Apple Inc. v. Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. et al
Administrative Motion to File Under Seal Apple's Motion for Summary Judgment of Non-Infringement of U.S. Patent Number 7,362,867 and Invalidity of U.S. Patent Numbers 7,456,893 and 7,577,460 filed by Apple Inc.(a California corporation). (Attachments: #1 Declaration of Erica Tierney in Support of Apple's Administrative Motion to File Documents Under Seal, #2 Declaration of Mark D. Selwyn in Support of Apple's Administrative Motion to File Documents Under Seal, #3 Proposed Order Granting Apple Inc.'s Administrative Motion to File Documents Under Seal, #4 Plaintiff and Counterclaim-Defendant Apple Inc.'s Notice of Motion and Motion for Summary Judgment of Non-Infringement of U.S. Patent Number 7,362,867 and Invalidity of U.S. Patent Numbers 7,456,893 and 7,577,460, #5 Declaration of Mark D. Selwyn in Support of Apple's Motion for Summary Judgment of Non-Infringement of U.S. Patent Number 7,362,867 and Invalidity of U.S. Patent Numbers 7,456,893 and 7,577,460, #6 Exhibit 1, #7 Exhibit 2, #8 Exhibit 3, #9 Exhibit 4, #10 Exhibit 5, #11 Exhibit 6, #12 Exhibit 7, #13 Exhibit 8, #14 Exhibit 9, #15 Exhibit 10, #16 Exhibit 11, #17 Exhibit 12, #18 Exhibit 13, #19 Exhibit 14, #20 Exhibit 15, #21 Exhibit 16, #22 Exhibit 17, #23 Exhibit 18, #24 Exhibit 19, #25 Exhibit 20, #26 Exhibit 21, #27 Exhibit 22, #28 Exhibit 23, #29 Exhibit 24, #30 Exhibit 25, #31 Exhibit 26, #32 [Proposed] Order Granting Apple Inc.'s Motion for Partial Summary Judgment)(Selwyn, Mark) (Filed on 5/17/2012) Modified on 5/21/2012 attachment #1 and 2 sealed pursuant to General Order No. 62 (dhm, COURT STAFF).
(12) United States Patent
(10) Patent No.:
US 7,577,460 B2
Aug. 18, 2009
(45) Date of Patent:
Kim et al.
References Cited
5,381,460 A
5,491,507 A
5,636,315 A
5,757,346 A
5,806,005 A
5,825,408 A
(75) Inventors: Jae-Min Kim, Suwon-shi (KR);
Jeong-Seok Oh, Yong-in-shi (KR);
Sang-Ryul Park, Taegu-Kwangyokshi
(73) Assignee: Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd (KR)
(*) Notice:
Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this
patent is extended or adjusted under 35
U.S.C. 154(b) by 547 days.
(21) Appl. No.: 11/493,754
Ohashiet al.
Umezawa et al.
Sugiyama et al.
Hull et al.
Yuyama et al.
Primary Examine~Melur Ramakrishnaiah
(74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm~he Fan’ell Law Firm, LLP
Jul. 26, 2006
Prior Publication Data
US 2007/0123302 A1
May 31, 2007
Related U.S. Application Data
A method of operating a portable composite communication
terminal the functions as both a portable phone and a camera.
(62) Division of application No. 11/003,222, filed on Dec.
The method includes: setting a portable phone mode by turn3, 2004, which is a division of application No. 09/540,
ing on the portable composite communication terminal, regu830, filed on Mar. 31, 2000, now Pat. No. 7,139,014.
lating voltage supporting components of the portable phone
mode, and performing a general portable phone function;
ForeignApplication Priority Data
setting a camera mode by turning on the camera in said
portable phone mode upon user request for camera operation,
Mar. 31,1999
(KR) ............................... 1999-11179
said user request being input through a camera mode switch
and processed by the controller, regulating voltage supporting
(51) Int. Cl.
components of the camera mode, and performing a camera
HO4M 11/00
function; capturing the image of an object upon user request
HO4N 7/14
(52) U.S. CI ............... 55/556.1; 455/556.2; 455/575.1; for a photograph in the camera mode; and displaying a cap4
348/14.02 tured image stored in a camera memory of the portable com(58) Field of Classification Search .............. 455/556.1, posite communication terminal on a display of the portable
455/556.2, 550.1,575.1,575.3,575.4, 412.1; composite communication terminal upon user request for
348/14.01, 14.02, 14.09, 14.11 14.16; 379/93.24,displaying the image.
379/90.01; 709/204, 206
See application file for complete search history.
1 Claim, 10 Drawing Sheets
APLNDC-WH-A 0000014727
US 7,577,460 B2
Page 2
5,969,750 A
6,009,336 A
6,044,403 A
6,069,648 A
6,169,911 B1
6,192,257 B1
6,252,588 B1
6,259,469 B1
6,370,546 B1 *
Hsieh et al.
Harris et al.
Gerszberget al.
Suso et al.
Wagner et al.
Ejimaet al.
Kondo ........................ 707/201
6,377,818 B2 4/2002
6,427,078 B1 *
6,501,968 B1 12/2002
Imbe et al.
Wilska et al .............
* cited by examiner
APLNDC-WH-A 0000014728
U.S. Patent
Aug. 18, 2009
Sheet 1 of 10
US 7,577,460 B2
APLNDC-WH-A 0000014729
U.S. Patent
Au~. 18, 2009
Sheet 2 of 10
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U.S. Patent
Aug. 18, 2009
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U.S. Patent
Aug. 18, 2009
Sheet 4 of 10
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FIG. 4
APLNDC-WH-A 0000014732
506 /"-" MOBILE
FIG. 5
I nvuv~vv ~
U.S. Patent
Aug. 18, 2009
US 7,577,460 B2
Sheet 6 of 10
6~ NO
602 --x~PORTABLE~
610 ~
6161 .... TO CAMERA UNIT I
618/ ...... ON COL, O~R LCD ...........
