Soverain Software LLC v. eBay, Inc. et al

Filing 1

***FILED IN ERROR. PLEASE IGNORE.*** COMPLAINT against GSI Commerce, Inc., PayPal, Inc., Radioshack Corporation, eBay, Inc. ( Filing fee $ 350 receipt number 0540-3491095.), filed by Soverain Software LLC. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A - US 5,715,314, # 2 Exhibit B - Reexamination Certificate - US 5,715,314, # 3 Exhibit C - US 5,909,492, # 4 Exhibit D - Reexamination Certificate - US 5,909,492 CI, # 5 Civil Cover Sheet)(Ward, Thomas) Modified on 3/14/2012 (gsg).

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EXHIBIT D 11I11II1 (12) EX PARTE REEXAMINATION CERTIFICATE (5845th) United States Patent (10) Number: US (45) Certificate Issued: Payne et al. (54) NETWOllK SAU :S SYST ..: M (75) Inventors: An d rew C. I'ayne. Lincoln. MA (US): Lll wrcnl"(: C. Sicwarl, Burlington. MA (US); ()avid J . i\1acklc. Brookdale, CA 5.297.249 A 5.309.437 A EI' EI' JP JP 11' 11' JP Assignee: So\,cra ill Softwan' LI .. C . Chicugo. IL (US) 0456920 0645688 3278230 05·158%3 5274275 6162059 6291776 \VO 93110503 \VO 94f03~59 \V09 SJ 16971 WO WO WO Rcexall1illlllion Ctrtificllh.' for: Palenl No.: 5,909,492 Issued: Jun. 1, 1999 App!. No.: 081878,396 Filed: .JUIl. IS, 1997 NOlice: 311994 Bernstein d aI . 511994 PerlJmn c( al. FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS Rccxamlnlliioll Rl'qucst: No. 90/007.286. Nov. 3, 2004 (.) *A ug. 7, 2007 (Continued) (US) (73) 5,909,492 CI 1/ 1991 3/ 1995 1211991 6f l 993 10/ 1993 611994 10/ 1994 5/ 1993 2/ 1994 611995 OTHER PUBLICATIONS Sovcrllin Software LLC Y. Amazon.Com. Inc. and 7"he Gap. 'nc .. Fonn o f Stipubll'd Rt'quest for Final Dismissals of the Actions. filed Aug. 30. 2005. This palen! is slIbjl'CI \0 a \cmlinai disclaimer. (Conli nlllx:l ) Rl'Iall' d U.S. Appliclilion Dahl Primary (63) Continu ati on of application No. 081328.133. fil"d On Oct 24.1994. now l'al. No. 5,715,31 4. (51) 1111. C I. G06Q JOIOO G06Q /0/00 G06Q llJlOO A octwork-b~st-d sales system includes at kast one buyer compu ter for opel1ltio11 bya uscr desiring to buy a product. lit kast one merchant computer, and at lcast one payment compu ter. The buyer computer. the merchant computer. and the payment com puler ~rc inlerconnected by ;1 computer network. The buyer computl'r is prognllllnlcd to receive a uscr rt'(jut'St for purchasing a PrQ(hJCI. and 10 causc a paymclI! mes!wge to be scm to the payment compu\{' r that comprises a product identifil'r identifying the product. The payml'nt com pUler is progmmmed to f('(;eive the payment message. to cause an access message to be cmltcd that oomprisL'S the product identifier and an access mcsS:lge :mthcnticator bm;ed on a eryptogrnphic key. and 10 e:lUsc thc aoccss message 10 be scnt to the merchant com puter. 'ibe merd1.1111 computcr is programmed 10 n.'Ceivl' the acccss messagc. to Yl'rify the access message aUlhentica tor 10 ensufC that the access mess.1ge authcnticator was c[Cotcd using the cryplographic key. and to cause the product to be sent to the user desiring to buy the product. (2006.01) (52) U.S. C I. ... (58) ncld of C iassltkaliull Search ....................... None Sec applicntion fill' for completc scarch history. 705178 ; 705126; 705127; 705/39; 705/40; 705/44 Rdl' n' llces C iled (56) U.s. PATENT DOCUMENTS 4.484.304 4.566.078 4.941.089 5.035.515 5.204.947 A A A A A 11/ 1984 1/ 1986 7/ 1990 7/199 1 411993 Anderson ct ill. Crnbtree Fischer Crossman ct al. Bernstein d al. --- r" O'Neill AIlSTI{ACT (57) (2006.01) (2006.01) (2006.01) G0 7F 7/00 Exami/ler-Mich~c1 " ..-- " - ..... ...." r" " " r " US 5,909,492 Cl Page 2 u.s. PATENT DCX::UMENTS 5,325.362 A 5.347.632 A 61 1994 Aziz 9/ 1994 FilePl'd al. ............... 