Rockstar Consortium US LP et al v. Google Inc

Filing 158

CLAIM CONSTRUCTION BRIEF filed by NetStar Technologies LLC, Rockstar Consortium US LP. (Attachments: # 1 Appendix A, # 2 Exhibit 1 - 969 patent, # 3 Exhibit 2 - 245 patent, # 4 Exhibit 3 - 970 patent, # 5 Exhibit 4 - 178 patent, # 6 Exhibit 5 - 183 patent, # 7 Exhibit 6 - 883 patent, # 8 Exhibit 7 - Barron's 5th ed. - client and server, # 9 Exhibit 8 - Webster's 8th ed. - client, # 10 Exhibit 9 - Newton's Telecom - client and server, # 11 Exhibit 10 - Webster's College 1999 - interface, # 12 Exhibit 11 - Federal Standard 1037C - link, # 13 Exhibit 12 - NTC Am English Learners - correlate and match, # 14 Exhibit 13 - Webster's College 1999 - database, # 15 Exhibit 14 - Newton's Telecom - database, # 16 Exhibit 15 - Modern Dictionary of Electronics - database, # 17 Exhibit 16 Dictionary of Computer and Internet Terms - database, # 18 Exhibit 17 Webster's Third Intl - refine, # 19 Exhibit 18 Webster's College 1999 - refine, # 20 Exhibit 19 - IBM Dictionary - sort, # 21 Exhibit 20 - Roget's Thesaurus - change and update)(Tribble, Max)

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Exhibit 17 Webster's Third New International Dictionary OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE UNABRIDGED a m.mtaii-ameso, REG. U.S. PAT. OFF. Utilizing all the experience and resources of more than one hundred years of Merriam-Webster dictionaries EDITOR IN CHIEF PHILIP BABCOCK GOVE, Ph.D. AND THE MERRIAM-WEBSTER EDITORIAL STAFF MERRIAM-WEBSTER INC., Publishers SPRINGFIELD, MASSACHUSETTS, U.S.A. A GENUINE MERRIAM-WEBSTER The name Webster alone is no guarantee of excellence. It is used by a number of publishers and may serve mainly to mislead an unwary buyer. Merriam-Websterml is the name you should look for when you consider the purchase of dictionaries or other fine reference books. It carries the reputation of a company that has been publishing since 1831 and is your assurance of quality and authority. COPYRIGHT © 1993 BY MERRIAM WEBSTER, INCORPORATED - PHILIPPINES COPYRIGHT 1993 BY MERRIAM-WEBSTER, INCORPORATED WEBSTER'S THIRD NEW INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY PRINCIPAL COPYRIGHT 1961 Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Main entry under title: Webster's third new international dictionary of the English language, unabridged: a Merriam-Webster/editor in chief, Philip Babcock Gove and the Merriam-Webster editorial staff. p. cm. ISBN 0-87779-201-1 1. English language—Dictionaries. I. Gove, Philip Babcock, 1902-1972. II. Merriam-Webster, Inc. PE1625.W36 1993 423-dc20 93-10630 CIP All rights reserved. No part of this book covered by the copyrights hereon may be reproduced or copied in any form or by any means—graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, taping, or information storage and retrieval systems—without written permission of the publisher. MADE IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 495051 QP/H 009998 reference group reference group n, sociol : a group toward whose interests, i attitudes, and values the individual s oriented reference library n 1 : a collection of books often about a particular subject useful for consultation <a reference library of science) 2 : a library the books of which may be used on the premises but may not be taken out reference line n an arbitrary fixed line (as an x-axis or a polar axis) from which coordinates of a point are computed reference mark n : a conventional mark (as 5, t, 11, Zr) or a superior figure or letter placed in a text for directing attention to a footnote or a key on the same or another page — see respectively ASTERISK, DAGGER, DOUBLE DAGGER, SECTION, PARALLEL, PARAGRAPH, INDEX ref -er-en-dal Vrefa:rend'1\ ERENDARY adj [referendum + -al] : REF- reflexed 1908 techniques> 2 : the quality or state of being refined : CULTIVATION, ELEGANCE, POLISH <always comparing immigrant vitality with native ,--, —M.,D.Geismar> <sniffed with exquisite —Elinor Wylie> 3 a : something that is the product or outcome of a refining process or that conduces to refining : a refined feature or method <pursued the delicate art of suggestion to its furthest —Maurice Bowra> b : subtlety in reasoning of logic> is what characterizes our intellectualist philosophies —William James) C : a contrivance, device, or feature intended to improve or perfect <introduce into a machine> (this will increase the cost of the automobile> d : a slight departure from mechanical exactness or uniformity of line intended to enhance the beauty of a building