Rockstar Consortium US LP et al v. Google Inc

Filing 282

SUR-REPLY to Reply to Response to Motion re 220 MOTION to Amend/Correct Invalidity Contentions filed by NetStar Technologies LLC, Rockstar Consortium US LP. (Attachments: # 1 Affidavit of Meng Xi, # 2 Exhibit A, # 3 Exhibit B, # 4 Exhibit C, # 5 Exhibit D, # 6 Exhibit E)(Xi, Meng)

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Exhibit C US008335712B1 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent N0.: Crucian et al. US 8,335,712 B1 (45) Date of Patent: (54) MINIMIZING AD PRODUCTION COSTS FOR PRINT ADVERTISERS (75) Inventors: Nicolae Crucian, New York, NY (U S); Isaac Taylor, Mountain View, CA (US) Dec. 18, 2012 AdForce, Inc. S-l/A SEC Filing, May 6, 1999. AdKnowledge Campaign Manager: Reviewer’s Guide, AdKnowledge, Aug. 1998. AdKnowledge Market Match Planner: Reviewer’s Guide, AdKnowledge, May 1998. website archive from, Apr. 12, I997 (73) Assignee: Google Inc., Mountain View, CA (US) and Feb. 1, 1997. (*) 20, Dec, 1993, Baseview Products, Inc., ClassManagerPro Administration Manual v. 1.0.5, Feb. I, 1997. Baseview Products, Inc., AdManagerPro Administration Manual v. Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this Patent 15 extended 01' adjusted under 35 U.S.C. l54(b) by 176 days. Business Wire, “Global Network, Inc. Enters Into Agreement in (21) APP1~ NOJ 12/621,943 Principle With Major Advertising Agency,” Oct. 4, 1999. _ (22) Information Access Technologies, Inc., AaddZZ brochure, “The Best Flled: NOV- 191 2009 Way to Buy and Sell Web Advertising Space,” © 1997. _ _ Information Access Technologies, Inc., website archive Related U-s- Apphcatlon Data (60) from, archived on Jan. 30, 1998. Provisional application NO_ 61/167,100, ?led On Apr' Robbin Zeff and Brad Aronson, Advertising on the Internet, John 6 2009' Wiley & Sons, 1997. ’ Robbin Zeff and Brad Aronson, Advertising on the Internet, 2nd Ed., (51) Int- Cl- John Wiley & Sons, 1999. (52) U.S.Cl. .................................................... .. 705/141 (58) Field of Classi?cation Search ......... .. G06Q 30/00 (2012.01) * 705/l4.l See application ?le for complete search history. (56) References Cited . . cltedby exammer Primary Examiner * Daniel Lastra (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm * Fish & Richardson RC. (57) ABSTRACT Methods, systems, and apparatus, including computer pro U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS 5,666,493 A 9/1997 WOJ-Cik et a1‘ grams encoded on computer storage media, for minimizing 6,026,368 A 6,167,382 A 6,401,075 B1 2/2000 Brown et a1. 12/2000 Sparks et a1~ 6/2002 Mason et 31' ad production costs for print advertisers. In one aspect, a method includes receiving parameters associated with one or more publications; receiving input de?ning one or more ads; 6,985,882 Bl l/2006 Del Sesto . . . . Zoos/0306815 Al * 12/2008 Dykes et a1‘ ““““““““““ “ 705/14 grouplng the one or more publications based on'the recelved 2009/0012905 A1 * parameters to form a Plurahty Of groups, Wherem a quamlty 1/2009 Mawani et al. . .. 705/80 of groups in the plurality of groups is based on the received input; determining an optimal ad space siZe for each of the FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS W0 W0 97/21183 6/1997 plurality of groups; and generating the one or more ads, OTHER PUBLICATIONS wherein each ad is de?ned by the optimal ad space size of one or more of the plurality of groups. AdForce, Inc., User Guide: A Complete Guide to AdForce, Version 2.6, 1998. 18 Claims, 7 Drawing Sheets HELLO, WELCOME TO THE AD SKZE CALCULATOR WIZARD. , Ptease input creative sizes for every ad piacemem tnctuded in the ad campaign: , Puoiicatton ‘ Optmn an Widm Piease input the Iotat number of unique ads twat you woutri we. to inciude in tttts ad campaign: Hezght ‘Ptease note: A smatter number of unique ads in the campaégn Y ‘ results in a increased deviation percentage for seat‘. act as compared Addttionat pubticattons t1) the booked ad size. x07 l *NOTE: Values could be input " H E ‘ NEXT ~> ll automattcatiy by seiecting a Print Ads account campaign. (ten catcutate unique ads) US. Patent Dec. 18, 2012 Sheet 2 of7 US 8,335,712 B1 m3w 22 W, MW i. W, w. W. w w @aa 5m Q .mag W US. Patent Dec. 18, 2012 Sheet 3 of7 US 8,335,712 B1 rm3h“agmhw,g“ g8%3?3mmm ,mm Q, a5 m WNmW,“ w mm a US. Patent Dec. 18, 2012 Sheet 6 of7 a m mam ,x m38Waw3mg wg,ummawm£6,,r wm? mam mmm a, w w US 8,335,712 B1 A w » US. Patent @K m mg . Dec. 18, 2012 Sheet 7 of7 US 8,335,712 B1 US 8,335,712 B1 1 2 MINIMIZING AD PRODUCTION COSTS FOR PRINT ADVERTISERS The ad calculator, in one or more implementations, can include a graphical user interface that enables input of param eters associated With one or more publications, including acceptable ad space siZes. The ad calculator also can be CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED APPLICATION implemented to receive input de?ning a maximum number of advertisements to be created for an ad campaign, a maximum deviation percentage betWeen any advertisement and the This application claims priority to pending U.S. Provi sional Application Ser. No. 61/167,100, entitled “Minimizing booked ad space siZe of a publication, or both. The ad calcu Ad Production Costs for Print Advertisers”, ?led on Apr. 6, 2009, the entire contents of Which are incorporated herein by reference. one or more unique advertisements to