Office) re: setting up a meeting to discuss Schoolcraft investigation E-mail exchange upcoming meeting with Queens DA & plaintiff desire to postpone meeting until we have discovery responses E-mail exchange w/ team re: another NY PD Detective caught giving false testimony Page 34 0.200 0.100 0.100 2.300 2.900 1.700 3.600 2.300 0.100 0.100 3.700 0.300 2.300 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.200 0.100 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A 1 No. 683.0 685 686 684.0 685.0 687 686.0 688 687.0 689 688.0 690 689.0 691 692 690.0 691.0 693 694 692.0 693.0 695 694.0 696 697 695.0 696.0 Date 07/17/11 06/17/11 06/21/11 06/21/11 06/23/11 D C B Timekeepe Description Reviewed Isakov response to Document Demands JLN JLN JLN JLN JLN Reviewed Isakov response to Rogs E-mail exchange re: 3 cases in EDNY with Mauriello as one of defendants E-mail exchange re: Queens DA meeting & avoiding any contact w/ press/media Review of answers to interrogatories by Isakov E Hours 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.900 06/23/11 06/23/11 06/23/11 06/23/11 06/24/11 06/27/11 06/27/11 06/30/11 06/30/11 JLN JLN JLN JLN JLN JLN JLN JLN JLN Review of response to doc demands by Isakov; notes re: same Discussion with GC & JF re responses & requests from lsakov Review of requests for discovery from lsakov Letter to Jim Leander re: authorizing release of med records to Queens DA Reviewed Def. Isakov's 2nd Request for Docs Discussion with JF and GC re City's failure to respond to discovery requests E-mail exchanges with all counsel re: setting up R. 26 Conf. for scheduling of discovery Rule 26 Conf. w/all counsel present Reviewed Brian Lee's Proposed Discovery Plan in advance of mtg later today; notes re: same 0.700 0.600 0.300 0.100 0.100 0.300 0.200 0.900 0.200 698 697.0 07/01/11 JLN E-mail from B.Brady re: need to modify plan re: setting deps only after receipt of records from City 0.100 699 698.0 700 701 699.0 700.0 702 701.0 703 702.0 704 705 703.0 706 704.0 707 705.0 708 706.0 707.0 709 710 708.0 07/01/11 07/05/11 07/06/11 07/06/11 07/08/11 07/08/11 07/09/11 07/09/11 07/11/11 07/15/11 07/15/11 JLN JLN JLN JLN JLN JLN JLN JLN JLN JLN JLN Reviewed Brian Lee's Proposed Discovery Plan as agreed upon at yesterday's conference. Review discovery plan w/ JF & GC Mtg. w/ Jim Leander & AS re: Schoolcraft investigation Discussion w/ JF & GC re changing case management plan Discussion with GC and JF re: meeting with Jim Leander and AS about investigation Reviewed Judge Sweet's order re: Oct. 5 conf E-mail from City on relevancy redaction issue E-mail to City re: redaction issue Final review of discovery plan w/ JF & GC Meeting with JF an GC re: discovery plan and issues to raise with defense counsel sent GC E-mail re: objections to discovery plan Page 35 0.100 0.300 2.400 0.400 1.750 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.250 0.500 0.100 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A 1 No. 709.0 711 712 710.0 711.0 713 712.0 B Date 07/18/11 C D Timekeepe Description JLN Review of changes to discovery plan made by B. Lee 07/18/11 07/23/11 JLN JLN 08/05/11 JLN 713.0 08/10/11 JLN 714.0 08/11/11 JLN 715.0 08/14/11 JLN 716.0 08/15/11 JLN 717.0 08/15/11 JLN 08/16/11 08/17/11 JLN JLN 08/26/11 JLN 09/01/11 JLN 722.0 09/12/11 JLN 723.0 09/20/11 JLN 724.0 09/26/11 JLN 725.0 09/28/11 JLN 09/28/11 09/28/11 JLN JLN 09/28/11 09/28/11 09/30/11 JLN JLN JLN 10/05/11 JLN 714 715 Sent draft E-mail to DC re changes for review E-mail w/Greg Radomisil re: extending time for inspection of JHMC Reviewed JHMC guidelines re: Involuntary commitment, Psych ER guidelines and use of handcuffs Review of GC comments to JHMC discovery responses Review of responses to Isakov discovery demands 716 E Hours 0.200 0.100 0.100 0.900 0.200 0.400 717 718 719 720 718.0 719.0 721 720.0 722 721.0 723 724 725 726 727 728 726.0 727.0 729 730 728.0 731 729.0 730.0 732 731.0 733 Review GC's draft responses to all discovery demands for medical defendants Review of our responses to Bernier & Jamaica discovery demands; edits/revisions Reviewed Rule 26 (a) Discovery plan filed by Isakov Reviewed confidentialty stip from City Discuss confidentiality stip w/ GC & JF b/c of plaintiffs objections Read letter from B. Lee re: request for Suppl responses Review of E-mail from Darius Charney enclosing Floyd decision; read SJ decision; took notes re: same Drafted letter motion to compel City defendants to produce discovery Reviewed Judge Sweet's order re: motion to compel and setting oral argument date T/c w JHMC def. counsel re: extending time for hospital to respond and/or object to visiting JHMC and/or taking pies. Discussion w/ JF re law enforcement privilege & motion to compel Attend oral argument on motion to compel Prepare for hearing before Judge Sweet regarding Plaintiffs letter motion to Compel Travel to SDNY- motion to compel (.5) E-mail from JF re law enforcement privilege E-mail from all parties re: executed amended discovery plan Reviewed Rule 26 Discovery Plan filed by B. Lee 0.400 0.800 0.100 0.300 1.250 0.400 0.500 0.700 0.100 0.300 1.250 1.000 0.700 0.250 0.100 0.200 0.100 Page 36 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A 1 INo. 732.0 Date 10/07/11 734 733.0 735 736 734.0 735.0 737 738 736.0 737.0 10/08/11 10/08/11 10/17/11 11/01/11 11/17/11 739 738.0 11/18/11 D C B f Timekeepe Description Started Review of first set of docs exhanged by JLN City, including Interim IAB Report, QAD Report, Personell folders, memobook entries etc.; took notes re: same Cont'd review of City's 1st response to doc. JLN Demands. Took notes re same Review of operations order sent from client JLN order from Judge Sweet directing parties to appear JLN for PTC Reviewed Isakov 3rd request for does JLN E-mail from D. Chantey re: Polanco Recordings for JLN use in Schoolcraft action; GC to pick up recording, later today. Listened to Polanco recordings, including Heran, JLN McHugh, Sgt. Bennett; took notes re: same. E Hours 4.250 4.700 0.400 0.100 0.100 0.100 1.400 740 739.0 11/18/11 JLN 741 740.0 11/29/11 JLN 742 741.0 12/05/11 JLN Reviewed mise recordings re: "4 collars" Jones, Guillermo and Kamper E-mail from B. Lee re: upcoming discovery conference and status of case Started review disclosures from D. Canfield, including BNIU file and multiple CD Recordings 0.400 0.100 1.800 743 742.0 12/05/11 JLN 744 743.0 12/06/11 JLN 745 744.0 12/13/11 JLN 746 745.0 12/19/11 JLN 747 746.0 12/23/11 JLN 748 747.0 01/05/12 JLN 749 748.0 750 751 749.0 752 750.0 753 751.0 752.0 754 01/10/12 01/20/12 01/24/12 02/07/12 02/07/12 JLN JLN JLN JLN JLN Reviewed City's first set of doc demands, City's response to Plaintiffs request for admissions, & City's Rule 26 disclosures Con'td review of BNIU file and recordings; took notes re same Drafted letter re: supplemental discovery responses for med. Defendants Discussion w/ GC & JF re plaintiffs thoughts on discovery & next steps for moving forward Reviewed recordings and documents from Frank Palestro Reviewed ltr from def. counsel re: request for IRS releases Meeting with AS, JF and GC re: multiples issues in use & general strategy for moving forward Phone call with Adrian and Larry Spoke to GC re: AS salary Email from GC re: supplemental demands Review Notice of Appearance for City Defendants 0.600 3.750 0.100 0.500 2.400 0.100 4.900 0.700 0.200 0.100 0.100 Page 37 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) t A B No. Date 753.0 02/07/12 C D 02/10/12 Timekeep; Description JLN Reviewed Notice of Apperance by Max Leighton on behalf of City JLN Pre-trial conference before Judge Sweet JLN Discussion with JF and GC re: conference and discovery and strategy for moving forward JLN Started drafting Second Set of Document Demands for City JLN Reviewed Judge Sweet's order setting motion schedule and discovery deadlines JLN Started drafting 2nd Request for Docs from City 02/10/12 JLN 760.0 02/10/12 JLN 761.0 02/10/12 JLN 762.0 02/10/12 JLN 763.0 02/10/12 JLN 764.0 02/10/12 JLN 765.0 02/10/12 JLN 766.0 02/10/12 JLN 767.0 02/10/12 JLN 768.0 02/13/12 JLN 769.0 02/24/12 JLN 770.0 1 02/26/12 JLN 755 756 754.0 755.0 757 756.0 758 757.0 759 758.0 760 759.0 02/08/12 02/08/12 02/09/12 02/09/12 E Hours 0.100 1.000 0.750 2.600 0.100 3.400 761 762 763 764 765 766 767 768 Revised, edited and finalized Second Set of Document Demands for City. Also drafted list of items needed for subpoenas and for supplemental disclosure from City. Discussion w/ JF & GC re additional items of discovery T/c with Adrian and Larry regarding update on correspondence and update on new discovery demands Reviewed proposed supplemental demands for the City Telephone Conversation with GC regarding discovery demands and additional demands E-mail to GC re discovery we need to follow up with city E-mail to JF re additional items of discovery from City & subpoenas for Johnstown records E-mail to GC re: Cancellation of Adrian and Larry trip to NYC Review of E-mail to Jeremy Steven (investigator) re: subpoena of Schoolcraft records 769 2.200 1.600 0.700 0.400 0.300 0.200 0.200 0.100 0.100 770 771 772 Review of final supplemental discovery demands for NYC Review of E-mail correspondence w/Chris Dunn (NYCLU) Reviewed Fulton County Records re: AS Produced pursuant to subpoena; took notes re: same. 771.0 02/26/12 JLN 02/27/12 JLN 0.200 2.400 Reviewed records from Fulton Ciounty Volume -1 772.0 0.300 Review of subpoena response from Johstown PD 773 0.700 774 1.000 Page 38 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A No. Date 773.0 1 02/27/12 D C B Timekeepe Description JLN Reviewed records from Fulton County Volume - II 775 774.0 02/27/12 E Hours 0.900 Meeting with JF and GC re: documents received from Johnstown PD for plaintiffs subpoena JLN 0.750 776 775.0 02/28/12 JLN E-mail exchange re: number of actual visits by Johnstown PD & dates times (vs. their dates/times) 777 776.0 03/06/12 JLN 778 777.0 03/07/12 JLN 779 778.0 03/07/12 JLN 780 779.0 03/08/12 JLN 781 780.0 03/09/12 JLN 782 781.0 03/09/12 JLN 783 782.0 03/09/12 JLN 784 783.0 03/12/12 785 786 784.0 785.0 787 03/12/12 03/12/12 786.0 03/12/12 JLN JLN JLN JLN 788 787.0 03/12/12 788.0 03/14/12 JLN " Reviewed article re: Etemo/Silverman analyzie flaws in NYPD terror effort Discussed adding 1st Amendment claim with JF and GC Reviewed Notice of Appearance by Suzanna Publicker on behalf of City Discussion with JF & GC re Voice article and the confidential report Began drafting responses to City's Documents Demands Discussion with JF & GC re reinstating 1st Amendment claims in this case based on Garcetti & actions after the fact Drafted letter to Lt. Gilbo Johnstown PD re: missing documents on visits to Schoolcraft Continued drafting reponses to City Documents Demands Meeting with JF & GC re letter from City Revised & edited response to City's letter re protective order Read/review of letter from defendant City on breach of confidentiality stip E-mail to JF re corrections to motion to reinstate 792.0 794 795 793.0 794.0 796 797 795.0 0.100 0.250 0.100 0.750 1.700 1.250 0.900 2.800 0.600 0.250 0.200 0.100 789 790 791 789.0 790.0 792 793 791.0 0.200 03/14/12 03/15/12 03/19/12 03/21/12 03/22/12 03/25/12 03/26/12 JLN JLN JLN JLN JLN JLN JLN JLN E-mail from JF with proposed amended complaint Review of NY Times article on Schoolcraft Meeting with JF and GC re proposed amended complaint Discussions w/ JF re amended complaint Read Itr motion from NYT seeking disclosure of Schoolcraft Materials. Final edits on amended complaint w/ JF Finished responses to City's document demands; forward same to GC & JF for review City's response to NYT Ltr motion Page 39 0.100 0.100 0.600 0.500 0.200 0.250 2.400 0.200 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A B C D 796.0 Date 03/26/12 797.0 03/26/12 Timekeepe Description JLN E-mail exchange re Whistblowing Sgt. had role in crime spike in Queens Pct. JLN Reviewed order of Judge Sweet re: NYT motion 799 800 798.0 799.0 03/28/12 03/28/12 JLN JLN 800.0 03/28/12 JLN 801.0 03/28/12 JLN 802.0 03/29/12 JLN 03/29/12 03/30/12 JLN JLN 03/30/12 03/30/12 03/30/12 JLN JLN JLN 03/30/12 JLN 03/30/12 04/02/12 04/02/12 04/04/12 JLN JLN JLN JLN 04/05/12 JLN 04/05/12 JLN 04/05/12 JLN 04/08/12 JLN 817.0 04/09/12 JLN 818.0 04/10/12 JLN 04/10/12 04/13/12 JLN JLN 04/13/12 JLN 1 No. 798 802 803 Meeting w/ JF & GC prior to upcoming conference to prep Ltr from S. Publicker re: plaintifs outstanding discovery Revised and help draft proposed AEO stip w/ GC and JF for City Review of AEO; Notes regarding same Discussion with GC and JF re: filing motion to amend and discovery issues Meeting w/ JF & GC re AEO changes Final review ofproposed AEO stip E-mail from Eli Silverman re: ABC news story on under reoprted crime rates; watched same E-mail from City re: IAB docs and extending time to produce E -mailed proposed AEO stip to the City E-mail from Bernier consenting to amendment E-mail from Isakov consenting to amendment E-mail from JHMC regarding change in amended language Drafted response to Defendants 1st Set of Document Demands Review & discuss w/ JF & GC plaintiffs responses to City demands E-mail from City stating reasons why they oppose amendment to complaint T/c w/Kevin Rodriguez (PBA Delegate & PO in 52) re quotas in his precinct; sending materials for our review .,, 818 819 820 821 819.0 820.0 822 823 821.0 Hours 0.100 0.100 Oral Argument on City motion Discussion with JF and GC re: court's order on City's motion for breach of confidentiality agreement 801 804 805 803.0 804.0 806 807 805.0 808 806.0 807.0 809 808.0 810 811 809.0 812 810.0 813 811.0 812.0 814 813.0 815 814.0 816 815.0 817 816.0 E E-mail correspondence w/GC re: discovery responses Meeting w/ AS re: case status general strategy next steps for moving forward E-mail re: Schoolcraft arrival to NYC Discussion with GC and JF re: Matthews decision Read Matthews decision; took notes re: same Page 40 1.000 0.500 0.400 0.100 0.800 0.600 0.600 0.600 0.300 0.200 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 2.800 0.800 0.100 0.700 0.100 4.600 0.100 0.600 0.500 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A 1 No. 824 822.0 823.0 C B Date 04/13/12 04/23/12 D I Timekeep Description E-mail from plaintiff re 1st Amendment claim JLN Reviewed draft letter from JF regarding motion to JLN amend complaint; made edits to same E Hours 0.100 0.400 825 824.0 04/25/12 JLN 826 825.0 04/25/12 JLN 827 826.0 04/30/12 JLN 828 827.0 04/30/12 JLN 829 828.0 05/01/12 JLN Discussion with re: edits/changes to 1st Amendment letter Reviewed JF letter to Court requesting leave to amend to add Lt. Hanlon Discussion w/ JF re NY Times alteration to protective order E-mail from JF to City re additions to protective order Discussions w/ JF re City's request for affidavits & deposition for confidentiality breach 0.750 0.100 0.300 0.100 0.400 830 829.0 05/02/12 JLN 831 830.0 05/03/12 JLN 832 831.0 05/08/12 JLN 833 832.0 834 835 833.0 834.0 836 835.0 837 836.0 838 839 837.0 840 838.0 839.0 841 840.0 842 841.0 843 842.0 844 843.0 845 05/08/12 05/09/12 05/11/12 05/12/12 05/13/12 05/16/12 05/16/12 05/16/12 05/17/12 JLN JLN JLN JLN JLN JLN JLN JLN JLN E-mail to JF to City re confidentiality and discovery issues Discussion w/ GC & JF re Affidavits and Conf. Stip AEO Discussion w/ JF and GC re argument on 1st Amendment claim Reviewed Notice of Appearance by William Fraenkel on behalf of City Attended Argument on 1st Amendment claim Read defendant's motion to quash and discussion w/ GC & JF re: same Reviewed letter by S. Publicker regarding quashing Vallone subpoena Reviewed docs from another quota case (Robinson v. City, 05cv9545) Reviewed dep transcripts from Robinson, Including Emmanuel Bowser, Michael Ryan J. Robinson); took notes re: same Legal research regarding City motion to Quash Began drafting letter opposing City motion Discussion w/ JF and GC re opp to defendant's motion to quash Finished drafting Opposition to motion to Quash 0.100 0.750 0.600 0.100 1.000 2.100 0.100 3.400 3.400 1.600 0.600 3.200 05/17/12 JLN Discussion w/GC and JF re: AS breach affidavit 0.700 05/17/12 05/22/12 JLN JLN Review and discuss City New York Times opp letter w/ JF & GC Discussion w/ JF & GC re defendant's letter re Vallone subpoena Page 41 0.400 0.600 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A 1 JNo. C B Date 846 844.0 845.0 847 05/23/12 05/24/12 JLN 846.0 05/24/12 JLN 847.0 05/30/12 JLN 06/02/12 06/05/12 JLN JLN 06/06/12 JLN 06/06/12 JLN 848 r 849 850 848.0 849.0 851 850.0 852 851.0 853 854 852.0 853.0 855 854.0 856 855.0 857 856.0 858 857.0 D Timekeepe Description JLN Prep for argument w/ JF & GC Notice of Appearance by Walter Kretz, behalf of Mauriello; Google search re: Kretz E-mail from S. Publicker re: proposed changes to Confidentiality Stip E-mail exchange w/GC and JF re City stips and revisions Reviewed discovery demands from JHMC Review of E-mail correspondence between SP and Times Reviewed Confidentiality stip and proposed changes made by GC; made additional edits/suggestions Review of E-mail correspondence between SP and Times Reviewed final AEO Stip E-mail exchange w/GC re: changes to AEO stip 06/07/12 06/07/12 JLN JLN 06/08/12 JLN 06/08/12 JLN 06/14/12 JLN 06/14/12 JLN 858.0 06/14/12 JLN 06/18/12 JLN 06/19/12 06/19/12 06/19/12 06/21/12 JLN JLN JLN JLN Reviewed JF draft motion for reconsideration; made edits to same Meeting with Schoolcraft in Johnstown Travel back to NYC from Johnstown (3.5) Travel to Johnstown (3.5) E-mail correspondence w/GC and JF re Schoolcraft 06/26/12 JLN JLN 07/12/12 JLN 07/13/12 JLN Reviewed Frankel letter opposing plaintiff motion for reconsideration of 1st Amend Claim Review of Schoolcraft's recordings; prepared comprehensive timeline; sent to JF E-mail from City regarding tax return authorizations 1.000 0.200 0.100 0.300 0.200 0.100 0.300 0.100 0.300 Read Judge Sweet's order re: motion to reconsider 07/05/12 Hours Read Judge Sweet's Opinion on Plaintiffs motion to amend Councilman Vallone's motion to quash 859.0 E 0.100 E-mail from GC to SP re: redlined changes to proposed Stip. Read ltr from NYT counsel re: inventory of confidential materials for Meet with GC and JF to discuss motion for reconsideration on 1st amendment claim Reviewed background search by Warren Investigators of Marino, Lauterborn and Mauriello 859 0.100 0.100 0.750 0.300 860 0.200 861 862 860.0 863 861.0 864 862.0 863.0 865 864.0 866 865.0 867 866.0 868 867.0 869 0.400 4.800 1.750 1.750 0.200 0.100 Page 42 0.100 3.800 0.100 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) j 1 INo. A 868.0 Date 07/17/12 870 869.0 07/20/12 871 870.0 07/23/12 872 871.0 07/23/12 873 872.0 07/24/12 D C B Timekeepe Description E-mail w/GC re: upcoming meeting in Albany with JLN Schoolcrafts Read Opinion of Judge Sweet denying Plaintiffs JLN motion to reconsider Discussion w/ GC & JF re: upcoming meeting w/ JLN Schoolcrafts in Albany E-mail exchange w/JF & GC re: visit to JLN Schoolcrafts in Albany E-mail from JF re Albany meeting w/ Schoolcrafts JLN E Hours 0.100 0.100 0.300 0.100 0.100 874 873.0 07/28/12 JLN 875 874.0 07/31/12 JLN 876 875.0 877 878 876.0 877.0 879 880 878.0 881 879.0 882 880.0 883 881.0 884 882.0 885 883.0 884.0 886 887 885.0 888 886.0 889 887.0 890 888.0 889.0 891 890.0 08/03/12 08/07/12 08/08/12 08/08/12 08/08/12 08/09/12 08/09/12 08/09/12 08/09/12 08/10/12 08/10/12 08/10/12 08/10/12 08/10/12 08/10/12 JLN JLN JLN JLN JLN JLN JLN JLN JLN JLN JLN JLN JLN JLN JLN 893 894 892.0 893.0 895 894.0 896 895.0 897 E-mail from JF re extension of discovery E-mail to JF re extension of discovery E-mail to JF re plaintiffs dep E-mail w/GC re Schoolcraft breach affidavit Response E-mail regarding deposition from Greg 08/13/12 JLN 08/13/12 08/13/12 08/13/12 JLN JLN JLN 0.600 0.200 0.100 0.100 1.300 0.500 0.200 5.750 5.500 1.500 1.500 0.200 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 R. 892 891.0 Discussion w/ JF & GC re motion to amend to add prior restraint Reviewed JF draft of letter seeking leave to amend; edits to same E-mail from S. Publicker re: format of document production once stip is finalized Read order re: plaintiffs motion to amend Meeting w/ JF & GC re: upcoming meeting w/ AS in Albany for prep Review of final stips Printed out docs to go over with Adrian Meeting w/AS in Albany Meeting with Client in Albany with GC & JF Traveled from Albany back to NYC (3.0) Traveled to Albany to meet Client (3.0) E-mail correspondence re: extension of discovery Reviewed City's supplemental disclosure of does (non -confidential records from JAB file); took notes re: same Continued review of discovery produced by NYC E-mail from Brian Lee regarding deposition Review of E-mail from SP re: scheduling AS depo 3.400 2.800 0.100 0.100 08/14/12 08/14/12 JLN JLN Continued review of doc production by city; highlighted & took notes re: same Drafted letter to defense counsel re: Schoolcraft tax returns Page 43 3.600 0.100 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A 1 No. 898 896.0 897.0 899 900 898.0 901 899.0 902 900.0 901.0 903 904 902.0 905 903.0 906 904.0 905.0 907 908 906.0 909 907.0 908.0 910 911 909.0 912 910.0 911.0 913 914 912.0 915 913.0 916 914.0 915.0 917 918 916.0 919 917.0 918.0 920 921 919.0 920.0 922 923 921.0 922.0 924 923.0 B Date 08/14/12 08/14/12 08/14/12 08/14/12 08/14/12 08/15/12 C JLN JLN JLN JLN JLN 08/15/12 08/15/12 08/15/12 08/16/12 JLN JLN JLN JLN 08/16/12 08/16/12 08/20/12 JLN JLN JLN 08/20/12 08/20/12 08/20/12 JLN JLN JLN 08/21/12 08/21/12 08/21/12 08/22/12 JLN JLN JLN JLN 08/22/12 08/22/12 08/23/12 JLN JLN JLN 08/27/12 08/28/12 JLN JLN 08/28/12 08/28/12 JLN JLN 08/29/12 JLN 08/29/12 JLN 925 924.0 926 D Timekeepe Description JLN E-mail from Brady re deps E-mail from JF re letter to City w/ tax authorizations E-mail from JF re plaintiffs dep E-mail to JF re plaintiffs dep Review of correspondence re Tax returns Continued review of doc production by city; took notes re: most impt. Docs. E-mail from B Brady re plaintiffs dep E-mail from B. Lee re plaintiffs dep E-mail from Brian Lee re subpoenaed does Discussion w/ JF & GC re City's suggestion on multiple deps of AS & best way to oppose same. E-mail from City re plaintiffs dep E-mail to JF re plaintiffs dep Discussion w/ JF & GC re amendment of the complaint to add Lt. Hanlon Discussion w/ JF re AS dep prep Reviewed City's Second Request for Docs. Review of E-mail from JF to City re amendment adding Lt. Hanlon E-mail from Brady consenting to Amendment E-mail from Brady re scheduling AS dep E-mail from City requesting copy of complaint Meeting w/ GC & JF re Kretz's request to have an additional day to depose plaintiff E-mail from City re AS dep date E-mail from GC re dep dates Reviewed correspondence between Al Vann and Ray Kelly Reviewed Supplemental Disclosures from City Drafted letter to Court re: extension of discovery deadline E-mail from GC re Chief article E-mail from JF to defendants enclosing responses to discovery Mtg. w/ JF & GC re: City's Suppl. Disclosure & the need for us to depose at least 5 of the 9 new witnesses identified by City & other gen.strategy issues for advancing discovery Reviewed City's Suppl. R. 26 disclosures re: P.O. Rodriguez, P.O. Rudy (both at 81 when Pl. left) & P.O. Sadowski & EMT Villaverde & Det Yeager, etc E Hours 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 4.200 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.700 0.100 0.100 0.600 0.400 0.200 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.400 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.400 0.100 0.100 0.800 0.100 Page 44 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A 1 No. 925.0 927 928 926.0 927.0 C B Date 09/01/12 09/06/12 09/07/12 Timekeepe Description Multiple e -mails and attachments from PO Kevin JLN Rodriguez re: quota activity at the 52 pct. JLN JLN 929 928.0 09/10/12 JLN 930 929.0 09/10/12 JLN 931 930.0 09/10/12 JLN 932 931.0 09/10/12 JLN 933 932.0 09/10/12 JLN 934 933.0 09/11/12 JLN 935 934.0 09/12/12 D I JLN Reviewed grievance filed by Kevin Rodriguez E-mail exchange w/K.Rodriguez re: monthly performance evaluations & evidence of quotas/pressure Read Opinion & order from Judge Sweet on plaintiffs motion to amend E-mail from GC re 120 day extension of discovery deadline E-mail from JF re 120 extension of discovery deadline E-mail to JF re 120 extension of discovery deadline Response from City on Hanlon amend; notes re: same Drafted letter seeking extension of discovery deadline until January 2013 Reviewed ltr and enclosures from ACC Publicker, including multiple CD's with recorded interviews made by IAB (non -confidential); began listening to CD interviews (3742-3748) Hours 0.300 0.200 0.200 0.700 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.400 3.400 936 935.0 09/13/12 JLN 937 936.0 09/14/12 JLN 938 937.0 939 940 938.0 939.0 09/14/12 09/14/12 09/15/12 JLN JLN JLN 941 940.0 09/16/12 JLN 942 941.0 09/17/12 JLN 943 942.0 944 E 09/18/12 JLN Cont'd listening to CD interviews from IAB (non confidential) investigation Cont'd listening to CD interviews from IAB (non confidential) investigation Reviewed materials sent by Kevin Rodriguez, including Sgt Summa statements re: "activity", various recordings; perfomance evaluations;numerous memoranda, posts and photos Reviewed production by City Listened to recordsings of Capt. Thoms J. Kemper at Transit District 4; recording of Deputy Insp. Donna Jones (Employee Management Division); took notes re same. Reviewed records from Councilman Vallone as provided by City on 9-12 Reviewed JF draft letter to Court regarding adding Lt. Hanlon as deft Reviewed JF's proposed Itr to Court re: Request to Amend Page 45 3.700 4.600 3.700 0.400 1.200 0.300 0.100 0.100 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A B I 943.0 Date 09/18/12 944.0 1 09/24/12 No. 945 946 947 945.0 948 946.0 949 947.0 948.0 950 951 949.0 952 950.0 953 951.0 952.0 954 955 953.0 956 954.0 957 955.0 958 956.0 959 957.0 960 958.0 961 959.0 960.0 09/24/12 09/24/12 09/24/12 09/24/12 09/25/12 09/25/12 09/25/12 09/26/12 09/26/12 09/26/12 09/26/12 09/26/12 09/26/12 09/26/12 09/26/12 09/28/12 C D Timekeepe Description JLN Reviewed Judge Sweet's order granting plaintiffs request for an extension of discovery deadline until January 12, 2013 JLN Meeting w/GC and JF to discuss City deficiency letter and AS dep prep JLN E-mail from City re: amended complaint JLN E-mail response from Kretz JLN E-mail response to Kretz & City JLN E-mail to defendants re service of amended complaint JLN Prep AS for his dep JLN Meeting w/ AS & GC & JF re dep prep JLN E-mail from Greg R re Lauterborn dep JLN Meeting w/ JF & GC & AS re adjorning dep due to father's medical emergency JLN Brady E-mail re: service of process JLN E-mail from JF adjourning dep of AS JLN E-mail from Kretz re Lauterborn dep JLN E-mail to JF adjourning dep of AS JLN Response from B Lee re: adj. JLN Response from Kretz re: adj. JLN Review of E-mail from GC adjourning AS dep JLN Drafted letter to all counsel re: responses from nonparties, including Albert Vann, Fulton County and Johnstown PD; reviewed enclosures 962 E Hours 0.100 1.750 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 3.500 2.900 0.100 0.600 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.200 961.0 963 964 962.0 963.0 965 964.0 09/29/12 JLN 10/02/12 10/04/12 JLN JLN 10/05/12 JLN Reviewed revised amended complaint by JF; edits and revisions to same Listened to entire QAD interview of AS Reviewed stipulation and Protective order for Attorneys Eyes Only Signed by Judge Sweet Replayed 2d hour of QAD interview of AS (re: downgrading based on index scrime stats); took notes re sme. Prepared AS for depostion Continued prepping AS for upcoming dep on Oct. 966 967 965.0 966.0 968 969 967.0 970 968.0 971 969.0 970.0 10/08/12 10/09/12 JLN JLN 10/09/12 10/10/12 10/11/12 10/11/12 JLN JLN JLN JLN Reviewed cover Jetter w/disclosures from City Continued prepping AS for dep tomorrow Defended AS at his deposition Mtg. w/client to discuss his performance at today's deposition, and next steps for moving forward 972 973 971.0 10/11/12 JLN Meeting with JF, GC, AS before depo 11 . Page 46 0.700 3.300 0.100 1.800 6.400 7.200 0.100 6.700 7.100 1.800 0.500 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A 1 No. 972.0 974 975 973.0 974.0 Date 10/12/12 10/12/12 10/12/12 D C B Timekeep Description Reviewed Citys' disclosure of plaintiffs NYS Tax JLN Returns 2004-2009; compared same w/tax records in file. E-mail to JF re photos used at AS dep Email to JF to City re allowing AS access to QAD report 0.400 0.100 JLN JLN 0.100 976 975.0 10/13/12 JLN Began listening to IAB interviews (Sgt. Duncan/Lt. Gough); took notes re same; created summary of most important points re: Halloween nt. 3.800 977 976.0 10/14/12 JLN 978 977.0 10/15/12 JLN 979 978.0 10/16/12 JLN 980 979.0 10/16/12 JLN 981 980.0 10/16/12 JLN 982 981.0 10/16/12 JLN 983 982.0 10/17/12 JLN 984 983.0 10/17/12 JLN Listened to Chief Marino IAB interview; Side A and Side B; took notes re: same; prepared summary of most important points Mtg w/GC & JF re: Marino's IAB interview & inconsistencies w/claims in OF 49 & Halloween Night recording Created chart summarizing differencs b/w Marino & Lauterbome in IAB interviews. Listened to Caughey interview (Sides A & B); took notes re: same Reviewed City's. Priv. log (27 pgs); highlighted all claims that need to be challenged & the basis for doing so Listened to IAB interview of Capt. Lauterbom; took notes re: same Mtg w/JF & GC re: City's privilege claims and possible arguments/motions to defeat such claims highlights of Lauterbom interview & inconsistencies w/Marino & home invasion recording Research re: City's "Deliberative Process" Privilege claim and best cases for defeating such a claim 3.200 1.200 2.100 1.600 1.600 1.400 3.300 3.200 985 984.0 10/17/12 JLN 986 985.0 10/17/12 JLN 987 986.0 10/17/12 JLN 988 987.0 10/17/12 JLN 989 988.0 990 E Hours 10/18/12 JLN Drafted letter re: opposing Mauriello's request for an additional 7 hrs to depose plaintiff. Listened to interview w/Sgt. Hawkins; took notes re: same; compared & contrasted with Gough & Duncan. Compiled list of all CD's from City Production Still missing 3801/08 Dicussion w/ GC & JF re City's refusal to allow AS to see QAD file Drafted letter to Judge to modify AEO to allow AS access to confidential materials Page 47 2.400 2.100 0.400 0.400 3.200 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A B C D No. 989.0 Date 10/18/12 Timekeepe Description __... JLN Listened to interviews of Det. Yeager, Lt. 990.0 10/18/12 JLN 991.0 10/18/12 JLN 992.0 10/18/12 JLN 993.0 10/18/12 JLN 995 996 994.0 995.0 10/18/12 10/19/12 JLN JLN 996.0 10/19/12 JLN 997.0 10/19/12 JLN 10/19/12 10/19/12 10/20/12 JLN JLN JLN T/c w/ GC/JF re: Nelson, Caughey interviews Read answer filed by Isak Isakov T/c w/GC & JF re: P.O. Nowacki acknowledging quota (15 c's per month) at 81 & possibly serving non-party subpoeana on her for dep and discovering other possible w's at 81 re summons quota 1001.0 10/21/12 JLN 1002.0 10/22/12 JLN 1003.0 10/22/12 JLN 1004.0 10/22/12 JLN 1005.0 10/22/12 JLN 1006.0 10/23/12 JLN 1007.0 10/23/12 JLN listened to IAB interviews for Sgt. Scanlar, Lt. Crawford & Det. Barbara; took notes re same Listened to IAB interview of Sgt. Glaudino (ESU), P.O. Sadowski and PAA Thomspon; took took notes re same Listened to IAB CD of EMT V illaverde, Sgt. Conwell & P.O. Hurly; took notes re same Listend to IAB interviews of DI Green (CO 104) & P.O. Deck; took notes re same. Compared DI Green statements w/Mauriello's statements re: interaction with DI Green at scene and statements re: suspension Listened to IAB CD interviews of Sgt Weber, P.O. Lewis and P.O. Reyes Listened to IAB interviews of P.O.'s Astor & Santana; took notes re: 1 991 992 993 994 Delafuente & Sgt. James; took notes re same. Research re: City's Grand Jury privilege claim regarding ADA Jim Liander & Quuens DA investigation into Schoolcraft matter Mtg w/JF & GC re: City's Deliberative Process and Grand Jury privilege claims and best strategy for defeating same. Listened to interview w/Assistant Chief Gerald Nelson; took notes re:same Reviewed and edited motion permitting AS to review QAD material and opposing 3 days of depositions for AS Read amended answer by City Listened to IAB interviews for PO Mohabir, P.O. Gaspari, and P.O. Nowacki; took notes re same 997 Hours 3.200 2.600 1.200 0.700 0.500 0.100 2.900 998 999 1000 998.0 1001 999.0 1000.0 1002 1003 1004 1005 1006 1007 1008 1009 E Listened to IAB interviews of P.O. Reyes, P.O. Visconi; notes re same Created chart summarizing differences b/w James & Yeager accounts of events at JHMC Med. ER. Page 48 1.800 1.700 0.300 0.100 0.900 1.800 2.800 1.800 1.600 0.400 2.300 1.700 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A 1 No. 1008.0 Date 10/23/12 D C B Timekeep Description Reviewed Ltr from S. Publ icker responding to our JLN letter to modify AEO to allow access by Plaintiff Hours 0.100 1010 1009.0 10/24/12 JLN Listened to IAB interview of E. Marshall, P.O. Louis, P.O. Miller and P.O. Itwaru;took notes re 2.600 same 1011 1010.0 10/24/12 JLN 1012 1011.0 1013 1014 1012.0 1013.0 1015 1014.0 1016 1015.0 1017 1016.0 1018 1017.0 1019 1018.0 1020 1019.0 1021 1020.0 1022 1023 1021.0 1022.0 10/24/12 JLN 1023.0 Listened to IAB interviews of Misty Schoolcraft (AS Sister); took notes re: same. T/c w/AS & LS re their relationships with Misty Schoolcraft, her present location, last time of any contact; also gen. discussions about status of discovery and moving forward w/NYPD deps. 2.100 1.200 10/25/12 10/25/12 10/26/12 10/26/12 10/27/12 JLN JLN JLN JLN JLN JLN JLN Motion to compel heard Ltr from GC re: Plaintiffs Response to City's 2d Request for does Started review of IAB does exchanged by City in latest production Reviewed Judge Sweet's endorsement of letter filed Kretz, Jr Continued reviewing IAB does from latest City exchange; notes re same Continued review of IAB documents; took notes of 0.500 same. 10/24/12 10/24/12 3.800 0.100 1.700 0.100 4.250 Continued reviewing IAB does exchanged by City 3.700 10/27/12 10/28/12 10/29/12 10/29/12 JLN JLN JLN JLN 1024 10/29/12 JLN E-mail & follow up T/c w/ Eli Silverman re: case status and specific items for discovery Further review of IAB docs; highlighted and took notes re: same Finished review of IAB files; notes re same Reviewed multiple Patrol Guide Procedures provided by City; highlighted and flagged most important provisions; took notes re: same Reviewed City's production re: Vallone does & correspondence from third parties, notes on same. 0.400 4.800 4.400 3.200 0.900 1025 1024.0 10/30/12 JLN 1026 1025.0 10/30/12 JLN 1027 1026.0 1028 E 10/30/12 JLN Reviewed Audio CDISprint Reports re: transmission made by NYPD on Oct. 31, 2009 -104 Pct; notes re same. Reviewed Add! Sprint Reports/Radio Transmissions from Nov. 1, 2009 from 104th Pct; notes re: same. Reviewed Prop. Clerk Invoices & NYSPIN response message. Page 49 2.600 1.400 0.200 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A B C No. Date 1027.0 10/31/12 1028.0 10/31/12 1029.0 11/02/12 JLN 11/02/12 11/07/12 JLN JLN 11/11/12 JLN 1033.0 11/12/12 JLN 1034.0 11/12/12 JLN 11/14/12 01/22/15 JLN JLN 01/23/15 JLN 01/23/15 JLN 01/23/15 JLN 01/23/15 01/24/15 JLN JLN 01/26/15 JLN 1043.0 01/27/15 JLN 1044.0 01/27/15 JLN 1045.0 01/27/15 JLN 1046.0 01/27/15 JLN 1047.0 01/28/15 JLN 1 1029 D Timekeepe Description JLN Reviewed CD's re service attempts upstate; took notes re: same JLN T//c w/ AS re: CD's showing attempted service & radio transmissions & AS's guidance as to what info should be focused on in transmissions 1030 Hours 1.800 1.200 1031 1032 1030.0 1031.0 1033 1032.0 Review of case law sent by Lee re: medical defendants' liability E-mail to GC re: Schoolcraft phone numbers E-mail w/ GC re: service of newly named defendants Reviewed redacted responses to Schoolcraft justice website for inclusion in discovery responses 1034 0.400 0.100 0.100 1.100 1035 1036 1037 1035.0 1036.0 1038 1037.0 1039 1038.0 1040 1039.0 1041 1042 1040.0 1041.0 1043 1042.0 Drafted response to City 2nd request for documents Phone call with LS and AS re: continuing atty client relationaship Tennination letter from AS Call from LS re: reentering case as lead counsel 1.200 0.750 0.100 0.750 T/c with Adrian re: potentially taking over as lead counsel for trial F/u call w/GC and JF about taking over case again 1.200 0.800 1044 1045 Tic w/GC re: potentially re-entering case & taking over for trial Reviewed R. 68 from Oct. 2014 T/c w/AS and LS re: wilingness to take over again and inclusion of C &F on our trial team Discussion with AS & LS re my initial review of materials they sent me and the R. 68 offer, and the next steps for moving forwad Researched case law cited in City's Memo re: Unlawful entry section, 1st Amendment section and conspiracy section. Researched case law re: MHL 9.39; 9.40; 9.41 1046 0.700 0.200 0.900 1.400 3.400 2.800 1048 Reviewed Plaintiffs Memo of law for Partial SJ; notes on same Reviewed City Memo of Law for SJ; took notes re 0.750 same 1047 1049 E 0.700 Legal research re: JHMC arg. for exclusion of emergency med. expert Dr. Halpren Ruder 1.600 Page 50 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A 1 No. 1048.0 1050 1051 1049.0 1052 1050.0 1051.0 1053 1052.0 1054 1053.0 1055 1054.0 1056 1055.0 Date 01/28/15 Timekeepe Description Reveiwed all SMF ("Statement of Material Facts") JLN exhibits in support of Mauriello's motion. 01/28/15 01/28/15 01/28/15 01/29/15 01/29/15 01/30/15 01/30/15 JLN JLN JLN JLN JLN JLN JLN 01/31/15 JLN Reviewed JHMC motion for SJ Reviewed Mauriello's motion for SJ Reviewed plaintiffs motion to Amend Second complaint & Reply Mem. re: same Reviewed Dr. Bernier's motion for summary judgment; notes on same. Reviewed Isakov's motion for summary judgment; notes on same Reviewed Callan Declaration & Exhibits in Support of Motion Telecon w/ plaintiff and Larry Schoolcraft re: case status, summary of w/ deposition testimony and taking over for Nat Smith Reviewed City's Revised Memo of Law for Partial SJ; reviewed City's Local R. 56.1 Statement 0.800 0.600 0.400 0.600 0.500 1.600 0.750 1.100 1058 1057.0 01/31/15 JLN 1059 1058.0 1060 1061 1059.0 1060.0 1062 1063 1061.0 1062.0 1064 1065 1063.0 1064.0 1066 1065.0 1067 1068 1066.0 1067.0 1069 1068.0 02/01/15 02/01/15 02/01/15 02/01/15 02/01/15 02/02/15 02/02/15 02/02/15 02/02/15 02/04/15 02/04/15 JLN JLN JLN JLN JLN JLN JLN JLN JLN JLN JLN Reviewed revised Suppl Decl. of RS adding add'! docs in support of City SJ motion Rev'd Plaintiffs exhibits in support of SJ motion; notes re: same Reviewed Dep. of Sgt. James Reviewed Dep. of Lt. Broschart.; notes on same Read Curtis Boston Dep.; notes on same Read Rasheena Huffman Dep.; took notes re: same Reviewed Dep. of Sgt. Sawyer; notes on same Further discussion w/ GC & JF rejoining team to represent AS for trial Reviewed Dep. of Lt. Hanlon; cross-referecenced PX 67 (IAB interview) Reviewed Dep. of Dr. Halpren Rudit Reviewed 1st 112 of Mauriello's dep; took notes re: same T/c AS & LS re: case status, Si motions and trial strategy and next steps for moving forward 0.200 2.400 1.900 1.200 0.600 0.500 1.700 1.300 0.900 0.600 1.700 1.100 1070 1069.0 02/04/15 JLN 1071 1070.0 1072 E Hours 1.400 1057 1056.0 D C B 02/04/15 JLN T/c GC & JF re: pending trial strategy and misc.evidentiary issues, and setting up meetng to discuss same in greater detail Review of E-mail from AS re: QAD memo from Sgt. Scott Page 51 0.900 0.400 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A .._ No. 1073 1071.0 1072.0 1 B Date 02/04/15 02/04/15 C D Timekeepe Description JLN Reviewed docket sheet JLN 1074 Hours 0.300 Discussion w/ JF & GC re scheduling a meeting w/ Nat Smith ("NS") to discuss case status and trial prep 0.250 E-mail from AS to NS and entire team re: formally stating that we have been reinstated as lead trial counsel 0.100 1073.0 02/04/15 JLN 1074.0 02/04/15 JLN 1075.0 02/05/15 JLN 1076.0 02/06/15 JLN 1077.0 02/06/15 JLN 1078.0 02/07/15 JLN Reviewed all remaining Rule 56.1 Statements and Declarations; took notes re: same and prepared list of all potential exhibits all witnesses, all possible motions in limine based on said review 1079.0 02/08/15 JLN 1080.0 02/08/15 JLN 1081.0 02/09/15 JLN 1082.0 02/09/15 JLN Cont'd review of 56.1 statements and supporting docs Reviewed Silvennan's deposition; took notes re same T/c AS & LS regarding negative articles in Daily News regarding AS last week and steps moving forward T/c GC re: issues that came up in Adrian's Dep and Larry's Dep and possible motions in !Milne 1083.0 02/09/15 JLN 1084.0 02/10/15 JLN 1085.0 02/10/15 JLN 1086.0 02/10/15 JLN 1075 1076 1077 E-mail from NS acknowledging Adrian Schoolcraft e-mail and suggesting mtg of entire team T/c w. GC re: updates on discussion with Nat Smith, records and transcripts provided by Adrian and goal to streamline case for trial Reviewed Eterno's deposition; took notes re: same 1078 0.100 0.500 2.800 1079 Reviewed 2nd amended complaint for refreshing mem. regarding core factual allegations, notes re: same 0.700 1080 3.400 1081 1082 1083 1084 3.700 3.200 0.500 0.400 1085 E-mail exchange with NS regarding setting up meeting and getting Broschart Dep and Exhibits from Maurielloi Marino Dep Meeting w/ GC & JF regarding global trial strategy, witnesses to be called (or not called), exhibits to use, Rule 68 offer and next steps for moving forward. 1086 0.100 3.500 1087 1088 E E-mail correspondence w/AS, GC re: Defendants request to adjourn trial E-mail correspondence w/AS, GC re: Defendants request to adjourn trial Page 52 0.200 0.200 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A 1 No. 1089 1087.0 1088.0 D C B Date Timekeep :. Description 02/11/15 02/11/15 JLN JLN Started review of deposition exhibits T/c AS and LS regarding trial adjournment request by City, strategy for dealing with multiple issues raised by defendants in dep of plaintiff and overall approach to the case against NYPD E Hours 3.400 1.400 1090 1089.0 1091 1092 1090.0 1093 1091.0 1094 1092.0 1093.0 02/11/15 02/11/15 02/11/15 02/12/15 02/12/15 JLN JLN JLN JLN JLN 1095 1094.0 02/12/15 JLN 1096 1095.0 02/12/15 JLN 1097 1096.0 1098 1099 1097.0 1098.0 02/13/15 02/13/15 02/13/15 JLN JLN JLN 1100 1099.0 02/13/15 JLN Review of witness/exhibit list from JF and discuss with GC Reviewed JHMC memo in opp to SJ Review of E-mail from AS regarding trial Continued review of deposition exhibits T/c NS and JL regarding scheduling motion practice, procedural history, and setting up meeting for next week to discuss exhibits, docs, and trial strategy E-mail exchange with NS regarding schedule change for trial and clients consent. T/c client regarding update on schedule, new materials he sent me, overall trial strategy Meeting w/GC to discuss which witnesses I would be responsible for at trial; general trial strategy Reviewed Bernier Opp to PH. SJ motion Reviewed City Memo of Law in opp to Pl. Mot; took notes re same Reviewd Mauriello Aff. In Opp; notes on same 1.300 0.300 0.100 3.750 0.500 0.100 0.100 1.300 0.500 0.400 0.300 1101 1100.0 02/13/15 JLN 1102 1101.0 02/13/15 JLN Reviewed JHMC Mem. of Law in opp to Pl. mot for SJ T/c NS regarding missing evidence (Appeal file, EIU file, locker contents & Digital recorder) 0.300 0.300 1103 1102.0 02/13/15 JLN Review of letter by Ryan Shaffer requesting more time for reply and 2 week adjournment of trial 0.100 1104 1103.0 02/13/15 JLN Review of order setting trial date to April 20, 2015 0.100 1105 1104.0 02/14/15 JLN 1106 1105.0 02/14/15 JLN Reviewed exhibit books volumes 1-3; read and highlight Dept. Adv. Interviews or Marino and Mauriello Began review of Pl. Combined Opposition memo to City's motion, Mauriello's motion; made bullet point summary of salient points/issues 4.900 2.600 1107 Page 53 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A B C D No. Date 02/14/15 JLN 1108.0 02/15/15 02/15/15 JLN JLN 1109.0 02/15/15 JLN 1110.0 02/15/15 JLN E Timekeepe Description 1106.0 1 1108 1109 1107.0 1110 1111 1112 - -- Finished review of Plaintiff omnibus response to all motions Cont'd review of deposition exhibits Reviewed and highlight Dr. Lamstein Dep; took notes re: same Reviewed handwritten notes of Dr. Lamstein; took notes re: same Reviewed Mauriello's Mein. in Opp. To Pl. Mot. For SJ Began drafting case summary of all relevant and important facts for use at trial; began developing outline with bullet points for opening and closings, added citations for proof at trial Finished review of deposition exhibits T/c AS & LS regarding list or witnesses, JPTO, filing deadlines, meeting w/ NS this Friday and gen. trial strategy E-mail AS regarding adjourned trial date and proposed meeting with NS and rest of trial than this Friday E-mail GC & JF regarding new MIL for Queens DA findings and meeting with NS this Friday Hours , 1.800 3.200 3.100 2.900 0.500 02/16/15 JLN 1113.0 02/17/15 02/17/15 JLN JLN 1114.0 02/17/15 JLN 1115.0 02/17/15 JLN 1116.0 02/18/15 JLN 1117.0 02/18/15 JLN 1118.0 02/19/15 JLN Reviewed and tabbed wl notes Mauriello Dep pp. 02/19/15 JLN 4/06/71 Reviewed 1AB summary of witness statements; 2.700 1119.0 02/19/15 JLN 1121.0 02/19/15 JLN took notes regarding same Reviewed Lt. Caughey's Dept Advocate testimony; took notes regarding same T/c GC regarding best and worst pts from Huffman, Adrian's handling of downgrading issue at his deposition, fit for duty reports, and general issues that might come up at tomorrow's meeting 1.800 1120.0 1122.0 02/19/15 JLN E -mailed GC summary of deposition section and 1123.0 02/19/15 JLN noted it for prep of AS at trial E-mail exchange with GC regarding points in Mauriello's motion papers 1111.0 1113 1114 1112.0 1115 1116 1117 0.800 0.100 0.100 1118 Continued working on outline, inserting specific facts with citations to the record T/c GC regarding meeting for Friday, important testimony from PAA Boston and issues to cover in the plaintiffs direct (re: downgrading and MIL regarding Johnstown Social Services) 1119 2.100 0.600 1120 1121 1122 1123 1.400 0.500 1124 1125 7.600 1.800 Page 54 0.300 0.100 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A B No. Date 1124.0 1 02/20/15 f Timekeepe Description JLN 1126 1125.0 02/20/15 JLN 1127 1126.0 02/20/15 JLN 1128 1127.0 1129 1130 1128.0 1129.0 1131 1130.0 02/20/15 02/20/15 02/20/15 02/21/15 JLN JLN JLN JLN 1132 1131.0 02/21/15 JLN E D C I I Meeting w/ NS and JL regarding overall trial strategy and specific evidentiary issues and motions in limine , verdict sheet and Monell theories against JHMC and the City and allocution of trial responsibilities Further revised and edited proposed list of exhibits and witnesses; E -mailed same to NS for todays meeting Meeting with GC & JF prior to today's meeting with NS to go over legal issues to discuss T/c with AS & LS re: overview of today's meeting and strategic issues that came up T/c GC regarding summary of todays meeting Read E-mail from AS regarding indemnification for Mauriello's counterclaim Continued working on developing case summary of all most impt facts for the case; incorporated facts into opening outline Started outline of crosses for Lauterbom, Marino and Mauriello; moved relevant case facts into each cross outline; started adding relevant facts from recordings of home invasion and IAB interviews. Hours 3.500 1.600 1.000 0.750 0.200 0.100 3.700 3.600 1133 1132.0 02/22/15 JLN 1134 1133.0 02/22/15 JLN 1135 1134.0 02/22/15 JLN 1136 1135.0 02/22/15 JLN 1137 1136.0 02/23/15 JLN 1138 1137.0 02/23/15 JLN 1139 1138.0 02/23/15 JLN 1140 1139.0 02/23/15 JLN Started to develop specific points using documents for Lauterborn cross; continued cross reference Dept. Adv. tx and Dep tx Continued developing opeing outline and global case summary Read and highlighted transcript of Lt. Joe Ferrara; took notes regarding same E-mail exchange AS regarding clients request for indemnification from city for Mauriello's counterclaim Continued working on global case summary; focused on client's background in Navy and employment with NYPD, then arrival of Mauriello and pressure for numbers Reviewed second set of filings by all defendants (responses); took notes re: same Follow up t/c with AS & LS re: summary of meeting with NS, points of agreement and disagreemen, overall trial strategy T/c GC regarding transcription of IAB tapes and obtaining remaining tapes from Smith today 3.900 2.600 1.600 0.200 1.700 1.300 1.100 0.100 1141 Page 55 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A C B D I No. Date 1140.0 02/24/15 Timekeep Description JLN Continued adding critical facts to case summary 1141.0 02/24/15 JLN 1142.0 02/24/15 JLN 1143.0 02/24/15 JLN 1144.0 02/24/15 JLN 1145.0 02/24/15 JLN 1146.0 02/24/15 JLN 1147.0 02/24/15 JLN 1148.0 02/25/15 JLN 1149.0 02/25/15 JLN 1150.0 02/25/15 JLN 1151.0 02/25/15 JLN 1152.0 02/25/15 JLN 1153.0 02/25/15 JLN 1154.0 02/25/15 JLN 1155.0 02/25/15 JLN 1156.0 02/25/15 JLN 1157.0 02/26/15 JLN 1158.0 02/26/15 JLN 1 1142 Hours and opening statement 1143 1144 1145 2.700 Continued drafting preliminary stages of Mauriello cross, focusing on false statements in 1st and second affidavits 1.800 Review of Eterno's dep; took notes regarding same Reviewed Mauriello's EBT tx in Floyd; took notes re: same Continued working on opening and case summary, continued adding critical facts to case summary 1146 1.600 1.400 1.100 1147 1148 1149 E-mail to JF re motion in liming issues to be covered E-mail exchange with GC & JF regarding MIL issues presented by Eterno's testimony (and hypos asked by City) E-mail exchange with NS regarding additional discipl. Records for Mauriellio and Marino Reviewed Marino's Dept. Adv. Trial Tx; highlight same for extraction of excerpts onto my outline 1150 0.200 0.100 0.100 1.100 1151 1152 1153 1154 1155 1156 1157 1158 1159 1160 E Highlighted Mauriello's Dept Adv. testimony for incorporation into cross x outline Reviewed dep of 30 (b) (6) witness Valenti, highlighted same Reviewed Lauterborn excerpts from Dept. Adv. transcript; added to cross x outline Reviewed timeline of events prepared by AS; crossreferenced with our own time line; made adjustments accordingly. E-mail correspondence re: major points for Valenti w/GC Reviewed AEO & confidentiality order, signed same for NS office E-mail exchange with client regarding his mauriello/kress timeline E-mail exchange with GC regarding highlights from Valenti dep Worked on developing additonal points for Marino cross Meeting w/GC and JF re: outstanding items we need from trial from NS Page 56 0.700 0.600 0.400 0.400 0.300 0.200 0.100 0.100 1.300 1.100 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A D C B No. Date Timekeepe Description 1159.0 1 02/26/15 JLN I 1161 1160.0 02/26/15 JLN 1162 1161.0 02/26/15 JLN 1163 1162.0 02/26/15 JLN 1164 1163.0 02/26/15 JLN 1165 1164.0 02/26/15 JLN 1166 1165.0 02/26/15 JLN 1167 1166.0 02/27/15 JLN 1168 1167.0 02/27/15 JLN 1169 1168.0 02/27/15 JLN 1170 1169.0 02/27/15 JLN 1171 1170.0 02/27/15 JLN 1172 1171.0 02/28/15 JLN Read e-mail from NS regarding new 2d Cir. 1st Amend. Decision (Matthews); read & highlighted decision T/c GC regarding plaintiffs conversation with Huffman, recording of same and making transcripts of other recordings. Phone call w/GC and Merry Soeto re: lAB and DAO recording E-mail conespondence w/NS and GC re: IAB recorded interviews Sent client summary of new Matthews decision and its impact on our case Sent GC Summary of most important pts in Matthews to ensure that those points are included in Adrian's direct T/c with Meny (NS office) and follow up E-mail exchange regarding obtaining cd's from Sgt. Scott's 1AB interview T/c with JF regarding following up with NS, 1AB v. DAT transcripts, calling additional witnesses like Nelson and Valenti and Yeager E-mail conespondence with NS and GC re: dep summaries, index of all exhibits, potential trial exhibits E-mail exchange toNS requesting review of our exhibit list (as compiled by JN & GC) re global "universe" of all exhibits needed for trial, and made additional requests for items that will facilitate trial prep. Reviewed preliminary list of exhibits and Indexes provided by NS E-mail exchange with NS regarding following up on Exhibit lists, Index of CD's, Index of exhibits and EBT summaries Revised cross -x for Mauriello adding sections from Dept. Adv. Transcript Hours 0.600 0.400 0.300 0.200 0.200 0.200 0.200 0.600 0.400 0.200 0.200 0.100 2.800 1173 1172.0 02/28/15 JLN 1174 1173.0 02/28/15 JLN 1175 1174.0 03/01/15 JLN 1176 1175.0 1177 E 03/01/15 JLN Revised Marino cross -x draft incorporating in testimony from Dept. Adv. Transcript Revised Lauterbom cross -x draft, adding all sections and points from Dept. Adv. Transcript Continued working on global case summary and opening statement outline Reviewed and highlighted Mauriello EBT Volume I; took notes re: same Page 57 2.750 2.600 4.200 2.900 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A 1 1No. 1176.0 B C Date D Timekeep- Description JLN Reviewed AS dep transcript Vol. I, took notes re: 03/01/15 1178 same E Hours 2.900 1177.0 03/01/15 JLN Reviewed and highlighted EBT of Captain Trainor; Cross referenced E -mails refered to in deposition 1178.0 03/01/15 JLN Reviewed NYPD patrol guidelines for AWOL procedures and EDP's; took notes regarding same 1179.0 03/02/15 JLN Reviewed AS dep Vol. II, took notes and prepared summary of most important issues raised 1180.0 03/02/15 JLN 1181.0 03/03/15 JLN 1182.0 03/03/15 JLN 1183.0 03/03/15 JLN Continued adding to case summary and opening outline Reviewed final volume of AS transcript; notes and bullet point summary of same Worked on Mauriello cross -x incorporting sections from Volume 11 of deposition T/c GC regarding IAB tapes, strategy for plaintiff direct and for use of home invasion audio in opening 1184.0 03/04/15 JLN 1185.0 03/04/15 JLN 1186.0 03/04/15 JLN 1188 1189 1187.0 1188.0 03/04/15 03/04/15 JLN JLN 1190 1191 1189.0 1190.0 03/04/15 03/04/15 JLN JLN 1191.0 03/04/15 JLN 1192.0 03/04/15 JLN 1193.0 03/04/15 03/05/15 03/05/15 03/05/15 JLN JLN JLN JLN 1179 2.200 1180 0.700 1181 3.400 1182 1183 1184 1185 1186 _ 1187 1192 1193 1194 1195 1196 1197 1198 1194.0 1195.0 1196.0 Finished review of Bernier's dep; notes and prepared summary of most important points for use in opening. Started reviewed of Bernier's dep. highlighted and took notes re same Worked on adding deposition testimony into Lauterborn cross Reviewed dep. of Dr. Patel T/c with GC regarding Huffman cross -x points, and using Valenti deposition testimony to refute same and reassigning Sgt. James cross and obtaining a draft of direct for plaintiff from NS Phone and E-mail w/GC re: witness list E-mail to Scott Korenbaun ("SK") regarding jury charges, including 1 st amended complaint; subst. due process, malpractice and MH 9.39 E-mail exchange GC regarding Velez PBA transcript, copy of same E-mail exchange with GC regarding identity of other 1AB investigator E-mail to GC with revised witness list Continued working on cross of Lauterborn Continued working on Lauerborn cross -x Continued working on Lauterborn cross Page 58 3.200 2.800 1.100 0.500 3.200 2.100 1.600 0.900 0.500 0.300 0.200 0.100 0.100 0.100 3.750 3.600 2.100 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A B D C I No. Date Timekeepe Description 1197.0 03/05/15 JLN 1198.0 1 03/06/15 JLN Continued working on Marino cross; all relevent text from deposition incorporated into cross 03/06/15 03/06/15 03/06/15 03/06/15 JLN JLN JLN JLN Continued working on Marino cross Continued working on Marino cross Discussion w/ JF & GC re proposed witnesses E-mail exchange with client and LS regarding witness list and case update Contined working on case summary and opening outline, incorporated all important facts for same 1199 1200 1201 1199.0 1202 1200.0 1203 1201.0 1202.0 1204 1203.0 03/07/15 JLN Reviewed veritext transcript for Lauterborn and LS 0.300 4.200 3.700 1.600 0.600 0.100 3.250 1205 1204.0 03/07/15 JLN Reviewed veritext transcriptions of home invasion, Lauterborn call, IAB interview of Carter, Huffman and Det. Yeager; took notes re: same 2.600 1206 1205.0 03/08/15 JLN 1207 1206.0 03/08/15 JLN 1208 1207.0 1209 1210 1208.0 1209.0 03/08/15 03/09/15 03/09/15 JLN JLN JLN 1211 1210.0 03/09/15 JLN Started review of Dr. Isakov's deposition; crossreferenced with his notes in the chart; made summary of salient points Continued reviewing Dr. Isakov's dep and extracting important points for use in opening statement. Reviewed transcripts of Dr. Dhar and Dr. Lwin; took notes re: same Review of plaintiffs consolidated 56.1 T/c client regarding case strategy, witnesses who will be called, Queens DA findings and investigation, overall strategy for trial and next steps for moving forward E -mails to NS regarding missing IAB tapes, Marino confidentiality section of deposition; adding exhibits to global trial list, and revising list of trial assignments for each member of team 2.900 2.400 1.900 1.000 0.900 0.400 1212 1211.0 03/09/15 JLN 1213 1212.0 1214 E Hours 03/09/15 JLN T/c NS regarding R. 56 admissions; impressions of Lamstein; striking Lamstein affidavit; IAB recordings on MarinoiLautemom, and meeting on Thursday Compiled List of NYPD witnesses for trial and assigned all witnesses to team for trial; e -mailed copy of same to team Page 59 0.400 0.300 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A C B No. Date 1213.0 1 03/09/15 D Timekeepe Description JLN T/c w. GC regarding E -mails sent to Smith and E Hours setting up meeting with him and his trial team 1215 1216 1214.0 1215.0 03/10/15 03/10/15 JLN JLN Continued working on Mauriello cross -x Reviewed NS' Rule 56.1 Statement global summary of all facts admitted; took notes re: same 1217 0.300 1.800 1.400 1216.0 03/10/15 JLN T/c with AS and LS regarding Lamstein, Seroquil, Velez PBA hearing and admissibility, ESU appearance and actions, Sawyer and James actions in ER 1217.0 03/10/15 JLN T/c LS follow up on call and issues that arose in Larry's deposition Continued working on Mauriello cross -x Continued working on Mauriello cross -x E-mail exchange with NS regarding Mauriello meds & Marino steroid trial E-mail w/NS and GC re: exhibits and meeting Mauriello cross -x continued Meeting w/ GC, JF, NS, and JL re trial, motions 1218 1219 1220 1218.0 1221 1219.0 1220.0 1222 1223 1221.0 1224 1222.0 1223.0 1225 1224.0 1226 1225.0 1227 1228 1226.0 1229 1227.0 1228.0 03/11/15 03/11/15 03/11/15 JLN JLN JLN 03/11/15 03/12/15 03/12/15 JLN JLN JLN 0.750 0.400 3.700 2.600 0.100 0.100 3.500 2.400 03/12/15 JLN 03/13/15 JLN 03/13/15 03/13/15 03/14/15 JLN JLN JLN 1230 1229.0 03/14/15 JLN 1230.0 03/14/15 JLN 1231.0 03/15/15 JLN 1232.0 03/15/15 Meeting w/ GC to follow up with specific issues discussed at today's meeting Reviewed Marino Disc. file, Comp stat docs regarding Mauriello and Marino, amnesty program docs, crime reporting handbook Review of proposed jury instructions from SK E-mail to GC re: case theory Added all relevant parts of home invasion into Lauterborn cross -x also added appeal meeting and March 2009 conversation into cross Continued revising and editing Lauterborn cross 1231 0.750 3.750 0.500 0.200 2.750 2.750 1232 Added relevant