Apple Inc. v. Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. et al

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Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Documents Re Apples Opposition To Samsungs Motion To Exclude Opinions Of Certain Of Apple Experts filed by Apple Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Declaration Of Cyndi Wheeler In Support Of Apples Administrative Motion To File Under Seal Documents Re Apples Opposition to Exclude Apple Experts Opinions, #2 [Proposed] Order Granting Apples Administrative Motion To File Under Seal, #3 Apples Opposition To Samsungs Motion To Exclude Opinions Of Certain Of Apples Experts, #4 Declaration Of Mia Mazza In Support Of Apples Opposition To Samsungs Motion To Exclude Opinions Of Certain Of Apples Experts, #5 Exhibit Mazza Decl. Ex. D, #6 Exhibit Mazza Decl. Ex. F, #7 Exhibit Mazza Decl. Ex. G, #8 Exhibit Mazza Decl. Ex. J, #9 Exhibit Mazza Decl. Ex. K, #10 Exhibit Mazza Decl. Ex. L, #11 Exhibit Mazza Decl. Ex. R, #12 Exhibit Mazza Decl. Ex. S, #13 Exhibit Mazza Decl. Ex. T, #14 Exhibit Mazza Decl. Ex. U, #15 Exhibit Mazza Decl. Ex. V, #16 Exhibit Hauser Decl. Ex. B, #17 Exhibit Hauser Decl. Ex. C, #18 Exhibit Hauser Decl. Ex. D, #19 Exhibit Hauser Decl. Ex. E, #20 Exhibit Musika Decl. Ex. S, #21 Exhibit Musika Decl. Ex. T, #22 Exhibit Musika Decl. Ex. U, #23 [Proposed] Order Denying Samsungs Motion To Exclude Opinions Of Apples Experts)(Jacobs, Michael) (Filed on 5/31/2012) Modified on 6/3/2012 attachment #1 Sealed pursuant to General Order No. 62 (dhm, COURT STAFF).

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Exhibit C Commercial Use of Conjoint Analysis: A Survey Author(s): Philippe Cattin and Dick R. Wittink Reviewed work(s): Source: Journal of Marketing, Vol. 46, No. 3 (Summer, 1982), pp. 44-53 Published by: American Marketing Association Stable URL: . Accessed: 29/05/2012 17:56 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at . JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact American Marketing Association is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to Journal of Marketing. Philippe Cattin & Dick R. Wittink Use Conjoint analysis has been used extensively in marketing research to estimate the impact of selected product (service) characteristics on customer preferences for products (services). In this paper we discuss findings obtained from a survey of commercial users of the methodology. We project that around 1,000 commercial applications have been carried out during the last decade. We discuss the manner in which the methodology is used commercially, remaining issues that deserve further exploration, and recent advances or insights obtained by researchers working in this area. Commercial of Conjoint Analysis: A Survey Introduction ARKETING researchers have made considerable use of conjoint analysis to estimate the impact of selected product (or service) characteristics on consumer preferences. Commercial use of the methodology appears to be widespread, although it is not universally accepted. In designing a conjoint analysis study, a researcher has many alternative approaches to choose from. To gain insight into the extent of usage and the manner in which the methodology is applied, a mail questionnaire was developed and sent to all research firms in the U.S. that were known to the authors to offer conjoint analysis commercially. Seventeen (all but three) of these firms cooperated with the survey before the end of 1980. In this paper we discuss the survey findings, and we elaborate on Cattin anAssociate is Professor MarketingtheUniversity of at Philippe of Connecticut Dick Wittink an Associate and R. is Professor Marof and Methods Cornell at The keting Quantitative University. authors thank E. Green, Paul Richard Johnson, Srinivasan Yoram M. V. and Wind their for with to instrument helpful suggestions regard thesurvey andthe listof potential The Science Institute respondents. Marketing for The provided maintain refull partial support thisstudy. authors for version thesurvey of sponsibility thefinal the instrument, execution of thestudy thecontent thispaper. and of 44 / Journalof Marketing, Summer1982 some of the remaining issues associated with the application of conjoint analysis. The 17 research firms1 taken together have carried out approximately 700 research projects with conjoint analysis. Of these projects, 160 had been carried out during the most recent 12 months. The survey questions pertained to: * the frequency of usage of the methodology by product/service category; 0 the specific purpose of the research study; 0 the method used for generating (defining) product attributes or characteristics; * the model (e.g., a main effects, part worth model); * the number of attributes; * the method of data collection (i.e., full profiles, trade-off matrices); 'Actually, two of the respondents represent advertising agencies, and one response was obtained from a large corporation. We did not contact other large corporations because the number of projects carried out for any one corporation is likely to be small. Furthermore, most institutions employ outside agencies to conduct a study involving conjoint analysis. However, we contacted all research and consulting companies and advertising agencies