approximately ?t ad space siZe dimensions associated With the one or more pub lator also canbe implemented to calculate optimal ad siZes for lications. In one aspect, a computer-implemented method receives parameters associated With one or more publications. Input TECHNICAL FIELD de?ning one or more ads is received. The one or more publi The following disclosure relates to computer-implemented systems and techniques for minimiZing ad production costs for print advertisers. BACKGROUND cations are grouped based on the received parameters to form 20 optimal ad space siZe of one or more of the plurality of groups. Advertisers can submit advertising copy (or “ad copy”) to This and other aspects can include one or more of the a publisher for inclusion in a printed publication, such as a neWspaper or a magaZine. Typically, the ad copy can be provided in the form of a proof, Which presents the advertise ment using the format in Which the advertisement should be 25 The publisher can then manually process the proof to incor 30 35 Typically, an advertiser can interact With the publisher to determine the format of the printed publication and the adver tisement siZes available. For example, the siZe of an adver tisement can be expressed using a number of parameters, including the height and the Width of one or more columns. The available advertising space can change betWeen editions and also betWeen sections of a single edition. If the ad copy supplied by the advertiser fails to satisfy one or more thresh old criteria, the ad copy may not be included in the desired printed publication. Input de?ning a maximum deviation percentage can be received. The maximum deviation percentage can be the larg est permissible difference betWeen the parameters associated With the one or more publications and the one or more gen as the edition in Which the ad copy is to appear, the page on Which the ad copy is to run, and the siZe of the advertisement. An advertiser also must determine What advertising space is available for a particular edition of a printed publication. folloWing features. At least one of the generated ads can be presented in a user interface. At least one of the generated ads can be compared to a largest ad space siZe of a corresponding group. The parameters associated With the one or more pub lications can de?ne an ad space siZe of each publication. The ad space siZe can include an advertisement height and a Width. run. The proof can be in hard copy form or electronic form. porate it into the printed publication. An advertiser typically also speci?es the placement of the ad copy in the printed publication, including parameters such a plurality of groups. A quantity of groups in the plurality of groups is based on the received input. An optimal ad space siZe for each of the plurality of groups is determined. The one or more ads are generated, Wherein each ad is de?ned by the erated ads.An ad space siZe ratio can be determined, based on the received parameters, for each of the one or more publica tions. A common denominator can be determined for each of the ad space siZe ratios. Numerator values can be determined, based on the determination of the common denominator, for each of the ad space siZe ratios. The received parameters can be arranged numerically based on the numerator values. 40 Groups of similar numerically arranged received parameters can be formed based on the received input. The techniques described in this speci?cation can be implemented to realiZe one or more of the folloWing potential advantages. For example, the techniques can be implemented 45 to reduce the amount of Work necessary to create an ad cam Once made, an offer to purchase advertising space in a paign. In addition, the techniques can be implemented to printed publication is evaluated by the publisher to determine Whether the ad copy Will be accepted. Historically, advertisers negotiated terms directly With the publisher, such as through minimiZe ad production costs by assisting designers make a sales representative. For example, a publisher could provide 50 standard rates and terms for a particular publication. If an number of publications in the ad campaign. The techniques also can be implemented such that through advertiser accepted those terms, the ad copy Would be placed in the printed publication. SUMMARY cost-ef?cient decisions regarding the number of advertise ments needed in an ad campaign. Moreover, the techniques also can be implemented to quantitatively understand the impact of using a lesser number of advertisements than the 55 a user interface WiZard, a designer can calculate the siZes of one or more unique advertisements to be included in an ad campaign. In addition, the techniques can be implemented to This speci?cation describes technologies relating to mini miZing ad production costs for print advertisers. Ad produc graphically depict the unique advertisements in one or more user interfaces. The techniques also can be implemented to tion costs can be related to the number of advertisements that need to be created in an ad campaign. The present inventors recogniZed the need to develop an ad calculator to assist a 60 designer make decisions regarding the optimal number, and determine the percentage deviation betWeen the unique advertisements and the ad space siZes of publications included in the ad campaign. Moreover, the techniques can be implemented such that through the user interface WiZard a optimal siZes, of advertisements needed in an ad campaign. designer can decrease the percentage deviation by increasing The ad calculator can be implemented as a standalone client application or as an online, e. g., Web-based, calculation tool that presents a user interface for calculating an optimum the number of unique advertisements to be created. Further more, the techniques can be implemented to demonstrate the number of unique advertisements for an ad campaign. 