O'Bannon, Jr. v. National Collegiate Athletic Association et al

Filing 237

Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Defendant NCAA's Deposition Designations filed by National Collegiate Athletic Association. (Attachments: #1 Declaration of Jeslyn A. Miller, #2 Proposed Order, #3 NCAA's Deposition Designations, #4 Exhibit A, #5 Exhibit B, #6 Exhibit C, #7 Exhibit D, #8 Exhibit E, #9 Exhibit F, #10 Exhibit G, #11 Exhibit H, #12 Exhibit I, #13 Exhibit J, #14 Exhibit K, #15 Exhibit L, #16 Exhibit M, #17 Exhibit N, #18 Exhibit O, #19 Exhibit P, #20 Exhibit Q, #21 Exhibit R, #22 Exhibit S, #23 Exhibit T, #24 Exhibit U, #25 Exhibit V - REDACTED, #26 Exhibit V - SEALED, #27 Exhibit W, #28 Exhibit X, #29 Exhibit Y, #30 Exhibit Z, #31 Exhibit AA, #32 Exhibit BB)(Miller, Jeslyn) (Filed on 6/23/2014) Modified on 6/24/2014 (kcS, COURT STAFF).

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EXHIBIT R In Re: NCAA Student-Athlete Name and Likeness Licensing Litigation Damien Rhodes on 03/06/2014 Page 297 ·1· · · · · · · ·UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT ·2· · · · · · · ·NORTHERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA ·3· · · · · · · · · · ·OAKLAND DIVISION ·4 ·5· · In Re:· NCAA Student-Athlete Name and ·6· · Likeness Licensing Litigation ·7· · · · · · · · · ·Case No. 409-cv-1967-CW ·8 ·9· · ·MAY CONTAIN CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION 10 11 12· · · · · · · · · ·VIDEOTAPED DEPOSITION OF 13· · · · · · · · · · · · ·DAMIEN RHODES 14· · · · · · · · · · · · · ·Volume II 15· · · · · · · · · · · · ·MARCH 6, 2014 16· · · · · · · · · · · · · ·3:00 p.m. 17 18· · · · · · · · ·ACTION REPORTING SERVICE, LLC 19· · · · · · · ·211 WEST JEFFERSON STREET, SUITE 21 20· · · · · · · · · · · SYRACUSE, NEW YORK 21 22· ·REPORTED BY:· · ·PAMELA PALOMEQUE, RPR 23· · · · · · · · · · Certified Livenote Reporter 24 25 Designation Color Key Blue = NCAA Affirm Desigs. Orange = Pls' Counter Desigs. Fuchsia = NCAA Rebuttal Desigs Huseby, Inc. 555 North Point Center, E., #403, Alpharetta, GA 30022 www.huseby.com (404) 875-0400 In Re: NCAA Student-Athlete Name and Likeness Licensing Litigation Damien Rhodes on 03/06/2014 Page 310 ·1· · · · · · · damage claims.· He's not a class ·2· · · · · · · representative for damage claims. ·3· · · · · · · · · ·MS. LUEDTKE:· Damage claims are what need ·4· · · · · · · to be calculated.· One way to calculate that ·5· · · · · · · is whether he actually receives the same ·6· · · · · · · amount as the other 85 to 100 players on the ·7· · · · · · · team. ·8· · · · · · · BY MS. LUEDTKE: ·9· · · · Q.· · You can answer the question, Mr. Rhodes. 10· · · · A.· · Well, all 85 to 100 players, as you spoke of, 11· ·all played equal part in winning a game, whether it's big 12· ·or small.· How that gets divvied up, I'm not sure. 13· · · · Q.· · When you played football at Syracuse, 14· ·approximately how many people were on the roster each 15· ·year? 16· · · · A.· · They were anywhere from 85 to 100. 17· · · · Q.· · Were there people who were red-shirted? 18· · · · A.· · Yes. 19· · · · Q.· · What does it mean to be red-shirted? 20· · · · A.· · That's a coach's and player's decision amongst 21· ·themselves whether they could play or not. 22· · · · Q.· · If you're red-shirted, you don't play in any 23· ·games during that season, correct? 24· · · · A.· · Correct. 25· · · · Q.· · When you were at Syracuse, did red shirt Huseby, Inc. 555 North Point Center, E., #403, Alpharetta, GA 30022 www.huseby.com (404) 875-0400 YVer1f In Re: NCAA Student-Athlete Name and Likeness Licensing Litigation Damien Rhodes on 03/06/2014 Page 311 ·1· ·players participate in practice? ·2· · · · A.· · They did. ·3· · · · Q.· · Did they wear uniforms and stand on the ·4· ·sidelines during games? ·5· · · · A.· · For home games they did. ·6· · · · Q.