O'Bannon, Jr. v. National Collegiate Athletic Association et al

Filing 233

Deposition Designations by Edward C. O'Bannon, Jr. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A, #2 Exhibit B, #3 Exhibit C, #4 Exhibit D, #5 Exhibit E, #6 Exhibit F, #7 Exhibit G, #8 Exhibit H, #9 Exhibit I)(Bojedla, Swathi) (Filed on 6/20/2014) Modified on 6/23/2014 (kcS, COURT STAFF).

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EXHIBIT G HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL OUTSIDE ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY Page 1 1 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT NORTHERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA 2 Case No. 4:09-cv-1967 CW ----------------------------------x 3 4 IN RE NCAA STUDENT-ATHLETE NAME & LIKENESS LICENSING 5 LITIGATION 6 ----------------------------------x December 11, 2012 7 9:59 a.m. 8 9 - HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL - OUTSIDE ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY - 10 11 Videotaped deposition of JEREMY STRAUSER, held at 12 the offices of Munsch, Hardt, Kopf & Harr, PC, 401 13 Congress Avenue, Suite 3050, Austin, Texas, pursuant to 14 Notice before Steven Stogel, Texas Certified Shorthand 15 Reporter No. 6174 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 212-279-9424 VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY www.veritext.com 212-490-3430 HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL OUTSIDE ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY Page 5 1 2 MR. SLAUGHTER: Van Nest, on behalf of Electronic Arts and the witness. 3 4 MS. SPROVTSOFF: MR. HENN: MS. WAHL: Suzanne Wahl from Schiff Hardin on behalf of the NCAA. 9 10 Charlie Henn from Kilpatrick Townsend on behalf of Collegiate Licensing Company. 7 8 Jessica Sprovtsoff from Schiff Hardin on behalf of the NCAA. 5 6 Jamie Slaughter, Keker & MS. FREEMAN: Rachel Freeman from Hagens Berman on behalf of plaintiffs. 11 THE VIDEOGRAPHER: Our court reporter, 12 Steven Stogel, representing Veritext, will now swear in 13 the witness, and we can proceed. 18 19 20 21 Q. Mr. Strauser, could you please state your full name for the record? A. My name is Jeremy Strauser. spell that? Do you need me to J-E-R-E-M-Y S-T-R-A-U-S-E-R. 22 Q. Mr. Strauser, are you represented by counsel? 23 A. Yes. 24 Q. 212-279-9424 VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY www.veritext.com 212-490-3430 HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL OUTSIDE ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY Page 11 1 Q. Why not? 2 A. I don't have them. 3 Q. Where are they? 4 5 6 7 MR. SLAUGHTER: Object -- well, you can answer if you know. A. I don't know. BY MR. LAMBRINOS: 8 Q. Who provided them to you? 9 A. James Slaughter. 10 Q. What did they concern? 11 MR. SLAUGHTER: 12 not to answer. 13 Objection; instruct you BY MR. LAMBRINOS: 14 15 Q. Have you spoken with anybody about document preservation in this case? 16 A. No. 17 Q. It's my understanding of the chronology that 18 you left Electronic Arts after this case was filed. 19 that the case? 20 A. I don't know when this case was filed. 21 Q. Is Were you under an instruction to preserve 22 documents while you were at EA? 23 24 Q. What was the exact date you left EA? 25 A. It was May of 2011. 212-279-9424 VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY www.veritext.com 212-490-3430 HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL OUTSIDE ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY Page 20 7 Q. Was EA your first job after college? 8 A. It was, yes. 9 Q. Is it correct you started in 1995? 10 I just wanted to clarify that. 11 A. Yes. 12 Q. And what was your position in 1995? 13 A. I joined Electronic Arts as a game tester. 212-279-9424 VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY www.veritext.com 212-490-3430 HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL OUTSIDE ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY Page 22 13 Q. What was your next position at EA? 14 A. I was promoted to assistant producer at 15 Electronic Arts. 16 Q. What year? 17 A. I'm not certain. 18 It would have been 1995 or 1996. 212-279-9424 VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY www.veritext.com 212-490-3430 HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL OUTSIDE ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY Page 25 1 2 Q. producer at EA? 3 4 A. Q. A. Q. The associate producer was generally Can you tell us what you mean by "game design overall"? 