Google Inc. v. Traffic Information LLC

Filing 52

Brief Plaintiff's Opening Claim Construction Brief. Filed by Google Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A, # 2 Exhibit B, # 3 Exhibit C, # 4 Exhibit D, # 5 Exhibit E part1, # 6 Exhibit E part 2, # 7 Exhibit E part 3, # 8 Exhibit E part 4, # 9 Exhibit E part 5, # 10 Exhibit F part 1, # 11 Exhibit F part 2, # 12 Exhibit G, # 13 Exhibit H) (Markley, Julia)

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Google Inc. v. Traffic Information LLC Doc. 52 Att. 11 I .s1hereby claim 20, or any $3ii":i:*,3it iYfl;d;:f:5"il5:;6Ji" insofar as the subject matter-of each of Ehe craims of this applicaLion is not discrosed in t.he prior united states appricat.ion in the manner provided by the first paragraph of Title 35, united sEates code, s112, 1 acknowledge the auey to disclose material information as defined in Title 3?, codl of Federal Regulations, Sj_.5G which occurred between the filing date of the pri-or application and the national- or pcr int.ernational filing daLe of this application: :::ii L"ir :ii; "':lfEH::: (Application Ser. No.) (Filing Date) abandoned) (Status) (patenLed, pending, (Application Ser. NoJ (Filfrg D"r") (Sbatus) abandoned) (patented, pending, I hereby appoint ,Jacob E. Vilhauer, .Jr., Reg- No. 24,BgS, Charles D. McClung, Reg. No. 26,568, Dennis E. Stenzel, Reg. No. 28,763. Donald B. Haslett., Reg. No- 28,855, William O. Geny, Reg. No. 2'l ,444 , J , St.aples, Reg. No. 30 , 690 , Nancy J. Moriarty, Reg. No. 40,733, Kewin L. Russe1l, Reg. No. 38,292, Bruce W. DeKock, Reg. No. 40,585, and Timobhy A- Long, Reg. No. 28,876, all of the firm of CHERNOFF, VIL}IAUER, MeCLUNG & STENZEL, t.Tr.P., 1600 ODS Tower, 601 S.w. Second Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97204, tel_ephone No. {503) 227-563\, my attorneys, jointly and individually, to prosecute Ehj.s applicaLi-on and to transact. all business'in the paEent and Trademark Office connected therewith. I hereby decl-are that all statemenLs made Lrerein of my own knowledge are brue and that al-l staLemenEs made on information and belief are believed to be true; and furtlrer LhaL these statements were made wiEh the knowledge that willful fal_se statements and the }ike so made are punishable by fine or imprisonment., or both, under Secbion 1001_ of Title 1"8 of the United States Code and Lhat such wil_IfuI false statements marr jeopardize the walidity of the application or any patent issued Lhereon. Dated: Full name o Residence .l inventor Citizenship Post Office Address Dat.ed: Bruce W. DeKock Portland, Oregon ;L Residence FulI -l t 7/oo name of u. s. A. BBso s.w. ?1" Place Oregon 9J223 Lnventor Citizenship Post Office Address vin L. Russel Po:e.tland, Oregon U. S.A. 'tii;;'it,2910 SW Collins Court ..u., l,Psvlland, Oregon 97219 Exhibit Page 67 of 1 39 .Full name of-Jrt-f Residence Dated: i' :j:i; ji::'ii ::1; t invent.or Citizenship Post Office Address {J+.A,. CHtat\. 2844 N. W. 44'n Camas, Wastrington Awe . Camas, WashingLon 99607 Exhibit F Page 68 of 139 .t I - I PAIENT APPLTCATION SERIAL NO. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE PAIENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE FEE RECORD SHEET 0?,twt?t03 tfn8fl{ffit @m013 t0367r6a 0l FC:?001 0? FC:&0? 37s .00 0p l6a .00 0p PTO-i556 (st87) 'U.S. G@emrnnr printing Oftico: 2@t 69 4Or 697/S0,t73 Exhibit F Page 69 of 139 Application or Docket Number PATENT APPLICATION FEE DETERMTNATION RECORD Effeciive January 1, 2003 CLAIMS AS FILED . PART I 1 SMALLENTITY WPE RATE SASIC FEE OR FEE $375 OTHEF THAN SMALL ENTITY X$ 9= X42= MULTTPLE DEPENDENT CLAIM ]k a-T OR PRESENT ,,' !I tr ft+ OR +140= TOTAL r lf ihe differenee in coiumn i 1 is iess than zero, enter "0- in column z @ TOTAL OTHEB THAN CI-AIMS AS AMENDED . PART LJL"AIM5 SMALLENNry OR SMALL ENNTY r|tbt-ttrs1 NUMBER PREVIOUSLY PAID FOR z u o = FEMAINING AFTER AMENDMENT PRESENT EXTRA zl ll = Total t Minus Independent Minus FIRST PRESENTATTON OF MULTTPLE DEPENDENT CTAIM fI AOOIT. FEE olumn RATE ADDITIONAL FEF X$ 9= OR OR OR X42= FIRST PRESENTATION OF MULTIPLE DEPENDENT CLAIM +1 40= ADDIT. FEE OF ADOII () z lu = o z t! E FIRST PBESENTATION OF MULTIPLE DEPENDENT CLAIM OF OR '* It the entry in column 1 is less than ths entry in column 2; write "0' in column 3. lf the "Highest Number Previously Paid For" lN THIS SPACE is less than 20. enter'20.' '5lf the'Highest ADDIT. FEE ADDIT. FEE Number Previously Paid For" lN THIS SPACE is less than 3, enter'3.' "Highest Number Previously Paid For" (Tolal or Independent) is the highest number found in the appropriate box in column L Ihe OR FOR|.'PTO,875 rtrs,, r,0?\ Exhibit F Page 70 of 1 39 . CLATMS OI'ILY c tJ l- ry 71 PtO.??o? lRlpli.atbt ont) ll/03) Exhibit F Page 71 of 139 ,ffi-q'br. R ,rrrlf t 1 b- TRANSMITTAL FORM (to be used for all exrnespondence after initial filing) ENCLOSURES (check all that apply) D El Fee transmittal fl D E fee attached form Assignment Papers (for an application) Drawing(s) D After Allowance Communication to Group Communicalion ts Board Amendment D ration(s) [Appeal nfter Final/ Response of Appeals and Interferences n Affidavits/Decla E E Licensing Related Papers Petition Routing Slip (PTO/SB/69) and Accompanying Petition Petition to Convert to a Provisional Application !Appeat Communication lo Group (Appeal Notice, Briel Reply BrieD D Extension of Time Request Express Abandonment Request lnformation Disclosure Statement Certified copy of Priority Documents Response to Missing Parts/ lncomplete Application Response to Missing Parts Under 37 CFR 1.52 or 1.53 I D El Proprietary Information Status Letter E E fl D Power of Attorney, Revocation, Change of Correspondence Address Adoitional Enclosures (identify below) tr El Terminal Disclaimer \cknowledgment Postcard n tr f] D Smalt Entity Slatement Request for Refund Remarks: SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT. ATTORNEY OR AGENT Firm or Individual Name Signature Kevin L. Russell of Chernoff Vilhauer McClung & Stenzel, LLP Date April 29, 2003 tu CERTlFICATE OF MAILING I hereby certify that, on the date shown below, this conespondence is being deposited with the United States Postal Service in an envelope addressed to: Assistant Commissioner for Patents, Washington, D.C., 20231 with sufficient postage as first class mail I D as "Express Mail Post Office to Addressee" - maiting label no. Kevin L. Russell Type or print name Signature z//--- Date April 29, 2003 72 Exhibit F Page 72 of 139 ATTORNEY DOCKET NO. 7I 16.0006 IN THE UNITED STATES PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE PATENT APPLICATION EXAMINING OPERATIONS Applicant: Serial No: Bruce W. DeKock Group Art Unit: 101367,162 February 13,2003 S Examiner: RP'^-rr r-. Filed: ,;1"!rvEp cndl,,J,iloo Title: Y S TEI\.{ FOR PRO\./IDING TP.AF FI C I}.IF ORI"{ATI Oi.i PRELIMINARY AMENDMENT Chernoff Vilhauer McClung & Stenzel, LLP i600 ODS Tower 601 SW Second Avenue Portland" OR 97204-3157 April29,2A03 Commissioner for Patents P.O. Box 1450 Alexandria, VA 223 13-1450 Dear Sir: Preliminary to examination, please amend the above-identified patent application as follows: 73 -1- Exhibit F Page 73 of 1 39 ATTORNEY DOCKET NO. 7I 16.0006 Claims Amendment In the Claims: Please cancel claims l-38, without prejudice. Please add the following new claims: 39. (a) A system for providing traffic information to a plurality of mobile users connected to a network, comprising: a plurality of mobile user stdtions, each mobile user station being associated with a display, and a communicating device to allow each said mobile user stations to send and receive signals; of (b) a computer system interconnected with another communicating device and of sending and receiving a network, said computer system being capable signals to and from said mobile user stations; (c) said computer system including a traffic information database, said traffic information database containing data representative of traffic at a plurality of locations; (d) at least one of said mobile user stations providing a request to said computer system for traffrc infonnation together with a signal associated with a respective geographic location of said one of said mobile user. stations, and in response thereto, said computer system updating said traffic information database based on said geographic location of said one of said mobile user-stations and providing to said one of said mobile user stations information representative of selected portions of said traffic 74 a Exhibit F Page 74 of 139 ATTORNEY DOCKET NO. 7I I 6.0006 information database based on said respective geographic location of said one of said mobile user stations; and (e) said one of said mobile user stations displaying graphically on said display information representative of selected portions of said traffic information database. 