APLNDC-WH-A 0000014734
U.S. Patent
Aug. 18, 2009
US 7,577,460 B2
Sheet 7 of 10
62B ~~ PLAY ~
k,I~HONE MODe# 602
FIG. 7
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U.S. Patent
Aug. 18, 2009
Sheet 8 of 10
US 7,577,460 B2
APLNDC-WH-A 0000014736
U.S. Patent
Aug. 18, 2009
FIG. 9
US 7,577,460 B2
Sheet 9 of l0
610 ___(’-E-MAIL TRANS-~
NOTIR~AllON t_.l
9~ NO
924--1 FRO,M, CAM.ERA UN!T. !1
f PORTABLE ~--602
APLNDC-WH-A 0000014737
U.S. Patent
Aug. 18, 2009
US 7,577,460 B2
Sheet 10 of 10
CR ~
FIG. 10
uu/-’].(WITH SERVER P,..,HONE,, ,,N, UMBER)I
I0~ NO
1000--~ ... ESTABLISH CALL__ .
I01~ NO
$ ~s
101 / ........... IMA,_,GE .....
APLNDC-WH-A 0000014738
US 7,577,460 B2
pressed image in the camera memory under a predetermined
camera control, a portable phone unit for providing overall
control to the mobile video phone and selectively performing
voice communication and image transmission/reception
according to a selected transmission mode among predetermined modes, a display for displaying images and characters
under the control of the portable phone unit, and an interface
unit for interfacing between the portable phone unit and the
This application is a Divisional Application of U.S. patent
display to display images and characters on the display under
application Ser. No. 11/003,222, filed Dec. 3, 2004 which is a 10 the control of the portable phone unit. The mobile communiDivisional of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 09/540,830,
cation network transmits/receives voice and images to/from
the portable composite communication terminal. The server
filed Mar. 31,2000 now U.S. Pat. No. 7,139,014 which claims
priority to an application entitled "Portable Composite Comis connected to the mobile communication network and promunication Terminal for Transmitting/Receiving Voice and vides transmission/reception service of image data over the
Images, and Operation Method and Communication System 15 mobile communication network.
Thereof’’ filed in the Korean Industrial Property Office on
Mar. 31, 1999 and assigned Ser. No. 1999-11179, the contents
of which are incorporated herein by reference.
The above and other objects, features and advantages of the
2o present invention will become more apparent from the following detailed description when taken in conjunction with
1. Field of the Invention
the accompanying drawings in which:
The present invention relates generally to the field of wireFIG. 1 is a block diagram of a portable composite commuless communications, and in particular, to a portable composnication terminal for transmission of voice and images
ite communication terminal for transmitting/receiving voice 25 according to an embodiment of the present invention;
and images and a communication method and system thereof.
FIG. 2 is a schematic diagram of the portable composite
2. Description of the Related Art
communication terminal according to the embodiment of the
With the rapid development of information in society, there
present invention;
is an increasing demand for a composite communication terFIGS. 3A, 3B, and 3C illustrate an external view of the
minal having functions in addition to a communication ter- 30 portable composite communication terminal according to the
minal solely for voice transmission. Currently, mobile phones embodiment of the present invention;
can transmit voice and text messages between the mobile
FIG. 4 is a block diagram of a system for transmission of
phone and a base station. In addition, there exist digital camimage data and E-mail data between portable composite comeras, which can take and store images digitally. However, munication terminals according to the embodiment of the
there are no devices, which can take digital images and trans- 35 present invention;
mit them to another device. Therefore, there exists a need for
FIG. 8 is a block diagram of a communication system in
a device, which can take digital images and transmit them to
which the portable composite communication terminal can be
another device. A mobile video phone (MVP), according to
used according to the embodiment of the present invention;
the present invention, can provide voice and image transmisFIG. 6 is a flowchart depicting a control operation of the
sion services that will meet the demands of users in the 4o portable composite communication terminal in a portable
multimedia era. The MVP is equipped with a digital camera phone mode and a camera mode according to the embodiment
function in addition to the functions of a typical portable
of the present invention;
communication terminal (e.g., portable phone). A user can
FIG. 7 is a flowchart depicting a control operation of the
therefore photograph an object or images as needed in busiportable composite communication terminal in a photograness and store the photographs in the device. The MVP may 45 phy sub-mode of the camera mode according to the embodialso function as a radio transmitter and therefore the user can
ment of the present invention;
transmit/receive a desired image without logging into a perFIG. 8 is a flowchart depicting an operation of the portable
composite communication terminal in a play sub-mode of the
sonal computer (PC).
camera mode according to the embodiment of the present
50 invention;
FIG. 9 is a flowchart depicting a control operation for
It is, therefore, an object of the present invention to provide
transmission of an E-mail message and image data in the
a portable composite communication terminal, which can portable composite communication terminal according to the
transmit/receive voice and images.
embodiment of the present invention; and
It is another object of the present invention to provide a 55 FIG. 11) is a flowchart depicting a control operation for
communication method and system for a portable composite
receipt of an E-mail message and image data in the portable
communication terminal, which can transmit/receive voice composite communication terminal according to the embodiand images.
ment of the present invention.
These and other objects are achieved by providing a communication system for voice communication and image 6O
transmission!reception. The communication system includes
a portable composite communication terminal, such as a
mobile video phone (MVP), a mobile communication netA preferred embodiment of the present invention will be
work, and a server. The portable composite communication
described hereinbelow with reference to the accompanying
terminal has a camera unit for digitally capturing the image of 65 drawings. In the following description, well-known functions
an object, constructing the image in a predetermined format,
or constructions are not described in detail since they would
compressing the formatted image, and storing the cornobscure the invention in unnecessary detail.
APLNDC-WH-A 0000014739
US 7,577,460 B2
24. Then, the first memory 22 stores the compressed image
FIG. 1 is a block diagram of a portable composite commusignal. The JPEG compressor 20 also decompresses the comnication terminal (hereinafter, referred to as mobile video
pressed image stored in the first memory 22 and applies the
phone: MVP) capable of transmitting voice and images
according to an embodiment of the present invention. The
decompressed image to the DSP 18, under the control of the
MVP includes a camera unit 2 for capturing the image of an 5 camera controller 24. For example, the JPEG compressor 20
object, a portable phone unit 4 for transmitting/receiving
compresses a 640x480 VGA (Video Graphics Array) signal
voice or images, a display 8 for displaying images and charto its 1A size. The 640x480 image occupies about 300 Kbytes,
acters, and an interface unit 6 for interfacing between the
one eighth of which is about 40 Kbytes. The first memory 22
portable phone unit 4 and the display 8.
is a flash memory, for storing the compressed image received
The camera unit 2 can be configured out of a digital still 10 from the JPEG compressor 20. The capacity of the first
video camera in the MVP of FIG. 1. The structure and operamemory 22 is adjusted according to the amount of captured
tion of the MVP according to the embodiment of the present
image data, preferably to tens of pages (e.g., 50 pages) of
invention will be described hereinbelow.
captured images.