3951200 5.353.283 A 5.388.257 A 1011994 Tsuchiya 2/ 1995 ll.1u~'T 5.457.738 A 5,475,585 A 5,483.652 A 5.491.820 A 5.530,852 A 5,544.320 A 5.544.322 A 1011995 Sylvan 121 1995 Bush [11996 Sudam1 C1 al. 21 1996 Iklove "I al. 611996 Meske. Jr. d .11. 811996 Konrad fjJ I996 Cheng el .11. 5.5$0.984 5.560.008 " A 5.577.209 A 5.583.996 A 5.591.378 5.619.648 5,623,656 5,664.110 5.664.11 I 5.675.507 5.708.780 5.710.884 5.715.314 5.724.521 5.727.164 5.732.219 5.734.719 5.761.662 5.768.142 5.768.521 5.774.670 5.784.565 5.790.793 5,806,077 5.812.776 5.826.24 1 5.826.242 5.848.399 5.848.413 5.870.552 5.895.454 5.897.622 5.920.847 5.982.891 6,006.199 6.023.683 6.041.3 16 6.049.785 6.134.592 6.195.649 6.199.051 6.205.437 6.449.599 6,708.157 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A III 131 "' 131 132 8/ 1996 G"lb • 9/ 1 996 Johnson CI .11. 1111996 Hoyk ~1 al. 121 1 996 Tsuchiya 1 11997 Cam"ron "I .11. ........... 3951227 411997 Canale d aI. 411997 Lyons 9/ 1997 Green C1 aI . 911997 l"ahlUl el .11. 1011997 Booo.1I 111998 L"""Ig<)<)<.1 ct 31. 111998 I),:drick 21 1 998 Payne el .11... .. .......... 705nS 311998 D<:drick 3/ 1998 Kaye el al. 311998 llIumcr ,,( aJ. 311998 Tscvdos l1 .11. 611998 Dasan 61 1 998 Jacobs 61 1 998 I:kd rick 6/1998 Monlulli 711998 Lcwine 811998 I!i~lcy 9/ 1998 Wl'Cker 9/ 1998 Gifford 10/ 1998 Slein C1 a!. 1011998 Monlulli 121 1998 Burke 705127 12/ 1 998 Wolfl' v im I)(>zi"r d al. 411999 l!arrin~lon 4/ 1999 l3Iinn "I .11 7/ 1999 Kolling C1 aJ. 1111999 Ginler e( .11. 121 1999 Berlin "( .11. 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Microsoll 1'1\.'ss. 1991, [SIlN 1- 556 15- 374--0. llizNel Tcchnologit'S, Versatile Virt ual Vending. published at hl1p:!A\!ww.btll.t'Om. St-p. 12. 1994. • cited by examiner US 5,909,492 C l I 2 EX PARTE REEXAMINATION CERTIFICATE ISSUED UNDER 35 U,S,c' 307 49. A hyper/e.I·1 Slatemel1l syslem 0/ cI(lilll 44, ",here ill if a pllyment lImOllll1 exceeds a Ihreshold. Ihell Ihe IIser is prom/lIed/or seCllril)'-rela/i:d ill/Orl/Illlion; wherein at leasl one o/Ihe server comp"lers verifies Ihlll Ihe securily-rel(lIet/ in/orlllaliQ/I lII(IIches ,,"'Viously providl:d secllrily-re/all:d ill/orlllalioll, 50. A hnJ(!rlcxl Sialelllelli sysll:m ill accort/allce wilh claim 49. whereill iflhe n'Cllril)"-re/aled verificatioll/ails. Ihl:llihe 1)(I),melll COlllplller sends a dOClllllclllto the buyer COlllp'ller indicmillg Ihal access is 1101 allowed. 51. A h.lpI!r/( slalemelll sySle1ll in a("cort/allce wilh claim :.I·1 49. whereill al leaSI Olle 0/ the sen-er CQmplilcrs lrallsmils lite Slalemelli docllmenllO Ihe clienl Complller; alll/ihe clienl cOlllp"ler displays Ihe Slllll:nWIII docllmenl 10 Ihc IIser. 51. A hnJ(!rle.l"1 Slall:lllelli Sysll:lII illllceort/allce willt claim 5J. whereill Ihe cliel1l colllp"ler is a bllyer complller: whereill al least olle o/Ihe server comp"lers relrieves sell/emelll dala frOIll a sell/cmi'lII dlllllbase for IISC ill gl:lleraling /he statemelll t/ocllmenl. 53 . .4 h)pI!r/('xl staleml'1I1 sySlem ill accordallce wilh claim 15. ",herl:illihe lrallsaclioll delail h.lperle.l"l lillk illcllldl:s a /r(l/1sarlioll delail URI.; wherein Ihe IrallsaClioll delail URI. includes a URI. all/helllicalor Ihm is a digilllJ sigllall/re b(lsed 011 (I cryplographic key; wherein Ihe URI. muhelllicmor is (I hash 0/ ill/ormmioll fOlllailled ill Ihe IransaClioll detail URI.; wherein al /easl olle 0/ Ihe sen-'u complilers verifies whelher Ihe Irallsac /ioll detail alllhell/icalor WIlS Ctcaled /rom ill/ormalion eO lll(lilll:d in Ihe IrallS(lCliOIl detail URL based llpon fhe cryptographic key: whereill Ihe lrans(lc /ioll dl:lllil URL comprises a clielll lIelllvrk address: whereillihe clielll cOIII/Juter nelwork (lddress is verifil:d