Soverain Software LLC v. eBay, Inc. et al

Filing 1

***FILED IN ERROR. PLEASE IGNORE.*** COMPLAINT against GSI Commerce, Inc., PayPal, Inc., Radioshack Corporation, eBay, Inc. ( Filing fee $ 350 receipt number 0540-3491095.), filed by Soverain Software LLC. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A - US 5,715,314, # 2 Exhibit B - Reexamination Certificate - US 5,715,314, # 3 Exhibit C - US 5,909,492, # 4 Exhibit D - Reexamination Certificate - US 5,909,492 CI, # 5 Civil Cover Sheet)(Ward, Thomas) Modified on 3/14/2012 (gsg).

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EXHIBIT A II United States Patent Ill] Patent Number: (45) Date of Patcnt: [19) Payne et at WO 91116691 1{V1991 wO 95116971 611995 (54) NE'IWORK SALES SYSTEM (75J Inventors: Andrew C. Payne. lincoln: LaWrellct' AppL No.: 328,133 (22] File d: Rivest. R.L. el a1.. "A Method foc Obl&ining Digital Signa· IIlrC:S and Public-Key Cryptosystems." Laboratory ror Computer Scie~. Mlssadluselts Institute orTochnology. C&m. bridge. Massachusetts. 11.0 dale. BeUcore Intemal E-Mail. NO.Y. 24. 1993. Sirbu. Marvi n A.; "Internet BiWos Sel'\'ice Design and Prototype Implementation"; An Irllemet Billing Server, pp. 1- 19. no date. Paymerlt SyJtems. "United States": pp. 115-135. no dale. National westminster Bank Groop Brochure; pp. 1-29. no Assignee: Open Mart:d. loc:•• C&mbridge. Mass. (211 (51] {52) [58 ) Oct. 14, 1994 6 In.. CL ................................................ HNL9/Ot U.s. CI.................................. 380/24: 380123: 38on5: H •••••• 380149: 380150 •'eld ofSnnil .................................... 38(V4, 21. 23. 380124.25.49.50: 364/401. 406. 408. date . (Ust co ntinu ed o n next page.) 284.4: 2351379. 380; 395nOO.OI. 200.02. Primar}' Examirler-Bcmarr E. Gregory Anome): Agent, or- Firm-Fish & Richardson P.C. 200.09, 925 u.s. PATENT DOCUMe.'TS 4;)."'" 4.578.530 4,7)4,853 4.155.940 4.775.935 4.795.890 4,199. 156 4,812.621 4,827.508 4.922.521 4.935,870 4 .941.028 4.m.s9S 12/198' 311916 Jll988 7/1988 1011988 1/1989 111989 3/1989 511989 SlI990 611990 811990 1211990 1/1991 4,982.}46 4.992,940 211991 5,025.373 611991 5,060,15) 1011991 5,001#17 1211991 8eD1Oa •••• _. ___ .• _.... _..• 34Or'IZS.33 Zeidler . Sc:hldy •• J641403 Brachd et aI . .. _...................... J641403 Yowick ....................... 3641401 Goldman ........... _.. _.... _. __ ..... lJ5I)AO Shavit et aI . ...... _............ _ ..... 3641401 BostoD et aI. . .. 23lIJSO Sbev ......... JS(W4 Krildr:e et aI ..... _._._ .... _._ .. __ 379/95 Bllrt.. Jr. et aI.. 2JSIJ8 I Obta et aI ......... 3~4 Girouanl et aI. M._._.. __ ......_. J64IS5() Dwodiu ._.... _.... _ .. _. __ ........ 364140 1 Keyser, Jr. et aI ........ _.. ___ ... J641403 Nakaaiwi ........... 3641405 JQ bluon e l aI.. M M .....M •••••••••• _ ••• M.M •• M _ ABSTRACT [57] Rd'ertDctS Clkd [56J M .......... ... M .._M._M.. M ......._ ........... _ ...._ ... Goro, ._...__.___.._._._.M..... _M .... _ .....__ M WIPO ................. .............. (;()7F 7/10 WIPO . OTHER PUBuCAnONS C. Stewart. Burlington: David J. Macldt. Cambridge. aU of Mass, (73) 5,715,314 Feb. 3, 1998 ... M ... _. __........ A network·based 5ales sys tem includes It least ODe buyer computer roc operation by I user des iring to buy I producl, It least one machanl computer. Ind It least one payment computer. The buyer computer. the merchant computer. and Ihe payment COmptllc:r are interconnected by a oompuler network. The buyer computer is programmed to receive a user request for purchlsing a product a nd to cause a payment message: to be sent 10 the payment computer that comprises I product identifier identifying the product. The payment computer is programmed to receive the payment message. to cause I n access message to be created thal comprises the product identifier aDd ao access message luthenticatCl' based 011 I aypographic key. and 10 cause the ICCCS! message to be seD 10 the mermant computer. The I mc:rdtanl. computer is programmed 10 receive dte IcceSS mess.age, to verify the IcceSS message auibe nticator 10 e nsure that the access messlge luthenticator WIS created us ing the a)'plognphk key. and 10 cause the product to be se nt to the user desiring to buy the prtN1uct. (U s t continued on nellt page.) 48 Claims, 15 Drawina: Sb«t.s FOREIGN PATENT D<XUMENTS 0-S42-29S-A2 2102606 511993 2119&3 Ew-opeaa PII. 01". . Ullilcd KiaacSom .. M M ....... ....__.. Microfiche ApptDdU Included ( I Microfiche. 34 PlgeS) G07F 7110 (;()7F 7110 pIIJUX1U Qlmpu1Cr 16 mcrctuonl CUDpIIIC1 14 r " '" t2 boo) .. comp~ltI' " mn c ~, comp.n.. " 5,715,314 Page 2 U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS S.220,so1 5,247,S7S 5,30:5.19S 5,))6,370 5 .341.429 S347.632 S.3SI.l a6 S,)S I ,293 5.333.] 13 S.414.JD Lawlor el aI ........................... 3641403 SJ'lf1lJlle el aI . .. 3ICIJ9 Marpby _.HH ........ _ ................ 3641401 Hopes; __ .H_ .... _.........._ .... 2351)79 SIri.a.!:1:I" et aI • • )8()(23 Filepp et 111. ••••• 39SflOO.09 BuDock do" . .............. 364/40 1 Micbeller et aI ....................... _ 33012 1 Kight et aL ............................. 364/401 Slim Henhey do 111.. .... __ .............. 3951S7S 6(199) 9/199) 411994 111994 &11994 9/1994 911994 911994 111m H .... H ................... _.H._H.............. H •• H •••• H ....... H •••••• ••• OTHER PUBUCATIONS Even et at.; "E1ectron.ic Wallet"; pp. 383-386; 1983. 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Tene nbaum. l ay M . and Sch.iffma.n.Allan M .: "Devclopment of Network Infrastructure . nd Services lor Rapid Acquis.ition" : adapted from. white paper submitted to DARPA by MCC in collaboralion with EIT and lSI. Cohe n. Dan ny; "Computerized Commerce"; lS I Reprint Serics lSIRS-89-243: Del.. 1989; Reprinted from Information 89. Proceedings of the If1P World Computet Congress. held Aug. 2&-sqJ. 1 1989. Cohen. Dan ny: "Elearonic Commerce"; University 0{ Southern Califoruia Information Sciences Insti tute. Research Report tsURR-89-244; Del. 1989. e buyer computer 12 merchant computer 14 payment computer 16 c-n • ~ ( p buyer computer 10 r r ( 16 , payment computer network 22 ~ettlement a databas;, ~ 21 .w ( shopping can database 14 merchant computer ( (' 15 20 creation computer advertising document database ~ .,. It en ... I<. L ~ ( .' . '" 18 . ) VI ':.... ...! VI 't.. ~ U.S. Patent Feb. 3, 1998 buyer computer 12 Sheet 2 of 25 merchant computer 14 5,715,314 payment computer 16 r2:~ \ usc: r requests advenisements [ ,26 buyer computer sends advenising document URL to merchant computer ,28 merchants computer fetches advertising document from advenising document data base )0, merchant computer sends advertising document to buycr comouter ) 2~ !user requests a product I ,34 buyer computer sends payment URL A to payment computer: payment URL A includes product identifier. domain identifier. payment amount, merchant computer identifier. merchant account identifier. duration time. expiration time. payment URL authenticator. and a buyer network address r 36 payment computer verifies whether payment URL authenticator was created from contents of payment URL A using cryptographic key ,38 .. End payment computer sends docwnent 10 buyer computer indicating that access the to the ne[Woric sales system is denied. f\ OR 4{) FIG.2A U.S. Patent Feb. 3, 1998 buyer computer 12 5,715,314 Sheet 3 of 25 payment computer 16 merchant computer 14 36 "- II r 40 payment computer checks whether expiration time has past ,41 "'- payment computer sends document OR to buyer computer indicating that End expiration time has past ,42 payment computer checks to see if buyer network address in payment URL matches buyec·s computer network address OR ,4l End payment computer sends document indicating that access to nerwork payment system is denied 44 FIG. 28 U.S. Patent Feb. 3, 1998 payment computer 16 merchant computer 14 buyer computer 12 5,715,314 Sheet 4 of 25 42 \ ,44 V payment computer sends payment confirmation document to buyer computer. payment confirmation document includes open link (UR!. C) [ , and conlinue link (URL B) OR 46 I user opens new account / -- 58 ,...60 User continues with payment (user already has an account) ,62 buyer computer sends payment URL B to payment computer; payment URL B is similar t payment URL A but also indicates thaI an account docs exist buyer computer sends payment URL C to payment com pUler: payment URL C is similar to payment URL A bUi also indicates that an account does not yet exist "-48 ,50 paymcn! computer creates new account document t ,52 payment computer sends new account doc ument 10 buyer compuler 54 FIG.2C J u.s. Patent Feb, 3, 1998 5,715,314 Sheet 5 of 25 merchant computer 14 buyer computer 12 payment computer 16 ,- 61 "- V "- V " (,54 user enters new account name. account password credit card number. security infonnation and expiration date of credit card and presses a "submit"' button (' 56 buyer computer sends new account infonnation to payment computer ~ ('"58 payment computer enters new account 64 "('"66 ('"68 I user enters account name and password I payment computer creates account name and password request message 1 payment computer sends account name and password request message to buyer computer r 70 buyer computer sends account name and password to payment computer ('" 72 payment computer verifies whether user name and password are correct End payment computer sends document to buyer computer indicating that access / OR to the networks sales system is denied FIG. 20 n U.S. Patent Feb. 3, 1998 buyer computer 12 5,715,314 Sbeet 6 of 25 payment computer 16 72 merchant computer 14 "- / 73 "- payment computer determines whether additional security is warranted. based on. c.g. whether the payment amount exceeds a threshold A OR (77 75 "- user enters security information buyer computer sends ( security information 10 if additional security is warranted. payment computer creates a chaJlenge form docwncnt and sends it to buyer computer (" 81 79 payment computer determines whether secwity information is payment computer correct (8J payment computer sends docwnent to buyer computer End "OR indicating that access to the network sales system is denied 82 FIG.2E 82 U.S. Patent Feb. 3, 1998 buyer ,computer 12 payment computer 16 73 RBI merchant computer 14 82 \...... 