An image captured from an object is applied to a CCD
The camera controller 24 is a CPU (Central Processing
(Charge Coupled Device) 12 through a lens portion 10. The 15 Unit) and provides overall control to the camera unit 2. Upon
lens portion 10 may include a zoom lens, a focus lens, and an
receipt of a signal corresponding to a key input through a key
iris, which are usually used for a digital still video camera.
pad 34 under the control of the portable phone controller 32,
The lens portion 10 is simplified to enable a user to carry the
the camera controller 24 performs a corresponding operation.
MVP with more convenience in accordance with the embodiA second memory 26 connected to the camera controller 24 is
ment of the present invention. Specifically, mechanical 2o usually an SRAM (Static RandomAccess Memory), for stordevices and circuits like the zoom lens, a zoom lens &fiver,
ing programs executed in the camera controller 24. The third
and an iris &fiver are omitted. The iris is used with a iris
memory 28 connected to the camera controller 24 is usually a
aperture size fixed to a predetermined degree due to the
DRAM (Dynamic Random Access Memory), acting as a
absence of the iris &fiver. However, the lens portion 10 can
buffer for temporarily storing an image received through the
include all or some of the components of a typical lens portion 25 camera lens.
including the zoom lens, the focus lens, the iris, and their
Now, the structure and operation of the portable phone unit
drivers, as needed.
4 in the MVP of FIG. 1 will be described. The portable phone
The CCD 12 converts an optical signal of the object that
controller 32 provides overall control to the portable phone
passes through the lens portion 10 to an electrical signal
unit 4. The portable phone controller 32 operates the portable
(captured image signal) and a CDS/AGC (Correlated Double 3o phone unit 4 or the camera unit 2 upon receipt of user key
Sampling/Automatic Gain Control) 14 correlated-double
input, or stores an intended image received from the camera
samples the captured image signal and controls the gain of the
unit 2 in a fourth memory 36. In addition, the portable phone
captured image signal. Noise produced in the CCD 12 is
controller 32 controls an OSD (On Screen Display) 40 of the
removed from the captured image signal by the correlated
interface unit 6 to display desired characters or a background
double sampling in the CDS/AGC 14. The CCD 12 and the 35 image on the color LCD 48 of the display 8. The portable
CDS/AGC 14 can be configured on typical CMOS (Complephone controller 32 can be configured on an MSM (Mobile
mentary Metal Oxide Semiconductor) sensor chips. AnADC
Station MODEM) chip of Qualcomm, for example.
(Analog-to-Digital Converter) 16 converts the gain-conThe key pad 34 is provided with digit keys and function
trolled image signal of one field received from the CDS/AGC
keys usually used in a typical portable phone, and keys nec14 to a digital signal. A DSP (Digital Signal Processor) 184o essary to photograph and play back images. Key data correprocesses the digital signal received from the ADC 16 into an
sponding to user key input in the key pad 34 is applied to the
Y, C image signal of an NTSC (National Television System
portable phone controller 32. The keys for photographing and
Committee) or PAL (Phase Alternation by Line) format. The
playing back images include a photography/play key, a mode
DSP 18 feeds theY, C image signal to a JPEG (Joint Picture
key for selecting a camera environment, a shutter key, an enter
Expert Group) compressor 20 or the display 8 for displaying 45 key for setting a camera environment selected by the mode
theY, C image signal on a color graphic LCD (Liquid Crystal
key, and a switch for turning on!off a camera. Some of the
Display) 48 (hereinafter, referred to as a color LCD 48), under
keys in the portable phone are used in a camera mode.
the control of a portable phone controller 32. Components Y
FIGS. 3A, 3B, and 3C are a frontal view, left side view, and
and C of the Y, C image signal are a luminance signal and a rear view respectively of the MVP according to the embodi5o ment of the present invention.
chrominance signal, respectively.
For the DSP 18 to store the Y, C image signal in a first
Arrangement of the keys in accordance with the embodimemory 22 through the JPEG compressor 20 or feed theY, C
ment of the present invention will be described referring to
FIGS. 3A and 3B. Reference numeral 300 denotes a display
image signal to the display 8, an object is captured as a still
image upon the user pressing a shutter key of the MVP in a
window being a color LCD. The display window 300 is used
camera mode. The DSP 18 applies the captured Y, C image 55 as a view finder in a camera mode. Reference numeral 308
signal to the first memory 22 through the JPEG compressor
denotes the digit keys and the function keys provided to a
20. On the other hand, if the shutter key is not entered in the
typical portable phone. Keys 302, 304, and 306 above the
camera mode, the DSP 18 temporarily stores the Y, C image
keys 308 are used as a mode key, a shutter key, and an enter
signal in a third memory 28 through a camera controller 24
key, respectively, for photography and play. The mode key
and then the storedY, C image signal is displayed on the color 6o 302 selects a (partial or whole) delete function mode, a date
LCD 48 through the camera controller 24, the DSP 18, a
function mode, a (fine or normal) display function mode, and
a sensitivity function mode. The sensitivity of a still image is
selector 44, and an LCD driver 46. The user can view the
object in the viewfinder of the MVP on the color LCD 48.
digitally controlled in the sensitivity function mode.
The JPEG compressor 20 converts the capturedY, C image
It is preferable that a flip (not shown in FIG. 3A) of the
signal received from the DSP 18 to a JEPG formatted image 65 MVP according to the embodiment of the present invention
signal and compresses the JEPG-formatted image signal to a
covers only the digit and function keys 308, with the mode
predetermined size, under the control of the camera controller
key 302, the shutter key 304, and the enter key 306 exposed
APLNDC-WH-A 0000014740
US 7,577,460 B2
outward, so that a user can photograph and reproduce an
The RS232C interface 38 connected to the portable phone
image using the keys 302, 304, and 306 without opening the
controller 32 is an interface for downloading/uploading a still
flip of the MVP.
image from!to a PC.
