Soverain Software LLC v. eBay, Inc. et al

Filing 1

***FILED IN ERROR. PLEASE IGNORE.*** COMPLAINT against GSI Commerce, Inc., PayPal, Inc., Radioshack Corporation, eBay, Inc. ( Filing fee $ 350 receipt number 0540-3491095.), filed by Soverain Software LLC. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A - US 5,715,314, # 2 Exhibit B - Reexamination Certificate - US 5,715,314, # 3 Exhibit C - US 5,909,492, # 4 Exhibit D - Reexamination Certificate - US 5,909,492 CI, # 5 Civil Cover Sheet)(Ward, Thomas) Modified on 3/14/2012 (gsg).

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EXHIBIT C 111II111 United States Patent [191 Payne ct al. [45) 1541 NETWORK SALES SYSTEM 1751 hwcnlors: Andrew C. Payne, Lincoln; ulwrcncc C. S tewart, l3 urlinglOn, both of Mass.; Al;signce: Open Murk!.'l, Incorllorutl'<i, Ca mbridge. Mas.<;. [211 Filed: FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS o 112 610 Jun. 18, 1997 R{'luloo U.S. Application Ihlu 1631 1511 1521 [58[ Continualion of ~ppl;caliQn No. 08,1328,133, Oct. 24, 1994, I'al. No. 5,715,314. Inl. CI.6 ........................................................ H04L 9/00 U.S. CI. ...................... ,... ,...,. 380/24; 380123; 380/25; 380149; 380/50; 705/26; 705/27; 705/39; 705/40: 705/44 Field of Search ....................... 380/4,9,21,23, 380/24, 25, 49, 50; 2351379, 380; 705/26, 27.39,40,4[,42,43,44,14,16 [56[ .Jun. I, 1999 (List continued on next page.) App!. No.: 01'1/878,396 [221 5,909,492 4,949,380 8/1990 Challm ...................................... 38OJ3O 705(1h 4,912,318 11/199{l Brown ('I aJ. 380/24 4,911,595 12/1990 Ohln eL aJ. 111991 Girouard eL al. 4,982,346 1f199 ! Cltaum ............................... 300/3 4,981,593 4,991,210 2/199 1 Cltallm .....................................• 380/30 4,992,940 2/199 1 Dworkin 1)lwid J. Muckic, Brookdale, Ca lif. 1731 Patent Number: Date of Patent: [l1J i{('fcrenccs Cited U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS 4,305,059 12/1981 Benton. 4,528,643 7/1985 Freeny,lr. 4,529,810 1f 1985 Chau m .. ... ............................... 2351380 4,518,530 3f 1986 7..eidler . 4,13 4,858 3/ 1988 Schlafly . 4,155,940 7/ 1988 Bracht l el al . 4,159,063 1/1988 Chaum ...................................... 380130 4,159,064 7/ 1988 Challm ...................................... 380130 4,115,935 10/ 1988 You rick . 111989 QQldmao ................................. 2351380 4,195,890 4,199, 156 111989 Shavil CI aJ. 2351380 4,812,628 3/ 1989 (3Q~ton el aJ. 4,821,508 5/ 1989 Shear .......................................... 380{4 4,891,503 .................... 235/380 1/ 1990 Jewd .......... 4,922,52 1 5/1990 Mikk" eI aJ. 4,926,480 5/ 1990 Chaum ..................................... 38Of23 4,935,810 6/ 1990 ilu rk, Jr. ci al. 4,941,028 8fl990 QQrog . 4,941,430 8/ 1990 Challm ................. 380/25 0·542·298·A2 4·1019t 2102606 WO 91 / 16691 WO 93/10503 2/1986 5/ 1993 111992 2/1983 IOf l 99 1 5/1993 European f'al. O ff. ... G01F 7/00 European 1'at. Off. Iapan ............................. 705/26 United "in£dom . WIPO . WII'O ............................. G06F 15130 OHlER PUBLI C/XTiO NS ComenL'i of " Welcome first-ti me visitors" at o n the lmernet as of Jun. 29, \998. l~rilllar)' E.wllliner---nern arr E. Gregory AI/orm:.')', Agell/, or Firlll--h sh & Richardson I'.e. AUSTIL\c r 1571 A network·based sa les system includes at least one buyer compu ler for operation by a user desiritl£ to buy a product, at least one merchant computer, and at least one paymem computer, The bu)'cr computer, the merchant computer, and the payment computer arc interconnected by a (."Ompu te r network. Tne buycr compute r is programmed to receive a user request for purchasing a product, and to cause a payment message to be sent to the paymcnt computer Iha t contprises a product identifier ident ify ing the product. '111e payment compute r is programmed to receive the paymenl message, to cause an access message to be created that comprises the product identifier and an access message authen ticator based on a cryptographic key. and to cause Ihe access message 10 be sent to the mcrchant computer. Thc mcrchant computer is programmed to receive the access message, to verify thc access message authenticator to ensure that thc access message authenticator was created using the cryptographic key, and to cause the product to be sc nt to the user desiring to bu y the product. 38 C laims, 2S J)rawing Slwcts merd""" ",,",pill'" 14 ," '" " ">---~ .. m<KtWII ," poymcn. co""", ... co"""' ... " 5,909,492 Page 2 U.S. PATENT DOCUM ENTS 4,996, 711 5,025,373 5,060,153 5,077,607 2/1991 CbaunJ 6/ 1991 Keyser, Jr. Cl al. 10/ 1991 Nakagawa. 12/199 1 Johnson cl 31. 5,105,184 5,220.501 4{1992 6{1993 9/ 1993 111994 4{1994 5/ 1994 611994 6/ 19')4 8/1994 8/1994 9/ 1994 9/ 1994 911994 111995 5,247,575 5,276,736 5,305,195 5,311,59 4 5,319,542 5,321,751 5,336,870 5,341,429 5,347.632 5,351.186 5,351,293 5,383,1l3 Pirani el al .• I..a wlor cl al. ...... 380130 3_ Sprague Cl 31. Chaum ...................................... 380/24 Murphy. J'cnzias ............................. 380/24 .......................... 7OS{27 Ray Cl 31. Hughes ................................... 215(379 King, Jr. Cl 31. Slringer ~l aL Filepp ~l al. . Bullock Cl al. . Michener el aL Kighl Cl aL 38On' 380m 380m 5,41 4,833 5,521,631 5,535,229 5/1995 ~lershey ~l aL 511996 l3udow el aL 7/19% ~lain, Jr. cl aL 9/ 1996 Ilogan ......... -, -, 5,557,516 .. .................. 364/406 5,557.518 9{1996 R~n ....................................... 380/24 5,.$57,798 9/1996 Skecn el aL 5,590,197 12/1996 ellen cl aL 5,592,378 5,594,910 5,596,642 5,596,643 5,6O-t,802 5,621,797 5,623,547 5,642,419 5.694.551 5,715,314 5,724,424 111997 111997 1/1997 1/ 1997 2/1997 4/1997 4/1997 6/1997 12/1997 2{1998 3/1998 Canlcron el aL Filepp Cl al. Davis Cl aL Davis Cl aL Iiollowa}' .................................. R~n .......... """"""""""" ... Jones cl aL 705{27 380/24 380/24 380/24 380/24 R05Cn ........................................ 380/24 Do}'1c ct ai, 705/26 380/24 Pa)'ne ct al. Gifford ...................................... 380/24 c:! • buyer computer 12 payment computer 16 merchant computer 14 Vl • ;r ;;- ( 12 buyer computer ( 16 10 payment computer network ~-..(c.... settlement 22 ... = database '- = = 21 shopping cart database 14 merchant computer (20 ( 15 ~ ,., a CJO creation computer advertising document database - o ~ '" '" 18 digital advertisement database VI ~ FIG. 1 ~ \C ".. \C N ~ u.s. Patent Jun. 1, 1999 buyer computer 12 5,909,492 Sheet 2 of 2S merchant computer 14 payment computer 16 ,24 I user requests advertisements I ,26 buyer computer sends advertising document URL (0 merchant computer ,28 merchants computer fetches advertising document from advertising document data base 30, merchant computer sends advertising document to buver comDuter 32~ I user requests a product ! ,34 buyer computer sends payment URL A to payment computer: payment URL A includes product identifier. domain identifier. payment amount, merchant computer identifier. merchant account identifier. duration time. expiration time, payment URL authenticator. and a buyer network address ,36 payment computer verifies whether payment URL authenticator was created from contents of payment URL A using cryptographic key ,38 • End payment computer sends document to buyer computer indicating that access the to the network sales system is denied. FIG. 2A OR / 40 u.s. Patent Jun. 1, 1999 buyer computer 12 5,909,492 Sheet 3 of 2S payment computer 16 merchant computer 14 36 "- II L 40 payment computer checks whether expiration time has past r 41 End / payment computer sends document to buyer computer indicating that expiration time has past OR r 42 payment computer checks to see if buyer network address in payment URL matches buyer' s computer network address OR r43 End payment computer sends document indicating that access to network payment system is denied FIG. 28 44 u.s. Patent Jun. 1, 1999 payment computer 16 merchant computer 14 burer computer 12 5,909,492 Sheet 4 of 2S 42 / ,44 r J payment computer sends payment confinnation document to buyer computer: payment confinnation document includes open link (URL C) and continue link (URI. B) OR 46 I user opens new account -- /' 58 60 User continues with payment (user already has an account) r 62 buyer computer sends payment URL B to payment computer: payment URL B is similar t payment URi A but also indicates that an account does exist buyer computer sends payment URL C to payment computer: payment UR!. C is similar to payment URL A but also indicates that an account does not yet exist ~48 r 52 • r 50 payment computer creates new account document payment computer sends new account docwnent to buyer computer 54 FIG.2C 64 u.s. Patent Jun. 1, 1999 buyer computer 12 44 5,909,492 Sheet 5 of 25 merchant computer 14 payment computer 16 52 62 "- V "- / , 54 user enters new account name. account password credit card number. security infonnation and expiration dale of credit card and presses a "submit" bunon 1'56 buyer computer sends new account infonnation to payment computer ~ 1'58 payment computer enters new account 64 \... 1'66 payment computer creates account name and password request message I payment computer sends 1'68 I user enters account name and password I account name and password request message to buyer computer ,70 buyer computer sends account name and password to payment computer 1'72 payment computer verifies wh.ether user name and password art correct End payment computer sends document to buyer computer indicating that access to the networks sales system is denied FIG. 20 / OR 73 U.S. Patent buyer computer 12 5,909,492 Sheet 6 of 2S Jun. 1, 1999 merchant computer 14 payment computer 16 72 " 73 \..... / payment computer determines whether additional security is warranted. based on. e.g. whether the payment amount exceeds a threshold A OR (77 75 \..... user enters security information if additional security is warranted. payment computer creates a challenge fonn document and sends it to buyer computer (81 buyer computer sends ( 7 9 security information to payment computer payment computer determines whether security information is correct (83 payment computer sends document to End "- buyer computer OR indicating that access to the network sales system is denied 82 FIG.2E 82 U.S. Patent Jun. t, 1999 buyer ,computer 12 5,909,492 Sheet 7 of 25 merchant computer 14 payment computer 16 73 R 81 I; \ 82 '- 84,86, f OR I payment computer sends to buyer computer oplion to repurchase. or to use previously purchased access buyer selects to repurchase item I buyer selects previously purchased access 92 FIG.2F payment computer checks settlement database to dctcnnine if user has unexpired access to the domain identifier contained in the payment URL ~ 85 ( 87 payment computer calculates an acrual payment amount that may differ from the payment amount contained in the payment URL + 76 76 u.s. Patent Jun. 1, 1999 buyer computer 12 5,909,492 Sheet 8 of 2S merchant computer 14 payment computer 16 82,87 85 "- ,/ 76 "( payment