by lII(l/chillg il lI'ilh Ihe lIell>'Ork addreH SJIl.'Cified in Ihe lrallsaclion delail URI.: when-ill Ihe cliem compliler promplS Ihe IIser for till aCCOllnl 11111111: (llId p<ISSI,"Ord by crealillg all accolIlIl mil/II! prolllpi tIIld a J)(lsS\l'Ord prolllpt; wherein (II leasl 0111: o/Ihe sl:rver COlllplliuS verifie)' Ihal Ihe (lCCOIIIII nllllle (/lid 1)(ISS\I'ord elllered by Ihe IIser IIwlch a predOllsly provided (lCCOIIIII lIame and J)ilSSword; wherdn if(I /)(lYllwlll all10llll1 exceeds a Ihreshold, Ihelllhe lIser is prompted/or seCllrily-relaled ill/ormaliOIl; wherein al lellsl olle oj Ihe Sl:rver t;Ql1Ip"lers \'crifies I/,(II Ihe secllrily-relaled in/orlllalioll lIIalches prl:viollsly provided sI:Cllril)'-re/atl:d ill/ormalioll, 54. A hyperle.I·1 sla/l!lIIelll syslem illllCCOrd(IIICC wilh claim 53. whereill Ihe clielll COli/pliler is (I bllyer complller. (/1/(/ (1/ lellsl Olle o/Ihe sen'er comp"lers is a JNl)"IIICIII complller. 55. A h)lJ(!neXI stalemelil sySlem ill (Icconiallce wilh claim J5. whueill Ihe IIser reqlleSls Cllstomer service: wherein ill respollse 10 Ihe 1I$('r reql/esl. Ihe clienl COIIIpllicr sl:lIds (I cllstolller sl:rvice URL 10 al/l:llsl 0111: 0/ Ihe sl:,--.-er co mplilus. alld al leasl one o/Ihe server colllp"lers cremes (I CIiSlOlller service form alld sl:lIds Ihe /orm 10 Ihc cliclIl cOlllpllll:r; wherein Ihc /orm cOlllains an area/or Ihe IIser 10 prol'ide COII/meIllS. 56. A hJllCr/<'XI SWICI/ICIII system ill (lccon/aIlCC ...ilh claim 55, whereill Ihe clielll compuler sellds Ihe IIser 's commelllS 10 al leasl onc of Ihe server CO/1/plllers: wherein (ll/eosl 0111: o/Ihe server COII/lllllers processes Ihe IIser COIIII/WIIIS. THE PATENT IS HEREBY AMENDED AS INDICATED BELOW. 5 Maller l'nc1osl'd in h eavy brackl'ts [ ] a ppl.'arcd in Ih e p a le nt , but ha s bc('n d eleted and is no lon ger a part oflhe pa lent ; malll'r prinll'd in italics indicalU addil.iolls mad c 10 to till' palent. AS A RESULT OF REEXAMINATION. IT I-lAS BEEN DETERMINED THAT: "I1IC patentability of claims 1- 38 is confimllxl. 15 NL'W c1.. ims 39- 108 arc added and determined 10 be palcnlablc. 39. A hyper/ILl/ !i/a/emcnr sysle/JI in (lcevr</(WCe ",ilh claim J5. wherein II,,· Iw/work is an Inlemc/. 40. A h)1J(!rff!.d s/alel/llml syslcm in " ccon/allCe willt claim J5, ",hcrein the client compilier is a buyer cOlllpliler, and at fellsl one of lite sen-'cr complilers is /I paymem compllter. 41. A hypertext sra/emem systell/ in accordance wilh clllim J5, wherein Ihe sllllemelll docllmelll is selll by III lellsl one o/Ihe sen",r compulers 10 Ihe clielll compuler in response /(J II Sllllemel1l URI. sem by Ihe ciielll comp"I<'r 10 at lellsl one o/Ihe ser"':r colllpulers_ 42. A hHJ(!rle.1"I sllllelllelll syslelll iIlIlCCOrdIllIC(! wilh clllilll 4f, wherein /he Slalell/elll URi includes a URL all/hen/icalor Ihm is II digillli signlllllre based on II cryplographic key; whereill Ihe URL IIl1lhelllic(l{or is (I h(lsh 0/ ill/orll/(liioll conillined in Ihe Slmell/elll URI.; wherein III Jellst olle 0/ Ihe sen'<!r compmers{!ies wllether Ihe Slil/emelll URI. IIIl1hel1licmor "'liS cre<lll'd based "11On Ihe in/ormalion ("oIJl(lined illihe stalelllenl UR/, usillg Ihe cI)1)lOgraphic key. 43. A hypi!rle.d Slaie/JIenl syslem in (lccordance ,..ilh claim 42, whereill if verifiClllion by III lellsl olle o/Ihe server cOlI/p"lers fails. Ihell III lellsl olle o/Ihe sen"<!r COmpl/lers sellds 0 doclllllelll 10 the clielll COlllpllfer indicatillg tllm occess is denied. 44. A hyper/exl SIOlemellt sySI<'m ill (lccordallcc wilh claim 42. wherein Ihe statellleni URL comprises II clienl compull!