11 12 What did your role as associate producer responsible for the game design overall. 9 10 I was promoted consist of? 7 8 I believe it was until 1997. to associate producer at that time. 5 6 How long did you have this role as assistant A. They were responsible for proposing the feature set that would go into the game, making sure the 13 16 17 Q. what games were you dealing with at this time? 18 19 So what kind of games were you dealing with -- MR. SLAUGHTER: "At this time" meaning MR. LAMBRINOS: Correct. 1997? 20 22 Q. As associate producer. 23 A. In 1997, I had moved over to the NCAA Football 24 series of games. 212-279-9424 VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY www.veritext.com 212-490-3430 HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL OUTSIDE ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY Page 27 1 playing as their team. 2 created modes. 3 different things. 4 BY MR. LAMBRINOS: 5 6 Q. A. Did you ever do any analysis as to what I had seen analysis. I did not compile or do the analysis. 9 Q. 10 11 Some consumers liked doing all sorts of consumers were looking for in terms of feature set? 7 8 Some consumers liked playing Do you recall what that analysis said? MR. SLAUGHTER: Objection; lacks foundation, calls for speculation. 12 A. I -- off the top of my head, I do not. 14 Q. What types of features would be important to A. Realism, authenticity. 15 16 you? I think, you know, the 17 tag line of EA sports, "It's in the game. 18 game," was always something that we -- we tried to make 19 things as realistic as possible. 20 21 24 25 Q. It's in the What was your process for incorporating realism into EA's games? A. We would watch a lot of college football. would attend college football games. 212-279-9424 We We would read VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY www.veritext.com 212-490-3430 HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL OUTSIDE ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY Page 28 1 everything we could on college football. We tried to 2 replicate the sport of college football as best we 3 could. 7 Q. Could you give me some examples? 13 A. Examples would be making sure the stadium was 14 designed correctly, that we had the correct uniforms, 15 that we had the right fight song, things of that nature. 17 Q. 212-279-9424 What other details did you include? VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY www.veritext.com 212-490-3430 HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL OUTSIDE ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY Page 29 2 A. I don't recall the specific details in 1998 3 that would be accurate or inaccurate. 4 get the Wilson onto the football, to give you an example 5 of the level of detail that we would get to. 6 BY MR. LAMBRINOS: 7 Q. 8 9 10 11 We would try to What about the players? MR. SLAUGHTER: Objection; vague and ambiguous as to what you mean by "what about the players." A. 212-279-9424 I'm sorry. I don't understand. VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY www.veritext.com 212-490-3430 HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL OUTSIDE ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY Page 30 2 Q. What types of details about the players would 3 you include in your games -- in your NCAA Football game 4 specifically in order to heighten its realism? 5 MR. SLAUGHTER: Objection; vague and 6 ambiguous, overbroad. 7 have you expanded your question? 8 9 Are you still on the '98 game, or MR. LAMBRINOS: to a broader set of games. He can -- he can answer If he wants to start in the 10 1998 game, he can tell me about that, and he can tell me 11 about other details he wants to include. 12 MR. SLAUGHTER: Your -- 13 MR. LAMBRINOS: It's an open-ended MR. SLAUGHTER: Your question is 14 question. 15 16 overbroad and ambiguous, and I'm going to object to it 17 19 A. Generally, we would try to recreate the player 20 and team performance as they were in real life short of 21 using a player's name or likeness. 23 Q. What do you mean "performance"? 24 A. When I say "performance," I mean things like 25 physical attributes; speed, strength, throwing power, 212-279-9424 VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY www.veritext.com 212-490-3430 HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL OUTSIDE ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY Page 31 1 throwing accuracy, height, weight, things of that 2 nature. 