computer verifies whether user account has sufficient funds or credit 78 payment computer sends document to buyer computer indicating thai user account does nOl have sufficient funds End 80 "88 "- payment computer creates access URi which includes merchant computer identifier. domain identifier. product identifier. end of duration time. buyer network address. and access URL authenticator payment computer records product identifier. domain. user account. merchant account. end of duration time. and actual payment amount in senlement database ,go r- 92 92 ~ OR payment computer sends redirect to access URL 10 buyer computer FIG.2G buyer computer 12 85 merchant computer 14 c:! payment computer 16 • • [Jl ;r 90 ;:; \v '/ buyer computer sends access URL to merchant computer r- 92 merchant computer veri fies whether access URL authenticator was created from contents of access URL using a cryptographic key ~ (96 merchant computer sends document to buyer computer indicating that access to the product is denied OR 100 I merchant computer sends document 10 buyer computer indicating that the duration time has expired FIG.2H ~ 94 '- = = ~ (98 merchant computer ventles whether the duration time has expired r .... = ~ '" ",. ffi '<> o ~ .... '" ~ Ul 101 . -,.. \C \C N U.S. Patent Jun. 1, 1999 merchant computer 14 buyer computer 12 5,909,492 Sheet 10 of 25 payment computer 16 98 \ V (101 merchant computer verifies that the buyer computer network address matches the network address specified in me access URL (103 End ~ merchant computer sends document to buyer computer that access is not allowed merchant computer sends fulfillment document to buyer computer , \. 102 buyer computer displays fulfillment document \. 104 End FIG. 21 A OR c • buyer computer 12 merchant computer 14 payment computer 16 From 32 r I buyer computer sends shopping can URL to payment computer; shopping cart URL includes product identifier, domain identifier, payment amount, merchant computer identifier, merchant account identifier. duration time. expiration time, and shopping cart URL authenticator IIV payment computer verifies whethe shopping cart URL authenticator was created from contents content of shopping cart VRL using a cryptographic key ~ rJ1 • : ;- = '- o :g ~ '" ;; { 112 ~ payment computer sends document to buyer computer indicating that access 10 network sales system is denied End { 113 - - o ~ N '" payment computer and buyer computer perfonn steps analogous to steps 40·81 Ul \C ~ - o ~ 114 "" ~ U.S. Patent merchant computer 14 buyer computer 12 5,909,492 Sheet 12 of 25 Jun. I , 1999 payment computer 16 113 24 , I' 114 \ I OR user requests display of shopping cnn payment computer creates or updates payment URL for shopping can I; lOR 1 , \ ,; 124 user requests purchase of contents of 116....1 ,118 shopping cart 126 buyer computer sends fetch shopping buyer computer causes payment URL for shopping can to be activated can reques t 10 payment computer 36 , 119 to step ",.- payment computer and buyer computer perfonn steps analogous to steps 64· 81 ,120 r 122 buyer computer displays .,- shopping can FIG. 38 payment computer returns contents of shopping can to buyer computer U.S. Patent Jun. 1, 1999 payment computer 16 merchant computer 14 buyer computer 12 5,909,492 Sheet 13 of 25 user requests sman statement I sends(130 I tlUyer computer ( 132 payment computer verifies whether sman statement URL authenticator was created from contents of sman statement VRL using cryptographic key smart statement URL to payment computer ~ 134 \.. payment computer sends document to End buyer computer indicating that access is denied 136 \.... payment computer checks to detennine whether buyer network address in smart statement URL matches buyer' S computer network address Ic> End 138 payment computer sends document indicating that access is denied '- 140 \... payment computer and buyer computer perfonn steps analogous to steps 64-8 1 FIG.4A 142 U.S. Patent Jun. 1, 1999 buyer computer 12 5,909,492 Sheet 14 of 25 merchant computer 14 payment computer 16 140 164,170 t payment computer retrieves 142 (144 "- buyer computer displays received document settlement data from settlement database and creates smart statement document for buye r and sends smart statement document to buyer computer /" /" r---'"CiR 0Rj r-=:' ( 146 User requests payment details fo r particular transaction :1 I buyer computer sends payment detail URL to payment computer ('50 148 J 152 \... payment computer and buyer computer perform steps analogous to steps \32·140 payment computer retrieves from settlement database data corresponding to the payment transaction spedfied in the payment detail URL. creates detail document. and sends it to buyer computer I 154.166 FIG.4B f U.S. Patent Jun. 1, 1999 buyer computer 12 144 5,909,492 Sheet 15 of 25 merchant computer 14 payment computer 16 144 144 , It ( 154 user requestS customer service buyer computer sends customer service URL to payment computer I 156 J (158 payment computer creates customer service form and sends it to buyer computer 160 , I user types comments I buyer computer sends user's comments to payment computer 162 ../ (166 ~ user requests display ofa product 1 £168 164 "- payment computer POSts user comments and sends thank you docwncm to . buyer computer buyer computer sends access URL to merchant computer ( 170 buyer computer and FIG. 4C merchant computer perform steps analogous to steps 94·1 04 I U.S. Patent File - Jun. 1, 1999 Qplions !!.svigale 5,909,492 Sheet 16 of 25 Annotals Help Document Title: I Mead Data Cent ral: Internet Intoraation Document URL: I http://v.tW·openlllarketcolI;/d:_o/r15/_ U J_ I I 00 ~ M..d Data C.ntral: Internet Information Noveaber 28, 1993 Le's debut on the Internet: Libr ary ot Congress cata l og On the t- Text of Abstract ot Article VERONICA: A GOPHER NAVIGATIONAL TOOL ON THE INTERNET october, 1993 ~ Data transler complete: IBackl!Forw a rdIlHomeIIRaloacll~I S ay. AI .. J~INew WlndowllClosa Wlndo~ FIG. 5 U.S. Patent f ile Jun. 1, 1999 Document TIlle'l Annotate !:tavigafe Options O~n 5,909,492 Sheet 17 of 25 Help I Marke t Payaent Document URL: 1 http://payaa nt.openaar ke t .co_/ ba n / np h-payae nt I 00 ~ Open Marke. Payment Yo. have .elected a n ite. that require. payment KarobaDt :Teat M r c ha n t e oeacriptioD:Head Da t a Central Artic l e AaoUDt : 2 .85 (US currency) It y o u ha ve a n Open Harket a ccount click on "cQl'lti nue " bel ow a nd you wi l l be prompted tor yo ur acco unt name a nd p asswo r d. y o u c an esta b lis h o ne It you d o not have an ac count , on-l i ne and r eturn t o this page to continue your purchase. I Open I I continua I a n aCCQunt on-line wi t h payme nt t r anllllction. NOT8:For d . .onatrations the password t ••tu • • r . Open /farJee t:, l- ••• t h e account na•• t •• tu •• r'op.~k.t . coa with I nc. ~ Data trans fer complete: IBack II F'orward II Home IIr:ieloadlll:ie;en··)1 Sa V 8 As··J~INew Wlndowllsa1 e Wkldowl os FIG. 6 U.S. Patent Jun. 1, 1999 Qptions f ile ttavigat8 Sheet 18 of 25 Annotale fielp Document TItre: I. Esta b lish OpenHllrket Accou nt Document UAL: I h ttp : //·/d.stabl l . Card Number: I Expiration Date: I I 5,909,492 ~oo ~ I (!Or:llll!l.t MM/'{Y) Check the a ppr opr iate boxes: I am t he owner of the above cred i t CiS-rd . a C The a bove address is also the bi l ling address ... tor t his. eredi t card . Your OpenKarkat account . t.~ nt i . availabla on- l ina.At your option you aaya copy ot your !'It atemant au t o.atlcally • • nt toyour . - III. il ..ddr.a . a t v .... klyor ..on!:hly intervals. Pl • • • • choo. . II. .tat...nt opti on . <> We ek l y statements <> Monthly statements <> No e - mail statements f- Account name and password •• Pla ••e choo.. an account nil. . and p • • • word tor y~r OpenHllrka t account. ~uqgftBt using an account name ~ hat i ~ unique a nd fta s y to r .... llb11r s uch as your ft- •• U addres lI. Your pell. word s hould be 8 c haracte r s or lonqe r. Account Name Pa ssword I I I I i;, Data trans fer complete: IBack !IForward IIHome! IRe loadIIOpen..JISava As..l~INaw WlndowllClosa WindOW' FIG. 7 U.S. Patent Ju n. I , 1999 .. E .. 0 () • ClI ~ Sheet 19 of 25 - CD () c Ia 0 Ia E c ClI a. 0 • C ClI E >a. Ia Ia C :::I 0 • -. u C) () () . or:( ClI ~ Ia :::E c • ClI 'a a. ClIO -..... _ e () CDO CU a.E -c c cu CD III E :::I :::I" ()cu . - 1/1 Ia c.n 1>-.--.. 0- [@] 5,909,492 U.S. Patent Jun. I, 1999 Options E"e Document nlle:[ Document UAL: Open !:!avigaf9 5,909,492 Sheet 20 of 25 Anno/alB Help Market Payment I http: Il»l/ben/ nph-paY1l1ent I I 00 l:>. Open Market Payment ,~ hava •• l.etad an it•• that you haY. purehaaeel rec.ntly. Talt M archant c.acriptioD ' Maad Data Ca nt r al Art ic l. ~chaBt ; AaOWl.t : 2 .8 5(U5 c urr e ncy ) This could happen because you lIould like to buy the it_ &'1ain or it lIay h ave hap.,.necl by ,~ accident. can: . . Go Go directly to the previous it. . and buy t he item agaIn Open Jfarket.. Inc. ... Oata transfer complete:!lForwardIIHom.IIReroadl~ISU8 Aa..J~IN.W FIG. 9 Wlndowll!2 lose Wlndo!!l U.S. Patent f ils Ju n. I , 1999 QpJions Document Title: I LC 's Document UAL: I !:!aviga le 5,909,492 Sheet 21 of 25 Annotate d e but o n t h e I n t ernet; Li brary ot Co ngr http : // www.openmarket . co~ / ' e7 20 t 5 84a 6 d4 . bd268 fjs /p I I 00 l> Le'. debut on the internet Ubrary of Congress catalog Text o f Art i cle tv Data transfer complete: ) IB. Ck l lj!!'orw.rd I IHome ll~· ' oadll('l~·n ..}lsa.,. As_ ICloneIINew wlndow l l~ roS8 Wlndo!l FIG. 10 U.S. Patent Options Elle Sheet 22 0[25 Jun. 1, 1999 !:1avigals 5,909,492 Annotate Document Tille: I Document URL: I http: // S_rt Stat_ent tor Teat User Help ~oo ~ I n formation about the item. Transactions In October 1994 Mon Oct J "'a Oc t Oct "'_ Oct "'e • "'e Oct 4 "'_ Oct • wad Oct 5 Wad Oct 5 Wed Oct 5 Wed Oct 5 we. •• t .ercUlIt Oilbert subscription 20 ••conda aaount. $0 .10 Data Central Article aaount $2.95 Mead. Data central Article amount $2.95 'f•• t •• rcballt Mead oata Central Article AlIOunt $2.9S 'I'•• t Karcll_t N.Y. Times Article amount $0.50 '1'•• t March_lit Mead Data Cent r al Article amount $2.95 Te.t Harohaat Head Data Centr al Article amount $2.95 Teat Marcilallt M ead Dat. Centr al Article amount $2.95 'I'•• t lCarcballt Mead Dat. Cen tral Article . .aunt $2.95 'ra.t •• rchallt. K••el Dat. central Article _ = t $2.95 Teet Kercl!.allt Hllad Dat. cantral Article amount $2.95 Teat KercMllt Hsad Dat. Cantral Article amount 52.95 're.t lIercballt Kead Data Central Article amount $2.95 ~ Te.t • 'fe.t ••rchaDt Mead 4 lCarohuit Oct 5 W Oct 5 ed Wed Oct 5 [- 'tour total ill 33.05. Previous Statements • • September 199 • Auquat 1994 Return to your Newest State.ent Feedback 'tou can send us coaments and suggestions here. R1 Data transfe r complete: IB .ck IlForwardIlHome I IR eioad l~ IS.v. As .. J~IN .W Window'lclose Window' FIG. 11 U.S. Patent f ile Jun. I , 1999 Qptlons 5,909,492 Sheet 23 of 25 Annotats Navigate Document TIlle: I s_rt state.aent Document URL: I nttp://paYMent.openMarket.eoa/@c63Zt154Cc8021 Oatail Help I I 00 ~ Smart Statement Detail This ia tlla datail ed i.nt ...... tion about • p . ."ticula ... tl".n .. c~ion fro. y .... r surt Stat._nt Transaction Information ur 1: http://wvv.D~n.. / de.o.J.u91S/. . 