4A- The system of claim 39 wherein said computer system updates said traffic information database based on data derived from a plurality of traffrc monitors. 41. The system of claim 40 wherein said computer system compares data from said mobile user stations with said data derived from said traffic monitors before updating said traffi c information database. 42. The system of claim 39 wherein said at least one of said mobile user stations is a cellular phone. 43. a memory capable The system of claim 39 wherein said mobile user station further comprises of storing a map database. 44. The system of claim 43 wherein said mobile user station displays a selected portion of said map database. 75 -3- Exhibit F Page 75 of 139 AT'TORNEY DOCKETNO. 7I I6.0006 45- The system of claim 39 wherein each said mobile user station provides longitude and latitude information to said computer system. 46. The system of claim 39 wherein said location of said one of said mobile user stations is displayed graphically. 47. The system of claim 39 wherein said computer system screens data provided by said mobile user stations to determine whether said data corresponds to actual traffrc conditions. 48. The system of claim 39 wherein said computer system further comprises a map database, and said computer system compares said signal associated with said respective geographic location of said one of said mobile user stations with said map database before updating said traffic information database. 49' (a) A system for providing traffic information to a plurality of mobile users connected to a network, comprising: a plurality of mobile user stations, each mobile user station being associated with a display, and a communicating device to allow each said mobile user stations to send and receive signals; of (b) a computer system interconnected a with another communicating device and network, said computer system being capable of sending and receiving signals to and from said mobile user stations; 76 -4- Exhibit F Page 76 of 139 ATTORNEY DOCKET NO. 7I 16.0006 (c) said computer system including a map database and a tra.f;fic information database, said traffic information database containing data representative of traffic at a plurality of locations; (d) at least one of said mobile user stations providing a signal associated with a respective geographic location of said one of said mobile user stations, and in response thereto, said computer system updating said traffrc information database base<i on said geographic location of said one of said rnobile user stations: and (e) said computer system comparing said signal associated with said respective geographic location of said one of said'mobile user stations with said map database before updating said traffic information database. 50. The system of claim 49 wherein said at least one of said mobile user stations is a cellular phone. 51. The system of claim 49 wherein said computer system provides to said one of said mobile user stations information representative of selected portions of said traffrc information database based on said respective geographic location of said one of said mobile user stations. 52. The system of claim 49 wherein said mobile user station comprises a display, and said one of said mobile user stations displays graphically on said display information 77 -5- Exhibit F Page 77 of 139 ATTORNEY DOCKET NO, 7I I 6.0006 representative of selected portions of said traffic information database. 53. The system of claim 49 wherein said computer system updates said traffrc information database based on data derived from a plurality of traffic monitors. 54. a memory capabie The system of claim 49 wherein said mobile user station further comprises a map ciatabase. oisioring 55. The system of claim 54 wherein said mobile user station displays a selected portion of said map database and a selected portion of said traffrc information database. 56- The system of claim 49 wherein each said mobile user station provides longitude and latitude information to said computer system. 57 . The system of claim 49 wherein said location of said one of said mobile user stations is displayed graphically. 58- The system of claim 49 wherein said computer system screens data provided by said mobile user stations to determine whether said data corresponds to actual traffic conditions. 78 -6- Exhibit F Page 78 of 139 ATTORNEY DOCK.ETNO, 7I I6.0006 REMARKS Prior to examination, please consider the new claims. Respectfu lly submitted, Kevin L. Russell Reg. No.38,297 Attomeys for Applicant Telephone: (503) 227 -5631 CE]RTIFICATE OF MAILING I hereby certifu that this correspondence is being deposited with the United States Postal Service as first class mail postage prepaid in an envelope addressed to: Mail Stop Patent Application, Commissioner for Patents, P.O. Box 1450, Alexandria, VA 22313-1450 on April 29,2003. Dated: A8i129.2003 Kevin L. Russell Q:Ueil2\KLR\DeKck\0006 Cortl,Prelin. Ametd .wpd -'1 - 79 Exhibit F Page 79 of 1 39 L. Ururep Srargs r PATEN"T e AND TirADgr.{ARK Page i of I OFflce r.tnsr Addrsr: COMMISSI{)NER OF PATENTS.AND TtulDEtvlARX5 90. bx l{50 Unitcd Stli@r Ptrbrt nnd Trndcmrrh Ofticc AJffidtiq Vrrila ffi.u?ro.8rv 221 | UNITED STATE.S DEPANTMENT OF COIII}IEACE * l. I dJo APPLtcAl loN NUMBER I FtLrNc/REcEtpr DATE I uvED AppLrcANT I ATToRNEv DocKET NUMBER t0/36't,t62 02/t3/2003 Bruce W. DeKock KLR 7r r6.0006 04152 CHERNOFF, VILHAUER, MCCLUNG & STENZEL 1600 ODS TOWER 601 SWSECONDAVENUE PORTLAND, OR 97204.3157 CONFIRMATION NO.3O15 FORMALITIES LETTER | fi|fiilffi {t{ ilmffi il{ llilllilrI|[||ililfi fil[ilfi illilllil{llllfi$ llllllll 'oc00000001002573' Date Mailed; A5n3l20A3 NOTICE TO FILE CORRECTED APPLICATION PAPERS Filing Date Granted An application number and filing date have been accorded to this application. The application is informal since it does not comply with the regulations for the reason(s) indicated below. Applicant is given TWO MONTHS from the date of this Notice within which to correct the informalities indicated below. Extensions of time may be obtained by filing a petition accompanied by the extension fee under the provisions of 37 CFR 1.136(a). The required item(s) identified below must be timely submitted to avoid abandonment: r Replacement claim(s) commencing on a separate sheet in compliance with 37 CFR 1.75(h) and 1.121 is reouired. A copy of this notice MUST be returned with lhe reply. <.?. Custo'rer Service CenteT 1202 lnitial Patent Examinarion Division (703) i08- PART3 -OFFICECOPY 80 Exhibit F Page 80 of 139 ,r{r g t' *'= . ;r TRRNSMTTTAL lv Application Number Filing Date First Nam d lnventor Group Art Unit Examiner Name Total Number of Pages in this Submission Attorney Docket Number Form PTOISB/21 ^y ?bo 2/ / I I 101367J62 February 13, 2003 Bruce W. DeKock, et. al. 3661 l.lAY2020t f %nr.^-..