· · Not away games? ·7· · · · A.· · No. ·8· · · · Q.· · Do you know whether red shirt players appeared ·9· ·in televised Syracuse football games when you were there? 10· · · · A.· · Well, if it was a home game, they would have 11· ·been on the side line and the camera often got the 12· ·sideline, so I would say yes. 13· · · · Q.· · So when you were a running back at Syracuse -14· ·you were a starting running back for at least your junior 15· ·and senior year; right? 16· · · · A.· · Correct. 17· · · · Q.· · Did you start your sophomore year? 18· · · · A.· · I did not. 19· · · · Q.· · So during your junior and senior year, when 20· ·you were a starting running back, should you have been 21· ·paid more or less than a red shirt player who stood on 22· ·the sideline and didn't participate in the televised 23· ·game? 24· · · · · · · · · ·MR. EISLER:· Objection to form, outside 25· · · · · · · the scope of the Court's order.· You can Huseby, Inc. 555 North Point Center, E., #403, Alpharetta, GA 30022 www.huseby.com (404) 875-0400 YVer1f In Re: NCAA Student-Athlete Name and Likeness Licensing Litigation Damien Rhodes on 03/06/2014 Page 314 ·1· · · · · · · · · ·MR. EISLER:· Objection to the form. ·2· · · · · · · Mr. Rhodes is here on his own personal damage ·3· · · · · · · claim.· Calls for speculation, calls for ·4· · · · · · · expert testimony, calls for a legal ·5· · · · · · · conclusion.· You can answer if you can. ·6· · · · A.· · They were on the team. ·7· · · · Q.· · So they should be paid? ·8· · · · A.· · How that happens, I'm not sure but they were ·9· ·on the team. 10· · · · Q.· · Your attorney keeps objecting that you're here 11· ·for your own personal damage claim.· Describe to me what 12· ·your own personal damage claim is, Mr. Rhodes. 13· · · · A.· · It would be the using my likeness and image 14· ·for the NCAA to make money. 15· · · · Q.· · How did the NCAA use your likeness and image 16· ·to make money? 17· · · · A.· · Well, there's television games that you're 18· ·speaking of.· We were not allowed to participate in any 19· ·of the revenue that was made off our efforts on the field 20· ·that drew the attention and the revenue in. 21· · · · Q.· · Did the NCAA get any revenue from your 22· ·televised Syracuse football game? 23· · · · A.· · I believe so. 24· · · · Q.· · What revenues did the NCAA get from your live 25· ·televised football games at Syracuse? Huseby, Inc. 555 North Point Center, E., #403, Alpharetta, GA 30022 www.huseby.com (404) 875-0400 YVer1f In Re: NCAA Student-Athlete Name and Likeness Licensing Litigation Damien Rhodes on 03/06/2014 Page 315 ·1· · · · A.· · That I don't know.· I don't see the books. ·2· · · · Q.· · Did Syracuse get money from your televised ·3· ·football games? ·4· · · · A.· · I imagine so. ·5· · · · Q.· · Are you asking Syracuse to pay you damages for ·6· ·playing in those live televised football games? ·7· · · · A.· · The class is with the NCAA, not Syracuse. ·8· · · · Q.· · Do you think it would be appropriate for the ·9· ·jury to make Syracuse pay a percentage of the broadcast 10· ·revenue to the football players who appear in games? 11· · · · · · · · · ·MR. EISLER:· Objection to form.· Calls 12· · · · · · · for a legal conclusion. 13· · · · A.· · I'm not sure.· It's just never been done 14· ·before. 15· · · · Q.· · Are you -- do you think that the cheerleaders 16· ·who appear in live televised Syracuse football games 17· ·should be paid some of the revenue that comes in? 18· · · · A.· · I never thought about it but they are not part 19· ·of this suit, so I guess that's something they have to 20· ·think about. 21· · · · Q.· · Well, sitting here today, what do you think? 22· ·Should the cheerleaders be paid part of the live 23· ·broadcast revenue that comes in from a Syracuse football 24· ·game? 25· · · · · · · · · ·MR. EISLER:· Objection to form.