Securities and Exchange Commission v. Nadel et al

Filing 37

DECLARATION of Receiver, Burton W. Wiand re #36 Unopposed MOTION for miscellaneous relief, specifically expansion of the receivership to include Laurel Mountain Preserve, LLC, Laurel Preserve, LLC, Laurel Mountain Preserve Homeowners Association, Inc., and the Marguerite J. Nadel Revocable Trust UAD by Burton W. Wiand. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1, #2 Exhibit 2, #3 Exhibit 3, #4 Exhibit 4, #5 Exhibit 5, #6 Exhibit 6, #7 Exhibit 7, #8 Exhibit 8, #9 Exhibit 9, #10 Exhibit 10, #11 Exhibit 11, #12 Exhibit 12, #13 Exhibit 13, #14 Exhibit 14)(Morello, Gianluca)

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~-. ~ ~8!~9!20Ø7 14; 34 12124335366 SHORELINE TRADING PAGE Ø1/27 A. 'i Jals, Multi~Parles and Custodiariships Your Introduced ACCQUIM Requirad ACCO JNT NAME, NUMaER AND TYPE Plea so pi ~vie the Accnt Na ror !h elluni yo lll' opening iM Ihis Ne Alim Applicclin. Pleus .110 Cieck It ~pprpri e bQ~ 10 Indicate Acaunt Typ. See øiYlDUS PIi fir deflnltl of acoi, tyes. ...8: ~U.J.tLl.J.2U?E.b1LlS.!l!.t&.lt?_~$ 1._ . ..-Y/A. LD...---i:.iJ._~-.i.~.a:l-..----.- ....._...___.__...... .'.______.__ __._ Atun Ni me AÇQunl ~unibc (lor lnlemal ua~ Cl~) Ch Ore Box: Dlndivdu ii CJ Tenanti In eam",Ø'' i4AevQQ.1DIQ Trosl o Òl~~niip' Mlirl Olla ar Birth; o IRA Til ~JtMI OJT~ o Oler o ElIte $(la( ~tl No. or Mlnii OIRA.Ro"i CulDf31,'$ Relation.h1p ID t.lno .Addiliar Iinfatloii fOll'cioumslleldas Tenants in Cammo: II)' h_ clQ-eilhO llx lb Iilonuli:unl held Acunt Holdiir N:u: .. 'T..nll il' comon P/1I18 pr""ll~ elii l1ccnl I'IdBr nIl1 ul' % OIn;p: ~/I/B Owerslii _% _% -"" BROKfRAGE ACCOUNT INVESTMeNT OBJEctiVES IndlClle yo it chitÐ of ÌIent obje bi&e Qn lhe deDnloos of O-pltaJ AppltQi8lori, Balart and Coerv~w: liS definiid C8nlllllu~ ëinl8 !hili õli'y partcur IiVlI or your I",lmnls genirally wfll aclitve )'ur invrnl obj9CYC. bllow. PL !ASE NOTE, YOU MUST CHOOSE! ONE. ANIl ÓPl Y ONE, OF THESE THREE IHTMtNT QBJECT. Brver po ,. i ~iilll AppreclaDf- Aocuri! prtmarily _11 Jgn(Jrm capital appcilion. Aceunt may also lncludi eom~ sho: feri ilradlng lind m.ign (levrage). You Il' IMling ti asme i highør rik eommeounie 'N1I yo 8lqelit ,.tims ane UIK lIrltand !lllar is no guaranla ihiil ti' Invli8lnls. 'JUler indMdUill\' or in th Aovnl as a whol. wil ii~in sue/ re~ms. ? ~1a 'nVNiiriii - Plese cIk this boll if in seeking capitl Appic1Atn you IMh 10 rmkl . llpelllllvi InvnD1lnu. engge in çinlsic lIls, incluClil" but not Jlmlt to untll!re c;OR Irdl", (bolP Itlted and over.lh-cclJlOr). day nclng lind oIMr .lIrt ter t1ding. and Pl.rc&l foreign è_itiill. oommcili. ful' ~nd no~rini;p~ proi' In&tiil'. You undeniiind ind Iickwliie tl lt rore9Qing inve.i1S InvolWl" hih degr of rlik and ire IMUlng al' l.blR to bear th AI. nlli( of loIS QI iiriniiipiil inw_ii in lIull InvGslmnt. If you c1lck lpolaiJlH I~~mlnt l/OV must also chiick CaPii1 Appreçlitlon a5 your Invllent ub~'l. Q 2. E al8nd - Aauni primerly $ee long.lerm cilllèl ap¡:çil\lia an airnnt Income. Accunt rnY ollso inudll II limi cd iimouil of iho-iirr Irclng and margn (1IIII'e). You llR: willing li lI&5ume mOCellc to high rick ÇQ mensnite 'hh yor wipellec retumi and urdel$l8nd that there Ii no guiiranlê tlllrt th invstmnt. eiter lndi ,jdually Dr In In Acct !lll 8 wlla. \\llllln 8udi relurn. Q S. i .-nI - Acnl Primirily BeSko CUminl inOO' and. seooriørlly, moderaiii caiJa IIlodd. You ira will 11 to "ume law to mWerie riilk cemmenS\rae l'll your Clxpiielll 'l1ums Md undøl'land ihit lIêTe is no gu" tlnte Ihat the invimll. elir IndlvldUlllY or In \h Aaunr II . whole, wil ~ttìn suct I'lUms. ~y2007 A-2 Intrduod Acount Imllvd App VIl'lon ".0 EXHIBIT 7 '08/09/20ß7 14; 34 12124335366 SHORELINE TRADING PAGE 11127 B. iñ uals, MuJtinPartes and Custodianships Personallnformati(Hl Required ACCOUNT HOLDER NUMBER i- (if aølcablal FJl!l Nae. M.J. ACeO JNT HOLDER NUMBER 1 ~~t,.i\- CJIV DOl,_" M,I ¡8ItNaP Lø Nimlt YMs. DMi. oJr. DIL MistJß.'i \-- gw, DSt. Os.. 0*Yl\O II\ I EWlning PIiOl , FIJNIlII'41 ~_Pii FiM NUl'tlr ~. UMIs Din Div Dote,_ b! ar, I!YMnoPI'~ OlNr Phol'e ¡plÐne ::DOG1I1 R,.IDA c.n:o ~Dr-ç:re; o~ci~ rv I OdPhcn(ple... iil I SaciISe~ly ND: i,...P.UpQ ~'.. llrK Oo\l ri for """J ",ie of Birt L Sotll Sleloii NO. (Of Pasort No, iT' Count of Ilinc) - .i~OACTæ .D '" _" Ip~M 5Ifl ir' case senslFfi Õlr ..- Iil At""S$ (pluse Ip lfcu ~T 19 SC-QD ,. /lA e. GJr. c. ø M Martl : ltatus tlnd CI1'"~tiip; CJ $Ingii ii Mai d lI,nlil sttu. lind Citizeniihlp: OOllr Numbø ri Delldenli (i.p1iibie~ U.'i, Rnlien ir nO! i U.8. dtlin. i.. ~ B I:Y~$O No i: $lng~ I: Mlri.a D01Br Ni.llbll rI DønlEi (1'lppUaabl): Ifnoii U.S. i:. ;'l9yoli. COInlrv C . Cftlinshlp ~Unll or C/ei~lp lJ~) U.$.~eni? DY(\lO No i. R.I&Îdlne: Tho addl'ss to be used fDtllK reporting Lagal Riiisnc.: Tho add~ ID be use for tal( rellrt 1liJ0" ;, (No P.O. boX85. plse) Addres I in. , putu. (No P.O. boxes, Piea.) Addi un. 1 A4 In8 2 ~q(".. (.c''-lo'i'' Vl(ëll l)~\\/~ s: A- ~A S 0 'i ir.'s,eie Cl -;~'l~3 Alal'S i.i,. ~ Wy li t;unl Pe !8 Counli V) PcalC\l1i MiIHii ~dd&l: V\)l wt to I' any IIllur earnmi eatlM1& In hari-ol' form, If c1lrrint rrm your Mliir"' Acnisø W1ll you wish 10 I'Iv IIIl lIccolinl comniurÇl\i. ii l\py form. If dlff,.N frm YVII Iegil iddras. PI$GO noll Ihli 1'&1 be your addl' lind no thit of 8 thir p.ri. -.dIMI Line 1 IlIa. ac :hila. ~ê8ii noti this mUl! b. your adl9S and no thI ' If lI lhi iirt. Addrelln.' Add_l - çiiy l~li' M,itJ ~., , $/~~A-SOiySlilieFL ~"t'l~O wiii 2 AlCltC~ ui. 2 Cit SII" 1'5\81 CO Ie . Country i. S Po..lOoe Cc 'n the ivant thai YOl4lre opening a joini icciint among moe than two penion, pløaiii makø copies of p:gØ$ J 1-1 through C.1 lind cDmplat& th. InfOlticn fo, .a~h additional account holder. May 2007 B-1 InlndUC AciJnt tl'iv Ap Veraon 04.0 ae/eg/26a7 14:34 12124335366 SHORELINE TRADING PAGE Ð2127 IL Personal Informatic!. Reciuil"sd Individ Jals. Mufti-Parties and Custodianships SKurllil relilalSQ/l r.qi.lrii lol to ask abo yv iimployrnnt ~ II you are 8~ witl II brkerJdeeler other t18ii 8roker, y IU must submi alon wi YDur Ne Aiunt Infomillon For. 8 leiter of lIli øppl'IjI (I.... II '407. i.iir) fr in lIut~ L part within your il .luet as ~ur complJlInCl OIlOQr. Pliias IncMe your emlOyer's nam and addre I" well $~ ii10malir n 8S to to send reuire duplC81i account sltem~ts. If you wnrl In 1h broklge iil7. ytur acirI air.ioi !