65 spatial arrangement of an unique advertisement positioned in an optimiZed ad space of a particular publication. US 8,335,712 B1 4 3 In some implementations, the parameters 105 can be input Details of one or more implementations are set forth in the accompanying drawings and the description below. Other into the graphical user interface automatically. For example, aspects can be implemented in systems and computer pro gram products, encoded on a computer-readable medium, operable to cause data processing apparatus to perform such the parameters 105 of the one or more publications can be become apparent from the description, the drawings, and the input automatically from a PrintAds® account maintained by Google Inc. of MountainView, Calif. The publications can be printed publications, such as newspapers or magazines. Alter natively, the publications can be electronic publications with claims. a displayable area, such as web pages or electronic displays. operations. Other features, aspects, and advantages will In electronic publications, ad size canbe expressed in a unit of BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS measure, such as a number of pixels. In some implementa FIGS. 1a-1e show exemplary steps of an ad calculator wizard. FIG. 2 shows a ?owchart of an example process for mini tions, ad size can be automatically converted from inches to pixels, and vice versa. The parameters 105 of additional publications can be input into the graphical user interface by selecting an additional mizing ad production costs for print advertisers. publications icon 106. Upon entering the parameters 105 associated with the one or more publications in the ad cam FIG. 3 shows a schematic diagram of an example comput ing device and system that can be used to implement the systems and methods described therein. paign, the next button 107 can be selected to proceed to the next step of the ad calculator wizard 100. The ad calculator wizard 100 also can be implemented to assist advertisers, Like reference symbols indicate like elements throughout the speci?cation and drawings. 20 DETAILED DESCRIPTION FIG. 1b shows an example second step of an ad calculator wizard 100. In the second step of the ad calculator wizard 100, An ad calculator can be implemented to assist a user, e.g., designer, make decisions regarding the number of advertise 25 tisements. The acceptable ad space sizes, i.e., the sizes of 30 implemented as an ad calculator wizard provided by a soft ware application installed on a computer system. The ad calculator wizard can be displayed in a graphical user inter face. FIG. 1a shows an example ?rst step of an ad calculator wizard 100. A graphical user interface can be presented, which can include one or more prompts to specify parameters 1 05 associated with one or more publications. The parameters number of advertisements 110 to be created for an ad cam 35 advertisement to be created for the ad campaign can be imple mented as a unique advertisement with a unique ad size. In some implementations, a designer can decide to create a 40 fewer number of unique advertisements than the number of publications included in the ad campaign. Due to the varying ad space dimensions of the publications, when a unique advertisement is not exclusively tailored to each publication, the advertisement may not perfectly ?t the dimensions of each 45 publication. Thus, creating a fewer number of unique adver tisements than the number of publications in the ad campaign can be de?ned by the width of one or more columns and the can result in advertisements that require manipulation in order to perfectly ?t the ad space sizes of the different publi cations. Advertisements con?gured to be smaller than the ad height of an advertisement, with the dimensions expressed in a unit of measure, such as inches or centimeters. The width of one or more columns can be expressed as the column width. A designer, can input the parameters 105 associated with 50 the one or more publications into the one or more prompts in the graphical user interface. In some implementations, the graphical user interface prompts can include one or more data entry ?elds, radio buttons, checkboxes, sliders, or other such graphical user interface widgets for inputting the parameters 55 105. Alternatively, the parameters 105 can be input using one or more drop-down menus with pre-populated options. For example, a designer can select a pre-populated option from the drop-down menu corresponding to a particular column width and a particular advertisement height. An input device, e.g., a mouse, operatively coupled to a computer system in which the graphical user interface is installed can be used to select a pre-populated option from the drop-down menu. Additionally, a keyboard, a touchscreen, or both, can be used to select a pre-populated option from the drop-down