Spreadbury v. Bitterroot Public Library et al

Filing 261

Statement of Undisputed Fact re: 259 MOTION for Summary Judgment DEFENDANT LEE ENTERPRISES INC'S MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A - Aff of Backus - Newsworthy, # 2 Exhibit B - Petition to Ravalli County, # 3 Exhibit C - Pl to Messina (10-19/2007), # 4 Exhibit D - Pet Recall Sheriff Hoffman, # 5 Exhibit Pet Recall Ravalli Co Attorney Corn, # 6 Exhibit F - Ltr Pl to McCulloch (2/10/2009), # 7 Exhibit G - Ltr Commrs to Pl (2/17/2009), # 8 Exhibit H - Ltr PL to McCulloch w Recall Pet, # 9 Exhibit I - Ltr Kimmet to PL (3/13/2009), # 10 Exhibit J - Ltr Quintana to PL (3/23/2009), # 11 Exhibit K - Ravalli Republic Article (2/19/2009), # 12 Exhibit L - Blog Bitterroot Rising (2010), # 13 Exhibit M - Blogger User Profile, # 14 Exhibit N - Crystal Cox Blog (2011), # 15 Exhibit O - Blog - Ravalli Co Sheriff Dept (8/8/2009), # 16 Exhibit P - Crystal Cox Blog (2012), # 17 Exhibit Q - Library Thing, # 18 Exhibit R - Spreadbury Youtube MT, # 19 Exhibit S - Ravalli Republic Article (11/3/2009), # 20 Exhibit T - Find My Threat Story (11/17/2011), # 21 Exhibit U - Ravalli Republic Article (6/9/2010), # 22 Exhibit V - USDC Complaint (7/30/20100, # 23 Exhibit W - Aff Backus (Standard of Care), # 24 Exhibit X - Aff Devlin (4/2/2012), # 25 Exhibit Y - Bitterroot Rising Archives (2010)) (Smith, Jeffrey)

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EXHIBIT V ICt t l:J!2t Case 9:10-cv-00081-DWM Document 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 F,edo7/30/10 *ff*p r'%ffi* Michael E. Spreadbury 700 So. Fourth Steet Hamillon" MT 59840 Telephoru:(4M)363-3877 msnreadfDlotnrail.conr Profu Plaintif IN T1IE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FORTM DISTRICTOF MONTANA MISSOULA DTVISION 10 11 MICIIAEL t2 SPREADBURY Plaintitr carrse ) N'' 0,UJ0'8/ - m -DN/lt ) 13 v.) l4 US DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH A}.ID HI.JT,IAN ) 15 SERVICES, NATIONAL INSTTTUES 16 HEALT}I. FRAJ.ICAIS COLLINS, MARSHALL ) L7 BLOOM, 18 19 20 2t 22 23 COMPLAINT OF ) Defendants ) Ceurc of Aslion: This currc of action is for violation of the National Envirorune,ntal Policy Act (}IEPA) as described in 42 USCA $4332 er seq.; 40 CFR $1502 nrd $1503 et. $q. Deferdars failcd to foltow well estsblishcd guidelinea for NEPA, and assess tt€Itb and safety risks at National Institute of Health frcility in Hanrilton, Morrtana known as Roclry Moutain I"abs (RML). 24 25 PlaintifrMichael Spreadhry (bercafter'?laintiff) in his conplaint against US Departrrent of 26 Health and Human Services et. al. Defendants allege as'fqllows: I rld- Case 9:10-cv-00081-DWM Document 27 28 l. 2 Filed 07/30/10 Page 2 of 10 Parties: Michael Sprcadbury, a resident and nannal person ofthe State of Monlana 29 2. The US Deparfinent of Health and Human Services, an executive branch departrrent of the 30 ,. United States which must abide by all ap'plicable laws. 31 3. National Institutes of Health (NIH), a branch of the US Departnent of Health and Hunan 32 Services nrust act in compliance with all applicable laws, bosed in Bethesda l\,{aryland. 33 4. Francis Collins, Director of the National Instihrtes of Healtlu the responsible official who 94 must act in compliance with all applicable laws, based in Bethesda, Maryland. 35 5. Marshall Bloom, Director of Rocky Mountain Iabs (RML) affiliated with NIH, is the local 35 responsible official for who must abide by all applicable laws, located in Hamiltotl Montana J-Frisdlction an$ Vennc: 37 38 The MontanaUS Distict Cowt has jurisdiction via 5 USC s. 701 et. seq., 28 USCA 1331 39 Federal Question,23 USCA 1336,28 USCA 2201 et. seq. Declaratory Judgrnent Act. NEPA ao 42 USCA g 4332 et. seq., 40 CFR $1502, $1503 et. seq. Plaintiffentitled to relicf. 