Filing 4

MOTION to Dismiss for Failure to State a Claim or, Alternatively, for Summary Judgment with Memo in Support by FOX NEWS NETWORK, LLC (Attachments: # 1 Affidavit of Dianne Brandi, Esq., # 2 Exhibit A to Brandi Affidavit, # 3 (sealed)Exhibit B to Brandi Affidavit, # 4 Exhibit C to Brandi Affidavit, # 5 Exhibit D to Brandi Affidavit, # 6 Exhibit E to Brandi Affidavit, # 7 Exhibit F to Brandi Affidavit, # 8 (sealed) Exhibit G to Brandi Affidavit, # 9 Exhibit H to Brandi Affidavit, # 10 Exhibit I to Brandi Affidavit, # 11 Exhibit J to Brandi Affidavit, # 12 (sealed) Exhibit K to Brandi Affidavit, # 13 Exhibit L to Brandi Affidavit, # 14 Exhibit M to Brandi Affidavit, # 15 Text of Proposed Order)(Morris, Frank). Added MOTION for Summary Judgment on 11/5/2010 (znmw, ). Modified on 11/9/2010 (zrdj). (The exhibits contained privacy information and was restricted pursuant to the E-Government Act.) Modified on 11/9/2010 (zrdj, ).

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EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY COMMISSION v. FOX NEWS NETWORK, LLC Doc. 4 Att. 2 EXHIBIT A Dockets.Justia.com case 1:10-cv-01660-RJL Document 1 Fired 09/30/10 page 1of 7 IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COTJRT F'OR TIIE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY COMMISSION, Plaintifl v. FOX DIEWS iYETWORK LLC DefendanL NATTI.RE OF THE ACTION This is an action under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (,,Tit1e VII,,), Title I of the Civil Rights Act of 1991, the Equal Pay Act of 1963 C'EPA"), and the Age Discrimination in Employrnent Act of 1967 ("4p94'), to correct unlawful emplo¡nnent practices based. on retaliation and to provide appropriate relief to Catherine Herridge who was adversely affected by such practices. Plaintiff, the United States Equa! Employment. opportunity Commission ('Commission'), alleges that Defendant, Fox News Network, LLC ('Defendant'), retaliated against Catherine Herridge ("Herridge') because she engaged in protected. activity. JURISDICTION AND VENUE 1' Jurisdiction of this Court is invoked pursuant to 28 U.S.C. $$ 451, 1331, 1337, 7343 and 1345. This action is authorized and instituted pursuant to the following statutes: (a) Section 706(Ð(1) and (3) of Title VII and Section 102 of the Civil Rights Act of LggI,42U.S.C. $ 1981a; (b) Sections l6(c) and 17 of the FLSA which enforces the requirement of the EpA; and (c) Section 7þ) of the ADEA. case 1:10-cv-01660-RJL Document 1 Filed 09/30/10 page 2of T 2. The employment practices alleged to be unlawful were committed within the jurisdiction of the united States District court for the District of Columbia. PARTIES 3. Title Plaintiff, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, is the agency of the United States of America charged with the adminiskation, interpretation and enforcement of VII, the EPA, and the ADEA, and is expressly authorized to bring this action by Sections 706(Ð(1) and (3) of Title VII,42 U.S.C. $ 2000e-s(f)(1) ahd (3); Sections 16(c) and t7 of the FLSA, 29 U.S.C. $$ 216(c), as amonded by Section 1 of reorganizationPlan No. I of L978,92 Stat. 3781, and by Public Law 98-532(1984), 98 Stat. 2705; and by Section Z(b) of the ADEA, 29 U'S.C' $ 626(b), as amended by Section 2 of the Reorganization Plan No. 1 of 1978, 92 Stat. 3787, and Public Law 98-532 (1984), 98 Stat. 2705. 4. 'Washington, At all relevant times, Defendant has continuously been ctoing business in District of Columbiq anì has continuously had at least 20 employees. 5. At all relevant times, Defendant has acted directly or indirectly as an employer in relation to employees and has continuously been an employer within the mearring of Section 3(d) of the FLSA, 29 U.S.C. g 203(d). 