Rockstar Consortium US LP et al v. Google Inc

Filing 92

MOTION for Leave to File A Supplemental Brief In Response To Googles Motion To Transfer In Light Of Newly-Acquired Evidence by NetStar Technologies LLC, Rockstar Consortium US LP. (Attachments: # 1 Text of Proposed Order Granting Motion for Leave to File a Supplemental Brief In Response to Google's Motion to Transfer in Light of Newly-Acquired Evidence, # 2 Supplement Plaintiffs' Supplemental Brief In Response to Google's Motion to Transfer, # 3 Affidavit of Amanda Bonn In Support of Plaintiffs' Supplemental Brief In Response to Google's Motion to Transfer, # 4 Exhibit 1, # 5 Exhibit 2, # 6 Exhibit 3, # 7 Exhibit 4, # 8 Exhibit 5, # 9 Exhibit 6, # 10 Exhibit 7, # 11 Exhibit 8, # 12 Exhibit 9, # 13 Exhibit 10, # 14 Exhibit 11, # 15 Exhibit 12, # 16 Exhibit 13, # 17 Exhibit 14, # 18 Exhibit 15, # 19 Exhibit 16, # 20 Exhibit 17, # 21 Exhibit 18, # 22 Exhibit 19, # 23 Exhibit 20, # 24 Exhibit 21, # 25 Exhibit 22, # 26 Exhibit 23, # 27 Exhibit 24, # 28 Exhibit 25, # 29 Exhibit 26, # 30 Exhibit 27, # 31 Exhibit 28, # 32 Exhibit 29, # 33 Exhibit 30)(Bonn, Amanda)

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Exhibit 13 Short History of Early Search Engines - The History of SEO Home The Interviews The Industry Events Page 1 of 5 About Short History of Early Search Engines The goal of all search engines Ls to find and organize distributed data found on the Internet. Before search engines were developed, the Internet was a collection of File Transfer Protocol (FTP) sites in which users would navigate to find specific shared rites. As the central list of web servers joining the Internet grew, and the World Wide Web became the interface of choice for accessing the Internet, the need for finding and organizing the distributed data rites on FTP web servers grew. Search engines began due to this need to more easLLy navigate the web servers and files on the Internet. The first search engine was developed as a school project by Alan Emtage, a student at McGLll University Ln Montreal. Back in 1990, Alan created Archie, an index (or archives) of computer files stored on anonymous FTP web sites in a £iven network of computers ("Archie" rather than "Archives" fit name length parameters thus it became the name of the first search en£ine). In 1991, Mark McCahill, a student at the University of Minnesota, effectively used a hypertext paradigm to create Gopher, which also searched for plain text references in files. Archie and Gopher’s searchable database of websites did not have natural Language keyword capabilities used in modern search engines. Rather, in 1993 the graphical Mosaic web browser improved upon Gopher’s primarily text-based interface. About the same time, Matthew Gray developed Wandex, the first search engine in the form that we know search en£ines today. Wandex’s technology was the first to crawl the web indexing and searching the catalog of indexed pages on the web. Another significant development in search engines came in 1994 when WebCrawler’s search engine began indexing the full text of web sites instead of just web page titles. While both web directories and search engines gained popularity in the 1990s, search engines developed a life of their own becoming the preferred method of Internet search. For example, the major search engines found in use today originated in development between 1993 and 1998. Excite- Born in 1993 \ ~- t i Excite was born in February 1993 as a university project catted Architext involving six undergraduate students y Stanford .... the Int .... t. This school project i~ ~ i’~ relationships to imp ...... t ..... at of ..... hseeking to use statistical analysis of word eventually ted to Excite’s commercial release as a crawling search engine at the end of 1995. With solid growth in 1996, Excite purchased WebCrawter and Magellan. Toward the end of the 1990s, Excite partnered with MSN and Netscape providing search services. In 1999, Excite was sold to broadband provider ® (tater becoming Excite®Home) as part of a $6.7 billion merger after its traffic started to decline with the release of Googte in 1998. With significant debts, Excite®Home filed for bankruptcy in October 2001 and sold its high-speed network to AT&T for $307 million. A month tater, InfoSpace made a $10 million bid to buy Excite®Home’s assets including domain names and trademarks from bankruptcy court. Infospace’s offer was accepted and they subsequently powered the Excite web site and sold portal components to iWon. InfoSpace’s Dogpite crawler replaced Excite’s making Dogpite and Excite’s search results the same. Both Excite and Dogpite are also powered by LookSmart’s directory, except that Dogpite includes a number of other InfoSpace directories. Also as part of the deal, InfoSpace acquired rights to WebCrawLer. Ask