Google Inc. v. Traffic Information LLC
Brief Plaintiff's Opening Claim Construction Brief. Filed by Google Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A, # 2 Exhibit B, # 3 Exhibit C, # 4 Exhibit D, # 5 Exhibit E part1, # 6 Exhibit E part 2, # 7 Exhibit E part 3, # 8 Exhibit E part 4, # 9 Exhibit E part 5, # 10 Exhibit F part 1, # 11 Exhibit F part 2, # 12 Exhibit G, # 13 Exhibit H) (Markley, Julia)
Google Inc. v. Traffic Information LLC
Doc. 52 Att. 3
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United States Patent
DeKock et al.
No.: US 6'785'6A6 82 *Aug. 31,2004 1+1 Date of Patent:
(ro) Patent
(54) (76)
SYSTEM FOR PROVIDTNG TRAFFTC INFORMATION Inventors: Bruce W. DeKock, 8850 SW. 71* P1., Portland, OR (US) 97223; Kevin L. Russell, 2910 SW. Collins Ct., Portland, OR (US) 97219; Richard J. Qian, 2844 NW. 44'h Ave., Camas, WA (US)
5,492,117 5,539,645
References Cited U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS
) Notice:
Subject to any disclaimer, the teqm of ihis patent is extended or adjusted under 35 U.S.C. 154(b) by 0 days.
This patent is subject to a terminal disclaimer.
Appl. No.: 101367,162
Feb. 13, 2003
3/1995 Zjderhand A 7/1996 MandhYan et al. A 1/1997 Olivaetal. 5.594.432 A 9/1997 Pietzsch et al. 5,6'73.039 A 6/1998 Smith, Jr. et al. 5,'7'14,827 A 9/1998 Albrecht et al. 5.812.069 A 1?1998 Peterson 5,845,227 A 3/1999 Fastenrath 5,a89,477 A 7/1999 Jones et al. 5-926.173 A 9/1999 Fan et al. 5.959.577 A 11/1999 l-appenbusch et al5,9a2,29a A 11/1999 Akutsu et al. 5,9U,374 A 11/1999 Wsterlage et al. 5,98'737'7 A 6,197,94$ A 8/2000 Grimm 11/2000 Alewine et al. 6.150.961 A * ILPU]0 Nakatani .................... 70l/ll7 6,151,550 A 6,466,862 Bl * |O|2OU DeKock et al. ............. 70l/ll7 6,514,548 B2 + 6nOO3 DeKock et al. ....'....'... 7O1/11'7
Prior Publication Data
US 200310225516
ciLed by examiner
Dec. 4,24O3
Primary Examiner--Marthe Y. Marc-Coleman
Q4) Auorney, Agent,
McClung, & Stenzel, (s7)
Related U.S. Application Data
or Firm-1hernoff,
Continuation of application No. 10/218,85Q filed on Aug. 13,2N2, now Pat. No.6,574,548, which is a continuation of application No. 091550,476, filed on Apr. 14, 200Q now Pat. No. 6,466,862, which is a continuation of application No. 09,452,156, filed on Jul. 12, 1999. now Pat. No.
A system for providing traffic information to
plurality of
Provisional application No. 60/130,399, filed on Apr. -t9, 1999, provisional application No. 60/166,86& Iiled on Nov. 22,1999, and provisional application No. 60/189,913, filed on Mar. 16" 2000. GO1S si00
(51) Int. Ct.7 (52)
U.S. CI. .....................
214; 34O1995.I3, 995.L34;349120fi.1
mobile users connected to a network. The system comprises a plurality of traffic monitors, each comprising at least a traffic detector and a transmitter, the traffic detector generating a signal in response to vehicular traffic and the transmitter transmitling the signal. A receiver receives the signals fiom the traffic monitors. Acomputer system is connected to the receiver and is further connected to tbe network' The computer system in response to a request signal received from one of the users transmits in response thereto information representative of the signals transmitted by the traffic monitoring units. Altemative systems for gathering traffic
(58) Field of Search ...........
'7OI12OI, 2IO,
information are disclosed.