· Outside Huseby, Inc. 555 North Point Center, E., #403, Alpharetta, GA 30022 www.huseby.com (404) 875-0400 YVer1f In Re: NCAA Student-Athlete Name and Likeness Licensing Litigation Damien Rhodes on 03/06/2014 Page 321 ·1· ·happened so I don't know what to base it off. ·2· · · · Q.· · Why did you say it would be extreme to pay ·3· ·kids to go to college and pay football on live televised ·4· ·games?· Strike that. ·5· · · · · · · Why did you say it would be extreme to pay ·6· ·kids to go to college and play football? ·7· · · · A.· · I'm not sure.· I answered that a few years ·8· ·ago, so I don't really remember my thought process when I ·9· ·answered that. 10· · · · Q.· · Do you agree that it would be extreme to pay 11· ·kids to go to college and play football? 12· · · · A.· · I'm not sure. 13· · · · Q.· · Did you already receive a benefit for playing 14· ·football at Syracuse from 2002 until 2005? 15· · · · · · · · · ·MR. EISLER:· Objection to form. 16· · · · A.· · I didn't even hear what you said, I'm sorry, 17· ·it was muffled. 18· · · · Q.· · Did you already receive a benefit for playing 19· ·football for Syracuse from 2002 until 2005? 20· · · · A.· · What sort of benefit? 21· · · · Q.· · That's what I'm asking you.· Did you already 22· ·receive any benefits for playing football when you were 23· ·at Syracuse? 24· · · · · · · · · ·MR. EISLER:· Objection to form.· You can 25· · · · · · · answer. Huseby, Inc. 555 North Point Center, E., #403, Alpharetta, GA 30022 www.huseby.com (404) 875-0400 YVer1f In Re: NCAA Student-Athlete Name and Likeness Licensing Litigation Damien Rhodes on 03/06/2014 Page 322 ·1· · · · A.· · I received a great education and a lot of ·2· ·great memories. ·3· · · · Q.· · What are your great memories? ·4· · · · A.· · We could be here for a long time. ·5· · · · Q.· · You had a great experience playing football at ·6· ·Syracuse? ·7· · · · A.· · I had a great time at Syracuse. ·8· · · · Q.· · What was your favorite part about being a ·9· ·college student at Syracuse? 10· · · · A.· · It's not every day that everybody just gets to 11· ·go to Syracuse University, so every day is kind of 12· ·special. 13· · · · Q.· · It's a great university, isn't it? 14· · · · A.· · It is indeed. 15· · · · Q.· · Did you get a great education there? 16· · · · A.· · I did. 17· · · · Q.· · Did you have wonderful coaches? 18· · · · A.· · Some great coaches. 19· · · · Q.· · Did you receive a full-ride athletic 20· ·scholarship for all four years at Syracuse? 21· · · · A.· · Yes. 22· · · · Q.· · You graduated, correct? 23· · · · A.· · I did. 24· · · · Q.· · What was your degree? 25· · · · A.· · Child and Family Studies. Huseby, Inc. 555 North Point Center, E., #403, Alpharetta, GA 30022 www.huseby.com (404) 875-0400 YVer1f In Re: NCAA Student-Athlete Name and Likeness Licensing Litigation Damien Rhodes on 03/06/2014 Page 323 ·1· · · · Q.· · Did you graduate with any debt? ·2· · · · A.· · I did not. ·3· · · · Q.· · What would you say was the value of your ·4· ·full-ride scholarship that you received as a football ·5· ·player at Syracuse? ·6· · · · · · · · · ·MR. EISLER:· Object to the form.· You can ·7· · · · · · · answer. ·8· · · · A.· · I'm not really sure. ·9· · · · Q.· · Do you remember how much the tuition was at 10· ·Syracuse when you were there? 11· · · · A.· · I do not. 12· · · · Q.· · Was the full-ride scholarship that you 13· ·received from Syracuse that allowed you to graduate 14· ·debt-free not a sufficient benefit for the fact that you 15· ·played in football games that were televised? 16· · · · · · · · · ·MR. EISLER:· Objection to form, calls for 17· · · · · · · a legal conclusion.· You can answer. 18· · · · A.· · I'm not sure.· I mean, I don't know. 19· · · · Q.