menu corresponding to a particular column width and a particular advertisement height. paign can be input automatically from a Print Ads® account maintained by Google, Inc. of Mountain View, Calif. Each 1 05 can include the name of the one or more publications, and the acceptable ad space sizes for those publications. Ad size be input through one or more prompts in the graphical user interface. The number of advertisements 110 speci?ed can express the maximum number of advertisements to be created for the ad campaign. The number of advertisements 110 can be input into the graphical user interface by a designer. Alter natively, the number of advertisements 110 can be input into the graphical user interface automatically. For example, the tion to another. The ad calculator can be implemented as an online, e.g., web-based, ad calculator wizard for assisting a designer make decisions regarding an optimum number, and optimum sizes, of unique advertisements needed for a print advertising campaign. Alternatively, the ad calculator can be a number of advertisements 110 to be created for an ad cam paign canbe speci?ed. The number of advertisements 110 can ments needed to ful?ll an ad campaign. The ad campaign can include one or more publications con?gured to accept adver advertisements that can be accepted for inclusion in the one or more publications, can vary substantially from one publica media buyers and publishers make decisions regarding the optimum number, and the optimum sizes, of unique adver tisements needed for a print advertising campaign. 60 65 space size of a publication can be ?oated in the center of the ad space. As an alternative to ?oating, a unique advertisement can be proportionately increased in size, so long as the image resolution is not compromised, to perfectly ?t an ad space. Conversely, a unique advertisement can be proportionately reduced, or scaled, in size to perfectly ?t an ad space. The back button 111 can be selected to return to the ?rst step of the ad calculator wizard 100, e. g., to alter the parameters 105 associated with the one or more publications. Similarly, the next button 112 can be selected to proceed to the next step of the ad calculator wizard 100. FIG. 10 shows an example alternative second step of an ad calculator wizard 100. In an alternative second step of the ad calculator wizard 100, a maximum deviation percentage 120 can be speci?ed. One or more maximum deviation percent ages 120 can be input through one or more prompts in the graphical user interface. The maximum deviation percentage 120 can be con?gured to be the maximum difference between US 8,335,712 B1 5 6 a unique advertisement and any dimension of the stated, or unique advertisement previeW 140 can be implemented to booked, publication ad space size. The deviation percentage compare an optimized unique advertisement With one or more ad space dimensions in a publication. In some imple mentations, the compared ad space dimensions can be con betWeen unique advertisements and acceptable publication ad sizes can be measured With respect to one of several dimensions, including height, Width and diagonally. ?gured to represent the largest ad space size for a particular By specifying the maximum deviation percentage 120, the grouping of one or more similarly sized publications. In some ad calculator Wizard 100 can determine the number of unique advertisements that need to be created such that the maximum permissible difference value for the ad space size dimensions other implementations, the unique advertisement previeW 140 can be con?gured to include the textual and graphical images of the ad copy submitted for inclusion in the ad cam paign. is not exceeded. For example, the designer can specify that 10% is the maximum deviation percentage betWeen any unique advertisement as compared to any booked ad height. In this example, a unique advertisement can be enlarged, A unique advertisement can be altered by changing one or more dimensions of the advertisement in the unique adver tisement previeW 140. In some implementations, a maximum deviation percentage indicator can be included in the graphi cal user interface to indicate the change in deviation percent scaled doWn, stretched, or shrunk, vertically, horizontally, diagonally, or by any combination of such, so long as the height of the unique advertisement remains Within 10% of the booked ad space height for the publication. Based on the age due to altering the one or more unique advertisements in the unique advertisement previeW 140. One or more unique ad labels 143 can be selected to present the associated unique advertisement previeW 140 in the graphical user interface. maximum deviation percentage 120, the ad calculator can determine the number, and sizes, of unique advertisements needed to ful?ll the ad campaign. 