Google Inc. v. Traffic Information LLC

Filing 52

Brief Plaintiff's Opening Claim Construction Brief. Filed by Google Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A, # 2 Exhibit B, # 3 Exhibit C, # 4 Exhibit D, # 5 Exhibit E part1, # 6 Exhibit E part 2, # 7 Exhibit E part 3, # 8 Exhibit E part 4, # 9 Exhibit E part 5, # 10 Exhibit F part 1, # 11 Exhibit F part 2, # 12 Exhibit G, # 13 Exhibit H) (Markley, Julia)

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Google Inc. v. Traffic Information LLC r$ " ,o 1. Doc. 52 Att. 9 Application/Control Number: 09/550,476 Art Unit 3661 REASONS FOR ALLOWANCE a Page 2 The following is an examiner's statement of reasons for allowance: U.S. Patent No. 5,821,069 discloses a method and a system which make reliable forecasting of the traffic flows at selected locations or in selected sections of a road network possible and thereby permit, in particular, effective traffic direction and guiding of vehicles to their destinations. to cornmunicate with all of the vehicle control units and with passenger telephones. U.S. Patent No. discloses a method is provided for processing position and travel related information through a data processing station on a data network. In one embodiment, a GPS receiver is used to obtain a measured position fix of a mobile unit. The measured position fix is reported to the data processing station which associates the reported position t-o a map of the area. Typically, the measured position of the mobile unit is marked and identified by a marker on the map. The area map is then stored in the data processing station and made available for access by authorized monitor units or mobite units. An authorized monitor unit may request for a specific area map by sending a request through the data network. Upon receiving a request, the data processing unit sends the area map to the monitor unit. Data processing station may also perform a database search for travel-related information, such as directions to a gasoline station. None of the above-cited references either singularly or in combination teach or fairly disclose: Exhibit E Page 261 of 311 261 ApplicationlControl N umber: 09/550,476 Art Unit: 9061 f, Page 3 "wherein said computer system has a map database, and said computer system, in response to said request for information, transmits map information representative of a portion of said map database, and said map information representative of said map database is displayed graphically together with said traffic information". "at least one of said mobile user stations providing a request to said computer system for information together with a respective location of said mobile user stations, and in response thereto, said computer system providing to said one of said mobile user stations information representative of selected portions of said map database and selected portions of said traffic information database based on said respective geographic location of said one of said mobile user stations." 2. Any comments considered necessary by applicant must be submitted no later than the payment of the issue fee and, to avoid processing delays, should preferably accompany the issue fee. Such submissions should be clearly labeled "Comments on Statement of Reasons for Allowance." Any inquiry concerning this communication or earlier communications from the examiner should be directed to Marthe Y Marc-Coleman whose telephone number is (703) 3054970. The examiner can normally be reached on Monday-Thursday from 9:30 AM - 8:00 PM. lf attempts to reach the examiner by telephone are unsuccessful, the examinefs supervisor, William A Cuchlinski can be reached on (703) 308-3873. The fax phone numbers for the organization where this application or proceeding is assigned are (703) Exhibit E Page 262 of 311 262 Application/Control N umber: 09/550,476 Art Unit 3661 305-7687 for regular communications and (703) 305-7687 for After Final communications. I Page 4 Any inquiry of a general nature or relating to the status of this application or proceeding should be directed to the receptionist whose telephone number is (703) 3081113. Patent Examiner Marthe Marc-Coleman February 19,2002 MYA SUPERVISORY PATENT EXAMIN TECHNOLOGY CEI{TER 360 m Exhibit E Page 263 of 311 263 We.hiaab, D-C- 2Br APPLICATIoNNo. 09t'soA76 I FILINGDATE I M^4t20N ffinln00.z nrnsrNAMEDrNvENTon Brucc W. DeKock IATToRNEYDoCKETNo. BWD-7118.004 I cottFrRMeTroNNo. Bruce W DeKock t600 ODS Tower 801 SWSecondAvenue Portland" EXAMINbR MARC COLEMAN, MARTHE Y OR 97204 366r DATE MAILED:07101n002 W Please find below and/or attached an Office cornmunication concerning this application or proceeding. PTO-9OC @ev.0741) Exhibit E Page 264 of 311 'l f5t\ nffir Addrcss: CIIMMFSIONER (F PATENTS At{D TRADEMqRKS Weshington, O.C. e(}?Sl Uil|lED STA,IES DEPARTNiEilT OF GoMMERCE Fatent and Trademark Office t EOMINER tw DATEilAfLED. .