quotes from home invasion into Marino cross -x; continued revising & editing Marino cross Continued Revising and editing Lauterborn cross 1233 2.400 3.900 1234 1235 1233.0 1234.0 1236 1237 1235.0 1238 1236.0 03/16/15 03/17/15 03/17/15 03/17/15 JLN JLN JLN JLN JLN Continued revising and editing Lauterborn cross Continued revising and editing Mauriello cross Reviewed appeal meeting and also 1AB interview of Gough, Sawyer and Dunch Continued working on Lauterborn cross Review of interview memo of Stretmoyers Page 60 3.750 3.100 1.900 1.600 0.200 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A 1 No. 1239 1237.0 1238.0 1240 1241 1239.0 1240.0 1242 1241.0 B Date Timekeepe Description 03/18/15 03/18/15 JLN JLN 03/18/15 03/18/15 03/19/15 JLN JLN JLN 1243 1242.0 1244 1245 1243.0 1244.0 1246 1245.0 1247 1248 1246.0 1249 1247.0 1250 1248.0 1249.0 1251 1252 1250.0 1253 1251.0 1254 1252.0 1253.0 1255 1256 1254.0 1255.0 1257 1256.0 1258 1257.0 1259 1260 1258.0 1259.0 03/19/15 JLN Continued working on Lauterborn cross Reviewed facts in SJ motions for use in opening outline; took notes regarding same E-mail w/GC re Schoolcraft direct E-mail exchange with NS regarding subpoenas and points for Lamstein cross Continued reviewing PES records; reviewed file and handwritten notes of Dr. Lamstein; took notes re: same Started review of NYPD Psychological Evaluation Section ("PES") file for AS; notes on same. E Hours 1.700 1.400 0.200 0.100 3.700 2.100 03/19/15 03/19/15 03/19/15 03/19/15 03/20/15 03/20/15 03/20/15 03/22/15 03/22/15 03/22/15 03/22/15 JLN JLN JLN JLN JLN JLN JLN JLN JLN JLN JLN 03/23/15 03/23/15 JLN JLN 03/23/15 JLN 03/23/15 03/23/15 03/23/15 JLN JLN JLN 1261 1260.0 03/23/15 1261.0 03/23/15 JLN 1262 1263 D C I JLN Continued work on Mauriello cross Review of NS verdict sheet; made edits revisions to same E-mail comments and feedback re: verdict sheet E-mail exchange with GC regarding Jamaica Continued working on Mauriello cross -x Continued working on Mauriello cross E-mail exchange with rest of team regarding city's proposed adjournment of trial and other misc issues Continued working on Mauriello cross Continued working on Mauriello cross Mauriello cross -x continued Review of NS letter re Lamstein and E -mailed comments Continued working on Mauriello cross Meeting with GC regarding important points of Sgt/ James and Sgt. Sawyer's testimony Phone call w/GC re: James call to Lauterborn from hospital Phone correspondence w/ GC re: AS discussion of Home Invasion E-mail correspondence re: Schoolcraft film E-mail exchange with NS regarding trial exhibit list and verdict sheet (uncluding JL's marshalling of facts) Locate and send portions of AS deposition testimony to help with GC crosses Review of Kretz supplemental interrogatories re Schoolcraft movie Page 61 1.700 0.400 0.300 0.100 4.600 2.900 0.200 3.700 2.600 2.100 0.400 3.900 0.400 0.400 0.300 0.200 0.200 0.200 0.200 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A C B D No. Date Timekeepe Description 1262.0 03/23/15 JLN 1263.0 03/23/15 JLN 1265 1266 1264.0 1267 1265.0 1266.0 03/24/15 03/24/15 03/24/15 JLN JLN JLN 03/24/15 JLN 1 1264 E-mail exchange with NS with NS regarding Kretz's new interogatories for Adrian regarding Schoolcraft movie E-mail to GC portion ofLauterbom cross re: Sgt. James Continued working on Mauriello cross Continued work on Mauriello cross Meeting w/ GC discussing role of Sadowsky, Miller and Sawyer; Also, QAD Huffman interview and relation to Mauriello and general trial strategy 1268 E Hours 0.100 0.100 3.900 1.700 0.600 1267.0 1269 1268.0 03/24/15 JLN 1269.0 03/25/15 JLN 1270.0 03/25/15 JLN 1270 1271 1272 1273 1271.0 1272.0 1274 1273.0 1275 1274.0 1276 1275.0 1277 1278 1276.0 1277.0 03/25/15 03/25/15 JLN JLN 03/25/15 JLN 03/25/15 JLN 03/26/15 JLN 03/26/15 03/26/15 JLN JLN 03/26/15 03/26/15 03/26/15 03/26/15 JLN JLN JLN JLN 1282.0 03/27/15 JLN 1284 1285 1283.0 03/27/15 JLN 1279 1280 1278.0 1281 1279.0 1282 1280.0 1281.0 1283 E-mail exchange with rest of team regarding exhibit list and concerns over 1AB file and impeachment documents E-mail exchange with SK regarding issues requiring special jury charges Continued working on Mauriello cross -x (attack counterclaim) Continued working on Mauriello cross -x (attack counterclaim) Continued working on Mauriello cross -x T/c with clients regarding strategy for trial and next steps for moving forward E-mail correspondence w/GC and NS regarding regular meetings E-mail exchange with team regarding Yeager (retired) and setting up meeting for Fridays Finished cross -x outline of Mauriello (counterclaim) Continued cross -x of Mauriello Reviewed Forest Hill Hospital records and records from Dr. Sure; took notes regarding same; forwarded same to GC E-mail correspondence w/AS re Kretz letter E-mail to GC re: medical records Review of Kretz letter re film Reviewed letter from Kress regarding Supplemental Interrogatories on Schoolcraft movie and e-mail exchange regarding same T/c with NS, JL and GC regarding multiple issues related to prepping for trial, including exhibits, experts, jury charges, voir dire, speaking to landlord, prepping client and comp stat clips Reviewed and edited opening statements Page 62 0.200 0.200 3.750 2.900 2.100 0.900 0.200 0.100 4.600 3.900 1.400 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 1.900 1.700 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A 1 No. 1286 1284.0 1285.0 1287 1288 1286.0 1287.0 1289 1288.0 1290 1289.0 1291 1290.0 1292 1293 1291.0 1292.0 1 B Date 03/27/15 03/27/15 03/27/15 03/27/15 03/27/15 03/27/15 03/28/15 03/28/15 03/28/15 1294 1293.0 03/28/15 1295 1294.0 03/29/15 1296 1295.0 03/29/15 D C Timekeepe Description Phone conference with GC, NS, JL JLN Various E-mail correspondence GC and NS re: JLN meeting and missing IAB Lauterborn recording Review of Sgt. Chu and Scott memo JLN E-mail correspondence between GC and Merry JLN Soete re: AS Audio Clips E-mail to GC regarding conference call for assorted JLN trial issues today T/c GC regarding preparing for conference call JLN with NS today and using Veritext software Reviewed highlighted sections from Lamstein JLN Dep.; cross-referenced with PES file and Lamstein notes on Schoolcraft Reviewed GC's rough draft of AS direct JLN Reviewed narrative report and records of Dr. JLN Steven Luell; cross referenced with JHMC findings re: mental health of AS. Reviewed IAB Summary on Dr. Lamstein's JLN interview; took notes re: same Reviewed narrative reports of defense experts Dr. JLN Levy, Dr. Tancredi, Dr. Dolger, & Dr. Dowling; prepared bullet point summary of key points from each report; cross-referenced with plaintiff expert, Dr. Lubit's report. Reviewed Veritext transcripts and recordings from JLN Home Invasion, began creating audio clips for trial E Hours 1.000 0.400 0.300 0.100 0.100 0.100 3.200 1.400 0.600 0.400 4.200 1.750 1297 1296.0 03/29/15 JLN Further reviewed Dr. Sure's records and records from Forest Hills Hospital; cross referenced with notes in PESLamstein file. Reviewed Dr. Halpren's Ruder's report; highlighted JLN same Reviewed, revised and edited Lauterbom cross -x JLN 1298 1297.0 03/29/15 1299 1298.0 1300 1301 1299.0 1302 1300.0 1301.0 03/30/15 03/30/15 03/30/15 03/30/15 JLN JLN JLN Added sections to opening statement Phone call w/GC re: Citys request to adjourn T/c GC & JF regarding admissibility of tape recorded statements of persons interviewed by IAB 1.400 0.300 3.700 1.900 0.300 0.300 1303 1302.0 1304 1305 1303.0 1306 1304.0 03/30/15 03/30/15 03/30/15 JLN JLN JLN T/c JF regarding motion in limine issues and recent filings by NS regarding striking affidavit and request for conference E-mail from city re amendment opposition E-mail from GC w/AB report Page 63 0.300 0.100 0.100 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A B C D No. Date 1305.0 03/31/15 Timekeepe Description JLN Continued working on various new sections on 1306.0 03/31/15 JLN 1307.0 03/31/15 JLN 1308.0 03/31/15 JLN 1310 1311 1309.0 1310.0 04/01/15 04/01/15 JLN JLN 1311.0 04/01/15 JLN 1312.0 1313.0 1314.0 1315.0 1316.0 1317.0 04/01/15 04/02/15 04/02/15 04/02/15 04/02/15 04/02/15 JLN JLN JLN JLN JLN JLN 1318.0 04/02/15 JLN 1319.0 04/02/15 JLN 1320.0 04/02/15 JLN 1321.0 04/02/15 JLN 1322.0 04/02/15 JLN 1324 1325 1323.0 1326 1324.0 1325.0 1327 04/03/15 04/03/15 04/03/15 JLN JLN JLN 1 1307 1308 1309 1312 1313 1314 1315 1316 1317 1318 1319 1320 1321 1322 opening statement outline Continued highlighting, revising and editing Lauterborn cross, integrated newly found info from 2nd IAB interview E-mail correspondence w/NS and GC re trial witnesses and exhibits E-mail exchanges with GC and NS regarding list of trial exhibits, list of trial assignments, verdict sheet from Marshall and handling Valenti Continued working on opening statement T/c with GC regarding important points from Valenti and Broschart and additional grounds for impeaching Huffman and difference between "administrative leave" and "lost time" E Hours 3.400 2.800 0.200 0.200 2.500 0.500 E-mail exchange regarding setting up meeting for tomorrow with trial team E-mail re: meeting w/GC, and NS team Working on revising and edits Marino's cross -x Resumed working on Marino cross -x Meeting with GC and NS team Comtinued work on opening statement Drafted and sent follow up E -mails w/NS team and GC after meeting re: exhibits T/c with JF regarding several issues in motion in limine and admissibility of Marino's steroid investigation under R. 608 (b) Follow up t/c with JF locating does relevant for motion in limine, including plaintiff IAB/CCRB transcripts, Affidavits for spoilation, and Eterno deposition testimony 0.300 Reviewed proposed exhibit list from NS in prep for today's meeting. Also compiled own list of subject for discussing 0.300 0.100 0.100 3.700 2.600 1.900 1.700 0.500 0.500 T/c with GC regarding Lauterborn's second PG in September 2010 and getting recordings of same 1323 0.100 T/c with JF regarding area of expertise and scope of testimoy for Eterno E-mail rough draft from JF and reviewed Continued working on Marino's cross -x outline Worked on several more sections of opening statement Page 64 0.100 4.400 4.250 3.700 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A No. Date 1326.0 1 C B 04/03/15 D 1 Timekeepe Description Reviewed Final IAB report; took notes re: same JLN E Hours 2.400 1328 1327.0 04/03/15 JLN 1329 1328.0 04/03/15 JLN 1330 1329.0 1331 1332 1330.0 1331.0 1333 1334 1332.0 1333.0 1335 1336 1334.0 1335.0 1337 1338 1336.0 1339 1337.0 1340 1338.0 1339.0 1341 1342 1340.0 1341.0 04/03/15 04/03/15 04/03/15 04/03/15 04/04/15 04/05/15 04/05/15 04/05/15 04/05/15 04/06/15 04/06/15 04/06/15 04/06/15 JLN JLN JLN JLN JLN JLN JLN JLN JLN JLN JLN JLN JLN 1343 1342.0 1344 1345 1343.0 1344.0 1346 1347 1345.0 1346.0 1348 1347.0 1349 1348.0 1350 04/06/15 04/06/15 04/06/15 04/06/15 04/06/15 04/06/15 JLN JLN JLN JLN JLN JLN Worked on opening statement; adding new section on QAD findings Reviewed plaintiffs monthly activity reports and created chart summarizing annual totals for all catergories for use at trial T/c GC regarding important point from Broschart testimony and real reason for entering apartment (illegal search and destroy evidence) Review of revised SK jury instructions T/c with JF regarding progress on motion in limine and clarification of certain factual issues E-mail to GC including AS performance report Reviewed revised verdict sheet and revised exhibit list sent by NS Continued working on Marino cross E-mail correspondence w/GC and NS re revised exhibit list E-mail to JF re edits to motion E-mail to GC including AS W2's Continued working on Marino cross -x outline Continued working on opening statement, trying to master parts of 1st A. Claim and AS stay in hospital Reviewed JF MIL; edits to same T/c with NS & GC regarding exhibit list, verdict sheet, important points for opening regarding Bernier and Isakov and failure of med departments to speak with IAB Researched on Internet additional stories about Marino for potential use in cross -x (patrol o/s house and NYM Mag story); took notes re: same Phone call w/GC and NS re: trial exhibits Reviewed GC's draft direct of plaintiff, made notes on same Read NS edits to MIL E-mail to rest of team regarding specific comments and suggestions on verdict sheet E-mail from JF re: draft Motion in Limine ("MIL") 1.750 0.700 0.300 0.200 0.200 0.100 0.400 4.400 0.200 0.200 0.100 3.800 1.750 1.600 1.000 0.700 0.500 0.500 0.300 0.200 0.100 04/06/15 JLN E-mail to rest of team regarding additional exhibits that should be added to list Page 65 0.100 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A B C D No. Date Timekeepe Description 1349.0 04/06/15 JLN 1350.0 04/06/15 JLN 1351.0 04/06/15 JLN 1353 1354 1352.0 1353.0 04/07/15 04/07/15 JLN JLN Finished cross -x outline of Chief Marino Review and discuss NS's letter to court re: delay of trial and announcing our rehiring w/GC 1354.0 04/07/15 JLN 1355.0 04/07/15 JLN 1356.0 04/07/15 JLN 04/07/15 04/07/15 JLN JLN 04/07/15 JLN 04/07/15 04/07/15 04/07/15 JLN JLN JLN 04/07/15 JLN 04/08/15 JLN 1365.0 04/08/15 JLN Reviewed changes to verdict sheet; additional edits and revisions to same T/c GC & NS regarding best strategy for handling City's request for adjournment E-mail from JF re: receiving everyone's imput on MIL and incorporating changes E-mail from JF to NS re: edits to letter E-mail from JL re: Halpren's dep testimony re: his daughter and need to add this to MIL E-mail from SK detailing comments on JF's draft MIL Read City reply letter regarding adjournment Review of SK comments on JF MIL draft Reviewed letter to Court opposing City application; t/c with GC regarding same Reviewed NS draft letter to Court re: adjourning trial at City's request Continued adding sections to opening, focusing on Mental Health Law & 9.39, as well as med mal claims against hospital T/c with GC and JF regarding trial adjournment, proposed filings, various strategies for trying to make sure trial goes on April 20 1366.0 04/08/15 JLN T/c GC regarding points from Duncan deposition regarding ESU, meat cleaver and travelling to Johnstown 1367.0 04/08/15 JLN 1368.0 04/08/15 JLN Court regarding trial date issues E-mail exchangs amongst counsel re: availability for Comt conf. on 4/13 1369.0 04/08/15 JLN E T/c NS and GC rewriting a supplemental letter to 1 1351 1352 E-mail with C.Whitehead re: obtaining copy of Sgt. Lurch memo for use at upcoming trial. Read e-mail and letter from defense counsel regarding application for adjournment Reviewed e-mail exchange between GC and NS regarding PBA letter from AS to Stu London 1355 0.100 0.100 0.100 4.250 0.300 1356 1357 1358 1359 1357.0 1358.0 1360 1359.0 1361 1362 1360.0 1363 1361.0 1362.0 1364 1363.0 1365 1364.0 1366 1367 0.200 0.200 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 1.300 0.750 1368 1369 1370 1371 Hours E-mail from GC to NS stressing need to ensure trial goes forward as planned & does not get delayed Page 66 0.200 0.200 0.100 0.100 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A No. Date 1370.0 1 C B 04/08/15 Timekeepe Description JLN E-mail from GC to NS stressing need to ensure trial goes forward as planned and does not get delayed 1372 1371.0 04/08/15 JLN 1373 1372.0 04/08/15 JLN 1374 1373.0 04/08/15 JLN 1375 1374.0 04/08/15 JLN 1376 1375.0 04/09/15 D I JLN E-mail from NS re: proposing team meeting for this Friday E-mail from NS stressing importance of Duncan as a witness & his testimony re: trying to get AS to resign E-mail NS Confitming Court conference for 4/13 and advising of his new address E-mail response suggesting meeting take place after conference on Monday Reviewed Dep. of William Gough; notes on same E Hours 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 2.100 1377 1376.0 04/09/15 JLN Reviewed Dep. of Kurt Duncan; took notes re: 1.800 same 1378 1377.0 04/09/15 JLN Reviewed Dep. of Joe Ferrara; cross-referenced w/e mail exchanges b/w JLN and JF. 0.900 1379 1378.0 04/10/15 JLN 1380 1379.0 04/10/15 JLN 1381 1380.0 04/10/15 JLN 1382 1381.0 04/10/15 JLN 1383 1382.0 1384 1385 1383.0 1384.0 04/10/15 04/10/15 04/11/15 JLN JLN JLN 1386 1385.0 1387 1388 1386.0 1387.0 1389 1390 1388.0 04/11/15 04/11/15 04/11/15 04/11/15 JLN JLN JLN JLN Reviewed Schoolcraft Graham Raymond materials made summary of most important ponts from clients' e-mail correspondence and chronological summary E-mail exchange w/ NS and rest of team regarding developments on trial schedule (criminal trial adjourned to Fall) E-mail from NS to GC re: mistakes in home invasion transcript that need to be fixed E-mail NS to GC re: 2 other changes to transcript for home invasions Reviewed e-mail exchange b/w NS & Court re: purpose of conf. on Monday is for scheduling & not for substantive issues T/c w/ client regarding updates on trial status Finished review of QAD Repmt; made summaries of most egregious examples of downgrading; made separate summary of two specific instances of misconduct of Mauriello re: manipulation of crime stats Started to review final QAD Report and attachments; took notes re same Continued to review final QAD Report E-mail correspondence w/ GC and NS re: trial date and schedule E-mail w/NS re Home Invasion Transcript Page 67 1.400 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 4.250 2.400 2.100 0.200 0.100 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A Date 04/12/15 1390.0 04/13/15 1391.0 04/13/15 No. 1391 1392 1393 1394 1392.0 1393.0 1395 1394.0 1396 1395.0 1397 1396.0 1398 1397.0 1399 1400 1398.0 1399.0 1401 1400.0 1402 1401.0 1403 1402.0 C B 1389.0 1 04/13/15 04/13/15 04/13/15 04/14/15 04/14/15 04/15/15 04/15/15 04/15/15 JLN JLN 04/15/15 JLN 04/15/15 JLN 04/15/15 JLN 1403.0 04/15/15 JLN 1404.0 04/15/15 JLN 04/15/15 04/15/15 JLN JLN 04/17/15 JLN 1408.0 04/17/15 JLN 1409.0 04/17/15 JLN 1404 1405 1406 1407 1405.0 1406.0 1408 1407.0 1409 1410 1411 D Timekeep Description JLN Compiled list of all trial exhibits to be used on my section of trial. JLN T/c with plaintiff regarding today's conference and Judge's proposed dates and impact this will have and variety of trial issues JLN Conference before Judge Sweet regarding adjournment of trial and next steps for moving forward JLN Meeting w/ GC and JF re new trial date JLN E-mail w/ veritext re: changes to Home Invasion transcript JLN E-mail from NS to RS re: Lauterborn's PG & missing half of interview JLN Reviewed e -mails and attachments from SK regarding latest versions of jury charges JLN T/c w/ SK regarding adjournment of trial and status of jury charges JLN Reviewed Lamstein's new "draft" type written notes & compared w/ old type written notes; prepared list summarizing differences between them Review of newly produced Lamstein notes E-mail & attached letter re: illness to PO Boston & unavailability for trial E-mail from NS relaying another call from Scheiner re: city agreeing to pay for mediator E-mail from NS to team forwarding Lamstein's "newly discovered" draft notes E-mail from NS to team recapping his call with Scheiner requesting adjournment to November date E -mailed wiGC and NS re mediation offer from the City Letter from Scheiner to NS re: draft document from Lamstein Phone call w/ GC re Boston unavailability Reviewed E-mail and letter regarding PAA Boston's medical condition Telecon w/ rest of trial team regarding City's proposal for mediation and best strategy for responding to same Conference call with team re: best strategy for responding to City latest "offer" T/c with GC & JF following up on telecon and discussing settlement position vs. going to trial Page 68 E Hours 0.700 1.250 1.000 0.500 0.200 0.100 0.200 0.200 0.400 0.200 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.600 0.500 0.400 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A 1 No. 1410.0 C B Date 04/17/15 - D Timekeepe Description E-mail form NS explaining Scheiner's view that we JLN cannot prepare for trial & negotiate at same time E Hours 0.100 1412 1411.0 04/17/15 1412.0 04/17/15 1413.0 04/17/15 1414.0 04/17/15 1415.0 04/20/15 JLN 1413 JLN 1414 JLN 1415 JLN 1416 JLN 1417 1416.0 04/21/15 1417.0 04/21/15 JLN E-mail from NS relating exact terms of last settlement demand E-mail from Scheiner to NS re: locating complete copy of Lauterborn type E-mail to NS responding to City's "offer" re: mediation & adjusting adjourning trial Reviewed e-mail from NS describing City's "offer" to mediate and response to same E-mail exchange with team regarding City's settlement position and request for mediation with out any counter offer E-mail from NS to team re: City's letter to Court 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.300 0.100 1418 JLN Review of letter from City requesting more time for 0.100 MIL 1419 1418.0 0.100 04/21/15 JLN Reviewed City's letter to Judge Sweet seeking to ensure that trial does not go forth on May 4, 2015 0.100 1420 1419.0 04/22/15 JLN 1421 1420.0 1422 1423 1421.0 1422.0 04/23/15 04/27/15 04/28/15 JLN JLN JLN 1424 1423.0 04/29/15 JLN E-mail exchanges re: NS letter response to City latest request to adjourn trial T/c LS regarding status of case, Judge Sweet's decision on SJ and likely impact on case once it comes down & City's multiple setlement overtures in the past two weeks E-mail from Scheiner re: City latest disclosures Letter to NS from Scheiner re: AS employee evaluation & complete recording of Lauterborns 2nd Go - 15 Interview E-mail exchanges with NS and GC regarding mock trial and bringing AS down to NYS to prepare 1425 1424.0 1426 1427 1425.0 1426.0 1428 1427.0 1429 1428.0 1430 1431 1429.0 05/05/15 05/05/15 05/05/15 05/08/15 JLN JLN JLN JLN 05/10/15 JLN 05/12/15 JLN Read and review Ct's Opinion on SJ; took noes re: same; prepared list of claims which still must be tried & fact issues to be decided Discussion w/GC and JF re SJ decision E-mail w/GC re Judge Sweet's Summary Judgment opinion Discussion w/ GC & JF re SJ decision and impact on trial and motion in limine Listened to Lauterborn's 2nd GO interview; notes re: same Meeting w/NS team GC and JF pre-conf Page 69 0.100 0.750 0.100 0.100 0.100 1.600 0.500 0.100 0.800 0.900 1.500 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A 1 No. 1432 1430.0 1431.0 B Date C D Timekeepe Description JLN Team meeting following conf. 05/12/15 05/12/15 JLN 05/13/15 JLN 05/13/15 05/14/15 JLN JLN 05/14/15 JLN 05/14/15 05/15/15 JLN JLN 05/18/15 JLN 05/21/15 05/22/15 05/28/15 05/29/15 JLN JLN JLN JLN 05/29/15 JLN 06/01/15 06/01/15 JLN JLN 06/02/15 JLN 06/02/15 JLN 06/02/15 06/03/15 JLN JLN 06/03/15 JLN 06/04/15 JLN 06/05/15 06/06/15 JLN JLN 06/09/15 06/10/15 JLN JLN 06/16/15 JLN E Hours 1.250 Conference before Judge Sweet regarding setting new trial date and schedule for pre-trial filings 1433 1.000 1432.0 1434 1435 1433.0 1434.0 1436 1435.0 1437 1438 1436.0 1437.0 1439 1438.0 1440 1441 1439.0 1442 1440.0 1443 1441.0 1442.0 1444 1443.0 1445 1446 1444.0 1445.0 1447 1446.0 1448 1447.0 1449 1450 1448.0 1449.0 1451 1450.0 1452 1451.0 1453 1454 1452.0 1453.0 1455 1456 1454.0 1455.0 1457 1456.0 1458 T/c client regarding updates on yesterday's status/pretrial conference with Judge Sweet E-mail correspondence w/SK re conference E-mail correspondence amongst all parties re: pretrial submissions schedule E-mail from Alan Sheiner re: proposed briefing schedule for motions in limine E-mail re: pretrial submissions schedule Further e-mail w/ all parties re: pretrial submissions schedule Review of letter motion filed by City re: JPTO dates E-mail from NS re settlement offer from City T/c with clients re: update on settlement E-mail GC re Veritext bill E-mail w/GC and NS re: City bifurcation request 1.200 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.750 0.100 0.200 E-mail exchange w/ all parties re: pretrial submissions schedule Reviewed NS draft reconsideration Reviewed draft of Plaintiffs motion for Reconsideration Read City's motion to reconsider bifucation on Monell claim Read memo of law in Support of defendant Mauriello's motion for Reconsideration Review of citys motion to bifurcate Review of E-mail correspondence w/court re motions Reviewed plaintiffs motion for reconsideration as filed 0.100 0.400 0.200 0.300 0.300 0.200 0.200 0.200 Reviewed Mauriello's motion for reconsideration Reviewed Request for Extension T/c with AS & LS re: case update, next Court filings & general strategy going forward Order granting extension of time Phone call with Schoolcrafts and GC re: Mauriello recon. and bifurcation E-mail from NS requesting assistance in responding to City's reconsideration motion Page 70 0.500 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.800 0.100 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A D C B I No. Date Timekeepe Description 1457.0 1 06/22/15 JLN 1459 1458.0 06/22/15 JLN 1460 1459.0 06/22/15 JLN 1461 1460.0 06/22/15 JLN 1462 1461.0 06/23/15 JLN 1463 1462.0 06/23/15 JLN 1464 1463.0 06/24/15 JLN 1465 1464.0 06/24/15 JLN 1466 1465.0 06/25/15 JLN 1467 1466.0 1468 1469 1467.0 1468.0 06/25/15 06/29/15 06/29/15 JLN JLN JLN 1470 1469.0 06/29/15 JLN 1471 1470.0 07/02/15 JLN 1472 1471.0 07/02/15 JLN 1473 1472.0 07/02/15 JLN T/c w/ AS & LS re: case status, pending motion for reconsideration & impact on case if we cannot call Dr. Halpren as witness Another e-mail from NS re: responding to City's Motion for Reconsideration E-mail exchange between NS & W. Kretz re: respective dates to respond to motions E-mail from NS to defense counsel seeking an additional week for opposition to reconsider E-mail from NS to team regarding Scheiner's e-mail on bifurcation reconsideration E-mail from Scheiner to NS re: putting Monell bifurcation & motions for reconsideration on two different tracks E-mail & attached letter to Judge Sweet re: adjusting briefing schedule Review of E-mail correspondence w SK re: motion schedules E-mail exchanges w/ all counsel re: adjustment to briefing schedule E-mail from NS enclosing letter to Court w/ agreed upon dates E-mail & draft memo of law on bifurcation E-mail from JF to team adding case law to oppose bifurcation E-mail to NS /JL adding case law for opposing bifurcation E-mail from Scheiner to all counsel re: City's latest doc production Letter from Scheiner to NS re: latest City productions Request to NS to put City's new materials on disc. Hours 0.900 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.200 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 1474 1473.0 07/03/15 JLN 1475 1474.0 07/03/15 JLN 1476 1475.0 07/06/15 JLN 1477 1476.0 07/06/15 JLN 1478 1477.0 1479 E 07/06/15 JLN E-mail from NS forwarding City's latest production E-mail to Scheiner from NS confirming that City new production consists of 511 pages Review of opposition to defendants' reconsideration motions E-mail exchange between JL & A. Scheiner re: providing City with all of the data expert relied on by Etemo & Silverman E-mail exchanges re: writing to Court & clarifying correct due date Page 71 0.100 0.100 0.700 0.100 0.100 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A 1 B C D 1 1478.0 Date 07/06/15 Timekeepe Description JLN E-mail from NS to Scheiner requesting explanation as to where new City docs came from 1479.0 07/06/15 JLN 1481 1482 1480.0 1481.0 07/07/15 07/07/15 JLN JLN E-mail from Scheiner re: ECF filing errors E-mail request from Scheiner seeking to adjourn City's Reply on Monell 1482.0 07/07/15 JLN 1483.0 07/08/15 JLN Reviewed City's latest disclosure of Schoolcraft med records, screening tests to become NYPD officer; LOD reports for AS & other docs related to AS's prior LOD claims; took notes re same. 1484.0 07/10/15 JLN 1485.0 07/11/15 JLN Read Reply in Further Support of motion for Bifurcation filed by City T/c wl AS & LS re: NS opp to reconsider motions & summary of arguments re: same & likely outcome, as well as overall status of case and trial prep E Review of E-mail correspondence between NS team re Eterno & Silvennan 1 No. 1480 0.100 Letter from Scheiner re: correcting typo in previous Bates number correspondence 1483 0.100 0.100 0.100 1484 0.100 1485 1.800 1486 1487 1488 1486.0 1487.0 1489 1488.0 1490 1489.0 1490.0 0.100 1.100 07/13/15 07/13/15 JLN JLN 07/13/15 JLN 07/15/15 JLN 07/15/15 JLN 1491 1492 1491.0 07/16/15 JLN 1492.0 07/17/15 JLN 1493.0 07/17/15 JLN 1494.0 07/17/15 1493 1494 1495 1496 Hours JLN Review of JHMC to NS motion for recoil Read opposition brief to Plaintiffs motion for Reconsideration filed by JHMC Reviewed NS letter so ordered by Judge Sweet re: a modification to briefing schedule Reviewed Dep of K. Finnegan (30(b)(6) --Topic C and reviewed primary dep exhibit (old performance guide); took notes re same E-mail response from NS to all counsel re: adjourn filing dates but keep JPTO date Read City's letter motion for more time on motions for Reconsideration E-mail exchange between JL and NS re: John Eterno Sent GC E-mail correspondence between nyself and NS re: John Eterno Reviewed Judge Sweet's order granting the City's motion Page 72 0.300 0.100 0.100 2.400 0.100 0.100 0.200 0.100 0.100 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A 1 No. 1495.0 D C B Date 07/18/15 Timekeepe Description T/c w/ AS & LS re: JHMC opp & City's bifurcation JLN argument & anticipated reply arguments E Hours 1.200 1497 1496.0 07/18/15 JLN 1498 1497.0 07/20/15 JLN 07/21/15 JLN 1499 1498.0 1500 1499.0 07/21/15 JLN 1501 1500.0 1502 1503 1501.0 1502.0 1504 1505 1503.0 1504.0 1506 1505.0 1507 1506.0 1508 1507.0 1509 1508.0 07/22/15 07/22/15 07/23/15 07/23/15 07/23/15 07/23/15 07/23/15 07/23/15 JLN JLN JLN JLN JLN JLN JLN JLN Reviewed NS prior letter motion re: Weiss EIU file, Sgt. Purpi and cont'd dep of Dr. Patel Sent GC E-mail correspondence between Myself and NS re: John Eterno Started reading "NYPD Tapes" (book on Scholcraft case) for additional facts & evidence & themes to use at trial. E-mail exchanges amongst team re: setting up next meeting for trial team Watched new Schoolcraft documentary (Eterno appears) E-mail re: new Schoolcraft "documentary" Cont'd reading NYPD Tapes; took notes re: same Review of reply memo for AS Review of City Defendants' reply affirmations recon motions Read City's Reply Memo of Law in Support of motion for Reconsideration Read Kretz' reply affirmation for Reconsideration of Judge Sweet's Order Reviewed AS letter requesting Extension of time 0.200 0.100 2.400 0.100 0.300 0.100 3.250 0.700 0.500 0.200 0.100 0.100 07/24/15 JLN Meeting with rest of trial team regarding various strategic issues and timeline for pre-trial filings 2.900 1510 1509.0 07/24/15 JLN 1511 1510.0 1512 1513 1511.0 1512.0 1514 1513.0 1515 1514.0 1516 1517 1515.0 07/24/15 07/24/15 07/24/15 07/24/15 07/24/15 07/24/15 JLN JLN JLN JLN JLN JLN T/c with JF & GC regarding issues to discuss at meeting today with rest of trial team Reviewed reply memorandum from Mauriello; took notes re: same Follow up e-mail to trial team retrial docs Reviewed reply memorandum from City in further support SJ; took notes re: same Post meeting discussion with JF and GC regarding issues raised during today's meeting Reviewed NS reply memo of law in Support of motion for Reconsideration E-mail exchanges re: JPTO deadliine Page 73 0.500 0.400 0.300 0.300 0.250 0.200 0.100 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A j C B D 1516.0 Date 07/25/15 Timekeepe Description JLN T/c with AS & LS re: City's reply & Mauriello's reply & NS reply & overall sense of which arguments are strongest & most likely to prevail; updated them re: team's meeting yesterday 1517.0 1 07/25/15 JLN No. 1518 1518.0 1520 1521 1519.0 1522 1520.0 1523 1521.0 1522.0 1524 1523.0 1525 1526 1524.0 1525.0 1527 1528 1526.0 1527.0 1529 1528.0 1530 1531 1529.0 1532 1530.0 1531.0 1533 1532.0 07/26/15 JLN 07/27/15 07/27/15 07/27/15 07/28/15 JLN JLN JLN JLN 07/28/15 JLN 07/29/15 07/30/15 JLN JLN 07/30/15 07/30/15 JLN JLN 07/30/15 JLN 07/30/15 07/31/15 07/31/15 JLN JLN JLN 08/01/15 JLN 1533.0 08/01/15 JLN 1534.0 08/04/15 JLN 1535.0 1536.0 1537.0 1538.0 1539.0 1540.0 08/04/15 08/04/15 08/04/15 08/04/15 08/04/15 08/05/15 JLN JLN JLN JLN JLN JLN 1534 E-mail exchange from NS re: adding Polanco to JPTO Cont'd reading NYPD Tapes; took notes re: same E-mail w/ MS re: master exhibit list E-mail GC re Polanco as witness Read NS letter motion for extension on JPTO Reviewed revised Jury Charges from SK; made notes re: same Reviewed revised witness list; made edits/revisions to same E -mails with Schoolcraft team re: settlement Reviewed and highlighed first volume of Lt. Caughey's deposition for extraction and use in cross x outline; took notes re: same Phone call w/GC and NS re settlement T/c GC regarding settlement position & response to City's settlement overtures Read City's joint letter to Coml re: striking plaintiffs reply memo of law Read letter motion to strike reply by City T/c conference with defense counsel Reviewed Notice of Appearance by Kavin Thadani on behalf of City Finished NYPD Tapes; incorporated notes of additional facts & salient themes into case summary T/c w/ AS re: meeting together on Tuesday & preparing list of issues to discuss at our meeting 1535 1542 Hours 0.700 1519 1536 1537 1538 1539 1540 1541 E 0.100 2.100 1.750 1.700 0.100 0.600 0.200 0.100 2.300 0.400 0.400 0.100 0.100 0.500 0.100 1.800 0.300 Meeting with AS to discuss case & best strategy for moving forward & preparing for trial 4.750 Travel back to NYC from Johnstown 3.40 Traveled to Jolmstown to meet client 3.50 Phone call w/GC re: witness list and exhibit list Review of NS revised witness and exhibit list T/c GC regarding discussion with NS Continued conversations with NS regarding exhibits & witnesses Page 74 1.750 1.700 0.400 0.300 0.200 1.000 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A 1 No. 1541.0 B Date 08/05/15 1543 1542.0 08/05/15 1544 1543.0 08/05/15 1544.0 08/06/15 1545 1546 1545.0 08/07/15 1547 1546.0 08/07/15 1548 1547.0 08/07/15 1548.0 08/07/15 1549 1550 1551 1549.0 1550.0 1552 1551.0 1553 1552.0 1554 1555 1553.0 1554.0 1556 1555.0 08/07/15 08/07/15 08/07/15 08/07/15 08/08/15 08/08/15 JLN JLN JLN JLN JLN JLN 08/08/15 JLN 08/09/15 JLN 08/10/15 JLN 1559 1558.0 08/10/15 JLN 1560 1559.0 08/10/15 JLN 1561 1560.0 08/10/15 JLN 1562 1561.0 08/10/15 JLN 1563 1562.0 1564 E-mail toNS seeking confirmation of exact terms of City's new offer NS e-mail explaining City's "new" back pay offer (extending it to Dec. 2015) , Hours 0.900 0.300 0.100 0.600 1.000 0.700 0.300 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.900 0.600 1558 1557.0 "offer" E-mail from NS re: Bernier & Isakov JPTO E-mail from NS re: getting a response to City latest "offer" "offer" Reviewed Mauriello's production; notes re: same E I Timekeepe Description JLN Multiple phone calls w/ GC & NS regarding JPTO exhibits and witnesses Preliminary review of City's JPTO and hospital JLN JPTO E-mail from NS re: reaching him when he is out of JLN town next week JLN Continued review of JPTO submissions by all parties; took notes re: same JLN T/c with GC, JL & NS regarding multiple issues in defendants' respective JPTO's JLN E-mail from NS enclosing Mauriello's production (Docs# 61-362); reviewed same T/c w/ GC in which GC recapped latest settlement JLN offer as relayed by Scheiner to NS JLN E-mail exchange with NS regarding City's latest 1557 1556.0 D C 08/10/15 JLN T/c w/ AS & LS re: City latest "offer" and what conditions would need to be met (monetary & otherwise) for case to settle E-mail correspondence re: JPTO and motion deadlines Highlighted and made edits and notes on Trainor's deposition outline for purposes of building cross -x outline Reviewed cross -x outlines of Captain Lauterborn, DI Mauriello and Marino to make sure all documents on JPTO are accounted for Continued highlighting Trainor's Dep for cross -x excerpts E-mail correspondence re: JPTO and motion deadlines E-mail response from NS re: my recap of conversation with AS E-mail to NS recapping discussion w/ AS this past weekend Page 75 0.100 0.100 3.400 2.800 1.200 0.100 0.100 0.100 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A 1 D C B 1563.0 1565 1566 1564.0 1567 1565.0 1566.0 1568 1567.0 1569 1568.0 Date _._ E 08/11/15 08/11/15 08/11/15 08/11/15 08/11/15 08/12/15 Timekeepe Description JLN Made revisions and edits to base cross -x outline for Hours Sgt. Weiss Review of City defendants JPTO Review of new discovery served by City E-mail from NS to all counsel w/ consolidated shell of JPTO; reviewed same E-mail from Scheiner with two additional docs inadvertently omitted from previous disclosures Reviewed portion of opening outline regarding treatment in ER & interactions with James & Sawyer and Yeager Reviewed NYPD memo re: Amnendment to Quota 2.100 0.600 0.200 bill No. 0.300 JLN JLN JLN JLN JLN 1570 1569.0 08/12/15 JLN 1571 1570.0 08/13/15 JLN 08/13/15 JLN Reviewed NS letter to Court seeking 1 extra week for JPTO; also reviewed opposition e -mails by defense counsel to same; reviewed Mauriello's response to plaintiffs JPTO 0.100 0.700 Reviewed portion of opening outline regarding MHL 9.39 and Bernier decision to involuntary commit; reviewed section relating to QAD; reviewed section regarding harrassment upstate 1571.0 0.100 1572 1.400 1573 1572.0 08/13/15 JLN 1573.0 08/13/15 JLN 08/13/15 08/13/15 JLN JLN 08/13/15 JLN 08/14/15 JLN 08/14/15 JLN 1579.0 08/14/15 JLN 1580.0 08/14/15 1574 1575 1576 1574.0 1575.0 1577 1576.0 1578 1577.0 1579 1578.0 E-mail from Scheiner w/ spreadsheet re: City JPTO objections Read order of Judge Sweet granting plaintiffs extgension parties Review of correspondence all parties re: JPTO Reviewed Judge Sweet's order Defendants' motion to strike Plaintiffs reply Reviewed NS letter motion to Court for extension 0.400 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 Reviewed consolidated JPTO; made notes re: same 0.700 Review of Lauterborn's transcribed audio interview; 2nd IAB interview took notes re: same 1580 0.600 1581 JLN 1582 1583 1581.0 1584 1582.0 08/14/15 08/14/15 JLN JLN Reviewed multiple E-mail exchanges between NS and counsel regarding JPTO and best way to proceed E-mail from NS asking team for input in responding to Scheiner's letter JPTO E-mail re: City filing JPTO without our input E -mails among team re: MIL due date Page 76 0.300 0.100 0.100 0.100 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A D C B No. Date Timekeepe Description 1583.0 1 08/14/15 JLN E Hours Read City's letter reply to Court in further support of the City's motion to strike plaintiffs reply 0.100 1585 1584.0 08/14/15 JLN Read City's letter to Court re: Defendants' JPTO 0.100 1586 1585.0 08/14/15 JLN 1587 1586.0 08/15/15 JLN 1588 1587.0 1589 1590 1588.0 1589.0 1591 1590.0 1592 1593 1591.0 1592.0 1594 1593.0 08/15/15 08/16/15 08/16/15 JLN JLN JLN Review of letter to Court filed by Scheiner re: Defendants' JPTO (wlo plaintiffs portion) Reviewed City's latest disclosures, incl. certified docs from Hertzel Sure, M.D., multiple photos and info relating to rifle found in Schoolcraft's apartment; LS's prior lawsuit against Montgom. Cty; QAD investigations that resulted in discipline for officers; additional PG guidelines and IAB Guidelines; forensic manual for Mental Hygiene Law T/c w/ AS & LS re: City's JPTO filing & attorney's motion to strike reply & several updates on trial prep Started work on Sgt. Weiss cross -x outline Internet research re: rifle identified by City (9 MM 08/17/15 08/17/15 JLN JLN JLN same Continued Weiss cross -x outlne Continued working on Sgt. Weiss cross -x outline 08/17/15 JLN 08/17/15 08/18/15 08/18/15 JLN JLN JLN 1598 1597.0 08/18/15 JLN 1599 1598.0 0.600 5.600 4.250 Reviewed additional Patrol Guide sections disclosed by City (15147-15170); took notes re: 1.400 same 1596 1597 1595.0 1596.0 0.900 4.600 Reviewed defendants JPTO filing; took notes re: 1595 1594.0 3.400 1.900 Canines). 08/16/15 0.100 08/18/15 JLN Read City's letter to Court re: Opposition to Plaintiffs August 13th Request to Modify the JPTO Filing Deadline Phone call and e-mail w/ GC re Huffman T/c w/ Alan Sheiner & Cheryl Shammas regarding City's latest settlement offer and plaintiffs position regarding same Read City's letter to Court re: opposition to plaintiffs request to modify the deadline of the filing of the JPTO Read City's letter to Court re: requiring the plaintiff to identify a single police practices expert 0.100 0.300 0.200 0.100 0.100 1600 1599.0 1601 1602 1600.0 08/18/15 08/18/15 JLN JLN Reviewed NS letter reply to motions for extension of time Reviewed NS reply to City's letter JPTO Page 77 0.100 0.100 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A B C 1601.0 Date__. 08/19/15 1602.0 08/20/15 JLN 1603.0 08/20/15 JLN 08/20/15 08/20/15 08/20/15 .ILN 08/21/15 JLN 08/21/15 JLN 08/21/15 08/21/15 JLN JLN 08/21/15 JLN 08/21/15 JLN 08/21/15 JLN 08/22/15 JLN 1615.0 08/24/15 JLN 1616.0 08/24/15 JLN 1618 1619 1617.0 1618.0 08/24/15 08/24/15 JLN 1620 1621 1619.0 1622 1620.0 08/24/15 08/25/15 1 No. D I Timekeepe Description JLN Tic with plaintiff regarding City latest settlement offer and City's message that window to settle will close this week and will not re -open 1603 E Hours 0.400 1604 1605 1606 1604.0 1607 1605.0 1606.0 1608 1607.0 JLN JLN 1609 1608.0 1610 1611 1609.0 1610.0 1612 1611.0 1613 1612.0 1614 1613.0 1615 1614.0 1616 1617 JLN JLN JLN Reviewed City's latest disclosure (Office of Mgt Analysis & Planning Reference Guide); took notes re same. 1.800 Read NS e-mail to Scheiner re: his misleading submission to Court 0.100 Reviewed NS letter to Court re: JPTO 0.100 Scheiner e-mail rejecting service by fax 0.100 Scheiner re: e-mail responding to NS "misleading submission" 0.100 Tic with NS regarding Larry's serious medical condition, discussion wl Alan Sheiner & CS regarding City's latest settlement and regarding status of cross -x outlines and JPTO issues 0.800 T/c NS re: several trial prep issues & outstanding work that still needs to be done & update on LS medical condition 0.700 E-mail all parties re MIL due date 0.100 Read Alan Sheiner's letter to Court regarding striking plaintiffs JPTO 0.100 Read various e -mails amongst counsel regarding motion in limine schedule 0.100 Scheiner letter to Court attaching City's response to August 20th letter by NS 0.100 Sent NS summary exhibit that we created regarding Schoolcrafts performance in 2008 0.100 T/c w/ AS & LS re: City's letter seeking to limit us to one police expert & city opp. to our request to modify JPTO deadlines & general updates on status of cross examinations 0.700 Reviewed GC's cross -x outline on Gough; took notes re: same 0.700 Reviewed GS's cross outline on Yeager; took notes re: same 0.400 Review of NS e-mail re upstate visits to AS 0.200 NS e-mail re: receipt of my crosses & dates when he will exchange Bernier & Isakov crosses 0.100 Sent GC cross outlines for review 0.100 Reviewed JPTO; edits and revisions to same 0.600 Page 78 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A D C B No. Date Timekeeper Description 1621.0 1 08/25/15 JLN 1623 1622.0 JLN 08/25/15 1624 1623.0 JLN 08/26/15 1625 1624.0 JLN 08/26/15 1626 1625.0 1627 1628 1626.0 1629 1627.0 1630 1628.0 1629.0 JLN 08/26/15 JLN JLN JLN JLN 08/26/15 08/27/15 08/27/15 08/28/15 NS e-mail & letter to Court respond to Scheiner August 18 & August 21 letters re: # of police experts Reviewed filing by NS responding to various arguments by defendants on JPTO exhibits and witnesses Began work on Trainor Cross -x outline using JM preliminary outline Reviewed GC draft cross of Det. Yeager & Boston; higlighted & made edits to same Drafted points to discuss w/GC re: trial strategy Sent GC more cross outlines for review Continued working on Trainor cross -x Continued working on Trainor cross -x Reviewed GC draft cross x of Sgt. Huffman; extracted section re: Mauriello ordering Pl. back after Huffman approved (worked into Mauriello cross -x as new section); made edits/revisions. E Hours 0.100 0.100 2.700 1.400 0.700 0.100 6.400 4.800 1.800 1631 _ 1630.0 08/28/15 JLN 1632 1631.0 1633 1634 1632.0 1633.0 1635 1634.0 1636 1635.0 1637 1638 1636.0 1637.0 1639 1640 1638.0 1639.0 1641 1642 1640.0 1641.0 1643 1644 1642.0 1645 1643.0 1646 1644.0 08/28/15 08/28/15 08/29/15 08/29/15 08/30/15 08/30/15 08/30/15 08/31/15 08/31/15 08/31/15 08/31/15 JLN JLN JLN JLN JLN JLN JLN JLN JLN JLN JLN .._ 09/01/15 09/01/15 09/02/15 JLN JLN JLN Reviewed GC draft of Duncan cross; edits & revisions to same Reviewed GC draft cross of Sgt. Sawyer; highlights, edits, revisions to same Sent GC cross outlines for review Reviewed GC draft cross of Lt. Broschart; edits/revisions to same Reviewed GC's draft Valenti cross; edits/revisions to same Contined working on cross -x of Capt. Trainor; cross-referenced BNIU file for several additional points Started working on Lt. Caughey cross -x Reviewed GC draft of Gough cross; edits/revisions to same Contined working on cross -x of Lt. Caughey Reviewed GC draft of Sgt. James cross; edits to same & extracted relevant points for opening statement F/u telecon with NS re: schedule Conference call w/ all counsel to clerk re: pending motions Continued working on Caughey cross -x Sent GC cross outlines for review Cross outline of Lt. Caughey Page 79 1.800 1.300 0.100 1.900 0.600 6.750 4.250 1.900 6.400 2.400 0.400 0.300 8.200 0.100 7.600 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A 1 No. 1647 1645.0 1648 1646.0 1647.0 1649 1648.0 1650 1651 1649.0 1652 1650.0 1651.0 I B C D Date 09/02/15 09/03/15 09/03/15 Timekeepe Description __. JLN Continued working on Trainor cross -x JLN Review of City letter re: JPTO schedule JLN NS response to Scheiner re: request for telecon 09/03/15 JLN 09/04/15 09/04/15 09/04/15 JLN JLN JLN E Hours 1.400 0.200 0.100 1653 Request from Scheiner to have telecon re: settlemt Continued working on Caughey cross -x Continued working on Trainor cross -x T/c w/ NS regarding his conversation with Alan Scheiner regarding City's latest settlement offer; spoke to GC regarding same E-mail from NS re: City letter to Court treating 917-15 as new date for MIL's Reviewed City letter to Court re: Court's failure to decide pending motions t/c with AS and LS regarding City's latest settlement offer Finished Trainor cross -x T/c w/ LS regarding City's settlement offer and requirements for resolving matter Continued working on Caughey cross -x T/c with JF & GC recapping discussion with defense counsel and clients over the weekend T/c with NS, GC and JF regarding best strategy for handing settlement discussions with the City 1652.0 09/04/15 JLN 1653.0 09/04/15 JLN 1654.0 09/05/15 JLN 09/06/15 09/06/15 JLN JLN 09/07/15 09/08/15 JLN JLN 09/08/15 JLN 1660.0 09/08/15 JLN 09/08/15 JLN 1663 1664 1662.0 1663.0 09/08/15 09/08/15 JLN JLN 1664.0 09/08/15 JLN 1665.0 09/08/15 JLN 09/09/15 09/09/15 JLN JLN 09/10/15 JLN T/c with NS & Alan Sheiner following up on City's offer and discussions earlier today Phone call w/GC re Schoolcrafts Flu conversation with NS to discuss last conversation with defense counsel regarding City's 3/4 disability analysis E-mail from Scheiner re: getting back to him on City's settlement proposal E-mail from Scheiner seeking plaintiffs response to latest City offer Started work on cross -x Lamstein E-mail from Scheiner to NS & JN re: following up on settlement Reviewed Lamstein's PES file & her handwritten notes for incorporation into cross 0.600 T/c with AS and NS regarding City's latest settlement offer and plaintiffs response to same 1661.0 0.100 4.600 4.600 1654 1655 1656 1657 1655.0 1656.0 1658 1659 1657.0 1658.0 1660 1659.0 1661 0.100 0.100 0.700 7.100 0.750 6.250 0.600 0.600 1662 0.400 1665 1666 1667 1668 1666.0 1667.0 1669 1668.0 1670 Page 80 0.400 0.300 0.200 0.100 0.100 1.700 0.100 2.600 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A B C D 1669.0 Date 09/10/15 Timekeepe Description JLN Reviewed Lamstein Declaration Lamstein dep corrections & Lamstein original typed notes vs. "draft" notes exchanged this summer compared with dep testimony for use in cross -x 1670.0 1 09/10/15 JLN No. 1671 E J Hours 2.400 1672 1671.0 09/10/15 JLN 1672.0 09/10/15 JLN 1674 1675 1673.0 1676 1674.0 1675.0 09/10/15 09/10/15 09/10/15 JLN JLN JLN 09/11/15 09/11/15 JLN JLN 09/11/15 JLN 09/11/15 JLN 1673 1677 1678 1676.0 1677.0 1679 1678.0 1680 1679.0 1681 1680.0 1682 1681.0 1683 1684 1682.0 1685 1683.0 1684.0 1686 1687 1685.0 1686.0 1688 1687.0 1689 1690 1688.0 1691 1689.0 1692 1690.0 1691.0 1693 09/11/15 JLN 09/11/15 JLN 09/11/15 09/12/15 09/12/15 JLN JLN JLN Reviewed Lamstein's IAB interview compared w/ dep testimony for developing grounds to explore in cross Reviewed Lamstein VM to AS on 10-31-09 to incorporate into cross E-mail from GC recapping his conversation with AS yesterday re: clients position re: lack of 3/4 pension NS e-mail describing disability options NS response to GC's e-mail re: summary plan Reviewed Court's endorsement of plaintiffs letters dated August 18, 2015 and August 21, 2015 Continued working on Lamstein cross -x T/c w/ AS & LS re: City latest offer & pros and cons of same Phone calls with NS and GC re City settlement offer Telecon with NS & Scheiner City is willing to increase offer for P&S E-mail from NS & Scheiner re: our availability to speak later this a.m. E-mail from NS to Scheiner re: conference call for today at 11:00 am E-mail to GC re Schoolcraft timeline Continued working on Lamstein cross -x T/c w/ AS & LS re: pros and cons of settlement, risks of verdict, impact on disability pension & ability to still have trial against medical defendants 1.800 0.300 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 3.200 0.900 0.800 0.800 0.100 0.100 0.100 4.250 1.400 09/13/15 09/14/15 09/14/15 09/15/15 09/15/15 09/15/15 09/15/15 JLN JLN JLN JLN JLN JLN JLN Continued working on Lamstein cross -x E-mail from Scheiner cannot speak today - but can tomrorow E-mail to Scheiner from NS re: setting up time to speak Continued working on Lamstein cross -x T/c with NS re: conversation w/ Scheiner Reviewed NS settlement memo to client E-mail from NS re: Draft version of JPTO & extending dates to respond to MIL's Page 81 2.800 0.100 0.100 3.200 0.400 0.200 0.100 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A No. Date 1692.0 1 09/15/15 1694 1695 1693.0 1694.0 1696 1697 1695.0 1698 1696.0 1697.0 1699 1700 1698.0 1699.0 1701 1700.0 1702 1701.0 1703 1704 1702.0 1703.0 1705 1704.0 1706 1705.0 1707 1706.0 1708 1707.0 1709 1710 1708.0 1709.0 1711 1712 1710.0 1711.0 1713 1712.0 1714 1713.0 1715 1714.0 1716 1715.0 1717 1718 1716.0 1717.0 1719 09/15/15 09/16/15 D C B Timekeepe Description E-mail from Scheiner to NS & JN re: setting time JLN JLN JLN to speak re: settlement Sent GC more cross outlines for review Review of NS cross examination outlines; notes re: E Hours 0.100 0.100 same 09/16/15 09/16/15 09/16/15 09/16/15 09/16/15 JLN JLN JLN JLN JLN 1.400 T/c with GC & NS re: settlement status Review of new Rule 68 offer Review of NS memo to Schoolcraft re settlement 0.700 0.500 E-mail w/ NS re memo and settlement Review of NS e-mail to Schoolcraft resettlement 0.300 0.200 0.100 08/03/15 JJM 08/03/15 JJM 08/03/15 08/04/15 JJM JJM Mtg. w/ Jon L. Norinsberg re: new role in schoolcraft case Watch documentary on Schoolcraft case to get feel for case & issues Begin prelim cross outline of Sgt. Weiss Continue prelim cross outline of Sgt. Weiss (part 1) 0.500 0.300 1.400 3.200 08/04/15 JJM Continue prelim cross outline of Sgt. Weiss (part 2) 3.400 08/05/15 JJM Continue prelim cross outline of Sgt. Weiss (part 3) 5.600 08/06/15 JJM Continue prelim cross outline of Sgt. Weiss (part 4) JJM Continue prelim cross outline of Sgt. Weiss (part 5) 2.600 08/06/15 4.800 08/10/15 08/10/15 JJM JJM 08/10/15 08/11/15 JJM JJM Start Caughey prelim cross outline Start MS OneNote Tab - reorganize dep highlights on Caughey prelim cross outline Continue reorganizing dep nighlights continue prelim cross outline of Caughey (Pt. 2) 1.600 3.500 1.100 1.400 08/11/15 JJM Add allegations to prelim cross outline of Caughey 4.300 08/12/15 JJM Continue prelim cross outline of Caughey (Pt. 3) 3.300 08/12/15 JJM Meeting with Jln re: Caughey signing memobooks 08/12/15 JJM 08/12/15 08/13/15 JJM JJM Add memobook impeachment to Caughey prelim cross outline Conlinue prelim cross outline of Caughey Reviewed additional transcript for Caughey; highlighted same 0.500 Page 82 1.250 2.100 1.200 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A 1 JNo. 1718.0 Date 08/13/15 1720 1719.0 08/13/15 1721 1720.0 1722 1723 1721.0 1724 1722.0 1723.0 08/13/15 08/14/15 08/14/15 08/17/15 D C B Timekeepe Description Add new dep highlights into existing prelim cross JJM outline Re -organize prelim cross outline to account for JJM additional transcript Continue to add new deposition highlights into JJM existing prelim cross outline Continue Caughey prelim cross outline (Pt 5) JJM Continue Caughey prelim cross outline (Pt 6) JJM Continue Caughey prelim cross outline (incorporate JIM part 1 of IAB transcript into cross) (Pt 7) Hours 2.900 2.250 2.700 3.200 3.100 2.400 1725 1724.0 08/17/15 JJM Continue Caughey prelim cross outline (incorporate part 2 of IAB transcript into cross) (Pt 8) JJM Continue Caughey prelim cross outline (incorporate part 3 of IAB transcript into cross) (Pt 9) 1.800 1726 1725.0 08/17/15 2.300 1727 1726.0 08/17/15 JJM Continue Caughey prelim cross outline (incorporate part 4 of IAB transcript into cross) (Pt 10) 2.100 1728 1727.0 08/18/15 JJM 1729 1728.0 1730 1731 1732 1733 1734 1735 1736 1737 1738 1739 1740 E 1729.0 1730.0 1731.0 1732.0 1733.0 1734.0 1735.0 1736.0 1737.0 1738.0 1739.0 08/18/15 08/18/15 08/19/15 08/19/15 08/19/15 08/20/15 08/20/15 08/21/15 08/21/15 08/24/15 08/24/15 08/25/15 JJM JJM JJM JJM JJM JJM JJM JJM JJM JJM JJM JJM 1741 1740.0 1742 1743 1741.0 1742.0 1744 1743.0 1745 1744.0 08/25/15 08/25/15 08/26/15 JJM JJM JJM Finished Caughey prelim cross outline, reorganized and edited same Added part headings to Caughey prelim cross outline Finish Caughey prelim cross outline Begin Trainor prelim cross outline (part 1) Continue Trainor prelim cross outline (part 2) Continue Trainor prelim cross outline (part 3) Continue Trainor prelim cross outline (part 4) Finish Trainor prelim cross outline (part 4) Continue Trainor prelim cross outline (part 5) Continue Trainor prelim cross outline (part 6) Continue Trainor prelim cross outline (part 7) Continue Trainor prelim cross outline (part 8) Add part hearings to parts 1 - 4 and reorganize Trainor prelim cross outline Add part hearings to parts 5 - 8 and reorganize Trainor prelim cross outline Begin prelim cross outline of Lamstein (Part I) Continue prelim cross outline of Lamstein (Part 2) 2.700 2.400 0.900 2.900 2.300 1.700 3.700 2.600 3.300 4.700 3.100 3.700 2.600 3.100 3.700 3.200 08/26/15 JJM Continue prelim cross outline of Lamstein (Part 3) JJM Continue prelim cross outline of Lamstein (Part 4) 3.400 08/27/15 2.800 1746 Page 83 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A C B D 1745.0 Date 08/27/15 Timekeepe Description JJM ' Continue prelim cross outline of Lamstein (Part 5) 1746.0 08/28/15 JJM 1747.0 09/02/15 JJM 1748.0 09/02/15 JJM 09/08/15 JJM Continue lambstein prelim cross outline (Part 8) 1750.0 09/08/15 JJM Continue lambstein prelim cross outline (Part 9) 1751.0 09/09/15 JJM E Continue lambstein prelim cross outline (Part 7) 1749.0 1 No. 1747 Hours 2.200 1748 Discussion with JLN about fomat of prelim cross outline of Lamstein Continue lambstein prelim cross outline (Part 6) 1749 0.300 3.700 1750 2.300 1751 2.900 1752 2.300 1753 1752.0 1754 1755 1753.0 1754.0 1756 1755.0 1757 1756.0 1758 1757.0 1759 1758.0 1760 1759.0 1761 1760.0 1762 1761.0 09/09/15 JJM 06/25/10 06/25/10 NB NB 06/28/10 NB 06/28/10 NB 06/28/10 NB 06/28/10 NB 06/28/10 NB 07/01/10 NB 07/12/10 NB 1762.0 07/13/10 NB 1763.0 07/13/10 NB 1764.0 07/13/10 NB 1765.0 07/13/10 NB Add part headings and reorganize Lamstein prelim cross outline Continued to reorganize lamstein prelim cross outline Saved retainer signed by client to file Prepared Substition of Attorney for taking case over from JM Downloaded documents from new client Adrian Schoolcraft from CD to compuler file Faxed Substitution of Attorney to Jonathon Moore; mailed same via regular mail Saved Witness Summary of Eddie Valasquez to client file E -mailed Substitution of Attorney and Signed retainer Agreement to J LN Saved additional witness information to client file 3.700 2.800 0.100 0.200 0.200 0.200 0.100 0.100 0.100 1763 Calendared JLN meeting with Justice Dept. re: Schoolcraft Went through documents from CD Schoolcraft's provided; watched videos & recordings & prepared digest of same Listened to recording b/w AS & Det. Peterson on Sept. 13, 2009 and made notes regarding same 1764 0.100 4.100 0.400 1765 1766 Continued review of Schoolcraft recordings; prepared digest of same Examined FDNY PCR for AS; prepared summary of same Reviewed recording of conversations b/w AS & Lt. Mascol on Feb. 20, 2009; prepared digest of 1767 4.200 0.500 0.600 Page 84 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A 1 No. 1766.0 B Date 07/14/10 1768 1767.0 07/15/10 1769 1768.0 1770 1771 1769.0 1770.0 1772 1773 1771.0 1772.0 1774 1773.0 1775 1774.0 1776 1775.0 1777 1776.0 1778 1777.0 1779 1780 1778.0 1779.0 1781 1780.0 1782 1783 1781.0 1782.0 1784 1785 1783.0 1786 1784.0 1785.0 1787 1786.0 1788 1787.0 1789 1788.0 1790 1791 1789.0 1790.0 1792 1791.0 1793 08/10/10 08/11/10 08/11/10 08/18/10 08/19/10 I D C Timekeepe Description Continued reviewing CD recordings (2008 roll NB calls) and prepared digest of same Continued reviewngSchoolcraft roll calls (2009 roll NB calls); prepared digest of same Filed Summons and Complaint; sent s&c to as NB Aetna Judicial for service Saved witness information to client file NB Began review of new CD from Client w/ numerous NB additional recordings and docs E -mailed JLN schoolcraft audio files NB Filed Affidavit of Service as to Frederick Sawyer NB E Hours 3.600 3.100 0.600 0.100 3.900 0.100 0.100 08/30/10 08/30/10 NB NB Filed Affidavit of Service as to Jamaica Hospital Medical Center Filed Affidavit of Service as to Steven Mauriello 0.100 0.100 08/30/10 08/30/10 NB NB Filed Affidavit of Service as to Christopher Broschart Filed Affidavit of Service as to Timothy Caughey 0.100 0.100 08/30/10 08/30/10 08/30/10 08/30/10 08/30/10 08/30/10 08/31/10 09/13/10 09/16/10 09/17/10 09/18/10 10/08/10 10/12/10 10/20/10 10/27/10 NB Filed Affidavit of Service as to Michael Marino NB NB Filed Affidavit of Service as to Shantel James Filed Affidavit of Service as to Theodore Lauterborn Filed Affidavit of Service as to Lillian AldanaBernier Filed Affidavit of Service as to Isak Isakov Filed Affidavit of Service as to defendant Gerald Nelson Saved AS personal information to file Filed Amended Complaint Reviewed AS hospital records to locate discharge summary; sent JLN snme Printed Judge Weinslock opinion re: Velez proceedings for JLN review Printed NYPD Admin Guide provided by AS for JLN review Email correspondence w/ GC re: more recordings NB NB NB NB NB NB NB NB NB NB NB NB Printed JHMC MTD for JLN: bound same Viewed AS hospital records to find ER notes for JLN: sent JLN same Filed Affidavit of Service as to defendant The City of New York Page 85 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.300 0.200 0.100 0.150 0.100 