20 The back button 141 can be selected to return to the third step of the ad calculator Wizard 100. Alternatively, the ?nish but The percentage deviation from one or more booked ad space size dimensions can be related to the number of adver ton 142 can be selected to store the optimally calculated tisements created for the ad campaign. An increase in the number of unique advertisements created for the ad campaign unique advertisements. The unique advertisements can be can result in a decrease of the deviation percentage. The deviation percentage can result in a decrease because a 25 based, storage database maintained by Google Inc. of Moun tain View, Calif. greater number of unique advertisements Will more closely ?t FIG. 2 shoWs a ?owchart of an example process 200 for the ad space size dimensions of the one or more publications. The back button 121 can be selected to return to the ?rst step of the ad calculator Wizard to, e.g., alter the parameters 105 30 Parameters associated With one or more publications can be received (205). The parameters can be received through 35 manually, automatically, or by a combination of both. The one or more publications can include printed publications, such as face. The ad dimensions 130 can include one or more dimen 40 of the ad calculator Wizard 100. In some implementations, based on the input speci?ed in the second, or alternative second, step of the ad calculator Wizard 100, a maximum deviation percentage indicator 134 can be presented in the graphical user interface. The maxi mum deviation percentage indicator 134 can be implemented magazines or neWspapers. Alternatively, the one or more publications can include electronic publications With display advertisement indicator 133 can be implemented to indicate the optimum number of unique advertisements that need to be created. The unique ad indicator 133 canbe linked to the input specifying the number of advertisements 110 in the ?rst step one or more prompts in a graphical user interface. The param eters associated With the one or more publications can include publication names, and the ad sizes accepted for inclusion in the respective publications. The parameters can be received ad dimensions 130 of the one or more unique advertisements to be created for the ad campaign can be presented. The ad dimensions 130 can be presented in the graphical user inter sions, including a Width and a height of each unique adver tisement to be created for the ad campaign. An unique minimizing ad production costs for print advertisers. The process 200 can, for example, be implemented in the ad calculator Wizard 100 depicted in FIGS. 1a-1e. associated With the one or more publications. Similarly, the next button 122 can be selected to proceed to the next step of the ad calculator Wizard 100. FIG. 1d shoWs an example third step of an ad calculator Wizard 100. In the third step of the ad calculator Wizard 100, stored in a storage device, a results database, or both. The results database can be implemented as an online, e.g., Web able areas, such as a Web page or electronic display. Input de?ning one or more ads can be received (210). The 45 input de?ning the one or more ads can be received through one or more prompts in a graphical user interface. The input can be received manually, automatically, or by a combination of both. The input de?ning the one or more ads can specify the maximum number of advertisements to be created for an ad campaign. In some implementations, input de?ning a maxi 50 mum deviation percentage for the one or more ads as com pared to the parameters associated With the one or more With respect to one or more ad space size dimensions. The back button 131 can be selected to return to the second, or publications also can be received. alternative second, steps of the ad calculator Wizard 100 to, received parameters to form a number of groups (215). The e.g., alter the maximum number of advertisements 110 to be created, or the maximum deviation percentage 120, respec tively. Similarly, the next button 132 can be selected to pro ceed to the next step of the ad calculator Wizard 100. FIG. 1e shoWs an example fourth step of an ad calculator Wizard 100. In the fourth step of the ad calculator Wizard 100, The one or more publications can be grouped based on the 55 groups can be formed based on the input de?ning the one or more ads. The groups can be formed by determining the height-to-Width ratio, based on the received parameters, for each ad space size con?gured to accept an advertisement in the ad campaign. The height can be con?gured to be the 60 one or more unique advertisement previeWs 140 can be pre sented in the graphical user interface. The one or more unique numerator and the Width can be con?gured to be the denomi nator, and vice versa. An ad calculator can determine a com one or more unique advertisements based on the inputs speci mon denominator for each of the height-to-Width ratios. Based on the determination of the common denominator, i.e., the multiplication or division factor used to generate the com mon denominator, numerator values for each of the height to-Width ratios can be determined. The received parameters, ?ed in the previous steps of the ad calculator Wizard 100. The i.e., ad space sizes, can then be arranged numerically, i.e., advertisement previeWs 140 can be presented in a print pre vieW implementation as one or more graphical images. The graphical images can depict the calculated optimal sizes of 65 US 8,335,712 B1 7 8 from smallest to largest, or vice versa, based on the numerator values can be grouped together. An ad calculator can form a number of groups based on the input de?ning the one or more viding portions of the necessary operations, e.g., as a server bank, a group of blade servers, or a multi-processor system. The memory 304 stores information Within the computing device 300. The memory 304 can be a computer-readable ads. For example, When the