//t oz_ f NONCE OFABANDONMENT Thb applbation is abandoned in Mqw of: n Appllcanrs failure lo timely file a proper response to the offrce leter mailed on n I response (wi$r a Certifrcate of Mailing or Transmission ol lime was recelved on of-month(s) , which is afler lhe expirafion of the period for rcsponse (irrcluding a lotal extension of which ergired on but it d6s not constihrts a proper response lo the final D n proposeO response was receiwd on rcic{ion. (A proper rssponse to a final rejec{ion conslsts only of: a tlmely filed amendment which places the application in condition lor allowance; a Notice of Appeal; or the filing ol a continuing application under 37 CFR 1.62 (FWC). D J{ \ tl trto response has been received. npdi""nfs failure to timely pay the required issue fee within the statutory period of three months from the mailing dalo ot ttre Notice of Allowance. fl ttre issue fee (with a Certificate of Mailing orTransmission ol_ ) was recaived on ! D ne submitted issue fee of $-is /f\f *, issLe fee has not been received. insuffcient. The issue fee required by 37 CFR 1.18 is $-. 4iptlcanfs failure to tirnly file new formal drawings as required in the Notice of Allowability. I fl D Proposao nsw lormal drawings {with a Certificate of Mailing or Transmission of received on wgre ttre proposed new formal drawings filed No propmed newfomal drawings have bon received. are not acceptable. tr tr The eryress abandonmsnt under 37 cFR 1.62(9) in favor of the FWC application filed on The letler of express abandonment which is signed by the attomey or agent of record, the assignee of the entire interest, or all of the applicants. -) ! D The lotter of sxpress abandonment which is signed by an aftomey or agent (acting In a representalive capacity under 37 CFR 1.34(a) upon the ffling ol a cortinuing appllcalion. The dscision by lhe Board of Patent Appeals and lnterlersnces rendered on for seeking court review of the decbion has expked and there are no allowed claims. The reason(s) below: and because the pedod D FoRU PrrGl{Cl {FEv. t(}05) ABANDONMENT CONTACT PERSON IS: TOM HAWKINS 305-8380 Exhibit E Pase 265 of 311 265 F* . vlLHAutF. 'JacoB JR 'OENNTS E. SrENzEL . CHAFLES D. McCLuNG ' DoNALo 1. Hasle?t ' J- PETER STAPIES O. GENY 'wrLLraM ' NaNCy J. MOFtaRry JULTaNNE R- Oavrs 'KEvrN L. RussELL 1600 oos rowER 60r s.w. sEcoNo avENUE \Qggql$*'eoRrLAN o, oREGoN s7 z o 4- 3t s7 '. - ,.f -rq OavlD S. FtxE SENToR Law CLtRx OaNTEL P. CHERNoFF (r935-t995' TELEPHoNE: (503) 227-563t F,qx: (5O3) ?28-4373 Iuly 30,2002 Our File 7t 16.004 Box DAC Attention: Offi ce of Petitions Commissioner for Patents Washington,D.C.2023l Re: United States Patent Application Serial No. 091550,476 FoT: SYSTEM FOR PROVIDING TRAFFIC INFORMATION Filed: April14,2000 Dear Sir: Enclosed for filing is a Petition for Revival of an Application for Patent Abandoned Unintentionally under 37 U.S.C. 1.137 (b). Additionally, we enclose copies of the Issue Fee Due Notice and fourteen sheets of the new formal drawings both dated July 30, 2002, and which have been frled with the appropriate authority. Also enclosed is our check payable to the Commissioner for Patents for the Petition to Revive in the current amount of $640 for a small entity and an acknowledgment postcard. Please charge Deposit Account No. 03-1550 for any additional fees which may be required or credit any overpayments to that account. A duplicate copy of this transmittal letter is enclosed. *H)TZ 'I(evin L. Russell '.: .J KLR:djs Enclosures # FIECEIVED AUG 0 7 7002 OFFICE OF PETITIONS ; ';"a+l E _-t i .i Exhibit E Page 266 of 31 1 266 *I*PAPERs ORIGINALLYFILED PETITION F'OR REVIVAL OF'AII APPLICATION FOR PATENT ABAI\IDOI\IED UMTENTIONALLY UNDER 37 U.S.C. 1.137(8) Applicant: DeKock, et al. Group Art Docket No. KLRTII6,qX Unit: 3661 s5s N$ ial No.: 09t550,476 Examiner: Coleman April 14,2000 SYSTEM FOR PROVIDING TRAFFIC INFORMATION July 30, 2002 pox DAC Attention : Offi ce of Petitions Commissioner of Patents Washington,D.C.2A23l The above-identified application became abandoned for failure to timely pay the issue fee within the statutory period from the mailing date. The abandonment date of this application is May 21,2002. APPLICAI{T IIEREBY PETITIONS FOR REVTVAL OF THIS APPLICATION l. Petition fee e Small entity fee of $640 (37 C.F.R. 1017(m)) o Small entity statement enclosed herewith. o Small entity statement previirusly filed. s Other than small entity fee $_; (37 C.F.R. 1.17(m) Reply and/or fee A. The reply and/or fee to the above-noted Notice of Issue Fee Due: &d o has been filed previously on s A copy is enclosed herewith. B. The issue fee of $ : has been paid previously on. o s A copy is enclosed herewith. 640 -, RECEIVED AUG O 7 ?OO? OFFICE OFPENTIOilS PETITION TO REVIVE 0e/06/a002 0$HDRFI 000m030 09550475 01 FC:?