· · I'm asking you sitting here today, do you feel 20· ·like it was enough that Syracuse gave you a full-ride 21· ·scholarship to play football for games that were 22· ·televised? 23· · · · A.· · Not really or else we wouldn't be going 24· ·through this case. 25· · · · Q.· · Why was it not enough? Huseby, Inc. 555 North Point Center, E., #403, Alpharetta, GA 30022 www.huseby.com (404) 875-0400 YVer1f In Re: NCAA Student-Athlete Name and Likeness Licensing Litigation Damien Rhodes on 03/06/2014 Page 324 ·1· · · · A.· · Well, there is other -- there was revenue made ·2· ·that we weren't allowed to partake in so -·3· · · · Q.· · Do you think you should get a piece of that ·4· ·revenue? ·5· · · · A.· · How it works, that's why I have people to ·6· ·figure out how to divvy that up. ·7· · · · Q.· · Do you know what that revenue is used for that ·8· ·comes in from -- used from the live broadcast of Syracuse ·9· ·football game? 10· · · · A.· · I do not know. 11· · · · Q.· · Do you know that that revenue goes to support 12· ·other sports that don't make money like football? 13· · · · · · · · · ·MR. EISLER:· Objection to form, assumes 14· · · · · · · facts not in evidence.· You can answer. 15· · · · A.· · I know now, if that's what you're saying. 16· · · · Q.· · Do you know that the money that comes into 17· ·Syracuse from the broadcast of the football games you 18· ·played in goes to support other sports that aren't 19· ·fortunate enough to be on television; right? 20· · · · · · · · · ·MR. EISLER:· Objection to form. 21· · · · A.· · Sure. 22· · · · Q.· · And you think some of that money should have 23· ·gone to you instead of to those sports? 24· · · · · · · · · ·MR. EISLER:· Objection to form. 25· · · · A.· · Never really thought about it with regard to Huseby, Inc. 555 North Point Center, E., #403, Alpharetta, GA 30022 www.huseby.com (404) 875-0400 YVer1f In Re: NCAA Student-Athlete Name and Likeness Licensing Litigation Damien Rhodes on 03/06/2014 Page 325 ·1· ·other sports.· This is based it on who I'm here with. ·2· · · · Q.· · Have you thought about the consequences of the ·3· ·lawsuit you filed and what that might mean for other ·4· ·sports at Syracuse? ·5· · · · A.· · I don't know what it would mean. ·6· · · · Q.· · Have you thought about whether or not this ·7· ·lawsuit that you filed might mean that there will be ·8· ·fewer women's sports at Syracuse? ·9· · · · A.· · I do not know what it will mean. 10· · · · Q.· · And you haven't given that any thought? 11· · · · A.· · I do not know. 12· · · · Q.· · I'm just asking whether you've given that any 13· ·thought? 14· · · · A.· · No, I have not. 15· · · · Q.· · Let's talk about the other benefits that you 16· ·received while you were playing football.· In addition to 17· ·your full-ride scholarship, did you receive a stipend to 18· ·pay for living expenses, like room and board? 19· · · · A.· · Did not receive a stipend. 20· · · · Q.· · Where did you live when you were at Syracuse? 21· · · · A.· · We lived on what was called South Campus. 22· · · · Q.· · You lived in a dormitory? 23· · · · A.· · They were student housing. 24· · · · Q.· · So you lived in housing that was provided by 25· ·Syracuse? Huseby, Inc. 555 North Point Center, E., #403, Alpharetta, GA 30022 www.huseby.com (404) 875-0400 YVer1f In Re: NCAA Student-Athlete Name and Likeness Licensing Litigation Damien Rhodes on 03/06/2014 Page 326 ·1· · · · A.· · Correct. ·2· · · · Q.· · Did you have to pay for that housing? ·3· · · · A.· · I did not. ·4· · · · Q.· · When you were playing in football games for ·5· ·Syracuse, did you receive food plans of some sort? ·6· · · · A.· · Yes. ·7· · · · Q.· · They provided you food? ·8· · · · A.· · Yes. ·9· · · · Q.· · Did you get enough food to eat when you were 10· ·playing football for Syracuse? 11· · · · A.· · Well, I gained a little weight. 