3 Q. Where did you get this information? 4 A. From publicly available sources. 5 6 7 Generally the Internet or magazines or books. Q. How did you go about incorporating that information into the game? 10 A. We would type that into a player database. 12 Q. Do you know the complete list of attributes in 13 the player database? 14 A. No, I don't. 15 Q. Can you include any more? 16 couple. 17 accuracy, height, weight. 18 A. Not off the top of my head. You had given a We talked about speed, strength, throwing Anything else? There was agility, catching, awareness, 19 kicking power, kicking accuracy, tackling. 20 quite a few. 21 Q. Skin tones? 22 A. Yes, I believe so. 212-279-9424 VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY www.veritext.com There were 212-490-3430 HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL OUTSIDE ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY Page 33 1 2 additional attributes? A. More capacity from the hardware. As the 3 hardware advanced, there was more memory available, 4 things like that. 5 6 Q. Do you recall what additional attributes made their way onto the game as technology developed? 7 A. I don't. 8 Q. Did EA maintain a list of names by position 9 I'm sorry. for each team? 10 MR. SLAUGHTER: Objection; vague and 11 ambiguous, overbroad as to time. 12 you referring to? 14 15 19 20 Q. What time period are Let's start in 1997, and you can move forward if you want after that. Q. Did EA maintain a list of players' names in the player database by position for each team? 21 MR. SLAUGHTER: Objection; vague and 22 23 A. We had a list of players by team, yes. 25 Q. So in the database, the database -- the player 212-279-9424 VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY www.veritext.com 212-490-3430 HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL OUTSIDE ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY Page 34 1 database has the players' names in it. Is that correct? 2 A. I don't know that for a fact, no. 3 Q. The attributes that are included; speed, 4 strength, height, throwing accuracy, agility, catching, 5 awareness, kicking, tackling, skin tones, et cetera, 6 were those linked to specific players? 10 Q. In the player database. 13 A. They were linked to specific player IDs, yes. 14 Each player had a unique identifying number. 15 BY MR. LAMBRINOS: 16 Q. How were these numbers assigned? 17 A. I believe they were random based on 18 19 alphabetical by team. Q. Was there an index of player IDs that you 20 could use to determine the player's actual name based on 21 the ID? 25 A. 212-279-9424 I'm not sure on any given year whether there VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY www.veritext.com 212-490-3430 HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL OUTSIDE ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY Page 35 1 3 was or was not. Q. Generally, there was not. Well, if you wanted to know, for example, Matt 4 Leinart's height and weight and his throwing accuracy, 5 would you be able to do that with the player database? 9 A. If you knew that the US -- Matt Leinart went 10 to USC, so I think, you know, if you looked at the USC 11 quarterback, that's what you would look at. 13 Q. And the information you were inputting for 14 Matt Leinart as the USC quarterback, for example, would 15 have Matt Leinart's attributes? 18 19 21 A. Generally, as close as we could get without using his name or likeness, yes. Q. And you knew they were his attributes because 22 his player ID told you that it was Matt Leinart. 23 that right? 212-279-9424 VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY www.veritext.com Is 212-490-3430 HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL OUTSIDE ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY Page 36 1 A. I don't really know how to answer that. We 2 generally tried to make the players perform as their 3 real life counterparts, short of their name and 4 likeness. 6 7 Q. those players are. 10 11 And in order to do that, you have to know who A. Right? Yes. BY MR. LAMBRINOS: 12 Q. So when we're talking about the player 13 attributes, for example the USC quarterback in NCAA 14 Football, we're talking about Matt Leinart's player 15 attributes. 18 A. Correct? I don't know what we're talking about. What 19 we would try to do is replicate the players as best we 20 could without using their actual name in the game. 21 BY MR. LAMBRINOS: 22 23 Q. information about the actual players. 