0.150 0.200 0.100 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A B C D 1792.0 Date 10/27/10 1793.0 10/27/10 1794.0 10/27/10 1795.0 10/27/10 1796.0 10/27/10 1797.0 10/27/10 Timekeepe Description NB Filed Affidavit of Service as to defendant Theodore Lauterborn NB Filed Affidavit of Service as to defendant Christopher Broschart NB Filed Affidavit of Service as to defendant Steven Mauriello NB Filed Affidavit of Service as to defendant Timothy Caughey NB printed and saved answer into computer file and hard file NB Filed Affidavit of Service as to defendant lsakov 1798.0 10/27/10 NB 1800 1801 1799.0 1800.0 11/16/10 11/17/10 NB NB 1801.0 12/09/10 NB 1802.0 12/10/10 NB 1803.0 12/10/10 NB 1804.0 12/10/10 NB 1805.0 12/15/10 NB 1806.0 02/09/11 NB 1807.0 03/04/11 NB 1808.0 05/06/11 NB 1810 1811 1809.0 1812 1810.0 1811.0 05/09/11 05/10/11 05/10/11 NB NB NB No. 1 1794 1795 1796 1797 1798 1799 E Hours 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 Filed Affidavit of Service as to defendant Jamaica Hospital Medical Center Sent AS e-mail enclosing Affidavit Formatted First Request for Admissions, request for discovery demands, request for interrogatories and sent same to J LN for review 1802 0.100 0.100 1.200 1803 1804 Drafted letter to all counsel enclosing, opposition to MTD Prevared AS authorizaitons for Jamaica Hospital and sent same to all counsel Filed Affidavit of Service for Gough and Duncan 1805 0.250 0.700 0.100 1806 1807 1808 1809 Prepared attorney list of all defense counsel in case and saved to file Filed Affidavit of Service as to defendant Kurt Duncan Formatted Ltr. Opposing Defendants' Request Stay pending MTD; made multiple edits and filed same with Court Prepared authorizatiou and letter enclosing authorization to ACC Printed Judge Sweet's decision on defendants' MTD for JLN review Drafted Deposition notices for all defendants E -mailed JLN Opinion of Judge Sweet Formatted initial disclsoures for City of New York; created litigation backs; prepared documents to sent with disclosures; copied same to for all parties; prepared letter enclosing said documents; sent to all parties via regular mail 1813 0.200 0.100 0.600 0.250 0.200 0.100 0.100 1.400 Page 86 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A 1 No. 1812.0 C B Date 05/13/11 D I Timekeepe Description Prepared and sent authorization for NYC NB employment records to Martin Clearwater and Bell Hours 0.500 1814 1813.0 05/15/11 NB 1815 1814.0 05/20/11 NB 1815.0 05/20/11 NB Formatted final draft RFA for City of New York; copied same for courtesy copy to all parties; prepared letter enclosing, said documents; sent to all parties via regular mail Formatted final draft of 1st Document Demands for City; copied same for courtesy copy to all parties; prepared letter enclosing said document sent to all parties via regular mail 1.200 0.800 1816 1817 1816.0 05/20/11 NB Formatted final draft of Rog,s for City; copied same for courtesy copy to all parties; prepared letter enclosing said documents; sent to all parties via regular mail Formatted final draft of Deposition Notices for City Defendants; copied same for courtesy copy to all parties; prepared letter enclosing said documents; sent to all parties via regular mail 0.700 0.400 1818 1817.0 05/24/11 NB Formatted final draft of discovery demands/ Rogs for JHMC; copied same for courtesy copy to all parties; prepared letter enclosing said documents; sent to all parties via regular mail 1.700 1819 1818.0 1820 1821 1819.0 1820.0 1822 1821.0 05/25/11 NB 06/16/11 06/23/11 NB NB 07/08/11 NB Formatted final draft of Deposition JHMC Defendants; copied same for courtesy copy to all parties; preared letter enclosing said documents; sent to all parties via regular mail Sent AS authorizaiton to Queens DA Prepared authorization and letter enclosing autorization to Queens DA Drafted letter to all counsel notifying them of pretrial conference; made edits and sent out same 0.500 0.200 0.250 0.250 1823 1822.0 08/08/11 NB Downloaded and printed research received from 0.100 JLN 1824 1823.0 12/13/11 NB Sent AS Authorization to James Liander (Queens 0.200 DA) 1825 1824.0 12/13/11 NB 1826 1825.0 1827 E 12/13/11 NB Letter to defense counsel enclosing responses to discovery requests (authorizations) Letter to Callon enclosing Luell and IRS Authorization Page 87 0.200 0.200 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A Date 01/05/12 1827.0 01/11/12 No. 1828 1829 1828.0 C B 1826.0 1 01/23/12 D Timekeepe Description NB Made reservation for Schoolcrafts for Cosmopolitan Hotel NB Sent Callan kletter and AS authorization via regular mail and e-mail NB Letter to Greg Radomisli enclsoing auths for Hours 0.100 0.100 1829.0 02/10/12 NB 1831 1830.0 03/09/12 NB medicaid records and disclosing lost earnings E-mail exchange to Jeremy Stephens regarding serving subpoenas on Johnstown PD, FCSD and 0.250 FCDSS 1830 0.200 Formatted to Lt. Gilbo regarding the documents that were sent in response to subpoena and sent same 1832 1831.0 03/13/12 NB 1832.0 03/14/12 NB 1833.0 04/16/12 NB 1834.0 04/23/12 NB 1835.0 05/11/12 NB 1837 1838 1836.0 1837.0 05/17/12 08/14/12 NB NB 1833 1834 0.250 Formatted letter and made edits to letter to Court re: leaks to media Pulled and email GC various documents from Schoolcraft file E-mail exchange to Jeremy Stephens (investigator) regarding serving subpoenas on Vallone and Kelly 1835 0.300 0.200 0.200 1836 1839 Sent package to all counsel enclosing transcripts of Browne, Pichardo, McHugh, Polanco, Mauriello, Herran, Gianelli, Esposito Prepared follow up letter to Gilbo subpoening records for JPD; sent same via regular mail Sent Schoolcraft Affidavit of GS as per JLN Prepared letter and authorization for the release of tax records to Publicker; sent same via mail and email 08/28/12 1839.0 08/28/12 NB Copied, sorted and catalogued various non party subpoenas (County of Fulton, Johnstown PD for each defendant); drafted and sent letter to all counsel enclosing same via mail 1840.0 09/11/12 NB 1841.0 10/01/12 NB Formatted and made edits to JLN letter to Court requesting 120 day extension of time; filed same with Court Multiple phone calls to Hotel Albany regarding setting up confercnce room for rreeting with AS 1843 1844 1842.0 1843.0 10/02/12 10/12/12 NB NB NB 0.800 0.250 0.100 0.250 1838.0 Email to all counsel enclsoing documents received in response to various non-party subpoenas 1840 0.150 1841 1842 1845 E Forwarded schoolcraft justice website to JJM Drafted and sent letter to City requesting color copies of photographs shown at plaintiffs deposition Page 88 0.450 0.600 0.600 0.100 0.300 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A 1844.0 Date 10/12/12 1846 1847 1845.0 1846.0 10/16/12 10/18/12 1 No. 1848 1849 1847.0 1848.0 1850 1849.0 10/21/12 11/13/12 11/14/12 D C B Timekeepe Description email exchange with S. Publicker regarding City's NB consent Emailed Mauriello letter to Judge to JLN NB Drafted letter regarding additional day of testimony NB for AS deposition and sent to GC and JF for review NB NB NB Filed Second Amended Complaint newly identified defendants; emailed JLN regarding same Scanned and e -mailed AS Letter of Termination in file; filed same in computer file and hard file 1 E Hours 0.200 0.100 0.200 0.600 0.200 0.250 1851 1850.0 11/15/12 NB 1852 1851.0 01/29/15 NB 1853 1852.0 02/03/15 NB 1854 1853.0 02/03/15 NB 1855 1854.0 02/05/15 NB Made changes and formating edits to letter to Judge Sweet regarding being relieved as counsel and filed same with Court Read deposition transcript of Mauriello; digested same Printed Amended Compaint and Docket sheet for JLN review Downloaded and printed all memorandums of law filed by defendants Read deposition transcript of Bernier; digested 1855.0 02/06/15 NB 1856.0 02/09/15 NB 1858 1857.0 02/11/15 NB 1859 1858.0 02/12/15 1859.0 02/13/15 1860.0 02/18/15 1861.0 02/19/15 NB 1860 NB 0.600 1.300 Read deposition transcript of Finnegan; digested same Read deposition transcript of Caughey; digested same Read deposition transcript of Duncan; digested same Printed various exhibits from Plaintiffs deposition 1.100 1.700 0.600 0.200 1861 NB Printed and bound deps of Mauriello and Valenti 0.200 1862 1863 1864 1862.0 1863.0 1865 1864.0 1866 1867 1865.0 1866.0 1868 0.100 Read deposition transcript of Cooper; digested same 1857 2.400 1.900 same 1856 0.600 NB Read deposition transcript of Dhar; digested same 0.600 02/19/15 02/19/15 02/25/15 02/25/15 02/25/15 NB NB NB NB NB same Printed various exhbits from deps of Mauriello Lauterborn and Floyd Read deposition transcript of Ferrara; digested same same Reade deposition transcript of Hanlon; digested same Page 89 1.600 0.200 1.200 0.400 0.400 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A No. B Date C D 03/11/15 03/12/15 Timekeepe Description NB E-mail Marino deposition to JLN NB Printed Plaintiffs Rule 56.1 Statement for JLN to review NB same NB Read deposition transcript of James; digested same 03/12/15 NB 1872.0 03/18/15 NB 1873.0 03/20/15 NB 1874.0 1 03/23/15 NB 03/23/15 03/25/15 NB NB 1869 1867.0 1868.0 1870 1871 1869.0 1870.0 1872 1871.0 03/03/15 03/09/15 E Hours 0.100 0.100 1.800 0.750 1873 1874 1875 Printed and bound documents from City of New York from City of New York and Mauriello medical documents Read deposition transcript of Lamstein; digested same Read deposition transcript of Lauterborn; digested 0.200 1.600 same 1876 1877 1875.0 1876.0 1878 1877.0 NB 1879 0.400 0.100 same 03/25/15 2.100 Downloaded, printed and bound second set of filings by all defendants for JLN to review Printed Huffman QAD for JLN Read deposition transcript of Silverman; digested 0.600 Printed, reviewed and signed confidentiality agreement for myself; had JLN review and sign same 0.200 E -mailed Confidentiality agreement to Merry Soelanto signed by JLN and myself Converted Schoolcraft opening statement to MS Word 0.100 Printed IAB Documents for JLN; bound & collated same Printed and bound Caughey and Weiss Interviews 0.400 1878.0 03/25/15 NB 1879.0 03/27/15 NB 1880.0 03/30/15 NB 1881.0 03/31/15 NB 1882.0 04/01/15 NB 1883.0 04/01/15 NB 1884.0 04/01/15 NB 04/02/15 04/08/15 NB NB Compiled, sorted, copied and collated multiple trial exhibits Printed, collated and bound AS direct outline Read deposition transcript of Lwin; digested same 04/09/15 NB Read deposition transcript of Marino; digested 04/13/15 04/14/15 NB NB 1880 1881 1882 1883 0.100 0.200 1884 1885 1886 1887 1885.0 1886.0 1888 1887.0 1889 1890 1888.0 1889.0 1891 Printed and bound exhibit list and witness list for Court Printed deps of Huffman, James, Hanlon, Halpren, Gough, Ferrara, Duncan, Caughey, Broschart, Bernier and bound 0.200 0.700 0.600 0.200 1.600 same Printed crime reporting review documents Read deposition transcript of Patel; digested same 1.800 0.200 1.100 Page 90 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A D C B E Date 04/15/15 Timekeepe Description Read deposition transcript of Sangenti; digested NB Hours 04/16/15 same Read deposition transcript of AS; digested same 0.600 1891.0 1892.0 04/16/15 1893.0 04/16/15 1894.0 04/17/15 1895.0 04/27/15 1896.0 1 04/27/15 No. 1890.0 1892 NB 3.100 1893 NB 1894 NB 1895 NB Read deposition transcript of AS (Volume 11); digested same Read deposition transcript of AS (Volume III); digested same Read deposition transcript of LS; digested same 2.900 2.500 1.400 1896 1897 NB 1898 1897.0 04/28/15 NB Read deposition transcript of Trainor; digested same Read deposition transcript of Valenti; digested 0.400 same NB 1.100 Read deposition transcript of Weiss; digested same 1.300 1899 1898.0 05/01/15 NB 1900 1899.0 05/04/15 NB 1901 1900.0 05/05/15 NB 1902 1901.0 05/06/15 NB 1903 1902.0 05/13/15 NB Read deposition transcript of Broschart; digested same Read deposition transcript of Duncan; digested same Read deposition transcript of Sawyer; digested same Read deposition transcript of Marquez; digested same Read deposition transcript of Purpi; digested same 2.100 0.700 0.800 0.600 0.750 1904 1903.0 05/13/15 NB 1905 1904.0 06/02/15 NB 1906 1905.0 1907 1908 1906.0 1907.0 1909 1908.0 1910 1909.0 1911 1910.0 1912 1913 1911.0 1914 1912.0 06/02/15 06/04/15 06/05/15 06/05/15 NB NB NB NB Calendared dates for JPTO, MIL, Jury Charge, Voir Dire, Read deposition transcript of Milone; digested same Read deposition transcript of Carrasco; digested same same Read deposition transcript of Halpren-Ruder; digested same Read deposition transcript of Lubit; digested same 0.100 0.750 0.900 0.600 0.800 1.100 06/17/15 06/17/15 08/05/15 08/06/15 NB NB NB NB Printed and emailed defendants memoranda of law for reconsideration for JLN emailed defendants memoranda of law for reconsideration of AS Printed City's draft JPTO JPTO Page 91 0.200 0.100 0.100 0.100 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A B I C D No. Date Timekeepe Description 1913.0 08/10/15 NB 1914.0 08/11/15 NB 1915.0 08/13/15 NB 1917.0 08/25/15 08/25/15 NB NB 1918.0 08/25/15 NB Printed, collated and stapled multiple discovery documents from City sent to JLN via email Printed spreadsheet from A. Scheiner with City's objections to plaintiffs JPTO Printed JPTO for JLN review Printed filing by NS responding to various arguments by defendants on JPTO exhibits and witnesses for JLN Review Printed, bound, sorted and tabbed Lauterborn Cross 1919.0 08/25/15 NB 08/25/15 08/25/15 08/25/15 NB NB NB Printed, bound, sorted and tabbed Carter Cross Printed, bound, sorted and tabbed Weiss Cross Printed, bound, sorted and tabbed Mauriello Cross 1923.0 08/31/15 NB Printed Amended Compaint and emailed to JLN 1924.0 09/03/15 NB 1926.0 09/05/15 09/05/15 NB NB 1928.0 02/03/13 NBS Printed City letter re: JPTO schedule for JLN review Prepared Schoolcraft Trial Folder Gathered and Prepared Folder of Supplies for Schoolcraft Trial Telephone conference with Peter Gleason; review of docket complaint and decision by J. Sweet. 1929.0 02/07/13 NBS 1930.0 02/08/13 Hours Made multiple formatting changes to final S&C; prepared civil cover sheet and summons for same 1915 0.700 1916 1917 1918 1916.0 1919 1920 0.200 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.600 1921 1922 1920.0 1923 1921.0 1924 0.800 0.500 0.600 0.800 1925 0.100 1926 1927 1925.0 1928 1929 0.100 0.200 0.250 2.500 Meeting with Adrian Schoolcraft; Peter Gleason and John Lenoir re possible representation. 1930 2.500 1931 1931.0 2/11/2013 NBS NBS 1932.0 2/12/2013 NBS 1933.0 2/13/2013 NBS 1934.0 2/14/2013 NBS 1932 1933 1934 1935 E Printed, bound, sorted and tabbed Marino Cross 1922.0 1 TElephone conference with Peter Gleason re taking on new case Telephone conference with co -counsel; review of Floyd case. 0.300 Appear for examination before trial of client in Floyd case and defend same (3.5) (before MJ Freeman); meeting with co -counsel and client in re going forward; review of emails re status. Telephone conference with Peter Gleason; telephone to Richard Guilbert re status. Telephone conference with client; review of Floyd decision; meeting with client and team. 5.500 Page 92 0.500 0.500 3.500 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A B D C No. Date 1935.0 1 2/15/2013 Timekeepe Description Review of files from counsel; review of pleadings; NBS 2/17/2013 2/18/2013 telephone call to co -counsel twice; review of penal code. Review of boxes from client and Guilbert. Review of decisions of file; review of production. 1936 1937 1936.0 1937.0 1938 1939 1938.0 1939.0 1940 1940.0 2/20/2013 2/22/2013 2/24/2013 NBS NBS Meeting with co -counsel; prepare subpoenas Review of emails; telephone call to co -counsel; telephone Graham Raymond (Village Voice). Travel with Peter Gleason to meet defendant and his father in Saugerties, NY. Review of file; prepare summons fo amended cmplt; file Summons with SDNY clerk; tc attempt service of same on Law Dept; telephone call to Peter Gleason re status of serving 5 remaining defendants. NBS NBS NBS 1941 1941.0 2/27/2013 NBS 1942 1942.0 2/28/2013 Review of examination before trial; prepare subpoena; prepare Notice of Appearance. Telephone conference with potential medical expert (.5); review of discovery; file Affirmation of Service; review of medical and hospital records. NBS 1943 1943.0 3/1/2013 NBS 2.200 2.500 3.500 0.800 0.700 5.200 2.800 3.500 3.200 1944 1944.0 1945 3/2/2013 Review of Section 1983 and 242 issues and jury instructions for various theories of the case. NBS 5.000 _ 1945.0 3/3/2013 Review of discovery; review of discovery plan; review of draft letter to Justice Department. NBS 2.500 1946 1946.0 3/5/2013 NBS 1947 . 1947.0 3/6/2013 NBS 1948 1948.0 3/7/2013 NBS 1949 1949.0 3/9/2013 NBS 1950 1950.0 3/14/2013 NBS 1951 1951.0 1952 E Hours 3/20/2013 NBS Telephone conference with client re Justice letter and Chris Dunn three times; review of discovery record. Review of discovery records; telephone call to Chris Dunn (NYCLU); meeting with City CM Williams; Peter Gleason and Adrian Schoolcraft (2.1). Review of file; meeting with client and Peter Gleason; review of new matter. Meeting with co -counsel and intern in reference to status. Emails to opposing counsel; letter to Judge Sweet in reference to motion schedule. Review of Magistrate Judge letter; telephone call to Peter Gleason; letter to court re two motions; review of discovery file. Page 93 2.500 3.500 3.800 2.500 0.700 2.500 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A No. B C 1952.0 Date 3/22/2013 1953.0 3/23/2013 1954.0 3/25/2013 1955.0 3/26/2013 NBS 1956.0 3/27/2013 NBS 1957 1958 1957.0 1958.0 3/28/2013 3/29/2013 NBS NBS 3/30/2013 NBS 3/31/2013 4/1/2013 NBS NBS 1 1953 1954 D 'Tirnekeepe Description NBS Appearance in court on Floyd case to see Marino testify (2.5); telephone call to client (.3); call to Peter Gleason(.4); prepare Rule 34 demand for property. NBS Review of motion and motion letter; research on taking high-level government employee's deposition. NBS Working on opp to motions to guash and compel; telephone call with client and review of materials with client (1.5); telephone conference with Jon Norinsberg re Queens DA; suit and sharing information (0.5). 1955 1 E Hours 4.200 3.500 8.500 1956 1959 1959.0 1960 1961 1960.0 1961.0 1962 1962.0 1963 1963.0 1964 1965 1964.0 1966 1965.0 1967 1966.0 1967.0 1968 1968.0 1969 1970 1969.0 1970.0 1971 Telephone conference with client (.5); call to Peter Gleason (.3); drafting memo of law in opposition to motion. Revising Memo of Law in Opposition (4.5); telephone call to client; meeting with Peter Gleason; mag and artist re demonstratives. Draft supplemental memo of law. Review of discovery; review of letter re gag order; telephone call to client; email team; call to Peter Gleason; telephone G. Rayma. Review of gag order cases (1.5); conference with team (1.0). Review of cases on gag order. Review of discovery; email reference discovery plea. 4/2/2013 NBS 4/3/2013 NBS 4/4/2013 4/5/2013 4/7/2013 4/8/2013 NBS NBS NBS NBS 4/9/2013 NBS 6.500 5.800 1.500 7.500 2.500 3.500 3.500 Appearance at Floyd trial to hear Mauriello testify. 3.500 Appearance at Floyd trial to hear part of Dr. Fagan direct. Drafting memo of law on prior restraint. Revise memo of law on prior restraint. Meeting at upstate with' team. Meeting with client all day re prep for case and ebt 2.500 7.500 3.800 8.600 7.500 Continued review of discovery)(4.0); MHL on emergency hospitalization; meeting with potential expert re: medical malpractice issues (1.5); meeting with John re: motion; telephone call to Walker re: same. 4/10/2013 4/11/2013 NBS NBS 6.500 Meeting with team after court appearance. Meeting with team and Rae Kosheck re: NYPD re adm trial issues. 1.500 Page 94 2.500 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A 1 No. 1971.0 1972 1973 1972.0 1974 1973.0 1975 1974.0 1975.0 1976 1977 1976.0 1977.0 Timekeepe Description Telephone conference with Peter Gleason re: NBS Hours 4/15/2013 4/16/2013 4/22/2013 4/23/2013 status. Review of production. Review of production Review of testimony in discovery Review of PG on Marino, Mauriello,and Lauterborn; review of reports of PG by IAB. 0.500 2.000 2.500 3.000 4/24/2013 4/25/2013 NBS NBS NBS NBS NBS NBS 4/26/2013 NBS 1979 1979.0 4/27/2013 NBS 1980 1980.0 4/28/2013 NBS 1981 1981.0 4/29/2013 NBS 1982 1982.0 4/30/2013 NBS 1983 1983.0 5/1/2013 NBS 1984 1984.0 5/2/2013 NBS 1985 1985.0 5/3/2013 NBS Review of AEO files. Appearance at 1 Police Plaza for conference; telephone call to client re: status; review of interviews by QAD. Meeting with client re: background and chronological with John Lenoir. Meeting with client re: background with John Lenoir. Telephone conference with John Lenoir re: upcoming trial with NYPD. Telephone conference with with client (1.0) re: trial; research on collateral estoppel issue. Telephone conference with client; research on collateral estoppel issue. Telephone conference with Peter Gleason re: status; emails with clients re: same. Draft letter to Publicker re: collateral estoppel issue; email all counsel re: discovery deadlines; email court re: same. Review of cases; email letter to opposing counsel re: collateral examination before trial issue. 4.500 3.500 2.500 6.500 7.500 0.200 2.800 2.800 0.500 1.500 0.700 1986 1986.0 5/7/2013 NBS 1987 1987.0 5/8/2013 NBS Listening to day -long recording of 10/31/09; taking notes thereof (7.0); review of discovery requests; prepare same. Review of recordings; prepare discovery responses. 9.500 5.500 1988 1988.0 1989 1990 1989.0 1990.0 1991 1991.0 1992 1992.0 1993 E Date 4/14/2013 1978 1978.0 D C B 5/9/2013 5/10/2013 5/13/2013 5/14/2013 5/15/2013 NBS NBS NBS NBS NBS Meeting with J. Lenoir re: case and status; review of internal memos by IAB; review of recordings. Continued review of discovery. Meeting with John and Melissa re: NYPP; telephone call with client. Telephone conference with client re: status; review of discovery files; outline of production. Continued review of production; email opposing counsel re: status of IPP trial and Queens DA document. Page 95 3.200 3.500 2.500 3.800 2.200 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A B C D No. Date Timekeepe Description 1993.0 5/16/2013 NBS 1994.0 5/17/2013 NBS 1995.0 5/18/2013 NBS 1996.0 5/20/2013 NBS 5/21/2013 NBS Meeting with Jon Lenoir; telephone conference with co -counsel and Jim McCutheon; telephone conference office of Lisa Bland; review of civil commitment articles and decision on dangerousness predictions; review of discovery record; prepare responses to objections to City Defendants demands; listening to recording of lAB interview. 1998.0 5/22/2013 NBS Telephone conference re: status; telephone call Lisa Bland re: possible deal (demand of back pay in consideration of resignation); review and revised responses to discovery demands. E Review of personal file on defendants; sick report and duty status at 10/31/09; research on Judge Sweet letter; telephone call to John Lenoir re: Jimmy McCutkin re: telephone to Lisa Bland. 1997.0 1 1994 Hours Review of files; telephone call to co -counsel; telephone client; call to Lisa Bland. Continued review of discovery; telephone call to client (2 times); call to John Lenoir; email re: same. 1995 5.500 3.500 Telephone conference with client and co -counsel. 1996 1.200 1997 3.500 1998 5.800 1999 1999.0 2000 5/23/2013 NBS Telephone conference with client; call to co counsel; review of decisions; email re: status. 1.800 0.800 2000.0 5/24/2013 NBS 2001 2001.0 2002 5/30/2013 NBS 2002.0 6/3/2013 NBS 2003 2003.0 6/4/2013 NBS 2004 2004.0 6/5/2013 2005 NBS Telephone conference with client re: status; review of emails from co -counsel re Eli Silverman. Telephone conference with client; telephone call to Lisa Bland's office. Telephone conference with co -counsel; letter to Judge Sweet on discovery; telephone call to Lisa Bland re: now want demand from us and will not agree to stay. Telephone conference with client; telephone call co counsel; draft letters to Judge Sweet re: stay and re: alleged discovery deficiencies. Appearance in court at conference before Judge Sweet handled by John Lenoir; conference with John re: same. Page 96 0.400 0.500 3.500 3.500 1.800 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) , A No. 1 B 6/12/2013 6/13/2013 NBS Review of Younger et al decisions on stay motion. 6/14/2013 NBS Email regarding press contracts; telephone call to client; further research on Younger issue. 6/18/2013 NBS Drafting reply on stay; research on issues re: same. 6/19/2013 NBS Drafting reply; telephone call to client re: reply transcript of 10/31/09; call from Village Voice; telephone G. Rayman re: status of case. Telephone conference with co -counsel; review of Floyd submissions. Telephone conference with client; telephone co counsel re: travel to upstate; review of issuses regardig: litigation with indigent client; prepare for 6/6/2013 2006 2006.0 6/7/2013 2007 2007.0 6/9/2013 2008.0 6/10/2013 2009 2009.0 2010 2011 2010.0 2011.0 2012 2012.0 2013 2013.0 2014 2014.0 6/11/2013 2015 2015.0 6/20/2013 NBS 2016 2016.0 6/25/2013 NBS 2017.0 6/26/2013 2018.0 6/27/2013 NBS 2018 2019 2020 2019.0 2020.0 6/29/2013 6/30/2013 NBS NBS NBS E Hours 1.800 4.500 3.500 5.500 5.500 1.500 3.500 3.500 8.500 5.500 2.500 2.800 same. 2017 2021 D C Timekeepe Description Review of emails; review of proposed order; review of notes on defendant's examination before NBS trial; email co -counsel; prepare for meeting with experts. Review of Queens D.A. files (20); meeting with John Lenoir and potential experts on NYPD and NBS dangerousness (2.0); telephone client re: motion for stay of NYPD Preparing proposed Order to Show Cause on stay NBS of adm proceedings Revised Order to Show Cause; filed same; emails with counsel; telephone call to co -counsel; NBS telephone call to client re: status; 2nd appearance at court. Research on Younger abstention issues for stay NBS motion. Review of Younger case law. NBS Date 2005.0 2008 I Travel to Johnstown for meeting with client [8 hours of travel]. Review of tapes for the purpose of responsing to discovery demands by the City for requests for admissions and providing additional information to the defendants about the recordings. Review of stay decision on NYPD trial. Review of tapes and drafting response to Court Order re: complication of Plaintiffs deposition testimony and requests to admit. Page 97 9.000 7.500 0.500 5.500 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A B C D E No. Date 2021.0 7/1/2013 2022.0 7/10/2013 NBS 2023.0 7/11/2013 NBS 2024.0 7/18/2013 NBS Telephone conference with client re Judge Sweet and re: discovery status; email opposing counsel re: same and schedule of examination before trial. 2025.0 7/22/2013 NBS 2026.0 7/23/2013 NBS Telephone conference with client; re: status; review of to do list; memo to file. Telephone conference with co -counsel re: status. 2027.0 7/24/2013 NBS Telephone conference with Magdelena re: status 2028.0 7/25/2013 NBS 2029 2030 2029.0 2031 2030.0 2031.0 7/26/2013 7/27/2013 7/30/2013 NBS NBS NBS Prepare for all counsel conference call; telephone co -counsel; telephone call client. Preparing documents for client. Meeting with T. Skinner re: case. Revising documents (sub of counsel; memo of understanding; discovery demands) (1.5); telephone call H. Suckle re: possible involvement; telephone co -counsel re: status; review of Section 1983 case law (1.5). 3.500 2032.0 7/31/2013 NBS Meeting with H. Suckle re: hospital; draft memo to client; revise sub of counsel; memo of goals; document demand; emails re: discovery plan with co -counsel and opposing counsel; telephone call to client re: status. 6.500 2033.0 8/1/2013 NBS 2034.0 8/6/2013 NBS 2035.0 8/13/2013 NBS 2036.0 8/14/2013 NBS 2037.0 8/15/2013 NBS 1 Timekeepe Description NBS Telephone conference with client twice (1.5); review of various tapes; review of transcripts; prepare Response to the Court Order re: discovery. 2022 3.800 2023 2024 Travel to Albany and meet with the client at John Garber's office (194 Washington Avenue); return to NYC ( 8 hours travel time) Telephone conference with R. Gilbert; telephone conference with client re decision; telephone call to client; telephone Gilbert 2025 8.500 0.900 0.700 2026 2027 1.500 0.400 2028 0.300 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 Hours Meeting with Magdalen re: status and case; review of case law in jury instructions. Telephone conference with co -counsel; review of emails and press coverage; call from G. Rayman re: book out. Read recent book by G. Raymond called NYPD Tapes Travel to Mayfield, NY (4.5); review of recent decision in Floyd case Meeting with client re: examination before trial preparation Page 98 3.500 0.900 0.800 2.800 0.800 4.500 4.750 6.500 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A B No. Date Timekeepe Description 2038.0 1 8/16/2013 NBS 2039 2039.0 8/20/2013 NBS 2040 2040.0 8/21/2013 NBS 2041 2041.0 8/22/2013 NBS E D C 1 ! Meeting with client to discuss case and deposition (7.5); travel back to NY (4.5). Telephone conference with client; revised letter to court. Telephone conference with co -counsel; emails with opposing counsel re: discovery schedule. Telephone conference with Jon Lenoir re: status; telephone Greg Radomisle re: hospital inspection; review of emails re: schedule; conference with all counsel re: schedule; draft objections (2.5); conference with Adrian Schoolcraft re: same. Hours 9.750 1.500 1.200 4.200 2042 2042.0 8/23/2013 NBS Meeting with Magdalena re legal research on state action; telephone call with Jon Lenoir re: status. 1.500 2043 2043.0 8/24/2013 NBS Meeting with investigator (1.0); telephone conference with Jon Lenoir re: Paul Brown (0.3). 1.300 2044 2044.0 2045 2046 2045.0 2046.0 2047 2047.0 8/25/2013 8/26/2013 8/27/2013 8/28/2013 NBS NBS NBS NBS 2048 2048.0 2049 2050 2049.0 2051 2050.0 2051.0 2052 2052.0 2053 2054 2055 2056 2057 2053.0 2054.0 2055.0 2056.0 2057.0 8/29/2013 8/30/2013 9/3/2013 9/4/2013 9/6/2013 9/8/2013 9/9/2013 9/10/2013 9/16/2013 9/18/2013 NBS NBS NBS NBS NBS NBS NBS NBS NBS NBS Review of production for AEO issue (5.0); telephone call to J. Smith (photography of inspection). Continued review of production. Travel to Saugerties to meet client (4.5); meeting with client re: status (3.5). Review of decision on jury order; telephone Pete Gleason re: suits and apartment; review of counsel; review of conference orders; review of production. Review of productions; telephone call, to client (0.5) Continued review of production Telephone conference with client re: status. Email to client re: status; review of status report; review of letter motion by city. Review of correspondence on discovery; drafting AEO letter motion; telephone call to client re: status and AEO letter issues (1.0) Drafting letter motion on AEO. Revising letter motion; emails on same. Telephone conference with client. Email regarding status; telephone call to client. Telephone call and emails reference 81 inspection 5.500 3.500 5.750 3.500 3.800 3.500 1.500 0.700 3.500 2.500 0.800 0.200 0.500 0.500 2058 Page 99 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A B C D Date 9/19/2013 Timekeepe Description NBS Inspection at 81 with defendants, cleint, and Mag. 9/21/2013 9/22/2013 NBS NBS 9/23/2013 NBS 2062.0 9/25/2013 NBS 2063.0 9/26/2013 NBS 2064.0 9/27/2013 NBS 9/29/2013 9/30/2013 NBS NBS 10/1/2013 NBS 10/2/2013 NBS 2069.0 10/4/2013 NBS Appearance for client; examination before trial and prepare for same. Appearance for examination before trial of defendant and prepare for same. Meeting with client re: case and next Steps. Telephone conference with co -counsel; review of emails; review of productions. Meeting with client re: examination before trial and inspection preparation. Inspection at Jamaica Hospital; visit Queen's location; Meeting with client; reviewing tapes re: examination before, trial. Preparing for Marino and Mauriello examination before trial (5.0); telephone conference with co counsel; emails with opposing counsel re: adjournment for Mauriello; review of PG & Floyd trial transcripts. 2070.0 10/7/2013 NBS 10/8/2013 NBS Preparing for and taking Marino's examination before trial; calls to Court on status of various motions. 2072.0 10/9/2013 NBS E Prepared for examination before trial; conference call with co -counsel; conference with client. 2071.0 I Appearance in court on motions (2.0); meeting with team re: case and examination before trial (2.0); prepare for examinations before trial of plaintiff Telephone conference with John Lenoir re: status. No. 1 2058.0 2059 2060 2059.0 2060.0 2061 2061.0 Meeting with client. Review of motion letter re: AEO and personal property motion. Draft reply letter on AEO and personal property motion telephone conference with client; telephone call with Mag; telephone call to John Lenoir re: status; review of 81 inspection photos; review of AEO designations. 2062 Hours 5.500 3.500 2.500 2.500 2063 7.500 2064 2065 2066 2065.0 2066.0 2067 2067.0 2068 2068.0 2069 2070 9.000 9.000 1.500 2.500 3.500 7.500 5.500 2071 5.500 2072 2073 9.500 0.500 Page 100 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A 1 No. Date Timekeepe Description NBS 2073.0 10/9/2013 2074 2074.0 10/10/2013 NBS 2075 2075.0 10/11/2013 2076.0 10/13/2013 NBS 2076 NBS 2077 2077.0 10/14/2013 NBS E D C B Hours 1 Meeting with co -counsel; review and revise status report; review of motions and filing on case re: discovery; telephone conference with G. Raymond re: Mauriello counterclaims (will comment in opposing papers). Review of email; conference with co -counsel; review of law on tortuous interference claim; email opposing counsel re: emotion to amend Mauriello answer. Drafting letter to Court; research on motion to amend. Telephone conference with client re: status re: NYCLU and Dunn and going forward; telephone call to John Lenoir re: same Telephone conference with L. Dunn; telephone call to John Lenoir re: case; drafting and research on motion to strike Mauriello answer; discovery matters (AEO personal property) and opposing to motion to amend pleadings (7.5). 1.800 3.500 2.300 8.500 2078 2078.0 10/15/2013 NBS Revised motion and memo; emails re: same; letter to court; conference with client're: status. 3.500 2079 2079.0 10/16/2013 NBS Prepare for court appearance; appear before Judge Sweet on various motions (3.2); conference with trial team; telephone call with Howard Suckle re: status and medical defendant's examination before trial; email to client. 4.500 2080 2080.0 10/17/2013 NBS Telephone conference with client; emails re: status; email prior counsel re: discovery matters. 0.800 2081 2081.0 10/18/2013 NBS 2082 2082.0 2083 4.500 10/22/2013 NBS Telephone conference with client; review of medical documents responses; email opposing counsel re: status of production. Meeting with H. Suckle re: medical examination before trial preparation. Page 101 1.800 2.500 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A No. 1 2083.0 B C D Date _Timekeepe Description 10/23/2013 NBS Telephone conference with court re: oral argument date; telephone call with Walter Kretz re: same; conference with co -counsel; telephone call and email to client; telephone J. Eterno re: status and Monell issues (alleged conflict of interest issue raised by Law Dept in the past); review of Jamaica Hospital records; email with prior counsel re: substitution and document search. 2084 E Hours 3.500 2084.0 10/24/2013 NBS Prepared for examination before trial of Dr. Bernier 2085.0 10/25/2013 NBS 10/27/2013 10/28/2013 NBS NBS 10/29/2013 NBS Appearance for Bernier examination before trial; wait for response from Court on video objection; meeting with team. Research on dangerous assessment. Telephone conference with client re: status; emails re: schedule and video objections. Preparation for examination before trial of Mauriello; review of research on video use conference with 10-10. 2089.0 10/30/2013 NBS 2090.0 11/1/2013 NBS 2091.0 11/3/2013 NBS 11/4/2013 11/5/2013 NBS NBS 11/7/2013 NBS 2095.0 11/8/2013 NBS Meeting with investigator (1.0); telephone call same and Mag (0.5); review of research and emails. 2096.0 11/14/2013 NBS 2097 2098 2097.0 11/15/2013 NBS Email in reference to Daily News Article; telephone call to Mag Bauza re: interview with Carol Street. Prepare for Mauriello. 2085 2086 2087 2086.0 2087.0 2088 2088.0 5.500 2089 0.800 5.800 Telephone conference with client (1.0); email opposing counsel re: adjournment on Mauriello; review of ernails; review of Mauriello testimony in Floyd case; review of AS personnel file records for examination before trial (2.0) 2090 4.500 2091 2092 2093 2092.0 2093.0 2094 2094.0 3.200 3.000 2095 Telephone conference with client; telephone call to John Lenoir re: Stop and Frisk; status. Review of Lauterborn recordings and preparation for his examination before trial. Prepare for examination before trial. Review of record; prepare for Lauterborn examination before trial Prepare for and take examination before trial of Lauterborn; conference with team; telephone call with client re: status. 2096 0.500 4.200 2.500 4.500 9.500 3.500 Page 102 1.200 2.500 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A 1 No. 2098.0 2099 2100 2099.0 2101 2100.0 2101.0 2102 2102.0 2103 2103.0 B Date 11/19/2013 11/20/2013 11/21/2013 11/22/2013 11/26/2013 D C L Timekeepe Description Telephone conference with B. Shaffer re: Larry NBS Schoolcraft examination before trial re: examination before trial of Larry Schoolcraft; prep for ebts of polce defendants Prepare for Marino examination before trial. NBS Prepare for Marino examination before trial. NBS Prepare for and appear at Mauriello examination NBS before trial (busted by defendant). Drafting notices for depositions ; review of email. NBS E Hours 2.200 2.500 2.500 3.500 1.000 12/1/2013 NBS Review of Caughey, Weiss and Hanlon recordings; prepare for Caughey examination before trial; telephone conference, re: status (left message). 2.800 2104 2104.0 12/2/2013 NBS 2105 NBS 2105.0 12/4/2013 2106.0 12/6/2013 NBS 2107.0 12/7/2013 NBS 2106 2107 2108 2109 2108.0 2110 2109.0 2110.0 2111 2111.0 2112 2113 2112.0 2114 2113.0 2114.0 2115 2115.0 2116 2116.0 2117 2118 2117.0 2119 2118.0 12/8/2013 12/9/2013 12/17/2013 NBS NBS NBS 12/18/2013 NBS 12/19/2013 12/20/2013 12/24/2013 NBS NBS NBS 12/29/2013 NBS 12/30/2013 NBS 12/31/2013 1/1/2014 NBS NBS Telephone conference with W. Kretz re: Mauriello; telephone emails with counsel re: status and discovery deadline. Letter to opposing counsel; email to opposing counsel re numerous discovery disputes. Emails re: status; prepare opposition to motion for reconsideration. Telephone conference with client and John Lenoir; prepare for Caughey examination before trial; prepare for opposition to Mauriello reconsideration. Prepare for Caughey examination before trial. Take examination before trial of Caughey. Prepare for examination before trial of Mauriello; review of recent correspondence. Prepare for Mauriello; conference with co -counsel, telephone call to client re: status. Prepare for Mauriello. Take examination before trial of Mauriello. Meeting with client and John Lenoir re: status and possible settlement demand. Meeting with client to review various tape recording. Meeting with client and review various tape recordings (4.3); obtain tape recorder from NYPD and send to specialist for enhancement Review of production; research on compstat. Review of Silverman and Eterno book Page 103 2.500 1.500 3.500 2.800 2.500 7.500 3.500 4.500 3.500 8.500 3.200 4.500 4.500 1.800 4.500 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A 2119.0 2120.0 1/3/2014 2121.0 1/5/2014 2122.0 1/6/2014 2120 2121 2122 2123 2124 2123.0 2125 2124.0 2125.0 C B Date 1/2/2014 No. 1 1/8/2014 1/12/2014 1/13/2014 2126 D Timekeepe Description _______ NBS Meeting with client re: review of tapes; telephone conference with co -counsel; emails re: schedule; letter to Court re: schedule NBS Prepare for Boston and Huffman examination before trial NBS Prepare for Boston and Huffman examination before trial. NBS Prepare for and take examination before trial of Boston and Huffman; meeting with team re: status and going forward NBS Letter to Court; email re: scheduling NBS Prepare for Hanlon examination before trial NBS Prepare for and take Hanlon examination before trial; conference with team re: examination before trial and case NBS Appearance in court; conference with co -counsel; email re: status NBS Review of production; review of report on crime reporting; emails re: status of examination before trial NBS Review of documents produced; review of report of crime reporting; review of prior discovery demands 2126.0 1/15/2014 2127.0 1/16/2014 2128.0 1/17/2014 2129.0 1/23/2014 NBS 1/24/2014 1/27/2014 NBS NBS 1/28/2014 1/29/2014 1/30/2014 NBS NBS NBS Produce documents Revising letter to website responders; sending Out same; letter to City Defendants re: examination before trial Prepare for Dr. Lamstein Prepare for Dr. Lamstein Prep for and take Dr. Lamstein examination before trial 2/3/2014 NBS 2/5/2014 NBS 2/7/2014 NBS 1.800 4.500 3.700 10.500 0.200 3.500 8.500 Prepare documents for supplemental production; long status conference with client re: need for AEO production and status of case (1.3) 2130 2131 2130.0 2131.0 E Hours 2127 2128 2129 2132 2133 2132.0 2134 2133.0 2134.0 2135 2135.0 2136 2136.0 2138 3.500 3.500 1.900 Telephone conference with co -counsel; email reference examination before trial. Telephone conference with client; emails reference examination before trial; and letter to Judge Sweet. 2137 2137.0 2.300 0.400 1.200 3.500 2.300 9.500 0.500 0.800 Email regarding status with client; meeting with Mag in reference to redaction issues; letter to Law Department reference redaction; drafting and revising discovery demands. Page 104 3.500 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) D C B A No. Date Timekeepe Description 2138.0 1 2/10/2014 NBS 2139 2139.0 2/11/2014 2140.0 2/12/2014 NBS 2140 NBS 2141 2141.0 2/16/2014 NBS Telephone conference with the court clerk reference submission on February 10, 2014; letter to court; prepare for doctor's examination before trial (2.8) Prepare for and attend Dr. Bernier examination before trial. Prepare for and attend Dr. lsakov examination before trial. Telephone conference with John Lenoir and client reference status; review of privilege issues. E Hours 3.800 8.500 9.500 1.700 2142 2142.0 2/18/2014 NBS Review of examination before trial for discovery letter; emails reference defendant's examination before trial and Norinsberg termination letter; request JHMC provide and produce the two EMT's. 3.800 2143 2143.0 2/19/2014 NBS 2144 2144.0 2145 2146 2145.0 2146.0 2/20/2014 2/21/2014 2/23/2014 NBS NBS NBS 2147 2147.0 2/24/2014 NBS 2148 2148.0 2/25/2014 NBS 2149 2149.0 2150 2151 2150.0 2152 2151.0 2152.0 2/27/2014 2/28/2014 3/3/2014 3/4/2014 NBS NBS NBS NBS 2153 2153.0 3/8/2014 NBS 2154 2154.0 3/11/2014 2155 2156 2155.0 3/24/2014 NBS NBS Telephone conference with co -counsel (HS) reference medical case; state action; pro and sub due process; review of emails reference discovery status; telephone call to John Lenoir reference same. Email co -counsel; client review of examination before trial for motion. Review of cited psychiatric journals. Review of examination before trial; telephone co counsel; telephone conference with client reference status. Review of examination before trial; email reference recording. Review of examination before trial; transcripts for discovery issues; telephone call to Walter Kretz (two times) regarding possible work out. Drafting letters to court re outstanding disocvery disputes by plaintiff and by defendants Letter motion regarding discovery issue. Review of emails and letters Prepare for and attend meeting to confer; emails reference status same. Review of letters on discovery motions; email to team reference response. Meeting with team John Lenoir and Mag Bauza; drafting letter to court. Meeting with team: telephone call with client. Page 105 2.500 2.800 2.500 3.500 0.400 5.000 3.500 6.500 0.500 1.500 1.200 2.300 3.500 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A B No. Date 2156.0 1 3/26/2014 C D E Timekeepe Description NBS Review of drafts 30(b)(6); appear in court on discovery status (2.2); telephone call client; review of document demands; meet and confer with opposing counsel (1.0). 2157 2157.0 3/27/2014 Hours - NBS 2158 3.800 Telephone conference with client (twice) re subject matters of numerous 30(b)(6) notices; revising same. 3.500 2158.0 3/28/2014 NBS Meeting with Mag reference jury instructions; telephone call with client reference 30(b)(6); revising same and serving same. 2159.0 4.500 3/31/2014 NBS Telephone conference with client; review of discovery; emails reference settlement. 2160.0 1.800 4/1/2014 NBS Telephone conference with City re: settlement; 2159 2160 2161 telephone conference with client; conference with team re: same. Review of medical expert decisions and affidavit; prepare for Trainor examination before trial. 1.500 2161.0 4/4/2014 NBS 2162.0 4/7/2014 NBS Prepare motion to strike paragraph six of Mauriello's counterclaim (1.3); prepare outline of discovery issues; telephone call to D. Beekman (Daily News); telephone conference Graham Raymond; telephone MJ Freeman's chambers; email all counsel. 2164.0 4/8/2014 4/9/2014 NBS NBS Prepare for Trainor examination before trial. Preparing for hearing on Raymond motion to compel; appearance in court on motion (2.2); prepare for Trainor and Gough examination before trial. 2165.0 4/10/2014 NBS 2166.0 4/11/2014 8.900 NBS Prepare for and take deposition of Trainor; prepare for Gough examination before trial. Prepare for and take Gough examination before trial 7.800 4.500 2162 2.500 2163 2164 2163.0 2165 2166 2167 2167.0 4/13/2014 NBS Prepare for and meet with potential expert (Roy Lubit). 2168.0 4/14/2014 NBS Telephone conference with co -counsel re: status; conference with client; emails with opposing counsel re': new dates for settlement demands/offers/conference; draft letter to MJ Freeman re: same; email Hearn. 2169.0 4/15/2014 NBS Telephone conference with H. Suckle re: status and settlement. 2168 2169 2170 Page 106 2.500 2.800 2.800 1.800 0.300 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A D C B No. Date Timekeep Description 2170.0 1 4/16/2014 NBS E Hours Telephone conference with team (1.0); conference with client re: settlement demands (1.2); research on commitment cases; state action and Section 1983; review of Plaintiffs demands. 5.800 2171 2171.0 4/17/2014 NBS 2172 2172.0 2173 2174 2173.0 2174.0 4/18/2014 4/22/2014 4/23/2014 NBS NBS NBS 2175 2175.0 2176 2177 2176.0 2178 2177.0 2178.0 4/24/2014 4/25/2014 4/27/2014 4/28/2014 NBS NBS NBS NBS 2179 2179.0 4/29/2014 2180.0 4/30/2014 NBS 2180 NBS 2181 2181.0 5/2/2014 NBS 2182 2182.0 5/5/2014 NBS Telephone conference with team; review of decisions; telephone Mag; telephone Howard; telephone John; letter to all defendants counsel re: Norinsberg termination letter; telephone call to S. Mettham re: settlement. Various telephone calls with John Lenoir; telephone client; review of decisions on involuntary hospital and damages. Telephone conference with Joe Ferrero. Drafting opposition to Jamaica Hospital motion for protective order; prepare for and attend examination before trial of Bernier Prepare for Sawyer examination before trial (3.0); revise opposition to Jamaica Hospital protective order motion. Prepare for and take deposition of Sawyer. Preparing reply to Mauriello opposition Prepare for and take Duncan examination before trial and conference with all counsel and MJ Freeman re: settlement discussion. Review of state motion cases; meeting with co counsel; call to client. Appearance in court on JHMC motion for protective order and Adrian's motion to strife Mauriello counterclaims reference (2.2); prepare for same; lunch meeting with team and colleague of John's re: case. Telephone conference with Gregory Radomsile reference examination before trial; emails to opposing counsel' re: same. Telephone conference with Sheri; telephone call to John Lenoir; prepare letter to Judge Sweet re: Plaintiffs motion to compel; telephone to John Cohen re: fees; review of Gleason fees. 2.900 3.500 0.500 8.500 3.500 6.500 2.800 7.800 2.500 3.800 0.800 2.200 2183 Page 107 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A B No. Date 2183.0 1 5/8/2014 2184 2185 2184.0 C D Timekeepe Description NBS Prepare for conference; attend tc conference with Magistrate Freeman re: settlement: hospital defendant have no pay status and City willing to continue discussions, email client re: status; revising letter to Judge; review of opinion on Mauriello counterclaim/motion to strike Plaintiff (0.5); research on law enforcement privileged (1.0). 2185.0 5/11/2014 5/12/2014 NBS NBS 2186.0 5/13/2014 NBS 2186 2187 Prepare for James examination before trial. Prepare for and take James examination before trial. Travel to Holbrook and meet with Ferrara and his wife. E Hours 4.500 3.500 6.800 4.500 2187.0 5/14/2014 NBS 2188.0 5/15/2014 NBS 2189.0 5/19/2014 NBS Review of production; prepare for meeting with client; telephone call with co -counsel; research on discovery issues (law enforcement privilege). 2190.0 5/20/2014 NBS Travel to and from Johnstown, NY meeting with client; conference with Magistrate Freeman; exparte conference with Magistrate Freeman. 2191.0 5/22/2014 NBS Drafting opposition to City motion for protective order and cross -motion for documents, research on 2188 2189 Prepare and take examination before trial of Marquez. Prepare for and take examination before trial of Sangetti (4.5); emails with client re: status and settlement (0.5). 2190 8.400 5.000 3.800 2191 8.250 2192 same. 8.500 2192.0 5/23/2014 NBS Research on blue wall silence (2.5); telephone call to potential witness (Stephen Lerner); telephone to Lubit; email team; email client; review of document production; telephone conference with Jon Norinsberg re: 81 locker photos. 2193.0 5/28/2014 NBS Prepare for conference of motion; appear on motion before Judge Sweet (2.8); telephone call to Dr. Lubit; telephone call to the office of Eterno; conference with all counsel re: schedule and need 30-45 days; prepare for Weiss examination before trial; conference with team re: Weiss; telephone Jon Norinsberg re: locker photos. 2194.0 5/29/2014 NBS Prepare for Weiss: take Weiss examination before trial: prepare for JHMC. 2193 4.500 2194 2195 j 8.500 Page 108 9.500 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A B D C 1 No. Date Timekeepe Description 2195.0 5/30/2014 NBS 2196.0 1 6/2/2014 2196 NBS 2197 2197.0 6/3/2014 NBS Prepare for and take examination before trial of Jamaica Hospital (Maffia) Telephone conference with client; emails with opposing counsel re: discovery; reviewing production for index. Email regarding plan for discovery; production of Aetna documents and dOcket photos; telephone call to J. Ferrara re: examination before trial for 6/5/14. E Hours 4.500 1.800 1.500 2198 2198.0 6/4/2014 NBS Prepare for Ferrara examination before trial; telephone conference with co -counsel re: same. 3.200 2199 2199.0 6/5/2014 NBS 2200 2200.0 6/6/2014 NBS Meeting with team and J. Ferrara; attend deposition of J. Ferrara at Law Department; drafting discovery demands for Mauriello. Prepare discovery demands re: Mauriello (1.5); conference call with John Eterno; Eli Silverman and team re: expert issues (compstat, blue wall, and digital recorder); review of New York City conflict of interest issue, law, decision (1.2) 9.500 3.200 2201 2201.0 6/8/2014 NBS 2202 2202.0 6/9/2014 NBS Revising discovery demand for Mauriello counterclaim. Telephone conference with client re: status of case. 1.200 2.000 2203 2203.0 6/10/2014 NBS 2204 2204.0 6/11/2014 NBS 2205 2205.0 6/12/2014 NBS 2206 2206.0 6/13/2014 NBS 2207 2207.0 2208 2209 2208.0 2209.0 2210 6/16/2014 6/17/2014 6/18/2014 NBS NBS NBS Drafting demands on Mauriello; drafting letter to court re: amended discovery schedules. Travel to Rhode Island and meet with Dr. Dan re: ER expert. Continue meeting with Dr. Dan re: ER expert; review parts of PX69 and home invasion recording with expert; revised and drafted discovery demand; travel back to New York. Telephone conference with Eli Silverman and John Eterno re: expert discovery schedule (1.0); review of conflict laws; telephone call to Mag Bauza; telephone to John Lenoir; memo to file on ER expert (.5) Review of city letter re: supplemental discovery; conference with co -counsel. Prepare for Broschart. Prepare for and take Broschart re: examination before trial. Page 109 0.800 6.500 5.500 4.500 0.800 3.500 7.800 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A No. B C D 2210.0 Date 6/19/2014 2211.0 6/20/2014 NBS Draft opposition to reconsider; review of Duncan examination before trial; prepare for Duncan. 2212.0 6/23/2014 NBS Telephone conference with client (log) re: status; prepare for and take examination of Duncan; emails with opposing counsel re: schedule; telephone call to'Dr, Patel. 2213.0 6/26/2014 NBS 2214.0 6/27/2014 NBS 2215.0 6/28/2014 NBS 2216.0 6/29/2014 NBS Entails with opposing counsel re: schedule; conference with co -counsel re: same. Review of Mauriello examination before trial; telephone call to Dr. Roy Lubit; and prepare for Mauriello examination before trial. Review of Mauriello examination before trial; review of Lubit affirmation in Monaco. Review of Mauriello examination before trial; prepare for continued examination before trial of Mauriello (4.5); conference with client re: status; email Dr. Lubit; email John Lenoir. 2217.0 7/1/2014 NBS E Timekeepe Description NBS Review of scheduling order; email with team re: schedule; email Dr Lubit; review of Patrol Guide; prepare for Duncan examination before trial (3.0) 1 Hours 2211 4.500 2212 4.500 2213 2214 2215 2216 2217 2218 0.500 3.500 4.500 7.500 Prepare and take Mauriello examination before trial. 2218.0 7/3/2014 NBS 2219.0 7/6/2014 NBS 2219 2220 9.500 Prepare and take Dr. Lwin examination before trial; meeting with team re: expert report; lunch with team. Prepare for Jamaica Hospital ebt (Dhar) on policy 3.800 issue. 2220.0 2221 2222 2221.0 2222.0 2223 2223.0 2224 7.500 7/7/2014 NBS 7/9/2014 7/14/2014 NBS NBS 7/15/2014 NBS 7/16/2014 NBS , 2224.0 3.800 Take and prepare for Jamaica Hospital examination before trial. Telephone conference with police experts. Prepare for examination before trial of City 30(b)(6) witnesses. Prepare for 30(b)(6) of witnesses on appeal; review and quatoa issues; prepare for City examination before trial on training; disciplines and crime reporting. 7.500 0.800 1.500 . 3.200 Take deposition 30(b)(6) witnesses of City in the morning and afternoon; prepare for same; conference with co -counsel; conference with court clerk; prepare for examination before trial next day. 2225 9.500 Page 110 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A D C B No. Date Timekeepe Description 2225.0 7/17/2014 NBS 1 1 E Hours Prepare for and take examination before trial of City 30(b)(6) witnesses on performance evaluation of supervisors and of police officers. 6.500 2226 2226.0 7/18/2014 NBS 2227 2227.0 7/21/2014 NBS Review of prior arguments and submissions discussions outstanding; conference with Dr. Halpern and team. Drafting letter to Court; review of transcript of prior hearing; research on legal issues raised by objections and Purpi examination before trial. 3.400 2228 2228.0 7/22/2014 NBS Telephone conference with client and team; prepare 2.500 letter. 2229 2229.0 7/23/2014 NBS Prepare for examination before trial on Thursday; review of recent City production, emails with opposing counsel re: examination before trial. 4.500 2230 2230.0 7/24/2014 NBS 2231 2231.0 7/25/2014 NBS Prepare for and attend City 30(b)(6) (cooper); prepare for examination before trial for Dr. Patel; conference with client. Prepare and take examination of trial of Dr. Patel; draft letter to Court on application re: Dr. Patel. 7.500 3.500 2232 2232.0 7/28/2014 NBS 2233 2233.0 7/29/2014 NBS 2234 2234.0 7/30/2014 NBS 2235 2235.0 7/31/2014 NBS 2236 2236.0 8/1/2014 NBS Review of Dr. Lwin examination before trial; review letter from Jamaica Hospital. Emails and telephone conference with client and re: experts; review of letters to Court. Telephone conference with John and Eli re: expert report. Review of earlier Silverman book on NYPD (2.8); drafting letter to Judge Sweet; review of letter re: outstanding; telephone conference with trial team and Dr. Lubit and Dr. Halpern. Review of letters on numerous discovery disputes; review of videos of Dr. Patel's examination before trial; drafting letter on three motion letter. 1.200 1.200 0.800 5.500 7.500 2237 2237.0 8/3/2014 NBS 2238 2238.0 2239 3.500 8/4/2014 NBS Review and revise letter to Court; research on deposition conduct re: definition of harassment. Drafting letter re: 3 discovery motions; long conference call with experts Silverman and Eterno (1.5); preparing letter for experts on police issues and transmitting documents to experts (2.5) Page 111 5.800 7.500 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A B No. Date 2239.0 1 8/5/2014 C D I Timekeepe Description NBS Revise letter to Court on 3 motions; draft second 2240 2240.0 8/6/2014 NBS 2241.0 8/7/2014 NBS 2241 2242 letter re: video objection. Telephone conference with Mag Bauza to do list; meeting with John Lenoir re: same; revise letter to Court re: video objection. 8/8/2014 NBS 2243.0 9/2/2014 NBS 2244.0 9/3/2014 NBS 2245.0 9/5/2014 NBS 9/10/2014 9/11/2014 NBS NBS 2248.0 9/12/2014 NBS 2249.0 9/12/2014 NBS 2250.0 9/13/2014 NBS 2251 2252 2251.0 2252.0 9/14/2014 9/16/2014 NBS NBS 2253.0 9/17/2014 NBS 2254.0 9/18/2014 2243 3.200 1.500 Review of report; telephone call to John Eterno re: same 2242.0 E Hours 1.200 Review of reports of experts (police and ER); review of record from psychiatric experts. Meeting with co -counsel; review of decisions on discovery; emails re: scheduling with experts; telephone call with Roy Lubit re: same. 2244 3.500 1.500 2245 2246 2247 2246.0 2247.0 2248 2249 2250 2253 Email to all counsel re: schedule; telephone call with Eli Silverman. Review of time limitation issues for examination before trials. Telephone conference with all counsel. Reply to Defendants' letter motion on experts; letter to all counsel re: expert fees to be paid; review of cases on same. Travel to Upstate, NY to meet with client; meeting with clientc Prepare for meeting with client; outline summary judgment motions; causes of action. Meeting all day with client, John Lenoir and Magdalena Bauza re summary jugdment motions; motion to amend; wages/damages issues; trial plans; expert discovery and reports Meeting with client; return travel to New York Telephone conference with experts; conference with co -counsel; emails re: schedule with all counsel. Prepare for and take Purpi examination before trial. 2254 0.700 1.500 0.500 3.500 4.500 2.500 7.500 5.500 1.800 3.500 2255 2256 2255.0 2256.0 2257 2257.0 NBS Prepare for examination before trial; telephone call with Walter Kretz; telephone conference with Roy Lubit; review of expert reports served today and with co -counsel. 