11 / ••• d·tinq.rprint / ak.rtlela. ego transact ion_low_lel: 50254.0 CI.Irrancy: US uan.actlo,,-date, 711177611 . ,.. , initiator : a:qoiration, l592000 d • .cription, " .ad Oeta Canl:ral Article ••ount: 2.95 ~_tict.lrY: i p_flddr ••• : 1",110 . 183.13 tr.n •• ction_t~ . p do .... in: •••d. intarnat-1 Merchant Information talephon.: U1-UI-UDl addr ••S_I: o pan Market , addr ••• _ ': 215 Fir at Stra. t ,=. tax: 151.7-621 - \103 . ddr ••• _3: ca.brid9a, ~ e . . i1: teatA.rchant'open~ark.t.cow pr inci pa l_na1lle: Ta.t Kerchant V Data transfer complete: IBack I!i!!'orw.rd IIHomellr-ieloadIIOeen;)!Sa ve As_)ICloneIINew WlndowllClose Windom FIG. 12 U.S. Patent £i18 Jun. 1, 1999 Qptions Document Title: Document !fa vigals Annotate I Smart Statement Detail URL:I 5,909,492 Sheet 24 0[25!154cc8021 Help I J ~ ~ =1: http: // ''''''. o .,....... k.t.<:01l/ <1...,./&I,IQ1 5/. .. 11/ ....d-' i"9arpr int/ .artiel•. -=90 tran.actioll_ loq_ l d : 50 25 4.0 ., c:urrency: tr.n •• ction_~ta : ,., 7813776)3 inithto r : e xpiration, 25l1l000 d •• cri pt ion: M d Data Ca ntral Artie!. •• •• Dunt: 2.95 Mnaticiary: I- '"' Ip_addr••• , ltt.170.lIJ . l] tr.n..ctio~typ$.p doaaln: ••• d . internat-l Merchant Information tal.pho..." 617-621-1501 • delre •• _I: Open lIa .. kat • Inc. &dd..... _2: 215 Pi.-at tax: 617-621-170] ad4r ••• _3: C..-bric1qa, ._il: t •• e..rc h.nt.op......rk.t . COli '" principal_na. . , T • • t M.rchant ho.a_url: c ountry: "' plnt.~cod.: 0 2141 Feedback You c a n .and ua co_ant., and SUflc.,ti on. liar •. I"\l Data transfer complete: llForward IIHoma l l~aload l~ As ..} IC1on3!New WlndowllClose Windowl FIG. 13 U.S. Patent f ile Ju n. I , 1999 Qptions 5,909,492 Sheet 25 of 25 Annotate tiavigale lielp Document nile: I Open Market F.edback Cocumsnl URl : I http://pa~ent.opanmarket . com/b.n/te.dback.c9 l~ if you preter. you can send your eo~ent. via electronic mail to t •• o:lbacktopeDaarll:et .co. or vi" FAX to +1.617 .6:21.1703 . If you would like II reply o~ '" pl• ••• i nclude your 8 - mail addre ••. - Your Open Market aceound name (opt.lonal) : I I Your £-111411 address (optional): I I Subject: I I Your COllllllanta: ~ f2: I Submit feedJ:)ack I ~ Da ta Irans'ar complele: leack Il Forward !IHomeIIReload lloeen...I!Save As.. jIClone![Naw Wlndow !ICJose Wlndowl FIG. 14 5,909,492 1 2 NETWORK SALES SYSTEM message authenticator was created using the cryptographic key, and to cause the product to be sen l to the uscr desiring to buy the produc!. lbe invention provides a simple design architecture for the network sales system that allows the merchant computer to respond to paymen1 orders from Ihe buyer computer without the merchant computer having to (."Ommunicate directly with the payment computer to ensure that the use r is authorized to purchase the product and without the merchant computer having to store information in a database regarding which buyers are authorized to purchase which products. Rather, when the merchant computer receives an access message from the buyer computer identifying a product to be purchased, the merchant computer need only check the access message 10 ensure that it was created by the payment computer (thereby establishing for the merchant computer that the buyer is to purchase the product), and then the merchant computer can cause the product to be sent to the buyer computer who has been to purchase lhe product. In another aspect, the in\'ention feat ures a network-based sales system that includes at least one buyer computer for operation by a user desiring 10 buy products, at least one shopping cart computer, and a shopping cart database (."Onnected to the shopping cart computer. ' ll1e buyer computer and the shopping cart computer arc intef(."Onnecled by a computer network, 1be buyer computer is programmed to receive a plurality of requests from a user 10 add a plurality of respective producls to a shopping carl in the shopping can database, and, in response to the requests to add the products. to send a plurality of respective shopping can messages to the shopping can compu ter each of which includes a product identifier identifying, one of the plurality of products. 111e shopping cart computer is programmed to receive the plurality of shopping cart messages. to modify the shopping cart in the shopping cart database to reflect the plurality of requcsts to add the plurality of products to the shopping cart, and to cause a payment message associated with the shopping cart to be created. The buyer computer is programmed to receive a request from the user to purchase the plurality of products added to the shopping cart and 10 cau!;oC the payment message 10 be activated to initiate a payment transaction for the plurality of products added 10 the shopping car!. In another aspect, the invention features a network,based link message system Ihat includes at lcast one client (."Omputer for operation by a client user and at least one server computer for operation by a !;oCr"er use r. 'lbe client computer and the server com puter are intercon nected by a compu ter network, 'lbe client computer is programmed to send an initial link message to the server computer. 'I1te server computer is programmed 10 receive the initial link message from the client (."Ompuler and to create, based on information contained in the initial link message, a session link message lhat encodes a state of interaction between the client computer and thc server computer. 'Ibe session link message includes a session link authenticator, computed by a cryptographic function of the session link contellis. for authenticating the session link message, 'Ibe server computer is programmed to cause the session link message to be sent to the client computer, 'Ibe client computer is programmed 10 cause the session li nk message to be sent to a computer in the network that is programmed to aut henticate the session link messagc by examining the session link authentica tor and that is programmcd to respond to the session link message based on the state of the interaction between the client computer and the server computer, CROSS REFERENC E TO RELATE D A PI' LI CATI ON This is a continuation of U.S. palcnt application SeT. No. 08/3 28,133, filed Dcl. 24, 1994, now U.S. Pal. No. 5,715, 314. REFERENCE TO MI C ROFICI IE APPEN DICES s to Microfiche Appendices A- G arc being submitted with Ihe present applica tion, being 4 sheets with 220 tola] pages. BACKGROUND OF TH E INVENTION This invention rela tes 10 uscr·inlcraclivc network sales systems for implementing an open marketplace for goods or ~rvices over L'Qmpulcr networks such as lhe Interne\. U.S. palcnt application SeT No. 08/168,5 19, filed Dec. 16, . 1993 by David K. Gilrord and entitled " Digital Active Advertising," oow abandoned, the en tire disclosure of which is hefeby incorporated herein in ilS entirely by reference, describes a network sales system that includes a plurality of buyer computers, a plurality of merchant computers, and a payment compute r. A user at a buyer computer asks to have advertisements displayed, and the buyer computer requests advertisements from a merchant computer, which sends the advcrtisements to the buye r computer. 'nle user then req uesL<; purchase of an advertised product, and the buyer computer sends a purchase mcssage to the merchant compUle r. T he merchant com puter constructs a payment order that it sends to the payment computer, which authorizes the purchase and sends an authorization message to the merchant computer. When the merchant computer receives the authorization message it sends the product to the buyer computer. The above·mentioned patcnt application also describes an alternati \"e implementation of the network sales syste m in which, when the user requests purchase of an advertise d product, the buyer computer sends a payment order directly to the paymen t compute r, which sends an authorization message back to the buyer computer that illcludes all unforgeable certificate that the payment order is valid. 'I1te buyer computer then constructs a purchase message that includes the unforgeable (."Crtitlcate and sends it to lhe merchant computer. When the merchant computer re(."Cives the purchase request it sends the product to the buyer computer, based upon the prc-authorized payment order. SUMMA RY OF -n-IE INVENl1 0N 15 20 25 JO 3S 40 4S so In one aspcct. the invention provides a network-base d sales system that includes at least one buyer computer for operation by a user desiring to buy a product, at least one merchant computer, and at least one payment computer. 'I1te buyer compu ter, the merchant computer, and the payment S5 computer arc interconnected by a computer network. 'll1e buyer computer is programmed to receive a u!;oCr request for purchasing a product, and to cause a paymem message 10 be sent to the payment com puler thaI comprises a product identifier identifying the product. ' ll1e payment computer is 60 programmed to receive the payment message, to eause an access message to be created that (."Omprises the product identifier and an access message autilcnticator based on a cryptographic key, and to ca use the access message to be sent to the merchant computer, The merchant computer is 6S programmed to rc(."Cive the access message, to verify the access message authentica tor to ensure tha t Ihe access 5,909,492 3 4 FIG. 4 (4-A through 4-C) is a flowchart diagram ill ustrating the operation of a smart statement in the network plurality of digital advertisements and a plurality of respecsales system of F[G. L tive produci fulfillment items, at lcast onc creation computer FIG. 5 is a screen snapshm of an advertising document forerelling tile merchant database, and al least one merchant 5 that the merchant computer send.. to the buyer com puler in computer for causing the digital advertisements \0 be transFIG. 2. milled to a user and for causing advertised products 10 be FIG. 6 is a screen snapshot of a conlirmation document transmitted \0 the user. 'Inc creation computer and the that the payment computer sends to the buyer computer in merchant computer are interconnected by a (.'Ompuler network. 'Ibe creation computer is programmed \0 creale the 10 FIG. 2. merchant d atabase, and 10 transmit the digital advertiseFIG. 