^, Vfie "..s I FORM fiting) used for alt correspondence aftet initial KLR:7116.0006 ENCLOSURES (check all that apply) tr Fee Transmittal Form u D Assignment Papers (for an application) Drawings Licensing-related Papers Petition Routing Slip (PTO/S8169) and Accompanying Petition n tr tr lJ After Allowance Communication to Group Appeal Communication to Board of Appeals and D f"" Attached n ArnenomenuKesponse I I D D tr lnierferences Appeal Communication to Group (Appeal Notice, Brief, Reply Brief) nfler rinat nmOavit(s)/Dectaration(s) n Extension of Time Requesl Express Abandonment Request fI n n fl tr Petition To Convert to a Provisional Application Power of Altorney, Revocation, Change of Correspondence Address Proprietarylnformation E lnformation Disclosure Statement Certified Copy of Priority Document(s) tr E shtus Letter Additional Enctdsure(s) (please ictentify below) tr Terminal Disclaimer Small Entity Statement Requestfor Refund n Response to Missing Part(s/ Incomplete Application I form PTO-1449; 17 US patents; duplicate copy of this transmittal form for deposit account authorization if required; and a return, acknowledgment postcard. R"rponru to Missing Parts under 37 CFR '1.52 or 1.53 Remarks: The Commissioner is authorized to charge any additional fees, or credit any over paymeni, to deposit account 03-1550. A duplicate copy of this transmittal form is enclosed for use, if required, of deposit account 03-1550 as stated herein. SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT, ATTORNEY, OR AGENT Firm or Individual Name Kevin L. Russell, Esq. Chernoff, Vilhauer, McClung & Stenzel, LLP 601 SW Second Avenue Po rtland, Oregon 97 204-31 57 RECElVE ","v I 9 ?0[ D Signature Date /.t-/ ( r/tz /"oo=, CERTIFICATE OF MAILING GRUUr o iot I hereby certify that this correspondence is being deposited with the United Stiates Postal Service as firsl class mail in an envelope addressed to: Commissioner for Patent$, Washington, D.C.20231 on this date. Type or print name I Kevin L. Russell Sisnature | ,h ----1---'loarc 5//u /z ua 81 Q:\Bonnie Dillon\KLR\DeKOCK\IDS transmitlal form for .0006.wod Exhibit F Page 81 of 139 IN THE UNITED STATES PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE PATENT APPLICATION EXAMINING OPERATIONS Applicant : Bruce W. DeKock, et No. : j'01367,162 l,'aIed IILAE ql Group Art UniE: 3551 Examiner 2003 , February 13, SYSTEM FOR PROVIDING TRAFFIC INFORMATION INFORMATION DI SCLOSURE STATEMENT IN ACCORDANCE W]TH 37 CFR 51.98 May 16, Portland, Oregon 2OO3 f600 ODS Tower 501 S.W. Second Avenue 97204-3157 Mail Stop P.O. Box DD Commissioner for Patents 223a3 -t_450 RECEIVED MAY 1450 Alexandria, VA. 22 2003 GROUP 3600 Dear Srr: ApplicanLs submit herewiLh one (1) sheet of Form PTO-144g (Modified) listing Ehe patenEs and publicaEions of which they are aware and which Lhey desire Eo have considered by the Patent Office in accordance wi-th 3? CFR 51.97. In accordance with 37 CFR S1.97(b) (3), this InformaEion Disclosure Statement is 82 Exhibit F Page 82 of 1 39 being submitted before the mailing date of the first Office Acti-on on the merits of the above-identified appl-ication. ' In accordance with 37 CFR 51.97 (h) , the filing of this fnformation Disclosure Statement will not be regarded as an admission chat any patent or publication or combination of patents referred Lo herein is, or is considered to be, material Lo patentability under 37 CFR S1.55(b) unfess specifically designaLed as such. A IisL of the paeents and publicaEions enclosdd herewith is set forth on Lhe attached Form PTO-1449 (Modified). The person making this statement is the aLLorney who si-gns below on t.he basis of t.he information supplied by che inventor and t.he information in his fi-]e. Respect fully submiLted, i:vin L. Russell AtLorney for Applicant Tel- : (503 ) 22'l -563L CERTIFICATE OF MAILING f hereby certify that this correspondence is being deposiLed with the Uni-ted States PosLal Service as First Cl-ass Mail in an envelope addressed to: Mail Stop DD, Commissi-oner fo; Pat.ents, P. O. Box 1450, Alexandria, VA. 22313-1450 on May ((/, 2003. Datedrl 0: , or , /./t.- Kevin L. Russell // //.4 -.-' \Bornie Di llon\KtR\DeKOCK\ rDS f 7116 . 0006 -*pd 83 Exhibit F Page 83 of 139 FORM PTO-1449 (Modified) ATTY. DOCKETNO. KLR:7116.0006 SERIAL NO. t01367,t62 LIST OF PATENTS AND PUBLICATIONS APPLICANT'S INFORMATION D STATEMENT (Use several sheets i APPLICANT ,DeKock, et. al. FILING DATE February 13, 2003 REFERENCF DF^SICN U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS N if necessarv GROUP 3661 s,soq Alz 5.673,039 lqn l4 lQaT Pietzsch, et. al June 30, 1998 Smith, Jr., et. al. Albrecht, et- al. Nov. 16, 1999 FOREIGN PATENTS TRANSLATION DOCUMENT NUMBER BA DATE COUNTRY CLASS SUBCLASS YES NO OTHER ART (lncluding Author, Title, Date, Pertinent Pages, Etc.) CA EXAMINER DATE CONSIDERED EXAMINER; Initial if reference considered, whether or not citation is in conformance with MPEP 609; Draw line through citation if not in conformance and not considered. Include copy ofthis form with next communication to applicant. lnfnmation f)isr :loqrrc Statement -PTO- 1449 (Modified ) ed 84 Q:\Bonnie DilIon\KIR\DeKOCK\Form 1449 fot 0005.wpd Exhibit F Page 84 of 139 f'*;t ,=S-[ TRANSMITTAL FORM (to be used for at| conespondence after initial titing) *60 7116.0006 ENCLOSURES (check all that El El Fee transmittal E fl reeattachedform Assignment Papers (for an application) Affer Allowance Gommunication to Group Appeal Communication to Boatd of Appeals and Interferences Amendment flDrawing(s) il E E fl efter Finall Response E Affidavits/Declaration(s) Extension of Time Request Express Abandonment Request Information Disclosure Statement Gerli{ied copy of Priority Documents Response to Missing Partsl lncomplete Apptication Response to Missing Parts Under 37 CFR 1.52 or 1.53 D Licensing Related Papers Petition Routing Slip (PTo/SBi69) and Accompanying Petition Petition to Convert to a Provisional Application Power of Aftorney, Revocation, of Conespondence Address Communication to Group (Appeal Notice, Brief, Reply Btief) E Proprietary Information Stalus Letter Additional Enclosures E E E Terminal Disclaimer Smatl Entity Statement Request for Refund check in lhe arnount of $18: E D Kevin L. Russell of Chernoff Vilhauer McClung & Stenzel, LLP CERTIF]CATE OF MAILING I hereby certify that, on the date shown below, this correspondence is being deposited with the United States Postal Service in an envilope addressed to: Mail Stop Fee Amendment, Commissioner for Patents, P.O. Box 1450, Alexandria,VA ?2313'1450. S E with sufflcient postage as first class mail as "Express Mail Post Omce to Addressee'- mailing label no, Kevin L. Russell Type or print name Signature /L----- Date June 17, 2003 85 Exhibit F Page 85 of 139 TRANSMITTAL for FY 2003 fees are subject to annual revision. clairns small entity status. See 37CFR 1.27 METHOD OF PAYMENT (check all that apply) El cnecr D!'eooit n$",isl Eone, ENone E ClepositAccounl Deposit Account Number De9osit Account Naine Commissioner is authorizeC to:(check all thal apply) I El l-l cnarge rees indicted belo^r fliCredit any overpayments Charge any additional tee(s) during the pendency of this applrcauon 1812 2,52A For filing a tequest fot ex-parte reexaminalion 8U 1 1 920* RequestjngpuuicalionotSlRPdortoExa&vnet aclion Requesting publication of SlR afrer Examinet - Charge any fee(s) ind'cated belo'v, ercept tor ths fillng lee to the above-identifteddeoositaccounl. 805 840' adion 1251 11012251 55Extensionlorreplywithinfitsttnonlh 1252 410|.2252 205 Extension fcr rePly within second rnonth 1253 93012253 465 Extension for reply within third monlh 1254 1,45012254 725 Exlension for 1255 1,970l|2255 985 leply within foutth month Extension for reply within rrflh month Large Entity lsmall Entity Fee Description Fee Paid 1001 1002 1003 1004 1005 750 12001 37s 330 12002 165 520 12003 260 750 t2004 375 160 12005 Utitity filing fee Designfilingfee Plantfilingfee Reissue filing fee 1401 320|,2401 160 NoticeotAppeat 1402 32012402 160 FilingabrietinsupportolanapPeal 1403 2SOI24O3 140 Requestfotoral hearing 1 451 1,51 0 |1 451 1,51 0 Petition to inslitute a public use proceeding Petition to revive - unavoidablo 80 Provisionalfilingfee 1452 110|'2452 1502 470|12502 1503 63012503 1460 1807 1806 | 2809 55 1453 1.30012453 650 Petitiontorevive-uninientional 1501 1.30012501 650 ttilityissuefe(orteissue) 2. EXTRA CLAIM FEES FOR UTILITY AND REISSUE Extra otat 235 Designissuefee 315 Ptantissuofe 130 Petitions to the Commissioner Claims below Fee Paid Fe from ctaims 61-zo" =l-l*[-Te'|= rdep.craims lultiple Dependent Fl-". l-'il'EE= = 50 Proce$ing lee undet 40 375 375 37 CFR'1.1(q) I l= 180 Submission ot Information Disdosure Strnt. Recording each patenl assignmont per property (times numbef ot propetlies) Filing a submission after final rejeclion (37 C.F'R. 1'r29(a)) For each additional invenlion to be examined (37 Claims in excess of 20 hdependent claims in excess of 3 0 1801 75012801 1802 90011802 I cFR 1.12e(b) 1203 280 12203 140 Multipledependentclaim,ifnotpaid 375 RequestforContinuedExamination(RcE) 900 Roqueslfoto{peditedexaminationotadesign applicafi'on 1204 84 12204 42 -Reissueindapendentdaimsovet 1205 18 12205 9'Reissuedaimsinexcessof20andover original patent suBrorAl(2) t-.