9/19/2014 9/20/2014 NBS NBS 9/21/2014 NBS Prepare for and attaend Carrasco ebt Review of medical expert reports by Jamaica Hospital Medical Center; Bernier and lsakov. Meeting with John Lenoir and Mag Bauza; meeting with Lubit re: examination before trial preparation. 2258 3.500 5.500 2.200 3.500 Page 112 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A B 2258.0 Date 9/22/2014 2259.0 1 9/23/2014 No. 2259 2260 2260.0 2261 2262 2261.0 2262.0 9/24/2014 9/25/2014 9/26/2014 2263 2263.0 9/29/2014 2264 2264.0 9/30/2014 2265 2265.0 10/2/2014 2266 2266.0 10/3/2014 2267 2267.0 2268 2269 2268.0 2269.0 10/6/2014 10/7/2014 10/8/2014 D C Timekeepe Description Email regarding schedule; telephone call with John NBS Eterno. Prep for and attend examination before trial of Roy NBS Lubit; call to court re: schedule. Telephone conference with Roy Lubit; telephone NBS call with John Lenoir; review of emails; letter to court re: motion by city. Drafting opposition to discover motion. NBS Review of production for motion to compel; NBS telephone call with co -counsel; message from Dr. Lubit. Meeting with Dr. Halpern Ruder and John Lenoir; NBS prepare for examination before trial; review of CompSTAT notes. Appear for and defendant Ruder examination NBS before trial; prepare for conference the following day; review of CompSTAT notes. Email re: scheduling Silverman and Lubit; NBS conference call with John Lenoir and Mag Bauza re: trial prep review of CompStat notes. Legal research on Monell issues (1.8) meeting with NBS Mag and John Lenoir; emails re: trial date; conference with client re: status and trial date; review of Nelson discover records (1.5); review of Patrol Guide; review of CompStat notes (2.0); prep motion for discovery. NBS NBS NBS Drafting motion for discovery; drafting letter re: opposition to adjourn for trial date; emails with opposing counsel; scheduling Patel examination before trial; telephone call to the clerk for Patel's attorney. Draft motion on discovery. Review of Floyd record; research on witness list issues; telephone call with Dr. Dan Halpern; email correspondences Silverman and Eterno. 0.400 8.000 1.700 3.500 2.200 5.800 8.900 4.500 6.500 5.500 4.500 7.500 2270 2270.0 2271 2272 2271.0 2272.0 2273 E Hours 10/9/2014 10/10/2014 10/14/2014 NBS NBS NBS Telephone conference with client; review of Eterno production; email re: same; review of Floyd trial. Review of Floyd transcripts and decision. Meeting with Eterno (2.5); travel to Hempstead (2.0); review of Rule 68 offer (.5); review of Floyd trial transripts and decision Page 113 4.500 4.500 7.500 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A B INo. Date 2273.0 1 10/15/2014 C D Timekeepe Description NBS Telephone conference with Walter Kretz re: Hours Mauriello; wants a small compensation from Adrian to settle (.3); telephone call to Suzanna Mettham and Ryan Shaffer re: Rule 68 offer (.4); drafting reply letter on discovery motion (3.8); briefing schedule and witness lists. 2274 5.500 6.500 2274.0 10/16/2014 NBS Telephone conference with John Lenoir; drafting letter to court on discovery motions/issue (2.8); research on Rule 68 issues (2.5); email re: discovery schedule. 2275.0 10/17/2014 NBS 2276.0 10/18/2014 NBS 2277.0 10/19/2014 NBS Appear for and defend Eterno examination before trial; revise and file letter with court re: outstanding discovery issues. Research on Rule 68; draft and send memo to client re: Rule 68 offer; telephone client re: same; telephone call to John Lenoir re: same. Review of 2nd Amended Complaint for purpose of motion to amend; conference call with team re: Rule 68 offer; email exchange with Howard Suckle re: same. 2278.0 10/20/2014 NBS Telephone conference with with John Eterno (1.5) re: examination before trial and case; telephone call with chambers re: next conference; emails re: same; revising pleading for purpose of motion; review of case law on right to refuse, medical treatment (1.5). 2279.0 10/21/2014 NBS 2280.0 10/22/2014 NBS 2281.0 10/23/2014 NBS Review of right to refuse medical treatment cases; emails re: schedule; telephone to Eli Silverman re: his examination before trial. Meeting with Eli Silverman to prepare for examination before trial. Prepare for Silverman; telephone call to Silverman (2 times); review of report; draft letter rejecting Rule 68 offer. 10/24/2014 10/25/2014 NBS NBS 10/26/2014 10/27/2014 NBS NBS 2275 2276 2277 2278 2279 9.500 3.500 4.500 3.800 2280 2281 2282 2283 2282.0 2283.0 2284 2285 2284.0 2285.0 2286 E Defend Silverman's examination before trial. Research on criminal standard for exigent circumstances. Revise letter re: rejection of Rule 68 offer. Meeting with John Lenoir re: amended complaint; review of emails; telephone call to Investigator Skinner; email with Silverman review of discovery record on complaint; review of tapes re: Amended Complaint. Page 114 3.700 3.500 6.500 7.500 3.000 1.000 5.800 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A 1 No. 2286.0 B Date 10/28/2014 C I- Timekeep Description NBS 2287 2287.0 10/29/2014 NBS 2288.0 10/30/2014 NBS 2289.0 10/31/2014 2288 2289 2290 2291 2290.0 2291.0 11/1/2014 11/3/2014 NBS NBS NBS 2292 2292.0 2293 2294 2293.0 2294.0 2295 2295.0 2296 2296.0 11/4/2014 11/5/2014 11/6/2014 11/7/2014 11/10/2014 NBS NBS NBS NBS NBS 2297 2297.0 11/11/2014 2298.0 11/13/2014 2299.0 11/14/2014 2300 2301 2300.0 2301.0 11/16/2014 11/19/2014 NBS 2298 NBS 2299 2302 2303 2304 2305 2306 2307 2302.0 2303.0 2304.0 2305.0 2306.0 11/20/2014 11/21/2014 12/1/2014 12/2/2014 12/3/2014 D I NBS NBS NBS NBS NBS NBS NBS NBS Prepare revisions to 2nd Amended Complaint for motion to arrest; research on issues relating to motion to amend. Prepare for court; appear in court; conference with client and John Lenoir re: status. Prepare for Patel examination before trial; research warrantless entry and search. Prepare for and take 2nd examination before trial of Dr. Patel (3.2); research on causes of action for motions to amend and summary judgment. Research on exigent circumstances case law. Research an existing cir. case law (3.0); telephone conference with Roy Lubit; emails with opposing counsel; revised 2nd Amended Complaint for motion to amend. Drafting motion to amend; letter to court re: page limit; email client re: status. Drafting motion to amend. Telephone conference with client re: amending complaint. Meeting with S. Korenbaum; emails re: status; telephone call with Dr. Lubit. Telephone conference with Dr. Lubit; attend and defend examination before trial of Dr. Lubit at Martin Clearwater; review of draft Amended Complaint; research, on 4th Amendment warrantless entry (1.5) Telephone conference with paralegal (JS) re: case; review of ebt summaries. Appear and defend Dr. Lubit; conference re: examination before trial with witness. Review of examination before trial summaries and indexes. Revise complaint; email re: same. Review of examination before trial of Lauterborn and Mauriello on questions about evaluations; email client re: same. Review of file in Azira case on Blue Wall. Emails re: Lubit; review of Azira files Revising motion to amend Revise memo re: motion to amend. Revising 3rd Amended Complaint and Memo Of Law In Support Of Motion To Amend. Page 115 E Hours 6.800 4.500 3.500 5.500 3.500 3.800 3.500 3.500 2.500 2.200 5.200 1.500 5.500 1.500 1.000 0.800 1.500 2.500 2.500 3.500 3.500 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A I B No. Date 2307.0 1 12/4/2014 C D Timekeepe Description NBS Revising Amended Complaint and Memo on 2308 motion to amend; began review of depositions for summary judgment motion. Review of letters; review of Duncan transcripts, emails with team re: status. Review of examination before trial record. Drafting letter to Court re: motion to amend; review of examinations before trial for motion for summary judgment. Drafting letter to Court re: defendants' motion to adjourn trial and summary judgment; review of examinations before trial for summary judgment motion; review of Compstat video. 2308.0 12/5/2014 NBS 2309 2310 2309.0 2310.0 12/7/2014 12/8/2014 NBS NBS 2311.0 12/9/2014 NBS 2312.0 12/10/2014 NBS 12/11/2014 NBS 2314.0 12/12/2014 NBS Review of examination before trial for summary judgment motion; conference with M. Bauza re: JHMC claims; review of cases. Review of record for summary judgment motion. 2315 2316 2315.0 2316.0 12/13/2014 12/14/2014 NBS NBS 2317.0 2318.0 2319.0 2320.0 2321.0 2322.0 2323.0 2324.0 12/15/2014 12/16/2014 12/17/2014 12/18/2014 12/19/2014 12/20/2014 12/21/2014 12/22/2014 NBS NBS NBS NBS NBS NBS NBS NBS 2325.0 2326.0 2327.0 2328.0 2329.0 12/23/2014 12/24/2014 12/29/2014 12/30/2014 NBS NBS NBS NBS NBS li Hours 4.500 Review of examination before trial for preparation of motions meeting with John Lenoir re: motions. 2313.0 E 2311 2312 2313 2325 2326 2327 2328 2329 3.500 5.500 8.500 2314 2317 2318 2319 2320 2321 2322 2323 2324 1.800 5.500 12/30/2014 2330 2331 2330.0 2332 2331.0 2333 2332.0 12/31/2014 1/1/2015 1/3/2015 NBS NBS NBS Research on exig. cir. exception. Review of examination for summary judgment facts; review of exig. cir. cases; review of prima facie tort and tortuous interference case. Research on Mauriello counterclaims. Drafting summary judgment motion. Drafting summary judgment motion. Drafting summary judgment motion. Drafting motion for summary judgment. Drafting summary judgment memo. Drafting summary judgment motion. Draft motions; memo; Rule 56.1 Statement; conference with client re: sealing and objection to it; letters (2x) Court. Revising and filing paper; review of paper. Preparing motion papers Drafting Reply Memo on motion to amend. Researching motion for summary judgment. Telephone conference with John Lenoir; telephone call to client re: Norinsberg; drafting summary judgment; review of new material. Draft opposition to summary judgment. Review of motions by defendants. Reading City motion and case law. Page 116 5.500 3.500 3.500 5.500 3.800 7.500 10.500 12.000 10.500 9.500 7.500 12.500 7.500 3.500 5.500 2.500 9.500 7.500 5.500 5.500 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) No. Date Timekeepe Description 2333.0 1/4/2015 NBS 1 E D C B A ___. _____ _ Reading Mauriello and JHMC motions and case 8.200 law. 2334 2334.0 1/5/2015 NBS Hours Review of motions; review of recent production by City (videos and EIU file); conference with John Lenoir and Mag Bauza re: motions. 5.500 2335 2335.0 1/7/2015 2336.0 1/8/2015 NBS 2336 NBS 2337 2337.0 1/9/2015 2338.0 1/10/2015 2339.0 1/11/2015 NBS 2338 NBS 2339 2340 2341 2340.0 2341.0 2342 2342.0 1/13/2015 1/14/2015 1/15/2015 NBS NBS NBS NBS 2343 NBS 2343.0 1/16/2015 2344.0 1/17/2015 NBS 2345.0 1/18/2015 NBS 2344 2345 Reviewing motions; meeting with John Lenoir; J. Mck; J.S re: Compstat videos. Telephone conference with Howard Suckle (.3); meeting with Mag (.1.5); telephone call to Ryan Shaffer; Paul Callan; Gregory Radmosili re: summary judgment schedule; review of Lauterborn examination before trial (4:5) Emails re: status; conference with team; conference call with client. Review of examinations before trial and Compstat videos. Review of examination before trial and Compstat videos; conference with group on Commpstat videos. Compstat vide review Conference with client and John Lenoir; review of examination before trial and motions. Review of Hanlon examination before trial; review of Marino examination before trial; review of cases in summary judgment motion discussion re: Compstat videos. Review of Hanlon examination before trial; review of cases; review of Compstat video. Review of examination before trial; prepare summary judgment oppositions. Prepare summary judgment opposition; review of Hanlon, Sangianetti, and Marquez examination before trial; review of Compstat videos. 7.800 1.500 7.500 7.500 5.500 7.500 4.500 7.500 7.500 8.500 2346 2346.0 1/19/2015 NBS 2347 2347.0 2348 4.500 1/20/2015 NBS Review of Compstat videos; review of cases cited in various motions; research on standard of objective/subjective good faith and qualified immunity. Review of decision on motion to amend; review of cases on conspiracy; review of examination before trial for motion. Page 117 7.500 5.500 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A B I C D No. 2348.0 Date Timekeepe Description 1/21/2015 NBS Drafting summary judgment motion papers (memo of law; rule 56.1 statement); telephone Ryan Shaffer; call Norinsberg re: wants co -counsel to get access to Adrian Schoolcraft's records (medical) in IAB file. 2349.0 1/22/2015 NBS 2350.0 1/23/2015 NBS 2351.0 1/24/2015 NBS 2352.0 1/25/2015 NBS 2353.0 1/26/2015 NBS 2354.0 1/27/2015 NBS 2/1/2015 2/2/2015 NBS NBS Drafting memo in opposition; telephone call to Walter Kretz; emails re: schedule. Research and draft Response to Mauriello summary judgment motion. Review of record; research on cases cited by defendants summary judgment motion. Review of record for summary judgment motion opposition. Drafting opposition papers; research on probable cause. Meeting with John and Mag re: summary judgment motion; draft opposition; research on St amendment issues. Drafting opposition to motions. Telephone conference with Jon Norinsberg (.5); meeting with John Lenoir re to do list for trial(1.2); conference with client and John Lenoir re: trial team; drafting opposition to motion (5.0); telephone call to client re: same; letter to court re: schedule adjustment. 2357.0 2/3/2015 NBS 2358.0 2/4/2015 NBS 2/5/2015 2/6/2015 2/7/2015 NBS NBS NBS Drafting opposition brief. Drafting opposition papers. Drafting opposition to Jamaica Hospital and doctor motion. 2/8/2015 NBS Drafting opposition to Dr. Bernier and Dr. lsakov's motions; conference with John Lenoir; telephone call with Mag Bauza. 2363.0 2/9/2015 NBS 2364.0 2/10/2015 NBS Opposition motion ; telephone conference with Ryan Shaffer: telephone call with Jon Norinsberg, email client. 2349 2350 2351 2352 2353 2354 2355 2356 2355.0 2356.0 2357 2358 2359 2360 2359.0 2361 2360.0 2361.0 2362 2362.0 2363 Review of Monell case law for motion; review of supplemental papers filed by all defendants. Email with client; review of cases on Monell liability; review of record (ebt's) on Monell issues. 2364 2365 E Drafting opposition motion; conference with John Lenoir (.5) telephone call with Mag Bauza; drafting 56.1 opposition; telephone conference with Brian Lee re: Isakov claims (0.2). 1 Hours 8.500 7.500 9.000 6.500 7.500 7.500 9.500 5.500 7.800 3.500 1.800 7.500 9.500 7.800 9.500 10.500 Page 118 12.500 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A 1 No. 2365.0 B Date 2/12/2015 2366 2366.0 2367 2368 2367.0 2368.0 2/13/2015 2/17/2015 2/20/2015 Timekeepe Description Telephone conference with client; call with Jon NBS Norinsberg and John Lenoir; emails; telephone call with new city lawyer; review of files under seal; review of opposition motion. Review of 5 oppositions to summary judgment NBS motion & meeting with John Lenoir and Mag Bauza re: issues to address (3.5), telephone call to client (2 times); emails re: trial date; telephone to Jon Norinsberf re: meeting and status. NBS NBS 2369 2369.0 2370 2371 2372 2373 2374 2375 2/23/2015 NBS 2370.0 2371.0 2372.0 2373.0 2374.0 2375.0 2/27/2015 3/3/2015 3/4/2015 3/5/2015 3/6/2015 3/9/2015 NBS NBS NBS NBS NBS NBS 2376 2376.0 3/10/2015 2377.0 3/12/2015 2378.0 3/13/2015 D C NBS Review of files on summary judgment papers. Meeting with John Lenoir and Mag Bauza; meeting with Jon Norinsberg and his group (Gerald Cohen and Joshua Fitch). Meeting with John Lenoir re: reply to Mauriello. Preparing reply papers. Drafting reply. Drafting reply. Drafting reply. Drafting reply. Research on new evidence issue; telephone conference with team; revising letter to Court on Matthews. Review of cases on s/i; review of reply submission. NBS 2378 NBS 3/15/2015 3/16/2015 3/17/2015 NBS NBS NBS 3/18/2015 NBS Research on new evidece and new arguments on reply; meeting with team. Meeting with team re: trial preparation; drafting letter to Court. Research on motion to strike. Drafting motion to strike. Drafting motion to strike Lamstein Declaration. 7.500 4.500 2.500 4.800 2.500 5.500 7.500 10.500 10.500 9.500 4.500 6.500 2.800 4.500 7.500 5.500 Review of JPTO reqirement; telephone to Walter Kretz re: status; drafting verdict sheet; prepare for trial; review of subpoenas; meeting witj John Lenoir re: trial lists of witnesses and exhibits. 6.500 2383 2383.0 3/20/2015 NBS Telephone conference with Walter Kretz re: Kickstarter movie; email with trial team re; inquiry. 0.500 2384 2384.0 2385 Hours 3.500 2377 2379 2380 2379.0 2381 2380.0 2381.0 2382 2382.0 E 3/21/2015 NBS Drafting letter re: Lamstein; Q/F issue and adjournment request: review of exhibit lists for JPTO. Page 119 3.500 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A No. B C D 2385.0 Date 3/22/2015 Timekeepe Description NBS Review of exhibits for JPTO; revise letter to Court. 2386.0 3/23/2015 NBS 2387.0 3/25/2015 NBS 2388.0 3/26/2015 NBS 2389.0 3/27/2015 NBS 2390.0 3/29/2015 NBS 2391.0 3/30/2015 NBS 2392.0 3/31/2015 2393.0 1 2386 E Hours 3.500 2387 2388 2389 Prepare witness and exhibit list; rewrite letter to Court. Emails re: status; conference with Scott Korenbaum re: instructions; telephone conference with John Lenoir and Mag Bauza re: instructions and to do. Review of production (discs & cd's) for plaintiffs trial exhibit. Review of production for JPTO; emails to opposing counsel; emails to co -counsel re: status. 2390 4.500 3.500 5.500 5.500 Review of discovery record for JPTO and witness cross. Review of discovery record for JPTO - exhibits and witness; telephone call to John Lenoir re: witness responsibilities; telephone to Mag Bauza re: jury instructions and diagram. 7.500 NBS Review of discovery for witness list, exhibit list, and JPTO; emails with opposing counsel re: service of subpoenas. 5.500 4/1/2015 NBS Email team; telephone call Brown (Daily News) re: status; study of hospital chart; review of Bernier examination of trial and prepare cross. 2394.0 4/2/2015 NBS Meeting with team; review of trial exhibits; conference call with John Lenoir re: Compstat; call with Mag re: jury instruction; prepare for cross of Bernier. 2395.0 4/3/2015 NBS 2396.0 4/4/2015 NBS 2397.0 4/5/2015 NBS 2398.0 4/6/2015 NBS 2399.0 4/7/2015 NBS 2400.0 4/8/2015 NBS 2391 2392 2393 2394 6.500 2395 2396 2397 2398 2399 2400 2401 7.500 Prepare for cross of Bernier; review of chart and examination before trial. Prepare cross of Bernier; review of trial exhibits; review of draft jury instructions. Prepare of Isakov cross; review of examination before trial and chart. Email team; telephone call to Scott Korenbaum re: jury change; prepare Isakov cross. Review of and revise motion in limine; review of and revise jury instructions (medical); draft leter to Court re: extension; continued preparation on Isakov cross. Drafting cross - outlines; letter to court; conference with trial team. Page 120 8.500 5.500 6.500 4.500 2.500 4.500 5.800 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A C B D I No. Date Timekeepe Description 2401.0 1 4/9/2015 NBS 2402 2402.0 4/10/2015 NBS 2403 2403.0 4/12/2015 NBS 2404 2404.0 4/13/2015 NBS 2405 2405.0 4/15/2015 NBS 2406 2406.0 4/17/2015 NBS 2407 2407.0 4/29/2015 NBS 2408 2408.0 5/5/2015 NBS 2409 2409.0 5/7/2015 NBS 2410 2410.0 2411 2412 2411.0 2412.0 5/8/2015 05/08/15 5/11/2015 NBS NBS NBS 2413 2413.0 5/12/2015 NBS 2414 2414.0 5/13/2015 NBS 2415 2415.0 5/15/2015 NBS 2416 2416.0 2417 2418 2417.0 2418.0 2419 2420 2419.0 5/21/2015 5/22/2015 5/28/2015 NBS NBS NBS Prepare for trial - jury verdict sheets and cross examination outlines of witnesses Prepare for Harlon cross; emails re: status; telephone call to Mag Bauza re: to do; telephone conference with John Lenoir re: witnesses; review of witness list. Prepare for Harlon cross (3.0); review of Lauterborn transcript. Prepare for oral argument; appear in court for conference with court (2.0); conference with team thereafter; email opposing counsel re: Lauterborn CD and Boston illness. Telephone conference with Alan Scheiner re: settlement and trial date; emails re: discovery and Boston. Telephone conference with Alan Scheiner and team re: settlement demand email. Review of new recording from City on Lauterborn PG; email trial team restatus; telephone call G. Radomisli re: status of trial. Review of review of decision on summary judgment motion. Review of decision; telephone call with opposing counsel (Brian Lee) re: state medical malpractice sliding scale issues and status. Telephone conference with trial team re: status. Review of decision; email team Review of decision on summary judgment; prepare for conference with court. Prepare for conference meeting with team; conference with court on case re: schedule for trial and pre-trial. Telephone conference with Dr. Lubit re: status and trial date; telephone call to Dr. Eterno re: status and trial date. Emails re: schedule on motions in limine; review of recent EDP decision. Telephone conference with A. Schiener; email team re: settlement. Review of recent EDP decision. Review of memo re: reconsideration; telephone call with John Lenoir and email with MG re: same. E Hours 7.500 7.500 4.000 3.200 1.500 1.200 1.800 0.700 1.300 0.300 1.800 1.500 3.500 0.700 0.700 0.800 0.500 0.500 5/29/2015 NBS Prepare reconsideration letter. Page 121 1.500 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A B C D Date 6/1/2015 Timekeepe Description NBS Drafting letter to court on reconsideration motion. 6/2/2015 6/15/2015 NBS NBS 6/19/2015 6/22/2015 NBS NBS 2425.0 6/23/2015 NBS 2426.0 6/24/2015 NBS 2427.0 6/25/2015 NBS 2428.0 6/26/2015 NBS 2429 2430 2429.0 2430.0 6/28/2015 6/29/2015 NBS NBS 6/30/2015 NBS 7/1/2015 7/3/2015 NBS NBS 7/4/2015 7/5/2015 7/6/2015 NBS NBS NBS 7/7/2015 7/8/2015 NBS NBS 7/15/2015 NBS Review of emails; telephone call to John Lenoir re: expert discovery; review of opposition to reconsideratio motions; review of prior record for reply; review of motion in limine and schedule for trial preparation. 7/17/2015 NBS Telephone conference with John Lenoir: review of CompStat clips; review of emails. No. 1 2420.0 2421 2422 2421.0 2422.0 2423 2424 2423.0 2424.0 Hours 3.500 2425 2426 Revising and drafting reconsideration motion. Review of calendar; telephone call to John Lenoir re: status. Review of motion by City and authorities. Emails re: motions; review of City memo; telephone conference with City; call to W. Kretz; review of Mauriello memo; emails with team re: schedule. Email team re: schedule; telephone call to city counsel re: same; email all counsel re: same. Telephone conference with John Lenoir; telephone S.K. re: opposition to bifurcation; emails to counsel re: schedule; letter to Judge Sweet re: schedule; review of motion on bifurcation. 2427 3.000 0.300 1.500 3.200 0.600 1.300 2428 2431 2431.0 2432 2433 2432.0 2433.0 2434 2435 2434.0 2436 2435.0 2436.0 2437 2438 2437.0 2438.0 2439 2439.0 2440.0 Emails with counsel re: status; letter to court re: schedule; review of trial exhibit folder. Review of draft portion of opposition to bifurcation Review of draft memo; revise same. Review memo in opposition to bifurcation motion; telephone call to Scott Korenbaum; call to John Lenoir re: same. Review of motions, memo, and case law on reconsideration motions by City and Mauriello. Review of reconsideration motion. Review of recent production from City Defendants; review of reconsideration motions. Drafting opposition to reconsideration motions. Drafting opposition to reconsideration motions. Revising opposition papers; email co -counsel; emails to opposing counsel. Review of schedule; review of emails. Review of recent and prior productions by the City 0.300 0.500 1.200 2.800 3.500 1.800 3.500 3.800 4.000 2.500 0.500 7.500 2440 2441 E Page 122 3.500 1.200 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A 1 No. 2442 2441.0 2442.0 C B Date 7/21/2015 7/22/2015 D I Timekeepe Description Preparing memo in reply on reconsideration. NBS Drafting reply on reconsideration; review of NBS documentary on Schoolcraft; emails with team; review of tape and transcript of the home invasion; review of witness list and trial exhibits. E Hours 1.500 5.500 2443 2443.0 2444 2445 2444.0 2445.0 2446 2446.0 7/23/2015 8/4/2015 8/5/2015 8/7/2015 NBS NBS NBS NBS Drafting reply; review of witness list and exhibit trial list for JPTO Preparing JPTO draft section. Preparing JPTO section; telephone call with team re: same. Review of JPTO sections from defendants; telephone call with Brian Osterman; conference call with Plaintiff's team re: JPTO objections; letter to Judge Sweet oposing motion to strike reply. 5.500 4.500 5.500 3.200 2447 2447.0 8/9/2015 NBS Review of JPTO submissions and interrogation of sections; email team; email opposing counsel re: schedule; review of trial assignments. 3.500 2448 2448.0 8/10/2015 NBS 2449 2449.0 8/11/2015 NBS 2450 2450.0 8/13/2015 NBS 2451 2451.0 8/14/2015 NBS Revised JPTO; letter to court re: schedule; emails with co -counsel; emails with opposing counsel re: JPTO. Revising JPTO; review defendant's depositions; objections to exhibits. Prepare letter motion to court re: JPTO deadlines; review of recent production and emails re: status with defense counsel. Revising section of JPTO; review and inclusion in sections from defendants; emails with opposing counsel and co -counsel re: JPTO; conference with John Lenoir re: rifle issues for trial. 3.500 3.500 2.800 3.500 2452 2452.0 8/16/2015 2453.0 8/17/2015 2454 2455 2454.0 2455.0 8/18/2015 8/19/2015 NBS 2453 NBS NBS NBS 2456 2456.0 8/20/2015 NBS Review of Plaintiffs Trial Exhibits; review of objections. Review of JPTO; telephone call with Kretz; review of letter to court from city. Letter to court in reply on JPTO adjournment. Preparing JPTO; review of emails; preparing witness focus sheets; review of all defendants exhibits for purposes of asserting objections. Review of exhibits and serve photos on defendants by email and fax; letter to court re: filing JPTO; revise and file plaintiffs draft of pre-trial order. 2.800 2.500 1.500 8.500 3.800 2457 Page 123 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A No. I B 2457.0 Date 8/21/2015 2458.0 8/24/2015 2459.0 8/25/2015 2460.0 1 8/31/2015 2458 2459 2460 2461 2462 2461.0 2462.0 9/2/2015 9/4/2015 2463 C D Timekeepe Description NBS Preparing witness focus sheets; email opposing counsel re status and moiton in limine deadline; and to do (Larry Schoolcraft very sick and in hospital). NBS Preparing focus sheets; email co -counsel re: mental patient gun rights. NBS Review of various recordings listed on JPTO; letter to court in opposition to motions. NBS Telephone conference with clerk and parties; telephone call with John Norinsberg re status; review of draft motion. NBS Telephone conference with W. Kretz re status NBS Review of and drafting JPTO; long tc with A Scheinder (3x) with J Norinsberg re settlement; tc JL re settlement; email team re same E Hours 4.300 1.300 5.000 1.300 0.300 4.500 2463.0 9/6/2015 NBS Review of caselaw and statutory provisions for obtaining disability pension; review of summary plan description for pension benefits 3.800 2464.0 9/7/2015 NBS Preparing for trial; preparing cross examinaiton outlines and focus sheets for witnesses set to testify or likely to testify for various witness assignements fro trial team 4.500 2465.0 9/8/2015 NBS Telephone conference with JN; tc A Schiener (several times) re settlement; email all counsel re JPTO and new exhibits added; tc B Osterman re request to discontinue against JHMC (less than 6 figures) 3.500 2466.0 9/9/2015 NBS Telephone conference with A Schiener and with co counsel re settlement (JN: PG; Harvey Levine; Rick Guilbert) re issues pertaining to additional pension benefits.; review of caselaw cited by the City on pension issues 2467.0 3.200 9/11/2015 NBS Telephone conference with A Schiener and JN re settlement and willing to increase offer of cash some 2468.0 0.700 9/12/2015 NBS Preparing for trial; drafting cross outlines and witness focus sheets for trial witnesses and their key points 5.500 2469.0 9/15/2015 NBS 2464 2465 2466 2467 2468 2469 2470 Telephone conference with A Scheirer re no deal w/o pension benefit; tc JN re status; drafting detailed settlement memo to cleint on settlement Page 124 3.800 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A D C B No. Date Timekeepe Description 2470.0 1 9/16/2015 NBS 2471 2472 2471.0 2473 2472.0 2474 2473.0 2474.0 2475 2476 2475.0 2477 2476.0 2477.0 2478 2478.0 2479 2480 2479.0 2481 2480.0 2482 2481.0 2482.0 2483 2483.0 2484 2485 2484.0 2486 2485.0 2487 2486.0 2488 2487.0 2489 2488.0 2490 2489.0 2491 2490.0 2492 2491.0 2493 2492.0 2493.0 2494 2494.0 2495 2496 2495.0 2497 2496.0 2497.0 12/31/2014 1/10/2015 1/11/2015 1/11/2015 1/14/2015 1/16/2015 1/19/2015 1/31/2015 2/1/2015 2/3/2015 2/5/2015 2/6/2015 JM JM JM JM JM JM JM JM JM JM JM JM 2499 2500 2499.0 Review of CompStat videos. Review of CompStat videos. Telephone conference discussing Schoolcraft and CompStat. Email communication of summary judgment City response. Email of summary judgment City response. Email correspondence of City response Email of summary judgment on City reponse Email regarding summary judgment to City reponse 2.800 1.500 4.000 2.000 0.750 3.000 11.000 0.590 0.090 0.090 0.090 0.090 0.090 2/12/2015 9/7/2014 9/8/2014 9/9/2014 9/10/2014 9/16/2014 9/17/2014 9/23/2014 9/24/2014 9/25/2014 9/30/2014 9/30/2014 10/1/2014 10/1/2014 10/2/2014 JM JLL JLL JLL JLL JLL JLL JLL JLL JLL JS JS JS JS JS 2498 2498.0 Telephone conference with A Scheiner; conf call with JN and GC re settlement; revised detailed memo to client re settlement; tc JL re same; email cleint re settlement Office meeting Review of CompStat videos Review of CompStat videos Discussions of Compstat and Schoolcraft materials. E Hours 10/2/2014 10/3/2014 JS Is Email exchange for summary judgment for City response. Read Schoolcraft deposition. Read Schoolcraft deposition Read Schoolcraft deposition Read Schoolcraft deposition. Ferrara summary deposition Ferrara summary deposition. Ferrara summary deposition Ferrara and Broschart summary deposition. Broschart summary deposition Reading, taking notes and discussing the Schoolcraft depositions Reading, taking notes and discussing the Schoolcraft depositions. Reading and taking notes on "NYPD Tapes." Reading and taking notes on NYPD tapes Reading and taking notes on Schoolcraft Depositions; listening to and discussing Schoolcraft tapes from October 31, 2009. Reading and taking notes on the Schoolcraft depositions; listening to and discussing the Schoolcraft tapes from October 31. 2009. Trainor summary deposition. Page 125 0.090 2.000 2.000 2.000 2.000 2.000 2.000 8.000 8.000 8.000 5.500 5.500 1.500 3.500 4.430 5.000 5.000 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A No. 2500.0 Date 10/6/2014 2501.0 1 10/7/2014 2501 2502 2503 2502.0 2503.0 2504 2504.0 2505 2505.0 2506 2507 2506.0 2507.0 2508 2508.0 2509 2510 2509.0 2511 2510.0 2511.0 2512 2512.0 2513 2513.0 2514 2514.0 2515 2516 2515.0 2517 2516.0 2518 2517.0 2519 2518.0 2520 2519.0 2521 2520.0 2521.0 2522 2523 2522.0 2524 2523.0 2525 2524.0 2525.0 2526 2527 2528 2529 2530 2526.0 2527.0 2528.0 2529.0 C B 10/8/2014 10/8/2014 10/9/2014 10/9/2014 10/8/2014 10/9/2014 10/10/2014 JS 10/9/2014 10/14/2014 10/14/2014 LS JS JS 10/15/2014 JS 10/16/2014 JLL 10/17/2014 JLL 10/19/2014 10/20/2014 10/21/2014 10/22/2014 10/21/2014 10/23/2014 10/23/2014 JLL JLL LS JLL 10/24/2014 10/27/2014 10/28/2014 10/29/2014 10/30/2014 10/31/2014 11/3/2014 11/7/2014 D Timekeepe Description JS Reading, taking notes, and discussing the Schoolcraft depositions. JS Reading and taking notes and discussing the Schoolcraft depositions. LS Trainor summary deposition JLL Mauriello deposition summary - session 2 with errata sheet. JS Reading, taking notes and discussing the Schoolcraft depositions. JS Reading, taking notes, and discussing the Schoolcraft depositions LS Trainor summary deposition. JLL Drafting deposition summary - session 2 with errata I LS JLL JS LS LS LS JS LS LS LS LS sheet. Reading, taking notes and discussing the Schoolcraft depositions Trainor summary deposition. Reading and taking notes. Reading and taking notes on the Schoolcraft depositions. Reading and discussing the Schoolcraft depositions. Mauriello deposition summary - session 2 with errata sheet. Mauriello deposition summary - session 2 with errata sheet. Shantel James deposition summary. Shantel James deposition summary. Gough deposition summary. Kurt Duncan deposition summary. Gough deposition summary. Kurt Duncan deposition summary. Listening to radio police calls on disc 10, 22 and Schoolcraft surveillance videos. Sawyer deposition summary Sawyer deposition summary. Sawyer deposition summary. Reviewing surveillance videos of Adrian's house and writing summaries of these videos along with other documents on the CD's from the Schoolcraft file. Sawyer deposition summary. Gough deposition summary Summarize Gough deposition transcript. Summarize Marquez deposition transcript. Page 126 E Hours 1.000 2.500 5.000 3.000 2.000 1.750 5.000 2.000 1.000 2.000 3.000 3.000 2.000 8.000 4.000 3.000 2.000 4.000 5.000 4.000 3.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 2.000 3.000 4.000 3.000 4.500 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A 1 No. 1 B E D C Timekeepe Description Summarize Marquez deposition transcript. LS 11/10/2014 Summarize Marquez deposition transcript. LS 11/12/2014 Summarize deposition of Sangetti. LS 11/13/2014 Summarized deposition of Larry Schoolcraft. LS 11/14/2014 Summarize deposition of Sangetti 11/14/2014 LS Summarize deposition of Sangetti LS 11/16/2014 Summarize deposition of Sangetti LS 11/17/2014 Date . 2531 2530.0 2532 2531.0 2533 2532.0 2534 2533.0 2535 2534.0 2536 2535.0 2537 2536.0 2538 2537.0 2539 2538.0 2540 2539.0 2541 2540.0 2542 2541.0 2543 2542.0 2544 2543.0 2545 2544.0 2546 2545.0 2547 2546.0 2548 2547.0 2549 2548.0 2550 2549.0 2551 2550.0 2552 2551.0 2553 2552.0 2554 2553.0 2555 2554.0 2556 2555.0 2557 2556.0 2558 2557.0 2559 2558.0 2560 2559.0 2561 2560.0 2562 2561.0 2563 2562.0 2564 2563.0 2565 2564.0 2566 2565.0 2567 2566.0 2568 2567.0 2569 2568.0 2570 2569.0 2571 2570.0 2572 2571.0 2573 2572.0 2574 2573.0 2575 2574.0 JLL 11/20/2014 JLL 11/23/2014 LS 11/24/2014 JLL 11/25/2014 11/24/2014 LS JLL 11/26/2014 LS 11/28/2014 11/28/2014 JLL JLL 11/29/2014 JLL 11/30/2014 11/28/2014 LS LS 12/1/2014 12/1/2014 LS 12/1/2014 JLL JLL 12/2/2014 JLL 12/4/2014 LS 12/5/2014 LS 12/6/2014 12/6/2014 LS LS 12/8/2014 LS 12/9/2014 12/9/2014 JLL LS 12/10/2014 12/10/2014 JLL LS 12/11/2014 JLL 12/11/2014 JLL 12/12/2014 JLL 12/13/2014 LS 12/15/2014 LS 12/16/2014 LS 12/17/2014 LS 12/18/2014 LS 12/21/2014 LS 12/22/2014 LS 12/24/2014 LS 12/26/2014 LS 12/27/2014 LS 12/28/2014 Summarized deposition of Larry Schoolcraft. Summarize deposition of Larry Schoolcraft. Summarize deposition of Dr. Patel Summarize deposition of Larry Schoolcraft. Summarize deposition of Dr. Patel. Summarize deposition of Larry Schoolcraft. Summarize deposition of Purpi Summarize deposition of Steven Mauriello. Summarize deposition Steven Mauriello Summarize deposition of Steven Mauriello. Summarize deposition of Purpi. Summarize deposition of Dr. Patel Summarize deposition of Purpi. Summarize deposition of Steven Mauriello, Summarize deposition of Steven Mauriello. Summarize deposition of Steven Mauriello. Summarize deposition of Dr. Lwin. Summarize deposition of Dhar. Summarize deposition of Dr. Lwin. Summarize deposition of Dhar. Summarize deposition of Dhar. Summarize deposition of Dominick Valenti. Summarize deposition of Carrasco. Summarize deposition of Dominick Valenti Summarize deposition of Dhar. Summarize deposition of Kevin Finnegan. Summarize deposition of Kevin Finnegan. Summarize deposition of Bernard Whalen. Summarize deposition of Cooper. Summarize deposition of Cooper Summarize deposition of Cooper. Summarize deposition of Cooper Summarize deposition of Maffia. Summarize deposition of Maffia. Summarized Lubit deposition. Summarized Lubit deposition. Summarized Lubit deposition Summarized Lubit deposition Page 127 Hours 4.500 5.000 4.000 2.000 4.000 2.000 4.000 5.000 5.000 4.000 5.000 3.000 5.000 3.500 2.000 1.000 2.000 3.500 2.000 1.000 4.000 6.000 4.000 3.000 4.000 1.000 4.000 4.000 1.000 4.000 8.000 2.000 3.000 3.000 2.500 3.000 4.000 3.000 2.000 3.000 3.000 4.000 3.000 4.000 4.000 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A 1 No. 2576 2575.0 2577 2576.0 2578 2577.0 2579 2578.0 2580 2579.0 2581 2580.0 2582 2581.0 2583 2582.0 2584 2583.0 2585 2584.0 2586 2585.0 2587 2586.0 2588 2587.0 2589 2588.0 2589.0 2590 2590.0 2591 2591.0 2592 2592.0 2593 2593.0 2594 2594.0 2595 2595.0 2596 2596.0 2597 2597.0 2598 2598.0 2599 2599.0 2600 2600.0 2601 2601.0 2602 2603 2602.0 2604 2603.0 2604.0 2605 B Date C D 12/29/2014 12/30/2014 1/1/2015 1/2/2015 1/3/2015 1/3/2015 1/5/2015 1/7/2015 1/8/2015 1/9/2015 1/12/2015 1/13/2015 1/14/2015 1/22/2015 1/29/2015 Timekeepe Description LS Summarized Lubit deposition. LS Summarize Halpren-Ruder deposition. LS Summarize Halpren-Ruder deposition. LS Summarize Halpren-Ruder deposition. LS Summarize Lauterborn deposition. LS Summarize Halpren-Ruder deposition LS Summarize Lauterborn deposition. LS Summarize Marino deposition transcript. LS Summarize Marino deposition transcript. LS Summarize Marino deposition transcript. LS Summarized Lubit deposition LS Summarized Lubit deposition LS Summarized Lubit deposition LS Summarized Lubit deposition. LS Silverman deposition summary for expert witness. 1/29/2015 JS 1/30/2015 LS 2/2/2015 LS 2/3/2015 JS 2/2/2015 LS Reviewing and taking notes on CompStat meeting videos. Silverman deposition summary for expert witness. 2/4/2015 LS Silverman deposition summary for expert witness. 2/4/2015 JS 2/5/2015 JS 2/5/2015 LS 2/6/2015 LS 2/9/2015 LS 2/10/2015 LS 2/10/2015 2/11/2015 2/11/2015 JLL JLL Reviewing and taking notes on CompStat meeting videos Reviewing and taking notes on CompStat meeting videos Summarized Adrian Schoolcraft deposition transript. Summarize Adrian Schoolcraft deposition transcript. Summarize Adrian Schoolcraft deposition transcript. Summarize Adrian Schoolcraft deposition transcript. Summary of Whittman deposition transcript. Summarize Whittman deposition transcript. Summarize Adrian Schoolcraft deposition transcript. E Hours 4.000 3.500 3.500 4.000 3.000 1.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 2.000 4.000 4.000 2.000 1.000 5.000 Reviewing and taking notes on CompStat meeting videos. Silverman deposition summary for expert witness. 6.000 4.000 Silverman deposition summary for expert witness. 4.000 6.000 5.000 2.000 LS Page 128 2.000 6.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 1.000 2.000 4.000 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A 1 No. 2605.0 Date 2/12/2015 2606 2606.0 2/13/2015 2607 2607.0 2608 2609 2608.0 2610 2609.0 2610.0 2611 2612 2611.0 2613 2612.0 2614 2613.0 2614.0 2615 2615.0 2616 2617 2616.0 2618 2617.0 2618.0 2619 2620 2619.0 2621 2620.0 2622 2621.0 2623 2622.0 2623.0 2624 2625 2624.0 2626 2625.0 2627 2626.0 2628 2627.0 2628.0 2629 2630 2629.0 2630.0 2631 2632 2631.0 2633 2632.0 2633.0 2634 2635 2634.0 2636 2635.0 2637 2636.0 2/16/2015 2/16/2015 2/17/2015 2/17/2015 03/08/15 08/09/12 11/23/10 02/21/15 D C B E _ Timekeepe Description Summarize Adrian Schoolcraft deposition LS transcript. Summarize Adrian Schoolcraft deposition LS transcript. Summarize Adrian Schoolcraft deposition LS transcript. Summarize Milone deposition transcript. JLL Summarize Milone deposition transcript. JLL Summarize Adrian Schoolcraft in Floyd deposition LS transcript. Review of Deposition of AS with Exhibits JPF Meeting w/ AS in Albany JPF Draft of Argument JPF Review of Schoolcraft discovery/deps - Caughey JPF Hours _____ _. 4.000 4.000 3.000 1.500 3.500 3.000 6.250 5.750 5.600 5.600 03/01/15 04/02/15 12/05/10 02/19/15 11/18/10 01/10/12 06/19/12 12/06/10 02/16/15 02/22/15 11/22/10 12/03/10 04/24/12 03/04/15 07/21/10 09/15/12 03/27/15 04/10/12 02/18/15 03/30/15 11/26/10 12/04/10 JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF Review of Schoolcraft discovery/deps Broschart/Sawyer Draft motion in lim Edit and Incorporate changes on argument Review of deposition exhibits & depositions Lauderborn Draft of argument Meeting with AS, IN and GC Meeting w/ Schoolcraft in Johnstown Review and edit argument Review of deposition exhibits & depositions Review of Schoolcraft discovery/deps - Gough Draft of Argument Draft of argument Research on 1st Amendment claims for motion Review of Schoolcraft discovery/deps - Duncan Review of Schoolcraft documents & tapes Reviewed/listened to IAB recordings provided by the City re: investigation into Schoolcraft matter Draft motion in lim Meeting w/ AS Review of deposition exhibits & depositions -. Marino Draft motion in lim Draft of Argument Review and edit argument for brief Page 129 5.500 5.250 5.250 5.250 4.900 4.900 4.800 4.800 4.800 4.800 4.750 4.750 4.750 4.750 4.750 4.750 4.600 4.600 4.500 4.400 4.400 4.400 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A 1 No. 2638 2637.0 2639 2638.0 2639.0 2640 2641 2640.0 2641.0 2642 2642.0 2643 2644 2643.0 2645 2644.0 2646 2645.0 2646.0 2647 2647.0 2648 2649 2648.0 2650 2649.0 2651 2650.0 2652 2651.0 2652.0 2653 2654 2653.0 2655 2654.0 2656 2655.0 2656.0 2657 2657.0 2658 2659 2658.0 2659.0 2660 2660.0 2661 2661.0 2662 2662.0 2663 2663.0 2664 2664.0 2665 2666 2665.0 2667 2666.0 B Date 04/03/15 07/12/10 02/25/15 C D Timekeepe Description JPF Review and edit motion in lim JPF JPF 03/17/15 11/10/10 JPF JPF 02/24/15 JPF 07/03/10 07/17/10 03/14/15 11/18/10 JPF JPF JPF JPF 11/20/10 JPF 03/11/15 10/10/12 03/31/15 12/04/10 11/19/10 JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF 02/15/15 07/18/10 11/24/10 11/21/10 JPF JPF JPF JPF 02/23/15 JPF 04/01/15 07/02/10 JPF JPF 11/11/10 JPF 02/17/15 JPF 08/01/10 JPF Review of Schoolcraft tapes Review of Schoolcraft discovery/deps Lamstein/Sanganetti/Marquez Draft motion in lim Research on hospitaf confinement constituting state action under any of the three tests Review of Schoolcraft discovery/deps - Huffman Review of Schoolcraft recordings Review of Schoolcraft tapes Draft motion in lira Research on joint action w/ private parties and police in the context of false arrest claims Research on state action - use of private facilities to imprison Review of Discovery and Dpeositions - Weiss Review of IAB recordings Draft motion in lim Draft of argument Research on joint action w/ private parties and police in the context of false arrest claims Review of deposition exhibits & depositions Review of Schoofcraft tapes Draft of Argument Research on joint action where state coerces private action Review of Schoolcraft discovery/deps - Larry Schoolcraft Draft motion in lim Research of Labor Law 215-a for potential claim E Hours 4.400 4.400 4.300 4.250 4.250 4.250 4.250 4.250 4.200 4.100 4.100 4.100 4.100 3.900 3.900 3.900 3.900 3.900 3.800 3.800 3.800 3.750 3.750 Research on state action standard for private parties - joint action test Review of deposition exhibits & depositions Mauriello Review of new documents and recording CD from AS 3.750 3.750 3.750 02/28/15 JPF Review of Schoolcraft discovery/deps - Boston 03/02/15 JPF 03/14/15 04/22/12 JPF JPF Review of Schoolcraft discovery/deps Sawyer/Duncan Draft motion in lim Research on 1st Amendment claim 3.750 Page 130 3.750 3.600 3.600 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A B No. Date 2667.0 11/08/10 2668.0 03/09/15 2669 2670 2669.0 2671 2670.0 2671.0 07/14/10 06/17/12 02/10/15 1 2668 2672 2672.0 02/20/15 2673.0 11/15/10 2673 2674 2675 2674.0 2675.0 2676 2676.0 2677 2678 2677.0 2679 2678.0 2680 2679.0 2681 2680.0 2681.0 11/19/10 02/07/12 11/20/10 02/26/15 07/15/10 08/01/10 03/19/15 10/17/12 2682 2682.0 2683 2684 2683.0 2684.0 2685 2685.0 2686 2687 2686.0 2687.0 2688 2688.0 03/27/15 04/04/15 09/20/10 Timekeepe Description Research on involuntary confinement & state JPF action Review of reply memo & supporting docs filed by JPF all defendants Review of Schoolcraft tapes JPF Draft motion for reconsideration JPF Meeting w/ GC & JN regarding global trial JPF strategy, witnesses to be called (or not called), exhibits to use, Rule 68 offer and next steps for moving forward. Meeting w/ TEAM to discuss trial strategy, JPF division of labor, motions Research on conspiracy under §1983 versus state JPF action Draft argument JPF Read and review of JHMC medicals (full set from JPF hospital) Research on joint action where state coerces private JPF action Review of Schoolcraft discovery/deps - James JPF Review of Schoolcraft tapes JPF Review of Schoolcraft tapes & timeline JPF Draft motion in lim JPF Meeting w/JN & GC re: City's privilege claims and JPF possible arguments/motions to defeat such claims highlights of Lauterborn interview & inconsistencies w/ Marino & home invasion recording Research on motion in lim re IAB doc admission & JPF opinions in them Review and edit motion in lim JPF Review of deposition of Mauriello from Floyd case JPF E Hours 3.600 3.600 3.600 3.500 3.500 3.500 3.500 3.400 3.400 3.400 3.400 3.400 3.400 3.300 3.300 3.300 3.300 3.300 02/12/15 03/28/15 04/24/12 Review of Memo of Law in Opp to plaintiffs motion for SJ Draft motion in lim Draft of motion to Amend 1st Amendment claim JPF JPF JPF 3.300 3.250 3.250 J 08/31/10 JPF 2689 2689.0 D C 08/27/10 JPF Interview with GC of "DH" and "EB" former NYPD, reviewed materials, recordings re: quotas, downgrading Interview with GC of Walter Cipscomb, former PO confirms quotas - wants to help Schoolcraft 3.250 3.250 2690 Page 131 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A B C I D 2690.0 Date 09/27/10 2691.0 06/25/10 2692.0 07/30/10 JPF 05/05/15 11/15/10 JPF JPF Meeting with JN, GC, Polanco & Raymond re: Schoolcraft & Monell claim Read and review Ct's Opinion on SJ Research on close nexus test and private parties 03/07/15 JPF 07/23/12 JPF Research on prior restrain, retaliation, and protected speech/law enforcement under Tachler 2697.0 03/10/15 JPF 2698.0 02/25/15 JPF Research on ultimate issue, bolstering w/ prior litigation for Bernier Review of Schoolcraft discovery/deps - Valenti 2699.0 07/31/10 JPF 2700 2701 2700.0 2701.0 09/22/10 10/26/10 JPF JPF 2702.0 06/14/12 JPF 2703.0 11/21/10 JPF 2704 2705 2704.0 2705.0 03/05/15 06/18/12 JPF JPF 2706.0 2707.0 2708.0 2709.0 2710.0 2711.0 12/05/10 12/02/10 07/22/10 07/31/10 06/26/10 09/27/10 JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF 2712 2713 2712.0 2714 2713.0 2715 2714.0 2716 2715.0 2717 2716.0 04/23/12 09/25/12 10/08/12 07/06/10 07/24/15 JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF E Research on press & statements made by counsel No. 1 2691 Timekeepe Description JPF Meeting w/AS witkr JN, GC to prep for discussion with US attorneys office EDNY JPF Meeting w/JN and GC re: scope of Schoolcraft materials that need to be reviewed for complaint 2692 3.250 3.250 2693 2694 2693.0 2694.0 2695 2695.0 2696 2696.0 3.250 3.250 3.250 3.250 2697 3.250 2698 2699 3.250 3.250 Meeting with Polanco, Raymond, JN, GC re: quotas and Monell Claim Meeting with DOJ EDNY Meeting with GC and "RC" to discuss experience with quotas in a Brooklyn North precinct 2702 3.200 3.100 3.100 2703 2706 2707 2708 2709 2710 2711 Hours Research on 1st Amendment cases cited in Judge's opinion Research on hospital state action where EDPs are involved Research on prior litigiousness exclusion Review and edit and incorporate additions suggested by JN and GC on Motion for Reconsideration Review of argument Review of Memo of Law argument Review of Schoolcraft documents & tapes Review of Schoolcraft tapes & timeline Review of Schoolcraft's medical records Schoolcraft interview with Civil Rights Division JN, GC, DOJ Draft of letter on 1st Amendment claims Meeting w/ AS & GC & JN re dep prep Prep w/ AS for dep Research Labor Law issue Schoolcraft team meeting Page 132 3.100 3.100 3.100 3.100 3.100 3.100 3.100 3.100 3.100 3.100 2.900 2.900 2.900 2.900 2.900 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A 1 2718 2719 2720 2721 2722 2723 D C B No. Date Timekeepe Description 2717.0 06/18/12 07/28/12 06/17/12 07/31/10 06/15/12 07/09/12 05/14/11 JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF 2718.0 2719.0 2720.0 2721.0 2722.0 2723.0 2724 2724.0 09/03/10 JPF 2725 2725.0 2726 2727 2726.0 2728 2727.0 2728.0 2729 2729.0 2730 2730.0 2731 2731.0 2732 2732.0 2733 2734 2733.0 2735 2734.0 2736 2735.0 2736.0 2737 2738 2737.0 2738.0 2739 2739.0 2740 2740.0 08/25/10 03/09/15 07/22/12 07/20/12 JPF JPF JPF JPF Draft motion for reconsideration Draft of motion to amend Research on prior restraint Revision of Complaint Draft motion for reconsideration Draft reply motion for reconsideration Meeting with GC reviewing Requests For Admission's (RFA's) Meeting with GC with PO from 81st precinct "MG" re: corruption Meeting with GC, PO from 81st precinct "PF" re: corruption Research on lAB conclusions & admissibility Research on prior restrain Research on retaliation and protected speech issue E Hours 2.800 2.800 2.800 2.800 2.750 2.750 2.750 2.750 2.750 2.750 2.750 2.750 11/11/10 08/23/12 JPF JPF Research on traditional function state action test "hospital used as jail" Review of disocvery provided by City defendants 2.750 2.750 08/05/10 08/06/10 09/27/11 04/06/15 07/30/12 05/08/12 07/30/10 09/20/10 06/25/10 08/28/15 JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF Review of transcribed tape recording from August & March 2009 from Legal Language Review of transcripts from Legal Language re June 2009 roll calls, Halloween Night, & visits to Johnston Research re law enforcement privilege Review and edit motion in lim Review and edit motion to amend Review and prep response to defendant's 1st Amendment letter Revision of Complaint Meeting with GC with PO "JB" re: NYPD quotas and downgrading Review of Schoolcraft 's Patrolmens Benevolent Associtation ("PBA") contract Draft additional sections to motions in lim re rifle pictues, Queens DA & prior complaints made by 2.750 2.750 2.600 2.600 2.600 2.600 2.600 2.500 2.500 AS 2741 2741.0 2742 2743 2742.0 2743.0 2744 2744.0 2745 03/12/15 10/07/12 06/15/12 JPF JPF JPF 2.400 Meting w/ GC, JN, NS, and Jon Lenoir ("JL") re trial, motions QAD interview review Research on prior restraint and Carcetti progeny 2.400 2.400 2.400 05/23/11 JPF Review and Edit discovery demands and rogs against all defendants Page 133 2.400 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A 2745.0 2746.0 09/17/10 2746 2747 2748 2747.0 2748.0 2749 2750 2749.0 2751 2750.0 2751.0 2752 2753 2752.0 2753.0 2754 2755 2754.0 2756 2755.0 2757 2756.0 2757.0 C B Date 08/17/11 No. 1 04/25/12 11/04/10 09/24/12 01/26/11 03/04/15 03/09/12 02/12/15 09/21/10 08/03/10 11/20/10 10/30/10 D Timekeepe Description JPF Review of responses to requests & discovery demands from hospital defendants JPF Reviewed documents and depositions from the Floyd litigation for purposes of Monell claim JPF Final review & edit 1st Amendment letter JPF Meeting with GC and police officer "BP" re: quotas, downgrading, and NYPD corruption JPF Prep AS fro his dep JPF Prep for oral argument JPF Research of racial comments & exclusion for motion in lira JPF Research on 1st Amendment claims JPF Review of 56.1 counter statements from JHMC, City, Mauriello, & Isacov JPF Review of Angel Heran depo from Floyd JPF Review of Complaint edits by JN JPF Draft of Argument JPF Meeting with GC & JN re: information provided by MR, MG RC whistleblower cops and movie and book publicist contacting AS for information 2758 E Hours 2.400 2.400 2.300 2.300 2.300 2.300 2.300 2.300 2.300 2.300 2.300 2.250 2.250 2758.0 09/23/10 JPF 2759.0 06/14/12 JPF 06/16/12 02/13/11 03/27/15 JPF JPF JPF 2759 2760 2761 2760.0 2762 2761.0 2762.0 2763 2763.0 2764 2765 2764.0 2766 2765.0 2767 2766.0 2767.0 2768 2768.0 2769 2769.0 2770 2770.0 2771 2771.0 2772 Meeting with GC, JN and Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR) re Schoolcraft Read and review Opinion and Order on 1st Amendment and Motion to Quash and notes on same Research on prior restraint Review and Edit letter brief opposing stay Review of Draft Direct Examination of AS from GC 08/15/11 JPF 07/09/10 07/23/12 07/29/12 07/26/10 JPF JPF JPF JPF 05/11/12 JPF 06/20/10 JPF 07/08/12 JPF 03/06/15 JPF 2.250 2.250 2.250 2.250 2.250 Review of responses to Bernier & Jamaica discovery demands Review of Schoolcraft timeline prepared by JN Draft motion to amend Draft of motion to amend Meeting with JN & GC re case & updates on Brendan Delpozo Read and review of defendant's letter to quash and discussion w/ GC & JN Reading Village Voice articles on; Schoolcraft and Halloween night Research cases cited in defendant's brief in opp in preparation of reply Research on limitations of witness examinations 2.250 2.250 2.100 2.100 2.100 2.100 2.100 2.100 2.100 Page 134 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A D C B No. Date Timekeepe Description 2772.0 1 03/28/15 JPF 2773 2774 2773.0 2774.0 2775 2776 2775.0 2777 2776.0 2778 2777.0 2779 2778.0 2780 2779.0 2780.0 2781 2781.0 05/08/12 08/05/10 03/19/15 08/31/10 04/02/15 11/21/10 09/21/10 10/04/10 09/01/10 JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF Research on motion in lim conclusions re credibility admissibility Review caselaw in defendant's letter Review of Complaint with client's chain of events & correction Review of James Cross outline Drafting Amended Complaint Meeting with JN and NS team Research on joint action Review of Donald McHugh depo from Floyd Meeting w/ GC and "JR" retired police officer re: quotas, downgrading, NYPD corruption Meeting w/JN and GC re: discuss anonymous POs contacting and how they can help Schoolcraft E Hours 2.100 2.100 2.100 2.100 1.900 1.900 1.900 1.900 1.800 1.800 2782 2782.0 2783 2784 2783.0 2784.0 2785 2786 2785.0 2786.0 2787 2787.0 2788 2789 2788.0 2790 2789.0 2790.0 2791 2791.0 2792 2792.0 2793 2793.0 2794 2795 2794.0 2796 2795.0 2797 2796.0 2798 2797.0 2799 2798.0 2799.0 2800 2801 2800.0 10/07/10 05/09/12 08/04/10 08/03/10 07/08/11 09/24/10 JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF Meeting with GC and "EB" retired police officer re: quotas, downgrading, NYPD corruption Review of cases & letter in prep of argument Review of client's chain of events for Complaint Revise and edit of Complaint Discussion with GC and JN re: meeting with Jim Leander and AS about investigation Discussion with JN and GC re: first meeting with the DOJ and upcoming meeting with the DOJ and AS 12/01/10 06/16/12 08/25/10 09/24/12 05/09/11 07/06/10 12/06/10 06/18/12 03/16/15 06/19/12 06/19/12 02/10/12 08/09/10 JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF Draft factual section of opp Draft motion for reconsideration Meeting w/JN and GC re: ACC assigned, Schoolcraft initial disclosures Meeting w/JN and GC to discuss City deficiency letter and AS dep prep Meeting with JN and GC re: neccesary disclosures under Rule 26 for plaitniff Meeting w/JN and JF re: new whistleblower contacted JN re: Schoolcraft Review and edit brief Review and edit Motion for Reconsideration Review of Direct Examinaiton Outline for AS Travel back to NYC from Johnstown (3.5) Travel to Johnstown (3.5) Discussion w/ JN & GC re additional items of discovery Edit/Revise Complaint Page 135 1.800 1.800 1.800 1.800 1.750 1.750 1.750 1.750 1.750 1.750 1.750 1.300 1.750 1.750 1.750 1.750 1.750 1.600 1.600 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A 1 No. 2801.0 2802 2803 2802.0 2803.0 2804 2804.0 2805 2806 2805.0 2806.0 2807 2807.0 2808 2809 2808.0 2809.0 2810 2811 2810.0 2811.0 2812 2812.0 2813 2813.0 B Date 03/14/12 08/08/10 11/11/10 01/20/12 C D Timekeepe Description JPF Editing Amended Complaint to add 1st Amendment facts & law JPF Editing Complaint with additional allegations JPF Meeting with GC and "JW" cop to discuss quotas/retaliation JPF Phone call with Larry Schoolcraft re discovery & EBTs 05/19/11 05/20/11 JPF JPF 03/10/15 JPF 07/07/10 08/09/10 JPF JPF 05/12/15 01/10/11 JPF JPF 08/26/10 JPF 07/29/10 JPF 2814.0 10/12/10 JPF 08/09/12 08/09/12 07/22/10 09/04/10 06/25/10 JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF 2820.0 10/27/10 JPF 2821.0 05/10/11 JPF Traveled from Albany back to NYC (3.0) Traveled to Albany to meet Client (3.0) Discussed causes of action w/GC Drafting Amended Complaint Meeting with GC & JN re: possible discovery demands after suit is filed Meeting with GC and David Velez re: arbitration, quotas, Michael Marino Meeting with JN and GC re: edits to Intial disclosures and discussion regarding requests to admit 2822.0 10/10/10 JPF 2823.0 09/03/10 JPF Meeting with JN and GC re: infromatoin provided by MV, NB, EB whistleblower cops Meeting with JN and GC to discuss infromation provided by DH, MG, EB whistleblower cops in furtherance of the Monell claim 2824 2825 2824.0 2826 2825.0 11/21/10 04/05/12 JPF JPF Research on supplement jurisdiction Review & edit response to City's interogs Hours 1.600 1.600 1.600 1.600 1.600 Review of Motion to Dismiss by Jamaica Hosp. 2815.0 2816.0 2817.0 2818.0 2819.0 E 2814 2815 2816 2817 2818 2819 2820 2821 2822 2823 Review & edit demands & interrogatories Discussion w/ GC & JN re request to admit corrections/additions Discussion with GC to help outline AS direct exmaination Meeting w/ only with AS Meeting w/JN and GC re: Schoolcraft website to support Monell threory Meeting w/NS team JN and GC pre-conf Meeting with GC & JN re interrogatories and demands Meeting with GC and JN re: interview of PO from 81st precinct "PF" re: corruption Meeting with JN and Rocco P - Daily News re Schoolcraft and evidence of quotas for Monell claim Page 136 1.500 1.500 1.500 1.500 1.500 1.500 1.500 1.500 1.500 1.500 1.500 1.400 1.400 1.400 1.400 1.400 1.400 1.400 1.400 1.400 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A 1 No. 2826.0 Date 06/23/11 D C B Timekeepe Description Review of answers to interrogatories by lsacov JPF E Hours 1.400 2827 2827.0 2828 2829 2828.0 2830 2829.0 2831 2830.0 2831.0 2832 2832.0 2833 2833.0 2834 2835 2834.0 2836 2835.0 2836.0 2837 2837.0 2838 2838.0 2839 2839.0 02/11/15 07/26/10 03/23/15 08/04/10 02/02/15 03/16/15 05/10/12 07/09/12 12/07/10 05/20/11 07/06/10 08/08/12 09/17/10 JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF 2840 2840.0 07/05/12 JPF 2841 2841.0 2842 2843 2842.0 2843.0 2844 2844.0 2845 2845.0 2846 2846.0 2847 2847.0 2848 2848.0 2849 2849.0 2850 07/22/12 12/01/10 12/08/10 JPF JPF JPF Review of declarations from City, Berniers, Isacov, & JHMC w/ accompanying exhibits Review of draft of Complaint prepared by GC Review of Sawyer cross examaintion outline Revise and edit Complaint Discussion w/ GC & JN re representing AS again for trial Discussion with GC re: AS direct examination and points to cover, strategy Draft letter providing supplemental authority in response to defendant's opp Edit reply Final review & edit of brief Finalize interrogatories & discuss EBTs w/ JN & GC Meeting w/JN and GC re: new whistleblower contacted JN re: Schoolcraft Meeting w/ JN & GC re meeting w/ AS in Albany for prep Meeting with JN and GC regarding infromation obtained from Floyd