Google Inc. v. Traffic Information LLC

Filing 52

Brief Plaintiff's Opening Claim Construction Brief. Filed by Google Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A, # 2 Exhibit B, # 3 Exhibit C, # 4 Exhibit D, # 5 Exhibit E part1, # 6 Exhibit E part 2, # 7 Exhibit E part 3, # 8 Exhibit E part 4, # 9 Exhibit E part 5, # 10 Exhibit F part 1, # 11 Exhibit F part 2, # 12 Exhibit G, # 13 Exhibit H) (Markley, Julia)

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Google Inc. v. Traffic Information LLC Doc. 52 Att. 7 "/'("t 5lSYSTEM FOR PROVIDING TRAFFIC TNFORMATION AFSTRACT OF THE DISCLOSURE 10 15 A system for providing traffic information tso a plurality of mobile users connectsed to a network. The system comprises a plurality of traffic monitors, each comprising at least a traffic detector and a transmitter, the traffic detector generating a signal in,response to vehicular traffic and the transmitter transmitting the signal. A receiwer receives the signals from the traffic monitors. A computer system is connectred to Lhe receiwer and is further connected to the network. The computer system in response to a request si-gnal received from one of the users transmit.s in response thereto information representatiwe of Ehe signals transmitted by the traffic moniE,oring units. Alternatiwe systems for gathering Eraffic informatrion are discl-osed. 3ri*lt![b / I I -@." .,1...4 Exhibit E Page 141 of 311 1.41**n t DEgITARATION Ar{D pO$tER OF ATTORNEY As a below named. invent,or, I hereby declare . My residence, posL office address and citizenship are as stated below next to my name, I bel-iewe I am an original, first and joint inwentor of the subject matLer which is claimed and for which a patent is sought on the invention entitled: SYSTEM FOR PROVIDING TRAFFIC INFOR!4ATION the specification of which lxl is at.tached Lreret.o. was filed on as tl Application Serial No. and was amended on (if applicable) I hereby state that I have reviewed and underst,and the contents of the above-identsified specification, including the claim(s), as amended by any amendment referred to above. I acknowledge the d#y to disclose information which is material to the examination of this applJ-cation in accordance with Title 37, Code of Federal Regulations, 51.55I hereby claim foreign priority benefits under Title 35, Unit.ed staLes Code, S1l-9 of .any foreign application(s) for patent or invenLor's certificat.e listed below and have also identified below any foreign application for patent or inwent,orts certificate hawing a filing date before thab of the application on which priority is claimed: Priority Prj-or Foreign Application (s) Claimed tlYestlNo (Number) (Number) (Number) (Country) (Country) (Day/Month/Year Filed) . (Day/Month/Year Filed) (Dayll"tontrh/Year Filed) (Country) tlYes tlYes tlNo tlNo I hereby ctraim the benefit under 35 U.S.C. SLl-9(e) of any United States prowisional application(s) 1istred be1ow. 60 (Application Serial No. ) (Application Serial 3 /1,30.399 4/1c/9s (Filing (Filing Date) Date) 6o /r 66 . a6B 1,r /22 / 99 Wo. ) fVo. ) 60/189.91 (Application Serial (Filing oate) Exhibit E Page 142of311 "-r**-'d ,. j:Je., ir.:sjAi$i}rq 1!2-.s I hereby claim the benefit under Tit,le 35, United StaE,es Code, below and, insofar as the subject matter of each of Lhe claims of this application is not. disclosed in the prior Unj-ted States application in ttre manner prowided by the first paragraph of TiEle 35, Uriited States Code, 5112, I acknowledge the duty to disclose material information as defined in Title 37, Code of Federal Regulations, S1.55 which occurred between the filing date of Ehe prior application and Che national or PCT international.filing date of this application: S12O, of any United States applicbt.ion(s) listed (Application Ser, No.) (Filing Date) (Statsus) (patented, pending, abandoned) (App1icaEion Ser. No. ) !-l (Filing oate) (Status) abandoned) (patented, Pending, I hereby appoint Jacob E. Vilhauer, ,Jt., Reg. No. 24,885, Charles D. McClung, Reg. No. 26,568, Dennis E. Stenzel, Reg. No. 28,'763, Donald B. Haslett, R9. No. 28,855, William O. Geny, Reg. No. 27,444, ,J. Peter Staples, Re9. No. 30,690, Nancy J. Moriarty, Reg. No. 4A,'733, Kewin L. Russel1, Reg. No. 38,292, Bruce W. DeKock, Reg. No. 40,585, and Timothy A. Long, Reg. No. 28,876, al]- of the firm of CHERNOFF, VILIIAUER, McCLUNG & STENZEL, Ir.IJ.P., 15OO ODS Tower, 50L S.W. Second Awenue, Portland, Oregon 97204, telephone No. (503) 227-5531, to prosecute this my attorneys, jointly and individually, application and to transact, all business in the Patent and Trademark office connected therewitsh. I hereby declare t,hat all statements made herein of my own knowledge are true and that all statements made on information and belief are believed to be true,'and furttrer that these statemenEs were made wiEh the knowledge that. wiIlfuI false statements and the like so made are punishable by fine or imprisonment, or both, under SecEion 1001- of Titrle l-8 of the United Strates Code and that such wi11fu1 false statemenEs may jeopardize the walidity of the application or any paten-E/,issued thereon / , l,/ '/ -'/r7 /oo Dared , Brirce W. DeKock FuIl nffi inventor Portland, Oregon Residence U. S.A. Cit.izenship 8850 s.w. 7l-"8 Place Post office Address PorFl/and, Oregon 9J223 Dared Residence Citizenship Post office Address Full nffi , -l/,7/oo invent.or Kevin L. Russel Port1and, Oregon U. S.A. 29LO SW Collins courE Port,land, Oregon 97219 Exhibit E Page 143 of 311 **sinilt;*:au*r J_13 ,.."*- DAECd: Residence Fu1l nffi 4-/4-oo ? inwentor Cit izenship Post Office Address Richard iI. Qian Camas, Washington J+'+.^CH/N4 284.4 N.W. 44'" Ave. Caniag, llashington 98607 .z /' E"nioii E Page 144 of 311 144 \_ .t IN TIIE I'NITED STATES PATEMT AI{D PATEI TRADEMARK OFFICE T EXAITfINING OPERATIONS PATEIiTT APPI,IEATION Applicant : DeKOCK, et al Group Art Unit: Serial No.: Examiner: Filed : (Concurrently Herewith) Title : SYSTEM F'OR PROVIDTNd TNAT'T'TC TNFORIVIATTON STATEMEMT OF STATUS AS SIiIAI,I, EITTITY IN ACCORDA}ICE WITH 37 CFR S]..27 STATEMENT OF: T, the undersigned, hereby verify I am: that: lxl one of tLre inwentors of the above-identified inwention and I qualify as an independenE, j-nwenLor in accordance wit,h 37 CFR Sl-.9 (c) an indiwidual assignee/licensee/owner of exclusive/ inwennonexcLusiwe rights in tshe above-identified asi an independent tion and I would be classified inventor in accordance with 37 CFR S1.9 (c) if f had made t.he above-identified inventsion , ana@act that said Company qualifies as a small business concern as definea in 37 cFR S1-9(d) in EhaE the number of employees of said Company including those of its affiLiaLes, as defined i-n 37 CFR SL.9(d), does not exceed 500 persons, and ttrat said Company is the assignee of exclusiwe rights in the aboveidentified inwention tl t1 Ehe of that said I have not assigned, granted, conli-censed any rights in the inwent,ion exceptr to: weyed, or A partnership comprised of four individuals, namely Kewin L. Russell, Bruce W. DeKock, Richard.f. Qian, and Wes AND Okamoto. i"r'init r 145 Page 145 of 311 Okamoto. that I am under no obligation under contract or inwentj"on except to: A partnership comprised of four indiwiduale, namely Kevin L. Russell, Bruce W. DeKock, Richard J. Qian, and Wes 1aw to assign, grant, convey, or license any rights in Ehe AND information and bel-ief are beliewed to be Lrue; and further that ttrese statements were made with tshe knowledge that will* ful false statements and the like so made are punistrable by fj-ne or imprisonment, or botsh, under Sectrion 1001- of Title l-8 of the United States Code and that such willful false statements may jeopardize the walidiEy of the application or any patrent issued thereon. DATED:Apri1 /3,2ooo I hereby declare that all statemenE,s made herein of my o\^tn knowledge are true and that all statements made on Bruce W. DeKock DATED: April f,^ , AFril l2 , 2ooo DATED; 2OOO Richard Exhibit E Page 146 of 311 F.' 