Software Rights Archive, LLC v. Google Inc. et al

Filing 118

SUR-REPLY to Reply to Response to Motion re 66 MOTION to Dismiss for Lack of Standing filed by Software Rights Archive, LLC. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit Table of Exhibits, # 2 Exhibit Exhibit 1, # 3 Exhibit Exhibit 2, # 4 Exhibit Exhibit 3, # 5 Exhibit Exhibit 4, # 6 Exhibit Exhibit 5, # 7 Exhibit Exhibit 6, # 8 Exhibit Exhibit 7, # 9 Exhibit Exhibit 8, # 10 Exhibit Exhibit 8, # 11 Exhibit Exhibit 10, # 12 Exhibit Exhibit 11, # 13 Exhibit Exhibit 12, # 14 Errata Exhibit 13, # 15 Exhibit Exhibit 14, # 16 Exhibit Exhibit 15, # 17 Exhibit Exhibit 16, # 18 Exhibit Exhibit 17, # 19 Exhibit Exhibit 18, # 20 Exhibit Exhibit 19, # 21 Exhibit Exhibit 20, # 22 Exhibit Exhibit 21, # 23 Exhibit Exhibit 22, # 24 Exhibit Exhibit 23, # 25 Exhibit Exhibit 24, # 26 Exhibit Exhibit 25, # 27 Exhibit Exhibit 26, # 28 Errata Exhibit 27)(Duvvuri, Narasa)

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.., tc il d'7£:t L6-W-sl STOCk EXæANGE AGllEMEN1 Thi, STOCK BXCRANGE AOmMENT (ths "AJcm") Is Jniide ond eiimllnto July -- 1997 amol1 (i) lldtaolnt, tnç.. a Cihfomia cororaion ("WtaeøiD"). (ii) Sftettill a Delliware cooraOb ("$1"), eüi), only for th~ purpse of Articles I, VI and Vlf oftlis ASl1 person or ellt.ljiiii Hat on tbe !lignatt pages hBleofunder the CItion Principal Site StoçkhJ ,(the "frncpil si!Q Stoçkbg1denn, lUd (iv), only for the purGse of aging to the tea of Artîçl. 1 d VII of this Agmett ttmse pcrsol1 or entiies liste on the signatu pages herf undr the Clion er Site Stockolders (tle "Otr Site Stgckholdeq'lt. RECIAL A. Th Bowd of Olnlors of eah of Sit and Dell:Poiit beliee it is in the best int e5I of eab compll IId their repetive 81oiilde tht DfltaPolnt acquire al of the capital stok of ite on the tes se fort herin (the "Ac5sitlon") end, iD fuitl4te thcnf, have apve the hquisiti 8. The $loçJolde of Sito have approved the AcquisitiDD, c, PUlIlt to the Aioquisitloll among otlcr things and subject to the tel1B iud eon ons of this Agreent, 1111 of the issued and outding 5hll of tapi1d stook of Sltli shalt be convertd to the right to reeIve cerjn shares of voting Common Stock of DoltaPint (II ll) Bnd cxitin c:b. D, .Site, IJItWoint end the Principal Site Stockholde des to rnii~ çt repre takih5 wid W81t¡,. and other lIClmun in connection wit the Acquisition. NOW. 'tFlRBORE, in considertion of the cotenats, proise an rereiientaions set herein, and fur oter g(Jd and \'ø.luøle considerion, intending to be legaly bound hereby the p asfoUuws: I AlCLEl 1' ACQUlstON 1.1 Wieç QØ Ca,tal Stoi;. Subjøot to th terms an çgnditlon of thl:j Aireent. b the Aeiubition an witllQ aøy IGtion on the par of Site or th holder of ii shas of Site Com tbo following shl occur upon the signing of this Agreöt by Ali of i II I I I' I. the paie. hereto: (a) CoyerslOO ofSjæ ScriesBPre Stpçk. Bacb &hii ofSerlc: D Pn, rr Stock or Site (cDllectiv~ly. the "Site Sglj B Stck")iillied and outtadiil immedly at such t lJ wi1r I; be eaceled and exuished lld be cotl\'eited aimatioally into the right to receivo (i) that num !' of shars of Dellåoint Common SlOiik eaual to the Sctios 8 Exbwgc (u defined below in tli Section 1.1). upon surnder of the i:rtfioatuepn,SClån¡ such sher anlte S.ries a Stock in the provided in Section t.2 and (ii) Utai amount ofcasb (payable by oheck) It equal to $100 divided by I: Aggg.te Series B Nwnbcr(as d.l1ed below in thiii SeetiQn 1.). (b) Convrsion 01 of Site Senea A lmwrr Stgpk St(l shll of SerillB A Prv6 i Site (eollettivcl)'i the itsim SerU A Stçk") Issued and outsng immediatly at such time cancelec and l:ingUishcd and be c¡onw: automaûi:lly into the rIght to reeive (I) th number ,I. '~ ëØl1 l55' i:l .i ''lOi:l Ø3 'l) ':1 9 +- INISN5 tlJ1Il'l 8T :St .!6//"¿o EXHIBIT 16 INT _EGG...00031 " j, d'l£:i; l6-inr-gl \ of Dctaolnt Common Sto equal to the Series A Bihaa'Ro (Q Qfied belQw in thii, S upo 9ure.ner of the etficaæ repren¡ sud¡ ¡¡Ji of Site Serie A Stock in th manuir Section 1.:2 and (ii) tht amunt of ouh (¡iayile by check) equal to $ t 00 dl víded by the AggreS on t.), Numbe (as defned below In this Seiiüon 1.ll. ided iii SorielJA (c) CIOQF!U,tio of SUll C:PWmQD Stck. In lliiht oftle preferces provided CJ th.e Site Sønes A SfQk and Site Slrics B Stock and the ø.ursatô i:o"shlerilan to ba provided to thci Pri ¡pill Site $toøkholderi piuant to this Aricle I, ~b sha of Common Stock oUIt (colk;tl'lcly. the,". . .a," logeer with the Site Seriai A StQlik and the Site Serie, lJ' Stock. the "5lll2 St'I) wull d oul5ldlog lmme,diaely at 5ue" time wil b~ ~ceed and extnsui:ed witout any WnvlOh erf. Cd) Can!(lIø,iop gfl)buojoed ¡n SileCd S. . Eaah she of OYJloo by Deltaoint, Site or any diret or inR'ct wholly-owned subsidiar ofDcltaoint or Slt immediately prior to th Acquhiition shall btl oBDcellid ar.d el.tnguishd without iny tot¡version (e) FrctlQngl Sb~. No hction cñ a $ha~ of Deltaoint Cotiinon Stok Vi II be issued. Rather. in lieu theref, each holdClr of shø. oC Site StQçk who wnuld oterise be entlt to a frlltiun nf a shar ofDeJtoint Common Skick (af ø.sain IlI fronal sba ofOelia nt Common Stock to be reeived by suçh holdGtl shall beentitlid to reaeve lr()m Oelclnt 8l ømo t ofçah (roded to the hi:Øfst whole i:ent) equal to th pruct of such f*tion multiplied by OeltøPoint losing Price, (I) Denilkm. (i) Aørpte Serie A Nwhar, the "Aassa ScÎe A Numbørl' taU moah the øarega nwnbe of shas of Site Series A Stck outdin inimødiatcly prior to the Acqu 1ion. (ii) AgøngAte SeÒes B Nuaibm. The l'Alørga Series B Number tle ii Dmn1:r of sha of Site Seies 8 Stock outding imedaMy pror to the Acqui (Ii) Series A Excange ßi. The "Sene; A E¡¡change Ritio" shall qllotien obtaned by dividing (x) the IO:i.1261 by (y) the Agegate Series A NWlber, quot~t obtined by dit¡idiog (x) the 396,121z by (y) the Aggrga Series B Number. (i\') Sem; B Exclapm; Ra. The IlSenes a I3clgc katio" shll m Ihe I (v) DeltaPoi C1slnii r.. Th ''Dltoint Closing Pnce" shall averS' daly closing lJii;e per shi of Dcltaoint Common Stok for th~ 30 ~n_utlve Nasdaq I, i BuUèt Boø. triiing days the las of which preces the Closing Dat by tw ttiiig day,., ~ I. A.~uies II DtlmPoint Cloing PrIce ofs i .50 for purose of çalcula.tini the QUID SJiIlIt lO pa the remaining AUlI Kala Invesents fee of i i :j Assues a Deltoint Cloi.lng Prce of $I.SO for pinse of caculatû the num shars to pay the ree1ing Alla Kalin tnvestent fee. . i .K:O\IS13QU'.IJ.1 \5 -2- II 4 £ÐÐd T6S'rn ''i '"' 'iJ ':¡ 9 Eo ltU5!'JS l-1011M 8T lSi ¿6-OO/¿B INT _EGG_000032 " ¿b-w-al l d"., 1.2 Surroder gfOertljleg. (8) ExcbMgc Apu. l'r/ot to the dat hereof. Deltaoint shall desi¡nate thei Jdillge iinl for Ute UeltIolnt CQl1mQ.Q Stock or a suitale alteaUve apiit ta ac as exohan agent ( c "BxagAA") for1i Aaql,lslllòn. (b) Delojot to ~'PUJ Commgp StgÇkgpd Che Ptoly åf the ci høref, Dc1taoin ,halt mae a\'liiJable tø tbe &chan Ast fu citçhange in ~cotdçe with this Ar Ie T. the øsgrcøate nunber of shai ofJJltint Co.inoii Stck and ohe fDr th 8IOUls of cah iSl ble PUl't to Stion 1. i in eihan for o!lladhg shar oUice Stock. (c) l3xç"gpge lmCcdUll. Prompty altledai heret De1lolht IihaU Ie to be male to eah holder of rerd of a certi: or cerficaes (th "ÇlGfis;") wbh:h immediii y prior tQ the dae heref represete outlbig shar of Site Stok BId wbiçh shar we c:nVled into the right to receive s~ orOeltaoil\t Cömion StOlk ii accc with the tes ofSeçOIl 1, i, (i) a l of transmitl (wllidi ~all si.if dtal delivery shall bo effte and ri of iilall pus, cinl)' upon deliver of the Cetfieas to thD Blhanae Agt øid wJilch shall be in RI, !a an have suoh oter prvisloni as b;ltaPoint oiay rCionabl)' specif) ao (il) instnitioh$ fo use in c ing the S1urtel1dcr of loss and title to the C Bea1s the Ccrtiflcaæa in cxchange for cas and i:i'ifCIlIB nilelùlg shar of Oeltaoin COinm()h Stock in th~ amoWlts detennined in accordlle with the ters ofSeinon 1., Upo sul'ndcr of Cerifcat tor cac:ellB1ion to the 13xcham¡ Agent, toar witbauch lettefoftrlttaJ. duly plete and validly executed in aiidce wltb the ini;otions therto, the holder of.ucb Cerficaæ sb I be enttled to receive iii Qchange thereor (A) tie lìTiûUiit of çash iooinpesan deined in II