-5T6.l "or number of Drcviouslv Daid. it orcaEr. For reissues. see aDoye. Reduced by Basic Filing Fee Paid 86 Exhibit F Page 86 of 1 39 I Jc) ,l .s( Applicant: Serial No: \ s ATTORNEY DOCKET NO. 7I 16.0006 IN THE T]NITED STATES PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE PATENT APPLICATION EXAMINING OPERATIONS Filed: Title: 1y000 AMENDMENT Chernoff Vilhauer McClung & Stenzel, LLP 1600 ODS Tower 601 SWsecondAvenue Portland. OR 97204-31 57 June 17,2003 Commissioner for Patents P.O. Box 1450 Alexandria, V A 22313-145A Dear Sir: Please amend the above-identified patent application as follows: ,,H*,,ffi1ffi?lpffilu,*,* * 0t/Etl?003 tflurlJt 00006tt r0l67t6a tC.00 tp 0l Ftrtl writ?f,,} ES|IIJE 000000s 1036?te 0l Ftr??0p tt.00 D 05/e4la003 01 HRLIII 00000041 1036?t6e F[e1?0? lB'00 0F !!&tftt !q!e1 0ueleoot EDtRftJE 9r.5/l{m! }n ru 0000004t t0t6iiae D lt:atnz -tc. {p -l- 87 Exhibit F Page 87 of 1 39 ATTORNEY DOCKET NO. 7I I6.0006 Claims Amendment InJhe Claims: Please add the following new claims: claim 60 and 61. CLAIMS 39. A system for providing traffic information to a plurality of mobile users connected to a network, comprising: (a) a plurality of mobile user stations, each mobile user station being associated with a display, and a communicating device to allow each of said mobile user stations to send and receive signals; (b) a computer system interconnected with another communicating device and a network, said computer system being capable of sending and receiving signals to and from said mobile user stations; (c) said computer system including a traffic information database, said traffic information database containing data representative of trafhc at a plurality of locations; (d) at least one of said mobile user stations providing a request to said computer system for trafftc information together with a signal associated with a respective geographic location of said one of said mobile user stations, and in response thereto, said computer system updating said traffrc information database based on said geographic location of said one of said mobile user stations and providing to said one of said mobile user stations information representative of selected portions of said ffaffrc -2- 88 Exhibit F Page 88 of 139 ' ATTORNEY DOCKET NO. 7I 16.0006 information database based on said respective geographic location of said one of said mobile user stations; and (e) said one of said mobile user stations displaying graphically on said display information representative of selected portions of said traffic information database. 40. The system of claim 39 wherein said computer system updates said traffic information database based on data derived from a plurality of traffic monitors. 41. The system of claim 40 wherein said computer system compares data from said mobile user stations with said data derived from said traffrc monitors before updating said traffic information database. 42. cellular phone. The system of claim 39 wherein said at least one of said mobile user stations is a 43. The system of claim 39 wherein said mobile user station further comprises a memory capable of storing a map database. 44. said map database. The system of claim 43 wherein said mobile user station displays a selected portion of 45. The system of claim 39 wherein each said mobile user station provides longitude and latitude information to said computer system. -3- 89 Exhibit F Page 89 of 139 ATTORNEY DOCKIT NO. 7I 16,0006 46. The system of claim 39 wherein said location of said one of said mobile user stations is displayed graphically. 47 - The system of claim 39 wherein said computer system screens data provided by said mobile user stations to determine whether said data corresponds to actual traffic conditions. 48. The system of claim 39 wherein said computer system further comprises a map database, and said computer system compares said signal associated with said respective geographic location of said one of said mobile user stations with said map database before updating said traffic information database. 49, a network, comprising: A system for providing traffic information to a plurality of mobile users connected to (a) a plurality of mobile user stations, each mobile user station being associated with a display, and a communicating device to allow each of said mobile user stations to send and receive signals; (b) a computer system interconnected with another communicating device and a network, said computer system being capable of sending and receiving signals to and from said mobile user stations; (c) said computer system including a map database and a traffic information database, said traffic information database containing data representative of traffrc at a plurality of locations; -4- 90 Exhibit F Page g0 of 139 ATTORNEY DOCKET NO, 7I 16.0006 (d) at least one of said mobile user stations providing a signal associated with a respective geographic location of said one of said mobile user stations, and in response thereto, said computer system updating said trafhc information database based on said geographic location of said one of said mobile user stations; and (e) said computer system comparing said signal associated with said respective geographic location of said one of said mobile user stations with said map database before updating said traffic information database. 50. cellular phone. The system of claim 49 wherein said at least one of said mobile user stations is a 51. The system of claim 49 wherein said computer system provides to said one of said mobile user stations information representative of selected portions of said traffic information database based on said respective geographic location of said one of said mobile user stations. 52. The system of claim 49 wherein said mobile user station comprises a display, and said one of said mobile user stations displays graphically on said display information representative selected portions of of said traffic information database. 53. The system of claim 49 wherein said computer system updates said traffrc information database based on data derived fiom a plurality of traffic monitors. -5- 91 Exhibit F Page 91 of 139 ATTORNEY DOCKET NO. 7t 16.0006 54. The system of claim 49 wherein said mobile user station further comprises a memory capable of storing a map database. 55. The system of claim 54 wherein said mobile user station displays a selected portion of said map database and a selected portion of said traffrc information database. 56. The system of claim 49 wherein each said mobile user station provides longitude and latitude information to said computer ryrt"-. 57. The system of claim 49 wherein said location of said one of said mobile user stations is displayed graphieally. 58' The system of claim 49 wherein said computer system screens data provided by said mobile user stations to determine whether said data corresponds to actual traflic conditions. 