'o' .ddffillra 146 -\< f ile -jlR* :/{qr{APPS/preexan/conespondnce/ I .htm ; UNITEI' STATES DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE lilmffi ffi |mmffiil[ilil]lllililll[|lflililml Bib Data Sheel Patent and Trodemark Oflice Adrlress: COMMISSIONER OF PATENTS AIVD TBJaTIEI |lrrRKS Wahington, D.C.20231 FILING DATE SERIAL NUMBER 091550,476 04114t2000 CLASS 741 GROUP ART UNIT 3661 ATTORNEY DOCKET NO. BWD-7118.004 RULE Bruce W. DeKock, Portland, OR Kevin L Russell, Portland, OR; Richard J. Qian, Camas, WA; ; coNTlNulNG DATA THIS APPLN CLAIMS BENEFIT OF 60/130,399 O4l19/1999 WHICH CLAIMS BENEFIT OF 60/166,86811122t1999 wHrcH CLAIMS BENEFIT OF 00/189,913 03/16,12000 "r******r*'**r'***r' 1zs n/n FOREIGNAPPLICATIONSi**.'i"ri'r'*t*r ilO"tt nr/r] .' TOTAL I CLAIMS I 15138 NDtsPts,NUtsNI REQU|RED, FOREIGN FILING LICENSE GRANTED,, SMALL ENTtry 06t29t2000 claimecl E y., E[ no i5 USC 119 (ad) conditions E y", El no E :oreign Priority net wn i,in"a"no na,B|t'Tflf-c,/",r^Initials \drnowledoed Examine/s Siqnalure {DDRESS 3ruce W DeKock 1600 ODS Tower 301 SWSecondAvenue M", "ft", STATE OR COUNTRY OR SHEETS DRAWTNG CLAIMS 3 Portland .OR 97204 NTLE System for providing traffic information I FILING FEE RECEIVED 507 E AtFeet E Fees (.ilii:_ Filing ) :EES: Authority has been given in Paper tlo. to charge/credit DEPOSIT ACCOUNT tlo. t, a E Fees ( Processing time ) Ext of " 't' ; for following: E t.ta Fees ( lssue ) E otner creoit - fl Exhibit E Page 147 of311 I of I 6nenl4P3AM .\ PATENT APPLICATION SERIAL NO. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE FEE RECORD SHEET ' ' umlffiN'ffillsr .- Ql E:48 E f8ds[., ', . 00000t10 - 0mn8,i;. - uboo o,... l6e00 F,.i.: PTO-1556 (si87) 'u.s. GPo: r9s-a59482/191{4 ffir' Exhibit E Page 148 ot 311 148 PATENT APPLICATION FEE DETERilIINATION RECORD Effective December 29; 1999 ,l Application or Docket Number CLA]MS AS FILED - PART 1 I SMALL ENTITY OTHER THAN SMALL ENTITY MULTIPLE DEPENDENT CLAIM PRESENT " ll the difference in column f 1 is less than zero, enter "0i in column 2 TOTAL CLAIMS AS AMENDED . PART II SMALL ENTIW ADDITIONAL FEE OR OTHER THAN SMALL ENTIW F zt u o = zl u = FIRST PRESENTATION OF MULTIPLE DEPENDENT qLAIM ADDIT. FEE ADDIT. 6 zl u = o zI u E FIRST PRESENTATION OF MULTIPLE DEPENDENT CLAIM FIRST PRESENTATION OF MULTIPLE DEPENDENT CLAIM ' " "'ll lf lhe entry in column 1 is less than ths entry in column 2, wrile r0" in column 3. lf the "Highest Number Previously Paid For" lN Tltls SPACE is less than 20; enler "20." ooo'l3Jlb ADDIT, FEE the fiighest Number Previously Paid For" lN THIS SPACE is less than 3, enter 3." The "Highest Numbsr Previously Paid Fof (Total or Independent) is the highest number found in the appropriats box in column 1. oR Patent and (Rev. 12199) Exhibit E Page 149 of 311 Otfice. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE ,.s. c,Pc 20@.{s433/'29fi 4 149 UNITED STATES PATENT AI'ID TRADEftIARK OFFICE UNDER SECRETARY OF COMMERCE FOR INTELTECTUAL PROPERTY AND DIRECTOR OF THE UNITED STATES PATENT AND TMDEMARK OFFICE Alexandria, Virginia 22313 Patent No. Paper No. NOTICE OF EX PARTE REEXAMINATION Notice is hereby given tliat a request for ex parte reexamination of U.S. Patent No, under 3s U.S.C. 302 and h4b6862: 37 CFR 1.s1"0(a). was filed ," 4/trt/O The reexamination proceeding has been assigned Control No. 90/ 9"1_g_Q16__. This Notice incorporates by reference into the pafgnt-filg, all papers entered into the reexamination file. Note: This Notice should be entered into'the patent file and given a paper irumber. i I r E Exhibit E Page 150 of 31 1 150 F )r IN THE T'NITED STATB' PATENT AI{D TRADENTARK eATENT AppLrcATroN EXAI,ITNTNG oFFIcEYffi.' opERATroNs ttl' Applicant: DeKock, et al. Group Art Unit: Serial No; (concurrently herewith) Examiner: Filed Title : : April !4, 2000 SYSTEM FOR PROVIDING TRAFFIC INFORMATION INFORMATION DISCLOST'RE STATEMENT IN ACCORDAIVCE WITH 37 CFR 51.98, Oregon April L4, 2000 Chernoff , Vilhauer, McClung & Stenzel LLP L600 ODS Tower 501- S.W. Second Ave. 97204 Assistant Commissioner of Patents Washington, DC 2A23L Dear Sir: Box PATENT APPI,ICATION ApplicanEs submit herewith copies of patents and other art of which they are aware and which they desire to have considered by the Patent Office in accordance with 37 CFR 51.97. In accordance wit,h 3? CFR 51.97(b) (1), this Information Disclosure Statement is being submitted wibhin three months of filing t.he above-identified application. rn accordance with 37 cFR 51.97 (h) , the filing of this Information Disclosure Stat.ement will not be regarded as an admission t,hat any patent or combinat,ion of patent.s referred to herein j-s, or is consi-dered to be, material to patentability under 3? CFR Sr.56(b) unless sppcifically designated as such. Exhibit E Page 151 of 311 151 a A list (Modified) of the patents and publication enclosed herewith is set forth on the at.tached single page of Form PTO-I-449 . References have been discussed in Lhe Background of the Invention port.ion of the patent application The person making this statement is the attorney who signs below on t.he basis of the information supplied by the inventors and the informat,ion in Lhe f il.e. Respeqtfully Reg. No. 40,585 Attorney for Applicants Tel: (503) 22V-563L CERTIFICATE OF MAILING M& I hereby certify that this correspondence is being deposited with the United States Postal Service in an envelope Exhibit E Page 152of311 152 l.lTlL-lTY Fat;: 'l ,\pi;i; ,ri;Jrr I-- o '.p r,. --- ARI ii.r'F::. o,-,'ie ,PLtC TtOt{ NO. COMI'PRIOR CLAS9 o9l 5504 7G S{JBCLASS UNTT EXAUI'IER t) 701 :Jijri i jr,--r.1i.,: P'?,-'-r.* l,.r.ui rr li'rrEF.i I i .i'':li:r'q I llt, r'rr 4 5i,'l1ali. P pto.go tw f'*i lt i,'.,jt:t'rr:. i...i..!' i ii ti:ir.-,'.,ri;r -,-.{l 'iF-i-*==f--; ISSUING Ct.ASSIF IC ATION CIIOSS Fe t i-|:El{r:EiS} srii-:ci..Ass -/:_T-: | I ;.1 : ,' .! -. | ! ,-! -l-J-_-'_ ,ft.'i I q' / I ----l-' I I WARNII,.IG: !ie!'lol'i.tiu|!ic|eg|ht:'cltth'hra'.l.rlel.|j.ui|lg!;aliuJlc-!l.r''n;|,|.,|'lf.ib I'JlJeslir'routliJcilr'U,5,i'a!.-nr'l'ddr.altllllncrLF:r.ri.ln.i!ririli!'!d.t*l.rt',.-'.tntl!! F,e.: ""'"' Pto-4$a tiltlpJ llarrg,i ;--arrs1 S'*., (FAC) Fil-i-D wfrH fl r:.rsr qcRr) flt,i,r, .!t ".ii_E Exhibit E Page 153 of311 153 SEARCHED Class Sub. Date Exmr. (|NcLUDING SEAFCH STBATEGY) SEARCH NOTES 1or \t I I ilr tt7 3 t/7 /r'/', ni4 I I I W( !-,tqJtu'es/ iV.u.t'-lr,"t,:.' /' ^tl ti .,1 ., '/ t/"0 Jtv 17' //," 'i1:i;:fc, 3lz 3vo i-lr.;i^r.ti '?, it I I f;//: t: I ri i f r')l u/.Jlg ,\ , Upl*b !tq.'.tl{ w(l itaT il'tl"; tl' lY vit I INTERFE.RENCE SEARCHED Class Sub. Date Exnrr, lL'l I I ln !l;{ t'"! 1,. t4lh' i l I I I i :l I 2 an I I I '/(; t i1,:f it v'! i (RTGHT OUTSTDE) Exhibit E Page 154 of311 154 lSSllll Sl,ll'S1'Al'l.ii,\Rl.],\ rti'ra.ldirnnrxl t'..'s: rrli'r.'rrr't'\l DA'E _, jt 8 .ls l: rivrid ol'*.i t ti|,:{: INDEX OF CLAIMS i lpelrclrptl ctg / hroughnumeral)...Canceled t'lo. i ........ A." "- " "' Besttictsd 0 '.. " ". ,' "''' .,......,,................... Non'elecled lnterle.ence Appeal 0biecled 5504 76 z o 3 c o E F tl: !. !. t' ,l ii!' l:. silbscqucnl lo l! .ri -r ,t i I ! i rlE il{Ornr;.trrr dbcloscd I'1oil f''v -O Ir _lrr rtl$'rtr rnil1(tr tht u s Prlurl I lf more than t 50 claims ot lO actions staple additional sheel here Exhibit E Page 155 of 311 155 i. .-.: ESli:O Rbfure Search W http :/Arestbrs: 8 820/bidcgi-bin/ Search Results - Term DETECT.DWPI,TDBD,EPAB,JPAB,USPT. A. DWPI,TDBD,EPAB, JPAB,USPT. I ABE.DWPI,TDBD,EPAB,JPAB,USPT. DETECTABL.DWPI,TDBD,EPAB,JPAB,USPT. ii .., ;::;i:t::::::ffi ::1;:::1:A*;i;!'.'..'.."i" jfeeitwprrDBD:E--pAB,_Jp-_AB..,u_S_-PT;-_....,=.=_**_*_jL I 1--.---..1 ii-_-.................-.........-.........r ll ii ll Ttrerenre mone results ihin shovyn above. Click here tg view the entire set. Database: Refine Search: Search Histoty '.',, ' !.''...