7 is a screen snapshot of a new account document ments and the product fulfillment items 10 the me rchant that the payment computer sends to the buyer computer in computer. The merchant computer is programmed \0 receive FIG. 2 . the digital advertiscmelllS and product fulfillmem items, to FIG. 8 is a screen snapshot of an account name prompt receive a request for a digital advertisement from a user, to that the huyer computer creates in FIG. 2. cause thc digital advertisement to bc sent to the user. to 15 FIG, 9 is a screen snapshot of a document that the receive from the user an access message identifying an payment computer sends to the buyer computer in FIG. 2 advertised product. and to cause the product to be sent to the and that provides an oplion either to re.purchase or to use a user in a1;cordance with a product fulfillment item correpreviously purcha.'ICd access. sponding to the product. In another aspect. the invention features a hypertext 20 FIG. 10 is a screen snapshot of a fulfillment document tha I statement system that includes a client computer for operathe merchant computer sends to the buyer computer in FIG. tion by a client user and one or more server computers for 2 operation by a serve r user. The client computer and the FIG, U is a screen snapshot of a smart Slatement docuserver computers are interconnected by a ..'Omputer network. ment that the payment computer semis to the buyer comAt least one of too server computers is programmed to 25 puter in FIG. 4. record purchase transaction records in a database. Each of FIGS. 12 and 13 are screen snapshots of a transaction the purchase transaction records includes a product descripdetail document that the payment computer sends to the tion. '111e server compute r is programmed to transmit a buyer computer in FIG. 4 . statement documcn t that includes the purchase transaction FIG. 14 is a screen snapshot of a customer servicc form records to Ihe client computer. The client computer is JO programmed to display the product descriptions, to receive lhat the payment computer sends 10 the buyer computer in a request from the client user to display a product correFIG. 4. sponding to a prodUCI description displayed by the clienl DETAI LED DESCRI ITrI ON computer, and to cause a product hypeflextlink derived from a purchase transaction record to be activated. At least one of With reference to FIG. I, a network sales sySlem in the server computers is programmed to respond to activation 3S accordance with the present invention includes a buyer of the product hypertext link by causing the product to be computer 1 operated by a user desiring to buy a product, a .2 sent to the client computer. merchant computer 14, which may be operated by a merIn another aspect, the invention features a network paychant willing to sell products to the buyer or by a manager ment system that includes at least one buye r computer for operation by a user desiring to buy a product and at least one 40 of the network sales system. a payment ..'Omputer 16 typically operated by a man age r of the network sales system, payment computer for processing payment messages from and a creal ion complller 20 typically operated by the merlhe buyer ..'Omputer. The buyer wmputer and the payment chant. '111e buyer, merchant, payment, and creation computcomputer arc interconnected by a computer network. The ers are all inter-conneeted by a computer network 10 such as buyer <:omputer is programmed to cause a payment message to be sent to the payment computer. 'Ibe payment message 45 the Interne\. Creation ..'Omputcr 20 is programmed to bui[d a "store" of includes a product identifier identifying the product that the products for the merchant. A printout of a computer program user desires to buy. 'Ibe payment computer is programmed for usc in creating such a "store" in accordance wilh the to receive the payment message, to cause an access message present ifl\'ention i1; provided as Appendix R to be created to enable the use r to acces.s the product, and to ' [11e products advertised by merchant computer 14 may record a purchase transaction rC1;ord in the selllcment da ta- 50 be, for example. newspaper or ncwsleller articles avai lable base, 'Ibe buyer computer is programmed to cause a request for purchase by buyers. Creation computer 20 creates a for purchase transaction records to be sem to the payment digital advertisement database 18 that stores advertising computer. 'lbe payme nt (.'Omputcr is programmed to re(.'Cive documents (which may for example be in the fonn of the requcst for purchase transaction records and to cause a document derived from the purchase tra nsaction re ..-ords to 55 summaries of newspaper or I1O!Wsleller articles, accomp anied by pri..-es) and prodU..1 fulfillment items (which may be the be sent to the buye r computer. products themselves if the products can be transmilled over BR[ EF DESCR[PT[ON OF T[-[E DRAW[NGS the network, or which may be hard goods identifiers if the FIG. I is a block diagram of a network sales system in products arc hard goods, i.e., durable products as opposed to accordance with the prc5ent invention. 60 information products). Creation computer 20 transmi ts conFI G. 2 (2-A through 2-[) is a flowchart diagram iIIustrat" tents of the advertising document data base 18 to merchant ing the operation of a purchase transaction in the network computer 14 to enable the merchant computer to cause sales system of FIG. I, advertisements and products to be sent to buyers. Merchant F[G, 3 (3"A through 3-3) is a flowchart diagram illuscomputer 14 ma intains advertising documents locally in trating the usc of a shopping cart for too purchase of 65 adverti1;ing doc ument da tabase 15. In an alternative products in connection with the network sales system of embodiment, the creation computcr docs not have a local FIG, I , digital advertisement database. but instead updates a remote In another aspect, the im'cnlion features a network-base d sales system thaI includes a merchant database having a 5,909,492 5 6 advertising document database on a merchant computer. "Ibcsc updatcs can be accomplished using IITML forms or address to sec if it matches the onc specificd in the paymcnt URL (stcp 42). If it docs not match, the paymen t compu ter sends a document to the buyer compute r indica ting that access to the nellvork paymenl system is d.!nied (step 43). Olherwise, the paymert1 computer sends a paymert1 confirmation document to the buyer computer, the payment (.'(Infirmation document including an "open" link and a "continue" link (step 44). An example of a confirmation document is shown in FIG. 6. 'Ilte confirmation document asks the user to click on a "continue" bullon if the user already has an account with the payment computer, or to dick on an "open" bullon if the user does oot already have an account and wishes 10 open ooc. If the user clicks on the "open" bunon (step 46), the buyer computer sends payment URL C to the paymcnt compu ter (step 48), payment URL C being similar to payment URLA but also indicating that the uscr docs not yet have an account. 'Ilte payment compu ter creales a IJeW account document (step 50) and 5Cnds it to the buye r computer (step 52). An example of a new account <locumenl is shown in Fl G, 7. When the user receives the new aC(.'(Iunt document hc enters lhe new account name. an account password, a credit card number, the credit card expiration date, and security information such as the maiclcn name of the user's mother (step 54), and prcsses a "submit ~ bUllon (nOt shown in FlG. 7). 'Ilte buyer com puter sends the new account information to the payment contpUler (step 56), wnich entelS the new account in the senlement dalabase (step 58). If the uscr clicks on Ihe "continu e" bunon (slep 60), Ihe buyer computer se nds payment URL B 10 the payment computer (step 62), payment URL B being similar 10 paymenl URLA but also indicating that the user already has an account. 'Ilte payment computer then instructs thc buyer computer to provide lhe aCCOU11l name and pas.sword (steps 64 and 66), and the buyer computer prompts thc user for this information by creating an account name prompt (example shown in FIG. 8) and a similar password prompt, T he uscr enters the information (step 68) and the buyer compu ter sends the account name and password to the payment computer (step 70). llte payment computer verifies whether the user name and password are COffcct (step 72). If they arc 001 correcl, lhe payment (."Omputer sends a document to the buyer computer indicating that access to the network sales system is denicd (step 74). Otherwise, the payment computer detcrmines whether additional security is warranted, based on, e.g., whether thc payment amount exceeds a threshold (step 73), If additional security is warranted, the paymCnt compuler creates a challenge [omt document and sends it to Ihe buyer computer (step 75). 'Ilte user enters the security information (step 77), the buycr computer sends the security information to the payment computer (step 79), an d the payment computer determines whether the security information is (."Orrect (step 81 ), If it is not correct, the payment computer sends a document to the buyer compu ter indicating that access to the nctwork sales system is denicd (StCp 83), If the security information is corrcct, o r if additional security was 110t warranted, the paymem computer checks lhe selliement database to determine whether the user has unexpired access 10 lhe domain idenlifler contained in the payment URL (step 8 2). If so, the payment computer sends to the buyer computer a document providing an option either to repurchase or to IISC the previously purchased acccss (stcp 84), An example of such a document isshowll in FIG. 9. 'The olher remOle database technologies as is understood by practitioners of the art. Payment computer 16 has access 10 a seUlcment database 22 in which payment com pute r 16 can record detai ls of purchase transactions. "'be products may be in10 various "domains'· of products, and payment computer 16 S can accc!;S $CHlemcnl ualabase 22 10 Il!cord and retrieve records of purcha.'lCs of products falling within the various 10 domain... Payment compuler 16 also has access 10 a shopping cart database 2 1 in which a "shopping cart~ of products lhal a user wishes to purchase can be maintained as lhc user shops prior 10 actual purchase of the conlenlS of the shopping cart. With reference \0 FIG, 2, a purchase transaction begins whcn a use r at buyer computer 12 requeSls advertiscments (step 24) and buyer computer 12 aC(.'(Irdingly sends an advenising docuillem URI. (universal resource localor) to merchant computer 14 (step 26), 'The mcrcham compu tcr 20 felches an advertising document fromlhe advertising document dalabase (slep 28) an d sends il to the buyer (."Ompu ler (slep 30), An example of an advenising document is shown in FIG, 5, Details of URLs and how they arc used arc found in Appendix G, 25 'Ibe user browses through the advertising document and evemual)y requcsLS a product (sle!' 32). 