known to us to offer conjoint analysis commercially, as defined by Green and Srinivasan (1978, p. 104). Journal of Marketing Vol. 46 (Summer 1982), 44-53. * the mode of presenting objects (stimuli) to respondents; * the response mode for collecting preference judgments (e.g., rank order preferences); * the usage of alternative parameter estimation procedures; * reliability and validity of the results; * the method employed to summarize the results for presentation to management; * issues associated with the implementation of results; and * remaining issues and unsolved problems. We have also attempted to relate the survey findings to the latest developments in conjoint analysis, and we make recommendations regarding issues that warrant further study. Survey Results of Usage by Product Category Based on the responses, the first commercial project involving conjoint analysis was completed in 1971. The number of projects carried out per respondent at the time the survey was conducted (during the latter half of 1980) varies from 2 to 200. Taken together, the respondents have completed 698 projects during this decade, or approximately 70 projects per year.2 During the most recent 12 months, however, a total of 160 projects have reportedly been carried out by the respondents. The commercial applications of conjoint analysis have been broken down by product category to determine for which types of products and services the methodology has been employed by the survey respondents. Based on the results in Table 1, it appears that the majority of commercial applications involved consumer goods.3 Also, consumer and industrial goods together account for more than 80% of the applications. There are no trends apparent in the category breakdown, as shown by the similarity between the percentages for the period since a company started using conjoint analysis and the figures reported for the most recent 12 months. Frequency 2This is a conservative estimate of the total number of projects. Considering nonrespondents and companies not contacted (including those in foreign countries), we project that around 1,000 projects have been completed'as of 1981. 3Although the consumer goods category figures prominently in the frequency of usage of the methodology, this does not imply that conjoint analysis is more appropriatefor such goods compared with other goods. TABLE 1 Frequency of Usage of Conjoint Analysis by Product/Service Category Category Consumer goods Industrialgoods Transportation Financial services Government Other services Total Since Company Started 429 (61%) 138 (20%) 25 (4%) 53 (8%) 18 (3%) 35 (5%) 698 During Most Recent 12 Months 96 (60%) 33 (21%) 5 (3%) 6 (4%) 7 (4%) 13 (8%) 160 Project Purpose In a given commercial application of the conjoint methodology, multiple objectives may be served. Green and Srinivasan (1978) mention the evaluation of new product or service concepts, consideration of alternative communication campaigns, and market segmentation among the objectives for applications in the private sector. From the survey we find that new product/concept identification was the purpose or one of the purposes in 72% of the projects (see Table 2). Perhaps somewhat surprisingly, pricing was mentioned second most frequently as an objective in 61% of the projects. Based on the survey responses, market segmentation was one of the objectives in 48% of the projects, and advertising was identified 39% of the time. The results were virtually identical if the responses for the most recent 12 months were used instead. It should be noted that other procedures are available as well for the purposes discussed here. Specifically, several survey respondents mentioned that conjoint analysis is not used when the attributes used to define objects tend to be "soft." Thus, if the preference for an item is determined by perceptual dimensions and the perceptions are difficult or impossible to relate to physical attributes, conjoint analysis TABLE 2 Percentage of Applications Involving Specified Purpose Purpose New product/concept identification Pricing Marketsegmentation Advertising Distribution Percentage of Applications 72% 61% 48% 39% 7% Commercial of Conjoint Use A Analysis: Survey 45 / may not be a suitable methodology. Some respondents indicated that they do not use conjoint analysis when the numberof attributesis large or when attributes tend to be highly correlated.4 I TABLE3 Frequency of Usage of Alternative Attribute Generation Methods Attribute Generation One of the key assumptions underlying the methodology is that an individual's preferencefor an object can be decomposed into preference scores for components or characteristicsof the object. If a main effects model is used, the preferencescore for a given attributelevel does not depend on any other attribute. In order to gain insight into how preferencesare determinedand how the preferences for actual objects in the marketplacecan be influenced, it is essential that considerable effort be expended on generating attributes.In a typical application (excluding applications involving computerinteractivetechniques), a set of attributesis defined prior to the collection of preferencejudgments. In some applications, management may exclusively decide the set of relevant attributes. For