Righthaven LLC v. Democratic Underground, LLC et al
DECLARATION of CLIFFORD C. WEBB In Support of Defendant Democratic Underground, LLC's First Motion to Compel the Production of Documents re 95 First MOTION to Compel the Production of Documents By Defendant Democratic Underground, LLC and Memorandum of Points and Authorities In Support Thereof ; filed by Defendants David Allen, Democratic Underground, LLC. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A, # 2 Exhibit B, # 3 Exhibit C, # 4 Exhibit D, # 5 Exhibit E, # 6 Exhibit F, # 7 Exhibit G, # 8 Exhibit H, # 9 Exhibit I, # 10 Exhibit J, # 11 Exhibit K, # 12 Exhibit L, # 13 Exhibit M, # 14 Exhibit N, # 15 Exhibit O, # 16 Exhibit P, # 17 Exhibit Q, # 18 Exhibit R, # 19 Exhibit S, # 20 Exhibit T, # 21 Exhibit U, # 22 Exhibit V, # 23 Exhibit W, # 24 Exhibit X, # 25 Exhibit Y, # 26 Exhibit Z, # 27 Exhibit AA, # 28 Exhibit BB, # 29 Exhibit CC, # 30 Exhibit DD, # 31 Exhibit EE, # 32 Exhibit FF)(Webb, Cliff)
Jennifer Johnson
Thursday, March 03, 2011 5:46 PM
Jennifer Johnson
'Kurt Opsahl'; Laurence Pulgram; Clifford Webb; 'Colby Williams'
RE: Righthaven v. DU
The supplemental responses have been sent out. I can't believe that you wish to characterize a few days delay
caused by numerous filings I am responding to as somehow being done with improper intent to delay the
responses. I guess that's an attempt at zealous advocacy on your part. I certainly apologize for my busy
briefing schedule and court appearances in connection with Righthaven and non-Righthaven-related litigation
matters and the resulting three or four day delay in sending out the supplemental discovery responses.
Typically such extensions are given as a matter of professional courtesy. I guess such professional courtesy is
not being extended in this case.
You will get your privilege log shortly. If you wish to file an unnecessary motion to drive up litigation costs
given this representation, go right ahead. I would like to see you articulate the prejudice suffered by your
clients given the procedural posture of this case, which includes the current stay that is in place.
Shawn A. Mangano, Esq.
Shawn A. Mangano, Ltd.
9960 West Cheyenne Avenue, Suite 170
Las Vegas, Nevada 89129
(702) 304-0432 - telephone
(702) 922-3851 - facsimile
Licensed in California, Nevada and Illinois
-------- Original Message -------Subject: RE: Righthaven v. DU
From: Jennifer Johnson
Date: Thu, March 03, 2011 5:27 pm
To: "'shawn@manganolaw.com'"
Cc: 'Kurt Opsahl' , Laurence Pulgram
, Clifford Webb , 'Colby
I would like to know when you are providing the documents and the privilege log. Responsive documents were
due to us January 18, over 6 weeks ago. You’ve had over 10 weeks to locate such documents, as our requests
were served on December 17. The privilege log was due on February 8, per the Court’s order [Dkt 54].
After our meet and confer you agreed to have us supplemental responses by February 22. You did not provide
them. You agreed to have us a privilege log and non‐confidential documents by February 25. You have not
provided them. You agreed to have us confidential documents by February 24. You have not provided them.
Last Friday, you unilaterally announced that you would get back to us regarding all of the discovery yesterday.
You did not. Finally you’re now telling us that you have sent the supplemental responses by mail today,
ensuring further delay in their delivery, but still not providing documents or privilege logs as promised and
ordered by the Court. You say that you will produce the documents “when they are located.”
This continued failure to abide by Righthaven’s discovery obligations, and its commitments during the meet
and confer process, is unacceptable. Please provide us a date certain as to when you will complete
Righthaven’s agreed upon document production and privilege log, and then follow through by producing them
on that date. (Note, there was no clarification needed as to the content of the privilege log; that it include all
documents prior to the filing of the complaint was ordered by the Court’s scheduling order, and the log
obviously includes responsive documents in possession of either client or counsel). Finally, please also be
advised that if that production is not expeditious, we will proceed by motion rather than by email.
Fenwick & West LLP
Associate, Litigation Group
(415) 875-2391
(415) 281-1350
From: shawn@manganolaw.com [mailto:shawn@manganolaw.com]
Sent: Thursday, March 03, 2011 2:30 PM
To: Jennifer Johnson
Cc: 'Kurt Opsahl'; Laurence Pulgram; Clifford Webb; 'Colby Williams'
Subject: RE: Righthaven v. DU
There is no agreement in place that the parties must serve by e-mail and U.S.