¡ii iip.lme 1 urtil we reiv tr 4l71e. ACCOllNT HOLDER NUMBER 1 CJ I!mploeø ACCOUNT HOLDER NUMSER 2 (If ippllcable) i: $hidell 19S01r.EIlPiO CJ fl~&iH D Emiilal" CJ Niiil!ploye CJ !'Dll!ft øIve o Seir-Erpbd o Reira o Stuiint I!llo~r IIlnMIr II em¡iQ). pli_ Cllii ni nime of yeur emp~r . .nll ti 11ti or tl buinll If ~ IIAI setlrtpJol. pnildii ihi nimii 01 yiur Mlii li.-inU'tr Emplø¡... 1....lry If .mpIDi-. p"'... iilo ltl1ml DI )' 8lplOYr al' tI nOM~ 01 \l ~~s. ir \lll ire leir.mølr1. prde tl. nllß Dfyo bline Ilncf.ndUlIi i:ol¡Mr cMpIr 5i; i. F NalU/l 01 ! uss 1~A-\) i rJCi j Mkt AG- el i lf Niwie of Buin_ Pos~nIM18 (I Illf-employe, ple,e praWje ~Il) POSiir ri (ir M1r-m¡lOed, P10ase plOClO ocupalln) Aidl8 at ~ Ccn. 11l,. _ Clfl) reti t r-~ IN S1' . AddlSliit ernl¥r Ieh. 111818 ina lZnlr) g('rtA-$O'Ni A- '3~'t~b Cl lin Ipp""blo biAII .. pnklø øn Ølplanaan n it ip", prooAed " yo II . iii Irnrniiii r5"'11~ inmbe. (!II. brell. lii.r. pi nt. mil. mo-li. fith..JnI.w. Ilat.r~n-Il. bre.r. .lled 1/ ~u or If .an Imie f1ml rnmbB 'riIM. 1ll1. Cho øll .p¡l",bi b", aM pId~ Gil ..plèiln ii' thO C¡l~ i,., \l~ ;titor.i~.i~.., _~".)li, 01 ~or PC~on ~iM ~ YO~ 10 ~ malel J .xini in pi~n d",çn1i biia. o IiI"''' IIbCr6f41ftyset~lJes¡¡lCtI*. o (Ii) An i mplDl!. ..IO"\B person. Dr ilmr. parn~ iilk., fsllir,;i"l, iistÐ~I'Ii, Dn:tll-. in.i:. "wMeriHlI, !l~n..). or othr p!ß "" 5UPparl. yau 10 . rnl.imnt, ii. pel'n d4ICrIl bOli, ci (i) A _bel 0I ft I!ec.ll_ e.iiling6. ci (It) ÁD I!plo~. issoiteo p8, 01 Bgsnt oIBny broBT.døl.r or .nt AS) mllrftrm, "!l"' or ..ny b~~ orMNA$D mcmbo~nn. C (m) A seio otoo Of II bellM, 1001i1nlXlll. lI!lrJrce i: (iii) A & '1IIor~c. Of" l:, .AIlJ' .nd Ioninlt. inllliiiii oolT ... IlMølmnl copøny. or In_tii Idv nrm. or OWf ¡ 1l1tloMliy iieoi. capeliy.1n1 Cllipiny. 01 IßliinlliiMlOry fi, 01 "hr IMIIDIl) iCGnt In Ill ii. Dr. pøl5 in i poiton li infen. 01 whOS o (I) A P If n '" wMN dll"itll1ml d 811 of II intln rl3øi In (Il) l 1x. Of. P9l1ln i iin li Inl. or'loii ~ti~li lØ".-etl' or i~ in'iv, or.. Nialad to tl fUncon al bU) ig or ..~Ing a.curi fo.i' aich lIiia. lJ (II) A øiian in fl _iiOI dcpert or inl' of li eiiuul\ li~1e or b~~ng Dr ..Hi~ neuriti.. Ior.-i)' iucl Iint. acti\IiH clli Dr Irlieci Imrlo. iir _ lel_lo !h fuDtio n tvl Apr I'nwt(lI.\lire, ;01.$1 10'oI. brotir/dellr . ("li... ,. .llmll PUr¡ brd..i.1 gr li "'.1125 of.n IlrIOA IIlRliiirillllr). o (ii) A J)OIl M' ii. dlrai:, ii IesSl10% of . broile (othr th .rmW PII Il~diillr) or 1l1l25% or nil etUIy tIt __ .t 1ei!l10% or illnilæriea1er (iir than B elUlY 1181 (I' '1 "1l$1 \o'A or ~ ll/I.~J$f (OUr \il' a rrm1l ExplandCl: e~..ti IInillBd IN brBrldllIllf? R.latiON lip to Broko or Its lInli3t: Rela&onahlp tQ Brar or Its iillatu: Aiyonn 'rnlIlH ai Biikø arit ilI.i.or rciatlo 10 . i om~~ or Iil'llor i\ a1~ililK7 o Ylii6a No A..y""'llllllnor 0 y*O I'o rllll8 10 in .mplo~ ofBrokB Dr il Blf"nn? If ¡cu iini 11 IlIii to an øriiB 01 Bni or II atia. wlll II !I name 01 IIi , "l$1 It¡cu.....I&dtD In .mp~eofBI1.rOl ii. .ili", "hi iø l'IJ ßIrn orthll po? Whii 11"'11 i.nt olyour J1IIthiwt 1hl,.",pl~? (e.g., whl .. ii nm 1¡r)I.r r.~o""lilp wiu llll empio' (i.g.. $POB. ib Ing. Clllin. ati) lpollli. ilbllng, OIulln. .) MayiD7 B-2 IlItIoduce Acnt Indlvld Ap Versn 4.0 ~6/ßS/2ee7 14; 34 12124335366 SHORELINE TRADING PAGE 03/27 lL Personal Informatinn Requiiid ACCOUNT HOLDER NUMBER 2 ¡UPlilieAblê) Indivicuals, Multi.Parties and Custodianships ACC01INT HOLDER NUMBeR 1 In~st n a Public Comp;ny Inl...1 in e PuJ:c: Company o P__ i: here W you ana. clirlct. 10% wrshD.r or po!H;' CJ Pleis, coec fteI If YO" il ; ditor. 10i $h¡nl\(jèr or poic milr I ol,çr of II PUbliCI) cia comØill and Indl l! ..i ~i) bilo. mikJn ol or. ¡lllllctt owd tolll' 8~(/ Indlc& tilt isymbøl(s) bel(. i~er $ybol(~: Tlcll 8Yl(si, o PI1I8M çhl hl18 If Ylu .. II 5'A .i...hDld.r ri II publcly .. 0C1l lliil'lMicm lie_ cynbc!(i) b8gw. o Piau meek hers Ifyuu are a 6% IhiraldarDh publk:yowed coiiny amI Indic. ticl ¡ybc(ii) bilo. TIcker lymbo(sJ' "To:er sYI'IlJ(I): Account Nrl1atlon DD)\U II 1wl/llu1arlYl~ \n or IlIQ .1 Account Afll8tlri PO ~u I' \I1l1~tilt.dt Ol Iltii IrM It d~ fo any otlr 80unla Brok.. , Ii v.s 11M11m dee fo iiv ciir acun C No at Broker? C Yu OD you ma18illly IntlNno. Illrscily or iiill'ly. _ aclll Of IIf lli, W~D 1lie inn5ti..ld.i:..fir tny aIlir 0" ~u hold an ower.hlp InJe of 1Q% Dr Do YO" n d"naOy InftUlnæ, dlni or -q -N? N,i Nr) nuk"" in ~nl Ømign$ fo~", other acc,*'s " BtOr' Do~" h ii lin ..~ Ini 01100/. Dr Inil the 8Gilona cl8ny pilln wh lJ Yea ; :I No iium .1 Bra~ 0 Vii a mo.. In InGUtr ioenlst Bro iir .h_ In 1O' or mani orthp~1 andlor lo ii monlnl!,iir_/linIiOk~ or$liro gf 8ngl , lInl li Brob? 1I10% OJ ,"Or. Df the ¡i aril_ Co )'u n t\ _OI dil'l' Dr m8/age ..1 IvIl iny othlllI\I .. "1 y"" Yiia No ii~Cl aCCnt ." E1lOl' C Vil 0 Do ~II liw common dlrscm Dr maMaemenl wit Inyotr llunl at -- Ilroit If~ Iir llyorti ab pl.lIM! iî It' aelluni: '1't~F' '1S' A 1')'((; ""5YK 'fC-I L '~ ~ 0 No . Brake? lJ y~ lJ 1f)'lfOr aiiQl th .bow. P/81ll1lil the IIlinl: NO) t~'~'0 ~lii" 't~rSi5/( :~ Sanlor Pi i11t~1 F!Oi': Arf 'j e' .~ íilmidlsls fimlly m... (lpOUl. Iihi "'r, I Siirt Pollk.1 FIVU"': p:ient. clll L. ~..i",~, lathr~~w. IilWo-irWlI. bfotr..n-. dIughl'¡, .ia. .on..n-1W 8 polll 11J1i. 4efnec lis " /I yg or lin Irli ~mll memllr (~us. br. M1r, ¡i;¡it ch. mi-Irils. flhiinIW. ii.r-In. brothr... dluilliter. In.i,. $!n..J:).II IIptil ~ lIl\S .. . o;\ll't QI fl,mw QInt 01 lOßlr ..nlor ofil ki li oxctlYØ, Itgisiall, lIln~ 1/, iiltry. nr juk:l ii or B 9lmmam (Yor "nill oI in Ill _cul legillet. iidmlilslr mIIlIBIV. Q' Jixlil brncia at . glMmmi (w_ihii aleci Of 1l~ . 1_)1 oI ~ II poø=ii pill. II tclOt eioctl 01 . a04Jm.N-oNl'lUI llli" io. 8 sø oIøI Df i poiiia psrt, . !Inlor .J(~t1ve al a Il..n ment-od ~"Ial en. ~rs. buBl08 ci clllt ." '4 fô by Dr fa Ihl ti of auah IndMdI? for lI8 be of lii Indviual'! CDlimiliintrle. ooipl'lXn. b~11111 Dr Dlr eri rod bvor CJ y.. ¡;.No I'Y8&.ple_explliln: i: YesO Na ItVu.p.... iualni Mary 2007 80 Inlrouoed Aiunllndlvld App V.rcor 4.G 0B/ß9/2ßß7 14: 34 12124335366 SHORELINE TRADING PAG El4/27 ~ SIo Bmda Investment Experi~n(:e and Financiallnformatlcin Required ACCOUNT HOLDER NUMBER 2 Of 8lJpllGlble) Indl\llc i;sls. Mult-Partes and Custodianship$ ACCOI 'NT HOLDER NUMBER 1 IiIl Il iy )'r: Gf oxpeliinci do )'QU haw InV411tlnlJ In . lt. folio ving ty_ af ",curf..7 Type CF S.Ctrity "'.1' of Eiptnanc. ltn 1 \', 1.6 yn. ji. 1h. fi1l11 ty_ of nclorl.? How many )'iins of .xpll.~ ~Q VlII".'lnestlng In T~ of Stcunt y,*i: of EiXpN"'C8 leu 8-10 1D.)'