Software Rights Archive, LLC v. Google Inc. et al

Filing 118

SUR-REPLY to Reply to Response to Motion re 66 MOTION to Dismiss for Lack of Standing filed by Software Rights Archive, LLC. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit Table of Exhibits, # 2 Exhibit Exhibit 1, # 3 Exhibit Exhibit 2, # 4 Exhibit Exhibit 3, # 5 Exhibit Exhibit 4, # 6 Exhibit Exhibit 5, # 7 Exhibit Exhibit 6, # 8 Exhibit Exhibit 7, # 9 Exhibit Exhibit 8, # 10 Exhibit Exhibit 8, # 11 Exhibit Exhibit 10, # 12 Exhibit Exhibit 11, # 13 Exhibit Exhibit 12, # 14 Errata Exhibit 13, # 15 Exhibit Exhibit 14, # 16 Exhibit Exhibit 15, # 17 Exhibit Exhibit 16, # 18 Exhibit Exhibit 17, # 19 Exhibit Exhibit 18, # 20 Exhibit Exhibit 19, # 21 Exhibit Exhibit 20, # 22 Exhibit Exhibit 21, # 23 Exhibit Exhibit 22, # 24 Exhibit Exhibit 23, # 25 Exhibit Exhibit 24, # 26 Exhibit Exhibit 25, # 27 Exhibit Exhibit 26, # 28 Errata Exhibit 27)(Duvvuri, Narasa)

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Bil of Sale, Asslgnme~t and License Agreement : ') ." \ ,.. Ths Bil of Sale, Assignent, and Li~ense Agre~ment is mide ths llø ~day of September: 1998 (the "Effèctive Date'').by' and betweeJ: Site Teohnoiogie~, Ino., a Corporaton doiÐg busmess in Cali(omi ("Seller"). and Danel Egger, a'resident afthe State öfNort Caroli ("Buyer"). WHREAS SeUeili 'agredto sell.and assign to Buyer and Buyer ha agreed to purchae and aocet from Seller, ce intellectu propert, softare, datBas,es, and physiça1 assets, defid below, for the c,ol1iderat.~ìlan~'te set fort herein; an ' WHREAS'SêUer has in addition agree to license cert softare, defied bèlow, as to .. whioh Seller desires to reta ownttship but is wig to grt Buyer a perpet, nonexclusive lic.énse, for the consideration and term set fótt herein , .. i'. reissues, renewals. orsubstifutioJl of counterpar of aPy of NOW TFREFORE, ' for gò.nd and våluale ëoiiíderiöñ. the reCeipt and sUfëiëncy of which are h~reby ackrowledged; it is hereby ageed-as follows: 1. Purchaed Assets. The "Purchased, Assets" shal include ihe followi: Number S,544.352, fied I'V -Searoh Patent"), and any additions, contiuations. continuations in par diviions, or e~ensons. (a) ",..p~m.S: U.S. Patent june 14, 1993 (Le., the ') ;patént Counel; .. . ' '!eil as all10gos aid iiketg ti~ ~roIIotiona material incorporatig such patent (inèluding the II Aha Patentll)'lld any foreign' the foregoiiig, as well as al reiat~d doçuments àn QiaWams in th files of:; . IIÄha,il "Libertch,11 amlary ter used in or associated With the "V-S,earch Publisher's Toolkt," as (b) TREMAS and COPYRGHTS: All Seller's rights in uV ~Searh,!1 such ìnarks; . (0) . SOFTWAR and OAT ABASE~: alL. soft, whether saurc\: code or compiled, and all databases, ilsoóiáted With the V-Search data-YiuazatiQn system or th Ah teqhnology ,inchidig ljut not limited to all files contaed on Dnve D of èonveyed as par ófthe sal~ (an~ repIoduçed in a separate set.oftape backups), the computer being and enumeratéd in me memo preparéa byRon Sauers entitled..IIDGH-LEVEL SUMMY OF ni FILES CONTAIND ON DRIE D:,"'attched hereto as Exhbit B and hereby incorporaed by into th document;' . ' -. Folio Inobase Uëeiisei obtained, to generate and use the SOFTWAR and DATABASES enumera.