12· · · · · · · · · ·MR. EISLER:· Object to the form. 13· · · · Q.· · There was just too much food while you were 14· ·playing football for Syracuse? 15· · · · A.· · Just like anybody else in college, you know 16· ·that Freshman 15. 17· · · · Q.· · Did Syracuse pay for your textbooks that you 18· ·needed for your classes while you were playing football 19· ·for Syracuse? 20· · · · A.· · They did. 21· · · · Q.· · Did Syracuse provide any academic support for 22· ·you as a member of the varsity football team there? 23· · · · · · · · · ·MR. EISLER:· Objection to form. 24· · · · A.· · Yes, they did. 25· · · · Q.· · What academic support did Syracuse provide to Huseby, Inc. 555 North Point Center, E., #403, Alpharetta, GA 30022 www.huseby.com (404) 875-0400 YVer1f In Re: NCAA Student-Athlete Name and Likeness Licensing Litigation Damien Rhodes on 03/06/2014 Page 327 ·1· ·you? ·2· · · · A.· · If you needed a tutor, they would arrange for ·3· ·a tutor and they helped us academically to make sure that ·4· ·we would be able to learn so we could graduate just like ·5· ·any other student that needed to learn. ·6· · · · Q.· · When you say "they" arranged for this, who ·7· ·arranged for it? ·8· · · · A.· · That would be the academic staff that worked ·9· ·in the athletic building. 10· · · · Q.· · So the Syracuse Athletic Department had its 11· ·own academic staff to help it support football players? 12· · · · A.· · Yes. 13· · · · Q.· · Did they support other athletes, too, like 14· ·women's volleyball players or men's soccer players? 15· · · · A.· · Yes. 16· · · · Q.· · When you were there, did you ever get any 17· ·additional academic support from that staff? 18· · · · A.· · Nothing outside of the norm of just helping if 19· ·we needed help. 20· · · · Q.· · Did you ever have to get a tutor? 21· · · · A.· · Yes. 22· · · · Q.· · In which classes? 23· · · · A.· · Good Lord, I can't even remember. 24· · · · Q.· · Did the tutor help you? 25· · · · A.· · They did.· I graduated. Huseby, Inc. 555 North Point Center, E., #403, Alpharetta, GA 30022 www.huseby.com (404) 875-0400 YVer1f In Re: NCAA Student-Athlete Name and Likeness Licensing Litigation Damien Rhodes on 03/06/2014 Page 328 ·1· · · · Q.· · Was there ever a time that you asked for ·2· ·academic assistance that Syracuse did not help you? ·3· · · · A.· · If I needed a tutor, they were able to get me ·4· ·a tutor. ·5· · · · Q.· · Do you know if those special tutors and ·6· ·academic assistance resources were available for other ·7· ·nonvarsity athletes -- strike that. ·8· · · · · · · Do you know whether those special resources to ·9· ·provide academic support were available to students who 10· ·were not student-athletes? 11· · · · A.· · I'm not sure but I had friends that were 12· ·regular students and they could get tutors just as 13· ·easily. 14· · · · Q.· · Tutors helped the nonstudents as well? 15· · · · · · · · · ·MR. EISLER:· You mean nonathletes, 16· · · · · · · Counsel? 17· · · · · · · · · ·MS. LUEDTKE:· Yes. 18· · · · Q.· · Syracuse helped the nonathletes with academic 19· ·assistance as well? 20· · · · A.· · Yes, Syracuse University would definitely help 21· ·other students. 22· · · · Q.· · Did you feel that you had the academic support 23· ·you needed in order to get a great education and graduate 24· ·at Syracuse? 25· · · · A.· · I did. Huseby, Inc. 555 North Point Center, E., #403, Alpharetta, GA 30022 www.huseby.com (404) 875-0400 YVer1f In Re: NCAA Student-Athlete Name and Likeness Licensing Litigation Damien Rhodes on 03/06/2014 Page 329 ·1· · · · Q.· · And that was a benefit that was provided to ·2· ·you while you were playing football, correct? ·3· · · · · · · · · ·MR. EISLER:· Objection to form. ·4· · · · A.· · Yes. ·5· · · · Q.· · Did anybody ever pressure you to take easy ·6· ·classes to help you graduate? ·7· · · · · · · · · ·MR. EISLER:· Objection to form.