Campbell et al v. Facebook Inc.

Filing 199

NOTICE by Facebook Inc. Joint Notice of Refiling of Documents Accompanying Class Certification Briefs and Evidentiary Objections (Attachments: # 1 Ex. 1 - Replacement for Dkt. 178-1, # 2 Ex. 2 - Replacement for Dkt. 183-4, # 3 Ex. 3 - Replacement for Dkt. 179-1, # 4 Ex. 4 - Replacement for Dkt. 184-3, # 5 Ex. 5 - Replacement for Dkt. 179-2, # 6 Ex. 6 - Replacement for Dkt. 179-3, # 7 Ex. 7 - Replacement for Dkt. 179-4, # 8 Ex. 8 - Replacement for Dkt. 179-5, # 9 Ex. 9 - Replacement for Dkt. 179-6, # 10 Ex. 10 - Replacement for Dkt. 179-7, # 11 Ex. 11 - Replacement for Dkt. 179-10, # 12 Ex. 12 - Replacement for Dkt. 179-11, # 13 Ex. 13 - Replacement for Dkt. 179-12, # 14 Ex. 14 - Replacement for Dkt. 179-13, # 15 Ex. 15 - Replacement for Dkt. 179-14, # 16 Ex. 16 - Replacement for Dkt. 179-15, # 17 Ex. 17 - Replacement for Dkt. 179-16, # 18 Ex. 18 - Replacement for Dkt. 179-17, # 19 Ex. 19 - Replacement for Dkt. 179-18, # 20 Ex. 20 - Replacement for Dkt. 179-20, # 21 Ex. 21 - Replacement for Dkt. 180-2, # 22 Ex. 22 - Replacement for Dkt. 180-3, # 23 Ex. 23 - Replacement for Dkt. 184-9, # 24 Ex. 24 - Replacement for Dkt. 180-7, # 25 Ex. 25 - Replacement for Dkt. 180-9, # 26 Ex. 26 - Replacement for Dkt. 180-12, # 27 Ex. 27 - Replacement for Dkt. 180-17, # 28 Ex. 28 - Replacement for Dkt. 180-18, # 29 Ex. 29 - Replacement for Dkt. 180-19, # 30 Ex. 30 - Replacement for Dkt. 180-20, # 31 Ex. 31 - Replacement for Dkt. 180-21, # 32 Ex. 32 - Replacement for Dkt. 180-22, # 33 Ex. 33 - Replacement for Dkt. 180-23, # 34 Ex. 34 - Replacement for Dkt. 178-5)(Chorba, Christopher) (Filed on 6/15/2016)

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EXHIBIT 4 HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL - ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT NORTHERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA ________________________________ ) MATTHEW CAMPBELL, MICHAEL ) HURLEY, and DAVID SHADPOUR, on ) behalf of themselves and all ) others similarly situated, ) ) Plaintiffs, ) ) vs. ) Case No. ) C 13-05996 PJH ) FACEBOOK, INC., ) ) Defendant. ) ________________________________) HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL - ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY VIDEOTAPED DEPOSITION OF RAY HE Palo Alto, California Friday, September 25, 2015 Volume I Reported by: CHRIS TE SELLE CSR No. 10836 Job No. 2144894 PAGES 1 - 273 Page 1 Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL - ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 it, which is an association type and user next to 02:56:42 it. Q. What does no props mean? A. That just means that this tool was not able to find properties on the association type. 02:57:06 Q. And what association type was it looking for there? A. 37619379530. Q. Do you know why it was looking for that? A. This tool just displays any raw 02:57:25 associations we can find. Q. And then how about the, above that, the top line there which says props, and then OBJ greater than user, do you see that? A. Yes. 02:57:41 Q. What does that mean? A. I wouldn't be able to tell without loading the association type. Q. And how would you go about loading the association type? 02:57:53 A. I would load the association type into our association type tool, and also scanning it through, looking for the association type within our code base. Q. And what's your association tool, what's 02:58:10 1 anything, because they were prototyped products, and 03:00:24 2 any engineer can build a system to add any 3 associations between any objects. 4 Q. If you had access to, to your Facebook 5 terminal today, could you, would you have the means 7 A. I'm not sure I could do this for 8 everything. 9 Q. Could you do it for some things? 10 A. Yes. 11 Q. Which ones do you think you would be able 2 02:58:13 A. That would be the, I believe that would be 3 the TAO schema tool. 4 Q. What is an association, as that term is 5 used at the top of page 6014, Bates 6014? 6 02:58:44 A. It is a entry within TAO linking this 7 global share to a user ID, sorry, to any ID. 8 Q. So an object ID, a user ID, any ID, any 9 identification number created by Facebook. 10 A. Yes, depending on the type. 02:59:21 11 Q. What types are included, what types of IDs 12 are included in this list of associations? 13 A. I wouldn't be able to give you an 14 exhaustive list, but the ones listed for this object 15 are on the left, left-hand column. 