41 Venue is proper due to Defendant property and activities in Ravalli County Montana which is 42 withinthe Missoula Divisionofthe US Disbict Cowtfor Montana. Factual Backsruund 43 M 6. The Bitlerroot Valley, whcre the Rocky Mormtain Iaboralory is located contains blue ribbon trout rivercorrse Bitterroot River containing protectod Speoies Bull Trout. 45 46 7. Lewis & Cla* taversed valley upon dircction of US President to find a land route to ttrc Pacffic Ocean. 47 48 8. Soils in the Bitterroot Valley are some of the richest in the state; waler, timber resourccs abound sunounding the NIH facility in Halnilton, MT. 49 so 9. The Selway-Bitterroot Wildemess is the second lagest in the US al l.6M acres, which sits at the westem boundry of the RML site in Hamilton, MT. 51 52 10. Wildtife srosgings in,Bitterroot are essential to habitat nrch as Bear, Moose, Elk, Deer, 53 bird habitat of waterfowl, migrating birdsi owls, hawks, bald eagles. 54 I l. RML site in floodplain for flood insurance: any part of property below the 100 yea floodplain rnakes entirc p,ropcrty floodplain, 1968 National Floodplain Insurance Act. 55 2 Case 9:10-cv-00081-DWM Document 56 37 58 59 60 61 62 53 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 It 72 7? 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 u 2 Filed 07/30/10 Paqe 3 of 10 12. Neighbothood sunoundilg RML south of Hsnitton, MT contains his-toric homes over 40 years which rquire historical review for any federal project by NIH. 13. NIH-RML dnfted sr Ervirurmeotal. lnpact Slatenrerrt (EIS) ard Final EIS (FEIS) with appmpriate commentpaiod" 14. MH-RML drsfted a 20 yea maste ptan with appropriate cotnmefi period. for Intmpretive Center and North Pa*ing Lot projects in FEIS did not include roquLed item as per ttn National Environrrer$al Policy Act (I{EPA). 15. Specific details 16. NIH-RML FEIS did not inqhde alternatives to irrerprerive center project. 17. FEIS did not include a historiasl prCIpos€d Fview in report spocific to tlrc interpretive center, property for NIH indusfial use. prking lot projeot, nr.uohasing resid€Nuial 18. FEIS did not allowpubtic cornmeot addrasing the interpretive qenter, or the pa*ing lot project ryecifically as proposed. 19. Proposed Parking Lot project is near floodplain and drainage to Bitterroot River, and would rcquire use of rssidential propeily purchased for a federal itdusuial pxpose. 20. Interpretive Center proposed demolition is within a historic residential area did not hclude alternatives to the proposcd demolition of tlre e-tisting strrrchrrc E0l, E03 S. 4tb- 21. In planning the new B$L-4 facility, NIH did not include profesoionat fire, matsrial safety pcrsonnel or fire shucturc assets at RML for safety, health of resideirts, employees. 22.'Illre20 year plar and FEIS does not include an cmergency rcspons€ strusturc st RML. 23. RML ageod to rcspect NEPA process, and uphold health and safety of commrmity and RML elnployees in 20Ol to rtsolve CV44-154-M-DWM out of courl 24. NIH BSL4 facilities inFredericlq MD; Betlresda MD; and Raleigh-Dtrhanq NC have sufficienfi fire agscts duc to belng h larger commtmities which have training and equipmcnt newssary to provide enrergency assistance to cornprable facilities to RML. 25. RML is located in an isolated valley with no professionnl fire deparfrt€Dts, asd no material saftty teams within 45 miles, and 29 volunteer firemen in Hamilton, MT. 26. NIH kadqrrartex house 30 fedeml fircfighterq and can gct assistance fiom the well equippd Bethesdn (l'D) Fire Depa*nrent, located withh 15 minuid &'on D.C, met'o. 27. RML has no federal or pnfeesional fue personnel inany pmximity to fasitity. Case 9:10-cv-00081-DWM Document 85 85 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 w loo ' 101 LO2 103 104 105 105 LO7 108 1@ 110 111 tt} 113 2 Filed 07/30/10 Page 4 of 10 28. RML 20 year plan had no onsite ern€rg€,lrcy respons€ facility although no adoquate biological, matedals, or radiological safety team is within 45 miles. 