==. Today's Date: lJ2/2A01 Exhibit E Page 156 of 311 I of2 ll2l}l 12:43 PM 156 wt'STz:c Refine seerch http ://westbrs:8820 lbnl cgi'binl DB Name USPT, U SPT, U SPT, JP Ouerv 19 and H-it Set Count 78 183 Name AB,EPAB,DWPI,TDBD ((detect$3 or sens$3 or monitor$3) near7 (traffic)) 18 and Ll0 L9 L8 L7 L6 L5 L4 L3 JPAB,EPAB,DWPI,TDBD JPAB,EPAB,DWPI,TDBD 15 (transmi$6) ll and (network or database) lnd (gps or global positioning system) 15 and (computer$l or processor$l or database) 14 and receiv$3 13 and 216 6 58 63 USPT, JPAB,EPAB,DWPI,TDBD USPT, JPAB,EPAB,DWPI,TDBD USPT, JPAB,EPAB,DWPI,TDBD USPT,JPAB,EPAB,DWPI,TDBD ((detect$3 or senss3 or monitor$3) same (transmi$5)) 66 USPT, JPAB,EPAB,DWPI,TDBD USPT, JPAB,EPAB,DWPI,TDBD USPT, JPAB,EPAB,DWPI,TDBD ((traffic near5 information$l) near7 (mobile user$l or user$l or client$l or user$l station$l) same (network)) t57 9069 . (trafiic near5 information$l) ((provid$3) near5 (traffic nearS information$1)) L2 46r LI 2 of2 L*r'init Page 157 of 311 l?fil 12:43PM 157 r t{'"{ofiri sor"rt hnp://westbrs:8820rbin/gate.exe?Ff :ormat-ft&dbname:USPT,JPAB,EPAB,DWPI,TDBD Freeform Search Database: Term: Display: Generate: 117 and (network or database or server o.r compute or processor) ilt.t; O Documents in Disnlav Format: m*; Starting with Number tl Hit List @ Eit Count Q Image l-q:{st'-ltJt"rr-l[*uelp*]f *.-""e*J--:f :l:Js:m Search History Today's Date: U2n00l Exhibit E Page 158 of 311 L of2 lDl0l2:56PM 158 ifrefoirir search http://westbrs:8820/bi/gare-exe?f=f .ormat=n&dbname=USPT,JPAB,EPAB,DWPI,TDBD DB Name USPT, JPAB,EPAB,DWPI,TDBD Ouery '7 ll7 and tffil'.',:,T.Tn:::ffiserver or Count zs tvooez 26 44 80 I Hit se! Name Ltg Ll8 Lt7 Lr6 Ll5 USPT, JPAB,EPAB,DWPI,TDBD U SPT, JPAB,EPAB,DWPI, U SPT, and network or database or server or 116 and COmputer Or+++++++ffi*{.-{.-}-1#**#* TDBD JPAB,EPAB,DWPI,TDBD USPT, JPAB,EPAB, DWPI,TDBD U SPT, JPAB,EPAB,DWPI,TDBD transmitter ll5 and receiver l1 and (traffc near5 monitor$3) ((traffic monitor$3) nearT (receiver$l nearT transmitter$l)) ((traffic monitor$3) nearT (detector$l transmitter$l)) ((traffic monitor$l) near5 (detector$l transmitter$l)) 17 I Ll4 Lr3 USPT, JPAB,EPAB,DWPI, TDBD USPT, JPAB,EPAB,DWPI,TDBD nearT nearT 2 I 185 Ll2 USPT,JPAB,EPAB,DWPI, TDBD USPT, JPAB,EPAB,DWPI, TDBD USPT, JPAB,EPAB,DWPI,TDBD 18 and network 18 and driver and Lll Lr0 L9 L8 L7 L6 L5 L4 L3 32 ((computer) nearT (receiver network)) same 0 USPT,JPAB,EPAB,DWPI; TDBD USPT, JPAB,EPAB,DWPI, TDBD USPT, JPAB,EPAB,DWPI, TDBD l7 and ((mobile user$3 or client$l or user$l or base station$l or station$l) near9 (server or network or database$l)) 103 USPT,JPAB,EPAB,DWPI, TDBD USPT,JPAB,EPAB,DWPI,TDBD USPT, JPAB,EPAB,DWPI, TDBD USPT, JPAB,EPAB,DWPI, TDBD transceiv$3) 14 and (transmitter or transceiver) 14 and (tranmitter or transceiver) 13 and receiv$3 12 and ((monitor$3 or detect$3 or sens$3) same 14 and (transmi$6 or 277 146 42 277 303 (transmi$5)) (provid$3 or obtain$3) near5 (traftic information$l) (provid$3) near5 (traffic near5 near5 93g 461 L2 L1 USPT,JPAB,EPAB,DWPI, TDBD information$l) Exhibit E Page 159 of 311 2 of2 It2/01 2:56PM 159 Record Display Form wysiwyg:/6?http://westbrs:8820/birVfnWafr{E=FUlt^&,p-doccnt=l&p-doc-l=PTFFULL End of Result Set il L5: Entry 58 of PUB-NO Generate Collection 58 File: .IPAB Dec :..4, 1,999 DOCTMENT-IDENTIFIER:,fP 11345388 A TITLE: SYSTEM, EQUIPMENT AI\TD METI{OD FOR VEHICLE TRAFFIC INFORMATION NOTIFICATION PUBN-DATE: December IM/ENTOR. TNFORMATI NAME : .IP4 l-1-345388A 14, L999 COTJNTRY ON : HIGASHTDA, TAKAO ASS IGNBE - INFORMATION NAME : N/A COUNTRY OMRON CORP N/A APPL-NO: .fP10151085 APPL-DATE: .Tune 1, 1998 INT-CL (IPC): G08G a/Ar; G08G L/AL7; G08G L/09 ABSTRACT: states of many and PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To make the traffic unspecified vehicles graspable while protecting privacy by discriminating whether or not accepted vehicle information is vehicle information of a registered vehicle, distinguishing a regislered vehicle from an unregistered vehicle, providing traffic information and not,ifying of t,he traffic information SOIJUTION: A navigation device for automobile whieh is adaptable to a VICS and also fransmits vehicle ID information to an optical vehicle sensc'r 2 is mounted on a vehicle l- which. travels on a road. The vehicle ID information which is transmiffed to fhe sensor 2 includes the vehicle ID of a vehicle and information of the type of a car, and a t.raffic control center 3 specifies the traveling posit.ion of the vehicle L from the location of the sensor 2 by-rece-i:aing the vehicle rD information via the sensor 2 and specifies the tyle of a car from the information of the typg of a iar which is inlfuaea in the vehicle ID information. And, it transm'i fs traffir" informafion t-o a rrserts personal computer 5 or facsimile 6 through a public Iine network 4 +n response Eo access flom a registered user. COPYRIGHT: (C) 1999,JPO I of2 Exhibit E Page 160 of 31 1 l/2/01 8:08 AM 160 Record Display Form o wysir*yg://32lhttp://westbrs:at2OlbinfEsNAME=FLjlt^&p_doccnt= t&p_doc_l:pTFFULL COPYRIGHT: (C) 1999, .fPO Exhibit E Page 161 of311 2 of2 l2l01 8:08AM 161 Rccord Display Form http//westbrs:8820rbir/gate.exe?f=ar| .XWfCAp-doc-2=&p-doc-3=&p-doc-4=&p-doc-5= il Ll-: Entry 9 of 46L Generate Collection File: USPT Nov 21, 2000 DOCUMENT-IDENTIFIER: US 5151-550 A TITLE; Traffie information -Frowiding system AE}PL: information-Frowiding system which can display information of a forward sect,ion of an on-road radio transmj-ssion/reception device even if Lhere is no oncoming vehicle. The on-vehicle radio t,ransmission/reception device has a moving time calculation device for calculating moving times of traveling sections which are arbitrarily divided, a memory for storing the moving Cime calculated by the moving time calculation device, and a transmission device for transmiLting the moving time; and the on-road radio reception device has a recepEion device for receiving a moving time from the moving t.ime calculation device, a recognition uniL for recog4rizing a traffic situation from the moving time to form traffic situation data, a data communication device for transmitting/receiving the traffic situation data between the plurality of on-road radio transmission/reception devices, and a display devi-ce for displaying the traffic situation data obtained by the data eommunication device. BSPR: To obtain a fraffic on-road radio Lransmission/reception ddtice, detailed traffic informat.ion can be provided to other .vehicles by t,he on-road radio transmission/reception device. BSPR: The present. invention a f raffie inform,af ion providing system f or Frowi di ng a di sn] ay of rraf f i c' i nformai i on anr{. more ion'Providing sYstem in which, if even one vehicle on which an on-vehicle radio transmission/recept.ion device is mounted passes through an FIG. 5 is a viehr showing a convenLional,f raff ie 'information pPo:bl.iAatg n-No. described i-n ,Japanese Unexamined Patent - r u d c ia io system5-180795. Referring to FIG. 6, on an automobile i-, various'sensors such as a steering sensor, a direcLion sensor, and a vehicle speed sensor and a transmission/reception.circuit are arranged. Steering angle dat.a detected by the steering sensor, progress direction data detected by the direction sensor, vehicle speed data detected by the vehicle speed sensor are transmitted by the t.ransmission/reception circuit through a Lransmission lntenna 2. Data corresp-onding Lo these data and transmitted from another vehicle are received by the transmission,/reception circuit of own vehicle and then transmitted j-n the same manner as described above Exhibit E _ I of 5 Page 162of311 nnll8ll AM Record Display Form o 2= &p _dac j- &p_doc_4:&p_doc_5- BSPR: backward vehicle. BSPR: rn the t-r.affic informaf ion Frow_i,rring system with the above arrangement, a forward traffic situation can be recognized by a However, a conventional fraffie jnformafionJrroviding system with t.he above arrangemenL has the following problems: The present invention has been made to solve the above problems, and has as its object, t.o obtain a fraffie information prowidjng system which can display information of a forward section of an on-road radio transmission/reception device even if no oncoming vehicle, can use a narrow-band cohmunication siheme used