maximum number of ads to be created is speci?ed as three, the ad calculator can form three medium. The memory 304 can be a volatile memory unit or units. The memory 304 can be a non-volatile memory unit or groups of publications, each group having similar ad space values. Ad space siZes having similarly de?ned numerator An optimal ad space siZe of each of the one or more groups units. The storage device 306 is capable of providing mass stor age for the computing device 300. The storage device 306 can be a computer-readable medium. The storage device 306 also can be a ?oppy disk device, a hard disk device, an optical disk can be determined (220). The optimal ad space siZe of each of device, or a tape device, a ?ash memory or other similar solid the one or more groups can be determined by an ad calculator. state memory device, or an array of devices, including devices in a storage area netWork or other con?gurations. A computer program product can be tangibly embodied in an information siZes. In some implementations, the grouping can be based on obtaining the minimum percentage deviation betWeen publi cation ad space siZes Within the group. The ad calculator can be implemented as an online calcula tion tool or as a software application having a graphic user interface. The optimal ad space siZe can be calculated as the smallest common ad space siZe in a group. For example, the carrier. The computer program product can contain instruc tions that, When executed, perform one or more methods, optimal ad space siZe of the folloWing group having publica such as those described above. The information carrier can be a computer- or machine-readable medium, such as the tion ad spaces siZes of: 3" Width><4" height; 4" Width><5" height; 3.5" Width><4.5" height, is 3"><4". 20 One or more ads can be generated, Wherein each ad is de?ned by the optimal ad space siZe of one of the number of groups (225). Each of the generated ads can be de?ned by the smallest common ad space siZe for a respective group. When, for example, ?ve ads are speci?ed to be created, ?ve groups of publications having similar ad space siZes can be formed, and the optimal ad space siZe for each group can be determined. The generated ads can be implemented to approximately ?t the optimal ad space siZe determined for each of the groups, respectively. The one or more generated ads can be presented in a print previeW format in a graphic user interface. The one intensive operations for the computing device 300, While the loW speed controller 3 12 can manage loWer bandWidth-inten 25 304, display 316 (e.g., through a graphics processor or accel erator), and to high-speed expansion ports 310, Which can accept various expansion cards (not shoWn). The loW-speed 30 314, Which can include various communication ports (e.g., USB, Bluetooth, Ethernet, Wireless Ethernet) can be coupled 35 to one or more input/output devices, such as a keyboard, a pointing device, a scanner, or a netWorking device such as a sWitch or router, e.g., through a netWork adapter. The computing device 300 can be implemented in a num ber of different forms, as shoWn in the ?gure. For example, it group. In some implementations, the one or more ads can be manipulated, i.e., enlarged, shrunk, squeezed or stretched. The manipulated ads can be con?gured to retain a particular aspect ratio, or alternatively, to disregard a particular aspect 40 can be implemented as a standard server 320, or multiple times in a group of such servers. It can also be implemented as part of a rack server system 324. In addition, it can be imple mented in a personal computer such as a laptop computer 322. Various implementations of the subject matter described herein may be realiZed in digital electronic circuitry, inte systems and methods described therein. Computing device 300 is intended to represent various forms of digital comput ers, such as laptops, desktops, Workstations, personal digital controller 312 can be coupled to storage device 306 and loW-speed expansion port 314. The loW-speed expansion port natively, the one or more generated ads can be compared to ratio. FIG. 3 shoWs a schematic diagram of an example comput ing device and system that can be used to implement the sive operations. Such allocation of duties is exemplary only. The high-speed controller 308 can be coupled to memory or more generated ads also can be compared to the largest ad space siZe of a publication in its corresponding group. Alter the determined optimal ad space siZe of the corresponding memory 304, the storage device 306, memory on processor 302, or a propagated signal. The high speed controller 308 can manage bandWidth 45 assistants, servers, blade servers, mainframes, and other appropriate computers. The components shoWn here, their grated circuitry, specially designed ASICs (application spe ci?c integrated circuits), computer hardWare, ?rmWare, soft 304, 306, 308, 310, and 312, are interconnected using various Ware, and/or combinations thereof. These various implementations may include implementation in one or more computer programs that are executable and/or interpretable on a programmable system including at least one program mable processor, Which may be special or general purpose, coupled to receive data and instructions from, and to transmit data and instructions to, a storage system, at least one input device, and at least one output