. IIn 1 yr. 1.5 yr. yr, )'., LeD IMD fl. .0 CJ o o lJ o Cl Ii i5 SIQI. o Ilori. o o i: D CJ o How mallJ yura of ..ip..i.1' do yàl haw ÎnvøUng In tho foia tlng aps 5lllii? How m*ny !i*" otexP'eno do yo ii1n_.ting iro the foowing oø61' stllgIS? Opioni Strtegy Laa Years cf ElIpeñllce 6-10 10+ ji. ~.1'1 yr. Optlon$ Shes VNrs of Expirtence ,.. yis. '/. itin 1~. Cowred Writin¡ 1.8 6.10 103 ,". l(+ yr.. Y". COI' V ri~A tI~ii Op tons 0 Sp..adlng Slll.. 0 0 11 fl ~ ~ CJ 0 0 i: i: 0 0 IWRg OpliS c 0 ~In âtria,. Ut'er WfKlng 0 0 0 Cl 0 0 Cl 0 0 0 CJ (J () Cl UnixsAK Wfl1ng ci (l Mnwlli ieOl. frm All SOOrC8& In U.S. DDllitSl; Exllli AnnuellnÇOR frll All Sources In U.$. Dal\l~: £xudG Income fr 1m SPOUH or Jolnliicaunt holdr. TAX RAn (%) inçimo frm OPOlJ' or joint èCunl holder. TAX RATE 1.%) L~ . i..JL..... ......._-1_ I.lL % I L $--~--_._-_.~~ i--,~ Liquid Ni i. Warhln U.S. Dol"~; Eiii;i:ii the vaue of YClIir I'lidlinOl . I'rlvi P.rillil and arhat U1lquid IIlaati. LiquId ,.1 WCI In U.S. DoIlr; Exclude 1fe'lialu of llini;, priwle IlrtfBhiii lind ot i1Ii\/Õ\ 1J~!jli. your Q__K: A-.. A., J: A A.i .._ Toiel Ne Wor In U.S. Dall "'!!tt minu& 1011 Jl8llltes ll $--_._--,---~-- J T.I Nel Wch In U.S. Dgll~: Anbs nilnus t9181 q;i~iillil" eicuding !h v.lue of yii. prmery nieienoe. ex~"i 010 value of your prif1iy niølenæ. Q . _ ... rL -i.J, -. 11 .s... .- _ P.. pi ovdi the sorci ii your wullh (check ell appßClbl. bo.'): I I $---'-_-J_-_._-:::J pi.... priOvldil ùi loui' ÐfyourwalÙ' loh&ck aU applicale bo): CJ Alill~ri, Empli ymen CJ 1.liwait Stllemuni i;Reel Emle 0 CJ I\ll1nytvlC 0 liPli)ont 0 InPtri inc ci D AoU/irCl bOl\l'R1& ~~1I neJ\ o oor or IlUlJIIN 0 Inllnc 0 Inlltrnl o Otr: 0 Ul'lISleml 0 RelitØl i: I\~Qnt~il 0 aile of bYllneaa If yor i; Un: of InWl.iabl. Fundi (fo thl. "cont) I. ~I._UN&' d",rinl HlR' 'J" aau"" of _It" lb. plq" dltnHro you lOiirw of_lth .bow, pI.. If your !lur" oflnve"'bl. Fundi (fw thl. .çi;i;nt Ie I (ro~dl ti to~fet; == J Ml'y2007 0-1 Inlruc AO"II~ivi IIp Vciiion 4.0 0e/~9/2087 14: 34 12124335366 SHORELINE TRADII' PAG OS/27 D. iñluals, Multi-Partes and Cust(l(lianshipa Account Services Informathni optioñãi DISCL CSUfm TO issueRS i It.c1 oni or boh boxes btlow if ~u do NO con5lnt to tl ~at dlAcloiu,.. PitH' Dlsi:as ... 10 lisl,.rs In oerlln drcmslnce, C1eallng fIrm Is l!ulrd to dlsclo:io tQ an Issuer lh name. sdlfren, aiid ~l.rton ~ j\3 a.slaTl wto lire bollal 0W1S of lht Issur's securllca unless lt cutomer oIec, If you obec 10 81,rl/ disu e, P~lISl åiiilt box btlaw Q 1/1 Ve OBJECT to dliioiu~ 10 l$Srs. .- DiICI051! m Nan-U.S. Tuition Aucxl... UnfoS$ you obje. Clearing finn 1T)I disdr,se çeln lnfoml(ln iibr;t ~ II I'on.S taxø1Îcn eutliiiies frm tlll to tim in an effrt to R:ucc )'r iMhholingo la lr8bilil on certIn ng-U.s. IOUIll inciiii '8nls. The Infolion dlaoloii lTU)I ÇQlIisl 01. lM51 othe thi,", YQl,r ""me. .ddrn, taii idenlçeti numb"r. laIC dt!ll cii. end til qu8Iily cif'" ,ub fQRigr !Ncuri¡"s) yi1, rniiy hold, Additily, i,".' yo o~ you e¡... '): caopo ~ ai' raQ~ br iiddilionil Int..Uon or dDlllion .ix YQu ii)'. Non-U.S. Taxøtí Aulhly veri tJ eDglblllty rer il I'duCQ w1lloldlng ra. If ~ øb;ec, pkie¡e cli: 111 box below: ci 11\ i" OB,sliCT to d1lc:OS19 to non-U.s. taxii!lon :IlJholdll, lMe adnO\~e th by obJedlng III may sLlbJlicI m IlflDuilv88 tQ higher wihholdIng talC libiit on çortln noi...S. lCUro inllme payments. WEBS TE ACCESS Pleøai t iec the 'Q~n;pr8te bo ~Iow to Indlcall if yo wanl aoon to 5roker's Dr Clewng Flr's websllo tl Y1ew ywr aoi;ouri ¡ilfòrmti 1n end if you went to g~ .udl .oo~s tQ a lhil' pert, You must pro\' an u. irlmtin reqsl below In ~er fer Bny thirc Ilrt, Inc:clng iln~ agent far whom ~u hlve pn:1dcQ iiu\eirili~m punt 10 Pirl F on P'iie F-', 10 1I00!i to l~iesot $6lcg o 11\ i. I\by niull ilcc 10 Biokaa Qr ~lotin9 r:itm" webiiil on beelf afrn)'inlv .00 miloUl 1I1il!nt eo Ih.t wi' may vie my/our &CCll lnionnliQI\ ind dO'lcs it ta !hil .xtnl Ilch 8CC ia Bvailble. In iidditon 10 other ii pll4ble agrent and auppiiimentt 11M fo 1ilU. iiii aciiiclgi tht i/w ii rod and 8111"1o shiel ~ the lEI ,i;IQ Servloi Suppl8l, wN has Impornt Inmlil Nlgaidlng onlln YIng of accul' InfoMlll. lAVe ul demind ihiil any rnollllN pllC on iti of myJour Iig11nti. no or :anytlmo horeft. ID IIsw ie..lhii ill )l'l't ii d Murs accunts snail ha nD lliation on the iin!', IldUii or Ilppiirenl sulhrl. Nime ~;I_i.iri I . ~nl I' Nlrr, ~ l- Nii"' Add.-i;lInI1 ~ l~, Lln2 Addrt .Ini 2 PIlI1I ~t in E. 'IW(p""~$pf)if~"MlMiI E-l¡i1 (plll" &l1O If _ Mnl1l"'¡ ~ne "" I~ Linl "i Iran Une 2 NRm. I\d_Llnel Mdiwa Uii 2 -- me Phl E-llplipch'if cae llll1) ~ iillP- ipi W Q111 Hl11M) Mry20j 0-1 IntDducø Acunl IndMe App \llIl'on ..n 68/69/20e7 l~; 34 12124335356 SHORLINE TRADING PAG 136/27 D. im uals, Multi-Parties and CustodianShips Account Services Information Optional DUPL CATE STATEMENTS If you w iud llk duplica stiamenls relaUng to l"I,r i¡çrunl lien! lD SOllllOni 01$8, such IS yor aiii,r' or IlIr. PIIIS~ pl'òe". InfoUo rcqlJled bcl7, Name NM ReiaaonsllllllO k:nl RQI~"'n.i Ip 10 m . AddlWL..i Add"".t n. 2 Chy AdIl..L1n.! Addl'~ I.l.. 2 . Slati . -' CI POS!ICoø sii COn! -- Ponl Co 18 Counlr If you we ii like clupte slaumiøts deltvd elewonlÇlllY wtn auch deliry il avtilablii, IlIKe preldolh o-rlllldaroM flr the pe "(s) you WDld like to reçeVl dupliçate 81mlnI below. i E...ii .di 1f. (pi.i.. Ipi ø Cl IlIltiw) I :Eomeii øddi tl''u ~~ Ir/l8 _1t) J Mly200" D.2 In1iuçei; Ai:un lndlvd App Version 4,0 0a/89/2ea7 14; 34 12124335366 SHORELHE TRADING PAGE 14/27 'i uals, Multi.Parties and Custodíanships Optional MARC ¡IN ACCOUNT AND OPTION TRNSACnONS Clearins Firm 10 ptrcluo sar1s or tl mÐle &lher purcases) and the abUit 10 enge in ~n tnnsliCllons. E, Brokerage Account Infomi8ti(!£ Please. heo the bOlfll:¡ below to Irilale that yo w;iri the iibiit 11: UM margn (I,e.. 1te iibUil to bomi ffney Iim 8111;e(; 1l IN '. wa 10 b. .ibl. i. DOI fe InVllmntl Of cir puipoi;i in connll'ilo.. with my/oW' iiiioount and holly r aJl ily for a margin ac:vounl. In addmon 10 othr appicibl s!J8menls lind supplsme 5Gt fonh hein, 11w agrii to isb:le by1l1 Maln Supplment Ðy clcklng ibi boii, 1!W r,ti18IGni thall/we ha ~ceivo an iud lind undiil'nd ~ . en:/co M;irgn Ris tisco~r. SlIment and li In~ Ch~A$ DI$ Stiemnt In the Account Agree8nl I li ac :nowll1 l":ii Clnring Fin may UC, nih1io1cae Dr trn&f Bai:rilløs anø ctAe Ilpart he In myfoi.r m8f~rn n iaan9ln lh margin acc, Il~, lind any tluciry actng on my/our bohall, iigrii Ihat ih i. l' ippileabliilaw. rule . Qr ~\Ill1liOn IIQt would ßmll Cleart Firm'ii or 81'1If', abUii to exerdse thIr rlgl'ln ooneolQl with thø MaP'ln AccOlnl. (Nit tpplicbl. for IR 1M ÇUDdn IICCOUntll,) II lOnt in iiecrdance wlit ite IilIchii Il'rouCld Açcount AirøeMenl I/I. ackedg. end 8Qn nÐflhr ~~er. ' eb Gring ~imi nor lhlr na$p~ øf~illi.. haw pll'Jd.d acMoe ~eting II the tax coenQl6 o1lh Marvin Aouri By o IN .. want to bo able tø eoga9' in CIon tnsaclloll In i;rinacon wit my/wr lIClnt Il'd herby .ppfi (01 WI OF :10" lIGGOün!. In Bddition 10 ot9l appible lIi,"rnn~ and Cupplments sR\ lo Iiiiniin. ltw agre tl 'bid by ':.