eii with the terms of Section 1. and (D) a ccfica repllsetig thenUlbe ofwh(lle shar of Deltao' Common Stock to whicl such holder is enitlw purUlt to Secton 1.1. and the Cerlflcae 80 8UJndere s áll fõlbwit be cii.uieled. Unti 50 8urrde ea outscUng Cel1cite that pdor to tl date he af, reprsented shlltl of Site Stoak wil be deemed frm and i¡~ the dat here fot .11 C(rpiate p Sel. i¡ubjeçl to Section i ,2(d) t1 to the payent of dlvdanda or other distbutions. to evidence the own rship of tho nuøiber of ftll iiars ofOoliaPoÙlt Cominon Stock ÍQtQ which such &hs of Sit Stock shal ave be so converd and the rIsJt to n:i:Jvo an iiolit iu ca in accordce with Scion 1,1. I '. (d) DistributoQS Witb RePCCl1n Unexban Sbe, No dlvidetds or otJe disbibutiollli with rest to DehaPoint Cominon Sto declar or mado.r the Aoqulsition and wii: a rd dae afr th AcqUisition will be plUd to the holder of any uDBunendeit Certfica with respect to the hares of Oeltaolnt Ci;lnmon Stock repniitethere unül t1e holder of rcid of sul,b Cerificate silill rrder such Cerificat, Subject to aplicable law, following sim:der of Ily iuch CcrtiflÐ8. there wI be paid to the retd holder oftlc gerficall repretig whole sli ofDelbiolnt Common Stock iss in exchage therfor, witlout in~st, at the time of such iuindu, the iuouiit øf dividends or other f disbutions with a reord dato after the Acqiuiüon therfore pay"'le with l'ect to sucb whol sbar of Delti;lnt Conuon Stock. I, , I (e) Tmn:¡fets otQwpen¡bîi, tt /ly a:rtifciite for shaes of Deltaoint Comm to be issue In ø. name other than that in which the Certifioa sutrndc in Iixahllge therefor is it wil be a condition oftlQ lSSUíU~ lherrthat the Ceititaato so surrderl wil be proPll1y en otherwise In pror funn for trsfer ø. tbat th persn reuesin suah exc:bigc will have pad Doltaolnt or any 88em det¡rte by it aDY transf QI other taes reuiæd by I'n of the in certfica for shares of Ocltaoin CoÖloii Stok iD an name other thàl tht oftho registe &0 II 'i I I, XS:.0DM\lbOwmll\S .3. li 1iØd J6£ . a i . 'I~ Ø3 '1:1 'P 9 .. UIISNS NJ(M 9T :!;il .!~,¿ø INT _EGG_000033 .l6.1nr-øl CertfiCle siind or ertllshed to the sati&fBction ufDctiaPobi or an agiint deslglt~ b II !O." I tex l,qs been paid or is no payablç, (1) NQ LiabUi.y, Notwithstaing anyting to th ccmtral" in this Section I, . no piu h.tco or Its agen (including, without limition, ihe Exchange Agent) shl be hable to a holder fiihar of Deltaolnl Coon Stock Site Common Sioc:k, Site 8enes A Stock or Site Series B Sb)ck for amount properly plUd to a publio offçjal puuant to an appllelllc abadoned propert, uchell or simil Jaw. 1.3 N. fw Qieri Blab'" In SjtlStgc All 0" and shars ofUeltaoint C Stoçk jssue upon the 511ridermr exi:c of sl..cs ofSit Common Stoc Site Seres A 510 Series B StOQk In aconloe with tho terms bercfsballli dem~ to have ben Issued in full ia faon of all rigb perining to iiuiih 8bar of Sit Common Sto. Siii SeriuA StQk or Site 30m5 B S ok, 8& the ca may be, and there shall be no f\er registrti oftrfel' em the reds of Situ of shll tslt Common Stock Site Serlei A Stock or Sim Seres B Stook which wer outsdinglmniediateJy ¡or to the AcqUisition. If, it th Acquillition, Cerlfii: II prente to Deltaolnt for auy refl0n, diuy shall be cIDciled lld ",changed as provid in th Arll I. 1.4 Lgst Stle or Qeltgy Cerjfici. In tbc event any CertOcate evidncing i Sîle C-ommoii Stock Site SCrii= A 8tok or Site Serie B Stoak shali have been lost. stolen or de Oøtaobit shalJ issl1e in ~çhange for suêh Jost stleR Ilt de$yed Cørtifiçaes. upo the making affdavit of that fa by the holdr thref, such sha of Di:ltQoin Common Stock and cah as reuired pursuant to Secion 1,1; provided howover, th .oltaoill may, in it¡ dÌSretlon and 11 ptiont to the issuance lhere reqlUtii tlie ower of sudi los $lolen or desye Cerficates bond in such sum as It lOa)' ienabJy ditit as indemnity aginst any claim th may be made Oeltaomt with respect to the Cimficates all.ied to havo been I., stolen or destroyed. ARICLEn RERESliltATIONS AN W ARTlE OJ 8m Site herb)' reprosents 4Id wiiauls to Deltaoint tlrs as of tle dae of this Agicimimt sucb ciceaitiOIl as øt specifcallY disclosed, wit reiii: to the appriate setion numbe, in Dlacloiiuru Schoouli: provided to Ociltaoin 0" til date JiC(the IISjtc Djscl0S1 acbe4lcll), 2.1 Oi¡izagn oCSim Site f' a çorptBion duly orpniz validly existing and in stding lIderthlilaws ofthii St. of Delawa" Site has the tOl1mte power to own il$ propirt Ild to I oll on its biisin£s as now being condUld and as proposed to be conductii by Site. Site I' dul qualified to do buane&1I and in ¡oad stding as a ~ign corpaton In each jurlsdIction in which the fail to be so I' I Ef1l meas a miteral adere efft on ibe busillaø. 8Ioll (iDc:Judilig Inlagibie aset). finac daæ. . .. qualified would have i Ma.terll Advere Effect (ii wied in tbi Altmen the te II ' çonditlon or reults of operaton orSito or Deltoi"t, lI appliiiable) AUahe be u I! li tr and Il CQJ;ilis ofSim's Cerficate of hicorpratioo an Bylaws respecvely. each Q !~ '1 I: KS2' 'OD\1'ISQUUI9'IU ~ ~Ød t6S"ON ',,IiZ' Ø3 "!) .:1 9 .. nUSNOS UOS1II'1 Bt :S't .!'8"¿O INT _EGG_000034 ¡. d'7t:t .L6-l"-SI I 2.2 Sit; Cil §tçtre. (a) The Blhor1id capila stck ofSitê COllÏs only of2D.OOO,OOD shani D auilorizc Site Common Stock, of wliicl 2.2~O,ODO slill il issued and Ol,tsdiS. and 2,000,000 abalQ or auotiiç Prefrnd Stock. 596,000 shar of which hIl bee dcsisniited Series A Prfcrrd Stoll aU of wbich are outtading, and 1,000,000 ;,"ilUes ofwblch bii lin designated Seriel B P.efe S k,98t296 shnr~ of which ar outdill8' The Site Sioçk is bikl of NCOtd by the pots, with the BCdr of I'M and in the amowiq set forth on the Sit Scleditle. All cmdin¡ shar of Site Sloc ar dilly auoriied, validly ¡Gsue, fùly piiid aDd lion~asseHablc and no subjoct to pnmptlvø rights cr by stit the Cerlica oflncoraton or Bylaws ofSitorany ageilQ which Site is a or by wbÏ4h it is bound. (b) Sit ba rasrved 700.00 slu of omcen, dlreors oøel cObsultaat piirst to ill 1994 Sto lJlan, of whigh, optons arc outsdi lO purbll an aggßIl of 464,750 shll ofCollon Stock iid 235.250 ,\wll of Common sto for issance to eitplQ 8, Common St remai Bvailable ror futur gn. Thor ar 110 ol option, wiits caUs. rløb comml1ments or a mcnts of any cluttr. wrtt or ohll. to which Site or an)' stockholder of Site Is II part or by which Site I boûnd obligating Site ln issue. deJi\'i:. sell. repUl1ba or redecin~ or ca to be illued d.llverd, iiold, 1'pul'h~d or remed, any Sli6iW of the c:ital stack of Site, 2.3 Subsldiiies. Site doe$ not have and has Dever had any sub$idiaries ot iiliad mpaíes and does not olherwiae own and has niwer othiwl$e owned an sham of capital srok or any Inte do no colrru!, ditly ot jl1lrectly, My buslness eilit), 2.4 Authority. Site has all l'quisite cOlora powcrand authority to enter into this A iu to coniiummate the tr58CtiOD& cotepJat heteby, The executon and delivery of this the trinlltloDs cOllImplatGd hey hB.\'c been duly lllhoriz by all neee corprat aion QII the par of SiQi. including appro\'ii by ihe ~uisita number or stkhold& of iho eonswmatio of (inctudlns.ii holders o'Site StOC _cot fothOS liste on the Site Di.,lo8W' Sohedule) of and any oter trsacio/ls contempla herey for whiçh øpproval orthe Prhicipal Sitc Slòc:khol reulM under âpplicablc law, Site'$ Soard of Ditrs ha approved the Mqulsilioq and thl5 A I: the this Agrviment Ii bi: duly mtute and deliver by Site and Ç(hsttu the vald and bibd ublipton of SIte, enforcle In sC~ordiu wit ill _8. The élaCution and deiver of this Aii eieht by Site does not, and the cosuminion of tl tnDna çontcmplmd he will no coßiçt wi ,or ",suit iø any violation of. or defiilt nnder (with or without noticc or hiii oCtie, or both), or give rln l a rit of I tenninaton, c;imcellatiûn, modlßc.tion or iicçeleron of an ma_na obligation or los of any m Ia bIt WKcr (any such event, a "CøI.) (I) an provision otlke Certificat oflncoration at ylaws of Site or (ii) 8I mortage, Jadenlu lwe, COtlt or other agrement or iastelt. poit, cone iion. tìchilie. licese, judamtml, order, de statuei law, otirie. rule Of rcløiiot appliçiile to ite or it propees or aset, 'No COIlSe.t waver, Ipprval, order or authoriztion or, or registrion, decl on or filing wit..y cow sdoiinistive Bienc.)' Of I i Clmis&lon or oller rcdcq, stae, county, local or tign I'J gO"ëltmeita autorit, inslmentit, agncy or i:misioh ("rioyeiimsmtal ßnli~W) or any th piu, inClUding a pa to Ily agrement wit Site (so lI not to trigger any Confict) Is reuir by Dr wi l'f,t to Site in connecton with the exntion and deliver of thili Agren or the consummation of th tflionlJ contemlJlatd hereby, except for those cosell th hay. bee" preiously obtned 8J ar ll8bd I on the Site Disclosure Schedule, Ii ic20,OØN11~lIl\! ~Ðd te;'(J~ -5~ l, tl i '\'13l; Øl '::) ';l 9 +- INI5NS I-05lri aT :sr o!6,OO'.u INT_EGG_000035 ic-inr-1i1 I; 0.." 