Google Inc. v. Traffic Information LLC

Filing 52

Brief Plaintiff's Opening Claim Construction Brief. Filed by Google Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A, # 2 Exhibit B, # 3 Exhibit C, # 4 Exhibit D, # 5 Exhibit E part1, # 6 Exhibit E part 2, # 7 Exhibit E part 3, # 8 Exhibit E part 4, # 9 Exhibit E part 5, # 10 Exhibit F part 1, # 11 Exhibit F part 2, # 12 Exhibit G, # 13 Exhibit H) (Markley, Julia)

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Google Inc. v. Traffic Information LLC Doc. 52 Att. 12 kw sterb Pigtionary of the English Languagd Exhibit G Page 1 of7 Copyright @ 1984, 1981, 1980, by lW,1y75,1973,ln2,lnl the Delair Publishing Company, Inc. All rights reserved under the International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions Flag sction copriCht @ by lcxicon Fublications, Inc. 1985. MANUFACTUNBD IN TIIE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Exhibit G Page 2 of 7 tra. O.Uon. at'irnr trc'dish'a'''!'lizra, z. intl rsir as part of the o:<ford movcmenu Phced oq tradlest", n' Collog' Adhcrence to or importrale tnat divile pcrtainins to lrrry oxponnt, supporter, or #JiG"t traditim; g doctrioc prote38!+g ienet ol the O:trord movemcnt.-n.- a compurirent conv*ed to -the- revelatioa is the ooly valld touraa ef Trac.trr' tan, trok.tdr'6'a'niz'tnt n- flatteret bv a third person who has nearo-N relicious trutb"--tt .dl'$r z.favor'ble ;ie;il &curnge-rb. a similadv-ALtor' I 'l' lr'tlcr 4. tritc.tate, trgk'6t, A treatise; a tract. trac.tile,-trak'til, a.'r. nalwre (9p. pactutl t iomment heard sbout the lattef,. disuncuve trad.i. tot, trEd'i'terr z.- pl. trad' l'to'tc1 [L. draw.l Capable of being drawn; that may trar.c.narh trid'mArklr ,,.adoPted bY. a trad'i.6/ez, tred'i'Bt'-2. a qaitor oi ";f d *ordi"s' c device A be driwn-out io length; ductile.+ac'early hristian timcs who.surenddcd tbc mmrifacturcr, busiaesr or dcaler' usu' regntll.l.ty, fl. scriphrrB or sacred ve$Crs qo Detrayed n. lFt. trution, < Ltrac.tt6h. uak'shan, t& ffiio*,&*.""ur3"Jff illLTfi S'.tffi oebutioChristieos durhg tDe Kom.o Drdrsw.l The sctof drawing nalo.ndctwt,to m tinftish thc- eodr thos of otbers--o.'r' 6s .c{p66, . tra'd(b', trc'dts', pulting; thi act of diawing a body aloog or 6 -o.t.-tra&tcd, Tdstamp, ss a usdesnrk, on; to omcralry a plane, as whcn a vcssel rs towed tn warer; traifucini. lL. tadrtco, ttalhuac' to lcIld -elhlbit' dis-gqf9r-detiuF-fat s. record. as a trodcoafi. a bodvts frictiqr on a eurface, as atr aut(F atong, or adoged t mobili tire on a higbway; zrad. the action of #:i; ;L;;;: A nsm. inveoted arocl (x ovcr, a[d fucar -to lead.J o .rugrepresot -r as the distincdve nam of sorne pulling on an organ or a muscle to relteve willfully; to detsme; to rslsery-accuse; to -or oY wbich ao article or lesin plcsgure, or rqlair a dislocation.- ;ffi.*.tthciune to -thc trade; the nanre Jiustaoce itknowo, trac.tiver trak'tivr a. ; L. .