6. At all relevant times, Defendant has continuously been an employer engaged in an industry affecting commerce within the meaning of Sections 701(b), (g) and (h) of Title VII,42 U.S.C. $$ 2000e(b), (g) and (h); and has continuously employed employees engaged in commerce or in the production of goods for.commerce within the meaning of Section 3(d), (Ð and c) of the FLSA, 29 U.S.C. 9203(d), (Ð and 0), and sections 11(b), (e) and (h) of the ADEA, 2e U.S.C. $$ 630(b),(g) and (h). ' Case 1:10-cv-01660-RJL Document 1 Filed 09/30/10 page 3 of 7 CONCILIATION 7. to Prior to the institution of this lawsuit, the Commission's representatives attempted eliminate the unlawful emplo¡,ment practices alleged below and to effect voluntary compliance with Title VII, the EPA, and the ADEA through informal methods of conciliation, conference and persuasion. STATEMENT OF CLAIMS 8. More than thirfy days piior to the instihrtion of this lawsuit, Catheríne I{erridge filed a charge of discrimination with the Commission alleging violations of Title VII, the EPA and the ADEA by Defendant. been fulfilled. All conditions precedent to the institution of this lawsuit have g. From around May 2008 until around June 2009 Defendant engaged in an unlawfut employment practice ât its Washington, D.C. facility in violation of Section 7Oa@) of Title Vtr, 42 U.S.C. $ 2000e-3(a); Section 15(a)(3) of the FLSA' 29 U.S.C. 9215(aX3); and Section a(d) of the ADEA, 29 U.S.C. $ 623(d) when language it retaliated against llerridge by placing retaliatory in Herridge's employment contract and refusing to remove it over Herridge's objections during contract negotiations. 10. More specifically, beginning in or around November 2006 and continuing through March 2008, Herridge made oo-".oo, cornplaiuts to Defendant about its employment practices that she believed were discriminatory. Specifically, in November 2006 Herridge complained to Defendant's Bureau Chief that female and black conespondents were given less desirable shifts. In or around lanuary' 2007, Herridge complained to Defendant's CEO that Defendant's agreement with her that she receive a*tnal run" as an Anchor was not being honored because of her sex, -female and age, then 42. In or around December 2007, Herridge complained to Defendant's Bureau Manager that after she was given a trial run as Anchor she was reassigued Case 1 :10-cv-01660-RJL Document 1 Filed 09/30/10 page 4 of T from Anchor to Repor[er and other assignments were being taken away from her because of her age, then 43, sex/female, and because of he¡ prior opposition to discrimination. In December 2007, Henidge also made this oomplaint to Defendant's Senior Vice-President for Legal and Business Affairs. 11. From around Decomber 2007 until around March 2008, Defendant's Senior Vice President'conducted an internal investigation of the allegations of discrimination made by Herridge. On or about February 7,2008, in an email to the Vice President, Herridge questioned whether the investigation was thorough or impartial. The next da¡ Defendant's CEO sent out a company-\ryide email criticizing employees who complain and which appeared to be in response to Herridge's complaints of age and sex discripination. A-fter the investigation was completed on March 17,2008, and Henidge was notified by Defendant's Vice President that no evid.ence of discrimination had been found, Herridge disputed the findings and expressed her concem to Defendant's Vice President that the outcome of the investigation was predetermined. 72. Sometime between May 2008 and August 2008, Herridge received a draft of her employment contract which was up for renewal. The contract was v6ry similar to Herrid.ge's previous contracts except that it contained a direct reference to Herridge's internal comptaints of discrimination. Specificalt¡ the confact contained.language that Herridge will never serve as alr Anchor/Co-Anchor or an occasional Anchor/Co-Anchor during the contract term unless Defendant at its sole discrotion decides otherwise. Further, the proposed contract stated that both Herridge and Defendant aclalowledged that Herridge "has ¡aised allegations of discrimination in the past concerning her non-assignment to anchor positions and conceming other matters, and that Fox has investigated" Horridge's allegations and that Henidge and'Tox also acknowiedge that Fox has determined that discrimination did not occur and that [Henidge] did not agree with Fox's determination," Case 1:10-cv-01660-RJL Document 1 Filed 09/30/10 Page 5 of 7 13. was placed This ¡etaliatory language constituted an adverse action against Henidge because it in Henidge's employment contact because of her previous complaints of discrimination, lilas intended by Defendant to dissuade Herridge from making further complaints of employment discrimination and would have dissuaded