Rockstar Consortium US LP et al v. Google Inc

Filing 158

CLAIM CONSTRUCTION BRIEF filed by NetStar Technologies LLC, Rockstar Consortium US LP. (Attachments: # 1 Appendix A, # 2 Exhibit 1 - 969 patent, # 3 Exhibit 2 - 245 patent, # 4 Exhibit 3 - 970 patent, # 5 Exhibit 4 - 178 patent, # 6 Exhibit 5 - 183 patent, # 7 Exhibit 6 - 883 patent, # 8 Exhibit 7 - Barron's 5th ed. - client and server, # 9 Exhibit 8 - Webster's 8th ed. - client, # 10 Exhibit 9 - Newton's Telecom - client and server, # 11 Exhibit 10 - Webster's College 1999 - interface, # 12 Exhibit 11 - Federal Standard 1037C - link, # 13 Exhibit 12 - NTC Am English Learners - correlate and match, # 14 Exhibit 13 - Webster's College 1999 - database, # 15 Exhibit 14 - Newton's Telecom - database, # 16 Exhibit 15 - Modern Dictionary of Electronics - database, # 17 Exhibit 16 Dictionary of Computer and Internet Terms - database, # 18 Exhibit 17 Webster's Third Intl - refine, # 19 Exhibit 18 Webster's College 1999 - refine, # 20 Exhibit 19 - IBM Dictionary - sort, # 21 Exhibit 20 - Roget's Thesaurus - change and update)(Tribble, Max)

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Exhibit 20 NAMED ¡¿ONE OF THE BEST REFERENCE BOOKS OF THE YEAR' BY ENTERTATNMENT VEEKLY GET R IN I r D ICTIO I S NARY FO RM EASY,TO,USE A,TO,Z DICTIONARY FORMAT t00,000 SYNoNYMS AND A N TONYMS YIETD MttUoN tvoRD c HOTCES- OVER THAN ANY OTHER THESAURUS I ONCEPT INDEX FOR TASTEST ACCESS scoREs oF NEtv cHotcEs UNIOUE I HUN REDS OF RECENTTY COINED AND COMMON STANG TERMS c OMMONTY USED FOREIGN TERMS j -Prus I I Eorr¡o ey TH¡ PnlNc¡ron¡ Llnculcr lnsrruTE KrrrR, Pu.D., H¡m LrxcocRlpHrR ROGET'S 2IST CENTURY THESAURUS, 3Td EDITON A Delta Book I MaY 2005 Published by arrangement with The Philip Lief Group, Inc' Published by Bantam Dell A Division of Random House, Inc New Yorh New York All rights reserved Copyright @ 1992,1993,1999,2005 by The Philip Lief Group, Inc. Delta is a registered trademark of Random House, Inc., and the colophon is a tradema¡k of Random House, Inc. Library of Congress Cataloguing-in-Publication data on file ' with the Publisher' ISBN 978-0-385-33895-0 Printed in ttre United States of America Published simultaneously in Canada BVG 10987654 12t continuity, group, order, progfession, row, sequence, set, string, syndicate, train, trust; co$cr,Prs 432,727,769 chain þt21 connected metal linl6: jNeIry nn¿e olsuch linlcsbotd, bmcelet, cable, clinker+, ænnætion, coupling, fetter, ircn, lavalierc,'link, læket, manacle, pendæt, shackle, trilmel; cßNcf.l'ls 2u6,476,499 chain[vf mnacle in metal aflach, bind, confine, comect, enslave, fetter, handcuff, hold, moor, resûain, shackle, tether, tie up, tmmel; coNcEPrs 811ó0 chafu lnlf single-sealÍumitvre ffichai¡, bench, cathedra, ¡e¡liner, ¡ocker, sling+; coNcEpr 4lJ chair fn2l person in or position of authoriry captain, chairpenon, dircctor, fellowship, helm, instructoiship, leader, monitor, position of r coDEol, principal, professorate, professorship, throne, tutor, tutorship; coucerrs 348,J7ó chairpetson lnf person in charge olproceedizgs