litigation and its impact on Schoolcrafts Monell and Retaliation claims Read and review of defendant's opp to plaintiffs motion for reconsideration Review of complaint for allegations conforming to plaintiffs 2nd motion to amend Review of Complaint for facts Review of NYPD Memos re anti quota legislation 1.400 1.400 1.400 1.400 1.300 1.300 1.300 1.300 1.300 1.300 1.300 1.300 1.300 1.300 1.300 1.300 1.300 02/11/15 08/17/11 05/19/11 09/28/11 04/23/12 08/19/10 JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF Review of witness/exhibit list from JN and discuss with GC Discuss confidentiality stip w/ GC & JN b/c of plaintiffs objections Discuss w/ JN & GC edits & topic areas that should be explored on interrogatories Discussion w/ JN and GC re law enforcement privilege & motion to compel Discussion w/ Larry Schoolcraft re amendments to complaint Discussion with GC and JN re: new recordings and documents provided by AS Page 137 1.300 1.250 1.250 1.250 1.250 1.250 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A C B 1 D Date Timekeepe Description 2850.0 03/09/12 JPF 2851.0 06/28/10 JPF 2852.0 10/13/10 JPF 12/04/10 07/10/12 06/20/12 JPF JPF JPF 04/08/15 07/30/10 JPF JPF 07/14/10 JPF 07/27/10 03/01/11 JPF JPF 2861.0 08/30/10 JPF 2862.0 1 07/22/12 JPF 09/10/15 03/08/12 JPF JPF 04/11/11 JPF 01/25/11 07/20/12 JPF JPF 09/10/12 JPF 06/29/10 JPF 03/20/12 JPF 08/06/10 12/02/10 12/03/10 08/16/11 02/24/15 06/26/10 JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JNo. 2851 2852 2853 2854 2853.0 2855 2854.0 2855.0 2856 2857 2856.0 2857.0 2858 2858.0 2859 2860 2859.0 2860.0 Discussion with JN & GC re reinstating 1st Amendment claims in this case based on Carcetti & actions after the fact Discussion with JN and GC re retainer & meeting with Schoolcrafts Discussion with JN re: arguments to make in response to JHMC motion Draft section on supplement jurisdiction Edit reply final Final edit and review of Motion for Reconsideration Final edits and corrections to motion in Lim Meet with GC and JN re: changes and additions to complaint Meeting w/JN and GC re: Schoolcraft complaint Meeting w/JN and GC to discuss Complaint Meeting with anonymous cops from T34 w/ GC and JN - provided recordings of Lt. Janice Williams 2861 E Hours 1.250 1.250 1.250 1.250 1.250 1.250 1.250 1.250 1.250 1.250 1.250 2862 2863 2864 2863.0 2864.0 2865 2865.0 2866 2867 2866.0 2867.0 2868 2868.0 2869 2869.0 2870 2870.0 2871 2872 2871.0 2873 2872.0 2874 2873.0 2875 2874.0 2876 2875.0 2877 2876.0 Meeting with JN & GC re Garcia cop from 81 who knows Schoolcraft & has info on quotas Phone call w/ Larry Schoolcraft re meeting and outstanding discovery issues and depositions Phone Call with AS re: settlement Phone call with client re article and whether confidential info had been disclosed Phone convo w/ AS, re representation on his suspension & internal hearing Prep for oral argument on JHMC motion Read and review judge's decision denying reconsideration Read and review Opinion & Order from Sweet on plaintiffs motion to amend Receipt & review of Weinstein arbitration decision in PBA case Research on 1st Amendment Second Circuit decisions following Carcetti Review and edit Complaint after clarification Review of Amended Answer filed by City Review of argument Review of confidentiality stip from City Review of Huffman cross examination outline Review of PBA contract Page 138 1.250 1.250 1.250 1.250 1.250 1.250 1.250 1.250 1.250 1.250 1.250 1.250 1.250 1.250 1.250 1.250 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A 1 No. 2878 2877.0 2879 2878.0 2880 2879.0 2880.0 I C D Timekeepe JPF JPF JPF JPF Description ___. Review of revised Complaint from JN Review of Valenti exmanination Team meeting following conf. Meeting w/JN & GC re: City's Deliberative Process and Grand Jury privilege claims and best strategy for defeating same. Meeting w/JN & GC re: Marino's lAB interview & inconsitencies w/claims in OF 49 & Halloween Night recording Discussion with GC and JN re tapes Discussion with JN re timeline Meeting w/JN and GC re: outstanding items we need from trial from NS Meeting with GC and JN re: anonymous cop interviews VM and EF Meeting with GC to discuss documents that must be requested in our demands Meeting with JN to prepare for EDNY DOJ Prep w/ AS for AS dep Review & edits request for admissions Review and edit motion in lim Review and edit revised demands for City Review jury instructions from NS team Review motion in lim based on comments Review of draft witness list from NS: notes taken B Date 08/06/10 02/26/15 05/12/15 10/18/12 2881 2881.0 2882 2883 2882.0 2884 2883.0 2884.0 2885 2885.0 2886 2886.0 2887 2888 2887.0 2889 2888.0 2890 2889.0 2891 2890.0 2892 2891.0 2893 2892.0 2894 2893.0 2894.0 2895 2896 2895.0 2896.0 2897 2898 2897.0 2899 2898.0 2900 2899.0 2901 2900.0 2902 2901.0 2903 2902.0 2903.0 2904 2904.0 2905 2905.0 2906 2907 2906.0 10/15/12 07/15/10 07/09/10 02/26/15 09/30/10 05/18/11 09/22/10 10/09/12 05/20/11 08/30/15 02/13/12 03/13/15 04/07/15 07/24/15 04/06/15 01/26/11 03/28/12 09/28/11 05/09/12 04/13/15 05/12/15 09/05/10 07/26/10 10/12/10 02/20/15 05/15/11 JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF Review of NS comments Appearance for motion to dismiss in Schoolcraft Attend oral Argument on City motion Attend oral argumqnt on motion to compel Attended Argument on 1st Amendment claim Conf. on trial date - case adj ourned Conf. trial adjourned to Oct. 19 Editing Amended Complaint Meeting GC and JN re issues for Schoolcraft complaint Meeting w/ GC and IN re: calls from Pos Meeting w/ JN and GC before meeting with Nat Smith to dicuss how we are going to proceed at meeting Meeting with JN and GC re: edits to RFA's Page 139 E Hours 1.250 1.250 1.250 1.200 1.200 1.100 1.100 1.100 1.100 1.100 1.100 1.100 1.100 1.100 1.100 1.100 1.100 1.100 1.100 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A 1 No. 2907.0 2908 2909 2908.0 2910 2909.0 2911 2910.0 2912 2911.0 2912.0 2913 2913.0 2914 2914.0 2915 2915.0 2916 2917 2916.0 2918 2917.0 2918.0 2919 2919.0 2920 2921 2920.0 2921.0 2922 2922.0 2923 2924 2923.0 2925 2924.0 2925.0 2926 2926.0 2927 2927.0 2928 2928.0 2929 2929.0 2930 2931 2930.0 2931.0 2932 2933 2932.0 B C D Date 11/12/10 Timekeepe Description JPF Meeting with JN and GC re: issues on our motion opposition and GC's meeting with JW anonymous cop 03/27/15 05/23/12 02/08/12 06/23/11 JPF JPF JPF JPF 09/12/15 JPF 12/19/11 JPF 06/28/10 JPF 02/12/11 JPF 08/01/12 05/31/12 08/25/10 JPF JPF JPF 02/04/15 JPF 10/06/10 09/11/11 JPF JPF 08/11/11 JPF Review of responses to Isacov discovery demands 04/06/15 02/11/15 01/23/15 JPF JPF JPF Review of revised SK jury instructions Berniers counter 56.1 statement Call w/GC and JN about taking over case again 03/28/12 JPF Conf. re confidentiality stip & Village Voice article 04/04/12 JPF 07/02/12 JPF 05/08/15 JPF 12/06/10 06/22/10 JPF JPF 07/07/10 JPF Conf. re NY Times letter to undo the confidentiality stip Discussion w/ AS and Larry Schoolcraft re financial issues and possibly locating donors Discussion w/ GC & JN re decision and impact on trial and motion in lim Discussion with GC & JN re final corrections Discussion with Gerald Cohen (GC) and JN re Schoolcraft case & causes of action Discussion with JN re Labor Law research E Phone conference with JN, GC, NS, JL Prep for argument w/ GC & JN Pre-trial conference before Judge Sweet Review of response to doc demands Isacov Adding a new section on Bernier's naval yard disaster testimony Convo w/ Larry Schoolcraft re discovery issues, avenues to pursue with defendants Discussion with JN re meeting with P.O. Velasquez re policy of quotas Discussion with JN re; motion to stay and arguments in opposition Final review of motion to amend Meeting w/JN and GC re: City conf. Stips Meeting with JN & GC re more whistleblower email & meeting with P.O Fioranelli Phone call w JN and GC re: pending trial strategy and misc. evidentiary issues, and setting up meetng to discuss same in greater detail Review of Answer to Complaint by Jamaica Review of plaintiffs motion to compel discovery 1 Hours 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.900 0.900 0.900 0.900 0.900 0.900 0.900 0.900 0.900 0.900 0.900 0.900 0.800 0.800 0.800 Page 140 0.800 0.800 0.800 0.800 0.800 0.800 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A No. Timekeepe Description Meeting w/ Gerald Cohen ("GC") and JN re: JPF Date 2933.0 1 06/06/10 2934 2934.0 06/20/10 t JPF 2935 2935.0 11/18/10 JPF 2936 2936.0 09/20/10 JPF 2937 2937.0 06/18/10 JPF 2938 2938.0 08/12/10 JPF 2939 2939.0 08/22/10 JPF 2940 2940.0 08/29/12 D C B JPF Schoolcraft coming to our office for interview Discussions with Jon Norinsberg (JN) re Schoolcraft case Draft of prelim statement in opp to Motion to Dimiss Listening to This American Life interview with client Meeting w/JN and Gerald Cohen ("GC") re: Schoolcraft coming to our office and retaining for lawsuit Meeting w/JN and GC re: legal strategies on Monell and whistleblower cop contacts Meeting with JN & GC re whistleblowers reaching out through the website Meeting. w/ JN & GC re: City's Suppl. Disclosure & the need for us to depose at least 5 of the 9 new witnesses identified by City & other gen.strategy issues for advancing discovery E Hours 0.800 0.800 0.800 0.800 0.800 0.800 0.800 0.800 2941 2941.0 2942 2943 2942.0 2943.0 2944 2944.0 2945 2945.0 2946 2947 2946.0 2947.0 2948 2948.0 2949 2950 2949.0 2950.0 2951 2951.0 2952 2953 2952.0 2953.0 2954 2954.0 2955 11/08/10 07/25/12 05/22/12 08/27/10 04/05/12 09/30/10 11/08/10 JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF Met with GC and police officer "MC" re: quotas Phone call w/ Larry Schoolcraft Phone call w/ Larry Schoolcraft re Vallone and 1st Amendment Reading articles written by Eterno & Silverman re Compstat & numbers game Review and discuss w/ IN & GC plaintiffs responses to City demands Review of Answer to Complaint by Bernier Review of Doc Demands/Interrogatories by Isacov 0.800 0.800 0.800 0.800 0.800 0.800 0.800 03/06/15 11/11/10 06/30/10 03/29/12 02/12/15 05/03/12 08/16/12 JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF Review of email from AS w/ witness suggestions Review of Interrogatoiies & Demands Bernier Review of PBA website internal access for P.O.s with AS Revised and help draft prqposed AEO stip w/JN and GC for City Affidavit of Mauriello Discussion w/ GC & JN re Affidavits and conf. stip AEO Discussion w/ JN & GC re City's suggestion on multiple dates for deps Page 141 0.800 0.800 0.800 0.800 0.750 0.750 0.750 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A C B D No. Date Timekeepe Description 2955.0 05/17/12 JPF 02/08/12 JPF 02/24/15 03/19/15 JPF JPF Discussion with GC and JN re: conference and discovery and stratedgy moving forward Discussion with GC re: Huffman cross Discussion with GC re: James cross examinaiton 03/08/12 JPF 04/25/12 JPF E Discussion w/JN and GC re: AS breach affidavit 2956.0 1 2956 Hours 0.750 2957 2958 2957.0 2958.0 2959 2959.0 2960 2960.0 2961 2961.0 2962 2962.0 0.750 06/14/12 JPF 10/04/10 JPF 2963 2963.0 2964 2965 2964.0 2965.0 0.750 0.750 06/23/10 JPF 07/07/10 02/27/12 JPF JPF 08/25/10 JPF Discussion with JN & GC re VV article and the confidential report Discussion with JN re: edits/changes to 1st Amendment letter Meet with JN and GC to discuss motion for reconsideration on 1st amendment claim Meeting w GC and JN to discuss infromation from "JR" retired police officer re: quotas, downgrading, NYPD corruption Meeting w/JN and GC re: JN's upcoming meeting w/ district attorney Meeting with AS, LS, GC & JN Meeting with GC and JN re: documents received from Johnstown PD for plaintiffs subpoena 2966 0.750 0.750 0.750 0.750 0.750 0.750 0.750 2966.0 Meeting with JN & GC re: Whitehead Meeting. 2967 0.750 2967.0 04/08/15 JPF Phone call with GC and JN regarding trial adjournment, proposed filings, various strategies for trying to make sure trial goes on April 20 2968.0 01/23/12 JPF 04/20/12 05/03/12 JPF JPF 10/18/12 JPF 10/19/12 JPF 09/07/10 JPF Phone call with Larry Schoolcraft re plaintiff salary and benefits and work suspension status Phone discussion w/ AS Receipt and review of email from City re: revised confidentiality AEO and Affidavits Review and edit letter to Ct. re ASO issue & AS ability to see the QAD report Review of Answer to Amended Complaint from lsacov Review of Answer to Complaint from Jamaica 2968 0.750 2969 2970 2969.0 2970.0 2971 2971.0 2972 2972.0 2973 2973.0 2974 2974.0 2975 2975.0 2976 2977 2976.0 2978 2977.0 Hosp. 05/10/11 JPF 10/28/11 JPF 0.750 0.750 0.750 0.750 0.750 0.750 Review of Intial disclosures and discussion with GC 08/13/10 06/23/11 JPF JPF 0.750 Review of operations order 10/17/11 sent from client Review of PBA regulations Review of requests for discovery from Isacov 0.750 0.750 0.750 Page 142 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A 1 No. 2979 2978.0 2980 2979.0 2980.0 2981 2981.0 2982 2982.0 C B Date Timekeepe Description 07/28/15 09/28/10 08/20/12 JPF JPF JPF 05/23/12 05/22/12 JPF JPF 2983 2983.0 07/28/12 JPF 2984 2984.0 D 1 03/06/15 JPF Review of updated jury instructions "Rich" anonymous cop discussion with GC Discussion w/ JN & GC re additional amendment of the complaint to add Hanlon Discussion w/ JN & GC re: defendant's letter re subpoena Discussion w/ JN & GC re defendant's letter re Vallone subpoena Discussion w/ JN & GC re motion to amend to add prior restraint Discussion w/ JN & GC re proposed witnesses E Hours 0.750 0.600 0.600 0.600 0.600 0.600 0.600 2985 2985.0 05/08/12 JPF 2986 2986.0 05/16/12 JPF 2987 2987.0 07/26/10 JPF 2988 2988.0 2989 2990 2989.0 2990.0 2991 2991.0 2992 2992.0 2993 2993.0 2994 2994.0 2995 2995.0 2996 2996.0 2997 2998 2997.0 2998.0 2999 3000 2999.0 3000.0 3001 3001.0 3002 08/27/10 01/26/11 06/23/11 03/23/15 04/13/12 JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF Discussion w/ JN and GC re argument on 1st Amendment claim Discussion w/ JN and GC re opp to defendant's motion to quash Discussion with GC & JN re Complaint & drafts going forward Discussion with GC & JN re having Eterno & Silverman as experts Discussion with GC & JN re oral arguments Discussion with GC & JN re responses & requests from Isacov Discussion with GC re: Sawyer points for cross examination Discussion with JN and GC re: Matthews decision 0.600 0.600 0.600 0.600 0.600 0.600 0.600 0.600 07/02/10 03/16/12 03/20/12 JPF JPF JPF Discussion with JN re AS' ability to pursue claim under Labor Law 215-a Draft of opp that defendants request plaintiff be ordered to appear @ 3 /28/12 conf. Incorporating language into Amended Complaint 0.600 0.600 0.600 09/26/12 03/30/12 02/19/11 03/12/12 08/15/10 03/15/12 JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF Meeting w/ JN & GC & AS re adjorning dep due to father's medical emergency Meeting w/ JN & GC re AEO changes Meeting with GC re: getting transcript for Bryant v. City verdict finding quotas existed Meeting with JN & GC re letter from City Meeting with JN and GC re NYTimes story about quotas & Schoolcraft Meeting with JN and GC re proposed Amended Complaint Page 143 0.600 0.600 0.600 0.600 0.600 0.600 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A 1 B C D 3002.0 Date 04/17/15 3003.0 09/08/15 3004.0 02/27/15 JPF 3005.0 09/08/15 JPF 3006.0 05/06/11 JPF 3007.0 10/18/12 JPF 3008.0 05/17/12 JPF 3009.0 05/12/11 JPF 10/22/12 10/27/10 JPF JPF Phone call with NS, GC and JN regarding best strategy for handling settlement discussions with the City Read & review the decision & order written disposing of the motion to dismiss Review and edit letter to Ct opposing an additional day for AS dep for Mauriello lawyer Review and edit plaintiffs opp to defendant's motion to quash Review of agency agreement for client on book/movie deals he does Review of Amended Complaint by Bernier Review of Answer to Amended Complaint Isacov 06/21/10 JPF 09/01/11 JPF 04/13/12 JPF 01/20/11 05/10/12 04/17/15 JPF JPF JPF 12/19/11 JPF 12/09/10 JPF 03/25/15 05/05/15 07/28/10 JPF JPF JPF 02/26/15 JPF E Phone call with JN regarding following up with Smith, IAB v. DAT transcripts, calling additional witness's like Nelson and Valenti and Yeager No. 1 3003 Timekeepe Description JPF Phone call w/ rest of trial team regarding City' proposal for mediation and best strategy for responding JPF Phone call with JN & GC recapping discussion with defense counsel and clients over the weekend 3004 Hours 0.600 0.600 3005 0.600 3006 3007 3008 3009 3010 3011 3010.0 3011.0 3012 3012.0 3013 3013.0 3015 3016 3015.0 3017 3016.0 3017.0 3018 3018.0 3019 3019.0 3020 3021 3020.0 3022 3021.0 3022.0 3023 3024 3023.0 0.600 0.600 0.600 0.600 0.600 0.600 3014 3014.0 0.600 Review of articles sent by Schoolcraft on Gerald Nelson Review of decision in Floyd on summary judgment & its relevance to Schoolcraft tapes and Monell claim Review of Decision in Matthews 1st Amendment case from Judge Jones Review of defendants' reply memo of law Review, edit & submit supplemental letter Conference call with team re: best strategy for responding to City latest "offer" Discussion w/ GC & JN re plaintiffs thoughts on discovery Discussion wi JN & GC re discovery responses & timing Discussion w/ SK re motions in lim Discussion WJN and GC re SMJ Discussion with GC and JN re: Adhyl Polanco and other whist' blowers Discussion with GC re: Valenti examination Page 144 0.600 0.600 0.600 0.600 0.600 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.500 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A 1 No. 3024.0 Date 06/30/10 3025 3025.0 03/28/12 3026 3026.0 03/30/12 3027 3027.0 09/27/10 3028 3028.0 3029 3030 3029.0 3030.0 3031 3032 3031.0 3032.0 03/19/12 08/21/12 09/17/12 03/12/15 09/24/12 D C B Timekeepe Description Discussion with JN & GC re FOIL requests for JPF 911's & how to proceed Discussion with JN and GC re: court's order on JPF City's motion for breach of confidentiality agreement Discussion with JN and GC re: filing motion to JPF amend and discovery issues Discussion with JN re location & witnesses from JPF This American Life interview JPF Disucssion w/ JN re corrections Amended Complaint Draft Amended Complaint adding Hanlon JPF Draft of letter to amend to add Hanlon to complaint JPF JPF JPF Email from AS re additional witnesses for trial Email from City re service of amended complaint, Lauderborn dep, & discovery deficiencies E Hours 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.500 3033 3033.0 3034 3035 3034.0 3035.0 3036 3036.0 3037 3038 3037.0 3038.0 3039 3039.0 3040 3041 3040.0 3041.0 3042 3043 3042.0 3043.0 3044 3044.0 3045 3045.0 3046 3047 3046.0 3047.0 3048 08/12/10 04/13/15 09/25/10 JPF JPF JPF Meeting w/GC and JN re: legal strategies + next steps for moving forward Meeting w/JN and GC re new trial date Meeting with GC & JN re AS interview with feds 0.500 0.500 0.500 07/15/11 10/11/12 07/24/15 04/02/15 09/25/12 05/22/12 03/29/12 07/19/11 JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF Meeting with GC an JN re: discovery plan and issues to raise Meeting with JN, GC, AS before depo Phone call with JN & GC regarding issues to discuss at meeting today with rest of trial team Phone call with JN regarding several issues in motion in limine and admissibility of Marino's steroid investigation under R. 608 (b) Phone call with Larry Schoolcraft re AS dep Read and review of defendant's letter re Vallone subpoena Review of AEO Review of agency agreement for AS book deals 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.500 11/11/10 JPF Review of Answer to Amended Complaint Bernier 0.500 02/27/12 10/12/10 10/17/12 JPF JPF JPF Review of does from Johnstown PD re plaintiffs subpoena Review ofJHMC Dec. for motion to dismiss Dicussion w/ GC & JN re City's refusal to allow AS to see QAD file Page 145 0.500 0.500 0.400 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A No. B C D E Date Timekeepe Description Hours 05/12/11 07/06/11 JPF JPF 0.400 08/20/12 12/01/10 JPF JPF 08/13/10 JPF 08/17/10 JPF 08/09/10 06/29/10 JPF JPF 09/06/10 09/03/10 JPF JPF 07/28/10 08/08/10 09/20/10 JPF JPF JPF 09/07/10 JPF 08/03/10 JPF 05/01/12 JPF 3064.0 08/06/10 JPF 3065.0 1 03/12/12 JPF 02/25/15 08/03/10 03/15/12 JPF JPF JPF 08/22/12 JPF 03/28/12 JPF 08/30/10 JPF 01/31/11 JPF 01/20/11 JPF 3049 3048.0 3049.0 3050 3051 3050.0 3051.0 3052 3052.0 3053 3053.0 3054 3055 3054.0 3055.0 3056 3057 3056.0 3057.0 3058 3059 3058.0 3060 3059.0 3060.0 3061 3061.0 3062 3062.0 3063 3063.0 Discussion w/ GC & JN re agency agreement Discussion w/ JN & GC re changing to case management plan Discussion w/ JN re AS dep prep Discussion with GC & JN re affidavit from Schoolcraft Discussion with GC & JN re Jonathan Moore issue cease & desist letter Discussion with GC and JN re anonymous e -mails that we got as a result of the email Discussion with GC re website content Disussion with JN & GC re decision on PBA arbitration case Discussion with JN re Amended Complaint Discussion with JN re AS interview with This American Life Discussion with JN re Complaint Discussion with JN re edits to Complaint Discussion with JN re meeting with Department of Justice ("DOJ") on AS case Discussion with Mark Toor re article in Chief about Amended Complaint Discussion with Rocco re Schoolcraft recordings 0.400 0.400 0.400 - 0.400 0.400 0.400 0.400 0.400 0.400 0.400 0.400 0.400 0.400 0.400 Discussions w/ JN and GC re City's request for affidavits & deposition for confidentiality breach 3064 0.400 3065 3066 3067 3066.0 3068 3067.0 3068.0 3069 3069.0 3070 3070.0 3071 3071.0 3072 3072.0 3073 3073.0 3074 Discussions with JN about quotes to add to complaint from trnascribed recordings Diaft Response to defendants letter re: breach of protective order Email from AS re counterclaim E-mail from JN re Revised Complaint Incorporating corrections from JN to Amended Complaint Meeting w/ GC & JN re Kretz's request to have an additional day to depose plaintiff Meeting w/ JN & GC prior to conference to prep 0.400 0.400 0.400 0.400 0.400 0.400 0.400 Meeting with JN & GC re Labor & Employment case & 12(6)(6) motion Meeting with JN & GC re send documents & authorizations to Queens DA office Meeting with JN, GC to discuss JHMC's reply memo of law Page 146 0.400 0.400 0.400 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) 1 1 A No. 3074.0 Date 04/07/15 Timekeepe Description Phone call w/ SK re final corrections to motion in JPF 3075 3075.0 04/17/15 D C B JPF limine Phone call with GC & JN following up on phone E Hours 0.400 call and discussing settlement position vs. going to 3076 3077 3076.0 3077.0 3078 3078.0 3079 3079.0 3080 3080.0 3081 3081.0 3082 3083 3082.0 3083.0 3084 3085 3084.0 3085.0 3086 3086.0 3087 3087.0 3088 3088.0 3089 3089.0 3090 3090.0 3091 3091.0 3092 3092.0 3093 3093.0 3094 3095 3094.0 3095.0 3096 3097 3096.0 3097.0 3098 03/23/15 04/07/15 03/12/12 05/17/12 04/07/15 03/21/12 04/07/15 09/03/10 11/13/12 09/18/10 JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF 0.400 0.400 breach of confidentiality stip Reciept and review of Kretz's demands re: the student "movie" about AS Response email to team re comments on motion in 0.400 lim 03/08/12 03/12/12 trial Read Voice article on QAD report Read/review of letter from defendant City on 0.400 Review & edit response to City's letter re protective order Review and discuss City New York Times opp letter w/ JN & GC Review of JL's comments Review of NY Times letter to court re confidentiality Review of SK's comments Composing post to get more cops to talk to us about Schoolcraft & Monell claim Confirming with GC w/ AS on the phone that he is terminating representation Conversation with GC & JN re new whistleblower 07/23/12 02/08/11 04/18/11 04/30/12 08/09/10 08/11/10 06/27/11 08/03/10 10/12/10 JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF 0.400 0.400 0.400 0.400 0.400 0.300 0.300 0.300 cop 04/06/12 0.400 Corresponderice w/ NY Times about amendments to Schoolcraft protective order Discussion w/ GC & JN re meeting w/ Schoolcrafts in Albany Discussion w/ JN & GC re letter to court to schedule discovery Discussion w/ JN & GC re prep of letter re NYPD hearing & PBA representation Discussion w/ JN and GC re NY Times alteration to protective order Discussion with GC and JN re Adrian interview Discussion with GC re JN re anonymous P.O. Discussion with JN and GC re City's failure to response to discovery requests Discussion with JN re corrections to complaint Discussion with JN re Motion to Dismiss schedule 0.300 0.300 0.300 0.300 0.300 0.300 0.300 0.300 0.300 0.300 Page 147 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A B C ' D No. Date Timekeepe Description 3098.0 09/23/10 JPF 3099.0 06/28/10 JPF 3100.0 03/11/12 JPF 3101.0 08/16/10 JPF 3102.0 1 05/29/12 JPF 3099 3100 3101 Discussion with JN re new post for RANT for more whistleblower Pos Discussion with JN, GC & Adrian Schoolcraft ("AS") re: prior counsel Jonathan Moore Draft email to defendants re amending complaint to add 1st Amendment claims E-mail article from "Gman" re downgrading stats & PBA admission about quotas from 1994 3102 1 E Hours 0.300 0.300 0.300 0.300 3103 3104 3103.0 3104.0 3105 3105.0 3106 3107 3106.0 3107.0 08/09/10 08/08/10 JPF JPF 07/06/12 JPF 09/12/11 04/02/15 JPF JPF 3108.0 04/30/12 JPF 3109.0 03/03/15 JPF 04/07/15 11/01/10 JPF JPF 06/25/12 JPF 03/30/15 JPF 03/30/15 JPF 08/11/10 08/31/10 04/12/11 JPF JPF JPF 10/18/12 JPF 3108 3109 3110 3111 3110.0 3111.0 3112 3112.0 3113 3113.0 3114 3114.0 3115 3116 3115.0 3117 3116.0 3117.0 3118 3118.0 3119 3119.0 3120 _ 05/11/12 JPF Email, from GC w/ proposed confidentiality stips E-mail from JN re negligent ret. claim E-mail from JN with additional allegations for Complaint Email to City re relevancy redaction portion of AEO & stip Final review & edit motion to compel Follow up phone call with JN locating does relevant for motion in Limine, including plaintiff IAB/CCRB transcripts, Affidavits for spoilation, and Eterno deposition testimony Letter from City requesting affidavits & dep of client re confidentiality breach Letter to Ct. from Kretz correcting 56.1 statement errors Making corrections to motion in lim Meeting with JN and GC re: updating Schoolcraft website Phone call w/ Frank Serpico re meeting w/ Schoolcrafts Phone call with JN & GC regarding admissibility of tape recorded statements of persons interviewed by lAB Phone call with JN regarding motion limine issues and recent filings by NS regarding striking affidavit and request for conference Phone call with Mark Toor re article in Chief Phone call with Mark Toor re new article Phone convo w/JN re suspension issue & our response to the NYPD Read and review Answer to Amended Complaint from City Read and review NY Times letter re confidentiality stip 0.300 0.300 0.300 0.300 0.300 0.300 0.300 0.300 0.300 0.300 0.300 0.300 0.300 0.300 0.300 0.300 0.300 0.300 Page 148 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A 1 No. 3120.0 Date 05/11/12 3121 3121.0 3122 3123 3122.0 3124 3123.0 3124.0 3125 3126 3125.0 3126.0 3127 3127.0 3128 3128.0 3129 3129.0 02/09/11 09/18/12 07/05/11 05/24/12 11/16/10 12/11/10 08/10/10 D C B I_ Timekeepe Description Read and review of defendant's response to JPF plaintiffs supplemental letter Review & edit letter to court re discover schedule JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF Review and edit amended complaint Review discovery plan w/ JN & GC Review letter by GC in response to Vallone subpoena issue Review of affidavit for AS for CCR case Review of article from Eterno & Silverman re manipulation of crime stats Review of articles about Schoolcraft Complaint 06/30/10 03/22/15 JPF JPF Review of FOIL requests for 911 calls made by AS to NYPD and discuss with JN Review of plaintiffs response letter to defendants opp to plainitff s motion to strike & re adjourning 09/06/11 JPF 3131 08/17/10 JPF 3132 3132.0 3133 3134 3133.0 3134.0 3135 3135.0 3136 3136.0 3137 3137.0 3138 3138.0 3139 3139.0 08/31/10 09/02/15 09/01/10 12/14/10 JPF JPF JPF JPF 03/07/12 09/20/10 07/15/11 02/04/15 JPF JPF JPF JPF 08/10/10 JPF 3141 3141.0 3142 3143 3142.0 Review, edit, discuss confidentiality stip language re related matters Conversation with Adhyl Polanco re article, website, status of the case Conversation with JN and GC re: topics to be discussed/disclosed with Mark Toor in Chief article Corrections from SK Correspondence from Donna Canfield re extension of time to response Correspondence with Darius Charney affidavit for 0.300 0.300 0.300 0.300 0.300 0.300 06/29/10 08/03/10 JPF JPF 0.300 0.300 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.250 AS 3140 3140.0 0.300 0.300 trial 3131.0 Hours 0.300 3130 3130.0 E Discussed adding 1st amendment claim with JN and GC Discussion & review with GC & JN re media to upload to website Discussion of time limit for plaintiffs EBT as part of discovery plan Discussion w/ JN & GC re scheduling a meeting w/ Nat Smith ("NS") to discuss case status and trial prep Discussion with JN & GC re articles and possible typo in Complaint Discussion with JN & GC re substitution of counsel Moore Discussion with JN re corrections Page 149 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.250 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A B C D No. Date Timekeepe Description 3143.0 08/18/10 JPF 02/20/15 JPF 3145.0 01/03/11 JPF 3146.0 03/30/12 JPF 3147.0 04/05/12 JPF 3148.0 05/20/11 JPF Email from AS re indemnification issue w/ Mauriello E-mail from Chris Whitehead re Compstate DVDs & NYPD summons quota Email from City re IAB does & extending time to produce Email from City stating reasons why they oppose amendment to Complaint Email from client re article on "Collars for Dollars" E Discussion with JN re Rocco's story in Daily News 3144.0 1 3144 Hours 0.250 3145 3146 3147 3148 3149 3150 3149.0 3150.0 3151 3151.0 3152 3152.0 3153 3153.0 3154 3154.0 3155 3156 3155.0 3156.0 3157 3158 3157.0 3159 3158.0 3160 3159.0 3160.0 3161 3161.0 3162 3162.0 3163 3164 3163.0 3164.0 3165 3166 3165.0 3166.0 3167 3167.0 3168 3169 3168.0 12/15/10 01/05/11 JPF JPF 08/04/11 JPF 07/09/12 JPF E-mail from GC re article involving Marino E-mail from GC re NBC news coverage on Schoolcraft Email from GC re Polanco charges and specs for retaliation for whistleblowing Email from GC w/ draft for Schoolcraft donation page 03/20/12 JPF 02/10/12 JPF 04/05/15 02/24/15 JPF JPF 03/07/12 02/07/12 08/17/10 05/21/15 JPF JPF JPF JPF 09/16/10 JPF 06/08/12 JPF 09/22/10 04/24/12 JPF JPF JPF JPF 08/05/10 JPF 09/28/11 JPF 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.250 Email from hospital defendant & City re proposed Amended Complaint E-mail from JN re additional items of discovery from City & subpoenas for Johnstown records Email from JN re edits to motion Email from JN re motion in lim issues to be covered Email from John Eterno re QAD report Email from Lee re outstanding authorizations E-mail from Mark Toor re Chief article Email from NS re City's overture on discussing settlement E-mail from other hospital defendant re Amended Complaint Email to AS re discovery VV affidavit and 1st Amendment issues E-mail to DOJ with medical records Email, to hospital defendants re amendment Gough issue 08/06/10 08/07/10 0.250 E-mail to JN & from JN re community visits E-mail to JN & from re explanation of community visits E-mail to JN re clarification of some factual issues in the Complaint Email to JN re law enforcement privilege Page 150 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.250 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A 1 No. 3170 3169.0 3171 3170.0 3172 3171.0 3172.0 3173 3173.0 3174 3174.0 3175 3175.0 3176 3176.0 3177 3178 3177.0 3179 3178.0 3179.0 3180 3180.0 3181 3181.0 3182 3183 3182.0 3184 3183.0 3185 3184.0 3185.0 3186 3187 3186.0 3187.0 3188 3189 3188.0 3190 3189.0 3190.0 3191 3191.0 3192 3193 3192.0 3193.0 3194 3194.0 3195 3196 3195.0 3197 3196.0 3197.0 3198 D C B Date Timekeepe Description 12/07/10 03/22/12 07/11/11 07/18/11 JPF JPF JPF JPF File final brief Final edits on Amended Complaint w/ JN Final review of discovery plan w/ JN & GC Final/final review of discovery plan w/ time limits E Hours 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.250 02/10/12 05/17/12 05/25/12 03/20/15 04/25/12 05/22/12 04/07/15 10/08/10 09/28/11 09/07/10 10/18/10 06/25/10 03/12/12 09/10/10 08/11/10 09/28/11 02/08/12 01/26/11 05/09/12 09/12/15 04/13/15 JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF Phone call with client cancelling meeting because of eviction issues Read and review letter from City re NY Times response Read and review NY Times response to Pubichas letter Research on the "movie" project referenced in Kretz's email Response emails Review and sign Affidavit re VV article Review edit NS to Ct. re our opp to defendant's letter Review of article from Associate Press on Schoolcraft Review of changes to confidentiality stip & disc. plan Review of Chief article on AS Review of letter to court re briefing sched. Review of Schoolcraft retainer Review of So Ordered Protective Order re doc produced by City Review of Times article points with GC Review post of anonymous P.O. who contacted website re recording Mauriello Travel from SDNY - motion to compel (.5) Travel from SDNY - motion to compel (.5) Travel from SDNY for appearance for motion to dismiss in Schoolcraft (.5) Travel from SDNY for Argument on 1st Amendment claim (.5) Travel from SDNY for conf. (.5) Travel from SDNY for conference re: trial date (.5) 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.250 03/28/12 09/28/11 02/08/12 01/26/11 JPF JPF JPF JPF Travel from SDNY for Oral Argument on City motion (.5) Travel to SDNY - motion to compel (.5) Travel to SDNY - motion to compel (.5) Travel to SDNY for appearance for motion to dismiss in Schoolcraft (.5) Page 151 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.250 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A 1 No. 3198.0 3199 3200 3199.0 3200.0 3201 3201.0 3202 3202.0 C B Date 05/09/12 D 05/12/15 04/13/15 Timekeepe Description JPF Travel to SDNY for Argument on 1st Amendment claim (.5) JPF Travel to SDNY for conf. (.5) JPF Travel to SDNY for conference re: trial date (.5) 03/28/12 JPF 04/03/15 JPF 02/11/15 JPF 2nd confirmation email fiom AS that we have been officially retained again to represent AS in this case 10/24/10 04/30/12 JPF JPF Article from the "L" re Schoolcraft City e-mail request to adjourn amendment conf. 05/07/12 12/01/10 11/13/12 01/10/12 JPF JPF JPF JPF 04/04/12 JPF City's response keeping the 5/9 date Correspondence from CCR re affidavit Correspondence from City re rep of AS Correspondence mail from medical defendant Isacov re plaintiff EBT Correspondence to JHMC re Amended Complaint 06/19/12 10/13/10 JPF JPF 08/29/12 JPF E Hours 0.250 0.250 0.250 Travel to SDNY for Oral Argument on City motion (.5) Phone call with JN regarding progress on motion in limine and clarification of certain factual issues 3203 0.250 0.200 3203.0 3204 3205 3204.0 3205.0 3206 3207 3206.0 3208 3207.0 3209 3208.0 3209.0 3210 3210.0 3211 3212 3211.0 3212.0 3213 3213.0 3214 3215 3214.0 3215.0 3216 3216.0 3217 3217.0 3218 3219 3218.0 3220 3219.0 3221 3220.0 3222 3221.0 3222.0 3223 3224 3223.0 3225 3224.0 3226 3225.0 3227 3226.0 04/11/12 12/29/10 JPF JPF 02/04/15 JPF 04/19/12 JPF 08/31/15 11/29/10 02/10/15 08/15/12 12/09/10 JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF 08/15/12 04/02/12 08/21/12 08/14/12 JPF JPF JPF JPF Correspondence w/ Adhyl Folanco Discussion with JN re agreement on briefing sched. w/ defendant Jamaica Hosp Email 2 & 3 froin JN re discovery to defendants Email Amended Complaint to defendants E-mail article from GC by Len Levitt re AS case 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 Email AS confirming our rep w/ current counsel 0.100 Email correspondence to City correcting Lt. Gough for Amended complaint Email final motion to team E-mail from AS re CCR affidavit Email from AS re thoughts on adjournment Email from B Brady re plaintiffs dep E-mail from B. Lee defendants re late responses to interrogatories Email from B: Lee re plaintiffs dep Email from Bernier consenting to amendment Email from Brady consenting to Amendment Email from Brady re deps Page 152 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A 1 3228 3229 3230 3231 3232 3233 D C B No. Date Timekeepe Description 3227.0 3228.0 3229.0 3230.0 3231.0 3232.0 3233.0 08/23/12 08/21/12 08/13/12 08/15/12 04/20/12 09/24/12 02/10/15 JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF 3234 3235 3234.0 3235.0 3236 3237 3236.0 3238 3237.0 3239 3238.0 3240 3239.0 3241 3240.0 3242 3241.0 3243 3242.0 3243.0 3244 3245 3244.0 3245.0 3246 3246.0 3247 3248 3247.0 3248.0 3249 3250 3249.0 3251 3250.0 3251.0 3252 3252.0 3253 3254 3253.0 3255 3254.0 3255.0 3256 3257 3256.0 3257.0 3258 3259 3258.0 3260 3259.0 07/09/12 04/25/12 03/30/12 08/22/12 08/03/12 09/13/12 08/01/12 05/18/12 08/16/12 07/13/12 08/21/12 06/05/12 JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF ._ E ... Email from Brady re plaintiffs dep date Email from Brady re scheduling AS dep Email from Brian Lee re deposition Email from Brian Lee re subpoenaed docs Email from City Email from City Email from City defendants re moving the trial date back two weeks Email from City on relevancy redaction issue Email from City on Vallone subpoena extension Email from City re: Amendment opposition Email from City re AS dep date Email from City re confidentiality stip Email from City re fax # confirmation Email from City re motion to amend Email from City re moving argument Email from City re plaintiffs dep Email from City regarding tax return authorizations Email from City requesting copy of complaint Email from Ct. re inventory on NY Times issue Hours 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 11/16/10 06/06/12 11/19/10 02/23/15 05/06/11 05/24/11 02/10/12 10/20/12 09/28/10 02/24/11 12/16/10 02/19/11 08/28/12 03/08/11 JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF E-mail from Darius Charney re Schoolcraft affidavit Email from defendants re inventory E-mail from French journalist Marie Brunerie re documentary on whistle blowing and Schoolcraft case Email from GC & NS re IAB file E-mail from GC on Cts decision on motion E-mail from GC on new cop whistleblower from the 75th precinct E-mail from GC re additional discovery items to seek E-mail from GC re another article AMNY E-mail from GC re article on AS 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 Email from GC re article re Marino misconduct E-mail from GC re AS affidavit E-mail from GC re Bryant v. City verdict finding quotas existed Email from GC re Chief article Email from GC re medical defendants' article Page 153 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A 1 No. 3260.0 3261 3262 3261.0 3262.0 3263 3263.0 3264 3264.0 3265 3266 3265.0 3266.0 3267 3268 3267.0 3269 3268.0 3270 3269.0 3270.0 3271 3272 3271.0 3272.0 3273 3274 3273.0 3275 3274.0 3275.0 3276 3277 3276.0 3278 3277.0 3278.0 3279 3280 3279.0 3281 3280.0 3281.0 3282 3282.0 3283 3283.0 3284 3285 3284.0 3286 3285.0 3287 3286.0 3288 3287.0 3289 3288.0 3290 3289.0 3290.0 3291 3292 3291.0 C B Date 12/02/10 D 08/15/10 Timekeepe Description JPF E-mail from GC re new whistleblower cop on the website JPF E-mail from GC re NY Times article JPF E-mail from GC re NYCLU lawsuit for POs faced with quotas JPF E-mail from GC re NYPD blog picking up case 05/03/11 JPF Email from GC re P.O. Hicks, Bronx quota cop 11/03/10 01/25/11 JPF JPF 09/24/10 08/10/12 11/21/10 08/16/10 JPF JPF JPF JPF Email from GC re plaintiffs financials Email from GC re statements from Jamaica Hospital to Village Voice E-mail from GC re The RANT Email from GC re VV affidavit Email from GC re Wall Street Times article E-mail from GC re website update for articles on E 10/22/10 02/23/12 Hours 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 11/15/10 03/07/12 JPF JPF 09/25/12 08/22/12 12/08/10 JPF JPF JPF 03/03/11 04/02/12 09/15/10 JPF JPF JPF 04/04/12 04/04/12 04/04/12 JPF JPF JPF 01/10/12 JPF 09/26/12 JPF 09/10/12 09/28/10 03/12/12 08/22/12 08/10/12 09/25/10 08/14/12 JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF 10/11/10 JPF case E-mail from GC re whistleblower cop Email from GC re: conversation with Larry and Adrian Email from Greg R re Lauderborn dep Email from Greg Rad re AS dep E-mail from Hospital defendants re docketing error on ECF Email from HV re article re Lt. Williams Email from Isacov consenting to amendment E-mail from Isacov's attorney re Amended Complaint Email from JHMC Email from JHMC Email from JHMC re change in amended language 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 Email from JMH re outstanding discovery from plaintiff Email from JN adjourning dep of AS re: medical issues he was having Email from JN re 120 extension of discovery E-mail from JN re article in Russian news Email from JN re corrections Email from JN re dep dates Email from JN re extension of discovery E-mail from JN re fed meeting Email from JN re letter to City w/ tax authorizations E-mail from JN re Lewis whistleblower cop Page 154 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A 1 No. 3292.0 3293 3294 3295 3296 3297 3293.0 3294.0 3295.0 3296.0 3297.0 3298 3299 3298.0 3299.0 3300 3300.0 3301 3301.0 3302 3302.0 3303 3304 3303.0 3305 3304.0 3306 3305.0 3307 3306.0 3308 3307.0 3308.0 3309 3310 3309.0 3311 3310.0 3311.0 3312 3312.0 3313 3313.0 3314 3314.0 3315 3315.0 3316 3317 3316.0 3318 3317.0 3318.0 3319 3320 3319.0 3321 3320.0 3321.0 3322 3323 3322.0 Date 07/28/10 10/12/12 08/10/12 08/14/12 08/16/12 01/01/11 10/02/10 04/30/12 10/12/12 08/29/12 D C B Timekeepe Description E-mail from JN re meeting with Polanco/Graham JPF Raymond & Rocco P. Email from JN re photos used @ AS dep JPF Email from JN re plaintiffs dep JPF Email from JN re plaintiffs dep JPF Email from JN re plaintiffs dep JPF E-mail from JN re Wall Street Journal article about JPF case E-mail from JN re whistleblower cop JPF Email from JN to City re additions to protective JPF order Email from JN to City re allowing AS access to JPF QAD report Email from JN to defendants enclosing discovery JPF E Hours 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 08/28/12 08/22/12 09/26/12 08/21/12 08/23/12 08/22/12 06/08/12 08/21/12 08/23/12 02/04/15 JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF Email from JN to defendants enclosing responses to discovery Email from Kretz re AS dep date Email from Kretz re Launderborn dep Email from Lee consenting Email from Lee on plaintiffs dep dates Email from Lee re AS dep datr Email from Lee re docs in response to subpoenas outstanding Email from Lee re scheduling AS dep Email from Lee re second day for AS dep Email from Nat Smith re logistics of representation 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 03/14/12 09/04/15 03/20/15 05/08/15 06/05/12 06/07/12 03/13/12 04/13/12 05/17/12 02/23/15 07/31/10 JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF Email from Nic re doc in connection w/ Schoolcraft meeting Email from NS adjusting motion in lim filing deadline to 9/21/15 motion Email from NS re a movie about AS that Kretz wants discovery on Email from NS wanting to schedule team meeting prior to 5/12/15 conf. Email from NY Times in response Email from NY Times re inventory Email from PBS producer Weinrich on documentary of Schoolcraft Email from plaintiff re 1st Amendment claim Email from Publichas re Schoolcraft Aff. Email from Scott Korenbaum ("SK") re motion in lim prep E-mail JN & GC re edited Complaint Page 155 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A 1 No. 3324 3323.0 3325 3324.0 3326 3325.0 3327 3326.0 3328 3327.0 3329 3328.0 3330 3329.0 3331 3330.0 3332 3331.0 3333 3332.0 3333.0 3334 3335 3334.0 3335.0 3336 3337 3336.0 3338 3337.0 3339 3338.0 3340 3339.0 3340.0 3341 3341.0 3342 3343 3342.0 3344 3343.0 3344.0 3345 3346 3345.0 3346.0 3347 3348 3347.0 3349 3348.0 3350 3349.0 3351 3350.0 3352 3351.0 3353 3352.0 3354 3353.0 3354.0 3355 3355.0 3356 3356.0 3357 3358 3357.0 3359 3358.0 B C D Date 03/12/12 04/06/15 03/23/12 10/02/10 09/10/12 09/10/12 09/10/12 09/10/12 09/10/12 07/13/12 01/25/11 JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF 09/24/12 04/03/15 JPF JPF 04/07/15 12/17/10 09/10/12 07/09/12 04/04/12 JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF 03/31/12 JPF 08/21/12 06/05/12 09/24/12 JPF JPF JPF 04/04/12 07/24/12 JPF JPF Email team w/ revisions to motion in lim E-mail to AS with opp to Jamaica's motion Email to City re Hanlon amend Email to City re redaction issue Email to City re updated version of proposed Amended Complaint Email to City requesting clarification on reason for refusal Email to City w/ Amended Complaint Email to Ct. re proposed amended complaint Email to defendants re service of amended complaint Email to JHMC Email to JN re Albany meeting w/ Schoolcrafts 12/17/10 08/04/10 08/06/10 08/09/10 07/07/10 02/12/15 08/03/10 08/08/10 JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF E-mail to JN re AS benefits E-mail to JN re Complaint E-mail to JN re Complaint revised E-mail to JN re Final version of Complaint E-mail to JN re Labor Law research Email to JN re proposed email E-mail to JN re Reviped Complaint Email to JN re: revision of Schoolcraft complaint 03/14/12 JPF 04/25/12 JPF 04/08/15 06/18/12 JPF JPF Email to plaintiff re letter to amend on 1st Amendment claim Email to team final motion Email w/ draft to GC & JN E Email to JN with proposed Amended Complaint Timekeepe Description Email letter to City re amendment Email motion to team for review Email of Amended Complaint to City E-mail re whistleblower cop from JN Email response from Brady Email response from City Email response from Greg Rad Email response from Kretz Email response from Lee Email response re tax authorizations Email Response to GC re statements from Jamaica Hospital to Village Voice Email response to Kretz & City Email rough draft of Mot. In Lim. to JN for review Hours 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 Page 156 0.100 0.100 0.100 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A 1 No. 3360 3359.0 3361 3360.0 3362 3361.0 3363 3362.0 3364 3363.0 3364.0 3365 3366 3365.0 3366.0 3367 3367.0 3368 3369 3368.0 3369.0 3370 3371 3370.0 3372 3371.0 3373 3372.0 3374 3373.0 3375 3374.0 3376 3375.0 3377 3376.0 3378 3377.0 3379 3378.0 3380 3379.0 3381 3380.0 3382 3381.0 3383 3382.0 3384 3383.0 3385 3384.0 3386 3385.0 3387 3386.0 3387.0 Date 08/11/10 08/11/10 08/11/10 08/11/10 08/11/10 05/02/12 06/04/12 04/02/15 12/17/10 06/08/12 09/26/12 08/10/12 08/01/12 03/20/15 04/24/12 09/24/12 09/26/12 04/25/12 09/27/12 09/10/12 09/27/12 09/24/12 09/24/12 09/24/12 09/26/12 04/30/12 04/05/15 09/28/10 10/18/12 D C B Timekeepe Description E-mail with Mark Toor - Chief JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF JPF E-mail with Mark Toor - Chief E-mail with Mark Toor - Chief E-mail with Mark Toor - Chief E-mail with Mark Toor - Chief Email from JN to City re confidentiality and discovery issues Letter from Kretz re discovery Phone call with JN regarding area of expertise and scope of testimoy for Eterno Phone convo with Lany Schoolcraft re NYPD benefits & suspension status Read and review of Times letter re inventory Response email from B Brady re service of amended complaint Response email re deposition from Greg R. Response email to City re motion to amend Response email to NS Response emails Response from B Lee Response from B Lee Response from City Response from City Response from City on Hanlon amend Response from Greg R Response from Greg R Response from Kretz Response from Kretz Response from Kretz Response to email Response to email Review of article from Rocco & Daily News Review of email from B Lee asking that plaintiff withdraw opp to extra day of dep for AS E Hours 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 3388 3388.0 08/20/12 JPF Review of email from JN to City re amendment adding Hanlon Review of letter front City extending Answer time for Amended Complaint Review of letter re Bernier's extension to answer Amended Complaint Review of letter to Sweet extending motion time JPF Review order adjourning conf. JPF 3389 3389.0 10/29/10 JPF 3390 3390.0 11/04/10 JPF 3391 3391.0 3392 3393 3392.0 11/08/10 12/07/11 Page 157 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A B C D No. Date 06/18/10 GMC 3394.0 06/20/10 GMC 06/21/10 06/23/10 GMC GMC 06/24/10 06/25/10 GMC GMC E Timekeepe Description 3393.0 1 3394 3395 3396 3395.0 3396.0 3397 3398 3397.0 3398.0 Hours Meeting w/Jon Norinsberg (JN) and Joshua Fitch (JF) re: Schoolcraft coming to our office and retaining for lawsuit Email from Adrian Schoolcraft (AS) re: meeting with JN Email from AS re: Gerald Nelson Meeting w/JN and JF re: JN's upcoming meeting w/ district attorney PC with JN re: meeting w/Schoolcraft Meeting w/JN and JF re: scope of Schoolcraft materials that need to be reviewed for complaint 0.800 0.100 0.250 0.750 0.400 . 3399 3400 3399.0 3400.0 3401 3402 3401.0 3403 3402.0 3403.0 06/25/10 06/25/10 GMC GMC 06/25/10 06/26/10 06/28/10 GMC GMC GMC 3404.0 06/28/10 GMC 3405.0 06/28/10 GMC 3406.0 06/28/10 GMC Discussion with JN and JF re retainer & meeting with Schoolcrafts Discussion with JN, JF & Adrian Schoolcraft (AS) re: prior counsel Jonathan Moore Review of interview memo re: Eddie Velasquez 3407.0 06/28/10 GMC 3.250 1.750 Review of correspondence w/Jonathan Moore re: Review of AS medical records Meeting with JF & JN re: possible discovery demands after suit is filed Drafted retainer for Schoolcraft Reviewed transcript of Polanco tapes Online search of PBA Arbitration decision and phone call w/Bonnie Siber Weinstock (arbitrator) 3404 1.400 0.600 0.750 2.100 3405 3406 3407 1.250 0.300 0.300 3408 AS 3408.0 3409 3410 3409.0 3410.0 3411 3412 3411.0 3412.0 3413 3414 3413.0 3415 3414.0 3415.0 3416 3417 3416.0 3417.0 3418 3419 3418.0 06/29/10 GMC 06/29/10 06/29/10 GMC GMC 06/29/10 06/29/10 GMC GMC 06/29/10 06/29/10 06/29/10 GMC GMC GMC 06/29/10 06/30/10 GMC GMC 06/30/10 GMC 0.100 Meeting w/JN and JF re: PBA matters and how they can be used in Schoolcraft Review of David Velez arbitration decision Discussion with JN & JF re decision on PBA arbitration case Correspondence w/JN re: Jonathan Moore Discussion with JN & JF re substitution of counsel Moore Email from JN re: Stop and Frisk case Email to JN re: Stop and Frisk case Review of email from JN re: Schoolcraft matter Sent email to JN re: Schoolcraft matter Discussion with JN & JF re FOIL requests for 91 1's & how to proceed Review of email from AS Page 158 1.250 0.500 0.400 0.250 0.250 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.500 0.100 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A 1 No. 3419.0 B Date 07/02/10 Timekeepe Description GMC 3420 3420.0 07/06/10 GMC 3421 3421.0 07/06/10 GMC 3422 3422.0 3423 3424 3423.0 3425 3424.0 3425.0 3426 3427 3426.0 3428 3427.0 3428.0 07/07/10 07/07/10 07/07/10 07/07/10 GMC GMC GMC GMC 3430 3431 3430.0 3432 3431.0 3432.0 07/09/10 07/12/10 07/13/10 GMC GMC GMC 07/14/10 GMC 07/15/10 07/15/10 07/16/10 GMC GMC GMC 07/17/10 GMC 3434 3434.0 E Hours 0.300 1.300 1.750 2.900 1.800 1.500 Reviewed AS timeline of events Draft Schoolcraft complaint Reviewed Schoolcraft materials, listened to recording, made notes for further drafting of complaint Meeting w/JN and JF re: Schoolcraft complaint 1.400 2.300 1.750 1.250 3433 3433.0 Phone call w/Eric Schneiderman staff re: Schoolcraft Meeting w/JN and JF re: new whistleblower contacted JN re: Schoolcraft Meeting with JN/JF re: progress/developments on the case, meeting in NYC on Wednesday and filing of lawsuit Reviewed of Schoolcraft documents, evals, photos, memos, UF49s, letters to PBA, letters to Mauriello... Listened to Schoolcraft recordings Meeting w/only Schoolcraft Meeting with AS, Larry Schoolcraft (LS), JF & JN L 0.750 3429 3429.0 D C 07/19/10 GMC Draft Schoolcraft complaint Discussion with JF and JN re tapes Meeting with JN re: Schoolcraft issues and complaint Reviewed of Schoolcraft documents, evals, photos, memos, UF49s, letters to PBA, letters to Mauriello... Review of Village Voice Articles re: Schoolcraft 2.100 1.100 1.250 2.100 1.250 3435 3435.0 3436 3437 3436.0 3438 3437.0 3439.0 3439 3439.0 3440 3441 3440.0 3441.0 07/20/10 07/21/10 07/22/10 07/26/10 07/26/10 07/23/10 07/26/10 GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC 3442 3442.0 3443 3444 3443.0 3445 3444.0 07/26/10 07/26/10 07/26/10 GMC GMC GMC Researched case law for complaint and continued drafting complaint Drafted complaint Discussed causes of action w/JF Review and revised Schoolcraft materials and complaint Meeting with JN & JF re case & updates on Brendan Delpozo Drafted and revised complaint Meeting JF and JN re issues for Schoolcraft complaint Discussion with JF & JN re Complaint & drafts going forward Discussion w/JN re Brandon del Pozo Review of email from JN re: Del Pozo Page 159 2.100 1.500 1.400 3.100 2.100 1.250 1.000 0.600 0.300 0.100 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A 1 No. 3446 3445.0 3447 3446.0 3447.0 3448 3448.0 3449 3450 3449.0 3450.0 3451 3452 3451.0 3453 3452.0 3453.0 3454 3454.0 3455 3455.0 3456 3456.0 3457 3458 3457.0 3459 3458.0 3460 3459.0 3461 3460.0 3461.0 3462 3462.0 3463 3463.0 3464 3464.0 3465 3465.0 3466 3467 3466.0 3467.0 3468 3469 3468.0 3470 3469.0 3470.0 3471 3471.0 3472 3472.0 3473 B Date 07/27/10 07/27/10 07/27/10 07/28/10 07/28/10 07/28/10 07/28/10 07/29/10 07/30/10 07/30/10 07/30/10 07/31/10 07/31/10 08/02/10 08/03/10 08/03/10 08/03/10 08/03/10 08/03/10 08/03/10 08/05/10 08/05/10 08/06/10 08/06/10 08/06/10 08/08/10 08/09/10 08/09/10 C D Timekeepe Description GMC Review and revise Complaint GMC Meeting w/JN and JF to discuss Complaint GMC Mtg JN re draft of complaint and proposed revisions GMC Listen to AS recordings, locate quotes, add to complaint GMC Review of David Velez Arbitration Decision GMC Discussion with JF and JN re: Adhyl Polanco and other whistlblowers GMC Review of email re: meeting with press GMC Review and Revise AS complaint GMC Meeting with IN, JF, Polanco & Graham Raymond (GR) re: Schoolcraft & Monell claim GMC Review and revise complaint, transcribed partial recordings, research case law GMC Meet with JF and JN re: changes and additions to complaint GMC Meeting with Polanco + GR, JN, JF re: quotas and Monell Claim GMC E-mail from JF re edited Complaint GMC Review and revise AS complaint GMC Review of 1st amendment case law GMC Review of JN's revised Schoolcraft complaint GMC Read and reviewed certain transcribed AS recordings GMC Meeting w/JN re: Schoolcraft complaint and other whistleblower police officers GMC Phone call with Jim Hoffer (ABC News) re: Schoolcraft GMC Email correspondence re: media coverage of filing Schoolcraft complaint GMC Read and reviewed certain transcribed AS recordings GMC Review and revise AS complaint GMC Read and reviewed certain transcribed AS recordings GMC Review of Schoolcraft complaint for typos GMC Review of transcribed call from LS to FBI GMC Review of email re: revision of Schoolcraft complaint GMC Meeting w/JN and JF re: Schoolcraft website to support Monell theory GMC Read and reviewed certain transcribed AS recordings Page 160 E Hours 2.000 1.250 0.750 3.800 0.750 0.500 0.100 3.100 3.250 2.400 1.250 3.200 0.100 1.250 1.100 1.000 0.800 0.500 0.300 0.250 2.400 0.800 2.750 1.100 0.250 0.100 1.500 1.400 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A B D C No. Date Timekeepe Description 3473.0 1 08/09/10 GMC 3474 3475 3474.0 3476 3475.0 3476.0 3477 3477.0 3478 3479 3478.0 3479.0 3480 3480.0 08/09/10 08/09/10 08/09/10 GMC GMC GMC 08/10/10 08/10/10 08/10/10 08/10/10 GMC GMC GMC GMC 08/10/10 GMC 3482 3482.0 3483 3484 3483.0 3484.0 3485 3486 3485.0 3487 3486.0 3487.0 3488 3489 3488.0 3489.0 3490 3490.0 3491 3491.0 3492 3492.0 3493 3493.0 3494 3494.0 3495 3495.0 3496 3497 3496.0 3498 3497.0 3498.0 3499 3500 3499.0 Hours Review of final draft of AS complaint to be filed Discussion with JF re website content Discussion with JF and JN re Adrian interview Review of legal issues re: Negligent hiring claim 0.500 0.400 0.300 0.300 3481 3481.0 E 08/10/10 08/10/10 08/10/10 08/11/10 08/11/10 08/11/10 08/11/10 08/12/10 08/12/10 GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC Meeting with AS to finalize for complaint filing, news coverage, and prep for website launch Draft Schoolcraft website content Compiled news articles, stories, and formatted for website Phone and email correspondence with Off the Page Creations to discuss deign of Schoolcraft Justice website Discussion with JN & JF re articles and possible typo in Complaint Reviewed and signed contract for website hosting Schoolcraft complaint prepared for filing Emailed draft of Schoolcraft website content to JF and JN for review Review and revise Schoolcraft website content Discussion with JF re JN re anonymous P.O. Review of email from whistleblower "JF" from 81st precinct - info on Mauriello Review of San Francisco Chronicle coverage Meeting w/JN and JF re: legal strategies on Monell and whistleblower cop contacts Email of does from potential whistleblower PO 08/13/10 08/13/10 GMC GMC GMC 2.100 1.250 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.100 1.400 0.300 0.250 0.100 0.800 0.750 "KR" 08/12/10 2.750 2.250 Meeting w/JF and JN re: legal strategies + next steps for moving forward Discussion with JF & JN re Jonathan Moore issue cease & desist letter Review of Bloomberg coverage of AS complaint 0.500 0.400 0.250 08/15/10 08/15/10 08/15/10 08/16/10 08/17/10 08/17/10 GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC Meeting with JN and JF re NYTimes story about quotas & Schoolcraft Email w/JN re: NY Times to run Schoolcraft story E-mail to JF re NYPD blog picking up case Email re: updates to Discussion with JF and JN re anonymous e -mails that we got as a result of the e-mail Review of Mark Toor article - JF interview Page 161 0.600 0.250 0.100 0.100 0.400 0.250 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A I 1 No. 3501 3500.0 3501.0 3502 3502.0 3503 3503.0 3504 3504.0 3505 3506 3505.0 3507 3506.0 3508 3507.0 3508.0 3509 3509.0 3510 3511 3510.0 3511.0 3512 3512.0 3513 3514 3513.0 3514.0 3515 3515.0 3516 3516.0 3517 3517.0 3518 3519 3518.0 3520 3519.0 3520.0 3521 3522 3521.0 3522.0 3523 3523.0 3524 3524.0 3525 3526 3525.0 3527 3526.0 3528 3527.0 B Date 08/17/10 08/18/10 I C D I 08/25/10 Timekeepe Description GMC Updated AS website added new articles GMC Email correspondence w/website designer re: GMC Discussion with JF and JN re: new recordings and documents provided by AS GMC Meeting with JN & JF re whistleblowers reaching out through the website GMC Phone call w/ "DM" former police officer re: Schoolcraft GMC Review of Schoolcraftjustice posts GMC Phone call with Isakoff Attorney - Brian Lee GMC Review of Schoolcraftjustice posts GMC Email correspondence w/JN re: Schoolcraftjustice posts GMC Meeting with JF, PO from 81st precinct "PF" re: corruption GMC Drafted interview memo of "PF" GMC Meeting w/JN and JF re: ACC assigned, Schoolcraft initial disclosures GMC Meeting with JN & JF re more whistleblower email & meeting with P.O. "PF" GMC Meeting with JN & JF re: Whitehead GMC Review of email correspondence w/ Len Levitt re: WSJ police correspondence GMC Review of email correspondence w/"DM" (former PO) re: Schoolcraft GMC Emailed former anonymous PO re: Schoolcraft post 08/26/10 GMC 08/26/10 08/26/10 08/27/10 GMC GMC GMC 08/27/10 08/27/10 GMC GMC 08/27/10 GMC 08/27/10 GMC 08/27/10 08/29/10 08/29/10 GMC GMC GMC 08/19/10 08/22/10 08/22/10 08/22/10 08/23/10 08/23/10 08/23/10 08/25/10 08/25/10 08/25/10 08/25/10 08/25/10 08/25/10 08/25/10 I E Hours 0.250 0.250 1.250 0.800 0.300 0.300 0.800 0.400 0.250 2.750 2.100 1.750 0.900 0.750 0.250 0.250 0.100 Meeting with JF and JN re: interview of PO from 81st precinct "PF" re: corruption Correspondence w/JN re: Frank Serpico Email correspondence with Frank Serpico Interview with JF of Walter Lipscomb, former PO confirms quotas - wants to help Schoolcraft Drafted interview memo of Walter Lipscomb Discussion with JF & JN re having Eterno & Silverman as experts Discussion w/Jim Hoffer re: story on 81st precinct 1.500 0.250 0.100 3.250 2.000 0.600 0.500 Email to website designer with updates for Schoolcrafjustice website Review of Schoolcraftjustice posts Discussion with JN re: Lipscomb interview Phone call w/former PO re: Schoolcraft Page 162 0.300 0.250 0.500 0.400 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A 1 No. 3528.0 B Date 08/30/10 3529 3529.0 08/30/10 3530 3530.0 3531 3532 3531.0 3532.0 3533 3534 3533.0 3534.0 08/30/10 08/30/10 08/30/10 08/30/10 08/31/10 3535 3535.0 08/31/10 3536 3536.0 08/31/10 D C Timekeepe Description Meeting with JN & JF re "MG" cop from 81 who GMC knows Schoolcraft & has info on quotas Meeting with JN & JF re IAB Labor & GMC Employment case & 12(b)(6) motion Email correspondence w/JN re: "MG" (PO in 81st GMC precinct) Email w/JN re: ACC Donna Cannfield (DC) GMC Review of Donna Canfield (DC) Notice of GMC Appearance Review of AOS prior to filing GMC Interview with JF of "DH" and "EB" former GMC NYPD, reviewed materials, recordings re: quotas, downgrading Interview of "ER" NYPD officer re: quotas, GMC downgrading Email of does from potential whistleblower PO GMC 3537.0 08/31/10 GMC 1.250 0.400 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 3.250 1.800 Conversation with JN and JF re: topics to be discussed/disclosed with Mark Toor in Chief article 0.250 3538 3538.0 08/31/10 GMC Email correspondence w/Jim Hoffer re: Schoolcraft 0.100 3539 3539.0 3540 3541 3542 3543 3544 Hours 0.900 "KR" 3537 E 3540.0 3541.0 3542.0 3543.0 3544.0 09/01/10 09/01/10 09/01/10 09/02/10 09/02/10 09/03/10 GMC Meeting w/JN and JF re: discuss anonymous POs contacting and how they can help Schoolcraft GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC Drafted interview memo of "ER" meeting Review of DC extension letter Drafted interview memo of "EB" meeting Drafted interview memo of "DH" meeting Meeting with PO from 81st precinct "MG" re: corruption Meeting with JN and JF to discuss infromation provided by DH, MG, EB whistleblower cops in furtherance of the Monell claim Review and revised JF draft of Rant post Meeting w/JN re: THEE RANT post to get officers to contact us on 3545 3545.0 3546 3547 3546.0 3547.0 09/03/10 09/03/10 09/03/10 GMC GMC GMC 1.800 1.500 0.100 2.400 1.100 2.750 1.400 0.600 0.500 3548 3548.0 09/03/10 GMC Email correspondence w/JN re: THEE RANT post 0.250 3549 3549.0 3550 3551 3550.0 3552 3551.0 3553 3552.0 09/03/10 09/07/10 09/07/10 09/07/10 GMC GMC GMC GMC Email correspondence w/JN re: This American Life Radio show Review of JHMC Answer Review of Media coverage NYTimes Review of JHMC corporate disclosure Page 163 0.100 0.300 0.250 0.100 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A 1 No. 3554 3553.0 3555 3554.0 3555.0 3556 3557 3556.0 3558 3557.0 3558.0 3559 3560 3559.0 3560.0 3561 3561.0 3562 3562.0 3563 3563.0 C B Date Timekeepe Description 09/10/10 09/10/10 09/10/10 GMC GMC GMC Listened to AS NPR radio show Review of Times article points with JF Review of Judge Sweet's endorsement of extension 09/13/10 09/13/10 09/13/10 GMC GMC GMC Drafted interview memo of "MG" meeting Review of Amended complaint Email correspondence w/ "WJC" former NYPD 09/15/10 09/15/10 GMC GMC 09/15/10 GMC Review of Eddie Velasquez depo from Floyd Email correspondence re: Amended Complaint with medical defendants Review of stip extending time for Benier answer E Hours 1.000 0.250 0.100 2.100 0.500 0.250 1.100 0.100 0.100 09/17/10 GMC 09/17/10 GMC 3564.0 09/18/10 GMC 3565.0 09/18/10 GMC 3566.0 09/20/10 GMC 3564 3565 3566 3567 3568 3567.0 3569 3568.0 3570 3569.0 3570.0 3571 3571.0 3572 3573 3572.0 3573.0 3574 3575 3574.0 3575.0 D 09/20/10 09/20/10 09/20/10 09/20/10 GMC GMC GMC GMC 09/20/10 GMC 09/21/10 09/23/10 GMC GMC 09/23/10 09/24/10 GMC GMC 3576 Reviewed and cataloged posts Meeting with JN and JF regarding infromation obtained from Floyd litigation and its impact on Schoolcrafts Monell and Retaliation claims Conversation with JF & JN re new whistleblower cop Correspondence w/JN re: anonymous Schoolcraft post Meeting with JF with PO "JB" re: NYPD quotas and downgrading Review of Angel Heran depo from Floyd Review of Steve Mauriello depo from Floyd Review of Donald McHugh depo from Floyd Updated Schoolcraft Justice media page with Radio interview Discussion & review with JF & JN re media to upload to website Drafted interview memo of "JB" meeting Meeting with JF, JN and Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR) re Schoolcraft Reviewed and finalized THEE RANT post Discussion with JN and JF re: first meeting with the DOJ and upcoming meeting with the DOJ and 2.800 1.300 0.300 0.250 2.500 1.750 1.500 1.100 0.500 0.250 1.500 2.250 0.250 AS 3576.0 09/24/10 GMC 3577.0 09/25/10 GMC 3578.0 09/25/10 GMC 3579 3580 3579.0 09/25/10 GMC 3577 1.750 Drafted email and sent post to anonymous PO to post on THEE RANT Meeting with JF & JN re AS interview with feds 0.250 3578 0.500 Email re: Schoolcraft visit to meet with Feds. NY Times, ABC news Email to Jim Hoffer re: Schoolcraft visit Page 164 0.250 0.100 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A B No. 3580.0 Date 09/27/10 3581.0 1 09/27/10 3581 3582 3583 3582.0 3584 3583.0 3585 3584.0 3585.0 3586 3586.0 3587 3588 3587.0 3588.0 3589 3590 3589.0 3591 3590.0 3591.0 3592 3593 3592.0 3593.0 3594 3594.0 3595 3595.0 09/28/10 09/28/10 09/28/10 09/29/10 09/29/10 09/29/10 09/30/10 09/30/10 10/01/10 10/02/10 10/02/10 10/04/10 10/04/10 10/04/10 Timekeepe Description Schoolcraft interview with Civil Rights Division GMC DOJ (pre and post), NY Times, ABC news Meeting w/AS with JN, JF to prep for discussion GMC with US attorneys office EDNY "Rich" anonymous cop discussion with JF GMC Review of posts GMC Review of Daily News article re: Schoolcraft GMC Phone interview of PO "VM" re quotas and GMC downgrading Phone interview of PO "EF" re quotas and GMC downgrading Review of posts GMC Meeting with JF and JN re: anonymous cop GMC interviews VM and EF Review of Bernier answer GMC Review of posts GMC Email correspondence w/JN re: whistleblower cops GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC 3596 3596.0 3597 3598 3597.0 3598.0 3599 3600 3599.0 3600.0 3601 3601.0 3602 3603 3602.0 3603.0 3604 3604.0 3605 3606 3605.0 3606.0 3607 10/04/10 10/05/10 10/05/10 10/05/10 10/06/10 D C GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC Phone call with former PO "BS" Meeting w/ JF and "JR" retired police officer re: quotas, downgrading, NYPD corruption Met with potential whistleblower PO "MF" re: Schoolcraft, quotas, corruption Meeting w/ JF and JN to discuss infromation from "JR" retired police officer re: quotas, downgrading, NYPD corruption Emailed w/anonymous NYPD Captain re: Schoolcraft allegations Drafted interview memo of "MF" meeting Reviewed Schoolcraftjustice posts, made calls, returned emails and set up appointments Drafted interview memo of "JR" meeting Phone interview w/"PR" former 81st precinct PO E Hours 5.250 3.250 0.600 0.250 0.100 1.300 0.800 0.300 1.100 0.300 0.100 0.400 0.300 1.800 1.100 0.750 0.400 1.250 1.250 0.800 0.400 10/07/10 10/08/10 10/08/10 10/08/10 10/08/10 10/09/10 GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC Meeting with JF and "EB" retired police officer re: quotas, downgrading, NYPD corruption Drafted interview memo of "EB" meeting Phone interview with "MV" retired PO re: quotas, retaliation, downgrading Email correspondence w "NB" re: more recordings Review of AP story re: Schoolcraft case Review of Schoolcraft post from former PO "WN" 1.800 1.500 1.300 0.250 0.250 0.100 Page 165 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A B 3607.0 Date 10/10/10 3608.0 3609.0 3610.0 3611.0 3612.0 10/10/10 10/11/10 10/11/10 10/11/10 10/12/10 3613.0 10/12/10 3614.0 10/12/10 No. 1 3608 3609 3610 3611 3612 3613 3614 3615 3616 3615.0 3616.0 3617 3618 3617.0 3618.0 3619 3619.0 10/12/10 10/12/10 10/12/10 10/13/10 10/14/10 C D Timekeepe Description GMC Meeting with JN and JF re: information provided by MV, NB, EB whistleblower cops GMC Review of Schoolcraft posts GMC Review of Schoolcraft posts GMC Email correspondence w/JN re: Posts GMC Review of email from a police practices expert GMC Phone interview police officer "RL" re: quotas, retal iation, downgrading GMC Meeting w/ JF and JN re: calls from POs GMC Phone interview police officer "PL" re: quotas, retaliation, downgrading GMC Review ofJF1MC motion to dismiss GMC Phone call and email w/ CUNY professor who has info re: Schoolcraft GMC Review of Schoolcraft posts GMC Spoke to police officer "PL" re: quotas, retaliation, downgrading GMC Meeting with JN re: information provided by PL and RL whistleblower cops to support Monell 3620 claim 3620.0 10/14/10 GMC 3621.0 10/15/10 GMC 10/16/10 10/18/10 10/18/10 GMC GMC GMC 10/19/10 10/20/10 GMC GMC 10/22/10 GMC 3621 3622 3623 3622.0 3624 3623.0 3624.0 3625 3626 3625.0 3626.0 3627 3627.0 3628 3629 3628.0 3630 3629.0 3631 3630.0 3631.0 3632 3633 3632.0 3633.0 10/23/10 10/24/10 10/24/10 10/25/10 GMC GMC GMC GMC 10/25/10 10/26/10 GMC GMC 3634 3635 3634.0 10/27/10 GMC E Hours 1.400 0.400 0.300 0.250 0.250 1.100 1.000 0.750 0.750 0.250 0.250 0.400 0.750 Email to web designer updating Review of order setting deadlines for Motion to Dismiss Review of Schoolcraft posts Phone call w/ "MG" re: quotas at 81st precinct Review of letter requesting additional time to respond to Motion to Dismiss Review of Schoolcraft posts Meeting with technician to reduce size of Schoolcraft audio files Phone call with police officer "MR" re: NYPD quotas, downgrading, corruption Left VM for JN re: Schoolcraft Phone call with David Velez Review of Schoolcraft posts Phone call with retired PO "RC" re: meeting to discuss quotas provide evidence Phone call with DC re: City Answer Meeting with JF and "RC" to discuss experience with quotas in a Brooklyn North precinct 0.400 0.100 0.250 0.750 0.250 0.250 0.400 1.250 0.100 0.300 0.250 0.600 0.250 3.100 Drafted interview memo of meeting w/"RC" Page 166 1.750 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A B D C No. Date Timekeepe Description 3635.0 1 10/27/10 GMC 3636 3636.0 3637 3638 3637.0 3638.0 3639 3639.0 3640 3641 3640.0 3641.0 10/27/10 10/28/10 10/29/10 10/30/10 10/30/10 10/30/10 GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC 3642 3642.0 11/01/10 GMC 3643 3643.0 3644 3645 3644.0 3645.0 3646 3646.0 3647 3647.0 3648 3648.0 3649 3649.0 3650 3651 3650.0 3652 3651.0 3652.0 3653 3653.0 3654 3654.0 3655 3655.0 11/01/10 11/01/10 11/01/10 11/02/10 11/03/10 11/04/10 11/04/10 11/05/10 11/08/10 11/08/10 11/08/10 11/09/10 11/09/10 GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC Meeting with JF and David Velez re: arbitration, quotas, Michael Marino Review of Isakov Answer to Amended complaint Interview memo for meeting with David Velez Review of City's request for an extension of time to Answer to amended complaint Meeting with JF & JN re: information provided by MR, MG RC whistleblower cops and movie and book publicist contacting AS for information Phone call with entertainment lawyer Email correspondence re: selling Schoolcraft life rights for movie or book so that Adrian can support himself while case proceeds Reviewed Schoolcraftjustice posts made calls, returned emails and set up appointments Meeting with JN and JF re: updating Schoolcraft website Drafted content to update website Review of Judge Sweet's order granting City more time to file Answer Email and phone correspondence with web designer re: updates to Review of mark ups from entertainment lawyer re: Schoolcraft entertainment contracts Meeting with JF and police officer "BP" re: quotas, downgrading, and NYPD corruption Review of letter and stipulation re: extension of time to Answer Amended Complaint Interview memo for "BP" Met with JF and police officer "MC" re: quotas Review of Document Demands and Interrogatories filed by Isakov Review of letter requesting additional time to oppose motion to dismiss Spoke to anonymous police officer CW re: quotas in the 81st precinct Meeting with JN about interviews with CW and MC whistleblower cops regarding Monell claim E Hours 1.400 0.250 1.400 0.250 2.250 0.400 0.300 1.750 0.300 0.250 0.100 0.750 0.300 2.300 0.250 1.400 0.800 0.500 0.250 0.750 0.600 3656 3656.0 3657 3658 3657.0 11/10/10 11/10/10 GMC GMC Phone call w/ police officer "JW" re: quotas and retaliation in a Brooklyn precinct Review of posts Page 167 0.500 0.100 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A 1 No. 3658.0 3659 3660 3659.0 3660.0 3661 3662 3661.0 3663 3662.0 3663.0 3664 3665 3664.0 3665.0 3666 3666.0 3667 3667.0 3668 3669 3668.0 3670 3669.0 3670.0 3671 3672 3671.0 3672.0 3673 3674 3673.0 3675 3674.0 3676 3675.0 3677 3676.0 3678 3677.0 3678.0 3679 3679.0 3680 3680.0 3681 3681.0 3682 3683 3682.0 3683.0 3684 3685 3684.0 3685.0 3686 3687 3686.0 C B Date 11/11/10 D 11/13/10 11/16/10 Timekeepe Description GMC Meeting with JF and "JW" cop to discuss quotas/retaliation GMC Review of discovery demands from Bernier GMC Review of draft of plaintiffs first set of interrogatories GMC Review of amended answer from Bernier GMC Interview memo for meeting with "JW" GMC Meeting with JN and JF re: issues on our motion opposition and about information provided by JW anonymous cop GMC Review of posts GMC Phone call with Charney re: Schoolcraft affidavit 11/16/10 GMC 11/16/10 GMC 11/16/10 11/16/10 11/17/10 GMC GMC GMC 11/18/10 11/19/10 GMC GMC Review of posts Email correspondence with French documentarian 11/19/10 11/20/10 11/21/10 11/29/10 11/29/10 11/30/10 GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC 12/01/10 GMC 12/01/10 GMC 12/02/10 GMC 12/02/10 12/06/10 GMC GMC 12/06/10 12/06/10 GMC GMC 12/08/10 GMC Review of posts Review of posts Review of WSJ article re: Schoolcraft case Review of AS's changes to Floyd affidavit Phone call w/AS re: Floyd affidavit Implemented AS's changes to Floyd affidavit for final review by Charney Email and phone correspondence w/Charney re Floyd affidavit Discussion with JF & JN re affidavit from Schoolcraft Review of City Defendants answer to Amended Complaint Review of posts Revise and review opposition to JHMC motion to dismiss Discussion with JF & JN re final corrections Drafted letter response to premature discovery demands for Bernier and Isakov Review of NYPD re: new quota bill 11/11/10 11/11/10 11/11/10 11/12/10 11/12/10 E Hours 1.600 0.400 0.300 0.250 1.100 1.000 0.100 0.400 Review of affidavit Darius Charney wants Schoolcraft to sign for Floyd case Emailed JN re: changes to Schoolcraft Floyd affidavit Left voice message for Charney re: affidavit Review of posts Reviewed and revised Discovery Demands and Requests to Admit to be served on City Defendants Page 168 0.400 0.100 0.100 0.100 3.800 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.250 0.500 0.300 3.400 0.800 0.400 0.400 0.100 1.250 0.800 0.400 0.400 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A 1 No. 3687.0 B Date 12/08/10 D C Timekeepe Description GMC E Hours Email correspondence from Lee re: Docket sheet 0.100 3688 3688.0 3689 3690 3689.0 3690.0 3691 3692 3691.0 3693 3692.0 3694 3693.0 3694.0 3695 3695.0 3696 3697 3696.0 3698 3697.0 3698.0 3699 3699.0 3700 3700.0 3701 3701.0 3702 3702.0 3703 3704 3703.0 3704.0 3705 3705.0 3706 3706.0 3707 3707.0 3708 3708.0 3709 3709.0 3710 3711 3710.0 3712 3711.0 3713 3712.0 3714 3713.0 3714.0 3715 12/08/10 12/08/10 12/09/10 12/09/10 12/09/10 12/10/10 12/12/10 12/14/10 12/24/10 12/26/10 01/03/11 01/10/11 01/20/11 01/20/11 01/26/11 01/26/11 01/26/11 01/26/11 01/31/11 01/31/11 01/31/11 02/08/11 02/10/11 02/11/11 02/14/11 02/17/11 02/19/11 GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC Review of email correspondence w/Graham Raymond Review of posts Discussion w/ JN & JF re discovery responses & timing Review of email re: Discovery from Isakov Review of posts Email w/JN re: HIPAAs Review of Daily News article w/memo showing proof of quota Correspondence w/Charney and Schoolcraft re: Floyd affidavit Review of posts Review of posts Review of email correspondence from police officer "CW" re: Marino and quotas Meeting with JF & JN re interrogatories and demands Review of JHMC reply memo in support of motion to dismiss Meeting with JN, JF to discuss JHMC's reply memo of law Appearance for motion to dismiss in Schoolcraft Discussion with JF & JN re oral arguments Travel from SDNY for appearance for motion to dismiss in Schoolcraft (.5) Travel to SDNY for appearance for motion to dismiss in Schoolcraft (.5) Discussion w/JN re: requesting Queens DA to investigate Halloween night Meeting with JN & JF re send documents & authorizations to Queens DA office Review of materials sent to Queens DA to start investigation Discussion w/ JN & JF re letter to court to schedule discovery Review ofJHMC motion to stay discovery Review of posts Review of posts Review of posts Meeting with JF re: getting transcript for Bryant v. City verdict finding quotas existed Page 169 0.100 0.100 0.500 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.250 0.400 0.100 0.100 0.250 1.500 0.500 0.400 1.000 0.600 0.250 0.250 0.400 0.400 0.250 0.300 0.250 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.600 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A No. 1 3716 3715.0 3716.0 3717 3718 3717.0 3718.0 B Date 02/19/11 02/19/11 C D Timekeepe Description GMC Phone call with former NYPD officer "SS" GMC Email correspondence w/JN re: Seth Harris verdict finding quota Review of posts Meeting with anonymous cops from T34 w/ JF and JN - provided recordings of Lt. Janice Williams 02/19/11 03/01/11 GMC GMC 03/03/11 GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC 04/12/11 04/14/11 GMC GMC 04/15/11 GMC 04/18/11 GMC 04/20/11 04/26/11 05/06/11 GMC GMC GMC 05/06/11 GMC 05/09/11 GMC 05/10/11 GMC 05/10/11 GMC Review of posts Review of posts Review of posts Phone call with Adrian and Larry Schoolcraft re: Letter from NYPD charges and specs Review of email re: Adrian charges Review of email from WME re: Schoolcraft life rights Meeting w/Harry Levine Queens College re: Schoolcraft, quota study Discussion w/ JN & JF re prep of letter re NYPD hearing & PBA representation Review of posts Review of posts Review of Judge Sweet's opinion re: JHMC motion to dismiss Email correspondence w/JN and JF re: motion to dismiss decision Meeting with JN and JF re: neccesary disclosures under Rule 26 for plaitniff Meeting with JN and JF re: edits to intial disclosures and discussion regarding requests to admit Review of Initial disclosures and discussion with 0.300 0.100 0.100 Email correspondence with former NYPD PO PK 03/03/11 03/13/11 03/16/11 04/11/11 E Hours 3719 1.250 3719.0 3720 3721 3720.0 3722 3721.0 3723 3722.0 3723.0 3724 3725 3724.0 3725.0 3726 3726.0 3727 3727.0 3728 3729 3728.0 3730 3729.0 3730.0 3731 3731.0 3732 3732.0 3733 3733.0 3734 3734.0 3735 3736 3735.0 3737 3736.0 3737.0 3738 3739 3738.0 3740 3739.0 3741 3740.0 3741.0 3742 3742.0 3743 JF 05/10/11 05/12/11 05/12/11 GMC GMC GMC 05/13/11 05/14/11 05/15/11 05/18/11 GMC GMC GMC GMC 05/18/11 GMC Review of posts Discussion w/ JF & JN re agency agreement Review of Book deal agreement for Adrian Schoolcraft Review of posts Meeting with JF reviewing RFA's Meeting with JN and JF re: edits to RFA's Drafted outline and notes for neccesary discovery demands for JN Meeting with JF to discuss documents that must he requested in our demands Page 170 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.750 0.250 0.100 0.500 0.300 0.100 0.100 0.600 0.250 1.750 1.400 0.750 0.100 0.400 0.250 0.100 2.750 1.000 1.300 1.100 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A 1 No. 3743.0 3744 3745 3744.0 3746 3745.0 3746.0 3747 3747.0 3748 3749 3748.0 3749.0 3750 3751 3750.0 3751.0 3752 3753 3752.0 3753.0 3754 3755 3754.0 3755.0 3756 3756.0 3757 3758 3757.0 3758.0 3759 3760 3759.0 3760.0 3761 3761.0 3762 3762.0 3763 3764 3763.0 3765 3764.0 3765.0 3766 3767 3766.0 3767.0 3768 3768.0 3769 3770 3769.0 3770.0 3771 B Date 05/19/11 05/19/11 05/19/11 05/20/11 05/20/11 C j D Timekeepe Description Discuss w/ JN & JF edits & topic areas that should GMC be explored on interrogatories Review of JN's draft document demands GMC Email from JN re: dep notices to be served GMC Discussion w/ JF & JN re request to admit GMC corrections/additions Discuss interrogatories & discuss EBTs w/ JN & JF GMC E Hours 1.250 0.750 0.100 1.500 1.300 05/20/11 05/20/11 05/20/11 05/24/11 05/30/11 06/13/11 06/19/11 06/23/11 06/23/11 GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC Review of JN's request for admission Review of JN's revised draft document demands Email from Adrian Schoolcraft Review of email and correspondence w/JN re anonymous PO from 81st precinct Review of posts Email correspondence with anonymous PO re: Schoolcraft matter Review of posts Discussion with JF & JN re responses & requests from lsacov Review of Isakov response to Discovery Demands 07/08/11 07/11/11 07/15/11 GMC GMC GMC 07/15/11 07/15/11 GMC GMC Review of posts Discussion with JN and JF re City's failure to response to discovery requests Review of email correspondence with DC Review of Discovery plan and correspondence regarding same Discussion w/ JN & JF re changing to case management plan Discussion with JF and JN re: meeting with Jim Leander and AS about investigation Review of pretrial order for conference Final review of discovery plan w/ JN & JF Meeting with JF an JN re: discovery plan and issues to raise Review revised discovery plan Review of JN email re: objections to discovery plan GMC 0.300 0.300 0.100 0.400 0.100 0.250 0.100 0.600 0.600 0.100 Review of changes to discovery plan made by Lee 06/23/11 06/27/11 06/27/11 07/05/11 07/06/11 07/08/11 GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC 0.300 0.300 0.750 0.400 1.750 0.100 0.250 0.500 0.400 0.100 07/18/11 07/18/11 07/19/11 GMC GMC Review of email by JN to DC re changes Review of Literary Agency agreement for Schoolcraft Page 171 0.250 0.100 0.100 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A B C D No. Date Timekeepe Description 3771.0 07/25/11 GMC 3772.0 1 07/26/11 GMC 07/27/11 08/04/11 08/08/11 GMC GMC GMC 08/09/11 GMC 08/09/11 08/10/11 08/11/11 08/14/11 GMC GMC GMC GMC 08/15/11 GMC 3772 3773 3774 3773.0 3775 3774.0 3775.0 3776 3776.0 3777 3778 3777.0 3779 3778.0 3780 3779.0 3780.0 3781 3781.0 3782 3783 3782.0 3783.0 3784 3784.0 3785 3785.0 08/16/11 08/17/11 GMC GMC 08/17/11 GMC 08/18/11 GMC 3786 3786.0 08/23/11 GMC 3787 3787.0 3788 3789 3788.0 3789.0 3790 3791 3790.0 3791.0 3792 3792.0 3793 3794 3793.0 3795 3794.0 3796 3795.0 3796.0 3797 3797.0 3798 08/30/11 GMC 08/31/11 09/01/11 GMC GMC 09/02/11 09/12/11 GMC GMC 09/28/11 GMC 09/28/11 09/28/11 09/28/11 09/29/11 GMC GMC GMC GMC Review of email from Brian Lee re: Discovery plan dispute Review of email correspondence between parties finalizing language of discovery plan Executed discovery plan email Fully executed discovery plan Review and revised responses to Bernier Discovery demands Drafted responses to JHMC discovery demands Review of posts Review of JN comments to JHMC responses Review of Isakov demands Drafted responses to all discovery demands for medical defendants and emailed to JN for his review Review of email correspondence re: delay in discovery production Review of City protective order stipulation Discuss confidentiality stip w/ JF & JN b/c of plaintiffs objections Review of Brian Lee objections to protective order stip Drafted letters accompanying responses to Discovery Demands and prepared thumb drives that included responsive documents Review of email from Gregory Radmosli re: Protective order stip Review of email correspondence from Brian Lee re: protective order stip changes Email response from DC re stip Review of email from Darius Charney enclosing Floyd decision Review of posts Review and revise motion to compel City to produce discovery Discussion w/ JN and TF re law enforcement privilege & motion to compel Attend oral argument on motion to compel Travel from SDNY- motion to compel (.5) Travel to SDNY- motion to compel (.5) Review, revised, and executed amended discovery E Hours 0.250 0.400 0.100 0.250 0.500 1.800 0.100 0.250 0.250 4.750 0.250 0.400 1.250 0.250 1.100 0.100 0.300 0.100 0.500 0.100 0.400 1.250 1.000 0.250 0.250 plan 09/30/11 GMC 0.300 Email from all parties re: executed amended discovery plan 0.250 Page 172 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A 1 No. 3798.0 3799 3800 3799.0 3801 3800.0 3802 3801.0 3803 3802.0 3804 3803.0 3805 3804.0 3806 3805.0 3807 3806.0 3808 3807.0 3809 3808.0 3810 3809.0 3811 3810.0 3812 3811.0 3813 3812.0 3814 3813.0 3815 3814.0 3816 3815.0 3817 3816.0 3818 3817.0 3819 3818.0 3820 3819.0 3821 3820.0 3822 3821.0 3823 3822.0 3824 3823.0 3824.0 3825 3826 3825.0 3827 3826.0 3827.0 3828 3829 3828.0 3830 3829.0 3831 3830.0 3831.0 3832 3833 3832.0 3834 3833.0 3834.0 3835 3836 3835.0 3836.0 3837 B Date 10/12/11 10/12/11 10/17/11 10/21/11 10/22/11 10/23/11 10/24/11 10/25/11 10/26/11 10/27/11 10/28/11 10/29/11 11/02/11 11/03/11 11/04/11 11/05/11 11/12/11 11/13/11 11/17/11 11/29/11 11/29/11 12/06/11 12/07/11 12/13/11 12/13/11 12/15/11 12/19/11 01/05/12 01/10/12 01/12/12 01/20/12 01/24/12 01/24/12 02/07/12 02/07/12 02/07/12 02/07/12 02/08/12 02/08/12 C D I Timekeepe Description Receipt and review defendants first discovery GMC responses Review of motion to approve protective order GMC Review of pre-trial order GMC Review of posts GMC Review of posts GMC Review of posts GMC Review of posts GMC Review of posts GMC Review of posts GMC Review of posts GMC Review of posts GMC Review of posts GMC Review of posts GMC Review of posts GMC Review of posts GMC Review of posts GMC Review of posts GMC Review of posts GMC Review of posts GMC Review of email re: discovery from Brian Lee GMC Review of posts GMC Review of posts GMC Review of order re: pretrial conference GMC Phone call with Larry and Adrian Schoolcraft GMC Review of posts GMC Review of posts GMC Discussion w/ JF & JN re plaintiffs thoughts on GMC discovery Review of letter from Bernier's attorneys GMC Meeting with AS, JN and JF GMC Review of City Defendants first Discovery GMC Demands Phone call with Adrian and Larry GMC Spoke to JN re: AS salary GMC Email copy of NOC with salary included GMC Review of email demanding authorizations from GMC Brian Lee Email from JN re: supplemental demands GMC Email correspondence re: pretrial conference GMC Review notice of appearance for City Defendants GMC GMC GMC Pre-trial conference before Judge Sweet Discussion with JF and JN re: conference and discovery and strategy moving forward Page 173 E Hours 2.000 0.250 0.100 0.100 0.300 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.800 0.100 0.100 0.500 0.250 4.900 0.500 0.750 0.250 0.100 0.250 0.100 0.100 0.100 1.000 0.750 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A 1 No. 3838 3837.0 3839 3838.0 3839.0 3840 3840.0 3841 3841.0 3842 3842.0 3843 3843.0 C B D Date Timekeepe Description 02/08/12 02/08/12 02/10/12 GMC GMC GMC 02/10/12 GMC 02/10/12 GMC 02/10/12 GMC 02/10/12 GMC 3844.0 02/13/12 GMC 3845.0 02/24/12 GMC Travel from SDNY- motion to compel (.5) Travel to SONY- motion to compel (.5) Drafted proposed supplemental demands for the City and emailed to JN for review Discussion w/ JN & JF re additional items of discovery Review of email from JN re discovery we need to follow up with city Email from JN re: Cancellation of Adrian and Larry trip to NYC Review of email to Jeremy (Meridian Investigations) re: subpoena of Schoolcraft records 3844 0.250 0.250 1.800 1.600 0.250 0.100 0.100 3845 Review of final supplemental discovery demands for NYC Review of email correspondence w/Chris Dunn 3846 0.300 0.250 3846.0 02/27/12 3847.0 02/27/12 GMC Review of subpoena response from Johstown PD 3848.0 3849.0 3850.0 3851.0 3852.0 3853.0 02/28/12 02/29/12 02/29/12 02/29/12 03/01/12 03/06/12 GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC 3854.0 03/07/12 GMC 03/07/12 03/07/12 GMC GMC 03/07/12 03/07/12 03/08/12 GMC GMC GMC 03/08/12 03/08/12 03/08/12 03/09/12 GMC GMC GMC GMC 03/09/12 GMC Review of email from AS's former partner Phone call with AS's formaer partner Phone call w/Adrian reformer partner Email to AS's former partner Phone call with AS re: former partner Review of Village Voice Article re QAD investigation Discussed adding 1st amendment claim with JN and JF Phone call with Larry and Adrian Schoolcraft Email to JN an JF re: conversation with Larry and Adrian Review of NOA by Suzanna Publicker ("SP") Review of posts Discussion with JN & JF re VV article and the confidential report Email from Jim Hoffer Review of posts Review of Schoolcraf posts Discussion with JN & JF re reinstating 1st Amendment claims in this case based on Garcetti & actions after the fact Review of posts GMC Meeting with JF and JN re: documents received from Johnstown PD for plaintiffs subpoena 3847 3848 3849 3850 3851 3852 3853 E Hours 0.750 3854 3855 3856 3855.0 3856.0 3857 3858 3857.0 3859 3858.0 3859.0 3860 3861 3860.0 3862 3861.0 3863 3862.0 3863.0 3864 3865 3864.0 Page 174 0.750 0.100 0.750 0.400 0.100 0.300 0.300 0.250 0.250 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.750 0.100 0.100 0.100 1.250 0.100 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A 1 No. B Date 3868.0 03/10/12 03/12/12 03/12/12 03/12/12 3869.0 03/12/12 3866 3865.0 3867 3866.0 3868 3867.0 Timekeepe Description Review of posts GMC Meeting with JN & JF re letter from City GMC GMC GMC 3869 3870 3871 3870.0 3872 3871.0 3873 3872.0 3873.0 3874 3875 3874.0 3875.0 3876 3876.0 3877 3878 3877.0 3879 3878.0 3879.0 3880 3880.0 3881 3882 3881.0 3883 3882.0 3883.0 3884 3884.0 3885 3886 3885.0 3886.0 3887 3888 3887.0 3888.0 03/12/12 03/12/12 03/13/12 03/13/12 03/13/12 03/14/12 03/14/12 03/14/12 03/14/12 03/15/12 03/15/12 03/16/12 03/20/12 03/21/12 03/21/12 03/22/12 03/24/12 03/28/12 03/28/12 GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC 3889 3889.0 03/28/12 GMC 3890 3890.0 03/28/12 D C GMC Review of SP letter re "leaked" QAD report Email correspondence with defendants re Amendment Review & edit response to City's letter re protective order Review of posts Review of signed protective order Email correspondence with Mark Toor Email from PBS producer Weinrich on documentary of Schoolcraft Review of posts Review and revise of amended complaint adding 1st amendment claim Email correspondence w/Nic re does in connection w/ Schoolcraft meeting Review of NY Times article on Schoolcraft Review order on City motion re QAD Meeting with JN and JF re proposed Amended Complaint Email correspondence from anonymous "MD" PO re: 81st precinct Radio interview re: Schoolcraft Review of posts Review of NY Times motion to unseal Schoolcraft records Email correspondence w/JN re: NY Times motion Review of posts Email correspondence w/Defendants re Amended complaint Oral Argument on City motion Discussion with JN and JF re: court's order on City's motion for breach of confidentiality agreement Legal research: review of Garcetti and progeny to discuss Amendment issues Meeting w/ JN & JF prior to conference to prep 0.100 0.600 0.400 0.250 0.250 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.500 0.250 0.100 0.100 0.600 0.100 0.400 0.100 0.400 0.100 0.100 0.250 1.000 0.500 0.400 0.400 3891 3891.0 03/28/12 GMC 3892 3892.0 3893 E Hours 03/28/12 GMC Travel from SDNY for Oral Argument on City motion (.5) Travel to SDNY for Oral Argument on City motion 0.250 (.5) 0.250 Page 175 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A B C D I No. Date Timekeepe Description 3893.0 03/29/12 GMC 3894.0 1 03/30/12 GMC 03/30/12 03/30/12 GMC GMC 03/30/12 03/30/12 04/05/12 GMC GMC GMC 3894 3895 3896 3895.0 3896.0 3897 3898 3897.0 3899 3898.0 3899.0 3900 3900.0 3901 3901.0 3902 3902.0 3903 3903.0 3904 3905 3904.0 3905.0 3906 3907 3906.0 3907.0 3908 3909 3908.0 3910 3909.0 3910.0 3911 3911.0 3912 3912.0 3913 3913.0 04/05/12 GMC 04/05/12 GMC 04/06/12 GMC 04/09/12 GMC 04/10/12 04/10/12 GMC GMC 04/10/12 04/13/12 GMC GMC 04/13/12 04/13/12 04/24/12 GMC GMC GMC 04/24/12 GMC 04/25/12 GMC 04/30/12 GMC 3914.0 04/30/12 GMC 3915.0 04/30/12 GMC 3916.0 05/01/12 GMC Revised and help draft proposed AEO stip w/JN and JF for City Email correspondence w/SP re Discovery extension and opposition to amendment of Complaint Meeting w/ JN & JF re AEO changes Discussion with JN and JF re: filing motion to amend and discovery issues Final review of proposed AEO stip Emailed proposed AEO stip to the City Reviewed and revised responses to City defendants discovery requests Review & discuss w/ JN & JF plaintiffs responses to City demands Review of basis for City's opposition to Amendment Correspondence w/ NY Times counsel re: protective order Email correspondence w/JN re: discovery responses Meeting w/ AS Email enclosing discovery responses to City demands Email re: Schoolcraft arrival to NYC Discussion with JN and JF re: Matthews decision Review of Matthews decision Email from plaintiff re 1st Amendment claim Review and revise JF motion to Amend 1st Amendment claim Email correspondence to City correcting Lt. Gough for Amended Complaint Email from City re: Vallone and Vans subpoenas E Hours 0.800 0.600 0.600 0.500 0.300 0.100 1.800 0.800 0.250 0.300 0.100 4.600 0.100 0.100 0.600 0.600 0.100 0.750 0.100 0.100 Review NY Times proposed language to protective order and email sent to City Defendants 3914 0.400 3915 3916 Discussion w/ JN and JF re NY Times alteration to protective order Review of correspondence with SP re: adjourning oral argument on Amendment Discussions w/ JN and JF re City's request for affidavits & deposition for confidentiality breach 3917 0.300 0.250 0.400 Page 176 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A 1 No. 3917.0 B Date 05/02/12 3918 3918.0 05/03/12 3919 3919.0 05/03/12 3920 3920.0 05/03/12 3921 3921.0 3922 3923 3922.0 3923.0 3924 3924.0 3925 3925.0 3926 3926.0 3927 3927.0 3928 3928.0 3929 3930 3929.0 3930.0 05/08/12 05/08/12 05/09/12 D C Timekeepe Description Email to City re: failure to provide discovery or GMC respond to proposed AEO Review of defendants proposed AEO stip and GMC declaration re: "leak" Discussion w/ JF & JN re Affidavits and conf. stip GMC AEO Review of correspondence with SP re: adjourning GMC oral argument on Amendment again Discussion w/ JN and JF re argument on 1st GMC Amendment claim Review of NOA William Fraenkel GMC Attended Oral Argument on 1st Amendment claim GMC E Hours 0.250 1.250 0.750 0.100 0.600 0.100 1.000 05/09/12 05/09/12 05/11/12 05/15/12 GMC GMC GMC GMC Travel from SDNY for Argument on 1st Amendment claim (.5) Travel to SDNY for Argument on 1st Amendment claim (.5) Read and review of defendant's letter to quash and discussion w/ JF & JN Email correspondence w/SP re: Breach Affidavit 0.250 0.250 2.100 0.100 05/16/12 05/16/12 05/17/12 GMC GMC GMC Discussion w/ JN and JF re opp to defendant's motion to quash Email correspondence w/Darius Charney Review and edit plaintiffs opp to defendant's motion to quash Vallone and Vans motion to quash 0.600 0.250 0.800 3931 3931.0 05/17/12 GMC Discussion w/JN and JF re: AS breach affidavit 0.750 3932 3932.0 05/17/12 GMC 3933 3933.0 3934 3935 3934.0 3936 3935.0 3936.0 3937 3937.0 3938 3939 3938.0 3940 3939.0 3940.0 3941 3942 3941.0 3943 3942.0 05/17/12 05/17/12 05/18/12 05/18/12 05/22/12 05/23/12 05/23/12 05/23/12 05/23/12 05/23/12 GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC Review and discuss City New York Times opp Jetter w/ JN & JF Phone call with NY Times counsel re: Stip language Email re: AS breach affidavit Meet and confer w/SP re: Stips Email correspondence w/SP re: scheduling oral argument on motion to quash Discussion w/ JN & JF re defendant's letter re Vallone subpoena Attend and argue against motion to quash Prep for argument w/ JF & JN Discussion w/ JN & JF re defendant's letter re subpoena Travel from SDNY for motion to quash (.5) Travel to SDNY for motion to quash (.5) Page 177 0.400 0.300 0.100 0.600 0.100 0.600 1.000 1.000 0.600 0.250 0.250 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A 1 No. 3943.0 3944 3945 3944.0 3945.0 3946 3946.0 3947 3947.0 3948 3949 3948.0 3950 3949.0 3950.0 3951 3951.0 3952 3952.0 3953 3953.0 3954 3955 3954.0 3955.0 3956 3956.0 3957 3957.0 3958 3958.0 3959 3960 3959.0 3961 3960.0 3961.0 3962 3963 3962.0 3964 3963.0 3965 3964.0 3965.0 3966 3966.0 3967 3968 3967.0 3968.0 3969 3970 3969.0 B Date 05/24/12 05/24/12 05/25/12 C D Timekeepe Description GMC Drafted and submitted supplemental evidence to support our opposition to quash Vans and Vallone subpoena GMC Review of NOA-Walter Kretz ("WK") GMC Read and review NY Times response to SP letter E Hours 0.500 0.100 0.250 05/29/12 GMC 05/30/12 GMC 05/31/12 06/04/12 06/05/12 GMC GMC GMC 06/06/12 GMC 06/07/12 GMC 06/07/12 GMC 06/08/12 06/08/12 GMC GMC 06/08/12 GMC 06/14/12 GMC 06/14/12 GMC 06/14/12 06/14/12 06/18/12 GMC GMC GMC 06/19/12 06/19/12 06/19/12 06/19/12 GMC GMC GMC GMC 06/20/12 GMC 06/20/12 06/21/12 GMC GMC Revised City proposed AEO and Conf Stips incorporating NY Times requests Email correspondence w/JN re City stips and revisions Meeting w/JN and JF re: City conf. Stips Review of WK correspondence re: discovery Review of email correspondence between SP and Times Review of email correspondence between SP and Times Revised AEO and Conf stips to send back to the City and emailed to JN for final review Review of email correspondence between SP and Times Email re: subpoenaed does Emailed stip to SP with revisions in track changes 0.500 0.300 0.900 0.100 0.100 0.100 1.400 0.100 0.100 0.100 Review of correspondence with NY Times and SP re: Schoolcraft materials Meet with JN and JF to discuss motion for reconsideration on 1st amendment claim Review of Judge Sweet re: motion to amend and motion quash subpoena Phone call with Adrian and Larry re; decision Email correspondence with JN re: decision Review of JF motion for reconsideration on motion to amend Meeting w/ Schoolcraft in Johnstown Travel back to NYC from Johnstown (3.5) Travel to Johnstown (3.5) Email and phone correspondence with Adhyl Polanco re: Schoolcraft issues Final edit and review of Motion for Reconsideration Reviewed SP response to Stip proposal Email correspondence w/JN and JF re Schoolcraft issues 06/30/12 GMC Review of posts Page 178 0.100 0.750 0.600 0.500 0.250 0.750 4.800 1.750 1.750 0.100 0.300 0.300 0.250 0.100 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A 1 No. 3970.0 3971 3972 3971.0 3973 3972.0 3973.0 3974 3975 3974.0 3975.0 3976 3976.0 3977 3977.0 3978 3978.0 3979 3980 3979.0 3980.0 3981 3982 3981.0 3982.0 3983 3984 3983.0 3985 3984.0 3986 3985.0 3986.0 3987 3988 3987.0 3989 3988.0 3990 3989.0 3991 3990.0 3992 3991.0 3993 3992.0 3993.0 3994 3995 3994.0 3996 3995.0 3996.0 3997 3997.0 3998 3999 3998.0 3999.0 4000 4000.0 4001 B Date 07/02/12 07/06/12 07/09/12 07/09/12 07/10/12 07/17/12 07/20/12 07/23/12 07/23/12 07/26/12 07/28/12 08/01/12 08/03/12 08/04/12 08/06/12 08/07/12 08/08/12 08/08/12 08/08/12 08/09/12 08/09/12 08/09/12 08/10/12 08/10/12 08/10/12 08/12/12 08/13/12 D C Timekeepe Description Discussion w/ AS and Larry Schoolcraft re GMC financial issues Review of email from JF re Stips GMC Researched donations to individuals GMC Drafted proposed language for Donate button on GMC website Review of City response re Stips GMC Email w/JN re: meeting in Albany with GMC Schoolcrafts Review of opinion on Plaintiffs motion to GMC reconsider Discussion w/ JF & JN re meeting w/ Schoolcrafts GMC in Albany Correspondence re: visiting Schoolcrafts in Albany GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC Review of posts Discussion w/ JN & JF re motion to amend to add prior restraint Review and revise motion to amend Email correspondence w/SP re: document production Review of posts Email re: meeting with Schoolcrafts Email correspondence re: authorizations Meeting w/ JN & JF re meeting w/ AS in Albany for prep Review of final stips Printed out docs to go over with Adrian Meeting w/AS in Albany Traveled from Albany back to NYC (3.0) Traveled to Albany to meet Client (3.0) Email correspondence re: extension of disco Email correspondence re: Schoolcraft deposition Email w/JN re Schoolcraft breach affidavit Review of posts Review of email from SP re: scheduling AS depo E Hours 0.400 0.100 0.500 0.400 0.100 0.100 0.300 0.300 0.250 0.100 0.600 0.400 0.250 0.100 0.100 0.250 1.300 0.500 0.250 5.750 1.500 1.500 0.250 0.250 0.100 0.100 0.100 08/14/12 08/14/12 08/15/12 08/15/12 GMC GMC GMC GMC Email web designers re: donation for Schoolcrafts button on website Review of correspondence re Tax returns Email correspondence with all defendants re: subpoenaed docs Email correspondence re: Schoolcraft deposition 0.250 0.100 0.250 0.100 Page 179 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A C B D 4001.0 Date 08/16/12 4002.0 08/16/12 Timekeepe Description GMC Discussion w/ JN & JF re City's suggestion on multiple dates for deps GMC Email correspondence re: Schoolcraft deposition 4003.0 1 08/20/12 GMC 4004.0 4005.0 4006.0 4007.0 4008.0 4009.0 4010.0 4011.0 08/21/12 08/21/12 08/21/12 08/21/12 08/21/12 08/21/12 08/21/12 08/22/12 GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC 4012.0 4013.0 4014.0 4015.0 4016.0 4017.0 08/22/12 08/22/12 08/22/12 08/22/12 08/22/12 08/23/12 GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC No. 4002 4003 4004 4005 4006 4007 4008 4009 4010 4011 4012 4013 4014 4015 4016 4017 E Hours 0.750 0.100 4018 4019 4018.0 4020 4019.0 4021 4020.0 4021.0 4022 4023 4022.0 4023.0 4024 4024.0 08/23/12 08/23/12 08/23/12 08/28/12 GMC GMC GMC GMC 08/28/12 08/28/12 GMC GMC 08/29/12 GMC Discussion w/ JN & JF re additional amendment of the complaint to add Hanlon Review of Amended Complaint adding Hanlon Email from Brady consenting to Amendment Email from Brady re scheduling AS dep Email from City requesting copy of complaint Email from Lee consenting Email from Lee re scheduling AS dep Email to City w/ Amended Complaint Meeting w/ JF & JN re Kretz's request to have an additional day to depose plaintiff Email from City re AS dep date Email from Greg Rad re AS dep Email from JN re dep dates Email from Kretz re AS dep date Email from Lee re AS dep date Review of discovery provided by City defendants Email from Brady re plaintiffs dep date Email from Lee on plaintiffs dep dates Email from Lee re second day for AS dep Email from JN to defendants enclosing responses to discovery Email JN and JF re Chief article Review of correspondence sending out Fulton County records Meeting w/ JF & JN re: City's Suppl. Disclosure & the need for us to depose at least 5 of the 9 new witnesses identified by City & other gen. strategy issues for advancing discovery 4025 0.600 0.500 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.400 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 3.500 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.800 4025.0 08/29/12 GMC Email 2 & 3 from JN re discovery to defendants 4026.0 08/29/12 GMC Email from JN to defendants enclosing discovery 4027.0 09/10/12 GMC 4028 4029 4028.0 4030 4029.0 4030.0 4031 09/10/12 09/10/12 09/10/12 GMC GMC GMC 4026 0.100 4027 0.100 Read and review Opinion & Order from Sweet on plaintiffs motion to amend Phone call with PO "FP" re Schoolcraft Email from City re fax# confirmation Email from JN re 120 day extension of discovery 0.750 0.400 0.100 0.100 Page 180 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A 1 4032 4033 4034 4035 4036 4037 4038 4039 B No. Date 4031.0 4032.0 4033.0 4034.0 4035.0 4036.0 4037.0 4038.0 4039.0 09/10/12 09/10/12 09/10/12 09/10/12 09/10/12 09/10/12 09/10/12 09/15/12 09/17/12 4040 4041 4040.0 4042 4041.0 4042.0 4043 4043.0 4044 4044.0 09/18/12 09/19/12 09/21/12 D C Timekeepe Description Email response from Brady GMC Email response from City GMC Email response from Greg Rad GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC Email response from Kretz Email response from Lee Email to City re Hanlon amend Response from City on Hanlon amend Reviewed IAB recordings provided by the City Review of draft letter to amend to add Hanlon to complaint Review of order granting ext. of disco deadline Received final Stips Email correspondence w/Darius Charney re: Floyd E Hours 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 3.800 0.250 0.100 0.100 0.250 09/24/12 09/24/12 GMC GMC Meeting w/JN and JF to discuss City deficiency letter and AS dep prep Email from City re service of amended complaint, Lauderborn dep, & discovery deficiencies 1.750 0.500 4045 4045.0 09/24/12 GMC Email correspondence w/Darius Charney re: Floyd 0.250 4046 4046.0 4047 4048 4047.0 4049 4048.0 4049.0 4050 4051 4050.0 4052 4051.0 4053 4052.0 4054 4053.0 4055 4054.0 4056 4055.0 4057 4056.0 4057.0 4058 4058.0 4059 4060 4059.0 4061 4060.0 4061.0 4062 4063 4062.0 4063.0 4064 09/24/12 09/25/12 09/25/12 09/26/12 09/26/12 09/26/12 09/27/12 09/28/12 10/02/12 10/03/12 10/04/12 10/04/12 10/04/12 10/10/12 10/10/12 10/11/12 10/11/12 10/12/12 GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC Email correspondence re service of amended complaint Prep AS for his dep Meeting w/ AS & JF & JN re dep prep Meeting w/ JN & JF & AS re adjorning dep due to father's medical emergency Brady email re: service of process Review of email from JN adjourning AS dep Reviewed and signed stips Reviewed and resigned stips Review of QAD interview of AS Received AS new email address Review of IAB recordings Phone call and email correspondence w/Darius Charney Review of plaintiffs responses to defendants interrogatories Prep Adrian for deposition Review amended complaint Attended AS deposition and meeting afterwards Meeting with JN, JF, AS before depo Correspondence to SP re: color photos and QAD file review by AS Page 181 0.100 3.500 2.900 0.600 0.100 0.100 0.250 0.100 2.250 0.100 2.750 0.750 0.400 4.600 0.750 8.900 0.500 0.250 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A 1 No. 4064.0 Date 10/15/12 4065 4065.0 C B 10/15/12 4066 D Timekeepe Description GMC Meeting w/JN & JF re: Marino's IAB interview & inconsitencies w/claims in OF 49 & Halloween Night recording GMC Read and reviewed Kretz motion to have extra day to depose AS GMC Meeting w/JN & JF re: City's privilege claims and possible arguments/motions to defeat such claims highlights of Lauterborn interview & inconsistencies w/Marino & home invasion recording 4066.0 10/17/12 4067.0 10/17/12 GMC 4068 4069 4068.0 4069.0 10/17/12 10/18/12 GMC GMC 4070.0 10/18/12 GMC 4071.0 10/18/12 GMC 4072.0 10/18/12 GMC 4073.0 10/18/12 GMC 4074.0 10/20/12 GMC Phone call w/JN & JF re: P.O. Nowacki acknowledging quota (15 c's per month) at 81 & possibly serving non-party subpoeana on her for dep and discovering other possible w's at 81 re summons quota 4075.0 10/22/12 GMC 4076.0 10/23/12 GMC Review of City request to enlarge Hanlon time to respond Drafted responses and compiled responsive docs for City defendants second request for discovery sent to JN for review 10/24/12 10/24/12 GMC GMC 10/24/12 GMC GMC 11/02/12 GMC Review of case law sent by Lee re: medical defendants liability Email from JN re: Schoolcraft phone numbers 1.200 0.300 Travel from SDNY for conference re: trial date (.5) 11/02/12 E Hours 4067 4070 4071 4072 4073 Dicussion w/ JF & JN re City's refusal to allow AS to see QAD file Email from SP re: QAD file Meeting w/JF & JN re: City's Deliberative Process and Grand Jury privilege claims and best strategy for defeating same. Read and review Answer to Amended Complaint from City Review and revised of JN Motion permitting AS to review QAD material and opposing 3 days of depositions for AS Email from SP re: service of newly named City defendants Review of email from B Lee asking that plaintiff withdraw opp to extra day of dep for AS 4074 3.300 0.400 0.100 1.200 0.750 0.500 0.100 0.100 4075 4076 4077 4078 4077.0 4078.0 4079 4079.0 4080 4080.0 4081 4082 4081.0 Hearing on issue of extra dep time for AS Travel from SDNY for conference re: trial date (.5) 0.900 0.100 3.400 0.800 0.250 0.250 Page 182 0.400 0.100 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A 1 No. 4082.0 B Date 11/07/12 D C Timekeepe Description GMC E Hours Hearing on issue of AS able to review QAD file 0.800 4083 4083.0 11/07/12 GMC 4084 4084.0 11/07/12 GMC Review of letter by SP relieving City as counsel for Mauriello Travel from SDNY for conference re: trial date (.5) 0.300 0.250 4085 4085.0 11/07/12 GMC Travel from SDNY for conference re: trial date (.5) 0.250 4086 4086.0 11/07/12 GMC Email w/JN re: service of newly named defendants 0.100 4087 4087.0 11/13/12 GMC 4088 4088.0 4089 4090 4089.0 4090.0 4091 4091.0 4092 4092.0 4093 4093.0 4094 4095 4094.0 4095.0 4096 4096.0 4097 4097.0 11/13/12 11/13/12 11/14/12 11/15/12 11/19/12 11/26/12 01/23/15 02/02/15 02/02/15 GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC Confirming with JF w/AS on the phone that he is terminating representation Various correspondence confirming termination of representation with the parties Correspondence from City re rep of AS Receipt and review of letter terminating our representation of AS Review and signed letter to court informing we no longer represent AS Review of court order prohibiting providing AS AEO material Review of correspondence to AS enclosing files Call w/JN and JF about taking over case again Discussion w/ JF & JN re representing AS again for trial Phone conversation w/JN re AS wants to rehire us 0.300 0.250 0.100 0.100 0.250 0.100 0.250 0.800 1.300 0.300 02/04/15 GMC Phone call w JN and JF re: pending trial strategy and misc.evidentiary issues, and setting up meetng to discuss same in greater detail GMC Review of email from AS re: QAD memo from Sgt. Scott Read and reviewed email from AS re: rehiring us 0.900 4098 4098.0 02/04/15 4099 4099.0 02/04/15 GMC 0.400 0.300 4100 4100.0 02/04/15 GMC Discussion w/ JN & JF re scheduling a meeting w/ NS to discuss case status and trial prep 0.250 4101 4101.0 4102 4103 4102.0 02/04/15 02/05/15 GMC GMC Review of email from Nat Smith ("NS") acknowledging and logistics of represetation Read and reviewed AS deposition Page 183 0.100 2.250 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A C B D Date 02/05/15 Timekeepe Description GMC Phone call w. JN re: updates on discussion with Nat Smith, records and transcripts provided by Adrian and goal to streamline case for trial 02/08/15 02/08/15 02/09/15 GMC GMC GMC Read and reviewed AS deposition Email correspondence re: videos of deps Read and reviewed Larry Schoolcraft Deposition 02/09/15 GMC 4108.0 02/10/15 GMC Phone call JN re: issues that came up in Adrian's Dep and Larry's Dep and possible Miotions in Limine Meeting w/ JN & JF regarding global trial strategy, witnesses to be called (or not called), exhibits to use, Rule 68 offer and next steps for moving forward. 