1bis resulls in lhe buyer computer sending payment URL A to lhe paymenl computer (slep 34), Pa yment URL A includes a product identificr that represents the product the user wishes 10 buy, a domain idemifier that represents a domain of producls to which the desired product belongs, a payment amounl that represents the price of lhe product, a mcrchant (."Omputer identifier that represents merchant computer 14, a merchant account identifier that represents the panicular mercham account to be crediled with the payment amount, a duration time that represcnls the length of time for which access to thc product is to be grantcd to thc uscr after complc ti on of the purchase transaction, an expiration time Ihat represents a d.!adlinc beyond which this particular payment URL cannot be used, a buyer network address, and a payment URI. authenticator Ihal is a digi tal signature based on a cryptographic key. '111e payment URL authenticalor is a hash of olher infomlation in the paymellt URL, the hash being defmed by a key shared by tbe merchant and the operator of the payment com putcr. In an alternative embodiment, step 34 consists of the buyer computer sending a purchase product message to the merchant compuler, and the merchant computer provides payment URI. A 10 the buyer computer in response to the purchase praduel message. In lhis alternative embodiment. payment UR I. A comail~s the same contents as above. llte buyer computer then sends the payment URL A it has received from the merchant computer to thc payment (."Omputer. When the payment computer receive~ the payment URI. it verifies whether lhe payment URI. aUlhenticator was created from the (.'(Intents of the payment URI. using lhe cryptographic key (step 36). If not, the paymert1 computer sends a document 10 the buye r computer indicating thaI access to the network sales system is denied (step 38). Olberwise, the payment computer determines whether the cxpiration time has past (step 40), If it has, the payment computer sends a document to the buyer computer indicating that thc time has expired (step 41 ). Otherwise, the payment computer checks lhe buyer computer network '" 3S 40 4S so S5 60 6S 5,909,492 7 user can respond 10 the recent purchase query document by choosing 10 access the previously purchased document (step 85) or to go ahead and buy the currently selected product (SlCp 86). If lhe user chooses 10 accc.'>s [he previously purchased S doc'Umcnl, the buyer computer skips \0 step 92 (see below). If [he uscr chooses [0 buy the currently selected product, the payment com puter calculates an actual payment amount thaI may differ from the payment amount contained in Ihe payment URL (step 81). For example, [he purchase of a to product iu a (:crtain domain may entitle the usc r 10 access olher products in [he domain for free or for a reduced price for a given period o f lime. The payment computer then verifies whether the user account has sufiicicnl funds or credit (step 76), If nOI, lhe 15 payment (;Ompulcr sends a documen t to the buye r computer indicating that the lL'>Cr account has insufficient funds (Slep 71'1). Otherwise, lhc payment co mputer creates an access URL (step SO) lhat includes a mercham COmPUle r idemifier, a doma in identifie r, a product identifie r, an indication of the 20 end of lhe duration time for which access 10 Ihe product is to be granled, the buyer nelwork address, and an ac(.'Css URL authenlicalor thaI is a digital signature based on a cryptographic key. The access URL authenlicator is a hash of other information in the access URL, Ihe hash being defined by a 25 key shared by the merchant and the operator of tile payment computer. "[be payment computer then records the product identitier, the domain, the user account, lhe merchanl aecounl, Ihe end of duration time, and !he actual payment 30 amo um in Ihe scllleme11l database (step 1'1/11). 'Ibe payment compu!e r then sends a redirecl to access URL to the buyer computer (step 90), which scnds the access URL to the merchant compute r (step 92). 'Ibe merchant computer verifies whether Ihe acccs,<; URL authenticator was 3S created from the comems of the acccs.s URL using the cryptographic key (step 94). If not. the merchan t (."Omputer sends a document to the buye r compute r indica ting that access to the product is denied (step 96). Otherwise, the mercham computer verifies whether the 40 durat ion time for ae(.'Css to the product has ex pired (step 98). l bis is done !xcausc the buyer compu ter can requeSl access to a purchased product repeatedly. If the duration time has expired, the merchant compUter sends a document to the buyer (."Ompu ter indicating that the time has expired (step 4S 1(0). Otherwise the merchant computer verifies that the buyer computer network address is the same as the buyer nelwork address in the access URL (SlCp 101), and if so, s.::nds a ful/illment docume m to the buye r computer (step 102), which is displayed by the buyer computer (step 1(4). 50 An example of a fuifillillent documem is shown in FIG. 10. Otherwise, the merchant computer sends a document to the buyer computer indicating that access is not allowed (swp 103). With reference now to HG. 3, when the merchant com- S5 puter sends the advertising document to the buyer (."Omputer, the usc r may rcquest that a product be added to a shopping cart in the shopping can database rather than request that the product be purchased immedialCly. lbe buyer compulC r sends a shopping cart URL to the payment computer (step 60 lOS), the shopping can URL including a product identifier, a domain identifier, a payment amount, a merchant (."Ompu ter identifier, a merchant account identifier, a duration time, an expiration time, and a shopping cart UR L authenticator that is a digital signature based on a cryptographic key. The 65 shopping cart URL authenticator is a hash of other in forIllation ill the shopping cart URI.., the hash beingdetillcd by 8 a key shared by the merchant and the operator of the payment computer. lbe payment computer verities whether the shopping cart U I~ L authenticator was created from the contents of the shopping cart URL using a cryptographic key (slep 110). If not, lhe payment computer sends a document to the buyer computer indicating that access to the network sales system is de nied (step 112). Otherwise, before any modification to a user's shopping cart is allowed, user authenticat ion is performed (step 113) in a manne r analogo us to steps 40-81 . Once the user is authemicated, the payment computer creates or updatcs a payment URL for the shopping cart (step 114). lbe user then either requests more advertisements (step 24 in FIG. 2) and possibly adds anothe r product to the shopping cart, requests display of the shopping cart (step 116), or requests purchase of the entire contell1S of the shopping cart (step 124). I r the user requests display of the shopping can (step 11 6), the buyer comp uter sends a fetch shopping cart request to the payment computer (step liS), and the payment computer and buyer computer (step 119) perfornl steps analogous to steps 64--81. 'Ibe payment (."Omputer returns the contents of thc shopping cart to the buyer computer (step 120), which displays the contents of the shopping cart (step 122). If the user requests that the entire contents of the shopping carl be purcha..'lCd (step 124) the buyer computer causes the payment URL for the shopping carl 10 be activa ted (step 126) and the paynlem URL is processed in a manner analogous to the processing of payment UIU.s for individual products ( beginning with step 36 in FIG. 2). With reference now to FI G. 4, a user can request display of a "smart statement"' thatlisls purchase transa(.1ions for a given monlh (slep 121'1). When lhe buye r compuler TCt'Cives such a request, it sends a smart Statement URI.. to the payment computer (step 130). When the payment computer receivC$ the smart statement URL, it veriHes whether the smart stalement URL authenticator was created from the contents of the smart Statement URL using a cryptographic key (step 132). [f not, the payment computer sends a document to the buyer compu ter indicating that access is denied (step 134). Otherwise, the payment computer checks to determine whether the buyer network address in the smart statement URL matches the buyer computer' s aClUalnctwork address (stcp 136). If not, the payment computer sends a document to tile buyer computer indicating that access is denied (step 138). Otherwisc (step 140), the payment computer and buyer computer perform a set of steps analogous to steps 64-8 1 in FIG. 2 (payment computer requeslS account name and pas.sword, user provides the requested infornlatioD, and payment computer verities the information). In an alternative embodiment steps 132- \38 arc omincd. After verification of account information is complete, the payment computer retrieves the requcsted sen1cment data from the senlement database, creates a smart statement document for the buyer, and sends the smart statement document to the buyer computer (step 142). An example of a smart statement document is shown in FIG. II. Each purchase transaction record in the smart statement document includes the data of the transaction, the name of the merchant, an identification of the product, and the payment amount for the product. The smart statement docume nt also includes a transaction dc\ai! URI. for each purchase traflSaction (these URls, or hypertext links, arc discussed below and are not shown in F[G. 1.1). 'Ibe smart statement docu- 5,909,492 9 10 menl al50 idenlifies previous statements thai the uscr may wish 10 have displayed. 'Ibc buyer ,ampuler displays the retrieved document (step 144), and the user may request Iraosaclion details for a particular transactio n list.:.:d on the smart Slalemem (Slep 146). If so, the buyer computer sends a transaction detail URL (or "payment detail URL") \0 the payment computer (step 148). "Ibe transaction detail URL includes a transaction idenlifier, a buyer network address, and a lram;'3clion detail URL authenticator. When the payment compuler receives the tra nsaction detail URL, iI performs (step ISO) a scI of sleps analogolLS 10 sleps 132- 140 (verification of URL aulhcnlica lOr, buyer network address, and account informalion). The payment computer the n retrieves from the seulement database data corresponding to the paymem transaction specified in the transaction detail UR L, creates a transaction dctail document, and se nds it to tile buyer computer (step 152). An example of a transaclion detail document is shown iJl FIGS. 12 and 13. The documem displays a number of items of information about the transaction, including the transaction date, end of thc duration time ("expiration"), a description of the product, the paymcnt amount, the domain corresponding to the product, an idcntification of the merchant, and thc merchant's address. 'Ibe smart statement document and the tram;.action detail document both iJlclude customer service URls (hypertext links) tha t allow the user to request customer scrvke (Le., to seJld comments and suggestions to the payment computer). When the user requests customer service (step (54), the buyer computer sends the customer service URL to the payment computer (ste p 156). which creatcs a customcr service form and sends it to the buyer computer (step 158). An example of a cuslome r service fonn is shown in FIG. 14. 