84 \..... 5,715,314 Sbeet 7 of 25 payment computer checks senh:menl database to determine if user has unexpired access to the domain idc:ntiHer contained in the pay-meRi URl. 0";;: I payment computer sends to buyer computer option to repurchase. or to use previously purchased access Ir l)OR " buyer selects to ~=="=P="'=h=as'=i='=m===: C= t buyer selects previously pUTchased access I ~ 8S ( 87 payment computer caJcuiales an acruaJ payment amount that may differ from the payment amount contained in the payment URL 76 92 FIG.2F 76 U.S. Patent Feb. 3, 1998 buyer computer 12 5,715,314 Sheet 8 of 2S merchant computer 14 payment computer 16 81. 87 85 "- It 76 \... r paymem computer verifies whether user accouni has sufficient funds or credit 78 payment computer sends document to buyer computer indicating that user account does not have sufficient funds End 80 '-. OR payment computer creates access URL which includes merchant computer identifier. domain identifier. product identifier. end of dlU'alion time, buyer networic. address. and access URL authenticator 88 '-. payment computer records product identifier. domain. user account. merchant accounL end of duration time. and acrual payment amount in settlement database f r- 92 90 payment computer sends redirect to access URL to buyer computer 91 FIG.2G buyer computer 12 ~5 merchant compuler 14 o CiJ • payment computer 16 ~ 90 [ \V'V buyer computer sends access URL to merchant computer r-- 92 merchant computer verifies whether access URL authenticator was created from contents of access URL using a cryptographic key ,96 94 A merchant computer sends document to buyer computer indicating that access to the product is denied - ~ OR ,98 ~ 100 l- ~ .l" merchant computer venlles whether the duration time has expired r merchant computer --..., gl ~ '" s, '" '" se~<1s acumen! to buyer computer indicating that the duration time has expired - FIG.2H Ul 101 '!.... ...! Ul c.H ~ .... "'" u.s. Patent Feb. 3, 1998 Sbeet 10 of 2S payment computer 16 merc:haut computer 14 buyer computer 12 5,715,314 98 \ V , - 101 merchant computer verifies that the buyer computer netwOrk address matches the network. address specified in the access URL End ... r 10J merchant computer sends document to buyer computer that access is nOl allowed merchant computer sends fulfillment document to buyer computer \. 102 buyer computer displays fulfillment document • \. 104 End FIG. 21 ~ OR buyer computer 12 payment computer 16 merchant computer 14 ~ From 32 a 108 buyer computer sends shopping cart URL to payment compUler; shopping can URL includes product identifier. domain identifier, payment amount. merchant computer identifier. merchant account identifier. duration time. expiration lime, and shopping cart URL authenticator ( "' v payment computer verifies whelhe shopping can URL authenticator was created from contenlS coment of shopping cart URL using a cryptographic key :i' ?" - .'-' ~ ( End c: 00 • 112 gl ~ c: payment computer sends document to buyer computer indicating that access to network sales system is denied ( 113 ~ co 10, payment computer and buyer computer perform steps analogous 10 steps 40-81 Ul ~ 114 .... .... Ul ~ ~ "'" U.S. Patent Feb. 3, 1998 merchant computer 14 buyer computer 12 5,715,314 Sheet 12 of 25 payment computer 16 113 ~. "- V- I' payment computer creates or updates payment URL f.')r shopping ( 114 "'" 1 / I OR r OR user requests display of shoppin cart 116 J [L118 I 1 r 124 user requests purchase of contents of shopping cart 126 buyer computer sends fetch shopping can request to payment computer buyer compUicr causes payment URL for shopping can to be activated to step 36 r l19 , "- payment computer and buyer computer perform steps analogous 1 steps 0 64-81 r r 122 buyer computer displays shopping cart / ~ FIG. 38 120 payment computer returns contents of shopping cart 10 buyer computer U.S. Patent Feb. 3, 1998 buyer computer 12 ( 5,715,314 Sheet 13 of 25 payment computer 16 merchant computer 14 118 user requests sman statement 13 0 I (Ill buyer computer sends sman statement L'RL 10 payment computer payment computer verifies whether smart statement URL 3uthemicator was created from contents of smat1 statement URi. using cryptographic key 134 \.. payment computet sends document to buyer compluer indicati ng !:hat access is denied End payment computer checks to detennine 136 \.... whether buyer network address in smart statement URL matches buyer"' computer network address End 138 I payment computer sends document \... [ indicating that access is denied 140 \.. payment computer and buyer computer perform steps analogous to steps 64-81 FIG.4A 142 u.s. Patent Feb. 3, 1998 merchant computer 14 buyer computer 12 5,715,314 Sheet 14 of 25 payment computer 16 1.0 t 164. 110 payment computer retrieves 142 1 '44 '- buyer compute r displays rtteived document r--"" OR OR-, ( senlement data (rom senlement database OU\d creates sman statement document for buyer and sends smart statement document to buyer computer 146 User requests payment detaIls for a panicular Iransac\Jon r buyer computer sends payment detail URL to payment compUiu r 1.8 ./ 152 "- payment campUier and buyer computer pnfonn steps analogous to steps 132-140 payment computer retrieves from settlement database data c~ponding to the payment transaction specifi~ in the payment detail URL. creates detail document. and sends it 10 buyer computer I 154. 166 150 FIG. 48 f\ u.s. Patent Feb. 3, 1998 buyer computer 12 144 5,715,314 Sbeet 15 of 25 payment computer 16 merchant computer 14 144 144 , (154 user requests customer service I buyer computer sends customer 1 156 service VRL to payment computer .J ,158 payment computer creates customer service fonn and sends it to bUyer computer 160, ! user tYpes conunenlS I buyer computer sends user"s comments to payment computer .!J2 ,166 L- user requests display of a product I 164 ~ payment computer posts user comments and sends thank yOll document to buyer computer ,168 buyer computer sends access VRL to merchant computer ( FIG. 4C 170 buyer computer and merchant computer perform steps analogous to steps 94-104 U.S. Patent filB Feb. 3, 1998 Qplions Document Title: I Document URl..: I !tBvigals ~ad 5,715,314 Sheet 16 of 25 Annotats Data Central: Intarnat lislp Into~tlon http ://vwv.openmarkatco_/4..o/r15/. . 11/. . I I 00 ~ Mud Oat. Central: Internet Information Nov.aber 28, 1993 Le's debut on the Internet: Library ot Conqress cataloq On the Text ot Abstract of Article VERONICA: A GOPHER NAVIGATIONAL TOOL ON THE INTERNET OCtobeJ:" , 1993 ~ Oata transfer co~l.t.: llj!orw.ral'Homell~eIo.dllrJe·n··)ls.v. As.. J~~ew Wlndowll!i(;lose Wlndowl FIG. 5 u.s. Patent Feb. 3, 1998 gptlons fIle Annotate Navigate Document TI••, 1 Open Document UR", I 5,715,314 Sbeet 17 of 2S Market. Pa y.en t htt p : // p·y.. n t . openaa rk.t . co./~n/npb-~y.ent !i.lp I I [i] t:;. Open Market Payment YO" have s elec ted an i t . . t.hat r equires pay.ant. Marc baat. :Teat M rchant e iptioa :"-ad Data Central ArtLcla ~t : 2 . 85(US currency } u )'011 "'"'v. . . . Cpon I'Ia r l<at .ce...."" diCk on ~ c on1:1n\l." t.ol .... a nd you ,,111 be y_" ...,c ...... ~ _ _ and ....... ord. It you do not !'lava an account. y .... c a n • • "abl b " on. on-li,.. and ....::...,.. to HI l a p ~ . to conc 1n ... V...... purc:ba ... . I Ope" I Continua I - an account on-line I ". .... ith payaent transact i on • ~ : Po r da.onatrat Lona the pa •• vord t .a t" •• r . , ap.n IUrk.t, """ the account na_ t _ t..aereo,.--.rkat . _ with InC . r" Data trans'ar comple te: IBack'lf:orw araIEiJlf!elOadIIO . n.HJI ~n. A·;J~I ~w WIndoWIlCIO' ! WInS!2~ FIG. 6 U.S. Patent file Feb. 3, 1998 Qptions !1a vigale I Establieh apenxarke t Document URl: 1_ fislp Account http://pa)'1lel'lt.open_rket,c:oa/ee.rvice/d••tabll . I Expiration Date : I I 5,715,314 Anno/als Document TItle: Card Nwaber: Sheet 18 of 25 :00 ~ I { fOrlllat ""/YY) Check the appropriate box •• : 0 1 all the owner of the above crecH t card. C The above addr ••• ia also the billinq addr ••• 'or this credit card . Your OpenMarkat account .tat ••• nt 1, availabl e on-lina.At your option you . .y. copy or your atata_nt &utO_t1C811y •• nt toyou ... - . . l1 .4dr •••• t ..... 1I:1yor ...nt,,1y I nterVale. P 1 _ _ choa. . . .t '~nt option. <> Weekly state_nt. OMonthly statement a <> No .-e.l1 statlllen'ts - Account name and pauword Pl.... cnoo.. an account n... and p ••• word tor your OpenKarkat account. v. 5Ugq.,t u11"9 an account that 1, unique .nd e .. il.y '0 r.~r il.uc:h .iI. your e-_il ..dd.r •••• Your pil• • wOrd $hould be • chil.ract.r. or 10",.'" Account Nallle Password I I I I 1<7 leack!IFOfw. rdIlHom.IIRelO.dll0p!hh·IISave A. d~H . w FIG. 7 W lndowllclOS! Wln dOWI u.s. Patent Feb. 3, 1998 Sbeet 19 of 25 - •• E r-- ~ ~ - ID 0 • C III GI 0 .¥ alii E C ID a. 0 • C GI E >0Il .: a. II C :::J 0 • - CJ ~ ~ < LL alii == C .ID -Ca. SO ~a- -21D GlO a.E -C _a- 11)111 CID GlIIII E:::J :::Ja~ID OC ow ... - m 5,715,314 u.s. Patent Feb. 3, 1998 Qptions fil8 Document Titte:1 Open I Document URlo tiavigats ".