[T;:tr tn bear ecr1088' trac.tim en.glnc, n. A steasr locomotivg or $vle rnder which a firm does bu8ur68' JFJ.;<B;'tr6{erc, 1?'F;if trans-, prob in tradc or eogini for draidnit heavy loads on ground tig.i:'.;. G;der, z. one engege4bl\oxer wtro 'oort i Cooas or fgrsons collectively pasorng coomeice; 8 stock exchstrge or no6ds. ilong a road, railroed' b@t route, or air! own trac.toft traL'terr z. [M.L.r-< L. tralrcre.t oDerates oaly for hisin rnyac@rmt; a wsll wev: the movement ol urcse goods c partlcuar trsqe' gtrodg' usu. hexrw-treadeo' einoloved regularly draw,l A peisittrs; dealingp; thc trr$portetion busi' travere[ motofrzedvehicleused fon pulling or drsrtr- rredc routc' z. A ladd or 3ea route -by -arideii as- in caravaos or merchsnt ncss; atr interchange or. gpoos or mcr' ing heavy equipment and farm machfurery; chandisc betweco @untrlel, oonmtrlttlest a &u* riliiU iitchee to aad hsuls a trailer or iodividuals; tradc; -coramcte; a heavy trad'ie'llan'sbE' c, -trad-an and onsiss of an engine and a cab one *tt6. t6' ' f.t;; ".r.z.o.Nlr. rron lobn Tradcsrytt exchange or buying snclculDg-ola anytnrng' who or that which draws or pulls; somegoo&; !y$en ol ?iit'"t .it ielg), gardcnir to-Charlce l'l ag crounicthcnbsins$ tr()lr.o-l ttre slgldE thing used for drawing or pulltng. Aqoa. zn atk ' a3 mcasuled..oy lr--iire- savs Tradescantia, cod messages ttrofnftteq; ilqFl rragct.f H; ;-tili airplane with a propeuer mormted at ule ao front: also tr.c'tor alr'Plaoc. in moleo Incrchaoots.{.t,-rlonvAztt' -trade, < M.L.G. -theorv trade.- trid. z. [M.8. To do bqsincsc' crP. $cgalY; 6 of a tradc' A lilne d "SE ';;5i Practice private fornula os proc- ;o rH8. ttdi, trzc*; akin to E. trcatl.l t hlvc busineos or d81!!gl tl8u. rouowco "na z. A q tt";f work or fotm of occ-upatiol P.ursugd- 9! ich'cr' a. -es. by i prof&sion, trade, or manu- bv aiti.-*ref n. * rcurY. Also 8rit. business ot callingr esp. some line of skilled d;if:d; ctu.clc, ura worF learned by apprentie fact"sedto thet advanuge. mcchanicd rorud.e.bont r-crsonr m ship, as Sistinguisbcd froq metcantilc, pro- tradcc.folb tradz'fbk" rr., t'' court, a. A oun whoec iurisdicrionbusinces or-trade. ttlw ta*Eapu-' fcssiooalr or agridilnrral occupcuons -ol is ueu. limited to decisions otr charges ol gflltllts' from unskilled labor; as' tbe trade ol s- tredcr. maot ffiz' mam,t -n' Pl' traocr.'ilGrr" crafttman; mecnanrc; violation of tra6c ordioancce or spot i!.thc A skillcd laborer; carpenter; aoything practiced as a-means of tiiilnc tl:unar r. A prohibited Er*. a shopkccpet.-tr'dc!'tou'a!' roadwgy, nsed for somg ousr pu-4'o6 tran gctiing a livir& or moncy; a line of mercantile or commcrcii0l busioess ortbe trdrc rn a ;ehicuLi trafici a safery zon lor peoes' panicular commodity or class of commodia folk. rbht,.$at ter; as, the silk naile; thote cngaged-in t'*H1"rffi1'lHlsart o*o directioal *-o oarticular line of business; as, the 381 ot d.iei.H;i-,l,ltF;ii:TiHffi Gitbi, tfrp,'and or traffc; lraes; nqn 'books and selling or to the rra&; tbc buying iisd;"tt"ao"-"t"'-loa--tndc " n.ion.lrnn U6^t-.