23 Claims, 14 Drawing Sheets
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45-50 40-45 35-40 30-35 25-30 20-25
rnph mph mph mph mph
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Capitol Highway
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mph mph mph mph mph mph
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petson commuting in a car, the system displays trafic information for many areas not of interest to the commuter. In addition, these types of systems require large area. Thus, for
a 5
INFORMATION This application is a Continuation of U.S. application No. 1,021,8,850, flledAug. I3,2W2, now U.S. Pat. No. 6,574,548; which additionally is a Continuation of U.S. application Ser. No.09/550,476, flled onApr. I4,2ffiO,now
manipulation by the commuter to flnd the relevant traffic information. For example, wbile the map may allow the commuter to zoom in on a particular area, the user must provide inputs lo the system to instruct the system to zoom in on a particular are a. However, a commuter who is actively U.S. Pat- No.6,466,862; which additionally is a Continuadriving cannot operate a computer and drive at the same tion of U.S. application Ser. No. 091352,156, fi1ed Jul. 12, time. In addition, these systems may rely on manual entry of 1999, now U.S. Pat. No. 6,573,942: which claims the beneflt r0 data received from subjective tramc reports and/or traffic of U.S. Provisional Application No. 60/130,399 fled Apr. sensors. Thus this method may additionally suffer from 19, 1999; U-S. Provisional Application No. 60/166,868 filed added cost due to manual labor, incorrect entry of data, and Nov. 22, 1999; and U.S. ProvisionalApplication No- 60i189, slow response to quickly changing traffic conditions. 913 frled Mar. 16.2000. Fan et al., U.S. Pat. No.5,959,577, disclose a system for processing position and travel related informaiion through a BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION data processing station on a data network. In particular, Fan et al. teach the use of a GPS receiver to obtain a measured present invention relates to a system for providing The oosition flx of a mobile unit. The measured position fix is traffic information, and more particularly a system for proieported to the data processing station wbich associates the viding traffic information to a plurality of mobile users 2a reported position with a map of the area. Typically, the connected to a measured position of the mobile unit is marked and identiCommuters have a need for information relating to the fled by a marker on the map. The area map is then stored in congestion and traffic which they may encounter on a the data processing station and made available for access by commute over a road, a highway, or a freeway. authorized monitor units or mobile unils. An authorized Unfortunately, the prior art methods of providing traffic unit may request a specific area map. This permits "" monitor ". information to commuters do not allow commuters to evalushipping companies to monitor the location oftheir fleet and ate the extent to which there is congestion on a highway on permits the mobile units to identify their current location in whicb the commuter may wish to travel. relation to a map, which is particularly suited for the One known method of providing trafEc information mnapplication of navigation to a particular destination. In sists of radio reports. A radio station may broadcast traffic ao addition, Fan et al. teach that the measured position data reports, such as from a helicopter that monitors traffic transmitted from the mobile units may be used to calculate conditions over portions of a freeway. Unfortunately, these .the speeds at which the vehicles travel. The collective speed reports are usually intermittent in nature. Accordingly, to data from the mobile units is then available for use by the hear the report, the commuter must be listening to the radio monitor units, such as those at the shipping company, to station at the time the report is being broadcast on the radio. a, route the vehicles away from traffic congestions and diverFurther, the extent of the information provided is severely sions. In this manner, the dispatcher at the sbipping limiled to broad generalizations. For example, the informacompany, to which Fan et al. teaches the data is available to, tion provided during the broadcast may be limited to the area may use the collective speed data to decide which vehicles being currently viewed by the reporter, or the information to contact in order to reroute them. may be based on a previous view at a prior time ofanother 40 Westerlage et al., U.S. Pat. Nos. 5,097377 and5,987,177, portion of the freeway. Some broadcasts may include muldisclose a system for determining an expected time of arrival tiple observers of different portions of the freeway, yet these of a vehicle equipped with a mobile unit. systems also provide incomplete information relating to Zijderhand, U.S. Pat. No.5,4O2,7I7, discloses a metbod overall traffic pattems. In addition, the information provided of collecting kaffic information to determine an originis vague, subjctive, and usually limited to broad generali- u, destination matrice without infringing upon the privacy of ties relating to traffic flow. the users. Another known traffic information system is provided by Mandhyan et al., U.S. Pat. No. 5,539,645, is related to television broadcasls. In these systems, television stations monitoring movement of traffic along predetermined routes, may mount video cameras pointed at certain portions of a where individual moving elements can move with a high freeway, or may broadcast video images from a helicopter. 