/" lIetwork address: whereillthe client compliler lIelllvrk address is verified by matching il wilh Ihe lIelwork address specified ill Ihe sillfemelll URL 45. A hyp<-r/e.l"1 slatemelll system ill lIccordllllCC willt clllim 44, ",hereill if \'erificlllioll )ilils. thell (1/ lellsl olle 0/ the server complllers sellds a dOClJlllellt 10 the clielll computer indicalillg Ih(l/ IIccess is dellied. 46. A hnx:rl<:xl S/(llelllenl syslem ill (Iccordllllce ,..ilh clllim 42, lI'hereill Ihe clielll compliler promplS Ihe IIser /or all (lCCIIIIIII IIl1l/1e IIlId password by creillillg 1111 (lcco/IIII IIl1l11e prompl IIlId 1I PIISSUVrd prolllpl. 47. A hyperle.\·1sllllelllem syslelll ill (lCCOrdWICC wilh clllilll 46, wherein at lellsl OI/C o/the server complllers verifies Ihllt lite IICCOlllllnllllle IIlId password provided by Ihe /IScr mlllch a prel'iolls{1' prodded accoum IIl1me lIIld J)ilssword. 48. A hY}J(!r/exl sllltemel1l syslem 0/ clailll 47, wherein if Ihe (Iceollnl 1IIIIIIe 11/11/ password ,'Crificalioll /Iliis. Ihen Of lellsl olle o/Ihe server comp"lers sellds II docl/lllelli 10 Ihe clielll comp"ler illdicOlillS Ih(ll (Iccess 10 alleasl a porlioll 0/ a lIelHvrk silies syslelll is dellied. " 40 45 55 00 65 US 5,909,492 C l 3 4 57. A hYjJ<'nL'xl S/aIClllcnl system jlll/ceardance with clailll 15, wherein Ihe IIser I1!lIlIes/s display of a product listed 011 pUlers sellds {/ dOCUlllelll 10 Ihe clielll complller indio c<IIillg fhOl access is dellied. 65. A it)perlext S/OIelllelll syslem 0/ claim 15. wherein if a pll)'welll amOllll1 provided by Ihe IIser exceeds a Ihreshold. thell the user is prompted for securil),.re/ated inforlllation, (Illd (II feasl aile of the sen-er compulers ,-erifies Ih(11 Ihe securily illforlllOlioll lIIotches previously provided secllril),roill/ed Ill/orlll<llioll. 66. A hypertexl sla"'melt/ system IlI1Iccon/1Il1Ce wilh elaim 15. whereill Ihe IrallSlIClion delaif docullletll illc/I/{Ies lratlslIcliotl illforllllllioll lind lIIerchllttl ill/Orll/lIIioll. 67. A hYf)(!rle.I·1 stalem!:1I1 system illaccon/(Jttce lI"i/h c/lIilll 66. whereitt Ihe IrallsaCliOIl ill/orlllolion inc/llties ollcoSI Olle of the fo/loll"ing l.llJCS of i'!fort/tutioll: 0 URL a prodllcI is localed. a IrallSilclioll log idelllifier. a c urrellcy Iype IIsed. IllrallSiletioll dille. (II/ e:.pirotioll tillie, (III illiliotor //IllIIber. a prodllci descriplloll . a IrillISIIClioll alllOlIllI. II bem'jiciary lllIlIIber. lin II' lIddress, a IrmtSIlClioll I)'pe illdiclllOt; alld a dOlllaln correspolll/ing 10 Ihe prodllcl. 68. A h.\1K·rtexl SWU'mettl SYST{'III ill (lccon/allce wilh clailll 66, whereilt the merchllll/ inforlllolion includes (1/ leasl one oflhe fo/loll'illg Iypes of illfort/wtioll: a merchalltle/elJhone n/lll/ber. II merchonl address. a merchallt FAX lIumber. a merchalll e-Illail address, a II/erchalt/ principlIl lIallle. II merchalll hallie URI.. olld a mercholll colllllr)". 69. A hypertexl Sfll/elllell/ s),STem illllccon/lIl1Ce wilh clllilll 66. "'hereill Ihe trill/saclion deloil doelill/elll comprises II CIlSIOlller feedback form. including Ihe folloll"ing jidd.~ for dilla elliry by Ihe us!:r: accoulIl IIllllle. e-I/wi! address. subject. and comllleltlS. 70. A h.l1J(!rlexl Slalemelll s),slelll ill accon/allce ..-itll c/llim 69. wherein lite CldlOmer feedbockform illc/udes a hHJerlink Ih<ll a user aclivilles 10 selld Ihe fonll 10 III leasl olle of Ihe sen-er compillers. 71. A h)1)('rtexl sill/emettl sys/{'/11 Illaccon/allc': with claim 66, wherein Ihe IrllttSllClioll deMil doclllllelll comprises a messllge 10 Ihe IIser Invilillg comlllelllS by e-lI/lIi1 ami gh'illg (11/ e-lIIai! address. 72. A h.lJJCrleXI SI"lemenl sySlem in (Iccordattce ,..ith c/aim 66. whereill lite IransllClion deloil doel/melll further com prises a message 10 lite IIser illviting col/lmelllS by FAX alld giving a R4X nllmber. 