{l 640.00 0p Exhibit E Page 267 of 311 267 o COPYOFPAPERS ORIGINALLYFILED ,,r.t !,i-ir:r't: 4-: Receipt of the following is acknowledged tn the USPTO: Transmittal L,etter to the USpTO; 2002 Transmital Fee Form in duplicate; PTO Forrn PTOL-85 with certificate of mailing; Our Check in the amount of $649; Copies of a Petition to Revive and Formal Drawings; aud Acknowledgment postcard. al ' Applicant DeKock, et al. EOtitICd: SYSTEMFORPROVIDINGTRAFFIC Serial No.: INFORN{ATION 091550,476 7116.004 BWD KLR:djs July 30, 2002 RECEIVED AUG 0 7 7A02 OFF]CE OF PETMONS Exhibit E Page 268 of 31 1 268 3. Terminal disclaimer with a disclaimer fee g Since this utilitylplant application was filed on or after June 8, 1995 no terminal tr disclaimer is required. A terminal disclaimer (and disclaimer fen (37 C.F.R. 1.20(d)) of$ small entity or for a $_ for other than a small entity) equivalent to the number of months from abandonment to the filing of this petition is enclosed herewith. 4. Statement: The entire delay in filing the required reply from the due date for the reply until the filing of a grantable petition under 37 C.F.R. l.l37O) was unintentional. Notes: Where a petition under 37 C.F.R. 1.137O) is filed: (1) more than three months from the date the applicant is first notified that the application is abandoned explain (on an attached sheet) in detail the cause of the dely in filing the petition; (2) more than one year from the date of abandonment, explain (on an attached sheet) in detail how the delay in discovering the abandonment status occurred and indicate the date that applicant first became aware of the date of abandonment. Dated: July 30,2002 evin L. Russell Chernoff Vilhauer McClung & Stenzel 1600 ODS Tower 601 SWSecondAvenue Portland, Oregon 97244 Tel. No. (5O3) 227-5631 Enclosures: E $#tJ;r**q e Copies of New Formal Drawings and Notice of Issue m Acknowledgment Postcard Fee Due; and an PETITION TO REVIVE r"r'iOit i 269 Page 269 of 31 1 3 maintcnaacc fcc notificatiom- PART B- FEETS) TRANSMITTAL 4F[''-f.-i.ili?3 ,t9 Complete snd mail this form, together with applirable fee(s), to: Box ISSLIE FEE Assistant Commissioner for Patents Washlngton, D.C.20231 M,rILINI: tNJl KUs I IUNS: This rorm should bc uscd for Fansrfiring thc ISSUE_FEE IId.PUB-LICATION FlE (if I tttrougFl-Fila$ c wharc.appropriaa'A|lfrrdrcr.corrcspon&nccinctudingihepatdr''8dva;ccotdcEm_anotingtonJrmaFquircd).ePlocksiF;,fcdi-;th";,,d;a;;;;a'd;F;iffi inti'nan fe.";ii ili*o - morcarcd urcs:l coroc'ttd bclow or dtrcctcd olhcrwisc in Blocl I, by (a) spcifying a ncw orcspondmcc ad&css; and/or @) indicating a scputc "FEE ADDRESS* for ulMrwreruNuilutsruDus(Nftutrblyut-upyi&utffiad6@Blcll) 75eo mnv*n BruCe W 1600 ou r wsecondA e 8orswresonq^.vnu" [ | ^.iss gl ^at'D$p El Portland, oRe7204 [ [$ " F DeKOck ODS Tower llV /O ,ao-i\ a ,O\ NOtr: ThC Ccniftcat, Of mailing bclow can Only bc uscd for &mcStic -,r\ lltrJE:I"ffil'#U.HEffi'"ffi".fff#,H:i,".*"*"*,$;g orformddniwirigirusihavcitsomertificaicbfnniling. rhc iii;ii-$t"G-r'*di$;";;ff;iffiii?_6slilFr,ff;ffi-#1iL1; Lhffiott,fffl*gib#,J#fi1JtrHHH&]ilgrk:,,##'it* Unitcd Statcs Posal Scwicc witli suflicicnt pogasc foifirsi class mil in sn mvclooe ad&esscd o thc Box Iss,uc Fe aditss abovc on the darc 6'ii; it;i-i;il;-Fti;l;;';ti;;;-il;'d;; ,Tt:1":*fii'i$ I Ccrtilicate Ccrdticate of Malltog Malllog hcrcby ceni& 0tat thb Fcc(s) Transminsl is bcins dcDosircd wirb TITLE OF INVENTION: SYSTEM FOR PROVIDING TRAFFIC INFOWATTON L Clangc ofcorrcspond.ncc addrcss or irdication of"Foc Ad&css" (37 Usc ofPTO fonn(s) and Customc Nunbcr cc rccocrmindc4 but not rcqLfucd gFR 1.t63). O Changcof corrcslondcncc ad&cgs (or Chansc of Conesoondencc Addrcss form PTO/SB/122) sfiachcd. 2. For printing oo thc patcnt front pagc, tist (l) thc namcs of up to 3 rgistcred palcnt attorncys s agcnts oR, alarnarivcly, (2) rtc namc of a singlc firm (having as a mcmbcr a rcgistcrcd attoney or agent) and thc namcs of up to 2 rcgistcrcd patcnt atlomcys or agcnts. isliste4 no namc will bcprintcd" Chernoff Vllhauer McClung 2_ 3 O'Fcc Addrcss" indication (or "Fer Addrcss" Indication form PTO/SB/4D sttachcd 3. ASSIGNEE NAME AND RESIDENCE DATA T0 BE PRINTED ON If no namc Tm PATENT (print or tlTc) PLEASE NOTE: Unlcss m assi bccnprcviousry (A)NAME OF ASSIGNEE sub;Gr!,,h.t3i,fdxTft*"!"llmnnlru",ff u'l"wt"'*rti#tFhll?iH:ilf,,tTl1l,i,$f,r"'i"?iY,fdfi"ffi?ff:ff (B) RESIDENCE: (CITY and STATE OR COUNTRY) m assismmr has Bruce Ddock Plc?sc chcck thc appropriatc assignee caregory or categorbs Bend, Oregon (will not bc printed on the patcnt) l9 individual O corporation or other privare group enfity O govcmcnt , 4a Thc following fcc{s) arc cnctosed 4b. Paymcnt ofFeds); S tr Issre Fcc Publication Fcc Advance Ordcr F 0 # ofCopies A check in thc amount ofthe fee(s) is enclosed. Paymcnt by crcdit card. Fom PTO-2038 is afiachcd. I D The Commissioncr is hcreby authorizcd by charec hc rcouired fec{s). or credit any ovcmavmcnl !o Deposit Account Numbcr O?