administator, captain, chair, director, inùoducer, leader, moderator, monitor, prcsident, prcsider, principal, prolocutor, speaker, spokespeson, symposiæh; col.tcEJ'rs 348,376 - challenge{al dßpute, question claiming, confrontation, dæ, defiance, demæding, demur, intenogation, objection, prctest, provocation, æmonsEance, sumons to contest, test, threat, trial, ultimatum; coNcEprs 53,5J2 -.4u¿ agrce, answer, dæide, win châllenge lvl dispute, quesrion accost, arouse, ask for, assert, beard, brave, call for, call out, clain, con:ftont, cross, da¡e, defy, demmd, denounce, exact, faæ down, face off, fæe the msic+, fly in the.face. ofi., hmg in*, impeach, rmpose, rmpugn, nquire, ¡nsrst upon, mvestrgate, invite competition, make a point of, make a statrd, object to, ptovoke, query, reclaim, require, smch ouÇ stand up to, stick it out, stimulate, surnmon, tax, test, tfuow down the gaundet+, try, vindicatei coNcEpr 5J agæement, mswer, decision, victory -Áu¿ chamber [z.t] sru ll compartrcnt, ioom alcove, a¡tech:unber, aparürent, bedchmber, bedroom, box, cæe, mvity, cell, chest, container, cubicle, enclosure, flat, hall, hollow, lodging, pocket, room, socke\ coNcÈYrs ¿U8,494 chamber fn2l legislatiye body æsembly, council, legislature, orgarization, reprcsentativesi co¡c¡rr 299 champion ladjl best, excellent blvùíbbot, boss*, capital, chief, choice, cæ| dmdy, distinguished, fimt, gmtest, head, illustrious, out of sight+, out of this world+, outstanding, prcmier, prime, principal, prize-wiming, splendid, super, superior, tip top+, top drawer*, topflight*, top-notch+, topsr, unbeaten, undefeated, world class*; coxcerr 524 poorest, worst -Au¿ champion lnf defeater in competirton; preemineü supportet advæate, ally, bækt, challenger, charnp, conquuor, defender, endoßer, exponent, expounder, guudian, bero, hmine, medalist, nonpæil, numbu one+, numero uo*, paladin, Partism, paEon, prcponent, protector, suPporter, sympathizer, the grcatest+, tideholder, top dog+, upholder, vmquisher, victor, vindicator, wmior, winner; coNcEPT 366 loser -AnL champion lv) advocate, søpport back, batde, contend, defend, espouse, nght for, go to bat CHAIN / CHANGE for+, paronizg plead for, promote, put in a gæd word foË, ride shotgun for+, side with, stand behind, stmd up for, suppor! thump for, uphold; @NæPTS 10,69-A¡¡, be agaiNt" oppose championship Ínl contestÍor ultinwte victor crown, crowning achievement, elimination, playoffs, showdown, title match, toumament, winner takes all*; coNcEPr 363 chance ladjl æ c ide ntal, u nfo re s e e ab le zdv ettstious, at random, casual, contingent, fluþ, fortuitous, fortunate, happy, inadvertent, incidental, lucþ, odd, offhand, unforeseen" unintentional, unlmked for, unplamed; coNcEm 552 -Aut, designed, forewable, plmed, undersøod chance [z,l] passråílity, probability brca!