example, in one study not covered by this survey, management was primarilyinterestedin the influence of certain price variables relative to other dimensions, on the preferencefor subscriptionseries of arts programs(Currim,Weinbergand Wittink 1981). In other cases, the set of attributes may be based more heavily on direct consumer input. In general, input from the targetmarketas well as -frommanagementshould be used. Thus the attributesshould include those most relevant to potential customers and those which satisfy the managerialconstraint(variablesto be manipulated either in productdesign, pricing, communication campaignsor distributionefforts). Every survey respondentmentionedthat the client (i.e., management)was involved in the generationof attributes,as shown by the numberof respondentsindicating usage of "Expert judgment of client's personnel" in Table 3. Input from the target market is obtained through a variety of procedures, including group interviews and direct questioning of individual subjects. Only five respondents indicated that they used "protocols." However, these respondentstend to favor this procedurequite strongly, as indicatedby the median rank value for this procedure. Other procedures mentioned include the examinationof alternative products/servicesavailablein the and in-depth interviews of individual marketplace subjects. The examination of existing items in the marketplaceshould not be relied upon exclusively, 4Some respondents have used conjoint analysis with a large number of attributes. The methodology can also accommodate correlated attributes. Such problems have been handled successfully in commercial and other applications. 46 / Journal Marketing, of Summer 1982 Method Expert judgment of client's personnel Group interviews Direct questioning of individual subjects Kelly's repertory grid Protocols Other Number of Respondents Indicating Usage Median Rank* 17 15 2 2 10 7 5 3 3 3 1 3 *Based on "used most often" (1) to "used least often" and tabulated only for respondents who indicated that they used the method in question. however. An advantage of conjoint analysis is the possibility of obtaining informationabout the influence of an attributeon preference, even when the existing items available in the marketplacedo not vary on the attribute. For example, the available brands may be offered at identical prices. Yet this does not mean that price should be excluded as an attributein the conjoint analysis project. It should be noted, however, that the other proceduresmay also be limiting in the sense that the attributesgeneratedmay reflect the variationin existing items ratherthanthe potential impact an attributehas on consumer choice. In general, the generation of attributesand the amount of variationon a given attributeallowed for in the definition of hypothetical stimuli, should allow for the not discovery of opportunitiesin the marketplace otherwise evident. In addition, conjoint analysis can be used to obtain quantitativeassessments of the market potentialfor new or modified products. Model Specification The most common model used by the survey respondents is the part worth model. In this model preference for an object is assumed to be an additive function of the values (worths) of its components (attributelevels). Companiesthat carry out only a limited number of conjoint analysis studies per year tend to rely exclusively on this model. In the vector model a continuousfunction is used to representthe influences of attributeson preference. For continuous functions an attributeshould be measured on at least an interval scale. For example, price was mentionedby respondents as an attributefor which a continuous and often nonlinearfunction would be used to estimate the effect on preference. A quadraticfunction (Green and Srinivasan 1978, pp. 105-6; Pekelman and Sen, 1979a, 1979b) is an example of a continuous nonlinear function. Such a function can be used to approximate cases where preference is assumed to be monotone decreasing (increasing), such as for automobile preference as a function of miles per gallon. This specification can also be used for attributesthat are of the ideal point type, such as the amount of sugar in a dessert. Three of the survey respondents, one being a heavy user of the methodology, indicated that they use noncompensatory well as compensatory as models. A noncompensatory model may, for example, include a cutoff rule indicatingthat an object will not be considered at all if its specification on a given attribute is below a minimumlevel. Specifically, an individual may consider only medium sized automobilesno matter how attractivea compact might be on other characteristics. One survey respondentindicated that the specification of the (noncompensatoryor compensatory) model would depend on the decision making structure,as identified in qualitative marketresearch conducted prior to the collection of preferencejudgments. Of course, such a decision making structure may change as the natureof the available alternatives changes. Another survey respondent uses a hierarchy of noncompensatory(threshold, disjunctive and lexicographic) and compensatory rules to approximatean individual's approachto determiningpreferences for alternativeobjects. One respondentindicatedthat the goodness of