73. A h.\JJ(!rteJ."1 Slil/emell/ sysTelll ill accon/allce ...llh claim 15....herein a digilllllllil'ertisillg doculllelll is prol'lded 10 Ihe dielll COli/pliler. 74. The melhod of claim 16. wherelll lite Ilelwork is ,l/I Inlemel. 75. Tlte melhod of clailll 16, wherein lite clienl COmplller is u bllyer compilier. lind lIllellsl olle oflile servercomplliers is a paymelll compll/er. 76. The melhod of clailll 16, whereill Ihe SIU/ement doclI mellf is sellf by 01 leasl aile O/Ihe sen'er complllers 10 Ihe dielll COlllplller ill response 10 a stotemellf UJU. sem by Ihe dielll compliler 10 (J/ leaSI Otle of Ihe server computers. 77. The melhod of claim 76. whereill the Sill/eli/eli/ URI. indudes (I URI. 1I11/hellliCOlor Ihal is I I digilll' sigttlllllre bllsed on a Cf")1)logruphic key; wllereill lite URL olllhl!nliclllor is u hash of illformlltioll collillilled ill /lle stotemelll URL; whereill III leasl olle o/Ihe sen'er complllers verifies whelher Ihe sla/emell' URL mlfhemlcU/or I\"as crealed based IIJlQII Ihe ill/orlllaliOIl COlllllilled ill Ihe Slalemelll URL usillg /he clJJ)lOgruphic key. 78. The me/hod of claim 77. wherein if~'erijic(ltioll by 1I1 leusl one of lite server comp"ters fuils, thell alleusl aile of Ihl! sl!rver COlllpulers Sl!lIds a doclIlIlI!lIl 10 the clielll compmer illdica/illg Ihal access is dellied. Ihe s/(l/emclI/ JOCl/mell/. 58. A hyper/ext !ill/femelll system in accordance wilh elaim 57, ,,-herein the client COm{JIIler sends (II/ access URL 10 II S second server complller. 59. A hyperle,I"' sll/Iel/llml syslcm in a ccordance wilh elailll 58, ....herein the access URI- comprises all awhelllicalor based on a cryptographic key; wherein the access URL IIlithcllficlllQr is II hosh of alher 10 inforlllalion in Ihe access URI.; ....herein Ihe second serwr CQlllplller \'('r!lit-s wk"llter Ihe access URL (1IIlhrmlicalor W(IS creall!d [rom informa. tion ("(mlained in Ihe access URL /Ising a cryptographiC key; ....herein Ihe access URI. comprises a duratioll oirillle for access indicator. alld Ihe st'Cond server compllter IY!rijies whelher Ihe dllration lime/or access has expired; wherein the (ICCeSS URI. comprises a buyer network IIddl'('ss iltdiclllor. lIttd lite second server complller verifies Ihal a buyer compuler m::lwork (Iddress is Ihe SU/lle liS /lte buyer network (lddress indirilled in lite access URL; wherein Ihe H"COlld server lrallsmils a /lIljilfmelll doc/Imenl /0 Ihe clienl compuler. 60. A hypt.'rIexl sta/emelll system in accordattc.: wilh claim 15, whereilllhl' slalemem doeumem illcludes in/ormllliOIl on II"lIl/Sllc/iolls by Ihe IIs<:r Ihlll look place ill a given /I1011/h. 61. A hyperIILI'/ Sia/<:meni syslelll in lIccon/allce ...illl cllIilll 60, wherein Ihe ill/ormOliOI/ all Irot/S(IClions by Ihe IIser includes (II h'(1SI olle of tile fo{{owillg types of illforlllolion; II dale of Irut/SilClioll. all idelllificutiot/ of Ille produCI. II pa)"l1/em {Itt/all/If. IIlId II lIIerchlm/ idellfifier. 62. A h)1)(!rle.rf slll/<:lIIenf syslem ill (lccon/ance willi clllilll 60. wherein Ihe Slalelllettl dOClllllelll also illcludes olle or more /illks 10 in/orlllOlioll regan/illg pre~'iolls lrullsacliolls by Ihe IIser. 