Oracle Corporation et al v. SAP AG et al

Filing 1058

Declaration of Lisa Chin in Support of 1057 Opposition/Response to Motion for JMOL or New Trial filed byOracle International Corporation. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A part 1, # 2 Exhibit A part 2, # 3 Exhibit B, # 4 Exhibit C, # 5 Exhibit D, # 6 Exhibit E, # 7 Exhibit F, # 8 Exhibit G, # 9 Exhibit H, # 10 Exhibit I, # 11 Exhibit J, # 12 Exhibit K, # 13 Exhibit L, # 14 Exhibit M, # 15 Exhibit N, # 16 Exhibit O, # 17 Exhibit P, # 18 Exhibit Q, # 19 Exhibit R, # 20 Exhibit S, # 21 Exhibit T, # 22 Exhibit U, # 23 Exhibit V, # 24 Exhibit W, # 25 Exhibit X, # 26 Exhibit Y, # 27 Exhibit Z, # 28 Exhibit AA, # 29 Exhibit BB, # 30 Exhibit CC, # 31 Exhibit DD, # 32 Exhibit EE, # 33 Exhibit FF, # 34 Exhibit GG, # 35 Exhibit HH, # 36 Exhibit II, # 37 Exhibit JJ, # 38 Exhibit KK, # 39 Exhibit LL, # 40 Exhibit MM, # 41 Exhibit NN, # 42 Exhibit OO, # 43 Exhibit PP, # 44 Exhibit QQ, # 45 Exhibit RR, # 46 Exhibit SS, # 47 Exhibit TT, # 48 Exhibit UU, # 49 Exhibit VV)(Related document(s) 1057 ) (Howard, Geoffrey) (Filed on 4/8/2011)

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Oracle Corporation et al v. SAP AG et al Doc. 1058 Att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Yes, in order to generate more software revenue for SAP, with SAP software. 00:00:14 00:20:52 00:13:37 262:4 -262:7 Oswald, Gerhard 2008-12-11 262:4 262:5 262:6 262:7 Q. And the reason that the entire Safe Passage program was discussed in connection with the TomorrowNow acquisition was because of TomorrowNow's role in Safe Passage? 00:00:47 00:21:06 00:13:23 262:8 -262:11 Oswald, Gerhard 2008-12-11 262:8 262:9 262:10 262:11 A. No. Safe Passage also comprises other migrations of other software solutions; for instance, local software solutions of medium sized software companies in other countries. 00:00:06 00:21:53 00:12:36 271:9 -271:11 Oswald, Gerhard 2008-12-11 271:9 271:10 271:11 Link > 256.1 Q. Does the fact that Mr. Ziemen's name appears on the footer give you any understanding that he created this? 00:00:37 00:21:59 00:12:30 271:12 -271:16 Oswald, Gerhard 2008-12-11 271:12 271:13 271:14 271:15 271:16 A. It does suggest that, but Mr. Ziemen, like many other project managers, collected lots and lots of slides to put them together for overall presentations. Q. So he may have gotten the information from elsewhere? 00:00:02 00:22:36 00:11:53 271:17 -271:17 Oswald, Gerhard 2008-12-11 271:17 A. Yes. 271:18 -271:19 Oswald, Gerhard 2008-12-11 271:18 271:19 00:00:10 00:22:38 00:11:51 Link > 256.5.2 Q. Could you turn to page 136764, titled "Business Case TomorrowNow 2006: Executive Summary, Reason". 00:00:06 00:22:48 00:11:41 271:20 -271:21 Oswald, Gerhard 2008-12-11 271:20 271:21 Achievements 2005". And under the top portion, there's a reference to "Key 271:22 -272:3 Oswald, Gerhard 2008-12-11 271:22 271:23 A. Yes. Q. And the third bullet reads: 00:00:24 00:22:54 00:11:35 Link > 256.5.1 271:24 271:25 "The maintenance offering -- a key part of the Safe Passage program and provided by TomorrowNow -- is used Page 11 of 20 Printed: 11/6/2010 9:31:32AM Oswald remainder 272:1 272:2 272:3 272:4 -272:5 as enabler for future license revenue, to grow maintenance contract volume taken away from Oracle and to generate additional maintenance revenue for SAP." 00:00:04 00:23:18 00:11:11 Oswald, Gerhard 2008-12-11 272:4 272:5 TomorrowNow in 2005? And those were among the key achievements for 272:6 -272:9 Oswald, Gerhard 2008-12-11 272:6 272:7 272:8 272:9 A. Yes. 00:00:15 00:23:22 00:11:07 Q. And the other key achievements listed in this section, do you have any reason to believe that those are inaccurately presented? 00:00:02 00:23:37 00:10:52 272:10 -272:10 Oswald, Gerhard 2008-12-11 272:10 A. No. 273:21 -273:24 Oswald, Gerhard 2008-12-11 273:21 273:22 273:23 273:24 question is: 00:00:14 00:23:39 00:10:50 Link > 256.6.1 Q. And looking at the next page, the first "How does this business case support SAP's strategy and Board area strategy?" 