29. First Presidentially declared firc emcrgency was in proximity to RJVIL, Ravalli and Montana io year 2000. Firc hawd,is e:rhcmely high near RML. 30. RML is 45 miles from Missoula, Co*ty, MT with 60,000 residents and five firehouses. Materials safety tean is currctitly dispatched from Missoula Fire Depanment. 31. Fallen timbsr block fire conidor route, accideirts, and in-climate weather 3000 ft. AIv{SL 4?'Latitude; fire/materials r€spons€ from Missoula not sssued within I hour of dispdch. 32. RML without pofessional material safety, biological, or radiological staging area available on sitg or within 45 miles of the Hamiltoq MT facility. 33. MH Office Research Safety issued Plaintifffalse assnances of safety sincc 2007. 34. Plaintiffhas adequately participated in administrative process by explessing concents to RML, NIH h fire safety, environmeirtal quality, NEPA direc"tor, Directqr of Research Safety, NIH legal counsel, andNIH Directors office. 35. Plaintitrhas offered mediation to resolve this disptfe to NIH. 36. No firther rernedy is available to Plaintiffto rrsolve NEPA and related safety issues. NIH documents failed to adequately disclose, analyze, and assess environmental riik from proposd interpretive center dernolitioq parking project proposed by RML. 3?. FEIS and published 38. Rist$ frour RhdL proposed interpretive center, parkioglot projects have impacts to the environment hurnan healttt, and impacts to local governments. 39. Defendants did not comply with the NEPA act at RML. 40. Defendants have duty protcct safety and health of cmplo)rees, public arormd RML. 41. Defendants failed to an$wer electronic correspondence fiom Plaintiffaddrpssed to askrml@niaid.nih.gov relating to fire safety. 42. Defendants do not pay taxes to local goverrrments, nor payment in lieu of taxes (PILT) to defray w€ar on mads, fire response, and other costs. 43. Defendants are adding lab space al RML requiring more water r€sourses, and have not addrcssed resource issrre in the master plan, FEIS, or other published NIH docume'lrts. Case 9:10-cv-00081-DWM Document 2 Filed 07/30/10 Page 5 of 10 114 44. Waterr discharge Som RML facility, or uronitoring is not published or public information. 115 45. S€curity of RML north bormdary is substandard as non-fortified chain-link fmcing. 116 46. Prrchase of residential Foperty for RML is not proper for federal indushial tL7 47. 118 119 hdustial process as RIvtL requires roof cooling farrs, nfrich impact bird habitat and ripariaru river arcato west and sunounding RMI,' and was not addressed in FEIS. 4E, Use ofNIH police vehicles except official usg outsid€ RML p,ropefly, irnproper. 120 LzL projwts Qter,ses: Failurc to consider a neuonrble range of alternetivec-{ount I 122 49. Plaintiffrepeats and rcalleges paragraphs l-4E of this complaint as fully set herein. 123 50. NEPA requires L24 125 126 L27 128 129 130 MH to consider altenratives to recommended courses of action in any proposal 42 USCA $4332(2XE). 51. NEPA requires NIH to prcpare a detailed evaluation of all rcasonable alternatives to the pmposed action in every EIS. 42 USCA $4332(Cxiii); 40 CFR $1502.1a(a) 52. Defendants conside,ration of a single action alternative does not satisry the requirernent that an agency pr,epare a detailed evaluation of all reasonable alternatives. 