'Ibe user types comments into the customer service fonn (step 160), and the buyer l'Omputer semJs the use r's comments to too payment com pute r (step 162). '111e payment computer the n posts the user comments and sends a thank you document to the buyer computer (step 164). A user may request display of a product included in the smart statement. When Ihe user requests that the product be displayed (step 166), the buyer computer sends the access U IU~ contained in the smart statement document to the merehant computer (step 168), and the buye r computer an d merchant l'Omputer perfonn a set of steps analogous to ste ps 94-104 in FIG. 2 (authe ntication of access URL, verification whether duration time has expired, veriHcation of buyer nc1work address, and transmission of fulftllment document to buyer computer). Whenever the present application states that one computer sends a URL to another coml)uter, it should be understood that in preferred embodiments the URI. is sent in a standard 1-1'1"1"1' request message, unless a URL message is spccified as a redirection in the presen t application. 'Ibe requcst messag.:: includes components of the URL as described by the Slandard lrrrl' protocol definition. 'Ibese URL l'OmponeJlts in the request message allow th.:: server to provide a response appropriate to the URL. The term "URL" as used the present application is an example of a "link," which is a pointer to another document or fonn (including multimedia doc'Uments, hypertext documents including olher links, or audiolv ideo documents). When the prese nt application states that one computer sends a document to another computer, il should be UJlderstood that in preferred embodiments the document is a success HTTP response message wilh tlte document in the body of the message. Whe n the present application stales that a server sends an account name and password requcst message 10 Ihe client, il should be understood thai in preferred emhodiments the account name and password request message is an unauthorized HT J1' response. A clien! .. computer sends account name and pas.. word information to a server as part of a request message with an authorization field. 'Ibe software architecture underlying the particular preferred embodiment is based upon the hypertext conventions of the World Wide Web. Appefld ix A describes the Ilypcrtexl Markup Language (HTML) document format used 10 represent digital advertLscments, Append ix 13 describes the I-ITML forms till out support in Mosaic 2.0, Appendix C is a description of the Hypertext Transfe r Protocol (IIT I1') between buyer and merchant computers, Appendix [) describes how documents are named with Uniform Resource Locators (U RLs) in the network of computers, and Appendix E describes the authentication of URLs using digi tal signaturcs. A printout of 3 computer program for use in creating and operating such a "store" in acco rdance w ith the present invelllion is provided as Appendix F. A primout of a computer program for usc in operating ot her aspects of the network sales system in accordance with the present invention is provided in Appendix G. l bere has been described a flew and ul><:ful network-based sales system. [t is apparent that lhose skilled in the art may make numerous modifications and departures from Ihe specific embodiments described herein without departing from the spirit and scope of the claimed invention . What is claimed is: 1. A network·based sales system, comprising: a merchant database l'Omprising a plurality of digital advertisements and a plurality of respective product fulfillment items; at least one creation loom pUler for creating said merchant database; and at least one merchant computer for causing said digital advertisements to be transmillcd to a user and for causing advertised producl~ 10 be transmilled to said user; said creation computcrs, said merchant computer, an d a payment computer being interconnected by a public packet switched computer network; said creation computer being programmed 10 create said merchant database, and to transmit said digital advertisements and said product fulHIlrnent items over said network to said merchant compu t<! r; said merchant computer being programmed to receive said digital advertisements and product fulfillment items over said network, to receive over said network a request for a digital advertisement from a user, to cause said digita l advertiscmentto be sent to said user over said network, to receive over said octwork from said user a product request message identifying an advertised product. to receive an access mc.'lSage over said network created by said payment computer, and to cause said product to be scnt 10 said user in accordance with a product fulfillment item corresponding to said product and based upon receipt by the mercham computer of the access message. 2. A network-based sales system in accordance with claim I , wherein each of said digital advertisements comprises an abslract of a product and a price. 3. A network-based sales system in accordance with claim 2, wherein: S 10 15 20 25 JO 3S 4S S5 60 6S 5,909,492 12 11 a\ least one of said product fulfillment ilcm~ comprises a product itself; and said "rcation computer is programmed 10 transmit said product 10 said merchant compuler with said digital advcniscmcnls. 4. A network-based sales system in accordance with claim , 2, wherein: atkasl one of said product fulfillment items comprises a hard good identifier; and said creation computer is programmed 10 transmit said 10 hard good identifier 10 said merchant computer with said digital advertisements. 5. A method of operating a merchan t compuler in a nClwork-bascd salcssYSlcm comprising a merchant database Ihal comprises a plurality of digital advertisements and a plurality of respective product fulfillment items, at least one creation com puler for c reating said merchant database, and at least one merchant computer for causing said digilal advertisements to be transmiued to a user and for causing advertised products 10 be transmiued to said user, alld at least one p3ymellt compulCr, said cn:ation compulCr, said merchant computer, and said payment computer being interconnected by a public packet swilChed computer network. said method comprising the steps of: receiving, at said merchant computer, said digital advertis.:ments and said product fulfillment items, said digital advertisements and said product fulfi\lmellt items having been transrniued over said nC1work to said mercham computer by said creation compu!er, said merchant database comprising said digital advertisemems and said product fulfillment items having becn created by said ereatioll computer; ret'Civing over said network a request for a digital advertis.:me nt from a user; causing said digital advertisement to be scntto said user over said network; ret'Civing over said network from said user a product request message identifying an advertised product; receiving over said network an access message created by said paymem computer; and causing said product to be selltto said use r in 3(.'cordance with a product fulfillment item corresponding 10 said prodUCI and based upon receipI by the merchant computer of !he access message. 6. A hypertext statement system, comprising: a client computer for operation by a client user; and a plurality of server computers for operation by a server uscr; said client compulCr and said server computers being interconnected by 3 public packet switched compu!Cr network; at least one of said scrvc r computers being programmed to I\:cord information pertaining to purchasc transaction records in a database, each of said purchase transaction records comprising a product description, and to caus.: a statement document comprising said purchase transaction records to be transmiued to said client computer over said network; said client t"Omputer being programmed to display said product descriptions, to receivc a request from said client user to display a product corresponding to 3 product description displayed by said client t'Omputer, and to cause a product hypertext link derived from a purchase transaction record to be activated; at leaS! one of said server computers, other than a serve r compute r that transmitted said statemefll document to 15 20 25 JO 3S 40 4S so S5 60 said client computer. b<!ing programmed to respond to activation of said product hypertext link by causing said product to be sem to said client computer over said network. 7. A hypenext statement system in accordance with claim 6. wherein: said client computer is programmed to receive a request from said clicnt user to display transaction details corresponding to a product description displayed by said client computer and to cause a transaction detail hypertext link corresponding to said product description to be activated; 31\d at least one of said server computers is programmed to respond to activation of said transactio n detail hypertext link by transmitting said transaction delails to said client co mputer as a transaction de tail document. 8. A hypertext statemcnt system in aceordant'C with claim 7, wherein: said transaction detail document fur1heT comprises a customer service form hypertext link, said client computer is programmed to receive a request from said client user to display a customer service form and to cause said customer service form hypertext link to be activated; and at least one of said server computers is programmcd to respond to activation of said customer service form hypcrtext link by transmitting said customer service rOml to said cliem computer. 9. A hypcr1ext statement system in accordance with claim 6, wherein : said statement doc"tlment further t'Omprises a customer scrvi-.'C form hypertext link; said client computer is programmed to reeei\'e a request from said clicnt user to display a customer service form and to cause said customcr service form hypenext link to be activated; and at least one of said server computers is programmed to respond to activation of said customer service form hypertext link by transmitting said customer service form to said client computer. 10. A method of operating a server computer in a hypertext statement system comprising a client computer for operation by a client user. and a plurality of server eomputers for operation by a server user, said cliem computer an d said server computers being interconnected by a public packet switched computer network, said method comprising the steps of: recording, at onc of said server computers. information pertaining to purchase transaction records in a database, each of said purchase transactiOIl records comprising a product description; and causing a statement document comprising said purchase transaction ret"Ords to be transmitted to said client compute r over said nctwork; said client computer being programmed to display said product descriptions, to re-.'Cive a request from said client user to display a product corresponding to a product description displayed by said cliem computer, and to cause a product hypertext link derived from a purchase transaction record to be activated; at least one of said server computers, other than a server computer t!tat transmitted said statement document to said client t'Omputer, being programmed to respond to activation of said product hypertext link by ca using said product to be scntto said clie n t computer over said octwork. 