16 02:59:37 Q. Can, in the left-hand column under the 17 props, colon, OBJ greater than user line or column? 18 A. Yes. 19 Q. And can you tell what type of ID the 20 2540961 number is? 02:59:58 21 A. No. 22 Q. Is there any way to ascertain what any of 23 these associations are on the left-hand column 24 because of, for example, the number of digits? 25 A. There is not. Some of them may not mean 03:00:20 Page 171 03:01:13 12 to identify? 13 A. For instance, I think I know the last 14 association. 15 Q. So what page are you looking at? 16 A. Looking at page 11, 6019. 17 Q. Uh-huh. 18 03:01:27 A. I believe those, the object marker 19 association, I could identify that. 20 Q. How so? 21 A. I believe I've seen the association 03:01:42 22 before. 23 Q. You mean that exact number? 24 A. No. The type -- 25 Q. Okay. Page 170 1 the name of it? 03:00:55 6 to identify what those associations were? 03:01:54 Page 172 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 A. -- used in our code base. 03:01:55 Q. And what type is that? A. It's a type which indicates who has marked this as spam, or abusive. Q. And are there particular digits there that 03:02:06 allow you to make that conclusion? A. I think it's the name of the type. Q. The OBJ to marker? A. Yes, OBJ to marker. Q. So, what has been marked as spam or 03:02:29 abusive in, on page 11 of 29? MR. CHORBA: Objection. Lacks foundation. THE WITNESS: What do you mean, what? BY MR. CARNEY: Q. Is, looking at the OBJ to marker entry 03:02:56 there, and that looks like maybe 12 or 16 digit number? A. Yes. Q. What is that number? Is that number an object? 03:03:11 A. To the right, or right underneath OBJ -Q. Right underneath, which begins 101501. A. I believe that is the number indicating the type of OBJ to marker. Q. I see. 03:03:28 Page 173 44 (Pages 170 - 173) Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL - ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY 1 line of this e-mail. 2 1 able to answer that question. 04:50:44 2 MR. CHORBA: Objection. Lacks foundation. 04:53:58 Q. Are there documents that you could review 3 Calls for speculation. 3 that you know exist that would allow for you to 4 You can answer, if you know. 4 answer the question? 5 THE WITNESS: I don't know exactly what Mr. Liu 04:50:59 5 A. Yes. 6 meant in the title of this diff. 6 Q. What are they? 7 BY MR. CARNEY: 7 A. Facebook source code. 8 8 Q. And how would you find the lines of code Q. Do you recall whether you performed a code 9 that would answer that question if you had access to 9 review of adding post-processing step to fetch the 10 share and like associations? 04:54:12 10 the source code in the room today? 04:51:14 04:54:22 11 A. I don't recall. 11 A. I would look back to December 3, 2010 and 12 Q. Would the, would a record have been 12 see if that code existed before this revision. 13 preserved at Facebook which would reveal whether in 13 14 fact you had performed such a code review? 14 the question without any temporal limitation. 15 A. Yes. 15 16 Q. And where would that information reside? 16 the fetching of like information for purposes of 17 A. In the revision detail link. 17 providing recommendations? 18 Q. In what system? 18 19 A. In this document. 19 know you intended to lift the temporal limitation, 20 Q. So, if I clicked on the link there, 04:51:30 Q. I did limit that temporally. Let me ask Is there code at Facebook which allows for 04:54:48 MR. CHORBA: Objection. Vague as to time. I 20 but are you talking about today? 04:51:45 04:55:09 21, that information would 21 MR. CARNEY: At any time. 22 be revealed? 22 THE WITNESS: I'm not sure if there is code at 23 A. Yes. 23 Facebook which allows for the fetching of like 24 Q. What is, taste, as the term is used in 25 this document? 24 information for the purposes of providing 25 recommendations, other than what was introduced or 04:52:01 Page 226 1 MR. CHORBA: Objection. Lacks foundation. 2 You can answer, if you know. 04:52:02 2 BY MR. CARNEY: 3 THE WITNESS: Taste is a back end for providing 3 4 recommendations. 5 BY MR. CARNEY: 6 1 supposedly introduced in this. 04:55:26 Page 228 04:55:29 Q. What types of things are recommended by 4 the taste back end? 04:52:12 MR. CHORBA: Objection. Vague. 6 Q. And what does, back end, mean in that 5 THE WITNESS: What do you mean by, types of 7 answer you just gave? 7 things? Just -- 8 04:56:04 8 BY MR. CARNEY: A. It is a server that a, a web server would 9 communicate with to fetch information. 