['st* st6w opco cloecd trlf'fic &T;- "-incrtt labor tmion' Alto ii rnn t -gro"ti arrows. Also cxchsnrim of commodities either by wholeE; ' ion ' lrrt Brirr.. tra&r-ur' a country or betwegn sale or6v r?ail, within a*i. ata.-"".loa.lrnn rl.{irdc tt6'- #".*""aU -sum as, domcstic or foreign rrcdc; countriei; tragla'trnth', tt' lftt'- *4e ton. irt, Bni. trrdc'us'iol' klr fl ' -cif,ttilr., thc (aow usu' a&qry' burinesrr petronrgEror custom; ? panrcurar yt_t!d, o.[g.thc.99!: lhlf a jg1 comnercial or business tta$actioo; a Pur- tndc uto* on rcgulsr blow in one-rcguhr t de 4 tf,e bd, ;r4,;.?of "'-;wiad, to cbase, sale, or erchrnge; a bergpin or dcal; of tlic winds pre-veiling over ;r ;i.iolc fiom lbcut ?o" nOfth l8nm(le K, . zsr. oI. a tradc witd.-tt.t.-ttdedrtt6rrg. t e oceina from about 3oo north latitu{e to To buy, sell, bartet, or trafrc in; to er; rlr'- ;minrth f b;outf;;3oo eouth tCtituaE' end bloning from ffi'iid lrttA"&n, ugca in mrkiog Pillr' u ao ; lg wsu r.sssg-t xchnngp' ot givc in e)rchrnge; as, to ttact 't-o cary o! nortbSst to southwcst iD- tbc nortneca oae tbing for another.-o.i' pr&crved- ftods' aDd in pro- tfastete writers of Ttrcts lor rte Tines, a *ries of oooers oublishedin England bctweco 1833 10,14 tr.gcdY municgtcd ftom nacestorc to'lY t ado. or radio. ctvcn in tradc as part pyment for a new article; aa instance ofibusrnes trlnsacted in this manDcr.-a.-tn'r rn' q't-'-traamt"' 'fffi ng,nf;:li::l'rsf#;* *. #H.fif$uTs;;:fi r;*'- :* uade; as,-to rra& with the Indilns; t9 ua6c, follofed try rz; as, to tade rz wheet; to mnke an eriSange; to make purchasee or to sboD.-4.+tde tD, to excbenger ag a used ite6. for cedit toward the purchase of a aimilar one; ts, to tra& iz one'g ot-d typewritcr.-tradc oD or up'olt to use tor per' gonal cain; tade oz the family namc. tradc ;c.ceD't8oce. tt. A bill of exc'hangp, puri:beser by the person 'deaiwg, on the s r ll n n having tlre acccptsnce of rhc pur- ffiffi;*'."d-fr";A-trij .o{l6er" tbe eduator. bcmirPhere, toward sornncast to oorth- nffi cen&es, and d;e:ffifit ' z. A port orinstatio esteb liama fofcrrrving ori tra& an-unsctded ;r thiltt .3#"hff#li.lftT$;*rL.ttastu.l sEtlei iegion bv a aading conz. A Printed stamP of. a *Htihs;'tfff'3!.8ff';. rr" d.;rit1ini-l-fhtd,P, fi -" a ve c oeoY or Eaqer. dveo by tbc dealcr to thc &ffi.i,a-q'tAtiw glwhich oaY bc redecmed for merchandise. #ffiSrft;i,fi**e* ffi;ffi;###)*ar.w ninstilg in disester aod t trade boob z. A chaser for a futue Paymcnt -btbk tradc coun'ctlr z. A ouncil made up of local tradc uniong. trrde dis.cbuntr n. Cotr- A reductioa of list oric! for a rdtailer or otber ldrge buyet dlowed triv someone in manufacturing or trade dol.Ior, a. A dollsr whicb consisted of somewhat irore silver than was standar-d' issued bv the U.S. ftom 1873 to 1885 for t-rade