00:00:02 00:23:53 00:10:36 (Edited) 273:25 -273:25 Oswald, Gerhard 2008-12-11 273:25 And there are four bullets. 00:00:12 00:23:55 00:10:34 273:25 -274:3 Oswald, Gerhard 2008-12-11 273:25 And the second bullet reads: 274:1 274:2 274:3 (Edited) Link > 256.6.2 "Leverage service as competitive weapon in order to restrict competition." 00:00:06 00:24:07 00:10:22 274:4 -274:6 Oswald, Gerhard 2008-12-11 274:4 274:5 274:6 Link > 256.6.3 And the next bullet reads: "Support SAP's strategy to grow and secure Maintenance revenue." 00:00:06 00:24:13 00:10:16 274:7 -274:9 Oswald, Gerhard 2008-12-11 274:7 274:8 274:9 Link > 256.6.4 And the last bullet reads: "Strengthen global market position and increase global market share." 00:00:05 00:24:19 00:10:10 274:10 -274:11 Oswald, Gerhard 2008-12-11 274:10 274:11 area's strategy? And those were all SAP's strategy and the board 274:12 -274:12 Oswald, Gerhard 2008-12-11 274:12 A. Yes. 00:00:02 00:24:24 00:10:05 Link > Hide 277:13 -277:14 Oswald, Gerhard 2008-12-11 277:13 277:14 document? 00:00:05 00:24:26 00:10:03 Link > 43.1.2 Q. Did you review or receive this presentation Printed: 11/6/2010 9:31:32AM Page 12 of 20 Oswald remainder 277:15 -277:18 Oswald, Gerhard 2008-12-11 277:15 277:16 277:17 277:18 00:00:27 00:24:31 00:09:58 A. I remember that there was a discussion and there was a draft prepared for the supervisory board meeting, but whether it was actually presented as shown in this exhibit, I don't know. 00:00:08 00:24:58 00:09:31 (Edited) 280:23 -280:24 Oswald, Gerhard 2008-12-11 280:23 280:24 Link > 43.9.1 Q. And turning to page 578, titled "From Loss for Oracle to Revenues for TomorrowNow". 00:00:10 00:25:06 00:09:23 (Edited) 280:24 -281:2 Oswald, Gerhard 2008-12-11 280:24 280:25 281:1 281:2 And the first bullet underneath the chart reads: "Major KPI for TomorrowNow is the Annual Loss in Contract Volume for Oracle." 00:00:03 00:25:16 00:09:13 281:3 -281:3 Oswald, Gerhard 2008-12-11 281:3 And that was a major KPI for TomorrowNow? 00:00:01 00:25:19 00:09:10 281:4 -281:4 Oswald, Gerhard 2008-12-11 281:4 A. Yes. 281:22 -281:24 Oswald, Gerhard 2008-12-11 281:22 281:23 281:24 00:00:13 00:25:20 00:09:09 And are the points under this second bullet meant to explain why, as a matter of pure numbers, TomorrowNow's revenues are not a full indicator of its value to SAP? 00:00:03 00:25:33 00:08:56 281:25 -281:25 Oswald, Gerhard 2008-12-11 281:25 A. That is correct, yes. Link > Hide 282:7 -282:8 Oswald, Gerhard 2008-12-11 282:7 282:8 00:00:06 00:25:36 00:08:53 Now, you are aware that Oracle acquired Siebel after it acquired PeopleSoft; correct? 00:00:09 00:25:42 00:08:47 282:9 -282:11 Oswald, Gerhard 2008-12-11 282:9 282:10 282:11 A. Yes. Q. And thereafter, SAP authorized TomorrowNow to service Oracle/Siebel applications; correct? 00:00:01 00:25:51 00:08:38 282:12 -282:12 Oswald, Gerhard 2008-12-11 282:12 A. Yes. 288:11 -288:12 Oswald, Gerhard 2008-12-11 288:11 288:12 marked exhibit 472. 00:00:03 00:25:52 00:08:37 MS. HOUSE: Let me show you what was previously Link > 267.1.1 288:17 -288:20 Oswald, Gerhard 2008-12-11 288:17 288:18 288:19 288:20 00:00:22 00:25:55 00:08:34 Q. And exhibit 472 is a document, TN-OR00995250 through 5258, entitled "Business Case TomorrowNow -- Siebel. Board Area: Gerhard Oswald" and it appears to be a draft of the Siebel business case. 00:00:34 00:26:17 00:08:12 Page 13 of 20 288:21 -289:2 Printed: 11/6/2010 9:31:32AM Oswald, Gerhard 2008-12-11 Oswald remainder Link > 267.5.1 288:21 288:22 288:23 288:24 288:25 289:1 289:2 289:3 -289:4 If you would turn to page 254, it is entitled "Business Opportunity -- TomorrowNow Offering for Siebel". And at the top left, under "Customer Analysis", there is the statement: "The Siebel customer base consists of 4,000 customers (including large number of joint SAP/Siebel customers) and presents a huge market opportunity." 