59 degree of discretion as to speed except when congestion, The television station may periodically broadcast traffic accident or the like limit speeds. Mandhyan et al. uses the reports and include in the traffic report a view of different deployment ofcalibrant vehicles for collecting and reporting portions of the freeway from the video cameras. Again, this information which describes vehicle speeds actually being system provides little useftrl information to a commuter. The experienced along the routes of interest wbere the data are commuter must be watching the broadcast at the time the 55 processed statistically as a function of the time of day. The information is being transmitted. However, by the time the output provides baseline data against which observations at commuter actually gets into his vehicle and enters a potena particular time, category weather, event, and location can tially congesled area, the traffic may have changed. Further, be compared, to identify the existence of abnormal the information provided is limited to those areas where the conditions, and to quantify the abnormality. To determine traffic is being monitored and may consist of stale infomta- 60 abnormal conditions, Mandhyan et al. teach the use ofprobe tion. Often the video image is limited to a small portion of vehicles. In particular, Mandbyan et al. is applicable to the road, and shows traffic flowing in a single direction. monitoring the flow of motor vebicles along roads which are Yet another method to provide traffic iplpor-ution is to subject to delays of sufficient frequency and severity that provide a website that is accessjble using tbe Internel that correction action or dissemination o[ informalion announccontains trafic information. While these types of systems 65 ing a delay are economically desirable. Unfortunately, the have the advantage of providing more up to date use ofprobe vehicles may bc expensive and the relevancy of information, these systems typically provide a map for a the data is limited to the availability of the probe vehicles.
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traveling data may include vehicle pass time or vehicle pass time and speed. The data providing devices laid on the road include a receiver for receiving tbe traveling data from the vehicle and a transmitter for sending other passing vehicles devices are personal or desktop computers, network 5 the traveling data. A control center oommunicating through computers, set-top boxes, or intelligent televisions. The user the data providing devices laid on the road can use the interface includes a road map showing a plurality of road received traffic data from the vehicles to predict the occursegments that a user can interactively select. Vehicular speed rence of 1raffic congestion based on the pass time and speed information is provided to the system from traffic sensors of a vehicle. It is assumed that at a certain point, vehicles monitoring the traffic. In addition, the user interface has a ,o were traveling smoothly at a certain time and the speed of road image area that changes as the user selects different each vehicle has decreased drastically at the next time. In road segments to show recent images of a cunently selected this case it is expected that traffic congestion will occur in road segment. Unforfunately, the system taught by Lappenthe vicinity of that point. Therefore, smooth travel can be busch et al. is complicated to operate and requires significant achieved by, for example, communicating to each vehicle user interaction to provide relevant data, which is suitable ,. data etc. indicating bypasses in order not to worsen tramc for such "stationary" traditional computing devices. congestion. Therefore, a vehicle operator can gain knowlSmith, Jr. et a1., U.S. Pat. No.5,774,821,disclose a system edge of the travel-ing state of a vehicle which has already to alleviate the need for sophisticated route guidance passed over that point and adjust travel considering traffic systems, where the commuter has a positioning system as flow. well as a map database in a car. A central facility receives 26 While all of the above systems provide some degree of and stores currenl tralTic information for preselected comtraffic information for a commuter, nevertheless the above muter routes from various current traffic information systems do not provide an efficient method of collecting and sources, such as local police authorities, toll-way authorities, presenting objective traffic information to a commuter. What spotters, or sensors deployed on the road ways to detect is desired, therefore, is a system for providing traffic infortraflfic flow. To acbieve the elimination of sophislicated route 25 mation which allows a commuter to obtain information at guidance systems a portable device receives a travel time any time desired by the commuter, that provides information only for preselected commuter routes from the central relating to a plurality of points along a road, that provides facility. In this manner, Smitb, Jr. et al. teach that each user information relating to different traffic levels, that provides receives only the traffic information that js relevant to the information that is particularly relevant to the commuter, user's preselected commuler routes. If desired, the prese- 30 and that provides the information in an easily uirderstood lected commuter routes may be presented as a set of route format that may be easily utilized by a commuter while segments, where each of the segments is coded to indicate driving. commut time. In respons, the user may choose an alterl-appenbusch et a1., U.S. Pat. No. 5,982,298, disclose a traffic information system having sewers that makes traffic data, images, and video clips available to a user interface on client devices. Lappenbusch et al. envision that the client