59' a network, comprising: A system for providing traffrc information to a plurality of mobile users connected to (a) a plurality of traffic monitors, each said traffrc monitor comprising at least a detector and a transmitter, said detector providing a signal including data representative of vehicular movement and said transmitter transmittins said signals; (b) (c) a receiver that receives said signals transmitted by said a computer system interconnected traffrc monitors; with said receiver and said network; -6- 92 Exhibit F Page 92 of 139 ATTORNEY DOCKET NO- 7I 15.0006 (d) (e) (0 a mobile user station connected to a grobal positioning system receiver, a display, and a cornrnunicating device; said computer system providing to said one of said mobile user stations tmffic information representative of said signals transmitted by said traffic monitors; said traffic information transmitted by said computer system is displayed graphically on said display. 60. ( new claim) A system for providing traffic information to a plurality of mobile users connected to a network, comprising: (a) a plurality of traffic monitors, each said traffrc monitor comprising at least a detector and a transmitter, said detector providing a signal including data representative of vehicular movement and said transmitter transmittine said signals; (b) (c) (d) (e) (D (g) a receiver that receives said signals transmitted by said a computer system interconnected traffic monitors; with said receiver and said network; a mobile user station includes a display, and a receiving device; said computer system providing to said one of said mobile user stations traffrc information representative of said signals transmitted by said traffic monitors; said traffic information transmitted by said computer system is displayed graphically on said display; and wherein less than all available traffic information is displayed by said display. -7- 93 Exhibit F Page 93 of 139 AfiORNEY DOCKET NO. 7I 16,0006 61. (new claim). A system for providing traffrc information to a plurality of mobile users connected to a network, comprising: (a) a plurality of traffic monitors, each said traffic monitor comprising at least a detector and a transmitter, said detector providing a signal including data representative of vehicular movement and said transmitter transmitting said signals; (b) (c) (d) (e) a receiver that receives said signals transmitted by said traffrc monitors; a computer system interconnected with said receiver and said network; a mobile user station includes a display, and a receiving device; said computer system providing to said one of said mobile user stations traffrc information representative of said signals transmitted by said traffrc monitors; (0 said traffic information transmitted by said computer system is displayed graphically on said display; and (e) wherein the displayed traffic information geographically encompasses the current geographic position of said mobile user station. -8- 94 Exhibit F Page 94 of 1 39 ATTORNEY DOCKET NO. 7I 16.0006 REMARKS The claims cornmence on a separate sheet in compliance with 37 CFR 1.75 (h) and 1 .21 . Claim No. 39, added by the Amendment of June 17 , 20A3 is included. Two new claims have been added, Claims 40 and 41. The Examiner is asked to consider the application with the additional claims, and pass this application to issue Respectfu lly submitted, El-tn-r. nurr"tt Reg. No. 38,292 Attomeys for Applicant Telephone:, (503) 227 -563 | CERTIFICATE OF MAII,ING I hereby certifu that this correspondence is being deposited with the United States Postal Service as first class mail postage prepaid in an envelope addressed to: Mail Stop Fee Amendment, Commissioner for Patents, P.O. Box 1450, Alexandria, V A 22313-1450 June 23,20A3. Dated: June 23.2003 Kevin L. Russell Q:Ucm2\KLR\DeKmk\0006 Cont\Amend 02 add new claims .wDd -9- 95 Exhibit F Page 95 of 1 39 ATTORNEY DOCKET NO. 7 I rc.AOO6 ,ot tuss IN TI{E UNITED STATES PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE PATENT APPLICATION EXAMINING OPERATIONS Applicant: Serial No: Bruce W. DeKock Group Art Unit: Examiner: ra/367,t62 February 13,2003 Filed: Title: SYSTEM FOR PROVIDING TRAFFIC INFORMATION AMENDMENT Chernoff Vilhauer McClung 1600 ODS Tower 601 SWSecondAvenue Portland. June 23, 2003 & Stenzel, LLP OR 97204-31 57 Commissioner for Patents P.O. Box 1450 Alexandria, V A 2231 3-1450 Dear Sir: In response to NOTICE TO FILE CORRECTED APPLICATION PAPERS, repiacement claims commencing on a separate sheet in compliance with 37 CFR 1.75 AND 1.121 are submitted herewith. Please add new claims 60 and 6l to the above-identified patent application as follows: 0000001c hll Et' I t'oi":7t?0t)3 cl.lBuYill 00000085 of/z?la0$ UUnl'IE oe t0Sil6e rcoaog EllIruE lt'oo lP 0000001t 1036716e 0l F[rEt0? 03 FC:2?01 oHrYB 103[?1t? 1r 0uglno$ tt 0p 136"00 18.00 fiP Of fClAt n6'00 lp N{juhllt S.ts-i_0arrrleet |Ilrff,tJE il;r.Egs 08 F[r??0t 0r wrilMt 0000ti0ts i0i6ti6e -1t.00 -1la:00 o F -l96 Exhibit F Page 96 of 139 ATTORNEY DOCKET NO, 7I 16.0006 Claims Amendment In the Claims: Please add the following new claim: 59. A system for providing traffrc information to a plurality of mobile users connected to a network, comprising: (a) a plurality of traffic monitors, each said traffrc monitor comprising at least a detector and a transmitter, said detector providing a signal including data representative of vehicular movement and said fansmitter . ' tmnsmitting said signals; (b) a receiver that receives said signals transmitted by said traffic monitors: and (c) (d) a computer system interconnected with said receiver and said network; a mobile user station connected to a global positioning system receiver, a display; and a communicating device; and (e) said computer system providing to said one of said mobile user stations traffic information representative of said signals transmitted by said traffic monitors; and (0 said traffic information transmitted by said computer system is displayed graphically on said display. -2- 97 Exhibit F Page 97 of 139 ATTORNEY DOCKETNO. 7I 16.0006 REMARKS Please consider the new claim.. Respectfully submitted, Kevin L. Russell Reg. No. 38,292 Attorneys for Applicant Telephone: (503) 227 -5631 CERTIFICATE OF MAILING I hereby certifu that this correspondence is being deposited with the United States Postal Service as first class mail postage prepaid in an envelope addressed to: Mail Stop Fee Amendment, Commissioner for Patents, P.O. Box 1450, Alexandria, VA 22313-1450 June I7,20A3. Dated: June 17.2003 Kevin L. Russell Q:Um2\KLR\DeKock\0006 Cort\Ammd add new claim .wpd -3- 98 Exhibit F Page 98 of 1 39 UNrso Srarss Perer.rrANp TnapeMARK Onnce UNTTED STATES DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Uoltcd Stst6 Palcrl eDd Tndcmrk Ofiicc nddw COMMISSIONER FOR PATENTS PO- w.spo.8ov APPLICATION AlssdilA Bs 1450 vi'8iDis rul3J450 NO. I FILING DATE FIRSTNAMEDTIWENToR llrronrqevpocKETNo. I BruccW- DcKock CoNFIRMATIoNNo. 3015 t0t367,t62 t52 0at3n0a3 $n5nao4 7l t6.0006 E GMINER CHERNOFF, VILHAUE& MCCLUNG & STENZEL 1600 MARCCOLEMAN, MARIIIEY ART ODs TowER 60I SW SECOND AVENIJE PORTLAND, T'NIT I PAPERNTJMBER OR 97204-3t57 3661 DATE MAILED:03nsn0W Please find below and/or attached an Office communication concerning this application or proceeding. 99 PTG9OC (Rev. l0/03) Exhibit F Page 99 of 139 Appllcatlon No. 10/367,162 Applcant(8, DEKOCK ET AL. - Office Action Summary AT Eramlner Marthe Y Marc-Coleman Art Unlt 3661 Period for Reply A SHORTENED STATUTORY PERIOD FOR REPLY IS SET TO EXPIRE THE MAILING DATE OF THIS COMMUNICATION. - The MAILING DATE of thls communlcafon appears on the cover sh*twith the eonespondence address ! MONTH(S} FROM - Exlensionsoftimemayboavailableundertheprovisionsof3TCFRl.l36(a). anE SIX (6) MONTHS from ths mailing date of this communication. Innoewnt.however,mayareplyblimelyfilod lf tha priod tor repty spcifiod abov is less than thirty {30) days, a reply within the statulory minimum ot thirty (30) days will bo considetBd limely. tt NO psriod for repfy is spcifid abow, the maimum statulory period wi|l apply and will expko SIX (8) MONTHS trom the mailing dats of thig communicationFailure to reply within the set or oxtondd priod tor reply will, by stialute, causs the application to becotne ABANDONED (35 U.S.C. $ 133). Any reply received by th Office later than thre monlhs atter the mailing date ol this communication, oven if timely filed. may reduco any eamed patenl term adjuslment. See 37 CFR 1.70a(b). Status 1)[f 2a)n 3)D Responsive to communication(s) filed on 13 Februay 2003. This action is FINAL. 