in an BSPR: aut,omatic charge collection apparatus, and, even if the distance between on-road radio transmission/reception devices is long, can provide detailed information of the secEion between the on-road radio transmission/reception devicls. , , A f raff ir' 'informaf ion Froviding system according to the present, invention includes an on-vehicle radio transmj-ssion/reception device mounted on a vehicle and a pluraliEy of on-road radio t,ransmission/reception devices installed on roads, wherein the on-vehicle radio transmission/reception device has: a moving time calculaLion device for calculating moving t,imes of Lraveling seceions which are arbitrarily divided; a moving time storage device for storing the moving time calculated by the moving time calculation device,' and a tranSmission'device for transmitting the moving t,ime, and the on-road radid:'ttansmisdion/reception device has a recept,ion device for-receiving the moving time from the on-vehicle radi-o transmission/rebept.ion device; a traffic situation recognition device for comparing the moving t.ime wit.h a preset reference time to form traffic situation daLa; a data communication device for transmitting/r6ceiving the traffic situat.ion data between the plurality of on-road radio transmission/reception devices; and a display device for disptaying the traffic situation data obtained by the data communicat,ion device DRPR: BSPR: FIG. 1 is a concept view showing a t-raf,fic informafion Frowiding system according to the present invention; PIG, 4 is a concept view showing anoEher traff ic 'information pro:riA:-ng sysLem according to this invention; DRPR: DRPR: FIG. 5 is a concept view showing stiLl another'fraffic' informarion I'rovirring system according tO this invention; and i q,fr Exhibit E Page 163 of 31 1 l/2i01 8:17AM FIG. 5 is a view showing a conventional traff i e'i nformaf pro:riding system. 2of5 DRPR: 163 Record Display Form hnp://wesrbrs:88 2}tbinlgate.exe?f=al.fWC&p-doc 2:&p-doc-3=&p-doc-4=&p-doc-5= tt FIG. L is a concept view showj-ng a fraffic informafion Frow.irling system accordj-ng to this invention. The f raff ic. info-mation prorliding system is constituted by an on-vehi-cle radio Lransmission/reception device 100 mounted on a vehicle and a plurality of on-road radio transmission/reception devices 200 installed on a road. The plurality of on-road radio transmission/reception devices 200 are instal-Ied on the roadside af, .g., a road at predetermined intervals along the road fn the fraffi<- information prowiding system arranged as described above, even if there is no oncoming vehicle, infoimation of a forward section can be disptayed on the on-road radio transmission/reeeption device 2Ao. Since 'a vehicle transmits/receives data to/from the on-road radio transmi-ssion/reception device 200, the positionar relatj-onship between pieces of information obtained by the vehicre becomes clear, and the reliability of traffic situation data is improved. Communication between-the vdhicle and the on-road radio transmission/reception device 200 can be'performed by using a narrow-band communication scheme used iri'an automatic. charge collection apparatus or the like. FurLhermore, even if the distance between the on-road: radio transmission/reception devices 200 is long, detailed information of the secti-on between the on-road radio t,ransmission/reception dewices 200 can be reliably provided FfG. 4 is a'concept view showing anothbi fraffic informat*ion proldding system according tb this.invention. An'on-road radio transmission/reception deviee 2l-0 aceording to this embodiment has a traveling section information.lmeriiory 2t serving as a traveling section information storage'means. In the traveling section information memoty 20, pieces''of traveling section information divided depending on a distance to the next on-road radio transmission/reception devj-ce 2LO; past. traffic jam situations, and the like are sLored. DEPR: DEPR: DEPR: DEPR: In the fraffie infc'rmafion Irrowirling system arranged as descrihed ablrVe, t.raffic. information of a necessary section can be made detaj,led. By limiting the number of divided traveling sections, the memory 11 of the on-vehicle radio'transmission/reception device l-10 can be effect.ively used FIG- 5 is a concept view showing still another t-raffi<informafion Frowiding system according to this invention. An on-vehicle radio Lransmission/reception device 120 according t,o this embodiment has a vehicle-side display device 22 serving as vehicle-side display means. The vehicle-side display device 22 has a switch or the like formed thereon, and is applied with a power source voltage as needed. DEPR: DEPR: a Exhibit E Page 164 of311 v2/018:17 AJvl 3 of5 Record Dqplay Form o hnp://westbrs:88 2}binlgate.exe\f+fl.fwfC&p-doc-2:&p-doc-3=&p-doc-4=&p-doc-5= In the l-raff ie informai-ion Frorriding system arranged as described above, data displayed on the disp}ay device 1g of the on-road radio t.ransmission/reception device 220 i.s received by the on-vehicle radio transmission/reception device 12o, and ttre received information is st,ored in Lrre memory 11, so EhaE the contents of the memory 11 can be disprayed at any time on the vehicle-side display device 22 in t,he vehicle. ror this reason, when the driver misses the contents on the display device tg of the on-road radio transmission/reception device zzo, the driver can check the information again at any t,ime. A traffie information providing system according to this invention j-s const,itut,ed by an on-vehicle radiotransmission/reeept,ion device mounted on a vehicle and a plurarity of on-road radio transmission/reception deviies installed on a road. The on-vehicle radio trlnsmission/reception device has a moving time calculation means for calculating moving times of traveling sections .which- are arbit,rarily dividedl a movi-ng time storage means for storing'g5" moving time calculated by the moviirg'time calculation means, bnd transmission means for transmitting the moving tlme. The on-road radio transmission/reception device has a.reception means for receiving qaid moving time from the on-vehicle radio transmission/recepcion device, a Lraffic situation recognition means for comparing Lhe moving time with a preset reference Eime to form traffic situation data, a data communicatiori meang for transmitting/receiving the traffic situation data bet.ween the plurality of on-road radio transmission/reception devices, and a display means for displaying the traffic situation data obtained by the data communicat,iori means. For this reason, even if there is no oncoming vehicle, infoimation of a forward secLion of the on-road radio transmission/recdption dbVice can be displayed and provided to a driver. A narrow-band ccimmunication scheme used in an automatic charge collecbion'apparatus or the like can be used. In addition, t,he posiLional relationship between pieces of information obt.ained by the vehicle becomes clear, and the reliability of traffic situatiol:get" is. imnroved.' DEPR: - 1. I traffie informaLien pro* sy3tem comprising an on-vehj-cle radio transmission/reception device mounted on a vehicle and a plurality of on-road radio transmission/recept.ion devices installed on roads; 2. A traffic information prowiding system according to claim L, characterized in that said moving time calculation means has a traveling dist.ance detection device for outputting a traveling distance and a timer device for outputting time and calculates a moving time of each traveling section by using said traveling distance detection device and said timer device. CLPR: CLPR: CLPR: information 3. A, traffic characterized in that proViding system according to claim 1, Exhibit E Page 165 of 31 1 4 of5 rzqdg7 AM Record Display Form o http://westbrs:8820/birlgato.exe?fdfrcWfCan-aoc 2=&p-doc-3=&p_doc_4=&p_doc_5= 4. A f ralBf ic ir:rfnrmation nrovirting system according to claim 1, characterized in that 5. A fraffi.l information Frowirring system according to claim 1, characterized in that CLPR: CLPR: rxrrifit 5 i Page 166 of 311 of5 r/2/0166/AM I Record Dsplay Form http:/lwestbrs:8820/bin/gate.exe?f=docAr..fNefvfE-KWC&p-doccnFl&p-doc-l*PTFKWIC il L8: Entry 67 of 103 Generate Collection File: USPT Sep 30, L997 DOCUMENT-IDENTIFIER: US 5673039 A TITLE: Method of monitoring vehicular traffir. and of prowiding information to drivers and system for carring out the method ABPL: An arrangement for monitoring vehicular traffic and prowiding 'i nformation and warnings l-o drivers of traff it' disruptions, driver error, dangerous road condltions, and severe weather. Road and traffic conditions are detected with roadside t.raffic sensingl equipment, and the condit.ions are displayed over luminescent elements with signal lamps distributed' intervals along the road and combined into chains of 1amps. The luminescent elemenLs are illuminated simult.aneously or in sequence for prov-idi-ngl continrrous i-raff ic- informaf ion. A processor network and a signal network are combined through a communicaLion neLwork to regulate trhe luminescent elements by processing, if necessary, under real time controlled conditions BSPR: The present invention concerns firsl a method of monitoring vehiiular f raf f ic. and clf providing information and warning*c in drrer dangerous road conditions, and severe weaLher. The invention also concerns a system for carrying out the method. BSPR: timc fo driwers of traff ic disrupLions, driver error, AIso known is, a system of monito:r-ingrtraff ic and nroviding information t,hat. uses radio beacons with lamps distributed at intervals along a road. The beacons can be connected to and disconnected from a control center and are activated by integratsfl reeeiwing equipmenL. The signal-lamp receiwing equipment communicaies wiLh transmitfers in motor vehicles. The transmi tfers themselves are controlled by speedometers and crash sensors in t.he vehicles and themselves activate the lamps in the beacons. BSPR: / ' The theory behind this fraffic'-monitoring and informaf ion-I.rowid'ing system is that a system of chains of lamps communicates by way of appropriate reeeiwing and fransmiffing equipmentwithse''so'.=installedinvehicles.Thelampsare. accordingly enabled to emj-t warning signals appropriat'e. to. t'he vehicle'6 6perating state of the vefricte and even when individual vehicles o1. groups of vehicles are stopped, when traffic situations so diltate. The operating state of a vehicle in traffic can of course only be dete..Fea and exploit'ed to activate Exhibit E Page 16T of 311 L/2/01 I of5 l:48PM 167 Rrcord Display Form http://westbn:882Oftiry'gate,exe?f=d*{E=KWlC&p-doccnt=l&p-doc-l:PIFKWIC t.he beacon system when the vehicle is equipped with the appropriate sensore, and with rransmifting equipment activated by t.hem. The operating st,aLes of all the other motor vehicles participating in t.he Eraffic cannotr on the other hand be detecfed and exploited to provide informat.j-on and warning signals. BSPR: One object of the present invention accordingly is an improved method of the genus and purpose init.ially described that will allow dynamic moni foring of the total traffic in a stretch of road eguipped with such s moniroring and information-provision system as well as due information and warnings Eo drivers and but. that does hence the possibility of regulating t.he traffic, not require that Ehe vehicles be equipped wit.h appropriate sensoris and t.ransmiftiJrg equipment.. Another object is a f raffi<' monitoring and informaf ion-frrowir{i:ngi sydtem that wilI carry out such a method. ' .' BSPR: The combinatiOn of meaSurement network, .a processor network, and signal netr^tork constitutes a method, working wit'h a dist.ributed-intelligence system, wherdby traffic control and regulat.ion are completely decentralized-and:condubEed on site along the road. The luminescent elements themselves can be manu-lly programmed direct,Iy on site by way of decentralized processors as well as remotely to load flashing proglrams for example. The road and traffic conditions, detected by a sensing equipment or manually entered are displayed over luminiscent elemLnts with signal- lamps distributed at. intervals along the road, combined into chains of lamps, and iIlumj-nated simullaneously or in sequenee, infoJ^mation and when necessary warning in real time. The system is especially used for dangerous road sections to improve traffic safely and to realize a smooth traffic flow. ff31;"t basic difference between the invenEion and the known system is the that the U.S. pat.ent describes only a strict intersection control whereby the traffic is subject to surveillance and control only in relation to the next intersection. Real-time surveillance by forwarding data associated with a singl-e vehicle from one secLion'to another by way of meshed network; as in the present invention is impossible in the known system. This wi]l alio be evident in that in the known system, Lhe control section extends statically from one intersection to the next. Variable control-section length of the Cype unavoidable for dynamic Lraffic control is possible only wiltr the method in accordance with the present invention. Surveillance for accidents and dangerous driving are additionally possibilities of the invention. In the method in accordance with Lhe present invention this is possible in that the entry of every vehille as well as of what within a section road under surveillance, whereby t,he time that usually elapses until the next cletect-ion point is reached can be individually evaluaL'ed or predi-cted for elch vehicle- If an expect,ed vehicle is absent Lhroughout a specific interval or if other thresholds are exceeded, a grlduated alarm is triggered and transmi tred to the Exhibit E Page 168 of 31 1 li2l01 l:48 PM 2 of5 168 Record DisplayForm http:/iwestbrs:8820/bin/gare.exe?f=aaAs..|NefrAE=KWC&p-doccnFl&p-doc-l=PTFKWIC example, can then be alerE.ed about a jam as they encounter flashing lights. Analysis of the reason for the warning will then occur interactively and in accordance with centralized and decentralized algorithms. The luminescent elements can then be controlled in accordance with the revealed cause. BSPR: superordinate surveillance device. Oncoming vehicles, for The second object is a system of monit.oring traffic.and. p.rovjding information that can be used to carry out ihe method. This objecL is attained in the system recited in the preamble to claim 1-5. A detection point is piovided with traffic-and/or-1oad sensing equipment Lfrat operate essentially across the lane of a road- At Ieasl two luminescent elements are associated with the detection point. The luminescenL elements are distributed at intervals --tong dynamical'ly interconnecEed, and the road, staLically or pronided with optical signal generators in the form of signal Iamps and wj-th at least one processing-and-control set in the form of a road-event processor. The probessing-and-conLrol sets process d.etected trafiic situatiOns':and/or road conditibns and illuminate and'activate the signal .tt.n?