2,S Sb FinonÇ!I' Infgnull!on ROd Stgment¡. The Site Oiiiclosur Schedule sots Co h SIte's itriii aset and habilities as of the da her£ Such information Ii cOIßplete iud oorr in a J mat.1 repects ii p~lU fairly the tiønalaJ cOldition of Site, The Sit Dioolosure Schedule Ii fi the Compay's audibd balace i¡heets as ofOecembet 31, 1994 and Deccmbe 31, 1995 (the '! ") en the audite relate statementi of operaon. and cah flows fOf the yea then ended (collecl I)". the "ComplU FjnanrllJlstI). The Coinpany Flniicia 8î oOiiplet 8Id i:rn in all matlll repe and have J;çen prepard in ø.ornce with senecl,. iipt açoUDinS prlncipl08 ("SJ) applied on bais conllsle tbughDlt the periods indicated an con,istnt wit ea oter. The Compa Fine I. present fairly the ficial Clnditlon lid operatin, reults oftbe Compa ll of indiclud there, the dal' Md durng tlte ods 2,6 NO J ln!sglos Liahlltiei Site doe. not have lU)' liabilty, indobted;ss. obi i ex. çløim. deliciclY, guaiu Of adOlenen of aD)' tye, wbeth lHed, _lute. co matn: unmitd Of oter (whether or not reiiircd to. ~ rcflct in rlllal stateents in wit generallyaceptd IlCluDting prinoiplcs), whidi iiidiviclualy or in th aggregate, has not b in tie SJl Disclosure Si;hedule. 2.7 tax iw O1ci RetuQls and Beppi1i. (a) Tax Returns ai Audit. (i) Site os qftho Acquisition will have piqar and filed all require federal, sla local and foreign retu$, estimats, iiiaiion statemel1 and rcpQtI (,. B.,i) ielating Glyand aU l4 conøerning or attibutale ln Site or Its opel'ions an such Res arø true an correct i all mBleriaJ repe and have bee complet in al mact-ial repe In aecordoe with aplicable I . aiil! (B) withheld with l1pec to its employee all fcdersland sta inwm tas, The Fedcralln cc been with&ld, (II) SilB has (A) paid or ICCl'ed all taes It 18l'uired to hnve paid 0 8Cni~d Contrbuion Act ("fl,i)1 the Fedcml Unemployment Tax Açt (lIfU") aid other taes n=qui to have (ii) Site ha not be delinquent in th payment of any ta Dor is there any ta defiolency Qiiding. proposed or RSlise iit Silot nor hii Site excitc:d any wa!\lr Qr any tatute Df limitaons on Qr exendiqg the period fo th øssmcnt or eollecioh of any ta. i nor hse Slto ben notified øf MY reques for such lIaudlt or oter exminaton (iv) No audit or oibor uxinatin or my Rebi of Site!, currntly in progt" r (v) Site doe not have an material (indivdually or ill the aggate) i abiJties fo unpad fiera, st, locallùïd foreign taes. whdlcr asd or uiiertcd, cDntiligent or alb Ise.1I Sit høs no knoledg of an)' basii for the asrton of any ¡uDh materal (Individually or in the as egøa) ~ i liailty atbutle to Site itl asseli or opeio. I: (vi J Site hB3 pi'vidc to Deltaoiht copies of.1I feder ønd stte incoi 0 and 011 stlo saes and usc Ta Retuns to all periods since the date of Site's inc:ororation. :1 1(::ODMlPiiISQUUH!III\S -6. ~t !l ¿øÐd T6S-0~ '..ootJ Ø3 "0 .~ 9 f. INIStIJ NOiiM 8T,ST ¿6Jæ,o¿e INT _EGG_000036 . dt¡£i£ l6-inr-1i1 (vii) Thero ar (an 88 of immediately following the Bffective Date th æ wll I be) no matcia (lndividwl) or in the qgregaæ) hens. plcd¡ei, chlleii. clBims. security InIi or ther miiriiil (indlvtduaUy or In the: lIgsnsate) ebcwnbrëe of any sort (~LiR) on tl iise ofSii relating 10 or atbutalii to ti. (..ii) Site has 110 Iu~it-dge of MY basis for the ssn of atibutable to taes wbich. if adveniy dermine, woul reult in any marial (Jndividuall) or the any clam e1atis or ii~gate) Lien on th lIeI of Site, (ix) Nanc of Sate's assets ar trea as ~ta.eiempt us própertq wi meaing of Si:tion 168(h) or the Intal Revenue COde of 1986,8$ amende ftbe I~"). the Acquisition, ther wiJ not be: any cotr,t, agrement, (ir) As of argement, Includlnø, but not limite to, tile pivisions of1lis Ageement, coverng anyelhpJo fomw employe of Site that. individually or Q)1l~tively, cold ¡lye rise to the pD.)'mønt of ~i)' would not be deductible pursuat to SeolOD 280G or 162 ofth Code. (xi) Site há not fied any coent agrement under Section J41(f) of 0 Coe or qn to have Section 341(t)(2) oftle Code apy to any disposition ofø subsetioii (f) ast (li eflned 1n Section 341(1)4) of the Code) owned by SltO. (xii) Site is not II part to II Imr sharing or alloction Ilgreinent nor doe Site owe any Iluouht UDder Øly siih Illinent. holdig eOJ'ntlon" witliilJ the meaing of (xiii) Site hi no~ and ha iot beiin at In)' time,ll .'Uaibx6tate re pro Secton 897(c)(1) of the Cod. (idv) Site's ta basis in it asel$ for puoses of detennininglts fue amorizaion, depreciation and othel fedel income ta deduOtioDS is lIuraly reflecte on Site' ta bgoks and records. 2.8 Restctlpns on Biisjne1!Adiyjtes. There is no ageelUett(110.tompete oroth ¡li). i;uuitmont, judgment, injunotion, otdr or decre to which Sit Is a par (Lr otlltwiliCl bùtini u n SliD which has or reßiibly could be expiiiited to have the efi: of proibitin¡ Dr impairini aty busin liS practice of Site. an acquisiIWn ofpropelt (taible or inible) by SUIl or the conduct of busin sa by Sib:. Witout limltÍDg the fogoing, SÏl 1w not ontGrd into any agreeiii:1I iider which Site is stiçted i I from seiling, licensIng or otherwise distrbuting lly orih CUrtDt, planned or prposed pro 0 serviiie. to any clas of customers, il any gco¡nphic ue during any perod of Ume or in any segmcrt of e iiar I 2.9 TItle to 1'erties; Abønec of Liens AUd iqcumbrcq. 11 ~ (a) Site owns no re propert, nor has it e\'er Dwned an)' re ptnpc. The S e Disolosurc Sc:lieulc sets forih a list of all teal propert currly, or at MY time in the pos lea Y Site, the niuc ortbe liic. t1c date Dfthe lea and çach amendment thereo and, with respeat to an c :rnt i I lease, the aggate onnua retal ondJor oUter fes payable under an si, lea. AJI such i:t eaes we I. in Cull fo and effct, il valid and eftive In aacoManc:e witb their rcspeivl tams, and thero no. l I IC!l:ODlJuul\, saø.:! l6l;. ON .7- I. '. Ii -, 'Voo ø:'t ':I Ð ~ INISllJ5 11J'IM 8ri~1 ¿s-al.Ð INT_EGG_000037 1 a.,£~£ l6-1nr-1I1 under any of Iluiih leaes, aiiy existing defult OfDvet of default (nr event whieh wid. notice or I or bot would i;on3titu a defalt). (b) Site has good and \'alld tie to. Of, in the case or laid propeies an leaehold iøtrcts iø, all of its mateial tagible pros md asil:, re peral iid mlMd, u or held for il in Its buines. fre and cle of any Liens. except 11 ret1cçte OD Site Dlslo$U Schcdl and except for liins for 1m not yet due and payable and IUlih i.pirtions of title and cocumbrciis. If ii . whIch ar iot material in characte. 1U0un or u;nt and which do not inaWiil\ly det ftm tJo valu or matrially inteer with thCl pnent use otth.. pry 8Ubjll thereto (J lld therby. 2, l 0 JottlUeiul Pmpe~. (a) Site OWhs, or is Uctns or oterwe poses legally eøfomeable rl,gts to us, all pints trdearks, tr~ iilS, seice marks, copyrIghts and anyapUcatoul tbcnfur, net lis i scematilõ, tcÇMOIo/Ø, knw-how, compute sgft prgrm Ol aplicons (In bot ROUrc. and object code fo), an tagible or intable propriet infoaton or malmiaJ that ar used in tl D busineis of Silo ~II)øa c\lrrnl:y conduotd or as lJposed to be conducted by Site (the" . (b) The Slte Disclosu Schedule se futt a ~mplote list of all patchl. regi material uiiiSll.d tri:inar Ngiiid eu~ishii, tr Danes and service mar, and any lictlOJs therfor,lncludcid In Sib IhieUøctuall'ropelty llpts, and specifes where opplieible, tli:jurbdc ions in which ea lIc:h Sit Intellcctua Prpert 1l hll been issued or registe or in whlcl IIllppH 'l.on for Sl1h Issuane iud rogiratlon h!l been fI~ including the teptctlve tegltr or apliaiiou n bel' and the nømes of illl i;gistere OWIlS, The Sit Discsure Schidu1e lits fQrt i complete nst of all i èlSe&, sublloelUes and other 8gtiil!ts as to whieh Sil is a pa (other th oommcti;iaUyavailliblll ar subjec to sJrink.wrp llce!l) an PUIlit to which SUe or lI oter pe is authorize lO any Site Intellecl Prope R.ipt or tre ii~ of Site, ønd ¡boludes th identity of all palii there, D esetlJtion of th niill and Bubjeçt ma1 tli:o~ the apUcabie royalty or othr fee. and the tcl1 therf. e executloh and delivery ol'thIs AgrOlent by Site,lId the consummation ofthc ~tionB cotie plated lu:Rly. wil neither ca Site to be in violaton i; defliilt under llY sueb license. 