· You can ·8· · · · · · · answer. ·9· · · · A.· · No. 10· · · · Q.· · Did anybody ever -- sorry to ask this but did 11· ·anybody ever take a test for you or write a paper for 12· ·you? 13· · · · · · · · · ·MR. EISLER:· Objection to form.· You can 14· · · · · · · answer. 15· · · · A.· · No, because usually my handwriting was pretty 16· ·bad so they knew it was mine. 17· · · · Q.· · Did your coaches encourage you to go to class? 18· · · · A.· · Yeah. 19· · · · Q.· · What did your coaches tell you about the value 20· ·of getting an education while you were playing football 21· ·at Syracuse? 22· · · · · · · · · ·MR. EISLER:· Objection to form, assumes 23· · · · · · · facts not in evidence.· You can answer. 24· · · · A.· · Well, education is important so it can take 25· ·you further than the 1 percent of athletes that make it Huseby, Inc. 555 North Point Center, E., #403, Alpharetta, GA 30022 www.huseby.com (404) 875-0400 YVer1f In Re: NCAA Student-Athlete Name and Likeness Licensing Litigation Damien Rhodes on 03/06/2014 Page 330 ·1· ·to the NFL, so make sure you graduate. ·2· · · · Q.· · And the coaches told you that? ·3· · · · A.· · Oh, yeah. ·4· · · · Q.· · What did your coaches do to encourage you to ·5· ·make sure you graduated? ·6· · · · · · · · · ·MR. EISLER:· Objection to form.· You can ·7· · · · · · · answer. ·8· · · · A.· · Well, the only one I have a conversation with ·9· ·about not going to class so is kind of not having to do 10· ·anything. 11· · · · Q.· · What do you mean?· What do you mean? 12· · · · A.· · As in you don't want to end up in the office 13· ·asking, why didn't you go to class, so you just kinda go 14· ·to class. 15· · · · Q.· · So if you skipped class, the coach would come 16· ·down on you hard? 17· · · · A.· · It wasn't soft. 18· · · · Q.· · If you skipped class, the coach would call you 19· ·into his office and say, cut it out, go to class? 20· · · · A.· · Pretty much. 21· · · · Q.· · Did people on the team ever get punished for 22· ·not going to class? 23· · · · A.· · There were a few of those. 24· · · · Q.· · Where do you think the money should come from 25· ·that you're asking for as payment for appearing in live Huseby, Inc. 555 North Point Center, E., #403, Alpharetta, GA 30022 www.huseby.com (404) 875-0400 YVer1f In Re: NCAA Student-Athlete Name and Likeness Licensing Litigation Damien Rhodes on 03/06/2014 Page 332 ·1· ·whether coaches should make less money so that players ·2· ·can make more money? ·3· · · · · · · · · ·MR. EISLER:· Objection to form.· You can ·4· · · · · · · answer. ·5· · · · A.· · I don't know. ·6· · · · Q.· · Did Syracuse ever cut a football player's ·7· ·scholarship because they got injured while you were ·8· ·there? ·9· · · · A.· · No. 10· · · · Q.· · Were there players on your team who got 11· ·injured but continued to get a full-ride scholarship to 12· ·Syracuse? 13· · · · A.· · Yes. 14· · · · Q.· · How many do you think? 15· · · · A.· · I dont, I don't recall. 16· · · · Q.· · Did you get injured while you were playing 17· ·football at Syracuse? 18· · · · A.· · I did. 19· · · · Q.· · Did you miss games because of an injury? 20· · · · A.· · I did. 21· · · · Q.· · Did Syracuse pay for all the medical care you 22· ·needed to treat that injury? 23· · · · A.· · I guess so, yes. 24· · · · Q.· · Did Syracuse pay for physical therapy and 25· ·training to help you come back from any of those Huseby, Inc. 555 North Point Center, E., #403, Alpharetta, GA 30022 www.huseby.com (404) 875-0400 YVer1f In Re: NCAA Student-Athlete Name and Likeness Licensing Litigation Damien Rhodes on 03/06/2014 Page 334 ·1· ·didn't get the share in. ·2· · · · Q.· · Did the NCAA ever sell your jersey? 611b ·3· · · · A.