Jeeves (now purchased the portal in 2004. Now, Excite offers search results through a metasearch toot combining results from pay-per<tick and natural search toots. Yahoo! - Born in 1994 David Fifo and Jerry Yang started Yahoo! in 1994. Ori£inatty it was a highly regarded directory of sites that were cataloged by human editors. This directory provided an extensive listing of websites supported by a network of regional directories. In 2001, Yahoo! started charging a fee for inclusion in its directory listing. Yahoo!’s action helped control the number of sites listed and helped cover costs with additional revenue. I nLtLaLLy, Yahoo! used secondary search engine services to support Lts dLrectory. PartnershLps have LncLuded agreements with Inktomi and GoogLe. In October 2002, Yahoo shifted to crawler-based Listing for its search results. In 2004, Yahoo! purchased Overture’s pay-per-click service, which had only months earlier purchased AttaVista and AtttheWeb, and Inktomi’s search database. With these acquisitions, Yahoo! combined these toots to create its own search index. Today, Overture is renamed Yahoo! Search Marketing and provides paid search advertising revenue. The Yahoo! Directory remains one of the top indexes powering search Listings. WebCrawler - Born in 1994 ~~ . WebCrawLer was the first search en£ine to provide full text search. In i994, Brian Pinkerton, a Computer Science and Engineering student at the University of Washington, used his spare time to create WebCrawter. With WebCrawter, Brian generated a list of the Top 25 websites on March i5, i994. Only a month tater on April 20, i994, Brian announced the release of WebCrawLer Live on the web with a database of 4000 websites. On June i i, i994, Brian posted to the Usenet group comp.infosystems.announce that the WebCrawter Index was available for searching. By November i4, i994, WebCrawter served its one millionth query. By the end of the year, WebCrawter signed two sponsors, DeaterNet and Starwave providing needed capital to finance WebCrawter. A tittle tess than a year tater, WebCrawter was fully operating on advertising revenue. A young America Online, without access to the web, acquired WebCrawLer on June i, i995. On September 4, i995, Spidey was created as WebCrawter’s mascot. On April i, i997 (no footing), WebCrawter was sold by AOL to Excite. Initially, WebCrawter was going to run by its own dedicated team within Excite, but eventually the two were merged together on the same back end. In 200i, Excite went bankrupt and was History of Early Search Engines.aspx 5/6/2014 GOOG-WRD-00191913 Short History of Early Search Engines - The History of SEO Page 2 of 5 purchased by InfoSpace. As part of the agreement, InfoSpace acquired WebCrawter. Today, InfoSpace runs WebCrawier as a meta-search toot btending resutts from Googte, Yahoo!, Live Search (formerty MSN Search), Ask,, MIVA, LookSmart, and others. As for Spidey, he is now purpte. Lycos - Born in 1994 ~ Lycos was one of the earttest search engines devetoped tn 1994 at Carnegie Metton University by Dr. Michaet Mautdin and a team of researchers. The Lycos name came from the Latin term "tycosidea" referencing wotf spiders that hunt and activety stark prey. The company was founded on $2 mittion in venture capitat funding from CMGI. The company was headed by Bob Davis, who concentrated on buitding Lycos into an advertising-supported web portat. The company went punic in Aprit of the next year with tittte money. With phenomenat growth in its catatog, Lycos had the targest index at the end of 1996 with 60 mittion documents. In 1997, Lycos Pro was taunched with a new search atgorithm and continued to grow. By 1999, Lycos woutd emerge from a crowded pack to become the most-visited web portat. Over the next few years, Lycos woutd become one of the most profitabte Internet businesses and acquired nearty two dozen high profite Internet brands. For exampte, in February 1998, Lycos acquired Tripod Inc., a website where peopte buitt their own web pages. That summer, tanguage search was introduced and the search resutts pages were redesigned. At this same time, WhoWhere Inc.’s directory services and Mait City’s emait services were acquired for $133 mittion in stock. Toward the end of 1998, Lycos acquired Wired Digitat (owner of HotBot) for $83 mittion. By 1999, Lycos was one of the most visited search toots on the web and woutd continue to be invotved in new projects and acquisitions. In February that same year, Lycos became USA/Lycos Interactive Networks when USA Networks bought a 61.5% ownership in the company for $18 bittion. As a resutt, Lycos tater announced a project to create a search toot to query information on’s news site. In Apdt 1999, Lycos joined the Open Directory Project run by Netscape. In June 1999, Lycos joined with Intettiseek to provide a