8ublicenso or il meut, llor entitle anothir par to any such licese, sublicens or agl1t to tenniuat or modify su JlçcMe, lubllcenso or qthlen. Siæ is the: sole and lXcllßi\'e owner or license of, with all right, title ID interest in and to (fre and clea of any lienSi or enulhbraces), SIIe IiiUeøl Ptpcny IlghL.ii aDd h88 s Ie and imliiive rights (and Is not contrKhiBllY oblig to pay an çompensaton to any third par In pa thi:t) to the usc th"ref or ti'le mø.teri41 çovcnx 1bereby in COMeiion with the services ar prod in .tpetofwliich Site Intellecual Propert Rights ar beiti¡ use. II ~ (c) No claims with repøt to SilD r"tellRtI Propert kight5 have been l1SC ed or ilte theaned by any person, nor. tn th be.i of Sites knowledg, ~ ther any valid piunds rOt any naliåe cJh1l1, (i) to the eff that the manufactre, sale.Il"Dsing or Uge of an of the proi.cts of Site in lises on an colJigbt, pant trde miu, iwic mark. tre lji=et or Dter pRlprictary right of odiets. (ij agiust I th use by Site of any tøemlc, serice nu trde names, trllo secre, copyrights, inkwork ,patts. tehnology, knW.l"ñi or compute softar pts and applicaons used in Sit.'s business 88 c tly condUC or as proposed to be conduct by Site. or (ii) Ilballengi"g th ownebip by Site or the aJidity or 'i I. oIaiivDlUl of any of Sitl Intellecual Prpe Rlshts, All ieglstre tremar.. serice mar d cøpyighulild by Site ar valid and Slb.jsting. Site bas no infring;d an the buiness of Site as urtly I ¡~ ic"::ODMI~m,lu 6ØØd i:6S.0N .8. ~ ''l~*. ø: 'Q '3/ 9 .. INISN05 ND5IM 8T :!il .!'8.-¿ø INT_EGG_000038 l6-1nr-s! II d'1t:( condue or IS proposed to be conducd docs not infiiiCt any c:pyfa patent, timar Ice mark tnte se or other ptni: tlgt of an third pa. To the bii onites knoledge th l. 0 matial Judgment. or stpulaton rcoting in any mlll1i: uhiworiza usc Infingement or Ull&8prDh of auy of Site Inlcllecall'to Rl¡li by thir I par.ln~ludihg liy cnploaoor forer employee ofSìte. No Site lnloUcctul Prpe R.ight or roui:t of Site iii subject to an outstaUig decre, ordr. \ Ilcen$liig thereof by Site. Eah employe, CGdsultllt or contrtor orSitc hai e~l1te a propri. IlImaion aiid l:DnficJentiality øarement substlilly in SItes atdø futrs. All softre lnçl ded In Site IntellcDt\l Pro RIgbta is original Yfit1 Site en has be cithor cr~ by ~mployeeii of im on a work-lor-hiro bails or by consultants or GOiiorø wh have cr such lOftwsr themselves ai d have øiiiisnec all righ" th may hw.e hii in suçh sohli to Site. 2,1 t Asreewentø. Cgotn, ,ndCømmjtenla, Site do not have, Is not a pa to no is It boWldby: i I (i) any tido1ity or IUre bood or complatioD bond and an iien of indemnifcation or guaty, I (II) any leas ofpemnil Pl'pert havQig a "alue, inividually or in hG aggat, in exais orslO.OO. (ii) an)' agment conct or commibncnt contnining any çOveant . mjtin~ the freadom of Site to engq in iuy Une of b\inlBS orto gOmpem with any piirson, i and iavolvinii indjydwdly or in tho øapi futii payments in exess onIO,GOO, (iv) any agen çuJltrts or COl1mlútGiits reling to caita! e dis (\I) an agll colrt or cClnUliitmClnt rel1ing to the dispositon or acql1isltioD of assets or any interet in an buinSB onterise outside the ordinal) COUlSa of SIte a iiincss, ements i (vi) any mortpg Indetus. loan or cnilt agll19, securit I or oter a¡rentl or insImenti; relatii to the borring of lIy or extension of creIt. inel ß\iitiiis roered to in claus (i) herea'. In ¡~ (vii) wi pu8l0 ord ot' c:ntrts for the Jliulias of raw matcirlil1 nvolving, ,( I indlviduatly or III the asal1ga, S101000 or more (vii) any conion c:ntri (ixl any distibuton, join mareting Dr diivelopment agrement, 'j (x) any agreeDlt puruan to whiøh SilD has grte Dr may grt lD ii futu, ~ to any par, a soe-cod IiceDse or opion or other ript to us or iiuir. contingent or othe SOUll~ DOde, it . (xl) any manflrneii emplo)'i:t, severanc:, consulting, rcloçtion, repatration. explllion, visø.. work peit or siinilar qrnt or coct botwee Site or my Iiato I' i I( kS2iODMA\Ii$"Ø981\S -9- " H ai:Ød T6S'ON '':0Ø 03 "D ':I S Eo INI5t1J5 NO1IM 8T :5J ¿6"æ"¿0 INT_EGG_Ø00039 ;. dl¡i£ i,6-inr-S\ I theRlaf aJd an consultant or any ournt. fóler, or l'ire employeo, offce, or dh'ectr of Si~ r an iiffiat tiierf, or (xii) any otcr agements, c:trcts or ciommitients that in\lolve. in Ot in the agga, $10,000 or Inore or is not oacelabla wiout peni:lty within thirt elf) days. Sit bll hOt materal Iy breached violate or delted undr, or reived nutice that It bll br i violat or defaulte un~er, any of the terms or condilions of any agree~, c:ntnt or commitment to w lci it is bod (including th so foit In Il)' oftb. Sito Diaç!OIlUh ScleduJe) (uiy SUGh aøroement, 000 tor therunder of çommitmcnt, a "Cp_"). Bac COJltrat is in ftl i foce iid ctr iu is not subjec to any d. It whch Sit has knowledo by any ps obli8*d to Sit pursuant there. sibling, denda Ot i;pousii of MY of IUgh ptl'ns, or any trst parrsbip or cooralOlln 'ch any such peros has or hi had an inte), ha or has ~ad. dirtJ or fndÎ/'tly. (I) an eanøllic iim It in any entity wbii:h fbmlsbed or 1i1d. or futoi,hcs or sells. sGlClS or product $im lia to those Site f\i hea or 2.1 i lnter.~ Pa TrIDllQD. No omce. dior or IIkKkholder oUito (nor an cesta. of siil,i or propo" to ñimish or sell (il) an ecnomic inmest in an entity that purBS fim or lis or fiiid,li to Site auy goodi or service or (iii) a bëeticiii inret in ai Cøiitrå; proided. tbat wnersp ofno inore th one peren (1%) of be deemed an ti outdJlig 'Vo£irig stock oIa puliiilY-lraded colpmtion Jail not "i:omic intet in any ent" for putse of this SccD 2.12. 2,13 Coøl!ønq with lØ1. Site blS coplied iD all maia rePecs with. viollltiçn of, and bali not teived an notice of violition with repect to, any foniigt, foora, i stute. !aw or nigulation. lsi no in I ~ , I, 2.1 4 Litip TIete is no acton, suit or proc~ding of iiy nat piindiig or, to Silo' knDwledge, threened agat Site, its propetia¡ or iiy of its offcel' or dJrectot (in. ihelr Iepe ve C4J1ejUes lI such). The is no invcsiøon pending or tl~atened iins Silo, its proeries or y of Its offcers or dirers by or bere any goverenta entity, The Site DisclosU Scbcdule _ fort with tespct to my ¡inding or that;d acion. suil, proCèhig or InvestigatIon, the forum, the J:e lhi:rçto. the subjec mat therf iid the amoWit Qf dage etalñ,d Or Qlher reedy reuested. No go~ mental entity ha at an lim~ ehaUeliged or quesoned die lega tight of Site to manu£ø. o:t or sell y of its I. I prducts ii tiie preent manner or sLyle thof, The Site Disolosure Sçh~uh~ also tisls all suits an legil actions initiat by Site. I , 2. i S losu9', With rçspcct to 1Ie insurace lJlicies and fidelity bonds coverln the iota, busins, equipment; propeß, opetins, eml'loY~, offgi:rs and dihltors of Sit then is 110 m tetiBI claim by Site pendini unde any of suc pollaiOl or bonds u to which çoveragc hQ ben quliiilol1 . deni: Dr dispute by the underrital' of such pohi:i\l or bond$. All ptemiuins due and payable under all uch polieles an bonds have ben paid, and Site is otherwise in maletiå compliace with t1e _ms of s ch polkl." ud bonds (or otlter policies an bons proding subtatially .iniilar insurie coen) Site hAs no kiJowlcdge of oy tlned tel1inatiOD of. or maeril'l1m lum incr with repe to, any such policies. S\Ih policies of iasurance and bonds ar the ty and in thci amunts IllltoarIJy llied person5 GOnducting blllJesc¡ simila to those of I. i Site Ii i' I~ K5i:'C)DII~IP111" -to- I '\ J. ned fS5 at! ''tØo'l Øl 'tJ ':I 9 .. INISNOS tnsim 8T :51 .!13¿0 i INT_EGG_000040 :, dt¡i£ l6-1nr-sl , 2.16 Minutq BODks. The minute books 0' Sllé made available to couhsel for Deltao ar the only minute bok; or