-_, BSPR: The system in accordance with the invention differs from that at the slate of the art. The luminescent elemenLs installed in the form of chains of lamps along at least one side of the road are not controlled in accordance wit.h the invention by radio from sensors anrl fransmi tters inside the vehicles or by a control center. They are controlled by way of'roadside sensors by a road-event processor that prolesses the t,raffic situat.ions and/or road conditions rletecied kry f he sensors. The processor then emits signals in accordance with-the traffic situation def,ected. The" flishes can be individual flashes or of flashes ahead of the traveling vehicles. They can also be in the form of slmchronized waves of light that. travel forward or backward at virious frequencies, accelerating and decelerating the flow of Lraffic. BSPR There is accordingly no direcL communication in accordance with the invention between the individual vehicles in Eraffic and the IuminescenL elements. The vehicles are monitored by roadside sensors. It is accordingly not just mot.or vehicles equipped with SpeCial sensors and l-f,ansmittrrs .that are monitored. bUt basically all t,he vehicles. BSPR: The road-event. processor in anoEher important' embodiment of the invention has an interface for telecommunications. The telecommunications ean be t,hrough a telephone connection'and satellite, or modem or through modem operatiott Uy directional, similar radio transmi ssion. BSPR: The luminescent elements in the fraffie-moniforing anrl informatjon-Frowirling system in accordance t^tith the invenEion can be in t.he foim of molul-Ls for later installation in existing 3 of 5 Exhibit E Page 169 of311 t/2/01 l:48 PM 169 Rccord Disflay Form htrp//wesrbrs:88 20mnlgate.exe'li=OocAs..]NnfvfE=KwC&p-doccnt=l&p-doc-l:PTFKWC roadway guideposts. Such a modular luminescent element might be inserted in an adapter in the guidepost. Otherwise, the luminescent elements themselves can be fu11y contained guideposts. DRPR: Three embodiments of the traffic-monitoring and' informaf ion-Frowirqing System in accordance wit,h the invention, one embodiment of the road-evenL processor, and one of the luminescent element in the form of a lamppost will now be specified with reference to the drawing, wherein DRPR: FIG. 1 illustrates a section of a sLreteh of meandering road equipped with a traf f i e-moni tori ng and 'i nformat ion-nrovi di ng system, DRPR: meshed networks for monitoring clf informit-.i(an and warningh to'drivers treff f he aefr:a'l traffic-condiLions, and FIc. L2 is a block-diagraft of ic and (rf pr(1vidi;g' DEPR: The traffic-moni roring anrl information-prowiding system invention comprises three subsiaiary systemb. Fifst, a'sysEeT.of roadside sen;ors detects traffic situaLions and/or road' conditions. ,Second, a system of processors processes.the detected and/or road.-conclition data. Third, a warning traffic-situation signal lamps:that can be activated by the system includes ploc""sors in accoidance with the results of the processing. DEPR: In the embodiment of the invention illustrated in FIG. 12, six road-even processors 230 and 231 are combined into a network 232 immediat.ely adjacent to the road. Each processot 230 is a masLer and each processor 23L a slave. Master processors 231- are connectea to a decentralized communicatlons compuLer 23_3, through which processors 230 and 23I can bd directly programmed and paramelered on site. AlI defecfed results are fransmitted to lommunications computer 233 at. 30-second intervals by way of anRS-233 interface 234 at a rate of eithet 9700 or L9 200 baud. The communications computer is programmed in C language. It communicates through a modem 235 and the public telephone netwlrrk 216 rarit :i-on 237, which has a modem 240. CLPR: 1_. A anrl warnings to drivers on traff ic disruptionS, d.river errors; dangerous road conditions, and severe weather conditions, compriIing, sensing means enclosing detection points with induction 1oops,' drive-over scales and dlmamic wheel-load-sensorsi a specific number of road=event-processors connected t.o said dynamic wheel-load sensors; an int'el1igent bussystem interconnected Lo said road-event processorsi a varyLng processor netr,rork of dist,ributed intelligence interconnected to said road-event processors through said intelligent bus system; 4 .informaf iin of5 Exhibit E Page 170 of 311 ll2/01 l:48PM 170 Record Display Form o http://w$brs:8820/bir/gare.exe?f=d""er..)NefrAE=KWIC&p-doccnt=l&p-doc-l:PTFKWIC signal processors connected tro said varying processor nethtork; a signal network for generating traffic signals; a lighting bus for connecting said signal processors to said signal neLwork; a pluralit,y of interconnected luminescent elements re't-eiwing t.raffic signals from said signal network,' said luminescenL elements having signal lamps as optical signal generators. CLPR: 27. A method for monitoring vehicular traffic and prowidi-ngi informaf ion and ear]y, warnings to rtriwers on f raf f i c disruptions, driver error, dangerous road conditions, and severe weather conditions, comprlsing the steps of: deLecting road and traffic conditions with a net of sensing equipment enclosing det'ection points with induction Ioops, drive over scales and dlmamic wheel load sensors; emitting traffic information signals by a measurement network to a given number of ioad event proc'elssors interconnected with an inLelligent bussystem to a varying processor network with distributed intelligence means interconnbcted'.with signal,processbrs cbrirbinbd' to' a sighal network'by a lighting bus; lnd displaying- said traffic conditions over interconnected luminesient elemeliEs with signal' lamps distributed'at intervals along'the -road and combiiled' int,o chains of 'lamps illuminated for informif icrn signats emit,ted'from'the mdasurement network at a communication network to said interconnecLed luminescent elemenLs Exhibit E Page 171 of 311 5 of5 l/2/01 l:48 PM 171 Record Display Form httpl/wstbrs:8820/bin/gate.exe?f=Oor&rfSNefvfA:fUf-L&p-doccnel&p-doc-l=PTFFULL il L8: Entry 101 of 103 Generate Collection File: ,JPAB Aug 1-5 , 1997 PUB-NOz JP4092L2795 DOCUMENT-IDENTIFIER:,JP 09212795 A TITIJE: SYSTEM AIiID DEVICE FOR pROVTnTNG TRAF"T'TC STATFI USING RADIO WAVE CALLING NETWORK PUBN-DATE: NAME rNF'ORMATTON August 15, 1997 : INVENTOR - INFORMAT I ON CHI]E, GYIISOKU CHUE, MISON NAMU, GISON ASS IGNEE - INFORIvIAT ION : NAIVIE COTJNTRY KOREA MOBIL TELECOMMIJN CORP N/A APPL-NO: JP08259393 APPL-DATE: September 30, 1-996 INT-CL (rPC): G08G \-/Os; GolC 2L/AA; G08G t/0969; G09B 29/L0; H04H L/Oo ABSTRACT: expenditure by rec.eiwing a t.raffic frlm a radio wave calling nefwork,.evfressing 'if in a digita] r^oarl network SOLUTION;. PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To reduce the traffic sforied 'i jam with inexpensive information block propagated iI fcr ttser. n a rtafatrase. anrl orrfl.rtfting A traffic information collecting equipment. 11 colleets state occurrence information by a traffic sensor, etc., traffic and output,s it to a traffic information host computer 12. The traffic information hosE l-2 execuLes conversion into a t,raffic information data format and outputs it to a traffic i-nformation server 13 with an exclusive line or a communication network. The traffic information server 1-3 converts it into the traffic information block and outputs it to the radio wave calling network ql"4 through TAP or a TNNP protocol. Tf. radio wave citting network 14, Lhat is, a radio wave transmiFrer converts it into a POCSAG/FSK or FLEX/FSK signal form so as to propagate, that is, broadcast it in the air. A traffic information terminal equipment 15 executes expression in the digital road and permits the user to know the occurrence of the traffic I of2 Exhibit E Page 172of 311 l/?'l0l l:52PM 172 Rgcord Dsplay Form I httpy'/westbrs:8820rbin/gate.exe?f=ao"ArfSNAME=FUlL&p-doccnFt&p-doc-l=PTFFULL and I.ermil-s the rrser t.o know the occurrence'of the traffic conditions in an area required through a monifcrr. COPYRIGHT: (C) 1997,.fPO Exhibit E Page 173of311 2 of? ' ll2l0| l52PM 173 Frgeform Sarch I httpy'/westbrs:8820/bin/gate.exe?f=ffr]reTl&dbnameUSPT,JPAB,EPAB,DWPI,TDBD -t\ Freeform Search Database: Term: Display: 1L7 and (network or database or server or compute or processor) Documents in Pisplav Format: Generate: C) Hit List @ Hit Count Q Image ilf: P--il Starting with Number ilfJ t-ps"?rs-f rif *gJr.e"el*:l Search History '.....'..'.'.''' Todav's Date: ll2l200l Exhibit E Page 174 of311 I of2 lQl$r2:56PM . 