directory of over 7,400 databases previousty not on the web. In September 1999, Lycos acquired, an investment information site and taunched the Lycos Zone, an educationat website for kids with content tittering. Finatty, in December 1999, Lycos invested in FAST search technotogy which began powering Lycos advanced search technotogy. In May 2000, Terra Networks, an Internet arm of the Spanish tetecommunications giant Tetef?nica, purchased Lycos for $5.4 bittion, forming a new company Terra Lycos. This takeover marked a 3,000 times return on the initiat venture capitat investment and 20 times the initiat punic offering vatue. Lycos remained the name of the US franchise brand. Overseas, the company was known as Terra Networks, and founder Bob Davis teft the company. Lycos suffered from the dotcom crash in 2001. In tare 2001, Lycos abandoned its own crawter and began serving resutts exctusivety from FAST. In August 2004, Terra sotd Lycos to Daum Communications Corporation for $95.4 mittion. This tow number was tess than 2% of Terra’s initiat investment. By October 2004, the dear was finatized and the company name returned to Lycos. With new ownership, Lycos refocused on becoming a community destination for broadband entertainment rather than a search portat. In Jury 2006, Wired News, which had been a part of Lycos since the acquisition of Wired Digitat in 1998, was sotd. The Lycos Finance division, known for and Raging, and it’s ontine dating site,, were atso sotd. Lycos atso regained ownership of the Lycos trademark from Carnegie Metton University attowing it to become Lycos, Inc. Since 2006, Lycos has announced the introduction of Lycos Phone, Lycos Mait, and Lycos MIX. These services and toots combine IM video chat, mp3 prayer, and untimited rite size sending and receiving via emait, video watch and chat, and sociat media apptications. Lycos remains a top 25 Internet destination, is the 13th targest ontine property wortdwide and remains a top 5 Internet portat behind Yahoo!, MSN, AOL, and MySpace. Infoseek- Born in 1994 Infoseek, atso known as the "big yettow," was founded by Steve Kirsch in 1994. At the start in January 1994, InfoSeek was a pay-for-use service. The fee service was dropped in August 1994 and Infoseek was re-presented as Infoseek Search in February 1995. Infoseek’s positron tn the search engine wortd was acceterated tn 1995 by a dear with Netscape tn which tt became the defautt Netscape search engine. In June i996, Infoseek went punic and by September the next year served 7.3 mittion visitors per month. I nfoseek uniquety featured a very comptex system of search modifiers inctuding Bootean modifiers. In November 1996, InfoSeek introduced Uttrasmart/Uttraseek and redesigned its website the next year to inctude channet or directory information. By March of 1998, Infoseek inctuded a search page with advanced search techniques. Infoseek atso uniquety offered a free web hosting service without advertising and had no timit on the amount of storage space for users. In the summer of 1998, 43% of Infoseek was bought by Disney. From this point forward Infoseek was part of the Disney Corporation’s vast media business. The dear tnctuded Infoseek acquisition of Starwave Corporation, tnctudtng and Infoseek’s technotogy was then merged with Starwave’s to form the Go.corn network. In Jury 1999, Disney had a 72% interest in Go.corn and Disney’s media interest tnctuded Disney.corn, ramify.corn,,, and Aside from its retattonshtp with Disney, Infoseek continued to change. In September 1998, Infoseek began offering a combination of manuatty-reviewed and tradtttonat web-search resutts. The next month, Infoseek took over Excite as the defautt search engine on Mtcrosoft’s WebTV and Infoseek Express, a free software webstte, was taunched. In 1999, Li Yanhong, an Infoseek engineer, moved to Betjtng, China and co-founded the search engine Batdu. In the summer of 2000, Infoseek’s Uttraseek Server software technotogy was sotd to Inktomi and renamed Inktomi Enterprise Search. In December 2002 (prior to Yahoo!’s purchase of Inktomi) Uttraseek was sotd to a competitor Verity Inc. Verity re-estabtished the Uttraseek brand name and devetopment of the product untit it was acquired by Autonomy PLC in December 2005. Autonomy continues devetoping and marketing Uttraseek’s site search. History of Early Search Engines.aspx 5/6/2014 GOOG-WRD-00191914 Short History of Early Search Engines - The History of SEO Page 3 of 5 In February 2001, many Infoseek employees tried to collectively buy out Infoseek from Disney when Disney laid off the entire Infoseek staff. Today, the domain forwards to and the brand name is unused in North America. Only in Japan (as Infoseek Japan) and Australia (Infoseek Australia) is the Infoseek name used. AltaVista - Born in 1995 t ~-~-"~ ~~ AttaVista, meaning "a v~ew from above," devetoped out of research by scientists at Digitat Equipment Corporation’s (DEC) Western Research Laboratory in Pato Afro, ~111 " California during the spr~ng of 1995. They were trying to showcase their computer database system catted the Atpha 8400 TurboLaser that was faster than its competitors. Scientists devetoped a search toot to crawt, store and quickty index every word of art HTML web pages on the Internet. This new search toot was powerfut. For exampte, in August 1995, it conducted its first ruff-scare crawt of the web bringing back about 10 mittion pages. The two key scientists invotved with AttaVista’s devetopment were Louis Monier and Michaet Burrows. Louis wrote the crawter (catted Scooter) and Michaet wrote the indexer. After testing the new search engine w~th 10,000 DEC emptoyees, AttaVista opened to the punic on December 15, 1995 at Initiatty, the back-end processing machines received 13 mittion queries per day. With its retease, AttaVista became the first searchabte ruff-text database on the Wortd Wide Web with a simpte interface. Over 300,000 visitors used the search toot on the first day and had 19 mittion hits by the end of 1996, and 80 mittion per day at the end of 1997. I ronicatty in 1996, AttaVista started exctusivety providing search resutts for Yahoo! who woutd one day become AttaVista’s owner. Before this time, DEC was acquired by Compaq for $9.6 bittion at the start of 1998. Despite success as a modest search interface, in 1999 Compaq reteased AttaVista as a web portat once again ironicatty hoping to compete w~th Yahoo! It may be reasoned that AttaVista’s portat strategy was a cause of its eventuat dectine as weft as the rise of Googte. By 2002, efforts returned to sharpening the quatity of the simpte search interface. In June 1999, CMGI, an Internet investment company with 20% ownership in Lycos, agreed to acquire 83 percent of AttaVista. CMGI ptanned a punic offering of AttaVista in Aprit 2000, but cancetted the IPO as the Internet bubble collapsed. Near the end of 2002, AItaVista became the first Internet search engine to offer image, audio, and v~deo search as part of a new range of muttimedia functionatities. Additionatty, AttaVista gained innovative recognition for its retease of Babet Fish, the web’s first-ever mutti-tinguat Internet search. Babet Fish coutd transtate words, phrases, or entire website to and from Engtish, Spanish, French, German, Portuguese, Itatian, and Russian. With its advanced muttimedia search capabitities and tanguage transtation and recognition services, AttaVista was tikety the Internet’s most technotogicatty advanced search toot at the time. I n February 2003, Overture purchased AItaVista for $140 million. This price was a fraction of AItaVista’s vatuation of $2.3 bittion three years eartier. Unfortunatety, AttaVista’s tiketihood to continue its innovative heritage with Overture Services, Inc. was quickty kitted when Yahoo! purchased Overture at the end of 2003. With this purchase, AttaVista became Yahoo! using the same search index and user interface. In May 2008, AttaVista’s Babet Fish transtation service was atso branded under its parent company as Yahoo! Babet Fish. Inktomi - Born in 1996 O Inktomi was founded in February 1996 by Eric Brewer, an assistant professor of computer science at the University of Catifornia Berketey, and Paut Gauthier, a graduate student. They were involved in a government research project funded by the US government’s Advanced Research Projects Agency on parattet computing between I r~ k t o m ~ personat computers and workstations makingthem function tike a supercomputer. In the process they founded a company based upon their success devetoping a search toot. The company was named after a mythical Lakota Indian spider known for cunning rather than brute force. After formation with Dave Perterschmidt as CEO, Brewer as the chief scientist, and Gauthier as the chief technotogy officer, the company estabtished its first customer w~th NotWired who introduced the search engine NotBot in 1996. NotBot inctuded Inktomi’s Audience 1 software that customized web pages and advertisements according to the user’s browser. NotBot eventuatty evotved into newer versions inctuding 5.0 reteased in 1998 using a Windows NT rather than Unix ptatform. The interface and server infrastructure was changed to increase usabitity and offer new features. I nktomi was not just a search provider; its mission was to buitd scatabte software apptications at the core of the Internet. As such, Inktomi’s efforts drove many of the search toot devetopments and functionatities of known search toots and atso management toots of Internet traffic and capabitities in generat. For exampte in 1997, Inktomi beta tested web traffic servers that managed network data flow etiminating botttenecks and