· · Oh, not my actual with my name on it but just ·4· ·the only person who wore my number at my time playing ·5· ·when the jersey was for sale would have been me. ·6· · · · Q.· · Does someone else wear that number for ·7· ·Syracuse now? ·8· · · · A.· · Yes, but it's no longer for sale, ·9· ·coincidentally. 10· · · · Q.· · Has it ever been for sale with your number 11· ·when you weren't a student there? 12· · · · A.· · No. 13· · · · Q.· · Do you know whether the NCAA or Syracuse got 14· ·the money for that sale? 15· · · · A.· · Yes, definitely NCAA got money for that sale. 16· · · · Q.· · Do you know whether the NCAA or Syracuse got 17· ·the money for you playing on television? 18· · · · A.· · Yes. 19· · · · Q.· · How do you know -- who got the money? 20· · · · A.· · I know the NCAA did. 21· · · · Q.· · How do you know that? 22· · · · A.· · Public knowledge. 23· · · · Q.· · How did the NCAA get money for you playing in 24· ·televised regular season football games? 25· · · · A.· · Well, you saw the commercial time that's Huseby, Inc. 555 North Point Center, E., #403, Alpharetta, GA 30022 www.huseby.com (404) 875-0400 YVer1f In Re: NCAA Student-Athlete Name and Likeness Licensing Litigation Damien Rhodes on 03/06/2014 Page 340 ·1· · · · A.· · I did not.· Much to the chagrin of my boss. ·2· · · · Q.· · Why did you not? ·3· · · · A.· · Because that's not who I was.· It was just a ·4· ·part of my life. ·5· · · · Q.· · Do people still recognize you as a running ·6· ·back from Syracuse? ·7· · · · A.· · They know me of that but people I associate ·8· ·with now know me for me, not for that. ·9· · · · Q.· · They know you as a college graduate who's gone 10· ·on to have a great career; correct? 11· · · · · · · · · ·MR. EISLER:· Objection to form.· You can 12· · · · · · · answer. 13· · · · A.· · They know me as Damien Rhodes. 14· · · · Q.· · Did Syracuse provide you with training that 15· ·helped you try to make a run as a professional football 16· ·player? 17· · · · A.· · They did. 18· · · · Q.· · They provided that to you for free; correct? 19· · · · · · · · · ·MR. EISLER:· Objection to form. 20· · · · A.· · Yes. 21· · · · Q.· · What kind of training did you get as a benefit 22· ·of being a Syracuse student-athlete? 23· · · · A.· · A lot of running and lifting. 24· · · · Q.· · Were there strength coaches? 25· · · · A.· · There were. Huseby, Inc. 555 North Point Center, E., #403, Alpharetta, GA 30022 www.huseby.com (404) 875-0400 YVer1f In Re: NCAA Student-Athlete Name and Likeness Licensing Litigation Damien Rhodes on 03/06/2014 Page 352 ·1· ·$1,000, should the jury believe me? ·2· · · · · · · · · ·MR. EISLER:· Objection, Counsel, ·3· · · · · · · argumentative.· I mean, come on.· We're ·4· · · · · · · outside the scope of the Court's order. I ·5· · · · · · · don't want to direct him not to answer but ask ·6· · · · · · · him a respectful question. ·7· · · · Q.· · You can answer. ·8· · · · A.· · I'm not sure. ·9· · · · Q.· · You don't know who the jury should listen to 10· ·in making that decision? 11· · · · · · · · · ·MR. EISLER:· Objection to form, 12· · · · · · · argumentative, calls for speculation, calls 13· · · · · · · for expert testimony.· You can answer. 14· · · · A.· · I'm not sure. 15· · · · Q.· · When you were recruited to play football at 16· ·Syracuse, what were the factors that you considered in 17· ·choosing to play at Syracuse? 18· · · · A.· · Let's see.· There was really my feel, how I 19· ·felt about the place, graduation rate, and Syracuse had 20· ·100 percent at the time, so that was important; to make 21· ·sure my family could be within a radius to be able to see 22· ·me play, for both home and away games.· Yeah. 23· · · · Q.· · When you attended Syracuse, 100 percent of the 24· ·football players graduated? 25· · · · A.