Reference numeral 316 denotes a photography/play key on
In FIG. 1, the interface unit 6 has the OSD (On Screen
the left side of the MVP, and reference numeral 314 denotes 5 Display) 40, an encoder 42, and the selector 44.
an RS232C jack above the photography/play 316, for a user to
The OSD 40 performs an OSD control operation for disdownload a still image from a PC or upload a still image of the playing characters or a background image downloaded from
MVP to the PC. Reference numeral 312 denotes a volume
a PC on the color LCD 48 of the display 8, and outputs an R,
up/down key for the portable phone. Upon user pressing the
G, B image signal, for example, an 8-bit digital signal. The
volume up/down key 312 in a play sub-mode of the camera 10 DAC (Digital to Analog Converter) 41 converts the digital R,
mode, an image previous or next to a current image is disG, B signal received from the OSD 40 to an analog signals,
played. Here, the play sub-mode refers to a mode for displayand the encoder 42 encodes the analog R, G, B signal to an
ing a still image selected by the user among still images NTSC or PAL Y, C signal. The selector 44 is an analog
captured and stored on the color LCD 48. Reference numeral
multiplexer (MUX), for selecting the external image Y, C
310 in FIGS. 3A and 3B denotes a camera lens. The camera 15 signal received from the DSP 18 of the camera unit 2 or the
lens 310 is disposed at an upper portion of the rear side of the
OSD image Y, C signal received from the encoder 42 and
MVP in accordance with the embodiment of the present
feeding the selected image signals to the display 8. The disinvention. Under the camera lens 310 is located a battery 320.
play 8 includes the LCD driver 46 and the color LCD and
While the MVP is a flip type in FIGS. 3A, 3B, and 3C, it can
displays characters and images on the color LCD 48.
be of a folder type or any other type.
2o FIG. 2 illustrates two boards, namely, a portable phone
Returning to FIG. 1, the fourth memory 36 connected to the
board 100 and a camera board 200 in which the components
portable phone controller 32 includes an EEPROM (Electrishown in FIG. 1 are separately arranged according to the
cally Erasable and Programmable Read Only Memory), a
embodiment of the present invention. Referring to FIG. 2,
flash ROM, and a RAM. Variables needed for executing prowhile the RF module 30, the audio portion 33, the key pad 34,
grams are stored in the EEPROM, and data needed for con- 25 and the fourth memory 36 of the portable phone unit 4 shown
trolling the portable phone is stored in the RAM. Operation
in FIG. 1 are not shown in the portable phone board 100 and
programs, application programs, Internet protocols, radio
the CCD 12, the CDS/AGC 14, the ADC 16, the JPEG comlink protocols, and CDMA (Code Division Multiple Access)
pressor 20, and the first, second, and third memories 22, 26,
protocols are mapped in the ROM. The application programs
and 28 of the camera unit 2 shown in FIG. 1 are not shown in
include programs for additional functions such as voice dial- 3o the camera board 200, it is to be noted that each board is
ing, character recognition, PIM (Personal Information Manprovided with its corresponding components or circuit
agement), and games, data functions such as browsing,
E-mailing, and facsimile, and a user interface function such as
Furthermore, it is also to be appreciated that a battery
GUI (Graphic User interface). The Internet protocols are a
protocol for connecting the MVP to a PPP (Point to Point 35 power voltage BATT(+) is 3.6V and an operational power
ranges between 2.8 and 4.3V by way of example in FIG. 2. A
Protocol) server and a protocol used over an Internet. TCP/
regulator outputs 3.3V or any other voltage for the input of the
IP/PPP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol/
battery power voltage 3.6V, and a power voltage being tens of
Point to Point Protocol) is an example of the Internet protovolts is supplied through a DC/DC converter.
cols. The radio link protocols include an IS-657 packet data
communication protocol and an RLP (Radio Link Protocol). 4o Both the portable phone board 100 and the camera board
200 shown in FIG. 2 are provided with a DC/DC converter
The RLP is a protocol for converting general data for use in a
(not shown) so that the two boards can operate together or
CDMA protocol and recovering the general data. The CDMA
individually. A connection unit 150 having a plurality of lines
protocols are an IS-95A CDMA protocol for 800 MHz, a
connects the two boards 100 and 200, for implementing a
J-STD-008 CDMA protocol for 1.8 GHz, and an IS-95B
protocol at 64-114 Kbps.
45 reliable operation and transmitting an operational command
and images between boards 100 and 200.
An area for storing part of user-intended data or images
prior to radio transmission is reserved in the flash ROM,
In accordance with the embodiment of the present invention, a battery power line Batt (+) is connected between a
besides the programs and protocols. Though a large capacity
buffer is required to store the entire page of images, the flash
power supply of the portable phone board 100 and a power
ROM of the fourth memory 36 assigns a small capacity buffer 5o supply of the camera board 200 to use a battery of a convensize, for example, of 600 bytes to store image data received by
tional portable phone for both the portable phone board 100
512 byte units from the camera controller 24.
and the camera board 200. A ground line GND is connected
An audio portion 33 converts an analog voice signal
between the boards 100 and 200 for stable operation. Data
received through a microphone (MIC) to a radio signal and
transmission and reception lines SD and RD are connected
feeds the radio signal to an RF (Radio Frequency) module 30, 55 between the portable phone controller 32 and the camera
under the control of the portable phone controller 32. The
controller 24 using UART (Universal Asynchronous
audio portion 33 also demodulates a radio signal received Receiver/Transmitter) ports, for communicating commands
from the RF module 30 and outputs a voice signal through a
and data between them. The portable phone controller 32
speaker (SP), under the control of the portable phone controlorders all operations of the camera unit 2, including photogler 32. The RF module 30 downconverts and demodulates an 6o raphy and reproduction, determines whether the ordered
RF signal received through an antenna and outputs the
operations are performed reliably, and communicates image
demodulated signal to the audio portion 33. The RF module
data for image transmission, through the data transmission
30 also modulates and upconverts a signal received from the
and reception lines SD and RD. Key data related with camera
audio portion 32 to an RF signal and wireless transmits the
operations received through the key pad 34 of FIG. 1 under
modulated signal through the antenna. A signal transmitted/ 65 the control of the portable phone controller 32 is applied to the
received to/in the RF module 30 can be image and character camera controller 24 through the data transmission and recepdata as well as a voice signal.
tion lines SD and RD.