5,909,492 13 14 11 . A network payment syslcm, comprisillg: al leasl one buyer compute r for opcralioll by a user desiring 10 buy a product; and at leaS! one payment computer for processing paymem messages from said buyer computer: 5 said buyer computer, said payment computer, and a merchant computer being interconnected by a public packet switched computer network; said buyer computer being, programmed [0 cause a pay- 10 menl message \0 be sent [0 said payment computer over said octwork; said paymem computer being programmed 10 rc(Xivc said payment message, \0 callSC an access message 10 be created for transmission over said network to said merchant t'Ompulc r \0 enable sai<l user 10 access said product upon ve rification by said merchant computer lhal said access message was created by s.aid payment computer, alld to record information pertaining to a purchase transaction rl'Cord in said scUlement database; said buyer computer being programmed to cause a request for a purchase Iransal1ion record to be sent to said payment computer over said network; and said paymentl'Omputer being programmed to rel'Cive said request for said purchase tr31lSaetion record and to cause a document derived from s,1id purchase transaction record to be sent to said buyer computer o\'er said nclwork. 12. l be network payment system of claim 1.1 wherein the payment message comprises a product identifier identifying the product thaI the user desires to buy. 13. A method of operating a payment com puter in a network payment system comprising at least one buyer computer for operation by a use r desiring to buy a product, and at least one paymem computer for processing paymen t messages from said buye r computer, and at least one merchant computer, said buyer computer, said payment computer, and said merchant computer being interconnected by a public packet switched computer network, said method comprising the steps of: receiving, at said payment compute r, a payment message that said buycr computer has caused to be scntto said payment computer over said network; causing an access message to be created for transmis.sion to a merchant computcr ove r said network to enable said usc r to access said product upon verification by said merchant com puter that said access message was created by said payment computer; recording information pertaining to a purchase transaction record in said senlement database; receiving over said network a request for a purchase transaction record that said buyer computer has caused to be sent to said payment computer; and causing a document derived from said purchase transaction record to be sent to said buyer compute r over said network. 14. ·Ibe method of claim 13 where in the payme nt message comprises a product identifier identifying the product that the user desires to buy. 15. A hypertext statement system, comprising: a client computer for operation by a client user; and one or more server computers for operation by a server user; the client computer and the server computers being interconnected by a public packet switched computer network; 15 20 Z; JO 3S 4S so S5 6S at least one of the scrver computers being programmed to record information pertaining to purchase transaction records in a database, and to transmit a statement document comprising the purchasc transaction records to the client computer over the network; the client computer being programmed to display the statement document to receive a requeSt from the client user to display transaction details corresponding to a portion of the s\atcmem document displayed by the dient computer. and to cause a tra nsaction detail hypertext link correspotlding to the portion of the statemem document 10 be aClivated; al least one of the server computers being programmed 10 respond \0 activation of the transact ion detail hypertext link by transmilling the transaction details to the diem l"OmpUter over the network as a transaclion detail doc ument. 16. A method of operating a server computer in a hypertext statement system comprising a diem compu ter for operation by a clientuscr, and one or more server computers lor operation by a scrver uscr, the client compu ter and the server computers being interconnected by a public packet switched computer network, the me lhod comprising the steps of: recording, at one of the server computers, information pertaining to purchase transaction records in a database; and transmitting a statement document comprising the purchase transactiol1 records to the client computer over the network; the client computer being programmed to display the statemcnt docume nt, to rel'Cive a request from the client user to display transaction details corresponding to a portion of the statement document displayed by the client computer, and to cause a transaction detail hypertext link corresponding to the portion of the statemenl document to be activated; at least one of the server computers being programmed to respond to activation of the transaction de tail hypertext link by transmitting the transaction details to the dient computer over the network as a transaction dctail document. 17. A network-based sales system, (..'omprising: at least one buyer computer for operation by a uscr desiring to buy products; at least one shopping cart computer; and a shopping cart database connected to the shopping cart computer; lhe buyer computer alld Ihe shopping cart computer being interconnected by a public packel switched computer network; the buyer comPU ter being programmed to receive a plurality of requestS from a uscr to add a plu rality of respel1ive products to a shopping cart in the shopping cart database, and, in response to the requests to add the products. to send a plurality of respective shopping cart Illes-sages over the network to the shopping cart computer each of which comprises a produce identifier identifying one of the plurality of products and at least one of which comprises a universal resource locator; the shopping cart computer being programmed to receive the plurality of shopping cart messages, to modify the shopping cart in the shopping cart database to rdleci the plurality of requests to add the plurality of products to the shopping cart, and to cause a payment message 5,909,492 15 16 associated with lhe shopping cart 10 be created, the payment message comprising a universal rcsour(.~ locator; and the buyer computer being programmed 10 receive a request from lhe user 10 purchase the plurality of products added 10 lhe shopping can and 10 cause lhe payment message 10 be activated 10 initiate a payment transaction for Ihe plu rality of products added \0 Ihe shopping cart; the shopping carl being a stored representation of a collection of products, lhe shopping carl database bei ng a database of stored representations of collections of products, and the shopping carl computer being a compute r that modilics the stored representations of collections of products in the database. 18. A method of operating a shopping cart computer in a public packet switched compuler nclwork comprising at least one buyer COmpUler for operation by a user desiring 10 buy product~, at lca~1 one shopping carl com puler, arK! a shopping can database connecled 10 Ihe shopping car! com pUler, Ihe method comprising the sleps of: receiving, al Ihe shopping carl COmpUler, a pluralilY of shopping can messages sen! over the network to the shopping carl ~'Omputcr by the buyer compuler in rcs(XInse 10 receipt of a plurality of requests from a user to add a plurality of respective products to a shopping cart in the shopping cart database, each of the shopping cart messagcs comprising a prOoducl identifier identifying one of the plurality of products and at least one of which comprises a universal rc.'IOurce locator; modifying thc shopping can in the shopping can database to reflect the plurality of requests to add the plurality of products to the shopping can; and causing a payment message associated with the shopping cart to be created, the payment message comprising a universal rcsource locator; the buyer ~'Omputer being programmed to re(:eive a request from the user to purchase the plurality of products added to the shopping carl alld to cause the payment message to be activated to initiate a payment transaction for the plurality of products added to the shopping can; the shopping cart being a stored representation of a collection of products, the shopping can database being a database of stored representations of collections of products, and the shopping cart computer being a cOompute r that modifies the stored representations of collections of products in the database. 19. A Iletwork-bascd sales system, comprising: at least one buyer compu ter for operation by a user dc.'iiring to buy a product; at least one merchant computer; and at least Oone payment computer; the buyer computer, the merchant computer, and the payment computer being interconnected by a computer network; the buyer ~'Omputer being programmed to. re~"Cive a user request for purchasing a product, and to cause a payment message to be sent to the payment computer that comprises a product identifier identifying the product; the payment computer being programmed to receive the payment message, to cause an access message to be created that comprises a product identifier identifying the product and an access mc.~~age authenticator based on a cryptographic key, and to cause the access mcssage to be sent to the merchant compuler; and the merchant computer beillg programmed to receive the access message, to cause the aecess me5.'iage authenticator to be verified to ensure that the access message authenticator was created using the cryptographic key, and to cause [he product to be rct"Cived by the user desiring to buy lhe product. 20. A network-based sales system in accordant"C with claim 19 wherein the buyer computer is programmed to cause the payment mes.<;.age to be scnt to the payment computer by sending a purchase proouct message to the merchant computer, the merchant computer being programmed to receive the purchase product mes.~age, and in res(XInse thereto, to send the payment message to the payment computer. 21 . A network-based sales system in accordant"C with claim 19 wherein the merchant computer is programmed itself to. verify the access message authenticator. 22. A network-based sales system in accordance with claim 19 wherein the merchant computer is programmed to cause every access message authenticator received by the merchant computer to be verified. 23. A network-based salc.'i system in accordance with claim 19. wherein the payment message comprises a pay· ment amount. 24. A network-based sales system in accordance with claim 19, wherein the payment computer is programmed to record the product identifier and the payment amount. 25. A network-based sales system in accordance with claim 24, wherein the product identifier altd the paymen1 amount arc recorded in a senlement database. 26. A network-based salc.'i system in accordance with claim 19, wherein the payment message comprises a merchant computer identifier. 