æntingency, fair shaker, figbting chmce*, irdications, liability, likelihood, long shot+, look-in, occæion, odds, opening, opportunity, outlook, pmspæt, æo¡rc, shot+, shoy, squeak, assùrance, time, wageç coxctvt 650 scheme certainty, design, law, plm,-AnL chancefn2lfate, luck acciden¡, advatage, adventurc, bad lucþ break, casl, casualty, coincidence, contingency, destination, destiny, dæm, even chmce, ffuke, fortuity, fortune, future, gamble, good luck, hap*, haphzæd, happening, hazard, heads or tails+, hit*, in the ca¡ds+, kismet, lot, lottery, luck out*, lucþ breaþ misfortune, murrence, odds, outcome, pemdperil, providence, risk, stroke of luck+, ' .yenftr€, throw of the dic¿*, toss-up*, tm of the cards+, way the cmkie crumbles*, whæl of fortune*; @Næpr 679 JAnL ain¡ design, plm, scheme chance fn3l tunble, nbk beg craps game*, fall of the crds*, hzad, jeopardy, lottery, mffle, speculation, stake, throw o{the dice*, try, venture, wageri coNcEPT 363 Chance [v]l risþ enduger atbmpt, cæt lots, draw lots, gmble, go out on a limb, bave a fling at, huard,¡dize, play with fire*, plunge, put eggs in one basket+, put it on the linet, roll the dice+, m the rish skaæ oo thin ice*, spæulate, stake, stick one's næk out*, take sbot in the darkr, tempt fale*, tempt fortune*, toss up+, try, venturc, wager, wildcât; co¡¡cep, 87 ain¡ design, plm, æheme, mderstand -AnL chance fv2l happ¿z mive, befall, be one's fate, betide, blunder or¡, brcalç bump;come, cone about, come off, come to pæs, fall out, fall to one's lot, go, hap*, hit upon, light, light upon, luck me€t, occu, stumble, stumble on, trmspire, lumble, tm up; coNcEPr 4 chanc! Íadjl dangerors, nsþ capricious, c¡ntingent, dicey, errãtic, fluctùmt, fluky, hmdous, ift*, incalculable, pruarious, problematic, problematical, rocky, speculative, ticklish, touchy, tricþ, uncertain, unprcdictable, unsound, whimsical; coNcrvrs cefain, not dangerous, safe, 552,587 -AnL sæure, surc, tried chendel¡er [u] J¡'gåt hmgingJrom ceiling cædelabrum, candleholder, coron4 crom, electrolier, gasolier, light fixmrc, luster; cþNcEvr.l44 <hange lnll sorething made diferen4 alte ration about-fzce*, addition, adjustrnent, adva¡ce, breah compræsion, contaction, conversion, corection, development, difference, distortion, divemifi cation, divemþ, CHANGE / CHARACTERISTIC innovation, metamorphosis, modification, modulation, mutation, novelty, pemulation, recomtructior¡ rcfinement, rcmodeling, reversal, rcvision, revolution, shift, smgaæ, switch, tempering, transfomation, traasition, trusmutation, tum, tumoveç variance, variation, variety, vicissitude; coNcrrrs 230,260,701 Change [r2] Jøsn¡ufion; replo,cercnt coîversion, exchange, flip-flop*, interchange, wap, swi¡ch, tade, tumarcund: coxcerr 128 change [n3) smller cunency ìn æhange for Iarger chicken fepd+, coins, cop¡rr, dimes, nickels, pennies, pin moneyt, pocket rnoney, quarters, silver, spending money; coNcepr J40 bill, dollæ -á¡¿ ahenge lvll mke or become diferent æcommodale, adapt, adjust, alter, altemaie, commu¡e, convert, diminish, diverge, divenify, evolve, fluctuate, make imov¿tions, make over, merge, metamorphoæ, moder¿te, modify, modulate, mutate, naturalize, rccondition, redo, reduce, reforn rcgenerate, remale, remodel, rcnovate, reorgmize, replaæ, rerclve, restyle, revolutionize, shape, shift, substitute, tamper with, temper, Fansfigt¡rc, transform, trmslale, transmute, transpose, tum, vacillate, vary, vær, warp; coNcEvts 228,232,23 5,701 continue, -AnL hold. keep, pesist, rcmain, siay cheìge Ív27 substíhtte, replace zlÌffia¡a, baîer, 124 