APLNDC-WH-A 0000014741
US 7,577,460 B2
According to the embodiment of the present invention, the
and a plurality of pages of background images downloaded
camera board 200 of the MVP includes a camera on!off
from a PC are stored in the flash memory 110.
switch 318 and an RS-232C jack 314 for downloading/upThe OSD signal processor 106 is preferably configured
loading data from!to a PC. The camera on!off switch 318 has
with an ASIC (Application Specific Integrated Circuit), and
an end grounded and the other end connected to a line 5 its structure and operation will be described in more detail
CP_CHECK that is in turn connected to a port GPIO
below. Since a conventional method of displaying characters
(CP_CHECK) of the portable phone controller 24. A power
on a black and white character-type LCD does not apply to the
voltage 3.3V, for example, is connected to the line
color LCD 48 of the present invention, the OSG signal proCP_CHECK through a resistor. A line CAM_PWR_CTRL is
connected between a port GPIO(CAM_CTRL) of the por- 10 cessor 106 converts intended characters and images to a form
suitable for the color LCD 48 using data DATA 0-7, address
table phone controller 32 and the camera controller 24, so that
A0, a write signal WR, a chip select signal CS, and a reset
the portable phone controller 32 can sense a user pressing the
signal RESET, for example, from an MSM chip of the concamera on/off switch 318 through the line CP_CHECK, conventional portable phone controller 32. In order to convert the
trols the camera controller 24 through the line CAM_PWR_CTRL, and thus turns on/off the camera unit 2. Only a 15 characters and images, the OSD signal processor 106 receives
a clock signal CLK (e.g., 27 MHz) used in the MSM chip
leakage current of several mili-amperes (mA) is applied to the
from the portable phone controller 32. The portable phone
camera unit 2 to prevent the misoperation of the camera
controller 32 can turn on!off 3.3V supplied to the OSD 40
controller 24 when the camera unit 2 turns oil’. When the user
through an internal port GPIO(OSD_CTRL). That is, a third
turns off the camera unit 2 with the camera on/off switch 318,
the camera controller 24 terminates the operation of the cam- 2o transistor 118 has a base connected the port GPIO(OSD_CTRL) of the MSM chip being the portable phone controller
era unit 2 by using the leakage current. The operations of
circuits and mechanical devices in the camera unit 2 are 32, an emitter grounded, and a collector connected to the OSD
signal processor 106 through a PWR 3.3V line. A power
controlled by the camera controller 24, which is in turn convoltage 3.3V is applied to the collector of the third transistor
trolled by the portable phone controller 32.
Meanwhile, an LCD power supply 202 is provided to the 25 118. Thus, the portable phone controller 32 can turn on/off
3.3V to/from the OSD 40 through the port6 GPIO(OSD_
camera board 200, for supplying a power voltage to the LCD
driver 46 and the color LCD 48, and a back light power supply
102 is provided to the portable phone board 100, for supplyA line OSD_SD connects the RS232C jack 314 of the
ing a power voltage to an LCD back light 204. The portable
camera board 200 to the OSD signal processor, so that the
phone controller 32 controls the on/off state of LCD power 3o user can download a desired still image from the PC utilizing
supply 202 to reduce the power dissipation associated with
the RSC232C jack 314 for use as a background on the color
the operation of the color LCD 48. That is, a port GPIO
LCD 48.
(LCD_CRTL) on the portable phone controller 32 is conThe OSD signal processor 106 operates under the control
nected to the bases of a first and a second transistor 114 and
of the MPU 104 of the OSD 40 and outputs an R, G, B signal
116. The first transistor 114 has a collector to which 3.3V is 35 and a color sync signal C_Sync. The R, G, B signal is an 8-bit
applied and an emitter grounded. A line MUX_PWR is condigital signal for representing 256 colors (R: 3 bits, G: 3 bits,
nected between the collector of the first transistor 114 and the
and B: 2 bits).
selector 44, for supplying 3.3V to selector 44. The second
Synchronization should be provided to the camera of the
transistor 116 has a collector connected to the battery power
MVP in order to represent desired characters in an image,
voltage BATT(+) and an emitter connected to ground. A line 4o which is being photographed or played back. For this purLCD_PWR is connected between the collector of the second
pose, a line C_Sync is connected between the DSP 18 and the
transistor 116 and the LCD power supply 202 and between
OSD signal processor 106, so that the DSP 18 applies the
the collector of the second transistor 116 and a DC (Direct
external color sync signal C_Sync to the OSD signal procesCurrent) power supply 206. Hence, the portable phone consor 106 as a color sync signal for the current photographed or
troller 32 can control the LCD power supply 202 and the DC 45 retrieved image data. The OSD signal processor 106, synpower supply 206 by use of the port GPIO(LCD_CTRL). A
chronized to the external color sync signal C_Sync, controls
line ENC_PWR connects the DC power supply 206 of the
a specific character in a predetermined area of an image
camera board 200 to the encoder 42 of the portable phone
displayed on the color LCD 48.
board 100, for supplying a DC power voltage to the encoder
The OSD signal processor 106 includes an internal sync
signal generator (not shown). The internal sync signal genWhile the LCD dxiver 46, the LCD power supply 202, the
erator generates the internal sync signal C_Sync for displayselector 44, and the DC power supply 206 are located on the
ing a background image or characters on the color LCD 48 in
camera board 200 in the embodiment of the present invention,
a portable phone mode because the DSP 18 does not output
they can be on the portable phone board 100 when necessary.
As shown in FIG. 2, the OSD 40 in the interface unit 6 55 the external sync signal C_Sync in the portable phone mode.