174 Freeform Search http://westbrs:882Orbin/gare.exe?f=ffrr"oTI&dbnamc=USPT,JPAB,EPAB,DWPI,TDBD DB Name USPT, JPAB,EPAB,DWPI, TDBD Ouery Count Hi! set Name ll7 and (network or database or server or computer or processor) Ll9 106692 L18 26 44 80 computerorffi*ffi*.t_rt-+rffi USPT, JPAB,EPAB,DWPI,TDBD 116 and transmitter USPT, JPAB,EPAB,DWPI,TDBD . ll5 and receiver USPT, JPAB,EPAB,DWPI,TDBD ll and (traffic near5 monitor$3) ((traffEc monitor$3) nearT (receiver$l nearT USPT, JPAB,EPAB,DWPI, TDBD USPT, JPAB,EPAB,DWPI,TDBD US'T,J'AB,E'AB,DW''I,TDBD ll7 and network or database or server or Lt7 Lr6 Ll5 USPT,JPAB,EPAB,DWPI,TDBD USPT, JPAB,EPAB,DWPI, transmitter$l)) ((traffc monitor$3) nearT (detector$l transmitter$l)) ((traffic monitor$l) nearS (detector$l transmitter$1)) 17 and l l Lr4 Lr3 Lr2 Ll1 near7 nearT z I 185 TDBD USPT, JPAB,EPAB,DWPI, TDBD USPT, JPAB,EPAB,DWPI,TDBD network 18 and driver same ' 32 0 Ll0 L9 L8 l8 and ((computer) nearT (receiver network)) 17 and USPT, JPAB,EPAB,DWPI, TDBD USPT, JPAB,EPAB,DWPI,TDBD USPT, JPAB,EPAB,DWPI, TDBD USPT, JPAB,EPAB,DWPI,TDBD USPT, JPAB,EPAB,DWPI, TDBD USPT, JPAB,EPAB,DWPI,TDBD USPT, JPAB,EPAB,DWPI, TDBD USPT, JPAB,EPAB,DWPI, TDBD transceiv$3) 14 and (transmitter or transceiver) 14 and (tranmiuer or transceiver) 13 and receiv$3 12 and ((monitor$3 or detect$3 or sens$3) same (transmi$s)) . (provid$3 or obtain$3) near5 (traffic near5 14 and ((motile user$3 or client$l or user$l or base station$l or station$l) near9 (server or . network or database$l)) (transmi$6 or 103 277 146 42 L7 L6 L5 277 303 93g 461 L4 L3 L2 information$l) (provid$3) near5 (traffic near5 information$l) LI Exhibit E Page 175 of 311 2 of2 lDt0l 2:56PM 175 WESI2.0.Rcfrne Search I ilLeffil*:f?r'"YP:--j ' http://westbrs:8820/bin/cgi-bin/ .a .. :::::r::::::::::i:::::*1::::::i*=::::i::::::::::::rri:irr:1fr:i$::fi|::::*:ai:::*::st:*:::::i*!:r!::!!f,lM:::::*::: Database: Refine Search: Search Eistory Today's Date: llSl2OOl I of.2 Exhibit E Page 176 of 31 1 l8l01 l:ll PM 176 : FlEefornr Secrch C http://wes&rs:882}hmlgate.exe?f|..orm"t-fl&dbnamrUSPT,JPAB,EPAB,DWPI,TDBD Freeform Search Database: Term: Display: ; or processor) IL7 and (network or database or server or computer[ ,L.-ll)ocuments in Displav Format, Generate: C) Hit List @ Hit Count Q Image iJt*f Starting with Numb". ry:l ffilej.J 1*'glr' t;l l :l':"'p.: l*-te" e eJ;L-; *-_._*-,ffi -v,^-^@ Search Historv Today's Date: tiZtZOOt Exhibit E Page 177 of 311 I of2 1/3/01 8:03 AM 177 Frcform Search o DB Name TDBD http://westbrs:8820/bir/gate.exe?fl,..ormaFTl&dbname=USpTJpAB,EPAB,DWPIJDBD Ouerv Count Hj! set Name USPT, JPAB,EPAB,DWPI, ll7 and{network or database or seryer or computer or processor) and network or database or server or 25 106692 26 44 80 Ll9 Ll8 Ll7 US'T,J*AB,E'AB,DW'I,TDBD ll7 ' USPT, JPAB,EPAB,DWPI,TDBD USPT, JPAB,EPAB,DWPI,TDBD USPT, JPAB,EPAB,DWPI, TDBD USPT, JPAB,EPAB,DWPI, USPT, JPAB,EPAB,DWPI, TDBD TDBD computeror-8ffi+rr+r_rt_r++r-rr* 116 and transmitter ll5 and receiver ll and (traffic near5 monitor$3) ((traffic monitor$3) nearT (receiver$l nearT transmitter$l) :. ((traffic monitor$3) nearT (detector$l near? transmitter$l)) near5 (detector$l nearT Ll6 Lt5 l l Lt4 Ll3- 2 1 USpT,JpAB,E'AB,DW'I,TDBD ((traffic monitor$l) traniinitter$i;; USPT,JPAB,EPAB,DWPI,TDBD , 17 and netwbrk USPT,JPAB,EPAB,DWPI,TDBD 18 and:driver USPT,JPAB,EPAB,DWPI, TDBD 18 a"nd Lt2 lg5 32 Lll Ll0 L9 ((coriii'pdter) .iear7 (receiver same network)) l7 USPT,JPAB,EPAB,DWPI,TDBD USPT, JPAB,EPAB,DWPI,TDBD USPT, JPAB,EPAB,DWPI, TDBD USPT, JPAB,EPAB,DWPI, TDBD USPT, JPAB,EPAB,DWPI, USPT, JPAB,EPAB;DWPI, and (mobile user$3 or client$l or user$l base station$l or station$l) nearg (server or or 103 L8 network or database$l)) 14 and 14 and 14 and (transmi$6 or transceiv$3) (transmiuer or transceiver) 277 L7 L6 L5 TA t46 42 277 303 938 (tranmitter or transceiver) 13 and receiv$3 TDBD TDBD 12 and ((monitor$3 or detect$3 or sens$3) same (transmi$5)) L3 USPT, JPAB,EPAB,DWPI,TDBD (provid$3 or obtain$3) near5 (traffic near5 information$l) L2 USPT,JPAB,EPAB,DWPI,TDBD (provid$3)near5(trafficnear5information$l) 461 LI Exhibit E Page 178 of 31 1 2 of2 l8l01 8:03 AM '478 Inventor Narne Search Result ERY?FAM-NAMfr'raM=b*cG&SER-NIJM=00000000&ENT_NUM=00 f,llarenal!{/OBJEcT/INvQt Day: Wedneday Date; l/ 312001 Time:09:04:53 -***.",,ff** ffi-Lffl riNrHfiHHT Inventor Name Search Result Your Search was: Last Name: DEKOCK YSTEM FOR PROVIDING INFORMATION 159 159 ocK, UCE W. tglr STEM FOR PROVIDING TNFORMATION C INFORMATION ocK, UCE W. I I I22I I9q9IISYSTEM FOR PROVIDING OCK, YSTEM FOR PROVIDING INFORMATION ocK, UCE W. Inventor Search Completed: Last Name No more records to search. First Name Search Another: fnyentor (To Go BACK Use BACK Button on Your BROWSER Tool Bar) Back to IIPALM ll ASSIGNMENT ll OASIS llHome page Exhibit E Page 179 of311 lBl01 9:04 AM 179 Frceform Se.rroh httnl/wesrbr.f idgate.exe?starrad2n6s.20. I &tsffsearch&format=Tl Freeform Search Database: JPO Abstracts Database EPO Abstracts Database Denrent World Patents Index IBM Technical Disclosure Bulletins i; Term: Display: tJq:Documents in Disnlav Format: Generate: O Hit List O Hit Count e Image m: Starting with Number iltl Search History Today's Date: ll3l200l Ouerv TDBD DB Name USP T, JPAB,trPAB,DWPI, Hit Count Set l.{ame ll0 and transmi$S 534 1047 Ll I USPT, JPAB,EPAB,DWPI,TDBD USPT, JPAB,EPAB,DWPI,TDBD 19 and ((display$3) nearT (traffic information$l or text$l or image$ or ' LlO L9 message$l)) traffic informationsl USPT USPT USPT USPT USPT USPT USPT USPT 16 and ll and display$3 ll (traffic$l condition$l) and (mobil$l unit$l) 14 and request$3 11 and monitor$3 ll and (ccd or camera$l) ll and (ccd or camera) 4t24 1L8 lL7 tL6 lL5 1L4 0L3 0L2 lLl lofl Exhibit E Page 180 of311 l8l01 l0:51AM 180 Rgoord Dsplay Form wysiwyglt24lhttn/twestbn:S820/bJ..FUll&p_doc 2=&p_doc_3=&p_doc_4=&p_doc_5_ End of Result Set u LL5: Entry 5 of 5 Generate Collection File: ,JPAB Nov 9, L999 PUB-NO: ITP411313215A DOCLIMENT-IDENTIFIER:,Jp t_1313215 A TITLE: IMAGE DATA TRANSMTTTER AIID rMAGE DATA DISTR]BTITTON PUBN-DATE: November 9, Lggg TNVENTOR. INFORMATTON NAME : SYSTEM suzuKr, sErrcHr SATO, ATSUSHT YAMAKAWA, HIROYUKI ASS IGNEE - INFORMATTON : NAME COUNTRY N/A N/A N/A COUNTRY AQUEOUS RESERCH:KK APPIJ-NO N/A 1998 APPL-DATE: :,fPl0L3 April 24, LAZI, rNT-cL (Ipc): H04N !/48;.co8c t/ot; ABSTRACT: PROBLEM c08c L/04 reproducibility. ro BE SOLVED: To provide the image dara rtisrr.inurion system fhaf dislr'lays an ,.imaqe with excellent color syerem is Frowidert w.ifh a fransmitfer ^q. io which imagre reg'esf dafa are sent from the f raff ic informaf ion rtisF]ay-deviCe via the base staiiot and a ccD ca*"r" 23a that picks up an image based on a controi signal from the video fransmifrer 15. Upon the receipt of image request daLa, a switch 252 of thl image transm.iFf er Ehe is used t<> 25 -"plan a power supply 23L of the CCn elmera 23a again. A whiEe baP1yce adjustment section 233 of the ccr-r eamera 23a sets white balance again 39-application of power. Thus, drr objecE is photographed while the white ballnce is adjusted ii matching wi--h a- co]gr_temperature around the objecL at ail times. rmage dita obtaihed- by photographing are comlressed by the video riansmiffe25 and the compressed data are sent to the traffic.informarion disfr'lalr device via the base st.ation and rlisplayerr on rh+- disntay SOIJUTION: The imagp rrisfrihrrfion device I of2 rrioit g Page 181 of311 rBlot r{g0fM Rgcord Dsp.layForm wysiwyg:lDahttn://westbrs:S820/bf ..FLlLl-&p_dx,j-&p_doc_3=&p_doc_4:&p_doc 5: COPYRIGHT: (C) L999, JpO Exhibit E Page 182 of 311 2ot2 r8l0r r1:8%AM Record List Display hnp://westbrs:8 820 Alinl cg;-brn/ accum_query. pl Generate Collection Search Results - Record(s) l l through 14 of 14 returned. il I l. Document ID: US 54lZS73 A L20: Entry 1l_ of L4 US-PAT-NO: 54LZS73 File: USPT May 2, Lg95 TrrLE: Mul-ti-mode route guidanceAsyst.em and method therefor DOCUMENT-IDENTIFfER: US 5412523 il L20 12. Document ID: Jp 09252260 A t Entry L2 of 1-4 Jp File: 092522G0 A ,JpAI] Sep 22 , ),997 TITLET PUB-NO; JP4092S226OA DOCI]MENT-IDENTIFIER: SYSTEM il tl. Document L20 z Ent,ry ID: Jp ltSl}zgi A 1_3 of L4 File: DWPf Nov 9, L999 DERWEMI-ACC-NO : 2000 - A gZLg DERWENT-WEEK: 200006 COPYRTGHT 2OO]. DERWENT INFORMATTON LTD TITLE: Traffic. .informaf ion data management procedure for f.rat1titf mal. - inwo'lwes rriifliy niif tc. serwer such th S l does nor r,ransmit demand-;ig;;i-T; server when updation of data of display unit is'performed ill tq. Document ID: L2O: Entry JP 0904479t A 1,4 of L4 File: DWPI Feb 14 , L99'l Exhibit E Page 183 of311 I of2 r/3/0r r?gtPM Re'cord List Dsplay o httpl/westbrs: 8820/bm/ cglSinl DERWENT-ACC-NO z L99'l -L84718 DERWENT-WEEKz L997L7 COPYRIGHT 2OO]. DERWENT TNFORMATION I,TD TITLE: Vehicle navigation apparatus - has decision circuit determining if particular route is passable based on net^tesL f rpff i<- informaf ion and roart man dafahasr. and showing reason for impassabilicy of route through display device Generate Gollection . DWPI, MBD,EPAB,JPAB,USPT. CA.DWPI,TDBD,EPAB,JPAB, USPT. I,TDBD,EPA AB,USPT. TDBD,EPAB,JPAB,USPT. ICI.DWPI,TDBD,EPAB, JPAB,USPT. ICK. DWPI,TDBD,EPAB, JPAB,USPT, ;i I .DWPI,TDBD,EPAB, JPAB,USPT. CS. DWPI, TDBD,EPAB, JPAB,USPT. 19 AND (TRAFFIC$I) NEART (SERVER$I oR DATABA$PqD)):USPIJP-4P,F-BAB"_,-P-}YFI_I|TD_PP, Display ffi Documents, starting with Document: f*I?ll]l Format Exhibit E Page 184 of311 2 of? lBl0l 12.'23 PM 184 WESI'?.0 P.efine Search ,| :1 I DB Name TDBD TDBD TDBD TDBD 121 and http://westbrs:8820/bin/cgi-bi/PreSearch. pl USPT, JPAB,EPAB,DWPI, USPT, JPAB,EPAB,DWPI, USPT, JPAB, EPAB,DWPI, USPT, JPAB,EPAB,DWPI, Ouerv 123 and (camera$l or ccd$l) 123 and Hit Count Set Name camera$l or ccd$l 123 and (speed$3 or velocity) 0 76048 I ,2 12 L26 L25 L24 L23 L22 USPT, JPAB,EPAB,DWPI,TDBD USPT, JPAB,EPAB,DWPI,TDBD USPT, JPAB,EPAB,DWPI,TDBD USPT, JPAB,EPAB,DWPI, TDBD USPT, JPAB,EPAB,DWPI, TDBD USPT, JPAB,EPAB,DWPI,TDBD U SPT, U SPT, ((rnap$l) nearT (server$l or database$1)) 113 and ((traffic$1) nearT (server$l or database$l)) L2l 14 119 and ((traffic$l) nearT (server$l or database$l)) L20 ll0 and ((map$l) nearT (server$l or database$l)) 116 and 43 Lr9 Ll8 ((map$l) nearT (server$l or database$1)) ll6 and ((map$l) near4 (server$l or database$l)) I 64 5 Lt7 JPAB,EPAB,DWPI,TDBD JPAB,EPAB,DWPI,TDBD ll3 ll3 and (camera or ccd$l) Ll6 Lt5 114 and (camera or ccd$l) USPT, JPAB,EPAB,DWPI,TDBD U SPT, and (request$3 near4 traffic near3 information$l) JPAB,EPAB,DWPI,TDBD USPT ll l ll I and display$3 and display$3 and transmi$5 USPT, JPAB,EPAB,DWPI,TDBD USPT, JPAB,EPAB,DWPI,TDBD USPT, JPAB,EPAB,DWPI,TDBD ll0 3l 534 361 534 Ll4 Ll3 Llz Ll l 19 and ((display$3) near7 (traffic information$l or text$l or image$ or 1047 Llo 4124 message$l)) traffic information$1 L9 L8 L7 L6 L5 USPT ll 16 and display$3 USPT USPT USPT USPT USPT USPT USPT and (traffic$1 condition$l) I I 1 ll and (mobil$l 14 unit$l) and request$3 I I 0 ll and monitorS3 11 and L4 L3 (ccd or camera$l) ll and (ccd or camera) 0 L2 L1 I 2 of.2 Exhibit E Page 185 of 31 1 ll3l01 l:ll PM 185 WEST 2.0 Qefine Search t Search Results - o http //westbrs: 8820lbin/cgi-bin/PreSearoh. pl Documents I TRAFFIC$I TRAFFIC. DWPI,TDBD,EPAB, JPAB,USPT. C A. 0 85604 DWPI, TDBD,EPAB,JPAB,USPT. I 200 I AF'F'T(]F- r)\VPI TDRD FPAII IPAR ITSPT I UFFICI.DWPI,TDBD,EPAB,JPAB,USPT. TAFFICK.DWPI,TDBD,EPAB, JPAB,USPT. TRAFFICM. DWPI,TDBD,EPAB, JPAB,USPT. I 4 I I 432 TRAFFICO.DWPI,TDBD,EPAB, JPAB,USPT TRAFFIC S.DWPI,TDBD,EPAB, JPAB,USPT. (L29 AND TRAFFIC $ I ). USPT,JPAB,EPAB,DWPI, TDBD, I There are moie results than shown above. Click here to view the entire set. Database: L29 Ar.rD Refine Search: TRAFFTC$I t: Search History F Today's Date: ll3l200l Ouen L29 AND TRATFIC$I 128 and locat$3 DB Name USPT, JPAB,EPAB,DWPI,TDBD U SPT, Eit Count Set Name JPAB,EPAB,DWPI,TDBD USPT, JPAB,EPAB,DWPI,TDBD 127 and database$l I I I Exhibit E Page 186 of 31 1 L30 L29 L28 I of2 lBl01 l:48 PM 186 WEST 2.0 Bsfine Search O ll and (map$4 or traffic$l) 123 and (camera$l or http:/lwslbrs:8820./bfulcgi-bin/PreSearch. pl USPT, JPAB,EPAB,DWPI,TDBD USPT, JPAB,EPAB,DWPI, TDBD USPT, JPAB,EPAB,DWPI,TDBD USPT, JPAB,EPAB,DWPI,TDBD USPT, JPAB,EPAB,DWPI,TDBD USPT, JPAB,EPAB,DWPI, TDBD U SPT, I 0 L27 ccd$l) L26 L25 L24 L23 123 and camera$l or ccd$l 123 and (speed$3 76048 orvelocity)- I 2 l2l ll3 and ((map$l) nearT (server$l or database$l)) and and t2 48 L22 JPAB,EPAB,DWPI,TDBD (traffic$l) nearT (server$l or database$1)) Lzl LzA USPT, JPAB,EPAB,DWPI,TDBD USPT, JPAB,EPAB,DWPI, TDBD USPT, JPAB,EPAB,DWPI, TDBD USPT, JPAB,EPAB,DWPI,TDBD USPT, JPAB,EPAB,DWPI, TDBD ll9 ll0 ((traffic$l) near7 (server$l or database$l)) l4 43 2 and ((map$l) nearT (server$l or database$1)) Ll9 116 and ((map$l) nearT (server$1 or database$1)) Ll8 Lr7 116 and ((map$l) near4 (server$1 or database$1)) and (camera or ccd$1) and (camera or ccd$l) I 64 5 USPT,JPAB,EPAB,DWPI, TDBD USPT, JPAB,EPAB,DWPI, TDBD ll3 ll4 ll3 Lr6 Ll5 and (request$3 near4 traffic near3 information$1) 3l 534 361 Lt4 L13 USPT,JPAB,EPAB,DWPI, TDBD USPT U SPT, JPAB,EPAB,DWPI, ll I and display$3 and display$3 lll TDBD 19 and Lr2 110 and transmi$5 534 Lll Ll0 L9 L8 USPT, JPAB,EPAB,DWPI,TDBD U SPT, ((display$3) near7 (traffic information$l or text$l or image$ or message$1)) r047 JPAB,EPAB,DWPI,TDBD USPT USPT USPT USPT USPT USPT USPT USPT trafrc inforrnation$l 4t24 ll and display$3 16 and (trafiic$l condition$l) unit$l) l4 and request$3 ll and (mobil$l' ll I I I 1 L7 L6 L5 L4 L3 L2 L1 and monitor$3 I 0 0 l1 and (ccd or camera$l) ll and (ccd or camera) 5959577.Pn. I 2 of2 Exhibit E Page 187 of 311 l8l01 l:48 PM 187 WEST 2.0 Refrne Search hnp://westbrs: 88 20 lbml cgi-bin/ PreSearch - pl Search Term il Documents I CA. DWPI,TDBD,EPAB, JPAB,U SPT. There are more results than shovrm above. Click here to view the entire set. Database: L29 AND TRATFIC9l Refine Search: '*,,',,,*,',.. .'..',,'..,,''-' Today's Date: Search History ll3l200l Ougrv TDBD TDBD L29 AND TRAIIFIC$I 128 and locat$3 DB Name USPT, JPAB,EPAB,DWPI, U SPT, Hit Count Set Name JPAB,EPAB,DWPI,TDBD USPT, JPAB,EPAB,DWPI, 127 anddatabase$l I 1 I Exhibit E Page 188 of 31 1 L30 L2g' L28 I of2 U3ftl 2:42PM 188 WEST 2.0 Refure Search http://westbrs:8820/hin/cgi-bin/PreSearch. pl USPT,JPAB,EPAB,DWPI,TDBD USPT,JPAB,EPAB,DWPI, TDBD 11 and (map$4 or traffic$l) I 0 1.27 D3 and (camera$l or ccd$l) USPT,JPAB,EPAB,DWPI,TDBD USPT,JPAB,EPAB,DWPI, TDBD 123 and camera$l or ccd$l velocity) 76048 1 L26 L25 L24 L23 L22 123 and (speed$3 or USPT,JPAB,EPAB,DWPI,TDBD USPT, JPAB,EPAB,DWPI, TDBD USPT, JPAB,EPAB,DWPI,TDBD 2 l2l ll3 and ((map$l) nearT (server$l or database$1)) and t2 48 ((traffic$l) nearT (server$l or database$l)) Lzr L20 USPT,JPAB,EPAB,DWPI,TDBD USPT,JPAB,EPAB,DWPI, TDBD USPT, JPAB,EPAB,DWPI, TDBD USPT, JPAB,EPAB,DWPI,TDBD USPT, JPAB,EPAB,DWPI,TDBD USPT, JPAB,EPAB,DWPI,TDBD USPT, JPAB,EPAB, DWPI,TDBD USPT, JPAB,EPAB,DWPI, TDBD l19 and ((traffic$l) nearT (server$1 or database$1)) t4 43 2 ll0 and ((map$l) nearT (server$l or database$l)) l16 and ((map$l) nearT (server$l or database$l)) Lt9 Ll8 Lt7 ll6 and ((map$l) near4 (server$l or database$l)) I 64 5 ll3 ll4 ll3 and (camera or ccd$l) and (camera or ccd$1) Lr6 Ll5 and (request$3 near4 traffic near3 information$l) 3l 534 361 Lt4 Ll3 Ltz ll l and display$3 and display$3 and transmi$S USPT USPT, JPAB,EPAB,DWPI, TDBD 19 and lll ll0 534 Lll L10 L9 L8 L7 USPT, JPAB,EPAB,DWPI,TDBD USPT, JPAB,EPAB,DWPI, TDBD ((display$3) nearT (traffic information$l ortext$l or image$ or message$1)) la47 4124 traffic information$l USPT ll 16 and display$3 I 1 USPT USPT USPT and (traffic$l condition$l) 11 and (mobil$l unit$l) 14 and request$3 I L6 L5 I I 0 0 . USPT USPT USPT USPT ll and monitor$3 L4 L3 ll and (ccd or camera$l) ll and (ccd or camera) 5959577.Pn. L2 I LI Exhibit E Page 189 of 31 1 2 ot2 ll3l0l2:42PM 189 Record Dsplay Form http://westbrs:8820/bin/gare.exe?f=a{aEsNaME=R.Ill&p-doccnr-t&p_doc_l=PTFFULL t L2O: Entry 12 Generate Collection of 14 File: Jp 09252260 A ..TPAB Sep 22, 1997 PUB-NO: ,JP4O92 SZZ6OA DOCUMENT-IDBNTfFIER: TfTLB, SySTEM PUBN-DATE: September INVENTOR - TNFORMATION NAME : 22, LggT YAJVIADA, TETSUSHI ASS IGNEE - TNFORMATTON NAME : JAPAN RADIO CO LTD COUNTRY N/A APPL-NO: JP0B06O86G APPL-DATE: March L9, Lgg6 INT-CL (IPc) : ABSTRACT: PROBLEM HO4B L/1.6 To BE soLVEDl.To provide-a traffic' informafion crisFray sysfem in whic.h rraffic. informafion i*"g"-d"t" ,"p"_i*posea oi map image data. are simply generated by ieducing tire daia amount. ------J of a memory wit,h respe

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