-l 5 5O (encfosc an eitra copy bfihis form). Fe (if any) or to rc-apply any prcviously paid issue fee to rhc I Thc COMMISSIONER OF PATENTS AND TRADEMARKS is rcquested to apply the lssue Fcc and Publication sDolic.tion idcntifi cd abovc. (Authorizcd Q*) ot l3oloz snyo+c othct than thc applicanq a rcgis*Fd auornly or'ascnt or the assiqrcc'or othcr pary m inttrcsr as shoun-6y thc rccordi of rhe Unircd Sars Falent aod Traderiar& Officc. Budcn Hour SbtBmcot This form is cstimated to takc 0.2 houn to comolctejimc wilfvary dcpcnding oo thc necds ofthc individual case. Aly commcnts on rhc amirunr oftirnc reouirc3 to complctc this form should bc scnt to d| Chicl lnfomation OfIiar. UniM States Patcnt and Tradsmart Oflicc, Washington, D.C. 20231. DO NOT SEND FEES OR COMPLETED FORMS TO THIS ADDRESS. SqND. FEES AllD THIS FORM TO: Box Issue Fcc, Assishrt Commbsionr for Patcnts, Wrshington, D.C. 20231 Undcr thc Papcrwork Rcduction Act of 1995. no scrsons arc requircd to rcsDond to a collcction ofinformation unless it disploys a vatiil Olv{B conrol numbir. RECEIVED AU6 0 7 ?007 OFFICE OF PEflNONS TRANSMITTHIS FORM WITH FEE(S) PTOL-85 (REv. 07-0 l) Approvcd for usc through 0 I B ll2()04. OMB 065 | {033 U.S. Parcnt md Tmdcmark Oflicc: U.S. DEPARTMEN'r OF COMMERCE Exhibit E Page 270 of 311 274 f I +4W fff;ro'** | ATTORNEY DOCKET NO. 7I 16.004 /il IN TIIE ITMTED STATES PATENT AIYD TRADEMARK OFFICE PATENT APPLICATION Group Art Serial Unit: 3661 No.: A9/55A,476 Examiner: Coleman Filed: April 14,2000 SYSTEM FOR PROVIDING TRAIIFIC INFORMATION Title: 1600 ODS Tower 60lSWSmondAvenue luly 30,20O2 Official Draftsman Commissioner for Patents Washington, D.C. 20231 Dear Sir: Portland, Oregon 97204 Enclosed are FOURTEEN (14) sheets of formal drawings to replace the original drawings filed with above identified patent application. We have received theNotice of Draftsperson's Review requesting changes. Please charge any fees due to Deposit Account 03-1550. Respectfu l-2'/ tt'lt lly submitted, T t rr. Ir / t,/t .//././t --- '-, t Attomey for Applicant Tel: (503) 227-5631 RECEIVED AUG 0 7 ?0A7 OFF]CE OF PT|ITIONS Exhibit E Page 271 of 311 271 COPYOFPAPERS ORIGINATLYFILED blP I CERTIFIffi as first class mail in an envelope addressed to: Letter tothe Patgnts, Washington, D.C. 2023 l. N8 s5fu o _ I hereby certiry that this corespondence is being deposited with the IX official Draftsrnan, Dated: July 30, 2002 RECEIVED AUG 0 ? 2002 OFFICEOF PETITIONS i"r'rinit E Page 272 of 311 272 COPY OF PAPERS ORIOINALLY FILED Appllcatlo*llumbcr- 9/tF0,476 Aprll 14,20fi) DeKock, et al. 3661 :..:' TRANSMITTAL (to Filing Date First Named lnventor ii I b used for all $roup Art Unit xaminer Name Coleman --,", *lH, o, pages rn nrs:'tqt, t Submfsslon E D fee bansmittal # E Attomey Docket Number (d|eck all that 7116:004 '' +-, ENCLOSURES .:.{ ' ,: After Allowanco Communication to Group Communication to Board of Appeals and Interferences if El fee attached form Amendment Assignment Papers (for an application) : .,1 El Drawing(s) E Rner FinaU Respome E Affi davits/Declaration(s) E E Licensing Retated Papers Petition Routing Slip (PTO/SB/69) and Accompanying Petition Petition to Convertto a Piovlsional Communlcation to (Appeal l,lo[ce, Brlef, Regly Brleo E E E Erdension of Time Request Express Abandonment Request Information Disclosure Statement CertifieO copy of Priority Documents El Proprietary lnformaton Status Letter Additional Encfosures E E E Applicaton Powerof Attomey, Revocation, of Conespondence Address Terminal Disclaimer Small Entity Siatement D E Response to Missing Partsl lncomplele Application E fJ E Response to Missing Parts Under 37 CFR 1.52 or 1 .53 ReguestforRetund L. Ru*sell of ChegfflVilhauer, Mrclung & Stenzel, LLP CERTIFICATE OF MAILING I heteby cerfry that, on the date sho,vn belour, this conespondence is being deposited with tho Unlted Sbtes Postal SeMce In an envelop addressed lo: Offfdal Draftsperson, Commissioner for patents, Washington, D.C.,2V2J1 .[t E tUtr suffident postage as frst dass mail as'Express Mail Post Ofie b Addressee" - mailing label no. 'l RECEIVED AUG 0 7 ?A07 OFFICE OF PETIIIONS : Exhibit E Page 273 of 311 273 / I COPYOFPAPERS ORIGINALLYRLED , g46gg62 USER STATION FIG. 1 FIG. 2 L"rtioit Page 274 of 311 274 r m': COPYOFPAPERS OBIGINALLYFILED l16-\ Terwilliger Curve I l4D Milepost 6 I-5 Nortlr 45-50 40-45 35-40 30-35 25-30 20-25 mph mph mph mph mph 40 F I l4A 5 Milepost mph a I B0 I TEXT MESSAGE Capitol Highway - tt6 Ls+ FIG. 3 Exhibit E Page 275 of 311 275 o COPYOFPA"'' ORIGINATLYRLED s \* U 70 ,v S 7ol a\ FIG.4 Exhibit E Page 276 of 311 276 COPYOFPAPEBS ORIGINALLYFILED PROCESSOR FIG. 5 I r l t:-il ., ; Exhibit E Page 277 of 311 277 COPYOFPAPEHS ORIGINALLY FILED FIG. 6 1;,if::i'1Q{i 'll Exhibit E Page 278 of 311 278 tt FIG. 7 Exhibit E Page 279 of 311 279 