The D/A converter 41 of FIG. 1 converts the 8-bit digital
includes a main processing unit (MPU) 104, an OSD signal
R,G,B signal received from the OSD signal processor 106 to
processor 106, a program ROM 108, and a flash memory 110.
an analog signal. For the input of the analog R,G,B signal
Each component block can be configured with a chip.
from DAC 41 and the color sync signal C_Sync from the OSD
The MPU 104 provides overall control to the OSD 40. The
OSD signal processor 106 displays an intended character at a 6o signal processor 106, the encoder 42 outputs an OSD image
Y,C signal in response to a clock signal at 3.5794 MHz
specific position of a current displayed still image on the color
received from the clock signal generator 112.
LCD 48 in synchronization with an external color sync signal
C_Sync (included in the luminance signal Y) received from
3.3V are applied to the selector 44 through a line MUX_
the DSP 18, or displays only characters or a downloaded
PWR. The line MUX_PWR is connected to the collector of
background image on the color LCD 48 in synchronization 65 the first transistor 114, to which 3.3V is applied. The first
with an internal color sync signal C_Sync. Operation protransistor 114 has an emitter grounded and a base connected
grams, fonts, and icons are mapped in the program ROM 108,
to a port GPIO(LCD_CRTL) of the portable phone controller
APLNDC-WH-A 0000014742
US 7,577,460 B2
in sight of the camera lens to be displayed on the color LCD
32. The portable phone controller 32 controls 3.3V to selectively be applied to the selector 44 through the port GPIO
48 in step 700. The object is temporarily stored in the third
memory 28 through the lens portion 10, the CCD 12, the
The image Y, C signal output from the DSP 18 of the
CDS/AGC 14, the ADC 16, the DSP 18, and the camera
camera unit 2 or the imageY, C signal output from the encoder 5 controller 24 and then displayed on the color LCD 48 through
42 is selectively fed to the display 8. The OSD signal procesthe camera controller 24, the DSP 18, the selector 44, and the
sor 106 controls the selection in the selector 44 through a line
LCD driver 46.
MUX_CTRL connected between the OSD signal processor
The user views the intended object on the color LCD 48
106 and the selector 44. The OSD signal processor 106 conacting as a view finder and presses the shutter key 306 on the
trols the selector 44 to select the OSD image Y, C signal 10 frontal side of the MVP as shown in FIG. 3A to capture the
received from the encoder 42 through the line MUX_CTRL at
image of the object in step 702. The portable phone controller
the time when characters or a background image needs to be
32 controls the camera controller 24 to photograph the object
at the time point when the user presses the shutter key 306 in
A detailed description of a control operation in the MVP
step 704. Then, the portable phone controller 32 controls the
according to the embodiment of the present invention will be 15 camera controller 24 to store the captured image data in the
given in connection to FIGS. 1 to 6. Referring now to FIG. 6,
first memory of the camera unit 2, while controlling the OSD
there is shown a flowchart illustrating an operation control
40 to display a photography wait message on the color LCD
procedure in the MVP according to the embodiment of the
48, in step 706. Text characters "WAIT" can be an example of
present invention. When a user turns on the MVP in step 600,
the photography wait message.
the portable phone controller 32 enters a portable phone mode 2o
In step 708, it is determined whether the photography/play
in step 602. Then, the portable phone controller 32 controls a
key 316 is entered in the current photography sub-mode. In
portable phone operational power voltage to be supplied in
the absence of the input of the photography/play key 316, the
step 604. That is, the power voltage is supplied to the portable
procedure returns to step 700. Upon input of the photography/
phone unit 4, the selector 44 of the interface unit 6, and the
play key 316, the photography sub-mode is toggled to the play
display 8. In step 606, the portable phone controller 32 per- 25 sub-mode in step 626 of FIG. 6.
forms a function related with a typical portable phone. A
Meanwhile, if the shutter key 316 is not entered in the
power voltage is not supplied to the other circuits and device
photography sub-mode in step 702, the portable phone condrivers of the camera unit 2 except for the camera controller
troller 32 determines whether the camera on/off switch 318 is
24 in the portable phone mode.
off in step 710. In the off-state of the camera on/off switch
Referring back to FIG. 2, for supply of the power voltage in 30 318, the portable phone controller 32 controls the camera
the portable phone mode, the portable phone controller 32
controller 24 to block a power voltage from the camera unit 2
controls the power voltage to be supplied to the LCD power
in step 712 and returns to the portable phone mode in step 602
supply 202, the DC power supply 206, the back light power
of FIG. 6. Onthe contrary, inthe on-state of the camera on/off
supply 102, and the selector 44 through the port GPIO(Lswitch 318, the portable phone controller 32 determines in
CD_CTRL). Therefore, the power voltage is applied to the 35 step 714 whether the MVP is powered-off: If the MVP is
selector 44, the LCD power supply 202 applies the power
powered-off; the portable phone controller 32 ends the provoltage to the LCD driver 46 and the color LCD 48, the DC
cedure, and otherwise, it returns to step 700 of FIG. 7.
power supply 206 applies the power voltage to the encoder
The control operation of the MVP in the play sub-mode of
42, and the back light power supply 102 applies the power
step 614 will be described in more detail referring to FIG. 8.
voltage to a back light 204. The power voltage is also supplied 4o Referring to FIG. 8, there is shown a flowchart illustrating a
(not shown) to the camera controller 24 of the camera unit 2.
control operation in the MVP in a play sub-mode of the
Upon request for E-mail transmission in the portable phone
camera mode. The play sub-mode allows the user to view a
mode in step 608, the portable phone controller 32 enters an
captured image on the color LCD 48 and can be performed in
E-mail transmission sub-mode in step 610.
the camera mode.
Upon selection of the play sub-mode, the portable phone
Meanwhile, when the camera function in the MVP is used, 45
the user turns on the camera on!off switch 318 on the left side
controller 32 controls the camera controller 24 to display the
of the MVR The portable phone controller 32 senses the
latest captured still image on the color LCD 48 in step 800.
on-state of the camera on!off switch 318 in step 612 and
That is, the camera controller 24 reads out the last stored still
enters a camera mode in step 614. Then, the portable phone
image from the first memory and displays it on the color LCD
controller 32 controls the camera controller 24 in order to 5o under the control of the portable phone controller 32.
supply a power voltage to the camera unit 2 in step 616 and
Upon the pressing of the volume up/down key 312 in this
controls the OSD 40 to display a message indicating the
situation, the portable phone controller 32 controls the camera controller 24 to display a captured still image on the color
camera mode in graphics or characters on the color LCD 48 in
step 618.