24 25 And in order to do that, you would need A. Yes. Right? We would get biographical information, yes. 212-279-9424 VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY www.veritext.com 212-490-3430 HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL OUTSIDE ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY Page 37 1 Q. So you would have to have some way of 2 identifying the actual players in the player database. 3 Is that right? 10 11 A. We generally looked at the player's position and depth chart. 13 Q. What's that? 14 A. If a player played quarterback and it was the 15 starting quarterback, we would know that, and we would 16 make the attributes of the starting quarterback match 17 that. 18 19 Q. And what if USC's quarterback, for example, changed the next year? Then what would you do? 20 A. 21 information. 22 Q. Why? 23 A. Because that was the goal of the NCAA Football 24 The same thing. We would stay current on that game, to replicate everything that we could about the 212-279-9424 VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY www.veritext.com 212-490-3430 HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL OUTSIDE ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY Page 40 4 5 6 When was your next position change at EA after you were the associate producer in 1997? A. I don't remember the specific date. I would 7 have been promoted to producer -- it would have been 8 around 2000, 2001, somewhere in that range. 9 Q. That's just producer without any qualifier? 10 A. That's correct. 11 Q. And what was your role as producer? 12 A. As producer, I would oversee assistant and 13 associate producers and be responsible for the overall 14 development of a game. 15 Q. And who reported to you? 16 A. Generally associate and assistant producers 17 would report to me. Sometimes a development director or 18 a development manager would report to me as a producer. 19 Sometimes an art director or an art manager would report 20 to me as a producer. 21 Q. And this is for all of EA's games? 22 A. Is that structure for all of EA's games? 23 Q. Were you acting as producer for all of EA's 212-279-9424 VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY www.veritext.com 212-490-3430 HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL OUTSIDE ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY Page 46 2 3 Q. All right. When was your next position change at EA following your role as producer in 2000 and 2001? 4 A. There were a couple of other producer titles, 5 supervising producer and senior producer, and then 6 ultimately I was promoted to executive producer I think 7 in 2007, somewhere in that range. 8 refresh my memory with the -- my resume or -- I'm sorry. 9 Q. That's okay. 10 A. -- the dates of my -- my titles. 11 Q. That's all right. I didn't Can we talk about generally 12 the different roles for each of these titles, starting 13 with supervising producer? 14 A. A supervising producer is very similar to the 15 producer. 16 game. 17 PlayStation. 18 multiple titles. 19 charge of a franchise or a group of franchises. 20 He may take on additional platforms of the So in addition to Xbox, he would take on Xbox and Q. Senior producer, you might take on maybe And executive producer, you'd be in I'm having a little trouble with the 21 vocabulary. 22 take on additional platforms of the game. 23 mean by that? 24 You said as supervising producer you may What did you MR. SLAUGHTER: 212-279-9424 VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY www.veritext.com 212-490-3430 HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL OUTSIDE ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY Page 52 1 with me is -- is disappointing that you would think that 2 that would be an appropriate question for a deposition. 3 MR. LAMBRINOS: 4 inappropriate question. 5 Well, it's not an BY MR. LAMBRINOS: 6 Q. Mr. Strauser, I'd like to start off with some 7 terminology. 8 9 10 You used the term "player likeness" in your previous testimony. term? 11 12 13 What did you mean by that MR. SLAUGHTER: foundation. A. Objection; lacks You used the term "player likeness." Well, I don't know the legal definition of -- 14 MR. SLAUGHTER: 15 sorry. 16 And I'm sorry. a legal conclusion. 17 A. Let me insert one other objection. I'm Yeah. It calls for I don't know the legal definition of 18 "player likeness," but, you know, to me it means the 19 player's face as you would see it in a photograph or 20 video, what somebody looks like. 22 Q. And was the player likeness, in terms of 23 their -- what their face looked like, incorporated into 24 EA's games? 