ø WI nave 1e~ and reic!iinc! unllnd Ihe I,nQ;'8d 0, tiDn DllIoøutll Siameiu In tJ Acl Agnill and lIa current oce options diloalJ domenW il1luding :h. Or lion Supplement By ehckng !his boll, rfW rep~~t ~Il If rr terial en tl rtsks or buyin and sellng lie& optn, and the exerc; end Ø8demelt or liste optianii, If l/w wani to en l'liB ìn. unvtrø ópUon traniiiolons. II.. rej)l'nt thelllwii haYe an alVL/ol InI' OIf S100,ooO end 8 net werth ov ir S~o,ooo or suel' othr mlnlrnm al'~ri, .. may ~ reil9 by Iiroker Qr Clearng F;ml. ~ '" plio lQ usa !h roircng opt!ns rlmlej88: c o Covered CsIJ W!1ing t: Q Sprndlng e.U, end Pli (lIot appßi:IlICi for IRA Dr =ililt1 acounts) PurBin9 c.ris ilnd PUIS Unoo~red Ca. and Pu WrlIng (Not .PP'Qbl. for IRA or Clstodl:in w .. Illan 10 tre tt follong opllon p~odti&: Aii:curt¡ If itislícx I; Ched, yo\, niia .ia dltt SpolatM IrMli undlSr 1te InvelSb'ent ObjeCl sll ii pige A-i!) o o S'II\1 other. i; Inc!DX May20(7 E-1 InticdtJ Ar:unllncivid Ajp VOl'ioi 4.0 08/1~/2~67 11: 18 12124335356 eefe9l2BB1 ae;4~ 1212'335i66 SHORB.INE TRADING PAGE 1'2/82 Ru~ 00 20( 7 9: 44RM Scoop Inc. B28-8~e-47?1 SWlo tl' TRADIt- pi.3 PM£ B3/Ø4 .fE~ Idi.. Mt.ttaitel.n~ CU5Ia'hil) .' '. OpllJ - Thirqp.rtv AReDI Aut. '\ ORD E'18 PLACED BY OTHERS i Ib i. iieJ i. )' ..ii Il. PI~. ti tI dIoo or Ulif .. 'liv ~ r.. .. irlulllil~,1M 1i1N.. ..l\ll, 'Hb..."*d'i.-Apl~.. " ." . l lv li lh li'' lø Cll... ~ ~inir YI M*ll ~_ .. .i\~.. ~ li iw II Jr M1Uø iii NI l* Ilujj.... ml a; WI .. ia ll, ..1 .. ..1I · ii IJ dllialNa ~ 1I1l Pi.. ~lI .. Al1i1I01 ~.., li ri. Ir Il tI .._ If ~ II Miti ~ " fi oi" en rc hhlf l1 COIIr WI ~ -., Di. ca il l.. ""lI.~ - · ciiii, øe~ _~ ... ..iy.... ~ ~ pi ... ,. 'lt hlli II~u,... 'I Piilt .,1 &illrill,Md It_ii_~1i .. and -iii daHli .. LM..1I I~~I 1M. ii ~ ~ iil"ind AuIu.., rt ~. ~ f6 iiIl, II (I' lI '. 1fPl~" '*-1. ~ ni' ri hl ,.urlUall rolN II C4Øk iNi' 'i li 011 li¡illt .. Q~ i., ~ .,. .., ., iiiii øi. ill_liD.. ti.'" QW"''' 0t1 b illl wRit, II 'l\lIllIlif __oI~lM 1i. Il ii, IilI trlI. li W411 11M" Qd ¡JAckt Mllll Ad II iEll~ TI AUOlanfN. .AI~ ,1 UR£ '* IC Ie .... ai MIN IIU., .iillA IBIlNlil"t 'AClC lHl!ø lNRi ,. AO ID IM'CI_T IO 'ii. ·d_ ~,. ~'-\J ,. ~~~i"Y~~_~, ï ~ S i j' ". .. Ull1O ói IN,. , eH IIMlt CL , ~ ..' ol \. t. ,. .. ::.::;~~:.::"" .~: r , '. -ii. '. --.. _lilM rillUnddN fttrWI ~II.~. li .. Mtiil1ø.wh-.lelI hlllll.) w!NO.or it.ltll ii t1hll~MIco ia f¡l'ii~lIlf - ..GfIIC Qp~. ui WI 4.1i..lid.. ,._ lI,. ~ ii"- la /i .' .! ~ ~,,'" "I ''I..~ ", ....... ~~ ...~, ',: .... .. ~ t , .::: -. . ..:. .. :=,.- : -=..,. .:_~1.' f'~ . ...;" ..';'~ - .: .¡ ....' "' ""'I.~... ,..' .... . , .~ .~.:....' p., I,..... k. I~ ,f 'W1I ..0 0e/l~/20e7 12: 28 12124335366 SHORELINE TRADING PA£ ell/I'l ,~;: 132/5£1 .... 06/39/2087 11:32 3l1-!i36-8677 ae/OiJ2at7 14;24 121243353&6 ~NE TRADi~ nui 01 ieO' ge 14n~ ~cagp Na"ac'~O"Li 1"0. a2B-6Z~-~?7i ", i~ Pti e3l53 e8l1l\ 117 ll~4 inl3353U SJCMJN illi . P.~ FM 1i/~ biydl~_"ll¡ 6;m .. .4101'" t, 8!gp~ -'1 ...III....I\~".... ..l*Il".. ' ,II . . i....-i. 1l......,.1n~.,.. .L.:i'i:i=~.l.I,~....M ...JI.......AI_~ .'. l_. f .......,..""".. ci.......... ~11I~1-1l ~. &*'~~":!r"__""ll ~.'.._lt""e . _ .,..l __-~A__'_""'''II''lit''Ml II ~,.. =-¡¡i_ ,~ _... mn, . u...r L,~ m" -..~~ : _.. ..ui.....,.,...,.....,ii..........,wci...1l ...~ ."'¡::~~tli.... :~; ....I(.._,.w-......_... ::~~~:-~-~~ 1Il...;....~,..~ 1-, . - '. ,k _..I;. ~ .= _ -- ~ ~ "" :Z p ~.. Dill 1_- .1 ..~..,.llU ~8/09/2067 14: 34 Aue 09 201)7 81 12124335366 SHORELINE TRADING PAG 07/27 p. ~ ptir ¡17/~4 44Rl' Scoop Hana~em~M~, tno; sas -628-477 i. ee/eal2087 89:44 . 1212433S3G6 , . SHORIl£ TRADIIÐ third Part Agent Infrmatl!~ ReGU1Md cø..1l..... i T"II)("'. rar..l'~~ 1I~...IDII"l'rl.. .. ~~. ¡tlEOA~ It" 1.l:..Nt... JIIMI~..'"tl.. fIi) ;; ~..l9""_7 It ; wew;; ~"N1_tipiII/I.."".."P"'ii i; Co~ tl ,~ a o-lWll '9 OIir(l '! ~*~c..n' : 1o"ai " i."'18~"... a VIII _'Ie Q 'tl ¥ PID .~'i Cld Pl-io~.. ...,.... '" Qlpmn óf 1.J'ltl ~ci..£.. ""4..1I1I1 a~.. ,.p~ ~:~~_.-:"-'--':'I i ~: l" 0'"''1.0...... '1..", HAIWl ~..~..,.II..liw..'lIlI ~6w....)I .. ..,.11_ "pir Ii Ii ii §:~I~ i ~, 0 j-&tn. 0 ..'0,.: p 10. ..: :-, u...~4tI*pl~' 0_11' -Il ....lnd..Wltle1...... ~p..laii.¡ y.. ", ""lIai im '-1:1 ,-i".. "' "14 ti ;I CDY e.nVnlD a lif ¡; PUloi_IIJ 01.. I~. ~ 8png Cd _ pii tMc e"PcI"' fo lIl ar ø-1Wi" D .....,. 1I1/ )p.. 0 C r VI .. 0c 0 D ci liii..l&_ntll Un'l"" ~i il PvIWila (Ne' ~p~..i.1i IRA.. (1_.... .-.rtl' C ......Ii-=..wtia i:1D ~ l'.. "lnØIC 0 C C .1 ..... ,., ..~...I .. -. * ôI"" ~ li ..11.11 _, 1f. ~ u.Miiilft'" Ai Illtl. lt_ SIGN''I$e læ.æ J .., ~;,/ Mì,.iu ..i ?~ t-:0Ä - I ll'lil r X-. ~fl-:q~ i9 E; ~ .~ -.7 I-j li_lH.. Al iDH..'Dc_ia(llc... A~. ~III,"'ii." ~ IW..l1.. iii ....11 .1 ....i. ~- . t " 1\ ."... llaI -.l' .._,. aM .. -=. ti,.... ü",1 .11 ... .il_CIl .1 ~.ii .._..1.... ii prpUlaiii ."'tlii..eollMi..Oil pe M.,hIlL .i" . d .. It Dllt.... JlMn I 1I.~ ~. ..... ... SG eo' I ~ v. ..'. 08/10/2007 11: 18 12124335366 SHORELINE TRADING PAGE 61162 ~Or w-n (Rio. Ngy~mir : 0(5) DoIM"" ør in. T ...II 1_'~SlAi. N IdentifiatIon Number and CertlficatJon Request 'for Taxpayer GiV8 ftllm to the . ii Name fa . ~DWn on ~ l/'llrn lJ Nlumj S.nd to thii IRS reUtlGter. bo noi Mk l Gv~ l n: :í. ¡(ltDGL RE lfOCMl-c iR LJS r- Ul AI 0 8f 7-/2.0"z. 81l1n~ Ram... It clilT flm ii. Chec Sf ~prli. ~x; Intllvi"'ual o $o. PfC!Or Adrv 1ullti. ni, ii apl. or 8u~e no.) ¡¡ jj .. u D .i o ~ki .. L ~ .- ~, o liimpi cfnp b8kup Wlthlll hOl ., o P8nellJ) l.~or .. R.e.. m~rf 11 ! . ~ '" ClIy. SU . anti zip Oló i b t &- MA-i N C;T. FIUtiiorl n.m~ 1"llCrls rtlol~ S' A- R.A' 0 ~. r. t. '; 'l 'L ~ lp L~ ecODl ll nimbelS) I'rø IGptan ~ Ti xpayer IdentcatIon Number (TN) , Entll yor 1m Ir tn. 1Iliprorl~ box. 