63. A h)1J(!rlexl Sialemenl syslem ill u ccon/wtCe ...ilh elilim 60. wherein /01' a /l"lltlsoctiOtt there is II trtltlsaclioll delail URL Ihllt illellldes a transoctioll idellfifiet; U buyer 1Ie/ ...ork address. IIl1d (I IrOllsaClioll detail URI. IIlIthenlico lor. 64. A hyperle);! stotemettl sys/em illuccon/allce wilh claim 63. whel'('in 01 fellSI Olle O/Ihe server COlllpll/ers receiv<'S Ihe IrillIsaClioll detail URL; It'hereill lite Ir(UtSaClioll delllil URL includes a URL 1I111/1ellliCUlor Ihlll Is II dlgif<ll siglllllllre based 011 a cr),plogrophic key: ...herein the URL olilhelllicalor is U hllsh of illformillion cOlllailled ill the transaclioll de/IIi! URi: whereill lit feasl aile of /he sen-er comp"lers verifies whelher Ihe IrllnSIlClioll detail URI. 1I11/helllicalor \l"as creOled from illformllliOIl COltWilled ill Ihe /raIlSilc/ioll dc,tail URL using Ihe Cf")1Jlographic key; whereill Ihe transllClioll delllj{ URL comprise;' II c/ielll COmplller lIelwork (Iddress. allli Ih(' c/ietlt compuler lIet ...ork address is wrified by lIIalchillg il wilh Ihe lie/work address specifiell ill Ihe lransactiotl de/lli1 15 20 25 30 35 40 4S so 55 URL; whereill Ihe c/ielll complller prolllpls Ihe IIser /01' 1111 00 IICCOIIIII name 11/111 password by c re<lling 1111 IICCOIIIII natlle prompllllld a pllSSII'Ord prolllpl. and al fellSI aile of Ih.: server COlllplllers verifies 1It<ll Ihl' lICCOIIIII IIlIlIIe alld password ettlered by Ihe IIser lIIalch a previously f)rovided lI("CO/l/tl nllllle lind paSSIl'Qnl; 65 It'hereill if 0 verijicalioll by 01 leosl olle of the server complllers fails, Ihen <II leaSI aile of Ihe server COIII- US 5,909,492 C l 6 5 79. 7111: method of elailll 77. wherdn Ihe stalcmCIII URL comprises II ciiem cOli/pliler lie/work address; whcY(:in Ihl! client computer network address is ,Y,!rijied by lilli/ching ;1 lI'ilh the nCIYI'Ork address slJ£'Cificd in Ihe slalemen{ URL 80. The melhod oj claim 79, wherein if H"ijiC(llion fi,ifs. Ihen IIllcasl one of Ihe sen'cr compiliers sends II docl/men{ /0 the client compuler indicating Iha/access is denied. 81. The mel hod of claim 77, ....herein the client COli/pilfer prompts Ihe IIser for lin IICCOII/1/ name IIIld password by creating IIIl IICCOIlIIf //lillie prompt lind 1I paSSll'ord prompt. 8:!. The /lie/hod 0/ elajlll 81 .....herein III least aile of Ihe server computers w:ri/ies {hOI Ihe (lccount 110me m,d pass· word proVided by {he IIser IIIlI/eh II 1)f·e~·iOIl.rJ)' provided {lCCVII/II 1Il/1II1! and password. 83. The melhod oj claim 82, whereill iflhe aCCOIIIII lIallle alld password verification filils, Ihen 01 leasl aile o/Ihe sen-er co mplilers sellds a doclllllelli 10 Ihe clielll cOlllp'ller illdiclllillg Ihalllccess to II11eaS11l portion ofllllelwork sales syslelll is denied. 84. 17te method 0/eI(lilll 79. wherein iff' {XJ)"lIIeulllmount excl?eds a Ihreshold, Ihen Ihe user is prompted for seCllri~I'­ relllled ill/ormalion; wherein at lellst aile q( the server comp"lers verifies Ihat Ihe secllrily-relaled in/orlllation lIIalches previollsly provided secllrily-relatcd infort/lillioll. 85. 17,e melhod a/claim 84. wherein ifthe secllrity-related verificalioll fails. Ihell lite pU)"lIIell/ COlllplller sellds a dQCllmelll 10 Ihe bl/yer colIIl'mer indicatillg Ihat access is 1/01 allowed. 86. The melhod of elailll 84. whereill ul leaSI one of Ihe sen-er compllu:rs INlllsmilS Ihe Slalemenl dOClimell1 10 Ihe clielll compilier lind Ihe clielll cOlllplller displays Ihe sllltelIIelll docllmenl 10 Ihe IIser. 8 7. The melhod of clailll 86, wherein Ihe clielll colllp"ler is II bllyer co mplller; wherein 01 leasl aile O/Ihe sen"Cr COlllplllers refri<.'V(·s selllemelli dlllll from (' selllemellt dallloose /01' I/se ill gelleraling Ihe Siulelllelll doclllllelll. 88. 71,e melhod o/elaim 16, whereill the lrallsllclioll deillil h)1JCrl"..