aJ one dealioL in wtrolesalc goods. intended fqr the oublic. as distinct from an in$nrction or ienU<6t or limited edition of that book. d::A-id;;;;.to disf,'an, n. lFr... tdition' " il ;irA' hand over' -delircr'l Tbe hsndine doria of opinios, dodrinest prectices. rlteg, and orstmrs ftffi tiltbcl to sqr, or fr6rn aoccstors to postcqitl by-or3l gomnrmicationl that which is bardcc oown -uY ffiG;.; age orat communicadoni a handcd d;ttriG or s6te6ent of facts s9 theories set o{ "nuamiu.o and lewr, amoag the Jewiah pgopte, yuc4 ffi:S$Trh$fiiffj"f-fsi s f m 'm isf * f n ffitr;ffiffi:'*riLES iiii]"rrl"t. trade or business with the Orient. e . ai . Uon' z. A publication of a work, salc rk. intended Senersl a book, inteided for qalc to the Scnerd as'distincubtted ftom t*t edition r. A used article, as a car u trid'if, axcht; ttini into lite u"v6t's posoesrion'-tre'dt",4, di"ns;;O6l:U. tra.dirh-c'ncl1 4. Pcrtain- .at -;a * are beli&ed to have bceo- gburlcd aaq oratlv hended down ftoo Moees-; -sm1al Oui6tlm doctrine scquired and h'Doclc Oown o*tti. L"r, a traisfcrence of mrnc- ffiffii?f"ffifi'ffi! ff s ffiffiffi disa$( Ita @Cq-e"- t*dtt*; z- zh as in &grc, Exhibit G Page 3of7 E Ffl Fl !:| il ebster's iiil 3 ql .,il :J ;$ Third New Internattonal Dictionary OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE UNABRIDGED A,tllmtzrn-@rceo@ UtilizirW all the experience and resu#ces of more than one hund,red yea,rs of Merriam-Webster@ dictionaries BDITOR T ill H II I I I i i i i I I I I l IN QHIEF PHILIP BABCOCK GOVE, Ph. D. AND THE MBRRIAM.WEBSTBR EDITORIAL STAFF' 31," Ji[,o,, &IT4 Exhibit G PAgE4Of 7 BAKER & HOSTETLER 32OO NATIONAL CIW CENTER CLEVEISND, OHIO MERRIAM-WEBSTER INC. , PubIiShCrS A CEI\ITJII\E NIERRIAIVI.UIEtsSISR Tho namc Webster alonc is no guarante of excellence. It b used by a nunrber of publishers and may s&rrc mainly to mislead an unwary buyer. when you consider tho purchase of dictionaries or other fue refenence boob. It carries the reputation sf a company that has been publishins siuce 1831 and is your-as!iluanoe of qualfty ind authority. A MqriqyVebsrero is the rqiqtred traderrark you shotrld look for ' CoPYRIGHT @ 1986 BY rNc. PEILIPPINES COPYRIGI{T 1986 BY MERRIAM.WEBSTER INC. WEESTER'S TIIIRD NEW INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY PRINCIPAL COPYRIGIIT 1961 Library of Congress Cafaloging in hrblicatioa Data Main eatry under titlc: Wehet's thtrd ncm iotemational dictiouary of tfts Englirh langUage, unabridgpd. Iucludec indrl. English languagc-Dictionaries. L Govg Philip Babcock, l9OL-1972. II. Merriam-lYebster Inc. PE1625.W36 ISBN G87779-20l-l (bhrc Sturdite) ISIBN 0-E7779-2062 (impcrial buclram) 1986 423 85-31018 Ail rtghts resemed. Na p*t ol thto worft caered by the coWriehts hereon may be rypla(ucjd--or copicd in any form or by ary meanvgraphic, electronic, or mechontcal, arrcltrdirrg phot@owing, rearding, taplng, or lnformAion storage and retrleVal systemhwithout vtrltten permission ol the pablishcr. MADE IN TIIE T]NITED STATES OF AMERICA 3M)41xr88E786 Exhibit G Page 5of7 to r@w r : in tlrg &ld 8@9q 6D. to I r{i,'i*-"r##tfi :{ffsid .