'The TIN pro\led mi niich the nama givtn on Un. , 10 avoid bap wlnold ig. For IndMdual. ihs I. yoiir sociA "curll numoor (S$NJ. How..... for ;i reildiill ~lien, ~ole propif lIOr, or OI~rdiid lItity. _ tie Part t inMonl on page 3. For oth., enlll. It Is your employe id Intlßililio nurner 1E1N). If you do not h;\l a numb, se How tr get a 11M on pie a. Not.. lIthe o(:c int is in mor thD One name, &é the ehal' on pagCl " frir ll¡Jidjnes en who t:iID 1M11, -~ l I' + J..ll.. I Ei1i1Df1l1n1l ""~ ~DAc.íeD or ~ i li -- ~ rtc:atioi' Unàer penaltes i f perjury. I cE!ll thi: number to l!ntir, 1. Tt numbe i Jiwri on tN. lom i.. my corrt lUpayir idtlftcilon I"ber (Qr r am waiting for. nvmblr to be lS&uGd to me). Mod : :/, I am 'l Ilb; lO to b!cJap wihholdin becouse: (II i am lIlmpt fro I)kup wll"holdlnii. Ilf (b) I hlla not bø nofllled by the Illfl'l ~evani. Sel\ ee (IRS) that I am sub/et to baekup wlthcidlr 11 . reult of II fallul' to repo ali iitet or ~ldll, or (e) 1ha II~S has notfied ma l/ it I am nri Iongèr aubjeci to blll1kup wihholding. ci 3. I am i. U.S, P IlSori Ønch,id'\ II U.S. rellanl .lln~ Sir U'llll nion .. ( ¿/Of ~/J. .. I~ / 3 0 7 __ Hegn $lru ft , I 011. g Purpos& of Form .. An indivdual wti~ is 8 cItizen Dr resident of the Urlted A peron who is reuired to file an Info~tion retum with the states, p~\lldeYOurcoctTTI\'(Sllll~~ __ For morag. llle 'O øa1d. acisitin or llmei 04 tiuri Pl'pert. Clni;ellltlon 01 debt, coutlona to lin 1"(lvltlVall"tl1JTen~ amingiiment ORAl and ~rily. i:snts i)lher ihll kileae and dMdends, you ar m't I'wrW 10 sign tl Cfliçatlon. but yOu miJSõt ClIl1irieon inKl 1lnli. YOU I'Il (;/D our liw :l ab if )'U hiii Qe noified by th IRS lIat yi; itO cun.lly tiUbjet1 to blCl(p wiholding be., æ YOIl have ,anDd to rapo elllntereiii end divlden on your tax reurn iror I1I lIt.1t trri, 110m 2 tloe "tot søpl. IRS, must obtlr your comi tapa~r identifcation number . A parnerhip. corporatiQn. copany, Dr liiatiç,n (T) to report, ~ ir example. Income paid 10 you, real 9stta crated or organiz~i, In th United States Dr undér .the laws transsctrons. mc 19a9. irierest )/u paid, acquisiion or of the United Slali. or abandonmenl of SeçUl"d propel'y. cancellatIon ot debt. Or _ Any estate (other than B foreign estee) or trut, SUI oontribVllcns yoi I made to an IRA. . RegulatIons llE!tlons 30'. 1701-6(a) And 7(i1) '01 addllonar U.S. PeO... Us l Form W-9 only If yeti are a U.S. pern lnforrnatior. (including- :l '-.k l!~t alien), 10 provide your corrt TIN to tllii Si:clal rula 'or p¡rtnhlpe Partnerships tlai conduot a persn reullstin ~ it lte reuiiter) and, when applicable, to; trde or busines in the United St;tes ere generally reqlJire w¡itjng '01 a niin 'ber to be 18àUB, inme fr lich busines. Fr,rlher, in cein wher a 2, Ceify that' 'OU ar 001 subjec to backup Withnoldlng or Form W.9 høs not ~ Il~eived, a partn(lr.hip ii J'iuiiiid to 1. Certfy thai hè TIN YOLI Bre givng is cot (or you ar to pay a Wltholdinii ta on any for.lgn partnll' sha~ of U.S, exempt ~y ie. parner in a partl'uiir;hfp conducing B tradii or biiinø:ss In the In 3 above, r1 a :ipllcble, you are also oerifing tht a6 a United States proi:e Fom W.ø to thø parnerhip lJ) U ,S. person, you, allocable sh~ Of iiny partelShlp ineome establìsh your u.s. status und avoid wlthhOlq1ng on your 3. CJ . ' ition" 'pre$um. tnat Ifa parner iii ¡ foreIgn if YOu ire and pay the is a ann ex8l, . from bai:kup withholdin YOu are a withholding ta, Th.rêfor. pmon, a U.s. peron that from a ~.S. trde or b~51"eæ IS not subject to the $hiu of parterhip IriOle. wlttiholding ta 01 fOteign partn..;' 8har of eff.ctlvey cor,nectiic! ¡nco l.' TI' persn who glvtl For W-9 to the pøn9lhip for request ynur TIN, you ml,t us. the requester's fonn if it Is wilhholdi~g on It Qnoel, sh of net income frm. thii iub3tantially liìm/ir to this Form W.9 Partersip COnducting a trde or burnes In the Unr;ed Note. If a requee er give you a form other than Form W-9 10 purpo~ of esabliShing its U.S. st!llts ~nci l\oiding ar:or federal tax I iurpOM. you ar Cool!lpered a person If VO . The U.S. owner of a dllregarded enti and not thê sntityr . States Is In the fOnowlnii C8: Ci. fi. 1!Ø1X For w-& ~ft.~ 68/e9/26B7 14: 34 1212~335366 SHOELINE TRADING PAGE 16/27 REOCAi: i:ROST AGEMNT GRATOtl: TRUSTES: MAGUETE J. NAEL MARin J. NAIUi DATE OF AGREEMNT: ~ud.i i 2007 E. JOEN LOPEZ i ESQ. NO~.'rON, ~SLE, LOPEZ & SKOKOS, P .A. iai9 Na~n Street, Suite 610 . Sarasota, ~ 34236 ( 941 I 954- 4 691 ( .¡8S. ii 0015357. ,~Ci 1) 6s/aS/2Bß7 14:34 121243353ó6 SHORELINE TRADING PAGE i 7/27 TABLE OF CONTENS ARTII:!E 1. - :rntroduct.ion . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . i ARTII~I.E :2. . Revocation . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . 1 ARTI'~L;S 3. - Trustee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 ARTIt:IiE 4. ARTI,:Ul: 5. - Granter i s Family _ G~~ntor r s Lifetime . . . .. . .. .. . ~ 3 . l .. .. ... .. . .. 3 ARTI ~LE 6. - Beneficiary Provisions 3 ARTI ~LE 7. _ Litigation Involving Trust .. .. .. . .. , 4. 4 AR'II ;LE 8. - Administrative Provisions .. .. .. .. . t . l .. ART! ~LE 9. - Definitions. . . . . . . . . . . 7 ( 4.85,11 00153574.DOC,¡1 6a/ß9f2eø7 14:34 12124335366 ~HD~rNE TRAING PAGE 18127 REvocai¡B TRUST AGREEM resilient of the Stat.e of Florida, hereinafter referred. t.o a. the "Grautor" i having ce.tain assets ~s eet foi:th on Schedule nAil attanhedr transfers all such assets to the trustee in trust 011 the MAGUERITS J. NAEL, a citizen of the United States and a foll,lwinS terms and condi tiona: ART!CLE 1. - Introduction asseLs as the Grantor may transfer to tlle trustee r or whicl:, the Granl:or i s estate / and any other assets substituted therefor Or added thereto. If a.n addition is made by will, th.e trutee e;hall trus1:ee shall reoeive and. accept from other sources i includin~r the The trust assets shall con6ist of the foregoing and such ()ther acceilt the ~tatement of the personal representativa that the assets t~e trustee is entitled without inquiring into the personal repri:sentative's administration or a.ceou.nting. This trust may be deli"ered to t.he trustee constitute all of the property to lrThich refe;~red to as t~IMAGtJF.RITE J. NADEL REVOCALE TRUST UNDER AGP.EBMENT DATED .I~¿l"wt:L, 2007. II ARTICLE 2. . Revocation a.t. a:iy time without anyone i s consent and without providing' any reason. Revocation shall be by notice in writing to the trustee spec:.fying the date of revoca.tion. 2.1) The Grantor reserves the right to revoke this agreement. agreoment at any time, in whole or in part r wi thout anyone i s 2.2) The Grantor reserves the right to al ~er or amend this consimt, except that. this agreement sha.ll not be amended to incX'uasë the duties or responsibilities of a¡iy trustee then. se;rving wi th"ut such truseee i s consent. 