Spreadbury v. Bitterroot Public Library et al

Filing 261

Statement of Undisputed Fact re: 259 MOTION for Summary Judgment DEFENDANT LEE ENTERPRISES INC'S MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A - Aff of Backus - Newsworthy, # 2 Exhibit B - Petition to Ravalli County, # 3 Exhibit C - Pl to Messina (10-19/2007), # 4 Exhibit D - Pet Recall Sheriff Hoffman, # 5 Exhibit Pet Recall Ravalli Co Attorney Corn, # 6 Exhibit F - Ltr Pl to McCulloch (2/10/2009), # 7 Exhibit G - Ltr Commrs to Pl (2/17/2009), # 8 Exhibit H - Ltr PL to McCulloch w Recall Pet, # 9 Exhibit I - Ltr Kimmet to PL (3/13/2009), # 10 Exhibit J - Ltr Quintana to PL (3/23/2009), # 11 Exhibit K - Ravalli Republic Article (2/19/2009), # 12 Exhibit L - Blog Bitterroot Rising (2010), # 13 Exhibit M - Blogger User Profile, # 14 Exhibit N - Crystal Cox Blog (2011), # 15 Exhibit O - Blog - Ravalli Co Sheriff Dept (8/8/2009), # 16 Exhibit P - Crystal Cox Blog (2012), # 17 Exhibit Q - Library Thing, # 18 Exhibit R - Spreadbury Youtube MT, # 19 Exhibit S - Ravalli Republic Article (11/3/2009), # 20 Exhibit T - Find My Threat Story (11/17/2011), # 21 Exhibit U - Ravalli Republic Article (6/9/2010), # 22 Exhibit V - USDC Complaint (7/30/20100, # 23 Exhibit W - Aff Backus (Standard of Care), # 24 Exhibit X - Aff Devlin (4/2/2012), # 25 Exhibit Y - Bitterroot Rising Archives (2010)) (Smith, Jeffrey)

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EXHIBIT J SECRETARY OF STATE STATE OF MONTANA Linda McCulloch Secretary of State Montana State CaPitol PO Box 202801 Helena. MT 59620-2801 March 23,2009 Michael Spreadbury P.O. Box 416 Hamilton, MT 59840 RE: RecallPetition Dear Mr. Spreadbury: This office received your revised petition calling for the recall of Attomey General Steve Bullock on March 17 ,2A09. The following is our legal opinion on whether or not the recall petition submitted by you meets the requirements under the Montana Recall Act, Mont. Code Ann. $$ 2-16-601, et seq. The Montana Recall Act ("The Act") requires that petitions to recall state officers, such as the Attorney General, be filed with the Secretary of State. Mont. Code Ann. $ 2-16-615. The Act provides a suggested form, which the recall petition must substantially follow. Mont. Code Ann. $ 2-16-616. The sample petition submitted to the Secretary of State must be accompanied by a statement containing the reasons for the desired recall. Mont. Code Ann. 5 2-16-617(a). In addition, "the truth of purported facts contained in the statement shall be swom to by at least one of the petitioners before a person authorized to administer oaths." Mont. Code Ann. $ 2- 1 6-6 I 7 (4). The Secretary of State must review the petition for suffrciency as to form, and approve or reject the petition within one week of receiving it. Mont. Code Ann. $ 2-16-616 (3). If the Secretary of State refuses to approve the petition as to form, an action for mandamus may be pursued in district court. Mont. Code Ann. $ 2- 1 6-6 I 5. In general, the form requirements set forth in these statutes are as follows: (1) waming and preamble, (2) size and format, (3) number of pages, and (4) swom, definite, and specific statement of facts. Mont. Code Ann. $g 2-16-616 and 617. Reception: (406) 444-2034 - Business Services Division: 444-3665 - Elections and Government Services Division: 444-4732 Administrative Rules Division: 444-2055 - Records & Information Management Division (1320 Bozeman Avenue):444-9000 Management Services Division: 444-2035 F ax:. 444-3976 http://www.sos.mt.gov il.lt-19+ Michael Spreadbury Page2 The petition must contain the wan'ring and preamble found at section 2-16-616 (l), MCA, rvhich states: WARNING A person who knowingly signs a name other than the person's own to this petition, who signs the person's name more than once upon a petition to recall the same officer at one election, or who is not, at the tirne of signing this petition, a qualified elector of the state of Montana entitled to vote for the successor of the elected officer to be recalled or the successor or successors of the officer or offrcers who have the authority to appoint a person to the position held by the appointed officer to be recalled is punishable by a fine of no more than $500 or imprisonment in the county jail for a term not to exceed 6 months, or both, or a fine of $500 or imprisonment in the state prison for a tenn not to exceed 10 years, orboth. RECALL PETITION Honorable To the Secretary of State of the State of Montana (or name and office of other filing officer): We, the undersigned