10 11 9 Q. And what is a recommendation? 04:52:31 A. A recommendation is a link, typically, a Q. Is it consumer goods? Is it restaurants? 10 Is it trips? I have no idea. 04:56:28 11 A. It depends on the time period in question. 12 link that we think a user would find relevant. 12 Q. Okay. How about in 2011? 13 13 A. In 2011, I believe it was only URLs. 14 Q. And would they be URLs that included Q. And how is that information presented to 14 the user? 15 A. For this particular diff, it would have 04:52:55 15 commercial URLs, that is, commercial companies 16 been presented in a social plugin called the 17 recommendations plugin. 17 18 04:56:47 16 selling products to consumers? 18 URLs. Q. Subsequent to December 2010, was there 19 code which allowed for the fetching of like 20 information for purposes of providing 19 04:53:38 A. I don't think it differentiated between Q. And how, were you involved in drafting 20 source code for purposes of identifying 21 recommendations? 22 A. I'm not sure. 22 A. Not directly. 23 Q. Who would best be able to answer that 23 Q. Indirectly? 24 04:57:01 21 recommendations? A. Well, we've previously established that I 24 question? 25 A. I'm probably the person who would best be 04:53:56 25 wrote the code to add a counter, and I believe that Page 227 04:57:27 Page 229 58 (Pages 226 - 229) Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL - ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY 1 code was indirectly used to provide recommendations. 04:57:35 2 Q. How? 3 A. The counts were taken into account to 4 assess the relative engagement or popularity of a 5 given URL. More popular URLs are more likely to be 04:57:51 6 recommended. 7 Q. You -- I limited that question temporally 8 to 2011. 9 Did it change in 2012? 10 A. I don't know. 11 Q. Turning your attention to 17, the document 04:58:06 12 that we've been talking about -13 A. Yes. 14 Q. -- has the, can you tell by looking at 15 this e-mail whether the code to accomplish these 04:59:17 16 tasks had been written and was complete, and your 17 role was to review it, or had it not been written 18 yet? 19 A. I can't tell from this document. I'm also 20 not sure what you meant by -21 04:59:45 Q. Okay. And, I understand the confusion, I 22 think. Do you know whether Mr. Liu ever wrote code 23 that provided for adding a post-processing step to 24 fetch the share and like associations? 25 A. I don't know. 05:00:15 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Q. How about 6386? 05:02:19 A. No. Q. 6387. A. No. Q. Okay. If you'd look at the text that's 05:02:43 drafted by Mr. Liu at 6:16 p.m, they are sort of in the middle of 6387, do you see that? A. Yes. Q. Do you know what previous bug number 444663 relates to? 05:02:57 MR. CHORBA: Objection. Lacks foundation. THE WITNESS: No, I don't know. BY MR. CARNEY: Q. In February of 2011, was logging all shares, that is, including posts and 05:03:37 nonposts? I'm just reading on here. MR. CHORBA: Objection. Lacks foundation. THE WITNESS: I don't know for sure. BY MR. CARNEY: Q. Who would know the answer to that 05:04:00 question? A. I would best know the answer to that question. I believe, in a timeline that counsel has provided, it would have delineated the time periods. I'm unable to recall, given a time, what the state 05:04:17 Page 232 Page 230 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Q. We talked earlier and you just mentioned 05:00:27 1 about the code to add a counter. 2 A. Yes. 3 Q. Remind me, what did you add a counter to? 4 A. This is the ENTGlobalShare. 05:00:39 5 Q. And are URLs embedded in private messages, 6 do they give rise to global shares? 7 MR. CHORBA: Objection as to form. 8 THE WITNESS: Not necessarily. 9 BY MR. CARNEY: 05:01:04 10 Q. In some instances? 11 A. Based on the instances we previously 12 discussed, and, under all those conditions, yes, 13 they can. 14 Q. Okay. 05:01:12 15 (Exhibit 18 was marked for identification 16 by the court reporter and is attached hereto.) 17 BY MR. CARNEY: 18 Q. Mr. He, if you'd look at that document and 19 identify it, if you can. 05:01:48 20 A. This appears to be a printout of a 21 automatically created task e-mail. 22 Q. Can you tell by looking what information 23 is redacted there on page 16385? 24 A. No. 05:02:16 25 of the world was. 05:04:20 Q. What do you mean by, timeline? A. I mean, a document listing a sequence of events and dates. Q. And who prepared the timeline? 