4109.0 1 02/10/15 GMC No. 4103.0 4104 4105 4104.0 4106 4105.0 4106.0 4107 4107.0 0.500 3.250 0.250 2.750 4108 4109 4110 4111 4110.0 4111.0 4112 4112.0 4113 4114 4113.0 4115 4114.0 4116 4115.0 4116.0 E Hours 02/11/15 02/11/15 GMC GMC 02/11/15 GMC Email correspondence w/AS, JN re: Defendants request to adjourn trial Review of deposition exhibits Review of summary judgment motions and exhibits 0.400 3.500 0.250 3.100 2.500 Review of witness/exhibit list from JN and discuss with JF Review of email from AS Review of deposition exhibits Review of NOA for Howard Scheirer Review of all evidence we have and what we are missing, drafted a list for JN to discuss, prepared items to put in binder, organized critical evidence for trial prep 02/11/15 02/12/15 02/12/15 02/13/15 GMC GMC GMC GMC 4117.0 02/13/15 GMC 4118.0 02/13/15 GMC 4119.0 02/13/15 GMC Review of order setting trial date to April 20, 2015 02/15/15 02/16/15 GMC GMC Review of deposition exhibits Review of summary judgment motions and exhibits 02/17/15 02/17/15 GMC GMC 02/18/15 02/18/15 GMC GMC 1.300 4117 4118 Meeting w/JN to discuss which witnesses I would be responsible for at trial Review of letter by Ryan Shaffer requesting more time for reply and 2 week adjournment of trial 4119 0.100 4.400 0.100 5.250 1.300 0.100 4120 4121 4120.0 4121.0 4122 4123 4122.0 4123.0 4124 4125 4124.0 4125.0 4126 Review of deposition exhibits Listened and took notes of PAA Boston IAB interviews and reviewed Scott inteview memos Began cross examination draft of PAA Boston Read, reviewed and took notes of PAA Boston deposition Page 184 0.100 4.800 3.100 3.750 1.600 2.300 2.250 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A B D C No. Date Timekeepe Description 4126.0 02/18/15 GMC 4127 4128 4127.0 4128.0 4129 4130 4129.0 4130.0 02/19/15 02/19/15 02/19/15 02/19/15 GMC GMC GMC GMC E Hours Phone call JN regarding meeting for Friday, important testimony from PAA Boston and issues to cover in the plaintiffs direct (re: downgrading and MIL regarding Johnstown Social Services Drafted Boston Cross outline Reviewed Mauriello's motion for SMJ and opposition to plaintiffs motion for SMJ Retrieved a portion of AS deposition for JN Phone call JN regarding best and worst PTS from Huffman, Adrian's handling of downgrading issue at his deposition, fit for duty reports, and general issues that might come up at tomorrows meeting 0.600 2.300 1.400 1.250 0.500 4131 4131.0 02/19/15 GMC 4132 4132.0 4133 4134 4133.0 4134.0 02/20/15 02/20/15 02/20/15 GMC GMC GMC 4135 4135.0 02/20/15 GMC 4136 4136.0 02/20/15 GMC 4137 4137.0 4138 4139 4138.0 4140 4139.0 4141 4140.0 4141.0 4142 4142.0 4143 4144 4143.0 4145 4144.0 4145.0 4146 4147 4146.0 4148 4147.0 4149 4148.0 4149.0 4150 4151 4150.0 02/23/15 02/23/15 02/24/15 02/24/15 02/24/15 02/24/15 02/24/15 02/24/15 02/24/15 02/25/15 02/25/15 02/25/15 02/25/15 02/25/15 GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC Emailed JN summary of deposition section and noted it for prep of AS at trial Meeting w/ TEAM to discuss trial strategy, division of Labor, motions Drafted Boston cross outline Meeting w/ JN and JF before meeting with Nat Smith to discuss how we are going to proceed at meeting Phone call JN regarding summary of todays meeting Review of letter AS wishes to send to Zachary Carter re indemnification from Mauriello claim Read, reviewed and took notes on Huffman deposition Follow-up email with NS re: meeting Drafted Huffman cross examination outline Review of John Eterno Deposition Listened and isolated points of 10/31 day tour recording from cross outline Listened to Huffman IAB interviews and reviewed Scott memo re same Discussion with JF re: Huffman cross Email correspondence w/NS re confidentiality Review of email from JN to NS re missing docs needed for crosses Drafted Huffman cross examination outline Drafted Valenti examination outline Review of Valenti deposition Review of patrol guide procedures re sick leave and AWOL Review of email from AS re timeline Page 185 0.300 3.500 1.500 1.000 0.200 0.100 3.000 0.250 3.400 1.900 1.250 1.100 0.750 0.250 0.250 3.400 2.400 1.500 0.900 0.400 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A 1 No. 4151.0 4152 4153 4152.0 4153.0 4154 4154.0 4155 4156 4155.0 4157 4156.0 4157.0 C B Date 02/25/15 02/26/15 02/26/15 02/26/15 GMC 02/26/15 02/26/15 02/26/15 GMC GMC GMC 4158 4158.0 02/26/15 GMC 4159.0 02/26/15 GMC 02/27/15 02/27/15 GMC GMC 02/27/15 GMC 02/27/15 GMC 03/02/15 03/03/15 GMC GMC 03/03/15 GMC 4167.0 03/04/15 GMC 4168.0 03/04/15 GMC 03/04/15 03/04/15 GMC GMC 03/04/15 GMC 03/04/15 03/05/15 GMC GMC 4159 4160 4161 4160.0 4161.0 4162 4162.0 4163 4163.0 4164 4165 4164.0 4165.0 4166 4166.0 4167 4168 4169 4170 4169.0 4170.0 4171 4171.0 4172 4173 4172.0 4173.0 4174 D i ;Tmekeepe Description ! GMC Email correspondence re: major points to hit with Valenti GMC Drafted Valenti examination GMC Review of all recordings inventory and identifying recordings that are missing Meeting w/JN and JF re: outstanding items we need from trial from NS Discussion with JF re: Valenti exmanination Email w/NS team re: missing recordings Phone call with JN regarding plaintiffs conversation with Huffman, recording of same and making transcripts of other recordings. Phone call w/JN and Merry Soeto re: IAB and DAO recording Email correspondence w/NS and JN re: IAB recorded interviews Review of deposition summaries by NS team Email and phone correspondence w/Veritext re: transcribing IAB recordings Email correspondence with NS and JN re: dep summaries, index of all exhibits, potential trial exhibits Emailed confidentiality stip to Veritext for transcribers to sign Review of deposition summaries by NS team Review and revise Huffman cross examination outline Phone call JN regarding lAB tapes, strategy for plaintiff direct and for use of home invasion audio in opening Review and revise Huffman cross examination outline Phone call with JN regarding Huffman cross -x points, and using Valenti deposition testimony to refute same and reassigning Sgt. James cross and obtaining a draft of direct for plaintiff from NS Phone and email call w/JN re: witness list E-mail exchange JN regarding Velez PBA transcript, copy of same E-mail exchange with JN regarding identity of other IAB investigator E-mail froim JN with revised witness list Received and reviewed (for accuracy) transcribed IAB recordings from Veritext Page 186 E Hours 0.300 3.400 1.800 1.100 0.500 0.400 0.400 0.300 0.250 3.800 1.250 0.400 0.250 1.400 1.800 0.500 2.300 0.500 0.300 0.100 0.100 0.100 2.750 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A 1 No. 4174.0 4175 4176 4177 4178 4179 4180 B Date 03/06/15 D C Timekeepe Description Review of defendants Reply memorandums for GMC SMJ 4175.0 4176.0 4177.0 4178.0 4179.0 4180.0 4181 4182 4181.0 4183 4182.0 4183.0 4184 4184.0 4185 4185.0 4186 4187 4186.0 4187.0 4188 4188.0 4189 4190 4189.0 4190.0 4191 4191.0 4192 4193 4192.0 4193.0 4194 4194.0 03/06/15 03/06/15 03/09/15 03/09/15 03/09/15 03/09/15 03/09/15 03/10/15 03/10/15 03/10/15 03/11/15 03/11/15 03/12/15 GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC Review of Lamstein depostion errata sheet Began drafting AS direct examination Discussion with JF to help outline AS direct examination Email and phone correspondence w/NS team re Schoolcraft recordings of 10/31 Draft AS direct examination, review deps, audios GMC GMC Email w/NS and JN re: exhibits and meeting Meeting w/ JF, JN, NS, and Jon L re trial, motions GMC GMC GMC GMC 03/12/15 03/12/15 03/13/15 GMC Email from AS re: witness list Draft AS direct examination, review deps, audios GMC Review of proposed jury instructions drafted by NS team Review of email from JN re: Draft AS direct examination, spoke to AS on phone, developed ideas re points to cover Review of production index and evidence to assess documents still missing and needed for review and incorporation into examinations Discussion with JF re: AS direct examination and points to cover, strategy Drafted and sent email to NS team re: missing documents Draft AS direct examination, reviewed docs, memos, recordings Review of interview memo of Stretmoyers Began Draft James cross examination, reviewed docs, memos, hospital records Drafted and entailed subpoenas of City defendants to NS 4198 4199 4198.0 4199.0 4200 4200.0 4201 1.000 0.800 0.400 0.300 0.300 4.800 1.500 0.600 5.500 0.100 2.250 0.100 4.300 03/13/15 03/13/15 03/16/15 03/16/15 GMC GMC GMC 03/16/15 GMC 03/16/15 GMC 4197 4197.0 2.250 0.600 0.300 Draft AS direct examination, review deps, audios GMC GMC 4196 4196.0 Hours 2.400 4195 4195.0 Discussion w/JN & JF re proposed witnesses Review of AS proposed witness list Review of plaintiffs consolidated 56.1 Review of Marino deposition Phone call w/NS re consolidated 56.1 Phone call w. JN regarding E -mails sent to Smith and setting up meeting with him and his trial team E 03/17/15 03/17/15 03/18/15 03/18/15 GMC GMC GMC GMC Page 187 0.400 0.250 3.400 1.400 1.300 0.300 6.250 0.300 5.400 0.750 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A 1 No. 4202 4201.0 4203 4202.0 4203.0 4204 4204.0 4205 4206 4205.0 4206.0 4207 4208 4207.0 4208.0 4209 4209.0 4210 4210.0 4211 4211.0 B C D Timekeepe Description Hours 03/18/15 03/18/15 03/19/15 GMC GMC GMC 0.250 0.250 03/19/15 GMC 03/19/15 03/20/15 GMC GMC 03/20/15 03/22/15 GMC GMC 03/23/15 GMC 03/23/15 GMC 03/23/15 GMC 03/23/15 GMC 03/23/15 03/23/15 GMC GMC 03/23/15 GMC 03/23/15 03/23/15 GMC GMC 03/23/15 GMC 03/23/15 GMC 03/23/15 03/24/15 GMC GMC 03/24/15 GMC 4223.0 03/24/15 GMC 4224.0 03/25/15 GMC Email w/JN re Schoolcraft direct Review of NS striking Lamstein report Draft James cross examination, reviewed docs, memos, hospital records Discussion with JF re: James cross examinaiton Review of NS verdict sheet Began Draft Sawyer cross examination, reviewed docs, memos, hospital records, audio Email re Kretz finding Schoolcraft Review of NS letter re Lamstein and emailed comments Draft Sawyer cross examination, reviewed does, memos, hospital records, audio Discussion with JF re: Sawyer points for cross examination Various email correspondence w/NS re: verdict sheet, Lamstein letter and exhibit list/chart 4212 3.900 0.750 0.250 4.800 0.250 0.400 2.750 0.600 0.500 4212.0 4213 4214 4213.0 4214.0 4215 4215.0 4216 4217 4216.0 4217.0 4218 4218.0 4219 4219.0 4220 4221 4220.0 4221.0 4222 4222.0 Meeting with JN regarding important points of Sgt/ James and Sgt. Sawyer's testimony Phone call w/JN re: James call to Lauterborn Phone correspondence w/ JN re: AS discussion of Home Invasion Email correspondence re: Schoolcraft short film Email to NS team re: PO Miller IAB tape Locate and send AS deposition testimony to help with JN crosses Review of Kretz supplemental interrogatories re Schoolcraft movie Email from JN w/portion of Lauterborn cross re James Email to NS re: Sawyer memo book Updated Huffman cross examination w/roll call recordings, QAD findings Meeting w/JN discussing role of Sadowsky, Miller and Sawyer; Also, QAD Huffman interview and relation to Mauriello and general trial strategy 4223 0.400 0.400 0.300 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.100 0.100 1.750 0.600 4224 4225 E Date Email and phone correspondence w/JN re: Huffman QAD connection Drafted email to NS team re: locating points of AS Audio recordings Page 188 0.300 0.250 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A 1 No. 4225.0 4226 4227 4226.0 4227.0 4228 4229 4228.0 4230 4229.0 4231 4230.0 4231.0 B Date 03/25/15 03/26/15 03/26/15 03/26/15 03/26/15 03/26/15 03/27/15 C D I Timekeepel Description Email correspondence w/JN and NS regarding GMC regular meetings Updated AS direct examination GMC Review of AS medical records from JHMC, Sure, GMC Luell, Forrest Hills GMC GMC GMC GMC Email correspondence w/AS re Kretz fetter Email from JN re: medical records Review of Kretz letter re film Phone call with NS, JL and JN regarding multiple issues related to prepping for trial, including exhibits, experts, jury charges, voir dire, speaking to landlord, prepping client and comp stat clips E Hours 0.250 3.250 2.300 0.100 0.100 0.100 1.900 4232 4232.0 03/27/15 GMC 4233 4233.0 03/27/15 GMC 4234 4234.0 4235 4236 4235.0 4237 4236.0 4237.0 4238 4238.0 4239 4240 4239.0 4241 4240.0 4241.0 4242 4242.0 4243 4244 4243.0 4245 4244.0 4246 4245.0 4246.0 4247 4247.0 4248 4248.0 4249 03/27/15 03/27/15 03/27/15 03/27/15 03/27/15 03/28/15 03/29/15 03/30/15 03/30/15 03/30/15 03/30/15 03/30/15 03/31/15 03/31/15 04/01/15 GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC Phone conference with JN, NS, JF, John Lenoir ("JL") Review of documents produced by Graham Raymond Various email correspondence JN and NS re: Meeting missing IA13 Lauterborn recording Review of Sgt. Chu and Scott memo Review of emails w/City re subpoenas Email correspondence w/Merry Soetano re: AS audio clips Phone call JN regarding preparing for conference call with NS today and using Veritext software Emailed JN and NS rough draft of AS direct Review of AS email, timeline, records Began Draft Broschart cross examination, reviewed does, memos, audio Phone call JN & JF regarding admissibility of tape recorded statements of persons interviewed by IAB Phone call w/JN re: Citys request to adjourn Review of AS letter requesting conference Email from JN w/IAB report Draft Broschart cross examination, reviewed does, memos, audio Email correspondence w/NS and JN re trial witnesses and exhibits Reviewed and revised Broschart cross examination 1.000 0.500 0.400 0.300 0.250 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.400 4.500 0.300 0.300 0.250 0.100 3.500 0.250 3.900 Page 189 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A 1 C B D No. Date Timekeepe Description 4249.0 1 04/01/15 GMC Phone Call with JN regarding important points from Valenti and Broschart and additional grounds for impeaching Huffman and difference between Administrative leave and lost time 04/01/15 04/02/15 04/02/15 GMC GMC GMC Email re: meeting w/JN, and NS team Meeting with JN and NS team Drafted and sent follow up emails w/NS team and JN after meeting re: exhibits Review of SK jury instructions along with email re: same Email and phone correspondence with veritext re: Lauterborn audio Phone call w/NS re IAB transcripts Phone call with JN regarding Lauterborn's second PG in September 2010 and getting recordings of same E 4250 4251 4250.0 4252 4251.0 4252.0 4253 4253.0 4254 4254.0 4255 4256 4255.0 4256.0 04/02/15 GMC 04/02/15 GMC 04/02/15 04/02/15 GMC GMC 4257.0 04/03/15 GMC 4258.0 04/03/15 GMC 4259.0 04/03/15 GMC 4260.0 04/03/15 GMC 04/04/15 04/04/15 04/05/15 GMC GMC GMC 04/05/15 04/06/15 04/06/15 GMC GMC GMC 04/06/15 04/06/15 04/06/15 GMC GMC GMC 04/06/15 04/06/15 GMC GMC 4257 4258 Updated revised and drafted Broschart cross examination outline Phone call JN regarding important point from Broschart testimony and defendants' of obsession to suspend and real reason for entering apartment (illegal search and destroy evidence) 4259 Hours 0.500 0.100 1.900 0.500 0.300 0.250 0.250 0.100 5.500 0.300 4260 4261 4262 4261.0 4263 4262.0 4263.0 4264 4265 4264.0 4266 4265.0 4266.0 4267 4268 4267.0 4269 4268.0 4269.0 4270 4271 4270.0 4272 4271.0 Review of revised Scott Korenbaum ("SK") jury instructions along with email re: same Review email from JN including AS performance report Email from NS re: revised exhibit list Review of revised verdict sheet from NS Email correspondence w/JN and NS re revised exhibit list Review email from JN including AS W2s Review and revised JF MIL Phone call with NS & JN regarding exhibit list, verdict sheet, important points for opening regarding Bernier and lsakov and failure of med departments to speak with 1AB Phone call w/JN and NS re: trial exhibits Review of audio clips from NS Review of revised SK jury instructions along with email re: same Email from NS re Audio clips Review of City letter request for extension Page 190 0.250 0.100 0.250 0.100 0.250 0.100 1.250 1.000 0.500 0.400 0.250 0.100 0.100 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) B A C D I No. Date Time keep Description 4272.0 1 04/06/15 GMC 4273 4273.0 4274 4275 4274.0 4275.0 4276 4276.0 4277 4277.0 4278 4278.0 4279 4280 4279.0 4280.0 4281 4281.0 04/07/15 04/07/15 04/07/15 04/07/15 04/07/15 04/07/15 04/07/15 04/08/15 04/08/15 GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC Review of email correspondence re Alan Scheirer ("AS") request for adjournment Began Draft Duncan cross examination, reviewed does, memos, audio Review of revised JF MIL Review and discuss NS letter to court re: delay of trial and announcing our rehiring w/JN Review of Jury Instructions from Magdelena Bauza ("MB") Phone call JN & NS regarding best strategy for handling City's request for adjournment Phone call with JN regarding City's application for adjournment Review of SK comments on JF MIL draft Draft Duncan cross examination, reviewed does, memos, audio Phone call with JN and JF regarding trial adjournment, proposed filings, various strategies for trying to make sure trial goes on April 20 E Hours 0.100 3.500 0.500 0.300 0.300 0.200 0.100 0.100 3.800 0.750 4282 4282.0 4283 4284 4283.0 4284.0 04/08/15 04/08/15 04/08/15 GMC GMC GMC 4285 4285.0 04/08/15 GMC Email and phone correspondence re: pushing trial back a week to avoid delay of trial post summer Final review of MIL Phone call JN regarding points from Duncan deposition regarding ESU, meat cleaver and travelling to Johnstown Phone call NS and JN re writing a supplemental letter to Court regarding trial date issues 0.600 0.300 0.200 0.200 4286 4286.0 4287 4288 4287.0 4288.0 4289 4289.0 4290 4291 4290.0 4292 4291.0 4293 4292.0 4294 4293.0 4294.0 4295 4295.0 4296 04/09/15 04/09/15 04/09/15 04/11/15 04/11/15 04/13/15 04/13/15 04/13/15 04/13/15 04/13/15 GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC Draft Duncan cross examination, reviewed does, memos, audio Emailed JN a portion of Duncan cross Emailed NS for BNIU exhibits for inclusion on JPTO Email correspondence w/JN and NS re: trial date and schedule Email w/NS re Home Invasion Transcript Update and revise Duncan cross examination, Conf. on trial date- case adjourned Meeting w/JN and JF re new trial date Email w/veritext re: changes to Home Invasion transcript Travel from SDNY for conference re: trial date (.5) 4.100 0.100 0.100 0.250 0.100 2.100 1.000 0.500 0.250 0.250 Page 191 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A B i C D No. Date Timekeepe Description 4296.0 04/13/15 GMC 04/13/15 GMC 4298.0 04/14/15 GMC Email correspondence w/RS and NS re: Lauterborn interview Email correspondence with SK re: Jury instructions 4299.0 04/15/15 GMC 04/15/15 04/15/15 GMC GMC 04/15/15 04/15/15 04/17/15 GMC GMC GMC 4305.0 04/17/15 GMC 4306.0 04/17/15 GMC 04/17/15 04/21/15 GMC GMC 04/27/15 GMC 04/29/15 05/05/15 05/05/15 05/05/15 05/08/15 GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC 05/12/15 05/12/15 05/12/15 05/12/15 05/12/15 05/13/15 05/14/15 GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC 05/15/15 GMC 05/18/15 GMC 05/21/15 GMC E Travel to SDNY for conference re: trial date (.5) 4297.0 1 4297 Hours 0.250 4298 4299 0.100 0.100 4300 4301 4300.0 4301.0 4302 4303 4302.0 4304 4303.0 4304.0 4305 4306 4307 4308 4307.0 4308.0 4309 4309.0 4310 4311 4310.0 4312 4311.0 4313 4312.0 4314 4313.0 4314.0 4315 4316 4315.0 4317 4316.0 4318 4317.0 4319 4318.0 4320 4319.0 4321 4320.0 4321.0 4322 4322.0 4323 4323.0 4324 4325 4324.0 Reviewed and revised Boston outline for deposition read ins Review of newly produced Lamstein notes Emailed w/JN and NS re mediation offer from the City Phone call w/JN re Boston unavailability Review of correspondence re: PAA Boston Phone call w/ rest of trial team regarding City' proposal for mediation and best strategy for responding Conference call with team re: best strategy for responding to City latest "offer" Phone call with JN & JF following up on phone call and discussing settlement position vs. going to trial Email from RS re Lauterborn audios Review of letter from City requesting more time for MIL 2.250 0.250 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.600 0.500 0.400 0.100 0.250 Email correspondence with City re: Lauterborn Audio Email with NS re trial issues and AS Read and review Ct's Opinion on SJ Discussion w/JN and JF re SMJ Email w/JN re SMJ opinion Discussion w/ JF & JN re decision and impact on trial and motion in lim Meeting w/NS team JN and JF pre-conf Team meeting following conf. Conf. trial adjourned to Oct. 19 Travel from SDNY for conf. (.5) Travel to SDNY for conf. (.5) Email correspondence w/SK re conference Email correspondence all parties re: pretrial submissions schedule Email correspondence all parties re: pretrial submissions schedule Review of letter motion titled by City re JPTO dates Email NS resettlement offer from City Page 192 0.250 0.250 1.400 0.500 0.100 0.800 1.500 1.250 1.000 0.250 0.250 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A 1 No. 4326 4325.0 4326.0 4327 4327.0 4328 4328.0 4329 4330 4329.0 4330.0 4331 4331.0 4332 4333 4332.0 4333.0 4334 4334.0 4335 4335.0 4336 4336.0 4337 4337.0 4338 4339 4338.0 4339.0 4340 4340.0 4341 4341.0 4342 4342.0 4343 4343.0 4344 4345 4344.0 4345.0 4346 4346.0 4347 4347.0 4348 4349 4348.0 4349.0 4350 4351 4350.0 B D C Date Timekeep Description 05/28/15 05/29/15 GMC GMC Email JN re Veritext bill Email w/JN and NS re: City bifurcation request E Hours 0.100 0.250 05/29/15 06/01/15 06/02/15 06/03/15 06/04/15 06/10/15 06/22/15 06/23/15 06/23/15 06/24/15 06/24/15 06/29/15 07/06/15 07/06/15 07/07/15 07/07/15 07/08/15 07/13/15 07/15/15 07/17/15 07/20/15 07/23/15 07/23/15 07/24/15 GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC Email correspondence all parties re: pretrial submissions schedule Review and comment on NS draft reconsideration Review of citys motion to bifurcate Review of email correspondence w/court re motions Review of Mauriello's motion for reconsideration Phone call with Schoolcrafts and JN Review of email correspondence re: opposition to reconsideration motions Review of email correspondence re: opposition to reconsideration motions Review of email correspondence re: opposition to reconsideration motions Review of email correspondence re: opposition to reconsideration motions Review of email correspondence w SK re: motion schedules Review of NS motion opposing bifurcation Review of opposition motions to defendants reconsideration motions Review of email correspondence between all parties Review of email correspondence between NS team re Eterno Review of email correspondence re: opposition to reconsideration motions Review of email correspondence between all parties Review of JHMC to NS motion for recon Review of email correspondence between all parties Review of Email correspondence between JL and NS re: John Eterno Review of Email correspondence between JN and NS re: John Eterno Review of reply memo for AS Review of City Defendants reply affirmations recoil motions Schoolcraft team meeting Page 193 0.100 0.400 0.250 0.250 0.500 0.800 0.250 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.250 0.750 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.300 0.100 0.250 0.100 0.750 0.500 2.900 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A B 4351.0 Date 07/24/15 4352.0 4353.0 4354.0 4355.0 4356.0 4357.0 07/24/15 07/27/15 07/27/15 07/28/15 07/29/15 07/30/15 No. 1 4352 4353 4354 4355 4356 4357 4358 4359 4358.0 4360 4359.0 4361 4360.0 4362 4361.0 4363 4362.0 4364 4363.0 4365 4364.0 4366 4365.0 4366.0 4367 4367.0 07/30/15 07/30/15 07/31/15 08/03/15 08/03/15 08/03/15 08/04/15 08/04/15 08/05/15 C D Timekeepe Description GMC Phone call with JN & JF regarding issues to discuss at meeting today with rest of trial team GMC Follow up email Schoolcraft team re trial docs GMC Email JN re Polanco as witness GMC Email w MS re: master exhibit list GMC Review of updated jury instructions GMC Emails with Schoolcraft team re: settlement GMC Phone call JN regarding settlement position & response to City's settlement position and response to City's settlement overtures GMC Phone call w/JN and NS re settlement GMC Emails with Schoolcraft team re: settlement GMC Emails with Schoolcraft team re: settlement GMC Review and revise Gough cross GMC Review and revise Duncan cross GMC Email w/NS re Gough deposition GMC Phone call w/JN re: witness list and exhibit list GMC Review of NS revised witness and exhibit list GMC Phone calls with JN and NS re: exhibit and witness list 08/07/15 GMC 4368.0 08/07/15 GMC 4369.0 08/09/15 GMC 4370.0 08/10/15 GMC 4371.0 08/11/15 GMC 08/11/15 08/11/15 08/12/15 08/12/15 08/13/15 08/13/15 08/13/15 08/14/15 GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC 08/14/15 GMC 08/14/15 08/14/15 08/18/15 GMC GMC GMC E Hours 0.500 0.300 0.100 0.100 0.400 0.100 0.400 0.400 0.100 0.100 3.300 2.750 0.100 0.400 0.300 1.000 Phone call with JN, JL & NS regarding multiple issues in defendants' respective JPTO's 4368 1.000 4369 4370 4371 4372 4373 4372.0 4374 4373.0 4375 4374.0 4376 4375.0 4377 4376.0 4378 4377.0 4379 4378.0 4379.0 4380 4380.0 4381 4382 4381.0 4383 4382.0 4384 4383.0 Review of Bernier and Jsakov proposed JPTO sections Review of email correspondence re: JPTO and motion deadlines Review of email correspondence re: JPTO and motion deadlines Draft Yeager examination - review records, listen to audio and work of transcription Review of City defendants JPTO Review of new discovery served by City Add to and revise Yeager examination Update and revise Gough examination Reviewed and updated Sawyer examination Update and revise James cross examination Review of correspondence all parties re: JPTO Review and update cross examination drafts to date and emailed all to team Review of Lauterborn transcribed audio interview and emailed to team Review of City's email re JPTO Email re: City filing JPTO without our input Phone call and email w/JN re Huffman Page 194 0.500 0.100 0.100 2.400 0.750 0.250 3.400 2.500 3.750 2.900 0.100 4.800 0.600 0.250 0.100 0.300 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A 1 No. 4385 4384.0 4386 4385.0 4387 4386.0 4387.0 4388 4389 4388.0 4390 4389.0 4391 4390.0 4391.0 4392 4393 4392.0 4393.0 4394 4395 4394.0 4395.0 4396 4397 4396.0 4398 4397.0 4398.0 4399 4400 4399.0 4400.0 D1 C B Date Timekeepe Description 08/21/15 08/21/15 08/22/15 08/24/15 GMC GMC GMC GMC , 08/24/15 08/24/15 08/24/15 08/26/15 08/26/15 08/27/15 08/31/15 09/01/15 09/02/15 09/03/15 09/08/15 09/08/15 09/08/15 GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC Sent updated crosses to team Email all parties re MIL due date Updated AS examination and sent to team Reviewed JN cross outlines and updated witness examinations Drafted points to discuss w/JN Review of NS email re upstate visits to AS Received JN cross examinations Reviewed JN cross outlines and updated my own witness examinations Drafted points to discuss w/JN Reviewed JN cross outlines and updated my own witness examinations Review of JF MIL with additional points Reviewed JN cross outlines and updated my own witness examinations Drafted points to discuss w/JN Review of City letter re: JPTO schedule Update and revise Schoolraft direct examination Phone call with Adrian Schoolcraft re: trial Phone call with JN & JF recapping discussion with defense counsel and clients over the weekend Hours 0.250 0.100 2.900 1.750 0.400 0.250 0.100 3.300 0.750 2.500 0.500 2.800 1.400 0.250 3.400 0.750 0.600 4401 4401.0 4402 4403 4404 4405 4406 E 4402.0 4403.0 4404.0 4405.0 4406.0 4407 4408 4407.0 4408.0 4409 4410 4409.0 4411 4410.0 4412 4411.0 4412.0 4413 4414 4413.0 4414.0 4415 09/08/15,. 09/08/15 09/09/15 09/10/15 09/11/15 09/11/15 09/11/15 09/15/15 09/16/15 09/16/15 09/16/15 09/16/15 09/16/15 09/16/15 GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC GMC Phone call with NS, JF and JN regarding best strategy for handling settlement discussions with the City Phone call w/JN re Schoolcrafts Review and update Valenti deposition Update Huffman cross examination Review of email time line from Schoolcraft Phone calls with NS and JN re City settlement offer Email w/JN re Schoolcraft timeline Reviewed JN cross outlines and updated my own witness examinations Review of NS cross examination outlines Phone call w/Schoolcraft re settlement Review of new Rule 68 offer Review of NS memo to Schoolcraft re settlement Email w NS re memo and settlement Review of NS email to Schoolcraft resettlement 0.600 0.300 1.250 2.750 0.900 0.800 0.100 2.300 3.600 0.800 0.500 0.300 0.250 0.100 Page 195 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A B C D 4415.0 Date 02/16/13 Timekeep Description JL Review of case history and complaint; document 4416.0 02/17/13 JL 4417.0 02/18/13 JL 4418.0 02/19/13 JL 4419.0 02/20/13 JL 4420.0 02/21/13 No. 1 4416 4417 preparation for presentation to DOJ Review of case files and and audio recordings; document preparation to formally request DOJ intervention Review of case timeline and document preparation for Main Justice and US Attorney presentation 4418 Hours 3.500 3.250 4.000 4419 4420 JL 4421 4421.0 03/20/13 JL 4422.0 04/01/13 JL 4423.0 04/09/13 JL 4424.0 04/10/13 JL 4425.0 04/11/13 JL 4426.0 04/25/13 JL 4427.0 04/26/13 JL 4428.0 04/27/13 JL 4429.0 05/09/13 JL 4430.0 05/12/13 JL 4431.0 05/13/13 JL 4432.0 05/16/13 JL 4422 Telephone conference with EDNY Civil Rts Chief Pam Chen; document preparation. Prepare draft letters to DOJ--Main Justcie and USAO, EDNY Telephone conference with Peter Gleason and client Schoolcraft in reference to case preparation for trial (DOJ letter review). Final Draft, review and mail of letters to Main Justice and US Attorney Meeting with Peter Gleason to prepare for client meeting April 7 and court appearance April 10 4423 0.750 1.500 1.250 1.500 1.000 4424 Meeting with Nat Smith to prepare for Hearing April 10, 2013 Court: Hearing re discovery before Judge Sweet SDNY, 500 Pearl Street, NYC. Meeting w/Smith to review hearing and discovery plan. 4425 2.500 3.250 4426 Meeting with R. Koshets; Nat Smith; Peter Gleason; Gilbert to review NYPD pending internal charges v. client Meeting with Adrian Schoolcraft and Nat Smith to prepare client for depositions; review status of case 4427 2.750 1.250 4428 4429 4430 4431 4432 4433 E Meeting with Adrian Schoolcraft and Nat Smith to prepare for depositions Meeting with Schoolcraft and Nat Smith to prepare for depositions. Meeting with Nat Smith to review and prepare discovery, engage investigator and prepare depositions Review of audio recordings made by client; sort and prepare summaries. Meet investigator Helena Melisi; review case re engagement as investigator Telephone call with Nat Smith and Helena Melisi re: NYPD reinstatement options for AS. Page 196 5.750 5.500 3.250 4.500 2.750 0.750 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A 1 No. 4433.0 Date 05/16/13 4434 4434.0 05/17/13 4435 4435.0 05/17/13 4436 4436.0 05/18/13 4437 4437.0 05/21/13 4438 4438.0 06/05/13 Timekeepe Description Review of IAB reports of interviews with JL individual officers Telephone call with Nat Smith 3:30-4:15 and draft JL email re: strategy for NYPD departmental hearing June 17-18, 2013. Review of IAB interviews of individual defendants JL and others; prepare notes Review of IAB interviews; telephone call with Nat JL Smith and AS re: strategy for NYPD departmental hearing Meeting with Nat Smith and telephone call with JL James McCutcheon re: NYPD departmental trial strategy Appearance in court; Sweet, J. redpositions and JL discovery status; post hearing conf w/Smith 1 Hours 2.750 1.500 4.250 3.500 2.250 1.750 4439 4439.0 06/07/13 JL 4440 4440.0 06/09/13 JL 4441 4441.0 06/26/13 JL 4442 4442.0 07/10/13 JL 4443 4442.0 07/10/13 JL 4444 4443.0 06/26/13 JL 4445 4445.0 08/06/13 JL 4446 4446.0 08/07/13 JL 4447 4447.0 08/24/13 JL 4448 4448.0 08/27/13 JL 4449 4449.0 08/27/13 JL 4450 4450.0 4451 E D C B 09/04/13 JL Meeting with potential expert witnesses, Dr. Tom Litwack, Dr. Eli Silverman and Dr. John Eterno; introduction of Nat Smith to experts Review and edit of Memorandum and proposed Order for filing with Court Meeting with client and Nat Smith - Johnston New York Holiday Inn. 7 hours are travel time billed separately Travel for meeting with client and Nat Smith -Albany Meeting with client and co -counsel Smith in Albany NY. Full review of discovery and trial posture. (7 hr travel) Travel for meeting with client and Nat Smith Johnston New York Holiday Inn. Confirm with Tom Litwack meeting re: Expert Witness participation Meeting with trial illustrator (11am-1pm). Meeting with potential expert witness, Dr. Tom Litwack (3pm-5pm). Telephone conference with Smith re invest report on DCPI Brown Client meeting at, Saugerties, NY. with Nat Smith; Review case status and strategy with client. [7 hr travel] Travel from NYC to Saugerties and return for client meeting Prepare biweekly status report for client;; review motion status and prepare case report. Page 197 2.500 1.000 5.500 3.500 5.000 3.500 0.750 3.500 0.500 5.500 3.500 1.500 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A B 4451.0 Date 09/10/13 4452 4453 4452.0 4453.0 09/13/13 09/25/13 No. 1 4454 I C D Timekeepe Description JL Review of documents in preparation for client's examination before trial JL Prepare status report for client JL Prepare for hearing on discovery (1.0); Oral Argument re: discovery - USDC SDNY Sweet, J (.75).; consultation with client and Smith in preparation for depositions (4.75) JL Representation of client along with co -counsel Smith in examination before trial by defendant Mauriello and NYC - Walter Kretz law office 444 Madison Avenue, NY. 4454.0 09/26/13 4455.0 09/27/13 JL 09/30/13 JL 4457.0 10/04/13 JL 4458.0 10/07/13 JL 4459.0 10/08/13 JL 4460.0 10/09/13 JL 4461.0 10/10/13 JL Review of Mauriello examination before trial notes. Preparing dots and audio recordings for Marino deposition; Tel Conf with Smith Meeting with client and Smith re depositions of Mauriello and Marino co -counsel w/Smith in deposition of Marino; post depo confer /Smith and client Telephone conference with Smith and client re case status after Marino depo Telephone conference with Smith re depositions 4462.0 10/13/13 JL 4463.0 10/14/13 JL 4464.0 10/16/13 JL 4465.0 10/16/13 JL 4466.0 10/23/13 JL 10/25/13 JL Appearance in court re attorney video of deposition -Bernier 4455 4456 6.500 9.000 9.000 4457 4458 4459 4460 4461 4462 0.750 2.750 3.500 9.000 0.500 0.500 4463 4464 4465 4466 Telephone conference with Smith and NYACLU re assistance in case Telephone conference with Smith re status of case and share of responsibilities co -counsel at deposition Dfnt Bernier - 111 Broadway- by H. Suckle Prepare deposition of defendant Lauterborn (1.25). Hearing re: Discovery and Defendant Mauriello counterclaim - USDC, SDNY, Judge Sweet (.75). Review of hearing results (.50); prepare report for client (2.75) 4467 4468 4.500 0.500 Telephone conference with Smith re PD expert report and testimony; Tel Conf w/Eterno 4467.0 Hours Co -counsel with Smith in representation of client at deposition of client by defendant Mauriello and Jamaica Hospital defendants - Callan, Koster, Brady & Brennan, LLP - One Whitehall Street, 10th Floor New York, NY 10004. 4456.0 E 0.750 0.750 1.750 5.250 1.500 Page 198 0.750 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A 1 INo. 4468.0 D C B Date Timekeepe Description 11/01/13 JL E Hours Review does and audio for Lauterborn deposition 2.750 4469 4469.0 11/07/13 JL Prepare and take w/Smith examination before trial of defendant Lauterborn. Review documents and audio recordings; prepare exhibits. 9.500 4470 4470.0 11/13/13 JL 4471 4471.0 11/14/13 JL 4472 4472.0 11/17/13 JL 4473 4473.0 11/18/13 JL Motion hearing at Judge Sweet Courtroom; review of hearing outcome w/co-counsel; draft report to client. Review of hospital and NYPD files and audio recordings in preparation for examination before trial of Bernier and Mauriello. Review of client Schoolcraft examination before trial. Consultation with non-party witnesses, audio recordings of IAB interviews and document review. 3.750 5.500 2.250 2.500 4474 4474.0 11/21/13 JL 4475 4475.0 11/22/13 JL 4476 4476.0 11/24/13 JL 4477 4477.0 11/26/13 JL 4478 4478.0 11/27/13 JL Review and produce Marino and Lauterborn video depositions; reconcile Plaintiff depositions transcript with video. Mauriello terminated examination before trial preparation; review of Court's decision and additional City discovery documents provided. Review of Plaintiffs depositions (1.00); review defendant Mauriello and Lauterborn depositions and produce videos (2.25); prepare status report (.75). Review of depositions; prepare challenge to City Defendant obstructions; prepare for Lt. Caughey examination before trial. Review of examination before trial transcripts with video; prepare for Defendant Caughey examination. 2.750 2.750 4.000 5.500 2.750 4479 4479.0 11/29/13 JL 4480 4480.0 11/30/13 JL 4481 4481.0 12/01/13 JL Review of Marino and Lauterborn depositions re response City's Refusal to Allow Witness to Respond and otherwise interferes with the examination before trial. Review of dfnt Marino and Lauterborn examination before trial research for motion to compel and additional requests for production. Review of Marino and Lauterborn examinations before trial to identify areas for motion to compel] and additional requests for production. 2.000 2.500 1.750 4482 Page 199 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A B C No. Date 4482.0 12/02/13 4483.0 12/07/13 4484.0 12/09/13 4485.0 12/11/13 JL 4486.0 12/11/13 JL 4487.0 12/18/13 JL 4488 4489 4488.0 4489.0 12/19/13 12/20/13 JL JL 4490.0 12/24/13 JL 4491.0 12/26/13 JL 4492.0 12/29/13 JL 4493.0 12/30/13 JL 4494.0 01/02/14 JL 4495.0 01/03/14 JL 4496.0 01/06/14 JL 4497.0 01/10/14 JL 4498.0 01/12/14 JL 01/13/14 01/15/14 JL JL 01/29/14 JL 1 4483 4484 D I Timekeepe Description JL Telephone conference with Smith and client re case status of depositions JL Telephone conference with Smith re Mauriello counterclaim JL Prepare and 2d seat with Smith examination before trial for dfnt Caughey; meeting with Peter Kelley re potential assistance in trial prep. 4485 E Hours 1.500 0.500 7.750 4486 4487 4490 4491 Represent client (w/Bauza) at depo of Larry Schoolcraft--Albany [8:30 travel time] Amtrak NYC - Albany - NYC for Larry Schoolcraft deposition (w/Bauza) Prepare for defendant Mauriello examination before trial; review of motion for reconsideration. Prepare for Mauriello examination before trial. Represent client with Smith at Mauriello examination before trial at Scoppetta Seiff Kretz & Abercrombie. Telephone conference with Smith and client re case status and possible settlement range Meeting with Smith, Bauza and client to review Mauriello EBT; review settlement perameters 4492 6.500 4.250 3.250 2.750 9.500 0.750 2.000 4493 4494 4495 4496 Meeting with client, Smith and Bauza re status and go -forward; review audio recordings Confer with John Curran re Stroz Friedberg analysis of recording device and audio enhancement Telephone conference with Smith re status and schedule of depositions Preparing docs and audio for Sgt Huffman and PAA Boston depositions co -counsel w/Smith depositions of Huffman and Boston; post EBT review w/Smith and Bauza 4497 2.500 1.250 0.750 2.500 9.500 4498 4499 4500 4499.0 4500.0 4501 4502 4501.0 Prepare case files and review audio records for future depositions Prepare for Hanlon deposition; review docs and audio files co -counsel w/Smith at Hanlon deposition Appearance in court, Sweet, J. re discovery; confer with Smith and Bauza re status Preparing for Lamstein deposition Page 200 2.000 1.750 8.500 1.500 2.000 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A 1 No. 4502.0 Date 01/30/14 4503 4503.0 4504 4505 4504.0 4506 4505.0 4507 4506.0 4507.0 4508 4508.0 4509 4509.0 4510 4510.0 4511 4511.0 4512 4512.0 4513 4513.0 4514 4515 4514.0 4515.0 4516 4516.0 4517 4517.0 4518 4519 4518.0 4520 4519.0 4520.0 4521 4521.0 4522 4522.0 4523 4523.0 4524 4524.0 4525 4525.0 4526 4527 4526.0 02/03/14 02/04/14 02/05/14 02/06/14 02/10/14 02/11/14 02/12/14 02/13/14 02/16/14 02/18/14 02/19/14 D C B Timekeepe Description conduct as co -counsel w/Smith Lamstein JL depositiion Telephone conference with Smith re deposition JL schedules Prepare and review discovery demands. JL Conference with Smith re: discovery demands. JL Conference call with client re: discovery. JL Preparing depositions of Bernier and Isakof; review JL NYS 9.39 Deposition of defendant Dr. Bernier.111 B'Way--co. JL counsel with Smith and Suckel co -counsel with Smith and Suckle at deposition of JL Defendant Dr. Isakov. Review with Smith notes and exhibits of JL depositions of Bernier and Isakov. Telephone conference with client and Smith re case JL status and way ahead Review of discovery demands with counsel and JL client. Review of correspondence re: discovery demands. JL tel conf client and Smith re discovery E Hours 8.500 0.500 1.500 1.750 1.000 2.500 8.500 7.500 1.000 1.250 1.500 1.750 02/23/14 02/24/14 02/25/14 02/26/14 02/27/14 02/27/14 02/28/14 03/03/14 03/04/14 03/05/14 03/05/14 03/07/14 03/07/14 JL JL JL JL JL JL JL JL JL JL JL JL JL Telephone conference. Smith re depositions Review file to prepare examination before trial material for Gough. Prepare examination before trial materials for Weiss. Prepare examination before trial materials for Duncan. Prepare examination before trial Marquez. Prepare for Sangianetti. Prepare examination before trial docs for Sergeant James. Prepare examination before trial materials for Broschart. Counsel conference call. Smith re status and strategy. Needs for trial preparation. Review discovery and depositions; update case status report for client Prepare examination before trial materials for Timothy Trainor. Draft, review and edit correspondence re: discovery. Research re: NYS CPL 190.25(4). Page 201 0.750 1.500 0.750 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.750 0.750 1.500 1.250 0.500 1.250 0.750 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A B No. 4527.0 Date 03/09/14 4528.0 03/10/14 4529.0 1 03/11/14 4528 4529 C ' D I Time keep Description JL Review research re: response to City Defendants non -production. JL Schoolcraft research for response to discovery and deposition issues and hearing. JL Schoolcraft research and draft letter to court re: discovery and deposition issues (4.00); confer w/cocounsel (1.00) 4530 4530.0 03/12/14 JL 03/13/14 JL 4532.0 03/13/14 JL Hearing and conference. SDNY Sweet, J., re discovery status Schoolcraft preparation fr Hearing re: discovery. 4533.0 03/14/14 JL 03/16/14 JL 03/17/14 JL 4536.0 03/18/14 JL Review schedule of examination before trial w Smith and opposing counsel. Review and consultation with Mauriello counsel re: scheduling of inspection in Johnstown, New York; related discovery review and research. 4537.0 03/19/14 JL 4538.0 03/21/14 JL 4539.0 03/24/14 JL 4540.0 03/25/14 JL 4541.0 03/26/14 JL 4542.0 03/27/14 JL 4543.0 03/28/14 JL 4544 4545 4544.0 4545.0 4546 03/30/14 03/31/14 JL JL 5.000 Update case status report; Prep plaintiff demands in discovery and re -schedule depositions. 4535.0 3.500 Review scheduling for examination before trial. 4534.0 1.000 Schoolcraft preparation for Hearing re: discovery. 4531.0 E Hours 4531 2.500 4532 4533 0.750 2.500 4534 0.750 4535 2.000 4536 4537 1.500 1.250 4538 4539 4540 4541 4542 4543 Review City Defendants production requests; research and prepare response and plaintiff production demands. Tel conf with client. Review City Defendants' correspondence re: discovery demands. Prepare deposition schedules in consult with Smith and defendants counsel. Review discovery and prep motion draft. Review City Defendants' supplemental discovery demands. Appearance in court for hearing re discovery status and issues (.75); prep plaintiff discovery production (2.75). Prepare, review, and edit correspondence re 30(b)(6) examination before trial. Finalize Plaintiff 30(b)(6) notices. Prepare examination of City 30(b)(6) witnesses Review jury instructions with Magdelena. Consultation re: settlement context strategy and demands. (Smith and client) Page 202 4.500 0.750 3.750 0.750 3.500 1.500 3.250 1.000 1.500 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A 1 No. 4546.0 4547 4548 4547.0 4548.0 4549 4549.0 4550 4550.0 4551 4551.0 4552 4552.0 4553 4553.0 4554 4554.0 C B Date 04/01/14 04/02/14 04/03/14 04/04/14 04/07/14 D I _ Timekeepe Description memorandum/ telephone call to City Prepare trial JL JL JL JL JL re: settlement/ and prepare for Trainor and Gough examination before trial. Prepare draft trial memorandum. Review terms and strategy re: settlement negotiations. Smith and client. Review correspondence to Court re: referral to Magistrate; consult re: settlement strategy. Review filings (ECF posts) and correspondence. 2.750 1.500 1.500 1.000 1.500 04/09/14 JL Review settlement strategy with client; Hearing . 2.250 04/10/14 04/11/14 04/13/14 JL JL JL Prepare/conduct w co -counsel Smith examination before trial of Trainor. Prepare/conduct as co -counsel w/ Smith examination before trial of Gough. Meet possible Psychiatric expert Dr. Lubit; review case and discuss Dr. Lubit's participation. 8.250 7.500 2.750 4555 4555.0 4556 4557 4556.0 4557.0 04/14/14 04/15/14 04/16/14 JL JL JL Telephone conference with client, Smith and MJ Freeman re: settlement demands and discovery issues. Review ECF filing by JHC defendant. Meeting with Smith (1.25); research on jury verdicts/awards (2.25); telephone conference with client to discuss settlement and trial issues (1.00). 1.500 0.500 4.500 4558 4558.0 04/17/14 JL 4559 4559.0 04/18/14 JL 4560 4560.0 04/25/14 JL 4561 4561.0 04/26/14 JL 4562 4562.0 04/27/14 JL Schoolcraft settlement research (1.00); consultation with Smith (2.00); telephone conf with Schoolcraft re: settlement issues (1.25). Research on detention verdicts (.75), discussion and planning re: settlement (1.00); telephone call with defense counsel (.50). Tel conf with client and Smith (.75) Prepare/conduct w/Smith examination before trial for Sawyer. Telephone conference with client and Smith re: settlement. Telephone conference with client re: settlement and trial strategy re: medical! defendants and PTS. 3.250 3.000 6.250 1.000 1.500 4563 4563.0 04/28/14 JL 4564 4564.0 4565 E Hours 04/29/14 JL Prepare/conduct w/Smith examination before trial: Duncan. Schoolcraft meeting (client and Smith) re: settlement strategy and discovery schedule. Page 203 7.500 1.500 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A B No. Date 4565.0 1 04/30/14 C D Timekeepe Description JL Schoolcraft hearing with Judge Sweet re: discovery ' E Hours (.75); post hearing consultation with Smith and Henry Steinglass re: trial strategy (2.75). 4566 3.500 4566.0 05/01/14 JL Conference with Smith re: prior counsel fees/expenses; brief client on settlement issues; research re: use/abuse of psychiatry for poitical intimidation and retaliation. 4567.0 05/02/14 JL Review and conf (all counsel) with re: deposition schedules; review case law re: settlement (range of awards of involuntary confinement, false arrest..). 4568.0 05/05/14 JL 4569.0 05/06/14 JL Telephone conference with Smith re proposed mtn to compel Research and confer with Nat Smith re: settlement issues (1.00); discussion with client re: settlement (1.25); preparation of status report (.75). 4570.0 05/07/14 JL 4571.0 05/08/14 JL 4572.0 05/09/14 JL 4573.0 05/10/14 JL 4574.0 05/11/14 JL 4575.0 05/12/14 JL Preparation/conduct w/Smith EBT of Sgt Shantel James; EBT Sgt James 10am-3:30pm; review of EBT; follow up with Dr. Halpern -Ruder; EMT/ER expert. 4576.0 05/13/14 JL meet (w/Smith) with potential witness for plaintiff; NYPD Lt (Ret) Joseph Ferrara; telephone conference with Chris Dunne re: possible settlement issues; prepare EBTs of the EMTs. [POV travel to -from Holbrook NY --3:00] 4567 4568 1.750 1.750 4569 4570 0.500 3.000 4571 4572 4573 4574 Prepare and review response to City Motion re: 30(b)(6) EBT. Prepare for settlement conference (1.25); conference call with Magistrate Freeman re: settlement (.75); review settlement negotiations (2.00); research and outreach to proposed ER Medicine expert (1:00). Review hospital records; City production re: 081 lockers; prepare status report. Consultation and correspondence with Nat Smith re: City defendants' discovery production re: 081 lockers; prepare EBT of Sgt James. Consultation by telephone with Dr. Halpern -Ruder re: EMT and ER procedures as potential expert witness; review correspondence with client. 4575 1.000 4.500 1.250 2.500 2.000 4576 4577 7.000 4.500 Page 204 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) I A 1 1No. 4577.0 1 B Date 05/13/14 C I D I Timekeepe Description Drive (Lenoir's POV) from 111 Broadway, NY, NY JL to Long Island to meet with Lt Ferrara (ret) Hours 1.500 4578 4578.0 05/14/14 JL 4579 4579.0 05/15/14 JL 4580 4580.0 05/15/14 JL 4581 4581.0 05/16/14 JL 4582 4582.0 05/19/14 JL EBT (w/Smith) of Marquez, EMT/JHC; prepare status report. Preparation/conduct w/Smith EBT of Sangetti; EMT/JHC; preparation - conduct post depo-review with Smith. Review of EBT; review case and settlement strategy with client and Smith Prepare EBT for Broschart - review City motion to strike 30(b)(6) issues. Prepare for meeting with client and full status review of discovery; settlement and trial strategy. 7.500 5.250 1.750 2.500 2.250 4583 4583.0 05/20/14 JL 4584 4584.0 05/20/14 JL 4585 4585.0 05/27/14 JL 4586 4586.0 05/28/14 JL 4587 4587.0 05/30/14 JL 4588 4588.0 05/31/14 JL Consultation with client re: discovery; settlement and trial strategy; settlement conference call with Magistrate Freeman and client; Verizon "Hot Spot" interne connectivity device for client communication. POV (Lenoir) 111 Broadway; NYC to Johnston, N Y and return for consultation with client re: discovery; settlement and trial strategy; and settlement Research and outreach re: potential Law Enforcement expert(s) research re: damages and settlement issues. Preparation for hearing (1.50); hearing re: EBT City 30(b)(6) issues (.75); review court holdings (.75); prepare Weiss EBT (4.50). Review w/co-counsel EBT Jamaica Hospital 30(b)(6); Skype conference with client (:30). Skype conference with client to review discovery, 4589.0 06/02/14 JL 5.500 3.500 2.000 7.500 1.500 1.000 etc. 4589 Telephone conference with client (1.25); prepare additional discovery requests (1.25); review status of discovery received from defendants (2.00). 4.500 4590 4590.0 06/04/14 JL 4591 4591.0 4592 E 06/04/14 JL Represent (with Smith) Ferrara at City deposition, 100 Church St Meeting with Smith and Ferrara to prepare for examination before trial; review EBT materials: dcuments and audio. Page 205 4.500 3.500 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A B No. Date 4592.0 1 06/06/14 1 C D Timekeepe Description JL Telephone conference with law enforcement experts; call with John Eterno and Eli Silverman; review and discuss law enforcement expert report and testimony; prepare status report for client and trial team. 4593 4593.0 06/09/14 JL 4594.0 06/11/14 JL 4595.0 06/11/14 JL 4596.0 06/12/14 JL 4597.0 06/13/14 JL 06/16/14 JL Prepare status report for client; draft trial memo 4599.0 06/18/14 JL Prepare for and conduct (with Smith) Broschart examination before trial; review notes. 4600.0 06/19/14 JL 4601.0 06/20/14 JL Status update on discovery schedule for client and trial team. Telephone conference with co -counsel re: law enforcement experts; draft retainer agreements. 4602.0 06/21/14 JL 4603.0 06/23/14 JL 4604.0 06/25/14 JL 4605.0 06/26/14 JL 4606.0 06/27/14 JL 4594 4595 4596 Telephone conference with client; preparation and review discovery and settlement issues. (with Smith) Prepare and meet with Dr. Dan Halpern -Ruder in Providence RI re proposed EMT and ER expert. Drive POV (Lenoir's) from 111 Broadway to Providence, RI to meet with Dr. Dan Halpern proposed EMT and ER expert Return drive POV (Lenoir's) to 111 Broadway NYC from Providence, RI for meeting with Dr. Dan Halpern proposed EMT and ER expert. 4597 2.000 4.000 2.250 2.000 4598 2.000 4599 1.750 4600 7.500 4601 4602 1.000 2.000 4603 4604 4605 4606 4607 2.750 Telephone conference with Eterno and Silverman re: law enforcement expert research and testimony; review and preparation of retainer agreements. 4598.0 E Hours Draft and review law enforcement expert retainer agreement. Prepare for, and conduct with Smith dfnt Duncan examination before trial; review Duncan examination before trial. Telephone conference with party counsel and co counsel re:discovery scheduling. Telephone conference with client, co -counsel and psychiatric expert re: meeting with client; call with co -counsel re: examination before trial scheduling. 2.000 Meeting (telephone conference) with client; cocounsel and expert re: evaluation by psychiatric expert. 2.500 Page 206 0.500 7.500 1.000 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) 8 A No. Date 4607.0 1 06/29/14 E D C Hours Timekeepe Description Telephone conference with client; co -counsel and JL expert (Lubit) re: scheduling of evaluation meeting. 1.000 4608 4608.0 06/30/14 JL 4609 4609.0 07/01/14 JL Meeting with client (2.00); arrange meeting with psychiatric expert (2.00); conference with Dr. Lubit; call with client re: evaluation (1.25). Prepare and conduct w/Smith examination before trial for Mauriello. Review w/client and Smith. 5.250 8.500 4610 4610.0 07/02/14 JL 4611 4611.0 07/03/14 JL 4612 4612.0 07/04/14 JL 4613 4613.0 07/07/14 JL Telephone conference with client re: deposition review and trial preparation; Adrian departs NYC via Amtrak Prepare and review w/Smith re: Dr. Lwin's examination before trial. Prepare for 30(b)(6) depositions and other JHC witnesses. Prepare for and attend deposition as co -counsel; and review; 30(b)(6) witness to testify about JHMC's policy on involuntary hospitalization. 1.000 3.500 3.750 4.500 4614 4614.0 07/08/14 JL Schedule and plan remaining depositions (2.00); review final discovery productions (2.50). 4.500 4615 4615.0 07/09/14 JL Negotiate expert agreements with Dr. Silverman and Dr. Eterno; draft retainer contracts; conference call to resolve issues, finalize expert agreement and schedule meetings and reports; and prepare for City 30(b)(6) examination before trial. 1.750 4616 4616.0 07/10/14 JL Consultation and negotiation with psych and law enforcement experts; revise retainer agreements. 2.250 4617 4617.0 07/11/14 JL Arrange and negotiate terms for ER MD expert witness; prepare for City examination before trial. 1.750 4618 4618.0 07/14/14 JL Prepare for City 30(b)(6) examination before trial. 2.250 4619 4619.0 07/15/14 JL 4620 4620.0 07/16/14 JL 4621 4621.0 07/17/14 JL 4622 4622.0 4623 I 07/18/14 JL Conduct two City 30(b)(6) examinations before trial. Conduct two City 30(b)(6) examination before trial. Conduct two City 30(b)(6) examination before trial. Prepare, do, and review telephone call with MD expert; client and co -counsel. Page 207 7.500 7.000 7.000 2.500 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A B C D Date 07/21/14 07/22/14 07/30/14 Timekeepe JL JL JL 07/31/14 J1, 08/01/14 JL 08/04/14 JL 08/05/14 JL 08/06/14 JL 08/07/14 JL 4632.0 08/08/14 JL 4633.0 08/09/14 JL 4634.0 08/10/14 JL 4635.0 08/11/14 JL 4636.0 1 08/14/14 JL 08/15/14 08/16/14 JL 08/18/14 JL 08/19/14 JL 08/20/14 J1, No. 4624 4623.0 4625 4624.0 4625.0 4626 4626.0 4627 4627.0 4628 4628.0 4629 4629.0 4630 4630.0 4631 4631.0 E Description . Review of discovery and depositions. Status conference with Smith and client. Telephone conference with Smith and LE experts re repost Preparing letter to Court; tel conf w/Smith and LE experts Draft case status report; update Trial Memorandum. Telephone conference with LE experts; Eterno and Silverman with Nat Smith. Discovery review; review letter to Court re: outstanding issues; finalize status report. Review and summarize depositions; confer w/Smith re: expert reports. Review depositions; prepare index and summaries; confer re: expert testimony and reports. 4632 1.250 0.750 1.500 1.500 1.000 2.500 1.750 2.500 4633 4634 4635 4636 4637 4638 4637.0 4638.0 4639 4639.0 4640 4640.0 4641 4641.0 4642 Hours 1.500 .11 Review depositions; index and summarize; plan expert report submission and prepare for depositions. Confer w/Smith re: expert reports; conference call with LE experts. Review expert reports; conference calls with psychiatric expert. Plaintiffs expert disclosure due; prepare packages and send. Research and review existing material re: expert depositions and dispositive motions. Prepare for depositions of plaintiffs experts. Telephone conference with Nat Smith re: expert report follow up and deposition. Respond to City Defendant letter re: expert reports; review and index depositions. Review deposition summaries; draft correspondence re: discovery issues. Draft response to City Defendants letter re: 30(b)(6) witness; also renew demands for production of Marino and other discovery documents. Page 208 2.250 2.000 2.500 4.250 1.500 1.500 1.000 2.500 2.500 4.750 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A No. Date 4642.0 1 08/21/14 D C B ! Timekeep Description Telephone conference with Smith re: case JL scheduling with Larry Schoolcraft (.75); draft response to medical defendants re: depositions of Dr. Patel and Dr. Lwin and City Defendants re: discovery issues (1.25); complete Adrian Schoolcraft 2nd deposition summary (2.50). E Hours 4.500 4643 4643.0 08/22/14 JL 4644 4644.0 08/26/14 JL 4645 4645.0 08/29/14 JL 4646 4646.0 09/02/14 JL 4647 4647.0 09/04/14 JL 4648 4648.0 09/05/14 JL Confer with all expert witnesses re: schedule availability for depositions. Confer with experts re: additional information on reports; and schedule availability; review defendant Mauriello letter to dismiss charges. Review Court Order re: discovery; confer with Smith. Confer with co -counsel on expert discovery response, schedule of depositions. Schedule of expert depositions (.75); review defendants letter motion re: expert reports and depositions (1.25); prepare for expert depositions (1.50). Confer with co -counsel re: expert reports and depositions; prepare response to defendants' letter motion re: expert reports and deposition schedules; organize further deposition summaries. 1.250 1.750 1.500 1.500 4.500 3.500 4649 4649.0 4650 4651 4650.0 4651.0 09/06/14 09/07/14 09/08/14 JL JL JL 4652 4652.0 09/10/14 JL Review process of summmarizing deposition transcripts; confidentiality agreement, billing procedures, Review PD expert Silverman prior research. Confer with co -counsel re: expert discovery; schedule and deposition strategy; review Monel law and facts.. Review with all counsel expert witness deposition schedule and outstanding discovery production; review research material for depositions. 3.500 1.500 2.750 2.500 4653 4653.0 09/12/14 JL 4654 4654.0 09/12/14 JL 4655 4655.0 09/13/14 JL Meeting with client and trial team in Mayfield NY (Smith, Bauza and legal asst) in preparation for trial. POV from 111 Broadway NYC to 467 Bunker Hill Road, Mayfield, NY for trial planning session with client. Meeting with client at Bunker Hill, Mayfield, NY. 4.000 2.000 7.500 4656 Page 209 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A C B No. Date 4656.0 1 09/14/14 D Timekeepe Description JL POV (Smith) from 467 Bunker Hill Road, Mayfielld, NY (trial planning session with client and trial team) to NYC. 4657 4657.0 09/14/14 JL 4658.0 09/15/14 JL 4660.0 09/16/14 09/17/14 JL JL 4661.0 09/18/14 JL 4662.0 09/19/14 JL 4663.0 09/21/14 JL 4664.0 09/22/14 JL 4665.0 09/23/14 JL 4666.0 09/24/14 JL 4667.0 09/25/14 JL 4668.0 09/29/14 JL Discuss and prepare documentation for LE Expert depositions. Prepare (w/Smith) Dr. Halpern-Rudger for examination before trial at 330 East 42nd Street, NYC. 4669.0 09/30/14 JL 10/01/14 JL Hours 2.000 Expert deposition with Dr. Halpern -Ruder at MCB. 4670.0 E Prepare for hearing on defendants' motion (1.25); hearing on city and hospital defendants' motion (.75); review of rulings from hearing (.25); prep production of LE expert resource materials (.75). 4658 4659 4660 4659.0 4661 Meeting with client in Mayfield, NY. for trial prep with trial team. Review discovery materials produced by City Defendants; conferred with LE expert Eterno by telephone; and conference call with LE experts. Reivew and consult re: expert discovery. Prepare for Hearing; hearing with Judge Sweet courtroom at 500 Pearl Street, NYC. Prepare for City 30(b)(6) examination before trial on Friday; prepare for motion for summary judgment; defendants expert disclosure due. 4662 4.000 2.500 2.500 3.000 2.500 4663 4664 With Smith: City 30(b)(6) deposition with Sgt Purpi; and City 30(b)(6) witness on gun amnesty program. Prepare ER expert for examination before trial; confer w/Smith re med experts. ER and Psych Expert deposition preparation (2.00); review defendants' expert reports (2.00). 4665 2.750 2.750 4.500 4666 Expert deposition with Dr. Lubit at MCB 220 East 42nd Street, NYC. Expert deposition: Review Lubit deposition; review defendants' expert reports; prepare for LE experts. 4667 7.500 1.500 4668 4669 4670 2.000 2.000 7.500 4671 3.000 Page 210 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A 1 No. 4671.0 I C B Date 10/02/14 Timekeeper Description JL 4672 4672.0 10/03/14 D I JL Prepare for summary judgment motion (1.25); summarize examination before trial (1.00); review LE expert resource materials for production (1.50); prepare and schedule legal assistants (Jeanette and Lysia) for examination before trial summaries (2.50). E Hours 6.250 Case conference with client and Smith; preparation for summary judgment motions; prepare research for mtion to amend complaint. 3.750 4673 4673.0 10/06/14 JL 4674 4674.0 10/10/14 JL 4675 4675.0 10/14/14 JL Review of discovery correspondence and scheduling of remaining depositions. Tel Conference with Lubit and Silverman re: schedule and prepare for deposition. Meet Nat Smith for meeting with LE expert Eterno; drive to and from Molloy College from NYC to discuss expert report and prepare dor Dr. Eterno for examination before trial. [mtg:2:30] [travel: 2:00] 1.500 1.000 2.500 4676 4676.0 10/14/14 JL 4677 4677.0 10/15/14 JL 4678 4678.0 10/16/14 JL 4679 4679.0 10/17/14 JL 4680 4680.0 10/20/14 JL 4681 4681.0 10/22/14 JL 4682 4682.0 10/23/14 JL 4683 4683.0 10/24/14 JL 4684 4684.0 4685 4686 4685.0 4686.0 4687 4687.0 4688 10/28/14 10/29/14 11/03/14 11/06/14 JS JL JL JL POV (Nat Smith) to and from Molloy College from NYC for meeting with LE expert Eterno; to discuss expert report and prepare for Dr. Eterno for examination before trial. Conference w/Smith re: City Defendants settlement proposal; prepare counter proposal. Conference with client and Smith re: settlement options and trial strategy. Examination before trial of Dr. Eterno (with Smith). Meeting (conference call) with client and Smith re City settlement possibilities Review of 2nd Amended Complaint; research for proposed 3rd Amendment. Prepare and review summaries of deposition transcripts; schedule remaining depositions with counsel; prepare Silverman for deposition. Defend with Smith City's examination before trial of Silverman. Review discovery issues outstanding and preparation for hearing 10/29/2014. Hearing before Judge Sweet. Telephone conference with Smith re: 3rd Amended Complaint. Case conference with client and Smith; update re: strategy and outstanding discovery matters. Page 211 1.000 2.000 1.500 8.500 0.750 1.500 3.500 7.500 2.000 1.000 0.750 2.250 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A B C I D No. Date 4688.0 11/10/14 Timekeepe Description JL Defend with Smith Lubit examination before trial 4689.0 11/13/14 JL 4691.0 11/16/14 11/18/14 JL JL 4692.0 11/20/14 JL 4693.0 12/03/14 JL 4694.0 12/04/14 JL 4695.0 12/08/14 JL 4696.0 12/09/14 JL 4697.0 12/21/14 JL 4699.0 12/22/14 01/03/15 JL JL Draft and Review plaintiff motion summary judgment. Review plaintiff motion for summary judgment. Meeting with Nat Smith re: Summary Judgment 4700.0 01/05/15 JL 4701.0 01/07/15 JL 4702.0 01/08/15 JL 4703.0 01/09/15 JL 01/10/15 01/11/15 JL JL 4708.0 01/12/15 01/13/15 01/14/15 JL JL JL 4709 4710 4709.0 01/15/15 JL E Research review for motion for summary judgment and opposition to Mauriello counterclaim. 1 4689 Hours 4.000 4690 4691 4690.0 4692 4693 4694 4695 4696 Lubit deposition continued (defend plaintiff psych expert with Smith). Review draft of 3rd Amended Complaint. Review of legal assistant's work in summarizing deposition transcripts. Follow up re: Lubit deposition and prep materials for trial testimony. Review draft of 3rd Amended Complaint; review plaintiff motion for Summary Judgment and dismiss Mauriello counterclaim. Review draft of 3rd Amended Complaint and motion v. Mauriello. Review deposition summaries; research on motions for summary judgment; confer with Smith re preparation for opposition. 4697 5.500 1.750 1.000 1.000 3.000 1.500 3.000 2.000 4698 4699 4698.0 4700 motion. 4701 4702 Review of summary judgment motion; prepare response. Meeting with Nat Smith and James McCutcheon re: review of Compstat DVD's. Review and index CompStat DVD's (4.50); prepare response to summary judgment motion (4.00). 4703 2.000 1.500 1.750 4.500 1.500 8.500 4704 4705 4704.0 4705.0 4706 4707 4706.0 4708 4707.0 Review of Compstat DVD's (2.50); prep index. Meeting with Nat Smith re: summary judgment motion (2.00). Review CompStat DVD's; prep index. Review CompStat DVD's; telephone call re: CompStat DVD's; review CompStat DVD's. CompStat DVD review. Review and index CompStat DVD's. Meeting re: summary judgment motion (2.00); CompStat DVD review (4.50). Review and index CompStat DVD's. Page 212 4.500 7.500 8.250 6.500 6.000 6.500 6.750 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A No. 1 4710.0 Date 01/19/15 4711 4711.0 01/20/15 Timekeepe Description Draft Response to Mauriello summary judgment JL motion (4.50); telephone call (Smith and McCutcheon)re: CompStat DVD review (.75); research for Response to Mauriello (1.50); meeting for summary judgment (1.25). JL 4712 4712.0 01/21/15 JL 4713 4713.0 01/22/15 JL 4714 4714.0 01/23/15 D C B JL Review defendants Order re: TAC; prepare Summary Judgment Response Mauriello. Research, review and drafting portions of plaintiff SJ mtn Draft and research for Responses to Mauriello Summary Judgment motion. Review CompStat DVD's; prepare Summany Judgment Response Statement of motion and facts. E Hours 8.000 3.500 7.000 7.500 3.000 4715 4715.0 01/24/15 JL 4716 4716.0 01/25/15 JL 4717 4717.0 01/26/15 JL Research and draft Responses to defendant Mauriello Summary Judgment motion. Research and Drafting in collab with Smith plaint SJ mtn Client conference call (1.50); research and drafting re: summary judgment defendant Mauriello (7.00). 