COPYOFPAPERS tL ORIG'NALLYFILED i .r'"O I P rr,6,ram "i 140\ WRECK ttz[ ttzB 55-60 50-55 45-50 40-45 mph mph mph mph 3540 mph 30-35 mph t FIG. 8 Exhibit E Page 280 of 31 280 SSt"-"f,i',-?B 6 tn|... auoof@a .fo" v ESTIMATE TRAFFIC SPEED A}ID CONGESTION ESTIMATE TRAFFIC SPEED AND CONGESTION OUTPUT ESTIMATED SPEED AND CONGESTION OUTPUT TRAFFIC SPEED AND CONGESTION FIG. 9 FIG. 1O f"f iUit f 281 Page 281 of 311 FlttilF:- COPYOFPAPERS ORIGINALLYFILED n a20A t--l I FIG. 11 ir '.: itq:-iat t , e"rrioit Page 282 of 311 282 r tg.l,'xifirgiEs 0tp LOCATION LAT/LONG 201 202 203 ROAD TNTERSTATE DIRECTION 0" VELOCITY 55 MPH 45"54'36'N/ 37'32',12"E LOCAL BYPASS 27" 20 MPH STOPPED EAST 204 20s 206 207 RESIDENTIAL NW FIG. 12 I.t rl. fxniOit e Page 283 of 311 283 COPYOFRAPERS ORIGINALLY FTLED to\ + N USER (SUBSTANTTALLY CENTERED) ffii3.!3fril ll#l 45-50 mph I I 40-45 mph Wn*xtrr FIG. 13 Exhibit E Page 284 of 311 284 ORIGINALLY FILED i]; A ,'oW? N to\ + F Vt 55-60 50-55 45-50 40-45 35-40 30-35 mph mph mph mph mph mph FIG. .. i {. ' : 14 --l " tit ,:iii"j.it_: ' Exhibit E Page 285 of 311 285 ORfGtilAtLy FLe, "eruu*,, 5o\ ,/ijnr Aac o s de? Nf 1tr W 55-60 mph 50-55 mph 45-50 mph 40-45 mph 35-40 mph 30-35 mph FIG. -i',,1'.; t.i i . 15 Exhibit E Page 28G of 311 286 a 33['i-T'ii:ns _,'..' -.\ tP .,/'- i) Aw 05.@? trtrtrtrtr FIG. 16 f"t. ;-: l, , .i Exhibit E Page 287 of 311 287 FEE TRANSM for FY Patentbes de s/.tbjedto Ktttc Codo t. [l ne CommisSoner is herby autio,ized to chargs th6 f6s and cf8dit any over payrnsnis b: any additlonal fo6 rquircd under 37 CFR 1.t0 & 1.17 Arpficaot daims 6mall sntity sbtus. Sos3lCFR1.2T Fo Fe Foo F FeeDesuiplbn ($) Code (3) 1{Xi 130 ZXi 85 SunfiEs-labfflingboroafl 12'7 * Zl7 25 Suntwgelab prwisht fling foo or coror shest 139 l3O 139 Chock ECr"oitcatA 130 Non-English s@fication I uoneyOruer E Otrut 141 2,5n A7 2,520 For filing a rcquesl br ra,(aminatirn 112 gfr 112 920' RequostrngpublhalionotSlRFiortoE<amirs actoo 113 1840' 113 Larys Ent'ty Smafl Enilty 1840. RequeslingpuillcafionofSlRafterExandner acilon 55 E{tonslonbrrplywl0dnfrstmonth AnExbnsbnfotreplywit$nsecondmonlh a8O Extonsbnbrmplywihinthirdrnonlh T2O Fe3 Foe Fee Fo cods (S) cods {$} FeoDescription fot 7Q n1 l(n 3(|0 an 1Ol 510 n7 108 7& an 114 160 214 Fopaid 37o tXitityftinsho 165 Destgnflingbs 255 370 Plantfitirpfee Reissus$lingfeo Provisbmt filirlB 80 bo 1f5 11O 215 116 40O 216 117 m 217 f t8 l,& 218 1A 1,98 28 f '19 3n 215 ln 3& m 121 N 21 138 1,510 11O EdEnsionbrrsCywitrdnhrthrmnth 980 Edmshnror.odywithinnffinDnlh 180 Notco dAppeal 180 Frllngsbristlnsufrl.f anappoal 140 Rquotbroral hsarlng 1,510 Peli{ontolnsturtesplslicusspfocosdlng SIJBTOTAL 138 ::tr. E:f-=E;E:H ileDryendont numbar of previously paid, il geatei. tstg Enw Small Entity Fso Fso Foo Fe 2& 141 1,28 241 142 1.2ffi 242 l.l3 .l8O 21t3 144 Am 244 I l=l ol 12. 1n 12. For reissues, see below. 18 ffi 18 l8 180 128 561 40 581 trf 74 28 f49 740 249 t79 74 2m lo9 go0 169 1,O 55 Pelisoototsvh/o-unaroidabte eOPelili0nto.r?Uv6-uninlentional 640 tliltlyissuobo(orrdssue) i$uo ho 3loPlantbsuo'es 23O Desbn Petltlonsbtheconrnissioner S0Procossingfeounder3TcFRl.lT(q) 180 Submlssion of lnfoflnalion Disdo$re Slmt r0RscodingacttpaienlassignmontperFoperty 13O (timss number of properli8) Fee Description 370 ming a submlsslon aflerfinal (37 C.F.R. 1.129(aD 103 18 203 I 702 84 N2 42 104 280 m4 140 42 9 '3lrciion Claims in orcess of 20 Independent daims in excess of 3 Multiple dopendenl claim. if not paid 370 For eacfi addifonal irvention {37 C.F.R. 1.1290)) b be o)6mlned 370 Request for Continued Examinalion (RCE) tfrs 84 209 1'10 18 210 "Reissue intlependenl daims owr original paienl 'Reissue dairns in oxcess of 20 and over original patent g0oRequestbroxpditdexaminatbnofadstgn apdicalion Reduced by Basb Filhg Feo Pald SUBMITIED 8Y AUG O ?.?OO? OFFICE OF PETffIONS Exhibit E Page 288 of 311 288 ryPART B. FEE(S) TRANSMITTAL BO:' ISSUE {v curcnl a scp8rSlt thls form, together witb applicable fee(s), to: FEE Assistcnt Commisrloner for Prten8 lVashinglon, D.C. 20231 fr4 i8s bclow or dirccted tb? PatcnE advancc ordcrs and mtification of ma.iatenanca fces will br in Block I, by (a) spccifrng s ncw corcspondcnce addrcss; andor for (Nft ?590 lrsibly witl sy sG.d@ d w Blocl l) wnwmo2 Notc: Thc certificatc of mailinc bcbw can onlv bc uscd for domcgtic mailines of thc Fcc(s) Transmitil, This ccrtificrti cennor bc uscd for anv &compmyingi Each papgr, sgc.b as an essignmcdt or lormsl dnwrng. musl bavc rl5 own cct$ltcalc ol ma|lrn& oth_cr Bruce W DeKock 1600 ODS Tower 801 SWSecondAvenue Portland. OR 972M h"rcby certifv thar this Fcc{s) Transmittal is bcinc dcDositcd with thc Unircd Sbrcs P-ostal Scrvicc wittli sumcicnt Dosiacc foifini class mail in an the Box lssuc F& adilrcss abovc on thc datc cnvelooc addresscd I Ccrtlflctlc ot M.lllng indiotid bclow. o TITLE OF INVENTION: SYSTEM FOR PROVIDING TRAFFIC INFORMATION l. Chmgc ofconcsDondcne addrs or ildication of"Fcc Addrcca" (37 CFR 1.563). Usc of PTO fom(s) sod Customff Numbcr rc mommindcd" but not requircd O Changc of corrcsDondme addrcs (or Chasc of Corcsoondrocc Addrcss-form PTO/SB/ 122) attachcd.' O'Fcc Addrcss" indicatjon (or "Fcc Addrcss" lndicgtioo form PTO/SB/47) atoched. 