Site an Ilont an amiute summa ofaU meetigs of dire (or comm twii therf) and stholder or actions by writæn COll since the time of iirpration or Site 2,17 Enviroents' wnw. Site ha'i not DlJeried any undcWl stge tank. an hss no knowlede of the ~istece, at iiy time. of iü uiidetund floiagc ~k (or relate plpip¡ or P POJ)t at an)' prope that Sit has at any time owned. opel. ocupie or lea. Site hi not releas an ount of MY substnco tbat ha beili' desgned by iny Goermenta entity or by law to be raioacve, tmdi; hazus or oterwl8C a dage to heilt or Ute en\lircnment. Includl 8. witout lûnalDn, PCBs. ~=lQs, oil an petroleum procts, W'a.fOlaJdiid. lld all aubst lis as B applicable fedf, st. or local "hBZus substa" "haous WISte" "haiuli matal' or "t.ic substocl' orwòls of Imilar ¡niport, Uhde any law, inclucllng bu not limit to. the Cuniprebemivc Envlronrøa Reponse, Copenson" and Liiiilty Ad of 1980. as mened the Resourc ConslVßtkli i.nd R.ecer et of 1976, as ameide~ the federa WatPoJlutlon Contrl Ai¡~ as amended; ih Clea Air Act as iid, and the resu1ations promulSa~ pur&uant to such laws (a "H!Iqwi Mltrial"), No lidou M . ale l1 present il a reult of I:e ngUOM or otissioDB of Sit, or, to Sili's knowled. as 11 tetl of ll a Ol1 of iiy thlr~ par or oterwise. in, on or under iiy prott. ¡iieludig iiie land áld the imprvements. URcJ witer ond surii war ther. th Site has li Il time ~ 0)~ ocupied or leased. 2.18 Bmra' and FjdRrSt fuR' Third PQ ÃJeoRS. Sib: his not iniiured. nor wiU I cur, direly or Indirey, any lhiilit for brkërø or fiiider¡l fee or asnts' c.onuÎssÎoi or any eim lar char hi connection with this Agreement or ily 1rllaton conteplat hen:by otherthlll8 t be satisf pursuant to the te of Seotlon 5.8 ber, Tbe Site Diaclosurç Scbedule BIts fott Site' CWNl1t renalc esimate ofaU1blr Par Bxpeiaes (II deui in Section 5,1) expecte to be In by Site in coDDecton whb th negotiaton and effectuaton of th lertIJ and conditions of ths Ag~ent II the trlactiOlls cotemplat herey. Z.19 Employe MAtetund Benefit 1'1. (a) DooidQDa. With th excen of the definition of "AffHale" set fort In )1 Sfctlon 2.19(a)(i) belci (which definitjon shall apply only to dús Section 2,19), for purpose ofth Agn4 the followiiig ler shn have the meilog set forth below: 11 (I) IlAfflili iiall mean an other pellJ or entity uner common c Site within the nieiiiis ofSeclon 414(b). (e), On) or (0) ufthe Co and the r~gulatons th~Wld (ii) "Bl" shlltean ~ Employee .Rrent lnOOO Seurity A of 1914, II as Inended (iii) "Site EmplQYl Plan" shl refer to an pi.. prOgr policy. p ~ I .1 contrt. a¡reement or alier iu8cment pruiding fo componiiiou, severae. tennlnalon pay. perl1ancii awa, stck or 5tuçk.related itwards fringe benefi or oter employe beoelits or reuniiriliol1 of lly kind, whøer fonnal or Infonnal. etly in efføc or previously in efteei fu dec or I. unfude lld whetiir or not leg¡l1y binding, ihcluding witlou limitatian, ellh "employeo benefit lli". within the meaing of $cellon 3f3 of BlUSA wb lah iii or ha be mølntaned contribu to. or re uirod to I. i bi coiiibuted toi by Site or any Affliae for di. btnet of Ily "Employee" (.. defied below), an puri"iul to whioh Sit or any Afliat hi Qr may h8\'CI aiiy inrll1lliabIlty c:tiD or ot¡ I '~ iiS2:0DM~97111S -ll~ G n:Id lEi 'll~ '\'OØ 031 'i) ':P Ð ~ INISIDS IDS'IM 6T =Si .!æ.-¿ø INT _EGG_000041 :1 d'1~;' lc-l"-sl (Iv) "Emplo," shall mea 8ly clUnt. torml'r. or retired employee directr Ql Sile or any Affliate. (v) "JRII IihiiI mcan th Inteal Revenuo Servi(;ej (vi) i'Mu!ti;mpgyer PIQD" shall mean MY "Peiion Plan" (as dermed whim is a "multiemployer planll, us dofmed in Section 3(37) ofERJSA¡ and (vil) lIlcgsign pipltihail rcfar 10 eiich Site Employee Plan which is "employee peislon beniditplall, witin the moing ofS"tioi 3(2) ofWSA. (b) Scledule. The Site Disclour SahlCle contiin an m:unW an copl eah Situ Employee Plan. Site do not DOW, nor has it evr, rnliliiincd, cslisbc SPQDli~ 'clpatcd Title IV ofERlSA or Sectiun 41i of io, or coJltrlbukt to (i) iiy Pension Plii which is subject tø Pa 3 orsubtitle B ofTitlc I of ERJ A, the Co", or (il) any plan wide Seeton 4QI(k) oftlie Code. t no tIle I ha Sit contribute to or ben rcquestt to QOntlbutc to an Ml1ltemplO)r Plan. (e) Poumcnla. Site hit provided to Oeltoint (i) coir and complete copi of all docu,inents embodyini eah Site Bmpluyea PIM, including SWdJtai pla desiptions and inolud 8 all i I lUcndmønts tbCltto an writtn interpiOlI thf¡ and (il) all matal writtr, aørccmcnu an çgntrs relating to eii:h Site Employee Plan. including, but I1 liniited to, adlnan sorice ag 5, grou Mhuity iiònlracl$ IUd lloup insutiioe CØl1ot. I ~ (d) EmPigYee pI," CompUønce, Site ba perormed in all malriaJ reipecbi a obligationi requi to be performed by it under. is hOt in default or vlo1aon of, an hS8 no know any defult 01 violation by any other pa ot any Coiipay Emplo)'æ Pla, Site Bmployç~ PLan Sltm Employee "Ian has been eslab!lSilied an maintne in all mliaJ reQts In 8i:rdce w' it, tes i and in ÇOmpllane with all llpUcable law~ statc&, orders, rulei 8m! nigulations, includins but no limited to ERISA or the Code. (c) ll Pos-RlDWOYGu¡n: QbU¡atgnl No Sit Emplu;t: Plan prGides, or any I' I~ liabilty to providej Iifi insurance. medical or other employee boefl$ to any Bmployeo upon his 0 her reliteclit or tenn inaon of .mployment for iuy reiion, ~c:t as may be requln by di Consoli at I Omnibus Budge 1lnciliion Act of i 985 (ICOnRA") or an other applicable sta. aDd Site as l1~ur teente, promile or contlcld (whether ilt or or writtn fOhn) to an Bniploye (eithr indl Iduølyor to Employ lI Ii giwp) th &uch Gmplo)'s) would be prvided with lifa IDSI1IIO, Iledieal or er employee welfar benefts upon their retirement or tcninatiot of employment, OlLtept to tho exen reui. I. i b)'Bttute. 11 (t) cow Røqglnen, Neither Site not..y Affllat ha, in any material eapct, violaed any of the heath oar continuation requitemcnti of COBRA or Ily simIlar provisions of e law I' aplicle to its employee (8) Efteçt ofTtsiçiioa. (I) Th eJeGon oftbs AøeDt Ild th oouaumination of ~ contempla hen:by wil not (either alone or upn the oc~urnmCB of 81 lIitiönal or subsequent Yloti) .12- th aeoua I i i. KS: OIMA\llJl8L2/lin'l\5 I~ £lØd t~'Il'¡ '~øe 03~) ':I 9 +- ltlISNS lmim 6T :St ¿6"8'¿o ~ INT_EGG_000042 . :! d'¡EI£ ,L- in -91 I c:antltutoBl avont under any Site Btployec Plan or tnst or loan that will or may l'ult 1J an pa nieiii (wheer of severce pa) or otise). ai:liition. fQrgwiell ot Indebtenes&. "Qtin,. diatri utlon, Incre in beefits or oblliiation to fund belklíts with repet to an Employ. (il) No paymi:ior benelit which wil or may be mace by Site Ot Del oin or IIY of their repl;ive aflist with NilJect to ~i)' Bmplo~ wUl be chara.ierIzd as an "!meeu Ilachute payment". wjtbln die itC8in¡ of Sec;twn 3800(&)(1) ofthc Code. (1) J3mø'AWçpt ,M, SIte (I) ii In copliaCle It 11I1 mnlaI repects wi h aU appUcablc foreig fecra, st ild loçallaWi, rules Wid reJiiions re~çting ompio)lmen~ em loyment pnut1ce, wms and condtions of employment nnd wages and hours III eab Wc. with respe to amployec; (ii) has withheld ill amountl reulh: by law "tlares and ot pilymUIl to Employes; eüi) i. not liale fo ooy me of wa, or ~i twcs wiy or by asrment 10 be withhld frm wags, penalty fot filurc to comply witli any of the foregoing and (Iv) Is not liable l' any paymen to 'I trust or IJther fid Qr to cu)' goeren or admlnstratvc authorit, with respi: to unumployment ci Ilon beefits social seurty or ot benefi Of obligations fo Employee (ot th routine pBynen to be made lu tJG nOßDal C;OQI1 of busioas and consistt with pJJ prace). (I) La, No work stpag or labor strike qamst Site Is pedillg or, to the knowled of Site thcd. Site is not involved in or, to the knowledge ofSiie, thRlteed wi any labor dispute. grievance CJt litigaion relatng to lubr, sarety or discrimintion malletS iiivolving aJ '5 ployee. inaludiJg, without limitatlun. Oliiii of un labor pratiçe IJ disrimination cOinplaints. wl1ie if I advorsely dctenlned, would. individua.lIy or in the allfaate, reult in h1atnal tiabìlit to Site. Ilher Siio nor any of Its subsIdies has engaed in any unlir labor prtiCC within the meiin¡ of tho Nllli ii Labor R.elatons Act which would, ÎndlvidUlII)' or