3.500 4.000 8.500 4718 4718.0 01/27/15 JL 4719 4719.0 01/28/15 JL 4720 4720.0 01/29/15 JL Meeting / consult with Smith re: summary judgment responses (2.00); research re: summary judgment response Mauriello (4.00). Research and draft; prepare for summary judgment response Mauriello. Mauriello response and research, record, and draft. 10.500 4.750 4721 4721.0 01/30/15 JL Summary Judgment response, research, and draft. 2.000 4722 4722.0 01/31/15 JL 4723 4723.0 02/01/15 JL 4724 4724.0 02/02/15 JL 4725 4725.0 02/03/15 JL 4726 4726.0 02/04/15 JL Prepare, research, write draft for response to Mauriello summary judgment. Confer with Smith in final draft: Mauriello Summary Judgment Response and review. Telephone conference withSmith and client; meeting re: summary judgment motions and trial. Trial Memo review. [client to reinstate Norinsberg et al to trial team] Meeting with Nat re: summary judgment motion; summary judgment Mauriello research. Meeting with Nat re: summary judgment motions. 8.500 4.500 4.500 3.500 1.000 4727 4727.0 4728 6.000 02/05/15 JL Research and draft response to defendant Mauriello motion for summary judgment; Mauriello summary judgment motion reponse. Page 213 7.500 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A B C D 4728.0 Date 02/06/15 Timekeepe Description JL Research and draft Summary judgment motion. 4729.0 02/07/15 JL 4730.0 02/08/15 JL 4731.0 02/09/15 .11 Preparation in opposition to defendants summary judgment motion. Summary Judgment motions; confer w/Smith re prepare in opposition to motions and response to Rule 56.1 Statement. 4732.0 02/10/15 JL 4733.0 02/11/15 JL 4734.0 02/12/15 JL 4735.0 02/13/15 JL 4736.0 02/17/15 JL 4737.0 02/18/15 JL 4738 4739 4738.0 4739.0 02/19/15 02/20/15 JL JL E Review and draft Summary Judgment Motions. No. 1 4729 7.500 4730 6.500 4731 4732 4733 4734 4735 4736 4737 Prepare memorandum in opposition to defendant's motions for summary judgment and Rule 56.1 Statement. Review and edit of opposition to defendant's summary judgment motion. Telephone conference with co -counsel; review of summary judgment motions by defendants. Review of defendant's motions in opposition to plaintiffs motion summary judgment; review of defendant's motions and prepare for plaintiffs reply re: Schoolcraft discovery. Review of defendant Mauriello's motion and prepare plaintiff reply. Review and research on plaintiff reply memorandum to defendant Mauriello's response motion. 8.500 9.500 8.500 6.500 2.500 2.000 2.500 3.000 4740.0 02/23/15 JL 4741.0 02/24/15 JL 4742.0 02/25/15 JL 02/26/15 02/28/15 03/02/15 JL JL JL 03/03/15 JL 03/04/15 JL 4741 4742 4743 4744 4743.0 4745 4744.0 4745.0 4746 4746.0 4747 4747.0 Review of examination before trial summaries. Prepare for meeting with new trial team; meet with Norinsberg trial team; and review draft of trial 1.000 memo. 4740 4748 Hours 4.500 Review of Mauriello summary judgment motion response; research and review documents for summary judgment reply. Review discovery to draft response to Mauriello motion opposition. Draft and research for reply to Mauriello summary judgment response motion. Review of Rule 56.1 Mauriello. Review of Mauriello Rule 56.1. Review and draft summary judgment motion; reply to defendant's motion. Research and review of defendants motions and summary judgment statements re: re -preparation w/Smith of reply brief. Review of case file and research for smmary judgment motion reply brief. Page 214 3.000 2.500 2.000 2.500 1.500 2.250 6.500 7.250 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A 1 No. 4748.0 4749 4750 4749.0 4750.0 4751 4752 4751.0 4752.0 4753 4753.0 B Date 03/05/15 03/06/15 03/09/15 03/10/15 03/11/15 03/12/15 I I Timekeepe Description Draft, discuss and review summary judgment JL motion. Review and edit of summary judgment reply. JL Research and draft letter to Court re: Matthews. JL JL JL JL 4754 4754.0 03/13/15 D C JL Telephone conference with Nat. Meeting with Nat Smith re: Matthews letter and response; trial strategy. Review motions; prepare letter to court. re; Matthews and quantified immunity. Meeting with Norinsberg team at 225 Bway Smith meeting at 111 Broadway for review of trial strategy and rewponsibilities with new team. E Hours 8.500 3.500 2.500 0.500 2.500 4.500 2.500 4755 4755.0 4756 4757 4756.0 4758 4757.0 4758.0 4759 4759.0 03/16/15 03/18/15 03/22/15 03/23/15 03/24/15 JL JL JL JL JL Review motion response re: Lamstein Affidavit and reply to attorney motion. Review of trial; prepare exhibits. Trial exhibits preparation. Meeting with Nat MSith at 100 Wall Street; prepare trial exhibits and witness list. Draft/prepare jury verdict sheet template. Research re jury instruction re elements of complaint. 2.500 0.500 1.500 4.500 4.500 4760 4760.0 03/25/15 JL 4761 4761.0 4762 4763 4762.0 4763.0 4764 4764.0 4765 4765.0 4766 4766.0 4767 4767.0 03/27/15 03/28/15 03/29/15 03/30/15 03/31/15 04/01/15 04/02/15 JL JL JL JL JL JL JL Review of of trial preparation - especially Lubit Direct Outline. Telephone conference with new trial team; assign witness; complete jury questions round up; compstat video by Wednesday. Update Trial Memo Prepare expert witness direct; draft jury instruction round up. Trial preparation; expect witness direct - Eterno, Lubit, Halpren-Ruder. Prepare trial examination - Eterno, Lubit, and Halpren-Ruder. Prepare expert witness testimony and trial notebook. Meeting with trial team; research expert testimony for direct testimony and prep for cross. 2.500 2.000 1.500 4.750 6.000 6.500 6.500 5.000 4768 4768.0 4769 4770 4769.0 4770.0 4771 04/03/15 04/04/15 04/06/15 JL JL JL Research and prepare expert witness; direct and cross Trial memo preparation. Prepare expert trial testimony for Eterno; review examination before trial for Eterno. Page 215 4.500 2.000 3.500 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A B 4771.0 Date 04/07/15 4772.0 04/08/15 4773.0 04/09/15 4774.0 04/10/15 4775 4776 4775.0 4776.0 04/11/15 04/13/15 No. 1 4772 4773 4774 4777 C 4777.0 04/15/15 4778.0 04/17/15 4779.0 04/24/15 JL 4780.0 04/28/15 JL 4781.0 05/01/15 JL 4782.0 05/05/15 JL 4783.0 05/06/15 JL 4784.0 05/11/15 JL 4785.0 05/12/15 JL 4786.0 06/01/15 JL 4787.0 06/02/15 JL 4788.0 06/22/15 JL 4789.0 06/23/15 JL 4790 4791 4790.0 4792 4791.0 06/24/15 06/25/15 JL JL 4778 D Timekeepe Description JL Prepare trial testimony for Halpren-Ruder; review jury instructions and motion. JL Review of trial exhibits for expert witnesses Eterno and Halpren-Ruder; prepare expert testimony for Halpren-Ruder. JL Expert trial preparation for Eterno; outline direct and prepare exhibits. JL Prepare expert trial testimony for Halpre-Ruder; expert witness preparation for Lubit. JL Prepare Eterno direct, with exhibits JL Prepare for hearing before Judge Sweet re: trial schedule; meeting with trial team re: trial schedule and strategy. JL Review of additional discovery by City Defendants re: Lamstein. JL Review of City Proposal for settlement; telephone call to Schoolcraft re: City Settlement offer. 4779 E Hours 4.250 3.000 4.500 4.250 2.500 3.500 1.500 1.500 4780 4781 4782 4783 4784 4785 4786 Telephone conference with Nat Smith re possible settlement strategy Telephone conference with Nat Smith; call to Roy Lubit re: trial schedule. Telephone conference with Nat Smith re trial responsibilities, tactics and overall strategy Review / discussion of court's 200 page Opinion re: Summary Judgment Motions. Review and discuss with Smith plaintiff response re court's Opinion. Prepare for hearing re: Court's Opinion/Order re: dispositive motions. Meeting with full trial team re: hearing; status conference with Judge Sweet. Research and draft letter motion re: reconsideration of order re: modified complaint. 4787 0.500 1.250 0.750 3.000 2.500 2.500 1.750 5.750 4788 4789 Review of draft and additional research re: court motion to reconsider re: Dr HR; review draft of reconsideration letter and motion. Discussion re: opposition to city & summary motions to reconsideration (Nat Smith). Discussion with Nat Smith re: opposition to consideration motions. Prepare opposition response re bifurcation. Draft and research re: bifurcation issue. Page 216 2.000 0.750 0.500 1.500 7.500 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A 13 4792.0 Date 06/26/15 4793.0 1 06/27/15 No. 4793 4794 4794.0 07/06/15 4795 4795.0 07/08/15 4796 4796.0 07/09/15 4797 4797.0 07/13/15 4798 D C 1 Timekeepe Description Research and draft plaintiff opposition to JL bifurcation of Monet! claim. Further research and draft of plaintiff opposition to JL bifurcation motion; finalize draft of opposition to bifurcation. Review draft of opposition memo for JL reconsideration. Research re: production of plaintiff PD expert to JL city defendants. Confer with expert; Draft response to city re: JL plaintiff expert resource material; review police expert disclosure requirements. Response to city defendants request for additional JL discovery re: PD experts. Review / research of JHMC Opposition Memo re: JL Halpren-Ruder. Prepare response to defendant JHMC Memo in JL Opposition to motion for resonsideration re: expert Halpren-Ruder. Discussion and review re: Compstat Records; PD JL expert disclosure. Draft opposition to JHMC Memrandum re Medical JL Expert Halpren-Ruder. Prepare Response to JHMC Opposition to Plaintiff JL Medical Expert. Research and draft Memo In Response to JHMC JL opposition memo; Meeting with trial team re JPTO etc. at 100 Wall JL Street. Review documentary film on client with Eterno. JL . 4798.0 07/14/15 4799 4799.0 07/15/15 4800 4800.0 07/17/15 4801 4801.0 07/20/15 4802 4802.0 07/22/15 4803 4803.0 07/23/15 4804 4804.0 07/24/15 4805 4805.0 07/27/15 4806.0 08/07/15 4811 4812 4811.0 4812.0 4813 4.500 4.000 0.750 2.500 5.750 2.500 0.200 5.500 1.250 5.000 4.250 7.500 2.250 0.750 4806 4807 4808 4807.0 4809 4808.0 4809.0 4810 4810.0 E Hours 08/14/15 08/21/15 08/24/15 08/25/15 08/26/15 09/16/15 JL JL JL JL JL JL JL Review JPTO's filed by defendants; telephone conference with counsel team re: JPTO; conference with co -counsel re: Trial Draft. Meeting with Smith re JPTO Draft letter to court re experts at trial. Review of trial exhibits, expert rpts and EBTs; prepare expert trial witness outlines. Review and edit letter to court re: opposition to city defendants 2 letters; witness trial outlines: Eterno. Prepare witness trial outlines. Confer with trial team re City R 68 offer of jmt; 3.500 1.000 1.000 6.500 2.000 3.500 2.500 Page 217 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A B C D 4813.0 1 4814 4815 4816 4817 4818 4819 Date 7/31/2013 Timekeepe Description HS meeting with Nat Smith to review role and case 4814.0 4815.0 4816.0 4817.0 4818.0 4819.0 8/1/2013 8/2/2013 8/6/2013 8/7/2013 8/13/2013 8/22/2013 HS HS HS HS HS HS 9/4/2013 9/13/2013 HS HS 10/1/2013 HS 10/2/2013 HS emails from and/or to Nat Smith reviewed amended complaint reviewed Jamaica Hospital's doc exchange read Plaintiffs depo emails to and/or from Nat Smith reviewed availability, called and emailed Nat Smith re: my availability for depos reviewed status report reviewed departmental action affect on case by city and emailed to group prep for inspection of Schoolcraft home and Hosp: reviewed records & depo of pit home and hosp inspection and Scene inspection 10/7/2013 10/15/2013 10/15/2013 10/17/2013 HS HS HS HS read Kretz transcript read John L status report reviewed motion papers for motions of 10/16 started review of dots from drop box invasion tape 10/18/2013 10/21/2013 HS HS 10/22/2013 10/24/2013 10/25/2013 HS HS HS 10/25/2013 10/28/2013 HS 10/28/2013 10/29/2013 HS HS prep for Aldana-Bernier depo reviewed Aldana-Bernier interrogatories and further prep for depo meeting with Nat Smith to review case prep deposition binder for Aldana-Bernier depo appeared for Aldana-Bernier depo and strategized with John Meg and Nat Smit reviewed Nat Smith email re: discovery reviewed motion by medical deft re; video depo/6 emails performed research on video tape depositions emails to team re: motion for video dep/ research No. 4820 4821 4820.0 4821.0 4822 4822.0 4823 4823.0 4824 4825 4824.0 4826 4825.0 4827 4826.0 4827.0 4828 4829 4828.0 4829.0 4830 4831 4830.0 4832 4831.0 4832.0 4833 4834 4833.0 4834.0 4835 4836 4835.0 4836.0 4837 4837.0 4838 4839 4838.0 4839.0 4840 4841 4840.0 4841.0 4842 4843 4842.0 4844 4843.0 4845 4844.0 11S 1_ E Hours 2.500 0.250 1.000 1.500 1.500 0.200 0.250 0.200 1.750 4.000 6.250 0.500 0.200 1.500 6.000 4.000 3.250 2.500 10.000 5.000 0.100 3.500 2.500 1.000 11/13/2013 HS Appeared for SDNY motion: re video depositions 11/4/2013 11/18/2013 HS HS 1/8/2014 2/9/2014 HS HS 2/11/2014 2/10/2014 2/11/2014 HS emails to team telephone call with John Lenoir and emails re: Larry Schoolcraft deposition email to John Lenoir call and email re: Deposition of hospital with deft counsel reviewed client's deposition questions deposition preparation prep lsakov deposition 1.250 HS HS Page 218 0.100 1.250 0.100 0.200 0.500 5.200 9.000 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A 1 No. 4846 4845.0 4847 4846.0 4848 4847.0 4849 4848.0 4850 4849.0 4850.0 Date Timekeepe Description 2/12/2014 2/14/2014 4/20/2014 4/22/2014 4/23/2014 8/10/2014 HS HS HS HS HS HS 4851 4851.0 4852 4853 4852.0 4853.0 12/8/2014 3/25/2015 02/21/13 HS HS MB 4854 4854.0 03/05/13 MB 4855 4855.0 D C B 03/09/13 MB prep and conducted Isakov deposition researched statutory duty preparation Aldana-Bernier deposition preparation Aldana-Bernier deposition prep and conducted Aldana-Bernier deposition reviewed expert report and emailed team re: expert report researched statutory standard and emailed team with research prepared request to charge Initial meeting with Peter Gleason and Jeremy Skehan Meeting with Peter Gleason re: coming on board the Schoolcraft team. Meeting with Peter and Nat re briefing of the case. Hours 7.250 2.100 4.500 3.000 8.000 1.500 4.250 1.250 2.000 3.000 3.000 4856 4856.0 03/15/13 MB 4857 4857.0 03/27/13 MB 4858 4858.0 04/01/13 MB 4859 4859.0 04/07/13 MB 4860 4859.5 4861 4862 4860.0 4861.0 04/07/13 08/01/13 08/02/13 Peter J. Gleason MB MB 4863 4862.0 4864 4865 4863.0 4864.0 4866 4867 4868 4869 4870 E 4865.0 4866.0 4867.0 4868.0 4871 4869.0 4872 4870.0 08/05/13 08/06/13 08/07/13 08/12/13 08/13/13 08/14/13 08/19/13 08/20/13 08/21/13 MB MB MB MB MB MB MB MB MB Started research on admissibility of demonstrative evidence story board project. Conference with Peter, Nat, and Artist re Story Board project. Memo to counsel re: research on prior restraint in response to motion for gag order. Meeting with Adrian and team in Saugerties (travel to and from meeting 4 hours). Meeting in Saugerties with AS, LS and legal team. (Travel at 1/2 hr. rate) Meeting with Nat re: jury instructions project. Review Complaint, record, and prior case decisions. Jury instructions project: research fundamentals of 1983 litigation and federal causes of action; review commentary Bender and Schwartz; causation by multiple defendants; collect cases for authority. Jury instructions project. Prep for meeting with illustrator re demonstrative project; meeting with potential "dangerousness expert," Tom Litwack. Jury instructions project. Meeting with Nat at 3pm re update on projects Jury instructions project. Jury instructions project. Jury instructions project. Jury instructions project. Page 219 6.000 3.000 6.000 6.000 8.000 3.000 7.000 5.000 5.000 7.000 5.000 3.000 5.000 5.000 5.000 5.000 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A 1 No. 4871.0 4873 4874 4872.0 4873.0 4875 4876 4874.0 4875.0 4877 4878 4876.0 4877.0 4879 4880 4878.0 4881 4879.0 4882 4880.0 4883 4881.0 4882.0 4884 4885 4883.0 4886 4884.0 4885.0 4887 4888 4886.0 4889 4889.0 4890.0 4890 4891 4891.0 4892 4892.0 4893 4893.0 4894.0 4894 4895.0 4895 4896.0 B Date 08/23/13 C 08/29/13 09/01/13 09/03/13 09/05/13 MB MB 09/06/13 09/09/13 09/11/13 09/12/13 09/13/13 MB MB MB MB MB 09/18/13 09/19/13 09/24/13 MB MB MB 09/25/13 10/02/13 10/03/13 MB MB MB 10/04/13 10/07/13 10/08/13 10/10/13 MB MB MB MB 10/11/13 MB 10/14/13 MB Prepare medical defendants examination before trial; review medical chart and record; review depostions of City defendants; review hospital policy and procedure; review MHL 9.39; draft deposition questions. 10/15/13 MB 4897 4898 4898.0 4899.0 4899 E Prepare medical defendants examination before 08/26/13 08/27/13 Jury instructions project. Preparing detailed timelines for case on plaintiffs entire work history; NYPD work history; hosptial events and events of 10-31-09. Timeline Project. Timeline Project. Timeline Project. Timeline Project. Meeting with Nat 4:30pm re update of current projects Meeting with Nat and Adrian Inspection of 81st Precinct Meeting with Adrian to work on layout of Glendale apt Oral Argument; team meeting Jamaica Hospital inspection. Prepare Marino examination before trial; compile relevant discovery docs into searchable PDF; review record and prepare questions Prepare Marino exination before trial. Prepare Marino examination before trial. Deposition of Deputy Chief Michael Marino. Research caselaw on involuntary commitments involving private hospitals Research involuntary commitments and MHL 9.39. Hours 3.000 5.000 7.750 5.000 3.000 5.000 5.000 5.000 5.000 5.000 5.000 3.000 2.000 6.000 3.000 4.000 6.000 5.000 5.000 5.000 0.000 5.000 5.000 4896 4897.0 D 1 Timekeepe Description MB Meeting with Nat at 5pm re state action research project MB Jury instructions project. MB Te meeting with Adrian in Saugerties. (Travel time 4.5 hours) MB Jury instructions project. MB Nat's office, listen to audios and review production. trial. 10/16/13 10/17/13 MB MB Judge Sweet's courtroom hearing. Prepare medical defendants examination before trial Page 220 5.000 5.000 3.000 3.000 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A No. Date 4900.0 1 10/18/13 Timekeepe Description Research involuntary commitments and due MB 4900 4901.0 10/21/13 D C B MB process violations; brief cases. Prepare medical defendants exination before trial Hours 5.000 6.000 4901 4902.0 10/22/13 MB Prepare medical defendants exination before trial 5.000 4902 4903.0 4903 4904 4904.0 4905 4905.0 4906.0 4906 4907 4907.0 4908 4908.0 4909.0 10/23/13 10/24/13 10/25/13 10/28/13 10/29/13 10/30/13 10/31/13 MB MB MB MB MB MB MB 4909 4910.0 4910 4911 4912 4913 4914 E 4911.0 4912.0 4913.0 4914.0 4915.0 11/01/13 11/04/13 11/05/13 11/06/13 11/07/13 11/08/13 MB MB MB MB MB MB 4915 4916.0 11/09/13 MB 4916 4917.0 11/11/13 MB 4917 4918.0 4918 4919 4919.0 4920.0 4920 4921 4921.0 4922.0 11/12/13 11/13/13 11/14/13 11/15/13 11/18/13 MB MB MB MB MB 4922 4923.0 4923 4924 4924.0 11/20/13 11/21/13 MB MB Prepare medical defendants exination before trial. Meeting with Nat re status on projects Dr. Aldana-Berner; deposition was cancelled. Research re:defendant's objection to plaintiffs use of video at deposition; research Rule 30, Rule 28(c), CPLR 3313 (b). Research video deposition Rule 30. Research video deposition Rule 30. Memo to counsel re; research video deposition Rule 30. Prepare Lauterborn examination before trial; review record; listen to audios; compile discovery docs into searchable PDF; draft deposition questions. Prepare Lauterborn examination before trial. Prepare Lauterborn examination before trial Prepare Lauterborn examination before trial Lauterborn deposition. Review discovery, catalog, and convert to searchable PDF files. Review discovery, organize, and convert to searchable files. Review discovery, catalog, and convert to searchable PDF files. Canvas Glendale neighborhood with Terry; interview Adrian's next door neighbor and current resident of Glendale apt.; take photos. Judge Sweet's courtroom hearing. Prepare Mauriello exination before trial; review record; listen to audios;compile discovery docs into searchable PDF; draft deposition questions. Prepare Mauriello exination before trial. Interview with Carol Stretmoyer at Midtown location (w/TerrySkinner). Interview with Ted Stretmoyer at Glendale apt. (with Terry Skinner). Prepare Mauriello examination before trial Page 221 5.000 3.000 2.500 5.000 5.000 5.000 5.000 5.000 5.000 5.000 5.000 0.000 5.000 5.000 5.000 5.000 5.000 5.000 5.000 3.000 3.000 5.000 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A B No. Date 4925.0 11/22/13 4926.0 1 11/24/13 4925 4926 4927 4927.0 4928.0 4928 4929.0 11/25/13 11/26/13 11/29/13 4929 4930.0 4930 4931 4931.0 4932.0 4932 4933.0 4933 4934 4934.0 4935 4935.0 4936.0 4936 4937.0 4937 4938.0 4938 4939.0 4939 4940.0 4940 4941 4941.0 4942 4942.0 4943 4943.0 4944 4944.0 4945.0 4945 4946 4946.0 4947.0 4947 4948.0 4948 C D Timekeepe Description MB Mauriello deposition cancelled; begin Prof Rule 4.2 no contact research. MB Prof Rule 4.2 no contact research; issues include: when gov. employees are considered "parties" under Rule 4.2 and when employees are considered "represented." MB Prof Rule 4.2 no contact research. MB Draft memo to counsel re: Prof Rule 4.2 no contact research. MB Rule 30(c)(2) research; issues include: Rule 612; the production of documents relied on during deposition; attorney -client privilege; relevancy under Rule 26. 11/30/13 MB 12/02/13 12/03/13 MB MB Rule 30(c)(2) research re: discoverable disciplinary records; convictions; sanctions; applying state law privileges. Rule 30(c)(2) research. Draft memo to counsel re: Rule 30(c)(2) research 12/04/13 MB MB MB MB Write up on all deposition objection issues. Write up on all deposition objection issues. Prepare Larry Schoolcraft examination before trial. 12/11/13 MB 12/12/13 MB 12/13/13 MB 12/16/13 MB 12/17/13 12/18/13 12/19/13 12/20/13 12/22/13 MB MB MB MB MB 12/24/13 12/26/13 MB MB 12/27/13 MB Larry Schoolcraft deposition in Albany, NY. (travel 6.5 hours). Review discovery, organize, and convert to searchable files. Review discovery, organize, and convert to searchable files; listen to audio. Prepare Mauriello examination before trial; review documents; create searchable PDF; review depositions and record; listen to audio. Prepare Mauriello examination before trial. Prepare Mauriello examination before trial. Prepare Mauriello examination before trial. Mauriello deposition. Meeting with Adrian Schoolcraft re: demontrative evidence project. Meeting with Team and Adrian Schoolcraft. Meeting with Adrian re demonstrative evidence project; joined by John Lenoir. Meeting with Adrian Schoolcraft re demontrative evidence project. Hours 4.500 3.000 6.000 6.000 5.000 Draft memo to counsel re: Rule 30(c)(2) research 12/05/13 12/06/13 12/10/13 E 5.000 5.000 5.000 5.000 5.000 5.000 5.000 Page 222 12.750 5.000 5.000 5.000 5.000 5.000 5.000 0.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A 1 No. 4949.0 Date 12/29/13 4949 4950.0 12/30/13 4950 4951.0 4951 4952 4952.0 4955.0 4953 4956.0 4954 4957.0 4955 4958.0 01/03/14 01/05/14 01/06/14 01/10/14 01/12/14 01/12/14 D C B Timekeepe Description Meeting at Nat's office w/ Adrian; review audio MB and record. Meeting at Nat's office w/ Adrian; review audio MB and record. Prepare for Huffman and Boston Deposition; MB review discovery docs; draft questions. Prepare for Boston and Huffman Deposition. MB Team meeting re review of Boston and Huffman MB depositions. Review and catalog discovery production at Nat's MB office; listen to Hanlon audio. Analyze NYPD emergency protocol; review NYPD MB Patrol guide. Prepare for Hanlon's deposition; review EMT MB emergency procedure and discovery documents. E Hours 4.000 3.000 4.500 6.020 1.750 7.000 2.200 4.130 4956 4960.0 01/15/14 MB 4957 4961.0 01/28/14 MB 4958 4962.0 4959 4960 4963.0 4964.0 01/29/14 01/30/14 02/03/14 MB MB MB 4961 4965.0 02/04/14 MB 4962 4966.0 02/05/14 MB 4963 4967.0 02/07/14 MB 4964 4968.0 02/08/14 MB Hearing with Judge Sweet re discovery issues; team meeting re status of case. Prepare for Lamstein deposition; review handwritten notes in discovery docs; draft questions. Meeting Nat's Office re: review and prep for Lamstein EBT. Lamstein Deposition. Research inadvertent production and ethics on production obligation; search files and remove discovery documents in question. Research inadvertent production and ethics on production obligation; research Rule 502, Fed. R. Civ. P. 26(b)(5)(B) and caselaw. Draft memo to counsel re: inadvertent production research. Meeting with Nat re: inadvertent production redaction issues; begin prep for Medical Defendants EBTs. Prepare for Medical Defendant's EBTs; review medical chart,record, and deposition summaries; review Beiner's prior litigation testimony. 2.000 3.750 4.000 10.000 6.080 6.500 6.050 5.000 5.750 4965 4969.0 4966 4967 4970.0 4968 4971.0 02/10/14 02/11/14 02/12/14 MB MB MB Conference with Howard Suckle re deposition prep; prep for Medical Defendants depositions. Bernier Deposition lsakov Deposition. Page 223 6.250 0.000 0.000 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A B No. Date 4972.0 1 02/20/14 4969 4970 4973.0 C D ;Tirnekeepe Description MB E Hours Research state action under § 1983; draft memo to counsel arguing Dr. lsakov's liability in response to opposing counsel's request to release Isakov from case. 4974.0 02/20/14 03/04/14 MB MB 4975.0 03/07/14 MB 4976.0 03/08/14 MB Research issues City Defendants' March 7, 2014 letter; ten-year limitation issue; unsubstantiated claims issue; objections at depositions generally; time to depose plaintiff (Rule 30(d)(1). 4977.0 03/09/14 MB 4978.0 03/10/14 MB 4979.0 03/11/14 MB 4980.0 03/12/14 MB Draft Memo to counsel re: City Defendants deposition objection issues. Research defendants assertion of privilege for grand jury subpoenas. Review and comment Letter to Judge Sweet; team meeting re discovery issues. Catalogue and review new discovery at Nat's office. 4981.0 03/12/14 MB Letter to counsel re: search for missing discovery 4982.0 03/14/14 MB Draft subject matter for NYPD 30(b)(6) notices. 4983.0 03/14/14 MB Revise proposed jury instructions for City defendants; research Monell custom and policy municipal liability; analyze Monell jury instructions from other jurisdictions; draft alternate instructions; review and collect cases for authority. 4984.0 03/15/14 MB Continue with research and drafting NYPD proposed jury instructions; draft charges for supervisor liability, First Amendment retaliation and prior restraint. 4985.0 03/16/14 MB 4986.0 03/19/14 MB Research and draft NYPD proposed jury instructions; draft conspiracy and state action charges. Draft NYPD proposed jury instructions; continue state action research re: Medical Defendants. 6.220 2.000 4971 Draft memo to counsel re: Dr. Isakov. Conference call with City defendants; team conference re trial prep status. Research issues re: City Defendants' March 7, 2014 letter; attorney -client privilege issue; research Fed. R. Evid. 612(b) and Fed. R. Civ Pro 26(b)(3). 4972 1.500 5.700 4973 4974 4975 4976 4977 4.650 6.660 5.230 3.360 6.500 4978 files. 1.000 4979 5.670 4980 5.470 4981 4982 4983 6.000 5.880 6.430 Page 224 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A 03/21/14 7.800 03/27/14 1983 conspiracy liability. Draft subject matter for JHMC 30(b)(6) notices. 4984 MB 5.250 4985 4989.0 4986 4987 4990.0 4991.0 03/28/14 04/02/14 04/03/14 MB MB MB 4988 4992.0 04/04/14 MB 4989 4993.0 04/11/14 MB 4990 4994.0 4991 4992 4995.0 4996.0 04/12/14 04/13/14 04/14/14 MB MB MB 4993 4997.0 04/14/14 MB 4994 4998.0 04/16/14 MB 4995 4999.0 4996 4997 5000.0 5001.0 04/17/14 04/24/14 04/24/14 MB MB MB 4998 5002.0 04/26/14 MB Meeting with Nat re: NYPD proposed jury instructions draft. Research re: possible medical experts. Memo to counsel re: possible medical expert Dr. Peter Stastny, MD. Research medical experts; review Roy Lubit's filings. Draft proposed Jury Instructions Medical Defendants; research due process causes of action; dangerousness standard re: emergency civil commitment; statutory and common law procedural protections re: restraints; legal privilege under MHL 9.39. Continue proposed jury instructions for case against Medical Defendants; draft neg per say charges. Team meeting with potential expert, Roy Lubit. Team conference call with Adrian re status and settlement. Continue drafting proposed jury instructions Medical Defendants; draft medical malpractice and other state claims. Conference call with Adrian re trial issues and settlement; team conference to confer. Team conference call re progress on settlement issues. Research re: jury awards of damages. Research the various state action tests in the context of a private hospital; collect and analyze Second Circuit case law. Draft memo to counsel re: state action research. 6.250 6.500 5.530 6.850 3.650 5.000 4.250 0.660 4.550 2.500 1.250 4.170 4.000 5.230 4999 5003.0 5000 5001 5004.0 5005.0 05/13/14 05/14/14 05/20/14 MB MB MB 5002 5006.0 5003 E Hours Date 4988.0 D I Timekeepe Description Research state action re: City defendants section MB No. 4987.0 1 C B 05/21/14 MB Prepare EMT Jessica Marquez's deposition; research right to refuse medical attention; right to choice of hospital. EMT Jessica Marquez Deposition. Trip to Johnstown to meet with Adrian (6.5 hours of travel time). Research re: blue wall of silence police retaliation cases: the deliberative process privilege; the law enforcement privilege. Page 225 4.000 0.000 8.250 5.270 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A 5007.0 Date 05/23/14 5004 5005 5008.0 5009.0 05/24/14 05/25/14 1 No. 5006 5007 5010.0 5011.0 5008 5012.0 5009 5013.0 5010 5015.0 5011 5012 5017.0 5019.0 C B 05/26/14 05/27/14 05/28/14 05/28/14 05/29/14 06/04/14 06/06/14 5013 D Timekeepe Description __ ____ MB Blue wall of silence research; analyze and review prior testimony of possible police procedures expert, Dr. Leinen. MB Review and catalog new discovery production. MB Analyze case law granting summary judgment on plaintiffs Monell claims connected to practices in Molten report. MB Draft writeup on blue wall of silence research. MB Create Medical defendants evaluation timeline in the ER, psyche ER, and psyche ward. MB Hearing with Judge Sweet oral arguments on motion. MB Prepare Weiss deposition; team conference call re Weiss deposition. MB Draft summary of Weiss deposition send to counsel; prepare for JHMC 30(b)6 depositions on policy; review Beiner's depo transcript; draft questions. MB Prepare for Ferrara Deposition. MB Draft summary of notes from Ferrara deposition send to counsel; team conference call with police practices experts, Eterno and Silverman re: expert report and testimony. 5020.0 06/09/14 MB 5021.0 06/13/14 MB 5022.0 06/27/14 MB 07/01/14 07/02/14 MB MB 5014 5015 5016 5017 5023.0 5024.0 5018 5027.0 j Team conference call w/ Adrain re trial prep and update. Team conference call w/ Silverman and Eterno re expert testimony; conference with Nat re conflict of interest issue. Prep for Mauriello's deposition; review prior deposition; review City defendants depo summaries. Mauriello Deposition. Prep for Lwin deposition; review Reiner deposition notes and hospital chart. Prep for City 30(b)(6) deposition topics; research anti -quota law, New York Labor Law § 215-a, and Operations Order No. 52. Team conference call with expert Dr. Halpren. 07/13/14 MB 5030.0 07/18/14 MB 5031.0 07/22/14 MB 07/24/14 07/24/14 07/25/14 MB City 30(b)(6) witness deposition, Cooper. Prep for Patel deposition. Patel deposition. ___ Hours 6.610 3.980 4.000 6.230 5.980 2.000 4.100 6.700 3.000 2.500 1.500 2.500 4.000 0.000 1.500 Research re City's application of subsequent remedial measure; team conference call re status. 5021 5022 5032.0 5023 5033.0 5024 5034.0 E 5019 5020 6.000 2.000 MB MB Page 226 3.650 0.000 1.000 0.000 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A 1 No. 5025 5035.0 5036.0 5026 5037.0 Date 07/31/14 07/31/14 08/04/14 E D C B Timekeepe Description ..... Analyze potential withdrawal of claims. MB Team conference call with experts, Halpern -Ruder MB and Dr. Lubit. Research re: 8/4/14 letter to Judge Sweet; analyze MB defendants' instruction to witness not to answer questions beyond scope of 30 (b)(6) subject matter . 1.500 issue. 5027 5038.0 5028 5029 5039.0 5040.0 5030 5041.0 5031 5042.0 5032 5043.0 5033 5034 5044.0 5045.0 5035 5046.0 08/06/14 08/09/14 08/10/14 MB MB MB 3.100 Conference call with Nat re: defendant's objection to video; new assignments. Review and analyze Dr. Lubit's expert report. Team conference call with Dr. Lubit re testimony. 0.500 3.130 1.250 08/14/14 09/04/14 09/12/14 09/13/14 09/14/14 09/20/14 MB MB MB MB MB MB Draft response addressing 8.5.14 Letter re: Purpi's 30(b)(6) issues. Search for missing case citations for Dr. Lubit's prior expert testimony. Team Meeting weekend in Mayfield, NY (including travel time of 4 hours). Team Meeting weekend in Mayfield, NY. Team Meeting weekend in Mayfield, NY (including travel time of 4 hours). Review Medical defendants expert reports; review expert Tancredo's deposition transcripts. 4.900 2.320 6.000 7.500 6.000 4.620 5036 5047.0 5037 5038 5048.0 5049.0 5039 5050.0 5040 5041 5051.0 5052.0 5042 5053.0 5043 5054.0 5044 5055.0 5045 Hours 2.150 09/21/14 10/02/14 10/03/14 10/18/14 10/19/14 10/23/14 10/23/14 12/01/14 12/02/14 MB MB MB MB MB MB MB MB MB Team meeting with Dr. Lubit re: deposition prep. Team conference call re: trial prep. Team meeting Nat's office re upcoming motion papers; conference w/Adrian. Research Rule 68; review letter to Adrian re settlement offer. Conference call w/ team re Rule 68 Offer. Create claims "cheat sheet" from proposed jury instructions. Review/comment re: Letter Rejecting Rule 68 Offer. Review 2nd Amended Complaint track proposed changes. Review Third Amended Complaint; draft proposed addition of malicious abuse of process claim and violation of substantive and procedural due process claims. Page 227 4.000 0.750 3.000 4.000 2.250 5.890 1.000 4.700 4.660 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A No. Date 5056.0 1 C B 12/02/14 D Timekeepe Description MB Memo of law in support of Motion to Amend; E Hours examine and analyze developing caselaw re: respondent superior liability for private corporations under § 1983 (Shields). 5046 7.920 6.500 5057.0 12/03/14 MB Review final draft memo of law in support of Motion to Amend; Begin research for summary judgment arguments; analyze Second Circuit summary judgment decisions re due process and dangerousness in context of civil commitment; false imprisonment claims. 5058.0 12/03/14 MB 5059.0 12/11/14 MB 5060.0 12/16/14 MB 5061.0 12/18/14 MB 5062.0 12/19/14 MB 5063.0 12/20/14 MB Review final draft Third Amended Complaint; review final draft Memo in Support. Meeting Nat's office re:NYPD and Medical Defendants summary judgment claims. Draft summary judgment issues; analyze Fourth Amendment search and seizure Second Circuit summary judgment decisions. Mauriello's Counterclaim issue; analyze tortious interference w/prospective advantage summary judgment decisions. Summary judgment Memo in Support; research and analyze Second Circuit decisions determining exigent circumstances; review NYPD Patrol Guide emergency protocol. Summary judgment motion; review MHL statute provisions, JHMC hospital chart and record. 5064.0 12/21/14 MB 5065.0 12/22/14 MB 5066.0 12/22/14 MB 5067.0 01/04/15 MB 5068.0 01/05/15 MB 5069.0 01/07/15 MB 5047 5048 5049 5050 5051 5052 5053 5.250 5.250 7.600 8.800 5.200 5.400 5054 5055 5056 5057 5058 Summary judgment memo in support draft; track comments and caselaw support. Review Summary judgment memo in support draft; track comments and changes. Review final draft Summary judgment Memo in Support. Review City defendants summary judgment motions; research caselaw cited. Review Medical defendants summary judgment motions; research cited caselaw; conference with Nat re: motions. 7.400 6.500 3.700 4.000 6.000 Prepare for opposition papers; draft Medical Defendants' summary judgment issues; analyze cited caselaw. 5059 6.500 Page 228 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A No. Date 5070.0 1 01/08/15 D C B Timekeepe Description Meeting with Nat re: Medical Defendants summary MB E Hours judgment issues; conduct research on issues. 5.500 5060 5071.0 01/09/15 MB Research City Defendants summary judgment issues; 4th amendment unlawful search and seizure; legal standard for exigent circumstances; objective reasonableness doctrine; research caselaw deciding summary judgment on qualified immunity grounds; team conference re motions. MB Research City Defendants summary judgment issues; probable cause; exculpatory evidence; review EMT emergency protocol ; review caselaw and statutory right to refuse medical treatment; right to hospital preference. 6.100 5061 5072.0 01/11/15 5062 5073.0 01/12/15 MB 5063 5074.0 01/14/15 MB 5075.0 01/15/15 MB 5076.0 01/16/15 MB 5077.0 01/21/15 MB 5064 5065 Research Medical Defendants summary judgment issues; draft the state action issue; analyze McGugan v. Aldana-Bernier and Doe. Research Medical Defendant's summary judgment motion issues; respondeat superior, vicarious liability; apparent authority. Research Medical Defendant's summary judgment issues; review Dr. Lubit's Report for establishing the standard of care. Continue research on Medical Defendants summary judgment issues; research applicable standard of care; analyze "substantially below" legal standard; review defendants deposition summaries. 5.550 5.400 7.100 6.700 5066 5067 5078.0 01/22/15 MB 5079.0 01/26/15 MB Continue research on defendants summary judgment issues; conspiracy/joint activity state action liability. Research re: intracorporate conspiracy doctrine. 7.000 6.750 5068 5069 5080.0 01/27/15 MB Research re: intracorporate doctrine; draft memo to counsel re: intra-Corporate doctrine. Draft memo to counsel re: intracorporate doctrine. 6.420 4.500 5070 5081.0 01/27/15 MB 5071 5082.0 5072 4.000 01/28/15 MB Meeting with Nat re: opposition issues; 1st amendment issue. Research First Amendment issues; analyze recent development in the law limiting Garcetti (Lane, Griffin, Hagan). Page 229 4.500 7.000 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A 1 No. 5083.0 B Date 01/29/15 C D Timekeepe Description MB Research intentional infliction of emotional distress claim. 5073 5084.0 5074 5075 5085.0 5086.0 5076 5087.0 5077 5078 5088.0 5089.0 01/29/15 MB 02/01/15 02/02/15 MB MB 02/03/15 MB 02/04/15 02/05/15 MB MB 5079 5090.0 02/06/15 MB 5091.0 02/07/15 MB 5092.0 02/08/15 MB 5093.0 02/09/15 MB 5094.0 02/10/15 MB 5095.0 02/10/15 MB 5096.0 02/11/15 MB 5097.0 02/11/15 MB 5098.0 02/13/15 5080 5081 5082 5083 5084 5085 5086 Hours 4.700 Continue LIED research; IIED claim not duplicative of the other claims issue. Memo to counsel re: IIED research. Research First Amendment issues; Monell research. Monell research; review and brief cases on police retaliation to establish policy under Monell; review and brief case law re establishing deliberate indifference under Monell. Memo to counsel re: Monell research. Continue to research Medical Defendants Memo in Opposition issues; research defendant's argument of legal justification to confine plaintiff under EMTALA. Draft opposition to Medical Defendants summary judgment arguments. Draft opposition to Medical Defendants summary judgment arguments. Call with Nat discuss current status on JHMC opposition issues. Call with Nat re: progress on research Medical defendants issues. Draft opposition to JHMC summary judgment arguments. Draft opposition to JHMC summary judgment motions. Review and track proposed changes on first draft of Motion in Opposition. Review/edit second draft of Motion in Opposition. 5087 3.400 6.830 8.000 6.000 6.100 6.500 5.600 7.500 0.500 0.500 4.600 2.800 5.650 3.750 MB 5088 5100.0 02/14/15 MB 5101.0 02/15/15 MB 5102.0 02/16/15 MB 5089 5090 5091 E Review all defendants motions in opposition submissions; Meeting with Nat to discuss submissions. Draft issues re: reply to Mauriello opposition motion. Reply to Mauriello opp; research tortious interference with prospective relations claim; wrongful means constituting tortious conduct; malice intent as the "sole motivation" for plaintiffs alleged interference. 6.000 Reply to Mauriello opposition motion; research defamation and damages. 4.300 Page 230 6.000 5.230 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A 1 No. 5103.0 5092 5093 5104.0 5105.0 5094 5095 5106.0 5096 5106.0 5107.0 5097 5108.0 5098 5109.0 5099 5110.0 5100 5101 5111.0 5112.0 5102 5113.0 5103 5104 5114.0 5115.0 5105 5116.0 5106 5117.0 5107 5108 5118.0 5109 5119.0 5110 5120.0 5111 5121.0 5122.0 5112 5123.0 5113 5114 5124.0 5125.0 5115 5126.0 5116 5127.0 5117 5128.0 5118 Date 02/17/15 02/19/15 02/20/15 02/24/15 02/25/15 02/23/15 02/26/15 02/27/15 02/28/15 03/02/15 03/03/15 03/05/15 03/06/15 03/07/15 03/08/15 03/09/15 03/10/15 03/11/15 03/12/15 03/12/15 03/12/15 03/13/15 03/16/15 03/16/15 D C B E Timekeepe Description Draft portion of reply to Mauriello opposition MB MB MB MB MB MB MB MB MB MB MB MB MB MB MB MB MB MB MB MB MB MB MB MB motion. Draft reply to Mauriello opposition motion. Team meeting; meet with Norinsberg and new team. reply to Medical defendants memo in opp. Research sham affidavit doctrine. Draft issues re: reply to Medical defendants memo in opp. Memo to counsel re; sham affidavit doctrine research. Research re: inadmissibility of hearsay on summary judgment motions. Draft issues re: reply to City memo in opposition. Research re: collective knowledge doctrine. Memo to counsel re: collective knowledge doctrine research. Review and track proposed changes to Reply motion draft. Final review/edit of Reply papers. Prepare police expert Prof. Eterno deposition summary. Prepare police expert Prof. Eterno's deposition summary. Draft Eterno Deposition Summary; team conference call. Draft Prof. Eterno deposition summary. Prepare Prof. Eterno deposition summary. Prepare Prof. Eterno deposition summary. Meeting with Team re new issues on reply. Revise NYPD jury instructions; distribute revised charges to counsel. Meeting Nat's office with new team re division of upcoming work. Review Defendants Reply memos. Draft Prof. Eterno's direct examination for trial. ' Hours 6.220 4.230 4.500 7.200 3.820 7.000 4.300 4.700 6.080 4.000 5.160 5.500 4.000 5.050 7.050 6.900 5.920 6.100 4.830 3.000 1.700 4.000 3.000 2.100 03/17/15 MB Review/comment March 17 Letter to the court. 1.200 03/18/15 MB Draft Prof. Eterno's direct examination for trial. 6.500 03/19/15 MB Draft Prof. Eterno's direct examination for trial. 4.300 Page 231 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A B D C 5129.0 Date 03/20/15 Timekeepe Description MB Draft Prof. Eterno's direct examination for trial. 5130.0 03/25/15 MB 5131.0 1 03/26/15 MB No. 5119 3.600 5120 5121 Conference call w/ Nat re: status and assignments moving forward. Team meeting at Nat's new office; review Prof. Eterno's direct examination outline. Draft proposed jury instructions for claims against Medical Defendants; draft charges for medical malpractice and other state claims. Draft proposed jury instructions for Medical Defendants; draft state false imprisonment charge. 5132.0 03/28/15 MB 5133.0 03/29/15 MB 03/29/15 03/30/15 MB MB Make changes to diagram of the Glendale apt. Call with Nat re: Glendale diagram/jury charges. 03/31/15 MB 5137.0 04/01/15 MB Draft proposed jury instructions for claims against Medical Defendants; draft charge re: the stigma of an involuntary commitment; charge instructing requirement of a sufficient investigation of dangerousness; damages 5138.0 04/02/15 MB 04/03/15 MB 5.000 Trial Team meeting re trial prep, jury instructions. 5139.0 0.500 Draft proposed jury instructions Medical Defendants; draft corporate negligence charge. 5122 5123 5124 5134.0 5135.0 5125 5136.0 6.600 5.700 1.700 0.500 5126 5.500 5127 5128 5.700 0.100 5129 5140.0 04/06/15 MB 5141.0 04/08/15 MB 04/10/15 04/13/15 MB MB 05/05/15 MB 05/12/15 MB 5130 5131 5132 5142.0 5143.0 5133 5144.0 5134 5145.0 5135 5146.0 Combine NYPD and Medical Defendants Jury Instructions. Combine NYPD and Medical Defendants Jury Instructions. Revise jury instructions Medical Defendants incorporating Nat's edits; conference w/ team. Call with Nat re: progress on current projects. Conference with Judge Sweet; team conference. 3.950 6.330 5.800 0.750 2.500 05/27/15 MB 05/28/15 MB Review of Court's Opinion re: summary judgment motions. Conference with Judge Sweet; Trial team meeting re status. Draft motion for reconsideration issues; research post -suspension First Amendment claim; review cross examination outlines for defendants. 5136 1.000 3.500 6.150 5147.0 5137 E Hours Analyze Second Circuit freedom -of -speech cases (Jackler, Gacetti, Walsh): conference call w/ Nat re reconsideration motion. Page 232 4.330 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A 1 No. 5148.0 Date 05/31/15 Timekeepe Description . Memo to counsel re: post -suspension retaliation MB 5138 5149.0 D C B 06/01/15 MB 06/02/15 claim. Review letter to Judge for reconsideration draft; track changes; research issue of qualified immunity in a First Amendment retaliation case. E Hours 4.780 MB 6.900 5139 5150.0 5140 5151.0 09/15/15 5141 5152.0 09/16/15 5142 5171.0 11/18/12 Memo to counsel re: qualified immunity and "clearly established" law doctrine. Review cross examination of defendants outlines; MB review/comment on client memo. Research Rule 68 issue; research offset issue; MB general obligations law 15-108. Harvey A. Review of Larry Schoolcraft (LS) documents re: son's case; confer with RG re: evaluation potential Levine strategies for Adrian Schoolcraft (AS) litigation 4.250 4.500 2.250 3.500 5143 5172.0 11/19/12 5144 5173.0 11/22/12 5145 5174.0 11/23/12 Harvey A. Further review of LS documents, ECF filings including pleadings & internet materials Meeting Levine with RG to discuss case & strategy relative to further AS and LS contact Harvey A. Conf. with RG & PG regarding meeting with AS & LS on moving forward, litigaiton strategies and Levine client managemnt issues. Harvey A. TC's with RG re: issues arising during meeting with Adrian Schoolcraft (AS). Levine 4.5 1.000 0.500 5146 5175.0 11/26/12 Harvey A. Conf with RG re: meeting with AS; review of documents from AS smart drive, ECF entries & Levine documents; discuss discharge of outgoing counsel 11/28/12 Harvey A. Conf. with RG re: prior cc oushnel discharge "for cause" issues dispute over disbursements Levine 4.500 5147 5176.0 0.450 5148 5177.0 11/30/12 Harvey A. Conf. with RG re: TC with co -counsel re: AS email and discharge of PC "for cause" Levine 1.500 5149 5178.0 12/3/12 Harvey A. Conf. with RG re: discharge/email from outgoing attorney & TC from PG and TC with AS Levine 0.500 5150 5179.0 12/7/12 5151 5180.0 12/11/12 Harvey A. Conf. with RG, re: AS dsicipllinary charges with NYPD/employment issues/potential damages Levine reinstatement/retirement Harvey A. TCs with RG re: meeting with AS, etc. Isssues & strategies moving forward Levine 5152 Page 233 1.5 .8 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A No. 1 5181.0 B Date 12/14/12 5153 5182.0 12/17/12 5154 5183.0 12/18/12 C D E Timekeepe Description J Harvey A. Conf. with RG; review Queens D.A. press release Levine Multiple, TC's with PG and AS; alternate responses discussed. Harvey A. Conf. RG & PG re: discharge for cause. vs. Levine alternatives; review of correspondence to outgoing attorney Harvey A. Conf. RG & PG re: AS file transfer Begin Levine Inventory of files i 5155 Hours 1.500 1.500 1.500 5184.0 12/22/12 5185.0 12/23/12 5186.0 12/26/12 Harvey A. Begin comprehensive review of transferred files & Levine notes; pleadings & discovery 5187.0 12/27/12 Harvey A. Continued review of AS files w/notes discovery Levine materials 5188.0 12/28/12 Harvey A. Continued review of AS files w/notes discvoery Levine materials 5189.0 1/2/13 Harvey A. Continued review of AS files w/notes Conf. with Levine PG & RG at office re: update on file review & discussion of "eyes only" file. continued review of file. 5190.0 1/4/13 Harvey A. Continued review of file; meeting with PG Levine 5191.0 1/5/13 Harvey A. Memo summarizing and analyzing contents Levine 5192.0 1/8/13 Harvey A. Conf. with PG & RG reviewing analysis and Levine Strategy going forward 5193.0 1/11/12 Harvey A. Conf. with RG re: Union's failure to represent AS Levine in trial room and/or return to full duty strategy 5194.0 1/12/12 Harvey A. Review of research on Union's representation and Levine failure to advocate for AS 2.0 Harvey A. Cont. inventory of contents of file conf. w/ RG re: Levine amended complaint 5156 2.500 Harvey A. Complete inventfory of AS files Levine 5157 3.500 5158 6.000 5159 5.000 5160 6.000 5161 5162 6.250 6.000 5163 3.500 5164 3.500 5165 1.000 5166 0.700 Page 234 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A D C B No. Date Timekeepe Description 5195.0 1/14/12 E Hours Harvey A. Conf. with RG re: Union rep. research & strategy Levine 0.750 5167 5196.0 1/19/12 Harvey A. Conf. RG re: correspondence to Queens D.A. & Levine redrafts 0.250 5168 5197.0 1/21/12 Harvey A. Review of PG correspondence Confer with RG letter Levine 1/23/12 Harvey A. Review of PG correspondence to NYPD Levine 0.200 5169 5198.0 0.125 5170 5199.0 1/29/12 Harvey A. Review of proposed AS affidavit for Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR) Levine 0.500 5171 5200.0 1/30/12 Harvey A. Conf. with RG re: dinner meeting w/ PG with PG. Levine 0.250 5172 5201.0 01/31/12 Harvey A. Review of RG cease & desist letter re: website Levine 0.250 5173 5202.0 2/6/13 5174 5203.0 2/12/13 Harvey A. Conf. RG re: expansion of legal team; and transfer of banker boxes & files to PG & Nat Smith (NS) Levine for scanning; organizing files Harvey A. Conf. with RG re: deposition of AS Levine 1.000 0.500 5175 5204.0 11/16/12 Richard A. Gilbert Meeting with my Peter Gleason, Esq. (PG), Retired NYPD 2nd grade Detective (D2) and Larry Schoolcraft (LS) to confer on merits of claim Filed by Adrian Schoolcraft (AS) against NYC, Jamaica Hospital & other medical defendants Review of documents provided by LS. 14 5176 5205.0 11/18/12 Richard A. Gilbert 5177 5206.0 11/19/12 Richard A. Gilbert Further review of documents provided and tc's with PG relating to AS. Conferred with Harvey Levine (HL) re: merits of claim and potential strategies for litigation Meeting with PG to discuss case parameters & strategy relative to further AS and LS contact. & impact of LS documents provided. Confer with Confer with HL re: PG discussion & strategy 5.500 2.500 5178 Page 235 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A 1 No. 5207.0 B Date 11/22/12 Timekeepe Description Richard A. 5179 5208.0 11/23/12 D C Gilbert Richard A. Multiple phone conversation with PG regarding a meeting the following day with AS/LS. Confer with HL regarding potential strategies. Meeting with PG, AS, LS, in Albany to meet client Discussed scope of work, strategy, investigation. E , Hours 1.500 Gilbert 5180 10.500 5209.0 11/26/12 Richard A. Gilbert Confer with HL re: first AS meeting; Meeting with PG regarding obtaining Schoolcraft file from prior counsel (PC); review of client's smart drive, court notes and documents filed in USDC; TC with outgoing counsel; draft of correspondence to PC 5181 3.400 5210.0 11/27/12 Richard A. Gilbert Obtained phone for client; further review of smart drive and filed documents; follow up phone conversation with PG on PC file with PG regarding the Schoolcraft file. TC with PC & follow up correspondence Forwarding Consent 5182 2.450 5211.0 11/28/12 Richard A. Gilbert Review of PC case disbursements claimed as prereq. for transfer of file; research on atty. discharge for cause and excessive disbursements 5183 4.200 5212.0 11/29/12 Richard A. 5184 5213.0 11/30/12 Gilbert Richard A. Gilbert Research on "cause" continued; TC & email with AS re: facts underlying "cause" forward. TC with PG on "cause" TC with PC re: transfer of file vs. allowable disb. Multiple TCs with PG on strategy and focus of investigation, discharge of PC "for cause" & Review of AS email and attachments; confer with HL regarding course of action 5185 1.500 5214.0 12/2/12 Richard A. 5186 5215.0 12/3/12 Gilbert Richard A. 5187 5216.0 12/3/12 Gilbert Richard A. 5188 5217.0 12/5/12 Gilbert Richard A. 5189 3.000 TC's. with PG regarding correspondence to and conversation with PC. 0.500 Review of email from PC; confer with HL re: same TC with PG regarding e-mail from PC. 0.500 Phone cony. with AS regarding e-mail from his previous counsel, investigation and setting up another meeting. Review of e-mail from AS & TC with PG re: transfer of file from PC Gilbert 0.500 0.800 Page 236 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A B No. Date 5218.0 1 12/6/12 5190 5219.0 12/7/12 C D E Timekeep Description Richard Phone cony. with PG re: VP investigation update A. Hours Gilbert Richard 0.250 A. Gilbert Meeting with PG, re: NYPD disciplinary charges NYPD employment issues: confer with HL re: legal position on disciplinary charges & return to duty potential v. retirement 5191 1.500 5220.0 12/10/12 Richard A. 5192 5221.0 12/11/12 Gilbert Richard A. 5193 5222.0 12/13/12 Gilbert Richard A. 5194 5223.0 12/14/12 Gilbert Richard A. 5195 5224.0 12/14/12 Gilbert Richard A. 5196 5225.0 12/17/12 Gilbert Richard A. 5197 5226.0 12/17/12 Gilbert Richard A. 5198 5227.0 12/17/12 Gilbert Richard A. Gilbert E-mail and TC with PG, re: file transfer/termination for cuase of PC. 0.500 TC with PG regarding Albany meeting with AS & others; confer with HL re: same 0.500 review of E-mail from AS with Queens D.A. Press Release re: no criminality: multiple TC's with PG and AS & confer with HL re: same Confer with HL re: press release; TC with PG, re: 1PP's position on AS. 3.000 1.000 review of PG E-mail to NYPD Asst. Comm. Kearns, re: Schoolcraft; confer with HL re: same 0.125 Review of E-mail to Kearns (NYPD) re: Schoolcraft NYPD employment issues; confer with HL 0.200 Meeting with PG, update on securing file from PC, NYPD employment issues, investigation 2.000 Additional research on discharge for cause. Conferred with HL re: merits of moving v. merits of negotiated transfer; conferred with PC reaching agreement on file transfer; draft letter 5199 2.250 5228.0 12/18/12 Richard Gilbert Confer with PG prior to file transfer; travel to PC Office to effectuate transfer of 6 banker boxes of files; brief review of files at PC office. Richard TC with AS & LS update & strategy discussed. A. 6 5200 5229.0 12/19/12 A. 5201 5230.0 12/22/12 Gilbert Richard A. 5202 0.700 Review of PG E-mail re, amended complaint Discuss with HL Gilbert 0.200 Page 237 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A No. Date 5231.0 1 1/2/13 5203 5232.0 1/4/13 D C B Timekeepe Description Meeting with HL & PG at office re: update on file Richard review & discussion of "eyes only" file. continued A. review of file. Gilbert Continued review of file; meeting with PG Richard E Hours 4.500 A. 5204 5233.0 1/5/13 Gilbert Richard A. 5205 5234.0 1/8/13 Gilbert Richard 6.000 Continued review of file Memo to file. 3.500 Meeting with PG, HL re: file contents strategy. A. 5206 5235.0 1/9/12 Gilbert Richard 3.500 Meeting with PG RE: investigation strategy. A. 5207 5236.0 1/11/12 Gilbert Richard A. 5208 5237.0 1/12/12 Gilbert Richard 0.750 Meeting with PG, re: Union's failure to represent Confer with HL on failure/strategy 1.000 Research on Union's failure to advocate for A.S A. 5209 5238.0 1/14/12 Gilbert Richard A. Gilbert 5210 5239.0 1/16/12 Richard 2.000 Meeting with PG, re: Queens DA. Research Discovery of D.A.'s investigative file: email PG Confer with HL regarding research outcome & strategy with regard to same Phone cony. with VP re: update, meeting to follow. 4.750 A. 5211 Gilbert Richard 0.125 A. 1/19/12 5212 5241.0 1/21/12 5213 Multiple e -mails to /from PG, re: draft letter to NYPD & redrafts Gilbert Richard Review of PG, re: NYPD letter. A. 5240.0 Confer with HL regarding letter Gilbert Richard 1.500 0.200 A. 5242.0 1/22/12 5214 5243.0 1/23/12 Multiple emails to PG re: 1 PP letter Meeting with PG, Re: NYPD letter; review letter Gilbert Richard Phone cony. with PG, Re: NYPD letter 1.800 A. 5215 5244.0 1/25/12 Gilbert Richard A. 5216 0.125 Meeting with PG to discuss NYPD's response to e mail communications. 0.500 Gilbert Page 238 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A B 5245.0 Date 1/29/12 5246.0 1/29/12 5247.0 1/30/12 5248.0 1/31/12 5249.0 2/1/12 5250.0 1 2/2/13 No. 5217 5218 5219 5220 5221 5222 5251.0 2/5/13 C D Timekeeper Description Richard 7 Review of PG E-mail & affidavit from Center for A. Constitutional Rights (CCR) Gilbert Richard Dinner meeting with PG, FS atty. A. Discuss potential expert consulting Gilbert Richard Confer with HL re: dinner meeting; multiple TC's A. with PG. Gilbert Richard Per cony. PG draft cease & desist to PC A. Regarding website Gilbert Richard E-mail to PG, re: e-mail from CCR. Final draft A. cease & desist to PC re: website Gilbert Richard Draft memo on warrantless search by NYPD TC's A. with AS & LS re: progress / strategy Gilbert Richard Research memo & draft subpoena to Queens D.A. E Hours 0.500 1.500 0.700 0.400 0.125 2.500 A. 5223 5252.0 2/6/13 Gilbert Richard 2.500 Organize file for transfer to PG & Nat Smith (NS) A. 5224 5253.0 2/7/13 Gilbert Richard A. 5225 5254.0 2/10/13 Gilbert Richard 1.000 Draft receipt to PG for transfer of hard copy of files For scanning for the legal team. 0.500 Review of file for deposition A. 5226 5255.0 2/11/13 Gilbert Richard 3.000 Emails to/from PG, re: deposition. A. 5227 5256.0 2/11/13 Gilbert Richard A. 5228 5257.0 2/12/13 Gilbert Richard 0.200 Conf. call Chambers of Judge Scheindlin and conferred with AS, PG & NS NS, AS & RG. Prep and defense of deposition of AS 2.000 A. 5229 5258.0 2/13/13 Gilbert Richard 6.000 Phone cony. with PG & NS, re: case status. A. 5230 Gilbert 0.500 Page 239 EXHIBIT A -- SCHOOLCRAFT TIME CHARGES (LISTED IN "NO." ORDER IN COLUMN A) A D C B No. Date Timekeeper Description 5259.0 1 2/14/13 Richard A. Gilbert __ _ __ Meeting with PG & NS at office & file transfer of Nat Smith. Meeting with NS to discuss how file is formatted. Meeting with AS and legal team. E Hours 0.500 5231 5260.0 2/21/13 Richard Email to PG re: file preservation A. 5232 5261.0 2/27/13 Gilbert Richard A. 5233 5262.0 3/1/13 Gilbert Richard 0.250 Review of e-mail from Corp. Counsel containing additional "Attorney's eyes only" documents and discussion with PG & NS. Review of A.S. deposition transcript 1.250 A. 5234 5263.0 3/5/13 Gilbert Richard 1.300 TC's with PG updating status A. 5235 5264.0 3/21/13 Gilbert Richard 0.200 TC's with PG updating status A. 5236 5265.0 3/25/13 Gilbert Richard 0.300 TC's with PG updating status A. 5237 5266.0 4/2/13 Gilbert Richard 0.200 TC's with PG updating status A. 5238 5267.0 4/8/13 Gilbert Richard A. 5239 5267.1 4/8/13 Gilbert Richard A. 5240 5268.0 4/11/13 Gilbert Richard 0.200 TC's with PG regarding appearance SDNY re: gag order & other relief; review of papers in support and opposition to relief TC's with PG regarding appearance SDNY re: gag order & other relief; review of papers in support and opposition to relief Appearance SDNY oral argument 2.5 0.300 A. 5241 5242 Gilbert TOTAL Page 240 2.000 9279.09

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