53. Failnrc to develop and consider reasonable altematives by NIH withrespect tothe demolition of a dwelling, and a parking lot project is a violation of thc NEPA Act. 131 Frilure to Ilisclolc Substrntive Information Regarding tre hoposed Action-{ount2 L32 54. Plaintiffrepeats and realleges paragraphs l-53 of this cornplaint as 133 55. Defendants did not disclose impacts to the public abort proposed pa*ing lot project 134 if fully set he'rein. interpletive center project within EIS for public cornment. 13s 56. No alternative was prscntcd to locsl fire services in 20 year plan, or current expasion. 136 57. knpacts to demolishing duplex residential dwelling at 801 and 803 So. Fourth St Case 9:10-cv-00081-DWM Document 2 Filed 07/30/10 Page 6 of 10 Hamiltoq MT for RML interpretive cent€r was notpublished in FEIS. t37 138 58. No altemative was presented for interpretive center or parking lot proposed projects. 139 59. Water use in firrtlrer expansion of RML post BSL-4 has not been disclosed. tro 60. As a result of Dcfeirdants not disclosing zubstantive informati violation exists. I Failure to nespond to comments- Count 3 141 L42 61. Ptaintiffrcpeats and reallegesparagraphs l-60 of this complaint as 143 62. Defetdants have a responsibility within NEPA t4 145 if fully set krein. t,o adequately respond, and take into account correspondence from the public from EIS commenls as in 4O CFR $1503.4 63. Plaintitrmmrnent and Public comrnents as to material, biological, urd fire safe$ at RML t& were not adoquately and meaningfully responded to inNEPAprocessbyDefendants. t47 64. False assuranc€s to mfety byNIH did not adequately address public conc€ms. 148 65. RML did not respond to questions 149 66. Defendant's failurc to adequarely respond to, or incorporate public cofirments into a FEIS fion Ptaintiffand prblic regarding fire safety process is a violation of NEPA. 150 Failurc to pnotect fedcral cmploycec and gencral publio4ount 4 151 152 67. Plaintiffrepeats and realleges paragraphs 153 68. Defmdants 154 69. 757 158 159 plannd ad built l{6 of this complaint as if firlly set herein level 4 BSL in t{amitton, MT at RML. Increased dangers to ernployees and public were not met with sufficient r€sources to protect federal onployees, federal pmperty, and US Citizerrs residing near RML. 155 156 at RML. 70. NIH did not teat RML equally in rpspect to health and safety as compared to other BSL' 4 labs in other locatiora of tlre United Starcs with respect to firc and mderials safety71. Due to a failure ofNIH to ptotect ass€ts or structures were employees and the general public at RML, no fire built or plannod as published in 20 year master plan and FEIS. Case 9:10-cv-00081-DWM Document 160 161 L62 163 Ig 165 166 167 168 169 170 llt Llz L7g tt4 175 t?B lTl l7g 179 180 181 182 tg3 lU tgs 186 2 Filed 07/30/10 Page 7 of 10 Lrckof Ilirclocurc in EIS end llilrter Plan l),ocumenb4ount 5 72. Plaintiffrpcats and reallcges paragraphs l-71 of this cornplairrt ?3. Firc capabilides for local voluntoer ae,partments are not prblished 74. Yohmtccr firc if firlly set hcrein. h RML documents. as dcparmnts do trot prot€ct other NIH facilities with BSL-4 labs 75. The lack of disclosurc by NIH of fire capabilities for RML does not mect duty to assesst health and safety risks to the public, as forrnd in NEPA laws. of disclosur,e by Nlt{, RML is not srffioiently protected as well as other BslF4labordorics inthounited Statcs. 