fit is usually higher for noncompensatory models compared with compensatory models. However, in a recent study Olshavsky and Acito (1980) found no significant difference in either internal or external validity between selected compensatoryand noncompensatorymodels. Some respondents are using recently developed modeling procedures that may be especially useful when the numberof attributesis relatively large, such as componential segmentation (Green and DeSarbo 1979) and hybridmodels (Green, Goldbergand Montemayor 1981). The hybrid modeling procedure includes direct ratingsof attributelevels and of attribute importances. Number of Attributes Clients of the survey respondents appear to identify many attributesas being potentiallyrelevant (up to as many as 50 attributes).However, there may be substantial overlap between the attributesinitially identified. Thus a smaller set of attributescan be defined to capturemuch, if not all, of the initial set. Across all respondentsthe median numberof attributesvaries from 3 to 15, but for most respondents the median numberof attributesactually used in conjoint analysis is 6 or 7. The number is kept relatively small, espe- cially if the preference judgments are collected by means of the full profile approach. Individualshave difficulty evaluating objects defined on more than six attributesat a time because of informationoverload (Green and Srinivasan 1978). Data Collection Procedures The two main alternativeproceduresare the full profile or concept evaluation approachand the trade-off matrix or two factors at a time approach.Extensions or variations of these procedures(and issues related to data collection) are discussed by Green and Srinivasan (1978, pp. 107-9). We have summarized in Table 4 the relative frequencywith which commercial applications completed by the survey respondents have involved alternativeapproaches.From this table it can be seen that a majorityof the conjoint analysis applications has involved the full profile approach. The relative popularityof the full profile approachis especially pronounced if only the most recent 12 months are considered (69% of all applications)compared with the time since a company started using conjoint analysis (56% of the applications). Eight survey respondentsstatedthatthey favor the full profile approachbecause it is more realistic, as exemplified by the statement, "It is the most realistic reflection of the choice environment." Otherbut less frequent reasons given in favor of this approachinclude speed, ease of administration,validity, interviewee convenience, flexibility in analysis anidless respondentfatigue. The reasons given for the use of the two factors at a time approachinclude the ability to use many attributes,the speed with which the interview is completed, and the clarity of understanding of the task by respondentsas well as by management. It should be noted that the task of evaluatingconcepts becomes more complex as the numberof attributes used to define the concepts increases. For this reason many researchersdo not vary more than ap- TABLE 4 Relative Frequency of Usage of Alternative Data Collection Methods Method Full profile (concept evaluation) Two factors at a time (trade-off matrices) Combination of full profile and two factors at a time Other Since Company Started During Most Recent 12 Months 56% 69% 27% 13% 14% 3% 15% 3% Commercial of Conjoint Use A Analysis: Survey 47 / proximately six attributesin the set of profiles presented to an individual. Nevertheless, some survey respondentshave used the full profile approach for applicationsinvolving substantiallymore than six attributes. However, usually special designs are used in such cases. For instance, a variation of the full profile approachcan be used on two or more subsets of profiles defined on, say, six attributes,where some attributesare used in more than one subset (Green 1974). Moreover, as indicated earlier, some survey respondents have begun to use recently developed methods that involve alternative data collection approaches (e.g., Green, Goldberg and Montemayor 1981). Interactive data collection procedures (Johnson 1980) are used by three of the survey respondents. Reasons given for the use of interactive approaches include speed of data collection, managementinterest, respondentinterest, data quality and breadthof coverage. With interactivetechniques the researcher has flexibility in varying the numberand natureof the attributesas well as the specification of attributelevels across interviewees. Additional flexibility is obtained when the preference judgments requested at any particularstage in the data collection process depend on the preferencejudgments already provided by the individual. The consistency of an individual's judgments can be tested, and the interviewee can receive immediate feedback on his/her preferences. Furthermore,the arduous task of processing information from questionnairesis avoided. Such interactiveproceduresare likely to become more popular as the technology required becomes more widely available, although the choice of interviewees is constrainedunless the equipment needed to collect the informationis portable and can be set up quickly in alternativelocations. Respondentreaction to the use of computerinteractivetechniquesappears