00:00:07 00:26:51 00:07:38 Oswald, Gerhard 2008-12-11 289:3 289:4 Did you agree that accessing that customer base was a huge opportunity for SAP? 00:00:01 00:26:58 00:07:31 289:5 -289:5 Oswald, Gerhard 2008-12-11 289:5 A. Yes. 289:17 -289:23 Oswald, Gerhard 2008-12-11 289:17 289:18 289:19 289:20 289:21 289:22 289:23 00:00:25 00:26:59 00:07:30 Q. And looking at the "Conclusions" portion of this page, the second conclusion reads: "The Maintenance offering -- a key part of the Safe Passage program and provided by TomorrowNow -- can be used as enabler for future license revenue, to grow maintenance contract volume taken away from Oracle and to generate additional maintenance revenue for SAP." 00:00:07 00:27:24 00:07:05 Link > 267.5.2 289:24 -289:25 Oswald, Gerhard 2008-12-11 289:24 289:25 Was that also a reason for SAP's decision to have TomorrowNow service Siebel applications? 00:00:14 00:27:31 00:06:58 290:1 -290:5 Oswald, Gerhard 2008-12-11 290:1 290:2 290:3 290:4 290:5 A. Yes. Q. Mr. Ziemen testified that you and Mr. Brandt presented the business case for expanding TomorrowNow's service to Siebel, to the SAP executive board. Did you do so? 00:00:05 00:27:45 00:06:44 290:6 -290:7 Oswald, Gerhard 2008-12-11 290:6 290:7 precisely. A. That is possible, but I don't recall Link > Hide 290:19 -290:23 Oswald, Gerhard 2008-12-11 290:19 290:20 290:21 290:22 290:23 00:00:20 00:27:50 00:06:39 Q. Mr. Ziemen testified that when he wrote this business case, he did not include any consideration of how to protect the potential misuse of Siebel intellectual property in creating this business case. Do you have any memory of any consideration of that? 00:00:03 00:28:10 00:06:19 291:1 -291:1 Oswald, Gerhard 2008-12-11 291:1 A. I can't remember. 291:11 -291:13 Oswald, Gerhard 2008-12-11 291:11 00:00:12 00:28:13 00:06:16 Q. Do you remember whether any efforts were taken Printed: 11/6/2010 9:31:32AM Page 14 of 20 Oswald remainder 291:12 291:13 291:15 -291:15 at all to protect Oracle-owned intellectual property in going forward with the provision of service on Siebel? 00:00:03 00:28:25 00:06:04 Oswald, Gerhard 2008-12-11 291:15 A. I can't remember. 291:23 -291:25 Oswald, Gerhard 2008-12-11 291:23 291:24 291:25 00:00:12 00:28:28 00:06:01 Q. Can you name any safeguards that were adopted in connection with the decision to go forward with Siebel service, to protect Oracle's IP? 00:00:06 00:28:40 00:05:49 292:2 -292:3 Oswald, Gerhard 2008-12-11 292:2 292:3 now. A. I don't remember whether that was discussed 293:12 -293:13 Oswald, Gerhard 2008-12-11 293:12 293:13 exhibit 613. 00:00:03 00:28:46 00:05:43 Q. Let me show you what we have marked as 293:21 -293:24 Oswald, Gerhard 2008-12-11 293:21 293:22 293:23 293:24 And he writes: 00:00:10 00:28:49 00:05:40 Link > 435.1.1 "Good morning, Gerd. I am writing to inform you of some exciting new activities underway targeting Oracle." 00:00:10 00:28:59 00:05:30 (Edited) 294:2 -294:4 Oswald, Gerhard 2008-12-11 294:2 294:3 294:4 Link > 435.2.1 he describes that plan in the second bullet as including a strong TomorrowNow component integrated throughout the plan. 00:00:09 00:29:09 00:05:20 294:5 -294:7 Oswald, Gerhard 2008-12-11 294:5 294:6 294:7 And so up until the eve of Oracle's lawsuit, TomorrowNow was integral to SAP's efforts to attack Oracle; correct? 00:00:01 00:29:18 00:05:11 294:10 -294:10 Oswald, Gerhard 2008-12-11 294:10 A. Yes. Link > Hide 321:23 -321:25 Oswald, Gerhard 2009-10-27 321:23 321:24 321:25 00:00:10 00:29:19 00:05:10 Q: It was the SAP executive board of directors that made the decision for TomorrowNow to offer support for Siebel software? 00:00:01 00:29:29 00:05:00 322:3 -322:3 Oswald, Gerhard 2009-10-27 322:3 THE WITNESS: Yes. 322:8 -322:10 Oswald, Gerhard 2009-10-27 322:8 322:9 322:10 00:00:12 00:29:30 00:04:59 Q: At the time, the board's intention was that TomorrowNow's service offering for Siebel would be part of the larger SAP Safe Passage program? 00:00:01 00:29:42 00:04:47 322:11 -322:11 Oswald, Gerhard 2009-10-27 322:11 A: Yes. Printed: 11/6/2010 9:31:32AM Page 15 of 20

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