qualifred electors of the State of Montana (or name of appropriate state-district or political subdivision) respectfully petition that an election be held as provided by law on the question of whether holding the office of ..............., should be recalled for the following reasons: (Setting out a general statement of the reasons for recall in not more than 200 words). Each signer certifies: I have personally signed this petition; I am a qualified elector of the state of Montana and (name of appropriate political subdivision); and my residence and postoffice address are correctly written after my name to the best of my knowledge and belief. Numbered lines must follow this language and must contain spaces for the signature, post-office address, and printed last name of the signer. The petition must be no more than 8.5 by 14 inches or a continuous sheet folded in those dimensions. Circulation sheets must be ruled with a horizontal line 1.5 inches from the top of every sheet with the space above that line remaining blank. Mont. Code Ann. $ 2-16-617(l). The petition may be divided into sections with each section containing no more than twenty-five circulation sheets. Mont. Code Ann. S 2-16-617(2). A sample circulation sheet shall be reviewed by the filing officer for sufficiency of fonn. The sample shall be approved or rejected within one week. Mont. Code Ann. g2-16-617(3). The question as to what constitutes sufficiency as to form has been addressed by the Montana Supreme Court. See Steadman v. Halland, 197 Mont. 45, 641P.2d 448, (1982). The Court stated "[t]he section [2-16-617(4)J requires that both the petition submitted for approval and the statement attached to the petition explain the basis for the recall. As the grounds for the desired recall specifically constitute part of the form of the petition, the Secretary of State is empowered to reject the petition unless it meets Michael SpreadburY Page 3 of grounds for all of the statutory requirements. 38 Op.Att.Gen. 4l (lg1g).We agree that lhe$-atement ;part of the form of the petition' and find that the filing officer not recall to be included in the petition is ,empowered to' buiis required to reject the petition_when it does not comply with statutory only is the petition has a duty requirements.,, 1g7 Mont. at 52, 641 p.Zd. it 452-51.The frling officer reviewing legal guidelines' to ieject a petition if the staternent that is the basis of the petition does not rneet at54',641 In Slteetry v. Ferda,235 Mont. 63,765P.2d722(1988), quoting steadman,l97 Mont' P.2d at 453, the Montana Supreme Court held that: in is not enough for a recall petition to allege one of the grounds for recall as set forth of the section 2-' 6-603(3), MCA.The recall petition must also include a clear statement alleged acts constituting the grounds for recall. [I]t Sheehy, 235 Mont. at 7 0, 7 65 P.2d at 726. Applying the law to the petition to recall Attorney General Steve Bullock, it is apparent that the petition miets ,o-., but not all of the requirements necessary under The Act. The Office of the Attomey General is a statewide elected office and ihus the petition is properly before the Secretary of State. The proposed petition substantially complies with the required warning and recall petition language found in iection 2-16-6I6,MCA. The petition also meets the requirements of section 2-16-616(2), MCA in regards to the numbered lines containing spaces for the signature, address and printed last name of the signer. The petition is accompanied by a sworn written statement of facts supporting the reason for the recall. Section Z-16-6li(4) states "[t]he truth of purported facts contained in the statement must be sworn to by at least one of the petitioners before a person authorized to administer oaths.o'The statement of facts attached to the petitionstates "l, Michael Spreadbury do attest that the following is true and I swear to this with a penalty of perjury if these facts are not true." The Act requires that statements be sworn, not attested. fnir *uy *.un that the petition is not properly swom according to statute and while it may withstand judicial scrutiny, I would recommend that the petitioner use the term provided in statute to avoid any issues of validity. Section 2-16-6\6,MCA, states that the recall petition must include "a general statement of the reasons for recall . . .." The statement of facts in this petition reads: INCOMPETENCE Atio*.y General Bullock knowingly presides over a justice system that is top to bottom com.rpt. It includes the