or overcome undesirable optical effects re-fin-er \ -ina(r) \ n -s : one that refines: as a • one whose work is refining a specified thing (lard •-•-•> b : a machine that gives the final mechanical treatment to paper stock re-fin-er-man \ -man, -,man \ n, pl refinermen : a millman who refines reclaimed rubber refiners' sirup n: the residual liquid product obtained in the process of refining raw sugars re-fin-ery \ rd'fIn(a)rE, -)ri \ n -ES • a building and equipment for refining or purifying metals, oil ., or sugar; specif : a furnace with a shallow hearth for refining pig iron to wrought iron or to iron suitable for puddling re:finger \ Oa+ \ vt [re- + finger] : to alter or replace the fingering of (a musical passage) refining n -s : the action or process of removing impurities from a crude or impure material: as a of metals : subjection to high heat or other purification methods (as electrolysis or treatment with chemicals) <fire •-•-• of copper> — compare PARTING b of glass : FINING lb c of sugar : processing in a series of steps ending with crystallization d of petroleum : fractional distillation usu. followed by other processing (as cracking) refining engine n : REFINER b re-finish \ (')rt+ \ vt [re- + finish] : to give (as furniture) a new surface re-finisher V' + \ n : one that refinishes furniture Ire-fit \(')rt-1-\ vb [re- + fit] vt : to prepare for use again : fit out or supply again : restore after damage or decay a ship> vi : to get refitted : obtain repairs or fresh supplies or equipment <the fleet returned to 2 re-fit VrE+,-, .'A n : a refitting or fitting out again : a repairing of damages or replacing of what is worn or useless; esp : a refitting and renovating of a ship <assisting with of other submarines as they came and went —E.L.Beach> re-fit-ment \,S,r_,..tmant \ n : REFIT re-fix \ Ort+ vt [re- + fix] : to fix again : set up again : attach again or in a new place re:fixture \ "+ \ vs [re- + fixture] : to renew or replace the fixtures of (as a store, an office) refl abbr 1 reflection; reflective; reflectively; reflector 2 reflex; reflexive \ n [re- + f lash] : a rekindling and bursting re-flash \ into flame <prevent possible by cooling the hot surface and any glowing material —Training Manual for Auxiliary ELL referendarius, fr. L Iref-er-en-da-ry \ ,refa'rendafe \ n ref erendus to be referred (gerundive of referre to refer) + -arius -ary] 1 : an official at various imperial, papal, and royal courts charged with investigative or advisory duties — used as a title 2 : REFEREE, ARBITRATOR 3 obs : one who furnishes news : REPORTER \ ad] [ref erendum -ary] : of or relating nreferendary \ to a referendum ref-er-en-dum Vefa'rendam \ n, pl referen-da \-da\ or referendums \ -damz \ EL, neut. of ref erendus to be referred, gerundive of ref erre to refer — more at REFER] 1 a : the principle or practice of submitting to popular vote a measure passed upon or proposed by a legislative body or by popular initiative b : a vote on a measure so submitted C : a similar practice or method for ascertaining the will of members of an organized group (as a union, club, faculty) : POLL 2 : a diplomatic agent's note asking his government for instructions Irefer-ent \ ra'far.ant, rE'f-, 'ref (a)rant \ n -s EL referent-, ref erens, pres. part. of ref erre] 1 : someone that is referred to or consulted 2 a : a word or a term that refers to another b logic : the term (as a in the proposition a has the relation R to b) from which a relation proceeds : the first term of a relation (as a in Ra, b, c)— compare RELATUM 3 : that which is denoted or named by an expression or a statement : a spatiotemporal object or event to which a term, sign, or symbol refers : the object of a reference 2referent \ " \ adj[L referent-, ref erens, pres. part , of ref erre] that refers : having reference <judgments — to the entirety of life —L.T.Hobhouse> — refer-entay adv ref -er-en-tial Vrefalrenchal \ adj [fr. 