redundant Internet and corporate Intranet traffic and bandwidth. The servers used caching to create tocatized repositories of information. This moved information ctoser to the user rather than retying each time on the Internet’s backbone. At the time, the amount of redundant traffic on the Internet was between 40 and 80 percent. Accordingly, a large market existed for such technology w~th I nternet service providers, network providers, and business enterprises. A targe customer who took interest in Inktomi’s traffic server technotogies was Microsoft in 1997. Microsoft agreed to use Inktomi’s traffic server and search engine technotogy in the Microsoft Network starting in 1998. Starting in 1998, Inktomi signed many customer deals. America Online and Digex Inc. became licensees of I nktomi’s Traffic Server and began using it in their own networks tater that year. Inktomi atso worked out dears w~th Digitat Equipment Corporation and Inter to port Traffic Server with their Unix and Windows NT ptatforms. Atso in May of 1998, Yahoo! decided to use Inktomi’s search engine technotogy as their preferred choice. Art of these dears influenced Inktomi’s initiat punic offering in June 1998. The price of the share the first day doubted from $18 to $36 and a month tater was trading at $90. In November 1998 it had ctimbed to $130 a share. Some other significant events in 1998 inctuded the retease of Traffic Server 2.0 with a streaming media cache, more protocots, and other performance and support functions. That same year, Inktomi acquired C2B Technotogies for about $90 mittion, hetping devetopment of shopping search abitities and services for customers tike Yahoo! and New Media. The shopping engine debuted in the spr~ng of 1999. About the same time, Inktomi acquired for $110 mittion, pro~dding a database and more capabitities for merchants. As its ecommerce shopping services expanded in 1999, Inktomi upgraded and reteased Traffic Server 3.0. Traffic Server 3.0 inctuded more support for operating systems inctuding Windows NT and new apptication programming interfaces attow~ng third party pro~dders to pro~dde vatue-added services. As a resutt, with Traffic Server 3.0’s retease, Inktomi announced partnerships with six service partners. ttistory of Early Search Engines.aspx 5/6/2014 GOOG-WRD-00191915 Short History of Early Search Engines - The History of SEO Page 4 of 5 In August 1999, a secondary stock offering was made raising $300 million. About the same time, Inktomi purchased WebSpective Software for $106 mittion. Towards the end of the year, Inktomi reteased Traffic Server E5000 and Traffic Server E200. These traffic servers helped corporate networks manage data for users without having to use the entire network and server infrastructure. At the end of 1999, America Online dropped Excite for Inktomi’s database to power its search engine. Likewise, MSN dropped AItaVista, whom they had moved to using eartier in the year, for Inktomi. In 2000, Inktomi created affiances with severa[ partners to enter the wiretess Internet infrastructure market. In June 2000, Inktomi acquired UItraseek from Infoseek for $344.7 million. I nktomi announced creation of a 500 million record search en£ine database catted GEN3. In August 2000, Inktomi created an alliance with America Online and Adero Inc. to form the Content Bridge distribution network. The Content Bridge would allow web producers and hosts of information and ecommerce, to pay to have their content pushed to caching servers of a targe network of Internet hosting detivery providers. Right before the Content Bridge was to begin operation in January 2001, Adero backed out and sotd its interest to Inktomi for $23.5 mittion. In another big business dear in 2000, Inktomi acquired FastForward Networks for $1.3 bittion. FastForward Networks dropped its name and became a part of I nktomi’s media division. FastForward Network was a software devetoper for Internet broadcasts providing support for thousands of simuttaneous Internet broadcasts. With this acquisition, Inktomi was abte to retease a product suite catted Media Distribution Network that handled distribution of steaming media in a network. The Media Distribution Network suite comptimented weft their Content Detivery Suite for managing and distributing static content. In 2001, Inktomi introduced its Search Everywhere sotution integrating Inktom£s various search products. Inktomi also commenced enhancing its search engine software with enterprise-level XML (Extensible Markup Language) and more comprehensive search results including relevance, classification and rankings. I nktomi added a distributed crawling architecture scanning the web more frequently with content blending from separate databases. In February 2001, I nktomi released Traffic Server 4.0 extending the platform to Linux