-/ link illell/des I' INII/Sor/ioll delllil URI.: It'herein Ihe Ifllllsactioll detail URi incilides a URi IIl11hellliClllOr /hlll is II digilOl signafllre hosed all II cryptographic key; whereill /he URI. olilhelllfeulor is a hash 0/ ill/orllla/iOIl conlllim:d in Ihe /rallsllction deMil URI.: whereill at leasl aile of Ihe senoer complllers verifies "'helher Ihe IrallsaClion detail URL IIl/thell/ic% r was O'ealed from ill/orlllllliOIl cOII/(,illed ill the IrllnSIICliOIl de/ail URi hosed Ihe CfJ1Jtogrllphic key: when'in Ihe IranSIlClioll de/ail URL cOlllprises a clielll lie/work IIddress; wherein Ihe clielll cOlllptller nelwork IIddress is ~"Crified by lIIalrhillg il wilh Ihe lIellt'Ork address sfJCcified ill the frllllSIlClioll dell/if UR'-: wherein Ihe elienl COlllpl/ler prompls Ihe lise fa r 1111 llceOllll1 1IIIIIIe alld passlt'Ord by c reoling lin IICCOlIIII nllme promplllnd II password prompt: whereill at leasl aile of Ihe server colllp"lers verifies Ihat /he llceOl/lI1 IIlIlIIe alld password elltered by Ihe IIser lIIalch a previOllsly provided IICCOIIIII IIlIlIIe alld {XJssII'Ord: wherein ifa pll)"melll 0111011111 exceedsalhreshold. Ihen Ihe IIser is prompled/or $ecurily-relllied in/ormil/ion; wherein allellst aile of the server comp"lers verifies Ihat Ihe secllrity-relaled infamWlion IIw/(:hes prt.'Viallsly provided secllrily-related illforlllatioll. 11""" 89. The melhod of claim 88, whereill Ihe clielll COIIIPIlI<"f' is a bll)"er complller; (Illd (lfleasl one oflhe servercolllplllers is 0 pll)'lI/elll COil/pliler. 90. The me/hod of clllilll 16. wherein the IIser requests 5 c lls/omer service; wherein ill Il.'spo"se 10 Ihe IIser reqllest, Ihe clielll COIIIpliler sellds a CIlSlomer URL 10 III leasl one 0/ Ihe sen"Cr COmp"lerS, IIl1d III lellst aile o/Ihe server complll<!l's cmllles a CIISlomer sN"vice form (IIld sellds 10 Ihe forlll to Ihe clielll cOlllplller; ",herein Ihe form comains 1/11 llrea/or Ihe IIser 10 pro ~'ide COlllmenlS, 91. The melhod of claim 90, whereill Ihe ciielll compl/ler sellds the IIser 's comlllenlS to lit lellsl one of Ihe server 15 comp"ters; wherein IIllellsl one oflhe server comp"lers processes Ihe IIser COlllments. 92. The melhod of claim 16, "'herein the IIser reqlles/s displllY of a prodllcl liSled all Ihe S/ulelllelll dOClllllelll. 20 93. The mClhod of eI(lim 92, wherein Ihe elienl colllp"ler seuds III/ IICceSS URL 10 a s!."colld server compl/I!."r. 94. The melhod 0/ clllilll 93, wherein Ihe access URi comprises 1111 olliheillicalar based all a crJPlographic key; wherein Ihe access URi IlIIlhenticator is a hash 0/ other inforllllllioll in Ihe access URL; II'hen-in Ihe secolld server complller verifies whelher Ihe IIccess URL (lllIhelllic<l/or WIIS cre(lfed from illformalioll COlllllilled ill/hc IIccess URI. IIsi"g a cryptographic )0 key: whereill Ihe access URI. colllprises I' dl/r(l1ion of time/or IIccess indicalor, alld Ihe secolld server colllpllier ~'eri­ fies whelher Ihe dllraliolllillle/or access has e.lpired; wherein the aceess URL comprises II bllyer lIetwork IIddress illdic ll/or; (lIId Ihe seCOlld Selver COli/pliler w ri/ies Ih(l1 I' bl/yer comp"ler lIela'Ork (,ddress is Ihe smile liS Ihe buyer lIelwork address indiCllu-d ill Ihe " I,cces~' 45 SO 55 00 65 URL; whereill the second transllli/s a /Illfillmeni doci/ lIIelll/o the clielll comp"ler. 95. The melhod a/claim 16, wherein Ihe S/(/Ielllelll doclI mC1I1 illellldes ill/orllllliioll on IflllISIIC/iolls by Ihe IIser Ihat look plilce ill (/ gi~'ell lIIolllh. 96. The method of claim 95. II'herein Ihe illforll/lIIion 011 fr(I11SIlClioIlS by Ihe IIser illellldes IIllellSI aile o/Ihe/olloll'illg I}1Jes afillfomwlion: II dale o/Irallsac/ion, 1111 iden/ific atioll o/Ihe prodllel. II paYlllenl (11110'1111. IIl1d a merchllnt idenlifier. 97. The method 0/ clllilll 95, wherein the sllllellleni doclI mellllliso incllldes one or 1II0re links 10 ifiorlllation reg(lrding previolls trllllSllcliollS by the IIser. 