05:04:43 A. I believe, counsel. MR. CHORBA: Can we have a second to confer. I think we might be able to cut through this. MR. CARNEY: Yeah. MR. CHORBA: Take your mike off for a second. 05:04:56 We don't have to go off. Just give me one second. (Counsel conferred with the witness.) MR. CHORBA: I think, I think he's talking about the Alex Himel declaration that had the diffs. MR. CARNEY: Okay. 05:05:12 MR. CHORBA: He's referring to it as a timeline. MR. CARNEY: Great. Okay. BY MR. CARNEY: Q. Let me see if we can pull that document, 05:05:23 and then we won't force you into a crushing memory -A. Exercise. Q. Yes. (Exhibit 19 was marked for identification Page 231 05:06:03 Page 233 59 (Pages 230 - 233) Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL - ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 1 describes a user, a Facebook user. 06:28:07 2 Q. Can you give me an example. 3 A. My user ID is 4 Q. Truly -- okay. And then what is an object 5 ID, something in the, what is something in the 06:28:24 6 object ID range? 7 A. For example, if you look at Exhibit 14, the ID listed at the top. 8 9 Q. An that's the ENTGlobalShare ID? 10 A. Yes. 06:28:39 Q. Can you define the term, stored, as you 11 used it in your answer? A. In this answer, or -12 Q. Uh-huh, yeah. 13 A. In this answer, I mean a persistent store. 06:28:58 14 Q. Let's capture the databases that are 15 16 involved in holding objects and associations created 17 from private messages prior to persistent storage. 18 A. That would be on the web server itself, 19 within RAM. 06:29:27 20 Q. Any other places other than -- is web 21 server a class of database? 22 A. It's a class of server. A database is a 23 different class of server. 24 Q. What's the difference between a server and 06:29:50 25 I, RAY HE, do hereby declare under penalty of perjury that I have read the foregoing transcript, volume I; that I have made any corrections as appear noted, in ink, initialed by me; that my testimony as contained herein, as corrected, is true and correct. EXECUTED this _____ day of _____________, 201___, at __________________, ___________________. (City) (State) ______________________________ RAY HE VOLUME I Page 272 Page 270 1 a database? 06:29:51 2 A. One is a subset of the other. 3 Q. Which is a subset of the other? 4 A. A server can host a database. 5 Q. Other than -- I may have asked you this; 06:30:17 6 if I did, I apologize -- other than the web server, 7 are there any other databases or servers that are 8 involved in the storage of objects and associations 9 with respect to private messages prior to persistent 10 storage? 06:30:39 11 MR. CHORBA: Objection. Asked and answered. 12 THE WITNESS: No. 13 MR. CARNEY: Okay. Thank you. 14 MR. CHORBA: Thank you. 15 THE VIDEOGRAPHER: This marks the end of volume 06:30:50 16 1, disk 4, and concludes -17 MR. CHORBA: Let me make clear, we're 18 designating this highly confidential, attorneys' 19 eyes only, subject to review. 20 MR. CARNEY: Yeah. Thanks. 21 THE VIDEOGRAPHER: This marks the end of volume 06:31:00 22 1, disk 4, and concludes the deposition of Ray He. 23 The time is 4:31 p.m., and we are off the record -- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 I, the undersigned, a Certified Shorthand Reporter of the State of California, do hereby certify: That the foregoing proceedings were taken before me at the time and place herein set forth; that any witnesses in the foregoing proceedings, prior to testifying, were duly sworn; that a record of the proceedings was made by me using machine shorthand which was thereafter transcribed under my direction; that the foregoing transcript is a true record of the testimony given. Further, that if the foregoing pertains to the original transcript of a deposition in a Federal Case, before completion of the proceedings, review of the transcript [X] was [ ] was not requested. I further certify I am neither financially interested in the action nor a relative or employee of any attorney or party to this action. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have this date subscribed my name. Dated:10/9/15 24 6:31 p.m, and we are off the record. 25 (Time noted: 6:31 p.m.) 25 06:31:15 Page 271 <%signature> CHRIS TE SELLE CSR No. 10836 Page 273 69 (Pages 270 - 273) Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127

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