to be favorable as indicated by the results of a study conducted for Xerox (MacBride and Johnson 1980). In this study, responses obtained throughthe electronic approach had higher predictive validity than a paper and pencil interview. Methods of Presenting Stimuli to Interviewees Verbaland paragraph descriptionsof hypotheticalobjects are the most commonly used methods, as shown in Table 5. The survey respondents mentioned that these procedures are convenient, inexpensive and Pictorialrepresentations also used, straightforward. are but typically in combinationwith verbal descriptions. Only on rareoccasions does the set of objects involve actualproducts,presumablybecause the development of prototypesis frequentlynot feasible. It should not be surprisingthat the methodof presentation may affect the responses. Verbal and para48 / Journal Marketing, of Summer 1982 TABLE5 Relative Frequency of Usage of Alternative Methods of Presenting Stimuli to Respondents Since Company Method Started Verbal descriptions 50% 20% Paragraph descriptions Pictorial descriptions 19% Actual products 7% Other* 4% *Other includesmodels or pseudoproducts. During Most Recent 12 Months 46% 23% 17% 9% 5% graph descriptions are subject to response biases reare sultingfrom the orderin which attributes presented (Johnson1981). There is also some evidence thatpictorial representations more likely to produceconare figural processing of the informationpresented(Holbrook and Moore 1981). Response Mode for Preference Judgments Based on the answers provided for the period since a company started, a preferencerank order of hypothetical objects was elicited more frequently comparedwith the use of rating scales. However, the difference in relative frequency of usage between these two response modes is minimal for the most recent 12-monthperiod (see Table 6). Reasons provided by the surveyrespondentsfor using rankorderjudgments include ease of use, ease of administration, and a desire to keep the judgment task as close as possible to TABLE6 Relative Frequency of Usage of Alternative Response Modes for Preference Judgments Response Mode Rank Order Paired comparison Rating scale Other* Since Company Started 45% 11% 34% 10% During Most Recent 12 Months 41% 5% 39% 15% Variable Definition Preference 33% 44% Liking 10% 8% Intention to buy 54% 46% Other** 3% 2% *Other consists primarily gradedpairedcomparisons. of **Otherincludesactual purchaseor order placementby respondents. a consumer's usual shopping behavior. Rating scales are favored by some survey respondentsbecause, it is claimed, the rating scales are less time-consuming for an interviewee and also because of interviewee convenience and ease of analysis. Rating scales may not be practicalwhen trade-off matrices are used to collect preference judgments. However, graded paired comparisonjudgments indicating the strengthof preference for one object over another can be used instead, as shown by Johnson (1980). If rank order preferencejudgments are used, researchers should consider the possibility that the numberof levels used for the attributesmay have a systematic influence on the substantive results. Adjustments may be necessary before the results can be compared across attributeswith varying numbers of levels (Wittink, Krishnamurthi Nutter 1982). and The remainderof the results in Table 6 shows the relativeusage of alternativedefinitions for the dependent (criterion)variable. "Intention to buy" is most frequently used, with "Preference" a close second choice, particularlyif measured during the most recent 12-monthperiod. Alternative Estimation Procedures The results in Table 7 suggest that regression analysis (and analysis of variance) is now the most commonly used estimation procedure, based on the survey responses for the most recent 12 months. This contrasts with the result that MONANOVA is the single most popularmethodduringthe period since the companies startedusing conjoint analysis. Note, however, that the "Other" category has the largest relative frequency. This category includes the PERMUTE al- TABLE7 Relative Frequency of Usage of Alternative Estimation Procedures* Since Company Started MONANOVA PREFMAP LINMAP Monotone regression Regression/ANOVA LOGITanalysis Other** During Most Recent 12 Months 24% 3% 22% 3% 4% 16% 10% 48% 5% 28% 15% 36% *The percentages do not add up to 100 because some respondents often use more than one method for "convergence." **Other includes the PERMUTE algorithm (an algorithm similar to MONONOVA) and a repertoire of methods that includes most of the above. gorithm and proceduresconsisting of a repertoireof methods (involving the identificationof noncompensatory rules and the specification of decision-tree structures).None of the respondentsindicated usage of LINMAP (Srinivasan and Shocker 1973) for parameterestimation, even though this technique was listed in the questionnaireas one of the possible procedures. We do, however, know that LINMAP has been applied commercially. Approximately70 orders (half to the commercial sector) have been filled for this program (Shocker 1981). Based on the survey responses, there is a definite trend toward increasing use of techniquessuch as LOGITand regressionanalysis. This trendmay be relatedto the increasingusage of rating scales for the