~k.t 5,715,314 Sheet 20 of 2S Annotale ifs/p Pay.ent http ://paywent.openaark nph -payaent I I 00 D. Open M.rket Payment ,~ have .,lectad an it . . that you have purchaae4 >racantly. xarc...t: •• rchant Deaorip~io. : ~ qt: x •• d Data Cantra l Articl. l . ' 5(US curr.ncy) Thh could happen NealiS. you would 11 ..... to bUy the i t a .. a gain or it .ay hav e happ,e n ,d by ilccident. '00 can: • • O~ Go directly to the previous itea co a and buy the i ta. a9a i n Jf.rk,t. Inc. R7 IB'Ckll~otw.rdIIHorn.lll!i.t o.d IIO en.OOIISav. A' -J~t=w FIG. 9 WindowllClos. Wlndo!:l U.S. Patent Eile Feb. 3, 1998 Qplions !iavigalB Sheet 21 of 25 ~nnolats Document TItle: I I.e' 5 debut Document URl: I h ttp ://WVItI .openaarket .coa,,.720f58da6d4ebd268 on the Internet; Library of Conqr 5,715,314 Help ~[iJ ~ Le'. debut on the Internet Ubrary of Congress catalog Text of Article r" [Back II Forward I[Homellft:eload IIl:Se.n...·II!:av. J AS.. ~ INtlw WindowllS;:IOl8 FIG. 10 Wlndo~ U.S. Patent £ile Feb. 3, 1998 Options tiavlgs/s 5,715,314 Sheet 22 of 25 Annotate fJslp I I Document Title: 1 Saart St.« t ... nt for Test User Document URe, I http://pay.ent . openaarket .ca./in/nph-s tat. . . 00 :f< Inf'or.ation about the 1t_. Tranaactfona In October 1994 " on Tu. Tue Tu. Tu. Tue W.' Wed W. . W •• W.' oe< 0« 0« , -r•• Data Cent ral Article ••ount • • "robaDt Mead Data Centr al Article ••aunt t •• rob&J:It Oilbert subscription 20 seconds amount $0.10 •• Z'ob&lat Mead $2.95 ,.•• t ,.•• t $2.95 Data • <ra.t ".t'cUat Me.d. Tim••Central Article all.ount. $2.95 •• .... N.Y Article ••aunt $0.50 • . . . t ••ro.... t Mead Data Central Article ••aunt $2.95 OCt • , Ta.t •• ro..... OCt ro Central AJ;'ticle ••ount S2.95 OCt 0« t oct oct Oct OCt wed Oct wed OC t , t. .... .... DAta Data Central Article amount $2.95 'r•• t. •• rcbaJat M d Dat a Central Article oeo=t $2 . 95 •• 5 ., •• t Ilarobaat M d Data central Article alllOunt $2.95 •• 5 ••rob_t , 'le.t broUllt Head - Oato Central Artic l e 4110unt $2.95 5 ore.t Merohant Mead Dato Central Article a.ount $2.95 5 ore.t. MerobaDt. He ad Data Central Art.icle a.ount. $2.95 Your total is 3).05. Previou. Statement. • • Septe.bel:" 1994 Auquat 1994 Return to your St.ate.ent. Foedb_ You can send u. co. . ents and s U9Qestions hel:"e. RI IB.ckllJ!'on...rdIlHom.l!n8to.dll~een.. Jls.Y. AS··)lmiJtiew Wlndowllfi:lose FIG. 11 WlndO~ U.S. Patent Eile Feb. 3, 1998 gpfions OOCIJrn&n t T1I1o, I t1avig s i e Annotate S_rt Sute_nt oetdl Document URL;I btt p:l l payment . openaar ket.coa,fc632t154cc8021 . 5,715,314 Sbeet 23 of 25 fislp I I 00 ~ Smart Slatem.nt o.t.lI ~ I. cha detailed ln f or.ation about • p&rticula .. tran •• ction f rca your Saart stat • •• nt Transaction Information ur1: http:// vvw .opena.r ket.coa,d ••oa,a,,q15/aallj •••d-ftnqarprint/.xartlcl •. cqo tranaaetio"_l09_ id: curra ney: "' lo~ d .t.; ~02SLO 11117761J initi a tor: '.0 expiration : 2592000 daacription, Kead Data Cantral ... rtlch "OI.Int; 2.95 btl_f i ction" '.0 ip_actdr ••• , 19'.170.11].13 tran••ctlo"_type.p dOlUltn: _ad.intarnat-l Merchant Information talephon .. : 617-6U-9S01 8d dr • • &_I: OJ>-n IUrk.t, ,~. .ctd..... _2: 215 rh·.t Stre.t rax: 611-621-110] .44 r • • &_], Ca abridqa, ~ I- . . . 11: t •• taarchant'open..r principal-.n._: 'rest Merch.nt I;;; I B .Ck ll ~ o'w ., aIlHornell~elo. dll l:ie!n··}I S.v. A"'~~~.w WlndowIIClo •• WlndS!3 FIG. 12 U.S. Patent file Feb. 3, 1998 !tavigate Qptlons Document Title: I 5,715,314 Sheet 24 of 25 Anno/stB fie/p I Saart:. stat ...nt Detail I Document UAL: http://pay.ent.op.rmark.t . coa''c632tl54cc8021 I 00 ~ urI: /a ••o.I.U915/ . . 11/.ead-f lft9.rpTlnt/akarticla . cqo tT.n • • etlo~l~ld: 5025 ~ .0 currency: "' L' t ran •• ctlon. data: 7 81 377631 inttl.tor: .~ inUon : 25i2000 d •• cription. 1I•• d Data canu,al J>.rUcla a.ount : 2. 95 ~MUcl.ry : ,., I- ip.addr. . . : In.I'O.lIt.ll tranaactlon.type.p d_in : _Ad . internat- l M.rchant Information tal_phonal 611-621_9501 a ddr •• s .l: open Markat , addr •• s.,. 2 1 5 Firat Str •• t .=. r"lII : U7-JJ2l-170l addr •• s. l : Caal>r1dqa, . . .i l ' ~ t •• t • • rcb&nt'ope~rk . princlpa ~ n._ : hoa..url: country : "' cod.: Ta.t lIarchan t. on u Feedback 'lou can -end u a ccozanta and auqq.a t iona h.r •• 'V !Back l l\!!'orw.ral!Hom .le ·IO.d l~l A ••.J~~.w FIG. 13 WlndowllClose WindOm U.S. Patent Feb. 3, 1998 Qplions EJ!s tls vigals 5,715,314 Sbeet 2S of 2S Anno/als lfelp Document Tille: I Open Ma rket Feedback Document UR L: I http://par-ent . opanmarkat.cow/ben/taedback . cq Or it you pratar , you can •• nd your c~.nt. via eleetron i c ~il ~oo to ~ r.e4be.cltlop .ooa or vb FAX to +1. 617.6:21. 1 ?OJ. It you would li):e a raply p i ella. include your 8-. . 11 .ddr•••. Your o~n I- Market accound name (opt ion al) : I I Your e-•• il address (optional ) : I I Subject: I I '0= COr.lllla n ta: ~ Iv <II I l> Subait Feedback I JBack l!i!orwaraIIHom elll!l'eloaaIIO &n.• A •. J~IN.w FIG. 14 Wln dOwllC IO Sll W r, do~ " 5,715.314 J 2 NETWORK SALES SYSTEM key. and 1 cause the product to be sen t to the user desiring 0 10 buy the product. 'The invcntion provides a simple deSign architecture for the networt sales system that allows the merchan t computer to respond to paymenl orders from the buyer computer without Ihe merchant computer having 10 communicate directly with th e payment compuler \0 ensure that the user is au thorized to purchase the p£oduct and without the merchlDl computa having to store information in a database regarding which buyers are authorized 1 wh..ich 0 products. Rather. w hen the merchant cornputer receives an access message from the buyer computer identifying a produa to be purchased. the merchant computer need olliy check \he access message 10 ensure that it was aeated by the payment cort1pJ ter (thereby establishin& for th e mermaDl computer that the buyer is authorized 10 purchase the produa). and then the merchant computer can cause the product to be senl to the buyer complller who Ills been authorized to purchase the product. III another aspect. !he invention features a network-based sales system that indudes at least one buyer computer (or operation by a user desiring to buy p-oducts. Il least one shopping cart computer. and a shoppi ng cart database con· nected to the shopping cart ClOmputc:r. The buyer computer and th e shopping cart computer are interconnected by a computer network. The buyer compuler is p-ogrammod to receive a plutality of requests from a user to add a plurality of respective products to a shopping cart in the shopping cart database. and. in response 10 the r«juests to add th e products. to send a plurality of respectJve shopping cart messages 10 the shopping cart computer cadi of which includes a padua identifier identifying ooe of the plurality of products. The shopping eart compuler is programmed to receive the plurality of shopping cart messages. to modify the shopping cll1 in the shopping can database 10 reflect the plurality of requests to add the plurality of p-oduas 10 the shopping can. and to cause a payment message associated with the shopping cart to be aeated. The buyer computer is programmed 1 receive a request from the user 10 purchase 0 the plurality of products added to the shopping cart and to cause the paymenl m essage 10 be activated to initiate a paymeot transaction for the plurality of products added to the shopping cart. III another aspccL the in vention features a network-based Iin1:: message system thai includes at least one client computer for opentioo by a client user and at leasl o ne server computer for operation by a server user. The client computer and the server computer are intercoonedod by a computer networir::. The client computer is progrl.l1U'Oed 10 send an initial message to the server compuler. 'The server computer Is programmed 10 re<:eive the initial link message from the cUent computer and to aeate. based on information contained in the initial IDessage. a session link message that encodes a state of interaction between the clie nt computet and the server computer. The session IDessage Includes a session Unk authenlicalor. computed by a ayptographic function of th e sessioo Iin1:: coatenlS. for authenticating th e session Iin1:: message. The server computer is programmed 10 cause the session link message 10 be sent to the client compu ter. The client computer is programmed to cause the sessioo Iin1:: message to be sent to a computer in the network that Is p:ogrammed 10 authenticale the session l.i.n.k message by examinin& the session l.i.n.k authentiClto£ and that is programmed to respond to th e session link m essage based on the state of the interactioo between the cUent computer and the server computer. In aoother aspect. the invention features a nerworlr.-bascd sales system that includes a mermant database having I REFEREN'CES TO APPENDICES Microfiche appendices A-G. 4 shec:u of 192 images total. .s are being submined with the ~cseot awlication. A ctailn of copyright is hereby made by Open MaruI. Incorporated with respect to the software code contained in Ihe microfiche appendices. as d the date of first issuance of II U.s. patent basal 011 this application. The copyright OWDct" 10 has no obj«tion 10 the facsimile reproduaion by anyone of the microfich e appendices as th ey appear in the Patent and Trademark office patcnt file or records. but reserves all other copyright rights whatsoevCJ". This invention relates to user·interactive: netwc.-k. sales systems far implementing aD open marulplace for goods ex' I' serviccs over computer networks such as me Internet U.s. pate nt application Sa. No. 081168.519. filed Dec. 16. 1993 by David K. Gi1rord IlIId endUed "Digital Active Advertis.iDg.~ the entire disclosure of which is hereby incor· porated herein in its entirety by reierell(:c. now abandoned. describes a network: sl.les sys tem that includes II plurality of buyer computers. II plurality of merchant computers. and a payment computcr. A user at a buycr computer asks to have adVertiSClllCllts displayed. and the buyer computer requests advertise ments from a merchant computer. which sends the advertise meDts to th e buyc:r computer. The user then requests purchase of an advertised product. aDd the buyer computer seDds a purchase message 10 the merchant computer. The merchant computa coDSlnlcts a paymcDt order that it sends to the payroeDt computer. which authorizes the pur<:hase and se nds an authoriutio n message 10 the merchant computer. 