Mail. There is an agreement that such service comports with FRCP 5 and is to be
deemed service by hand delivery when made by such means. With regard to the
production, I agreed to produce those materials that were responsive to the
request. Such materials will be produced when they are located.
With regard to the privilege log, you recently clarified issues relating to the
required contents in response to Colby Willams' inquiry. If there are materials
being withheld on privilege grounds, they will be included in a privilege log and
provided to you.
Shawn A. Mangano, Esq.
Shawn A. Mangano, Ltd.
9960 West Cheyenne Avenue, Suite 170
Las Vegas, Nevada 89129
(702) 304-0432 - telephone
(702) 922-3851 - facsimile
Licensed in California, Nevada and Illinois
-------- Original Message -------Subject: RE: Righthaven v. DU
From: Jennifer Johnson
Date: Thu, March 03, 2011 2:23 pm
To: "'shawn@manganolaw.com'"
Cc: 'Kurt Opsahl' , Laurence Pulgram
, Clifford Webb , 'Colby
Thank you. Please also send us a copy via email, as previously agreed upon (see attached).
Additionally, when can we expect to receive Righthaven’s documents and privilege log which you
agreed to produce last week?
From: shawn@manganolaw.com [mailto:shawn@manganolaw.com]
Sent: Thursday, March 03, 2011 1:28 PM
To: Jennifer Johnson
Cc: 'Kurt Opsahl'; Laurence Pulgram; Clifford Webb; 'Colby Williams'
Subject: RE: Righthaven v. DU
Supplemental discovery responses were sent out to you today.
Shawn A. Mangano, Esq.
Shawn A. Mangano, Ltd.
9960 West Cheyenne Avenue, Suite 170
Las Vegas, Nevada 89129
(702) 304-0432 - telephone
(702) 922-3851 - facsimile
Licensed in California, Nevada and Illinois
-------- Original Message -------Subject: RE: Righthaven v. DU
From: Jennifer Johnson
Date: Thu, March 03, 2011 10:05 am
To: "'shawn@manganolaw.com'"
Cc: 'Kurt Opsahl' , Laurence Pulgram
, Clifford Webb , 'Colby
Dear Shawn,
I did not receive any discovery from you yesterday, as you had most recently promised. Did
I miss something? Please advise as to the status of your supplemental responses, document
production, and privilege log.
Fenwick & West LLP
Associate, Litigation Group
(415) 875-2391
(415) 281-1350
From: shawn@manganolaw.com [mailto:shawn@manganolaw.com]
Sent: Friday, February 25, 2011 4:29 PM
To: Jennifer Johnson
Cc: 'Kurt Opsahl'; Laurence Pulgram; Clifford Webb; 'Colby Williams'
Subject: RE: Righthaven v. DU
I have been tied up with numerous matters (some Righthavenrelated and some non-Righthaven-related), but I am working on the
issues we discussed. I am trying to have all of the issues
addressed by Wednesday. I would appreciate it if you can give me
until then to have appropriate responses to you.
Shawn A. Mangano, Esq.
Shawn A. Mangano, Ltd.
9960 West Cheyenne Avenue, Suite 170
Las Vegas, Nevada 89129
(702) 304-0432 - telephone
(702) 922-3851 - facsimile
Licensed in California, Nevada and Illinois
-------- Original Message -------Subject: RE: Righthaven v. DU
From: Jennifer Johnson
Date: Fri, February 25, 2011 3:35 pm
To: "'shawn@manganolaw.com'"
Cc: 'Kurt Opsahl' , Laurence Pulgram
, Clifford Webb ,
We have still not received supplemental discovery responses
from Righthaven. We have also not received any documents
from Righthaven, or a privilege log. You agreed to have us a
privilege log and non-confidential documents by today. You
agreed to produce confidential documents 7-10 days after
entry of the protective order. 10 days was yesterday. We
expect to hear back from you today as to when we will be
receiving this information.
From: Jennifer Johnson
Sent: Wednesday, February 23, 2011 1:51 PM
To: 'shawn@manganolaw.com'
Cc: 'Kurt Opsahl'; Laurence Pulgram; Clifford Webb; 'Colby Williams'
Subject: RE: Righthaven v. DU
I’m following up on your promise to have us supplemental
responses 10 days after our meet and confer. We have not
yet received them. Please serve by email, per our
Fenwick & West LLP
Associate, Litigation Group
(415) 875-2391
(415) 281-1350
From: Jennifer Johnson [mailto:jjjohnson@fenwick.com]
Sent: Thursday, February 10, 2011 7:26 PM
To: 'shawn@manganolaw.com'
Cc: 'Kurt Opsahl'; Laurence Pulgram; Clifford Webb; 'Colby Williams'
Subject: Righthaven v. DU
Please see the attached correspondence summarizing our
meet and confer.
Fenwick & West LLP
Associate, Litigation Group
(415) 875-2391
(415) 281-1350
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