212-279-9424 VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY www.veritext.com 212-490-3430 HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL OUTSIDE ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY Page 53 1 foundation, calls -- excuse me. Objection; calls for a 2 3 4 A. I assume you mean the NCAA Football games? BY MR. LAMBRINOS: 5 Q. Correct. 6 A. No. 7 Q. Why not? 11 A. My understanding is that the NCAA rules 12 prohibited the use of player name and likeness because 13 it would violate their eligibility. 212-279-9424 VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY www.veritext.com 212-490-3430 HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL OUTSIDE ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY Page 54 1 2 A. Later in my career, yes, indirectly. I had seen communication on that. 3 Q. From whom? 4 A. From the contract between EA and the NCAA -- 5 or CLC -- I guess NCAA and CLC. Excuse me. 6 Q. What about the contract? 7 A. There was a provision in the contract 8 9 regarding player name and likeness. Q. 10 11 16 17 What did the provision say? MR. SLAUGHTER: Objection; lacks foundation, calls for speculation. Q. The document speaks Were player names included in your -- in the NCAA Football games? 18 A. No, they were not. 19 Q. Why not? 22 A. For that same reason. My understanding is 23 that use of names or likeness was a violation of NCAA 24 rules in terms of player eligibility. 25 212-279-9424 VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY www.veritext.com 212-490-3430 HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL OUTSIDE ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY Page 55 2 3 4 Q. Did you want to include player name or likeness in the games? A. Did I personally want to include? Yes, I 5 think from an authenticity standpoint, I would like to 6 include them. 7 Q. And can -- what do you mean "from an 8 authenticity standpoint"? 9 would including the player likeness and name contribute 10 11 In what -- in what manner to authenticity? A. Just as if you were watching a game on 12 television or attending a game in person where player 13 names are on the back of the jerseys, you know who those 14 people are in real life, to use their name in a video 15 game would be more authentic. 16 Q. But you were all using the numbers? 19 A. We did use the roster numbers, yes. 21 Q. Could the players be identified on the basis 22 25 of their roster numbers? A. 212-279-9424 Not within the game. VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY www.veritext.com 212-490-3430 HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL OUTSIDE ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY Page 56 2 3 6 Q. Outside of the game could they be recognized on the basis of their roster numbers? A. You would have to look at a roster to match up 7 a number with a name, I guess. 8 BY MR. LAMBRINOS: 9 10 Q. And would EA's gamers or the consumers of EA's games have access to these rosters? 11 12 13 14 15 16 MR. SLAUGHTER: foundation, calls for speculation. A. 19 I don't know what they would have access to. BY MR. LAMBRINOS: Q. Do you recall whether or not they had access to rosters? 17 18 Objection; lacks MR. SLAUGHTER: Objection; lacks foundation, calls for speculation. A. 20 I don't know, no. (Continuing testimony is contained in the 212-279-9424 VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY www.veritext.com 212-490-3430 HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL OUTSIDE ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY Page 85 1 MR. LAMBRINOS: 3 (Exhibit No. 700 marked) 4 MR. SLAUGHTER: Is this one document? 5 MR. LAMBRINOS: It's one document. 6 7 8 Q. What I'm handing you, Mr. Strauser, is one document in multiple -- in multiple parts. MR. SLAUGHTER: MR. LAMBRINOS: There's two or three MR. SLAUGHTER: Oh, I'm sorry. copies. 13 14 Do you have some for the other folks? 11 12 I'm going to go BY MR. LAMBRINOS: 9 10 Okay. So the clip here, I just get one of the clips? 15 MR. LAMBRINOS: Yeah. 16 MR. SLAUGHTER: Oh, I'm sorry. 17 MR. HENN: 18 MR. LAMBRINOS: 19 20 We can share. Okay. You can share? BY MR. LAMBRINOS: Q. And if you'll -- see, there's a little -- I 21 think a green tag in there. 22 There are multiple attachments to it, but there is a -- 23 there is a document inside there that looks like this. 24 It's where the green tab is right there. 