native route known by him that is different from any
preselected commuter routes. Smith, Jr. et al. further suggest that a GPS enabled portable unit for transmitting a present position of the portable device to the central facility such that the central facility uses each present position to calcu35
BRIEF SUMMARY OF TTIE INTVENTION The present invention overcomes the limitations of the prior art by providing a system for providing traffic information to a plurality of users connected to a network. In a lirst aspect the present invention provides a system comprised of a plurality of traffic monitors, each comprising at least a traffic detector and a transmitter, the traffic detector generating a signal in response to vehicular traffic and the
late at least a portion of the curent travel information. By
matching multiple positions
of the portable device with
known positions on the preselected route and measuring the time between two consecutive matched positions the central transmitter transmitting the signal. The system also includes facility can obtain up-to-the minute tramc information to be a receiver that receives the sigtals from the traffic monitors. used in broadcasting future travel times to other users of preselected commuter routes. Unfortunately, the system 45 A computer system is connected to the receiver and is also connected to the network. The computer system, in response taught by Smith, Jr. et al. requires the user to deflne a set of to a request signal received from one of the users, transmitrs preselected commuter routes for each route to be traveled, in response thereto information representative of the signals which may be difficult if the user is unfamiliar wittr the area. transmitted by the traffic monitors. In addition, Smith, Jr. et al. teach that the user should select alternative routes that are known to the user, presumably if 50 In a second separate aspect of the invention, a system the commute time of the preselected commuter routes are provides traffic information to a plurality of users connected too long, which is dificult if the user is not already familiar to a network. Traffic is detected at each of a pluralily of with the area. locations along a road and a signal is generated at each of the locations representative of the traffic at each of the locations. Pietzsch et a1., U.S. Pat. No. 5,673,039, disclose a system for dynamic monitoring of the total traffic in a stretch of road 55 Each of the signals is transmitted from each of the pluralily equipped with monitoring and information-provision of locations to a receiver. These signals are sent from the
system, as well as wamings to drivers, and hence the possibility of regulating the traffic. The system does not
require that the vehicles be equipped with appropriate sensors and transmitting equipment. Akulsu et al., U.S. Pat. No. 5,987,374, disclose a vebicle
receiver to a computer system. The computer system
traveling guidance system that includes data providing
devices laid on a road and a vehicle. The vehicle includes a data transmitter for sending a data providing device traveling data of tbe vehicle when the vehicle passes over the vicinity of the dala providing device and a data receiver for
receiving data sent from the data providing device. The
receives a request from one of the users for traffic information. In response to the request, the computer system lransmits information representative of the traffic at each of the plurality of locations to the user. In a third separate aspect of the invention, a system provides trafEc information to a plurality of users connected to a network, Tbe system comprises a plurality of mobile user stdtions, each mobile user station being associated with the display, a global positioning system receiver and a communicating device to allow each of the mobile user
e"r,iOii C Page 17 of29
6,785,606 82
FIG. 12 is a combined map and traffic information database representative of the road system depicted in FIG. 11. FIG- 13 is an exemplary embodiment of a centered
stations to send and receive signals. A computer system is interconnected with another communicating device in the network. The computer system is capable of sending and receiving signals to the mobile user stations using the other communicating device in the nelwork. The computer system maintains a map database and a traffic information database. The traffic information database contains information represenlalive of traffic data at a plurality of locations. At least one of the mobile user stations provides a request to the cqmpuler system for information together wilh the respective geographic location of the mobile user station. In response to the request, the computer syslem provides to the mobile user station information representalive of selected portions of the map database and selected portions of the traffic information database based on the respective geographic location of the requesting mobile user station. The mobile user station then displays graphically on the display information representative of selected portions of the map database and selected portions of the traffic information
display. FIG. 14 is an exemplary embodiment of an offset display. FIC. 1.5 is an exemplary embodiment of a look ahead display. FIG. 16 is a schematic diagram of a mobile user station having altemative mechanisms for inputting commands to the user slalion.