2b)X This action is non-final. Since this application is in condition for allowance except for formal matters, prosecution as to the merits is closed in accordance with the practice under Ex pafte Quayle, 1935 C.D. 11, 453 O.G. 213. Disposition of Claims 4)X Claim(s) 39-6t is/are pending in the application. 4a) Of the above claim(s) is/are withdrawn from consideration. 5)f] O)X Claim(s) ctaim(s) Ctaim(s) _ is/are allowed. is/are objected to. are subject to restriction and/or election requirement. Ctaim(s) 39-6f is/are rejected. 7)fl 8)fl g)fl 10)fl Application Papers - The specification is objected to by the Examiner. The drawing(s) filed on is/are: a)n accepted or b)l objected to by the Examiner. Applicant may not request that any objection to the drawing(s) be held in abeyance. See 37 CFR 1.85{a). Replacement drawing sheet(s) including the correction is required if the drawing(s) is objected to. See 37 CFR 1.121(d). 11)fJ The oath or declaration is objected to by the Examiner. Note the attached Office Action or form PTO-152. Priority under 35 U.S.C. S 119 t2)[ Acknowledgment is made of a claim for foreign priority under 35 U.S.C. $ 119(a)-(d) or (f). a)U All b)l Some'c)[ None of: Certified copies of the priority documents have been received. Gertitied copies of the priority documents have been received in Application Copies of the certified copies of the priority documents have been received in this National Stage 1.D 2.fl 3.[ ' No..-. application from the International Bureau (PCT Rule 17.2(a)). See the attached detailed Office action for a list of the certified copies not received. Attachmsnt(s) [l [ ii E t) z1 notice of References Gited (PTO{92) t'totice of Draffsperson's Patent Dtawing Review Paper No(syM ail r,ate arfr '^r"-*; ;J;;;;; g2va3 sbremenr(s) (pro-144e (PTo-948) o, piorserosl n s) n 6) [ l) Intervie* Summary (PTG413) Paper No(syMail Date' Otner: ' ruotice or lnformal PatentApplication - {PTo-152) 100 PTOL-326 (Rev. 1-04) Oflics Action Summary -. Part of Paper No.lMail Dale 2!04O417 Exhibit F Page 100 of 139 Application/Control Number: 101367,162 Page 2 Art Unit:3661 DETAILED ACTION 1 . This office action is in response to Application Serial No. 1 01367,162 filed on February 13, 2003. Double PatentinE 2. The nonstatutory double patenting rejection is based on a judicially created doctrine grounded in public policy (a policy reflected in the statute) so as to prevent the unjustified or improper timewise extension of the "right to exclude" granted by a patent and to prevent possible harassment by multiple assignees. See ln re Goodman,ll F.3d 1046, 29 USPQ2d 2010 (Fed. Cir. 1993); In re Longi,759 F.2d 887,225 USPO 645 (Fed. Cir. 1985); ln re Van Ornum,686 F.2d 937,214 USPQ 761 (CCPA 1982); ln re Vogel,422 F.2d 438, 164 USPQ 619 (CCPA 1970);and, ln re Thorington, 418 F.2d 528, 163 USPQ 644 (CCPA 1969). A timely filed terminal disclaimer in compliance with 37 CFR 1.321(c) may be used to overcome an actual or provisional rejection based on a nonstatutory double patenting ground provided the conflicting application or patent is shown to be commonly owned with this application. See 37 CFR 1.130(b). Effective January 1, 1994, a registered attorney or agent of record may sign a terminal disclaimer. A terminal disclaimer signed by the assignee must fully comply with 37 CFR 3.73(b). 101 Exhibit F Page 101 of 139 Application/Control Number: 101367,162 Page 3 Art Unit: 3661 3. Claims 39-58 and claims 59-61 are rejected under the judicially created doctrine of obviousness-type double patenting as being unpatentable over claims 25-38 and cfaims 1-2 of U.S. Patent No. 6,574,548. Although the conflicting claims are not identical, they are not patentably distinct from each other because the claims of the application encompass the claims of the patents because it is broader. It is well settle that the omission of an element, and its function is an obvious expedient if the remalning elements perform the same function as before. ln re Karlson,136 USPQ 184 (CCPA 1963). Also note Ex parte Rainu. 168 USPQ 375 (Bd. App. 1969). Omission of a reference element of step whose function is not needed would be obvious to one of ordinary skill in the art. Conclusion 4. Any inquiry concerning this communication or earlier communications from the examiner should be directed to Marthe Y Marc-Coleman whose telephone number is (703) 3054970. The examiner can normally be reached on Monday-Thursday from 9:30 AM - 8:00 PM. lf attempts to reach the examiner by telephone are unsuccessful, the examiner's supervisor, William A Cuchllnskican be reached on (703) 308-3873. The fax phone number for the organization where this application or proceeding is assigned is 703872-9306. 102 Exhibit F Page 102 of 139 Applicationl0ontrol Number: 101367,162 Art Unit 3661 Page 4 Information regarding the status of an application may be obtained from the Patent Application Information Retrieval (PAIR) system. Status information for published applications may be obtained from either Private PAIR or Public PAIR. Status information for unpublished applications is available through Private PAIR only. For more information about the PAIR system, see Should you have questions on access to the Private PAIR system, contact the Etectronic Business Genter (EBC) at 866-217-9197 (toll-free). nant/u' /'(tarc(Kewtn "Marthe Y. Marc-Coleman Patent Examiner ^ / March 17,200/i 103 Exhibit F Page 103 of 139 ApplicatiorVConttol No. 101367,162 Applicant(s/Patent Under Reexamination DEKOCK ET AL. ffofice of References Cfted Examiner Marthe Y Marc-Coleman U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS Art Unit 3661 Page 1 ol 1 * A B tlocument Number Counlry CodeNumbor{nd fu o Date MI,IYYYY Name Classification us-6,466,862 us-6,151,550 us-6,574,548 US. US. 10-2002 I 1-2000 DeKock et al. Nakatani, Mitsuo DeKock et al. 701t117 701t117 7011117 c D 06-2003 E F usUS. G H usus- J usUS. K L M us- U9 FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS Document Number * N uate MM.YYYY Contry Cod+Nurnbr-Kind Codo Country Name Classification o P o R S --T NON-PATENT DOCUMENTS lnclude as applicable: Author, Title Dale, Publisher, Edition or Volume, Pertinent Pages) copy of lhis reterence is not being fumished with this Otfic Dates in MM-YYYY format are pubtication dates_ Ctassifications m6y be US or toreign. U-S. Pateot and TradetrB* Ofte Notico of Reforoncos Cited Part of Paper 144 No 20040417 PTO92 (Rev. 01-2001) page 104 of 139 Exhibit F rOrut PrO-t149 (Modilied) LIST OF PATENTS AND PI.JBLICATIONS APPLICANTS TMORMATION STATEMENT (Use several sheets c\ 1 }IAY ATTY. DOCKETNO. KLR:7116.0006 tr , SERIAL NO. w367,t62 2B ?08 APPLICANT DeKock, et. al. FILING DATE Fcbruary 13,2003 GROIJP if U.S. # 3661 DESIGNA PATEM DOCUMENTS FILINO DATE IF EXAMINER INITI^L DOCUMENT NUMSER AA AB AC 5,402,t | 7 DATE NAME CLASS suBcLAss APPROPRJATE ,nY/n t Mar. 28, 1995 Ziidcrhrnd Mandhvan. ct. al. 5J39,64s .5,,594.it12 luly ?3,1996 fan. t4,1997 Sept. 10, 199? Junc 10, | 998 AD AE AF J,671,039 Pieusch, et. al. Smirh, Jr., et. 5,174,82'l 5,8 | 2,069 rl. Scpt.22,1998 Dec. AlbGchl. et. al. Pctcrson Fastcnrath Joncs. cl. al. Fan, ct. al. AC AH 5,845,221 5,889.477 5,926. I I l. t998 Mar. 10, 1999 AI AJ l lulv 20. t999 ScpL 2E, 1999 Nov. 9, 1 999 5,959,577 AK AL AM AN AO AP s,9E2r98 5,987,3?4 5.987,3?? 6, | 07.940 6,1 50.96r 6,1 5 t ,550 l:nmnbusch. ct. al. Akutlu, cl. al. Westcrla8cr ci. al. Nov. 16,1999 Nov. 16, 1999 Aug. 22,20@ Nov.21,2000 Nov.21.2000 Oct. 15.2002 *, ku :v-k:...."= rAY.?-,z :. 2 ^^'rltr trn luJ Grimm Alcwinc- el. al. N&katani DcKock. et. al, -_.