collection of preferencejudgments. The substantive results obtained from conjoint analysis do not seem to depend very much on the specific estimationprocedure.MONANOVA and regression analysis tend to provide similar results in terms of parameter estimates for both rankordersand rating scales (Carmone,Green and Jain 1978). This is probably due to the fact that MONANOVA suffers from local optimumsolutions (Wittinkand Cattin 1981, pp. 104-5). LINMAP is guaranteedto provide a global optimum. With simulated data, LINMAP outperformedMONANOVA,regression analysisandLOGIT, in terms of external validity, when rank order preference data were obtained from a dominantattribute model. On the other hand, for compensatorymodels with approximatelynormally distributedpart worths for the attributelevels, the externalvalidity was highest for regression analysis (Wittinkand Cattin 1981). The comparisons are based on analytical procedures which in some cases have been updated.For example, Srinivasanhas extended the linear programmingprocedure to include a "strict paired comparison" approach. He obtained higher predictive validity, in terms of the percentageof first choices predictedcorrectly, with this extension (Srinivasan1981) than was obtainedwith the earlier version of LINMAP used in the study by Jain et al. (1979). Other factors that may dictate or influence the choice of estimationprocedureinclude the availability of software and the ability to constrainparameterestimates. For example, with functionsthatare expected to be monotone increasing (decreasing), simulation results indicate that predictive validity is improvedif a quadraticor part worth function is constrainedto be monotone over the range of attributelevels (Cattin 1981). With LINMAP such constraintscan be introduced quite readily. Least squaresprocedurescan also be adaptedto accommodatesuch constraints. Hybrid models have been introduced (Green, Goldberg and Montemayor 1981) to reduce the data requiredfrom an individual respondent.Interviewees Commercial of Conjoint Use A Analysis: Survey 49 / are first clustered based on self-explicated data. The preferencejudgments are used to estimate main effects and selected interactionsat the segment (or aggregate) level. Ultimately, each interviewee's model is a weighted sum of the person's (individual) selfexplicatedmodel and a segment or aggregateconjoint model. Cattin, Gelfand and Danes (1981) recently proposed a simple Bayesian regression procedureto combine self-explicated data with an individualized conjoint model. Their analytical results indicate that the Bayesian procedure should outperforma procedure based on the individual preference judgments only. In eithercase, the idea behindthe hybridmodels is to augment, not to replace, the conjoint data. Selfexplicatedmodels by themselves appearto have lower external validity compared with the conjoint models (Cattin, Gelfand and Danes 1981; Green, Goldberg and Wiley 1981). Reliability and Validity The survey respondentsindicatedthat they frequently obtain measures of reliability. The measuresused include replications (i.e., asking interviewees to evaluate one or more stimuli twice, at different times), consistency checks and split half reliabilitymeasures. With respect to validity, most of the survey respondents(11) indicatedthat they do obtain measures of validity, at least sometimes. Holdout stimuli or validation samples are used to compare actual and predictedpreferencejudgmentsor to compute a crossvalidated correlation (external validity). A few respondentscheck only the internalvalidity to eliminate data from interviewees ". . . whose data are not ex- plainableby a model." The predictive validity is assessed occasionally through a comparison of an interviewee's preferencerankingof brandsavailable in the marketplacewith the predicted ranking obtained from the individual's preferencemodel. The reliabilityof the results in an aggregatesense is influenced by the numberof interviewees included in a study. This sample size is determinedpartly by the purposeof the study and the allocatedbudget. The summaryresults in Table 8 show that the sample size varies considerably across the survey respondents. The median sample size varies across the respondents from 100 to 1,000, althoughthe median is in the 300 to 550 range for most respondents. Analysis of Conjoint Analysis Results To summarizeresults to managementand to identify promising marketingactions, the survey respondents carry out at least one of the following procedures: * a marketsimulation,based on preference models estimatedat the individuallevel, to predictmar50 / Journal Marketing, of Summer 1982 TABLE8 Sample Size Used by Survey Respondents Mean Median (across respondents) 2107 1200 High Low 138 100-150 Median 466 500 II ket sharesundervarious scenariosinvolving the introductionof a new productor modifications of an existing product (including changes in marketingmix variables); * aggregationof preferencejudgments, and estimation of preference model parameters,at the segment level, or aggregation of individual level parameterestimates at the segment level; * full aggregation of preference data across all interviewees. To make marketshare predictionsit seems advisable to use individualizedpreferencemodels. Wittink and Montgomery (1979) obtained higher predictive validity for preference models estimated at the individuallevel thanfor segmentbased preference models. The segment based models, in turn, were more predictive of actual choice behavior, subsequent to the collection of data for conjoint analysis, than models estimatedacross all individuals. With respect to market simulation, special optimization procedures are available, such as POSSE (Green, Carrolland Goldberg 1981). Some survey respondentsindicated they use such procedures. to However, it is not straightforward make market share predictionsbased on conjoint analysis, for several reasons. (1) The conjoint models are based on preferenceor intent-to-purchase behavior, not on actual behavior. (2) There are likely to be attributesexcluded from the models that may affect behavior in the marketplace.(3) The models should be extended to include the effect of mass communication, distribution effort and competitive reactions. (4) Perceptions of a product and its attributesmay have to be modeled to incorporate the differences (links) between perceptionsand objective or physical features included in the conjoint study. (5) New productsmay take several years to be developed and marketed,after which the natureof the competitionmay be different, and systematic changes in customer preferencesmay have taken place. Therefore, it is importantto update the models or to determinehow economic and other conditions influence the models' parameters. It should be noted that even if market share predictions are made based on individualizedmodels, the results may also be summarized at some aggregate (i.e., segment) level to provide insight to management about the part worths of attribute levels for selected subgroups of potential customers. In this regard, Currim and Wittink (1980) have shown the equivalence of several alternative aggregation schemes when least squares analysis is used to estimate parameters. In a strict sense, however, the parameter estimates may not be comparable across individuals. At a more practical level, this difficulty is perhaps not severe. Researchers may, however, want to standardize the parameter estimates for each interviewee before making interpersonal comparisons. A common way of summarizing results is to compute attribute importance weights, based on the conjoint analysis results, at the individual level and average these weights across individuals within a market segment. Usually, such derived importance weights are based on taking the difference between the parameter estimates of the most preferred and least preferred levels of a given attribute. In this manner, the importances reflect the amount of variation used for a given attribute in creating hypothetical objects. Furthermore, the importance of one attribute is measured relative to the importance of the other attributes used in the study. Recent research results suggest, however, that the derived attribute importances may also reflect the number of attribute levels used in a study if rank order preference judgments are collected, even when the most and least preferred levels are held constant (Wittink, Krishnamurthi and Nutter 1982). Thus, if price is an attribute and a decision has been made to use as maximum and minimum levels $20 and $15, respectively, then the derived importance of price may be influenced by the number of intermediate price levels used to define hypothetical objects. This implies that the parameter estimates (e.g., part worths) may not be comparable across attributes. Hence, market share estimates may also be influenced systematically by the number of attribute levels (Wittink and Krishnamurthi 1981). We emphasize that this potential problem has been observed only for rank order preference judgments and not for cases when rating or other scales are used. Implementation of Results The survey respondents reported that the conjoint analysis results have had impact on concept (product) design, the selection of features for a new product, modification of existing products and pricing. A number of survey respondents expressed reservations about the extent of impact because ". . . it is difficult to assess the role of research in the final execution and implementation." Unsolved Problems The survey respondentsmentioned the following aspects as problems that may require attention: * the validity of the results (especially with respect to estimated marketsharesbased on preference judgments for hypotheticalobjects); * the numberof observationsneeded for reliable estimation of parameters; * how to handle a large number(i.e., more than eight) of attributes; * how to deal with problems involving multiple decision makers, for example, industrialbuying centers and family decision making; * how to detect and incorporateinteractionsand nonlinearitiesin preferencemodels; and * the lack of "good software." With respect to these points we note that the hybrid utility estimation approachadvocated by Green, Goldberg and Montemayor(1981) is designed to incorporateselected interactions, estimated at the segment level. This approach can also accommodate a large numberof attributes.A recent study by Krishnamurthi(1980) addresses the modeling of joint decision making situations. Concluding Comments Finally, we want to address