êd above; '. qel1òii'frations of reference , Cd) TIRD-PARTY LICENSES:, rights toaUlicense ageements, inci~dig the . ,(e) P~SICAj.ASS~TS: Èxtt ~opies ofCD-R:0Ms~d disksprepared for' the V.Seath tecluology, extat copies ofthè V..SéarcffPublisher's Toolkt, extt . . .... '. . . 'j CASC:\WIDOWS\TEMPliIcTcdwisnei.dac PATENT REEL: 018160 FRAME: 0501 EXHIBIT 18 r. ! 'o. ) inketi materials, sales notebopks. etc., relatig eXclusively to the V-Search an Ab technologies N as well as th compUter and backup tapes upon whi~h the SQnw AR an DATABASES enumératè:d _abôve réSi~e. and potential clais, relatig to the Puchaed Asts described above. 2. Assets, fre aid 9lear of all (f) GöODWIL and CLAIS: Anyana aU goo~WiI. and al clai and . . . .,.''.'.. - _ - _ - _ _' - _ _ - .. _ _ _ - - _ - _ _ - _ i Seller waran th it hereby trfers marketale title to th Putcbaed liabilties; mortgages, liens, pledges, chages,' securty interests, ,. encumb"races or title retention agteements ofanr kid or n;tue, 3. ' Excep.t for the' foregaing ~åIanty oftit1e, TH POiCHASED ASSETS.AN THE LICENSED SOFTwAR AR PROVIDED liAS is - WHRE IS" AN WITHOUT AN . wAR OF AN l-ATû WHTSOEVR. rr BEIG EXPRESSLY UNERTOOD AN AGRED TI T SBLLER DISCLAMS ALL OTIR WARES INCLUDING, BUt "FITNSS FOR Å P.ÄRTIêULAR PUROSE. ' . 4. Buyer assumes no liabilties of Seller associated, with the Purchaed Asets or NOT LIMITED to, wÂRs OF.MECHABILITY. NO~(JEMENT AN . , . r ........ Licened Softare or the operàtion of the businesses related thereto pnor to the Efectve Date. S~ller agrees to defend, inderi, an hold Buyer haeSS"8gai any anetalliabiltiès associted with the Purchad Asßets ar Liceed Softare tb are pnDr to the Closing tht may be assered ',. ) ,\ against Buyer afer the"Effectïve Date. provided (i) Buyer notifies Seller promptly in wrtig of such clai. (ii) Seller li sole control of the defense and all related s~ttement negòtiatonS. and(iü) Buyer provides Seller with al reasonably necessar áSsistace tô perform the foregoing. In,no event shal Seller be liable 'Óder the foregoing for a ëlai based on modifcations; adptatio.r Or chages tò the Licensed Softe nbt made by Seller or for cdmbinåtions of the Lic.ensed Softare with . material iiôt fushd by Seller if such infgement wowd have been avoided but for such combintion. Buyer agrees to defend, incIemn, and hold Seller baess agai any and al liabilties associated with the purcliased Assets that arse afer the Effective Date, provided (i) Seller noties Buyer promptly in wrtig of such clai, (ii) Buyer ha sole .control oÏthe'defelle and all_ related settement negotiations. and (ii) Sellelprovides B~yer with all reaonably neces~år . assis~~ to pedorn the foregoing. 5. IN NO EVEN SHALL TI MA LIABILITY OF EIT P ARTY ARISING'lER'TH Ä:GRENl EXCEED TH AMOUN PAID BY BUYR HBRBUNEIt IN NO EVENT SHAL. EItHR PAR.TY BE LIALE TO .THE OTHR PARTY FOR ANY LOST DATA OR CONTENT, LOSTPR.OFITS OR FOR-ANY INIRECT, INCIDENAL, SPECIAL, CONSÊQlJENTIAL, EXEMPLARY OR PUNTIVE DAMGES ARSING OUT OF OR RSLA TIO TQ TH PURCHASED ASSETS OR LICENSED ' SOFTWARE PROvIEtl HEREUNÊR, EVEN IF SUCR.P ARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF TH POSSIBILIty ESSEN PUROSE OF AN LIMITED REMEOY. . '.. . . . OF SUCH DAMGES, AND NOTWIIHSTANINQ TI FAILUR OF '6. Purchae P'~. In consideration of the Purciie(1 Assets and tbeLicensed Sóftar. provided herclUder, Buyer shal påy S~ller siDo,ooo. påyable in fu on the Effectivé Date