a reasonable person from making as retaliatory frrther complaints of emplolment discrimination. Herridge viewed the language and as an attempt to intimídate her from filing any fiuttrer complaints of discrimination. Henidge shared this view with Defendant, however Dofendant insisted that the conüact include the retaliatory language regarding Herridge's claims of discrimination. Henidge refused to enter into an employmrent contraot that included the retaliatory language.. Contract negotiations stalled a¡ound November 2008 when Defendant stopped responding to inquiries made by or on behalf of Henidge concerning the status of the negotiations. 14. I¡ Herridge fiIed a charge of discrimination with the Commission in the fall of 2008. late April 2009 the Commission conducted an on-site investigation. Thoreafter around May 8, fr. om 2009, Defendant removed the disputed language Herridgers contract. On or about June 18, 2009, Herridge signed a new employment contract that did not contain any reference to her prior allegations of employment discrimination and set her salary at the level originally proposed by Defendant. 15. Henidge worked without the benefit of an employment contract for approximately nine months, during which time sho was constantly in fear of being discharged, losing her livelihood and losing her medical insurance benofi.ts, among other things. 16. . The effect of the practices complained of above has been to deprive Henidge of equal employment opportunities and otherwise adversely affect her emplolære,nts status. L7. The unlawfi.ll enrployment practices complained of above were intentional. Case 1:10-cv-01660-RJL Document 1 Filed 09/30/10 Page 6 of 7 18. The unlawful employnent practices complained of above were done with malice or with reckless indifference to the federally protected dghts of Henidge. PRAYER FOR RELIEF 'Wherefore, the Commission respectfully requests that this Court: A. Grant a permanent iqiunction enjoining Defendant, its officers, agents, servants, employees, attornoys, and all persons in active conoert or participation with it, from discriminating against an any employee because the employee has opposed any praotice made unlawfirl under Title Vtr, the EPA and the ADEA, or has made a oharge, filed a complaint or has caused to be instituted any proceeding, assisted or participated in any manner in an investigation, proceeding or litigation under these statutes. B. Order Defendant to institute and carry out policies, practices, and programs that provido equal employmeut opportunities for employees who oppose, or have opposed unlawful employment practices or otherwise engage in protected activity under Title eradicate the effects of its past and present unlawful employment practices. VII, and which C. Order Defendant to make Henidge whole by providing compensation for past and future pecuniary iosses resulting from the u¡lawful employment practices described abovg in amounts to be determined at trial. D. Order Defendant to make Henidge whole by providing compensation for past and future non-pecuniary losses resulting from the unlawful praotioes complained of above, including emotional pain, suffering, inconvenience, frustration, ioss of enjo¡rment of life,. humiliation, inconvenience, and loss of civil rights, in amounts to be determined at trial. Case 1:10-cv-01660-RJL Document 1 Filed 09/30/10 PageT of 7 E. Order Defendaut to pay Herridge punitive damages for its malicious and reckless conduct described above, in arnounts to be determined at trial. F. interest. Grant.such fi¡rther relief as the Court deems necessary and proper in the public G. Award the Commission its costs of this action. JURY TRIAL DEMAND The Commission requests a jury hial on all questions of fact raised by its oomplaint. Dated thrsþjayof September, 20 1 0. Respectfu lly submitted, EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTI-INITY COMMISSION P. DAVID LOPEZ General Counsel JAMES L. LEE Deputy General Counsel G\A/ENDOLYN YOUNG REAMS Associate General Counsel Washington Field Office 131 M Street, N.E. Washington, D.C. 20507 LYNETTE A. BARNES Regional Attorney Charlotte Dishict Offi oe 129 ïV. Trade Street, Suite 400 Charlotte, N.C. 28202 ATTORNEYS FOR PLAINTIFF

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