'Whe n the merchant computer receives the authorization message it sends the product to the buyer computer. The above-mentioned patent appUcation also describes an alternative implementation of the networir:: sales system in which. when !he user requests putchase of an advertised p:oduct. the buyer compu ter seods a paymcot ocdc:r directly 10 the payment computer. wbkh scllds an authariza[io o message back to the buyer computer thai iDCludes an unforgcable CCltm.cate that the payment onler is valid. The buyer computer then co nstructs a purchase message that includes the uoforgeable certificate and seoos il to !he merchant computer. When the merchant computer receives !he pw-ch.ase request it sends the product 10 the buyer computer. based upon lhe pre-authorized payment order. :20 II lO ), 40 o SUMMARY OF TIlE INVENTION III one aspect. the illve ntion p-ovides a netwott-based sales $ystem thai indudes at least oae buyer computer for operation by a user desiring to buy a product. at least one merdlaDI computer. ud alleast one payment compuler. The buyer computer. the merchant computtt. and the payment computer are intercOnnected by a computer network. The buyer compuler is programmed 10 receive a user- request for purchasing a p-oduct. and 10 cause a paymenl message to be sent 10 the payment computer that comprises a product identifier identifying the p-oduCl. The payment computer is progrll'lllOCd to receive the paymenl message. 10 cllWie an access message tn be created that comprises the produa identifier and an access message authenticator based on a ayptographic key. and to cause the access message to be sent 10 the merchant computer. The mcn':hant computa is p-ogrammed to receive the access message. to verify the access message authenticator to ensure that the access message authenticalor was created using the cryptOgraphic 50 '5 60 6S 5.715.314 3 4 plurality of digilal adverti sements and a plurality of respec- F1G. 4 (4· A through 4-C) is a ftowchan diagram illus- tive: product fulfillment items, at least noe creation computer trating the operltion of a smart statement in the netwoek. sales system of 1-10. 1. FlG. 5 is I screen snapshot of an advertising documenl that the merchant computer sends to the buyer computer in foraeatina the merchant database, aod at least one merchant rompula for causing the digital advc:rtisements 10 be transmitted 10 a usec and for causin g advertisoc:l products to be transmitted to th e user. The aealion comPJter and the merdlan! computer are interconnected by a computer network. The acaLioa computer is programmed 10 create th e merchant dalabue. and to trall.'lmit th e digital advertisements and the product f'ulfil1meot items 10 the merchant computer. The merchant computer is ~ to receive the digital advertisementS and product fulfillmcnt items, to receive a request for I digital advO'tisemeot from I user. to cause the digital advertisement 10 be seot 10 the user. 10 receive from the user I.lI access mesSige identifying ao advertised product. and to cause the p-oduct to be scot 10 the usa in accordance with I product fu1fillmellt item corresponding to the product. In anolhcr aspect. dle Invention fealUreS a hypertext statement syste m that includes a clie nt computer for opc:ration by a clie nt user and ooc or more server computers for operation by a server user. The client computer and Ihe server computers are interconnected by a computer network. At least one of Ihe server compulers is programmed 10 record purchase transaction reCttds in a database. Each of Ihe purchase transaction I"CCU'ds lncludes a prodUCI description. The server computer is prosrammed to transmil a statement document that includes Ihe purchase transaction records to the client computer. 1be dieot computer is programmed 10 display the product desaiptions. to r«eive a request from the client user to display a product corresponding to a product description displayed by the client compula. and to cause a product hypertext linkderived from a purchase transaction record 10 be activated. AI least one of the server compulers is programmed totespood to activation of the product hypenext ! by ca uslng the product 10 be sent 10 Ih e cUenl compula. In another aspect. th e lnvention fellUres a network paymenl system thai iAcludes at least ooe buyer computer fDr operation by a user desiring to buy a product and I t least one payment computer for processing payme.nt messages from Ihe buyer computer. The buyer ccmputer and !he paymenl computer are interconnected by a computer network. The buyer computer is p ogrammed to cause a payment message to be sent to the payme nt colOputer. 1be payment message includes a product identifier identifyiog the product thai the usa desires to buy_ The payment computer is programmed to receive the paymenl message. to cause an access messlge 10 be created 10 enable the user to access the product. and to record a purchase transaction record In the 5ettI.emeDl database. The buyer computer is programmed 10 cause a request for purchase transaction records to be senl 10 the payment computer. The payment computer is progrlllllllOd to receive the request for purchase InlRsaction records aDd to cause a document derived from the parchase traDuction rerords to be sent 10 the buyer compula . ~ FlO.l. F1G. Ci is a saeen snapshot of a confirmation docuIDCnt th.t Ihe payment computer sends to the buyer computer In FIG. l. 10 F1G. 1 is a saeen snapshot of a new account document that the payment computer sends 10 the bu yer computer in F1G. l. F1G. 8 is a scree n snapshot of an accou nt lWDe prompt IS that Ihe buyer computer creates In F1G. l. FIG. 9 is I screen snapshot of a doaunent that the payment computer sends to the buyer computer in flG . 1 I nd th at provides an optioo either to repurchase oe to use a previously pw-dtased 20 FIG. 1& is a saeen snapshot of a fultillmcDl document that the merchant computer sends to the buyer computer in F1G. 2. FIG. 11 is a saeen snapshot of a smart statement document thai the payment computer sends to the buyer com2!1 puter In F1G. 4. FIGS. 11 I nd 13 are saeen snapshots of a tran saction detail document that the payment computer seods 10 the buyer computer In flG . 4. FlG. 14 is a saeen snapshot of I customer service foem JO that the payment computer se nds to th e buyer computer In FIG. 4. DETAR..ED DESCRlYllON )) 40 l' .$ ~ 55 BRIEF DESCRlYllON OF 1lIE DRAWINGS FIG. 1 is a block diagram of a network sales system in aCCOl"dancc with the present invention... 60 FlG. 1 (Z-A tbroogh 2-1) is a fl owchart diagram illustrating the operation of a purchase transaction io the netwOft. sales system of FIG. 1. FIG. 3 (3-A through 3-B) is a flowchart diagram illustrating the use of a shopping can foe !he purchase of 65 podUdS in CODneclioo wilh the network. sales system of AG. l . With reference 10 FlG. 1. a networ:k: sales system in accordance with the pesent lnvention includes a buyer computer 12 operated by a user desiring to buy a product. a mercltaot computer 14. which may be opented by a 1OCrchant willing 10 seU products to the buyer or by a manager of the network sales system. I paYIDCnt computer 16 typi cally operated by a manager of the network: sales system. and a creation computer t)'pieally opaattd by the m erchant The buyer. merchant. payment. and creation computers are all inter-connected by a computer networt such as the lnteJllet. Creation cornputer It is p-oarammed to build a "store" of products for the merchant. A prinlOl.ll. of. computer program for use In creating such a "store" io accordance with the presept lnventiOIl is pro vided as Appendix F. The poducts advertised by merchant computcf 14 may be. for exunple. newspaper or newslelter articles available for purchase by buyers. Creation computer 20 creates a digital advertisement database 18 that stoces advertislng documenlS (which may for exampl e be In \be form of summaries o r DCWSpapO' or newsletter articles.lccompanied by prices) and p-odud fl,l llillmenl items (whidJ may be the produds themselves if th e products can be transmitted over the network. or which may be hard goods identifiers if the products are hard goods. i.e .. durabl e products as opposed to information products). Creatioo computer 20 transmits CODleDts of the advatising document database IS to m erchant computer 14 to enable the merchant col1lP'lter to calISe adverti sements and products to be sent to buyers. McrdJanl computer 14 maintains documents locally in Idvertising documenl databa se IS. In I D alternative embodime nt. !he mation computer does IlOl. have a local digitaJ advertisement database. but instead updates a remote I' 5,7 15.314 5 6 advertising document database on a merchant computer. These updates can be accomplished usi ng IITML rams or other remote dalabasc technologies IS is understood by JrKtitioncn of the an. Payment computer 16 his access 10 a settltJDcnt database 22 in which payment computer 16 can record details of purchase transactions. The products may be organized into various "domai ns" of products. and payment computer 16 can access settlemeot database 22 10 reooro and retrieve records of purdlases of products falling within the various domains. Payment computer 16 also has access [0 • shopping can database 21 in which . "shoppiog cart" of products thai • user wishes to purchase can be maintaioed as the usashops pioc to acb.Ial purcbase d the contents of the shopping cart. With reference to AG. 2, • purchase