212-279-9424 This is a single document. VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY www.veritext.com 212-490-3430 HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL OUTSIDE ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY Page 87 1 yourself, Mr. Strauser. 2 sake of keeping things moving, we're not going to 3 pretend to read every page of what appears to be more 4 than 100 pages here, so -- but if we need to stop and do 5 so, we will. 6 And, Demetrius, I mean, for the MR. LAMBRINOS: Okay. Well, it's a 7 complicated document, so I certainly understand that. 8 wanted to provide a complete document. 9 BY MR. LAMBRINOS: 10 Q. 12 Q. I Okay. So do you see the document that I've 13 identified that has the green tab, the bottom right-hand 14 corner Bates number reads EA0011691? 15 A. 16 17 Yes. (Continuing testimony is contained in the Confidential section, pages 88 to 128.) 18 ---o0o--- 19 20 212-279-9424 VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY www.veritext.com 212-490-3430 HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL OUTSIDE ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY Page 88 16 Q. Okay. 17 A. This looks to be a summary of our -- of NCAA 18 So what is this document? player name status in January 2006. 212-279-9424 VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY www.veritext.com 212-490-3430 HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL OUTSIDE ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY Page 89 1 For the meeting that Todd and -- Todd Sitrin and others 2 presented? 3 Q. Yes. 4 A. No. 5 I was actually referring to, like, screen shots and videos for that presentation. 6 Q. Oh, I see. 10 Q. Did you produce this document in the ordinary 11 course of business in the scope of your employment at 12 EA? 13 A. I did, yes. 14 Q. Does it refresh your recollection as to 15 whether or not there was any friction between the NCAA 16 and the EA on the idea of incorporating name and 17 likeness into EA's NCAA games? 18 MR. SLAUGHTER: Mr. Strauser, feel 19 free -- I mean, as I said, for the purpose of moving 20 along, we haven't read the whole thing. 21 take your time to read it, feel free. 22 A. I don't know that I would classify it as 23 friction between EA and NCAA. 24 of my supervisor, Steve Chiang. 212-279-9424 If you want to This was at the request He wanted to know where VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY www.veritext.com 212-490-3430 HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL OUTSIDE ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY Page 95 1 and it lacks foundation and it misstates his prior 2 testimony. 3 A. No, I don't think that was the point of this 4 document. 5 BY MR. LAMBRINOS: 6 Q. Okay. 7 A. It was to summarize the status of the -- the 8 9 Well, what was the point? names -- the NCAA player names for my manager. Q. Okay. Well, I'm looking up at the top now in 10 the overview. 11 topic over the past few months was to gather all the 12 background information on this issue and to make a 13 recommendation or a series of recommendations as to how 14 to add real player names and likeness to NCAA Football 15 and NCAA March Madness." 16 It says, "The goal of researching this Did I read that right? 17 A. Yes. 18 Q. And was that the point of this memo? 19 A. That's right. 20 That's what I meant in terms of the status of NCAA -- of names going into the NCAA 21 Q. And the obstacles to incorporating 23 player name and likeness into EA's NCAA games included 24 the NCAA's unwillingness to incorporate those features 25 into the game. 212-279-9424 Is that correct? VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY www.veritext.com 212-490-3430 HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL OUTSIDE ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY Page 96 4 A. I wouldn't characterize it as unwillingness. 5 They had a rule regarding player eligibility. 6 BY MR. LAMBRINOS: 7 Q. Okay. Well, I'm looking down at the next 8 paragraph. It says, "Two halves of the problem," and 9 then there's a section marked "redacted." 10 And it says, "To include real player 11 names, there are two current obstacles. 12 NCAA approval to do this." 13 The first is Do you see that? 14 A. I do. 15 Q. So was that an obstacle to incorporating 16 17 18 player name and likeness into EA's NCAA games? A. Yes. I think their approval was related to their own internal rules regarding player eligibility. 