2. :.) The rights herein reserved to tlie Grantor to revoki~ and by t:ie Grant.or alone and not Joy any othe. person, an at".o::ney-in-fact or court appointed guardian. Notwithstandin9 the fore~roing, an attorney-in-fa.ct may withdraw funds tram the 'c.rust Granl:o:r i 5 lineal desoendants 80 long as the t:rstee deems the '3'itts to bn in the best interests of the Grantor. L +ia~'li 001635'4.ÐOCll) amencl this agreement are declared to be personal rights exerci.:iBble ::or ~he purpose of making gifts on l:ehal! of the Grantor to the 1 eB/09/2007 14: 34 12124335366 SHORELINE TRADING PAGE 19/27 ~TICLE 3. - Trustee ~ .1) The trustee o! this trust shall be the Grantor, If tae Grantc'r shall bècome 1nca~acitated or die or for any reason ceaße to Sê ~e as truetElEl, Grantor appoints Grantor i s spouse i ARTHUR NAELi as a.lternate or successor trustee hereunder. If the Grantor's spouee shaii refuse or fai.l to qualify or for any reasi,n sucCèllsor by merger of otherwise, as secorìd alteniate or succ:esst;)r trustt~e . to SèrJè a.s trustee i Grantor appoints MICHA ZUCKE, or i 1:8 " .2) Any trustee may resign at any time by written notice to each lieneficiary then entitled to receive or have the benefit of the iILcome from the trust. If any trustee acting or appointec 1:0 act h41reunder shall refuse or fail to qualify or fer any reason wlllixL9 and able to serve, the beneficiary or a majority in interE:st of the b.eineficiaries then entitled to receive or have the henef:,t Qf the income from the trust ma.y appoint a l¡lUCCeSSor cease to serve as trustee, an no trustee in paragraph 3.1 abe: :is trustEie. ~ . 3 ) Except as p:tvided in paragraph 2. 3 r the guardian i,r COnSeiyator of the estate of a beneficiary under legal disability, or the parente or suriving parent of a minor beneficiary for whose estate no gurdian has been appointed, may act for such beneficiary in ma¡;ing any appointment and giving direction under this t:rst, the originally named trustee. No successor trustee shall l:)e incomE: from the trust, a successor trustee may accept the acc:c1u::it ~ .4) Every successor txuBtee shall have all the powers given persoi ally liable for any act or omissi.on of any predecessor. \fJith the approval of the beneficiary or a. majority in interest of the bènef:,ciaries than entitled to receive or have tne oenetit of the Tende)ed and the property received as a full and complete dischar;e to th(, predecessor trustee without ìncurring any lialil;ity for so doin~. ~ .5) No trustee wherever acting shall be required to £';ive bond c r surety or be appoint~ by or account for the administration of æ,y txist to any cOurt. No statute with respect to under¡iroductiva property shall apply to any trust undèr t.his agreen ,ent: . ~ .6) Thè trutee may have du.ties and responsibilities in adõitj on to those gescribed in this agreemet. I! a trustee has any questions concerning such fiduciary duties ~¿d, tne trustee should legal advice. l US5-i: OOUJlõ74 .t'C¡ i) 2 ~8/B9/2Be7 14: 34 12124335366 SHORELINE TRADING PAGE 20/27 ARTICLE 4. . Grantor' s Family The name of the Grantor's SpOUSE! is ARTHU N1iEL. The Gr¡;Il:.or ha.s t;wo children now living, namely: GEOFFRE~. QUISENEERRY and ALEXJ..lJRA QUISENBERRY. ARTICLE 5. - payments on Grantor r i Death Upon Grantor i s, the trustee shall pay to the t;ist!ö!e of Novenber 3, 2004, an amount of money equal to the proportic:1n,ite sha::E! of" Grantor valUE! of the Grantor the -iGUEP~!TE J. NADEL REVOCABLE TRUST t under agreement è.a-:ed 1 s estate tax liability (both fede.ral and st.a:.e) based on the value of s taxable estate. For exampler if the i!E:Si!ts the aeeetg in th.ioi t:ret in proportion tei the i in this trust total 10% of the Grantor'i; total taxable estate, the trustee shall pay to t.he trustee of the MAGUERITE J. NADEL REVOC:ALE TROSt' 10% of the Gra.ntor's total estate tax liabili.ty, ARTIC~E 6. - Beneficia~' Provisions 6.1) The trustee may PilY so much or all o'f the income and. principal of the trust to anyone or more of the Grant.or' 6 desct:ndants from time to time living, in equl or unequal porti-:ns and c.t such times as the trustee deems best, considering- the nEieds, othei' income and mea.ns of support, and best interl!sts of the benej:iciaries, individually a.nd as a group i and any çit:ier iiicotLe not shall l:e aeìed. to principaL. upon the .o~: the Grant,or, the trustee shall distribute the bala.nce of the tru!:t to the Cæar-tor' B children, in equal shares, per stirpes. circiimstancas and factors which the tru~tee deems pertinent. Any . 6.2) share ereated tor a living child shall be distJ'ibuted to such child¡ outright and. free of trust. Each eihare ç:rea.t.ed for the descendants of a deceased child ¡¡hall be disti'íbuted per stirpes to f¡uch ò.escenda.-its, subj ect to posgionement of possession as provided below, 6.3) of this trust which is distributa.ble tC) a year.i shall immediately vest in the descendantr but the trus'tee aha.l:. .retain possession of the share as ël separate trU.!t to be descE:nda.nt of a dl!ceiased child \ltho ha.s not reached the a~e cif 35 appl~' for the use and benefit. of the l;eneficiary such portic1n of mana~'ed and distributêd as follows: The trustee shall pay to or the inçome or principa.l of the trust as the trustee, in the,hr maintenance, support a.nd educat.ion of the benefici.a.:ryi . takir ,g into consideration all other assets and income known by the ( 4185- ii 00163574.oceiil 3 truet,ee's sole discretion, shall deem neces$a.ry to provide Íoi: the Ðe/eS/2ae7 14: 34 12124335366 SHORELINE TRADING PAGE 21/27 trust ee to be available to the beneficiary for such purposes. Any benef icia:i atta.ining 25 of age, the trustee sha;ii distrj,biite fift) percent (50%) of the then principal of the trust to the benet idary outright and free of trust. Upon the benefj,ciar) attaining 35 years of age, the trustee shall distribute tl'1B balance inC!on e not distributad shall be added to p;dncipal. Upon the of tI. e trust to the beneficiary outright and free of t=ust _ If the bene:t iciary shall die before attaining a.ny re~esl;ed dietribution age, upon the deat.h of the beneiiciary, the principal and iil'lY undü tributed net income sha.ii be distributed to the lini!al descEndants of the beneficiary, if