in the aslat dlrccdy or indimtly "'sult in a mate liabUlty I' to Site, SIti is pot pie$ently, Dor ha it been in the fJ~ a par li, or bDwi by, aly i:ol1coti\'u ba miDg i. øaent Dr union contt with repect to Binployii~ an 110 l11locve bang agt is elii negotite by Site. 2.20 ,RepregntolC1s CQDplete. None of th n:presllwlons or WlIlQties made by Sit (BS modifiDd by the Site Oisi;losuni Schedle). nor any wrttn stterneit made in any scfiedule or çer ieat t I, iUlishiiby Site pursuant to this AgimeJt, Ilontam 1~y untrue stlement of a inaterial lå or 0 its to stii 1l1 mateiBl fact necessar in order to iniio th iiementi c:ntiied herein or therin, in the light of the cl1uistees under which madu, not mislelng. " I i I.i ' ,i ARttCLUl ItPRNTATIONS AND WARTIS OF PJUCIPAL sm STOciOLDE Ea of the Principal Site Siokholders herey represts aid Waliint5 ro Deltiint. subj t to such I; exçetiQl 18 ar speoificaliy disclo8cd,with remonc. to th appropriate iition Dumber, In the Si DIsclosure Schedule prvided to Delblin on the dae herof (the "SIte Djsçlnsug: Scledle"). a follows: 3.1 Site StûçkhgJi1f 5hønm. I. (al Such Site StookhoIdiir own of I'rd aibeefioally all sh of Sim S ok Nt fort olJsito sucJ Site Stocoldets Dame uner Section 2.i of th Site Dislosure Schedule; and ,. Kl2: ,ODlIl$QU\1I978iU .13. i, ." t'lÐd 165 '(J~ . 'tøo~l: oi 't) ":¡Ð +- INISNS Ni:15'111 61 :!;T ¿s.'OO"¿o INT _EGG_000043 I d'll£ L6-l"-1I1 (b) Such Site Stockholder has go mi markdable title to such .hars or Sit Sto fte and clea of all Ueiii, claims. seeutily intst, chllgc, opons, or otr encubrces of an ki 3.2 Autb!l. Such Slie Stokbolderha all reuiite poer and authrity to enter in lhi, Agrment (and any asteemeDt reerenced in Aricle V ~ereto to wliiGh such Site Siockliolder is a to) aiid to consummate the tmliaetlons colltemplate hereby (and threy) This Agreellt, and an ~cmcDt reerce in Article V hereo to which such Site Stokholder 1$ a PB to, have baon duly execut iid dellveie by sucb Prjncipa Sito Stokholder an coii. the legally ".lid ø. bindin obli ona of aiih Slto StcJoldcr. The ~ution an deli\' of this ~ønt, iud an .¡reeient refe.! din Aii=le V iiercito to whidi such Site Stocllde u .. p~ to, by sw 5it Stockholder doeii not. d diD Ill1summølon otthe trllclons contmplate hereby iu then1by wil \l, Clhf1ot with, or te(1 in M)' violaUOl1 of or defat UJdB (wit or witout noçe at lapse oftle, or bo). or ¡¡Vel ri to a ti t of tenninatlon, oanceUation, modifcation or IIlerioD of any oblisaon or loss. of any benefit \1 (any llUdi event, a "SH Cgn.çtll) any mortgao.îndent, leae. cotrac or oter B8Jeement or iostn ont, pmit çonoeilloß. frlUe, Jicènc.judgment. ard.-, decee. slaute. law, ordinanlUle or re lalon . applicale to sitch Site Stoolder, Na Ç(Jlenl: waiver, aproal. ord at autborlzion of, or re . staton, declaration at lilinii wIth any Govrnental Entit or Il third part. Including B par to any 8 l1l!nt with !lueh SJlë Stokbolde (so IlS hnl to trp ii 5H COl1tlict) is ftulted by or with ntiipet tó cl Sita I Stockholder in eorullionwlth the execlon and deliver oFthis AgRt. and lI)' agmltiint éæneed in ArtlQlo V her to which such Sib: Stoooldet Is a par to. or the consuininøiion of tho ltans 'Ioni conteplate ltnby or tliery,exelJt for those consçau tht hlle bee priously obtned an Iiøled on the Site llisclosur Schildulci. Ii ARTICLElV it -I ItEPRESlNTAUONS AND WAlUS or DELTAlOIN O"ltaoi tepfCsentB an W8lilts to Site 5ltbjClct to such exception os ar speolfeally di with reference to th iiproprtc setion dumber, in th oeltaoln Oisclosun Sçhedule provided t ihe di hcreof(the nDctpint Diftclg:um Siibglul."), 8S fonows: I ~ 4.1 Qlliøtjmi StMina ønd Powe. Deltaint is II cotptalion duly otgizec, v d1y eidstR8 and in si;od stading wir the laws of thD Stae of C.lifoJlIL DeltioiDt has the corpra to own It pnipieii an to çii on its busies øs now ~Ing Ill1dueted and as prose to bo co I i llltaolnt. O.,lta'Polot Ii duly quallttlC to do biiincss and in good stain as a toRiSf ÇQl'mtl jurisdiction lii whioh the faun lu k 80 qualifie would have a Maerial Ad,111 SlfcL 4.2 ållorib'. Ooltaolnt bø. all ivquJslte cin'Po~ power and authority 10 enter Into I, Asn:ent and to eoni¡(Immlt the tn$lioions conteiplate hereby, The executign an delivery fthis Agllciit and the CQlisummalon g r the trsan$ contempldled heby have been duly authari d by all :1 nec$lry oorpratt actlon an the par orDellaoint, TJiis Agrement have be duly axecte an dilivered by PiltaJolnt and conslbles the vaHd imd bindin oblisaon ofDeltiiint, enronble in ac with Its te. Thil execon and delivery oftbls Agrent by Deltaolnt doe. not, and the perfonu by Detloint of Its obliglofl heredcr wiU not,oonßict with (i) any provision oftb Ciirtifcll of I, Incorption or Bylaws of DeltaPoint or (ii) an ni. ihdentu, le. contrt or other. i I or insten pcnit coceiolt, ftii.. Jice jud¡men on, deoreo. &t, iaw,ordinii reBultil,!1 applic:le tl) Oliltaoìit Dr its propmei or QKt. except wbere such ionÐict would llot ~i KB:;QtIPOCWII9781\5 ~14- ÇiIØd te;'oi~ 'yøo~ Ø3 y) .¡ EI +- ItIISNOS lÐ11M 6T:5T ¿6l'aøll. r~ INT _EGG_000044 i dl£:£ l6.1" MlIerlai Advee Effct. No COD_ waiver, apoval. ordr or autli.loD or, or ~gisttii:tl. eclaron or DliDS (the Iiick of which WOd have II Maæriid Alverse Effec) wit liy Oovementa Sntit r an thd pa is reuired by or with reaped to Dtltaoint in conecton with the CXeçutOD and deliv of this Aßlmet Qr th perConnaoco by Peltsolnt otilielr respcctl'(e obllgaloDS ba~Dni,r. except for bos obtaine prior to the Acqui5itio" 4,3 sse pgcwnenb; QcllaPp1m Ej!Ji;!¡' StatemCintl. DóJtalnt hll fthihcd or m de avaUable to Site li snd çompletc QQpiCis of all ~pOrt or registon stments fiJed by it with e U.S. Seutnløs and &ÇltEl8C Coniuiission (th "E") .ince Deber i 9, 1995,_1I In the romt so rd(all of the forcsoing being collectively referr to as the "SEC .QQÇwi;iit'. As of their respecivc fllin clalea,tbCl SEC llUUnl: complie in olliniuial repec with th reuitcents øftJa Securitie: Act of 1 33 ïl amended (the "Seritu ACl") (Ir tho Securitie$ Bxohiu Ac of 1934, as amC:l1ded (the It "), as the ca may be, and RODe of the SEC Document COtaine aly iio Btlcent oh maerial i¡ or omitt to Sbl a matrial fact require to be sta tbcre or necar to mi the sttements m e thi;rcn. in lit Qf thi: Çiltuita"Cl in which they were made. Dot mislead, except to the ein corr by a document subseuently flie with the SHC. The financia stteen of DellBPointl Inludin the n.i thre, Included In the SEC Documents (the IlDeltaqjat Flneiial $tminti") oomply IS to fa In all matenal respets with aplicable aaoountni reuirements and with tbe published niles and rep oDiofthe SEC with respec theret, have be pre ii accordance with aMP WIlBntly applied ( t ci may bii indica in the note. threto or, in th elSe ofuniiditcd iimenls II peit by Form 10- of the ~ , SSC) and pr føîflY the COsolidad OnlDcill poiton ofDeliPoilit at the da thereof and consolidate hliults of It operatioii ønd cah t1ÓW& fo the perids then ended (IiUbjeit Ìl th Cl1 Wl4ldi'i: 5Wecnts, to nonnal audit iuusunents), 4.4 Ng MBbrl' Adya. CbUie Sinoe the da of tho baan shee inoludcd In Del moa retly file repo 011 Form t O.K or i o-, OcltaPoÌlt ha concluote Its blloess In the ori course an there has not 0t: (.a) liy mater advers cI in th l'i:ial condition, 1iiii ltlcs. asets or bliioQ8s ofDeltaoint and it subsidiaries, taen as a whole¡ (b) any 8Jeriment or cha in 'he Ii " Certifca oftneorponn or bylaws ofDcltiht (otbll Ulan iIen oetha CClifcat or tncorpraton whic/l did Rotreuire "ockholder Ilpproval); or (1:) ony damage to, destlltJo or I II of any aset ofDetaoihi: (whetlierotiiøt iioveini by inSL) tht maierially aa Iclmelyatct tli l1nllaial i:ondlLlo. or business of OeltPolitt I1d its subsfdliu, taen as a whole. ii i 4.5 LiptI01. Ther Is llo "iioo,lIuit, procedinBt clai. arbittion or invesigation Of ft to which neltøolnt bas reived any notice of aserion against DetBint, whi In ADY m t chlenge or sui:s to prt, enjoin, alter or mateially delay Illy of tlCl blactfon. contQplat by thi, l t~ : Apent or. if adversly dermined is tetlly likely 10 hø\lO a matal it~ efft on th finanoial GOdltion or business of Deltalnt II a wbole. 