traDSactiOIl begins when a user at buyer computer 12 requests advertisements (step 24) and buyer oomputc:r 12 accordingly sends an advertising document URL (u niversal resoorce locator) to m erchant oomputc:r 14 (step 16). The merm an! computer fetches an advcnising documeol from lhe advertising documen l database (step 28) and sends it 10 the buyer (step JI). A n example of an advertising document is shown in A G. 5. Details of URl...s and hO'N they are used are found in the microfiche Appendix G. The user browses through the advertising docume nt and eventuall y requests a product (step 31). This resuhs in the buyer computer sending payment URL A to Ihc: paymenl computer (step 34). Payment URL A indudes .a prod uct identifier that rqresc nlS the product the user wishes to bu y. a domain identifier that represents a domain of J*'oducts to which the desired product belo ngs. a payment amOllnt that rqresenls the price of the product. a merchant computer identifier that represents merchant computer 14. a merchant account identifier that rtp'esc nt s the particular merchant acCOUllt 10 be credited with the payment amount. a duntion time that relIescots the length of time for which acce1S 10 the produl1 is 10 be granted 10 the user after completion of the purchase tr.ansaction. an expiratioD time th at repre sents a deadlioe beyond which thi s particular paymeDt URL canDO( be used. a buyer network address. and a payment URL authenticator that is a digital signature based o n a cryptographic key. 1be paymeol URLauthenticator ls a bash of other Infcnnation in the payment URL. the hash beiog defined by a key shared by the merdwJt and the opttat Ol" of the payment computer. In an alternative embodiment. step 34 consists oC the buyer computer a purchase product message to the merchant computer. and the merchant compuler provides payment VRL A to the buyer compuler in re sponse to the purcbase Pfoduct message. In this ahClllative embodiment. payment URL A contains the same contents as above. The buyer computer then sends [he payment URL A it has received from the men:::hoant computer 10 the payment computer. When the payment computer receives the payment URL it verifies whether the payment URL authenticator was crealed from the conlents of the payment URL using Ihe cryptographic :tty (step 36). H not. the payment computer sends a document to th e buyer compu ter indicating that access to the networt: sales SYSlem ls denied (step 38). Otherwise. the payment computer dete:nnines whether the expiratio n timc: has past (step 40). H it has. the paymeDi computer sends I dOC\Jment to the buyer compute:r ind;eating that the time bas expired (step 41). Othuwise. the payment compu ter checks the buyer computer network address 10 sec if it matches the o ne specified in the payment URL (step 42). If it OOes not match. the payment computer sends a document to the buyer compu ter ind;catiDg th at aca:1S to the network payment system is denied (step 43). Qthcnvise. the payment computer sends a payment confir· mation document to the buyer oomp.!lc:r. the payment COfI· firmation document including an "open" link and a "coo· tinue" linIr:: (slep 44 ). An example of. oonfumation document is shown in A G. 6. The confirmation docwnent asks the user to click OQ a "cootinue" button if the user already has an account with the payment computer. or to dick on an "open" button if the user does nOC already bave an account and wishes to open one. Hthe user clicb on the "open" button (step 46). the buyer computer sends payment URL C to the pa yment compuler (step 48). payment URL C being similar to payment URL A but also indicating that the user docs no t yet have an accounl The payment computer O'ealeS a new IOCOUnl docUment (step 5.) and sends it to the buyer computer (Slep 52). An example of a new account cSocument is shown in A G. 7. When the uscr receives the new account document he enten the new aooount name. an account password. a credit card number. the credit card expiration date. and security informatio n such as the maiden name of th e user's mother (step 54). and presses a "SUbmit" burton (not shown in FIG. 1). The buyer computer sends the new account information to the payment computer (step 56). which enters the new account in the settlement database (step 58). If the user clicks o n the "COfItinue" bullon (step it). the buyer computer sends payment URL B to !be payment computer (slep 62). payment URL B being similar to payment URL A but also indicating that the u ser already has an account. The payment computer then instructs the buyer computer to IIovide the accounl name and password (stcps 64 and 66). and the buyer computer prompts th e user for this information by creating an accounl name Ill'ompt (cumple sboIIIn in AG. 8) and a similar password prompt. The user enten the infonnation (step 68) and the buyer computer sends the account name and password to the payment computer (step 7'). The payment computer verifies whether the user name and password are cared (step 11). If they are nOl COlTect. the pIIymtnl computer se nds a document to the buyer coffiP'lter indicating that acce1S to the network sales syslem is denied (step 14). Otherwise. the paymcnt computer ~er­ mines whether additional security is wamlnted. based o n. c.g.. whether the payment amoont exceeds a threshold (step 73). U additional security is warranted. the payment compUler crealeS a challenge form document and se nds it to th e buyer computer (step 75). The user ente.rt the security information (step 77). the buyer oomputer se nds the secwi ty lllformation 10 the payme nt computer (step 7'). and the payment compuler detamines whether the security information is corred (slep 81). U it is Pot COITect. the payment computer sends a document to the buy« C()mputer iDd..ieat_ ing that access to the netWork sales system is denied (step 83). U the security infonnation is correct. or if addition al security was not warranted. the payme nt oomputer cbeclr::s the settlement database to determine wbethc:r Ihe user bas unexpired access to the domain identifier contained in the payment URL (step 82). If so. the pIIyrnenl computer sends to the buyer comptlter a document providing an option either to repurchase or 10 usc the previously purcbased access (Slep 84). An example of such a document is shown in flG. , . The $ 10 U 20 lS )0 35 40 4$ $0 55 60 6$ 5.715.3 14 7 8 user CAD respond to the recent purchase query documeot by a key shared by the merchant and the operalor of the choosiag 10 access the previously purcltasc:d document (step payment computer. 85) or 10 go ahead Ind buy the currently s elected product The payment computer whethCl" the shopping cart (step 86). URL authenticator was crealed from the contents o( the If the user chooses to access the previously purchased S shopping cart URI.. using a cryptographic key (step 11t). If document. the buyer computer skips 10 step !J2 (sc:c below). not. the payment computer sends I docwnenl to the buyer IT the user chooses to buy the currently seleac:d product. the computer indicating that access to the betwcrk w es system payment computer calculates au actual payment amount that is denied (step IU). Otherwise. before any modification to a user·s shopping cart is allowed. user auth entication is may dilfer from the paymeot amount contained ill the payment URL (step 87). foe example. the: purchase of I 10 perf<rmed (step Il3) in a maDDer analogous to steps 4t-81. product in I certain domain may entitle the user to access Onot the user is authenticated. the payment computer aeother products in the domain for free or for a reduced price ates <r upd&les a payment URL for the shopping can (step Cor . given period of time. 114). The payment computer thea verifies whether the user The user then either requests more advertisements (step account has sufficie nt funds or credit (nep 76). If nOC. the IS 24 in FIG. 2) and possibly adds another product 1 the 0 payment computer sends a document to the buyer computer shopping cart.. requests displ&y of the shopping cart (step indicatiog that the: user account has insufficient funds (step 116). or requests purchase of the entiTe contents of the 78). Otherwise. the payment computer creales an access Shopping cart (step U4). If the user requests display of the shopping cart (step 116). the buyer computer sends a fetch URL (stcp Sf) thai iocludes a merchant computer ideDtilier. 0 a domain identifier. a product identifier. an indicatio n of the 10 shopping cart reque$ 1 the payment computer (step 118). end of the duration time for which access 10 the jX'oduct is and the payment computer and buyer oort1p\lter (step 119) to be ifLOled. the buyer nttwor-k address. and an access URL perform steps analogous 10 steps 64-81. The payment comauthenticator that is a digital signature based on I aypIoputer rerurns the contents of the shopping cart 10 the buyer graph.ic key. The access URL authenticator is a hash of other computer (uep Ut). which displ&ys th e co ntents of the information in the access URL. the hash being defined by a l.'l shopping cart (step 122). If the user requests that the entire contents of the shopping cart be purchased (step 124) the key shared by the merchant and the operator of the payment COmpuIO". The paynxot computer then records the produa buyer computer causes the payment URL foc the shoppina identifier. the domain. the user account. the merchant cart 10 be activated (step 126) and the payment URI.. is account. the end of dlUation time. and the actual payment processed in a manner analogous to th e processing of amounl in the settlement database (step 88). 