any, per stirpes, or if there is no l:.neal descendant of the benéficiary then l:.ving, then tc ¡~he Grantor's then living lineal descendantsi ~er stirpes, subject to post¡ onenient of possession as provided below, excëpt tha.t e~~ch whom a share of the Family Trust is then held hereuner shall be addee, to that share. port.: on otberwisa distributable to a descendant of the Granto:i' for ARTICLE 7. - Litigation Involving Trust and l'estame:it are pecple the Granto= loved. appreciated and The beneficiaries under this agreement and Grantor i s Last Will Grant or i s Last Will and Testament is not as the Grantor intendeid or trust ed. It anyone of them genuinely believes this agreeme~t or that the trustee or personal representative is not a.dministe:ring the trust cr estate properly. or, for any other reason feels that litis'a.tion involving the trust or estate should be pursued, if, havi:i.g commenced litigation, such beneficiary is unsuccess,fiil, meaning he or she has not benefiteã the trust or estate, then tnat bent ieiary' s s~re of the trust shall be the first u~ed to pa~r the prevë.iliig litigant i s attorney's feès and costs. This will e.void petit icnerldevisee. some of the penalty th~t th~ other beneficiariëa might othei-w,ise incul as a result of the well-meaning efforts of 'Che ARTICLE a. . Administrative Provisions unåei' this agreement unless contrary to more sp!!cific provii1ions else\''here p:tovided. 8 , :2) If income or discretionary amounts of princi?a.l bE:come, 8.1) The provisions which follow shall apply to each tor-1St payar le to a minor or to a person under legal disability or to a persc n not ,adjUdicated incomtent but who, by rea.aon of iiinells or men~21 or physical disability, is in the opinion of the trU3tee unaJ e properly to manage his OJ: her affairs. then such incotlie or prine ipa.l shall be paid or expended only in such of tbe follciwins i 41B5- 11 001&15'4.noc:i) ~ .J 08/e9/20~7 14: 34 12124335366 SHORELINE TRADING PAG 22/27 ways as the trustee deems best: (a.) to the bèi:eficiary dir-ec.tly¡ cui;tcidian for t.he beneficiar a Uniform TransferS or Gifts to MinoJ's Act¡ (d) by the trustee directly for .the benefit of ~he benej 1ciary¡ or (e) to an adult rela.tive or friend in reimburSE!m~mt for ë:1iOunts properly advanced for the benefit of the benefici.ary. (b) ~.o the legally appointed guardian of tlie benefieia.ryr (c) t,~ a 8,3) The interêsts of :bneficiaríes, other than the Grantor t in p::incipal or income ebal1 not he si.j ect to i:b.e claims of any CJ;ed: .tor, any for aiimony or support, or others, or to :.egal procflss, and may not be volunt.a:rily or involuntarily aliBnate:d or enCUT ibered . 8.4) Except as otherwise provided, income :received aftei: the last income payment date and undistriputed at the terrinatic1n of any :_nterest shall, together with any accrued income, be paid by the trustee as inèome to the persons entitled to the n,ext succnseive interest in t.he propo:itions in which they take that inte::est. . a .5) For convenience of administration or investment, and for the ,'eduction of fees, the trust~e may hold the several truts as a c:ommcin fund, dividing the income proportionately among them, a!Jsign undi.rided inte:rests to the several t.rusts, and : oint inv~!ltment8 of the funds belonging to them. Furthei.ïlOré, the trus\:ee may merge any trust established hereunder with any trust pene:!iciai:y or beneficiaries and their :respective interests under . notw:.thstanding the fact tha.t the a.dministrçi,;ive provisions oj: the various trusts and the trustees may be different. e.6) The trustee shall hold, manage, care for and protect the true1: property and shall have the following powers and except to estaJilished :by the Grantor, or any other person, provided the the trusts to be merged are substantially the same and the oxtent inconsistent herewith, those now or hereatte~ corif(~rred by law: A) To sell, mortgage, purchase or grant or ilccruire persiinal, held in thi s trust, at public or private sale, and at a opti! inS to purchase and convey any Eiecuri ty or property r real or time and price and upon terms and conditions (including credil~) as granl~ed to a trustee under §737.402 and Chapter 738 of the l"lc,rida StatHtes and evei'Y power gral'lted to a personal representativè iirder the 1:rustee may determine. The trustee shall also have every power §733 612 ot the Florida statutes and all power and auth()rity coñt;Hined. in any deed conveying real property into this trui:t as that power o:r authority applies to ctt real property. The tr:istee is aHthorized. to open and maintain an account or accounts fOi~ the ¡ 41S5.11 00163574.DOCil) 5 e8/0S/2007 14: 34 12124335356 SHORELINE TRADING PAGE 23/27 purc:iase a.nd sale of securities, whether in cash 0:: on margin, and to h)ld securities in the name of a nomi~éè. pecu:i.iary or fractional share gUt by distributing cash or specific prop' ~rty, real or personal, or in univided i;rt.erests i or part:.y in B) To make distributions in satisfaction of ,~y cash and partly in property, and to do so wi thout regard tc the inco"ne tax basis of specific property allocatèd to any benefic!iary or a iy share and without making pro rata distributions of spec:fic asse;.S. The trustee is authorized, but not required, to' make equi :able adjustments for differing financial effects of tax nino c . with no ¡egal guardian, ~ather t~an deferring that to M Lnors Ac:t. elec ;ions or distributions. If ~y distribution is to be made to a dist ;ibution, the trustee may (~ut need not) make this distrLbiition to a parent of the minor as custodian under the Florida Tram¡fers C) To retain legal counsel to furniSh legal advice to the trustee on all ma.tters .elating to administration of this trus:., prepa.ration of any tax returns required, or 5iettlement of Gran:or's estate. The trustee is specifically aut h.or i zed , wi1:hout cour: approval. to pay fees to the attorney tor these servlcf!s in an a nount presumed reasonable for an individual sole trustee iinder the provisions of Florida Sta.tute §737, 2041 (4) for an att()rney retained to advise thetrui¡tee genera.lly concerning the trus1~1i!i i Ii reas :)nable . duti ~s in the ini tia.l trust aClistration, or to cont;ra.ct wi t::i the attot:ney réga.rding fees on any other basis i:he trustee deems a .7) Grantor. directs tha.t any dist:ributions, bequesU and devises in this agreement shall be construed under tbe rules of cons truction relating to devise~ under a will as found in Part VI 733. !3 oS (abatement) i '733. 