Referring now to the figures, wherein like numerals refer to like elemenls, FIG. 1 shows a schematic diagram of the system 1-0 for providing traffic information to a plurality of user stations 52 connected to a network 50. A plurality of traffic monitors 20 are arranged at spaced apart locations 20 measure traffic database. 20 along a road 12. The traffic monitors information by detecting the speed (velocity) or frequency The traffic information database may be derived from of vehicles traveling along the road (freeway or highway) information obtained from stationary traffic monitors, 12. For example, in one embodimenl, the traffic monitors 20 mobile user stations. or a combination thereof. The mobile may delect the speed of individual vehicles 14 traveling user station allows traffic information to be displayed in a road 12. Altematively, the traffic monitors 20 may variety of manners. The display can also show graphically z5 along the measure the frequency with which the individual vehicles 14 the location of the car on the display. The user may select pass specified points along the road 12. among different modes for displaying traffic information on FIG. 2 shows a front elevational view of an exemplary the display. embodiment of a trafFc monitor 20. The traffic monitor 20 The various aspects of the present invention have one or has a deteclor 22 for measuring or otherwise sensing traffic. more of the following advantages. The present invention FIG. 2 shows two different embodiments 22Aatd22B of a allows a commuter to obtain traffic information at any time; detector 22. -Iirle debcnr 22 may be any type of measuring witbout waiting for a report to be broadcast. The present device which is capable of measuring or otherwise sensing invention also allows detailed information relating to traffic traffic and generating a signal representative of or capable of conditions based on measurements of the traffic, such as the being used 10 dtermine the traffic conditions. For example, average vehicular speed or traffic density, to be supplied for the detector 22 could measure the average speed of the a pluralily of locations along a road. The invention also vebicles (cars or trucks) 14 at localions along the road 12, or allows the convenient display of information in a readily it muld measure the individual speed (velocities) of each understood form to the user, such as a graphical display. The vehicle 14. The detector 22 may detect vehicle frequencS foregoing and other features and advantages ofthe invention that is, the frequency at which vehicles pass a certain point, will be more readily understood upon consideration of the or may measure trafrc flow, consisting of the number of following detailed description of the invention, taken in vehicles pa^ssing a cerlain point for a unit of time (e.g., conjunction with the accompanying drawings. vehicles per second). The detector 22 may use any suitable technique to measure traffic conditions (data). For example, BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF TI"IE SEVERAL +s in one embodiment, the detector 22A could employ radio VIEWS OF TIIE DRAWINGS waves, light waves (optical or infrared), microwaves, sound FIG. I shows a schematic of an exemplarv embodiment of waves, analog signals, digital signals, doppler shifts, or any a system for traffic information. other type ofsystem to measure traffic conditions (data). In FIG. 2 shows a front elevational view of an exemplary one embodiment, the detector 22A uses a transmitted beam traffic monitor. s0 to measure the velocity of the vehicles 14 passing along the FIG. 3 shows an exemplary display for a user station. road 12, such as with a commercial radar gun or speed detector commonly used by police. Altematively, the detecFIG. 4 shows a schematic view of an exemplary emboditor 22A may detect when cars having magnetic lags or ment of a mobile user unit of the present invention. markers pass. The detector 22Amay either detect signals FIG.5 is a partial electrical schematic for a traffic monitor ss reflected from the vehicle or signals transmitted by the of FIG. 2. vehicles. FIG. 6 is an alternative exemplary display. The traffic monitor 20 is shown with an alternative FIG. 7 shows a schematic view of another exemplary embodiment 22B consisting of one or more pressure sensiembodiment of a series of trafEc monitors along a road. tive detectors which extends across lhe road 12. Preferably FIG. 8 shows another exemplary display ibr a user station. eo two spaced apart detectors are positioned at a predetermined FIG. 9 is a flow chart for a method of processing video spacing to make the velocity determination readily availdata to yield traffic information. able. The pressure sensitive detector 228 detects when a FIG. L0 is a flow chart for an altemative method of vehicle passes over the detector 228. Such a pressure processing video data to yield traffic information. sensitive detector may be used alone or in combinalion with FIG. 11 is a schematic representation of a road system ss deteclor 22Ato measure the frequency or speed (velocity) of having trafEc sensors and vehicles at different locations the traffic passing along the road'12. Likewise, the detector alons the road. 22Amay be used alone or in combination with the detctor
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camera calibration based on the input video of the road and the physical measurements of certain markings on the road. Then the algorithm (1) takes a number of frames from the input video; (2) computes optical flow; (3) estimates camera motion which may be caused by wind, etc., (4) estimates independent vehicle motion after compensating the camera motion; (5) estimates traffic speed based on the averaged vehicle motion and the camera parameters obtained from the camera calibration step; estimates road congestion by counting the number of independent motion components; and (6) oulputs the estimated speed and congestion results.