4.6 1kl1er iwd liners Fees, Deltsoint has not Incurl now win incur, diry 0 indimtly. an liabmtyfor brokerae or finder ree t)r agents coinlSlios Of an similar chaes in con"tion with tlls Agreement or ønytrtion conplø.d. herby oter thii as to be sntim piirsant 1 i to tho hlrm of Secton S.8 !war. 4,1 Seeur Law Complian: Due Issgne The issuan ofihøsha of Deltao. t It I Common Stook puruant to this Agruent li trucloßIJ Qempi &ow the rc81'tiiilon provision under ile Secutìes Actor 1933. as amendud. and appli\iabk; 5l lieGurltJa laW& Upon Issuae ofd,a ha of Ij ! K.::mMIP(DOISW89.I\S -LS- ~~ ¡~ 9tOd T~'ON ~æt Ø3 Y. ':I 9 Eo niiSt.i NO11M 6T ,!iT ¿(i8Ø¿ß I NT_EGG_000045 r il'l:£ J.6-lnr ,sl Deltaoitlt Common Sto to be i!!ued hemndr in iuordce with the term, o( ths Agrmcnt such shars &bll bil duly authized v(l idly issued, full~ piiid and no-ics!lle by OeltaPoliit lld n subjet to preemptive risJtl cl~ by sttute, Dcltolnt's ArtIQI~ of lniporon or BylaW& or imy a¡r t:t to which ~1t8PoìJlt Is B pa or by wbich It lii boim. COVANT S.I Sxpenae- All fe and ...IS inourhld in eoDDiøon with ti Acquisition In iiii without limlblolJ, aU lesll. acuntinS. ficial adisory, consutig aq all other fi and exl se of AKTICLEV third putles (1I¡J1nl hr BJpe:ill) inur \i Dt\toiøt or Site (but not its stockboldiirs) oth I'tJ lI to bit saisfied puui to the tes o'SolíOl 5,8 benfshl ~tI obliØJtion ofDetaoint; lmi:=i, that DeltaoinlshalI no be reponible fCl tellnable Thinl par Eximsos for ac b cd time and expees of Site e~cdlni $(0 to 40,UOO)J, The Principal Silii Stokholder '111111 be reptlllsi e for. pt ra with repec ki their telatve ownershjp of Site cøpit stoc immediately prior to the Acquisit n. aU othr Thln Par E7CpenS9. 5.2 Noncopejû!! Aigcn, Concur -wit th exeçutiol/ and deliver oftb Agreement Dlltoint an llh of Ron Sller. Shawn Cllnon aid Anil Peres-Da-Sltvii ar enter g Into a I i, NOIcomlJiion Agt submntlally in the forø of E.iblt S; heeto, S J "ii-iog Rjib" Agrent. Ciincurrt with the cxtion 111d d.ll~ery oftbl I: i Agrømt¡nt DiiltOint Alla Kolen (nyeibnen Ron Sauer shawn Canon. Anll PetOa.Sil øn eac OfthOSll otçr persns or ontities who or whlQh wer piefetm stockholders of Site immedi Iy prior to the AcqUiliition shall enter ltlto a Regisllon Ri¡hts AFCmClnt substtially in the fol1 of hereto, ~ 5.4 RmpmWerr ofSita Emplii, Concuriit wlih thuiieeliiin lUd dQlivec oft Is . Agiicnt, ))ltaoint 8g to enter in employent agmt with Ron Sauers Shawn Can n iid Anil PerDa-Silva (wu "Sn~iDyeea~) on tcmiiiøutualy satsf to isb Bmployee and nei oim. Such employment øgtnen shall prvide th Dellaoint wil prvide offce spac lucøtd in or ut Raleigh Nortb Càtlintl for such EiUl'tO)'ce tlt remain in Site's at Deltaollll atploy and fund ite's I. opwiona iii such loation slldently to peittl employment of such employi:s thiit retaln i Sites or Deiiapolnt's employ unil the later of (i) the tllt aniverss ofth Agre.ment or (ii) tho date (Ji; mng t1lre months afer Deltioln øiVl wr~n notce to such Employe of it. intet to relooat t1 p ii of u I their employment 5,5 Ap¡Qintmt to Delt9W eonrd. Copgurrcint witl tIll execution aiid deliver of Agreeen Sl.phen Moiidøl is bclng appointed to serve as :i membe of the Board of Djrelrts Of until his s\UçOlsor Is csl_d and qualified. it 11 ~ :i Ope issue. prposed by Site to be $40,00. i~ Xl~:ODM\Pa\:Il7li\$ -16. i~ ¿LOC 165 . Ci~ ''/001: 03 ';) ':1 9 .. ItU91J5 l-()SlIM 6T :SL ¿e~'i! II INT _EGG_000046 ", . ~ dl¡5:lt L6-inr.1i1 S.6 Rv. (a) DøltanJnt "ah: ib for tha firs 12 months af Fir5t Custmer Sbipm nt (lI dened below) of Site Swe Ill' 2 by Deltoolnt or Site, It or Site wil pay to diose who receive sh s of SIteS Dcltaoint COMmon Btook PUCllt to tbis Agrmen (th "Hold.ct'.) aarle royalties cnlcul ed nt the ra of5% of net revenue.lfiuy, receved by Deltolnl for unirs of wepe 2 or 5\CCGs£tr toucts sold licensed. sublicese or dlsibu by DeltalJoint, Site or any of uwillii thrd paes Suçh royaltii: shll be pad their relab or afliate lin 'ties to to the HQltb pro rata In 1ci:ólciO widi e fespecU\'e humber of shani of Deltaolnt Common Stock reived by the Holders pwant to thi AgrecJent. Pot purpo¡e of ths Seeion S.6, the ti "First CU$omer Shipmait" shall mcai the coonial shipment of S iteSwlipet 2 bi Deltaaiht or lt åHeJ or ClUsLc:rs to any nxil distd utor or oter customer that is: (i) payihS a licen ft or pur pnce thcrr, (II) not BI alpha or beta ile evaluaion clIstomer of .suçh prduct and (Iü) iiot a purchascr of th pruot thrugh sales OVer the ntemet or ftm Oaltaoint's web site. For th pirpos oftlia Secion S.ii, the til' "ncr revehues" shall tt Iletl çn l'ipbJ Iciss taiC/ii, dutios øxclses, O1cr øomenta c:hii and fe, orany kind, refunds, rcdits and return (b) With iii fort-fivc (45) days after the end ofcaçb fis quae during the mont Iler the Fir Cusm~r Shipment of Siteweeper 2, Deltoillt or Site will provide eah th Holdes wItl a stment ofnet roonuoiill 1fc: royaties dul' to lh Holden caleulate at a rate 0 5% of suoh pet J'enull if any, rcxived by Deltioint for uni ofSlieSwcepcr 2 or succssr products ld, . t Jlcense, aubicend or di9ibutd by Oeltoint. SIt or any of thr relate or affliate enities uiiafliate Hurd partes, during Wo firs )'.. af Firs Cusomer Slijpiri:t of SItSweeer 2 (the: "~ Steiiilt). lr cojunction with any such koyatty Statement, 'DoltauJnt or Site will pay such Holder the royalties detihed to be due.. .. reult of lIuob 1Iles in i:h or chi:k by wir tlr. The ldi,i I shall havo die right, at their coli. to havo an inclcpchdct Qiiditorofthe Holders' çhoica peromi an udit of the boo cld tinliajaJ ree.ord of ii OcJtoint. Site or any Ofthiiir relate or afla entities to v if, the ¡çi:Utac ai coplelnoøs of pnymcnll purUlJt to ths Section 5. on rcoDlble notce to Del oin during Deltaoi/lt's bWliness hoti at th exPDlSC oftbe HQlders pmd that &UGh audit sJiIl r not JatOlthan i 80 days foUowln¡ th end of the firm aniver of the dat otPlrsi Customer Shipne t of paid, thell Oeltaoli shall rcimbursotb Holder fot ilci reasonle cost ofth audit, (ç) The payents mad under tbiii Section 5.6 tp Ron Sauers, Shawn Cain S(teSwee 2. It suc iiudit detemiiet thai there hll ben an underayent lu the Holders, Del oint shall I reit such amount prrata to th Hòldits "ne if such amunt is ,gr thsn 10% of the royalties gihally , I. Per.Da.SilvB ør biiiii made in satisfaction of certin 84~i anouita owe to such persons and subjei to and conditioned upn prpel' witholding of taes fo su paymcnl8 which withboldln shiill be (I) paid by such l'éealw pesona to Sit and/or Dc:1tolnt ør (li) deduct fro", other amounts to be paid to such ropetlvo PC1onø by Sit anor Oeltalnt. I~ '! 5,7 omSI Dud Direçtorq. BffeciVl \Ipon the iilgnin¡ an delivery oftIs of tho Ag ment, the omçcrs an ditilors of Site, pul'uan to rosigniaions and appointments iii:compllibed by Site pno to but eftecUve upo such time, shall be idetical to the otTrs Bt di~rs ofDcltaPointtben in offu: 5,8 Celtøin Fsei , UPOIl tho iignH and dcllvel of this of of lIy tlde1 feci, fmacli advi,Ol t\ or odiir fe due to Allan Kalan Ihvestei In con di", traanl çonwnpJa by this A¡rment, Ocltaint iiU,.ubJect to Allan KaJBllhY the Asnimem IId ln ful ~:OD\ICtiQL2I9"\5 I~ I .17~ 8TOd T6S"ON ''¡ Ø3 'i:i .:1 9 Eo ItHSI'JS NOim 6T :SH ¿6-"aa-'¿¡3 INT _EGG_000047 :1 d'l:E l6-inr-li\ I executing and delivering to Deltnoint a relea in lhe fo ofExhjlut B her, issue to Allan tnveøteJbi 33.20 Shaii of 1lItaPoin Common Stok, S.9 Pø,ent orsiilm'jes. Upon the I5I,glng and deliver) of this oftbe Agreiment iud u satisracon of cein sa lloim owed to Ron Saurs. Shawn Cannon and Ani! PcrGS-Da.Sjl , Dcliaolnt shiil isse to Ron Sauers Shaw Cannon and Ani! PenDii-Silva r . nd r shar, rtsivoJ)', of DaJtaolnt Common Slack. subject to and conditioned upon p pet witholding of taxes for SUM pByni:W. whiçh wiihholdliip sllaU be (i) pad by $uch RSpeIVC: lIoni¡ to Site anor Doltolnt or (ill doduet frm otr lUounts to he: paid tQ 800k respective peons b Slt midlor lleltøoinl, SURVIVAL OJ! REENATIONS AN WARS¡ INDEMNCAUON 6.l Smiv'" 91 Bepnsentjgns and Waties¡ fnd.mnjfica All of ARTICL VI w8liir,s in this Agremen sholl swive the Ai:uisitOh and çontlnuc 'Inti! 5:00 p,m.. Callfomi time, on tho da which is one yen fuJlowins the da afthis Asr~inCDt. "nie IJrjnçjpal Site Stockhalders oinUy iid the reprcs tiona ønd severally, ag to ihdttfnif ønd hold halQlI cich of DeltiolnL. Sit and thir afliate. for an cliims. losses, liliUltiea, diage, dei:iençiei, C05l and expenses., including reonal~ iieya' COUll d expenses, and cxehSCS of Inve:iigaioø and dafense (liel'inaftr individualy 1l"1i" an eolle' ely yearoflici date I1fthi, AsreeeliUS areault of ofSito and/or Prcipiil SJte Sloolde cotain horeia. (8) an)' faluto by Sit or Principal Si stkhold to perorm or coply with MY øoveiiit çontaløed Iiorin or (C) any falure of a S holdir of Site to enr into this AgIãment 11 a Principal Site SlOkholder or an oiler Site Stockholde; prov i: (i) "1.") inCUcd by Deltaóinl, Site, their offcer& directrs, or afliates dirctly or Inditly thin onQ (A) an Ihiicouracy orbrii ofa representaon 0 war tlt th indcaion obliiaton of _ti Site Stokholder under U1is Secioii 6. i shall be limited Q the I tol col19idaQtlo reeived by such pa put to th Agmenllf suoh Site StockhaJders wi lful conduct or frad did not cause the preenco of such Losses; pro\'idr:d (II) Ihøi lrincipi1 Siw Stoc Ideis sJal hD.