76, Due the lack Negfig€ncs4ount 6 77. Pleintitrrepeats, realtegw prqgraphs l-76 of this conrplaint as 7E. Defanda6 plad if firlly 3€t lrerein. BSLF4 struotus five years prior to consfrttction at RML. 79. No fire fapil$ was planned within the carnpus at RML atthough no professional fire or firlly equipped hazardous matoials safety team is available witbin 45 milss of RML' 80. By working with high level pathogens with no known cure or r€coine, without fire and materials safety infrasfiucture oq or near RML campus, Defendants wene negligent in their duty to pmtcct thc public and RML employeeo. 81. Defsndants krew or should havc known thst RML had les fire safety available to it than otberNlH fssilities with BSL4 labs on their canpuses. 82. Deferdants ae negligeut iu not planning or building slfficient firc assetu at RML. Frilurc in Scientific Intcgrity-{ount 83. Plaintiffrepcds, realleges allegations in paragraphs l-82 as 7 if ftlly set h€refu. 84. The failure to disclose and assess health risks constitutes a failure to satisfy the $andard of scientific integrity, a violation ofNEPA 42 USCA $4332 et ssq,40 CFR $1502 $1503. Hmilton of calle, rcquittd tainb& aver8ge 85. Defendsnts did not disclose specific fapts about fire capability, specifics about tlp Voluntoer Fire, of engines, gpe and frequency rrge & pfr,ysi,al conditioo, roquiremens for volunteers, c4acities and age of eguipment. 86. NIH did not publi$h alternetive to use of vohrnteer fire deparmerns to prctect RML' Case 9:10-cv-00081-DWM Document t$t 188 189 lgo 191 tg| 193 1*1 195 196 Lg7 teg 199 200 2ot 2o2 203 2O4 2Os 206 Zo7 2o8 209 210 2tt zLz 213 2 Filed 07/30/10 Page 8 of 10 Defendants gave arbitrary and non+pecific information on biological, fire, malerial, and radiologcal safety at RML. 87. Vaguerrss of FEIS, Master 88. Pla, NIH failod to give specifc informatim for scientific intcgrity wittr respoct to NEPA roquired documents such as FEIS, nrojects, and frrc opemations for RMt. llisrcgard forPmcoss{ount E 89. Plaintiffr€p€ds, rcallcges paragrryhs l-88 of this compldnt as if fully set hsrpin' 90. Defenda*ts did notuse EIS process to waluate alterrtdiveg gain oorument from proass' limit irupm to cnvirsrrenl oa federalty filnd€d projwts, but a meaos to gain the dosirad outcome ofprblicly ovmed r€soruc€s. *shall s€rve the mcarrE of assessing the environmeatal 91. Federal regulations stah EIS impaciof proposed agen6y agtions ratfter trd justi&itrg decisions akeady made.40 CFR $1502.2 G).* 92. Fedcral ogcncies "shall not commit rcsourc€s prejudicing selection of altermtivcs befors making afinal dmision. CFR40 $1502(f)." 93. D€fetrdant NIH did have a disregard to EIS process Firc resources, and proposed parking lot at RML. wie respect to Intcrpr,etive Center, Nondicdosure of Nahrrrl Rccourcs use-{ount 9 94. Phintiff 95. RMt rEpeats, realleges pragraphs l-93 itr this complaint usos resources from ttre public like rryal€r 96. Tho poposed vxpansion of RML as if fully withort dclineating set hsein. use. will demmd mole wafir t€sowces. gT.W not tacking and pubtishing thesc Sgures, NIH is not upholding its duty to thc public to wisely use local tesources, or cxplain its use to public. 98. RML docs not publish water qrnlity figures after treafinetr, snd release into the Bittenoot River in Hamilton" Montana 99. ttr postgrocess water qmlrty assur€ tbs public that allowable levels, and is wittrin tolerablc limiB of envirnrmental protection RML has a duty to is bclow 100. Resource use is an i1rpsct to a corsmurity, and NIH has an obligatiou to the public via federal Regulations and NEPA laws to disclose speoifics on use, and gotoct $csoutoes Zt4 firom ovcr-exttction, and assura[ces ofbost use praotices. 