22B to measure the frequency or speed (velocity) of the
traflic passing along the road 12. Alternatively, detector 228 could be a wire loop buried in the road to measure changing magnetic fields as vehicles pa,ss over the loop. T\e deteclor 22 may measure traffic conditions in a single lane of a freeway or road, or may measure average traffic information across several lanes. The derector 22 could also be embedded in each lane of a road or freeway such as with a pressure sensitive detector 228. Alternatively, individual detectors could be embedded in a roadway which would sense signals or conditions generated by passing vehicles. For example, each vehicle could include a magnet or could ioclude a signaling device which would be detected by the delector, which could be an electromagnetic sensor or a signal receiver.
The second algorithm is based on motion blob tracking
and its bock .liagram is shown
in FIG. 1.0. First,
algorithm performs camera calibration based on the input 15 video of the road and the physical measurements ofcertain Referring to FIG. 5, the trafic monitors 20 may also markings on the road. The algorithm (1) takes a number of include a processor and a memory for collecting, processing, frames from ft6 input video; (2) estimates camera motion; and storing traffic information provided by the detector 22.
(3) detects indepentent motion blobs after compensating the The traffic monitor 20 preferably further includes a transcamera motion; (4) tracks motion blobs; (5) eslimates traffic mitter 26 for transmitting the traffic information collected by 20 speed based on the averaged blob molion and the camera the detector 22. The transmitter 26 may be any type of parameters obtained from the camera calibration step; estidevice capable of transmitting or otherwise providing data in mates road congestion by counting the number of indepeneither digital or analog form, either through the air or dent motion blobs; and (6) outputs the estimated speed and through a conduclor. For example, the transmitter could be congestion results. a digital or analog cellular transmitter, a radio transmitter, a 2s Traffic monitor 20 further includes a power supply 24. microwave transmitter, or a transmitter connected to a wire, The power supply 24 is preferably a battery, or may altersuch as a coaxial cable or a telephone line. The transmitter natively be a power line, such as a 12 or 120 volt power line' 26 is shown as transmitting the signals through the air to a The traffic monitor 20 is shown with an optional solar power receiver 30. Altematively, the transmitter 26 could transmit power the data to an intermediate receiver before being transmitted ^^ supply 28. The power supply 24 ot 28 provides the to the receiver 30. For example, several trafHc alooi1ot" 2O 'u necessarv for lhe detectors 22Aandlor 22B, rhe transmitter 26, and any other electronics, such as a compuler system could transmit traffic information in a daisy chain manner and/or video camera. from one end of a road 12 to the last traffc monitor 20 at the The receiver 30 receives the signals from the traffic other end of the road before being transmitted to receiver 30. To facilitate this lype of transmission most traffic monitors .. monitors 20 and/or video cameras 29. The receiver 30 may 20 would require a receiver. Alternatively, one or more "" be any device capable of receiving information (data) such as in either an analog or a digital form. For example, the traffic monitors 20 could transmit data to olher traffic monireceiver 30 may be a digital or analog cellular receiver, a tors 20, which in turn transmit the data to the receiver 30. In standard phone, a radio receiver, an antenna, or a data port order to conserve power, the transmitter 26 and the detectors 22 preferably transmit and sense information periodically ,^ capable of receiving analog or digital information, such as -" that lransmitted pursuant lo a data prolocol. rather than continuously. Further, the traffic information generated by the detector 22 is preferably averaged, or The receiver 30 receives the information from the traffic otherwise statistically modifled, over a period of time so as monitors 20 and/or video cameras 29 and passes that inforto limit the amount of data that needs to be transmitted and mation to a computer system 40. The computer system 40 increase its accuracy. 45 preferably includes a processor (such as a general purpose processor, ASIC, DSP, etc.), a clock, a power supply, and a In one embodiment, the trafnc monitoring unit 20 may further include a video camera 29. The video camera 29 is memory. The computer system 40 preferably has a port 42, also connected to the transmitter 26, so that the transmitter or any t)?e of inierconnection, lo interconnect the computer 26 may transmit signals corresponding to the image sensed system 40 with the network 50. Preferably, the computer by the video camera 29.Alternatively, the traffic monitors 20 50 system 40 includes information reprsentative of the road 12 may be replaced by video cameras 29. Multiple images may along which the traffic monitors 20 are located, such as a be obtained by a video camera and the speed of the vehicles map database. The computer system 40 receives the traffic 14 determined based on image analysis of multiple frames information transmitted by the respective traffic monitors from the video camera(s). 20. The information transmitled by the trafrc monitors 20 One prefened type of monitor 20 utilizes signals from a 55 includes the location or identification of each particular traffic monitor 20 together with the data representative of the digital video camera to provide the traffic information. traffic data provided by the detector 22 and/or video camera Traffic-related information may be obtained by analyzing 29 at each traffic monitor 2O.Tbe computer system 40 may the video sequences from the monitoring video cameras 29.
