Spreadbury v. Bitterroot Public Library et al

Filing 261

Statement of Undisputed Fact re: 259 MOTION for Summary Judgment DEFENDANT LEE ENTERPRISES INC'S MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A - Aff of Backus - Newsworthy, # 2 Exhibit B - Petition to Ravalli County, # 3 Exhibit C - Pl to Messina (10-19/2007), # 4 Exhibit D - Pet Recall Sheriff Hoffman, # 5 Exhibit Pet Recall Ravalli Co Attorney Corn, # 6 Exhibit F - Ltr Pl to McCulloch (2/10/2009), # 7 Exhibit G - Ltr Commrs to Pl (2/17/2009), # 8 Exhibit H - Ltr PL to McCulloch w Recall Pet, # 9 Exhibit I - Ltr Kimmet to PL (3/13/2009), # 10 Exhibit J - Ltr Quintana to PL (3/23/2009), # 11 Exhibit K - Ravalli Republic Article (2/19/2009), # 12 Exhibit L - Blog Bitterroot Rising (2010), # 13 Exhibit M - Blogger User Profile, # 14 Exhibit N - Crystal Cox Blog (2011), # 15 Exhibit O - Blog - Ravalli Co Sheriff Dept (8/8/2009), # 16 Exhibit P - Crystal Cox Blog (2012), # 17 Exhibit Q - Library Thing, # 18 Exhibit R - Spreadbury Youtube MT, # 19 Exhibit S - Ravalli Republic Article (11/3/2009), # 20 Exhibit T - Find My Threat Story (11/17/2011), # 21 Exhibit U - Ravalli Republic Article (6/9/2010), # 22 Exhibit V - USDC Complaint (7/30/20100, # 23 Exhibit W - Aff Backus (Standard of Care), # 24 Exhibit X - Aff Devlin (4/2/2012), # 25 Exhibit Y - Bitterroot Rising Archives (2010)) (Smith, Jeffrey)

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EXHIBIT C JiuMessina Ctief of Suff wLglo'I Seaetor }f-orBancus Wasbiagton, DC R3: l,Ravalli County 2, Telophouo cotrvo$crion of I0/1U0? wift Billing Saffer DearMr.lda$ma, I am hoping rlCI trls tpooivgs ]ou woU, Pleaso notc tbat rh e seoatoc'E office bas lstte( irt tpgFrds to myreqpcst of a cmgrcssiotrEl in+dry into oivil rigbts srimos and criminal oonspiraey in wcstcrn }doffili md navalfcouuty orea tLgm Seaator Jon Testcr rffots to lg ou Srptembor IZn 2007 , I am in tho gocess of pnning togetler a nadoaal prese releare hdioating fro rdsttuoe wc rocoivsd from sur cotlgrssEEl€q uo arsishocs yas lovied &om yow offico, Irfrlanie Hanes, ftom yo:u Bi[bgs officE rsiil bs ustrtcd withtu e 'lccaons of iatowsf to ths USDOI fsr h; actiqtr$ h proieot thess criminals. I have nsver hcad of a eongrcssmao's ofrce rcfirse to help their constitucnB. lbaBe tlraft a fsrrrsl lettcr to me wbte.h states that there ls e refusal to argist ug wifit sivfl rlghh ct{mes a eongrersloual lnquirT 6s wc rcguested in 6e above mentimed Isttar whicb was smtby frx to DC aod hani deiivsred to tle senator's Missoula ofEce oo ornear.Augrut 2g,n}7, noJ issued_a il Atapproximably 14:45 hours ycshrday, Metanie Hnnes of tle Billings of6oo oallod my home efter I lofi a messagc to call Sbe overpowered tbe conversafion wl& her pusonal experienoo as Eptsssstrtof Sr20 irars. Congrcssional aidgs do notnormally ovqpower csDsrifusnu whm tley are ecaking help fiom a gongfegsiotral offioo, Mg. Ilainss md I had mt spokon befue. sbe rpoko speoifically ofmy "oasG" aod gevo Iegel advico wbid, was not solisited. In an mtagmietie ucannrr, shc idtcrjectcd if I bsd a prqblee spealcing to women, Yfbpn I asked if there wero atry0o6 else I could $poa.k to, lvIg.Ilauef rlid not rcspttad. $ho did curpbatioelly saytbat we would uot get a congressional bquiry. Notcworthy, Ms. Ilaros didnot see our 120 pages of docrmentation that'Tfetbs Peopld'werc prcptcd to arbruit yestcrdey to Max Bausus staffwe, Ms. Hmm termiusted.the pbono call abmptlyaaclwithoutwaaing Pmtectingpmsecilto$ anil tte sitra$on in Bavalli Coutrty is a forrr of corspiracy. Wenowhrye a directlineto theDeparuncnt of hstice inWashington DC for Civil Rigbb. Ws will not hesitate to name Melanie Hancs for offisials to investigate, Ou behalf of 'TV'o bo Peop1d' ofRrvalli Couoty, i look forwaxd ts tbe leusr refusing a congresoional inquity on our bebalf which was requestod 6'7 wecks ago. Sincorely, P,O. Box 416 Ilanilto4 IvfT 59840 Miclrael $preaftury (406)363-3877 2

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