hi:reof. CASC;'WtNDOWS\TEMlliT~.IlUi¡nmtoo -2. PATENT REEL: 018160 FRAME: 0502 r 7. Licensed Softm-e. Buyer and Seller are a~are that severa componeJlts of Seller'.s , ,) softare knoWn as "SiteSweepet' at shad with the PJchaèd Ass~ts. ' Selle. llereby grts a peipetu~. worldwide,' fuy pai~ nonexclusive license to copy, display, pedoII, create denvåtive works, ditribute and otherwe use thè Licensed Softe, in source code form solely in conjUnction with the Purch~èd Assets. "Licensed Softare" sha m.ean: (a) The "crwler~' us~d to build Ah databsses; (b) Hl Reporter. th repòrter engine plus ¡SAPI extension; ånd (c) SiteSweeRer. Mi~ceR~eous ~tity fies used by V -Search 'and/or Aha and also found in all copyrghta and other rights in the.Li~nsed . the fuc:haed Assets, Sellet shall reta, Sófte, exçept tht,. althóugh th Li~ensed Softar is usoo in cer of S~ller shal have ~o oWI~rSlüp mterest ii, ~ch Purhased Assets. . 8. Furer, ASsuances. (a), Seller agrees to insct patent counel, Dorsey an Whtney of Washigton, D.C., tht Seller ha BSsignêd to Buyer aU suh patent óghts descrbed above and such counsel is ,, .', ., ownershp of authorizd and directed,tö nie available and/or to deliver to Buyer aU Sellr's recårds relatig to ) '\ suoh patent ri~ts. BJIermay,provide a copy, of ths Agrement to counel and ths Agreement shall constitute Seller's authQnztion to i:lease su~hfies to B':yer. (b)' Seller agrees frm ti~ to tie. upon the request oftbe Buyer, to execute~ apknowledge, and d.livera11 such fuer insents, or perform such fuer acts, as may be ' necessar, in the opinionafthe Buyer, qi, connectiò~ with the, sale, asìgn~nt cO,nveyance, tranfer and delivery of the Purchased AsetS or the Liceiied Softare. breach of effect afer 1he defaultig'par ha been provide4 with wrttn nòtice of default and th (30.) days to.cure such defåul,t. Sections 1,3.4,5,6,9 and 16 shall suive any termtion dfihs Agrement. , IO. Ths Agr~inent, -inèluding the exnibits attched hereto, constitute the entie the pares with respect to the'subject mattr contaned herein and ,, the tei: and conãitíons of . 9. Teriination. Either par may termate ths Agreement in the event of any mateñal this Agreement by the,other part, which de~t contiues in agreinent and unders,tdig of sùpersede or. cancei all pnòragreements respect~g such subject matter. Ths'Agremènt måý &e amended only by a wrttn instrent executed by all the paries or, their successors or assign. This Agreement shali iJure to the benefit of and be biiiqing Upon the pares hereto and their s\lccessörs and as'signs. In the event any provision of ths A,geement shal bë held to be invalid: thè remaing , provisions oftl Agreement sha bë':uIpaéd ard tlé ¡iäies Wiii:sübsttute enforceable pro.visiçin oflike economic intent,and effet:t. Ths Agreement JIY be executed in one or niore . counerParts agd each ~o~tei:ai deemed ån origi. '~s Ag1ee~ent ini:åïso be"ëxe-cutèd ~d CASC:\WINDDW5\TElteTtdSlcnmcit.doc -3- ,,' PATENT REEL: 018160 FRAME: 0603 rdelivered "in ~oW1terpar e~euted and delivered via racsiule trmission. and any such ) counterpia sha be deemed an origiit for al inte and pUIoses. . Buyer: Da,el Egger " . Date: 5-eff~ /6 "18. Date: ~ /í, 1'17 r -\ ...-j cAsc:wilNoowS\TEilTeçIiDJsipanLdoa .4. . PArENT REEL: 018160 FRAME: 0504

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