2. for printing on rhc parcnt ftont pagc, list (l) thc namcs of up o 3 rcgistcrrd pstcflt attornsys or agcnts OR, altTnadv?ly, (2) thc namc of a singlc frnn (hrving as a mcmbcr a rcgistrcd 2 auomcy or agcnt) and thc namcs of up cSistcrcd patcnt attorncys or sgcnts. lf no namc Chernoff VLlhauer McClung |@tFt o is listcd no namc will bc printed" 3. ASSICNEE NAME AND RESIDENCE DATA TO BE PRINTED ON THE PATENT Grint or typc) PLEASE NOTE: Unlcss an assigrcc is idcnti{ied bclow. no assimcs data will cDDcsr on thc Datcnl lnclusion of assimcc data is only apDroffistc whcn an assirruncnt hss bccn prcviouly rubmircd ro thc-IJSPTO or is bcing subririucd uidcr scpant coi&. Complction of this form is NOT a-substitutc for filin!'an issignnrc* (A) NAME OF ASSIGNEE (B) RESIDENCE: (CITY snd STATE OR CoUNTRY) Bruce DeKock Plcasc cbeck Bend, Oregon nt) I individual O corporation or otha private group cntity O govcmrncnr dr appmpriatc assigncc catcgory or catcgories (will not bc printed on thc pat 4a- Thc following fa(s) arc cncled: 4b, Paymeni ofFcc(s): I Issuc Fcc B A chcck in tbe amounr ofthe fce(s) is enlosed. Cl Prlblicorion Fe O Paymmt by credit cand. Form PTO.2038 is sttachcd. D Advancc Order - # ofCopies _ I DcpositAccountNumber Thc Commissioncr is hcrebv authorizcd bv charce the rcouircd fcc(s), or qtdit tny ovcrDaymcnt to 55O - (cnclosc anciracopy bfihis form). O1-l Thc COMMISSIONER OF PATENTS AND TRADEMARKS is rrqusstd to apply thc l$uc Fcc and Publicstion Fcc (if any) or to r?-8pply any prcviously paid iseuc fsc to thc idcntifrcd (Authorizcd (o^n) a7l3ola2 , snyonc othcr [ran lhc aDolicrn|: a intcrcs as showri6y $c rccr is6rcd anomiv or-alcni: or thc assimcc-or o0 of rhc Unhcd Sutcs Faterit and Tradcriiart Offi*. party ln lo and T Tmdcmart Olficc, Washinston,D.C.2023l. DO NOT SEND FEES OR COMPLI Assistant Conmissions for Patots, Washington, D-C. 2023 | ou$/ru nla|Iz 0t 08 FCr56l o 00000t0t 0ffit0t?6 ftrl{? 6rts.00lp 9.00 FORMS TO THIS ADDRESS. SEND FEES AND THIS FORM TO: Box Issue lp Undcr thc Papcmort Rcduction Act of 1995, no Dcrsoru rc rcquircd to respond to oollcction ofiiformarion unlcss it displays a valid OMB contol numbir TRANSMITTHIS FORM WITH FEE(S) PTOL-85 (REV. 07-0 I ) Approycd for use thrcugh 0 l/3 l/2004. OMB 065 l -0013 U.S. Paant ud Tra&mark Offrcc: U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Exhibit E Page 289 of 311 289 > r':'-, \ a.- f TRANSMITTAL FORM Application Number Filing Date Flrst Named Inventor Group Art Unit Examiner Name o9/5#,6 April 14, 2000 COpyOF p, DeKod<. et al. 3661 Colernan (to be used for all conespondence after initiat f,,ing) Total Number ol Pages in this Submission 17 Attomey Docket Number ENCLOSURES {check all that 7116.OA4 Fee transmittal E E E fee attached form Assignment Papers (for an application) Drawing(s) Aftsr Allowanco Communication to Group Communication to Board of Appeals and Interferences Appeal Communication to (Appeal Nolice, Bdet Reply Brief) Amendment 8l ener FinaU Response E Affi davits/Declaration(s) E Licensing Relaied Papers Petition Routing Slip (PTO/SB/69) and Accompanying Petition petition to Convertto a Provisional Application D O Extension of Time Request E Propdstary Information Status Letter Express Abandonment Request E E E tnbrmation Disclosure Statement Powerof Attomey, Revocation, Change of Conespondence Address Additional Enclosures -l* ci, c e: c,o El CertineO copy of Priority E O Tenninal Disclaimer Smalt Entig Statement Documenls E Response to Missing Partg lncomplete Application E Response to Missing Pafts Under 37 CFR 1.52 or 1 .53 E Requestfor Retund t\, c) e: t\Ji: \J Kevin L. Russell of Chegdff-Vilhauer, McClung & Stenzel, LLp I hereby ceftify tha!, on the'lete shown below, this conespondence is being deposited with the United Strates postal an envelope addressed to: Official Dmftsperson, Commissioner for Patents, Washington, D.C., 20231 Servie in E E with suffcient postage as first class rnail as'Express Mail Post Office to Addressee" - mailing label no. Type or print name RECEIVED AUG Z 1 2002 OFFICE OF PETITIONS Exhibit E Page 290 of 311 290 \ ;t'cTT): -, ; I a l\T'toRNEY DOCKET NO. 7t 16.004 tq A$6 o t'0., ::: IN THE UNITED STATES PATENT AI\TD TRADf,MARK OFFICE PATENT EXAMINING OPERATIONS PATENT APPLICATION \s-*r"^'{i;' Applicant: Serial No.: DeKock, et al. 09/550,476 Group Art Unit: 3661 Examiner: Coleman Filed: April 14,2000 SYSTEM FOR PROVIDING TRAFFIC INFORMATION Title: 6t),-(.