-..G1 rfr' t\lvJ * lAnI mYfr AO us 6.466.862. Br FORE]GN PATENTS TRANSLATION DOCUMENT NUMBER BA DATE COIJNTRY CLASS SUBCLASS YES NO OTHER ART (lncluding Author, Title, Date, Pcrtincnt Pages, Etc.) CA t*n"'*t*.fluoho. EXAMINER: DATE CONSIDERED IJ /{lnn. A/r,o, r,n ) tnitial if refcrerff considered, whcther or not citation is in conformancc 3//7/0q t449 with MPEP 609; Draw line through citation if not in Statement conformancc and nor consider&. f ncludc copy of this form with ncxl communication to applicant. Q:\Eonnie Dillon\Kl,R\DcROCX\Fom !at9 lor 0006.rDd 105 Exhibit F Page 105 of 139 Search lVofes Application No. 10t367,162 Examiner Applicant(s) DEKOCK ETAL. Art Unit 3661 I |||il ilril tilililililil lilil ilil ]ililil ilil Marthe Y Marc-Coleman SEARCHED Class SEARCH NOTES (INCLUDTNG SEARCH STRATEGY) Examiner DATE EXMR Subclass Date 741 117 3117t2BA4 MYM West Text Search 701 701 340 3t17t2004 MYM 214 208 3t17t2004 3l'17t2004 MYM MYM MYM 995.134 3t17n$u U.S. Patent and Trademark Office Part ot Paoer No. Exhibit F Page 106 of 1 39 4'.K ({,., s t: 91 10t367,162 Applicant Filed Title TC/A.U. Examiner Docket No. Bruce W. DeKock February 13, 2003 SYSTEM FOR PROVIDING TRAFFIC INFORMATION 3015 Marc Coleman 7116.0006 Commissioner for Patents P.O. Box 1450 Alexandria V A 2231 3-1 45A AMENDMENT Sir: ln response to the outstanding Office Action dated March 25, 2AA4, please amend the above-identified application to include the enclosed Terminal Disclaimer along with required fees, and these remarks: Amendments to the Specification are not reflected in this paper. Amendments to the Glaims begin on page 2 of this paper. Amendments to the Drawings are not reflected ln this paper. Remarks/Arguments begin on page 10 of this paper, and page 11 is a Terminal Disclaimer. An Appendix is not included in this paper. Page 1 of 10 107 Exhibit F Page 107 of 139 Appl. No.; Amdt. daled: Reply dated: 10t367j62 March 25, 2004 March 29. 2004 AMENDMENTS TO THE CLAIMS This set of claims will replace all previous sets of claims for this application; Claims 1-38 (canceled). 39 (original). A system for providing traffic information to a plurality of mobile users connected to a network, comprising: (a) a plurality of mobile user stations, each mobile user station being associated with a display, and a communicating device to allow each said mobile user stations to send and receive signals; of (b) a computer system interconnected a with another communicating device and network, said computer system being capable of sending and receiving signals to and from said mobile user stations; (c) said computer system including a traffic information database, said traffic information database containing data representative of traffic at a plurality of locations; (d) at least one of said mobile user stations providing a request to said computer system for traffic information together with a signal associated with a respective geographic location of said one of said mobile user stations, and in response thereto, said computer system updating said traffic information database based on said geographic location of said one of said mobile user stations and providing to said one of said mobile user stations information representative of selected portions of said traffic information database based on said respective geographic location of said one of said mobile user stations; and ' (e) said one of said mobile user stations displaying graphically on said display information representative of selected portions of said traffic information Page 2 of 10 108 Exhibit F Page 108 of 139 Appl. Amdt. Reply No.: dated: dated: '101367,162 March 25. 2004 March 29, 2004 database. 40 (original). The system of claim 39 wherein said computer system updates said traffic information database based on data derived from a plurality of traffic monitors. 4l (original). The system of claim 40 wherein said computer system compares data from said mobile user stations with said data derived from said trafhc monitors before updating said traffic information database. 42. (original). The system of claim 39 wherein said at least one of said mobile user stations is a cellular phone. 43 (original). The system of claim 39 wherein said mobile user station further comprises a memory capable of storing a map database. 44 (original). The system of claim 43 wherein said mobile user station displays a selected portion of said map database. 45 (original). The system of claim 39 wherein each said mobile user station provides longitude and latitude information to said computer system. 46 (original). The system of claim 39 wherein said location of said one of said mobile user stations is displayed graphically. 47 (original). The system of claim 39 wherein said computer system screens data provided by said mobile user stations to determine whether said data corresponds to actual traffic Page 3 of 10 109 Exhibit F Page 109 of 139 ' Appl. No.: Amdt. dated: Reply dated: 10R67J62 March 25,2004 March 29, 2004 conditions. 48 (original). The system of claim 39 wherein said computer system further comprises a map database, and said computer system compares said signal associated with said respective geographic location of said one of said mobile user stations with said map database before updating said traffic information database. 49 (original). A system for providing traffic information to a plurality of mobile users connected to a network, comprising: (a) a plurality of mobile user stations, each mobile user station being associated with a display, and a communicating device to allow each said mobile user stations to send and receive signals; of (b) a computer system interconnected with another communicating device and of sending and receiving a network, said computer system being capable signals to and ffom said mobile user stations; (c) said computer system including a map database and a traffic information database, said traffic information database containing data representative of traffic at a plurality of locations; (d) at least one of said mobile user stations providing a signal associated with a respective geographic location of said one of said mobile user stations, and in response thereto, said computer system updating said traffic information database based on said geographic location of said one of said mobile user stations; and (e) said computer system comparing said signal associated with said respective geographic location of said one of said mobile user stations with said map database before updating said traffic information database. Page 4 of 10 110 Exhibit F Page 110 of 139 Appt. Amdt. Reply No.: dated: dated: 50 1A/367j62 March 25, 2004 March 29, 2004 (original). The system of claim 49 wherein said at least one of said mobile user stations is a cellular phone. 5l (original). The system of claim 49 wherein said computer system provides to said one of said mobile user stations information representative of selected portions of said naffic information database based on said respective geographic location of said one of said mobile user stations. 52 (original). The system of claim 49 wherein said mobile user station comprises a display, and said one of said mobile user stations displays graphically on said display information representative of selected portions of said traffrc information database. 53 (original). The system of claim 49 wherein said computer system updates said traffic information database based on data derived from a plurality of traffic monitors. 54 (original). The system of claim 49 wherein said mobile user station further comprises a memory capable of storing a map database. 55 (original). The system of claim 54 wherein said mobile user station displays a selected portion of said map database and a selected portion of said traffic information database. 56 (original). The system of claim 49 wherein each said mobile user station provides longitude and latitude information to said computer system. 57 (original). The system of claim 49 wherein said location of said one o'f said mobile user stations is displayed graphically. Page 5 of 10 111 Exhibit F Page 111 of 139 Appl. Amdt. Reply No.: dated: dated: 1OR67,162 March 25, 2004 March 29, 2004 58 (original). The system of claim 49 wherein said computer system screens data provided by said mobile user stations to determine whether said data coresponds to actual traffic conditions. 