chaos [n] utter conÍusion anarchy, aøxi4 bedlam, cluner, disarray, discord, disorder, disorganization, entropy, free-for-all*, holy mess*, lawlessness, misrule, mix-up, mobæracy, muddle, pandemonium, rat's nestt, snùl, topsy-turviness*, tumult, tu¡moil, umliness; coNcÈprs 230,674 calm, harmony, -Au¿ nomality, order, orgmization, quiet, system <haotic [ad7] uderly confwed anachic, deraged, disordercd, disorganized, every which wayt, hmm-scasm*, helter-skelter+, lawlæs, puçoseless, rampageous, riotous, topsy-h¡rvy*, tumultuous, turbid, turbulent, uncontrolled; @NcEvr 548-AnL catn, hamonized, normal, ordercd, orgmized, quiet, systemlic chaperon ln'l person who accompanies lor supenision alarn clockr, babysiner+, bird dog*, conpanion, escort; coNcEpT 42J Chaperon lv) accompuyfor supenision atlÉrîd, carÐr, conduct, consort with, convoy, escoñ, guide, oversee, protect, safegua¡d, shepherd, supervise, watch ove\ coucÊr:rs I 14,714 chaplain ln) minister in chrrclr cleric, member ofcl€rgy, pastor, preacher, priest, ¡abbi, tumuound collaC; coNcEFr J61 chaplet lnl section ofbook or group ofiterc afñliate, bmch, clause, division, episodg member, offshoot, part, period, phase, stage, topic, unil, wing; coNcÊprs 270,382,832 cha¡ lvl scorcb sear bum, carboni æ, czutetize, singe; coxcrrr 249 chara L attrib pass, passage, pipe, raceway, route, runway, sewer, slit, sund, stait, tideway, trough, tube, tumel, vein, watercourse, way; coNcEFrs 50.1, 514 Channel ln2l rcm zgacy, agent, approach, complexion, constitution, crasis, disposition, emotions, estimation, ethos, frame, frame ofmind, genius, grain, habit, humor, kind, makeup, rnettle, mood, morale, mystique, nature, personality, quality, record, reputation, repute, sens, set, shape, singulaity, sorÇ specialty, spirit, sønding, strealç style, remper, temperanent, tone, faiq nrm, type, vein; coNcÊPr 41-l aha?a(îet Ín2l inteÊnþ coura!è,-f,aniè, honoi, intelligence, mind, nme, place, position, rank, rectitude, rep, rcport, rcputation, rcpute, standing, station, stan¡s, uprightness; coNcrrr óó8 character [¡¡3] odd person cardi, cæ*, clown, cmk+, customert, duckr, eccentric, figure, freak, nut, oddball, oddity, original*, personage, pesonality, queeç spookr, wack*, weirdo, zombier; coNcerrs 4 I 2,423 ¡JnaÊ(1ef lt4l written symbol ciphe4 device, emblem, figure, hieroglyph, lener, logo, mark, monogram, number, nmeral, rune, sign, type; coNcÊIlr 2U avenue, course, instrument, instrumeDtality, instrumentation, medium, ministry, orgm, rcute, vehicle, w^yi co$cBF]rs 6,660,770 channel fvl dírect, guide carry, coidvcÌ., con- fixd idiosyncmtic, inbom, inbred, individu grained, wa¡öle; coxc¡prs 6577 m¿I, unchæteristic, untypical indicative, intive, UNWITTING / UPPIÍY 882 "l*g;*fitlfrulsn;"*":l*ç" "l;n+Ë¡t*¿i**ffi îi#iå$B'*i:'Í*i#$i¡¡"a'¡*;;; i'rf:1Ì11i::;"::::::,::"'n nt+*.n'rællfirr'ï,- '"lg**;itæ;ll*i; "-" rärl;sr;$¡f'.$*$5P,ry'*.¡- I +àr'å;mäua;ç;pg1¡g;. i"ff1""!;;Ë¡;iTtrll"ä1ËËrå#iT' ffifgt*ç*,flffi '!iåf "'lr"'i.'Jål3r',i*ryå1ii"i¿''"'ffii;*.' i*,#'åri*i**n qiixäi'.: K:r:I:!:*'' "-"aiiffiFigflffi ""e"i"',"å'"iï'r",;áii,.,,,*, .

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