98. The lIIethod 0/ c/ailll 95, whereill for a IranSilCliOIl Ihere is I' IrtmSaclioll dell/if URL Ihlll inc/udes {J trllnSilClioll idelllifier; /I blly('r lie/work IIddress, IIl1d 1/ frllllSIlClion deMil URI. alilhenlic/llor. 99, The melhod of c/llim 98, wherein (,, lellst aile of Ihe server COlllplllers recei~'Cs the IrllnSilc/ioll delilil URi ; wherein Ihe trallslIClioll dell/if URI. incllldes a URI. IIIlIhelllic(llOr Ihl/I is II digiwl signllilire hosed 011 II cr}1)/ographic key; ",hereill Ihe URL IIlIlhelllic alor is 0 hllsh 0/ ill/orlllll/ia/1 COlllailled ill lite IrallsaClioll deillil URI.: ",herein 1,1 leasl aile of lite sen.·cr compl/lers verifies ",helher Ihe lrallsllc/ion delail URL IIl1lhenliclllor WIIS crellted from in/orlllillioll cO lllailled in Ihe lransac/ion dell/il URL IIsillg the crJPlOgraphic key; US 5,909,492 C l 7 8 ....herein Ihe tral/saC/ion dewil URI. COII/prises {/ diem an expiration timc. all iniliator IIIIlIIber. a proliliCI compllfer nelll'ork address, and the diem compllfer description. (/ lrallsaclion 0/110'1/11. (Il><:mjiciory number. an lIetwork (lJdr.:ss is wrified by mutching il with Ihe lP address. a trallsoclion type indiClI/or. /JIld <I dOIl",ill network IIddll!ss sfX'Cified in Ihe lrun:;aclioll deNliI corresponding 10 the prodUN. URL; 5 103. "("he melhod 0/ elllilll 101 . whcrein Ihe lIIerehllfil It"herein Ihe clienl compuler prompts the IIser for Oil in/ormalion illdlldes III leaSI one 0/ Ihe /of/owing InkS 0/ aCCQlllli IIlIlIIe allli passU'ord by creating an IICCOIIIII ill/ormllliofl: II lIIerehllni Ielephone fllllllber. II lIIerehlllll nllllle promp/lllld 1/ passlI'ord prompt. lIlId at leasl ol/e address. a lIIerelllllll I::4X IlIIlIIber, <I mcrchlllll C-II/lli! of the server complilers verifies 111m Ihe lIcellllttl IIlIlIIe 10 address, IIl11erchalll principal flame . IIl11crehllnl hOlllc UNL. and password emered by the IIser //Ia/ch /I previously alld II tII('rchallf cOlllllry. provided ll('COll/ll IIlIme and ptlssl!'Qnl : 104. The /IIclhod 0/ eloim 101 ....hereill Ihe transaclion wherein if a verijicalion by (l/ least Olle of the server del,,;1 dOClltllc-nl cotllprisr.-s <I CIISIOlller /eedbllck form. colllI",ler!; fillJs. II1(W (1/ feasl one of fhe server roll/indllding Ihe /o/low;ng fields for dllill enll)' by Ihc m"cr: piliers sends a dOCllmen/lo the ciienl COII/lllller indi- 15 OCCOIIIII flllmc, c-mllil IIddress. sllbject. IIl1d COllllllelllS. caling Ihat llccess is JlmieJ. 105. The lIIelhod 0/ elllilll 104....herein Ihc Clistolllcr 100. The method of elaim 16, wherein if 1/ pllymem /ecdbllck/orlll inellides a hyperfillk tlllllil IIser IIcli\"ll/es to III/WI/III provided by Ihe user exceeds (/ threshold. Ih<'11 the sel/d Ihe form 10 01 IcaSI OIlC o/Ihe serVf:r co mplilers. IIser is prompled for secllrity-refllled in/ormation. 01111 .1/ 106. The /lie/hod o/elilim 101. wherein Ihe Irllnsllc/iOIl feaSI Olle o/Ihe sef'V(.'r compulers "erifles that Ihe securit), ill/armatiOIl matches previallsly provided security-refilled 20 delail rlocllmelll comprises " message 10 the IIser i"";lillg COlllllleniS by e-/JIlIil ami giving 1111 e-/IIlIi/address. in/ormlllion. 107. The melhod o/elaim 10/ . whereill Ihe IransaClion /01. The melhod 0/ eloim 16. wherein the transaction deloil doclllllclII /lirther compriscs II message 10 Ihe IIser dcloil docllmcnt inellides lrans(lction in/orl/lillion and merinviling COlllmcnlS by FAX (wd giving II I'llX nllmber. challl in/ormmion. 108. 71le lIIe/hod o/daim 16. wherein a digital odverlis102. The method 0/ eloim 101. wherein Ihe transaction 2S illg dOCllllle/1/ is provided to Ihe eliem compUier. ill/ormatiOIl inellides at lellst OIl<! 0/ Ihe /o{{oH"illg Iypes 0/ ill/orlll<llioll: a URL where II product is located. II /r{II/SIIClioll log idelllijier. (I cllrrellcy 1)1)(: IIsed. a /r{lI1Sllclion dllle. • • • • •

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