device. These computer programs (also knoWn as programs, soft Ware, softWare applications or code) include machine instruc tions for a programmable processor, and may be implemented buses, and can be mounted on a common motherboard or in other manners as appropriate. The processor 302 can process ming language, and/or in assembly/machine language. As connections and relationships, and their functions, are meant to be exemplary only, and are not meant to limit implemen tations of the inventions described and/ or claimed in this document. Computing device 300 includes a processor 302, memory 304, a storage device 306, a high-speed interface 308 con 50 necting to memory 304 and high-speed expansion ports 310, and a loW speed interface 312 connecting to loW speed bus 314 and storage device 306. Each of the components 302, instructions for execution Within the computing device 300, 55 in a high-level procedural and/or object-oriented program including instructions stored in the memory 304 or on the used herein, the term “information carrier” comprises a “machine-readable medium” that includes any computer pro storage device 306 to display graphical information for a GUI on an external input/output device, such as display 316 gram product, apparatus and/or device (e.g., magnetic discs, optical disks, memory, Programmable Logic Devices 60 coupled to high speed interface 308. Multiple processors and/ or multiple buses can be used, as appropriate, along With multiple memories and types of memory. Also, multiple com puting devices 300 can be connected, With each device pro 65 (PLDs)) used to provide machine instructions and/or data to a programmable processor, including a machine-readable medium that receives machine instructions as a machine readable signal, as Well as a propagated machine-readable US 8,335,712 B1 10 2. The method of claim 1, further comprising presenting at signal. The term “machine-readable signal” refers to any signal used to provide machine instructions and/or data to a least one of the generated ads in a user interface. programmable processor. 3. The method of claim 2, Wherein the presenting further comprises: To provide for interaction With a user, the subject matter described herein may be implemented on a computer having a display device (e.g., a CRT (cathode ray tube) or LCD (liquid crystal display) monitor) for displaying information to comparing the at least one of the generated ads to a largest ad space siZe of a corresponding group. 4. The method of claim 1, Wherein the parameters associ the user and a keyboard and a pointing device (e. g., a mouse ated With the one or more publications de?nes an ad space or a trackball) by Which the user may provide input to the computer. Other kinds of devices can be used to provide for siZe of each publication. 5. The method of claim 4, Wherein the ad space siZe of each publication includes an advertisement height and a Width. 6. The method of claim 1, Wherein grouping the one or more publications based on the received parameters further interaction With a user as Well; for example, feedback pro vided to the user can be any form of sensory feedback (e.g., visual feedback, auditory feedback, or tactile feedback); and comprises: input from the user can be received in any form, including acoustic, speech, or tactile input. The subject matter described herein can be implemented in a computing system that includes a back-end component determining an ad space siZe ratio, based on the received parameters, for each of the one or more publications; determining a common denominator for each of the ad (e. g., as a data server), or that includes a middleWare compo nent (e.g., an application server), or that includes a front-end component (e.g., a client computer having a graphical user determining numerator values, based on the determination of the common denominator, for each of the ad space 15 space siZe ratios; 20 siZe ratios; interface or a Web broWser through Which a user may interact With an implementation of the subject matter described herein), or any combination of such back-end, middleWare, or front-end components. The components of the system can be interconnected by any form or medium of digital data com arranging the received parameters numerically, based on the numerator values; and forming groups, based on the received input, of similar 25 munication (e.g., a communication netWork). Examples of numerically arranged received parameters. 7. A computer program product, encoded on a computer communication netWorks include a local area netWork readable medium, operable to cause data processing appara (“LAN”), a Wide area netWork (“WAN”), and the lntemet. The computing system can include clients and servers. A client and server are generally remote from each other and tus to perform operations comprising: typically interact through a communication netWork. The relationship of client and server arises by virtue of computer programs running on the respective computers and having a client-server relationship to each other. Although a feW variations have been described in detail above, other modi?cations are possible. For example, the receiving parameters associated With one or more publica 30 parameters associated With the one or more publications 35 logic ?oW depicted in the accompanying ?gures and described herein do not require the particular order shoWn, or sequential order, to achieve desirable results. Other embodi ments may be Within the scope of the folloWing claims. A number of implementations have been disclosed herein. Nevertheless, it Will be understood that various modi?cations can be made Without departing from the spirit and scope of the claims. For example, the actions recited in the claims can be performed in a different order and still achieve desirable results. Accordingly, other implementations are Within the scope of the folloWing claims. 