Timebase Pty Ltd v. Thomson Corporation, The
MEMORANDUM in Support re 116 MOTION to Compel Responses to Interrogatories 1 and 8 filed by Timebase Pty Ltd. SEALED DOCUMENT RECEIVED IN CLERKS OFFICE ON 2/12/10. (Gasey, Arthur) Modified on 2/12/2010 (akl).
Timebase Pty Ltd v. Thomson Corporation, The
Doc. 118 Att. 15
Exhibit 20
From: sent:
W Hatley(matf@haUeylodge.m) Thursday, Jury 16, I133 PM Consumer, LBmond Lemond 2004 Web site Feedback
Below is theiesutt o your feedback form. If was submittedby f M t i i a W (m~haUeytodsacom) Thorsdsiy, July 16,2004 a 2333235 at on t
WoodbrMge, VA -USA
Matt Hatley
,= --
Sent: To:
Matt Hatley [matt@haUeylodge.corn] Thursday, July 15,2004 10:33 PM Consumer, Lemond Lemond 2004 Web site Feedback
Below is the result: of your feedback form. It was submitted by Matt Hatley (rnatt@hatleylodge.com) on Thursday, July 15, 2 0 0 4 at 23:32:35
comments: I seems that Greg Lemond has forgotten people are innocent until proven guilty. t Greg adds to the widespread drug speculation in cycling, rather than celebrate the TdF (it's already bad enough W / David Millar). That's the crux of the issue, specultation & no proof. If he couldn't say anything positive, why didn't he just bite his tongue? G r e g Lemond is an ambassador for the sport of cycling. H e needs to act like it.
I own a Serotta
Woodbridge, VA
will NE-R
buy a Lemond bike.
Matt Hatley
Thursday, July 16,2004 9 5 PM :Q Consumer, temond Lemond 2004 Web site Feedback
B e l o w .is the result of your feedback form. It was submitted by Mike Dodge (mikewdodge@hotrnail.com) on Thursday, July 15, 2004 at 22:49:30
comments: I wil? not be buying a LeMond bike because of t h e nasty remarks Greg LeMond bas make about W c e Armstrong. I Greg can document: illegal drug use by Lance, then I would
reconsider. Mike
F -
Smith, Lisa
Sent: Subject:
Thursday, July 15,2004 11:17 PM Consumer, Lemond Lernond 2004 Web site Feedback
Hey G r e g ,
comments: 7-15-04
I'm not going to buy one of your b i k e s . Ever. Unless you have proof of Lance doping, then shut up. E v e r y cyclist I k n o w shares t h i s viewpoint.
Eric Bain
TO: Subject:
Brad Ibsdc@aol.com] Thursday, July 15,2064 245 PM Consumer, Lemond Lemond 2004 Web site Feedback
It was submitted b y Brad (bsdc#aol.corn) on
Below is t h e r e s u l t of your feedback form. Thursday, July 15, 2004 at 21:44:31
comments: Greg Lemondts recent unsubstantiated comments about Lance Armatrong has led me to s c r a t c h temond bicycles f r o m my list of future dream bikes. His comments are irresponsible, unfounded, and undermines the sport of cycling in the US.
iz rl
Sent: To:
Greg [gregp@jbarrow.com] Thursday, July 15,2004 3:52 PM
Consumer, Lemond
Follow up Flagged
Lernond 2004 Web site Feedback
Follow Up Flag: Flag Status:
Below is the result of your feedback form. on Thursday, July 15, 2004 at 16:52:07
It was submitted by Greg (gregp@jbarrow.com)
comments: How stupid is the owner of your company??? How can condeming Lance Armstrong be good for your business? Nobody has any proof o f Armstrong taking drugs and he's the most tested athlete ever. How can your owner make such statements unless Lance i s using the same dope supplier that LeMond did when he raced (and wasn't tested nearly as often).
Sent: To: Subject:
Gigi Scala [scala@operemait.cornl Thursday, July 15,2004 4:OO PM Consumer, Lemond Lernond 2004 Web site Feedback
comments: Mr. LeMond: What i n t h e world are you trying t o do 8Ugge6ting that Armstrong i s using illegal drugs? I n t h e event that: you have proof put it forward, otherwise be silent. G i g i Scala
& A
rick shelton [rshelton.uhp@aoYcorn] Thursday, July 15,20044:Ol PM
Consumer, l-emond Lemond 2004 Web site Feedback
Below is the result of your feedback form. I was submitted by rick shelton (rshelton t uhp@aol/com) on Thursday, July 15, 2004 at 19:00:53
I comments: couldn't find another way to contact Greg. I did call and complain to TREK. really don't see how TREK would allow Lemond, who is connected to TREK, say such bizarre, off the w a l l things about Armstrong and tolerate it. Armstrong is their pin-up bay and Lemond is, after, old news. While on the phone to TREK I steered them to Lemond's latest garbage on the net and I did not: think they were pleased. No one has any evidence that can prove A n s t r o n g has used doping. Quite the contrary. For Lemond to make such comments simply,becausehe is jealous, bitter and alae, porcine is ridiculous, especially during the Tour. Next time you see Greg please tell h i m we in the cycling community in San Antonio think he i s an ass and offer him another half dozen chesseburgers. RAs
Thursday, July 15,2004 4:07 PM Consumer, Lemond Lemond 2004 Web site'Feedback
Below i s t h e result of your feedback form. It was submitted by C. Dern (dernc@spindustries.com) on Thursday, July 15, 2004 at 17:07:08
comments: I am very upset with Mr. Lemond's unsubstantiated remarks regarding Lance Armstrong. In America one ia innocent until proven guilty. I very much regret at t h i s time have bought a Lemond product.
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