30 payment URLs for individual products (bc:ginning with step 36 in FIG. 2). The PJyment computer then sends I redirect to loceSS Wilh reference now 1 FIG. 4. a user can request display 0 URL 10 the buyc:r computer (Sl:cp 9t). which sends the accc:ss URL to the merchant computc:r (step 92). TIle mcrchant of a ··sman statemenl" that lists purchase transactions foe a computer verifies wheth t rthe access URL authenticator was 35 given month (step 128). When the buyer computer receives such a request. it sends a smart $l..ll.em ent URL to the aeated from the contents of the access URL using the payment computer (s tep 130). C)'ptognpbic key (slep 94 ). If Dot. the merchant computer sends a document to the buyc:r computer indicating that When the paymcot computer receives the sman statement leotSS to the product is denied (step ~. URL. il verifies whether the smart statement URL authenOtherwise. the merchant compuler verifies whether the 40 ticalor was created from the contents of the smart statement URL using a ayptographlc key (step (32). If not. the duration time for access 10 the p-odua hiSexpired (step 98). paymeol computer sends a document to the buyer computer This is done because the buyer computer (:III request access indicating that access is denied (step 134). Otherwise. the 10 a purchased product repeatedly. If the duration time has payment computer cnecks 10 detennine whether the buyer expired. the merchant computer seods a document to the buyO" computer indicating that the time has upu-ed (step 4) address in the sman statement URL matches the buyO" computa's actual nerNork address (step 136). If nOI. IN). Otherwise the merd\anl computo" verities that the the payment computer sends a dOct.lment to the buyer buyer computer network address is the same as the buya computer indicating that acotss is denied (step 138). OthnerNork address in the access URL (step 101). IlId if so. erwise (step 148). the payment computer and buyer comsends a fulfillment document to the buyer computer (step 102). which is displayed by the buyer computa (slql 104). 30 puter perform a set or steps analogous 10 steps 64-31 in AG. 2 (payment computer requests account name and password. An exampl.e of a fu1lillmcnt document [s shown In flO. 10. user provides the requested information, and payment comOtherwise. the merchant computer sends I docwnent to the puter veri1ies the information) . buya computer indicating that accc:ss is not allowed (slql It3). 1fI an alleJnative embodiment steps 131-138 are omitted. With refaence nD'llr' to AG. 3. whCII the mercha.llt com- ~s Alto" verification of accoont inrormation is complete. the puter sends the Idvertising document 10 the buyCl" computer. payment computeJ" retrieves the requested settlemc:nt data the user ruay request that I product be added to a shopping from the settlement database. mates a smart statement cart in the $ cart database rather than request that the document ror the buyer. and sends the smart statemeot product be purdllsed immediately. The buyer computer document to the buyer computer (step 142). An example of sends a shoppina cart URI.. to the payment computer (step (,0 a sman statement docuIDCnl is shown in MG. 11. Each ItS). the shopping cart URI.. including a product identifier. purchase Inns.action record in the smart statementdocumeot I domain identifier. a payment amount. a merchant computer includes the dat.1 of the transaction. the name of the identifier. a merchant account identifier. a duration lime. an mClellant. an identification of the product. and the paymeQt expiration time. and a shopping Cllt URI.. authenticator that amount for the product. The smart st.1tement docwnent also is a digital signaMe based 01'1 a ayptograJilic key. The 6~ includes a transaction detail URL (or each purchase transshopping cart URL authenticator is a hash of OIhet infor· actioo (these URLs. or are discussed below mation in the shopping cart URL. the ha$h. being defined by and are not shown in FlG. 11). The sman statement docu- 5.715,314 9 10 meol also identifies previous statements that the user may wish 10 have displayed. The buyer computer displays the retrieved document (step 144). and the user may request transaction details (or a panicular transaction listed on the smart statement (step 146). If so. the buyer computer sends a transaction detail URL (or "paYlllCnt detail URL to me payment compllttf (step 148). The transaction detail URLincludes a transactioll identifier. a buyer nerwork address. aad a transaction detail URI. aumenticaloc. ""hen the payment compmQ receives the transaclio.n delail URL. it paforms (step lSI) I sci of steps analogous to Steps 131-1441 (verification of URL authenticator. buyer network address. and account infonnation). The payment computer then retrieves from the settlement database data correspondi ng to the payment transaction specified in the transaction detail URL creates a transaction detail doc ument and sends it to the buyer computer (step 152). An example of a tratuactioo deWl document is shown in AGS. 12 and 13. The document displays a number of of iDfonnatiOD about the tnosaaioD. indudillg Che inDUCtion dale. end of the duration time ("expiration").. desaip. lion of the poduct. the ~yrnent MKlUnt the domain corresponding 10 the product. UI ide:ntificatioo of the mochUlt U1d the merchant" s .ddress. The smart statement document and the transaction detail document both include cuslOmer service URLs (hypertext links) that allow the user to request customer service (i.e .• 10 se nd comments and suggestions 10 the payment computer). When the usa requests customer service (step 154). the buyer computer se nds the custOlllO' service URL to the payment compUlO' (step 156). whim creates I customer service fonn and sends it 10 the buyer COmputCf (step 158). An curople of a customer service term is shown in FlG. 14. The user types comments inlO the customer service form (step 161). U1d the ooyer computer sends the user' s com· ments 10 the pa.ymenl computer (step 16l). 1be ~yment computer then posts the user comments and sends a thank you document to the buyer computer (step 164). A user may request display of a poduct included In the smart statement. When the user requests thai the product be displayed (step 166). the buyer computer sends the access URL contained in the smart statement document 10 the merchant computer (step 168). and the buya computer and merchant computer perform a set of steps analogous to steps 94-114 in FlG. 2 (Iuthentication of KCCSS URL verification whether duration time has expired. verification of buya laCtwork. address. and transmission of fulfillment document 10 buyer computer). Whenc:verthe pesent application ru,tes that one computer sends a URL to another computer. it should be understood that in preferred embodiments the URL is sentm a swdard IflTP request message. unl ess a URL message is specified as a redirection In the present application. The request message illCludes components of the URL as described by the standard H'ITP protocol definition. 1bcse URL compo. nents in the request message allow the server 10 provide: a response appropriate 10 the URL The tenn "URL" as used the present application is an oample or a "Un.k.... which is a pointer to another document or feno (including multimedia documents. bypertext documents including other links. or audiolvideo documents). When the present application states that ODe compuler sends a document 10 another COI1lplIter. it should be understood thai. in preferred embOdiments the document is a success IfITP response message with the docume:nt in the body of the message. Wben the pesent application states that a server sends an account name and password request message to the client. it should be understood that in preferred embodiments the account name and password request message is an unauthorized tfITPrcsponse. A client computer sends accoullt name and password information 10 a server IS part of I request message with an aulhocization fi eld. 1bc software architectute underlying the partinliar prefem:d embodimc:DI is based upon the hypa1ext conventions of the World Wide Web. Appendix Adescribes the Hypertext Markup Language (~) document format used 10 represenl digital advertisements, Appendix B describes the lITML fonus fill out support in Moslie 2.0. Appendix C is a description of the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (H'JTP) between buyer and merchant computers. Appendix D describes how documents are named with Uniform Resource l..ocaton (URLs) in the netwcrk of computers. and Appen· dix E desaibes the authentication of URLs using digital signatures. A prinlOUl of a computer pogram for use in creating and operating such a "store" in accordancc with the jX'csent invention is povided as Appendix F. A pinloul of a computer program for use in operating other aspects of the network sales system in accordance with the present invenlio n is p-ovided in the microfiche appemUx O. There has been desaibc:d a new and useful network-based sales system. It is apparentlhat those skilled m the an may make numerous modifications and departures from the specffic embodiments described herein without departing from the spirit and scope of the claimed invention. What is claimed is: 1. A DCtwork-based sales system. compismg: al least one buyer computer for operatioo by a user desiring 10 buy a product ; at least one roe:rchant computer; and at least one payment computer; said buyer computer. merchant computer. and said payment being inte.rconnected by a computer network.; buyer computer being I%ogrammed to receive a uscr request for purchasi ng I product and to cause a payment message to be sent to said payment computer that compiscs a product identifier identifying said product; payme.nt computer being programmed torecdve said payment mesSlige. 