--) LETTER TO THE OFFICIAL DRAFTSMAN 1600 ODS Tower 601 SWSecondAvenue Portland, Oregon 97204 July 30,2002 gFg 6B 8 : G) E f..T -4.) Official Draftsman Commissioner for Patents Washington, D.C. 20231 Dear Sir: Enclosed are FOURTEEN (14) sheets of formal drawings to replace the original drawings filed with above identified patent application. We have received the Notice Draftsperson's Review requesting changes. Please charge any fees due to Deposit Account 03-1550. of 'Kevin L. Russell Attorney for Applicant Tel: (503) 227-5631 lzL Respectfu lly submitted, RECETVED AUG 2 I 2002 OFFICE OF PMTIONS Exhibit E Page 291 of 311 291 (-*, ' U?*****i:' _ o ooti: COPIOFPAPERS -ar*rrrraorrort r^o.H I hereby certify that this correspondence is being deposited with the United States Postal Service as first class mail in an envelope addressed to: Letter to the Official Draftsman, Commissioner for Patents, Washington, D.C. 2023 l. Dated:Ju1y30,2002 jry //,,, f) 11 HFH b:r,J 8Hffi 8cl RECEIVED AUG 2 1 200? OFFICE OF PETITIONS Exhibit E Page 292 of 311 zsz qN,YOFEAPERS ORG TALLYF'LED USER STATION USER STATION COMPUTER SYSTEM USER STATION FIG. 1 FIG.2 Exhibit E Page 293 of 311 293 OOPYOFPAPERS ORIGITTALLY FILED I l16-: Terwilliger Curve I l4D Milepost 6 45-50 mph 40-45 mph 35-40 mph 30-35 mph 25-30 mph 20-25 mph 40 F r- rt6 Capitol Highway Ls+ FIG.3 Exhibit E Page 294 of 311 294 <:JUt".-., '-&tU,r-9) +' .T oo $3 "? !,. I COPYOF PAPE' ORIGI}TALLY FILED J s \_ s Exhibit E Page 295 of 311 295 .,i ., r^,,:Cr;(ir. ' ' i"::':;:'\'? ', {.:t i FIG.4 ,,,fQ"''' \'Q*t-**^-.$j :'rurq9' ORIOIT{ALLY FILED *rl**", MEMORY PROCESSOR TRANSMITTER FIG.5 Exhibit E Page 296 of 311 296 //ot' ' .u'",. sous F, ga,^e*m . i ' '.i,.:i;,,i]i FIG-.6.:::, Exhibit E Page 297 of 311 297 ,5fir");r.'. i ,rl s 6N t] [1tB c1:/ --t- s" rrr:; - Q*a1.r'",ttu FIG.7 Exhibit E Page 298 of 31 1 298 se;l'nr:; 140\ WRECK TT2A I l28 55-60 mph 50-55 mph 45-50 mph 40-45 mph 35-40 mph 30-35 mph FIG.8 Exhibit E Page 299 of 311 299 ,fii.;' . ".i), ( *"* $) ;**r.xru; CAMERA CALIBRATION INPUT MULTIPLE FRAMES \'q.-r-.^o',,f' ESTIMATE CAMERA MOTION ESTIMATE TRAFFIC SPEED AND CONGESTION ESTIMATE TRAFFIC SPEED AND CONGESTION OUTPUT ESTIMATED SPEED AND CONGESTION : r;:',:'r,'i,)\i)i; l .'""I I i, OUTPUT TRAFFIC SPEED AND CONGESTION --'ii.-.', 8u ftiS:S rJ ii Ern S .; ''? r-\ FIG.9 'r'" FIG. 10 Exhibit E Page 300 of 31 1 300 .,,f *a\r. ".fti-".,a * iq,i)'' i\ "\$.s.E) .s.,*.," I ge*lr,'.n t-l rDTr{ ,. ...._i:. .. r I\J. I I' 1 '1, Exhibit E Page 301 of311 301 d,!" g\ $r"t o" $" . \ viu'u''rti' .-V LOCATION 201 202 203 LATILONG 45"54'36"N/ 37'32',128 ROAD INTERSTATE LOCAL BYPASS DIRECTION 0" VELOCITY 55 MPH 20 MPH STOPPED 2'1" EAST 204 205 206 207 RESIDENTIAL NW FIG. 12 Exhibit E Page 302 of 311 302 + N (SUBSTANTIALLY cENTERED) ;4 55-60 50-55 45-50 40-45 35-40 30-35 mph mph mph mph mph mph FIG. 13 e"nioiir Page 303 of 31 1 303 "**'*^..$ futtot'{o- a + N ia t& 55-60 mph 50-55 mph 45-50 mph 40-45 mph 35-40 mph 30-35 mph FIG. 14 E*r'init Page 304 of 31 1 304 r ik*,gflro\ *i-t*t? tr'H,tr'if'O Nf iE Vt 55-60 mph 50-55 mph 45-50 mph 40-45 mph 35-40 mph 30-35 mph FIG. 15 rininii i 305 Page 305 of 31 1 .-,: i|tl " )it rur i (i,,*.r#t tt6r *i t trEttrtrtr SPEAKER e) *"j r, r- .r FIG. T6 8l\Js,U O ,-'AF\.,i f \ :u ; rf'l G)Str Exhibit E Page 306 of 31 1 $.0,:* . DENNTS 'CHARLq CXCRNOTT, VILHAUER" MCCLUNG A STENZET. LLP ueF JF. ZEL a o?l^!*3J, PFgPERtv LAw lNtE!LEctuaL Ixc!UoIN6 PATENT. TSAOEMA.x COFYiIOH' ASO UilFATF CoMPEtrrroN MarreR5 I (0 . Ttg A. LoNG KvnI RoHLFS . BRCNNA K. LEOAAFO $ OAvro S. FrNE SENIOF LAW CLENK McCLUno HagLctt R STAPLES . WrLLtaM O. GENy ' NaNcY J- MoFlaF?Y . REGIgTeREo PAIcNT A'TORNTY JULTaNNE R. DAvrs . XEVIN L. RuSSELL 1600 00s TowgR 601 5.W. SECONO AVENUE POR'LAND. OREGON 97204-3157 TELEFHoNE: {5O3} ee7-5631 DANIEL P. CHERNoFF o935{995} Fax: (5031 ??e-4373 July 30, 2002 CIrFile:7116.@4 Box ISSUE FEE Commissioner for Patents Washington, D-C.2023| Re: 'Dear Sir: United States Patent Application Serial No. 09/550,476 FOT: SYSTEM FOR PROVIDING TRAFFIC INFORMATION Filed: April 14,2000 Enclosed are the following documents regarding the above-referenced patent application: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Transmittal letter; 2002 Fee Transmittal Form in duplicate; Form PTOL-858, in duplicate with a certificate ofmailing; Check in the amount of $649 for payment of the Issue Fee ($640), and three advance copies ofthe patent (S9); and AclcrowledgmentPostcard. Additionally, on this date, we are submitting a Petition to Revive and corrected formal drawings to comply with theNotice of Draftqperson's Patent Drawing Review with copies only enclosed herewith The Commissioner is hereby authorized to charge payment of any additional fees or credit any ovelpayment to Deposit Account No. 03-1550. Duplicate copies of Fee Transmittal 2002 are enclosed. Please address all notices regarding the payment of maintenance fees on the above-identified