806 of Ch.a.pter 73'2, Florida Statutes, and thè provisions of sec':.ions subs;quent marriage, birth, etc,), Chapter 739 (disçla~nerli (advancements) i 732.507 (effect of 731. 20l (general definitions), 733.809' (right cf reta.iner) a.nd 733,912 (improper distributicn) shall similarly apply. 8.8) After the death or inea.paci ty of the Grantor r the trusl;ee shall render an account of its receipts and disbursements manil3'ement and protection of the trust. The trustee. t S re':Ju1ar compensat.ion shall :Oe cha.rged against ini:ome during Gra.nt-or' 8 lifet.íme and¡ t:tieraafter, half against ineome and half ag,,.i.nst pri:o::ipal, except that the at least anually to each adult heneficiary, as defined in Fla. Stat. §737 .303. The trustee shaii be entitled to reasonable fees and ~haii be reimbursed for all re5sonable expenses incurreò in the trustee shall have full diacretii:m at any :ime or times to chrgé a larger portion or all against income. ( ~~8S.~! 00163574 .IX; i~ 6 68(69/26e7 14: 34 12124335366 SHORELINE TRADING PAGE 24127 B . 9) A trustee i in its ciiscretion, may terminate and dist::ibute any trust hereunder if the trustee determines tl'iat. the acconplishment of the p'.irposes of the t:iust. The trustee i;ih;ill tarm:,na.te and forthwith distribute any trust crea.ted hereby, or by exeri:ise of a power of appointment hereunder, and still held 360 year;; a.f1:er the date of this agreement. Distribution unde'r this para~rraph slill be made to the persons then entitled to receive or cost of continuance thereof will substantially in~air r~ve the benefit of the income tram the t~et in. the proporti~1S in which they are entitled thereto, or if their interests are inde:;ini te i 1:hen in equal shares. 8.10) Notwithstanding any law to the contrarY',i s de~athi ìf a.ny bene::iciary sha.ll die within 30 days after the Grantor such beneficiary shall be deemed to have predecea:;ed G:rantoi~ for all purposes under thie ag:reement. Stati~ of Florida. 8.11) This agreement shall be ~onstried under the laws o:E the JL~TICLE 9. - Definitions Whenever used in this agreement i ~nlase the conte)Ct of any passage thereof requires othe:rise: A) The term Ii trustee 11 means t:r::l' :ees appointed hereini a.s well SUCCI~seorB . B) The term .1 the singular or multiple as thair s\1l;stitutee and education" shall be construed to mear. all leve,_s of e.ducation in the customary Bensei includìng private tuto:~ials and professional and adva.nced education, and a.lso apir._t\lal education, musical instruction and ph.ysical eduea'::ion, incl'iding surmer camps fo:r minor beneficiaries. C) Tbe term tthealthri shall be construed. to include medical, dentõll, hospital, dru9 and nursing costs, a.s well as a.ll expi! of invalidism and costs of medically prescribed equipment and travi~l. s'Jpport" shall meari the D) The terms "maintenancerr and II main':enance a.nd support of the income hene!iciaries in accord,8.nce with their accustomed manner of living. E) Legaiiy adopted children shall be deemed to be na~ural c.hililren af their a.doptive parenta, providing they were ad,:i~.ted ( 41as.ii 001'1574.DOeil) 7 58fß9/2ÐÐ7 i~:34 12124335366 SHORELII£ TRADING PAGE 25127 priot to a.ttaining t.he 'age of 21 years J and terms of kinship or descE nt used herein shall be construed accordingly. F) The sing~iar includee the pl~ral and the plural includes the E ingulai: . G) The terms "incapacita.ted'l and "incapacityll shall mea:; the mente ,1 or phye ical inabi Ii ty of the Grantor. indi viduall y i to manas's the affaire of the Grantor pruò.ently J or the menta:L or physj cal inability of an individual trustee (including the Grantor as t:~uetee) to manage the affairs of the trust prudently. Such inca¡,acity of the Grantor, individuaiiy, or an individual trustee (incJuding the Grantor as trustee) shall be determined by a court of competent jurisdiction or cértified in writing by two medi(:al doct~ r~ to the then serving ~rustee, or if the Grantor, as trustee, is i:'lcapacitat.ed, to the named succeS$or trustee. One medical doct,ir shaii be the doctor currently serving the incapacitated G:iant,or or t:rustee if the:re is one so serving. IN WITNESS ins t) 'umen t on Grantor a.nd trustee has signed tJ'lis , 2007. sign! id and dêclared by r-GUERITE J. NADEL as her revocable t.::ust agreEimen~ in our presence ami that we, in her presence and in the We certify tha.t the àbove instrument was on the date thi;ireof J. ~K~ s .,~' , pres~ince of each other have signed our names as witnesses thei~etoi beliE1ving her to be of sound mind at the t.ime of signing. residing at Sarasotar :'lc~rida residing at Sarasota, Florida ~,., '. .r; ...... ¿ i ~~B~.ll ~0153574,Dociil . --/ / l/ ¡' L~"'P"-i':Zií :f4t~, B / Ð6/eS/2ea7 14: 34 /' 1212433536ó SHORELINE TRADING PAGE 26/27 S'IATE OF FLORIDA COUN Y OF SARASOTA: Wei MARGUERITE J. l:ADEr., KAB5N R. SHORt and __ SI17ANNE M.YODiR ' the Grantor and trustee, and the witnesses; respectively, whose names are signed to the foregoing instiurnent, having been sworn, declared to the undersigned officer that the Grantor .and trustee, in the presence of witnesses, signed the :.nstrument as he.r ¡"Elvocable trust, that she signed, and that each of the witnesses, in the presence of the Grantor a~d trustee a.nd :.n the presence of each other, signed the revocable. trust a.15 a witnE:ss. iW2=wW. Gr ~~¿G~ Wit7~ /' Ii )'I/.d (~. !l- :-/-..,...r-';~ . .A,: ~.~....~.r wi.t;te.s.-~Æ~..lA:::_./ í./ ... SUBSCRIBED AN SWORN TO BEFORE 1"6 by MAGUERITE: J. Gran:.or and trustee, who is (Not.ry choose one) r.-.i know personally produced and by _' a NADEL. the '1 to me, or t - I who has as: identificatio:ir _ 'CASe.. R. Sfio;: , a. witness, and SUZANNE M,YODER to me, witness, whO are ( oeary choose one) (x.) personally known as or ¡ _1 who have prod ed identification, on -,2~ ota.ry publi.c Commission Expiration THIS INSTRUMENT PREPARED EY: E. J ~HN ~OPEZ i ESQ. A !1¡~""~\ Sarah R. # D0456571 Norton, Hammersley, Lopez & Skokos, P . '~.. 1;1 CCl~mlsion Wakèfielel lB1S Main Streeti suite ~io ".1,'Il,l.- SXPII'S August 7. 2009 "' ..l\..r.r..,'..... adi. Sarasota, FL 342J6 Tei~~hone; (941) 954-4691 ( 4i8! .11 00163574 .Doc,i~ 9 68/69/2967 14: 34 12124335366 SHREINE TRADING PAGE 27/27 //--SCHEDULE: '1 A" TO REVOCU¡i2 TRUST AGREEMENT OF M.~GUERITE J. NAEL $10.00 : ~:i5-~~ aC£~,i7~,=OJ:.

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