· · Before I went, I said, when I was looking at Huseby, Inc. 555 North Point Center, E., #403, Alpharetta, GA 30022 www.huseby.com (404) 875-0400 YVer1f In Re: NCAA Student-Athlete Name and Likeness Licensing Litigation Damien Rhodes on 03/06/2014 Page 353 ·1· ·them, they won an award from the NCAA for highest ·2· ·graduation rate in the country. ·3· · · · Q.· · What was the graduation rate when you played ·4· ·for Syracuse? ·5· · · · A.· · I think we were like 97 percent, something ·6· ·like that maybe.· I'm not sure. ·7· · · · Q.· · What did Syracuse do to achieve such a high ·8· ·graduation rate for their football? ·9· · · · · · · · · ·MR. EISLER:· Objection to form, calls for 10· · · · · · · speculation.· You can answer. 11· · · · A.· · Well, I think one is having the right mindset 12· ·that, you know, it's not just about football.· We are 13· ·there to be student-athletes, so we're not just athletes. 14· ·We're students first; hence, the phrase student-athlete. 15· · · · Q.· · How did Syracuse communicate that mindset that 16· ·you're a student-athlete and not just athletes? 17· · · · · · · · · ·MR. EISLER:· Objection to form.· You can 18· · · · · · · answer. 19· · · · A.· · As I referred to earlier, they make sure that 20· ·you go to class.· They make sure that you take care of 21· ·the academic side first. 22· · · · Q.· · And they provided you the academic support you 23· ·needed to succeed; is that right? 24· · · · A.· · Correct. 25· · · · Q.· · Would your high school recruitment experience Huseby, Inc. 555 North Point Center, E., #403, Alpharetta, GA 30022 www.huseby.com (404) 875-0400 YVer1f In Re: NCAA Student-Athlete Name and Likeness Licensing Litigation Damien Rhodes on 03/06/2014 Page 362 ·1· ·payments for appearing in football games? ·2· · · · A.· · I'm not sure. ·3· · · · Q.· · Looking back, are you glad that you played ·4· ·football for Syracuse? ·5· · · · A.· · Of course. ·6· · · · Q.· · Are you glad that you chose to attend college ·7· ·and graduate from Syracuse? ·8· · · · A.· · I am. ·9· · · · Q.· · Has that education and degree you received 10· ·from Syracuse been beneficial to you in your life and 11· ·career? 12· · · · A.· · Yes. 13· · · · Q.· · If you had to do it all over again, would you 14· ·choose to play football for Syracuse again? 15· · · · · · · · · ·MR. EISLER:· Objection to form.· You can 16· · · · · · · answer. 17· · · · A.· · Yeah. 18· · · · · · · · · ·MS. LUEDTKE:· I don't have any further 19· · · · · · · questions for Mr. Rhodes.· Thank you so much 20· · · · · · · for your time today. 21· · · · · · · · · ·THE WITNESS:· Thank you. 22· · · · · · · · · ·MR. EISLER:· I have no questions. 23· · · · · · · Counsel on the phone? 24· · · · · · · · · ·MS. FREEMAN:· No questions. 25· · · · · · · · · ·MR. LEVINE:· No questions. Huseby, Inc. 555 North Point Center, E., #403, Alpharetta, GA 30022 www.huseby.com (404) 875-0400 YVer1f In Re: NCAA Student-Athlete Name and Likeness Licensing Litigation Damien Rhodes on 03/06/2014 Page 366 ·1· · · · · · · · · · REPORTER'S CERTIFICATE ·2 ·3· ·I, PAMELA PALOMEQUE, Court Reporter and ·4· ·Notary Public, certify: ·5· ·That the foregoing proceedings were taken before me at ·6· ·the time and place therein set forth, at which time the ·7· ·witness was put under oath by me; ·8· ·That the testimony of the witness and all objections made ·9· ·at the time of the examination were recorded 10· ·stenographically by me and were thereafter transcribed; 11· ·That the foregoing is a true and correct transcript of my 12· ·shorthand notes so taken; 13· ·I further certify that I am not a relative or employee of 14· ·any attorney or of any of the parties nor financially 15· ·interested in the action. 16 17 18 19 · · · · · · · · ·PAMELA PALOMEQUE, RPR CLR 20 21 22 23 24 25 Huseby, Inc. 555 North Point Center, E., #403, Alpharetta, GA 30022 www.huseby.com (404) 875-0400

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