manipulate the traffic information in some manner, as The information may include how fast the traffic moves and how congested the road is. The speed of the trafrc may be 60 necessary, so as to provide average speeds or other statistical data. In the event of video, the computer system 40 may derived by measuring the speed ofvehicles in the video. The process the images to determine the speed of vehicles. AIso, degree of congestion may be estimated by counting the the video may be provided. Alternatively; the user stations number of vehicles in the video. Ttris invention provides two may pro@ss the traffic information. algorithms for eslimating traffic speed and road congestion based on video input. 6s In one embodiment, both the receiver 26 of the traffic The first algorithm is based on optical flow and its flow monitors and the transmitter30 of computer system are each diagram is shown in FIG. 9. First, the algorithm performs capable of receiving and transmitting data. This allows for
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at intervals. Such signals may be either transmitted directly to the receiver 30, or may be transmitled througb other tramc
monitors 20. The receiver 30 receives the signals received by the various traffic monitors 20 and passes these signals to monitor 20 to facilitate collection of traffic data. For 5 the computer system 40. 'ltre computer system 40 receives example, the video camera 29 could be remotely positioned the data from the traffic monitors 20. The computer systrem to view a traffic lane of interest. may calculate or process the traffic information for the users, as necessary. Il is not necessary for the traffic monitors 20 to Traffic information may be provided to users in any suitable manner, such as the examples that follow. A user calculate traffc data, if desired. In response to a request from station 52 is connected to the network 50. Preferably, the ,n a us,er statioo 52, the computer system 40 provides the tramc informalion over the network 50 to the user station 52. user station 52 includes a graphic display unit 54 (see FIG. 3). For example, the user station 52 may be a standard The system 10 has many advantages. It allows a user to personal computer with a display monitor 54. The ntwork receive contemporaneous traffic information from a plurality 50 is preferably the Internet. However, the network 50 could of locations. It al1ows the user to obtain immediate inforalso be a local area network or any other type of ilosed or ,. mation rather. than waiting for the broadcast of information open network, or could also be the telephone network. The at specified times. Further, the amount of information prouser station 52 sends a signal over the network 50 to the vided by the system is far superior to that provided by any computer system 40 requesting traffic information. In other traffic reporting system. A user can obtain immediate response to receiving a request from the user station 52, the and contemporaneous traffic conditions, such as avrage computer system 40 transmits traffic information represen- ,o vehicular speed, trafrc flow, or vehicle frequency, for a tative of the traffic information collected by the various plurality of locations along a road. Where traffic monitors traffic monitors 20 to the requesting user station 52. The are provided along several different roads, a commuter may computer system 40 may transmit average speeds detected then select among the various alternative routes, depending by each of the ftamc monitors 20 at each of their respective on the 1raffic conditions for each road. The system also does locations. The traffic information may be presented to the ,, no1 rely on the manual input of information, and thus user as a web page. The computer system may send traffic provides information more accurately and more quickly. It information corresponding to only some of the traffic monialso eliminates subjective descriptions of traffic information tors. The user may select which portions of the road 12 are by providing measured data representative of traffic condiof interest, and the compuler system 40 may transmit traffic tions. information corresponding to that portion of the road In one embodiment, the computer system 40 also receives 30 FIG. 3 shows an exemplary display 54 displaying the the signals generated by the video camerus29 at the respectrafrc information provided by the computer system 40. The tive traffic monitors 20. FIG. 3 shows an exemplary display computer system 40 provides data from its memory which is 54 in which a video image 129 is provided. In this representative of the road 12, such as data from a map embodiment, the user may select from which traffc monidatabase, which is displayed as a road 112 on the display 54. 