LCD 48 depending on the volume up/down input. For
If the user presses the photography/play key 316 on the left 55 example, the next still image is displayed on the color LCD
side of the MVP in the camera mode in step 620, the portable
for the input of the volume-up key data and the previous still
phone controller 32 checks whether user presses the photogimage is displayed on the color LCD 48 for the input of the
raphy/play key 316 again in step 622, if not, the controller 32
volume-down key data.
enters a photography sub-mode in step 624. If the photograThe portable phone controller 32 determines whether the
phy/play key 316 is entered for the second time, the portable 6o photography/play key has been entered in step 806. Upon
phone controller 32 enters a play sub-mode in step 626. Every
entry of the photography/play key 316, the play sub-mode is
time the user presses the photography/play key 316, the photoggled to the photography sub-mode in step 624 of FIG. 6
tography sub-mode and the play sub-mode are toggled.
and otherwise, the portable phone controller 32 returns to step
Referring to FIG. 7, there is shown a flowchart illustrating
a control operation in the MVP in a photography sub-mode of 65 If the volume up/down key 312 is not entered in step 802,
a camera mode. When the photography sub-mode is set in
the portable phone controller 32 determines whether the camstep 624 of FIG. 6, the camera controller 24 controls an object
era on!off switch 318 is off in step 808. In the off-state of the
APLNDC-WH-A 0000014743
US 7,577,460 B2
camera on!off switch 318, the portable phone controller 32
trating a control operation for transmitting E-mail and image
data in the MVP according to the embodiment of the present
controls the camera controller 24 to block the power voltage
from the camera unit 2 in step 809 and then returns to the
Upon selection of the E-mail transmission sub-mode, the
portable phone mode in step 602. In the on-state of the camera
on/off switch 318, the portable phone controller 32 deter- 5 portable phone controller 32 controls the OSD 40 to display a
message requesting entry of the address of the other party on
mines whether an E-mail transmission has been requested
the color LCD 48 in step 900 of FIG. 9. When the user enters
from the user in step 810. Upon user request for the E-mail
the address of the other party through the key pad 34 in step
transmission, the portable phone controller 32 returns to the
902, the portable phone controller 32 requests entry of a
E-mail transmission sub-mode in step 610. By selecting the
10 message (title and contents) to the user through the color LCD
E-mail transmission sub-mode in the play sub-mode, the user
48 in step 904. Upon user entry of the message in step 906, the
can transmit an E-mail with a still image enclosed therein.
portable phone controller 32 displays a message asking
If the E-mail transmission sub-mode is not set in step 810,
whether an image is to be enclosed on the color LCD 48 in
the portable phone controller 32 determines whether the
step 907.
MVP is powered-off in step 814. If the MVP is powered-ofl; 15 The user presses a key corresponding to image enclosure if
the portable phone controller 32 ends the procedure, and
he wants to enclose an image in the E-mail transmission
otherwise, the portable phone controller 32 returns to step
sub-mode. Therefore, if the user directly presses a send key,
this implies that no image is enclosed in the E-mail transmission sub-mode. In step 908, the portable phone controller 32
In the E-mail transmission sub-mode, an E-mail is transmitted in accordance with the embodiment of the present 2o determines whether the send key has been entered. Upon
entry of the send key, the portable phone controller 32 proinvention. Before describing the transmission/reception of an
E-mail message and image data in detail, a description of a ceeds to step 914, and otherwise, the portable phone controller 32 determines whether the image enclosure key has been
communication system and network for transmission/reception of an E-mail message and image data will be presented entered in step 910. Upon user request for image enclosure in
25 step 910, the portable phone controller 32 performs a control
referring to FIGS. 4 and 5.
operation to enclose an image in the E-mail in step 912. The
Referring to FIG. 4, there is shown a concept view of the
image enclosure operation is performed in steps 626, 800,
inter-MVP image data or E-mail transmitting system accord802, and 804. After step 912, the portable phone controller 32
ing to the embodiment of the present invention. An MVP 400
returns to step 908.
transmits an E-mail or image data to an E-mail server 406
Meanwhile, upon entry of the send key in step 908, the
through a PPP service provider 402 and an Internet 404. The 3o
portable phone controller 32 determines whether there is any
E-mail server 406 in turn transmits the received E-mail or
still image to be enclosed in the E-mail. If the E-mail transimage data to another MVP 412 through an Internet 408 and
mission sub-mode is selected in the play sub-mode of the
a PPP service provider 410. The E-mail server 406 includes
camera mode, this implies that image data to be enclosed in
an SMTP (Sending Mail Transfer Protocol) server and a POP
35 the E-mail exists. If the image enclosure operation is imple(Post Office Protocol) server for transmitting the E-mail and
mented in the E-mail transmission sub-mode selected in the
image data from the E-mail server 406.
portable phone mode, as in step 912, this implies that image
Referring now to FIG. 5, there is shown a block diagram of
data to be enclosed in the E-mail exists. However, if only the
a communication system for transmitting/receiving voice and
E-mail transmission sub-mode is selected in the portable
image data using the MVP of the present invention. The 4o phone mode, this implies that no image data enclosed in the
communication system includes MVPs 500 and 600, base
E-mail exists.
stations 502 and 602 communicating with the MVPs 500 and
In the presence of a still image to be enclosed in the E-mail
600, PPP servers 504 and 604, Internets 514 and 614 conin step 914, the portable phone controller 32 transmits the
nected to the PPP servers 504 and 604, an E-mail server 516
received message (title and contents) and the enclosed still
connected to the Internets 514 and 614, PCs 508 and 608, 45 image to the E-mail server 510 in packets, while displaying a
MODEMS 508 and 608 connected between the PCs 508 and
message indicating E-mail transmission on the color LCD 48,
608 and the PPP servers 504 and 604, and LANs (Local Area
in step 916. In the absence of a still image to be enclosed in the
Networks) 512 and 612 connected between the PCs 508 and
E-mail in step 914, the portable phone controller 32 transmits
608 and the Internets 514 and 614. The base stations 502 and
the received message (title and contents) to the E-mail server
602 belong to mobile communication networks 506 and 606,
5o 510 in packets, while displaying the message indicating
and the E-mail server 516 includes SMTP servers 518 and
E-mail transmission on the color LCD 48 in step 918.