10 cause In access message 10 be created that comprises said product identifier and an ICceSS mesSlige l uthenti cator bad on a ayptographic key. and to cause said Iccess me5S11ge to be sent to said merchant computer; and said merchant computer bein& programmed tl) receive said access mesSlige. to verify said access message authenticator to ensure that said access message authenticator was created using said CJ)1lI:ograptUc key, and to cause said product to be sent to user desiring 10 buy said product. 2. A network-based sales sys tem in acc:ordallCe with claim 1. wherein said payment mesSlige and said acccss message each comprises a universal resource locator. 3. A network-based sales system in aOC()f(j.ance with daim 1. wherein said payment computer is programmed to identify said merchant computer upon receip( of said payment mess-ge from said buyer computer. 4. A network·based sales system in accordance with claim I . wherein access mesSlige comprises a buyer network address. S R ) to IS 20 2$ 30 )j 4' $5 60 6S 5.715.314 11 S. A networt·based sales system in acrordallcc with claim 4.; said product can be transmitted from o ne computer to 12 19. A network-based sales system in accordance with claim 18. wherein said payment computer is programmed 10 determioe an actual payffiCnt amount for said product identified by said p£oouct ickntifiu in said paymeot message anochc:r. and nid merchant oomput17 causes said product to be KDt to j based on whether said user account has p£eviously purchased a p-oduet associated with said domain identifier. said usa by trallsmitting said product to said buyer 20. A network-based sales system in aCC01'dance with network address only. daim 1. wherein said buyer COmputcf is programmed to 6 . A netwcdr-based sales system in accordance with claim transmit a user authenticator to said payment computer and 4. wherein said merman! oompUler is fWOIflmDlCd to verify whether said buyer netwQfir: address in said access mesuge 10 said payment computer is prog:rammed to verify said user aulhcnticat<r. matche s the aClual network address of wd buyer COl'DPJIU. 21. A network-based sales system in accOl'dance with 7. A network-based sales system in accorda nce with claim claim 2•. wherein said user authenticator coJDFrises a pass1. whereio said payment message compises a buyer DCtW"'~ werk addcc:s$. l2. A network-based sales system In accordance with B. A netwod:-based w e! system in accordaJlce with daim 7. whcreia said paytrlCDI computer is programmed to verify IS claim 21. wherein: said buyer computer is p£ograrwned to transmit security whether said buyer network address io said payment message matches the actual Dctwcd: address of said buyer infonnatiOD to said payment compurer; computer. said payment computer is programmed to transmit a 9. A nelWod:-ba.sed sales system in . cconl.nce with claim challenge form to said buyer computer under a prcdeI. wherein said access mesugc luthcnlicalor comprises I 20 tcrmilled coodition. said dlallenge form aski ng for said cryptOgnphic function 0{ conleJ).1S of said access message security information previously Iransmitted by said based on said crypIographic key. buyer computer to said payment compu ter: It. A network-based sales sySlcm ill accordaDte with said payment compuler is programmed 10 respond 10 said claim 1. wherein said payment computer is programmed to challenge form by querying said user for uid security verify said payment message authenticat<r to ensure !hat 25 iafonnation and tran smitting said security infcwmation said paymellt message authenticat<r was created using said 10 said payment computer: aAd cryptographic key. said payment computer is programmed to verify authen 11. A nerwod(-based w es system in accordance with ticity of said $CCU!ity information. claim II. wherein said paymeot message authenticat/KCOmprises a cryptographic function or conte nts of said payment )() Z3. A network-based sales system io accordance with message based on said cryptographic key. claim 22. whcrcin: 12. A netwO£k-based sales system in accordance with said payment mes$lge comprises a payment amnulll; and claim 1. wherein said paymenl message comprises a paysaid prcdctennined condition comprises receipt of a payment amount ment amount in said payment message that exceeds a 13. A nCIWcd.-based sales system ill accordance with threshold. claim 1_ wha'Cin said payment message comprises a mer- l' lA. A network-based sales system in accordance with chant accoullt identifier that idclltifies a merchant account. daim 1. whercin said payment message comprises a mer14. A nttw<rk-blsed sales system in accordance with chant computer ideotifier that identifies said merchant comclaim 1. whcrcin said buyer computer is p£ to puOtt. transmit a user account identifier to said payment computa 25. A network- based sales system in a ccordaoce with thll identifies a user accou nt <10 claim lA. whaein said access mes.sage comprises said IS_ A nctwO'k-based sales system in accontancc with machant computer identifier. claim 14. wherein: 26. A network·based sales system in accordance with said paymellt meSSAge compises a paymtllt amount; and claim 1. wherein said payment message comprises a durasaid paymcnt computer is programmed to eosl1fe that said .~ lion time that specifies a length of time for wrud!. access to user accou nt has sut!icieal funds O£ credit to cover said said product: is to be granted. payment amount. 27. A network-based ulcs system in accordance with Hi. A ntlwO'k-based sales system in accordance with claim 26. wherein said payment computer i s programmed to claim 14. wherein: use said duration time to compute an eod of duIation time said payment message comprises. payment amouDt and 50 and to cause said end of duration time to be induded i.n said a merchant account identifier that identifies a merchant access message. account; and 28. A Ilttwork-based sales system in accordaocc with said payment computer is programmed to record said elaim 27, wherein slid merchant computer is p£ogrammcd to payment amount. said usa account and said merchant verify. upon receipt of said access J'DC$Slge. that said end of account in a settlement database. ~s duratioo time ""5 not ptiL 17. A nctwO£k-based we! system in accordance with 29. A network-based sales system ill aOCOfdance with claim 16. wherein: claim 1. wherein said paymeot message compises an expisaid payment ffiCssage comprises a domain identifier; and ration time after wruch said payment message can no longer be used. said payment computer is programmed to record said 30. A network-based sales system in acconlaocc: with domain identifier and said user account in a seltlemellt 60 claim l!t. whcrcin said paymellt computet' is ptogrammed to """""verify. upon receipt of said payment message, that said 18. A nttwc:rk-based wes system In accordance with expiration time has not pasL claim 17. wherein said payment computer is programmed to 31. A network-based sales syste m ill accordance with check said settlement database. upon receipt of said payment message. to detcnnine whether said user account has p£e- 6S claim 1. wherein: viously purdlased a product asS«:dted with said domain said paymcut computer is programmed to cause said identifier. a<xcss message to be sent to said buyer computer; and 5.715.314 13 14 said buyer computer is ~ograrnmed to cause: said aoeeu message receiYc:d from said payment COmpulU to be sent to said roo-manl computer. 32. A network-based sales system, compising; al leasl one buyer computer for operation by a user S desiring to buy I JX'oduct: at least ooe merchant computer. and at least one payment COlllpt.llcr; said buyer computer. said mcrchlill computer. and said payment computer being interco.nncaed by I computer 10 nctwork; said buyer compu ter being programmed 10 receive a user request for purchasing a product. and to cause a payment URL 10 be sent to said payment computCl" that comprises a product identifier identifying said product. u a payment amount. and a payment URI.. authenticate.' comprising. cryptoaraphic functioo of contents of said paymcnt URL based OD a c:rypIograpb..ic key: said payment oomputer being programmed to receive said payment tlRL. to verify said payment URL authenticalor to ensure that said payment URl. authenticator was created using said cryptog:rapbic key. to ensure that said user his sufficient funds or credit 10 COVCl" said payment amount. Ie> ideality said merchant romputer operated by said merchant willing to sell said produce to said cause an access URL to be aeated that comprises said product identifier and ao IlCCCU URL authenticate.- comprising a cryptographic functioD of conlents of said access URL based o n a cryptographic key. and 10 cause said access URL 10 be seol 10 said buyer computer. said buyer computet being programmed to cause said access URLr eu;ived from said paymeol computer 10 be sent 10 said merdlant computer: ud said merchanl computer being prognmrned to receive said access URL. to verify said access URL authenticator 10 ensure that SAid access URL authenticalOr was created using said Cl)'plograph.ic key. and to cause said produce to be sent 10 said user desiring to buy said prodUd_ 33. A method of operating a payment computer io a computer network comprising al leasl ODe buyer computer for operation by a um desiring to buy a product. at least one merchant computer. and alleast one payment compuler. the method comprisiog the steps of: recciviDg. at said payment computer. a paymenl message that said buyer COmpulCl" has caused 10 be sent 10 said payment COmpulU in response to a user reque" fOl purchasing a produce. said payment message comprising a product identifier identifying said product: causing an access message 10 be outed that compises said product identifier and an access message authenticator based OD a cryptographic key; and causing said access message 10 be sent to said merchant computer. said merchant computer being programmed to receive said access message. 