operating systems with increased processing power and performance. In May 2001, Inktomi introduced a pay-for-placement program catted Index Connect in which participants could submit meta information about muttimedia and other rites enabting them to appear in search resutts. About the same time, in order to [essen the strain of its ecommerce business, Inktomi sotd off its ecommerce division with its shopping search engine and customer base to e-centives, an online marketing firm. Meanwhile, Inktomi expanded its content distribution services. In July 2001, Inktomi acquired eScene Networks with its streaming media sates. From this acquisition was devetoped the Inktomi Media PuNisher with capabitities for business to catatog, index and punish their muttimedia content. Despite successfu[ acquisitions and product reteases, Inktomi sustained finanda[ tosses during 2001. With the dotcom bubbte bust came economic strains to the Internet business sector. As a resutt, Inktomi cut back its workforce. I nktomi’s stock vatues decreased, causing a significant toss for the year. In March 2003, Inktomi was purchased by Yahoo! for $235 mNion. Inktomi continued to provide resutts to Yahoo! rival MSN Search. Meanwhile, Google continued to provide results to Yahoo! In February 2004, Yahoo! reptaced Googte with a search en£ine based on Inktomi’s technoto£ies. Ask Jeeves (now Ask) - Born in 1997 Ask was developed in 1996 by Garret Gruener and David Warthen and launched in 1997 as Ask Jeeves. In 2006, the "Jeeves" name was removed; revamping its image after Ask Jeeves was purchased in 2005 by Barry Diller’s InterActiveCorp (IAC). Originally as Ask Jeeves, human editors tisted the prominent sites atong with paid tistings and resutts putted from partner sites. Fottowing acquisition of Direct Hit in 2000 and Teoma in 2001, Ask commenced developing its own search technolo~. With financial growth, Ask has acquired other companies including Excite and iWon. Today, with emphasis on paid inctusion tistings, Ask struggtes for market share against Googte, Yahoo!, and MSN Search. Goosle- Born in 1997 ~l"~n~l~’ Googl .... founded in 1998 ..... th .... hoot project at Stanford University in California. In January 1996, Stanford PhD students Larry Page and Sergey Brin began ~"~’~O’~" researching the concept of a search engine based on retevancy ranking. Page and Brin betieved that search engines shoutd anatyze and rank websites based on the number of times search terms appeared on web pages. Likewise, Page and Brin developed a search engine nicknamed "BackRub." BackRub checked the number and quatity of rinks coming back to websites in order to estimate the vatue of a website. Brin and Page’s research eventuatty ted them to devetop the trademarked PageRank~ rink anatysis atgorithm that Googte’s search en£ine woutd use to assign a numedcat weighting to hypertinked document etements. In 2000, Google replaced Inktomi as the provider of search results to Yahoo! and tater AOL and Netscape. Even though Yahoo! broke away from Googte in 2004, its market share has continued to grow to account for about 70 percent of art web searches. Googte’s market share has steadity increased over the years. MSN Search (now Windows Live) - Born in 1998 ~’. ’ S~r~h MSN Search was a service offered as part of Microsoft’s network of web services. The Microsoft Network debuted as an online service and Internet service provider in August 1995. During the 1990s, Microsoft taunched Internet Exptorer as a bundted part of their operating system and software products. MSN Search first taunched in 1998 disptaying search resutts from Inktomi and tater btending resutts with Looksmart. For a short time in 1999, AttaVista search resutts were used instead of Inktomi. Since 2004, MSN Search began using its own buitt-in search resutts. Since this time, MSNBot has continually crawled the web. Today, image search is powered by Picsearch. MSN Search was renamed Windows Live in 2006. Overture - Born in 1998 ~ Overture is considered the pioneer of paid search. It was [aunched by Bit[ Gross in 1998 as GoTo. Overture was overpowered by Googte when AOL setected Googte as an ad partner. Overture bought AttaVista and AttTheWeb with hopes of gaining teverage against Googte, but they uttimatety were purchased by Yahoo! in 2003. overture AIITheWeb - Born in 1999 .allF~ptrtph"" History of Early Search Engines.aspx 5/6/2014 GOOG-WRD-00191916 Short History of Early Search Engines - The History of SEO Page 5 of 5 T~!.L ~.,, ~t..~:~ ~.v AttTheWeb was taunched tn 1999 showcastn8 FAST’s Web Search Division search technotosies. It is sometimes referred to as FAST or FAST Search. In Aprit 2003, ALLTheWeb was bousht by Overture for $70 mittion in 2003 and rotted into Yahoo! Search after Yahoo! purchased Overture. 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