40 plurality of groups. 45 parameters associated With the one or more publications receiving input de?ning a maximum deviation percentage, de?nes an ad space siZe of each publication. 55 largest permissible difference betWeen the received 11. The computer program product of claim 10, Wherein the ad space siZe of each publication includes an advertise ment height and a Width. parameters associated With the one or more publications 12. The computer program product of claim 7, Wherein and an ad space siZe of one or more ads; grouping the one or more publications based on the grouping the one or more publications based on the received 60 parameters further comprises: determining an ad space siZe ratio, based on the received parameters, for each of the one or more publications; determining a common denominator for each of the ad determining an optimal ad space siZe for each of the plu rality of groups; and plurality of groups. comparing the at least one of the generated ads to a largest ad space siZe of a corresponding group. 10. The computer program product of claim 7, Wherein the tions; generating one or more ads, Wherein each generated ad is de?ned by the optimal ad space siZe of one or more of the 8. The computer program product of claim 7, further com prising presenting at least one of the generated ads in a user interface. 9. The computer program product of claim 8, Wherein the presenting further comprises: 50 receiving parameters associated With one or more publica received parameters to form a plurality of groups, Wherein a quantity of groups in the plurality of groups is based on the received input; determining an optimal ad space siZe for each of the plu rality of groups; and generating one or more ads, Wherein each generated ad is de?ned by the optimal ad space siZe of one or more of the siZes, the method comprising: Wherein the maximum deviation percentage comprises a and an ad space siZe of one or more ads; grouping the one or more publications based on the received parameters to form a plurality of groups, Wherein a quantity of groups in the plurality of groups is based on the received input; What is claimed is: 1. A computer-implemented method for calculating ad tions; receiving input de?ning a maximum deviation percentage, Wherein the maximum deviation percentage comprises a largest permissible difference betWeen the received space siZe ratios; 65 determining numerator values, based on the determination of the common denominator, for each of the ad space siZe ratios; US 8,335,712 B1 11 12 15. The system of claim 14, Wherein the presenting further arranging the received parameters numerically, based on the numerator values; and forming groups, based on the received input, of similar comprises: comparing the at least one of the generated ads to a largest ad space siZe of a corresponding group. 16. The system of claim 13, Wherein the parameters asso numerically arranged received parameters. 13. A system comprising: a processor; and ciated With the one or more publications de?nes an ad space a computer readable medium storing a computer program siZe of each publication. for calculating ad siZes, the computer program compris 17. The system of claim 16, Wherein the ad space siZe of each publication includes an advertisement height and a Width. 18. The system of claim 13, Wherein grouping the one or more publications based on the received parameters further ing instructions to cause the processor to perform opera tions comprising: receiving parameters associated With one or more publica tions; receiving input de?ning a maximum deviation percentage, comprises: Wherein the maximum deviation percentage comprises a largest permissible difference betWeen the received parameters associated With the one or more publications 15 and an ad space siZe of one or more ads; grouping the one or more publications based on the received parameters to form a plurality of groups, Wherein a quantity of groups in the plurality of groups is based on the received input; space siZe ratios; 20 determining an optimal ad space siZe for each of the plu rality of groups; and plurality of groups. determining numerator values, based on the determination of the common denominator, for each of the ad space siZe ratios; arranging the received parameters numerically, based on the numerator values; and forming groups, based on the received input, of similar generating one or more ads, Wherein each generated ad is de?ned by the optimal ad space siZe of one or more of the 14. The system of claim 13, the operations further com prising presenting at least one of the generated ads in a user interface. determining an ad space siZe ratio, based on the received parameters, for each of the one or more publications; determining a common denominator for each of the ad 25 numerically arranged received parameters.

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