10 verify said access message authenticator to ensure !hat said access message authenticau.. was O'eated using said cryptographic key. and to cause said product to be senl to said user duiring to buy said product. 34. A network-based sales syslem. comprisina: at least one buyer computer for operation by a user desiring 10 buy p"oducts; al least one shoppi ng cart computer; and a shopplllg cart database colloected 10 said shoppmg cart compu ter; 20 1S 30 3' 40 .!i $0 !is 60 " said buyer computer and said shopping cart computer being intercoODected by a network; said buyer computet being programmed to roccive a plurality of requests from a user 10 add a plurality of respective products to a shopping can in said shopping cart database. and. in response to said requests to add said p"oducts. to send a plurality of respective shopping cut messages 10 said shoppmg cart ~Ier each of wbich comprises a product identifie.r identifying one of said plurality of products: said shopping cart computet being p-ogrammed 1 receive 0 said plurality 0( shopping cart messages. 10modify said shoppillg can in said shopping cart database to reOect said plurality of requests to add said plurality of p-oduets to said shopping cart. and 10 cause I payment me$$age associated with said shopping can to be created; and said buyer computer being programmed to reccive a request from wd user to purchase said plurality of products added to said shopping cart and to cause said payment message to be activaled to initiate: a paymenl tBnsactio n for said plurality of products added to said shopping can; said $hopping cart being a stored representatioo of a coUection of products. said shopping cart database being a database of stored representations of collections of products. and said shopping cart computer being a computer that roodifies said stored representati ons of coU ections of pt"oduas in said database. 35. A networt:-based sales system in ac:corda.nce with claim 34. whcrcill said shopping cart computer is pr0grammed 10 cause said payment message to be created before said buyer computer causes said payment message to be activated. 3'. A network-based sales system in ac:corda.oce with claim 34. wherein said buyer computer is programmed to receive a requesl from said user to display said plurality or products added 10 said shopping cart. 37. A oetwork-bascd sales system i n aococdance with claim 3'. wherein said buyer computer is programmed 10 tnnsmit a fetch shopping can request to said payment computer in respoose 10 reccipi of said request from said user. 38. A network-based sales system III accordance with cWm 37. wherein: said payment computer is programmed 10 respood 10 said fdeb shopping cart request by transmitting a message to said buyer computer indicating said plurality of products added to said shopping cart: and said buyer compuler is p"ogrammed 10 display said pluraJ..ity of producu added 10 said shopplllg cart. 39. A method of operating a shopping cart computer in a computer oetwork comprisiDg al least one buyer computer for operatioll by a user desiring 1 buy rrodud5. alleasl o ne 0 shopping cart computer. and a sbopping cart database connected 10 said shopping cart compute". said method comprising Ihe steps of: receiving. at said shoppiDg cart computer. a plurlllity of shopping cart messages sent to said shopping cart compuler by said buyer computer in response to receipt of. plurality of requests from a user to add a plurality of respective products 10 a shopping cart in said shopping cart database. each fA said shopping can messages compising a product identifier identifying one of said pluraJ..ity of products: modifying said shopping cart in said shopping cart database to reDect pluraJ..ity of requests to add said plurality of products to said shopping cart: and 5.715.314 15 16 c.... using. payment message associated with said shopping cart to be created; said bu yer computer being programmed to receive I requ est froro .said user 10 purchesc said plurality d products added to said shopping cart and to cause said l payment mCS$ to be activ.tcd to initiate a payment U3.Qsaaion for said plurality of p'ociua:s added to said shopping cart; said shopping cart being a stored represenlation of a collectio n of products. said shopping cart database 10 being . datlbase of stored represelliations of ooUoctions of products. and said shopping cart computer being • computer thai modifies said stored t qrcsentatioll$ 01 oollectioos of prodltCts in .said database. I~ 40. A network-based link: me ssage system. comprising: at least one: client computer for operation by a cJjent user; "d at kast one savl2" computer for ope.-atiO by a server user, D said client computer and said server computer being 20 inlCrCODoectcd by a computer netWork; said client CXlmputer being p"ogrammed to seEld an initial lin.k mesugc: to said server computer; said server computer beillS progranuncd to receive said ioitial link message from said client computer. to 2S create. based OQ information co nlaioed in said initial link m essage. a session link message that eDcodes a state of iDteraction betwccn said dieD! computer aDd said server computer. said scssioo lint message com· prisiDg a sessio n link authenticatei'. computed by a JO cryptographic functio n of said sessioa lintcootenu. for autheoticating said scssion link message. and to cause said sessio n link message to be sent 10 said dienl computer; J~ said client COlUp.ltcr being programmed 10 cause said sessio n link message 10 be se nt to a computer in £aid Detwel'k. WI is programmed 10 authenticate said session link message by exa.mining said sessio n lini authenticatel' and that is prOgrammed to respond 10 said ..0 sessiOn link message based on said state of said inler· action between said client computer and said server cOmpYtcr. 41. A netWeI'k· based link message system in accordance with daim 41. wbereiD: said clienl computer comprises a buyer computer fel' o peratio n by a usa desiring 10 buy a product; said server cornp"ller compri ses a payment computer f« operatio n by a manager (If said netwock· based link m essage system; and said netw«k·based link me ssage system fw1h er comprises a merchant computCl" foc operation by a mercflant wil.Jitlg to seU said product to said buyer. 42. A netwak.·basod link m cssage syste m in accordance with claim 41 , wherein said computer that is programmed to ., '" authenticate said session link compises said metchant computer. 43. A network-Nsed link message system in accocdance with claim 41. wherein said initial li.n.Ir: me ssage comprises a payment message 1 sud payment eomputer that com0 prises a produa. identifier identifying said product. 44. A network-based link mes sage system in accordance with claim 43, wherein said session link message comprises an access message that comFrises said p'oduct identifier 10 be created. 45. A oetwork-based link mesuge system in accordance with claim 44. wherein said merchant computer is programmed to re spond to said aor;:css mesuge by causin g said product 10 be senl to said user desiring to buy said product. 46. A oetwork.-based link message system in accordance with claim 40. wherein said initial link message aod sud session link message comprise univenal re source locators. 47. A network-based linIr: message system in accordance with claim 41. whereiD: said sessio n link. authenticator comprise s a ayptograph.ic function of contents of said session link message based 00 a cryptographic key: aod said eomptIter to which said client computer is pr0grammed to cause said session link message 10 be senl is programmed to verify thai said session lint authenticator wu created using said cryptographic key. 48. A method of operating a server computtt in a networkbased link message system eomprising at least (lot client compultt for opcratioa by a client user and at least oae server computer ra optfaJ.ion by a SCJVer user. said dient computer and said server computer being interconnected by a computer network. said method comprising th e steps or: receiving. I t said $C1'Ver computer. an initial liok message sent to said server oomputer by said client computer: aeal ing. based On illiormatioo contained in said initial lint message. a sessio n link message that encodes a state (If interaction betwccn said client computer and said server computer. said scssio n link message cornprising a session ! authenticalel'. computed by a cryptograph.ic functi(lD of said session link contenU. ror authenticating said session link messag e: aod causing said session link message to be sent to said clienl computer: said dient computer being pogrammcd 10 cause said session link message 10 be senl 10 a e<>mpUter in said network thaI is )lI"ogrammed to authenticate said session link message by examin.lng said session link authenticator IlId that is programmed to respond to said session link: me ssage based on said state of said inleractio n between said client compuler and said server computer, • • • • • UNITEI) STATES I'ATE:NT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE Cer lificat~ Pate nt No. 5.7 15,3 14 Patented: Fcbruary 3, 1998 On petition request ing issuance of a cert ificate for correction of in vcnt ors hip pursuant to 35 U.s.c. 256, it has been found that the above identified patent, through error and ..... ithout any dece pti ve intent. improperl y setS forth the io\'c ntorshi p. Accordingly. it is hercby certified th at the correct inve ntorship o f l hi ~ palent is: Andre ..... C. Payne. Lincoln. MA ; L:l\~lre nce C. Stewan. Burlington. MA: and G. Winfield Treese, Wayland, MA . Signed and Sealed this Si:>;lh Day of April 2004. THOM AS H. TARCZA Supervisory Patent Examiner An Un it 3662

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