212-279-9424 VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY www.veritext.com 212-490-3430 HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL OUTSIDE ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY Page 97 1 BY MR. LAMBRINOS: 2 3 Q. 2006? 4 5 6 7 Did they attempt to do this after January MR. SLAUGHTER: Objection; lacks foundation, calls for speculation. A. I believe so, yes. BY MR. LAMBRINOS: 8 Q. When would they have done that? 9 A. I don't know the specific date. 10 Q. Do you know generally what time frame? 11 12 MR. SLAUGHTER: Objection; overbroad, vague. 13 17 Q. I'm sorry. Just so I can take a look at that. 18 The cover of this document, the Bates number at the 19 bottom of the very front of the document, is EA0011661. 20 It looks like the very top says "NCAA Names 21 Presentation," in October of 2010. 22 right? 212-279-9424 Does that sound VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY www.veritext.com 212-490-3430 HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL OUTSIDE ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY Page 98 4 5 BY MR. LAMBRINOS: Q. So this memo and the other materials that were 6 included behind the cover were being pulled together for 7 a meeting in 2010? 8 9 A. It looks like this was a prep meeting for an NCAA meeting held in 2010 and that Todd attached notes 10 from previous meetings, including January 2007, this 11 document from January 2006, and some undated exec pres. 212-279-9424 VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY www.veritext.com 212-490-3430 HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL OUTSIDE ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY Page 159 2 Q. I'm handing you what's just been marked as 3 Plaintiff's Exhibit 702. 4 into the record, EA0031106 through 08. 5 look at the document and let me know when you're ready 6 to talk about it. 7 A. Q. Okay. You can take a Okay. 8 And I'll read the Bates number 9 10 So starting with the email on the second page, EA0031107, there's an email from you to DaveK@clc, which is Dave Kirkpatrick. 11 A. Yes. 12 Q. Okay. Is that right? And was this email sent by you in the 13 regular course of business in the scope of your duties 14 at EA? 15 A. Yes, it was. 16 Q. Do you have any reason to think that it is not 17 a true and correct copy as it existed at the time? 18 A. No. 19 Q. Okay. The body of the email says, "Dave, I 20 noticed this," and then it drops a URL, and then there's 21 a quote, and -- oh, sorry. 22 say, says, "Sharing of roster files (2K NCAA Hoops)." 23 24 The subject line, I should Then you say, "Dave, I noted this," colon. 212-279-9424 There's a URL there, and then there's a quote. VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY www.veritext.com 212-490-3430 HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL OUTSIDE ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY Page 240 10 11 Q. Have you ever heard the term "generic head" in reference to any type of player attribute? 12 A. I have, yes. 13 Q. And what does it mean? 14 A. We have generic faces in the -- in the games 15 that are assigned to every player in the game. 16 know how they're assigned, but every player gets a face 17 number. 18 Q. 19 I don't How many different faces are there? MR. SLAUGHTER: Objection; vague, 20 ambiguous, overbroad, lacks foundation, and it's vague 21 particularly as to which game you're referring to. 23 24 A. It was hundreds. You I don't know the specific number, but it was hundreds of faces. 25 212-279-9424 VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY www.veritext.com 212-490-3430 HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL OUTSIDE ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY Page 241 1 BY MR. LAMBRINOS: 2 Q. How were these faces compiled? 3 A. I'm not an artist, so I can't speak to the 4 technical way that they're created, but they were 5 created by our art team. 6 7 Q. Did they have any relation to actual player faces? 8 A. No, none whatsoever. 9 Q. How do you know that? 10 A. Because we specifically made sure not to use 11 12 13 real player likenesses in our game. Q. And did you receive explicit instructions on the generic head attribute in terms of player likeness? 