a few other issues associated with conjoint analysis. Althoughthe survey respondents did not specifically mention these issues, we feel that these points deserve additionalthought. In informal discussions with other researchers,some of these points have been raised. Of general concern is the question about the realism of the task required from interviewees. The trade-offs involved in comparing alternative hypothetical objects may seem quite unreal to individuals cooperatingwith a conjoint analysis study. If the preference judgments involve hypotheticalobjects representative of what is available in the marketplace,the interviewee may not have any difficulty providingrealistic evaluations. If, on the other hand, the hypothetical objects differ dramatically from the actual objects (products) available, the task will be more demanding and the judgments may not be as representative of what an individual would actually do in a marketplacesetting. If the quality of the preference judgmentsdeclines as the task for the interviewee becomes more artificial (i.e., less representative of choices available in the marketplace),then the applicability of the methodology may be severely limited. Conceivably then the results from conjoint analysis Commercial of Conjoint Use A Analysis: Survey 51 / if performedat some aggregate level may not differ dramatically from results that could be obtained throughquantalchoice models.5 The main advantage of conjoint analysis would then consist of the opportunityto estimate models at the individuallevel based on an experimentallycontrolled set of objects. Related to this issue is the ability and/or willingness of interviewees to provide accurate preference judgments. This problem is unique to conjoint analysis (and other survey research), as opposed to researchsuch as quantalchoice models which are based on revealedpreferences.Intervieweeswho have agreed to cooperatewith a study will differ on the degree to which they are devoted to providingaccurateanswers. If the preferencejudgment task is perceived to be an interestingone by an interviewee, we would expect greater accuracy compared with a task that is perceived to be uninteresting.For example, if an automobile manufacturerwants to select individuals to react to hypothetical automobiles, the manufacturer should take a sample from the targetmarket. Individuals currentlyconsidering the purchase of a new car should be motivatedand equippedto provide accurate preference judgments. However, such individuals may be reluctantto cooperate with a research study if they cannot distinguish the research from a sales pitch. Recent automobile purchasersdo not have to worryabout a possible sales pitch. Nevertheless, their motivation to provide accuratepreferencejudgments is likely to be considerablylower. Researchersshould pay careful attentionto the problem of motivatinginterviewees. 5Inquantal choice of an objectis explained choice, the marketplace as a functionof the object'scharacteristics acrossa set of customers, with limitedopportunity allow for individualheterogeneity the to in estimates.See Madansky(1980), Plott (1980) and Sriniparameter vasan(1980a)for comparisons conjointanalysisandquantal of choice models. Consumer choice in the marketplaceusually involves variousperceptualdimensions as well as physical characteristicsof alternativebrands. The insight providedby the researchresults may be improvedby explicitly incorporating perceptualdimensions. For an example of recent research involving the estimation of relationshipsbetween preferences,perceptionsand physical features, see Hauser and Simmie (1981) and Holbrook (1981). With respect to the selection of attributes,the use of brandname and price are somewhat controversial. Brand names may capture a number of aspects that may be covered separately by other attributes.As a consequence, conjoint analysis results for brandmay be very difficult to interpret.Nevertheless, actual or perceived advantagesassociated with the brandname are relevant to the questions addressedin a conjoint analysis study. Similarly, price is controversial because interviewees may view price as an indication of productquality. For a discussion of issues associated with the use of price as an attribute,see Rao and Gautschi (1980) and Srinivasan(1980b). Apart from these issues, we speculate that computer interactive techniques will receive increasing attention. This and other developments have been motivated, at least in part, by a desire to increase respondent motivation and to minimize respondentfatigue. There is also potential to integratethe effects of marketingmix and other (e.g., economic) variables with the results obtained from conjoint analysis. We also projectincreasingapplications industrial in goods, such applicationsrequire acceptable procealthough dures for developing group preference models. We encouragecommercialusers to sharetheirexperiences with the marketingcommunity so that the procedures can be adapted furtherand the effectiveness and efficiency of marketingresearchcan be increased. REFERENCES Carmone, Frank, J., Paul E. Green and Arun K. Jain (1978), "Robustness of Conjoint Analysis: Some Monte Carlo Results," Journal of Marketing Research, 15 (May), 300-3. 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