'reference, after such pairs as E difference: differential] 1: containing or constituting a reference : pointing to something out of itself <symbols <— rather than emotive use of words) are inherently use) 2 : of, relating to, or intended for reference <notes for — ref-er-en-tial-ly \ -chalC \ adv re-fer-ral \ ra', ed'f- also -fSral \ n -s [refer + -al] 1:the act of referring: as a : the passing along or forwarding of an applicant for employment after an initial interview to a selected employer, placement officer, or bureau b : the process of directing or redirecting (as a medical case, a patient) to an appropriate specialist or agency for definitive treatment are turned down 2 a : one that is referred <50 percent of its at the plant —Survey Graphic) b : an instance or case of reFiremen) to family agencies more frequently ferring <need to make —Bernard Kogon> re-flate \ ra'frit, rE'f- \ vb -so/-mc/-s [back-formation fr. ref lation] vi : to expand again the quantity of currency and referred past of REFER credit after a period of deflation •-•-• vt : to expand again the referred pain n : a pain subjectively localized in one region amount of (currency and credit) though due to irritation in another region re-fer-rer \ ra'fana(r), ref-, -R also -ffra(r \ n -S [refer + -er] re-fla-tion \ -Nshan \ n -s [re- + -flation (as in inflation)] : restoration of deflated prices to a desirable level by the : one that refers re-fer-ri-ble \ ra'far.abal, r'81- also -fSrab- \ adj [refer + -able] use of monetary powers ire.flect \ ra'flekt, rel.\ vb -ao/-ItIo/-5 [ME ref lecten, fr. L : REFERABLE ref lectere, fr. re- + flectere to bend, turn] vt 1 archaic : to referring pres part of REFER turn into or away from a certain course : turn aside : DEFLECT, refers ores 3d sing of REFER DIVERT 2 a : to turn, throw, or bend off or backward at an ref f abbr references angle <light —ed from the moon> <heat ,-.-•ed by the light reffed. past of REF surface> b : to cast back : cause to rebound or reverberate ref fing pres part of REF a dry bitterness ref-fo Vre(,)foN n -s [ref- (fr. refugee) +-o] Austral : a refu- : to project out <his internal stresses upon the world —H.G.Wells> (new music ... just as gee from Europe much emotion as any other kind of music —Aaron Copland> ref g abbr refrigerating; refrigerator re-light \ (')(a+ \ vt [re- + fight] : to fight over again (as in 3 a : to bend or fold back : impart a backward curve, bend, the Revolution or fold to : make retrorse in form <petals •--,ed at the tops> imagination) (spent every Saturday b : to push or lay aside (as tissue, an organ) during surgery — visiting homes, battlefields, museums, forts —Dorothy in order to gain access to the part to be operated on 4 : to Barclay> give back or exhibit as an image, likeness, or outline : rere-figure \ "+ \ vt [re- + figure]: to figure again Ire-fill \ \ vb [re- + fill] vt : to fill again REPLENISH produce or show as a mirror does <the trees on the shore line were in the clear water> <dignity was in her Vi : to become filled again vivid blue eyes —Ellen Glasgow> <this body, with full power n 1: a commercial product designed to fill 2re-fill again a container with its appropriate contents for a to enact laws, more truly the popular will —Amer. Guide vanity case> <a loose-leaf notebook 2 med : a replacement Series: Pa.> 5 : to bring or cast as a result : bring about as an attribute, characterization, designation <his attitude would in a cavity of removed liquid or other material or a substitution little credit on his political judgment —W.H.Chamberlin> (as of gas) for such material <pneumothorax 3 : a pre6 : to make manifest or apparent as a likely cause, plausible scription compounded and dispensed for the second time without an order from the physician 4 : a second serving of conditioning factor, fitting background element, or concomitant : SHOW <the influence of the lumbering period is food or drink in Bay City's many large frame dwellings —Amer. Guide re-fill-able \ OrC:filabal \ adj : capable of being refilled Series: Mich.) <the pulse generally the condition of the notebook> prescription> heart —Morris Fishbein> <the structure of the compound re-film \ (')rf + \ vt [re- + film] : to film again sentence often a simple artlessness —R.M.Weaver> 7 : to re-filter \ (')e6+ \ vt [re- + filter]: to filter again re-finance \ q)14 -1- \ vt [re- + finance] • to renew or re- remember with thoughtful consideration : come to recollect, organize the financing of : provide capital f.or afresh : provide realize, or consider in a course of thought — used with a for (an outstanding indebtedness) by making another loan or following clause <Blake's poetry ... told me that he must be an Irishman before ever I ,--ed that his name was Irish a larger loan on fresh terms vi 1 obs a : to become turned re-find \ Oa+ \ vs [re- + find] : to find again : REDISCOVER, —A.T.Quiller-Couch> or thrown back : REBOUND <the sun darts forth his rays at RECOVER Ire-fine \ re'fIn, rt'f- \ vb -ao/-thio/-s [re- + fine (to refine)] right angles which back upon themselves —Nathanael Carpenter> b : to cast light : SHINE <whose virtues will, I vt 1 : to reduce to a fine, unmixed, or pure state : separate silver> hope, on Rome, as Titan's rays on earth —Shak.