~e no indemnitcaioR obUgiÏQns under this Sci:tion 6.1 until the aggga1 Lose exee 2S,OOO, I at which time Pricipal Site Stokholdes shall lneirnif for ell Losses subject only to the limitit n imposed b) lJl'vjsion (i) above. As defined above, ßLR" an "J." shall exclude thc amount f an ta benefit aciilly reived by th~ indenified pa i1 a reult of 5lkh Loase, aft tang ihto aco t tho ta r cODæuences of auy I'latcd IndmnRciion payment inii uner this Artcle VI in reation to sue Losses. If suh benetits havo not yet bee aeUDIy RÇlved at tbe Ume for tln~ paymClht of indomifioatlon cl1Wlder, then the relad Lose sball not exlud sudi benefit, bu such beeft, when iwived. shail be fe nded to the: JndemnifYing Par. 6 2 nollAjtitJ Køpwlcii of Qu;açhes. Deltaoln shall not be biid from reivin itiniflC81o under ths Ariel. Vl becuse it ha kiiowledge, prior to the date of this Agreel1cn Of at an)' other time. of a breaçh of rep~ntabon. wai or ~cnan of Ii i SUe or a Site Stoi;kholder. I~ i~ . Tho blaks appeaing in 5,9 shall lu 15J$03, i~ k$,;ODIJL2Il7ll\' .18II, i 6TØd l6S'OH '\,OO Ø3 't3 'l' 9 .. ItIl5N tl'll'i 61 :SL ¿6."8Ø'¿ø INT _EGG_000048 ; d,,£:s: l6-inr-gl 6,3 f:edalilY- For the puses of deining the amount of Lose under tb Al1i 10 VI. ill I reseniaonii and waanties of Sib: or a Site S&Oc!dolder oontaincd hcraln or in emy inslrment, oiiumint or agement contepJaid hereby shall be dlled to be withou IIY maerily or materjallKh, efec aceptJolis or qual ifcaonii or an)' siJnl1ar exptioi or ciuaificationi that may 110 pret in SUM represnlaioll!l IId waantle&. i 6,4 No Riiit gfCogn. The Priniiipal Site StoGkholders shall have no right of oontbuto.liiinst Site for any Losses, 6.S 1lird-hW Cljiimi. In the event Deltoint bemu awa or ia lhird-p8l oJ.lm whiçh .Dltaolnt believes may result in 1.sscs. Deltaoiut shiill noUfY lie Prinoipal Sile stokboldei 0 suih abilm, and the Principal Site Stokholdere shall be entitled, at their expense, to paricipate in lI d fense of ij such clam, Dcltoint shalt ha~e die ript in its mlc discretion. usih,e reable busines sette any sudt claim¡ provided, howincr. that except with the COMënl of amount of tho Pr.iclpal Site SlOe lders, the the seement ofaDY sucl claim with third-pi claimants sholl "01 be determinatve the I Judøm t, to llount of Dltl' claim undcr ths Arcle Vi, In th event tlat tbc Principal Site Siocldct hlle JJtcd 10 any suc settcmcnt.lhe Principal Site Stockoldrs 8Iall have DO power or authority to object u dec any provison of tlJi~ Agrement to the amount of lOy claim by Deltaoim under this Article VI with pllt tQ I lIueb settement to th exient tltat sl,h amount is co,iste with the lItms of such settlement. Ii (j,(j liidemlficatlQ, pfPrinclpa 8M StkhgldliÇl. DeltiPollit agres tó indemnify an hold hiilcli the stokholder of Sito (including Ibe Principal Sil Stocklders) for dirtly or indirly within one Yca of any Losses incu by them the date of Ibis Agreent lI Brault of (A) any inaçurac or breh of II ientJlon or wørnty of Ueltaohit contained hINin or in Bly inment. docum t or qremeiit contemplated hery or (B) iby failre by Oaltint to pcrfon 01' comply with il enant contained heren; prvided (I) 1hat th lndctniflcaon obligBtii;n ofDoltaoint under this Si:ion .6 shall r !' I " i be limited to th tota consideraton. in th foim of _ and shares ofDeltaoint Common Stack, at tbe stoildm of Sih ii entltlod to purua to SlKtio L.l oflhs Agrment ¡fwillM misçonduc I' fraud by Deltoint did not i:c the premi of LoC9 and (ii) th Deltaoûi shall hlle no indemDif ølon obligiitionswider this Sci:t1on 6.6 until tlte q¡hllid Loses exc $25,000. at which time DcltaP t shall indemnifY for all Losses $ubJi: onl)' to Ihe limitation iiipose by prision (i) above. I jJ 6.1 Site S!gdshplder R;pn:l'QLatIy. Stuven Fingehoo (the It . is here irrvocly appointed I'! agt ofdt Sit Shaldeni to mak ali deteminatios I1d d under or reatinS to this Miele Vi tl would otherwise be mad by tb~ 5itc Shllbolders 011 their I 11 bebl£ The Site Sharlder Repim'le shl have full øuorlty to tak all iitions on behiif th Sile BharhoJilri with repect to any Jl1demnlfiiion dalms by or iins thm pursua to ths Arel VI lncludln but not limit 10. any adiotll relang to settletnllt dlsc\,siion, ncgotiatoll or agreme ts. The foregoing sbl be deemed a full and irtocble por of atomey couplGd wit iu interet ~ I' l~ I Ii 11 K$; OVMA\lDO\.QUUØl7Ø'" -19- I~ æÐd 165 (II " ''IØl'l øi '13 ":I 9 l- rm5t llsilJI 6T :St ¿e-8Q'¿O INT_EGG~000049 I d'7lt L6. in -01 ARTICLEVD GENE PROVIONS 1.1 Amciidmgnt WøU. ThIs A.~eit may ba mended by tho parlC1 hcroo lit y time by oxution of an jnstmen~ in wribnS siged on bealf of eacb of th paries hero. Any qrmei on the par of II piu her to any such extD5ion or wBi~er shl be nlid only if se Aird in an inmume 1 in h I writing sign oii behalf of such par. 7,2 iiulntlQR, Tbo words "iDClude,tlllincludes" Ihd "inoJudng" whoa use bereh, dcenied in ei cae to be followed by the words "witut limitan. I ii The tale of llntets lld cOhtalned in Ibis Asmcnt ar for refece puses i;nly lld shl not afl in any way the m inorrotaüon oftbis Agrent. 7.3 Cp-. This Agtement may be eitcut iii OUI Ot more C:OlJte al a which shall bn coideed one and the iame a¡omClnl and ishali becoe elftie when Dni: or JUore co tctp hl1ve been sigted by each of the paies ønd dliUver 10 the other pil, it being undeto that øl paies '- need not sign ti" same counterart. 1.4 Hnre A¡:remeJt¡ Assiimment, This Agtent, the Schedules and Exibits here , ønd th dixunliilJ and instelts and oller agW! among tbo paries JiClto ni&recDd hi=Mip: (i) nslitii the eliti~ aweement IIQti the pares with J' to the subject matr hereof aid supersde all riOt ø¡ents Bld widesthdinil, bot writt and oral, among the piues with respect 10 the siibje matt it bçrefi (b) ar nDt intded to eol1r upon an other persn any rigQ¡ or remedies herder and ç) 5hall not be asgned by operon of law Dr Dtcril exept lI otherise s¡ifeally provide çx. t I' i i Oeltaoia an Site may assign thir retive rIght. Ild delo¡al their respective obligations he uiider to thir resptive afliate. 7.5 Soyambjlit. In theevøntbat any prvision oflhis Agreaoht or the applicaion t I;RIof beotnel or 1s ~llW by a court of compett jurisdicton to be ille, void Dt unenoreeaJe ti rendet oftblt Aareement wil aonUnue in full force an effec and ib. application of such prov slon to otherpcnns or cIrcumstance will be Interet so as r~onably to effect the intent ofth patti hnto. I. I! The pares furter age to replace such void or unenforcle pt'lislon ofths Agtment with B 4lld and enoiieable provision tlal willlhieve, to the exent possible. the ~onomic, bui1i1051S and other pu .1l or sue void ot unenorble provision. 7.6 Qlbcr Rimr;ii;. ßxpt ll oterwÏ$ prvided hinin,.,y an all reedies here expresly cDlfcJT upn a par will b4 deemed ewnulatve witaid Dot exlusive of lJY othi: tirnedy co in " I i' II hereb i or by law or eql1ity upon such pa, and the: exerise by II pa or eny one remedy wil n. prlude tha eiiwcJs of any other remed. I. 7.7 Goyeming Law; Eorom. This Agtment shall be ¡oviied

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