Eolas Technologies Incorporated v. Adobe Systems Incorporated et al

Filing 634

MOTION FOR LEAVE TO SUPPLEMENT INFRINGEMENT CONTENTIONS FOR ANDROID 3.0 by Eolas Technologies Incorporated. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A.1, # 2 Exhibit A.2, # 3 Exhibit A.3, # 4 Exhibit A.4, # 5 Exhibit A.5, # 6 Exhibit A.6, # 7 Exhibit A.7, # 8 Exhibit A.8, # 9 Exhibit A.9, # 10 Exhibit A.10, # 11 Text of Proposed Order)(McKool, Mike)

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EXHIBIT A.I McKOoL SMITH .!os~ W. Budw~n Direct [)hi:l: (512) 692.8727 j bt~dvd n?~) mcko0i Smi:~h i corn A PROFESSIONAL CORP()RATK3N - A’VIORNEYS 300 West Sixth Street, Suite 1700 Austin, Texas 7870I March 5, 2010 VIA E-MAIL (w!o enclosures} and U.S. Mlaii (wt enclosures} Christopher C. Camaval K.ir~g & Spalding, LLP 1185 Avenue of" the Americas New ~ < rk, N’Y 10036 Eolas Technologies Incorporated v Adobe Systems. htc:, et~ ai; Civit Action No: 6:09-CV,00446-I,EI); United District Court of’Texas; Eastern District. [)ear Mr. Carnaval: In compliance with P,R. 3-1. and 3-2 and the Comb’s DocketContro-" 1 Order.. Eolas Tectmologies Incorporated I"Eolas’,)hereby subnliis its "Disclosure of Asserted Claims and Prelimim~ry hffringement C.ontentions ’ and accompanying documem production~ Pursuant to P.R: 2~2, some of the document production accompanying Eolas’ "Disclosure of Asserted Claims a.nd Preliminau Infringement Contentions’’ is marked "Highly ConfidentlaI." All documems labeled or designated as ~;Highty Conlidential" shall be deemed "Confidm~tial" within the meaning of P.R. 2-2 and thereby limited to omside attorneys of recmd and the employees of suc~ omside altorneys; ]1. Asserted Clahns and 1[ riorRv Dates Eolas asse~s the following c!aiins agai~st Google Inc~: IZS. Patent No. 5,838,906: claims 1-14. U:S. Patm~t No, 7,59%985: claims 147. Eolas has endeavored to ~-t~nn*y the asserted claims on a pc>accused instrumentality basis in the chart, m. ecuon II. in/i,a. Each of the claims asserted with respect to U.S. Patent Nos .... 5.83 K906. . I"the. ’9~.)6 pate.at’~ "’) and 7,599,985 (~;the .85 patent 1 are emitled to a priority date at ieast as early as Oclober 17, 1994, Ma~ch ~ 20t 0 Page 2 ] Io Accused Instrumentalities The accused m,_trumcn.taht~es are specifically identified in the claim ch~u-ts included on the DVD enclosed herewith as exhibits 1-18. Chart ExMbit DeR~ndant Chm-t lnfi~ingemen~ instrumentalities identified ~herein) (accused of con~ributou inl>inging claims 1 -I4 of tI~e ’906 patent and in~?ingement and/or claims 1-47 of the ’985 ,~}35~!~ ................ inducement)fDOE . "4~, ............................................................................................................................... 906 -- Google - Chal~ 1 (see also [_ instrumentalities idenfilied therein.} (accused of int~nging claims 1-14 of the ’906 .patent and claims 1-47 of the ’985 .patent ) 906 - Googte - Other Domains {see also 3, l)irect/IndirectiDOE ~ insmmmntalities identified therein} (accused o1-" ~ int>inging claims 1-14 of the ’906 patent and ~ claims 1-47 of the ’985 ~ent) 4. ~ 906 ~ Android for moNI~ dev mc.s (see also Directiind~rect,"DOE { instrumentalities identified therein) {accused ! int3inging claims 1-I4 of the ’906 patent and ...................................................................... 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 906 - Google - Phone Chart l (see also D~rcctfl~d~rect, DOE instrumentalities identified therein} (accused of im~ringing claims 1-14 of the ’906 patent and .......................................... clmm~ 1-47 oi the 8. ~atcm) 985 - Google - Chart I (see also Direct¢"h~direct/DOE instrumenmlilies identified therein) (accused ol" infiinging claims I- 14 of the ’906 patent and claims 1-47 _)t the 985 patent} 985 - Google - Other l)omains {see also Direct/Indirect/DOE instrumental i ties id entilied therei n) (accused of int)inging claims 1~14 of the "906 patent and claims 1-47 of the ’9852.~..~n.{) .......................................................................................................... 985 - Google ~ AdSense "(.see also ’D~rect, ,lnd~rect/DC )E insmm~entalities identified fl~ereinl taccused 985 - Google - Documents (see also Directih~directiI)()I~ I instrumentalities identified therein) (accused of ..J...{~$Tg.{:p.~.:~_& claims 36-47 of the 985 patent only) 1 985 - Google - GmaiI (see also instrumentalities I)uec~.,Induect~I_ OE } ~dentified therein)(accused of infrit~aiag claims 36-47 of the "985 pate ~t only) Ma;ch ;~ 2010 Pa~ e 3 of 5 985 - Google - Search Suggest (see also Dn oct, ln&rect, DOE instmmentali.ties identified therein) (accused of infringing claims" 36~47 ofth.e:....