patent to Chemoff, Vilhauer, McClung & Stenzel, LLP at the then current address for payor number 000152. evin L. Russ6ll Attorney for Applicant KLR:djs Enclosures i*hioit i 307 Page 307 of 311 1.UNrruo Srlres PnreNr lNo TnlpFitAnr 0rflcs uilreo -r - sra* wHticrcr, O.C,.zoz3, ""*1F3'?Ii&frRl6HE Paper No. 15 Bruce W. Portland, OR 97204 In re Application of Dekock, et al. Application No. 09/550, 476 Filed: Apri-l !4, 2000 Attorney Docket No.: BWD-7118.004 INFORMATION 1600 ODS Tower 601 'S W Second Avenue DeKoek COPY MAILED sEP 0 9 2A|,? OFFICE OF PFTMONS ON PETIT]ON FOT: SYSTEM FOR PROVIDING TRAFFIC This is a decision on the petition under 37 cFR 1.137(b), August 5, 2002, to revive -the above_identified application.filed petition is GRFTNTED. The application became abandoned May 21, 2002. The application was abandoned for faj-lure to timely- submit the issue"fee, ai required by the Notice of Alrowanc6 and rssue Fee Due, and for tarrure to timely.submit new formal drawings, as required by Notice of Allowabitity. The Notices were miiieO rebiuary 20, the and set a three (3) month statutory period of time toi-iepii.- ZOOz Notice of Abandonment was mail_eA Jufy t, 2AO2 This application will be forwarded to the Publications Division tor processing into a patent. Telephone lnqui-11gs concerning this matter may be directed to the undersigned ar (703) The 305-0310: ,-l/.1 /1 - -) ./) \ AI,es.da4e\/4444 / ia M. Brown Petitions AttorneV Office of pet.itiohs Office of the Deputy Commissioner for Patent Ex-amination polj_cy Exhibit E Page 308 of 31 1 308 ffiWilfr %ff;ilerts Revenue Accounling Name/lrlumber: 095 5047 6 Start Date: Any Date End Date: Any Date F:s' I I t t ond Monogement Total Records Found: 6 \1D"te ,'iAccounting Sequence Tran tr'ee n-- a_-____r r,^:r_-^_--- n I Paynent Method Num. Type CoO. F-ee Amount Mailroom Date I I '0qnt'000 00000021 r zar $i4s.00 04tr4r2000 op 04n7n000 00000022 I 201. $162.00 A4n4n000 0p 07t26n0at 00000030 1 2t7 $445.00 A724\2AU Op 08ta6n0a2 00000071 1 24r $640.00 08t0snaa2 0p tgto9'iao;oz' 00000fli93 1 2{2 $640.00 0aa6n0a2 0p i, 88108t2002 00000194 1 s6r $9.00 08106t2002 0p I tr, Exhibit E Page 309 of 31 1 I of I 9/lAA2 l:28PM 309 (e E ,r-\ )eD \\\\ 06 CERTIFICATE OF MAILING 14, 2005 Stttt I hereby certif that this correspondence is being deposited with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Oflice as first class mail an envelope addressed to: Commissioner for Patents, P.O. Box t450, Alexandria, VA 14,2005. Dated: December Kevin L. Russell Atty. Docket No. 7116.0004 PATENT IN THE I'MTED STATES PATENT AIYD TRADEMARK OFFICE Patentee: Bruce DeKock et al. 'Patent CustomerNo.: 00152 No.: 6,466,862 l5,200z Issue Date: October Title: SYSTEM FOR PROVIDING TRAFFIC INFORMATION REOTIEST FOR CORRECTION OF ATTOR}IEY DOCKET NO. Commissioner for Patents P.O. Box 1450 Alexandria Sir: VA223L3-1450 : Patentee hereby requests that the A{torney Docket No. for the above-referenced patent be changed from "BWD-7118.004-" to -7116.0004-. A copy of the Maintenance Fee Statement marked up showing the requested change is enclosed. Respectfully submitted CHERNOFF, VILHAUER, MCCLUNG & STENZEL Kevin L. Russell, Reg. No. 38,292 1600 ODS Tower 601 S.W. Second Avenue Portland, OR 97204 Tel: 503-227-5631 Fax: 503-228-4373 Dated: December 14, 2A05 t ? i"rnin't E Page 310 of 31 1 310 Case 2:08-cv-00404 Document 2 Filed 1Ql2Ol20OB Page 1 of 1 q AO 120 ro: Director orth. u.r.T*"ilT$ r-a*,"* om$CI P.O. Box 1450 U.S. D Alexandria VA zBf 3-f 450 PfiIEIf E ruonffi,r*",fffiJ$tfif ltl6 on rhe s zo$[rN" off"HtlfiililtilN oF AN otENroR In Compliance wilh 35 U.S.C. S 290 anrl/or 15 U.S.C. g you are hereby advised that a court action has bean Iiled in the U.s. Disrrict court Eastem District of Texas DocreI'U&"u+oq PLAINTIFF DATEFt8Bolzoos u's' DISTRICT E Tod.oorks followlng E] p.r.nt * couffi E"rt*m District of rexas DEFENDANT TRAFFIC INFORMATION, LLC HTC USA, INC., MOTOROLA, INC., PALM, lNC., PANTECH WIRELESS, INC., SAMSUNG TELECOMMUNICATIONS AMERICA, LLC, ET AL. HOLDER OF PATENT OR TRADEMARI( PATENTOR TRADEIVIARKNO. DATE OF PATEI!'[ ORTRADEMARK 8131EOA4 I 6,785,606 6,466,862 Bruce W. DeKock, Kevin L. Russell, and Richard J. Qian Bruce W- DeKock, Assignee 2 3 4 10t1st2002 5 In the above-entitled casg the following paten(s)/ trademark(s) have been included: DATEINCLUDED PATENTOR TRADEIVIARKNO. I 2 INCLT'DED BY E Amendment D Answer E DATEOFPATENT ORTRADEMARK Cross Bill fJ Other pleadtne HOLDER OF PATEI{T OR TRADEMARK 3 4 5 ln the above-endtled case, the followlng decision has been rendered or judgement lssued: Copy l-Upon initiation of actioo mail thts copy to Dlreclor Copy 3-Upon terminadon of action, mall thts copy to Director Copy Z-Upon filing &ament addtng patent(s), mall this copy to Directoi Copy 4-Case lile copy Exhibit E Page 31 1 of 31 1 311

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