59 (original). A system for providing traffic information to a plurality of mobile users connected to a network, comprising: a .! , (a) plurality of traffic monitors, each said traffic monitor comprising at least a detector and a transmitter, said detector providing a signal including data representative of vehicular.movement and said transmitter transmitting said signals; (b) (c) (d) (e) a receiver that receives said signals transmitted by said traffic monitors; a computer system interconnected with said receiver and said network; a mobile user station connected to a global positioning system receiver, a display, and a communicating device; said computer system providing to said one of said mobile user stations traffic information representative of said signals transmitted by said traffic monitors; (0 said traffic information transmitted by said computer system is displayed graphically on said display. 60. (original). A system for providing traffic information to a plurality of mobile users connected to a network, comprising: Page 6 of 10 112 Exhibit F Page 112of 139 Appf. Amdt. Reply No.: dated: dated: 101367,162 March 25,2004 March 29, 2004 (a) a plurality of traffic monitors, each said traffic monitor comprising at least a detector and a transmitter, said detector providing a signal including data representative of vehicular movement and said transmitter transmitting said signals; (b) (c) (d) (e) a receiver that receives said signals transmitted by said traffic monitors; a computer system interconnected with said receiver and said network; a mobile user station includes a display, and a receiving device; said computer system providing to said one of said mobile user stations traffic information representative of said signals transmitted by said traffic monitors; (0 (g) said traffic information transmitted by said computer system is displayed graphically on said display; and wherein less than all available traffic information is displayed by said display. Page 7 of 10 113 Exhibit F Page 113 of 139 Appl. No.: Amdt. dated: Reply dated: 101367,162 March 25, 2004 March 29, 2004 61. (original). A system for providing trafhc information to a plurality of mobile users connected to a network, comprising: (a) a plurality of traffic monitors, each said traffic monitor comprising at least a detector and a transmitter, said detector providing a signal including data representative of vehicular movement and said transmitter transmitting said signals; (b) (c) (d) (e) a receiver that receives said signals transmitted by said traffic monitors; a computer system interconnected with said receiver and said network; a mobile user station includes a display, and a receiving device; said computer system providing to said one of said mobile user stations traffic information representative of said signals transmitted by said traffic monitors; (D (g) station. said traffic information transmitted by said computer system is displayed graphically on said display; and wherein the displayed traffrc information geographically encompasses the current geographic position of said mobile user Page 8 of 10 fl4 Exhibit F Page 114 of 139 Appt. No.: Amdl. dated: Reply '101367,162 dated: March 25. 20(X March 29, 2004 Page 9 of 10 115 Exhibit F Page 115 of 139 Appl. No.: Amdt- dated: Reply dated: 10t367j62 March 25, 2004 March 29, 2004 REMARKS /ARGUMENTS In order to overcome the nonstatutory double patenting rejection based on a judicially created doctrine grounded in public policy so as to prevent the unjustified or improper timewise extension of the 'right to exclude' granted by a patent, and to prevent possible harassment by multiple assignees, we include herewith a terminal disclaimer in compliance with ' 37 CFR 1.321(c). lf the Examiner believes that for any reason direct contact with applicant's attorney would advance the prosecution of this application, the Examiner is invited to telephone the undersigned at the number below. Respectfully submitted, Chernoff, Vilhauer, McClung & Stenzel, LLP 1600 ODS Tower 601 SWSecondAvenue Portland, Oregon 972A4 By: Reg. 38,292 Telephone No. (503) 227-5631 FAX No. (503| 2284373 No. Page 10 of 10 116 Exhibit F Page 116 of 139 f' s .1 a-) TERMINAL DISCLAIMER TO OBVIATE A DOUBLE PATENTING REJECTION OVER A PRIOR PATENT ln re Application of Application No.: Filed: For: : Bruce W DeKock 10t367,162 February 13,2003 SYSTEM FOR PROVIDING TRAFFIC INFORMATION The owner, Bruce W. DeKock; of !Q0 percent interest in the instant application hereby disclaims, except as provided below, the terminal part of the statutory term of any patent granted on the instant application, which would extend beyond the expiration date of the full statutory term defined in 35 U.S.C. 154 to 156 and 173 as presently shortened by any terminaldisclaimer, of prior US Patent No- 6,574,548. The owner hereby agrees that any patent so granted on the instant patent application shall be enforceable only for and during such period that it and the prior patent granted are commonly owned. This agreement runs with any patent granted on the instant application and is binding on the grantee, its successors or assigns. In making the above disclaimer, the owner does not disclaim the terminal part of any patent granted on the instant application that would extend to the expiration date of the full statutory term as defined in 35 U.S.C. 154 to 156 and 173 of the prior patent, as presently shortened by any terminal disclaimer; in the event that it expires for failure to pay a maintenance fee, is held unenforceable, is found invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, is statutorily disclaimed in whole or terminally disclaimed under 37 C.F.R. 1.321, has allclaims canceled by a reexamination certificate, is reissued, or is in any manner terminated prior to the expiration of its full statutory term as shortened by any terminal disclaimer filed prior to its grant. Check either box 1 or 2 below, if appropriate. 1. D For submissions on behalf of an organization (e.g., corporation, partnership, universig, government agency, etc.), the undersigned is empowered to act on behalf of the organization. I hereby declared that all statements made herein of my own knowledge are true and that all statements made on information and belief are believed to be true: and further that these statements were made with the knowledge that willful false statements and the like so made are punishable by fine or imprisonment, or both, under Section 1001 of Title 18 of the United States Code and that such willful false statements may jeopardize the validig of the application or any patent issued thereon. 2. I 04/0ve004 me undersigned is an attorney or agent of record. 031550 1036716e Il 0000m?4 29.2004 0l FC:?8t{ s"00 1,0 Kevin L. Russell Typed or Printed Name 38,292 I Registrqtion No. B Terminal disclaimer fee under 37 C.F.R. 1.20(d) is included. Statement under 37 CFR 3.73(b) is required if terminal disclaimer is signed by the assignee (owner). Form PTOISB/96 may be used for this statement. See MPEP g 324. ' 117 Exhibit F Page 117 of 139 .$S f,.e'ou) o E TRANSMITTAIfor FY 2004 1A867.162 Effective 10/1/ 20A3. Patent fees are subject to annual revision. A Applicant claims small entity status. See 37CFR 1.27 TOTAL AMOUNT OF PAYMENT METHOD OF PAYMENT (check all that apply) FEE GALGULATION (continued) Ecnecr tr85?3n nB?531 8otn"' flNon" ($) 65 Surcharge - late nling fee or oath 25 Surcharge-late provisional fling fee or covet sheet Commissioner is authorized to{check atl that appty) 1053 1804 1805 130 920 1 30 Non-English specilication [lCharge fees indicated below XCredit any overpayments 1812 2,520 El T-l Charge any additional fee(s) during the pendency of this appncauon Charge any fee(s) indicated below, except tor the filing fee to the above.identrfied deoosit account. 2,520 For liling a request for ex-parte reexaminalion 920 qgqugsgrig publication ot slR prior to Examiner action 1 1,840 110 424 ,840 Requesting publication of SIR afier Examiner adton - 1251 1252 55 bdension for reply within ft|st month 210 Extension for reply within second monlh 475 Large

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