-Z.~..-.~....2 ................... ’985 atent only) " ............................................. .~..-...-.:.2 ................... ; 12. 985 ~ Google - Search t see also il~Strumentalities [)imct~’Indirect/DOE identified therein) (accused of infi’inging clahns .36-47 of the ’985 patent only) 985 ~ Google ~ Chrome (see also I) irect!h-~direcV’DO E i~strumentalities identified therein) (accused infringing claims 3647 of ~he ’985 .p..a_:t~!!t only) 985 ~ Google - Maps ! see also instrumentalities D,rect, In{hrec t, DOE 14. ~dcnuf~e~’ ~ " -’:t thereto " ’" ) (accused of infringing claims patent .....: ........ only) 985 - Google - Maps Web Service tsee also [ Direct/Indirect/DOE 15. instrumentalities identified therei~) ~acc.used of .... {!.7~.~.r...{.!.!.~.!.~.!.g.....c..!..a..!:!.~.~...}.6-47 of ~he ’985 patent only) i 985 - Google - iGoogle (see also Direct/Indirect!i)OE 16. instrumemalities identiI].ed therein) (accused of ...................................................................... }.~?.[0.~?g~.~K~aims 36-47 of the ’985 Pmen~}2.~.[~) 17. 985 Android for mobile devices (see also D~rec~,’ind~rect, i) )E " "st ~ i’~ t~es " ....... m..remittal, i ~ ..denhhed thin era) (accused of infringing claims 1-14 of ~he ’906 patent and claims 1-47 of the ’985 patem) 985 - Google - Phone - Cha~ 1 tsee also Direct!Indirect/DOE instrumentalities id~.ntifie.d- ~ therein) (accused of infiinging clai~ns 36~47 of the ’985 patent onlv) Infringement Theon, The infiingement theories for each of the accused instrumentalities are specifieal!y identified in the claim charts attached hereto~ The inffingemem theory ~r each of the accused instrumentalities is also summarized m the chart m Sv:ctmn II above. In the alternative, Eola, s contends that any element tbund not to be literally infringed is . infringed ., ~ .... because the differences between the claimed ..... ~ ~ ;~ ~ under the ck=ct~m~, ofequ alents inventioas and ~he accused insmm~enmlitles, if any, are insubstantial, Eolas also eoiltends that Google Inc. directly infringes the asserted claims by making, using, off~ring l-br sale, selling, and importing in to tlie Lmtc.d Stat~s the accused i~strumentaIities as well as indirectly inDinges by contri.b-uting to and/or inducing others (e.g:, Google Inc,~ s c~s[omers or i~s cus!omers~ customers) to directly infringe those claims. Eolas t)hrther contends that Google Inc.’s inl>ingement is ’ deliberate m~d willNI entitling E.olas to an injunction~ enhanced damages, and ~ l~es, art{. mevs . " , March,, z010 Page 4 of 5 The claim charts attached hereto as EXhibits 1-18 identi~}’ where each element of each g~sseJXed claim iS found within each of the accused instrumentalities, as required under Pment Rule ~> l (c). Lolas Embodlmentsot the (Aam~ed lnventtons The inventions claimed: in some orall of the clairns o~ thean&or.... patent are ’906 985 embodied in some or aI1 versions of the tbtlowing prodncts: Visible Embryo Project and/or AnatLab S3,stem: VL Document Production Pursuant to P.R. 3-2 In addition to the DVD comaining the claim cha~s, submitted herewith are 2 DVI)s containing Eolas’ document production, which include, among other things, documents produced pursuan~ toP.R.,>.a" ’~. The following lists the specific documents that correspond to each category ofP.R, 3~2: P.R. 3-2~ Documents: no.ue. P.R. 3-2(b~. Documen’~.s: EOLASTX-I!’;-000000000 ..... ’ ! X.00000)0_* See aLso Appendices A a]~dB to the specification of the ’906 EOLAS ....~; " { "12 patent (included within the P~R, a,2(c)d~ cume~ts ~denul,ed ’ ’c P.R. 3-2(c)Documents:a~ .... 71" . .... EOLAS [X-0000000.~13, EOLASTX-000000.0875. Additio.nally, because no Protective Order has been entered in this case, source code rela~ed to products ~ha:t may embody some or all of the claims of Eolas’ patents will be.made available in accordance with the agreement of the parties for source code productio~a and the date fbr such production, Eolas has used its best efforts to identif3, all responsive }LR. 3-2 documents and only those documents: However, given the volume of documems, some documents may have been inadvertently listed or i.nadvertently omittedi To fl~e extent such deficiencies are identified, Eolas will supplement its productio~ accordingly. Ifyouhave any questions, ~’ ~dc ~ ’~" ¯ plt:ase ~ not hesm~te to contact me. March 5, 2010 Page 5 of 5 cc: Without Pmdt~ction m~d Enclosures: Google*Eolas@kslawlcom Michael E. Jones (mikejones@potterminton.com) Atle~a F; Gardner (allengardner@pot’tem~inton~com)

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