> 2 : to from extraneous matter : free from dross or alloy : free or cleanse from impurities sugar> 2 a (I) : to throw back light or sound : return rays, beams, or waves 3 : to think and consider esp, after the immediate event give a final mechanical treatment to (paper stock) so as to put on the role of think quietly and calmly RECONSIDER in the best possible condition for the grade of paper being philosophy in a liberal civilization —M.R.Cohen) 4 obs made (2) : to prepare (pulp screenings) for manufacture : to bounce back : spring back after impact : RECOIL 5 a : to into coarse paper b : to treat (pig iron) in the refinery furnace so as to remove the silicon and other unwanted elements tend to bring reproach : cast or bring censure, discredit, reproach, doubt, or suspicion <the investigation ,--ds on the c : to manufacture (petroleum products) by distilling crude integrity of the officials involved> <did not •-•-• on the general's petroleum and purifying the resulting successive distillates d ; to subject (raw sugar) to a series of processes (as defecation character in his speech> b : to have a bearing or Influence - or carbonation, filtration through bone black or activated (the steel strike naturally •-•-•ed in the sale of plastics> 6 : to carbon, and crystallization) to produce white sugar 3 : to become mirrored : produce a mirrored image <clouds free (as the mind or soul) from moral imperfection, grossness, on the lake> syn see THINK — reflect in a plane to condullness, earthiness : SPIRITUALIZE, ELEVATE <tried in sharp struct a figure each of whose points P' is related with a cortribulation and refined by faith and faithful works —John responding point P of a given figure in such a way that the Milton> 4 : to improve or perfect by pruning, polishing, or line joining P and P' is bisected perpendicularly by the plane rarefying a poetic style> <the imagination cannot escape 2reflect n -s obs : REFLECTION from the literal but at best can only it —Bernard DeVoto> re-flec-tance \ -tan(t)s \ n -s : the fraction of the total luminous 5 : to attenuate or reduce in vigor, intensity, vitality by flux incident upon a surface that is reflected and that varies pruning, polishing, or purifying <much of the really nutritive according to the wave-length distribution of the incident material actually was refined out of the foods —W.H.Camp> light — called also reflection coefficient, reflection factor; 6 : to increase or heighten the discriminatory power of compare ALBEDO : SUBTILIZE <", a method of analysis> <spent ... years patiently reflected adj [ME, fr, past part, of ref lecten to reflect] 1 : bent refining the crude statistics of economic change —Times Lit. or sent back : MIRRORED; specif : derived through the reflection of waves or rays heat> color> 2 : coming indirectly Stipp.) 7 : to free from what is coarse, vulgar, uncouth : cause to become fastidious, elegant, cultivated <sent to a or from a source other than oneself or itself : received from finishing school to her taste and manners> another <enjoying the ,--, glory of his famous brother> 3 : turned vi 1 : to become pure or perfected : become free or freer from what is back upon itself <a sea shell with a lip> — re-flect-ed-ly extraneous or crude or debasing 2 : to make improvement adv — re-flect-ed-ness n -as by adding or introducing subtleties or distinctions — used reflected impedance n : a part of the impedance of an electric with on or upon (the earlier science had only refined upon the circuit that s due to the influence of another coupled ciri ordinary notions of ordinary people —A.N.Whitehead> cuit 2refine adj, obs : REFINED reflecterize var of REFLECTORIZE re-fined -nd ad] 1 r free from impurities <to gild — gold, reflecting adj : that reflects or causes reflection: as a : having to paint the lily —Shak.