618 for receiving an E-mail and image data and POP servers
Upon completion of the E-mail transmission in step 920,
520 and 620 for transmitting an E-mail and image data.
the portable phone controller 32 displays a message indicatAn application program for E-mail is stored in the fourth
ing completed transmission on the color LCD 48 in step 922
memory 36 of the portable phone unit 4, therefore, the MVP 55 and blocks a power voltage from the camera unit 2 in step 924.
can perform an E-mail function without an extra connection
Thus, the portable phone controller 32 enters the portable
to a computer. In accordance with the embodiment of the
phone mode 602.
present invention, the data packet communication standard,
Packet transmission of an E-mail with a still image
IS-657 is applied for implementation of an E-mail function,
enclosed therein in step 916 of FIG. 9 will be described in
and images are appended to the contents of an E-mail by a 6o more detail. Still image data is transmitted by the data block
compression method as provided by the international still
size of a typical digital still video camera, for example, by 512
image compression standard, JPEG.
byte units, between the camera unit 2 and the portable phone
Transmission of image data and an E-mail will be
unit 4 in the MVP, and the MVP transmits data in packets to
described in detail with reference to FIGS. 1 to 5 and FIG. 9.
the E-mail server 516. A packet is of length 584 bytes, includAn MVP user can select an E-mail transmission sub-mode in 65 ing a 536-byte data block, an 8-byte header, a 20-byte TCP
a portable phone mode or in a play sub-mode of a camera
(Transmission Control Protocol), and a 20-byte IP (Internet
mode. Referring to FIG. 9, there is shown a flowchart illusProtocol).
APLNDC-WH-A 0000014744
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For packet transmission, the portable phone controller 32
portable phone controller 32 determines whether the download is completed. Upon completion of the download, the
reads still image data of about 40 Kbytes in 512 byte units
portable phone controller 32 displays a message indicating
from the first memory 22 of the camera unit 2 and temporarily
stores the read data in the fourth memory 36 of the portable
completed downloading on the color LCD 48 in step 1020. On
phone unit 4. Then, the 512-byte long image data is appended 5 the other hand, if the download is not completed, the portable
to the message (tile and contents) of an E-mail and the resultphone controller 32 determines whether a an end key has been
ing message is loaded in the data block of 536 bytes. In this
entered in step 1022. To suspend the download for such a
manner, the image data is transmitted in packets.
reason as a long download time, the user just presses the end
Assuming that the still image of about 40 Kbytes and the
key. The portable phone controller 32 determines whether the
contents of the E-mail message are about 60 Kbytes, the MVP 10 end key has been entered in step 1022. Upon input of the end
can transmit data of about 70 Kbytes including data and a
key, the portable phone controller 32 ends the procedure.
header of a packet for about 60 seconds at 9600 bps ( 70
As described above, the MVP of the present invention acts
Kbytesx8). Here, 9600 bps is a data transmission rate in a
as both a general portable communication terminal and a
CDMA system.
digital camera. Accordingly, it can play back photographed
Referring back to FIG. 5, the MVP 500 connects to the PPP 15 images, transmit/receive images, and perform voice commuserver 504 through the base station 502 and a PPP service
provider 504 and then to the E-mail server 516 using the
While the invention has been shown and described with
TCP/IP protocol. The MVP 500 can upload an E-mail having
reference to a certain preferred embodiment thereof, it will be
image data enclosed therein to the E-mail server 516 using the understood by those skilled in the art that various changes in
POP server 520 of the E-mail server, or download an E-mail 2o form and details may be made therein without departing from
or an E-mail having image data enclosed therein from the the spirit and scope of the invention as defined by the
E-mail server 516 using the SMTP server 518 of the E-mail
appended claims.
server 516.
What is claimed is:
Upon receipt of an E-mail, the E-mail server 516 notifies a
1. A data transmitting method for a portable composite
terminal of the other party, for example, the PC 608 or the 25 communication terminal which functions as both a portable
MVP 600 of the arrival of the E-mail.
phone and a camera, comprising the steps of:
Referring to FIG. 10, there is shown a flowchart illustrating
entering a first E-mail transmission sub-mode upon user
a control operation for reception of an E-mail and image data
request for E-mail transmission while operating in a
in the MVP according to the embodiment of the present
portable phone mode, the first e-mail transmission subinvention. Upon receipt of an E-mail in step 1000, the por- 30
mode performing a portable phone function;
table phone controller 32 of the MVP displays a message
entering a second E-mail transmission sub-mode upon user
notifying receipt of the E-mail and a server phone number on
request for E-mail transmission while operating in a
the color LCD 48 in step 1002. If the user enters the send key
display sub-mode, the second e-mail transmission subin the key pad 34 to check an E-mail message, the portable
mode displaying an image most recently captured in a
phone controller 32 establishes a call with the E-mail server in 35
camera mode;
step 1006. In step 1008, the portable phone controller 32
sequentially displaying other images stored in a memory
downloads the tile of the E-mail and displays it on the color
through the use of scroll keys;
LCD 48 in step 1008. When the user presses a specific key to
transmitting the address of the other party and a message
read the E-mail message in step 1010, the portable phone
received through a user interface in the first E-mail transcontroller 32 downloads message contents, information 4o
mission sub-mode; and
about the presence or absence of enclosed image data, and the
transmitting the addxess of the other party and the message
file size of the enclosed image, and displays the downloaded
received through the user interface and the image disinformation on the color LCD 48 in step 1012.
played on the display as an E-mail in the second E-mail
Then, when the user requests downloading the enclosed
transmission sub-mode.
image in step 1014, the portable phone controller 32 down- 45
loads the enclosed image in step 1016. In step 1018, the
APLNDC-WH-A 0000014745