35 toring unit 20 the video image 129 is to be received from. The computer system 40 also provides traffic information For example, a user could initially select to view the image collected by each, or a selected set, of the respective traffic generated by the video camera at a first location, and then monitors 20 which is displayed in portions lI4all4d later view the image transmitted by another video camera and/or the trafrc information derived from individual mobile 29, preferut:ly at another traffic monitor 24, at a different user stations having a global positioning system locator as 4s location. described in detail below. In the exemplary display shown in The system 10 preferably further includes the ability to FIG. 3, the portions l74a-ll4d display different colors or send messages about road conditions. FIG.3 shows such an patterns representative of average vehicle speeds (for exemplary message 130 in text format- The computer system example, in miles per hour) along difierent portions of the 40 is capable of storing data messages and transmitting the roadlI2. Ofcourse, the display may display other types of a5 data messages with the traffic inforrnation. The data mesinformation, such as traffic flow (vehicles per second) or sages would indicate items of particular interest to the vehicle frequency. The display 54 may include information commuter. For example, the text message 130 could indicate in either graphical or text format to indicate the portion of that there was an accident at a particular location or the road displayed, such as localion of milepost markers or milepost, that construction was occurring at another location place names so or milepost, or that highway conditions were particularly While the display 54 shows one format for displaying the severe and that altemative routes should be selected. The information, other formats for presenting the information system 10 could provide multiple messages through which may likewise be used, as desired. It is not necessary to lhe user could scroll so as to receive different messages in provide a graphical represntation of the road 12. Instead, addition to the traffic information received from the various information could be provided in a textual manner, such as, 55 traffic monitors 20. In another embodiment, the user station for example, mile post locations for each of the ramc 52 includes a voice synthesizer capable of reading the monitors 20 and presenting texlual traffic information for messages to the user. each location. In yet another embodiment, the system 10 may also Thus, the system may operate as follows. The traffic provide additional graphical information relating to traffic monifors 2A deteet or otherwise snse trafEc to provide oo conditions. For example, the computer system 40 could traffic information. The traffic monitors 20 may detect or transmit the location of an accident or construction site otherw"ise calculate vehicle speed, average vehicle speed, along the rcad 12. The information would be displayed on traffic floq vehicle frequency, or other data representative of display 54 as an icon or other symbol at the location the traffic. The traltc monitors 20 may sample either indicaling the presence of an accident or highway construccontinuously, or may sample at intervals to conserve power. 65 tion. Such an icon is shown at 140 in FIG. 3- Alternatively, The transmitler 26 transmits the signals provided by the the computer syslem could also display an icon representatraffic monitors 20 to the receiver 30 either continuously or tive ol a restaurant, gas station, hospital, rest area, ol
two way communication between the monitor 20 and the computer system 40. Thus, the computer system 40 could remotely operate the traffic monitor 20 to change settings, diagnose problemg and otherwise provide input to hamc
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roadside attraction. In such a system, the computer system would contain or be linked to a database containing such
52 has transmitting and/or receiving unis 64 for communicating with the network 50- Such transmitting and receiving units 64 may be any devices capable of transmitting digital information. The information could be displayed or analog data, such as, for example, a digital or analog automatically, or in response to a request for such information from a user. 5 cellular phone. The user station 52 may alm be contained within a car 60 that further includes an associated global In another exemplary embodiment, the computer system positioning system (GPS) receiver 62. The GPS receiver 62 40 automatically generates traffic reports to be sent to the receives signals from GPS satellites 70 which enable the user station 52 at predetermined times. For example, a user GPS receiver to determine its location. When a commuter may indicate that it wishes to receive a traffic report every requests trafrc information using the mobile user station 52, moming at 7:30 a.m, f-he computer system 40 automatically 10 the request for traffic information may include the location sends to the user station 52 at the predetermined time (7:30 of the user as determined by the GPS re
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