Montana Bar Association, Judicial Commission, Highway Patrol, Department of Justice and local Law Enforcement units. Mr. Bullock does not uphold jusiice, merely what is expedient to their cause of the moment. The Attorney General is willing to thriaten unyon" willing to challenge his illegal reign at MT DOJ. Case in point is a 20b7 phone conversation where he threatened a decorated FEMA officer and Montana resident with loss of employment, and residence if said person questioned his department. Mr. Bullock is willing to cover illegal activities for local officials when needed. This includes obstructing justice and issuing threats. Michael Spreadbury Page 4 OATH OF OFFICE: Attomey General Bullock violates the state and federal oath of office by not upholding equal protection under the law as described in those documents' In Sheehy,the Montana Supreme Court stated that "[t]he Montana Recall Act requires that the charge of incompetence, when it is used for recall, [must] be based on the 'truth of purported facts contained in the statement'sworn to by apetitioner." 235 Mont. at69,765P.2da1726. Likewise, the Montana Supreme Court has held that specificity of the alleged facts is an important part of a recall petition. The second stated ground for recall "violation of state and federal oath of office" simply states that "Attorney General Bullock violates the state and federal oath of office by not upholding equal protection under the law as described in those documents," without giving any detail or specificity as to the natule of the violation. Also in Sheehy, quoting Steadman,l97 Mont. at 54, 641P.2d at 453, the Montana Supreme Court held that: enough for a recall petition to allege one of the grounds for recall as set forth in section 2-16-603(3), MCA. The recall petition must also include a clear statement of the alleged acts constituting the grounds for recall. [I]t is not Sheehy, 235 Mont. at 7 0, 7 65 P .2d at 726. Based on the law as described above, the grounds that Attorney General Bullock violates his oath of office does not meet the requirements of specificity required. The charge does not specify how the Attorney General fails to uphold equal protection, but is merely a conclusory and general statement that fails to meet the rule requiredby Steadman. The petition also alleges that "Attorney General Bullock knowinglypresides ouer a justice system that is top to bottom corrupt (ernphasis added)." It alleges that this justice system includes "the Montana Bar Association, Judicial Commission, Highway Patrol, Department of Justice and local Law Enforcement units." The statement that Attorney General Bullock presides over "the Montana Bar Association, Judicial Commission, ... and local Law Enforcement units" is factually incorrect. The State Bar of Montana was created by order of the Montana Supreme Court in January, 1974 and is governed by a Board of Trustees elected by its members. The Montana Judicial Standards Commission was created by amendment to the State Constitution in 1973 and is composed of two district court judges elected by the district court judges, one attomey appointed by the Supreme Court, and two members of the public appointed by the Govemor. Local law enforcement units are city police officers and county sheriff s officers. Attorney General Bullock exercises no supervisory authority over the State Bar of Montana, the Judicial Standards Commission or local law enforcement units. In addition, the statement alleges that "[t]he Attorney General is willing to threaten anyone to challenge his illegal reign at MT DOJ. Case in point is a2007 phone conversation where he threatened decorated FEMA offrcer and Montana resident with loss of employment, and residence if said person questioned his department (emphasis added)." This statement is factually incorrect. Attorney General Bullock took office in January 2009 and, therefore, any allegation having to do with conduct before he took office appears to not be relevant. While this statement may have the specificity required, it is surrounded by statements that fail to meet the Steadman rlile. a Michael Spreadbury Page 5 The Montana Supreme Court has consistently held that the reasons for recall must be sufficiently specific to acquaint the public, whose signatures are sought, with the acts complained of, and to enable the challenged officer to defend the alleged conduct. Steadman, 197 Mont. at 54, 641 P.2d at 453; Foster v. Kovich, 207 Mont. 139, 149,673 P.2d 1239, 1245 (1983). l^ Ct^-),-^-,ilt )Leuurrcur, a petition to recall the Yellowstone County Sheriff alleged that "sheriff Shaffer acted in a manner to bring discredit to himself and the Department by OFFICIAL MISCONDUCT stemming from an incident in Sweet Grass County on November 7, 1980." 