> 2 : FASTIDIOUS, CULTIVATED, some contrivance or apparatus to reflect light or heat HIGHBRED (she spoke in a painfully accent> <sensitive, microscope> projector> <— oven> b : THOUGHTFUL <in face> <belief that the function of music is to cause a sort of moments we are apt to claim a very intimate our less sensuous pleasure —Susanne K. Langer> 3 : marked by acquaintance with 'matter —James Jeans> — re-flect-ing-ly subtlety ot' discrimination or precision of method or technique adv : carried to a fine point : PRECISE, EXACT (drawn out with that refleCting galvanometer n : a galvanometer in which the analysis of terms which I always find a waste of time deflections of the needle or coil are read by means of a mir—H.J.Laski> <men learned the necessity of exact measureror attached to it that reflects a ray of light or the image of ment and calculations —J.H.Randall> — re-fined-ly a scale \ -n(d)dlt \ adv — re-fined-ness \ -nadnds, -n(d)nds \ n -ES reflecting telescope n : REFLECTOR 4 refined madder n : FLOWERS OF MADDER re-flec-tion \ ra'flekshan, \ n -s [ME, alter. (influenced refined wool fat n : LANOLIN b by ref lecten to reflect) of ref lexion, fr. MF, fr. LL ref lexion-, re-fine-ment \ rb'fInmant, rt'f- \ n -s 1 : the action or process reflexio action of bending back, fr. L reflexes (past part, of of refining of metals> of torture> of measuring reflectere to reflect, bend back) -ion-, -io -ion] 1 : the partial or complete return of a wave motion (as of light or sound) from a surface that it encounters into the medium that it originally traversed and in a manner that is usu, diffuse or irregular — compare SPECULAR REFLECTION 2 : the production of an image by or as if by a mirror (the eye sees not itself but by •-•-• —Shak.> <the officers were a •-•-• of their men, more restrained —John Steinbeck> 3 a : the action of bending or folding back b : a reflected part <the mesentery is a of the peritoneum> : FOLD 4 : something prbduced by reflecting: a : reflected light or heat b : reflected brilliance (as of wit) or warmth (as of emotion) <joy is only the of what is sought, a will-o'-the wisp --Gouverneur Paulding> C : an image given back by a reflecting surface : a reflected counterpart cl : an effect produced by an influence <,•-•s of ancient Celtic legend in Italian literature> 5 : reproach cast or brought to bear CENSURE, BLAME, IMPUTATION <the on certain named persons' chastity and honesty —Geog. Jour.> 6 : a thought, idea, or opinion formed or a remark made as a result of meditation <random and essays by one of our finest stylists —Orville Prescott> 7 a : consideration of some subject matter, idea, or purpose often with a view to understanding or accepting it or seeing it in its right relations (as ... walking gave him a better chance for the prospect slowly brightened —John Buchan> b : introspective contemplation of the contents or qualities of one's own thoughts or remembered experiences can be practiced on every experience —Edmund Husserl> 8 obs turning back : RETURN 9 obs : RELATION, CONNECTION 10 Ohs: RECOLLECTION re-flec-tion-al \-shan°1,-shnal \ adj : relating to or caused by reflection reflection coefficient n REFLECTANCE reflection factor n : REFLECTANCE reflection grating n : a diffraction grating whose lines are ruled on a mirror surface reflection plane n : a mirror plane of symmetry of a crystal reflection twin n : a twin crystal in which the individuals are so related that one is a mirror image of the other — compare ROTATION TWIN re-flec-tive \ reflektiv, rE'f-, -te'v also -tav\ adj 1 : capable of throwing back light, images, sound waves : REFLECTING surfaces> insulation> 2 : marked by reflection : concerned with ideas or with introspective pondering : THOUGHTFUL, DELIBERATIVE <,•-• reading of history> temperament> 3 : of, relating to, or caused by reflection glare of the beach> <poise and swoop of a gull's flight casts in addition a •-•-• beauty on its animal structure —Lewis Mumford> 4 : REFLEXIVE <", verb> — re-flec-tive-ly \ -0\45, \ adv — re-flec-tive-ness \ -tivnis, -ttv- also -tav-\ n -ES reflective judgment n, Kantianism a judgment that proceeds from given particulars to the discovery of a general concept or universal principle under which the particulars may be subsumed — contrasted with determinative judgment re-flec-tiv-i-ty \ (,)rE,flek'tivad-E, raj- \ n -ES 1 : ability to reflect beams or rays : reflective power <the high of snow fields> 2 : REFLECTANCE re-flec-tom-e-ter Vtainad.a(r) \ n ['reflect -o- + -meter] : a photometric or electronic device for measuring the reflectances of light or other radiant energy \ n -s ['reflect + -or] 1 obs re-flec-tor \ ra'flekta(r), a : one that meditates or considers b : one that casts reflections : CRITIC 2 : a polished body or surface for reflecting light or other radiation: as a : a device used to modify the distribution of light from an illuminant, to shade the source, to direct the beams, and to produce artistic effect b : a highly polished curved usu. parabolic metal piece for reflecting the light forward in a head lamp c : a bowl-shaped device commonly of polished metal placed behind lamps to increase the amount of light reaching