14 A. Specific instructions from whom? 15 Q. From the NCAA. 16 A. No. 17 20 MR. SLAUGHTER: Q. Did the -- did the various heads have codes 21 associated with them so you could determine that head 22 No. 1 is this head and head No. 2 is a different head? 212-279-9424 VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY www.veritext.com 212-490-3430 HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL OUTSIDE ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY Page 242 1 A. They did. They had a unique identifier. But 2 each face was used more than one time in the game, if 3 that makes sense. 4 have been assigned to many, many players throughout the 5 roster file. So if you had face No. 1, it could 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 212-279-9424 VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY www.veritext.com 212-490-3430 HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL OUTSIDE ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY Page 323 1 MR. SLAUGHTER: 2 MS. FREEMAN: Okay. But we have not engaged in 3 our own discovery yet, so there could be further that we 4 request. 5 MR. SLAUGHTER: Well, you -- is there 6 anything stopping you from asking questions based upon 7 the documents that you've received to date? 8 9 MS. FREEMAN: question. Counsel, I've answered that It doesn't matter what documents I have 10 already. What matters is at this point I am not 11 permitted by the Court to conduct discovery against EA. 12 I'm done. 13 14 MR. SLAUGHTER: Anybody else have any questions? 15 MR. HENN: 16 MR. SLAUGHTER: 17 I've got a few. Okay. EXAMINATION 18 BY MR. HENN: 19 Q. Mr. Strauser, I'm Charlie Henn. I'm a lawyer 20 that represents CLC, and I am just going to ask a few 21 follow-up questions to clarify some answers that I may 22 have misunderstood or not gotten fully during the day. 23 25 Q. 212-279-9424 Just to be clear, aside from the cover VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY www.veritext.com 212-490-3430 HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL OUTSIDE ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY Page 324 1 athlete, the cover of the game, to your knowledge, did 2 the NCAA Footbal game ever incorporate into the game 3 itself the name, image, or likeness of a 4 student-athlete? 7 A. Well, I don't know the legal conclusion around 8 likeness, but, no, we never included a likeness or name. 9 BY MR. HENN: 10 Q. 11 CLC. And you mentioned that you were familiar with Correct? 12 A. Yes. 13 Q. Dave Kirkpatrick for a time was your single -- 14 your main point of contact there? 15 A. Yes, that's correct. 16 Q. Did you understand CLC's role in the process 17 as the trademark licensing agent for the NCAA and a 18 bunch of colleges and bowls and conferences? 19 MR. LAMBRINOS: 20 21 Objection; calls for a legal conclusion. A. Honestly, no, I didn't understand that 22 relationship fully. 23 BY MR. HENN: 24 Q. ? 212-279-9424 VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY www.veritext.com 212-490-3430 HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL OUTSIDE ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY Page 333 1 street at University of Texas, or the rosters in the EA 2 games? 3 MS. SPROVTSOFF: 4 NCAA Football game rosters. 5 I believe I said in the game. 6 7 I meant in the EA video MR. SLAUGHTER: A. Okay. Fair enough. On a per team basis, yes, it was between 50 8 and 60 players per team. 9 BY MS. SPROVTSOFF: 10 Q. And are there typically more than 50 to 60 11 players on an actual football team, for example the 12 University of Texas' team? 13 A. 21 22 23 24 25 EA selected the attributes for each of those players in the game. A. Is that correct? You're talking about the attributes assigned to each player in the game? Q. 212-279-9424 Yes. VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY www.veritext.com 212-490-3430 HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL OUTSIDE ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY Page 334 1 A. Yes. It was -- generally there was somebody 2 assigned to compile rosters. 3 It could have been a group of people, depending on the 4 year -- to compile the roster data. 5 6 Q. Okay. It could be one person. The NCAA didn't have any input as to the player attributes. Is that correct? 7 A. No, they did not. 8 Q. And the schools and universities, they didn't 9 have any input about those player attributes? 13 Q. If you know. 14 A. Not that I'm aware of, no. 15 16 MS. SPROVTSOFF: MR. SLAUGHTER: Just a couple of follow-ups, Mr. Strauser. 19 20 That's all I have. 17 18 Okay. EXAMINATION BY MR. SLAUGHTER: 21 212-279-9424 VERITEXT REPORTING COMPANY www.veritext.com 212-490-3430

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