27. A network-based sales system in accordance with claim 19, wherein the payment message t'Ompriscs a payment message au th en ticator based on a cryptographic key. 28. A network-based salc.'i syslem in accordance with claim 27, wherein the payment comput er is programmed to verify the payment message authentica lor to ensure thai the payment message authenticatOor was created using the cry ptographic key. 29. A network-based sales system in accordance with claim 19 wherein the computer l1etwork is a public packetswitched communicati ons Iletwork. 30. A method of operating a payment com puter in a computer network comprising at least one buyer compu ter for operation by a user desiring to buy a prodUt1, at least one merchant computer, and at least one payment computer, the method comprising the steps of: receiving, at the payment computer, a payment message that the buyer computer has caused to be sent to the payment colliputer in rc.'i(XIllse to a user request for purchasing a product, the payment message comprising a product identifier identifying the product; causing an aC<."Css message to be created that comprises a product identifier identifying 1he product and an ac~"Css message authenticator based on a cryptographic key; and caU5ing the access message to be sent to the merchant computer, the merchant compute r beiltg programmed to receive the access message, 10 cause Ihe access message authenticator to be verified [0 ensure thai the access message authenticator was created using the cryptographic key, and to cause the product to be received by the user desiring to. buy the product. 3 1. A network-based sales system, com prising: at least one buyer computer for operation by a user desiring to buy a product; 5 to 15 20 25 30 3S 40 45 '" S5 60 65 5,909,492 18 17 a\ !cast one merchant computer; and al least onc paymcllI compute r; the buyer computer, [he merchant cornplller, and the paymcm computer being interconnected by a public packet swi tched computer network; 5 [he buyer computer being programmed [0 re ..-cive a request from a user for purchasing a product, and [0 cause a payment mcs.'kIgc to be scnt ovcr the network [0 [he payment computer; [he payment computer being programmed 10 receive the payment message, and, if purchase of the product by the user has not been prcviou~ly recorded in a scttlcmenl database, 10 cause the user [0 be charged for the product aoo \0 create a new record in the scnlcmcnl 15 database rdlc('1ing purchase of the product by the user, 10 cause an acccSl; message \0 be created, and [0 cause the access message to be sent over tbe network to the mercbant computer; and tbe merchant computer being programmed to receive the access message and to cause the user to receive Ihc producl. 32. The network-based sales system of claim 3 1 wherein: the payment computer is programmed to cause Ihe access message to be created using a cryptographic key; and al leaS! one of the computers is programmed to usc the access message in a cryptographic process to ensure that the user has paid for the producl. 33. A me thod of operaling a payment computer in a public packel switched <.."OmpUier network comprising at leasl one buyer (.'Ompute r for operation by a user desiring to buy a product, al leasl one merchant computer, and al least one payment computer, the method comprising the steps of: receiving, at the payment computer, a payment message that the buyer computer has caused to be senl over the network to the payment (.'Ompu ter in response to a request from a user for purehasing a product, and, if purchase of the product by the user has nOl heen previously recorded in a sel1lcment database, causing the user to be chalged for the product and creating a new record in the sel1lcmem dalabase relleCling purchase of the prodUCI by the IIscr; causing an access message to be crea ted; and causing Ihe access message to be sent over the nelwork to the merchant computer, the mereh ant computer being programmed to receive Ihe access message and to cause the us.::r to rcceive the product. 34. 'lbe method of claim 33 wherein at leasl one of the COlllputer.; is programmed to mie the access message in a cryptographic process 10 ensure that the user has paid for the producl. 35. A network-based sales system, comprising: at least one buyer compute r for operation by a uscr desiring to buy products; at least one shopping carl compu ter; and a shopping cart database conncclCd to thc shopping cart computer; the buyer computer and the shopping cart computer being interconnected by a public packet switched computer nelwork; the buyer computer being programmed to receive a plurality of requests from a user to add a plurality of respective products to a shopping carl in the shopping cart database, and, in response to the req uC1;ts to add the products, to send a pluralily of respective shopping cart 20 25 JO 3S 40 4S so 60 6S messages over the network to the shopping carl computer each of which comprises a proouct identifier idemifyiug one of the plurality of produelS; the shopping cart computer being programmed to receive the plurality of shopping carl messages, and 10 modify the shopping carl in the shoppi ng carl database to reflect the plurality of requests to add the plurality of products to the shopping carl; and the buyer compuler being programmed to receive a request from the uscr to purchase the plurality of products added to the shopping carl and to cause a payment mes.<;age to be activated 10 initiate a paymeu t transaction for lhe plurality of products added 10 the shopping carl; the shopping carl being a stored representation of a collection of products. the shopping cart database bei ng a database of stored representalions of collections of prooucts, and the shopping carl computer being a compute r that mooifies the stored reprcsentalions of collections of products in the database. 36. A method of operating a shopping cart computer in a public packe t swilched computer nelwork comprising al least one buyer computer for ol>cralion by a user desiring to buy prooucls, al least one shopping carl computer, an d a shopping carl database connected to the shopping cart computer, the method (.'Omprising Ihe steps of: receiving, at the shopping cart computer, a plurality of shopping can messages sem over the network 10 the shopping carl cOlllputer by the buyer computer in response to reccipI of a pluralilY of requests from a user to add a pluralilY of respective products to a shopping carl in tbe shopping cart database, each of the shopping carl meS-'l3ges comprising a product identifier identifying one of tile plurality of products; and mod ifying the shopping carl in the shopping carl database to reflecllhe plurality of requests 10 add the pluralilY of products to the shopping carl; the buyer (.-amputer being programmed to receive a request from the user to purchase the plurality of prooucts added to the ~hopping carl and to cause a payment message to be activated 10 initiate a payment transaction for lhe plura\ilY of products added 10 the shopping cart; the shopping cart being a stored represemation of a collection of products, the shopping carl database being a database of stored represenlalions of colleclions of products, and the shopping cart computer being a computcr thai mooifies the stored represc01alions of collections of products in the database. 37. A network-based sales syslem, comprising: a mercham database comp rL<;ing a plurality of digital advertisements and a plurality of respective product fulfillment items; al least one crealion computer for crealing the merchant database; and at least one merchant computer for causing the digital advertisements to be transmitted to a uscr and for causing adveniscd products to be transmil1 ed to the uscr; Ihe creation computer ami the mercbant computer being inter<..'Onneeted by a public packet switched <..'Omputer oclwork; the creation computer being programmed to create the merchant database, and to transmit the digital advertisements and the product fulfillment items over the nelwork to the mercham computer; 5,909,492 19 the me rchant computer betng programmed 10 receive the digital advertisements and product fulfillment items over the network, 10 receive over the network a request for a digital advcrliscmCnl from a user, \0 cause the digital advertisement to be scnt \0 the user over the network, 10 receive ove r Ihe network from the user 3 product request message identifying an advertised product, and [0 cause the product 10 be se nt [0 the user in accordance wilh a product fulfillment item ..-orresponding 1 the product; 0 31 leaSI a portion of the digital advertisements transmi!1c d by the c reation computer 10 the merchant computer over the nc(work being authenticated by 31 least one digital signawre. 38. A method of operating a merchant t'Ompu\cr in a network-based salcssystcm comprising a merchant database that comprises a plurality of digital adveniscments and a plurality of respective product fulfillment it cm~, 3tlcast one creat ion computer for creating tbe merchant database, and at least one mercharn computer for causing the digital advertisements to be transmilloo to a user and for causing advertiscd products to Ix: transmilled to the user, the creation computer and the merchant computer being inter..-onnected by a public packet switched computer network, the method comprising the steps of: 20 5 10 15 20 r<!Cciving, at the merchant computer, the digital advertisemcrns and thc product fulfillment items, the digi tal advertisements and the product fulfillment items having Ix:en transmillcd over the network to tbe mcrcharn computer by the creation computer, the merchant database comprising the digital advcnisemcnts and the product fulfIllment items having been created by the creation computer; receiving over the network a request for a digital advertisement from a user; causing the digital ad\'e rtisement to be sent to the user over the network; receiving over the ne twork from the uscr a product request message identifying an advertised product; and causing the product \0 Ix: sent \0 the user in accordance with a product fultillment item corresponding to the product; atlcasl a jXlrtion of the digital advenisemenlS transmil1ed by the creation computer to the merchant compu ter over tbe network being authenticated by at least one digital signature. . . . .. . UN ITED STATES I'ATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICI<: Cerlificate Pmcnt No. 5.909.492 Patemed: June I. 1999 On petition reques ting iss uance of a certificate for colTt!Cti on orinventorship pursuant to 35 U.S.C. 256. it has been found that the above identified patent, through error and w ithout any deceptive intcnt. improperly Sl)ts fonh the invcntorship:. Accordingly. it is hereby certified that the correct invcntorship of this pat..:nt is: Andrew C. Payne, Lincoln. MA (US): Lawrence C. Stewart, Wayland. MA (US): and G. Winfield Treese, Wayland, MA (US). Signed and S..:akd this Third Day of Novemocr 2009. Thomas H. Tarcza SUIJervisor)' Patent Examiner . An Unit 3662

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