a scene to be photographed d : a panel (as of wallboard covered with metallic foil) used to reflect light onto the subject (as in portraiture or motion pictures) 0 : a utensil designed to reflect heat from an open fire and used in baking f S a device for reflecting sound toward an audience 3 : a portion of an antenna array that serves to reverse the direction of part of the radio waves sent out from the radiating portion and is often used to improve the directional quality of the antenna 4 : a telescope in which the principal focusing element is a mirror usu, of spherical or paraboloidal shape 5 : a part of a nuclear reactor that reflects neutrons back toward the reactor core re-flec-tor-ize or re-flect-er-ize \-ta,rIz \ vt -eo/-mo/-s [ref lectorize fr, ref lector -I- -ice; ref lecterize alter. (influenced by -er) of rejlectorize] 1 to prepare (a surface) so as to make reflecting 2 : to provide with reflectors < a road sign> a curved margin of a highway> reflects pres 3ds.i ng o., REFLECT, pl of REFLECT re-flesher \ (')rh+ \ n [re- + flesher] : a leather worker who removes from hides any flesh left by the fleshing machine operator rE'f- \ n -s [F, modif. (influenced by L rere-flet \ f lectere) of It rif lesso, fr, rif lesso, adj., reflected, fr. L ref lexus, past part. of ref lectere to reflect] : special brilliance of surface : metallic luster esp. on ceramic ware <gold of majolica ware> 1 re-flex Vre,fleks sometimes ra'f- or a''f- \ n -ES [1., reflexes, past part. of ref lectere to reflect] 1 : reflected heat, light, or color; specif light represented as reflected from an illuminated surface to one in shade (as in a painting) 2 a : a mirrored image <like the of the moon seen in a wave —P.B.Shelley> b : a copy that reflects an original in essential features or peculiar characteristics (to make legislation a of the popular will —W.E.H.Lecky> . 3 a obs : considered thought or statement b obs a glancing reference : ALLuslott 4 a or reflex act : an act (as a movement) performed automatically and without conscious volition in consequence of a nervous impulse transmitted inward by afferent fibers from a receptor to a nerve center and commonly through adjustor neurones outward by efferent fibers to an effector (as a muscle or gland) b or reflex action the whole process comprising recention, transmission, and reaction that culminates in such an act c reflexes pl : the power of acting or responding with adequate speed <his strength and the agility in his legs were gone and his •--,es no longer as they had been —Ernest Hemingway> <his •--,es are gone ... I will never okay him to fight again —Time) d : an automatic or strongly habitual and predictable way of thinking or behaving <to obscure emotion was becoming for him a natural —Truman Capote> <the dangers of this wholesale conditioning of human mental •-,-,es —New Republic) 5 a a phonemic, grammatical, or vocabulary element as found in a language in a form determined by development from an earlier stage of the language b • a cognate element 2reflex \ " \ ;id] [L reflexes, past part. of reflectere] 1: bent, turned, or directed back reversed in direction or course current in a river> <stem with leaves) REFLECTED 2 : directed back upon the mind or its operations : INTROSPECTIVE 3 : produced in reaction, in resistance, or in return tion> <monetary deflation is the consequence of undue infla 4 o,f an angle : greater than two and less than four right angles : being between 180° and 360° — see ANGLE illustration 5 a : of, relating to, or produced by stimulus without necessarily the intervention of consciousness contraction of the iris> b : relating to, marked by, connected with', or constituting a reflex center> 6 having an amplifier tube functioning simultaneously, as both a radio-frequency and an audio-frequency , amplifier by leading the current through a tube both before and after detection receiving set> 7 : relating to the reproduction of print or other graphic matter by means of a contact printing method in which light transmitted through light-sensitive material is reflected back onto the material fr9m the matter to be reproduced paper> copying> reflex arc n S the complete nervous path that is involved in a reflex • reflex camera n a camera in whi ch the image formed by the lens is reflected .by a mirror onto a ground-glass screen for focusing and composition re-flexed -kst adj [ME ref lexid, fr. L ref lexes (past part, of reflectere) + -id, -ed -ed] 1 obs : thrown back : caused or

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