197 Mont. at 53-54, 641P.2d at 453. The Montana Supreme Court held that statement to be deficient because it failed to adequately inform the public of the acts constituting the alleged official misconduct, and did not give the sheriff enough information to adequately defend himself. The Court stated: "[t]he 'genelal statement' required by section 2-16-616 (l), MCA, demands more specificitythan this." 197 Mont. a|54,641P.2dat453. The proposed petition fails on all of the grounds annunciated by the Court. The Steadman court also stated "[{he logic of this policy is peculiarly applicable to the case at bar, because the initial review of recall petitions is intended to save the public and govemment officials the time and expense of circulating and responding to a petition which is fatally defective." 197 Mont. at 52. 641 P.2d at 452. In analyzing the proposed petition, it is readily apparent that it falls short of the legal requirement for a recall petition and is legally insufficient to go forward. The Montana Supreme Court has stated that "[t]he legal sufficiency of the allegations fin a recall petition] is not left to the electorate. Therefore, a petition may never reach the electorate because it fails to specify acts legally sufficient to constitute grounds for recall under section 2-16-603(3) of the Recall Act." Sheehy, 235 Mont. at70,765P.2dat726, quoting Foster,207 Mont. at 150, 637 P.2dat1246. Therefore, it is my opinion that your revised recall petition fails to meet the statutory requirements of the Montana Recall Act and must be rejected by this offrce. You may correct the identified flaws and resubmit the petition to this office or petition the District Court for a writ of mandamus if you believe the petition meets the statutory requirements. Sincerely, r' .11 MCA 2-16-600 Montana Recall Act Recall of MontanaAttomey General Waming: A pcrsou who knolvirrgly signs a namc ollrcr than thc pcrson's own to this pctition, rvlro sigts thc pcrson's uilprc lrorc than oncc uporr a petition to rccall thc sanc offiocr at onc clection or who is not, at the time hc signs this petition a qralified clectorofthi Statc ofMontrna, cntitlcd to votc for thc successor ofthc clccfcrj of{iccr. to be lccallcd or thc succcssor of succcssors of thc officcr or officcr who ltave the authority to appoint the position lrcld by thc rypoinlcd officcr to bc rccallcd is purtishablc by a fine of no morc tlun $50b'or irlprisonrnent in thc iountyjril for r tcrm not to cxccctl 6 ntonths , ol both, or imprisonrneltt in thc statc prisoll systcln trot to cxcccd l0 ycats or both. Recall Petition: To the Honorable Linda McCulloch, State Election Aclministrator: Wc thc unclersigncd qualificd clcctors ofThc Statc ofMortana respcctfully petition that an clection bc held as provided by larv on thc qucstion ofrvlrcthcr Stcvc Bullock, holding thc office ofMontaDa Atlorncy Ccncral should bc recallcd lor thc Ibllowing rcasons: INCOMPETENCE: Attomey General Bullock knowingly presides over a justice systcm that is top to botton cor.r.upt. It ilcludes the Montana Bar Association, Judicial Conrnrission, Highway Patrol, Departmeut of Justice, ascl local Law Enforcetrrent ullits. Mr. Bullock does not uphold justice, merely what is expedicnt to their cause of the moment. The Attorney Gellelal is witling to tlueaten anyone willing to challenge his illegal reign at MT DOJ. Case in point is a 2007 phoue cottvetsatiorr whele he tlrreatetled a decorated FEMA officer and Montana lesident with loss of employmcnt, aild residence if said pcrsol questioned his depaftment. Mr. Bullock is willing to cover illegal activities for local officials when needecl. This includes obstructingjustice and issuing thtcats. O.4TI] OF OFFICE: Attorley General Bullock violates the state and federal oath ofoffice by not upholding equal protectiotr under the law as described in those documents. EACI] SIGNER CERTIFIES: I have personally signcd this pctition; I arn a qualified elcctorofthe Statc ofMontana, and my residence acldrcsi and Post Officc address are corrcclly writtcn aftcr my ntrrnc to best of lny knorvledgc and bclicf. -Post Office Addless---*-Date (Address where Printed last Sisnature name registered) L. J. 8. 10. Ravalli Recall PO Box 416 I-Iamilton MT 59840 \\ q alaE

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