215 Case 9:10-cv-00081-DWM Document 2t6 zt7 218 219 220 22t z2z ZZ3 224 Zzs 226 227 2Zg 22g 230 231 2g2 23g 234 235 236 ZJ7 238 239 2N Z4L 242 2 Filed 07/30/10 Page 9 of 10 Negligent disclwurc of Envimnncntol Inpactr-Count l0 101. Pleintiffrcpeats, realleges paragraphs l-100 in this complaint as if fully set herein 102. NIH, in FEIS did not disclose irnpacts all impacts to wildlife 8t RML. 103. FIEIS stat€d 100 species of birds srrrourding lab, yet published no impact to Ripaian area due to no building inthose zones onMH property at RML 104. NIH knew or should have known that impacb to wildlife would occur due to expansion and firrtlrer e:rpansion of ttB RML campus to add laboratory buildings. 105, NIH knew or should have known that an indtrsUial campus nea a wildemess river areaand natural sanctuary for wildfowl on RML prcperty would cause inpacts. 106. NIH was negligent in disolosing environrnental sensitive areas on the RML canpts. MisrcnnesentegbF of srfctv fac8. environmcntd i$oagtr et Rll{outrt ll 107. Plaintitrrcpeats, realleges paragraphs l-106 in this complaint as if fully setherein 108. NIH did not disclose fire mfety statistics, faot thst no comprableNlH BSI-4 facility is protectedby volunteer firernan inthc Unit€d Stat€s. 109. Nm did not disclose inpacts, alternatives to aertain projects planned at RML. t 10. NIH did uot mention water use other than it was zufficient for fire flow. It l. MH did not mention impocts for wildlife, or impacts to proposed projects. 112. MH did not rcveal tand pgrchase expansion is mned residential for plaoned foderal indusfrial use for RML. 113. Due to misreprcse,ntatioq or omissiotl NIH did not disclose facts as requircd in EIS. Rclid Sought from Court Plaintiffrespectfully requests ttrat Court will find declarative ruling that the Defendarts have violated the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), or other violarions in all or patt of this complaint herein. Additionally Plaintiffrequesb US Magistrae to: I. Issue te,mporary injunctive relief to enjoin Defendants to imrnediately raise fire assets of RML to the standard of other BSL4 laboralories in the UDited States. Case 9:10-cv-00081-DWM Document 11 243 24 lV. 247 If affirmative in III, crjoinDcfendants to re-issue EIS process to furctudo alternativ$, public col1trle11t, and other NEPA requirements orr proposed parting projcct at uorth cental portion of RML srte, snd interpretive ceaterproject. V. If negotivc in III, cnjofu the Defendan$ to maintain th€ inteslity of the historicsl ncigbborhood at RMlmainentrance and refrain frrom the propoaod interpretive cc,ntcr pmjed, aud parking lot pmject at nortft cenUal RML propertt. VI. E4ioin Defbldants to Eccule flood insurance for alt structw€s on RML rcqufued by Natioral Flood Imgrance Act of 196t psr US Congrw Legislation y1L Eqioin Defendants to rcgulady disclose to the pubtic wfitsr use, expected wats the use, heatment slandards, ard contrninant levels of effluert dischuged into Bitterrmt Riveret Hanilton, MT. VIII. Issre pemranent injunction to enjoin Defendants to pffipa€ an BIS wldch follows the NEPA law to the bcncfit ofthc public with respect to tbc Interpretive Center, impacts to wildfowl, and all fifu€ and current federal projects at RML. i 249 257 252 253 254 2s5 256 E7 258 259 zffi 26t 262 Enjoin Defendane with cease order to sfop building; on other proj€ct$ at RML so fire protecion csn be brought to a suitable level consistent with relief sougbt in I. tv{ake dectamtive judgmsnt ?46 250 [x. ;1 \rficfitr Dcfendsrt Icderal agcncy can purchase private wwArcridcntial pruperfy for usc as fderal industial prop€rty d RML. Plaintiffasks court to grant any costs tlat uise fiom this aotioL Plaintiffyiel& to court any firther relief court deems ptopcr in this action. 263 164 Dated tf,i, deuy of July, 2010 265 2ffi 267 268 Filed 07/30/10 Page 10 of 10 Iil. 24s 24g 2 Michael Sprdbury,ho Se Plaintitr 10

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