$ffi # d) .6: #ffii*'*ffirq *Wmffi:H}#,#"ffi l{$rJ#ffitl#ffinffi ;ilsirc ( hcrcocc to u ffi*ffi: ffiffi\i D inilrdt ffi;lilffi##FrffiilHffi;fW \ ffi ! #i*v'*r*;r#rs,rjS.ffir"'fr"I,.fi r*"r*,tffi lH.;'.1r"'}ffi'fr ff i i $ . i i g H."T l,:fr 6 oDr[o! soffs:; IGIWW ad" c ct'tr- i r dtrklt thr! rg dshsogp tadc il !o tbc lot rG Iffi \ ', 'I \f\iffiffi f ffitu$ F8,x{Jr"mmg**"*;sf #,*ffim tis Exhibit G Page 6 of 7 trafflc dividuah 2423 c;;iR@rd)dn-trctr.Srt**ffq':iiffffi";ffffil nr;-ama:"mmw :;-* 2 in @traband ctonal ow lircb threl ri**:- i':+':rrvre'r*iffi,r*ffii#iHl,ffiffi;rmx#""'ffi :W.ll us q!-:riqrmRcouRsErr66',ir{irEanc-th&1|ir$ffiffiS_ffiffiffi',ffii"tr1'#:l#ffi:q$Hf,*ch.Eors*(a,hc* .uef iri.ricri rusimsi a-t iiii ,iii ;:,orn-$iisri;i'#i:ffitffib$$il.i,#,ffiil,t1 (rerl ud lor in the ell thc.dav lfitlb$+ffi-ffi;,ilU{1ffift* j' lpm|ruatrcu8latcm lMlssar !.por.ol*;Gsaganor ,sigmb thK f I rac co;1;- io f[tf1if#l{lfffi fi * -) (2) i thc volunc of rrchftle ffiitf.ffiuOp**#,#fsil*"rsfff,adifi r|ifr',s{irizo-':t#f#slssffi"li# frfpjy;&fffie"g'ffi,fi.u s ** d rT' * ry' f fi *,,*:on fi#fffff-)ff'q'1rlf' -::111ff-q ff;a | lffiffie*xln?,n offi ffi! i mx*"F;*'.T*"** | ffiffid#Y#ffi luoq ot psgna$ ot toou l:. I i:- # { $ Iffi I ffiB$;ffi:tr:l w,n lffi Iin b peEit paage (s ol e 1 Imt,t mf m+ffisrruxrsrpffifffiil lffiiffii*ffi*ffi$$ fuf'4*e#vi\f''fui*f*fsi##'1-j#iflqi$tir,1 l#T*ffi-ffi,ffiffii i i161*1 " ' * f lk #i ,i nonc -8oud Sinbl) t ffiH,ffiffi' ftfi"*,-gt;i{il"*9*(flortff f,"i : t9 one's ; Motrotr) $r*Hffi ia#s' t IIMffiffi ffi {i..lwml,f f, H l$ffiSitr-ry,ffi ##tr'f*##'*ffi ffi#.mT;tg'ru1ryw*r wq.nffi t I I s:rs ffi,'ffi ro,oimtratc...roa,oliniic'-='qrffi,ffiffi#l$.S!#;trilh[ffii#,#ff_\::::l ffi-q,f:m.,Hrrr#ito,#*,F, .b,s(cbarrctdiltic or ros sid'li a;;i -'hiin*-ru ffiii,*iffiIfr# ,*_nffiiqrft;tqffi | Htirm.*^^*^EW:'o1Ei;ffiSl'"ffi6## | ffiG-'-'oi' ffiffiH;eryH',hn*msE1s-^s;;l'*s,j,rFs&r*1.?-!1ffi;f .f :"=g{qr'dlffiffi ,ffip;ih## ffi"ry.ffifrTilffii?d#.;$ t* ;$i H ii ffi-ffiT'1ffiffi,:;:?'"?, ..'fichsaa;dc on i ls i) Jsrdffitr "t"d-ffrlTliudTpMerr*ilcsi"tIi:?i.H aft- .W - w"ffih$affiffit'-:;**1tiiltffil ****l **m.**m brr titlffi|ffi .H$,ffiff ffiffi o! c,@mr8rcid or indstrial ls[fii:^fifffii,frffif|i| ffi* ffiffiffi*t hwf f f f * ffiffiffi#ffi l tr* 1 H-ffi ;g,mrse"ry.+Fll | ir'ou drur -P'wrtbq) tD 't*si"flg;ffil " #hHIHfi*,1":t** ffi?',s!16iEil'6diry$?f ffi*ffi,ffi ,#lffi.W'h:s]l'ffi l#e."ffi"r,fr *ffi]ffi#$ ffi"ffiri"i{Iffi w or-pcdsirrc;r-i;a';ia-il;Dt mBryllboll qwordrol .;1 i ffiffi*ffi#J,=S, Hffi.,..r*r*?ti,c...nov5illr! _ ni# | ffi "rn*rootilc bqru-scRr.r,oNrn^oorAN I -st ffirgruns*ffi&*rrlLtF$r iFffi-[,iisc1p,ffiflr"{tpr,fl,$ 6r, (rb

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